OCR Interpretation

Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, October 31, 1857, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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4gS. JJgt lift xcoit Ite io.1 lowing t-O8t0
.i ll sssssaBSsaSBBSsBBaB. ... . ; " " . . .1 .,.!. ohn wnnM have BUSUlneil
, I I -f hr-V-a exist, and sacD. Heavy umuuici m V"'. "v -,v. rrulnr.i In
I HEru&t. ux -l ... ,h8 State are to oe met, .u - r""--. Vrihn entbHnc m
nfl.0iMwff rnm.t of IU currency, tbs au " r;.,i;r .loA-fibber to
ir inf i . . . . w a..ai in r. rr-nir or iue uiswu uwvr . . i
- a kaiiriTiir itikiiiiiliuii ui au!- -- i
" M E M P H I S .
rttwlDg article from the Richmond
Zzamintr unravels the whole sabject of the
.--Kantlnr sTstem of the Unfttd State.
The aacceseoMhe Bant cf EugW, founded
f a it is open pare credit haa given rite to an
lm.M!e brood of email bir.ka in thia
Irv xthlchbaTe brought about periodically the
(eresslre revulsions nnder which the cooatry
lias taffared. If banVIug is to ie encouraged,
let &Mh as near.as passible to the original
laesMI of Amsterdam -wheat iasaea were based,
ileHarf or dollar, npon a like amount of coin.
"We saall then find and enjoy the true uses of
Tna thtBIebma Ex.nlBr.
The Bank of Eaglaad was iacorporated in
imt .krbtr.fire vears after that of Amsterdam,
. i '., the first bank of depotitt, diteount and
drtvlatu: Its capital was 1,209,003, or six
lutlWonn ol dollars, coasistin? wholly of gov
ernment stocks, bearing aa interest of eeRht per
t eat. pr anncm. Its notes were received in
Mrewit of taxes by the government, and the
ttabtte revenue was deposited in the Bank. It
ns authorized to circulate ercneqstr dims aoo
jaake loans to the goversmeat.
Aa a bask of depoaite, it was authorized to
receive depositee not only for eafe-keepteg, to
as retornedwhen demanded by the depositor,
bt to be hsed and loaned out tor the benefit or
the Ustttation, care being taken always to
he srovWed with the meats of returning an
NH .raowt when demanded. As a hank of
&ch ad drc-lation, it is'aed
the Mlb of its capital (government) stock am:
ZletlVe, sc discounted bill of exchange and
t etes Teepensly endorsed, charg
I.ilErS someitag greater than was au
Srtid b law w be charged on loans, and
thtrUvSoe ,for the use of its credit, a
SI, Serf coapensatwn than individuals
wWraotkortxe.1 to receive for the use and haz
artlf wer or capital loaned out Tie baak
ttt in the shape of a promissory note, tne
Zf. rf a, individual so good that another
elaU- mmsible endorsed his note for ootb
ioTafld Mveout its credtt in the form of a
K?t aotf, the transaction beog obviously bat
"Tr't., f rredits. Such were the
a Bra . jl.n.-i
wWah'tt gapj!,am;"air-CTK,--fS?-Hanic
tTEnXi d was established, to 1797, wheu it
fir.t Mwended, it had incr-ased is capital and
f4 aoTl xiaoo.ew to fii.ooo.ooo-
Ins six t' fifty-five millions of dollars.
Bade these profits an an egregious pop"-Urdelaon-
Its Botes were universally re
sMteias rearesenttaggeld and silver, and as
JspanWnr oo that representation exelsivly
for their ckc via tiofi ; as mu'h so as did the
eettiieMes of deposit in the oripnal Bank of
AMtctfeab No e sPPOsd lhe7 coM rfT
MfalSelt credit for a moment after they eaaaed
tohovertiMe into the metals on amand:
serweretfceyBUBposed to have tte eeet f
hxreasiK tee aggregate volume of the ct
es, Md Mehy of increase ikes. They
wiVe as completely identified m the poster
Btml the meUlie currency as if every note
i. ctrcrfattot. bad laid np in the vautts of the
Wak aeeai amount, pound for pW, to
uhUh sU ha paper could be converted the mo
wpreted. AHtHs was a delu-
Tbe lsues ot me jjb
In comnllance with he provisions
.i R9nV cf Tennessee, the
the followltcteport
utl rr-.- Tt L.t- lA.fnr
:s for
of its condition on the 1st Jolv last, i
i.. nF ih tic xi rear, iue rEuu
ttfe"tiuarier endlse the 30lh Septeibfj
ootyet oeenreceiveu hou
.L....i.Jl.ift)ii midrilll of the
lie taoie marcea a auow -uuu..--
the 1st of JsV last,
being the annual published sUtemenr of the
Cashier. , . . L.
n ..ui. n .ham tli Inxns and discoamS,
.i .!. h Mrr-nlatinn of the bank ana
oranches from the 1st July, 1863, the 1st
.' ... M i tt ii. n is. ..cu nf tn
Ie table ucxniuiw laeneit piuuui
K,rA- frnm !( nrltrln linltl ihft lstJulVlS57.
The Uble U eIiowb Uie amoaux oc
vtlle, from the 1st July, 1850, to the lit July,
Ii7 trfiirh gnmninv IU I rCDU
ttmnif inHifinTi!ixble.
These evils brought on the State by Injodle
? t .,- f.nfrllv believed to be
beyond the control of the General Assemb y at
Hi nrcsenttime; aa vested rights are claimed
for the corporation. and
on the bonds lssuea or ""t"-C ofTen-
mercy of the frrencyor the Bank
C?rnny,e Jdurtag Ue past summer, the bu
. ns oV'the coS wofid have been pros
mess oi iljnrfT' naralv-zed. ami the
b-okers and shavers-ontil the
Sim. way get rid of ""flHPf
eranted, I
tne Oil"'- . . . ... - - ,u.
iTrnUIJ not seem to be eaie 10 ui.p
repo.i, " : it wouia uuv ow 1 ; .
enable the General Assembly to form a coire Blnk of Tennessee, ana .e ,-r--
iWHWWtu.-.s--5l(n, y-rmean; and credit, If properly
AM t tlte Schtl Fsod
n. s. rem Lui rwt
OmaoSeaeot " -
HdlnWiiilwi1 Bint...
pit " ITBtao B.f...
'"JIT1 M affori much' aid to the
ould do mucn io r"" pt" -" -
14 641 IS I
m 700 ro
laia sad ilHouat, n4 nol h
f th. Strte. prtr- y t preceded Ui
n.? ' .Ti'S..m. Oae of th
nrv 'lis business conL-ectiona with other sec
tions and iU credit would enable it in any
emereeaer with promptness and certainty, to
$1,S.7S7M laitaintbe creditor tne oiai,ana meei u
wishes of toe uenerai mswu.j.
w4i ? ",.! in the charter that require
amendment are but few, and have often been
urgedupou the General Assembly by those vte
precededthe prestnt board and by them in theU
oMSdRiaf etwd i kit BttrtT ttw 1 '
wMlie Bfe sraiiute.
onto lit -imr vm wnted -;n M
ErhibiUng en the part of the cttiKasin
- in th. l.itttutloB. which
cieasi iuhu..
e principal objects In chartering the
bank beside those sp wfied in tne ui.
ras th relief rf me peopie Wh.
semblv than to th Board
Korea is cmcuiAiioN"
Should vary in amount each year as tie pro
dactioi.s and business
and shouU be, with
act. was th relief pT we penpn - r
lime, xieoce uiuvm - , , it,.. ,
of its capiUI mUhtbe npld ia the muI
and most profitable business """-L. TC:
of buying biM. and aellinga-xcn.nge -
n propi. rtion to the num-
u . i virm L'n or iue cpi-
Btrei VUICIB IU catu " " - . , 1 1
tl tmoM the branches was man e upon mi
. . ... .i : v i r nanir ana
principles thus consuiuung " ----
ClllMn . . " . . . a
.,.T ta ii Genenl As- other half should be loaned to tie clt zens or
I..Vr than to th Boird of Directors. the different counties I
Hfnotea, .ruMs roe..pvBmcp.'iirrir--the
i trii nrouiu icu iiutu
hrsnehes any portion of their capital, meir
precious I
fjS fMlbe ,aStf0irJtarS ?3KSt? Pcipa, k consisted
d itrn-m keeping IncircolaUc sn. f(jr rpose
f its notesas it means woura seem i"'- ,h.ir .emi-annual dividenas.
mainly in the annual selection ot loeir
m shoirn in table B.
thk cask os haxd rndln the preparation of currency for clrcula-
i- -.Viit in isHle R for the last four .V K -
years, and reference is nude to the Cashier's sch an orcaniiation, with the : tntptnt
report ror me momes oa ujbu change of its otucers as one ui rr j".
WE KEAL ESTATE JU.D uiuc ur.i i jc1j pames prevaiiea in uk u.. ----- -
s,.t . l.t Jnlv last, to $23i 9t3 83. uad to serious and heavy losses. In the re-
,hT. wbKh itactuaVcortthe ba.k-ll port. made to
of K, except tbe &acw uTwp uccw ieoo me saspeoucu 7m J if - can.
J.i- - aU. i t . ill hilars na r n n P-UllTd 01 118 Cap'
M it was t.k was pr..w; high, yet lie TsSlch induced the LegisUt ure in the r ac
rert increase in the price of real estate ren- of ism, to place that debt under the control of
. . .. .1 i w ,r;ii .u,ii nn a. K.nL- The examination since
""tW rplrei;; .U STlSTS; eSu.- of the brandies .how
its real estate, excrpv iac - luiiiuc,.!..... k- mirU
a 1 i.U --.-1 Kr iwifuta 1 nPTP IH I s-n a iha nlTTr rBfllliriBc JUAU9 f
capteu Dy -r T.,"T-- J! 7I" fii: in"T,ronortion to their
neiievea in ire n " l""i" --- . I
.1- . . 1. . ka.abai.-p fairnitur In f TIP I . ...
emces. of which no report has been rebuked of it eeems strange that a doubt should exist in
the branches, er-ept their report of current ex- ti,e mind or any one ot tne necessuj anu ui
neosest . portance of placing the management of such
did Tfruit,fna At firtl, Uie precious v Glance of the satpended deW reported la jMutuUon under some controlling power, to
setees. Instead ot we repre.- , - Leeislatore in December, 1SH, an. ' stcre unity and harmony or action, vvmcu are
i, L realitr the rootiilule fr coin. . . ,,i f ,, nrinriaal hsnfc. n ih. maintenance of Ha credit
H - , 1 .. BMCN WWCl U16 - " I " 1 ou loatmiai - . , .
IMtsd f being the mere drudges, per j I" m of Hs apeu aBd attorneys itg BKCces9 In bosiness to its protection and
m t . i ,l- nut, lioftr service.
'" . . s. .1.. nf Ihe
tadk. Im lrm wear and tear, and th hazard
7w or abstraction, as did the certifi:ates of
AMMtsiMiatfee ericiaal Bank f Ater4am,
SSLtedTraded, and banished he
cfas. Bwy note drcnlated becanw the sub
, m-j , ,4 mach coin, and dispensed witn K
iTrfTcnlatHW, al thereby depreciated the
ila- W ss ecies meMls, and ireased
f.u.l. rrable SUBS B3Ve urn onniniJiinrtii jgd dtKBSe WIltD M'K"
. 2 wn Mn. nAl-n u nAD beilMr PIV- I r Gl In trhifh it helofHTl.
ana sttui r-. j --u a ui o , ,
i- ,ii,.in. ! nun. bath of which I a. thi rhmrr has often been recommenaea
were directed to be deposited with the braBches D. tbose who preceded the present board, it is
to which they belonged, ana mere uve ur i dtemf(; not out or puce u speuij i
no reports from all the branches speciijmgme evl, growing out of tne want ot power 10 cou
.nnunt -n.llini Of CODromiSed SO aS I l.nl hm
w e .able the baak to show the exact amount I jf ,jeB,1Bd be made at the counter of one of
. r . -hr nnriiaM ttt the debt are s' ill m I u, rinu-h unon i's own notes for payment
the coons, mostly caaocerj, iu 1 jm tae uasnier reiuses, nu auiy-
hr mwnrmn in the same propoiuoe ; ; ' xumA t h fraudntent. It is 1 .1.. t th. R,nb d ! conduct be sus
vdkAe tt dfariatshed in the same degree te sup- k.i:,vj that the less of the baRk I k ih. Hoard of Directors, this discred
pT re-" A. ,h of ' from those suspended debts which lactase all tbe Branch and Inflicting upon the other
UUem aoswcsd and silver as the basis of 1 . frM1 wB oricin to Dt-1 Rrh... well as the nnneioal Bank the
its McaUtiea ; and yet, by JfJ" , j ceBber, 1854, will fall short ot half a million sX serious injurj ; ought not power to rest
tarn, jawc m "r3;"h'. of dollars ; a result araca more tavwawe wn eowhere to remedy sacn an evil r
saasa degree the fouadaWoo on whb , aieht bav; eiptcted from its organtia- U principal Bank Is advised of
tj. profit, as the "pan.lon graou,.,,
cresses, ana 10 uouoie u 7
the contraction Ukea place. In either aspect
of the case, the speculator Is benefitted and the
..-1. .ika arfotimfl
lid Blioncr uiuiua.iwu w. -----
.v.t.m ran tie found than the experi
ence of our own citizens during the past year
year. Tennessee oaa oeen pctuuj
the highest prices, and her citizens enjoying a
wealth and Independence scarcely knnK n
any other country, and yet in the midst of toeir
comfort and abundance, the scarcity of money
is the cause of constant complaint tnd of sen-
Arm 1im tn mint? of thsITI.
This can beattributeu 10 noomn u ""
h! th. rirmilaMnf medium of UlS State is
composed mainly of paper money, and under
.r. r th. hanka it rocfidenllv believed that
' . - J- . 1 1 1 : ,
within a few montlis past, near lour raiiiiuua
the paper money of the o&nics, winca ivas in
rim, htim ... h..n withdrawn with a corres-
nondinir reduction Of Uleir UlSCOUUll. 0iuiB5
less than a severe pressure In tha money mar
V.t eonld follow such a chance. Such flactna
tions In the money market can be made at any
time by the Conductors or ine u.inns. wueo'
...... it .nit. th.-r interest or canrlre. rio cen
sure Is designed to be cast on the managers of
the banks tbey have no doubt acted In good
faith for tne oenenioi iueir iikuihi.
th.i. f.rm.r nrnimiom mv have required the
present contractions for the safety ot their re
spective banks; yet it proves that the control
o' the currency of the State, whilut composed
chieflr of paper, snoum oe lasen ny iue ucw
ral Aasembly, and some means adopted to pre
...t .m-h irremlaritv in future.
It has been the constant effort of tbe Board
of Directors to avoid such an increase of its
circulation as woula encourage improviaem
a h.. ,!.. anrriilatlon In tht. nroducta of tbe
country by its customers, and bsv-. not there
fore been compenec, noiwiiuauuuig mc jcb
sure upon it by the other banks, to curtail mi
terially lta circulation or diminish its discounts.
Tht clrenlaUoa an the lit Jansarr, 133T. $1 6M.J
Ulioranti " litJannarr. " "
. litJalf, " " 4.607.6J0
and if the purchass of the bonds of the State
be treated as discounts there will be butltttle
u.rialinn inr. tbe tiril or ui Yeir, so mat iue
Bsnk of Tennessee is In noway rrsponsibie for
the pressure in the money miricei curing tne
laws controlling It, the Bank would be enabled
to furnish currency enough to answer .the de-
.l f -altar 3tat.xml -thu vtipersede in a
great degree the circulation ot the notea of
other States, which have been and may again
be, the fruitful source or iraua ana imposition
upon the citizens. Much ot the pressure in
the money maraei aunng uie paoi season uio
its origin in this very evil. Lire sums In the
notes of other States bare been used by some
of the new Bank; and Brokers, without the
navmentot any tax for the iirlvliere, to au-
persede the notea of our own State Banks
which were immediately retnrnid for tbe pre
cious metals, thereby compelling a curtailment
ot tbe circulation of our own banks and a re
duction in their discounts, a few banks or
brokers of limited means may ttus materially
interfere wiih the larrest and best conducted
The currency of the Sate would be materi
ally benefitted by the re-uiactmt nt ot tbe 12th
Articie ot the 9th Section ot the Charter, which
prohibited the issuance or Rtfes of a less de
nomination than ten dollars. The exclusive
issue of small notea under five tqjlars now se
cured to t4ie Bank, though of son.e advantage
to it and convenience to the citizen, ought to
be dispenstd with If the preciousutials can
be substituted in their place, the tdency of
their oae, la to exclude the precioo metals
from circulation.
The pMdotia metals are cow saore abu,jlnt
thanatany ormer period an I will go wi.re
there is a deiaud for them ; such a change
1... .rnnl.l create the detaand, and in
.k..l II... wnn 1 accun ail lutll. IB unninil,
e.t.. .. nf jr sound and well regulated
"r"". t. , ih. e...i.
It would secure uie ' .
and impositions too often practiced on them by
the use of small notes, nd would in a great
decree protect them fron. the fluctuations in
tne money maisei, mui
the present system.
Which is reepectinny suon. in.rai 10 wj
sideratlon ot the General A.,e,nbly
ff-An old woman, down town, having been
told that the Isiuss of the banks of Kentucky
exceeded nine millions, said that they must all
be iaafaons.
SSjtrial ottei
Holloway's Oiutmenr,
(TJXUra thM outrird a(rltlon wbUli rllev- aU
rcrthememt7psralrimf the nerreos mini itlon
ot th itln,) pltrces throma tie sttartMOti U it iet
of lnflimmallao, eb4 thai ntlnialifcta tie fir w nicn
feeds tin ercytlon, boU, or niter 'rem which Uw pt lent
The Postmaster General has made an
order that all Postmasters whose compensation
exceeds twelve dollars and fifty cents per quar
ter ahall be annulled with wrapping paper, ,nffsr.
twine and aeallne wax for the use of "their SoMatth maasfsctorr, Jt: 80 VU4en Une, Mlrw
offices By the Post Office Der.artmen.t, ana me " llIW7
rule adopted March 12, a.. rVo
ii n..inl,n whnae eomnensauon is im 1 aajt -
an 1 UJ.....I. . I .... . . . . n .
. j .. ...1. n.r niart.r WILL rteelT norm a BHIS uaruisa, ueorsia. 0-
Win twelve collars ana mjr v. r- -1 ,.n Ml.Brt. ollM. r-ntn-v. Tlrrtnla. LonUI ana.
. .... . r ih.i. .tti.. 1 ' ' ' "
can purcnasa ior we uao - N,wTMXaDiyewKnila1 tsmnerlor Ooodi
reasonable amount of these articles, proviaea ncdrrtaut8totkBk of Tenneiiee.
the net proceeds Is not less than twenty Uoliara ociM-iir
per year. IBurHctt's Oriental Tootli Wiish.
few I THE f;l!owln it on of a 107 ummonliu ta its
It nu Kali, UiaUn, Vpt. 5J. rjjo.
Tilnlt fir th latUa of OBIENTA' TOOTH
Poncy Taken Up.
TTTBtCTTI HTlamilare, uti will 4 urn
II to the owner, wbeo promt aM charm
or Ill-It Corner Union and &xn tU.
Sferuplilg Slodical College.
rVtniC lotrodoetoiT Leetara of the BsUr Cenree,
JL will h Mlrirl at th. VUlal CJVee, hj Proffa
fjr A. r. Merrill, on MOVDAT EVKNI.VG, at 7
o'dock. IsWaet Valleal X-lsealtra.
The pnbUc renerallj, ladlea and ganllemrn are tSTlted
to atlend. L. SHJSXS Dean.
Pra.O.S'S harlag daimi acatsat te lata firm ef K. B.
TKUALlftCO.,oraxals.9l X. B. Thrilu deceaanl,
wia pleaae preaent tbem fa' pai mtit U Br T. ft. Thrall,
faaceof Dr. Sbinki kTtniit lir if aim ,tmt. Th.
U J-Wed are restated to call and aettle or to holl thm-
aiees in raaaioo, to par when eaBed opoa. A liberal
dlteonnt win he mdeen notea eol de. ncul-iw
r....C...-.,t. Nrnin FaaatCSS. A
Yraro the Hon- Cerrit bmuo far
f . . . - 1 a s t? - mnA VrinlIin rotintlpf
irarii ni una in cijca -
- . . . i nnt .m
N. Y. In severaltv. to anoui o,vw efi.uv
honlne to induce thm to engage them In Jarm- WASH, which I hae naid wlih the arealeat voaalhle de
ii ,j . Mrr.vl.Ufor the support of them- lUhtaodaatliracUoo. It It the article, pit eznlLice,
"ftl ---- . . .tt..n ., ... . ... . JJ(...,
selves and lueir lamiiics. , IOT ,o ,HU. .i.h
the Tn6ue, be states the result thus far as I troaatle gaver Is so rcrr aoperior ta all other artldei
follows 1 . . 1 .
"Of the three tbouiand colored men to
whom I grave land, probably less than fifty
have taken ami continue to hold P"
.t..i....t. irr..ia worse, half of the three
or been so careless as i
for taxee."
A similar experiment, but from a raruir-
rhlth I baiaeTtr tiled, that It la oublj aimahle,
Terr trnlr joan, O. D. T.
Ta. Mwiri. Joieph Bubuctt 5. Co., Holloa.
Freparedtr Joeeph Borsett k. Oe , Boabm. Foraalo
br B. UAsriEU k. Co., and all dealers, at oOcper
actus occ23-datwI
aiotqulto Bites.
AJf anIWote for the polaea of aetiBHo', heea, wur
ferent and anro plllantbroplc moUve, was I fce., has been fonad In bubxbtts xalijistok, pre
lercnv outo the most nious P 7 Kesirs. Josrwi Bcasi-rr fc Co , Trenton
made some years by one of the most pious f nUm eonUUl. ,
men In the Smth. II Is almost nnnecet.iry 10
say that It had like disastrous result The
t.th I. th. rrn nwdl a master, ana uoasi
MM.M - " &-
get along wllhontone.
RcDEMfTioic or A CArTivE.- The Indian
rt.,...,.h..r.,.i.I irformatlon that the son of
Mr. Sjuukendal'recejtly redeemed from the
CheyewirB,"basbeen sent to tbe Bottowatomle
or Shawnee mlssron Ichool, where they will
....it th. .nii.Ihla father. His mother
was mardered by. tb Indians in October, 1860,
at tbe time be was oxen pnaoiier.
Trait ont
atreet, Boaton. Thli rnparatlon coatalaa a peculiar
propane, whtcb, upon briar theresfhlr nibbed Into the
bites scditlnsi of latecta, IniUnUr Bwalla a thepol-
aw and auaja las Inoammattoa.
ror tali B7 S. If AXSriSLO CO., and dealera ten'
rallr. Price SOe, per. bottle. ocisajiwawiw
A Snlendiil Dnrctiin
At mi oranurainew lunewor ruao
aertn curea, la exhlMUd for aale, at
'.inirain a miimnrTj nor. 191W inn
rich, fo, and hrUUnt flnlih. anurous- H a
ed In Jf aao. Price iWKnlilr low. La."U, wlahir-
tope.rcli'tewaaM do weH to examlM It. Tor pinKu
Ur cnqnlro at the atore, or of
IIIIA3. CliUll.l.l?(,
ocUI-tm KaaUtaedTeacBeror Ma to
auii.ih mims. n. j, XACWLBT,
psou pter w. eantnict n.
OBrAT BILL FOB satobdat.
Lett appearand of Mra. VIKSINl A BMtTO.
Men. H A RTE VIA, enr.aied tt oae nl(ht mar-.
S1TTJRDAT. OctaberSUt., 15S7, in CABPENTBa1
OF EOCEN. or Th Ifatiaera at SU Bartholemrw
Martra3, Mr. tt. Lawlar, Grander, Kr. J. Greene,
aladetea. 3tr. J Greene.
After whkh, GRAND TRIAL DAXCE, Sirs. T. Smith
and Ifrt B K. M.HUfT
To be fa-lowed br H . If artesla, ta his astonndni(
feaiaof JacxHEC sad wire- Dtaeuis.
Th csndotie wtlh 1NTB0ST and CtEOPATRA. Otfo
p tra. Mra. T SK 170
t3" Per parHcalan, see daHr provraiaaiei. octlt
BY W. W. HUKT & GO.,
Humber 10 Madison Street.
FIRST aale or tno aeaa of Pamllnre, Stems.
LUtnore. GrocerWa, Cncherr Ware, ax. itc, at aae.
tlen. W will s-U THIS M0RN1NO. at M o'clock, to
front of onr atore, an atiortmest of Pniailarfl. 3lTr,
Snip, moors ta barrels, Greeeriea. Greekerr Wart,
Loonies, kl. AS. LETT, AneUoaeee.
Saio-poeHln. oom
STKATamfremthedwtot theMemshlsand
Oblo Ral rad, on Uie th , a HORSE
XBLaT. moaaa eoored. wtlh saddle ranks .a
left shoaHa blade. S ors raara old I wia
Sire the store reward far his receeerr U ine at lutt.
rTIWKLTB nUNDBED bbla. alHa Lim la prime or.
X dec. Also OmeatPluter Paris, fir sale tewtolLa
Also a fall aapplr f corn, bar, oats, brsa, &. Kwr
donrs north, ot Adams street, treatise the rtesr.
'Peonies Prod Store." Glee mo caM.
"eta'-tni yr WANT.
Crisp's Gaiety Theatre.
JcnVsea Sireet.
Lessee and Ksnater W R- CRISP.
susa Kuuiir atr J. G CARTLITCH
Treaaarer Mr. X. C LEMOTNK.
Ooadoetorof Orchestra, Professor BE3SING
fteslo of PTlc- dartais ta Opera KUhls.
BAIIJONT. or PamBr CI. tie 60 cts.
Y3 nmlied nnmbrrot Seaxia Tsraeia mar be oe-
iaiae 07 aa rarir appuaaiaui ai ine sex uooa.
DwrsopneiaarterbefareTi To eomaxBee half-past t
ParewaU nlsht ot the eatsest
New Orieani English Opera CempaBy.
aH SATBROAT EVESIXG. notatxr 11U.. W7. wW
J be predated Rosslat'a Cfcalc Opera ot the JSARBER
ur saviiLB
To eanatada wHh lie BarleMoe Opeta of PG-SA-H0N-TAS.
Pir fasl partleiHars aee MSa of the dar.
MOSDAT NEXT, NoTemberlBd., tt DraataMo STAR
OO Jl PA NT will appear. oetsi
Home For The Weary.
A rRAME haeao six mmi. wHh alt other
XA. oat bmsrs. and cistern Let IS eet froaA
bf 1(9 dp, oa the north aide of Seal, and east
of Beaoto s third Bease from the comer ot Da-.
aoU. will be aold m TUESDAT. the 1st at Notember.
iraowi. sasaatosr aactiea mail. Boot forsea
the loehr ehaeeo f or a home. Terms, cnc-atlh ctsa, 1
anas yeara wtth lalertst far ihebalanco. Look aharp.
eetlt-" A. and K.X. BROexJt-
Erenlcc Sows eepr. .
X3T DB- SK ITU'S onlr trse, otlxlssl and sen sum
33 nu.
OIL x o
Must be Sold.
TaJOT wlshlax to eanr ever aar iteet, and awtts to
Xl the hart t hail, we bare determined skat the Dr.srr
war to avoid dans sols l t!t r-wdi atarsiestn salt
the tisv aeeardtnUr, f roaa Ibis Sat wo off r oar enure
stock ef &M and fathlmMe readr made eloiblas
faralshUs r"Kj'l aa.' traaks, at aseb a ledactlen of
price a wtfi lasaro their sale.
octal -:;3 3. oiaiks MaiMe Block.
WARD k. JONES, Dreiiiiti,
32S Mala street,
Sjje AtenU for Memphis.
. . . .... r, ii.i it . vnnm.i t . . i i . . i u.nir i. ..di . n nr in. .m.
exiKBtaled, vaniehed. " ! 7r ' I Dl0meat of unsafe agenU and large sums of
watrnrtian was imnlanted in the system at
to!), ba eipaamtad wtth its -rowt,"
iritUraltKie" Snail v in its dissolution. The
j. attm 1 taanfc'cirrrfatiow ad aalfc is
I 111 esse or the other must perish in tbe
c Swch is the decree of fate it is ir-
The Pbmpbct3 ot Delta. Ihe Vilify
2wlr geves a paiifyifi ai eoorafm ac-
- - aaf thai ( cts ef the tewn of Delta,
Btiaated fca Oaboase. cowaty e the Mississippi j
tftpac Several bssieees boasea have, been
recently ben there, and others are in cotcm
aJiHnn The Piauttr remarks:
a We seed mecsaBics, soch as blacfcsmiths,
caiaests, shosiavakers and others not men
tVtr iHI JWw is the time for the mechanics to
com. sjsl estabHsh a character iti the first
ktsjaMear f the town. The shrill wfaistie of
Use siaar, moviae majestically up or down
the jsreat " Father of Waters," as the case may
fc, ay be beard for this point many times
Ihsoartiiiat every day and nirfit. Aitd in fact,
mroryMoc aeeass to he in favor ef rttfcbias
OelUn te a high, htMoraUe and unexpected
Cm.'. FeoTE at JACKses. The lliiiit'ippi-
atfemati at Jaeksea, and M.tkHia es the ;u
thertty ef a cerrespcBdent of tbe Rkhmosd
.Strata, that be wiH prehaMy take the stamp in
aito Mtotft to defeat tbe poHcy of Gov. Walk
b, Kaetsas. We hardly thtak there m
anf Afsaib in tbe namer.
MBETiaa or the Legislature An ad
joaracd sessieij ef the Legistetare wilt he cos
aastaesd at Jevekees on Monday ?it. It is sp
patccsji that a O. S. Senator will be elected ftr
take poiitiea Bew heM and so ably filed by tbe
Hem. A. G. Gbvk. The new term ceamen
oejs eta tbe 4 ef March, liS.
HrwiPBr. Tbe stere ef Mr. HimtaBt, at
Etsajas, Merteted last week, and $230 in sold
Mat a feast -ty ef geods stelea tbsrefrem
Aatmaaagb 1 a aerirra rests on an iadtvidavil seen
aataaVaSEJ around tbe peace about the time the
rojbbery Ws eoaHBttted, no elite has ret been
elMassd as to tbe wbereabonts of either money
C1eaBS.pMela Mar, Oct. 28.
A JKuifcDAi. CacLECE. A cerrtspoedent of
tbe Oteasade HepUwn urges tbe propriety and
eeesekr.wf sstabliebiBg a Medical Cellepe in
I nraaanee if the act of l&W.the President L.,r utt in their hands for months, though
and Direeters caused to be burned in the pres-1 urgei to have the agent removed and tbe money
ence of tbe Governor an ueMreiter, am we placed in the Bran-.D, and retasea until neavy
litb ef June, 1S6, and the 3d April, 1E67, the ojs4S w Bajtalned; should there be no remedy
watea which were considered nefit for I , .Hit at law for the recovery of the money?
.i....i.tuB. a (thewn in tbe f oMewtec state-1 is th. Rani; discovers larze sums of money
I remaining ior monms in me uanus ui snn
the Branches, yielding no profit, not even Inter
..t. when thousands of dohars could be made
"...S?S by a judicious investment of It, ought there not
"'.'..H603 to be a power somewhere to order the Invest
.....5i.8 meat and thus secure tbe profits?
"""'tasti 'n periods of pressure in the mosey market,
t Trhu-h nfti occur, when the collection of its
' debts becomes necessary to preserve the credit
, el the institution, ought any of the branches
....IT to be permitted to contlnne their discounts and
r.. .. . ... , 1 . rw . .1 ...
imui ..inuthjiMtiifrtMiieruiKirafaisr uiusiuiun-
WboleamoaBbrn ,c...- i,.i. th. nth.r
tbe General Assembly witb aatnemy to eeii,
Sotrtft ...........
TrratoB.... .............
Aaoast haraed la faiaer reeaH..
hair. uf h.en dianased of DO saeh twice hi 8
been otTered as in tbe opinion of the Board
i-noH itMtif v a sale of tbem The stocks are
deemed of too much value to justify any sacri
fice whatever, me rive per cent. " or build un faetoriea for the ad
State railing nue eariy next year a jmpu .TTL. ,oc., or nriv.te interests: ouaht
a a tt.11 a their own.
In the earlier staees of the bank, comblna
tions w ere discovere.l by which large accom
mrwlatimia were riven to a few favorites; some
time for the use of Directors, in violation of
law; and occasionally to promote Internal im
to be paid by the Baak from ii a other resources.
The Baak bas faraMted. dariac. tae paaMw-
rears. ',H;w?!ii m 5r!tii,wi,oe
or 'tut ibb ibere was f araasbta as ew
Tut aod PbilAoebxhla.
TO the Down Baak 1.53 000
1k the naatora Bask.. lrfsr.090
It is tbe dntv of tbe President and Directors
ef tbe Bank of Tennessee to make such recem-
meAdatiees to tbe General Assembly, for tbe
Uaoa is CaLipoiwia. The wages of labor
continue to ha Tervlhieh In California. There
iris In San Francisco
worth from ona.to ten ttousand dollars each, BASES, fte,
their ordinary wJEea btlng now twenty.five I p0r sale, wholesale and retaH, br
dollars per aantb; In tbe splendor of their
.Ireaaa thew farieelinsS ' their mistresses, and
... -J
as the aaylntlsKyoey eaa raise Dcoaoway octis-Jw
downV.withootJanjirort, a. x. mrror.
The coiAry will learn with regret,
but surprise, Uut ex-President Pierce and his
ladr intended bisslnr the ensuin? winter In
the Island of Madeira, the delicate health of
the latter rendering ttneeeasaryfor ner to sees
relief In a mild Hind genial climate. The
President of the tfnlted States, as soon as he
was apprised ot the intended journey, with
kindly and characteristic courtesy, prompt
ly informed his dbtlngnished predecessor that
accommodations for himself and bis estimable
lady would be 'provided for them on board a I tntlon wortbr of pnb'le pitronate.
vnv.rnment irrmel. which la to take its de- I
parture shortly for the East Indies, stopping "Who shall decide -wlteu Doctors
on its way at the Island ot Maderia disagree!"
irJi4ine!o Onion. ;AndttlsaverrcmaioatblBtto aee tbem -dUifree,
Co.ioaEssioiCAL Vacancies. The vacan
cies in Conzress wete filled at the State elec
tijns of last week, to fill vacancies caused by
death. The members elect are as follows :
P.nnnrlrania Tvelrth diatrlet. Paul Leidr.
Indiana Second district, John E. Niblack.
Indiana Tenth district, Charles Case.
aiatbematlcal & Classical High School,
JOHN P. HAKLOW, Principal.
THIS Institution will hereafter embrace all the depart
mfnts of In.-traction teoessarr to qsali'p stndenU for
Commercial, Scientific or Pref easlscal parsnlls.
The Classical Department win be sader the lamadlaio
sperrliioa ot Prof. J. H. BWSSON, A. II., f rsdeale
of Princeton, and an expeneaeed teacher.
Prof. NATHAN TEALB wUl preiMo ta the Vathe-
ciattcxl a rut Sdectllc Depaitmenta.
No labor or expense wUl be spared to make this Iai'J.
For Sale.
I WILL SELLoa HATURDAT. B-cember the 3S
Slh, 00 tbe premises, oae tbessB4 acres ef 2S&
L,aiuinTlplonoMn y. Itlat stxmttts Berth KJ
wtt ot If aaon Depot oa the Jf emptus and Ohio .i
RaHroad aed seren mHea tma CoetaftM The shoes
laBd la kaown aa the Hit's tract af id Tk. t.
abont etfbtr or a haadred area etearel. sad tolseah'r
tn "iia aooa aaa liitss viur . tu...
ln-l WW bo dleld4 to taH prebaaers. Per taetbs
particauralapptr toTJMMMBniwJtOi. SiiPolsEiteit
i ja. jonasioti. Kftrtwe; cm. chaa. BIKsa
Jetalsc tbe ttseot Daetd Naaa, Samem Ie, or the
atviersirned at Beraeat.Tesa.
P. 8. Terms, oae-thlrd cash, the balasaa m m. t.
and three Jean wi a lterest rctsi.lm
eren upon tbe most nalmporlaat milters ; tat wbea
ther are all of one opinion noa aar one aahiecl, w verr
nataraDr caleolata that tbelr op la Ion, thus arrlTed at,
la a correct one. This, thee, mast be tbe case- with
RSKEDT; for noose who ever witnessed lta effects when
med tit that complaint, bat wM aar that tt Is aseqsal-
The last nsmed is a Republican ; the others ed. It la saca a eert.la care that It wffl in time lake
Democrats. No political change.
How to Dispense with Paper Honey Let Con
gress Impose a Jaz on small sanK-aoies
Prnm the (TinclcriAli Knonlrer 1
Heretofore it bas been attempted br tbe in
strumentalltr of action in 'be several States, to
effect a current relorm. This has been impos
sible; for, althoneb some S'ates might prohibit
it he circulation ot bank-notes, uthers would con-
'inne it, and atlll continue to deluge tne prom
ition states with their emissions.
Tbe true plan is and we invite the attention
precedence over all other Temediet.
See bis advertisement is another part ot this paper,
HAS tbe pleaanra to assesses to his friends and the
pabUcKeuerallr. that hehas been appelated bv Xessrs
StodArt k Karris, of JfewTork, Arent for tbe sale ot
na la now onenlnx at their stars on Adams street, a tew
mri below the Worsbam Ilosae. a Una stock wMcfl
- the friends of a constitutional currency to wbien win be Mkt at An Tortpncet.
'"-for Coneress to pass a law imposing a ci- sepi m
TT'OCK beadrd aataeta Oat fir a tie ta aaatMlea ta
A. east paeeaaam. HVTAL, ALSBO Si CO.
'VTOTH of ast New Sfteaae aaagweded or Dot asspea-
li eaa Raaka, VIA be lwasses at par. In patBeet of
otMa. a c-ptan es or BMea. If anorer, fee an sonde
eeM ay ase, 1 wUt lake aaM bank sates at tar, wKh
wo auawaaes ue asau ouetaai (arcaaa.
Swxser of THOl P1NIT A OU..
odSS-ls ta IM Leroa sUe!. Nrw llrlnns.
Broadwav Street.
0SK LOToa toe sooth aide of Bresdwar atreet, treat
ies the eM LaOraage aad Port Pfeseelas Raessad,
'eetweat ef Lasdeida street, to Bet treat br
iSadeea Tbiaci. t . . . .. ,
laJaometUtapanbaaera Lksbarpt ItwWbesord
11. . IT. V wa- TUBSDAT the la ef Novem-
. . - - ...i.,
Jara wiuHstml.
Si balanca ta
catob a. soy.
G-oId Fens!
ine mt iss aaoH raeasauBi a-re oc UAJkVirtu
Of Xattie,
bt'iariereSStaKw'lhs svHKHfirfSibSIl
The OeaUeaaea Ctaaa oa Wedoeadar 4tb' last Tbe
Teas( Ladle, aad Jaeenuls wtl. eooKaeace on Sst
irdlT ernslnr. Tlh last , at a 'c ck Tt terms aad
ftvtker partlca'ars. a-prtoMr Benson 'a XWc Store,
Uala street ; IHstm a Got a'a Book Store. Nam street
Prtrate Botrdtt.s Schools wUl also be tsulh' bp applf
cataaa lataeaa. aeTMatw-
CUancery Sale or
Corn, Fodder and Farminff iBple
raeuts. rf parsaanoe ef a d- err of the Circuit Ceert ef Taaaca
eoaalr. preaooacM stthe ucsVr Urm, War. at said
Caet,at aeettoa, la tae aattof Jaaea B B IUi an aad
Jeaa Robinson. AamHUstrater's ar WUHam ReMaaoa.
deressed, and other., ve Jamea K. Owaa. I wan aeMaa
Ooam.aslseeT oa TOK6DAT and WBNRSAr. bho
-.Slaandsaiadaia of aWeBber. lJT, aa she premlaea
of Jasies H. Owta, lie 1st IS mite. wr(t of Rcreaao,
oatha Heraaado iwa-L lea Kef to Ommeree. aad six
mHea east of Orimmr, tae foHowtac preperlr ta :
Leads, sretloae, -lfbtci aad aiaxteca. (IA aavt tsfl ta
Tswashtp three (3) ot raste tsa. (IS) Chttusaw Sesata.
Taalaaoeaatr. XtMtsstael Twealj-ttro aeervea, men,
wuaea aid ehebtrea; Kates Boesea. Wastoae. Oera.
Fad'ter, aad ParaUax lap em Us to lae Mabeet HMtr,
eao-thlrd cah, taehaUacs of too parehaaa sealer ta
tws eqaal parmsts, la oae and two rears, beartts
iatereat at tho rata af elsat par cent, per aaaam.
Th ahoT taads comprise a Sis rata bottom frm.
soma foar or flee baadred aersa etred, aHeated oa
Bask lalasd Baroa, six mHea from the Pnmmim Uad
tfiS. wtth a sood read thereto.
Boada with appneed seearltr. wttl be rcaaared, aad a
usazccaismiapoaui taaaa aaa aesro.
Im Osmasisitaaer.
I Premium JLots
a. atauctioiv: rasite.
lsf lfi4attaronAverrstreetSfeat.bTl feet dera. aad 1
I as KHbtA atreet, as feet traot.tr IK reet Mfa
Grold Pens,
AlarteasMrtairat. setseted wtth treat rare for this
marktt, mar be fetmd at QUO. PATrMON'a; 003.
Rope and Twine.
TUST RESKIValD, per aUaaura va. Dicksoa and
J Soathsmer:
500 aatta brat Xacfene Rieec
704 oaa aad half-ros Haad Bepe ;
60 bales aaariar Tfcc J
r.r sale lew to ta lnl.br
ItII Baak ATI-no..
Wheat Wanted.
WK wn par Ua alsh-at market price for aB ncr
Whnt Mtt.rrd at the H'U.
Tiam, Braa aad Shorts for sate at the market price,
liO-m OMr atUta. K-moMa. Trim.
Kashviixc, Jalr 1st, 1SS7.
$1 S !l
. i,iz,:ui as
. ITU tno m
Discounted Sett.
RMI. and Notes IQ Satt..
Common Srbl Bands..
a:ate Bona....
lUalSsUte ....
Storks la Uelan and PlaatM'a
Notes ot otber Bintt...
Gold and Stlrer
51. nil 73
CIS T2Z 33
'31)13 (&
I,0,TI sr.
- s.sn.to 10
Wi6n sc
1 1T3U3
7,719.651 07
rrt tax upon the circulation ot bank-notes as
CUl.ncv. The nawera of Congress to do this
is Uquestionably. The Constitution expreesly
f.ivB. uongress autnority 10 levy Direct taxes.
In th case of banks it has already been exer-
cisedi Jn 1813 it passed a law taxing banks in
all thr dtpartmrntb of circulation deposit
and efcbanze. The tax was about a cent on
every djlar bill Issued. Tbe tax was contin
ued nntl 1817. It was then taken orT, while
an induct tax was continued on suar, salt,
and otheinecestaries of life.
To conment upon this odious distinction is
entirely mnecessary. Banks have special
prlvilegesrranted to them, and cn;ht to pay
mora taxeithan those who have not these spe
cial priviliyg. We call for the retmpoiition
of the tax, y Congress, onbank-paper Issues.
Let it be fron the first so high aa to prohibit
all notes fron circulation of a less denomina
tion than twtnty dollars. Gradually it could
WX are prepanid to famish In a asperier stjle. Invi
tation, Weddlnr, Tisttux and Business Cards.
cctt T. H. CLARC tt CO.
Edmondson & Armstrong,
Wbetea ale and Re'all Dealera la
Opposite Coart Squarr Sign of the
G-oldoU Stirrup.
CXBPconstantlr oa bane.' a tall assortment ot articles la
their lln, conilstlna In part or rrenen ano American
Calf Sklne Ilrmlock and Oik-Taaned Solo Leather,
Sklrtlno, Harness, Bridle. Wax aad rip Upper Leather,
Enameled and PaUnt Leather of aH kinds; Pad, Hcf,
Cbamols. Deer. Llnlnr and Toppter Skint. Also, a fan
Snoemaxers- ana xannera-
there not to be a power somewhere to arrest
'"Sucifevfls have repeatedly occurred, and for
wast of a proper supervision of the Branches
hoasinds ef dollars have been lost to tbe
It auVrda the Directors pleasure to say that
for a few years past, the Branches have gene
rally co-operated with the principal Bank in
Capital Stock
SlnkUgor Conlaient Fond
Special Depositor Slate
Common school Land dt.tito
Triasareref Teener....."
PreOt and less, (rea'ved f and)
Net Preat last tlx months,
Oa Acilee CapHal
On SUKks - -
Branch Bslsceee
Doe to Banks
Circulation........ -
M.713 CI .
113,Wl M
'3iS,J a
113 SUTO
sisasa It
U1.S91 IS
61.810 "O
99 938 66
etl.iu el
3 tei.itt 41
arsortment of faddlera'.
be increased taon the Iaree bills, until the true Tools, is. Saddierr Hardware and Harness Kountlnxs
onstitutional mrrencv of irold and silver was of ererr varletr to which we respeclfnBr invite
Tutored. It was never intended bv tbe f rimers
of the Constitu'Jo!! that there should be any
olhr monev than cotil and silver. Thev were
, for tbe I m..Vi. ,nnf.J 1.1.!) ami rnrutiirted their
amendment of its charter and the lawt by k.iUui with Vnerv and xeil. thereby secur-
Ttfmw&arM Orricz ix Faxoul. in ue
siaafce? a 111 1 Baal ur six weeks, we are cresji-
laMj smfrrin". a itae ef telegraph win be 10
1 Bettered neeBnvjis aa t-aaawa- ah
tvbich it is conducted as in their judement say
be deemed necessary to promote the interests
of the institution.
In their last report, as opinion was expressed
ia opposition to the policy adopted by tbe State
in the establishment of the Bank or beeomin' a
partner with a portion of its cttizeas in corpo
rations of any kind for tbe purpose ef making
money this unwisely exciting a competition
between tbe State and its citizens in business,
or c:vioe uhjfist advantages to its partners ovtr
other citizens.
The establishment of the Bank of Tennessee,
after tbe investment of such large sums in the
log largely increased profits to the Bsnk yet
sucn a control over iue nrancueena may secure
harmony and co-operation iu their movements
is deemed all important for the successful man
agement ot tbe institution; and becomes more
so, as the number ef banks increases.
The interest of the bank will be greatly pro
moted, whether tbe suggested amendments to
tbe charter be adopted or not, by such a change
in tbe laws, as will secure punctuality and
promptness in the payment of its debts, or a
more speedy aad lets expensive mode of collec
tion. Ibere does not seem to be any good rea
son for sibjecting the State to the expense and
7.710 651 07
JAMES htOSTOy, Cabier.
. r-nV-t nnA niifowLfi of tht Bin cf Tcnntt
tee ano uroncars vim aowuim. j --
cu oUm,froaJltit July IBM, 10 nr jvtj, mi.
luu nd n sct.'a Sreoie. Circnlatlen.
jo'r 1st. 1813. $t.tiis3 04 ai.twim 47 J 151,tSI IU
. i-ilmlM 01II57TJS ? fiCS 969 lO
air 1st. 1661. 4 500.073 75
Jan. Ist,lS5i, 455atSi5
JUT 1st, 1855. 4 004 013 60
Jan. 1st. IS-'. 4 45,771 SI
air 1st, SS, 3S2 600 7i
an. Is.. 1857. 4 605 47SC1
Jalr 1st, 1SS7, 407,SM3J
Ubk and i-ianiers; iianits, seemed an itj'i- deU of a feguUr suit at law, for the recovery
cous application of tbe public monies to tte . , "ed a citlltn from the treasury by
erection of a rival InstituUee to those already
ia existence in which the State was so much
interested and which ceuM but result to tbe in
j'irr of both
The Board therefore recemraended that the
Rank of Tennessee be pat in liquidation and
tbe application of its funds to the payment ef
the debts ot the State; tbe time seemed favor
able for its accomplishment; the Bsnk bae
never been in a better condition; its cirenlatior
less thin for many previous yearr; tne condi
unset sjf take TleT4ph Company is now here, l tion of the country prosperous, tbe staple pro-
. . 1 . . . ... I J...J 11 I . . .1... nnA.l mnA n.n-
saafcanet w sxeaw,tb neeessary arrange-
iwaasts far fitting up this emee. 1
; Cavaayay wlsfa the wires, atl let us have a
iwm MlM"'" "rirr- lG cneer ua aarssig iue p
unlJMftI Chrlitsnas holidays, vfota, we hope,
the VH time ef panic, fear and doubt will have,
i a grant extent, evaporated. Pamela Star.
ductioss unusually laree, prices good, and new
banks going into operation daily.
It was confidently expected that tbe currency
thus withdrawn would be supplied by the issues
of the new banks and thus afford the'means of
paying its debts withont eabarraetment to tbe
ct'izens, that tbe means of the bank thas sup
plied would go far toward the extinguishment
AI.A.BAKA H5TEIJ.IGEHCE. ' of tbe State debt and leave the people free from
, t D.... ....r Th. j.-i.i.um., 1 taxation xcpt for tbe support of tbe Slate.
, Alabama LwHSLATtiE.-The 'e AgemWy a dllf,rtnt new
zsseafVles en Monday weak. The HuatsviWe u! tht t1lUet, i0,tead of placing the Bsnk
iftvfdU eays : f-ia Itauielation as surgested, the seek in tbe
"JUs evisjent, new. that tbe members will.find ; Union and Planters' Banks was transferred to
-thafetheiK-erent money panfe, the banlcs. ie., it, wifD authority to sell and after the payment
-MiH aecamr mnoh of their aUeetieu. What i of the five per cent bonds of the State falling
, tS. - r . I. . ! . n.W TT . f Tl . ......ill Tf . OfinllMI TAin
sussi wiwi rnriw w sue c ja.,.u .-rr..-- -- -
rrency of the State, increase or us capital suck. iue salaries or
s new hard to tell. ! the officers of tbe Bank and Branches (except
TJfcra ineasures wf H most likely be adopted, not of the President) were increased, under the
cnrVtlBrient ear onw banks, but against tbe ! expeeUUon of being able to secure the services
ctesjlattea ef the notes of banks ia otter , oi oeuer ana more expenencea emcrra ana
ttasna. Ssscb sea lures, however, if in ad- I make them more active and viplant is the per
VMM ef nabiic etxatoa, will be meperatiie fr-Bance ef their duties; thereby rendering the
aaaTasswi BHeoMeU. Sutmonded as we are I Bank itself more efficient and useful, at the
.kATTs) etirer States, and dependent as our sa-ne lime largely Increasing tbe debt and lia
teaVia with ttHan, we are ta be sore affected 1 tnlities of tbe State to aM the system of inter-
br atWr txrttcv man lv our own. uw A.eg- imp.!......
Utahte. Itterafere, eaowM be prudent and net ac
i)aTiV fee smrrwantainf; circMstaees."
psJMb; wW be wstsuflsl with
sajjinjid Mais and the enri
TMsat Ibe nitt baak notes, is
The eaae paner rensarks : j
Tb CesMnefeial Bank at Selraa, ia this
Stete. bas aawpendetl la neeordanee with the
wsfch ef the businef s men ot that place. It
baa affsr gJUtflM ef aaseta aver eaery liabil
ity. A fieavl tlcai ef ill cotas baee been la cir
uulatisa ia this rejriew.''
Lew Wax Tbe Alabaaa and TomWg
fcte rtvfa ae aAmeet tee lew fur Navtgitlen,
fatWtt'bnt ttee Hehteet beats can run. What
oastfnmg&ee tn-aat-kHis by Railroad.
We ieira tr-em tbe Haynevtik Ckronide that
Cot. C P. McRe e, an old and highly esteemed
ctttzwof Lowndes county, died at bis resi
sjssnce near Hickory Grove on the inst.
Skate Taik. The tbird Annual Fair of the
Alabama State Agricultural Society will be
MlataMontgomery on the 17th, 18th, 19th
.ami asjtb days of November next.
gg-At Louisville, ceal Is selHsg at from 12
ta 14 cat abaMliel.
- -jrAf the late fire ia OMcage twenty-two
Heaa WCC
4v3,In ennatfluence of hard times the CM-
cagb-papers talk of reducing their pages by
, onescoWma during tae wtBter.
g-TheGovnTot lowa'has Issued a pro
emllldn announcing tbe removal of the cap-
IfStSf t.5tate to Des Moines iuy.
aTS3-The'"Gera-aors of Maine and Jlissls-
sWOiareaaelnten the 19 h ef November as
aiyf thanksgiving; and' the Governors of
Kew 54rk, Pennsivanla, Massachusetts ad
,Inwa lhe26lh ot the same month.
aTJenaVew Yotk ltdtftnltnl publishes a
HaTrf last week'., failures. "Tier
fcltewe: New Yk, 38; Philadelphia aB,
TaaiSfr, NW Otlaans, 6; SL Lofs,3; Buffalo,
Mrlwaukle,3; i-incinn,
Tbe President and Diresters still entertain
tbe opinion communicated to the General As
sembly in their former report and do not doubt
dt the true ibteresta of the State hereafter
will be best nromoted bv a dissolution or all
connection with banks or Internal Improve
ment companies, at as early a period as the
finances of the Sta'e will admit it, without un
necessarily oppressing the people and with a
i:ue regard to the public faith pledged to them.
What influence, the course adopted by tbe
last General Assembly ahetild have npon tne
decision ot mat qnesuon at tne present umc,
;s one ef vital inteteet to tbe people of the
Tbe increase of the debt of ibe State and
other liabilities, the multiplication of tbe
banks, and tbe present derangement of tbe cur
rency, give it an importance now, that it Cid
net tfan possess. At this time the dibt ex
ceeds four millions of dollars and its liabili
ties assumed for Internal Improvement com
panies by endorsing their Bonds already is
sued amounting to eight nr nine millions and
tbe Internal Improvement laws now In force
will antrjonze me issuance or eigm or ten
more, and will probably be itsued in a few
years unless arrested by tbe General Astern-
My, Inns leaving tne news am iiaoimies ai
tbe State near twenty millions of dollars. The
tacrease in the number of banks instead of en
larging the circulation af tbe State and afford
ing the means for the payment of the debts due
tbe baak of the State as expected at that time,
basin truth diminished it and substituted an
inferior paper currency for the better one that
existed before ; the increased liabilities and tbe
irrefularitv in the paper circulation of the
-4-State, cannot bat enhance the difteulty in the
collection nf tne ucots nue ue naax as wen as
he public revenues and their application to the
payment of tbe liabilities of tbe State. The
interest on the debts ot 'he State as well as
that on the Bonds of the Internal Improve
ment companies will have to be paid semi-annually,
most la New York. Should any of Uie
companies fall to provide their interest as re-
3 Hired by law that, together with their own
ebts may throw a responsibility on the
treasury that may not be readily met withont
the aid of some such institution as the Bank
, of Tennesee.
u...... tiBTrlis onit IntisJieiana. tbe as-
At niaelanati. on Thursday night 'ast, -nHon of -afh liabilities and the increase
t with a rlnget equirted chloroform 0f banks, mar now be considered, the honor
lJ " . ,. .in ! ,..a ...jif ih. Q-.t. trill demand ample pro-
fat- nr a Sir. A'oweii. auu icu iuscu- i u mut.
was rrbbiof . gold watch and $463 " b mide attl 6M'
Xt Jervis, N.Y., J. B. Andrews, n
n ibe New York aedLErie road,
Monday last, by a Mr. TVood,
nother conductor. He bad falss'y
roper Intiraaey with hsr.
TT.tr. . a. T...i4.ns mnA Tiirrelors reeom-
mend the dissolution vt all cnnneetlon with
Banks and Internal Improve ment P1''
the true principle upon which our SUtoj Gov
ernment ah onl.l be conducted, they cannot
cRsS their eyes to the existing state of things
h,lf?aurraund then. Whim euch a number
sworn officers, having no interest in tbe trans
action. If the collectors ot omer aues to tne
State, after assessment and lax lists are placed
in their hands, were compelled to sue delinquent
debtors, some twenty-five or thirty per cent,
pathaps more could not be collected in time to
meet tbe demands of tbe State. Why should
there be soch a difference made in the mode of
collecting the debts due the State ? A certifi
cate from the officers ot the bank, sworn to if
necessary, itatir.g the parties, the load and the
defalcation, migui auuioriis mc tuuui mu
der a judgment and issue execution for its col
lection, aa sJone every day In behalf of individ
uals by the Courts of Chancery property is
sold by the court upon credit notes taken pay
able at a fotare day if not paid, an execution
is ordered by the court on the notes, without
notice to the debtor and the money collected
such a remedy would not only benefit the bank
by securing punctuality in tbe payment of its
debts and thereby to enlarge Its business, but
generally that of the debtor alsu by avoiding
the heavy expenses and damages too often
tbeughtlesaly incurred for the m're purpose of
delay. Should any advantage at any time be
obtained br the officers of the bank over the
etiizen, a certain remedy would be found in cur
Tbe officers of the bank and branches are
generally citizens too little acquainted with the
nice distinctions and technicalities of the law
merchant, whilst the contracts made by them
ate subjected to its most rigid rates, and thou-
atnds of dollars annually lost by some irregu
larity in the allowance ot tiays or grace, ae
nmnd, protest, or notice. Contracts for tbe
navment of monev should fall due on the day
peciaed in the face of tbe paper, and the ma
kers of such contracts, theirecurities and en
dorsers, whether signing on tne face of the pa
per or Its back, should be holden liable for tbe
debt until paid, without demand, protest, or no
tice of non-navmenL It is. or ought to be
made the business ot those signing obligations
to tbe bank, tu take notice of tne place and time
of payment according to tbe terms of the con
tract. Nor Joes there seem any good reason
why tne rigid and innexioie rules, tne teenni-
it. t.. .. .l, ... Y. ...r...... ,r i v . I . ...
csuun, vi . aiu.i D iuiiucs ul iug ion uni-
rbant should be applicable to or enforced in an
scrieultural country like Tennessee. The col
lection ot debts should be enforced by our courts
according to the p'ain and honest meaning of
tbe contract as expressed by tbe parties, and
there should be left in the law no means of es
cape bv artifice or trick from the performance
ef tnat auw.
If such modifications ot the charter and
amendments of the lawa as will secure more
punctuality in the collection of lta debts should
be made, and each additional aid given as the
finance of the State cay from time to time
admit, the business of the bank might be
j.nhM. with a corresponding Increase of its
profits, and lta usefulness to the citizens and
aid of the treasury be greatly promoted.
If tie General Assembly shall determine to
...ii... lta connection with he bank, such
amendments should be made to Its charter and
laws as will render It mure efficient and useful,
andthercseemstobe no good reason. If this
i. to be kent on, why the bank
sSouTd not eventually-dothetvbol, banking
basiness of tbe State, and the entire profiu
arising from it be paid Into ths public treas
ury. The bank thus assured of tbe co-operation of
Its branches, and tbe ability to enforce pane
tnalitj in the payment of it. debts, would be
enabled not only to nUrge Its business, but,
under the direction cf the Genersl Assembly,
in a ere it degree to contiol the currency of the
State, whether composed of the precious metals,
paper currency, or both.
The value of proptrty, the price of labor and
prodnetn, depend so much npon the quantity
is well as the quality of the cJrcnlatfpg me
dium, an to require the special care and super
vision of the Legislature. Experience proves
that tt Is not wise or prudent to trnst lta man
agement longer to the ntockbolders or the
banks, whether foreign or domestic If 'left
under their control we must expect periodical
expansions and contractions as may best suit
their interests, at one time enlarging the cir
culation so rapidly, and affording such facili
ties forgetting money, as to seduca even pru
d'nt men to engage extensively in hazardous
trade and speculations at another refusing all
accommodations, rigidly collecting their debts,
and withdrawing tbelr circulation bo as ma
trially to Interfere with the buslnssof the
cmatrjj dprs prices acd.lead'tfth'sTruln of
From 1st Jalr 185S to 1st Jalr 189 M.IW 48
1st Jalr I3 ' 1,1 Ja,r tatv ..
1st Jir 1810 to 1st J-Uj 1811 168 868 43
l.t JW 1811 lo lit Jotr 18 ISl.Mt 67
1st JolT 1S to 1st Jalr 15t3 lit 697 34
i.i rni. lis in 1st Jalr 1311. 308 531 01
l.t Jb't 1811 to 1st Jalr 45 114.645 38
1st Jalr 1815 ta 1st Jnrr 18i I7l,SJl 78
l.t Jalr IMS la l.t JttlT 1847....... 171 161 17
1st Jnlr 1817 to 1st Jalr 1818 155366 S7
i.i rmr 1814 to 1st Jmr IS19.. 1DS9 9
1st Jalr 161 to 1st Jolr ISM 13 146 99
1st Jmr 1850 to 1st Jeir 1851 !23 66J 19
1st Jolr 1861 to 1st Jolr 1SJJ 191864 M
l.t jolr IS51 to 1st Jalr 18-v3 187 913 14
1st JdIt 1893 to 1st Jnlr 1WI 914 797 90
i.i Jul l&Si lo 1st Jnlr 1S5S 216 817 70
1st Jolr 1855 to 1st Jalr 1E 373 8SS 69
1st Jalr 1866 to 1st Jolr 165" I31.61Z VI
Th statem-nt of proSis fir tbe rears
ItMS and 1166-7 refers w eresr to the p refits
oa the ac ire capital. Br av4lng the dlrj-
dends rtcelsed f r a use union ni naniers
Kants for those rars, the prcfits appear
Fr.ta 1st Jalr 1855 lo 1st Jalr 1866
l.t Jr IS6 to i Jr l!OI
s:s,Tt3 ei
193,1(3 16
616.043 37
1 518 469 00
1,1 06,139 66
1.IM.6S7 75
6Kl,811 35
945 21103
717,756 98
97I.W7 02
793 931 63
I,Ui!l,S71 61
S 665 969 10
2 471 83 09
1,695 R73 W
1,295.43.1 00
1 5:8 219 00
1 327 422 00
1,565 876 00
1,613,163 00
32I.7IS 59
333,877 31
H8Sr JCLT, 1357.
Oa New Tort.. ....................
On Pal ataphla, Baltimore and Filature..
Oa St. LotH. Otncii nstl and LonllrlH....
On Mtcile, Antosta and Ohails tl
Oa New Orltant
3.042 OW
. 109,0CO
su oca
OttbeaboeoSscbangeon NcwTarkandrbDa-
dclphla. was tleen to unten Bali ...
W.s girra tonaaUrs' Bank..........
Nashville, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1S57.
Air. Richardson moved a reconelderattcn of
his resolution raising a select committee on
hank suspensions; tbe motion-prevailed and
Mr. R. offered a resolution in lieu, referring the
anhieet to the Bank Committee.
Air. Howies, a resolution on nans suspen
sions and specie payments, aecianng it unwise
and Inexpedient to legalixe bauk suspensions,
and providing that all banks that have or may
suspend specie payments, shall resume on or
before tbe 1st of April, 1833, or be wound np
by law thereafter.
J . . ... ... I.. 1 1 i t : .v.
.Sir. Williams, a xrsuiuuuu ucciasirt; iue
principles contained in ths Kansas-Nebraska
bill, to be tbe true constitutional construction
of the question embraced by it; that the course
of John Bell on that bill uns not satisfactory
to the people of Tennessee; and declaring mat
in accordance with his pleJges, Mr. Bell should
resign bis seat in the Senate.
Mr. Rentlev. a resolution to appoint a Board
of Control, to investigate th condition of
rSanlr in the State' once in every six
Mr. Bentley entered a notion to reconsider
the vote rejecting the resolution to print a Rail
road map to accompany the commissioner's
report which motion failed. x
Mr. Thomas, for the benefit of stock raisers
In this State.
Mr. Braielton. to cemoel railroads to keep
their freight charges within the limits required
by their charter.
Mr. Keeny, to amend Uie 1st section of the
Act Of lebraarv 10, loan, to prevent intimi
neterit nersons from teaching common schools.
Mr. Smart, to change the name of Hammer
High School, to Hammer tligiiiana touege.
To establish certain civil districts In Hamil
ton county, was read a third time and referred
to the Jndidarv Committee.
To give compensation to the Commissioners
to nurcliaae the Fair Grounds for the Agricul
tural Bureau, at the samt ratea as members of
the Legislature. Passed.
The vote passing Senate bill to give further
time to perfect land titles, yesterday, was re
considered on motion of Mr. Shrewsbury, and
after the proposal of various amendments, the
previous question wis called and sustained, and
the bill passed in its original shape.
Tbe Speaker announced the following as a
select committee to prepare a law reform bill.
Messrs. Thompson, Cooper, Turner, of Sumner,
Dunlap and Rowles.
- A motion to adjourn till to-morrow morning,
10 o'clock, to give the various eomuittees time
to meet, was carried, anil the House adjourned
accordingly- '
Geogia Democratic MAJoarrr. Judge
Baow.v bas recelved a majority of 11,057, over
his Know Nothing competitor for Governor.
money men. They bad seen the evils of
the n,er issues of the old Continental Con
gress h the days ol the Revolution. The dc-
preciau,, jn value of those notes wag so
great tha.it beggared thousands, and brought
financial rn distress upon the country.
Tbey insertu a provision in our present Con
stitution makinotijine; but coin lrgal tender
for debts, and ty forbid States from issuing
bills cf credit. This lh- r. J
complish thejoarpc-e- But the States have
evaaeu it, ana iai-e ucie$;4icu w muiviuuaia uie
power to issue what tbey had no right to do
themselves. Tbe notation cf tbe Constitution,
in the issue of nots,has so long been practiced
and has become si interwoven with tne busi
ness ot the countrr, that the Courts, in vietv
of tbe immense resequences, have shunned a
decision on the pont and allowed the circula-
tijn to continue.
Let Congress prform what tbe Courts have
omitted to do. The next Congress will be
Democratic. Weione to see it, before it ad
journs, impose thetax upon banks, and take off
me tax trom sal. ine tax on oanxr oius
should bv graduattl ; tbe smaller ths denomi
nation the heavier should the tax be. None
but large bills watd then be issued by the
batiks, and large blls are more In the charac
ter of bills of of e.'cbange than a currency. By
driving all bills nlder twenty or fifty dollars
from circulation, he channels of "trade and the
common money transactions of every-day life
will be filled wMb tothing but gold and silver.
The Conrress whih restores to the people a
souiid metallic cureocy and drives fromene-
ral circulation all lanlc promises-lo-pay win
render a greater sevice than any which his
met since tne lonstiution was lormea, ana win
gain an immortal fane for itself in the archives
of the future. Thecountry is ripe for It. No
measure could be mire popular or meet with a
more hearty approval from tbe Dsmocratle
masses. The ball for the Cons'.itntional
currency ought to belmmedlately set in motion.
(K3"The movemeda of snecie appear to be
interesting to the pullic at this time. The Mo
hUa Dili Merctrv. il tbe 22d inst, states that
" the steamer Cat fcrnla brought to Mobile on
the 21st $50,000 In mid, $ju,uuu ior ine uanK
61 Mobile and 520,0)0 ror tne soumern nans
of Alabama-"
Tebriole Accideit. We hear from Jef
ferson City, that MnSevier, one ottne cierits
of th Honse. met wth a terrible accident
on Fridav nieht. He! had been to the Gov
ernor's party, and watretuming to his room at
the Capitol, when, by some stranee mistake,
he passed to the north side of the Cipltol, and
walked off the perpeoacular blufl a distance
nf none aixtv feet. Ee was found Saturday
morning In an Insensble condition one of
his arms broken in two places, and one cf bis
legs greatly injured. Ee was not expected to
recover. or. miu tonoucaa
Tut- Sr vr Tajint The New Fork Timex
seems to think well otthe project broached
in one of tbe Liverpool jurnals, to make slaves
of tbe rebellious sepoys; and send them to the
WestJIndla colonies- Thsn, afterall,theforeign
commerce f the King tf Dahomey is ftat so
reprehensible as it has Veen represented. He
makes captives In war,, and not having any
colonies where he can wirkthem to advanta ge,
h. ..II. ih.m tn thnaa ho have. England ia
just now In the way of taking captives, and
sue lias colonies pensnmg ior wans. vu.
mer. The Queen is, thetefor, advised to take
a leaf out cf her Toyal Irother of Dahomey.s
books, and thus make on band wash the
ntli.r mate a war In the East Indies pav for
1-aelC by an Imptqved .revenue in the West
1BU1CB- - --
The" Hcao or liniA." Brigadier General
Ran.lnrV. Trhlrh recent - feats in, India have
made his name familiar to o ir readers, was
born near Sjnderland, In fcogland, ln lis,
Ur sirtv-two rears of age.
He studied for the bar, hiitby the advice of
a brother, and through his interest, he obtained
a commission as neuicnu, V ,T
battle of Waterloo. -In 1823, he went to India,
urhr h. fir.t iss ac'ive service, in lJ ne
nnMi.hJ . hiatonr of the Ava Campaigns.
in lira .ff.r-hrinrfrved twenty-three years
as a subaltern, he was appointed major, by
to attention of persons bnrlst la onr line.
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, &c.
W2 ar now jest receivlac a fresh and weH selected
stock of cooils lnltUBee, saebas
. f.HlKll.
AH of which we wHl aeB st the very lowettmarhet rate.
N. 347 Mala street,
ant-SO-lr Sscaof the OoHen Slump.
Baudsl Hands! Bands!
WE keep constantly oa hand a fall assortment of both
Machine-Stretched Leather andGam-Blsstle
of aH 3 lira, from two to sixteen Inches la width, sad at
wearotbeAsenl' th maaafaelnrers, can seH them
aS ow aa ther can b fonnd Ln the market, and cnaraatee
them to be of the beat qaaHly made.
No. 347 Main atreet,
anrSO-ly Mra of the Golden Stlrrnp.
Hides! Hides! Hides!
WE are prrpsred at any time to par ths HIGHEST
Shipments solicited, to which we promise oar prompt
and tpeclal attention.
No. !4t Main atreet,
ftlci f 'Im fl ' Stlrnm.
liwitortant to
Architects and Builders.
Patent Elastic Water and Tire Proof
WKwtvldrMpectfa.tr aenvnaee la ik cKUti f
nempats, and th arroasBS esaatry, thaiw
a prvarrd s caatraet aad pal b. oor r.KE and WA
TER PR lOV CBHENT RJKlFISe. It betat the only ar
ticle yet invented, that wttl aa Yeafalry mttt 'he artlea
of th atOMspa reiaereryciisBsi. nupenenynre
aad Water Proof and in petal ot darabilliy, rqaal if aot
ipsttor ta aay av-talle roofl'C w can pat it a oeer
oat Ua, tar or shnigVe roofs. It stint bo (.Toreaee how
flat or aterp tfat roof my b-. W pal oc oar root ror
seTeadisarjer haadted Sl3re I tt. Wa will apply
oarceseat Mttaasid Iroa nofs fr tws dolara aad
twrn-y-are eeBta p r aqaare, It snst eaaeemat f iu
Hutlclty aad dar.btUtr. the caeapeat pakt that caa a
ased. tier cement la the besttbtaz extar, fae patehtns
aroand fire walls, cblmnejs, tlyltchts, fac. We warraat
all aa won.
WelBTH aB that wast es roofs, ar tteir old aes re
paired, to caM at Risk' star stare, No. '31 M .lo stmt,
aad examine samples aad satisfy thsmseres f the da
rabtliiy and traUteaMltty ot aaetac thtaraoeai
N.B. Wo are preparsd u n'l oroet lae Mreemeat,
to thssa reakliaz at a dastaace, with pestled dtrtcttosM
far aeins It.
Tha wtshlef roof or repaiftof doae.wHI pieile call
at Ri'k's stars sure, or addms as llnasn th Pst
try Ooaaty rlshls fer aala.
ErcBEScrs :
Rcr. C. D. ZtHet. K. R GlaMcaek D T WUkraa.
Warree Is Moare, WUhas Stockili. Ml A J Doaakt
son J N. WHIlard. Nasbrtlle; Col I. J Polk Ash-
wood; C-l. n. I. Aalersaa, Sapertaead.-ai Nashflile
and Chaltaasesa Kanraaa.
Read the fncwtns certlSales :
CiKCtaxATt, Jaiy 7ih, 1" 37.
We hare W. K. ChUda Sl 0.'t, Osaeat Roaaaaz bsb
semeaf oorbnttMasa Itsleea entlr. faUsfae-lsa, aad
we caasldsr 11 th best rooflne of wVch wa bae aay
kaawMze. W are i xtenilTcly eBoceer la bal atax la
thu atty, aad hare w I In In the la t tn years, osTerrl
bnl'dlacs wtin all tae vanoaa meiajscavs oiner fkoobis
walea bsee beea letredaecd, sad Ipsa expet lesce and
tnrratlsatlea, we, aibMst bnlUllaa preaoaaea ChtMa
& Ca.'a, preferable Uaayeth- r
-axrajA, Bowers.
. "e";ATI- ? iai M h. 19BT.
w. E. Cmr-os l Oo it net oa i,
Sire nun aaliaraatsa. Il aas prov.-a lui, ju
snl Water Prxf.
SaaHfa-mathssice, a larse Breoeesrred tt !.
adJasBtet as, aad aar roil waa seserety tried b tb
eases aad barBtacbraBoa.bat stood the test a aarsd.
Wo eoidlally teestamaM ism rot as a aaoa ite.
jun aiuE a. to.
Orriccor CiiicimrATt, Haxiltok asd
Davtom Raiuoao. I
Child fcCo. Pateat 0b. Raawaa-, l.aawnsrd
her oa aar best etas s ot ba-ldteta. We are cTcrl't
oar tre&ateirs with H, ad car Master meehaalc re
ports v. ry favaraM tH.
C15CIX!IATI, Msy Sab, 1867.
We bare faBr-lovef Heated w K. CaiiM s Co 'a,
Patent Cement RooSnjr, aad are conistal that tt is sa
pertar W any atarr ttod bw ia aae, aat axe -pitas tae
metaltc We isecmnnad it to all who wish a , da-
raataad excsHeat roof. I. D PsulXr, Bauavrs.
Sncerintendral'a tHaee. osaeiaoan. on s rot
Thiacemaaar hae aaVpted GiuiDS ai Co 'f. Patent
Elastic Watr aBd Fire Prf Ceesewl RoeHsr. foe oot-
erias baiMlnrs, alto far palatine tla aad lroa oa kr togrs,
depot, aad water statieas, aad Trtt ear. a4 we ar
woHreasidwtHi It- u. a a.iuuuii.
o-tzl-oin aB4iaieBt,
A LL daatai oaaeattoaa parforased.la the .
XA. ms ail rrai assaBer wna IB least
poasSM paia. PaH r ntnul setts of
uo.h tasorled wtlh lae latest taprorr-
mtats aad evtranttl Slsent Free Baak nvmey tstea
a par wbea taeamah i paM dowa acft7lly
cloanl by a saprnor piaak fence
This itlmdA btn.i'ur site la too wen kaowa t aed
comment A mn.t a' mi 'bat they cannot be beat la
tea ct'y. and na mistake A . jn: kT ot to let eaa
b hsd at fair fifarr. at prtrate saie, bat if not, mart
ad win fo off on WEDNXSDAT, Nornater 4th, atM
Sal oa th premise. Oaulbu free. All wfll n
mesher, war. rpeaktaf to tbe
X C C1T0E 4. SON.
ectSS-St Aaetlnara se tnl Kiate Stake
'Woodland Cream,"
X POMADE for beaatlfylBE the HAIR blxhly per
fumed, taperler to aay Trench article Imported, and for
half th price. Per dreestac Ladles' Hair tt has no
canal, slrinr It a brtfht, Sioeay appearance. Itcasser
Gentlemee's Hatr to carl la the most natural manner
It removes dandrnn. always slrtni th Halt the appear
ance of bln- fresh thamVMed. Price only fifty cents.
Kone senalne sales signed, 7ETRIDGE k CO.,
Proprietors of the "Balm of a Thousand rioweri."
tar Tor tale by all Drattt-ta. apt7-deodly
7ZXiXl J9 -iTxv. Xi V 33
For the ear of every form ot
Whether ot loaf ttaadmc or recent origin Internal or
External; whither attended with rrolapsas, Hemsr-
rhas, rbstrnctlon and all by
No Internal adjovant beias; rre.nired ln aay ease, on'y to
recalate Ibe Bowels, It Conatlpated, or tn Diarrhoea and
Alartnnmberf ienlemra thronshoat the country,
ot hit h character and Influence, ha? voluntary attested
ta IU efaeaey la their own eases, not of 'hearsay, and
whose eertiacatei may be seen y reference to the pro
prietors' pablleatlon to be had ot their aseal s, throaah
ont the United States.
Prloe, 41 rt Box. retail.
The PILE SALTS Is pat np la glass Jars, Inclosed ta
a paper box, properly UtxHed, and will keep any length
f time.
rr For sale ta this city by
Jortiuoa fa Lena,
Wakd ft Jones.
MAXsriiLD ft Co.,
H. 8. Huoiiei,
J. 11. Sltogc Sc. Co.,
HEirnr Test, and
octS-dawly Prop rle tore, St Lords, Mo.
New Science of Health.
PROP. McGEHEE, Profesaxr of Health, win lector
to the people of Memphis and visitors oa MONDAT
NIGHT NEXT, la the JEtehange, at 7 o'clock, and m the
Odd FeHiwt'Haa a week after, same hoar, Monday
night, October 2. explaining the Electric RqoUtbrtara
of the Hnmin Body, (tl e name ot this new science ot
health.) giving his hearers new points from l acred and
profane history and modern statluics, which win enable
them to lavra'lgata and decile ta twenty- foar hocr that
It Is no hnmbeg The above lectures will be free for an.
The Protestors of the Medical Schools and ecltort and
the ladles all are requested to attend. Tcesday, "Wednes
day, Tha'tday, Friday and Satnrday nights, at the same
boar, la ths Merchante Hotel, ha win grre private leo-
tnret la his mm and hand oat his chart (for which he
a . : t. . 1. 1 . tf . ..ma lnl In
nrevei, ior service in mi. , B tlxhUaecand edition) loan yoatg men and
siiu men reiunicu i "s-- . . . . I .. .v. -..... u..,k.i. n.irf n.l rl,.i.
lectare wUl glee the why, th wherefore, aad tb philoso
phy ot th El ctrleal tnfiaence ot the remedies seed ln this
science of preventing disease. Tesilmoalala and pcsltir
proof prodnved. Bat Rttle lata be done. Nopala Is pro
duced binders hat little time it does not taterlere with
tbe business cf either male or female pre tents taking
cold does not prevent serea contagions diseases, but does
prevent an others. Hi wUl lector heads of families If
they prefer It at their resSdenoes, for $M per family, and
preic. lbs for disease. City references, soma with ttsU
monlals: J. D.Wjniams, W.Howard, MUra Owen, Messrs.
Gates Sl Woods, Mr. Whltemore, Mr Appereon, C.
Herten. and P. Lane. rxtn-Iwrl
D. S. Attobsey 1-or AaEAitsis John M
Hiiitti. Ean .has beeif an&clnted XJ.'S.' At
torney for l" tern; "District of Aftansas. by a sabseqaent-rtfte) bf the people ,
of twenty-five years- In 1S51 ae went D7it to
India. He went with the array to Persia, and
on the wav back was wrecked off at the cost
. . J i i r.t..iie. h.
or ueyioru upon uia amsai u.
wiiitnni-a annnlnted to the commtnd of the
armr with which he attacked and defeated
..... - ..... i.. i r.i. .
Kena siolb. ln an nis unite su " y
rlod of over thirty years, he has never been
wounded. His brother, Col. Willlim Havelock,
waa killed in a battle with the Sikhs, In 1S45.
The Constitution or Uafcow. The Con
stitution likely, according to the last accounts,
to be adopletl by the Oregon convention, coatslns
some Temarkable provisions. It does away,
says the Journal of Commerce, with grand ju
ries, as unnecessary the preliminary exami
nation before a- Magistrate previous to com
mittal being deemed snfficient. It provides
that there shall be ho Lieutenant Governor;
that the Secretary of State shall exercise the
functions of Governor pro fern. In case of the
death of that funetiobary ; and that tbe Gover
nor shall also be Treasurer of the State. Tbe
number of .members of the State Senate Is lim
ited to fifteen, and that cf (he assembly to thir
ty; with biennial sessions. The ballot is abol
isl'edat elections, and rlca voce voting substi
tuted. Judges are declared Ineligible for any
Office not judicial during the period forwhlcrr
tney are eitcieavajid tor-one rear aiier ; muni
cipalities are absolutely prohibited from con
tracting debts; and bank charters ot every de
scription are forbidden. With regard lo the
question of slavery, it is believed that two
clauses one lreallzfrg and the other prohibi
ting slavery will be appended to tbe draught
of the ConsUttttioo,tp beadoptetl or rejaettd
Strayed or Stalen.
FROM wt'Ma th esesesare r-f th Fair
Gtsaiaa a Taar.dar ta SM aa' . an
HON de. THOSt&wttAaaAaMaBdBridr.
Behasssddlenssrlaaa bs bark, wtthoat ba r, J
aad at akeat 8 TersM. aat rid a wel. Ait tatoraia
tsta resp slaac MSB r Sraoiac U hta teooeery wMi b I b
ianTTwardd ly the latirnoer I. H. TEMPLE,
No. iT Xsn 5W
A eMOitehaae.UBtwofTcdtagttasvedbeae sa a
r. aaed eigeborhood, IS Biles east of MsmaWs, a
th GersaaaMwa Plaak Bead, aad the Meaaaajf aad
0Bare-e KwteMd. 97 H acres r Isad, H6 whtalt
ssaadaratsedfeac. alt rt tat SprtsHt. wtaa. aboat
z,7ea feet a lead p-aak feaee. The laad Its wsfs has
goo taap-wremesu, Mcbard. p-ca. sap, pan aad
tatae tmr. Tb isapnm steals oaa 1st f a daifHat
boas, with 7 rooms, aad t etilaiae: a, saMrfkwaarvlsrs
e4ateaadsla.lwiMaadgearmr, o eaew etatatal. 0a
th lead la tend etack water for a l ta year.
FrsoaswHetagagoodhsmowatdaewll tokk at
th-s plae, aa M wt b a 1 privately a r aaaaaba
terms, aatugetaer.kf aire, or will be dleated fa
three pas aa per plat of sear ; hT Bt sM befar, K
wtl be aM witbMt rewrr. TBtTRSBAT, th Wah
Nevemeer. at the asata-wnt orB-r r (Jaaet raavaaa.
Memphs,Tan..atIi o'ctot, a k. This ptae ae
peat aadaamtBta.beragwtiatB thirty xaaaatea ttsaf
MeaiBBt ay taeBallread, which paasea ev-y fa saw
ia tl day.
TEEMS Oa -third cask, hataacs ta aee aediw veara.
wttewat tat est. Now, leal sharp, aad dn tor set ah
ther M n CATCI k. Sv.
OC139J41 Aaetieaeen aad Kul Estate Btakeea
Valaablc Propertr for Sale.
IN order to lea ors re hi lac ewmtry. I oSer for
aale th piaeaaa wheah I aew lie, at th
Bead af Ppr street, )aat oatild the ct y.
This lot la pastas ah reaaaa at F. W.
Itaoster, aal adtslatag gr wt V Taylor, Sr.. r-llag
K4 ft ao th reaatav aa k CM feet laa ' taatala
iag fv aarra. It haa a jd baaia, etaMta aad oat
baltdtags, ai d a clwe aetecuaa f ma (see. A Bar
gain caa be bad ta this anfrray. bv aa. early aaaUcailea
at asy fix la Walter's ball teg. Mar street.
oecSftlea w S MtT.
Empioymenc as a Teacher Wanted,
BT a saatas atM tear was Is faa f)ar with teaehtsg
the a-aal JUgtbh brsache i. Xatheauitos. Veal aad
Mae Mart:. Bra aad PilwUaz. atakbea'derr, aad
ihaPwa.-a 'aagaage. Swejoabt Jjssi aa laitatultsri e-r
teaeh ta a fasatty or fleam, ail ar any - the aeve-aaai-d
b aa baa Th adrTTIr .irpamf - after
ward tltt ta aa; f ih asvit easaaralad Eaatara
Feataas Utnaey laeaiiBtassss oth-raea' whch, as
wan as lo other parts ., she wm h ' happy ta refer per
ssas aaajijlaa far her teT-o a
Addr a ' TEACHER." H-raaBdo. De Soto OwHr,
M tsetse ippi oet V-tw
Important to Planters.
HAVING been tafarai'd 'bat, to the prtcn at
wbtch C t It bow ktld, maa' , is faet all, hare
csoded at t ablp their C.tt.jn lo Memphis at preee: t
I b-g teaee to laf jna rw. or alt who are Interested, to
ship thel. Csttea bv the Memphis and Oafs Rail read $
that ih tan as stock ot Ibe Coataany ia of each a char
acter that laey will be eaitrlr stubfe to fn'Bbb nrs
to get tha estate en". saaH It tssrere ia price, (vkjca
is f aearee pesetMe.) when erery oae voaM want ta get
their elt I atarket.
Thcrefare. t asasd d.teatwn or eeaplaiat, ship nw
vsib aw, aad In rrral of '
rill b- wbcT" yea all ca avail orlie. or tt st oace.
wUl b- wber. m
HAVE bw ta nre aad far aale, th largeettb..
stack, lbs test .l IK. most arldl3ll
assortaeat ever btwasht ta thia a!y f
Gentlemen's Co-tom-3Iade Boot.8,
Frea the Steat Vreach Catf.0 the heaetest PlanUtlon
ltoo. Oeat'a Gal-ers, hash x&d low cat, Oae Calf,
Preach Patent Leather aad Last's- Shoe at the latest
patervs aad styles.
Ladles', Misses' and CiiiHren's Shoes,
Of erery tW crisis, fraa the best nkearaetareri hs
tb ualKd atawt. la saan, oar saocs embrace every
rartety or avs aad She aad osprtaea m rao,t x
teaetee aad dlTeraicad aeaartBteat ta tbe var ef the
Weetl-lt the attealloa f aferehaats, Deahra aad
Caasasitta to oar steak.
seBtO-ta Na. S M.rhl Mek Mal-t . MeeaahH
.J. SlUTZAD...
;. aairxx.
Door, Sash and Blind MaaHfaetory,
FLOOBINQ, Weatherbosrds, Doare. Sash, Eands, Soot
and Wlndaw Praaiea an-1 Casings. Mantwa, Moald
legs, C-nlce. Celling, Lattl e Work, Baaehsards, Tam
ing, scroti wera, aaeinaic, jwi'p, blk., ana every De
scription or nnnainx jtaierui, arcaaea ana GCMressc.
always oa hand and made to order
-M m J r.. uaLr&jsiJ sa w,
N. B.-Cho hlghoat cash prlc paid tor aB klad ef
Lamber. my! ly
Sewiua Machines.
rTins roost slmHr, rellabl and speedy nw la nr
1 can be xoada toex-cat.- altera hnadred niches per
miantr.-that wll not ria r ravel In ar varle r cf ctath
wonia yoa lessen iaeitbor,tsereaM taeleasnr prarate
tne neana ana nappinrat ofyonr wirs ana daa aters,
and make tome hrppier, parchaae a P. rally S wing
siacameot x. Ull, Ajcenv.
OVee No 131 Main atreet MtoipMs,
octSSlxwly Over Meters. Wash & Biker t r.
Buildinr and Loan Association
rrtBR fortieth i"sta.ment of the naltdtag aad Lean
X AasoeUtLn. wlH b- doe oa SATOSOAT. Ocuber
3'st., lSo7,payaMeVtheTreasnrer. at J. E. Chsdwkk
office, corner of Madlon street and Baak arcane.
The fends will be loaned same eeenlsg at E-q. Horne'i
once at 8 o'clock. j. E. CuADWlCE. Scretary
Sai ertwtepdeat
Suburban I. ts at Auction.
ON THCReBAT. ee 5h 17. I wul seel a th
preslaea ataadM, TBIRVBKN LOTS, sab HI.
atea f N. Bsafert'a three acre tract. The as fr at
Baa arena- aad Hopij-rt street, a- d tie east f aad ad
tttsief th J-m Bortal Orarad. lsaaaedta rty attrbe
I wW a B SaVENTBkN LOTS a part f Mra. Bwatee't
tract. LtN 1 mats aa the SeraMBtawa Phtak read.
Th- ba a froat oa Brtatley are .a Lr Jt. 13 1
tsareved, aad ,tes lataardutety wl of ah toatitraee at
S. H Laatb. aad sath of th rwhtrsee tt (V. thusea.
Thsse lots an desirable far eaairy resWs .
TEans Oa third cash, halaae ta aa aadtwrears.
ectss-tda A actio-err aad Beal Eetat Beaheat
Xesroes! Jfegraes! Xegroes!
TTIT rrastred. 38 A J 1 BOT3 M SIBIa, aged
O tfaa 7 a le Per aa at prttat sale at asy mart,
saolh side Oeart Sun. A WALLACE.
ee 71-d'w Aa.-ttsaeer aad Negs Baaker.
EtgHaad Eaawtrer eoay ae week.
Trustee's Sale.
BTetrtaeof a dee' of trast aud to a a tnutee-by
Wisfaaa Walter aad CalharlM t wt tt data
FebraarySelth. 1887, made to arcan th payeaeatx a
eertaia pnaiiamry ata meattsaed la said aVed f asvt.
whtah aed ia reeacded ia bnek H , p Sea. ha tb. Ks.
ftater'a afllee o OrttUD ra Mj. A -, I wtx idl
tar cash to the hWthett btdeer. at ) frtoek a. yt a
SATt?RT. I. 7th of Nor-sber arx', b teattt af the
Ooararrctat Hotel, ta MetaphM, th. laat tiij ta saM
jed tt trast. via - PracthMt Sevims i. 94S aareat
Practhwsi Seestaa II. TtS seres, ha Twattha s Naeah.
BaagSSa.t. aad M8 acres of Sect oa IS, talBwaihtpS
North ot RaageT Ea.r, atatalabM: la a UK aare.
mere or Kaa, and being ta he ooaty t OllSrale Ar
kaasaa, ihetaas land aatd taaaht Wm Walker Baatfa
Htshe. to whose deed refereaae ts aaaa fur faft denim
ties. The itaht of teileniplhn 1 expseoly waleed is
saM dWd f treat. JOUX M SHAW.
oVT7 td Tjeateev.
New Auction Honse.
W. N. HUNT Sl ft" -
HAVING easafed the srice f Mr. A. S. LETT.
Aarttsaeer, we ar saw prepared to watt as aar old
irteade aad th Baattr la a aw capacity, aad softest' a
share tt Bast-, We wi 1 sit. ad to Mtr f Nrgeeea,
Beal Bttate, M.tchaawtsr. Fa ral tare, he , 4., ia r aat
ot dears R gatar aale days. Taetday, Wsaasidari aad.
SatarCays. We bav DtaaBr,OBr rglar atgh sale
of Meehaadtse, aaMtotiBZ of Hate, Beeta, Sheet, Bs
mealtrs, Prlats, Ac he , aed will caattaie the eater
seaaoa Cash advaaces atade a all cswuaseBta. Ae
caaat ot l sees rendered frraa ptly
W. N. HtTNT & QS.
L S. Lett. Aaettsaer. oetM-ina
irrro Bros: n us.
irAIrta Jiegr arosaa J... rwnfvi
warraatrd ihrra te aad the best
Ih Dotted Stale. A 1st. a heary stock
if Navy tad other Blaaktts. and Wo4 Hats. Mr eroea'
wear. i9Hinia.a & aAuasiaiiu.
it Na. Mar- KWI. ssaln t'rfer.
abctiox, cojniissios,
rjvAIa estate imoii.Ei
I AM hawaslaatreoaiptot rsaatssBMat t Watohea,
Jewelry. Caseka. Paacy Reods, Gas aad Ptstots.&e.
Ale. Watch Material, which I caa a a at aoarah lose
tha the aeaat trade prices, wholeaale aad retail.
5y- AdeaBeeemadeaaoaaeaTaateata. aeptS-ly
Beaaaa ma te ia I
Just Received.
,1 Aft BtTXav. W. R. aad E D. taWte;
4UU ISO pafkett Plp-r'a EeMsrkk Ohasrtarae;
969 rf rani- w gS
7S ureas Gairet'a Saafi botUeS and papers;
' sail's Porter aad aw ;
10 cask tresh Carrsats,
6 bexea fresh Ottraaa;
60 barrels assorted N'als;
100 d ten fresh Cove Oysters;
100 box-l Fresh Peaehe aad Piae Apples;
SS aiktat Western Rrrerr Batter;
109 bex-e asserted Pkklee;
M Barrel Aaases;
Ia htrtets Dea and D-x'e 'a Wheikj;
SS eases i aid K bxe SanHoes;
Alt Of ackers. Tea. Sarar. Bs&re, Molas.-Tebaxco,
Olisrs. (tc, Ac Par aal ty J- f?. FRANK.
eerso re a rii imjw.
WE hse mTl oar stock ta No. fd.Prsnt Raw.
c a tTl o n
No. C .Monroe street.
They w sett yon every a rttela yoa maywsntta
Wood" and Willow Wave
Fancy Articles
C H E A. P .
TTTANTED Immedlsteiy. one or tw gool Mat
VV Mskers. Apply soon at
City Lot South. Half Bo. 404."
John Mnly Means, ty next Mead Tho. L. SaUrao
Kxpsrte petition far ibeol lot fir reinvestment fac
BV Tlrtce of a dtcreetal order of th Clrctlt Oeart of
Shelby conntr, term made In this can e al lta Sep
t mer term, 1S8T, I wUl oo the premise on WBONES
DAT, the 10th d.y ot December next, offer at pnblle a!e
'or cna-thlrd ca-h aid tho balance on a credit of tlx,
twelre and eighteen montha. with bends aad good se
earlty, b-a-tnr Utereat from date, and a lien reUlaed.
tha follotrlac eternal let ln th elty ef Memphis,
Teaaessee. btlng th south half of original lot No 401.
ana iluji.
THE BBderstgBed diyappetn edfor
thatparpo-e. will pr.eed ea Ih
PIilSTOP DEC2MBKR, tT aad oe-
twren the hoars of san uTwrjii
..i. n ...up to aal to lb highest
hsw t nnMic aBCtlan. at the mat
I j . k. h.n,. nt rairnt coafttv.
Lake VUtage, IB nantaiioa '
Pettis. deceat. sttBaied -OM Hirer Lair, la M
maty.aadcmeedof the foFtawtag tracts or parcels
LTlaaJ .rtbTTTtn-sr marked arrf deshrnated on the
ptalaof thVpaW sarrey, t. w letranal secttoa SS,
V E ,tsrter of sect S. andj ctji 36 la township
it solh f raair 5 west, and th west half ef the
north west qnsrter of section 31 , a-inth hilf of section
31 aad west fraerianal haa of sonthwest frsctlonal
n'art-r f frsctteoal see ton 30, In township IS, sooth
f raaxel west, and eeotainlBg In the whole, abut! If 01
acres of land. Th taW laada wia ba s M la n body
aad aaoneplantailoa. Therrt" a rock meregiga. ex
ecuted by said deceased InhU irtim. ta tha Real Es
tate Bank f th State of Arkansas, moa 933 It-100
acre of laid sand, to-wit East fraiUiaal hilr af and
..nihw.t f.n.thof fractlaaal sectloa2S. aad northeast
.nrur af aee loa !. ta township 16; sooth nusg- I
irTrouow. i reel a incae oa rnira eirer., . qui.v, .. - -- - - , . - ,
back 148 feet S inches lo a priest alley, welt Improved t, .Bdson'h half aad 1 wevt half of aorthwest laar.
and oecnnied at Brentbr Dr Geo W Jon.. tcr o ectfcn 31. la town-hip IS south rang 1 west , aad
0CT33 It. I lni""
uid uie wm be mad tahtec to that hen.
TES3ii or Sale. Oa-tonrthf the pcrchisenwey
to be paid cash la ban-r, ana in rrstaae ta tares e.aai
santul ins ailments with six per cent, interest from day
of ssl N tea fer the d terred payment, with tlx per
.nt iatereat tram date, and tenner real, alterdcab
ceased. Chaa 3. ABea. John Jt. Alien. not tnen pan, rnjnuct ana smnitMi np.usaeprem-
iji rrjoer children of decraeed. wm. r Alien. u ; laea and other prcperty. tntao aausfattba or ma nn-
ceased. by their goardlsn E McDsvltt Eipart pr- drraursed, to aeenre sad note, reqaired.
Utloc i for sale of real ettal for division, ie j NiTI The above described plantation Isooes-of he
BT Tlrtna of a drcreetal rder ef to. Clrenlt Court ef ratat drstraUe ln asld cornty There ar sbsat 730 acres
She IT coaaty. Teanesee-, at In Ibis can- e at the j in nlttratl r. and there Is on the time a targe and
sTatember term thereof. 17, I w omr at pnonc a
I! 1. E It K 1 S SALE.
Valuable Farm cf 425 35-100 Acres.
MaryC. A'len. a alalttrstrtx of Wo iP A Ho, -
To ths t'itizns of Jlemphh aad the
Snrroundini Coaatry.
rTREaMririerhaaaahaiKlthe:araettctet- .
deaslBUaa ; toaether with the meat eiteaaee
oaOeettoB of rRTftTS f aB deecttptteM, BVLH8w4
EOOTS. FLOWER SMDfl aad all perUlasag to set eeal
N'srserr haataess All acdera addretted to the onaer
alxtcd, Bax 1. wtU recetee prompt alteatate.
Nartery oo Hta Lake Bead IH id lies teata ctty
oetSeUm Memphis. Te a.
Cost, Cost, Cost!
WI are mw a-haz aar Ba atsek f Meal aad
Bat's Ctetbtng. ParBtsMag 6od. Bteea, Shoes,
Bats, Caps, ax , at east fer cash. Wbtes-e pniehsisrs
are reeatetrariy aottet'ed to ca ad xaiBeaw avotk.
Sale raaaa a stairs. W. N. "JH.Vr i. OO .
oM!4-!m Madteen street.
Pricis to Suit the limes.
J.HES i wm & co.
HAVE oa i a-d a larg slock tf PANCT aad STAPLE
DBT GOODS, rich Stlxa. Dress Gonda f every de
scription Oe th and VelTtt Ooakj aad Mahtt, Shawla,
Scarfs, Jc .; EathreldeTle, Lae,lBoBa.t, Ac. whteh
will b said at red seed piiccs. Also, a larg stock of
Plaatattea. Goods, at eery'lew prlsa swh aa Btaa
lets, Eerseya, Llaseya, Jaa, Otaahans Ntgro Shoes,
Negro Halt, Nexro CWthtag, &e ; GeaticnieB.'a Sao
Ototh'Bg aad Pars'thrag Goods, tegether wtlh a Satt
stock of Beys' Clothier. Call aad exam tee.
octlS Vo. 71 Mala stseeV
THE nnderrtvT ed bar aa.otiated tbemaetve a SO
T AST'S PUBLIC a. No 3 Baak Arenas. AM hnsl
bms entrusted to them will be promptly aad lexaBy exe
cuted HUME P BILL.
oem a weeDWARD.
Teacher "Wanted.
TO lake chars of tha DORHAMVILLE MALE AC1D
EMT. LanWdal cemnty, Tennessee. WhT la
miksI erection, and will be completed by the 1st ot
P bmiry next, a la g two-atory boUdtng. at which Hot
lb school la expected ta commence. N.no need apply
except those wh esa famish amp! aad satisfactory
references aa to their thorongh acaoiarahrp. Thrrhect
ot tb T raster la to bnl4 to aa tcttltcttea cf learning
Inferior ta nan. aMT? A
JOSEPH g.,BO -trjf . Pjnjjea!, ottfha 3oarX
'eJestber- 9 fir5r-wt
TTTANTED at a partBer, a g-ntleenan who ba a cash
VV cepiiai o" tweit or arte en handred cWtar. aad
acjinlnted with eondnetiax a S earn M H aad Machine re ,
aaopponanltyia nnVretlof making a safe sad pnJKabt
investment, in a finely timbered regies eear ' he Oakland
leper, en tbe Hia!etppi aad Tennea-e BatTr.ad. Ad
liets tbe aaderttgned. J. Q. BATBDRN.
OaUnd Ml-a.. Octbaeyaq. 1SW. ot6-ilalw'n
V SMALL stock; jnttreceiTed.af tbe datlrahl leooda
with caeen, eapahle of hotdtng one handred poaada
o lard. Alt a large stock ot
Meat or Sausage Cn tiers.
octM - 13 aid 11 Frnt Raw.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safe3.
TITS target aed most earfd stock la tha West; of
ecaret! by th
La Belle Powder Eroof Lock.
Sixes and pstteras to salt erery reqnlreraTit, far la's at
th Memphis Agency, by
No 13 and If PrentHSw
Hides, lieather ana lAnlngs,
Over G. U. Lockc'i Store.
ILAS now on head and will bo receiving weekly, by th
Meraphla and St, Losla paekeU, (firet from the roannf ao
tarera, every descrlptloo cf LEATHER and LININOS,
which will be told, hoi eaa It sad retail, st tht St, Loala
market prices. .
GREEN HIDES, for which I wM py th highest prices
tnCASH. Try rat.
Furs and Peltries.
I sa pailnsat an time tha hl.hett cash price for
Part, Deer and Sheep Skin. Dealer wonld do well to
can aad tee me. st WJ Mala street, np Ulra.hefora
aallagTlaewheta. aepl dawam
ONE TXUNDBXII hexe SUr Candle for le. By
ia SATCBDAT. the Wih day of DeT,ber nexs at the
Coart Hoase door la tb. town of Raleigh, ooefth
csshandtheba'anMof pnrchas tocaey on i oedst of
ou&tw?! aad three yeara from date of a Ii (bond. wHh
approet sccnrlty drawing toierettfiean date, and a Itjn
retaln.d). th tollowteg described tract of '23 3J-1S0
erteotland. boncdrd thas: Lyint to lb coatty af
Shtby Bute of Teonr-see, In tb Sixth CItH Dlstlct,
adi lalngthelaad of J R. PotU, on the north by Tbol
F Perkins, on tb a n h by Jowph Geaham, ea the west.
Bd on th. ea oy IB a ra oi u otew, a Keu - r-
tloo of . aid tract It naler col tratkn. well Improved. I
ho. Said lana n a near toe jtacoa rtav teaaiog oat
froa M- aphis, and w ithlt a abort rrde o th city.
M. D L STEWART. Clerk, .
Baotrw, Stasto-i and Walkib, Attorney for
petitioner. ocCTS
commoll.ns dweBleg hcnt. and aeceesary oat bonoes,
Ktnbonse. mills, lota, sttb'esf and quarter for over
100 negroes. Everything upon th plantation it la good
repair Possession of tha plantation win ba siren ta the
Sixsar and Slolasses.
vaxts choice Segir:
200 this. Sagar Hants M!atees, on reatlgnmeat
.-vrstleby W. HOWARD & GO
one brmdrrd each, for th apprebea
II three Degree, who ran away from rae at Com- .
promt , Madrid Bead, ty., on. lb Slit .attaat,
one a briiht ma'atto. a bunt fix feet htsht ah-nt -
twentt -flee rears oM, named JO , (nnery e leoc-d to
Jaba Easier, tmedarx complected, beaey hawt. am
tweaty-te yea-s aid. named SANDT. Th at-aboat
arslday e February, lS, or sooner. If by that tlm j tb tame aixa and eottr ef the second, orrty m.rieTtctI
the growtag crps shall haiebeea gathered.
D. It. OU3LER, Commlsarmera. I
Chicot Co.. Arksntat, Oct. IS. ISS7. oclSS-Iwdtttw-.
aboat twenty years aed.
ort39 3t
Kcgro Woman Ior Sale,
FOEl Northern Bank cf Mississippi moneT.
ecttS lw M Pr-1 Bew.
A GODS Oook. Washer and Irvner. Nona bat en o
good character seed epjly
cdiS-lw 577 Mil st eel
Goshen Batter
AN now M'hadYif trie flnett kind; direct frota sew
oetivia B, M. epicei; s. son.
IAN or
y Tork.
THE debUrs of theUt ana or CBISP- at NICHOLS
are hereby noI13rd that Ue books of th concern :
have been transferred- to ths -mderxlgEed, to wh.m all j
paytnests should ba made,
octia 7w P. M: MOORE
Two 3Iales and a Yonty
AVE to my homo a few diet mca. fna
Vy mil and a half tnta ef Mnnth a, near 1
th Demand Plant maa.) th ownir win
caH s m at th Const Room, or at my ace, I
soma swe coart square.
TCTAStoderdtatbaMemntls eHyaM, JAMES .
VV G. GOMMACK. and aboat 1C year wrdahh-.'
aboat ISO lb., ot fair craplestm. Kttt, a aevas
man tn enmnair with th. aboe. wbe. sv a hWLJ
same la TOM, tha said by la af earner eotor. weight
aNrntlSABis,, aged aboat S3 yars. 6fet Ser'"lsuh
high. Th abtv namedaaytbey raa away trm AsM.y
ooostr.AtXAiuu. 0. A. MAMSTJaliar.
XT. abont tbe Kta. of Aagaat LTOTVa
Starclil Starch:
OnA BOXES of Starch Ii store, which wa will ten
eUvs che9forsotasonthNtvtaernBtor Mis
sissippi, POWLXXS, MOUNT, S. CO.
I DOTlCdA. 1
i a rear on one of ner acrio.aooTau. wrist, tot pea a
tte letter L. She wae bentht ef David Elle;aear Gre
i nada. Xls.. and la icrpoeexl to have returned Sa that
dlrectk-aalong tbe railroad track I wstt ay ajca-ejj-abta
reward ftr h r tppeehenaloo aod deHTery toe me, or
for met rmttioae( her, at my residence, one maw smth.
ot rortPtcxeTiag, oa ds raBroad.
aetS-tt 7, SiLJUSAlfv.
- : , " tsiJMi .... : ;

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