T-: - 4 THE DAILY APPEAL. FRIDAY- MARCH 13, 1857. g-We are under obligations to Mr. Son ' tago, tha gentlemanly ckrt ef the steamer .Tteniei Boont, far late St. Louis, Cincinnati and Nashville papers. Office? Williams, of the Chirac po IIOe,arrlred her on Wednesday night, with Hekdricii laeustedy. The Utter 1 now In the calabtote. fffS" Mr. Capers' bov, Goldinf:, was yester- liriur eamnvtted by J edge II I LI. te JU, lo amrrir tit eharg of parttelrattag in the murder ef Mr. Tasker. The Inauguration Washington Cor- BXEPfMCBESCE- On fir second page th reader wHl find aciresnstantlal and we think highly Interesting account ef the Inauguration ot President BcchaXan, from tie pea f Cel. McClakahan, ot this efflee. Correction-. In our report of the proceed ings ef the Grtmvaal Coarl jftUxiij, we stated that Mr. Thomas James had been sentenced to the Penitentiary. The name should have teen Thomas Joxes, who was sentenced for atx years. Moke Truth than Poetry. As the folks hereabouts hare recestlj had abaaaxat cause to know, winter may "linger la the lap of spring." The weather daring the last week has been a1iast as ctM as any . dortagrfce wtatet which it was feniHy hoped, had hid us farewesL Mexico Treaty Rejected. Our telerrapb tcdletutehes this morning anns&eea the fact that the late treaty with Mezioe, prelected. It Is Mid by Gen. Gabsbes. as ce&eladed by Mr. Forsyth, has been disapproved by President Bpchaxax, and withheld tram the Senate. J5f We are indebted to Captain Smedley, ef the steamer Choctaw, for a Newuiltans Piccjmnf o! Smdayltst. Oa the margin ef the paper we nad writ tea, "The rery superior and fast manias Hannibal haa the sM." This Hannilal Is eee ef the rery slowest boats en the river, aad the mail will proe-aMy get here te morraw er Sunday, Fire at Brownsville. On Wednesday night a fire brake eat Is the Circuit Ceart roota 1& the Oaart House, whK destroyed mast cf the Beaks and pa pers ef Mr. S. M Ash, clerk ot the Chat eery Oaart at Haywood count y. The fire is tufpeaed to hire originated tram tha store In the room, the Ctreatt Ccart haTlag boea la sessiea uuring the day. The toe was dUcevcrri la time to save the tuiUBg. Harpers' New Weekly. We have received from Mesws. Cleaves Jr. Gcios, No. 10 at Harpers lftitlf Journal of Civilization. It ceatalat a vast amtast at reading matter, aad treats apeo almost every known s abject. Ibis pubUcaMaa has ofcUtaadaa lm meaae ctrcalstiaa. It Is fcraisaed, by euVtCfipttoa at (1 60 per year. Sin el: copies can be parchaicd at the aw book stare et Cleaves Jr. Gciojt. Main street. gST" At Clark's Dafcuerrean Gallery is a estaevtf Photograph of Mr. Fhve, the artttt, catered by htmseef aad takea by Mr. KHM1XG70X, which la as per feet aad beUf at a llkeeesa as eae wtt see anywhere. is a large, but set a fall stee. Mr. Frte hss alsa painted several other likeeeeses of weil-kawa cMiseas, amoaee'bws a most perfect paitrait ot Fletcher Lae, Esq., and eae et James Elder, Esq., Michael Magetxey, Esq., etc. A Valuable Work. Messrs. Cleaves lc Gvius hae placed apaa ear taWeanew beak mm the jmMtiats hoete ot Garrett, Dici t Fitioerald, eaef Ir.-qziirc If'ffMr. for Anythirg Ton Went la JTiwtr, " watch geaera! descripOes coaveys a Tery faith fat idea ef Ks raian. It is iaterded as a beek far f amHy retoresee aa all saajecta Gsaaected with domestic ecoao rar, i.c , it. TVe do not kBow haw hoaae-keepers chM le witaost K. It may be boaeht ot Messrs. Gleaves It Gnow, at their See store oa Main street. The Artist's Bride Messrs. Garrett, Die & PlTMERALD. hare forwarded us, throsgh Messrs Geo. Pattisn it Co., a copy of this, the last pro4aettoa et the set bralcd novelist. Emebsox Bes nett. K oaataiBS faar handred aad faai U-ea paes, is pristted ea large dear type, aad beaod la embossed doth. Price $1. Tate is eee f the most Ihrfflmi EatiTepradsc tasac we hare erer read, aad yet the incidents are so tree to aatare, so IKe-ltke. that the reader can scarcely realise the f aot that he Is reading action. The sketches of the "BrsWaBt Heiress," eaa of the interview between the Lawyer aad Ms Stadeat, pwsess the mcst abeerbtng In terest. He never allows vlrtaocs precepts to Hager far bebisd the recita ot virtue ru praettce. Bth are in cte t eeattgaMy. Stop the Thief. Mrs. Mart Jones, a hard.workiag widow lady ot this city, waited apn as, .yesterday, aid reqaestta that we seeald offer on her be ' halt tea sem ef $U for the detecttoa ef the thief, who rooaed her on Wedaesday nieht of a gold watch, a seif cacMag ptstW, and a dirk knife. The articles enumerated were stolen from her residence en Madisen street. The person whoa the sapposes robbed ber.lt a man who goes by the same of McQcabe. She deecribeg him that : Said McQoade Is aboat IP or 3 years o. age, fair com plextoa aal thort light hair He hat lot. onecf his teeth, aad the little soger on hit left ha -Hi has been cat offaboat tte Sret Jotot, audit tied ap. Webopoteps Itte win aid Mrs. Jones la reoovertog ber property, and briag the thief to jasttce ; she will pay $23 either for the retain of the property or the cobvkUob et the thief. V Inociee Within." Socb is the title of a warkwaHbwe received yesterday from the publishing hoateof Messrs Garrett, Dice &Fitxberalb, New Tork, whtct contains "over 3,769 nsefsl fscts." It is a large Eve. vatame, containing 434 pages, and is printed oa good paper with dear, large tlted type. The price of "lLalre Within" is $1 It is for tale bj Geo Patti so Co , Main street. We make the foUowia; extract from Be" preface" . INQUIRE Within" Is deeHedly the most vonltrjvl aad metal book that has ben Us c-d f eratay years. It shoaM be In th- bands of every fami y la the country, at H greet a v.st amount ef iuformtion on every sohject eoaeeet dwttndoaiee'lc life, not heretofore in priut in nr .alter wrk As a book of r-frence ltts lavalaabie, K retort to and explains every thing, whether yoowi.h to model a S ,wer 5n wax to ornament a vs by the art of pettchoBianie; to serve up a relish for breokfakt or for sapper; to sappty a deUdons entree for the dinner table; to plan a dinner for a large party or a small or.e ; to cure ahead-ache; to get marri-d ; to establish acquaintances aaeerdteg to the rales ot etiquttte ; to p'ay at cards, chess dku ff.na ; tevstov an hoar at carl. as puzxes and arithmetical questions ; to Us any kiad of a met ; to do apaneat p-rcei; to relieve the invalid; to write aad speak eorrectty; to arqaaint yourself with the technical un to tUeratBTe.law and medictoe ; whether yoa want to daasa ; o oommeace aad oad a .oort.btp, or whatever vav aT wish to do. make, or to eej-.y. provided your de s bu relallin to the nec-siitles of aomrsuc l.fe a'l yoa have to do Is to procure a ery of Inqcire Within, aad K win give alt too information yoa want to know. - f&T Oor article in rerrard to Mr. Bland, -was written on soea relise lBtormaltoo, as Wt us no fMa todoubt Itt eerrectnets. Ta whatever extent it may Ibtdeemtd by Aim erroneous, we give him ine oenenioi a !'dsnal by pubtishln g the following card. Except In a very -sajghtrtspect, the ppbttshed statement seems to aeoord wMh Us ewa: "AV Octraoe "I notice In the Appeal at yester dsy.aa article headed as above ia regard to aa tHercatl n between eat ot the female teachers of oar pevtte schools aad myself, aad feel It due mreetf 1 ssy, that same of the atterttent are very trroaeoas. The orcamttaneet are then : My little daughter came home at noon ciying, and taU the teacher had tltd her cp to a pvrt before the waotetchool. I immediately wtrtte the tcboilreom and atked for the teacher, and when the appeared, commenced tarVtag to her a beat the tielag op, which she (the teach er) said wat tree, and the only regretted that the little "Irith ieg trotter," had neaped before she whipped et. Oae of her scholars here exhibited to me a drawing upon a thtte of my Utile daughter with a rope around her neck aad Med to a psat which exetted me very ninth. About thai Jttaetare, Mr. HARLOW eame ap, aad ttklag me by the ihVBaer and taming me raaad aH, I matt not dis latfe his sebeeL I poikd hU nose and kicked him, Bt eeatkag very mach exdted, I did ate prefaae and volgar laagaMe, whKh I confett was wrong, aud for which, after iT excHetaetrt abated, I wrote a Bote to the trwher e?4 eglxtog. I did Dot Ward-like " exhibit, nor did I have asset my perron anyjsfslsl or eerfe-lnie, nor did 1 of tn aBf vManee to the unprotected female tea- hers, (Mr Harlow being pretent ) other than ny laagaage. 1 think great nJeiUe has been doae me In the article above ret tried to, by giving to the pahUc a etM-ided, erroaeout ventaaat tte aalr, and make thlt sUtement, that tht whoietralhmty be known, and the amoaat of blame ac corded me I deserve. G. L BLAND. MARRIED, On yesterday, by Rev. J- O. Steadrnaa, D. D., Mr. R. Bowell. of DeSoto eoanty, Miss., and Miss Ellen C. Xeelt, daughter of Mr. WBliam No-ly, of this vicinity. WHh tbe above notice we nceived a bottle of ch-rry eeTcHal and a fine pound cake. We did justice to both, aad remembered the happy couple wbil doing so. Cliicltering's Pianos! MX PIAKO& frm the w wl 1-renowned manufacturers, Messra. Cblckrring & Sons, the original Jonas Chlrkering, were shipped lo as on tne Z2ia or resruary. per ship Jlfalioar, and will be received In a few days, which ..1. . . IK. ra.nnrlttr,r nrkw, . T we euau euc mi - - , nentts of transportation added only. r-alO 192 Main street. Hallett, Davis & Co.'s Pianos! 51x.TJSSn or inoec uuitcj-j ,nju,i 3-pi.no Fnrles Sve nnw In store and el-ven I to rrlve pertains Hiawatha and Uara 1 fAenand bark Allot all of which, will te s!d at extremely short profits by rsarlO McKINNET & CO. Raven, Bacon & Co.'s Pianos ! -.i rnrRTEEN Pianos f mm the above map- njiw on tisnj.ihe balance J . , T'-.l-.I... Ituppl last mnin ler atiitia hm,ij .nrS Shcmard Knew These Pianos are to well known in Memphis and the tcrroundlng country that farther tu tioe from at Is ninecessary, omr that we can afford and will sell them at leaa prics than hererolare. mtriuj . i - AiriPrt xv. T.add &.C6.'s Pianos! EltiHT PIANOS irem me aiuiunwwi I" AUStrS. A . ir aw. IsMnced on the thlD ;ifarafaol These 1 Pianos will be due here next week, and TO ASSOCIATED PRESS OF MEMPHIS. LATEB PEOM ETJBOPE. ABBJVAL OF THE STEAKEE KANGABOO, New Tore, March 12. The steamer Kangaroo has arrired and reports the cottoa market rm, with sales tor three days of 17 090 b Jes, et hleh speculators and cx porters took S.tOO hales. Quotations : Mldd lot Orleans 7Xd.; Middling Upland 7 Kd Sales lue.day amounted to 4,000 bales, market closing dull. The steamer's news had no effect upon the market. Floor doll. Wheat and Cora unchanged. Provisions generally unchanged. Consols advanced M . Arrival of the Arabia. Xew Tore, March II. The ateamer Arabia has ar rived. James McHnry It Co qnote common to good Ohio floor, 32s 61$33s; mixed corn, 33s SdgSJs. Liverpool and Manchester letters are Very dlsoosraglng. Several Greek bouses, engaged in the colten bcalness, haTe failed. Uo date has been fixed upon for the meeting of Confer ence for the settlement ot the Neutchitel qnettltn. X favorable resnit is anticipated. Dineultleswith Persia are In fair way of adjustment. The treaty to that effrct Is to be signed at Paris, among the provisions of which. Is one that England shall have Coasats in Persia wherever Bnsia has. Official reports state that atTtlrs la Xaptes are qa'.et, aad aU peerless ramors to the contrary are nnfanni.il. The Esglith eaadrea has not yet evacnated the Black Sea. British troops arc also yet In occupation ct the Acs trim prlactpallt'es. Shipwreck. Xew 'Orleans, March 11. The ship PrntUilvania, hence for Havre, with stx hundred biles ot Cotton oa board, Is a total wreck. The crew were all saved. Recrnits for "Walker. Sew Orleans, March 11. The steamship Terot, with aWreeraltsfer Walker, saUed to-day. Gen. Horna by, of the Xicaraguaa Army, was among the passesgers. Fatal Affray. LAVISVILLE, March 11. During a debate at Madison vttle, la this State, between Messrs. Cart and Marrow, DMaecrattc candidates for the Legislatare, a difficulty arose la whUh the latt'r was shot by the former. The, woasd it supposed U be marUl. From TtTasklnzten. "Wasmisoto.k, March II. lord Napier, the new Eng lish minister, has arrived, snd Is ttoppiag at vnitard. Geaoral Saott to-oay paid his re. ports to the aew Secre- tary of War. la the Seaate several hoars were occupied la debate on the DoMas CtaRnd.n treaty, bat without nasi action, adjocraed. 3Ir. Guthrie at Louisville. IonsviLLE, March 13. Mr. Guthrie had a brilliant reception to-day, on the ocoaslenof bis arrival In this city. The Mexican Trenty. Kew Tore, March II. The Pre Meat has rejected the new Mexican Tteaty withoat snomKilsg it to the Senate. River Mews nnd Markets. Louisville, March II. Departed, TirieheJl and Ohio. Arrived, Soath America and Emrrtss. lwer graJt sogar tllghUy easVr better qualities heM arm. Molasses aachanged Louisville, March 12. Klver faUea three Inches. Arrived, Soiqoebaana, Landis airl Latrobe. Departed, Ohio, Bmprtss, Betipse and Virginia. St. Louis, March 12 Elver tailing anj navigation is nearly saspesded by ice. Cincinnati, March 12 Floor doll and mere unset tled state receipt of forctga news do sales. Whisky dolt and unsettled, with tales at 3c. Provisions buoyant, with asre bayers than sellers at yes terday's prices. Lard, aador ieaaeacs of foreign news, heM at 11H. Xew Orleans, March 12. Sugar Arm. wllh a fair demand, atIO$10Kc. Molasses Arm at COc Sew Tork, March 12. Gallon market declined W XC Ptear heavy Straight State decllaed St., and aales at$Sl3t3Q; Southern 5c -lower, with sales at $6 60 $670. Wheat declined. Corn heavy, with a decline of Sc on White aad Tellow. Mixed Corn has tlso declined lc. Mess Pork active, and advanced lt50c. Old Mess said at $2 SStS $24 SO. Lard firm. Don uf River Matters. a E3-Tha river la falling very fast; thewtather still continues cool. Buslnesi is now very dull at the landing JCJ- The Simonit has gone above to take on a quanti- I ty of freight. She will return In time to leave for Ntw vROir....TennesseeCumber!andbar,)5Se; Pennsylva Orieaas after the arrival cf tl e cars to-morrow night. nia (Pittsburgh bar,) 6c; Castings (hollow ware,) 4K 53" Tbe JMf.. iroyae U th. p.tk.t for St. Louis this aitersooa. zav ua kvu.cuiu j buj.c,B i conMBodatiens lor passengers. The ZranrriHe arrived yesterday morning from WbifB liver. She wl'l leave to-morrow afternoon fir Jackseaport. Captain Riley Jones la her cemmandsr, and James V Bturae Is her first clerk. J3"Th Ben Franklin will arrive to-day from New Orleans, and leave this evening At Ave o dock for Leal vile. - The II R- II'. HJII arrived Bight before latt from New Orleans and left yesterday morning for St. Lculs. The fleet Dents! Uoone arrived early yesterday nirnlir from Nashville, crowded with passengers. She returned lttt evening rj-Tbeirafefritsee wfH leave this afternoon at two o'clock for the month of White river and Napoleen. Pat- sengers gslng ap White river will te suro to connect with a mall packet It the mouth. The Little Rock Gazelle, of the 7th Intl., reports tht river falling slowly, nith sufficient water for all cav igable purposes. -The Ll'tle Rock Gazette, et last Saturday, thus speaks of " The River": w rrrrrtta leira that there has been much damsce doB br the hhh water, ta the ptaatatlans ot Col. James .Smith,' Floyd Smith, dre'd, Dr. Waedie, Gen Mitchell and mher. Tpb levee at the two first named plantations bare broken tve hear of no serious aamage oone ausre Piae BUfft. There have been, as a matter of oaurse, horsM, cattle and hogs drowned at many places above aud below this. Yfe trust ine waters wm ran oat wi proper chanaol, in time to mike a crop eveiywhero The tmirt of Prfirmr. . 1857. will glva new cemeis some cor rect Idea of tho rverflowing capacities of our rlvtr, when It takes a notion to spread Itself la erae. XJ- We copy tte lcllowlng from the St. Louit Jtrptib Hcan. of last Tuesday: 'The river at thit point continues falling slowly, and w VMterdav fall of fl jating Ice. The last arrival from i be Illinois river reports the river closed wllh Ice at Peoila,nd gorged at Kingston. Some ot the boats now in th river ar Its bound, and these in port aad bound for th Illinois will now lie quiet until watmtr steamer Virizattos ia the Illinois Is suspended for the prestnt. Several of the Keokuk packets are In port, but none of th left v sterda v. the comDanr ooosid-rlng It alvisable to keen their boats at home tll ihey will be able to make their trlpt without the danger of tearing ihemselvet to pieces. Navlia'lon on the Upper MUsls-lpplmjy bacon lrered sasixaded. There were two arrivals from tbe Mlsurl yesterday. Ttey report tne river very low ana .till taring, aud ihe weath. r exceedingly cold. Several of tho boits upward bound have bsd to store their freight to enable them to gel over tbe bars. The .now which f.itnn Sandav nltht reached a dVpth of three inch's. urh wereontveaterdiv moraine. The Levee became very mnddy awl tlnppy be'ore night, and at dtrk the mud was troien ham ana ice naa lormru TtircmcAr. notice. DR L. SHANKS haa asodatel wit'i him In the prac tice of Medicine Dr. T B. THRALL. Office, at the old place. No. 137 Main ttreet mar7-d2w CHARLES H. ESICH, IMPORTER OP FOREIGN LUXURIES, isd a.z:ji IK FAXCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, 328 MAIN-ST., WEST rsnrTri OF UNION STREET ) -r-rS lnt received alaree assortment of BDROPEAN H LPXCRIES. srch as Prussian OeeseBrenst Bruns wiex Sausages. Eei In Glc-r. Pete de Folet d'Oiet, it rnnmrA de Srcc.H. en Truffe. Green Vegetable, con raf imiriini Beans. Peas, etc.: AnlovisTr.no' nrrrinea. IJmbnrc and Sao Sago Cheese. French Ch"Coiat. Germaa Pranes, Rheni, Hungarian Moid pr.-ti iriKlts. Core Orstera. Lob't-r. Sardines Saucer. Pickles, etc.. and general asaortrae it of FANCT .nd ravii.T ftROfjERtlS. Maavot the aove articles are ror me arst time im- ".".'.-.v. tri.) a..... ..i . k. h.in vm. P?l?" ""-'" "".r -vrrr phis ONLT ot GEO. FEAIIERTY & BRO-3 HAVE received, per iteamer Memphlt, such extensive additions to their former stock ct Pianos Melcdeott, fine and com mon Furniture, ef every style and variety. as most f u'ly justify ns In assuring the merchants tr onr city that their oriers in tavor of their planting friends in theCOUmry, can avieuucu iu i- ra&uuci wiueuic .. .... ti.n m?n pr.ArrERTr?E una tlluicriiiiBwu- - . marl Comer Main and Union streets, Memphis. FOR SALE OR RENT. AN excellent FRAMED COTTAGE, containing fourrooms, with Lot 75 feet I y 160, with good cittern, situated on the South side ot Alabama treet. near its junction with Fjplar. TT,:f sale easy, or rent moderate. Pojaestlon can be had at once. Enquire ot oe naa ai o" v. M0KTG0JI EET. .uii, No. 11 Madison street. 3?i SSLtJiS; uiiiiitjuii"" -'-- - V V of those unequauea srauu ui Thi. snrm- Bed combines more advantages than any other heretofore eflarcd to tbe public It Is more porU Me.doraWe and cheaper, and requires less bedding than any othr Spring Bed everofl red for sale. Amatmsef any description, of two-thirds the usual tbi kness and weight, laid upon one of these Spring flol m tail, ntriiantrr laving bed than any amount t4in- i.irf nnnn T,tt nv tasking. This Bed Is so constraded that It can be taken apart and put together In two minutes, and when packd for traasportstlon re quires two thirds less room thsn thi xnosi poriaoie cpiiai Spriag Bed ever onerea for stie. A all parte of this Bed can be seen at a glance. It af fords no hiding place for bug. Thi Bed ta capable of being stiffened, In ease they it rnr the mnvetilRnGe of unnsnallr heaw persons All of lha above Spring Beds sold by ns are wsrranted to be as represented. If they should prove etnerwise,- the money wtll be refunded. McKINNET t-u., 193 Main street, opposite Worsham Hons, marS-dlra 0muicrrial cpaiicrSa MnUPHIS DAILT APPEAL OPP1CE, ( Fni day, March 13, 1857. j Cotton There Is no change In the market as regards prices. Sellers are firm, and buyers sifadtnt to Uke all Cottons put upon the market. We csntlnue quotations. MEMPHIS COTTON QUOTATIONS. Inferior 10 R10X StrictMI!dllne;.12;13 Ordlnarv 11 "X Goad Mlddllcg.13 I3 GoodOrdtnary....llXll Middling Falr..l3 Ji13 Iw Middling. ...12 12 Fair 14 Ulddllng..' 12X12X HEW ORLEANS 3IAREKT. ofpics of ins picatune, i Saturday Evening. March 7. 1E57 Cotton The forelrnnews by the Penia aot being. calculates to proauce a ravoraui enecion tue metier. and rain having fauen a good part of the aay, we nave not heard of a sale ot any mesuent. Wa repeat our last figures. . Inferior a & 3 X I Jtiaoung 13 buk Ordinary 10X&I1 (Good Mlddllng.,13K(4I3K God Ordln.ry..llHI2 Middling Valr...l3K13X Low Mlddltng..-12S12M J Fair J....I1 & STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stock on hand 1st September.tSSS Bales 7,193 Arrived since ..1,207,769 Arrived to-day. .... 6,702 1,273,471 L2S0 C69 ...954.368 ... 19 all 973 379 .bales, 570,260 Exported ta date... Exported to-dsy Stock on band and on ship-hoard. MEMPHIS DOMESTIC MARKETS. Baooino and Hope. ...Kentucky Bagging, 1920 for Hand Loo r, and 2122 for Power Loom; Rope, Hand Spun, 11 12c, Machine Spun, 12J12Mc. FLOTJR n bb'., ssoouss; sapeicne iancy S7 ou 25; Extra CS&AS SO. Tbt-'stock It light; the demand active. Wheat.. ..Sales at fromS5ctotl per bushel; bnt little arriving Oats. ...stock light, with umitcuaemana; tnsacxs, delivered, 46ao0c and retail GOc. levee sold at 4547c e bushel, sacks furnished by buyer. and sac, sack furnish" Corn.. ..Ear Corn ouyoot, tu dg o070e. Poworn.... Kentucky BISe tenkeg lots and upwards, $6 25; under ten, not less than five kegs,$6 60; undsr five kegs, $6 75; Mining Powder, ten reg lots and up wards, $4 75; Ave kec lots and uawaras. $5; nncer five kegs $5 25. Stock- Market.. ..There is a gooa cemana ror an oe- ecrlptioBS ot Stock, and buyers are paying from 4KS6HC for good beeves; 6J47 cents for hogs, and $1 60 $3 00 fl head for sheep. Seeds.... We quote clover at $11 $12 T4 bushel; blue grass 2 60; timothy $4$5; herdsgrass $2$260;mus- keet, (J 60; orchard $2 SO, scarce; millet seed $2$2 25. CorrEE....llHl2cfor Pair to Choice. auaARS....rair u , i-rimc uuoic i.tw 13; ClarlCed andGrsnclated 1415c. Bulk Pore.. ..10c for hog round, with rood stock. Teas Kctall prices: Imperial SlSSl 60H B; Gnn- powder 1 & SI 60; Toung Hyson 80c 41 25, Black 60 75 eents. Provisions.. ..The market is almost entirely Dare or all kinds of Cut Meats; therefore, pricea are nominal. Star Candles.. ..Advanced to 23 for Boxes ; naives. 29, and qnartera 30. wlt'a an upward tendency. Paints and OILS....wnne ixca ai a 10 a oa lor wholesale lot, and 10c for retail; No. 1 do, 7KSc; Bed Lead sainwct Lard 0111 10 te 1 25 by the barrel; Train Oil $16 to J JO? bbl. Sardines.. ..wnoies, none; uuves. tit dm ftuazen, Quarters, 3$3 60. WRAPPING 1-APER... Largs ee, Uf icua, me dium, 90c; crown 60c. Lard... .we qnote DDisaiuan, anuaegs ai 16c. Stock light. Molasses 70c for prime m barrels, ana n&ixm half barrels. Salt... . No ana from lanaing. sa;es ir-m store si :u to II 30 for Coarso. and $1 60 to $1 65, from ttore, $1 45 U$l 50 Coarse, and $1 75 J me. I.nMBcn....Fjrlir. ail50izco; uypress, sidkid. Tellow Pioc. linfelS; Pine Flooring, $30; White Pine. dressed, $30; Shingles, $1603 60. Crackers... . Water. bbl, $625; Butter, $585 60 Sugar, 9H si ft; Soda, 14c; Boston, lie. Tobac. o.... we quote iinfonrl, jveninciyaDu ieaiirs- see, pounds and half pounds at 21t$26; Virginia, 5's and 8s, good brands, 2549c; Tlrglnla, extra brands, pounds, 40S0c; and choice anl fancy, 60$1 00. wmstv ueau-B suwaic VINEGAR.. ..Apple (pnre) $6 003650 7S bbl., Mann- f actnred (pnre) $6$5 50. CORN JIEAL....I rom waKoas pan wees at .wftcir.. Kii.E....Brlthe tierce 606Kc; scarce. Soaps.. ..Memr bis, 5KCc; Eastern 7Sc $ S. Starch.. ..Ohio Pearl, U&9H. Mackeral.... Stock light, and advancicg, no. I in bble, $16 60, No. SlntMs $12 6013; No. 3 (large) $11 00(12 in bbls; No. 3 (small) $9 0031050. Blackiso. ..mason's S3 soissou gross. Wooden Ware.. .. Painted Palls, $2 60$265a dos. Painted Tubs.$4 12K425 nest. Steel... .Spring, 12 mo; German, ism; ungiun mis ter, 20c; American Blister, 10c; Cast Steel 2oc. Cordage. ...Manilla, 1616c B ft; Cotton, 2530c Stone Ware.. ..Selling at ?16c gallon. Shot and Lead Patshot$2 10; Buck,$2 50;Bar Lad 83c; Pig, 77K. Supply scarce. PEATHERS....amau supply, ana in gooa uemaiiuai 6W55c. SALERATCS.. ..Sales aremaae awxi&oc t? a. Snm 613.7 V, St. Spices. ...Nutmegs. $1 25? ; Ginger, 8H10c. Saltpetre.. ..20S25. Coal.. ..None In market. Tar:... In bbls, fe5$6; la kegs, 75c; hiltbbls, $225 to $3. . , LEATHER.. ..Domesucooie irongn iu&iic, a m lr- . .. ....... WESTERN-SOLE, loax; JrilE, aiMre, S"Si- Skirting, 444Sc Eastern. ...Sole (hemlock,) 353 ,c TT...... n.w ?nin, ifo: RHUic tar Green: H5m35 Jor Sneep KlXmgM Block Bar 45 cents. GLAsi?f.'?FrenchWlndow,8xlO,$2 25; 10x12, $300? box 60 feetf 'Pittsburgh 8x10, $2? box; 10x12, $2 60. ffAiLS...;S1.60to 35 00-a keg, accoraingioquaiuyior Easetrn; S4 60 to $5 for Pittsburgh. LINSEED OIL.. ..SI su, perooi , iwa goou. Cheese.. ..12 t &13C very scarce. wiu Paper.. ..The stock Is moderate, ana compri ses every variety of style and price;, demand active, at 10c$3 50 fl roll of 9 yards, as In quality and price. Chickens. ...iomjuc; sggs i anrjj .u-r $1; Butter 3040e a. r0TAT0ES....insn roia-oro a v. BROOMS....Fancy,$34 50; Common, SJ22a$2 76 Blacx Pepper ..we quote at ioc n, wimamau supply and demand. LIME. ...SI l&KSi P oarrei. tTay....Si23(RS30'?! ton. NDTS....Sott SheU Almonds, IS to2i ? Pecanr I5&20 cents. IjDiao....$l25io?iou ti Memphis Hank ."Vote and Exchange List fCORRECTED ST MESIPUIS EXCHANGE SROEERS.J nninnRmnkof Tenuesseo and Branches .par .pai Planters' Bank of Tennessee and Branches Cltlsens Bank and Branches Commercial Bant.. Southern Bank .par .par .par Bank of West Tennessee, at atempnts , Bankof Jlemphls Bankot America, at darks vule , LawTenceburg Br.uk Exchange Bank Bank of Chattanooga Oeoee Bank. Agricultural Bank.'. Merchant's Bank .par pa- .par par .par .par par .par .par Bank of Middle Tennessee 41s Bank of Claiborne Banket Knoxvllle: dl par Bank of Taitwell Bank Dandrldge ... Farmers' Bank of Tennessee t North Carolina..... South Carolina and Georgia Kentucky, Ohio and Indians. ...... ........ rar 2d Is , par 2dls Par ..parrSIf prero ,. 1(31 K prem Louisiana.. Northern Bank of Mississippi Commercial Bank. Manchester, Miss... ..JIXprex! pai Miss. Mutual Insurance Co., at Columbus pat SIGHT EXCHANGE. New Tork New Orlesns - Louisville and Cincinnati..... ......... ,.H tol prem IK tolKprem. ..Vtol prem St. Louis ..Ktol prem SPECIE, American Gold... American Silver... Arkansas Scrip ..IX (22 prem ..lHiSS prem SO$l 00 LAND WARRANTS. 40 acres $40 00 1 120 acres 80 " 72 00 1 160 " . ...$105 00 ..I45163 None In market Icliango and Bank jffote List. BANKING HOUSE t-nr . O. W. J,H, h;2ILe. " esstt CO., COR. FROST ROW AXI J1ADISOS-ST, BrTIKO RATES. .. ......... ....SELLIO RATES. EXCnANOE NewTcik . Kprem .IK prem Mprern New Tork New Orleans.... Louisville & Cln, St.Louls .1 prem prem prem prem New Orleans... Loulsvlllefe Ctn, . I ..1 St. Loult . M pre in SANK SOTES. 1 rjrem i New Orleans.... New Orleans...... North Carolina.... .IK prem 2 Ail. All large Upper par. I Ceaxtry...... Miss. Mat. Ins. Co. 'fprem SPECIE American Gold 1 Xpreni I Gold 2 prem Silver IX prem Silver 3' .pren Highest markets ratea paid for Land warrants M!lsslppt Land Scrip for sale. - Dr. JOMdi W. TIVEEBY, T ATE of Court lin4. Alabama, having removed I j Merupbls, ofT rs hit p-oiesslonal tervltet to the pub- lie. Offl.-e No. 23 Froat Row. in the Richmond House, r ntni i-.ne ,.u Sontl, .treet. east of .he m.rtheasf Corner Ol liernauuo a u ouaiu siiccib, rwuy I house from the cor..-er. feb27-d2w JVotlce miTE nndertlcned having on thi 1st Janntty last as I indited with us Mr. ROBERT BANKS, tnderthe stvle of MOORE, IIALSTEAD tc CO., ardnow building an extensive establishment, for ine manuiacinrc or Doors, Sash, Blinds, mouldings, Turning, Scroll Work, &c. Wa have also added machinery for dres,lng Flooring, Wctther Boarding, snd every description of building ma terial, with all the latet Improvements and Inventions adapted to our line of business. Their Sew Ettabliihment is cn Second street, taint dlstcly South of Union, and will be fully under way by tht 16th March next. Thankful for put favors they respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. fYbl8-dawlm MOORE JcHALSTEAD. Lawyers' Institute of We9tTen nessee. TneS as inrii niTf SiS,1rMps mav be exDectea irom Qlttin gultbed mernbers of the profession. A full attendance of the bar ot West Tennessee Is desired. feb21-dsw3t JOHN M. MORRILL, Gen. Sec'y. DRESSIGOODS. TTTE have now In store an Infinite variety of DRESS VV GOODS, comprising Silks and Tissues, Grenadines and Bereges, Printed Linens and Jaconets, DeLalnes and Organdies, Crepe Moretts. Crenede Paris. Jtc. of.whlch cannot te excelled in elf cano slyle or. besnt v. and are the richest that could beiobtalned In the 'Eastern market. fecial loftcc CARD. THE nnderslgncd wocld take this opportunity to In form the traveling public that he has been appointed 71fk'et and Freight Agent for th- city of Memphis for .v.vmr.M. central Railroad and all Its connections. Office, No. 15 Jefftrton street, third door East of Com mercial Hotel, where ho may be found at all hours ot the day aud will take pleasure in giving any wiarmawoo the line of his buslnets. Through Tickets to Philadel phia, New Tork and Boscon. Pgrw MOBgl- Holloway's Ointment and Pill WET tarry or hesitate If ytu are, tick or suffering? Hereareyour remedies 1 WhaUvrrmay be year ailment, itneedrbutatrUlof their wonlrous ecicacyio u . bS$ manufactories, No. SOMaldtn Lan New Tork, and No. 244 Strand, London; and by all droggUts, at2Sc.,-63Xe., and $1 per pt or box. marS-dtwawiw Kcstoraiive for tlie Hair. Till! are In which we live Is truly one of research and dltcovry, and to Protestor Wood the present and suc ceeding gtneratlons are indebted for cn of the most valuable remedies produced for tha restoration cf the hair. Many persons while young In years begin to lots their hair, and seme turn gray, but by the ute of this ruw wonderful prparatlon, itt teadencj to fall off It arretted, or rettorrd to Its original color., and It Is ren dered soft and glossy In appearance. Remember, this Is not adye. Wehearlt highly tpoken of. Qufncy (III) Patriot, A'ov. 3, 1853. m be had of O. J. Wood k Co., 114 Market street, nr.. Irals, and of drnggitts generally. mtr5 daw2w Por Spring and Summer of 1867, w rOU GENTLEMEN.: . . n.. vni.itm and Ciulmera HATS, re- T ELEGANT Dress. Moleskin and Cassimera Uiis, re celvedatWHEATON'Se Front Row. where those in want of a superb and fashionable HAT will please call. Constantly on hand and receiving the largest aad snesi stock of SOFT HATS In the city at fb24 WHSATON'g, 75 Front Bow. ca.se:: c bec: HBBES! KIOESI HIDES! 100,000 Hides "Wanted ! FOR which we will pay tha highest marktt price la cash. We also buy RACCOON, OPOSSUM, OTTER, DEER and BEAR SKINS. In fact, any Skins used by TAN NERS or JDRBIESS, ws want at the HIGHEST CASH PRIOS. OE0. PHILLKR & CO., noTlI-ra 73 Front Row. 0 THE cash system the best for eveiybody pay-day will come. We have attracted some attention for the last three yearsin the way of selling fine and beautiful goods. We have decorated -qnlta a number la cur business who have refused to psy their acco-i-ts when due. We say to al! such who pats by ut, we shall send a metsenrer from the Law to speak award. If their accounts are not -settled before the Irst day of March. Longer Indulgence wl'l not be given. febl4-lm POPE k BROS, 3- I Wm. A. natclielor's Hair-Dye. GRAT, RED or RUSTT HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and Natural BROWN cr BLACK, without the least Injury to talr cr akin. Fifteen HtdcU end Diploact have been awarded to WM. A. BATcnELOR since 1839, and over 80,000 appli cations have been made to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. Prejudice against dying the hair and whis kers Is unjust, as It would bo against covering a bald h.ntl vlth &wlr. Wat. A. BATCntLon's HAin-DvE produces a color cot to be distinguished from nature, and Is uarranttc not to Injure In tho least, however long It may be con- 1 be taken for confessed as to them and t et foi bearing ex tinned I Vare htl taat copy of this older bs pub'ished once a wwortiipura, (iuv " Wig Factory. 233 Broadway, New Tork. Sold In all cities and towns of tne unuea aiaies, ay Drneclsts and Fancy Goods Dealers. r"The Genuine has the name ana aaaress upon steel-plate engraving on four sides of each bottle, ot U II. 1. 1 Ail A. UAiUMAlAIA, 233 Broadway. New Tork. I ty- Tor sale by S. MANSFIELD it CO., and Druggists I rnriiv. maySl-dtwawly 1 AHEAD OF THE WOELD' THE CRY IS STILL. THEY COME. PARK & PEPjLOW, S . -i s T T Tl T"i TV I I A K l-r A I i I , Pi K Y.I -- J-- J' v- 7 J I 2X9 3VC4t,isa. Street, ARE maklnx thr. flnett PICTURES In tbe world. All we ask It fr you all to call and examine them for your tslves. PHOTOGRAPHS, LIFE-SIZED, made only at the Star Gallery. jan-datw HAPP3T AUD GLOEIOTJS HEWS I The greatest wonder ot the world has at last been dis covered a spedfle In disease DR. SLEDGE'S NER VOUS TONIC, for the cure of Chills and Fever, and a pre ventive to all vradesof Fever, as well as a cure. It has been fully tested for the last four years, and It Is now cnnordrd bv scientific men to be one ef the greatest dis coveries known to man. This will be disputed by thou sands, no doubt, but H is so. Keaa, iojx, ana juuge lor yourselves riftu th.outc.nd dollart will be paid to any person who wiu produce its superior. Thi Medicines can be found in all the Drug Steres and towns throughout the entire Certificates. MEMPHIS. October 3, 1S58. This la to certify that we have been selling large quan- Htirscif Dr. Sledge's celcbrslea liemeaics, arm laax great pleasure In recommending tbem to the afflicted as Tvm.esjlnc remarkable prcpertles In controlling tbedls- .cr. fnr which thevare recommended, and we have no hesitancy in giving our testimony In favor of their supe riority over otner preparations ior msiamo wscssct, as thev seem to give universal aatlsfactlon to all those whoua- them. MansBeld & Co., Druggists. Peyton &. Harbin, Druggists, G D. Johnson, " want t joaes. Coandler 6; Co., " Henry v aae. R. Joyner Jr. Co., " v . M. aneiton, novls-datwiy THE ONLY MEDAL ATT A KDED BT the New Tork Exhibition to the English or foreign Sauce Manufacturers has been obtained, amongst numer ous competitors, by LEA Jr. PERRINS, for their Worcestershire Sauce, whereby further testimony Is afforded ot Its being the best Sauce extant. The celebrity of this Sauce hss extended to every quar ter of the globe, and Its efacacy in promoting the general health is becoming dally more observed and acknowledged In the United States It It held to be the most agreeable condiment, and Is esteemed tor Its tonic and invigora ting properties, its habitual use enabling the stomach to digest the food. On'the Continent of Europe, these qualities have been testlSed to by a gentleman, who writes to LEA Jr. PER RINS thus: "I have carried a bottle of your Worces tershire Sauce In a tour I have Just completed through Spain and Portugal, and believe I owe my present state of health to Its nse your Sauce Is stomachic, and I think medicinal. I can with truth say there Is nothing In a travelersbaggage so essential to his comfort, at least In these countries, asyaur Sauce." In India, also, where it is found at the mess of every regiment, a pcdlcal gentleman writes from Madras to bis brother In the same profession at Worcester, In the following terms: ' Tell LEA Jr. PKRRINS that ttelr Sauce is highly spproved In India, and that It Is, In my opinion, the most palatable as we'l ss tha most whole- t tne Sauce made," This Sacce Is suitable lor every variety or aisn, ana ine universal demand which Its excellence has created hat ted to manv Imitations being offered to the public, under a "variety ef names,, but the, genuine rosy ee mown try the names ef "l.KArJUBiujia" tieingimpresseaupon thepatentmetalllc capsnjeskor patent glass stopper cf the bottle, as well as the libels and wrapper. Sole Agents for the United States, JOHN DCNCAN Jr. SONS, anl2-ly 406 Broadway. New Tork. SAItVATIOH", YE AFFLICTED ! W. A. GLID DON, GUTTA PERCnA TRUSS MANUFACTURER, NO. 1 KAGAN'S BUILDINGS, Adams Street, opposite the Wot.ham House, MEMPHIS, TEfVIv. THANKFUL far tbe extensive patronage received with in tbe last four years, I am now belter prepared than ever for fitting and curing the worst forms of Hernial Rupture. I can, oeaioes, mmuu, icij-m.u m.nu- factured to order, superior Stocklsgs for varicose ems, instruments for Prolapsus, Shoulder Braces and Band ages of various kinds. . Artlflclsl Legs and Hands made to order; in short, I can easily procure Instruments of every kind, owing to arrangements made la Jew lork and PhiladelDhla. The following certificates, among Sthers, speak for themselves : I. the undersigned, hereby certify that en tha 37th ct June, 1551, 1 was fitted by WM. A. GLTDDON with oae .... - . ... rtT innnw am of his Trusses, ay ageisevemj-eac, u.iuwu.-K-tured for nigh five years. It Is now several months since I have left oQ wearing the Instrument, and so far I tiiT.mrinrl nnrftsni of the comDlalnt. I cordially recommend Mr-GUddon as aTruss-fltWr to the commu nity at large, satisfied tbt he undtrsianaa ma onainess and iraae. (Signed) JOHN Q. BOSTICK. Memthis, August 28, 1SC5. By the advice of Dr. A. K. Taylor. Prefessor of Anato- . ... . tr vrrtf a my, Memphis Medical College, I called on air. -. GI.IDDON. and aad a Trass made for me and applied, My case was an Inguinal Hernia. The Instrument was fitted In April, 1816, and I now consider myself perfectly erred "Mr urn I. SMtfr. fnnr. and occuuatlon that Of cistern builder. I can cordially recomm'nd Mr. GLID DON to all who have been ro unfortunate as to be afflict ed with nemia. (Signed) CLARK, baius a.a. Memphis, January 6, 1SS7. Janl4-dawtf ATTORSET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn. Office, sooth tldt of Court Square, one door west of Wallace's Auction House, up stairs. febS-dtf 'MARKET-HOUSE. TkROPOSALS will be received bv the Committee for JL building of two MARKET-HO JSES, by private en terprise, unit! the 1st of April next. A Plan and speeth' estlons may be teen at the efflee ot the undersigned.' - V. M. COPELAND. . I. r.hilrm.n nr Rnaelil riAmmlttee. 1 Choice PinJi-Eye POTATOES! lOO Barrels TTJST landing from steamer Northerner, and for sale U low By WANT & CASE, ttb21 city Feed Store, DAVID REID., ..L. r. CARR. REID &, CATCH, ATTOENErS AT LAW Will praetlce in all the Cocrts in this city, in th Courts ot Shelby, Haywood and Madison counties, and Supreme Court at Jack.cn Prompt attention given to securing and collecting in Wait lennesse. North Mississippi and East Atkantas. One ot us ma at all times be fouad at our ofSce In Cnlon Block, South aids Court atreet, between Mam ttreet and Front Row. febl5-d2w CASH ADVANCES. THE undersigned, at pre.ent representing the beutr of BREWER h. CALDWELL, New Tork, win make liberal Cash Advances on Cotton consigned to them for sale. Apptj at 47 Front Row, up stairs. sep27-tf WM. H. HULL. GARDENING. GARDBN Ploughs Cul'lvators. Seed-sowers, Spades, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Reels, Floral Hoea, Transplant ing Towels Grass Lawn Rakes, Pruning Knives. Pruning Saws anl Chisels, Grsttlng Chisels. Ladles' Pruning Shears, Lopping or Branch Shears, Garden, Border and Sliding Shears, Grass, Hooks. &c. , for tale by LOWNE3, ORGILL k CO., feb24-lm 13 and 14 Frost Row. FOR RENT, A NEAT GARDEN SPOT, of two acres, with a residence for a small family, two miles east ot theeliy. For further particulars, apply at the Appeal Office. MIX FINE WATCHES. N addition toour large suck we have received a lo ol Copenhagen Watches maaeio our oruer me nsesr. Watch ever offered lu this market. frbl& r II- CLARK & CO. L,ots at Private Sale. OFFER for tale, upon easy terms, unimproved Lots, JL 121, 122,125,128, 103,104, 131, 132. Improved Lots, 163 ana ito Detng on tne plan oi auoaiviiionoi ureruisw. SaSarrans, Looney & Keele. O. B. LOCKE, novz-lf Auctioneer ana ursi asiaie urocer. FIFTT THOUSAND pounds Bu k Pork, fsr sale by HANCOCK, CLARK Jc CO., mar3 o. is artni now. mWENTT tierces Scar.Gnrrd Hams, for sale by X HANCOCK, CLARK t CO., mars No. H Front Row. Irdp oirttixxt to Toranles DR. ClIEESIlltlAN'S PII1I.S. THE combinations of Ingredients In these Pins are the result cf a long ar.d extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain In correcting all ir regularities, painful menstruation, removing all obstruc tions, whether iron cold or otherwise, headacb, pain In the side, palpitation cf the heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise from Interruption of nature. They can be successfully csed as a preventive. These Pills should never be taken In pregnancy, as they would be sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything Injurious to life or iealth. Explicit dbectlons, which should b read,' accompany each box. Price 1 . Por sale In Memphis by O. at AtiarlBLD at 'JO G. D. JOHNSON, WARB 4. JONES tT5 Sent by man try enclosing $1 to Dr. CORNSLICS L. CHEESEHAN, No. 1M Broadway, New Tork. rnaySl-dtwawlv In Cltancerr at Memphis. QTATE OF TENNESSEE. Proceed uga held In the O Clerk's oface. Chancery Side of th Common Law and Chancery Court ot the City of Memphis, Monday, Manh 21. 1857 Jlirlhy Francis Owen, James 0 A. Owen, and Sarah Alice Owen, Uomplalnants, VI. Vincent Bangui, Fanny Baugus, John Moore and othen. Deienoants. It appearing from affidavit filed in this cause that the Defendants, John Moore George Moure. Richard Moorr, Marthy Moore, Loui-a Moore, Franklin Baugns, Bryant A. Baugus, Polly Nail and her husband, Nail, arc non residents cf ".ce state of Tennessee : n is oruerM that they do enter their appearance herein beiore or within "" ""Vari',, i0,wer or demur to Complainants' Bill, or the tame win n r r.n. tnrr.tiivfi VMrc ,n ir. iiMnnmi . ri f r A copy attest : JOHN c LA.N1EK, Clerk and Master joiin uallcii. ouciior tor impris mar!2 law4w In Chancerv at Memphis. Otatk or TENNESSEE At Rules beta in the Clerk's VJ office, Uhanccn side of the Common Law ant Chan rary Court of the City of Memphis, Menay, March 2d, looi. Saffarrans & Co., Complainants, vi, The President, Directors & Company of tha Botanico Jiemcai college ana others. Defendants It appearing from affidavit filed in this cause tbat the Defendants, Alexander Miller and A. P Sheldon, are non-resldenta of the State of Tennessee: It Is ordered that they do erfter tbtjr appearance herein before or mat iney ao emer intr appearance nerem oeiore or within the flr.t three days of the next term of said Court, to be held on the fourth Monday in May next. (1S57.) and plead answer or demur ta Complainant's bill. or the tsme will be taken for confessed, and set for bear- lag tz parte. and thai a copy of tbis order be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Memphis Ap peal. A copy attest: juun o. lamkk. Clerk and Master. Jas. B Tiiokntos, Solicitor for Compl'ts. msris-lawtw Pianos, Melodeons, &c. A FEW more on hand, from best ma- 1 kers, including Cblckrring Jr. Sons'. Pianos Tnned, by applying al 'Mil GEO. FLAH K RTT Jr. BRO'S City Tax Payers. UTT TAX PATERS ar notified tbat the Tax Book fot W the current corporate year Is now made out. and will be kept at the efflce of the Mayor, where all persons interested are earnestly InvIUd to call and settle. feb!3 JOHN NKWSOM CilyTaxCol WALKER & BROTHERS, No. 79 Front How, trivrrniprrrnrrnD ir m nrvrrvva-n AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods, Wools Shoes, ARE Jnst receiving and rpenlng a splendid assortment ot Sprltg aud Summer Goods, to which they call the eMiectal attntlon of Country Merchants and River Tra ders. Our facilities are such as to compete with any, and to unasrseil a good many. Please can and see. marlu-d3m SEEDS. "f TT7E bare Just received a fresh supply of Red Clover r T Blue Grass ana Timothy seed. LOWHES, ORGILL Jr. CO., Agricultural Warerooms, 13 and 14 Front Row. lm TTall Paper! VI EW and beautlf ul Patterns, Just received at our new IX stand. No. 221 Main street. feb24 WINSTON, CHURCHILL Jr. CO. Coal Coal " ,rT COAL has come at last; wind and bsd weather iVJL has kept It back so long. I received one pair of boats, (12,000 barrels.) out of four pair that I hare bonght, this (Saturdty) evening. I thill be at I ho Red Office f rem thlt time out, ready ro wait on my Iritndt and customers with a large and constant stoek ot Coal. I have had a supply of Coal on hand for the last four and a half years until a short spell the latter part of January I wiu now promise two things that I will lav lc more Coal, andl' I make a dollar on It I will ktep It among us at home. I buy my Coal at tbe headof the crrek at first cost. imarcna iij thus, jAMr.s. For Sale! I OFFER for sale fire hundred and twerty acres of Land, fourteen miles Northeast ot Stu- errllle. on the Jackson read, knswn as the former Tcsld-ace of Stephen Jarmon. The place is well Improved, has a goed framed dwelling house and excellent outhouses, gtn-eouse, wiin gi tna tn-csner. te--couja. &x. There Is on the premise; an extensive orchard, with all kinds of fruits grows in thr country There are twt hundred and flity acres of land In cultivation, and th' remaining portion well timbered. Apply to the under' signed, on the place. B. V. J AKMON, mar3-w6m buck uak urore. Tenn. S'iOO Wewavrt. I WILL give th above reward fer the apprehention of JOSEPH BAILET, If taken out of tbe State, and $1C0 It taken la thlt Slate. The said Bailey was under bonds for his apiKarxnce at the next term ot the Circuit Court, for tbe murder of JORDAN J ACS SON, In Gibson County, Tennessee, and disappeared on the 14th day of February, In company wllh hit little son. about twelve years or age. Josnh Bailey lsflvt feet nine inches nigu. Heavy until a thick heavy set fellow, weighs about one huad'rd and seventy pounds, dark complex I .n, sandy or light besrd, and head the same color, full faced, Una eyt, (inclined o te crry. uown-ca-t look, bis nr-M crooked a mtio one sHe, his body long and tlrnts short. I refer to any genueman in uiDen ciuniy as 10 my solvency. JOSEPH WILLIAMS. XBT Weekly ArrEAt Raleigh (X. u 1 !laneara ana Galveston (Texas) Civilian wl 1 please ropy to the amount of 5, and forward accounts to this office Trenfon Journal. marS-w3t Jf A MOOX fi 0 v Rrnv - 1 . TT0RNETS AT LAW, General Collecting and Land j Agents, for the Northern and Eastern Counties ot Arkansas, DES ARC, ARK. feoi3-awiy Administrator's Notice. THE undersigned, having teen finalised aa Adminis trator ef JOHN A. GARRISON, dee'd. at tbe March Term, 1S57, of the County Court of Shelby, notifies all . , i.v,-., ... j, - , . , , i persons Indebted to sad deceased to mtke immediate payment, and tbote having claims against said decedent are requested to present tbem In the time and aa the law directs, or Iney will be for ever barred. mart dim JAMES R. GARRISON. Adm'r. jottce QITOLEN from the subscriber, on the 3d day of Decern- her, 1856. on the Mississippi river, be. ween Memphis and Cairo, the fallowing Bountv Land Warrants, vlx: warrant to oorneuas sale, wo. 17 431 for 50 acres; I " Stenhen Johntiin. Jin. it SJtt fr fiO aers Stephen Johnstn, No. 17.433. for 60 acres ; " " Geo. W. Higglnbotham, No. , for ISOscret; " " Msry'A. M Henlev. (widow et Rleaardton,) No. 23.703, for 80 acres ; " ' Delilah Fulcher, (widow pf Henry G.) N. 44.317. for 120 acres; " " Nancy Wright, (widw of Moses,) No. for SO acres. The above named Land Warrants were all assigned to me in blank, and dnly authenticated In Amherst county. Va. I claim said Warrants as my property I forewarn all persons frsm buying the same, as I have filed a caveat In the General Land OHee, to prevent patents from is suing for the same. I shall apply to the proper depart ment or General Government alter sir weeks foraupir cats Warrants. msrIO.wSt JOHN 0. WHITEHEAD. L. FEATHERSTO? A -TTORNKT AT LAW. Madison. St. Francis county, Arkansas, will attend promptly to all business In trusted to his esre, in the following counties, to-wii: St. Francis. Crittenden, Poinsett, Jackson, 'While, Man roe and PhUUns. f ehlS-wSt SURGERJL. I ENNKK attends exclusively to SurgicanJiteases, TR. XJ inn imim. Piitnlei In Ans. Strictures. Stone in Bladder, Ulcers, Cancers, Tumors, Polypus, Diseased Bones ana joiris. Determines irom mmi, uwuy. Contracted Tendons from loss of Lips, Cheek. Nose, Eye lids, fee., Closed Jaws from SallvaUen, and all other dis eases' and deferral ties requiring Surgical aid. sep20dtwawlyls ETB dJ9JD oi?. DR. FESNER also atunda to all Dl-cases of the Eye 1 and Ear, and Is prepared to Board Patients from a ; distance. CT Office on Main street, In Walker's Building, resi dence on Court street. sp20-dtwawlylne DR. JOHNSON'S INTIIOIARY, pop. diseases or titx EYE AND EAR, 01JJ -.TIOKT3. SELF-SUPPORTING EAR TRUMPETS, AET1TICIAL EYES, &c. NO. 15 JEFFERSON STREET, Two Doors East or Commercial Hotel, may27daw MEMPHIS. TEItii. pouGHs: ploughs:! E are manu-acturlug the ' Bolivar" and 'Livings ton" Ploughs. Persons wanting them will give ua a call. A. ST BET & CO., feb5-daw2m Poplar street. NEW CASH STORE. a, i. t " a o 184 Main-sL, epp. Worsham House, PLANTATION. STAPLE AND FANCTI DBY GOODS, Men's and Touth's Clothing, Hats, Shoes, ic, hx., Sadllery, . Guna, Rinet, Cutlery, Boys' DouMe Gent. Fine Tobacco and Tea, LOIV FOR CASH To Oonamnara or Dealers. oct2-dtwawly-ls EDWARD GEAHAM, GENERAL LAND AGENT, WILL attend to any land business in SoutecasteTa Arkansas, with protnptnett and Sdsllly. Address, Florence, Desha county, Atkantas. ftb24w.3a W. E. MILTON, 36 Madison Street, Up Stairs, INSURANCE AGENT, FOR SOME OF TOE BEST Marine Imurance Companies in the United States. Exchange and Note Broker. I win attead to the negttlatton of all SOTES ATfD BILLS OF EXCHANGE. ocl7 T O BACCO ! $80,000. WE have In store anl art ceastantty recelvtag the mtt celebrated brands of TOBACCO from Tlrglaia, Kentucky and Missouri, which we sell at maaafacterers' prices. We weald call attention to the foUowtng btasds : Trotter's uougn ana waty lwiai j Pace's " " " Walker Sr. Co.'s " " Holland'- Extra Pancake; Mohican, pounds ; Whit Tans tall, pounds ; Pocahontaa " Smma Adams " Bigg " H. John's " Parkins " Satterlla's " Persian Smoking Tobacco. SEASROOK & CARSON, t :Ml-a Madison str et, two doors from Main. J. W. WATSON, Merchant Tailor, HAVING removed to No. 6 Court street, between Main itrret and Front Row, beg! to return his thanks to hit friends and tbe poUlc generally for their liberal patronage for the last tlx yart, and botes, br trict attention to buslnesi to merit a continuance oz tne tame. Having engaged a No. 1 Cntter, ot long experience, he is now prepared to make ip his goods la first rate ttyle. and cheaper than any ether home In Memphis, tar cash. He buys for cath and tellt for casa. teun-sm lOO Barrels Flour, VARIOUS brands, from the best Extra to SuperSne, for sale by B.MERRILL, oct2S xain street. FOR SAL.E, A-VN easv terms. Lota Nos. 109. 101, 103. 70. 66, 61. S3, yj S3 and 93, In tbe Batture addition to the city at Mem phlt. Aha, two brick stores o water sireei. nine above lots are not sold prlvsti-ly, theywinbeefftred at Auction on SATUBDAT, the I4lh instant. Apply to mart-3w n. a. nAuusbu FOR SALE. rnWO DRATS also two Dray Licenseswhich have eight air. uiuc luuutu, .j uu. .,',,, ,w febt-tf uwi.mis ol ijiu;u. 18B7. 1857. SPRINa & SUMMER TRADE. COSSITT, HILL &VTALMADGE, HAVE BECEIVED A LARGE STOCK Or STAPLE AND FAXGT DRY GOODS A DAPTED to both city and country trade, consisting in XV. part of the following viz : Plain, Twin- it ana siripea osnaourga , Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings; Brown and Bl 'ached DrtT3 and Jeans ; Blay, Blouse and Tellow Linens, K and 4-4 ; Cittonades, Denlmt, Camlets and Nankeens; Cotton Velvets, Mosquito Nettings, Cambrics ; Prints, Irish Linens, Jaconets; Plain, Checkrd and Spot Swiss Muslins ( Lawns. Organdies. Plain and Fancy Berages ; Silk Tlssnts, &c , 4.C We hsve alts reoelvtd a full stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Straw uooQB. Also a large assortment of Sadcllory. and In addition to tbe above, would Invite attention to eur 3tock of Beady-Made Clothing, which Is very Urge snd well suited to this section f country. Our f acuities for buying ana seuing goas una, are not surpassed by houses in tht trade in any market, and we Invite the attention ef Merchants generally to eur stock, and ask thesn to examine ga ds snd prices. believing it will be for their Interest ta make their pur chases ot us. mar3 dlmla BOOKS! BOOKS! XiAJIBj YOUKG & CO'S. LAKE NG1MA; or.Exs!oratlns andDiseoverlesdarlng fouryeais' wanderings la the wilds of Sjuth Africa. By Anderson. History cf Grsece, 12 vols. By Grele. Westwsrd Empire ; or, the Grest Drama of Humsa Pro- gre s. By E. I. Magoon. Letters tram the United States, Cubs, 4c By Miss Mur ray. Newsupplr. Abbott's Henry the Fourth. Idfe In the Itinerancy. Rifle, Axe and Saddlebags. By Mltburn. Kathte Braude, a Are-side history cf aqultt lift. Sy lee. CurrerLyle., EyReeJir. History of the Elephant Club By Doesticks. Marios Lester; or, Tte Mother's Mb take. ByMlnnleS. Davis. Rousseau's Confoiilens tranalated. Draper's Physiology. Brown's Grammar ot English Grammars. American Almanac for 1S57. mard FOR SALE. I OFFER ftr sale one and a half acre, cr the whole of my Lot. It Is high, dry, healthy, ant well Improved, with a large numoer or caoiw Fruit Tires n It, aud enclosed wits a good plank fence. It lies on the north tide f Bass street, or Atiarci street whrn extended, ne-fouith of t mile east at tbe corporation line. Inquire on the premises. feKO-dlm CHAS. T. nglDBL. DISSOLUTION. rriHEco-partnerihip heretofore existing between Drs I i. , , rTU?n v.. At.. S a.. 1 . fl AIOU.I aA 1 ul.,', ua solved by mutual consent. Dr. K lmhro settles the old business. N. B Dr. KIMBRO will continue business at the old ctare, oa Untaa street JicSl-davrJm SI03IE INSURANCE C03IPANY, OF HEIiIPHIS, TE-TM". AUTHORIZED CAPITAL I GUARANTT CAPITAL $700,000. $100 000 CHARTERED bv the Legislator of Tennessee. Session ef lS55-'6, to make Tire, Life and Marine Iasurance and to cans- themselves to be re-lnured when deemed e.ipedient. In view of which they have arranged with the following Companies, for re-Insurance by means of open policies : , British rjommercia: ue, ixnuoa wpi' --vx Equitable Fire, 2,000,000 S 500,000 Int-rnatlcnal ure, Knickerbocker Life, Utlted States, Great Wf stern Marine, " l.CM.OOS 600.000 Howard Tire rnd Marine, Consolidated Fire 300 000 300.000 ' ,.,1. , tv. it i, inniti , kucs an inrKij. iuc &w i u foflowlng Directors and Committee were elected lor the ensuing year r DIRECTORS. JAMES B. THORNTON, L. J. DUPREE, GEO. R. GRANT, ami, ucaijaji, STEP11EN B. CURTIS, J H. MCLFORP, HENRT S. KING, JOS. BAR3IEEB, tv rlltASCr COMMITTIE. S. B. CURTIS, L. J. DUPREE. H.3.-JU3. lledieel Examiner GfO. R. GRANT, 5 .D, Attorney J. B. THORNTON. Esq Asifly S. P. BANKHEAD. Eq. And at a meeting nf tbe new Directory ct Wednejdar, the 11th lntt., the following officers were (botxn far the year: JAMES B THORNTON, President. GEO R. GRANT, Fife President. xnOS. MeADAM. Secretary. OFFICE No. S, Madison street, corner 1 root Row. teb!7-dly District Inspector fT STEAMBOATS, Steamboat Boilers, and Sttambott yj Machinery, under the provisions of the Acts at Con grass ot 1333 and 18tl. Office, 8 Madison street, mar4 THOMAS MeADAM . Inspector. Sixty Jegroes9 JUST received from North Carolina. South Caro lina, Georgia and Kentucky among them two good Blacksmiths. feb24-daw!m N B. FORREST. rp WO HUNDRED bbls Pittsburgh Ale. la store snd s sale oy u. u. t-tiiTSri. iiainsircei, marl Third door Xorth of .Worthaa Hout. Thos. Peters' Residence for Sale. I HAVE for tala the Residence and I83H acres of land belonging 0 Thomas Peters Bsq-., lying on the State Line Road and the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, 21 miles east of Memphis, at Bray's Station The Improve ments consists cf a Jwe ling, bul't In Gothlo Style, i large rooms and 2 small or.es. with closets, store rooms, &c Kitchen, 2 servants' rooms, cisUrn, wrll, stables aad bam, carriage h.ue, wagon shed, &c, &e In short, It Is one of the best improved places in Shelby county, all new and ta perfect order. 1 will sell tho Improvements and 83 H acres of land, or a'l together. If desire , I will sell the stock ot sheep, hugs, and cattle, corn. taMsr, oats . sUnghtd aad packed in the smoke house, wfll lrt-. Z, to t0,. Peters, on npaczca in ne tmote nouse. a bargain wfll be given. Apply to Thos. Peters, on the premises, or to O. B. LOCKE, drc 21 Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Suburban Residence for Sale. T OFFER for aaie. urxm good terms, the former Reel- Jl denceoi C. F King. Etq , lying oa the north side ol . i. - o... ti A . nti. .rA . fe.lr ..at Af tv. i city. The tract contains 'it aes, and is improved Witt I a small residence of three rooms, weu ana outer improve ments. Also, a four acre wood let, nearly opposite. Tali tract U within three qnaaters of a mile of a good church ano school, and Is In one of the best and healthiest neighbor hoods In the vicinity of Memphis. G. B. LOCKE, novl 1 Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Just Received. 80,000 a a CIGARS, sous very toperlor. u. ji. ruiuo, Main street. f b!9 Piano Fortes for Sale. I HAVE la tUre, just received direct from New Tork TWELVE PIANO FORTES, from S I-J to 7 octa e, ef tnpe rior finish and different styles, some bring Inlaid with Pearl. They will be aoid at greatly reduced prices. This pre eats a most favorable opportunity to purchase a superior instrument at a bargain. Ttrmt made Usultparchaiert. G. B. LOCKS, dec-13 U Auctioneer and Real Estate Srekirr. "Wanted. THREE or four good MATTRE33 MAKERS wanted immediately. Good wager, given, at Ianl7 McKINNET It. CO.'B. eiv JFumilwre. McKINNET Ji CO. have lately receiv ed a considerable lot of fine FDRNITfRE rrora Nw Tork and Boston, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. at 192 Mam Street, Memphis. jan!7 Chamber Furniture. BEAUTIFUL black enameled, plain and orsamtatal Oak Chamber tetU, jest received br McKINNET Jr. Ct., janl7 1 n Mala ttreet. WANTED, A SmTATION as Bwk'Kteoer er Shipping Clerk, by a XX Tesng Man from St. Louis. Good reference given. Address C. H. MARTIN, P. O. !anl7 Jvew JLlqiior Mouse AND STEAMBOAT BAH STOBS. THE aubscrlber begs respectfully to Inform bis friends and the publie genrallj that he has opened ths: lanre and handsome butldlnr. N 3 damt atreet- hree doors below the Waraham Boate, where will be -ound at a3 tlrtes tee choicest of buttled Brandy, Whltky. (Scotch tea irua,) ice uaeii rrraca wines, uouaaa M, ic do3 Purter, to 1 Temger'a orleb'ated Scotch Ale Also on hand a large stock ot line Teas, Preserves, Cigars, Tjbaccg, Jtc. Steamboat Barkeepers are respectfully so IklUd to call aad examUta my stock before purchasing elsewhere. fe-ta j. r, Mcdonald. T WE NTT Thonsaad Havana Cigars In store and for sale by BQvT7-tt BTB Jr. ANBE320N. FIFTEEN Thousand pounds Goshen Butter In ttore and fsr sale by nSVZ7-tf BUIU SAUSHSU.-l. CIO ft SACKS choice Irish Pctitoes rn siore and fsr sale by nov27-tf B0TD Jl ANDERSON. FIFTT bbls. Old Rye Whltky and Eoarton, warranted pure, In store and fersale by BOTD Jr. AXDEBFUM, COVS7-U No 137 Main alreet. CHAS. D. FONTAINE, A HORNET AT LAW, Poalotoc Miss , wfll attend strictly to all professional business which maybe entratUdtobimlaany ot the Courts ot North Musis alppi. febVT-Iy Late and Interesting BooTis. THE GOLDEN LEGACT. A Story of Ufe"a Phases. A Pbyslelan's Vacation; Or, A Summer In Enrape, by Walter Chinning. Aurora Leigh, by Elizabeth Barrett Brownlig. Sanga ot Summer, by Richard Henry SUHdard. The Man of Business, Considered in his Various Relations, by James W. Alexander. D. D , John Todd, D D., William Sprague. D. D., Stephen a Tyng, D. D. , Isaac Ferris, D. D., Jonathan P. Stearns, D. D. Th Children's Bread, 1st Crumbs from the Masters' Table. Bread to My Children, by Mr E. K. Blunt. The Pnddleferd Papers ; Or Hemors of the West, br H. H. Riley, with Original Illustrations. The Paragreens on a Visit to the Farls Universal Eahiblrien. Violet; Or, The Cress and the Crown, by Miss MelBkah. For sale by marS-lw CLBAVX2 Jr. GUI0N. . JflerrlmanSs YOU WILL FIND SPECTACLES I Single Temple, gold. SPECTACi ES 1 Jack Downing Slides, gold. SPECTACLES l neavy SUdles, goaL SPECTAflJCS! Wire Temples, gold. SPECTACLES! Turn Pin Temples, gold. SPECTACLE.-,! Extra Fine Temples, gold. SPECTACLES! Gold Frames Perlscepic Glasses . SPECTALLKS! Gold Frames, Doabe Cor vex Lens; SPECTACLKSl Geld Frames, Convex Lens. SPECTACLES! Gold Frames, $5 to $20 SPECTACLKSl Silver Frames bilver Temples. SPECTACLES! Silver Frames, Jack Downing Slides, SPECTACLKS! Silver Fr mes, Heavy Slides. SPECTACLES I Silver Frames, Perlscople Lens. SPECTACLES! Sliver Frames, d'ble Convex Glasses. SPECTACLES! Sliver Prases, Concave Lens. SPECTACLKS ! SUver Frames. $2 to (4. SPECTACLE 11 Steel Frames, Perlscople Lens. SPECTACLES I Steel Frsmes, Double Convex Lens. SPECTACLES! Steel Frames, Concave Glasses. SPECTACLES I Steel Trames, S-Tgle Temples. SPECTACLES! Steel Frames, Turn Pin Temple. SPECTACLES ! Steel Frsmes, with Clerical Eyes. SPECTACLES ! Steel Frames, Bin Glassrs. SPECTAt LBS I Steel Frames, Green Glasses. SPECTACLES ! Steel Prams', Grey Glasses. SPECTACLES I Sttel Pramtt.wlta Double Eyet. SPECTACLKS ! With fine net work Protectors. SPECTACLES! Gold Frames, with Springs SPECTACLKS! Wllh Springs, Shell, concave. SPECTACLKS ! With Springs, Shell, convex. SPECTACLES! With Springs, Silver, aval. SPECTACLES t With Springs, oval. Steel. SPECTACLES! With Springs, round Eyes. SPECTACLES! nand Spectacles. SPECTACLES I With lost-hoWeri. SPECTACLES I For young persons. SPECTACLES 1 For middle age. SPECTACLES I For dd people. SPECTACLES For short slghU SPECTACLES! Forwesk slgct. SPECTACLES! For cataract eyes. SPECTACLES 1 For ladies. SPECTACLES! For gentlemen. SPECTACLES! For servants. SPECTACLKSl For all kinds otejes. SPECTACLES ! Of all pricea. SPECTACLES! " Wllh no nonsense about then." SPECTACLES! Of the "Sparkler" variety. SPECTACLES I For Railroad Offices. SPK.CTACLES! For Railroad traveteri. SPECTACLKSl That wUl tclt yea. Everything elte In eu line that yon may be In want ef: Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Guns, CaneA, Cloaks, win suit yon. Ccme and tee 1 J. X MERRIMAN Jr. CO., 233Maln-tt. Union Block, feb22-!aw2w Memphlt, Trnn. Drr Goods at Wholesale. TUST received, direct from New Tork, on consignment. J of apwards ot $30,000 worth of seasonable StapV Dry Goods. The goods being on consignment,! can ai ford and will sell better bargains than ever was offered li this city. Merchants aad planters, who wish to buy bj the piece will find to their interest to examine my atoct before purenasing tisewaere. wv a, corn Auct toaeer and Real Estate Broker . mMENSE SUCCESS! Over Tivo Thousand Bottles of J. H. MCLEAN'S CELEBRATED STRENGTHEN KG CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURfflER Us. 'x .loassadt ot weak, faeble and debllitatd ptrsons la thlt c.ty hare been made h'alth y and strong by taking it It ia .be beat alternative ia the world, and the only remedy tbat will purify th blood, and at the same tine strengthen and lavigarate tbe whale organization. it will rfftctuaHy car all complaints ot the Liver. Stomach or Bowels, such as Liver Complaint, Headache, nilloueaess, Bad Breath, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Loss ot Appetite, Nervous Diseases. Faintness, Weakness or any disease ot the Womb, Kidneys or Bladder ; snd re moveyUowness or sores from the skin. It 1 a sure pretenilve against Tellow Fever, Chills,, Ague aad Fever, Cho'era, or any prevailing epidemic There Is na mistake about It. S3" Every bottle Is warranted to give satisfaction. Try It It Is very pleasant. It I earrs a delightful aromatic flavor In the mouth after taking 1L J. H. McLEAN, Sole Preprietsr of this Uoraur.. Also, McLeana Volcanic Oil Liniment. tJ Principal depot on the corner of Third -xd Pin- streets, St. Louis, Mo. Far sale In Memphis, by feb3-dawly corner Madison and Main atree'j. Jnst Received. . CASKS Booth Jr. Sedrwlck's London ICurful Gin. by H. H. POTTER. Main ttreet, Third door North Wortham Hoot. 150 feblS Received This Day, and for Sale. 100 BBLS. Superfine jfiour, 100 bblt. Extra Family Flour ; 150 " Fancy III Inols " 50 " T Harrison's " 50 " Cape Jassamln " ICO kegs No. 1 Lrat Lard; 5 casks new Bacon Hams ; 250 boxes, half and quarter boxes Candles; 100 boxes Western Reserve Cheese ; 200 bags Coffee, Rio, Lagttlra, St, Jago and Jsva; 110 hhds Sugars; CO bbl? Crushed Sugars ; 15 bbls Powdered Scgaxs ; 25 bbls Coffee Sugars; 50 bbls and 50 half barrels Motsises ; 200 bbls and halt bbls Dnter's Whisky ; 3CO kers best Eastern Nails piaster Pari C mint. Lime, Soda and Butttr Crack ers, Champatne Wines and Cider, Pickles, Catsups, c .. stilt mnn rWatprs. Tjihstrrs. Tebscco. Cigars. w.trhr. B ubs. Rcckrts.Tubs and everything kept In i Grocery House, an cf which wo will tell, whalesala or for J retail, cheap, to tie trade. clakk Jr. CO i ,5" .r? w.si, 1 tebil io. IS Front Bow, Memphis. TS' 9rytUy The fSiSS Leaves on S ATPRDAT, March 14ti, at 10 A. JC For Ohio River, Cairo, Louiavillo and Cincinnati. KICTMNGB.. ........J. fl. Adams Master. TniS magnificent passenger and freisht packet, will leave tor the above and alt Intermediate ports as above. For freight or pagr applv in Scara or to A. C. W.UKZBACn Agent maris ' No 38 Front Row Leaves on p-RIDAT. arh 14. at3 P For Cairo and. St. Louis. MATTIK WATNE, W. P. La moth, Cspi.; R. K.RBy, Clk t. THIS splendid passenger ana rrtign. 7( iteamer wiu leave for the above and in termediate ports on pkidax, asarcn iz. at 3 r. it. Tor throcgh ticktU Eait, Ar riMms. anntV o marl2-2t LATALLETTE & MORRIS, Agents. Regular Jlcmphis and White RlTcr James Sjaug1tilins P. MAIN GAULT, Master ...J P BOOKER, Clerk. t. THIS fattnaauig, rreigBtaaa jit.tu J?i gerpacktt, will leave Memphis for Jaek- sonpor ana all uiicrmeaiai iuoiw, eeerv Wednesday, al 4 oMeek. . Jt. For freight or paassge, spplyea boart lerw W. W. HODOE, Ageal, drcJO-Sm No. 3 Howard's Row W. W. UOI5GE, GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGEVT, SHIPPINO,RECEIVI." A7ID TJICHAR8I5a 3VE 33 O jcV. ON" T , .VO 3HOrTAJtfl'S XOrT, WILL attend faithfully ta aft ballasts eatrMledteits care. " XBC6. x i i i I 3X5137. MOriES McL.ELl.ON . fUPEKIOR. James P. Bmith, Jfaater. BEQTJXiVa V. 8. XAIL PACXET 1IK2. ON the rttumptlea et Esvlgatlona Una ef trst dan pscxets wiu com-, thilr resra'.ar trip1 betweon Memphis, Cairo and LoulavOSe. eaaaectlng at Memphis with the New Orleans packet llae, at Calix with the IiHaols Central Railroad, and at LoularlTe with tbe Loaiavllle and Cindaraa packet line. These BaU are fitted up and fsrcliaed la tUgaat style. with paasengt r who CT al Mn,Wt . nA natrooazeof the " LATALLETTE Jr. MORRIS, Agents, Meatpals. ecfil BENEDICT k SON, Agats, LeulrrtSt. Q- Eagla and Enq-irer copy. Mempliis, bite River aid Sapoleefl TJ. S. "WATI. PAC23T, Helena, Friar Point, Laconia & Concoriia STEAMER KATE ""SEX, JOHN T SHIRLXT, Maater....WM. T. WOOD, Orfc THIS aew, tpleadid aad faat iUi h.rlnr been ourehated. fer the Packtt Trade la place of the James LaaghiU,wUI IciiitiTine rrrslariT 1- the trade, 'ear lag Merapblt every MONDAT and FRIDAT at I o'clock r. m.. punctually, conatctiar atn'apain wltii While aa trkaitst river boatt, rakiag freight and passent-n lo While rivtr at regular rates. Returning, leaves .ase feon every TCESDAT and SAT3R3AT, arriving at Mess phis Snndsy and Wednesday evetuags. Thaaxf ' far former patronage, the owners hope to meritaeePilnuaneeef tha ame to their new beat, pre mising strict attention ta business. . . LAVALLXTTZ Ss. MORRIS, Agents NOTICE TO SKirrxxi Tha "Frlsbee" wffl freight until one a'deck on Mondays, aad during the en tire day Thursdays, and until one o'clock Fridays. oem MEMPHIS & NEW 0RLEA5S 1856. jSSt 1857. N order to accommodate the pubMe, the owners sad masters of the Packeta h'retofote In the trade between the two cities have organised a Company to run a Tn Weekl Use et Packets between Memphis sad New Or leans, under ike name and style of the Jlemphis and Sew Orleans Packet Co. -rk. rt..i. mniminr Iks Uu ar iHei tit first olatt. Inferior te nene la the Weat or South, for speedveasfort and safety. They will leave each place every Xtiuteg, Wednesday aad mcay, as x o-ctocx r. am. particular axteruion ku oej-av.w - . Monday Packet. NEBRASKA 'v INGOMAR LMeDonough, " Wednesaay iraciieis. JOHN SIMONDS X H. R. W. HILL. iaos. a- Friday A'acKeis. BEN FRANKLIN X. o. Ansers, BELFAST .....H.L. Church, Shippers and Pattengers may rely oa the punctuality of tte boats of this line. , A continuance of me pairona, the owners of this line is respectfully soHelted. LATALLETXfi ar. auruus, jLgm... Office adjoining W. B. Rlehmond Jr. Co., eorser Court street aad Front Row. tepl sep IZissGluZion. T HE partttTihlp ef Smlthwlck, Wiay Jr. Co. waa die toved on tha 10lh lntt.. by th withdrawalot A "r -a tra it l i W SMTTH will continue the bcsl ness at the old stand, under th name and style of J R WItx CO The Dooss or tao oia b: i i with J. R. Wray Jr. Co., who are ready to tettle aH out- ttandmg clalmi. Those owing Umlthaick, wray a. to. will pleaso pay as soon as convenient. . J R.WRAT. A. W SMITH. Memphis, Feb. M. 1S37. teb3t-3w S. 3. Rembert, J .iiiiin ta divide land, la Coun ts. , James T. Stewart. J a. . iNthU cause ItapptarlBgthalJ. T. Biewan, ic fendant, is a non-rttbient of thla State, it Is ordsrrd that th- Clerk of tats Court make pubticatl n la tho Memphis ArrrAL. newspsper, reqflrte B W.T Stewart to make his appearance at the next'term ot lb 1 Court, to be held oa the first Meada yln April next, and ptead, answer, or aemur to ine r"'""" ' 01- d, er the tarae will i e taken for cociessea as 10 bid, and et for hearing rr-jyrfe. mar6-U6ap juaa r. iitrji,w. OWNERS TTANTED FOX th f jHowlag arUtlaa en tiaiige on uu t ai GEO Jr. CO.'S WHARFBOAT, Memphis, Ttaaestea, Msrchl. 1357: T. Slegg, Memphis. I sex sns l cnesi, 1 chest without any mark: Levi Jy, Bolivar, Te na., 1 box ; C. T Brtdfard. Friar's rolat. 1 bardie S!try; 29 tacks cotton teed and peas, withoat any mark ; R. 0. Hemphill, Meaphls, let household goods, box es. J ; M. O., care Duval, Algoo Jr. Co., Memphis, S boxes; L Sk Louis, 3 boxat ; T B.ThraR,Mempult, Iboxj Edward Flood. Mtmphls, 1 bureau I M. A. Deaa.Anburn, Tenn., I Crate; J. P. Knight, Mempfels, 0 bona Tobteoo, Jno. M. WUUamson. Mea phis. 2 barrels. If not called tor at end at th month, wilt b dlipejed of to pay charges. mart-dSOt DUVAL. ALGEO Jr. CO THE HAZARD FOWBER C03IP15T, MANUFACTCREM AND DEALERS IN HAVING reduced their prices to correspsnd with lt reduced cott ot Saltpetre, cont.no. to ofir tk'lr well fcioivn brands cf ELkCTRIO INDIAN XIFLR aad KKNTCCKT RIFLE POWDER la kega aad caMtltri. Alo, Gun Powdtr far Butting aad Kiniag. eersprlslag a full ast rtment ot qaalltltt and klndt rea.aired by tt trade, guarantied to give entire tatitfaetlon. The ttaudardof their Ptwder. which haa now enjoyed he highest repntatlon for more than twenty-five years,, wiu be found unsurpassed by say other manufsetar t tha kind m the world For sale In this city by GATES Jr. WOOD, Ageala. a-vt at the cCce ot the Company. Na.,89 Wan. "corner Waltr street New Tcrk. A. G. HAZAR5, Pretldejt. A E. DOCOLAts, Sec'y raar-:gt 100 CASES aasorted Cordlalt, for ttle by H. H PUTTE&, nam airttt, Third dr North Worsham Boast marl 100 ota -I CASES Pure Juice Port Wise, fer sale by H. n POTTER. Main ttreet. Third dtor North of Worham House. II ft CASES Hcttelter's titters, for tale by (J U H. H POTHER. Mara it ttt. marl Third door North ot Worsham Ban. fSTi HUNDRED casrt B-xita JtS-dgewlckLonden Cor- J dial Gin, In ttore and for saieoy n. H. POTTER. Mala street. marl Third door North of Wossham Htust. rNE HUNDRED THOUSAND low p:lca Cigars, fer J ssl by rr n POTTER. Mala t trett. Third dcor North of Wtraham Hentt. marl -I ri hLS. Harrlton's Ex ra Flour; I I Jl 50 bbls. and 60 hall bbls. Mack-rtl; 20 drums Codfith. 50 kits Macktrei, Net. 1 aid 1; 10 casks Hams. 10 casks Sides; 50 casks Byssa' London Barter 100 bxrs Hostf.ter's Bitters; 60 " White Wine, 60 boxes Claret 10 casks Claret, 100 box' s Star Candles ; 1 00 bags Coffee. 25 dcirn Braoms ; 10 bbls. Rail Butter, ou gross barrel's anna, 20 cases Sardines 5 boxes Cheese; 50 bbls and 60 halt bbls Dexttr'l Whisky; 75 bbls Harris' Ale. 100 bbls Whltky 50 boxes Lemon Syrup, 60 boxes Pickles ; 60 " Soda Cracker. 60 bbls Fic-NlCraxxrs; JO " PI Fruit, 60 boxes Rslslns; 60 dozen Oysters. SO dosrn Washboards 10 bbls Cranberries, 50 doxea Bed Cords. ALSO. Oranges. Lemons. Ceoanuta, Figs, Tobaeeo, Sugar, Molasses, Jte. For sal br , zaxtl No. 33 Front Row. New and Interesting Books. BRAZIL and La Plata ; the personal record el a emit. By a 3. Stewart. A M.. U.S.N. Westward Empire; or. ia: umi. una, ci hbju- rrrvss. By B. L. Msgooa. Modern Greece: A Narrative ot Retldeaee and Travels In that country. By Heary M. Balrd, M. A. Elaa- A Journy" Through Texas; or, A Saddle -trip oa the Southwestern Frontier: With a Statiitita! Appendix. By Frederick Law Olmsted. The Puddleford Paper; or. Humors ef the Wett, wlra Original Hlnstiatlons. . . Lena Rivers By Mrs. Holmes, author al "Tempest and Sunthlna." The Homettead on the H1B Side. Sy tha tame arrtnwr. The Paragreeaa on a Visit 18 lb Paris Universal Exhibi tion. By the author ol "Lcrmro Torsale.bf, , fl ,, . aXAJX3,Jr. GUION. ' mart lw ritl be sold low by marlO MrKINNET Jc CO. marlO-davrtw. - A.7Wt3 sdrv, j . . At .tii,-ti