"THE RE-CONQUEST OF AMERICA" IS REPORTED MOVE TO MAKE WILSON HEAD OF LEAGUE PART OF PLOT? Besides a Privy Purse of $100,000,000 to Run Private Wars, Campaign of Blandishment of President Is Outlined in Satirical Report to Lloyd George No docIumentI of its killd inll y.rrs .t.s ct(llis'tl sucli a sti i:n V.tashlningtAet .s. the re'tmarkablle l)ltplletl entitled ."The RecOllnquest of America," tlh(' fotlilth inlstalmente of which is 'epli',urnil by the Illletin froml the New York'i Call today. Evitlently a satire, it intimnlates 'that the public policy and popullnlr psychology of the United States for several yean'rs hias been c'Onlltrolled by the BIritish foreign office. The original Ilanphlet bear's the imprint of A. (Gordan Brown and Com paly. 164 IEast, 37th street, New York city, and the publi.hers explain that the test, in typ)'wrl'itteni form, was found neal 51)0 Madison avenue., that city. Inquiry revealed, they say, that Sir Williaml Wiseanl , chllief of the liritisai secret service in America, had recently residird these. The pamphlet purpolrts to he a reporlt by ain anonynou.s u ilter to PCiesi Mittistter Lloyd George of EIng'la.mtl IFOUTl''H IN STA I,tNE?'T. I ccnfe;s I am a litlie uneasy loet in the exigernci,. of diplonmatic combat. Mr. Wilson may not have found the joy he anticipated fiom matching hi.l w1lts against the best brains of Europe. lie is easily slighted and remark ably vindiCtive. It is in the highest degree desirable that any trnaces of resenlntmnt his mind may be .:trhoring against us should be radically removed before he returns. I would, therefo;e, suggest that he work otf adulators, however, should be instructed to consult the inventories I have prepared (Appendices 45-I 1, which show that he is now surfeited with diamond stomnachers., brooches and bracelets. Gobhelin tapestries. mosaics and vases, gold caskets and plate. The program we arranged for his' visit to England (Appltndix 33) in cluded a royal recopion at hucllkijlg- h1am palace, With which the president was well pleased. This fruitful visit of the president to the king should be returned as early as possible. I would suggest that as soon as the president is settled once more in the White house the visit should he h , turned by his royal highu ta . t.i prince of \Wales. who would be aw' abnmirable representative of iis royal site, and would satisfy Pre'ident \\il sion's sense of.fitues: . It is, pelrha),;, unfortuinalte that therr is not a pi esi