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VOL. XXXVI. No. 48 Is Told. Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—A na tional campaign of education was launched at a meeting here to com bat the discrimination by employers against men and women 35 years old and over. The meeting was called by the New York Council on Economics which is conducting a similar cam paign in New York state. Delegates of eight states attended. The New York Council on Econom ics recently petitioned congress for an investigation of this age discrimina tion in letters to the chairman of the senate and house labor committees. Iwo resolutions were adopted. One appealed to the people of America to join the campaign against the "scrap ping" of middle-aged workers. The second requested federal, state and city civil service commissions tc re move all age barriers in applications as an aid to midde-aged applicants except in such positions in which the employment of youth is essential Fight Is Begun on Discrimination Against Workers of 35 and Older! Employers' Attitude Scored Edward C. Rybicki, of New York Typogi aphical Union No. 6, president of the council and former director of New Y oik City's Free Employment Agency, presided. In opening the meeting, he said: "One of America's greatest prob lems is the inability of millions of American men and women to obtain employment because our largest em ployers of labor and others have set 35 years as the maximum hiring age. "There is need for a national campaign of education to combat this regrettable situation. The 'scrapping' of men and women 35 years and over, is responsible for more than 60 per cent of our Refusal of Employers to Hire Men and Women Reaching Age "Deadline" Destroying Morale and Tending Tol Permanent Unemployment, Washington Conference) ALUMINUM AND SAW Workers Are Granted Pay Increases Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Tho Aluminum Company of America has granted a 10 per cent increase effect ive March 1 to the 20,000 employes in its 14 plants, scattered from Pennsyl vania to California. Company spokes men estimate that the action will add $3,000,000 to the annual payroll, and say that it is the third wage boost in 16 months. D. T. Cravatt, president of the Aluminum Workers' Union at New Kensington, Pa., says that the em ployes voted to demand a flat 20 per cent increase. "The company .got wind of it and beat us to it," he said. "We feel that perhaps the raise approximates what we would have gained through nego tiations." Henry Disston & Sons, makers of the saws which old fashioned carpen ters prefer to all others, granted a 10 per cent raise to its 2,000 men at Ta cony, Pennsylvania. This also was an attempt of the management to beat the men to the punch but not quite so successful as that of the Aluminum Company. Workers in the Disston plant, mem bers of Lodge 1,073 of the Amalga mated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, notified the company earlier the same day that their union represented a majority of the workers in the plant, and asked for the open ipg of collective bargaining. The un ion intends to press this demand, to ask for a 25 per cent boost in wages formal recognition of the union, 40 hour week, time and a half for over time, seniority rights and an increase of safety provisions. work relief load, and is tending to permanent unemployment.. "This 'scrapping' is destroying thel morale of these men and women, and creating a resentment against the employers practicing this unAmerican| policy of employment. No Skilled Labor Shortage "The alarm that there is a shortage I of skilled labor is baseless. There are millions of highly skilled middle-aged men and women who are unable to ob tain employment because of their age.l There is an availability of skilled labor to meet all present-day needs.' McGRADY ANSWERS Attacks on Child Amendment Laborl Boston (ILNS)—Appearing before legislative committee to urge that Massachusetts ratify the child labor amendment, Edward F. McGrady, as sistant secretary of labor, blew up the far-fetched objection that the amendment would give congress power to control the education and home life of children. "The amendment," said McGrady, gives to congress power to 'limit, egulate and prohibit' the labor of children under 18. It has nothing to do with education. Let that be clear. If it were intended that congress by this amendment could affect the edu cation of children in any way, it would have said so. Only One Issue "The issue is to regulate and pro hibit the trade in children's bodies in industry," declared McGrady. The ottenest profits in the world are the profits made from the sweat and toil and dead bodies of children." 'I am a Roman Cathoilc, he said. I iutje emeritus of Harvard. Lowell "Seeing Things "There is some question, said Dr (of the amendment) wish to get trol over the children of this coun-lfor LABOR TEMPLE IS PLANNED BY DECATUR TRADE UNIONS Decatur, 111. (AFLNS)—Organized labor of Decatur has taken a tbree year lease on a building to be used as a labor temple. There will be accom modations for three meetings of dif ferent locals at the same time Twelve unions have stated that they will be tenants as soon as the build ing is ready for occupancy. GET THAT TRACTOR IN SHAPE NOW! Spring is juit around the corner, so don't wait until the last minute but get busy on that Tractor now. We Re-bore, fit Piston Pins, install Cylinder Sleeves, repair cracked blocks, install new valve seats—in fact, We can fix them if anyone can. GET ALL YOUR TRACTOR, TRUCK and AUTO PARTS at SAVAGE AUTO SUPPLY CO. 636-640 MAPLE AVE. HAMILTON, OHIO A Home Owned Store Phone 116 (Cofiyrlitht. w. ft. U.) General Chairmen a "But the church in this country neverl^g four train and engine service has taken a stand against the child I brotherhoods, and the switchmen, labor amendment." I These five organizations already have Individual Catholics, as McGradyI demanded a 20 per cent increase, ap admitted, have taken part against thelpiyjng o about 300,000 men. Now, amendment. Mgr. Ahern, speakingjthe other 16 rail unions, representing for Cardinal O'Connell, opposed thelsome 800,000 workers and extending amendment as "an unqualified grant If rom of power" to congress. I the maintenance of way men, agree The most preposterous objection,|to make the following demands: however, was made to the amendment 1. General increase amounting to 20 by A. Lawrence Lowell, president|centg Lowell, "as to what labor means. I time for all stand-by forces. Does it include military training? 11 The increase in wages is to be work can't say. Does it include school?Ie(j "This is not a child labor amend-1 .This, obviously, means the larg ment," said Dr. Lowell. "It is a|est proportionate increase to the low great deal more. The protagonists I rHE BUTIJER COUNTY PRESS. W 7\ IT Chicago (ILNS)—Sixteen standard railroad unions, represented in con vention here by 1,000 general chair men, have agreed to demand a wage .increase of 20 cents an hour for all thgir workers and other changes which may prove to be even more far reach ing. The unions taking this action in- u the railroad crafts, except the clerks to the shop crafts and an hour 2. Guarantee of full-time work for all regularly assigned men. 3. Guarantee of two-thirds of full ou so as Most children think that schooling is I weekly, monthly or piece time workers labor. I con-|tenance 0 W a try, and the treatment of these chil-1 underpaid men in the railroad indus dren." I try. A large proportion of them, like Robert J. Watt, secretary-treasurer I w of the Massachusetts Federation °f|months in the winterseason. Their Labor, described Lowell's speech asl "gibberish' and a good many agreed I hearing on railroad wages since such with him. to give hourly, daily, the same increase of 20 cents per es paj(j workers. These are the main- ay men, who have been, least half a century, the worst ise, are idle for from three to five plight has been a scandal at every hearings began. Employment Fell Steadily The second and third propositions are definite steps toward what the late senator Couzens called "the long wage," an assured yearly income of a decent living size. Few groups of labor have more need to strike out on this line than the rail road workers. They won back the slash in wages inflicted on them shortly after the war and even the depression cut their rates of pay only 10 per cent. But this table, from the ICC reports, shows how the railroad workers were punished with complete and lasting layoffs and part-time 1 work: 1 No. Employes Total Compen 1 December 31 sation for Y'r 11920 2,076,000 $3,754,281,000 11921 2,076,000 2,823,970,000 11922 1,670,000 2,693,292,000 11923 1,902,000 3,063,026,000 11924 1,795,000 2,882,658,000 11925 1,786,000 2,916,193,000 11926 1,822,000 8,001,804,000 J1927 1,776,000 2,963,034,000 The Jekyll and Hyde of the Calendar if march cometH in like a lion it leaveth. like, a lamb or Sixteen Railroad Unions Ask Per at Chicago Meeting Agree On Three-Point Program of Demands Covering 800,000 Workers and Aiming at Assured, Ade quate Yearly Income and Steady Employment. Early Conferences Sought It is estimated that the combined demands of all railroad workers—20 per cent increase for the brotherhoods and switchmen and 20 cents an hour increase for the other 16 railroad oc cupations—would add $360,000,000 to the annual railroad labor bill. Even that would make it only a little more than half what it was in 1920. Notiices will be served on railroad managements at once, and confer ences between management and men will begin at a time agreed upon be tween them. The men want confer enres to start not later than the mid dle of April. Court Plan Approved The meeting of railroad labor rep resentatives, presided over by George M. Harrison, president of the Rail way Labor Executives Association adopted unanimously a resolution ap proving President Roosevelt's plan for reform' of the federal courts. First stating that "the American people will be delivered over to the great bank ing and industrial corporations if the decisions of the supreme court are al lowed to stand," the resolution closes as follows: "We, the general chairmen and offi cers of the standard railroad labor organizations, 1,000 in number and representing 800,000 employes engag ed in the railway transportation in dustry, therefore resolve to give our endorsement to the president's mes sage calling for legislation to reform the federal judiciary." CLEVELAND BAKERY DRIVERS Bakery Drivers' Union No. 52 of Cleveland, Ohio, has secured a union shop agreement with five companies providing a ten per cent wage in crease, a five-day 48-hour week, no deliveries on Saturday, a week's vaca tion with pay, seniority rights and free uniforms. Wages are now $33.60 a week instead of the former $30. Fake The glass eye is just another opti cal illusion. Wear- your goggles! HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1937 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR ('V6 vice versa 1928 1,692,000 2,874,429,000 1929 1,694,000 2,940,206,000 1930 1,517,000 2,588,598,000 1931 1,283,000 2,124,784,000 1932 1,052,000 1,535,066.000 1933 991,000 1,424,392,000 1934 1,027,000 1,541,313,000 1935 1,014,000 1,666,299,000 Figures for the full year of 1936 are not yet available. The monthly rec ords average 5 or 6 per cent above those of 1935 in number employed with a slightly larger increase in total compensation. So fSe SRQIH?°UT WORK! i MATS IT VFC? WNG 0 Cent Increase in Pay SHORTS Members of the Japanese parlia ment charge that Japanese police tor ture prisoners. Probably they do But what is our American police third degree" but a crude and ut terly ilegal form of torture? Marshal Field, A1 Capone's favorite department store, i-eports net earn ings increased more than 1,300 per cent in 1936 over those of the pre vious year. But why aren't we told how much the wage payments of Marshal Field increased in the same time? Steel men are saying of their re fusal to bid on steel for the navy 'We don't want the business if we have to conform to the Walsh-Healey act." Government yards build war ships much cheaper than private yards under contract. Why not try out the same plan for some steel mills Subscribe for The Press ON A NEW Hurry for this amaz ing offer on New Easy Washers! Time is limited! Know the thrill of owning New Easy! NEW HOUSING BILL Carrying Billion Before Congress Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Robert F. Wagner in the senate, and Henry B. Steagall in the house, have intro duced a billion dollar federal housing program bill, modeled closely on the one which Senator Wagner got through the last session of the senate, only to have it fail in the house. The bill provides: For the creation of a United States housing authority, to combine all the scattered housing activities of the government, consisting of three mem bers, named by the president and con firmed by the senate: to make grants to state and local housing authorities. For the use of these grants, and other funds, in developing safe and sanitary housing for low-income groups and the clearance of slum areas. For Prevailing Wages For the payment of prevailing wages to all workers in all localities which engage in this work. For the complete decentralizing of the work, except in demonstration project and slum clearance projects, which are to be sold to local agencies as early as possible. In addition to the grants, which are loaned at rates not less than that paid on the government bonds issued to get the money, the federal gov ernment will make contributions to the work. It is expected to construct 375,000 family unit dwellings in the next four years, at a cost of $1,500, 000,000. Wagner Cites Benefits Senator Wagner cited some of the benefits from this program, which he pronounces will go through congress without fail, as follows: 'By stimulating the durable goods industries, now lagging farthest be hind in the recovery drive, and by fac ing the problem of technological un employment, it will create jobs in pri vate industry for the men and women still idle and dependent upon public relief despite their overwhelming de sire to earn a decent living in a nor mal way. "And at a cost much cheaper than the terrible social and business toll of unhealthy housing—in terms of di sease, crime and maladjustment—it will provide better living quarters for millions who now dwell in dismal and insanitary surroundings. President Lyden Will Broadcast Columbus, Ohio (OLNS)—Presi dent M. J. Lyden, of the Ohio State Federation of Labor, will speak over Radio Station WHKC (640 kilocycles), Columbus, Monday, March 8, from 6:30 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. His topic will be "Organized La bor's Program in Relation to the State." The broad cast is one of a weekly series sponsored by the Ohio State Federation of Labor. I A ALLOWANCE EAST THIRD & COURT