A Chicago hospital is experimenting
with radio music to be listened to
through earphones (to prevent the
doctor from becoming distracted) by
expectant mothers while under the in
fluence of a local anesthesia admin
istered for a Caesarean operation. The
purpose is to test the effectiveness of
music in distracting the patient and
imparting partial hypnosis.
A new vitamin, the eighth in the
large group of vitamins, has just
been discovered. It is folic acid, tak
ing the name from the Latin word for
leaf because it is found in great abun
dance in leaves.
Vitamin can be found in very in
expensive sources such as canned to
matoes, stored rutabagas, potatoes,
parsnips, squash and sweet potatoes.
It is also exceedingly high in fresh
cooked broccoli, and fx-esh brussels
sprouts. Canned citrus juices are good
suppliers of Vitamin and are cheap
when purchased in large cans.
Pins will never become rusty if kept
in a pincushion made from a ball of
steel wool covered with velvet.
The effects of the national and in
ternational situations will be noted the
moment a woman starts looking for
her new winter coat, is the advice of
the clothing specialists of the U. S.
Department of Agriculture. Wool
prices are on the rise. A wool coat
may be made of new wool—reproc
essed wool—or re-used wool. This
year you'll see a new kind of label to
help you. The new Wool Products
Labeling Act, effective since last July,
makes it compulsory that a wool coat
be honestly labeled as to its exact
wool content—the kind of wool used,
and the manufacturer's name. Also
there must be on the label the amount
of any other fiber in the material that
makes up as much as bv/ of the total.
A coat material labeled "all wool"
must be 100'yr new wool.
Reprocessed wool is wool that has
been made up once, never used, then
unraveled and woven again. Re-used
wool has been woven and actually
used, then rewoven. This is some
times called "shoddy" and may give
better service than poor reprocessed
wool. But good reprocessed wool is
better than poor quality new wool.
Rayon linings are taking the place
of silk because of the ban on raw silk
imports. Good quality rayon is highly
satisfactory for its wearing and last
ing qualities.
Furs, the favorite coat trim, are on
the taxable luxury list, so conse
quently many of the season's coats
stress simplicity both of style and ma
terial. The smart unfurred box and
princess style coat may be worn for
many seasons without being dated and
are the most popular in the low-price
field of coats. Because of conservation
By Mary Moore
Ahead of
the Times
of materials the coat pui'chased this
year may have to last much longer
than usual, therefore careful buying
is highly stressed.
Even though you are saving all for
defense, don't miss a trick when it
comes to making the most of what
you've got in your wardrobe. White
lingerie pick-ups, collars, cuffs, scarves
or jewelry will do more for that dai'k
left-over dress than can be put into
words. The new ones are large, both
frilly, lacy and tailored, and are as
fetching as fly-paper.
Women in Industry
Here's a new break for the woman
who works. It's a new book that will
tell her, how, why, when and where—
and for what reasons—she can get
help under state and federal law.
Plenty of women workers have state
or federal help coming to them and
never know it.
A sales girl turns an ankle, is laid
up for a week, then works overtime
to make up for lost time—and doesn't
know there are laws that entitle her
to compensation for her injury on her
job and for overtime wages.
"Labor Laws Affecting Women in
the States," is the title of booklets in
series being issued by the Women's
Bureau of the United States Depart
ment of Labor. There's one for each
state. Each one contains about 14
pages of easy reading for the layman.
The reader can go down the pages,
looking for the law covering a par
ticular situation, find out what the
state law provides, and then go on
down a little further to find out how
the federal law supplements the state
There are many cases where state
laws cover all that is needed, but thei'e
are some cases where state law docs
not give relief, but where federal law
will help. This is often true in the
case of the wage-hour law, which car
ries a drastic provision for overtime
payments in the industries and occu
pations which it covers.
Here, in these booklets, in simple
terms, are the things women workers
need to know. Write the Women's
Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor,
Washington, D. C., or this newspaper.
Women who succeed in business are
also smart enough to cultivate pleas
ant dispositions, and do not permit
lethargy in their personality or ap
pearance to get hold on them.
In view of the terrific troubles fac
ing women in the war-torn centers of
the world petty grievances are small
matters and should be overlooked com
To lend a helping hand, to be cheer
ful, friendly and gracious is most im
portant during critical times.
Pantry Palaver
Chef's Hints: When buying bacon,
sniff it to be sure odor is mild and
sweet, and that the fat is creamy white
and the lean pink.
Saturday Nite November 8th
6% BEER ....WINE .... LIQUOR
Served by Bert Green and Mrs. George Dreher
If your family likes liver try a cas
serole of beef liver with onions, car
rots and bacon. Brown the liver in
the bacon fat, place in casserole, add
sliced onions and sliced carrots, sea
soning to taste. Bake in a moderate
oven about two hours and garnish with
the crisped bacon.
Sliced yellow turnips boiled in
salted water, placed in a buttered cas
serole, covered with white sauce
topped with cup grated cheese and
baked for 30 minutes is a grand sur
A very special company dessert
called BaBa Au Rum may be made
from squares of left-over sponge cake,
or from the small sponge cakes sold
in the stores for shortcake. Make a
simple syrup to which is added one
part rum to 3 parts syrup. Soak the
cake in this and let chill. Serve with
whipped cream. Nuts and cherries may
be added.
Glycerin is an antidoate for the ma
jority of obstinate stains. For coffee
or chocolate stains apply glycerin with
a sponge, let stand a few minutes and
then wash off. For tea stains, stretch
the stained spot over a bowl and pour
the glycerin on the stained spot, rub
bing gently. Let stand for half hour
or more and then wash. Soak fruit
stains either new or of long standing
several hours in glycerin. It will be
found to be very effective as well as
safe to the fabric and the skin.
Candles will burn longer and more
evenly if put into the refrigerator for
24 hours before lighting. To keep them
in perfect condition when not being
used, wrap each in white tissue paper,
store in a dark spot and let them lie
so that they will not warp.
When laying your rugs for winter
be sure there are no rough spots or
protrusions on the floor as they will
tend to wear the floor covering in that
particular spot. Rug pads will pay for
themselves by adding years to the life
of your rugs.
San Diego, Cal. (ILNS).—Substan
tial pay increases are provided in a
contract signed by Major R. H. Fleet,
president of the Consolidated Aircraft
Corporation, big manufacturer of
bombing planes, and the Intel-national
Association of Machinists.
Signing of the contract was accom
panied by the announcement that the
work week would be cut from a 10 to
9-hour day for both day and night
forces, effective October 20.
The new agreement will apply to
all the company's 28,000 employes,
with a few specified exceptions. It
was approved by the War Department,
OPM, National Defense Mediation
Board and the Army and Navy, a com
pany spokesman said.
Major Fleet recently said payment
of the wage increases would "break"
Consolidated. Under the compromise
proposal offered by the company and
accepted by the union membership in
a secret ballot, the pay rate for be
ginners will rise from 55 cents to a
scale of 60-65 cents an hour over a
12-week period. Men already earning
more than 65 cents an hour will get a
13-cent raise in pay. All schedules
are retroactive to August 9.
Trades Council Names
At the regular meeting night for
the election of officers of the Co-op
erative Trades and Labor Council,
Ralph Morningstar was elected presi
dent Ray Caldwell, vice-president
Stanley Ogg, recording secretary
Lottie Butts, corresponding secretary
Mabel Warren, financial secretary
Charles Chapen, treasurer Joseph
Spaulding, trustee Henry Robbins,
door-keeper Charles Elble, guide, and
they all were immediately installed.
Subscribe for The Press.
Protect Your Home
from Tuberculosis
"Steven Dohanos, a native of Lo
rain, Ohio, in designing the 1941
Christmas Health Seal, conceived the
lighthouse as the symbol of tubercu
losis work, spreading light, leading
the way to safety," stated Dr. Ken
non Dunham, Cincinnati, president of
the Ohio Public Health Association,
when he disclosed the theme of this
year's seal. "Lighthouses dot the
shores of the United States just as the
tuberculosis associations dot the cities
and towns, warning and guiding the
people against treacherous cm-rents
and the shoals of indifference to a se
rious health problem," continued Dr.
It was soon after he had begun to
show his work and had earned national
recognition that Dohanos, muralist and
illustrator, discovered that he had tu
berculosis. "In studying the 1941
seal," said Dr. Dunham, "one cannot
help feeling that Mr. Dohanos was in
spired by the light of knowledge which
guided him back to health, his work
and a normal, happy life."
Some of the highlights of the art
ist's life were projected by Dr. Dun
ham today. The temptation to risk
regaining his health while keeping up
his work was great, but Dohanos made
his decision and went to Saranac Lake,
N. Y., where he underwent a period of
treatment and complete rest. Less
than three years from that time, Do
hanos was chosen by the Treasury Art
Project in Washington to do paintings
in the Virgin Islands for federal build
ings. Back in the United States since
1937, he has continued his work in the
fine arts field, recently completing two
mural projects.
From mural work to design is quite
a transition for any artist but Mr.
Dohanos brilliantly has portrayed the
lighthouse as representative of tuber
culosis prevention. With breadth and
dignity and artistic excellence he de
picted the winter-swept lighthouse
scene. The light itself, bold in illumi
nation, beams outward into the night,
a certain beacon for those who would
be guided to desired security.
That, in essence, is the message of
the Christmas Seals—tiny beacons
lighting the way for the unceasing
fight on tuberculosis. Take your place
in the convoy for health by purchasing
these seals which will be offered this
year from November 24 to Christmas
Earl Dilyerd, 607 South Second
Street, groceries and meats.
Steven L. Mathews, 324 Maple Ave
nue, beverages.
Winifred Morgan and Jules D. Glore,
229 Garfield Avenue, groceries and
Jack Cohen, 1315 Reynolds Street,
glass shop.
Gerald Painter, 1618 Philadelphia
Avenue, garage.
Fair Board Election
Saturday, Nov. 22nd
The Butler County Agricultural So
ciety will hold their annual election,
Saturday, November 22, 1941, from
11 a. m. till 3 p. m., for the purpose
of electing four directors. Petitions
must be filed with the secretary of the
society on or before 11 a. m., Novem
ber 19,1941. Only life members and
residents of Butler County who have
purchased membership tickets of 1941
are entitled to vote at said election.
Election will be held in the argicul
tural room in the courthouse.
Amos Minnich will be the auctioneer
at Charles Cisle's public sale, one-hall'
mile north of Venice, next Saturday
November 8. T. F. Hogan and Son
will be clerks. The sale starts promptly
at 10 o'clock.
Is it possible to control a million
dollars and get
good night's sleep?
The Hamilton Co-operative Trades
and Labor Council met in regular ses
sion Tuesday night. President Carl
Brown presided and 25 delegates were
Credentials were read for Harry
Bauman to represent Stationary Fire
men, No. 98, for 12 months Harold
Brooks, Ice Wagon Drivers, Local No.
105, for 12 months Gordon Brad
berry, Milk and Ice Cream Wagon
Drivers, Local No. 98, for 12 months,
and Edward Seeley, to represent Coal
and Material Drivers, No. 100, for 12
months. All applications were re
ceived and delegates installed.
Bartenders' delegates report the
Bucket Inn and the Hayloft, Winters
Hotel, are unfair to their organization.
The business representative of Car
penters' Union, No. 637, reported that
James Blount, operating the Paddock
Cafe, has purchased a home from
Frank Yukola, an unfair contractor,
and that the Blount cafe has been
placed on the unfair list by that or
Carpenters also report that the
dwellings being built by A. Gossmeyer
in Lindenwald are 100 per cent union.
Representatives of the Coal and Ma
terial Drivers report they are now at
tempting to negotiate a new agree
ment with the employers. They say
they are meeting with some resistance
due to the wildcat coal-haulers, and
call upon the membership of the af
filiated local unions to insist on the
union button being displayed by the
man delivering this coal. To date the
union coal dealers are: Liberty Coal
Company, Martin Lingler Coal Com
pany, Anderson-Shaffer Coal Company.
The employing of an information
secretary was left to the delegates to
consult their respective organizations
and the payment of the salary.
A communication was read from
Thomas J. Donnelly, secretary of the
O. S. F. of L., regarding documents
released by production management
which deals with voluntary transfer
of skilled workers from non-defense
to defense employment. Committee
appointed: Howard, Ray Caldwell, and
Carl Fuerst.
A communication from the Yakima
Central Labor Union, Yakima, Wash.,
regarding strike of the fruit workers
was received and ordered placed on
the bulletin board.
A communication from the Union
Label Trades Department, A. F. of L.,
was turned over to the Women's Union
Label League.
Wilmore New Head Of
Forest Hills Club Board
Middletown, Ohio.—Charles F. Wil
more was elected president of the For
est Hills Country Club board of trus
tees at the annual meeting in the Civic
Association building. He succeeds Dr.
Anson Hayes. Gurney H. Cole was
elected vice-pi'esident E. F. Shively,
treasurer, and H. James Shaeffer, sec
retary. Trustees elected for three
year terms were Charles W. Beck,
Robert Q. Millan, and H. Alder Sebald.
They succeeded Charles L. Blair, Dr.
Hayes, .and R. D. Stevens.
Application, Arthur Reiff,-929 Cen
tral Avenue, Hamilton, D-2. Permit,
Delbert Jameson, 723 Sycamore Street,
Hamilton, D-l.
Hynes Club Turkey Dinner
Scheduled For Nov. 18th
Extensive arrangements are being
made by the Butler County Automobile
Club for the Hynes Club turkey din
ner, which will be held in the Palm
Room, Elks' Temple, Tuesday, Novem
ber 18, 1941, at 6:30 p. m. B. H. Dar
row, "The Radio Schoolmaster," will
speak and his subject will be "What
Fools We Mortals Be."
AFL Copper Miners
Win Wage Increases
Copperhill, Tenn.—Renewal of the
agreement between the A. F. of L.
unions at Copperhill and Ducktown,
Tenn., with the Tennessee Copper
Company provides for an increase of
10 cents an hour for miners employed
by this big concern, and $18 a month
increase for all monthly salaried em
ployes under jurisdiction of the union
This increase brings the minimum pay
for common labor in the Copper Basin
to 60 cents an hour, with wage rates
for skilled labor ranging from $1 to
$1.37% an hour.
Eagles' Member Drive
Goal At 200 By Dec. 20
Butler Aerie, No. 407, Fraternal Or
der of Eagles' membership will try
their best to secure 200 new members
by December 20. Turkeys will be given
all members who bring in five new
members, and an award will also be
given those bringing in one member.
The date set for the next initiation
is November 16 at 2:30 p. m.
Members who desire to take part in
the pinochle party which starts Friday,
November 7, are requested to register
with Harry Hetterich, secretary.
New York City (ILNS).—A contri
bution of $20,000 toward the $1,
000,000 fund being raised by the He
brew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid
Society to continue its program of
"Rescue Through Emigration" has
been made by the International La
dies' Garment Workers' Union. David
Dubinsky, president of the union, al
ready has presented a check for
$10,000 as the first payment.
All union-made products are Amer
Each "One-A-Day" brand
Vitamin A and Tablet is
equivalent in Vitamin A and
potency to two teaspoonfuls of
Cod Liver Oil meeting mini
mum United States Pharma
copeial Standards.
A sufficient supply of these
two important vitamins is as
necessary for you as it is for
the children.
quate intake for you and your
family by seeing to it that each
member takes a "One-A-Day"
Tablet every day.
30 tablets 35$ 90 tablets 85$
ISO tablets $1.50
Millville. Ohio
Every Friday, Saturday
and Sunday
T. J. WILDER, Prop.
to Atop that
kk OST people who use Dr. Milea
Anti-Pain Pills say that one
pill usually relieves their head
aches. In the regular package^
Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills cost
one penny each. In the economy
packages, one penny buys IVi
Why Don't You Try Dr. Miles
Anti-Pain Pillt?
tEfcey taste good, act promptly,
do not upset the stomach, con*
no opiates or laxative medi
You may be miles away from a
drug store when you are suffer
ing from Headache, Neuralgia,
or Muscular Ache* and Pains,
Why not get a package of Dr.
Miles Anti-Pain Pills today and
be prepared for emergencies?
Ambulance Service Chairs and Tables Rented
Phone 35 17 So.
Regular Package, 21 Pill*, 35$
Package, 125 Pill* fl.0f