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1 '. i k c:.•"•**1- I' i*'V 'fk* r.' /».' V«S- «r» VOL. XXXI. No. 36 Washington, I). C. (ILNS)—Con gress has convened and the presi dent's message has been delivered. Ranking in importance With the message is the liberalization of house rules, under the democratic regime in that end of the capitol, and the out look for an early test of strength on the Volstead modification issue, with its far-reaching employment possibili Mlities. The presidential message threw an issue of tremendous proportions into the arena. It proposed creation of an emergency reconstruction finance corporation with a capital stock of $600,000,000, with authority to issue debentures or other obligations up to $1,500,000,000, which translated into Words is one billion five hundred mil Iron dollars. The purpose of this enormous cor poration, patterned After the finance corporation, but with "broader" pow ers, is to stimulate or provide credit to absorb the "shocks" that have re bounded against American business from foreign nations. Small Fraction's Power The "shocks" that have thus re bounded have come from a fraction of our total industrial volume never put at more than 10 per cent and probably nearer 4 per cent. The ridiculous situation that per mits a fraction so small to reverber ate so enormously has not been prop erly explained. It is made to serve an altogether exaggerated purpose. The gigantic corporation proposed by the president will, if set up, un doubtedly put vast new credit into the industrial arena and stimulate indus trial operations, but in so doing it will add to the power, prestige and profit of the great banks and financial institutions that admittedly saw the 1929 collapse coming and failed to act in the direction of prevention and that then proceeded to urge wage re ductions, putting the penalty upon the shoulders of the workers. The message points out that in the rear there have been revolutions in jr -ft & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &' & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & i* & i* Hoover Message Offers Mountain of Credit, But Evades Purchashing Power A Basket Filled With Foods! TvTOTHING can possibly make a more practically or more appreciated gift than a basket filled with Fort Hamilton Foods. Such a gift would indeed show a thoughtfulness on your part if pre sented in some worthy home. There are many Fort Hamilton Foods and food products to select from—and every one is of that standard of excel lence that has made Fort Hamilton so popular wherever good foods are eaten. Your Individual Grocer Will gladly make up such a basket from your own selection of Fort Hamilton Foods whenever you may say the word. The E. H. Frechtling Co. Distributors of Fort Hamilton Foods ,. 19 countries, Inability to meet obli gations in 10, and abandonment of former monetary standards in 14. It then declares that our difficulties have arisen "in large degi-ee" from these (foreign) sources. Hope for Recovery "A strong America is the highest contribution to world stability," says the message in one of its high spot-s. And hope is found in the assertion that "we can make a large measure of recovery independent of the rest of the world." Expenditures on public works this year will, it is asserted, reach a total of $780,000,000, three times the 1928 total. These statements indicate improved conditions. They indicate the freeing of credit, the spending of money and a wholly new concentration on Amer ican industrial unity as a thing apart from the rest of the world. But they do not mention purchasing power and they do not contain the seeds of meas ures necessary to prevent a recur rence of expression and they do little more than hint at the possibility of an America enabled to stand above the rest of the world, so placed as to pre vent 4 per cent of its business from again disrupting the remaining 90 per cent. Labor, except for unemployment, is not mentioned in the message. There is no reference to establishment of rights now denied, no reference to any labor objective, and yet there are points of agreement with labor, as in the definite opposition to the dole. FAMILY SIZE DECREASES Washington.—The average size of the family in the United States de creased from nearly five in 1890 to a trifle over four in 1930, according to a statement by the U. S. Bureau of the Census. The exact figures are 4.9 persons per family in 1890 and 4.1 in 1930. Read the Press. •A Most Practical Christmas Suggestion a & & & & & IrJilfii ."AV.'.TC^."4.-) Chicago, 111. (ILNS)—The 1,500 representatives of the organized rail road workers of the nation, meeting here, have declined to walk into the outstretched arms of the railroad wage cutters, which have gladly pock eted a $120,000,000 rate increase and which may be further helped by the present congiess, but which are nevertheless driving forward toward a wage reduction demand. The general chairmen who compose this big session have studied the field intimately and carefully and have ex emplified a generalship that is strik ing and baffling to the l'ailroads. The union leaders put the next move squarely up to the railroads. The roads have let it be known that they would like to have the unions volun teer to take a 10 per cent cut, but the unions decline to thus shave down the purchasing power of the transporta tion industry. Unions Press Programs The unions are perfecting the strategy they will follow if and when the roads make the next move, which they are confidently expected to make, unless reason comes to them sooner than is generally hoped for. Mean while, also, the unions are concentrat ing upon their employment stabiliza tion program, by which they offer a means of relieving the condition under which a half million railroad workers are idle. Added to the half million idle is another half milion on part time. This program calls for a six-hour day, a guarantee of employment for the next year and joint action on such problems as motor transportation and protection of all interests in consoli dations. Crucial Point Nears The transportation world has mov ed nearer to the crucial point which must mark either a tremendous joint effort to restore transportation bal ance and prosperity or an effort by the roads to effect a policy helpful to none. I'm Sure There Is a StiSs^ mm Tf? Decline to Accept Bid of Managers Employment Stabilization Proposal Mapped By General Chairmen in First Meeting of Its Kind Since Session in 1921. Something of a guide to railroad inclinations was furnished the day be fore the opening of the big confer ence of 1,500 general chairmen, when the Illinois Central announced a 10 per cent pay reduction for all em ployes not covered by union agree ments. A similar announcement was made by the Southern Pacific rail road. At the same time the roads announced that negotiations would be opened to bring about reductions of a like amount for union employes. VVaymen Take Strike Vote Such negotiations probably would lead to the appointment of a special emergency board by the president. An emergency board is expected to follow the strike vote being taken by the maintenance of way employes cover ing that organization's members on the Chicago & Northwestern. Tho fact finding board, under the railroad labor act, must report to the presi dent who then is obliged to make the finding public. These steps are provided by the law to follow failure of the railroad mediation board. The general chairmen here are con- 1 HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18,1931 Santa 7 Rail Unions Shape Strategy To Meet Wage Cut Issue fronted by a most serious situation, not the least important phase of which is a general public misunderstanding of the case. It is the first time such a meeting has been held since 1921. It follows feelers put out by a num ber of roads on the wage reduction issue, in addition to the direct steps now taken by the Illinois Central. Long-Time Proposals Widespread unemployment has made the railroad union situation ex tremely serious. Moreover, the un ions find that the average compensa tion is about $1,369 per year, which is about the general average of all in dustrial wages. The railroad unions went into the conference on a pro gram of long-time proposals and im mediate measures. The four long time proposals are: 1. An elective federal compensa tion law to indemnify against occu pational accidents and diseases. 2. A federal law to provide retire ment insurance. 3. Provision for the payment of a dismissal wage in all cases of per manent dislocation of experienced employes. 4. Provision for payroll reserves to take care of exceptional periods of reduced traffic, which would provide workable and economic substitute for unemployment insurance. PINCHOT SHOWS FEW FAST GAINING BULK OF WEALTH Dividends and Capital Get "Staggering Dispropor tion" of Profits, Bringing Economic Unbalance,Gov ernor Says. Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Mar shalling figures to show a startling concentration of wealth in the hands of the few in recent years, Governor Gifford Pinchot, of Pennsylvania, told the District of Columbia League of Women Voters that a "staggering disproportion" of profits have been going to dividends and capital, while the worker did not get even a reason able share. "This is no wild guess," Gov. Pinchot continued. "This is fast with figures to support it. Dr. Julius Klein, assistant secretary of commerce tells us that in the decade ending in 1929, real wages increased only 13 per cent, while the returns to all industry increased 72 per cent. Where did this 72 per cent come from but out of the spent wages of the millions and millions of working men? In the same period, Doctor Klein tells us the dividends on industrial and rail stocks increased by 285 per cent—22 times as fast as wages. Is it any wonder that the crash of depression came?" "Building Toward Disaster" Figures for the years since 1920 tell ati too vividly the story of a nation i y V V V i v V 7 Claus ]D building toward disaster by unbal ancing its economic equilibruim, Gov. Pinchot declared. He added: "On March 20 of this year, the Na tional Industrial Conference Board published in its bulletin figures repre senting the total income of the nation for several years back. In 1920 we made over seventy-four billion dollars. In 1928 we made eighty-one billion dollars. In eight years we had in creased our income by a little less than one-tenth. 'But the treasury department's latest annual statistics of income re veal some particularly interesting things to compare with that one tenth. In 1920 there were 3,649 peo ple who had incomes of over $100,000. In 1928 that number had jumped to 15.977. It had doubled and then doubled again and was still going up. Incomes of Few Soared 'In 1920 those people made a total of over 727 million dollars. But in 1928, those who had the hundred thou sand dollar incomes and up received about four and a half billion dollars, more than six times as much money. And all this, remember, while the in comes of all our people increased one lone tenth of its previous figure. "Then how about the men who re ceive a million a year? In 1920 theiv were 33 of them, and they got 77 mil lion dollars. In 1928 there were 511 of them, 15 times as many, and they got over a billion dollars, or 14 times as much. The national income had meanwhile increased by one-tenth. "Certainly Got Their Share" "Finally, look at our fellow-citizen who get a paltry five million a year In 1920 there were four of them and they collected not quite thirty million dollars. But by 1928 they had added 22 new members to their exclusiv circle, and the 26 of them were forced to get along with an income of a lit tle over 250 million dollars between them. 'In other words, in the eight-yeai period between 1920 and 1928, whil( the total national income increase i less than 10 per cent, the number of men with incomes of over a million dollars, for instance, increased ov«: 1400 per cent, or 140 times as fas And the amount of money these men made in one year increased 1300 per cent, or 130 times as fast as the totnl amuont of money made by everybody in the whole of the United State They certainly got their share." Acting New York Governor Orders Workers Protected Albany, N. Y. (ILNS)—Aroused by reports of bad living conditions on state construction jobs, acting Gov ernor Lehman has ordered the public works, labor and health department to co-operate in guarding the into ests of the workers. A Buffalo newspaper recently charged that workers on the Attic prison job lived in unsanitary shacks paid exorbitant sums for rent and board and were tempted to expend their wages on liquor and gambling Other cases of bad conditions were re ported on highway work near Glen Falls and Plattsburg. A local couple is saving money by keeping a daily account book. By the time they get it all fixed up in the evening it is too late to go anywhere -t.«-«V ••. -r---r- ~y-~ i'' i 't~'J" v-* _"•-V"5 •-.*••* .S^*, V#' ,?&&:*' J*? *:-*&'' 4$r Citing Declaration for Atlanta, Ga. (ILNS) Advising elimination of "shyster methods," as serting that "a house cleaning" seems necessary, and urging the end of cut throat methods, President Roy Le Craw, of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, has addressed a stinging letter to Hugh Roberts, executive secretary of the Georgia Branch of the Associated General Contractors of America. President Le Craw by his letter puts the Atlanta Chamber of Com merce "way out in front" and strikes a terrific blow at the union-hating contractors from Southern states who have gone into Northern States to cut wages on federal contract work. President Le Craw declares that his organization has conferred with un ion representatives and he declared the Chamber is for "fair and reason able wages." 'The Atlanta Chamber of Com merce is definitely on record in favor of 'fair and reasonable' wages through our 'Declaration of Inten tions,' which we have sponsored and circulated," he said in his letter. 'This declaration has been signed by approximately three hundred business concerns of our city, both commercial and industrial, who have pledged themselves to strive to maintain a fair wage scale and to make no fur ther reductions in the number of their employes. Three Groups of Builders "From all the information we can gather, it seems that there are three general groups of building contractors operating in Atlanta. First: A group who pay the union wage scale. I un derstand that the government accepts this scale as the 'prevailing wage scale.' Second: Your group of con tractors, a number of whom I am in formed submitted five or six different wage scales in bidding recently or an Atlanta contract. These, I believe, ranged from very low up to nearly the union scale. Third: A group of so-called 'curbstone' contoactors who submit bids based on practically star vation wage scales which take advan tage of the present unemployment situation and the desperate plight of carpenters, plumbers, laborers, etc. I If V & a* MAKE 35=3* 5 They will all say "Just What I Wanted" ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR Atlanta Business Scores Low Wage Contractors uFair this a Furniture Christmas and you are sure to please everyone. Furniture gifts not only please each individual recipient but they bring beauty and comfort into the home which all inav enjoy! Thus, a big lounging chair for "dad" will please him immensely because it contributes to his comfort, beautifies the home and can also be shared with others. A Lamp for "Mother" will shed its cheerful radiance throughout the room and make it more pleasant for evory member of the family circle. Give Furniture this Christmas and you will hear them all say, "Just what I wanted." Here are a few suggestions: Philco Radios $36.50 Magic Chef Stoves $39.75 Semi Venetian Mirrors $3.95 Handsome Occasional Chairs $9.95 Drop Leaf Butterfly Tables $6.95 Smoking Cabinets from $4.95 to $13.50 Magazine Baskets $1.45 Table Lamps $2.95 Thor Electric Washers $79.50 Hoover Special Cleaners $21.95 Majestic Electric Refrigerators $175.00 Sellers Kitchen Cabinets $43.75 Walnut Cedar Chests $23.00 and Reasonable" Wages, Chamber of Commerce Head Urges Builders' Organ ization to Eliminate Shyster Methods and End Cut Throat Competition. am further informed that the second group referred to above have not themselves been entirely free from this practice. "A thorough study of this situation and the conflicting elements evident therein has convinced me that your problem is purely a 'trade problem'at the present time, peculiarly limited in its adjustment possibilities to your own ranks. In other words, it looks to the unprejudiced observers as if you folks need a house cleaning. You need to replace throat-cutting competition with 'give and take' co-operation. I have learned personally during the past few years that I cannot climb to success over the prostrate forms of my competitors, but that I must carry them up with me in a determined effort to raise the general level. In that way and in that way only can I in my business or you in yours hope to eliminate the troubles which are now robbing you of the reasonable profit to which you are entitled. Co-Operation Urged "When and if the building trades and contractors of Atlanta get to gether among themselves and a three quarters majority decided to co-oper ate for the mutual benefit of your profession, then the Chamber of Com merce can certainly aid you in getting rid of the one-quarter minority who still insist on wage profiteering and shyster methods, but until that time comes, I am convinced that the efforts of this or any other outside body would be absolutely futile, and I can only suggest to you to tackle this problem yourselves with clean hands and open minds." Hugh Roberts, to whom the letter was addressed, declared a year ago that depressions "are a very old and periodically recurring problem" and that "panics are caused by the im providence of the stupid and the fore sight of the intelligent embarked on an ambitious and entirely selfish pro gram." He also observed, from his non-union vantage point, that "the alien and the ex-service man take their places side by side in the bread line." Subscribe for the Press, Visit our store and see the many other appropriate gifts awaiting your choosing Convenient Credit Terms Arranged K-R-E-B-S THIRD and COURT High Quality Low Price ..w V,»|.-f f» v:^ v V^ ^-^-ri'' A:'tk*fMt "*"i\ fc"*f \^»s *v''it sfe "C' "A $ v V V V V y v $ 5?