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V i* I:' rii": & :P.. vt i IK fl': V fcl* s* '. ic: to rt# 2R p\ #r 3- r-" |§NtO LA» ft? •"•.c nf- 1C i. w |r it ,-H 4 ",. 's. 1 THE PRESS DVT1CIAL ORGAN OP OKGANm LMM OP HAMILTON AMD VKHHITI *4 t~ rv Subacriber* changing thair •ddrae* wili pleasa notify thia office, givinc old aad now addreaa to insure regular delivery of paper Entered at the Postoffice at Hamilton Ohio, aa Second Class Mail Matter Iaaaad Weekly at IN Market ftreat Telaphene 1SH Kaailtaa. Mia Eadorsed by the Trade* and Labor Ceancil ef Hamilton, Ohio Endorsed by the Middletown Trades and Laber Council of Middletown, O FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1932 A Happy and Prosperous New Year To All RETURN OF "SLAVE LABOR' Long and bitter was the war of cesession fought by the armies of the North and the South in the eighteen hundreds. Out of the struggle came many issues that aroused every man in the land. Today, our chief cause to remember the Civil War is the freedom given the slaves of the southern land own era. Today, it is an accepted thought that the United States is free from slave labor, free from forced labor free from bondage. We, in our smug way, silently say tinder our breath, "of course we know that prisoners have to work, they are forced to work, but then after all that's their bad luck, they shouldn have gotten into prison." But when prison labor, paid for and supported by the taxes of the citizens of the respective states, hired out to private interests for com pensation—compensation that fills the pockets of officials, then it time to quit talking behind our hand and rise in righteous indignation at such dastardly conduct. Such a condition has arisen in Arkansas. {Labor leaders there have recognized the need for drastic action in fighting the lease system. County officials adopted a plan to lease prisoners to commercial and agriculture employers at a wage of 75 cents a day. This sum to apply WE PAY 5% ON ALL SAVINGS Compounded Send-Annually The West Side Building aid Loan Association Main and Streets -Vt*5' W We do not hold f^-V 4 .»*. $** Mint Members Okie Labor Preu A»edti«i THE NONPAREIL PRINTING CO. PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS Subscription Price $1.M per Tear Payable in Aiuict oqtm Itm impwh IUi for say riawi or opinion* ixprtwcd in tk( utithi ir communication* of Nmiptatak Communication* •oHettad trmm miitirli' of all Bocietir* and organisation*, and shanld be addreaaad to Tha Butlar County Prwa, IM Market 8treet, Hamilton, Ohio. The publUherm raaarra the rifkt ta rajaat any advertisemcnta at any time. Advertising rat«a made known an kiffr cation. fur Whatever to btmM i inaarttoa ba authenticated by tb« nam* and addreaa of tha writer, not neceaaarily for publlcatioa, hut aa a guarantee of good faith. *v,r v,-r- -n t-— °--rvX l^fTfiT^Z :^l ,«i v ^v iti V """""-J1 1 PROBLEMS CONFRONTING UJANP THEIR SOLUTION The problem of unemployment continues to be the chief concern of the workers, and while we hear much discussion of an expected improvement, it has failed to materialize, and there has been no great change in conditions that have now prevailed for two years. It is true that, due to natural causes, conditions have at one time or another improved very slightly, but the outlook for the future is none too bright, and we cannot expect anything like steady employment and normal conditions for a long time to come unless we face facts in the present situa tion and set about to adopt measures that will cure the unemployment evil, because lack of employment has reached a stage where we caw no longer ignore the facts. There is a reason why unemployment has reached such grave propor tions as prevail at present, and the reason is that we have gone through a period of most rapid change in industry, with engines and machines doing hat was formerly done by workers, and these engines and machines are doing it faster and cheaper, with the result that commodities have piled up, because while the unemployed might have the desire to buy they lack the power and the means to do so on account of their enforced idleness. Changes in industry and methods of manufacture have come about with such rapidity that our entire industrial balance has been violently disturbed, andthe further we go the faster and greater becomes the production of goods, with less the need of men to produce them. Unless those who are in control have the intelligence and understanding to join hands with the forces that are sincerely trying to adjust themselves and the country to this new situation that has been created by the mechanization in industry, then we are heading for a dangerous crisis, as the time is fast approaching when something must be done to control the situation and properly distribute output. Unless this is done voluntarily, then other means will have to be found to bring about the desired results, and it is a great deal better to face the problem and start a movement to solve it now than to wait until things get worse, because unless those willing and eager to work are provided with the opportunity to earn a living and can be assured of employment at fair wages, with some degree of regularity, instead of being forced to face star vation because they cannot secure employment, then such a situation be comes a standing menace. on the fines of the men who are un able to pay them and have been sent to jail for that reason. The county is to receive fifty cents a day for each prisoner and allow employers 25 cents a day for feeding each man. This system is alleged to relieve the county of the expense of feeding'the prison ers. The taxpayers will not benefit. The prisoners will not benefit. It is regrettable to see Arkansas attempt such an act at this time, of all times. We see the indignation at the thought that politicians join in the parade of the thoughtless who believe that low wages mean a return to prosperity. It is time for the worker, the union man, the free man to rise and de nounce this policy of Arkansas. It i time to shout so all the world may ar that union men and women will n allow free men to become slaves and vassals. This sort of thing must be nipped in the bud, or the tiny trickle through ti e dyke may become a roaring rearing monster and destroy all that I s before it.—Editorial in "The Jour neyman Barber." ASK FOR Organized labor is taking a leading part in endeavoring to bring about the very much needed readjustment and advocates a shortening of hourse and a shortening of the work week, with much needed wage increases for the great masses of underpaid workers, who are mostly unorganized. Shortening of the hours and the work week will help to relieve consider ably the vast amount of unemployment that is directly due to workers being displaced by the ever-increasing introduction of labor-saving machinery, while wage increases for underpaid wage earners will result in increasing their power to purchase, which in turn will result in increased consumption of goods and prove of benefit to all. Organized labor has pointed out the best solution yet offered for the unemployment problem, and employers, if they are wise, will see the truth of these contentions and join hands with the labor unions in bringing about a solution of the most weighty problems confronting all of us. And in order to solve them properly, it is necessary that we realize all around that today we are living in an era of progress such as the world has never before experienced. We are accomplishing marvels in the way of overcoming the forces of nature and in defying the laws of gravity. We proudly boast of our achievements in mechanical construction and our ability to solve any problem in which engineering and mechanical and scientific knowledge required. We have produced so many varied and wonderful things through Amer ican ingenuity that have been perfected into such a marvelous state of perfection that we have excited the envy of the entire world as a nation of ingenious people because of our achievements. And with all these glorious achievements we appear to be absolutely helpless in the fact of a most pressing problem, that of growing unemployment with its attending suffer ing, hunger and starvation. In connection with these conditions there are most serious questions arising that must be answered in a practical manner, if the basis for the present widespread unrest is to be removed. AND THEY WONDER WHY! "The 15 per cent reducton in wages ought by the Chicago & Northwest- ABEAC0N_0FQUAllTYFQP0VEI?40YEAI?silu At All Dealers 4- *»$:& .V" ern would save the road about $2.44 a share,*' says the Wall Street Journal. That's the Wall Street view for you. No concern over the effect of the proposed wage cut on the work ers and their families, only the effect on dividends is considered. And ye Wall street wonders why the hue and cry against its methods, why de mands for governmental regulation of its operations are growing, why more and more its activities are re garded with suspicion. :o: FREE SPEECH FOR DETROIT TEACHERS The Detroit Board of Education re cently adopted a declaration for free speech that every community would do well to follow. The board said: "Teachers may feel free to discuss and express their honest opinion, out side of the classrooms, upon all sub jects, including social, economical and political questions, without fear of official reprimand or coercion on the part of anyone connected with the Board of Education." In recent years there have been some outrageous attacks on the right of free speech and free assemblag in Detroit. Trade unionists will re call the attempt made during the 1926 convention of the American Federa tion of Labor to prevent federation executives from speaking in Detroit churches. The stand of the Board of Education, therefore, comes as some what of a surprise, but a very wel come surprise, to believers in the rights guaranteed by the constitution :o: WISDOM There are some crimes which be come innocent and even glorious by their renown, their number, and their success. Hence it is that public rob beries become proofs of talent, and seizing whole provinces unjustly is called making conquests.—La Roche foucauld (1613-80). One aim of education should be to core people of the habit of believ ing propositions for which there is no evidence.—BertrazuL J&juageiL 1 S {Mu THE BUTLER COUNTY PRESS UNIONISM AS A SOCIAL FORCE The value of the trade union move ment cannot be measured by wage in creases, unless these increases are associated with higher living stand ards, more diffused education and a more enlightened citizenship. Union ism is a social force because its heart is morally and ethically sound. It is never found pleading for special priv ilege. Wage rates it asks for are met by the non-union employer. Its pleas for the abolishment of child la bor include children of workers who take no part in the fight for better conditions. Its demands that life and limb be protected in shop and mine include all workers. Its creed is all embracing—regardless of sex, relig ious belief, politics, nationality or color—it invites all wage earners to join with it in the effort for a higher type of manhood and womanhood. The time has passed when the trade union movement must -apologize for its existence or defend its purposes. Its position is invulnerable because it is supported by grim necessity and by the highest ideals that have act uated man—a larger degree of lib erty. A movement founded on these two elements can withstand any shock, as has been proven times with out number by the trade unions* to: MAKING JOBS IN ROCHESTER An intensive campaign to provide emergency jobs for the unemployed of Rochester, N. Y., is reported at tracting wide attention. The Roches ter campaign involves canvassing of every household, industrial and busi ness firm and building owner by teams' under district captains. Each person called upon is asked to under take improvement or other work about home, grounds or factory build ing that will furnish winter employ ment for jobless men. Each person is also urged to use his normal buying power in purchasing furnishings equipment and clothing. The plan is not new, having been tried in some form in other cities with varying success, but Rochester is giving it a thorough test. It is plan ned to reach the entire population of the city with the requests for co operation. Undoubtedly there are many persons in Rochester and in every city who can provide emer gency work of some kind which however inadequate it may be, is bet ter than "handouts." Cincinnati taking up the plan, and it looks to the Press like a good plan for all cities to consider. IT'S TOO BAD It's too bad that the five hundred and thirteen indviduals in the United States who in 1929 had taxable comes of one million dollars or more are being affected by the terrible de pression, so that for the year 1930 only one hundred and forty-nine of these hard-working people managed to get hold of more than one million dollars income per year. So bad is the depression that their combined incomes dropped from $1, 185,135,330 to $355,661,695. While it is impossible to ascertain the exact income of the down-trodden 513 citi zens of wealth for the year 1930, lesson in aritmetic reveals that the average income of this group dropped from more than $2,000,000 to not quite $700,000 each. A sad state of affairs indeed. :o: Subscribe for the Press. 0VN u TO your ears in work—» every nerve at high tension. No wonder you snap at the wife and bark at the children. W a o u O v e w o k e nerves may lead to Sleepless ness, Nervous Headache, Nerv ous Indigestion and a host of other unpleasant disturbances. Why don't you try Dr. Mile^ Effervescent Nervine Tablets? Just one in a half glass ot water makes a pleasant, spark ling drink delightfully soothing to over-taxed nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine is now made in two forms—Liquid and Effervescent Tablet. Both havt the same soothing effect. $1.00 at your drug store J®)1 i #**. V. *.• it* %f *V "j"' 4 ft* fa--..* &-< .m iV i*'*-.*,. -fa» '-f-J', New Year* Two "Resolutions hf Hoewl Clack &aiiet| NE good resolution deserves another, but that's the story. "Phil, I smell snow." "We're In the West, Erma, don't be foolish 1 You know our resolution when we left Quincy was, 'No more snow for us!' I smelled orange blossoms on that brees#* "I smell snow." "The groves begin beyond the Pass and we're on that grade now. Just look at that view 1" "There's a flake now,* "Golly! You're right* After an hour the car stopped. "Even Hermes can't Climb this. I guess you knew your snow all right. There's shelter behind that boulder, we'd better make camp." A spot cleared of snow, tent pitched, campflre burning and they were cozy. Hardly had the smoke begun to curl ere down the trail came a horse man. "W here's your permit?" he demanded gruffly. "W hat permit?" asked PhlL "Fire permit I'm a ran e r. Don't you know it's against the law to build a fire In these mountains or smoke? Put out that cigarette. That's two counts against you.' "Lord, man, we're stuck. I couldn't let the little woman freeze even If I'd known." "Tell It to the Judge 1" "So this Is the Far West I" "Walt, brother, until you've seen the havoc the fires have wrought—our beautiful pines, llveoaks, manzanitas, turned into acres and acres of charred nightmare landscapes, gaunt and hide ous. It's pitiful 1 You won't blame us. First trip, though, so I'll just put you wise. "The best way to build a campflre In the forest country—law or no law— Is never light It I See? Now for good news. You're not a hundred yards from the down trade scrapers are clearing the highway—be hers In an hour »o light your cani cook stove inside the tent for beat, flap open for air, and make coffee for three." "Hooray I" shout ed Phil "Welcome old-timer. And here's another res olution we'll sure keep we'll never ask for a flre per mit unless it's on the beach." "No more snow and no more camp fires," agreed Erma. "Who cares, with the whole New Year In the West? Now for hot coffee, smoked ham and cherry preserves from back home!" ((g) 1831. Weatarn Newapapar Union. ^eJVVr ^0'in-^j & & & & A Leader for w New Retirement Act v Under the present retirement law of 1930 employes have the limited option of retiring two years earlier than the age limits fixed in that law for automatic requirements. X\. .c^' For Federal Employes Washington.—A government em ploye, with 30 years of service to his credit, could retire regardless of age under a proposed amendment to the U. S. civil service retirement law pro posed by Senator Dale, of Vermont, chairman of the senate civil service committee. The present law fixe3 the age limit for retirement of department clerks Ml i-Ll Your WE WISH OUR MANY FRIENDS .... AND PATRONS Chicago Market Co. at 70, and they are permitted optional retirement at 68. There are two other general age limits for otl er groups of workers, namely, 65and 62, and each group has a two-year optional provision. FRONT AND HIGH STREETS NEW yEARj"GRJEETINGJ' It is a Privilege to be allowed to wish you many hearty greetings for the New Year and thank you for your kind patronage during the past year The W. C. rechtling Co. Second and High Streets TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS We Wish You A Very Happy New Year Thanks for your part in our success. We trust we have merited your support. We hope to be able to serve you even more efficiently during the coming year. Burnett-Waite s $100,000,000 for Farm Loan 4 __ "r Washington.—The house of repre-. sentatives passed the bill increasing^ the capitalization of the federal land banks by $100,000,000. The senate will enact the bill early in January. The money will be used as the basis. for making loans to farmers at lower, interest rates and easier terms of payment than can be obtained from private money loaning institutions. jfour Forty-Five Years Grocer •Vc\- & V JI ""a If