OCR Interpretation

Constitutional Whig. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1824-1832, December 12, 1828, Image 2

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attrlimonP SMiiji®.
Ihylned Flattery.—Mr. Calhoun, (who tho roadei
15aware) alter supporting and acting upon for twenM
years, as a member of Congress, and Secretary o
\y ar, tho most ultra Iatitudinarion construction o
file constitution, has of lute boroine*a convert to lim
if aririnism—and to make the change cl ill more flat
faring to Virginia (which State it is supposed m:n
ho necessary to his election as President) compliment.'
Mr. Tazewell with the credit of Jus conversion
How can \ irgiu’n resist so much condesconsicji?
Conjecture is busy at Washington, arranging Gen.
Jackson’s cabinet tor him. Tt seems understood that
I\Ir. \an Huron will by no means consent to place
himself within the “line of safe precedents,” by con
senting to be Secretary of State. Who then wiil the
Gfcneral select ? Livingston is perhaps better qualifi
ed than any other, but there is a rule of the Senate
prohibiting tho ratification of the nomination of a
public defaulter. Mr. Pazewoll’s acquirements and
experience run altogether in the lino of law and logic,
lie has neither diplomatic experience, any known in
timate acquaintance with foreign relations and the
lYlterual mechanism oi* European cabin; ts\ nor tact.
c imagine that the East liooifi business will place
Benton kors dr combat. We should adopt the opinion
that, the Post Master Genera! would be elevated to
-his responsible station, it t ho events <u the tour las^
jcara nan not uiteren the relationship m which the Sec
retary of State ivns formerly supposed lo bland to the
Presidency. Far from courting the position. Van Ka
ren has nianouvrod himself into a station which gives
Mm an apology for not accepting; and as Mr. M'Lcan
is now openly announced as n wooer of the Presiden
cy* thin!; Fiat. lie too will shrink from putting him
self “in t he line ofsafe precede nts." In thisexigenev,
Wu think the Hero will have to pul up with some «o
mnid rate man, unless Mr. Ritchie can be tolled from
the task of directing the destinies of Virginia to t ho
Fiy>erinteiidanco of those of tlie nation. We throw
o)it this hint fir tlie wisdom of (Jen. Jackson.
■I’-he other Departments are nssignod to nurri >rous
expectants, Messrs. Drayton, Johndtm of Ky. Eaton.
Benton and Houston, for War—-Messrs Tazewell.
Berrien, YVoodbrtry, rapt. Porter. Xavv—Mcy*~>s.
Gbeves, <,ul!at’.n, hivingston. Treasury. iVo. &r*.
Speculation on the subject is however, idle. There
are materials enough for the formation of ail abl.
Cabinet —and as we have a President who spells with
great difficulty, and !:s too ignorant in Mr. RitchieV
opinion, “to in'erprrt the plain meaning of a single
Jaw,’ it must he confessed, that there was never
greater need for nil able cabinet.
The Hover nor in hi; letter to the int committee,
prays for the restoration of the reign of -‘pure, unadul
terated reason,” and good feelings. Auien! Ret us
sp.e who will best, observe the recommendation.
Iiis Excellency the Governor, seems to think, he
has lately passed through n severe ordeal, from the
party feelings of the d.13*. The reader will be editied
fo discover from his letter to the committee, wlc.it ro
. bio motives he has been governed by in ail his recent
demonstrations in the newspapers, and v. hat a holv
spirit of Io\e and j-ioTy* Lr- lilies in that composition!
>/ar. ikiNG, Let], ujs licon ap;>n:ntca tx S°nri?or oi l
til© IT. States, by the Executive of Maine, in place of!
A^»'os K. Pahhis, appointed State Judge.
A splendid Coach,to be drawn by f ::r White Horses,
Hits been sent to Wheeling from Xew York, thee to1
nutet Gim. Jackson and rnndncf him to Philadelphia.
—We cannot forbear on the occasion, repentin''- the !
fiblo told by Plutarch. “ A wolf, says Plutarch, perp
/riw into a cottage, discovered a party of Si g,herds
feasting on a kid. What a devil of n route, said h.e, ■
Would these good people h ive made had they caiurht
mo feasting on kid.” Dreadful would have been the
chnsternution of the exemplary Jacksonian Renubli
Chns, and few and number,' 1. in tb.-ir opinion, tin* days |
iff tho Republic, had Mr. Adams or Mr. Cj-*v rude in 1
a splendid coach drawn by four milk white lor
But jealousy aside, we think all true lovers of f\
jyrblirnnwm, the genius of which is in opposition ‘o ]>■*
fade and adulation, will unite in dislike of tl ob-e- !
quions ostentation. Why draw Gen. Jar!; a\ with i
white horscK? Why isth • whole country to be at- 1
f.ractoil to witness ; iita ring eve* and j-ar.-ngrti-ntlhs.
Jus progress through the co iatry.-> Air. .1, ti'u-.son tra
velled to Washington on horseback, and that horse
neither milk white, nor of the be t? Mr. M. miks
progress was marked. !•>• no idfort t<* rr.a -h< vul-mr
•eondcr, or fee!‘Jiern«?<*lves placed at nn anti r---)'d>ii
cn distance ftom their riders. Vv’e shall not e:-i -
ourselves by pretend to consul" t! i.» parade u« the
evidence of <:.>rrii|.‘.on of m-nr.ors: hut we tr; r k e
i'llc and import lent, ami worth) of repriuni.!. fr-m
t >e sound pi-r* ith . com inuri'*'.
THEATRE.— I.-. 11 p’hi is pl.yc-1 linin''
\Vedm-sday meht to a iVl hoes *. T > say iir-rcU'
that he p'-rf.rmrd the char -.ter v <-'/, would be ih.m .
film injustice—to s-.y he excelled the many eminent
tragedians who have per. n<-vd the character on t!-.«■•
RjehniOTi'l bear,! ., mi dif 1 " consi bred as doing 1 i n
teor** than ins' <■<*. I* h however true, that he evcited
the universal adii iratb.n of the audience; audit was
the opu ion of mam . it n ,t all, that hi* lms- no equal
th thatch mictor.— flee' - - - he engnir Mimrit m-nidif.
J>' the character of l *, in—Wo anticipate n ri- h
treat to a ltdl h
I .• • )•»-.?!/< ; r i •’ ' ■■ : -i-(tli c r, iCfi.n:-.
-‘ Hl-eiV • \i. 1 r■ i . I u^t’ -• :■ ‘ ourl re Ltfie
Mr. I Job: . i. 1 ‘■n,■ ,
>h the Scoool o. <»e*jk. -.vi• It -'me! .-* • , : i*. »|,.*s-hool of
-•r4fb? r?f'C» !.v ’i • I * • r -■ > Pin" • *. t, on
I i IT! *
<Stnev«U Otogritililg.
hoc-si: or nelevates.
Tiu.i;sp.vv, Dec. 1!.
Reports wore mado front sti'iiding commit toss of th.*
1 House by M -rs. (Jordon, White of Rockbridge, liv’d,
j iluthorfocrd, Yancey.
Petitions vverr presented liy Messrs. Wiiiis, D u
; gess. Puck. Ruthertbord, Chilton, Henris, Allen o
i.oc. Smith of Ken. O FcrraH, Fitlntgh of Fairfax
' Tlraxtoti, Chilton, I.inn.
Mr. ( inode from the joint Committee appointed t*
wait on the Governor elect, reported tiuj folio win <
address to and ansu r from Mr. Giles.
. P:c. 10th, 1B-t>.
7o ;■'< ' l'\r !’rw*y If‘m. ft. (It’ - —
>ii: ter joint Commit.. >* n! dir H'viu* of Delegates an
>>•'ot te • ! o ;islnuire . \ a, tit *-erf Hina:» tlto pica-ar
■; ‘tt them, n .-. e • • . Ii>rm ego, that you Iwvvo ayai
been elected ’•> the oir.ee of t ;• -UfitiMlHfc'-' f Mni'isfr.'? .* ot U
TtjBRBh;. n,
.• u fute t'> • all-ad *cd ingratitude of Lepublrs, ul least shows •
1 ' vour public services l>a\ • i • -rt^Vsuch a oi arae.ter, that th
j’ 1'Opr escutative. ot a tr *»• n.i ’ eu^yhteiled |>*-ople, ran never I
unmindful of lii.Mi. Tim l.c nu rture t fvour native htatc hav
■ j evinced the high I'stimati.-ii which ’.hey rlace upon year 1 ■
j continued, very able anti faithful services tu tlto -."'ll
i ofyiuu country, try r.ill.n" y.n a toird time to the highest off.
in their rii'. i«> this r.*i. --.ed deinnn.-ti.'ition of the unYmii
: ! i'-hr.'l confidence oi >;-■ Legislature in your patriotism as
i talents, as well a.- ti.r'i gratitude for your pa.-! public rervirc
| perm.t us, sny f»»|- the other metubrrs of the joint (’omtninee ae
, to ■ t ulat
; ivWl’L Y\VI.OR, C.h'nof
'*1 note Crtiiimitfi
Y/M. O. COOUK, (Mi'ii of
t '-i.-t. of 11. of Pelc.al. ■
Uu UMiwn, I>(V. Util, 18155.
. s- • ' •• < . • ii f l!~ni. O (it ih . t "i'ii, •.
• _ < i.aitlciuert: I io . • I disguise tl>i'lii'ii-- t feelings of in* hear
1 -- I were no* lian . . to acknowledge to vim, that your enuuc..
tiounf mv re i le-t,-n by the (icnu -.l As. cinblv,'to the « hit
ela^.: traev ot V u :yma, n-.-Vr piv-scnt eirctim.--ta.iees, ami it lit
preset11 n-orwit, I as a ‘--ide.Imt* pern l a.;- per.-ona! gralili.aton,
Amidst the dark electioneering scenes which recent]
I nvershaii--vvc-l our country, when none who dare.I to take a
«? part thei wuver pit - • rasio . o inmrnct
tn:* niton , e. ive osi aped w-tkout bciu-a covered over vvil
the mo. t in.me. ,j repio,teller, ! .!- -If Jo:: . ate, at;,
the part 1 \va . impel). I, Irotii 11; po'-'-.re of pc i-liar eiTinii
ftna-*i*«, tut 1 a - of iries!,tililn .ill*, v, to act in them, that
. should i* v - passed tbrcurh tl- - unhallowed • rdetil, a ■ well a
-oionjli ii*i!...tu;.it:- collisions f opinion arising fioe.i nthe
j r •'Uses, v.-.tii ... ieat a portion oi t’-*- eonfnlence *-fthe t ii'ncri
' Assembly.
j J »>ow m *st • Tventiy pray, that iiie la 'rentable ?c -tic-:, will
**" ittoi liiintc passions which have called them into actiot
j me, shortly pass away. I hat pm -, itoadulterated reason m;i
once mo.e resume the Judgment jv-nt, and tlint truth, j.i,t;o
v; i :t* -I'-.ai !•« -te.-le-nee, may a -a fn lilc.-s our itappy l ine
'hii-i ^ inde--d wouhl it he, hut t-n* --ir own frailties and trim
i. [»*• t-. • u,* i»tin n^siirc tr.»* (»rn*»r»H XfM'mbly in m
belmlt.t it 1 ncvci li . nt m3 mi out of my whole life, fc«
even a p.i'-i.i- doubt nt \ iryin 1 .. yiai.’iido, although i aspim
. *° *'•* imditmry claims i pon :i; bat I accept th.-; PMu-vwt
| ,e- . .a .• -a i-d * it 11’1 111 irliaiillisiicd e-.’. itidetire o| V instili-Vs l ienc
, ..d A -.i ^ illy, w ill most "ralt'lul mid atlei tions'te sondiiihtie.
- b-at I v ■ m* v to i iv own approvin" conscience, amotvi
I the >rr> i pfeeir.iK • .'wards dial can tie 'stowed by anv humai
1 t ii.mn u: and sony indeed am 1 to say, tbat the nnlv poor rctur
, I •• "i make, hum eon-ast .11 my own sincere and solemn pledge
iiaiii,i''re a a.it ot my pbysic.il ,'ivl mental powers, all.'.ad'
i S"M" *"led on tlio e.’ivme end of the brittle thread of Hie, hti
■ mil i epnitte i to me bv an iiv.luiyit Cod, shall contin* .■ t., |,
<-.-a ■.( to the la.-t, with the same undeviatiug v.eal, diligent
• and 11 ' -.ity, which 1 am new proud to sav, on !ur !>et:"r auspi
, c.-~, oa\- in times pa«t, marked soy whole public conduct; par
^ t■cui.iilv ai tn« devotion t 1 ii-e best energies of mv mind
I :i; to.■ ■ e-t mo'iit 'iis, to mv li iui!>! ' endeavors lor piomotin
th" well.ire ot onr beloved country.
I 01 .hi* o ;i.iin ; and llatteriii' manner in which you hav
1 r.v. ijijs uiiauiici.it 'in, iie pleasi*!, yeiitlenmn, to accept nr
, ; nc.'i-. thanks, with my Invent prayers for your individuu
aea.tli, prosperity and Jiappiness. WM. 11. CILKS.
On motion of Mr. Dohli'tj-r, Resolved. that tin
ommittoe nt Rrvui.s be instrueti'd to enquire into tin
expediency <>i making a further appropriation tor com
’ ; 1 ling the Staunton ami Parkersburg turnpike,
j On motion ol JIr. C rrter, leave was given to briig
’n a bill so to amend the existing laws, providing to:
- tint poor, as to make it the duty of the overseers ofthi
• poor, to report, curtain iiitbnuatinn touching t!ic linen
1 bor ami condition of the poor in their respective conn
' ties, and tiio amount of poor rates, levied vnnuallv fo
i the:r support. Mr. 0. drew an argument from tlu
• condition ol Kngian.l in regard to her poor, lor the at
I t ill ion el the (/on. A» midy to this important snb
ic Tito resolution wa s referred to Messrs. Carter
i Fit/.htjgh ot Fair. Dodd’ i-'ge. Alien of Preston, Kent
! \\ o .ltolk. Stillman, Terrill and Cnporton.
1..tgrov<•/•/? Hif/s—Anihorif.ng the purchase of Dor
rington’s fndo\e«jo Dee's in th- frenerril Court, am
pr o eimg lor t je tutero indexing ofdoeds admitted to
record—and establishing so.taro te idcctions in Char
<:nt‘ l''r,l?1k^n' '’ ere read a third time and passed.
T 10 engrossed bill concerning the rnrrties of the
1 late 1 reasur -r. Jenna n Raker, (grantii? r their, inditl
: genco b r a r. rtatn time and on certain conditions) be
ing read.
• li.rui >;? ol F. \\ . r:ove,l a. rvdor l 1 tho hill,
providing in M'lbsfnnco. that ;h.« suretiesshould derive
no 'l ieui' ig” from the art. until tiiey had given seve
rity ikr the indemnity ofth- State, against any porsi
-Vr. A. stud he did not wish to lie understood that
:ie sho’tli! ho opposed to the tu',1 in any sh ipp it might
1;c i>:♦. ITe tj] 11 willing to grant {ho indulgence
,1S|‘| *i epu.. f 1;.• condition that the Commonwealth
s.irtn lw s-vor 1 Irom any possible injury rosultin-T
f1/’”1 t:.r indulgence it:-!?'. Tt appeared to him that
:t the surf-tie; s'lotild m ike way with the prop uty of
f.'io into i rcasurer, that there was r:o mode provided
by the bill tor indemnifying the Stat v He was an
prts°d of the r'.wjM-etah’iitj- of the sureties; but. when
acting as a f ,rg; kit or, he did not J ,r.k to the respect a
bdify or the wealth of individuals'. He was told that
the r ireties w ro now, and were likely to continue
anir-’v r.-yp * • - .hie for the amount of defalcation, but
lie v> as dispersed to hazard nothing, and to grant no
t m. ors in in.-, pnluic capacity. nubseen real a,rainst
the possibility of doubt.
ly»hlr:<>y s.ud he aw not the least necessity
forthe rvdor, vh’.ee h.-i nought was onoujnberhio' tho
surrties iinnccf-ssar.lv.
^,r* • -f -g * e oj-por I d ti.c ryd r as wholly vuiuc
ee-;s:.ry. J’ ■>: : h-s p-r aro'tai.-.tur.ee with eomo
<>j tho sure'! - - - k '-w that six ofth in were respon
s.ii’--for um-jun: ten tim. : (■>;.•« --ilir-- tJ,y deficit o!
the late J rcasurrr. M he properl y of .ferman Baker,
responsible to the sureties, Wiis valued at 15,000 or
;V-0.0O0. I.-:u ;• . ;iti inconsiderable sum to be paid by
' he so re: ie". if 11 fhl or r<-a -Miiahl-v, to require
tije sin:-tics ta k in: .-•( euriiy to Richmond, when the
debt «*f the Commonwealth' was so abundantly se
i io r-. d r v.u • ak-o o; p*- ] upon similar ^rounds.
by ' m Antler t Ed,
.Ur. A.ft'i -• -•< rg, mod. lie wonhl not change the
. ,,-ir o l.-.f -iitb -i v : ;eb h - thought right,If the
•oovr::;•>r ; . u or in-y j-f her persons were as*
: ‘ ,;'1 w -1 w.tj. the ser* * •. He a •knitted the surctica
v »-;• d ; -e.o’i-di -d < 'inr. h r un i large lortnnes; but
'».* <* ' e >1 !<•: r.v •; v. mM bo their condition in TUe
! em k-T, iy.Jj. 'i’Jit :r -uuutinn was liable to vicissi*
1 • ” • 1> s"-c- , i ii* : that by this bill the estotes
t (d *• -a. > ' ■ were exonerated from respon
i'r' ' d uyt pr*‘end t > be acquainted with
! *•• ' ' tfit' i.»n i. le.it he uuderst- od tint n r d -asv
• • ot fated tt re! ■ all, Tli r
■ ••. . ; •[ rovisiou :n the mil for requiring the assent <
j : .’r ••• •n'at.i»«j> c-f deceased sureties „u its provi
se-’1-. Mr. A. liken -i this application of the s’lrotic^
to tie* c:\. ;• of a net, n;l m! at 1 w. applying for r» lief [r
: i no.-; o' eqir’.y-—ti.-.-.y were bosnd to imlemnify fh<
j cr-m-nor.v -nit!i iigam.-t any possible injury that* mo\
i r« *td *r -r.i =*..cc ' of their amdicaticn.
A few words wen- ta>id ia reply by inessrs..'Invan.
| tiryn •,» the qe -t.-n was ta'k.ei’i.:,ud the r.dcr re
ject el. b, a largo majority, end the h i! passed.
Oil ,;i >ti . 1 of mr Hmitli of Kan. t!ie committee o:
Cchoo' ■ rind ( ge.« -.ven instr icts d to inquire iiitn
:ii • -die? -v ;;u»b rising the J’rcsiilent and Di
j rectors of toe I • rary Fnnd, to pay to the &;Iioi>:
( oinm s miei. of K n .wha. arrearages due from tin
1 School Fluid for K > and
* b| hi >1.. : III t!|'- COTfiiill'tn o of I'rono
si' i-eis an;, < i rievioie • were ins: ruefed to inquire in
' to lh“ e.voe ;iom v of re;-.rtin •• I.'*! •'g ’ h • ■ cvef t.]
Cl. ** rd T’ ..f *.
) - '
.hi. oi i* uiriUx, priUiUM'd the follow ui'r re*
s.dution by loinarking, that while In* acknowledged
‘lial the literary fund had effected much good, he was
oi opinion t • n’ it had not effected as much as it romlit
• h i made to cfcct. A single fact would illustrate tliis
jiropesition. A sum less than that appropriated for
edu. ation in \ irginiu, educated in the State of New
\ ork, UO times more children.
/ii oo/cer/, Hist the committee for School? and Col
leges, be instructed to enquire info tlio expediency of
I authorising the school commissioners of the different
, j counties, to cause their respective conuties fo bedivi
. i d ‘d into districts not exceeding miles square; and
, wherever tim mhubitants of the said districts, shall
• have erected in the centre or such other part of tlio
said district as may be agreed upon with the school
t commissioners, a school-house ef suitable dimensions,
i and durable materials, to appropriate so much of the
1 annual quota for their county, not exceeding doi
• ’-a»s, as will together with au equal sum raised by vo
. hiutarv subscription in the district, ho suflicient fo cin
.. ■ ploy a suitable teacher for tlio \vh< or a part of tlio
e , year—provided that the schools thus established ; hall
e . m all <*• scs, !ie free tor the inatru lion. \\ it bout charge.
- of all the Children within the district to which it bo
': longs.
i « hrr. Tiur‘mi offered a rcsokilirei for referring the
i ; subject matter ot a hill repnr. <1 from the committee
, of Hoads, v'er. to'he Hoard of I’vhlic Works.
■ .hr. .V>ty considered it. irregular to refer a hill to a
body o f of the House, and he moved to am, nd the
, \ so * ion by subitituting a >> -. lotion fbrcuquiiad
I dressed to the Hoard of I’ublic Works.
• | opposed the adoption of the rest hi
(ion—hat i> was passed; wh ei ou motion of .•Ve. 7'tr
• The Jfougejn] journed.
3C«tf<W<U @V'3QVtfifS.
v ' Movdav, December 54, IfSJS.
/.V77-.7,*.M/f. fMi’llGri'.MIUVT.
' , .^,r* I d'Mi I'-r-cd an ! if •• ;i;,.. ; ■ .a... bring iii «. (i•ilowiii"
r j joint resolution:
- 1 A i<'>i:u resolution 'n- tin* rat- :n:d pn-enation of the Cumber.
I i-tml Horn!, and ofother Hur.!-, made, nr to be made, by the
- I ederal (iovetn «.«-»st, u bhin »!:«_• limit- nf the different State.
i Hi to/tv-/. .',c. i .i.it 'a ’ i Government acquired no
• , right of juri,diction, nr - i *v..v ti e ground on which the
j Gttuil trland Hoad runs, either hi : s fact of making that road,
t jrvhvthe terms spirit, or k t uition of the legislative acts ol
- i Vn:i»y!vaii!a, Maiyl-uid or \ i. .in,a, in •minime their assent :,i
■ have ii made.
j J. That it i-not expedient (or the Federal Government tn
■ charge itself wtfn the c re are) preservation of the roads made,
- or to no made by it, within the limit? ofthe dhienuit States.
That tiie car- nml pr. ?•. ivation of the Cumberland Road,
• • and of all the Hoad? n a ;, or to lie made, by the Federal Go
1! vermnrnt, within the ldn.ts of the diU'ercnt States, oucht to he
i j 1« ft, and is hereby declared to he left to the States respectively
I ^ in which the said roads wav be.
4. That the princij les of justice, 'he harmony ofthe Union,
• , and the spirit ol the hedw.i! ( o npa -t, which contemplates an
t j equal htmsirui of benefits, as well as of burthens, among the
t j members ofthe Confederacy,} require that expenditures wade
t ! emt ofthe Federal Treasury, for objects nf Internal Imprnvc
, t mem, ought to be extended to all the States, and apportioned
; among them in fair and just proportions, according to b>me nni
' form, vjuitaMe, anil ; ■ nnanent rule of apportionment.
a. That the relative exTlmt of the diherent States furnishes
• the fair-?t rule o; np.poMiomnent for such expenditure; and that
- earli State, in pr.o]w lion to its relative extent or size, isjtirdv
- entitled to h ue as tin cit of the Federal revenue expend il
, within its limits, im pon-io-es of int-mal improvement, as has
; | been expend tl or may be cspt'nrie! within any other state, tor
like purposes.
• That it is not expedient for the Federal Government to
• hold stock, for the purpose of drawing dividends, in any canal
1 or mad company: and that all such stock owned, or to he own
e l, by the l ederal <«ovemmcnt, ought to be t old to individual?
, states, or companies, as soon as the works, hi aid of which it
, was subscribed, shall have been completed.
The resolution was read a first time, passed to a second read
ing, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Bento:: cibmiite:) tlio following resolution for cousidera
■ j tion; which lies on the table till to-inorrow:
lirsolpnl, That the President of the U. States be requested to
, : ‘"ui>e adctail-d statement of the amount expanded bvthe Fcde
ral (in: ‘-rniiu at upon works of internal improvement, within
too limits < tin different states, to be laid before the Senate, so
- as to show hiwmuc.h has been expended in mrli state, upon
• -uclj work-, from the adoption of the Federal Constitution to the
, first t’ar of Oct. last; with an estimate of the amount ticcessarv
to complete any work which is begun and not yet completed. *
XVaSIIIN otpx, WmsEsnAV Decenjbnr, 10.
'! In the Senate yesterday Air. Hawk attended. The
‘ j olo-' tion off he .Standing Committees was continued
! and completed viz;
• Connniifte on ..)ii/i(ar:; .‘3 firrx.—Messrs. Ronton,
i (Chainua i.) Johnson of K< it. Barnard, Chandler and
; ilondricko.
; Committee on the .Ifi/i’ia.—Messrs. Chandler,
((Chairman,) Marks, Tyler, .IT Kinley, and Brandt.
Committee on Jiaval J[ (fairs.—Messrs. Hayne,
! (Chairman.) Bobbins,Seymour, Woodbury, and Taze
I woil.
Couirn'Hcr. on Public T.nntix.—Messrs. Barton.
(Chairman ) Kin<r, Eaton, Ellis nnd Kane.
Com unfit e on Private Land Claims.—Messrs.
Smirk, S. C. (Chairman.) M’Kinley, Thomas, Katie
am! Bai ton.
< .ommu lee. on Jnui.di . 7f}a>rs.—.Messrs, White
'(Chairman,) Foot. King, Prince, and Benton.
Co-"miller of Claims.—Messrs. Haggles, (Clmir
j man.) lie!!. Chase, Rowan, Webster.
, Committee on the Judiciary.—Messrs. Her rim,
j (Gbriirtn m,) Seymour, Webster. Rowan and Hayne.
| Commit he on the Post offices and Pod. Roads.—
; Messrs. Johnson of Ken. (Chairman.) LTlIis, Tyler.
I Jolmstou ofLott. and Silsbee.
Committee an Pensions.—Messrs. Noble, (Chair
man.) Marks, Chase, Foot, mu’ Prince.
C.aimi'tc on the Distort of Coiumh'nt.—Messrs,
i Raton, (Chairman,) Boulignv, Chambers, Noble and
! Ridgely.
I Commit! e,u tie C.;nDy.- rd Tixpenst* of the S m
j ate.—Messrs. Kane, (Chairman.) Hendricks and
j Chamber;.
(’oimnifhe <.•> I'nstrosscd Hills.—Messrs. Marks,
• (Chairman,) Willey and Bateman.
Mr. iMi.Kesr; submitted a Itt:jfion instructing
• lie Committee on Commerce to enquire into the ex
i pedieneyofabolishing tin: existing diUercnco of two
land i half per c-nt. bofr*. eri the d hies on iinpo-fed
goods. :md the drawback. allowed on their re-exporfa
1 tiou, and also to enquire whether some of the Custom |
j House charges to which Importers and Reporters of
merchandise. and owners of V *. ss.-ls, arc now . niece-1
I I ’d,ought not lobe d wcontiuucd.
fn the 1 loose >f Ilctir. senhid’e-s erday. the va
rious n solutions laid on tle* •::•»]' in the prect.ding
j da .*. calling for information cm various subjects, were
j taken up. and agreed to. A rpsolnti >n was ofiered
• rcqui.ing tin- Commltt'-e on c.- s to enquire
:u'o the expediency of reducing the duty on Salt.
, When this resolution was res ! Mr. Woox»-.o. k de
i maaded tb'M|;i‘>liou of coiisid. ru.tien, and asked for
[t-b.1 Ayand ?\ooa outlie qr.es'ion. vhich were or
I d ired- 'Fite question was then taken by ayes and
j :• ts. v.her. the House i‘.-fused cousi ; ;r the fesnlu
jf.ion—Ayes 75. Noes 53. The annual Treasury Ro
I port was c-mmunicated to the House by the Speaker,
; and 300(J c opies were ordered to be printed. A re
;;t:rt irom the Secretary of War, on the subject of the
I civilization of the Indians, was communicated to the
; li 'U *. and ord -re d to be printed.
•j After the morning business hod been d:-nosed of.
j the Speaker called t he Orders of the Day: when, on
motion of Mr. Stho\o, tie- J fouser esolved itself into
( nininilteeofthe v. hele on the state of the I’nion,
, &,took up the bili toanth >ri';.-*the establishment of the
territorial government of Huron. AT r. Htiong moved
’ ••'■•v'-r.-.l amendments to flu: bill, and having filed up
j the blanks the Committc.* r- and reported the bid
as amended. The bill and amendments were th -u 1: d
; on the table and ordered to printed tor the u.,'’ of the
■, House. Tiic House then adjourned.— Jour.
'i d i fir —A Phila lrlphia paper states that many efthe < jt
/• i: off in-strr County nt'’ eoKa;* :i in laudable cffoi;s i-i ntisc
j % in. vardf <>f tii*\r Own. and thus to supply their with r
p'ea a.it ami wholeroni • fever-C'-, in plsreofthe poisorxni.. am!
• iroa-inu liqtioi - wb: a are a:.nc.i.iy ut**,i**-. in • hu-i !;n!scf live
uirotijuia; iho Union.
Oisil s 5>pr y.i.i/.icrcrfr.—The bris l... k< I >li r, t.oin Cron
"it, l'» i’lovi. ciK -. with .i valuable cae/>, was totally lost on
Nnntti-V.fi ! tied nicV of a : ■ •• ’. v»r>' rh • -it tin*
Ifovciflu Ktuifi.
Ph11,ai>Er.PHiA, Dec. 0.
! „ Wv the arrival at this port of the brig Mary, captain
j Stiyduin, from Havre, Paris dates totlie 24tlx, and llu
ivretothe 25th Oct. have been received. We are
I indebted to Mr. Sanderson, of the Coffee House, for
• i file of the Journal Ju Havre, ftont which wo are
able to gather little of interest.
Wo find no confirmation of the full of Varna as
stated in a private letter from Hamburg.
1 he Journal of the Coth says—“L ulil the present
! time, those who had interpreted most unfavourably
I tor Russia the news from the theatre of war, < onsid
i.-red the fall pf Varna as inevitable; indeed, devoid of
tall fortification, pressed for many months by a numer
j o army, which was encouraged by the presence of
! t"- t,lis 1'hice appeared condemned to fall into
i ”le h:"V!s ot‘ ,ilc- bariegrers. Now, the deliverance of
I \ arna is at least proha hie.”
In another part of the letter to the editor of the
j Journal, from which wo extract the above, it is said
i\ar;n need net feur an attack; before ooouimr the
I breach (<>r entrance, it will be necessary lor tl»ritiis
^imisto disperse the thirty thousand meu of Umar
\ none—otherwise the combined attack of the besie
ger,, and the Turks ,m th,. outside, would threaten
; them with an almost inevitable ruin.
; H is mentioned as a matter worthy of notice, that
l.ue name of tlu; Emperor of Russia docs not once up
p-uw m tiie Russian bulletins. “Whs Nicholas,”
the Journal, “in the camp, or was he on his way
; to he capital?”
^ 1 he reports from Constantinople, represent the
'! urks ;IS excellent spirits. The Grand Scmnor
vviis at tan camp, with the standard of the Prophet;
all public officers are clothed in military costume.
i ne led < t>ns from the Turkish army, recount the
daily victories gained by Hasssein Pacha, under tiie
! ‘Utrenclnuents of Shumla, which are called the “<„m6
■'■J the infidels"
The Journal says the Emperor must have lost
eighty thonsaud men iu this cainpaigno. His armirs
.have been dccinntcd by the sickness resulting from
the climate.
J uu I runcn army nave suHered much by sickness
1 in tin? Morea.
\V«* havo given the opinions of the French writer,
touching . arna; but opmions go but. for little un-ainst
larts—and hence deference is due to the privatelctter
ron, Hamburg. The Havre paper quoted above,
• Inis the following paragraph
. “Letters from Amsterdam of the 20th October, an
1 nrjl!nJ-'e tIlf> fall ofVarna, after a frightful carnage, for
; Which the Courier Anglais of the 23d, is credited.”
I A number of persons connected with the Post Of
fice, hare been arrested in Paris, in consequence of u
j robbery committed in that department.
■ Safes at Havre, 2Uh ult.—Cotton, Louisiana, 1 5
,a 1 it); Georgia, 98; Rice, 30 a 31; Coffee, Marti,h
] quo. 1 2?; Haiti, 1 50.—[{7. .S’. Gaz>. He.
A letter from Hamburg of the 25th of Oct: recei
ved by a gentleman of this city, eays,—“Tliwmornimr
j a courier arrived, bringing the news that the armv o?
j the Urand Vizier sent to relieve Choumla, has been
\ beaten by the Russians, and that Varna capitulated
; on the 11th of October.”
| The letter was received by the Ruth & Mary which
1 *lmu ” ^ llris port yesterday, from H&mbari'li.
[Phil? Gar.
i- , _. . .. „ Ramhou, 9.
\ J c^islahve. Qn I fiday last, Thomas IZiiJfin, Esq. rcs'irued
„5.,*PP“jntinciit as one of the Judges of the Superior Court._
j il rlhe l. JUangum Esq. is in nomination lofill the vacancy.
<)u the tamo duy, tuo incflhrtiial balottings were had’ for
Governor. They resulted as follows:
I t 2d
i R D Spaight 50 58
i John Owen 4.4 47
Mont. Stokes 39 23
Willis Alston 28 19 withdrawn
James Mcbane 23 gj
Scattering 8
On Saturday there weiollirrc ballotings, and on the last (<ro
oidy as many candidates, and yet there was no election a dr’
cuuistance, we aspect, almost unprecedented:_
_ . , **d 4ih 5tlt
SpaiglU St) 83 89
I Owen 71 89 n'»
! Stokes 19)
Mebanc 11 \ withdrawn.
1 Scattering 2 4 5
: On the same day, a hill was introduced by Mr. Nicholson, ,0
j establish a Medical ISoard in this State, for the purpose of exam
ining the granting licenses to such persons as may be desirous of
j practising Medicine.
; We stop the pressto announce the election of John Owes, of
| Maden, as Governor, for the ensuing year, by tlw lbllmviu* vote:
1 Owen 98, Spaight 92, Scattering 2.
r Balttmork, Dec. C.
i c i ara 1 hat llie late George Gray, whose death
wo announced on the 29th ult. has made the follow
ing liberal bequests to public institutions:—To the <
University of Maryland, in trust, for the solo use and
benefit of the fnjirmari/ attached to the Medical Col
lego. the stun of 5000 dollars. To * Herat's Hospital.
in Edinburg, ninety six shares of United States Bank
Stock, . qua], at it? present value, to about 11000 dol- !
darn. To St. ^-Andrews Social;/ of Baltimore, a lot
ot ground on 1’resident street. The deceased was ai
native ot Scotland, but had resided in this country, and
latterly in the city of Baltimore, for a number of years
pa.-t. ^ Although in the course of a longlife of industry 1
he had accumulated a largo frrtune, the tenor of hi? ‘
life was uniformly retiring and unostentatious. In
h:s intercourse with his fellow men, his conduct was
always marked ..>v the strictest iiiiegTi;
* iferiot’? Hospital was founded<iio at two hiiulnii years, age, ]
in the rity of Ivdinburg, !>y (ieorge Hcriot, goldsmith, find ban
ker to James i. His . *■-•■ •?* if we are c<Vrectlv iu formed, .\va= •
2.1,000k sterling.
\ ,-.np,, g.— \u .• .j|. ri( an in Kuglnnd v cut to heftr |!|<‘ n-l<--.
b.air.l Howland Hill preach, and heard him toil the following
story in the pulpit:
S; : Uiiingof jwliutr,', ‘nc said be would tell us a story. “I
once went into a shop where there was a clerk, n very p:o<’
yotmg man, andwhii" i ua? there, lie wasobliged to haul clown i
gno Is in piles irom the shelves, and spread them out, and then
la v them away again, and pull down more, aud all for noting in i
ihe world, bat fo gratify the curiosity and caprice of a parcel of
;ossippin;r iiMtomcra who did’nt want tobtty : • y tlito
Hul l mil:I tell yr<(i by the way, thfil th’? practice i, very rude 1
and uncivil. Sjuk people don’t cure how mm h trouble t! >’
gr.o. 1 hey 11 go into a shop, and have piece a Her pa ee taken:
dow n and unrolled—when they don’t want to buy a farthing’s
worth. Ill tell yon what, it’s very rude and vexatious—T'd
have you learn good manners. Well, seeing ho-.v much nunc
cessitry tmuhlc the young umii was put to, ( said to him these
pcopie make, you a great deal of labor—yrm must find it very
vexatious to wait on such unreasonable foil:?. O no, he said: it
dor? me go > k it teaclu - me the graft*: of pnlicncc."
Ladies who are fond going a shopping,tinav •'? well, pra-- ,
baps rt ad ovt r tae. good preacher’s semon ou it second1
I ui? .splendid Actor is already so advantageously !
known. Mi at. anv description of hi? fine acting, isunne- :
ccs-ary. On Wedne-day night, the house was filled ;
to ov* r/lowing. The fashion aud beauty of our city,
nnd a crowd of respectable strangers see in determined !
to continue a general turn out. At this season, wo
may now and then expect a stormy evening: but an
umbrella, light shoes and a snug envelope, will secure j
us to the Theatre, the comfort of which has been I
much increased by an oxcelh nt set of stoves* A great
tr<v:tanticipated from Air. Hamblin’s Virginies ‘.o
DIED,—On i hui'May morning the 4th »i.:tat Laurel j
:*rooK, l»ij:widdic county, the sc.tt ofber lnclc Mr- Edward O. J
Branch, 'ss 5 a ft«it A\x VVmn, in the 13th year of her age._ !
Beautiful and artle.-v in life, gentle and tranquil hi death.
“ fh- lovely finds a pen refill grave:
1 i’1'" I' it.fin: oit with solemn brow draw near.
An ; Peek the .-acred sj>ot with beauty’s teHr.”
f~vr. r-. •_ ..a:.."1:«c—
Tllids N. O. ]>art very superior, landing this
morning at the <? • ! for by
dv- J?--!’, Sf xryt’Tjc*
luo meeting ol Merchants uiui diti/nius called to
fake into conjuration the Ware-housiug system, wan
defeated by a misunderstanding as to the hour. The
Merchants and Citizens of Richmond and Manches
ter, who feel an interest in this subject, arc requested
to convene at the Merchants’ Coffee House, on Fri
j at halt past four o'clock in the evening.
^Commrrcl«n iiccorty.
' ~ *• - --- ,
: Front Liverpool,. t,
; From Havre.Ort.'
r rom New Orleans, . ...... Nov. IU.
IlICUJHtJvb jiblKKET. T *
l OI5ACUO.—Review of the Tobacco Market this week:—
lixtmne prices of pa-sod at unction, $3 40 to f3—ditto <SI
, related, .j~2 30 to >o—general sales passed, $4 50 to §5 50._
1‘he demand lias been elm ily for inauulucturlng — some sales of
old tobacco at the counting rooms, mostly at $5 to $t> fur ship
I lliciit. r
At the Public Warehouse ye-terduy, one hhd. New Lugs solil
at >3 :>0. one at > J 90, and one at £1 10 per hundred.
COTTON—So i.*u. lr neglected here lormerly, now ranks as
one of our staples, and has heroine an article of much interest to
j ot,r 'Merchants All that tl»«: planters bring to this city is itmiie
j iliately bought up, at prices certainly as high, we believe higher
than is given in any market Lc.twton Charleston and New York.
! It now commands 9i to lot cts. according to quality, and isiti
good demand. Planters would adviuice their own interest hv
j bringing their cotton to this market. They will find noadlfficulty
i in gPMi"S purchasers, and good prices in good money.
h LOUR. This article remains without alteration since hut
j week. Wo quote city mills $3, cunal $71—but the.-o prices are
I merely uo.ninal, few holder- being disposed to sell. The artlcjti
j continues income, in freely, and as there is little or none ahlp
I ping, the slock commues to increase. 25 to 30,000 Lbls. arp
, stored, waiting for higher prices.
j WHKAT—Which last week teemed to have settled clown at
: about £1 10, Las improved. Good merchantable* wheat now
J commands £1 50. This rise is attributable to competition
i iln,onS lhc millers. The season for bringing in wheat is nearly
over, and it comes in sparingly— chiefly in waggons, (rom N.
Carolina mid distant count.es, lioin which wc seldom receive
:U'y, except when the price is high, to enable them to pav the
heavy land carriage in getting it to market.
Thu New York American of Monday cvenFii*',
j quotes lT. S. Bank Stock at 124 5-3 a 124*3-4. K.C’
i change on London at 109 1-2 a 109 3-L
I'root the.Y. V Jour,ml of Lunwurce of Monday.
i - t With particular notices of private sales.
CWsu—There was a hotter demand lor .St, RommffoL, tv.
, port and nearly 200 Imgs ol that description vvero sold at 11* ,
i els. leaving ii>«* stock cousdrrHhlv reduced.
' r( '•tYa,‘‘sw‘'re ftur, anmunting to 2000 bales; i„chn
- du« —»<) l'laud at 10 a 11.4 a good proportion at II a 111 cis
1 'OI il,;me us'\ 1 70 bales New Orleans at lot a 13, the latter prio
| acrop; and 152 bales^RSlrama at 11 u m*
I he Market continued steady with no chan *e in prices. **
l iisioius.-Smie improvement has been realized here and
httle more at the South, lor cotton to Liverpool. Small v.wl«
continue in demand. H a,nau vessC,*
^“.T0" Salu“!a> 3000 Buenos Ayres vary prime, ^hom.ev
Relieboth s cargo, averaging 281bs., weie sold at iKnf'nT^
| and 3CK) light foronoke, without selection, at 104 cts. There
I were sold (luring the week, .500 Montevideo at 15* cts. Omo • fSu
I light, from the same place, at 15cts: and 600 St. Domingo at 11
ct* 1 here remain no prune Hides, of any kind in fim hand"
j arvi T R,ork ,!i verV I'gnt considering the demand which is cbm
I mon just at the settiug in of winter. ° ‘
tRov.—The whole stock ofthe country nashcen vervmurbh,.
creased wdhnnwo or three weeks by arrivals from the Baltic
but prices have not receded. ', u,r»
, Lkatheii. Prices aie perhaps * ct. lb. lower in con*couen<-r-„C
Ihe eu. ct on hides produced by the Brazilian peace with Ks'
Moi A.-srs—in the same heavy slate.
Rio- Abom 100 tierces were sold at 3j a -l cts. in email ntfr
cels. The market Is rather heavy. wJMJaupji.
Sait.—Ahuot 2,000 sacks Liverpool Blown, afloat at ourl i-t
rev iew, were sold early m the week a, $34, and the whole a.ian
t .tv is now out of market- The cargoes of Turks FslancUvere
aLo bought by the dealers, at, we think about 50 cts. as tire lou -
est price, and are lust going off. One cargo of St. L'bes ls-iit
which remains in first hands. * 1
Srunw. There is no important change in any article The
bfi pipes Bordeaux Brandy, Cleri brand, sold at auction ou Toes
day: though believed to be pure, were out of bond, so that the
IT 04 a"d ?•'* fts- »*>«*» no evidence of dccllm
V> ni>k*'\ 22 a 23 cts.; C n!er Braurfy 31 cis.
Sio>R._About 500 boxes brown Havana, taken for export n
unnsat 9.4 cts cash, con.-titute the principal sales—l^ToX I
white were sold at 13g cts. The NewbrieaUj !£££»IS
ur-.ay at . a 8 si, was ordinary.
Toiucco.- By private contract 100 hhds. Kentt.ry have, been
sold, consisting of selections from various parcels, at 41 5 and
a.-; no other transactions except by auction. The stock ofleaf
toouceo is reduced to a few hundred hogsheads. ^
( on.v LxniA\GB.—The past week has been one of great iode,
cision andnfbut lew negociations. There reems to be no »crteiv
21 0f1,,,;on as.,0,,he *,:ll,re. There are very few shipment/noim*
forw ard, and there is no nerve for speculation, ali are lookins
w.th interest for the arm al of the next packer—$7* was offered
on Saturday lor >00 bbls. Richmond country flour lyin ' in -lore
but was rejected with the r rnposal to accept the offer for a paf
celoftberamc kind on the wharf. Some sales were mafic of
outuern at .x7* , * and 4; of N. York superfine at 7j a 4 Wes
tern at AH, and choice brands 84- The market is well supplied
with Southern flour, but the quantity of Western is small Rye
flour sold at 8.4 a J. For ;r lot of i.O.ifi bu. Western Wheat I. :>
alfd'VrrT:-" r.- rT ' V.was demanded on Saturday,
and i > > cts. oftered: Sou bu. N. Carolina were sold at 1561 i-i*
l.ve was sold at 621-2 . ts : 7(>0 bu. barley at 50 cts. and ennsid
era .e ( orn at a0 to 6u cts. • We have a memorandum taken
:o n tne books ol the canal Collector at Utica; bv which it ap
pears, that the quantity of flour brought down from the 1st of
• T{- h.v tne 1st. ol lice, of the current year is less than that of the
corn s-pondiug months of 1827, hv 80,000 bbls. and that tin
qitan; tv of wlvat is lev hv 730,000 bushels. This deficiency cy
*• r.uiug indeed to a very large proportion ofihe whole Western
t xpoit, must ol course produce considerable effect on tho nrark
*’.*» '^'Lvitsianding its influence is powerfully counteracted
the abundance oi \ jrg.u.a and Maryland. ' *
_conr of Jircfui^vjj. dec. u.
S hr. I-Vr.'icld, Collin, 6 days I'm X York, with sun
dries. to Jj W,-bb Ac Co. Davenport, Allen A-. Co. Jno
Alien, Jr-s Winston. Wm I Clarke, C Berk. A Swee
ny. P Sullivan. Triplett & Johnston, C Holt, jr Ac Co.
'■I Hollins. E Porter, Lnrke & Sizer, Baldwin, Ives
£ Co. C M Mitchell, D Dutton, S Putney, J Thomp
s -11, J Bray, J N Cordon Ac Co. J M’Kildoe, Cray Ac
I’a-ikey, J il Nosh, B Peyton, J M Weaver, J Suivay,
W H Fitzwhylsonn. Lnn'mster Sr Denbv. Wadsworth
Ar. Williams, W & D Kyle St Co. J Williamson, M
Brnr, h. D P Coit or order, J Parker, II Neilson, Bag.
ell Ac Sint1 h, J A Ac .T Myers, jr. F Ac E James Ct-.
1> Allen, Hail Ac Mooro, M S Valentine, Ro Johnson,
and to master.
Sclir. Marv, M’Eclland, fm Boston, via Xorfolkond
City Point, with sundries, to Euckc St Sizer, D NiV
urt, M AIi!!h. A Ac A Wooldridge, Davenport, Allen
Ar Co. W Mitrhell, jr. Otis Dunlop Ac Co. H O Ac P
jrih-m-y, G Fisher. X Carv A-, Co. W Allison, Jetoe*
M KiUio»*, nnd Wurfham &: Mngrudcr—Sailed iu ccr.
with schr Hope and Polly, for Norfolk.
re hr. Dioincdf, Cray, fm Portland, with sundries,
i O Davenport, .Mien Ac Co. and to muster.
Schr. Florida, Staples, fin Portland, with bricks Ac
hay, to James Fisher.
*y lir. Enterprise, Corson, 6 days fin N York, with
Selir. Robert IE Stanton, Thompson, fm N York,
SHir. .kdin Ac Nancy, TJ'-skelJ, fm X York, ballot.
S* hr. Priscilla.-.fin Siuitlifield, with cotton and
brandy, to Janies Winston.
Selir. b ranklin, Price, fiu Alexandria.
Schr. Orleans, Jones, fin Alexandria, with wood, to
must or.
SVhr. Mount Pleasant,-, fm Alexandria.
Eighter Ann, Childs, fm Petersburg, tobacco and
shot, to Anderson, Blair Ac Ander.-.on, and M Myers.
Sloop Planter, Albertson, 6 davs fm Philadelphia,
With ballast. ' r
Sloop Jolly Sailor, TJpdikc, fm Norfolk, with sucar,
iron and tar, to E Webb A C„. Ofw. D-mlon Sr Cb.
and T A W Cfilirff J

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