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r^s"'i'f..v,v vy (Af^ jmn» x- -r 'r '. .- »*'»•, THE PRESS OFFICIAL OK(iAN OF OtUiANiZiitt IJABOH THE NONPAREIL PRINTING CO. PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS Subscription Price $1.00 per Year Payable in Advance We do not hold ourselves responsible for any views or opinions expressed in the articles or communications of correspondents. Communications solicited from secretarit of all societies and organizations, and should be addressed to The Butler County Press, 326 Market Street, Hamilton, Ohio. The publishers reserve the right to reject any advertisements at any time. Advertising rates made known on appli cation. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of Kood faith. Subscribers changing their address will please notify this office, jriving old and new address to insure regular delivery of paper. Entered at the Postoffice at Hamilton Ohio, as Second Class Mail Matter. Issued Weekly at 326 Market Street Telephone 1296 Hamilton. Ohio Endorsed by the Trades and Labor Council of Hamilton, Ohio Endorsed by the Middletown Trades and Labor Council of Middletown, O. FRIDAY, MARCH 19,1937 AJJ'OBJECT LESSON ON THE PRESIDENT'S PLAN In spite of repeated pleas by Gov ernor Lehman and President Roose velt, the assembly of the New York legislature has turned down the reso lution approving the child labor amendment to the national constitu tion. It was beaten by a vote of 102 to 42. Party lines vanished and 41 democrats joined with 61 republicans in the wreck. It is a mournful spectacle for those who know how much national action on this question is needed, and re member that the supreme court de clared the federal child labor law un constitutional. But as an argument for President Roosevelt's plan to re vitalize the federal courts and partic ularly the supreme court, it could hardly be rivaled. For the child labor amendment has been before the country for the last 13 years, and is not adopted yet. The resolution for this amendment passed the house of representatives on April 26, 1923, by a vote of 197 to 69. it passed the senate, June 2 of the same year by a vote of 61 to 23. In 13 years it has been ratified by 28 states, and four of the ratifications have come since January 1 of this year. This shows what an organized and well financed minority can do in hold ing up a constitutional amendment. The minority which would fight a con stitutional amendment giving con gress tiie powers always held by every other national legislature would be fought by a much more tightly or ganized and better financed minority than that which has blocked the child labor amendment. And the set-up for blocking an amendment i. almost perfect. An amendment, to become effective, must be ratified by 36 states. Thirteen states can defeat it. At the census of 1930, the nation contained 122,775, 000 inhabitants, in round numbers and the 13 states of Arizona, Dela ware, Idaho, Montana, New Hamp shire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont and Wyoming had to gether 4,500,000 inhabitants—3,4 per cent of the total. In other words, a majority of thi 3.4 per cent of the American people, rightly distributed, can defeat an amendment to the constitution de manded by any kind of majority in the other 96.6 per cent. The president's court plan is a nec essity, to be put in effect at this ses sion of congress. A constitutional amendment is a safeguard to be con sidered later. :o: BIG GAINS THROUGH NEGOTIATION All the publicity on recent strikes may be giving the general public the impression that the workers are win ning nothing except through striking. On the contrary, labor—that is, organ ized labor—is constantly winning bet ter pay, fewer hours, improvements ^y/7 *»f- «,» *. VA tf SS -v* Germany will be able to produce all the gasoline she needs synthetically within 15 months, National Fuel Di rector J. Werlin is boasting. Werlin says that in 1935 the nation produced 925,000 tons of gasoline from German raw materials, mostly hydrogented :*oal, amounting to 45 per cent of the total quantiy consumed. The ratio has been rising steadily, he said, until in 15 months Germany will be entirely self-sustaining as to gasoline needs. Werlin also predicted that German ynthetic rubber eventually will dis place the natural product. :o: WISDOM A government for the people de pends for its success on the intelli gence, the morality, the justice, and '.he interest of the people themselves. —Grover Cleveland. PAY SCALE MANDATE TO ISSUE Chapman to Order Wage Standard for Hotels (By Ohio Labor New? Service) Columbus. Ohio.—Ora B. Chapman, tate director of industrial relations, will soon issue mandatory orders to set up minimum wage scales for women and minors in all Ohio food and lodging establishments under provisions of the state minimum wage law. The announcement came at the con clusion of a hearing last week on a "directional" order under which the minimum wage code is now operat ing. No penalty is attached to a 'directional" order for failure to comply, but a mandatory order will permit court action against offenders. Adjustment of definitions govern ing part-time and full-time employes will be made to overcome serious ob jections of employers to discrepancies arising out of the present provisions before the mandate is issued, Direc tor Chapman announced. Under present provisions it would be possible for a part-time worker to be employed one hour per week less than a fuli-time employe and be en titled to considerably more pay. Columbus, Ohio (OLNS)—Judge G. H. Thorne, representative to the 92nd general assembly from Greene county, died at bis home at Bellbrook last week of pneumonia, following an ill ness of one week. Judge Thorne was 71 years of age, and was the first democratic representative ever elected to the general assembly from his county. His death was the first in the ranks of the members of the 92nd assembly. j»^,."* '-W ^"^VCl jv- .* ». At st meeting held by the Co-Operative Trades and Labor Council, Tuesday night, March 16, 1937, the following resolution was read and. unanimously adopted! A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, There has arisen a controversy in the ranks of the American Labor Movement in regard to the method and procedure of 'Organization of the working men and women of America and WHEREAS, There has been and is now a wide difference of opin ion as to whether or not the contending groups engaged in the instant controversy as to the fealty of those organizations chartered by the American Federation of Labor, known as the parent body of the organ ized labor movement of America and WHEREAS, The Co-Operative Trades and Labor Council of Hamilton. Ohio, being a chartered union of the American Federation of Labor, is called upon to decide whether or not we desire to renew our oath of allegiance to the American Federation of Labor a dual organization therefore, be it RESOLVED, The Co-Operative Trades and Labor Council of Hamilton, Ohio, and its affiliated local unions and building trades unions affiliated, renew our belief that the American Federation of Labor and its president and executive board as now constituted exem plify the American ideals of trades unionism and we renew our pledge of loyalty and devotion to the aims and objectives of the American Federation of Labor, and pledge this body to renew our efforts to the end that the working peoples of this community and of the Nation may secure the greatest benefits possible for labor and services performed and be it further RESOLVED, The Co-Operative Trades and Labor Council pledges there will not be admitted to membership any representatives of organizations not directly affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. VS in working conditions, through nego tiations with employers, conducted without fanfare and first page head-, lines. Reports received at national and in ternational union headquarters in Washington and elsewhere tell the story of these gains through organi zation and peaceful bargaining. Rep resentatives of the workers sit down with the employers, state their case, listen to the employers' objections. Thorough discussion follows, often at a series of meetings. The end is us ually a substantial gain for the work ers, w-ithout stoppage of work. :o: WHAT NEXT? Submitted by STANLEY OGG, Delegate I. M. U. N. A. No. 68. THE BUTLER COUNTY PftESS The Cherry W"« Where with our Little Hatchet we tell the truth about many things, sometimes pro foundly, sometimes flippantly, sometimes recklessly Nothing has so completely and con vincingly shown the utter stupidity of big employers as the expose of the La Follette committee of the labor spy business, or, shall we we say racket. There are a thousand examples, but take one: RCA pays $6,000 a year as salary and more than $20,000 a year as expenses, to a man whose influ ence in labor is a complete zero, and whose advice apparently was worth som€thin„ k ss than a thin dime. Theie is nothing at all new in the fact that men have contrived to be seen in the company of union official and who have, by such slight optical evidence, created for themselves a market value of sizable proportions Up to now nobody ever knew the price of this kind of tripe per pound. Well, as the saying has it, now it comes out. The La Follette committee record is full of it—and full of a num ber oi interesting salary figures, such as that just given. The queer thing about employers of that type is that they are willing to pay fancy amounts for advice that must be bad. It couldn't be otherwise These fellows seem to like bad ad vice and to pay a high price for it. They could get free, gratis and for nothing, all the good advice there is. But do they take the free good advice? No, not they. They go around the corner where some smoothie whis pers hokum to them from the south west corner of a crooked or deceitful or silly mouth—and down into their cash pocket they go. The same kind of suckers used to hang around medicine tent shows thirty years ago. They didn't wear as good clothes, but "at heart they were brothers of the current big busine^ crop. Nothing much can be done about it. While employers of a certain type can escape unionism, they will pay quacks in the hope that their dicta torial hides can be saved. After unionism comes^they seem to conclude that the inevitable wasn't so bad after all. It is always a question whether the dicks and finks and punks who carry blackjacks, who scab and rat and sneak, are any worse than the white collar, soft shoe gang that ped dles expert "industrial advice," like this $25,000 beauty paid by RCA. It is a question a moot question. Except that the fink on the job has to more or less stand out in the open. Now and then he serves as a brick stopper, which leaves him with a hangover headache. He does, in a way, take a chance. Well, it takes all kinds of queer fish r-Ac\ The world moves on and, moving on, washes out quite a few of the stains placed upon it by some of the trespassers on this terrestrial ball. And freedom does gain ground. Which is as it should be. But now and then, as we move along in the march toward better things, there are spots which we pass with muffled Sit Down" Closes Reo Motor Company Plant Lansing, Mich. (ILNS)—Officials of Reo Motor Co. refused to confer with the United Automobile Work ers in an effort to settle a sit down strike, which closed the Reo plant to 2,000 workers. In a formal statement the company indicated the plnat will remain closed until strikers make some concessions in their demands, and said the com pany would not grant sole collective bargaining rights to the U. A. W. The strike was pronounced 100 per cent effective by Lester E. Washburn, president of the Lansing local of the UAW, and head of the Reo employes' bargaining committee. Demands of the strikers, Washburn said, include recognition in collective bargaining, a 40-hour week and an 8-hour day, straight seniority, mini mum wages of 70 cents an hour, with time and a half for overtime, and ad justments in working conditions. San Francisco Union Want Picketing Ordinance Ended A big campaign to repeal the anti picketing ordinance of San Francisco, Calif., is being carried on by the or ganized labor movement of that city. The ordinance was enacted twenty years ago when a group of union la bor haters combined to fight oi'gan ized labor and the workers generally secured control of the city govern ment. They succeeded in hoodwinking the voters into approving the measure by clever use of the slogan that peaceful pickeing is impossible. The policy was made effective during some of the hys teria generated by the World War Since then organized labor in San Francisco has been deprived of th right to defend union labod living standards by the method of picketing A special municipal election will IK held on March 9 to vote on the repc.i proposal. J. E. Spielman, Minnesota State Printer, Is Deac St. Paul, Minn. (AFLNS)—Organ ized labor in Minnesota mourns the death of State Printer John E. Spiel man, who died of pneumonia in St Paul. From the time he came to the United States from Rumania at the age of 20 years he played an active part in the labor movement. For many years he was an organizer for the Minneapolis Trades and Labor Assembly, and had been an interna tional official of the Brotherhood of Bookbinders. At the time of his death he was president of the Twin City Bookbinders' Union. Subscribe for The Press. Ki*D, (WHY SUFFER? GET motfiYA nKE *Xt AUCtf&ttf* ACHE hfttAfrACrtEl Take ALKA-SELTZER for HEADACHE, Acid Indigestion, Colds, Neuralgia, Muscular, Rhea* Tiiixtlc, Sciatic Paina. Pleasant— tastes like mineral water -s?~ ir^^v"v 1 w to make this a halfway human world only it is so hard at times to find out just what is human about the queerest of the queer fish. Their re semblance to one of the more repul sive members of the quadraped family is so much more obvious. &«?\ "r%r'"'f "..' REASONSFOUND For Gains in Canadian Re lief Rolls Ottawa (ILNS)—The fact that while during the past year industrial employment in Canada increased by 4.4 per cent, the number of persons on relief increased 6 to S per cent, has led to allegations that relief has be come a racket. However, the Family Welfare Council finds reasons why the increase in employment has not been rapid enough to reduce the relief rolls. The increased demand for workers has been met partly by young people, and workers who while unemployed were able to live on their savings or were maintained by their relatives. Employers have been reluctant to take on persons who have been on relief for any considerable time. Another factor is that elderly men in jobs are holding on to them longer than_usual because the value of their investments shrank or vanished dur ing the depression. There is also the circumstances that the percentage of families coming to the end of their resources and being forced on relief has continued to increase. Again, the complete, or partial failure of crops in the drought areas continued last year. The allegations that relief has be come a racket are evidently designed to px*omote hostility to the unem ployed. They are directed against smart counsellors of municipalities rather than against individual re cipients. One municipality, it is charged, used its provincial grants for relief to pay indigent workers to cut wood and sold the wood at a profit. The municipality happened to Ambulance Service Phone 35 •k: V A UJAV x, 2 Koj habit forming, Nott-Laxaltvo— not depress the heart. Get Alka-Seitzer at jwr Arog store in 30c and 60c pactajp^ toff home use, or ask for a JEAJW* of Alka-Seli*er at any drug el«r*» (Hxla «0*BCE! THE GEIER BAKERY Is listed as unfair to Organized Labor and Friends BAKERS' LOCAL UNION No. 81 ALBERT McDANIEL, Secretary 7 ,. \*v-" ».' v v »j ,1' ., FRONT AND COURT STREETS OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Robert G.Taylor Mortuary Formerly THE C. W. GATH CO. Funeral Directors Wmtj /. $25 to $1,000 Step-Down Payments. to $1,000. 3 A 7 be bankrupt, and its officials found a way to keep themselves off relief. The other three cases of "rackets*^ mentioned also indicate the despera tion of municipal authorities strug gling with the burden of relief. Girl Shirt Makers Strike For More Pay Lebanon, Pa. (ILNS)—The Warren Shirt Company plant stopped opera* tions when 150 girl operators sat down the second shirt factory to close in this town in a very short time. The Kantor was the first. Both strikes have been for higher wages. The Warren girls say that they get only $2 for an 11-hour day. They work from 6 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon, with only 30 minutes off for lunch. They have taken three pay cuts in the past two years. Anton Rakow, general manager and part owner, refuses to negotiate "un til the issues are crystallized." Subscribe for The Pre^* SEE US IF YOU NEED A LOAN TO Build—Improve—Buy YOUR HOME '/f 0 Tat C. J. PARRISH, Secy. EAT and DRINK At Bill Finn's Cafe 3rd and Court Chairs and Tables Rented 17 So. Street AUTO FINANCING: When you buy a car new or used The City Loan will finance it up to 24 months or even longer time Purchases SPECIAL FARM PLAN: Farmers who need financing right now to get ready for the busy sea- son ahead are using our special "Barnyard" plan with terms payable after harvest amounts $25 PURCHASE LOANS: Buy new clothes, new household equipment buy whatever you need with cash and save monev The City Loan will finance you to the limit CARL W. SANOR, Manager 118 High Street Phone 3663 Hamilton, Ohio II $! i&i i ,q?5 A 4j .*# I 'li :k ifX jp k xi ii ti k ty u !S: V MS6s,i