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•idM VOL. XXXII. No. 25 New York City (ILNS.)—Broadcast ing on a program with J. Cheever, original self-liquidating plan booster, U. S. Senator Warren J. Barbour, New Jersey, this week pointed out that 11 weeks have passed since Congress made available the funds for self-li quidating projects in the emergency relief act. "I urge immediate action by the Reconstruction Finance Corpora tion," he declared. Possible projects, he said, would employ 1,500,000 work ers. "Delay in placing the contracts means delay in getting these 1,500, 000 men on pay rolls," he said. Senator Barbour was one of the most active men in the senate, with Senator Wagner, in pushing this measure through over great obstacles. "I am for the shorter week," Sen ator Barbour declared. "I am a firm believer in the spreading of work. It is far better to have 27,000,000 people employed working 30 hours a week than 20,000,000 employed working 45 hours a week. It means not only in creased buying power, but it is of tre mendous importance in restoring con fidence. "However," the Senator continued, "I take no arbitrary stand on a 30 hour week. Some businesses no doubt can use a 30-hour week. Others prob ably cannot. But the principle of the MELLON FIRM In Million Dollar Trade With Reds New York City (ILNS). First crude oil, beginning payments on a million dollars worth of products bought from the aluminum Co. of Canada, Ltd., has been unloaded in Canada from soviet Russia, putting Andrew W. Mellon and the bolsheviks into a business partnership. The Aluminum Co. of Canada, Ltd., is Mellon controlled. The deal has aroused tremendous interest. Mellon has been regarded as a staunch opponent of dealings with Russia under the reds. Unless the deal just made his big company will furnish aluminum wire. Plan Big Barter Program That the Mellon firm should trade wire for oil is regarded as surprising because of Mellon's interest in Gulf Oil. The bolshevik oil will be refined in Canada by he LaSalle Oil Co. It probably will not enter the United States market, but it is pointed out that the Canadian market cannot be switched around without reflecting upon oil marketing in the U. S. The reds have been working on vast plans for bartering Russian products for equipment made in the United States and the American Manufac turers' Export Association has been formulating plans for taking bolshevik products, which would be warehoused, the warehouse receipts serving as bankable paper. The proposal is Men Attention Speed Self-Liquidating Contracts, Put Men at Work, Barbour Says Senator, Driving Force in Enactment of Law, Holds Mil lion and Half Can Be Put on Pay Rolls and Urges Haste—Shorter Work Week Called Necessity in Re storing Employment. ALL MEN'S WALK-OVER SHOES CARRY THIS LABEL WORKERS UNION fAMP Factory Leifheit's Walk-Over Boot Shop 214 High Street Ambulance Service Phone 35 shorter work-week as a remedy for unemployment I am for, and most heartily so. "Let us get these 10,000,000 or 12, 000,000 men and women back on pay rolls. Let us shorten the work-week and spread employment. Let us all join hands ctnd speed economic re covery." Referring to the drive of the Amer ican Legion, American Federation of Labor and Association of National Advertisers last spring to find em ployment for 1,000,000 persons and its success on July 1, Mr. Cowdin warned that "this, however, did not stem the unemployment tide." He continued: "At the end of this phase of the drive there were more people out of jobs than when the drive bagan. To day there are close to 12,000,000 peo ple who are idle who must be re turned to work. To reduce this num ber not by 1,000,000, nor by 2,000, 000, but by several million is the task which the American Legion and the other organizations have been striving for. "We are endeavoring to educate the American public and business to the necessity of adopting what is known as the shorter work-week." that only goods not made in the United States be taken in barter, but the Mellon oil deal throwB any such promise under a cloud. Many Produces Offered The reds are offering oil, coal and many staple manufactured products, this output being the direct result of development brought about by the five-year plan. The whole project of fers to American labor an issue of tremendous importance. Soviet purchases in America last year dropped from $103,000,000 to $35,000,000 and manufacturers who have no concerns as to political con sequences are all "steamed up" in the effort to get back the bolshevik or ders which can be switched from nation to nation at a moment's no tice, to suit bolshevik policies. EXPECT GAIN In Employment in Month's Report for August Washington, D. C. (ILNS).—Ex pectation that employment will show a gain for August when the onth's figures are made public next week is indicated at the U. S. Department of Labor, based on trade revival figures for the past 60 days. It is not expected the gains will offset the drop recorded by 16 ma jor groups in July, but it is hoped the figures will show that unemployment has not only hit bottom, tot is on the road back. The Department of Labor makes no estimate on volume of unemploy luent, but the American Federation of Labor, using the Labor Department index and its own state reports, has estimated that there are more than 11,000,000 jobless now. Robert G.Taylor Mortuary Formerly THE C. W. GATH CO. Pennsylvania factory employment is reported to have gained 2 per cent in August, with payroll gains of near ly 5 per cent, by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank. NINE-YEAR-OLD BOY SLAIN IN RIOT South River, N. J. (ILNS!.*—r A mob of 3,000 surrounded and held for six hours this town's police force of 14 and some 40 special police sworn in by the mayor. The police barricaded themselves in borough hall. In the course of disorders a 9-year-old boy was shot and killed and a 13-year-old boy hurt. Following the shooting the special police were arrested. Thirty wore freed, but the rest were held when guns were found on them. They were entitled to carry only night sticks. Out of the trouble has come an investigation fa the needle mdus try here. Funeral Directors Chairs and Tables Rented 17 So. Street i iiirti|^ijiriT?iy"ifffmiiriiTfr 0 (Copyright 6VPSV iter* Boston—Turning at least a large percentage of the millions of jobless into wage receivers by a wide distri bution of available work is the sur est step toward the restoration of normal economic conditions, accord ing to Walter C. Teagle, president of the Standard Oil Co., of New Jer sey, chairman of the Share-the-Work Movement of the Federal Reserve Banking and Industrial Committees set up by President Hoover's recent conference to mobilize business men and bankers to restore business pros perity. "We face the winter with at least 10,000,000 men and women out of work," Mr. Teagle told the Fourth Annual Conference on Retail Distri bution here. "Charity funds, both pri vate and public, are increasingly dif ficult to raise. The tax power of States and communities to raise funds for public improvements to make work for their unemployed is rapidly approaching an embarrassing point." Opposed to Charity "I am sure we are all agreed," he continued, "that neither charity nor the dole—for that is what much of the 'made work' virtually amounts to—is any permanent or satisfactory solution of the unemployment prob lem, from the standpoint either of the community or the individual. "We must get the men and women of America back into regular jobs of a nature to fit their training and temperaments, because there they work most effectively and because only such an adjustment holds prom ise of stability. Standard Oil Head Says Employers Should Re duce Hours and Earnings of Workers With Jobs to Provide Work For Idle-Breakdown of Private and Public Charity and Strain On All Parties Benefitted "To be sound, a movement must benefit all parties involved. The share-the-work movement meets this requirement. It is to the advantage of the worker because he enjoys greater job security by job sharing, it is to the advantage of the employ er because work-spreading will make for quicker business recovery thru widespread spending, and it is to the advantage of the community and the country at large because it will re lieve the drain on community funds and tend to reduce the excessive taxes which have been piling up on us." Increased Spending Power "National spending power," Mr. Teagle told the conference, "can be restored quickly only by the two factors in the situation—the employ ers who, today, have work to be done, and the men and women who are working for them. Divide Available Work "The employers can do their part by working out ways and means of spreading available work over a larg er number of workers, through some plan of staggering, or dividing, or rotating, the work some plan which fits the peculiarities of their type of enterprise. "The workers can do their part by accepting whatever temporary sacri At the Fair Teagle Explains Share-the-Work Plan to Restore Prosperity Taxation Makes Plan Imperative—Witt Cost Employers Very Little. face of immediate income is entailed in sharing their work with those now out of work." Hours and Earnings Cut When Mr. Teagle's share-the-work committee was organized at the con clusion of the President's business conference in Washington it was re ported the entire committee was op posed to disturbing the earnings of those now at work and that provid ing jobs for the jobless should not be brought about by cutting the earnings of those on payrolls. Mr. Teagle's speech did not con firm this report. In fact, in answer ing the question, "What will the share-the-work plan cost the employ ers?" he declared it woul4 cost them practically nothing. Hourly wage rates, he explained, would not be dis turbed, but the number of hours of those now employed would be re duced, and the saving in wages thus made used to employ more persons. "You pay for the hours worked," he said, "or the work accomplished by each worker, not for the number of workers. You ai*e not 'making' work You are merely dividing the present volume of work over more workers. It is simply a further division of the wage dollar." "I am finding," he added, "that where employers get the picture cleai-ly in their minds of just what this share-the-work movement means, and the impetus it is bound to give to business, they grow broad-minded in their thinking. They see that un employment cannot cure itself it must be cured by taking definite steps to create a wider spending power through a wider distribution of work." Workers' Contribution To illustrate his claim that the em ployed workers would have drastic cuts in earnings imposed upon them while the employers would contribute nothing but a microscopic increase in overhead, Mr. Teagle set up an employer with four employes paid $125 per month each. He said the em ployes could live on $100 per month The remaining $25 they either de posited in banks or spent in ways not stimulating to business. Under his plan, he explained, the employer would not molest the hour ly rates of pay, but would reduce the monthly earnings of each of the four employes $25 by reducing the number of hours worked 20 per cent, so that the monthly earnings of each would be $100 instead of $125. This reduc tion in earnings he went on, would give the employer $100 with which he could employ one more person. By this process each of the five em ployes would have $100 per month all of which they would be compelled to spend for their living, whereas with four employes paid $125 month at least $100 would be banked or in other ways kep: out of business channel*. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 30,1932 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Three Objectives Summarized "The 'share-the-work' movement," Mr. Teagle concluded, "aims at just three objectives: (1) To check the up ward tiend of unemployment, when work is reduced for seasonal or other reasons, by employing the greatest possible number of workers, thus avoiding adding to unemployment. "(2) To decrease unemployment by a wider spreading of work now avail able among a larger group of em ployes working shorter periods, rath er than by employing a smaller group working longer periods. "(3) Whenever an increasing vol ume of business permits employing additional personnel, to do so by dis tributing the increased work to the greatest possible number, rather than by working longer schedules. "It means breaking with tradition. It will temporarily work inconven- THIRD Raised Thereafter. New York City (ILNS)—Here is a blow for high wages, right out of the house of business itself. Rating the question of wages as the most important in the category of questions about recovery, Business Week, McGraw-Hill business maga zine, says, pointblank: "The extent and speed of recovery from this depression will be deter mined mainly by the promptness with which wages can be restored to ience, and it will take educational work within the organization to 'sell* the idea of shorter hours and re duced income. "But the American business man has earned for himself the reputa tion of being a skillfull adapter of ideas." RAIL WORKERS Cincinnati, Ohio.—The six-hour day without reduction in daily or weekly earnings is the demand of the rail way unions, declared George M. Har rison, president of the Brotherhood of Railway unions, declared George M. Harrison, president of the Brother hood of Railway Clerks, in an article in the Railway Clerk, the official or gan of the Brotherhood. The article also stated that the unions are op posed to railroad consolidations until the rights of the railway employes are protected. "The Interstate Commerce Commis sion," Mr. Harrison said, "recently re quested the railroads to furnish data on the cost of establishing the six hour day at six-eights of present wages. The Commission apparently considered it a part of its duty, in the light of the recent widespread de mand for the six-hour day, to include in its study and report to Congress the effect of establishing the six-hour day with a corresponding reduction in wages. "The unions are unalterably op posed to the establishment of the six hour day at the expense of earnings and will insist upon the enacthient of Buy Your Radio Here Today for the World's Series Special Prices on Majestic New High Wage Levels Predicted By Magazine "Business Week" Sees Post-Depression Climb and Holds That Speed of Recovery Depends Upon Speed With Which Pay Can Be Restored to 1929 Levels and Some Styles One of a Kind Only Hiqh in Quality -Low in "Price the pre-depression level and the de gree to which they can be raised above it thereafter." The magazine, in its striking edi torial, is "quite sure" that money wages will in a few years be higher than in 1929, "even though com modity prices do not quite return to that level." In the same editorial the magazine ridicules the old "Punch and Judy show of the Cost of Living vs. Wages, which used to amuse the older gen eration so much." the Pittman-Crosser bill which pro vides for reduced hours and the main tenance of earnings based upon the present eight-hour day. "Consolidation of railroads at a time when 700,000 railroad men are out of jobs is inexcusable unless guar antees are secured against further force reductions as a result of those mergers. The association is of the opinion that legislation specifically protecting labor in consolidations is necessary before adequate protection can be had, and the unions will op pose all consolidations until Congress has had an opportunity to provide such legislation." Employment and Earnings Increase in Massachusetts Boston.—Employment and pay i*oll earnings in the manufacturing estab lishments in Massachusetts revealed marked improvement in August, ac cording to Commissioner Edwin S. Smith of the Massachusetts Depart ment of Labor and Industries. Reports from 1,078 representative manufacturing establishments, Com missioner Smith said, showed a net gain of 15,844 wage earners, or 12.3 per cent, compared with July. The cot ton, woolen and shoe industries ac counted for 9,560 of the 15,844 in crease. In wages paid there was a net in crease in August over July of $300, 929, or 13.77 per cent, in the pay rolls of the 1,078 establishments. Radios LIST PRICE $97.50 Now 48.75 $ $112.50 Now- $56.2 $126.50 Now- f**y Of 1 bJ.Zo $137.50 Now— $143.50 Now- $149.50 Now 74.75 $ $177.50 Now $ 88.75 -—-See Window Display U RT