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The Butte daily bulletin. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1918-1921, April 07, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045085/1919-04-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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Business Office 52 TODAY'S E RUN
Editori 1ooms ......292 11,500
V( . 1 .....-NI. I 8). lit lrI' V. '1.NT\N\. MOJNLA'. \AI!'il. 7, '119. PRICE FIVE-CENTS
Only 3,154 Electors Had Visited Election
Booths Up oto 1:30---With All Mines
Down for the Day, Workers of Butte
Show Resentment Over Frauds
That the policy advocated by the Bulletin is being generally
followed by decent citizens is apparent in the very light vote
today. Although the mines are all down and workers at lib
erty to vote early, and despite the urgent plea in the morning'
corporation papers that all the henchmen of privilege vote
early and strong, yet up to 1 :30 this afternoon only 3,164 cit
izens had voted in all the 16
precincts of the city-this out
of 13,000 registered voters.
The people were all eager to hear
pailriculars of what happened in Hel
ina, before thie sulpremle court. Wh~ien
tlhe l ulletinl appeared they bought
copies by the thllousanlds, and when
the worid got arouillld that Dunn was
lIack andi woulllt say a few words at
lthe Metail Mine Worker's' hall, the
pllaco wa; ac(ked.
Mr. James H. ::isiler had been talk
ing in his usual brilliant style, layiing
lare the chicanlery and Hypocrisy ofit
the rulinlg ipoWters of Montana, which
had deflraluded the people of their
franlchise. He hat given a part' cular
ly delightful chlaracterizlatioln of
judges who "sit." Fisher alwai),
hiljs thei Slpot.
Whein Du)llnn alrrl'ived, lie rieceived
ill ovation which ought, to cllvillnce
anyblilody that. the recent ldecisions iof
Jilldge Ialnlb and of the supreme
courtlil had not lessenlled the respect of
honiest pieople for Williami I'. Dunllin.
hMr. DIunn spllolke br)litefly. He said
'n effect tlhat although Judge Lamilb
haul admittlld fraudil, lie hadl affirmed
the frandlenlt nomination of Cutts
anll( Trelacy; tha it although the s.l
In'elle 'ouri't hllad refused to ipass oil
the meri'il of thIle ase iprelsellntetld to
them,l their action ill effect was the
salIme as idltge lainib's, to .confiirm the
fraillllenIt nominlation of (utlllts ad
T'l'lrcy, and dleprive thliousandls ol
Illllte .itizeniis otf th(eir right of filan.
'The sll uprelmellle cot justice said Ilhat
lthe poiits ia sed were too ilmporltant
to lie decided lat this time, hence they
tlismissed the proceedings, and by
their action clllrllred DIunn alnd 3t.
('lartly from the ballot. This, in
lbr'ief, was Mr. Dliui I's suliilnary of
the final hearing at Helena, which
lelt the crooks ill contrllol and the peo
ple of Illutte 5withoul(t anly voicet ill the
llimatter of selectilng I1 iimayor forl the
ilext two years.
1ir. Itilnn, of ctoursel, repeated the
call of the lullet .' that honiest vot
lr's slhotldl ay away fi'on the polls
and let i the crooks enjoy their own
election all by themselves. He urged
all Irll real Aeericans, who resent the
recenlt thicft of tlheir frlanchise to as
seºuCbl at the ball park in mass nimeet
inll to ilprtest and to take steps to
protect their rights in the fuiture.
(Special United Press Wire.)
Sidney, N. S. W., April 7.-Influ
onza is brewing more serious thar
ever. There are hundreds of net
cases daily. Ninety deaths last week
The government has closed the
schools, theaters, picture palaces ant
race course. Customers allowed tc
remain only 5 minutes in bars. Mask
uing regulations are being extendec
and all meetings prohibited.
Says Special Investigator
Recently Returned From
Russia. Prisoners Have
no Complaint.
I Special United Press Wire.)
Paris, April 7. --Lincoln Stelffens.
writer and personal investigator who
has recently returned from Russia,
told the IUnited Press that some
American soldiers who had been cap
tured by the bolsheviki informed him
that they were "better off than those
not yet captured." He said: "I don't
believe the capture of American or
British soldiers means the untold
horrors that have been hinted at. I
saw several American prisoners tak
en on the Archangel front when I
was in Moscow week before last. I
asked them how they were treated.
They said they had no complaint.
They said they had not received
enough food, but got as much as
their guards got. When the guards
got extra allowance they likewise got
lmore Oats."
(Special United Pre1s Wire.)
Biasle, April 7.-A lBierlin dis
patch reported that the work
men's and soldiers' ct.unlicil there
decided to arrest all the influ
ential persons of the bourgeoisie
and the press and occupy the war
ministry, after which the soviet
repunblic will be declared similtan
ciously with the general strike.
A. C. M. Co. Prefer Those
Who Do Their Dirty
Work to Those Who Serve
the Nation.
Another instance of the solicitude
of the copper companies for the wel
fare of the real Americans camel to
our notice in the case of RI. E. Dunne,
who has a homestead at Grant. Mont.
Dunne worked for nearly two years
firing in the boiler room at the High
Ore mine. Last spring he gave them
10i days' notice that he was going to
quit, as he wanted to go out to his
homestead. Just before the 10 days
was up his partner got his finger cut
off and the foreman asked Dunne to
stay the shift out as it was the grave
yard shift and they did not want to
have two green men on that shift. He
stayed the shift out and then went to
his homestead.
Last November he returned and
was immediately employed as extra
lireman and general boiler room man.
When business fell off he was laid
off and Richard Hawe, an alien, who
is alleged to have dodged military
service by virture of the alien law,
and one day younger in the service of
the company was retained.
Dunne bought Liberty bonds and
showed his patriotism by trying twice
to enlist, once in the infantry and
once as an engineer, but was turned
down both times by the examiners.
However, that cuts no figure with the
Hawe is a brother of the patrol
man, who went to Chicago last year
to testify against the I. W. WV., which
may account for his being favored by
the company.
(Special United Press Wire.)
Paris, April 7.---President XWilson's
condition continued to show improve
ment. but Admiral Grayson ordered
hinm to remain in bed another day.
Colonel House and a few other Amer
icans visited the White House Sun
dlay and were permitted to talkl brief
ly with the president.
(Special United Press Wire.)
Dublin, April 7.-Thirty Gmen raid
e ed a hospital in Limerick yesterday,
rescued a youthful Sinn Feiner who
was on a hunger strike, killed one
e constable and wounded another and
t locked four guards in cells.
S(Special United Press Wire.)
! Paris, April 7.--There has been no
t. confirmation from official sources of
a rumors that the Hungarian govern
is ment had been overthrown and For
is eign Minister Bela Kun assassinated.
it As far as is known here the minister
is preserving order.
0: I
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I- h C1,o oo tetre ttiisae snt·te I tar en Iotu iif h t: tnt: it lih. 2 M
Co ,F oltic<I.1anit fllr it.4 xn'al;~lfw o a o ei)Am rc oIctmi i h v r. t- h tti
abeviw ofte .S S iso rioattg ae e hrh tl hlo iit heIs o he''t:mt-e'e tt lt'so
A crowd of lutt Ol vocrs estilmat.Id
at 6,0)00) asseimbled at lhibgen talli
park at 2 p. nl. todtay to listen to
speakers dtiscuss t he ballot boix ralds
iperpetii rated I at It, lr'c nt 1prim. 10".x'
a1nd the decisionls of thle courlts inl pr
miitting the action of crooked ollicials
to stand, and thereby robbing them
of a voice in tlihe city government.l t
Men and woenlo, inll their llundredst
and tens of hunireld(1(., b)ra\ed h(
snow flurries ant seni i-\Wintry t(ill
perature, to discuss their wrongs, andt
fin(d, if possible, a solution, a remedy.
of a condition of affairs unparallcled(
I in aly other American city.
S Siartihg under the defeat ,admlin-I
Sistered to themi at the polls by tlheO
crooked eloection officials and A. C.
M. thugs: exasleralted because of the
action of the courts in not alfording
t them relief from the intolerable con
dition imDosed on thenm by companyi i
hirelings; shocked by the last brazen
and outrageous violation of thIen
(Special United ]"le;s Wire.)
,HB rne. A l\ ril T T he (sla, li- hni(' l il' the .\lalt i;,-l ,so.\i.el reltllllit' l, .lo,\ I. i-ý 1' [l',, ('i ll
in adlvi',es receivedl f'rona V'ienn . V ,ll lllkih ;Illea . l ;'lºl.; gone ,ver In ih .,lillll iunisl s ,itl
th le iirop s e l sovioe re blie it being h teii al l .ed. HI 'ueiilis s wt na it a XV an u-utialu I Il se
goverllmu t Ct i i re said ou have ulis~cii~ .el \\iithl tli' .'ltnu ni sts the it, ssiililil r Ii i .l.i huangu. iin the
tii-stliii ratit ,iu (tleh latihing, they al re i ea;i.y Ii, stiurr ler their pl w\\' i' IIh.w tnuuuºui. .lk \ ill a is
TheI sucialists luintl uitl ( hl iI u hSi(sXis lt _\ i .\ ii ntul; , l iuut l tj (, . l I' 1. ,1 lr',to thit' tltul, te.
tl'Ihey elill iizi t'Ii Ie that tht ent itles i I , t tuils l l'ut I )(ood fi' ( the "ir i trl' I li> u nIu-ull iu . ii ll
I'url'ltilt i tl t I I 'i ' tt It' ' il lie ' l ' I IhUl I,' . \us t.' i.t i i i i- T'i'ihll- . _-t
gi etriV llluie' l I it i lil It Ii lij ll e I, s.
Real Soldiers Dominate Ar
my and Navy League. Vote
to Parade Easter With
Pearce-Connolly Club.
The meeting of the Army and Navy
league yesterday afternoon proved
conclusively that the returned sol
diers and sailors are animated by the
real, not the sham, democracy, when
Ed Bassett, an overseas man and a
worker was elected president by a
substantial majority.
lMr. Bassett defeated Dan Melloy,
credited as being the candidate of
the Cutts' forces.
Mr. Harrison, another overseas
man. was elected vice president.
The league voted in favor of an
amendment to the state constitution
permitting Spanish - American wal
veterans joining the league.
And to top off a perfectly demo
cratic day, the boys voted to march
with the Pearse-Connolly club or
IE-ter Sunday.
(Special IUnited Pres:. \
San Jose. Cal., April 7. r Louse
Mallory. wi(dow of a woi:liy P'ort
land attorney will probatlt ai -I
fore night at, the result 0of ih: ;int(
mobile collidfig with a I!;i: : touth
of here.
.Aicricaia rights by the copii pr auti
1rats. rn American mein anrid wioim
en, iruring Ito manuiiify younig iii ii
xcii hlad frmnis iii macas iii t miniem -
lii irr i'. \ rIiity ri iteri iIiirfliiy iii iii·~
tcu Sk l cr u t st nol. tI·. which hutted
ill fee l li c ntinue-! tiprenutc of the
cilcai nirCorraition imil o rrii y ever iii
ilicted oi a people in this or any
Larry I iiggaii. iii irmdeita ii, a
thurels anonker in lihe Cain-co of civcm
i-iginteoirnet". andi a iceierTaili ig
If ie nd oi the worklir.. rctd as ciii -
iii oif thei meeting.
.1 C. \\ Irniciy, ihe niewly elcredim
'iihool irri-tii, wasn tii- first rilimaii r
lii ihi atrnooi m11 mmii M-hiiccy, as
orr aii iccaseiins -w-en- ire hasr airy
thing toi 'ay on uritlers riiectirrg lie
welar oiini the workrsiim, lilt no cue iii
idoiibt is io whiat iie I lirigir of tire
piiimarx iei etion frrraud aixd liii rci
I;. I. Wh eeler wis calle from irrir
sea iii tin granidrrtand' liv Chairmanrn
M si.. Io:rissey. (Il frll er music
leh,; , ti . l er a1 . r;,, 'i: not to
go .i in' i Ii ' of Friday.
.Marel" ' ".
She sa.i, "1)o, : Stay with
li , I im a'fri:ti . i lafraid somce
thing will h~a letin." l'h i:eamstre.:e
did not itiay. -i,.:le : did happen.
M.rs. M irrisey .l :ii i little cousin.
Margaret ('o i)i. l, - 1he was afraid
of her husband. \1 1in1s Mrs. Mor
rissey brgg ti liI, :-l:s Comba ti,
Itay all niglh; wih l. VWhen Mie
Coniba ataywe l ,i his much lha,
tpned. But Vi..- (',,mbI, was not with
Kate Rtoian. i ti.e i,it--.r Le acher, the
night Kate dia t. ;', \woman was
thetro. ()Oly d \lorri>m-y, the hus
band, of v whio I;I is afraid wa:
there in tih, rolmln 'I.lh her Wheun
Kate dil- rnl I.:i iMorrissey, the
bruItal, dru'iike.-! 'in!u , who hadt
dragged hitr by h. i aiir the day be
fore. (OIly Ed :I r:di cy was in tilt
room xwith iheli.r, 'tld! g to the tcsti
mony of 1.s br, ,, Mike. Aid it
the ho1..' i !a ! ia"' ,i;l and no doC
tor and no pr-.: in the house, in a
distanit ipstar i i'.1',' were tw(
drunken C;llous. isupid, old labor
era, who ha\v lore b )-In tools of thi
(Contlinlue'd oni Page Three.)
11, I'rceti\et d a welo ,ni1t romt lii,
Ionsl'lilr gai l l hri g that . t1 h r(.okl'
artd defamt l aint whilt lt \,n
t' nilted Hidles(s di,.s;tri l ltorlity, wola.!d
give 11heir right arms 1o latic't ltidi'r
11 was the re:g il tion Ivy ithe 6.t00t t
petople there of a fighter for tlh
light, their recoglitioll of a m nl1ll hou
ali mi singlet-hud, s d fought the A.
('. Al. autocr ey to ai stall 1till; iwho
ren rIs, pois(le( the it, for Inus pris
sure that the A. ('. Il. knowt; so well
how to exert, to allow his, oliice to
)ecomle as instrument. of 1he inin
ing; companies for the pers-cution of
the people of this sdate.
In a short, sincer( speech, B. K.
W\hol(ehr flayed the system .rnd the
men responsible for it, for th1 , ton
ditions that obtain in this slate; he
did not mInincee wdtls ill descrihing
Continued on Page Threel
In Austria. 36-Hour Week
Established. Allied En
voy Denies Army Will Be
Sent to Hungary.
(. ýpccii. l 1 'nitid t'rPn WVir,.
1ludapa.'t. April 7. funiral
Suni. sp.ecial allied ,n oy, r ,vicied
Foreign linl ,istr lIcla Kun iin his
pIri.vate ccarl. sm!.s and his party de
nijd thllh ruimor lhit hO allieS were
planning io :<. nd auniy to liuin
.An "int.e'ri;i io al rd irl'llly" i.; be
ing organizitl hlitre. Two thousand
well i(tluippiid vollnteers arrived
froii Vienna undtter colulmunist lead
ers: miore are \i-O"reld. A maximitum
36-hour weetk has benI fixed for apl
preutices. Free Ibooths Ihave been pro
vided for school children. The week.
ly tuition fee haI t; i in abolished. Al
hospitals have bitein made free to thi
public with preference being given t(
plroletatrian. patie~nts.
Predictions for an "Easter Peace" Are
Promising---World Capitalists Are
Getting Together and Details of the
"Divvy" Are About Completed
(special United lies- \Vire. )
Lawrence, Mass., April 7.
There was serilous rioting ,arlyv
today when molre thanilli I ltl' iik
it.g textile Worklers ruS lhl t he
I':\ eret I n ll, hurling stonles
throug h windows. The Holy I;os
ary C'atholic chulrch was also al
Itacketd anid valuable stainedl glass
whinldo1ws broken. More than 70(
-h(ts 'we'l're tired durtinig the riot
ingl ill which 100tit police participlal
ed. Twenty-eilght atrihers were
arrestl ed, chargetd with i iolilng.
Despite the ' ntulnlieitr' of shots fired
no oli'' is reporlte'id \vwoulndted.
Workers of Paris Denounce
Acquittal of Assassin,
Shout "Long Live the
a Parisi. April 7. Th'here were cries
of "Long livi 1t1e so,\iets,' "Dl)o\wni
willh war" aind "'ownl wih t .the peace
conferenco," at the huge demonstrai
glionl olganized by the ftederationl ofi
laita ir and the socialistl parly t h li r 11
(test loday against the aequittal ea
ItRaoul Villain, assasIin of Jolans
,iJiuires,, socialist. leader, alid in honor
of tho memory of Al. Ji u'es.
'Compliara tive oriider prevailed
.thlroughout the pIarlade, hilt as the(
procession Imoved tl Iihrouigh the dis
trict in which il. .artes had lived,
there was at Feeling of walking over
a uoined road, where the merest in
cident might hrilg about au explo
Emile Vandeveldh, Belgian minis
liir of ljustice,. a d the Friench so
cialist deputies, Marcel Cachin, Vic
tor d'Albiehz. Marcel Semlat and
Jean longuet and li Hyalmar t rltilting,
Swedish socialist leader, headld the
itVhen the hIeadl of the processionll
reached lth h[ omi of Jaures, .Al. Solw
bat and theI olher depluties entlered
thle houset. Tlhey presenlrtnd lime.
Jaiures iiand Mllh. .Jatlr s with palii
and a beantiful boulgluet of flowers.
Fully 11)11,000 people lined the a e t
I nues, looking on witlholt c:heering.
S T i'e route of the proce"ssioll iwas
guarlded bt y plailn-clothes alnd ulli
fornTed poliCIRleOn.
(Special I'nitced P'ress .ire.)
opnhllllagln, April 7.-- The (ler
Iltan golverC nmnpliil at.; disctovered plotsi
in iseveral townis for tle estlablish
ment of a soviet republic, :a seri-oC
licial Berlin dispatch announced. Iii
pre ssive lieasl..res are being taketn.
The Krupp wiorks are reported to bwc
id!e and it s officials hale bieen in
slructed to arm hist elii.0les against
k lergenc.
(Special IUnited Press vire.
al Lincoln, Neb., April 7--Dispatches
ed report ita snilt',fal! uof front three to
nine inches: i easterln C(olorado. ex
Stendling as fair east as McCook, Neb.
le- Ten illchles fell in the vicinity of Sen
r ( eca, Nob.. , laring railway service.
n; All wires are dhowu.
Id- -
Im (Special l'nited l'etss WVire.)
OI- Omaha, April 7. -Twenty persone
ro- were injiur+,d ill a tornado which
sk- struck the western poltion of the cit,
All last night. The property damage is
he estimated at a quarter of a million
toi Sixty houses were damaged and se-.
1I'iil colulll'-tely destroyed.
I Special United Press Wire.)
Paris, April 7.---When the "big
four" ri-sumed its conferences here a
feeling of hope prevailed in American
circles that the predictions of Lloyd
George and Foreign Minister Pichon
of an 'Easter peace" would come
true. Whether this will be possible
depends chiefl y on the British, the
French declared. TheI setilenient has
been dellayed fr beyond the Ameri
ean fortecasts of March 25 and April
I hrough nito fault of the Americans.
The mlore opitistiistic of the delegates
believe the qucestiott which has been
chiefly responsible for delay--repa
ratiou- will be cleaned up today.
The attention of the delegates for the
piast two weeks lhas been centered oni
the task of getting the British and
French together on this problem.
Lloyd George's pre-election pledges
to the French and promises of mak
ing the Germans Ipay the full cost of
the war hale beetn stumbling blocks.
Leadtling bankcers lfrom the Scandina
\ian c(ulntries. Holland and other
neutral ciountries. arrived today to
confer with the financial experts of
the peace conference regarding Ger
iman credits in their countries. The
( iGermatns recently advanced the plea
1 that they were unable to make im
mediate gold payments to the allies
ow\ing to intterest on credits to certain
illies falling due. The status of these
credits, it is learned, is from neutrals
lthemselves. ''The alliedl financial ex
p rts worked all day Sunday prepar
ing for ttodl 's I('eting with the "big
e UMB O180Y%
( Special Uniteid Press Wire.)
iitlondon, Alpril 7. --- Iudalpest so
viets have 1ooee overthrown, accord
i itng to Vienna dispatches. Bela Kun,
S lltllgaritlln foreign min ll ister, is said to
- ave bteen killed.
(Special United Press Wire.)
alieli, April 7. ---lhtumors are cir
I (lating that a counter revolution has
b Ilroke.n oitl ill Iltlltapest, says a Vien
nii dispatch. Ilela Kun is reported to
ta 1 ' bv(b '1 assassiinated.
Speecial United Press Wire.)
S Loniton. April 7. - A Rome dis
, patch reported tlhe Hungarian bolshe
te viki ha\ve declared war on Serbia,
which is dlemanding allied aid. Mar
it tial law is said to have been pro
claimed Ithroughout Serbia.
(Special United Press Wire.)
Paris, April 7. - The American
peace delegation has evolved a defi
nite iRussian policy, it is learned,
which xwill be submitted to the other
allied delegations for ratification.
For Failure to Comply With
Original Stipulations.
Company Intended to Sell
M Land to Japan.
s (Special United Press Wire.)
to Mexico City, April 7.--Due to faiI
x- ure to comply with the original stip
tb. ulations the governiment has an
nounced I ie ca ncelatioi )n of'*conces
sions to tfit, (t'ilifo'nia-Mexican liaid
conittiny of ILtos Aingeles.
It was rptllorIc ttluhat this colnmaniy
intended to sell a pIortion of the ter
ritory to .Ialtaini'se interests. This
caused tie- rt-ccnt discussion over
is such sale provoking much excitement
ch in the U'nited States.
ity __
Fair and warmer.

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