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fc vy ,Viv I810- 18*79 American blacksmith who BECAME ONE OF THE WORLDS most effective champioms OF world PEACE, IN 1848 HE ORGANIZED 1HE FIRST INTERNATIONAL PEACf W t*t 1^ »9d H* I9fc KOS UAJION MEMBERSHIP V008L60 wms&msam Y£ARs \q\S-io. in the Chamber Of Commerce Items Community-War Chest Campaign .... The Hamilton-Butler County Com munity War Chest Compaign is now being organized for the period of October 18-29. The general chairmen are Guy H. Beckett and Huntington V. Parrish. They are setting up an organization of fine leaders who in turn are getting their workers lined up for the big job ahead. —CofC— Overseas Christmas Boxes October 15 is the dead line for mail ing overseas boxes to our service boys and girls. Boxes for mailing may be secured at the Monument, furnished by U. S. 0., or many of the Hamilton stores have them for sale at reason able prices. —CofC— Hamilton Safety Council Campaign A campaign is now under way for members and finances to carry on the very valuable work of the Hamilton Safety Council. Peter E. Rentschler, President of the Council, is also gen eral chairman of the campaign. Navy Units To March In Review At Miami Oxford, Ohio.—A final regimental review of Miami University's naval units is scheduled Saturday at 1:15 p. m. as a home-coming feature. At that time the remaining 300 men in the radio school, the 400 Waves and the 600 V-12 students will pass in re view before Commander J. F. W. Gregory, his staff, Miami officials and returning alumni. GOP QUARTERS OPENED Middletown, Ohio. Campaign headquarters were opened Monday at 1017 Central Ave. by the Middletown Republican Club, according to Robert Nunlist and Eugene Danner, Cochair men of the Headquarters Committee. BUY THAT BOY A TENT HFOR CHRISTMAS 5x 7-Foot ....$ 8.50 7x 7-Foot 7x 9-Foot .. 8xlO-Foot 20.00' 22 .E 28.00^ 40. .. 48.001 Ll0xl2-Foot Ll2xl4-Foot 16111WTTTMAN I '.t?-.^-'^-^ THE MARCH OF LABOR IN MILITARY SERVICE Tb BE GAINFULLY EMPLOYED. SUCH LAWS WERE ON OCCASION USED TO BREAK STRIKES pod'T foaeer— asr ttcr&A WAK somo tuts made see '^a -v PASSED LAWS DURING WORLD WAR I REQUIR ING ALL ABLE-BODIED MEN NOT uee*! ffo 8F ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT THE HAT YOU 6f Y S iWiad- That/T bears this iA6£u Mm S%CS»K Moose Honoring Brother Sandridge Bro. Prvt. Robert Sandridge Preliminary application blanks will be mailed in a few days to the mem bers of Hamilton Lodge No. 36, Loyal Order of Moose, for the purpose of inviting membership sponsoring and appreciation class honoring the late brother, Private Robert Sandridge. The date for enclosing the enrollment has been set for November 22, 1944. SEE US IF YOU NEED A LOAN Build—Improve—Buy Your Home NULTON PARRISH, Secy. No PRIORTY Needed Third and Court Sta WATERPROOF TARPAULINS TRUCK COVERS WIDE CANVAS Cots—Chair Covers—Tents—Awn ings, with Frames—Rope—Awn ing Fixtures. Flags. We have the goods in stock! GET YOURS NOW FOR NEXT YEAR. 2nd & Sycamore THE BUTLER COUNTY PRESS American Legion Will Purchase Home Officials of the Frank Durwin Post of the American Legion disclosed that members had voted to purchase the Knights of Pythias Building located at 112-120 N. Second St. The Legion naires will use the second floor as headquarters and will rent out the lower floor. No date has been announc ed for moving from the present Le gion home on the New London Pike. HUGE BACKLOG OF CONSTRUCTION WAITS END OF WAR CURBS New York City (ILNS).—The back log of construction projects awaiting the relaxation of government controls and the availability of man power and building materials exceeds 10% bil lion dollars, it is reported by F. W. Dodge Corp., fact-finding organiza tion for the construction industry. The data were compiled after spec ial inquiry by Dodge's field staff di rected to more than 400,000 persons representing city, county, state and federal government agencies, pri vate industry, commercial, religious, social, educational and other organi zations, individual prospective home builders, operative home builders, architects, engineers, contractors, in surance companies, banks and other institutional mortgagees. The compil ation covers all states east of the Rocky Mountains and pertains to pro jects reported up to Aug. 31. School and college buildings, hos pital buildings, manufacturing, loft and office buildings and churches—in the order listed—are the principal non residential classifications reported. The backlog of school and college USE OUR E I PLAN OF PURCHASE buildings alone amounted to $767, 930,000, and all non-residential build ings to $2,676,373,000. In the residential field, Dodge re ported a backlog of slightly less thffli a half billion dollars for one-family dwellings to be built for owners to order and by operative builders for sale or rent. The total of residential building, including apartment houses, dormitories and hotels, was $1,032, 066,000. In the field of heavy engineering construction, comprising public works and utilities, the Dodge corporation has a list of contemplated projects valued at 6.8 billion dollars. Streets and highways represent the bulk of the heavy engineering construction, although substantial volume is indi cated for dams and reservoirs, sew erage systems, electric light and pow er facilities, and airports. London, England, is closer to Wash ington, D. C., than San Francisco. GOOD FURNITURE In Every Price Range. Larger Selec tions for Every Home in Furnishings from Cellar to Attic. Look to Lowen stein's for Things You Need. BOND ISSUES SLATED Arrangements to place bond issues for appriximately $10,000,000 in post war projects before the voters will be started soon after the first of the year when representatives of the city, county and school board will meet to consider the advisability of a joint campaign to raise the money. A recent check showed that at least 75 per cent of the projects could be started almost immediately if the money was available. No estimate has been made regarding the amount of jobs that would be made by the work. KTTBBQBIBB POH THB PUM WAR BONDS [MEAN MORE. THAN A INVESTMENT Big Democratic Mass Meeting! SATURDAY, OCT. 14 -8 P. M. Moose Hall, South Second St. Hj Everybody Invited to Meet the State, County and Federal Candidates. Come, Hear the Issues Honestly and Intelligently Discussed. DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Hamilton's Only Furniture Store EMPLOYING SALESMEN TRUCKDRIVERS WAREHOUSEMEN LOWENSTEIN FOR IF OVEREATING IS A SIN, 1 I SOMETIMES AM A SINNER. BUT ALKA-*ELT?EFT HELPS IF I FEEL BAD EFFECTS FROM DINNER. fACIP IMPIGESTIOV AGOOD Alka-Seltzer contains an analge sic, pain reliever, (sodium acetyl salicylate) as well a* alkaline buffer salts. In handy packages or by the glass at your drug store. Biz 1UU& -iTry Alka -Seltzer 2* ftA*'"^ appetite a hearty din ner food that we like but that doesn't like us—of course we should "let good digestion govern appetite," but do we? When Acid Indigestion, Heart burn or Gas on Stomach result— BE WISE-TRY ALKA-SELTZER Try Alka-Seltzer too for Head ache, Muscular Fatigue, "Morning After" and Muscular Pains. 'A