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VOL. XXXI. No. 15 MOONEY CASE Assailed as "Shocking" By Wickersham Commission Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—The California law practice that prevented the granting of a new trial to Tom Mooney, convicted on perjured evi dence of complicity in the Prepared ness Day parade bombing of 1916, is denounced as "shocking to one's sense of justice," in a report on criminal proceduie, made by the WickershaiM law enforcement commission. A complete report on the Mooney case, which was made by agents of the commission, has not been issued and it is reported that it will not be. The report was prepared for Judge W. S. Kenyon's subcommittee on the "law lessness of the law" and is said to brand the imprisonment of Mooney and Warren K. Billings, also con victed of complicity in the Prepared nsse Day parade bombing, as a glar ing example of the corrupt use of le gal machinery. New Trial Motions Inadequate The reference to the Mooney case was brief, but to the point. It fol lows: "Motions for new trials upon the ground of after discovered evidence, or upon evidence of perjury commit ted by material witnesses on the trial discovered after judgment, in some jurisdictions have been held inade quate to prevent injustice. "This was peculiarly manifest in the famous Mooney case in Califor nia, where, upon appeals to the su preme court of the state from the judgment of conviction of murder and an order of the trial court denying motion for a new trial, that court held that a new trial could not be granted upon matter not appearing in the record, even thought the new mat ter consisted of evidence charging perjury on the part of a material wit ness for the state, and although the attorney general stipulated that the motion might be granted. "No Judicial Remedy Open" "Further application made to the trial court in the nature of an appli cation for common law writ of coran oram nobis, upon the ground that the prosecuting attorney had been guilty of fraud in withholding from the trial court information impeaching the tes timony of certain witnesses for the state, also was denied upon the ground that under the California practice the court had no power to grant such a motion. "The supreme court of that state held there was no judicial remedy open in such case. The only remedy Ambulance Service Phone 35 R. R. Pay Slash Illegal Emergency Board Rules Attempted Reduction of Shopmen's Wages Below Prevail ing Standards by Louisiana & Arkansas Line Held Not Justified and Move Declared in Violation of Terms of Railway Labor Act. Washington, D* C. (ILNS)—Reduc tion of wages without negotiation with employes is branded as illegal, when the railway company employer is able to pay dividends, is the sub stance of the decent statement of the emergency board appointed by Presi dent Hoover to settle the dispute be tween the management and the em ployes of the Louisiana & Arkansas railway, contained in the report filed in that matter. The first point is, that reduction of wages of railway shop crafts below the prevailing standards is not justified when neces sity does not exist and the second, that promulgation of new rules and changes in working conditions with out notice is positively illegal under the terms of the railway labor act. "The emergency board, created by the president last April, declared that the road's financial condition was in no manner worse than other carriers which have maintained existing wage ALL WOOL ALL $22.50 levels, and did not warrant the redue tion in shop crafts wages. It call! attention to the fact that the carrii had fully met its obligations as to tin payment of interest on its securities, and had even paid out "substantial" dividends to its stockholders. The appointment of the emergency board was according to the provision^ of the railway labor act, after the road had refused the offer to have the controversy arbitrated by the board of mediation, following the reduction of wages last February. The emergency board said that it could not urge the employes to accept an arbitrary reduction of wages, si that would be to place those who obey the law at a disadvantage as against those who violate it that an arbitrary reduction of wages, made without negotiation with the men, lacked all the elements of a contract, in that it was purely one-sided and that if tin road was not offered arbitration, it should seek it. was the exercise of executive, clem ency. "Such a state of the law is shock ing to one's sense of justice." NAVY YARDS'PAY SCALES TO STAND FOR COMING YEAR Present Rates, Affecting 30, 000 Workers, Wont Be Changed in 1932, Acting Secretary Announces. Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Pres ent wage scales of civilian workers at navy yards throughout the nation will be maintained during 1932, as the Result of an order issued by Ernest Lee Jahncke, acting secretary of the navy. About 30,000 workers are affected. The announcement said that due to the present economic situation, the local wage boards, which usually are summoned to meet in August, will not be convened this year. The wage boards collect data on wages in their respective commu nities and this material is forwarded to Washington to be studied by the department wage board which ad vises the secretary of the navy on the scale the service should pay in its industrial plants over the country. The continuance of the present schedule is in accordance with the ad ministration's action of November, 1929, for the relief of unemployment and stabilization of labor conditions throughout the country, without re duction of wages, Mr. Jahncke said Action is taken at this time in order to save the employes and the govern ment the expense incident to the col lection of wage data, he explained. Similar action was taken last year by the navy department. The navy makes up its new wage schedule in ordinary times, to take effect on Jan uary 1, each year. WHATNEXT? Wood gas as a substitute for gaso line has been tested some time on an omnibus in Montevideo, Uraguay. The company says it is satisfied and will equip all of its buses with the device. It says the fuel costs $1.80 daily per bus, compared with $9 to $10 daily for gasoline, and that buses using it require new lubrication only once monthly instead of weekly. The wood gas is produced in a large, rather unwieldy tank equipment which is carried at the rear of the vehicle. W. GATH CO. I Funeral Directors Chairs and Tables Rented 17 So. Street MORE QUALITY RICHMAN'S CLOTHES Hamilton, Ohio Look for i 128 High Street Opposite the Number OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. SATURDAY Court House Q[ V0660Kt\Tf CALLING New York City (ILNS)—With "Fight" ringing through every sen tence, President William Green, of the American Federation of Labor, electrified the convention of the Long shoremen's International Union here this week with his most pronounced declaration against wage reductions and unemployment. Visioning the social unrest, the armed clashes reported from several directions, looking ahead to the third winter of unemployment, the leader of American organized workers de clared there must be remedy. Drawing on history, he declared, hunger lies at the basis of world revolution." Again, he said: "It is not good for a republic when its citizens clash with the police and armed forces of the nation." On the direct issue of wage cutting he laid down the proposition, flat and definite: "Here we stand like the Greeks at Thermoplae. We refuse to budge. The American Federation of Labor will not stand a reduction of wages, and we are going to oppose it with all our might and vigor." Ovation Greets Militant Words Here the delegates broke into an ovation—a storm of determination to stand by the declaration of war against wage reductions. Senator Robert F. Wagner joined in the denunciation. He declared his impatience with "the smug belief that we do not need and cannot find the remedies," and he declared an em ployer can be guilty of "no more vio lent act of industrial sabotage than by instituting a policy of wage de flation." "We have reached a point in Amer ica," said Mr. Green, "where unem ployment has brought on a serious condition of social unrest and indus trial discontent. We find it in the coal fields and textile centers. It is not good for a republic when its citi zens clash with the police and armed forces of the nation. "We are facing the third winter of unemployment. Our nation has never been put to that test before. While we wait and refuse to grapple with the problem, men go hungry and so cial unrest develops. The history of he world shows that hunger lies at he basis of world revolution." We Refuse to Budge, His Defi Democracy in Danger When Troops and Citizens Fight, A. F, of L. President Tells Longshoremen's Conven tion in Militant Address Challenge to "Sit Still" Idea "What are we going to do about it he continued. "The situation is more serious than it appears on the surface and for some reason those in authority refuse to act. In the name of God, are we to sit still and do nothing? There are those who think that a reduction of wages is neces ury and that it is time to lower the tandard of living among working en and women. "Well, the American Federation of 1 abor has challenged that sort of eco nomic philosophy. It has stood like a one wall against the demands of i mployers that wages be reduced. Is there any reason why the millions of working men and women should make an additional sacrifice which would be required by a horizontal reduction In The Call of the Great Outdoors Green, Fighting Wage Cuts, Warns of Social Unrest Menace their earnings? Have we not suf fered enough Shall we cut the wages of those few of us left who have work? Wage Reductions "Not Debatable" "This subject is not debatable with the American Federation of Labor. We are not even open-minded about it. Our minds are closed because we have thought it over thoroughly and constructively. The employers would destroy their own market, but we will save it. "Here we stand like the Greeks at Thermopylae. We refuse to budge. The American Federation of Labor will not stand a reduction of wages, and we are going to oppose it with all our might and vigor. "How dramatic, how electrifying, how heroic .-.would be a declaration going out to the people of our nation that industry is going to meet its ob ligations that we are not going to add to the burdens of the cities and towns this winter that we are not going to turn adrift those who served us so faithfully and so well, to be come objects of charity, led by citi zen's committees and taxpayers of our municipalities. Reduce Days and Hours of Work "There must be no further addi tions to the army of unemployed. We must assume our obligations and maintain every man now employed, and find jobs as soon as possible for those unemployed. Perhaps a reduc tion of days or hours is necessary to give every man a share of the woi'k that is available. I would rather have 100,000,000 employed five days week than 60,000,000 employed six days, with 40,000,000 idle. "These economic and industrial ad justments must be made. We are faced with the inevitable facts and that is what I think an industrial con ference called by the president should consider. No social order should deny a willing man the opportunity to work. Every worker has a claim to his share of work. Social Sanctions Are Threatened "Our financial institutions, indus try and the government itself rest on social sanctions, and those social sanctions are threatened when we create in a republic an army of unem ployed and the conditions that now exist. Those in authority have re fused to respond favorably to our sug gestion and we appeal in the name of labor and humanity for a favorable response to the suggestion that a con ference be called and that it be sup plemented by legislative action. "I can't understand why millions should be appropriated in war, and yet at a time like this, more danger ous and even more menacing to the institutions of our country than war there should be any hesitancy on the part of the government to appropriate money for constructive enterprises to provide millions of unemployed with work." Subscribe for the Press* HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1931 ONE DOLLAR \\m^& PAY SCALES MUST BE MAINTAINED COPELAND SAYS New York Senator Tells Longshoremen's Conven tion High Labor Stand ards Are "Very Essence of Civilization." New York City (ILNS)—Vigorous opposition to wage cuts was voiced by Senator Royal S. Copeland, of New York, in addressing the conven tion of the International Longshore men's Association here. Copeland urged that present wage scales be maintained and told the convention he would fight any measure to cut wages during the depression. Senator Copeland said that Soviet Russia is a menace and declared that "we don't want our labor to compete with serf and slave labor over there." The "very essence of civilization," he added, "is in a maintenance of labor standards." Representative John J. Boylan said that while business was passing through an economic cycle of distress, "we have had these things before, and we are going to rally again." He urged the delegates not to be pessi mistic. Peter J. Brady, president of the Federation Bank and Trust Company, told of his institution's operation and success despite the business depres sion, during which, he said, the bank had earned its dividends, met its over head and built up substantial reserves. T. V. O'Connor, chairman of the United States Shipping Board, was less sanguine in his view of future business conditions. He said the .Great Lakes region was most affected by the depression. James C. Quinn, secretary of the Central Trades and Labor Council, welcomed the delegates, as did Wai ter B. Holt, president of the New York District Council of the Long shoremen's Association. Joseph Ryan, president of the association, who presided, emphasized the impor tance of maintaining the wage scale, reminding the delegates that the or ganization had not pressed employers for wage increases. PRINTERS VOTING ON RELIEF RIND Boston (ILNS) Boston Typo graphical Union No. 13 is taking a referendum vote on whether the spe cial assessment levied for the past six months will be increased from 1 to 2 per cent. The assessment was instituted to provide a fund out of which weekly payments would be made to those members of the local who are totally out of work, or who have been unable to get more than two days' woi'k in a week. Prefer ence is given to married men and those with families of dependent children. Conditions are believed to be the worst in the history of the printing industry in Boston, and there are numerous newspaper and job compos itors who have been unable to get even one day's work for several months. Only those who are steadily employed are liable to the levy. By CHESTER M. WRIGHT Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Letters made public by the Pan-American Federation of Labor in which fresh and bitter complaint is made of the barbarities of the Cuban dictatorship rest upon a record that reeks as trongly today as it did four years ago when the doings of the Machado cyranny was news to a shocked world. The letters received from Cuban :rade union leaders by the Pan-Amer can Federation of Labor plead for a 'civil intervention" and declare that :oday "no guarantees exist." It is moreover set forth that Machado has lot lived up to the reform promises le made, which no informed person xpected him to do. "This is the time to do something," says one letter. The same letter says, the working men of Cuba are dying of hunger." "EASY MARKS" Are Newspaper Editors, Say Utility Propagandists Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—The xtent to which propaganda for pri vate gas and electric utility com panies gets published as "news" is re ealed by a report filed before the federal trade commission in the form of evidence of one of its attorneys. The report included a chart compiled from reports of the utility "public in formation bureaus," showing the number of columns of free publicity ecured by the various bureaus of the utility organizations. One of the utility associations described the pub icity bureau as the "keystone of our public system," and no part of the country is exempt from the influence of these publicity sponges. The Rocky mountain utility com mittee bragged that it had sceured literally "miles of favorable public ity," free of charge. From New Eng land to Texas, the editors of the news papers seem to have used this kind of copy for feature, news and editorial matter and even Nebraska, n* Cuban Workers Starving To Death, Leaders Say Letters Received Here Beg for "Civil Intervention," De claring Barbarities of Machado Dictatorship Con tinue, While Hunger Harries Toilers, Bringing Riots and Disorders. PER YEAH "Do Something'- Is Plea "Iri the name of humanity, do some thing for the poor people of Cuba," says another letter. From an entirely non-labor source comes confirmation of the charges made by Cuban, unions regarding eco nomic conditions. The U. S. state de partment, on information from As sistant Commercial Attache Albert Nufer, at Havana, last week issued a statement containing the following revealing paragraph: "Numerous indices show the in creasing stagnation in commercial and industrial activities throughout the island. The number of unemployed, already large, is rapidly increasing and unemployment riots are reported to have occurred in several interior towns. Political unrest continues and it is generally felt locally that a re turn to political tranquility will be a necessary factor in bringing about an ecenomic upturn." the home of Senator George Norris, reported that in 1921 more than 400 of the 500 papers in the state had used this utility publicity copy at va lious times. The New England committee re ported, "One of the most favorable Jesuits obtained was the number of editorials published in many of the leading newspapers where committee material has been directly reprinted in editorial columns or taken as a text for favorable comment on the public utilities' problems." Oil Companies Sack Yugoslavian Workers Belgrade, Yugoslavia.—The Stand ard Oil Company of New York and the Royal Dutch Shell Company have thrown large numbers of workers into the army of the unemployed by shut ting down their big oil refineries in Yugoslavia. The executives of the oil companies closed their plants because the government of Yugoslavia cancell ed a law enacted some years ago al lowing crude oil to enter duty free. Read the Press. ,H"H,4,4"M,4,4,W,4i4,W,H4,4,4,,M,MMm'4,+4,4,++4"H,++++++++++ Our Business Adjustment SALE Ends NEXT JLaudt W dA JBb WEEK Buy Now For The Future ij Lowest Prices Since 1913 K-R-E-B-S THIRD COURT 1