OCR Interpretation

Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, December 25, 1857, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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.-.trains BEJflTTASCrS TO TOT
' !- O.ITTIID. OIBMinil Tilt
welt, roa AST tosses .t hat o
.fe-EAL if mreruin-T BKWiJTmrtD at the
ISSTXG. TJECEKBStt 25, 1857,
11 i, t -
nttctw.8 rW'd atoapJao'ite aaal
. ?r"lfbwtehoM by, which the rood did.
. .-.lop o( jkv,.fcrtfa.taer, haaBtrcrarri jto-"f"-
'iv irreetin-s and kindnesses, testis and
. .aaaeaaaa? i ;WT!i.,.iSi...SR.a-a -.t.
, 'xvW altar... It it -ctweolttory- to .reflsct
. tnea.. Uayfeelinrs. sympathies apd
."-. which . bow cMrtctedi; tie celebration j
L. ti;9 day. glowed in the bosoms ana cemop-
rated tbiKe ta the outward btaflfe Pf
, .t Siiob uwiln ceertunes ago. ine-wona
r- tr Rare crew wiser than It watr-but It hat
f ' now, ia tblt respect, any higher claim ny-bo
. aiiadwrt aai regard than or jot.
-V.rwti rMt thessseWes," because the hh
, . . a heart and aW, la their structure, are the
mme nriSaf. "they were la the byicalBg of
,. tM-ti: Te power of association con-
i.iai'1 c alts up to our minds the feeling! and!
f of the iu$t.. Tbe ctUbrdttcm otau ap
,, Varies rests npoajhis idea. Heorell is
--tT tSe"af?roaehoJ "il M?rry ChrTstaat'i al-
-st . to-the Eoiai heart" pleaeant
-.lemwtsiaid'silU forth thtwith to-reproduce
. ,,lriirttfnt.fetaaD4 kladty acts with
-rl.lrh it 11 iss dxted.
ft r a 4t VKt the Jmi ly iroup" has ap-
,.iate4 to Hs own iaaocentaadliory reerea-
,,, f jft Christmas firs tulases j mors ge-
vtV.aaJ Bcrradtns wamJ. Te uprtttmat
u Soto- a brightly anl sheds a proire
..-TS-rtirss,Maid Uieesh it he, with the
- lie aJVttteas-thit foe! it. Tae Christmas
;-it jw jsoit.iuxarliQHy -aa-shitts its,.
rffr4 VitrbM with a leoderer aad jaoreli
'.rilling reopooae from jae nearc. auu. iue
!.rwesear,-WhHetheChrist3is smile
" -.. i It its wiy ito itf crerfee of the hettt,"
'.Mte' a aoictsr paU&'.loQ la.that teaple f
Ii'tie sodalcireies of fife these are -scenes
wtttltwsM tfbwkM tif'ct to.. 4?sfce. They
vtb-4f . -They oftentimes throw offj a!
n ?:A of care IroB. tat harieatd heart, acJ ip-r..ai-iBpes-f'T-iaer
and baHer Snirii
" tha anBea-rsniUed towlUiess a old
- T?iTt,3f "ftil" htsry?n 'setfisbwia W
rrv day life.
T,1hir Aould'not eso the stoie- relur
---nzii staiidart to H'(jo $ f.artless laiKh
jil&ood'as ll" eomes 'gsbins fjrth frobi
Ireland hItb Vs "Bslt of" lif(rS:icrek-
j& ? Why-shoUid the eynic swer .aj-pe
-exMniMs. aisabliei- of tlai Beacon PtVro4eBC vta- ffin clearljlcidated.
jraakli Hete-ofilonof dari4& friers
" -. . r -1 a : ' - - ' -
or fftOltlT-lH-J 1 -lie jiiuwvciii
I - r.r, hi the spirit of social hapjplnessJ,waicJvd as nuramg fithers at tae axrotoor
1 W,n.tir-'tai Ai'S ? -thi: hW,-the stateMT-fiour
biT lis) rrietfts aW WeH-traarrs-, m. jutv , janberf their nami were ry-
t fon Wf mara.JBx wtn me 1f )
S-Jbfltfr.es of is patrons, wrishiB-esch aa-aMj
Aeteai it the houssholi to the Utle
I . order to give the employees in o omce
L-WaSiftAMSrttef tteKelidayi.-no pa-
uuur t-3iv wt besea to-wJfTri-Weekly
miVfol trty wtw oe-sem. J
r stbsfttbaw. The paper will be issued gu.
as tnalesr aad aher Saaday.
- ' -XTTtlBSET ; . j
We-ar-p)teedt lartig4hat Gov. Habkis
. ' appj)nedJ.asE L. Has'eis, of Jtllelg'b,
SrtMraey tYeaeratt fire Urn for the Eleventh Ju--.i:
D.sfeicUa xacancy bavyjg ocrarred in
offc- k Shanty GeWeral for this District
Hh.rtsnoUoo of Cea. Jotuf B. Goodail,
fefct 8 ' r'noinratteBt, wiH, we .are. -coale-it.
? -
: w.-h the warm approbatloc of Ure'people
e whole Diettict Mr .IjARais has had
cperieetbe dlsrharge tie !
. : .ex.Me ex
. -i t in, otaienowmca ne nas Bee. T
-:Wt EW iereral years he baa, ia the a.V
" ee f frf Aileicfa of the Attorney Genertl,
' ' barged th. -UiUea-of Attorney General to
... . .!
tte sscttpo ef.the.Cfe,.lhj bar,
. 4 lae. aauWict and it was doubtless oiag to
.v.j-,. ,j .h.trif ir,t a.tiiJuitr Jii.Ured.
-, tS hi, .uhliched renuUlion as; a
hsr 4Lh Is: esUMitBea lenuion as a
' I ICTlll'l . T-.j - J
5s cotrnizaat of bis merits, to confer upon
"-"' rt ' , . j ,
iU?TiWss,rriTHi,.Cbarkstoa tAtet, of
lut, giyi-: Yesterday morning abdull
' it-r tiie-au)iasiaJTipafiic waica succeora
- . . f.a
' ',, . , Mrthouake The ehocfc
ct. !. lianua.a.gei.uiae earthquake. IheeOock
,..fffeJbSW5wJagjUt;.0aoffrrrrS4,.f Jtose of Maryland at an hours"
.! rej pH:r)minc,in....6 ... -f rturBpfke;boutf our mtles from xaai Tiace. nas
' : jr'sas.i coatinuiEgaeveraljeconds. As-( been'wiBhed'i-'.
'flMWhi''lfe;al the earthquake did jno-f- Moke State Paisox Brsos. While -West
' x,L '! betides frfebtenirg seme timid peopIe,ia-l Middle Tenhesaee cofctime to ruralshjhe
w i-j , , .ii nlnitu-of roct.rr usual quotas to the repreaentativf streagth of
' l.Aws alffelt iff Arfgosta,eo-rgia-.-t Vith her clwrocteiitUo ambition to keep up
' " L' a Twith her Bister Divisions in -works for the pub-
Dotle 6bbcide.A Utteffrem Fayette- d pUg nerhaad' w!tb admirable adroit-
tki. -0roJfna announcesthe-death, Ty jnesa. The labors" of the Ul term, of the Cir-.
. -nr.. v -wAmw aiikri of I rult Cmirtor Jlamiltorr eouDtv. as . we learn
rier'ol,; Li a Vouag'nian
., . .t 'jV iv IJicitons as jonows: , j
icd Ettt?- Tfief w'ere both foundTn Jhe - George' W. garner, a school teacher, found'
...c bd,1t-tlie Sbemwtll 'House, hvst'Fridsy.-i guilty of'forging sad sentenced to the peaitrn-
Wrg.hAvirglefta note statlcg that tj-HUTy toi-gttt ytui. PrtVedk good character
' f tup to the time of epsuntUtae that jto,.
acJdprthe puspose of com- D. EUiej ci a-patron of the Ge br-
STticidfe Withrejd to thejiJBotiresTgjj penitentiary, ordered to a like service for
Vfc&ufeWbea to thft fffri51ecr;w?iire" cot his Bwn State.
iti&.ntftiftt was about 27 yetrst 'Xn ttjei convicted ior drawjrtg offeaslvely
, -i !" . w ' -iv- n.-P i,ii laa uaUwful kmf- The proof wasthatbe was
afeV stltj niTTve ofSpBlhTiaroilna. f a Keatuckiaa and -did not know that the laws
SMTXMT has iJr&XAl01 P"t,,C8
naroMitrd'HuseTJrlBter, has entered ipto ismue D. Buchanan, charged with breaking
" T 6r3llWa".'tw.ePer'.
s-1 tiwev7s it is reported tlxat Miua
AiiAXhil. JiklIixtscfrAiTImfs are-
... mr r x
f.'oaiVio"; aad Judg'e "WAUtia, ioroertp iraivS84 fejUTiutpiJOLrJafi;eny,
-'1)f W-Ekyatref -fh nhif ipf'Jj.expectfd tM?J&tMS&--yt-i fepiffment in
- partaers ia tbe firm, b.t were 4,ttar - - r V
.X '.'X VI . Peac.-f-Tb JGaJlatinmmr tayt: Du
.& t A - a rlr the week the sales of port have baea.q lite
f... Safl irfSfcawjotaibttriiB PfPr fitta tis-rtuij were 4c &4it, at tbe pens. Toreaaal'
' ,w.v auineto lrtotlht!,bqvetvtTt we.ay qooU 41 nettia fh pre
.VXJW..I7,n . j .,!i,.ratrTfAmilviaaat-
.naitiif a.cL &stiiurs,f,iu, bae
isv- sted ia aBifttrarabe'red ' reit ettaU,
'ailkee to pay hlthottl fare.
i,J'i-iC MfGaaD Fosaitsi-hataccordirgj
( eltew'lyrlfeM-AlfS, fee'en wriUDg ialhl
r -. -fr. -BVUBfeAS'TMs owe pecallar sttie.j
ij'V AoisM reUact'lhe statemtats cJob-T.
d li htr a,Jvtt.
1 '.. . A .l. ore a k.oneof.tlrtmtUre-.astrcam
, - tv-evea reel. aoerompamiiiui
. A a- " j
.7,. mmmi tHHS AACOMS.
. -mjr tt SPAt BiownMtl-Jberb'JcaTwaW bat com
K V$3m&Wt &2Af.r the
('.k 3. "pf'Aerge
, 2rttfrtetertwo thirdt rterowder.
a' ' -'.. a . i.,ni I, ii -
. firW'WPPMto: f-yfc?nAat.ejrfr2lIj,..R in ,a JIa'Mlshin,
i civ WChrettS paper taBt --- . . ,
' irftrfeWar n WW Jiii'"
.rJn"WUerd amembe;KtbfiDemo'
rn rry-'We oake.th era
,c.A.n ibd regret than we aave -woros
. ... e.s- ilas I; TV .
tB o H-ithreWBimsiJinW,iaearm .'t'hat moment Hunt gave the skiff a sudden
Itett'cw of uf'BCtWA",t:C'4rJrbfatv "h caused
fiW V -.? '.'f ,il.k "tSfrtfl. to catchon one of the ribs
TK-rBttt'X1 W laioauit-a..j, '"Jfi
' TV,.- -lll never anknoviil
Wfil eT tiLB aawr- a, I "V 7 A J
y .. r ,T . ,rmantnt ifaaer,aiuiooEuiueja""i'-"F J
if-.r-r- - -
vm.frwr-YTLrt;rr.;b! ieft.bt..t
rfTff 1 tt". V3Ifi r.aflii; c1(.rei5es aitwojjojirs,;
. Hl'KrT r.'J5 Ttt4e isTjUi. .n l is said to have been a ver,
RfiORfi . a&Trlira " X trm. HidiersodiTrttlfd Be
" . a-i. I,.
' , . Pfitbe morninrnil
li tn.vni-- m - r . . " . I
, i ua & barVv comiaeaced thf fjSf V. w " W ' S j
' 'A. 1
hrs c TBuppo,UI.,M, ,.
J,.e4 ititDAt, It is most bm
'rjimaiRi'l 'tvefca Hficev tbeybae. ade
jji,'. : we'upicae we nvustixarw
' i 7.-, tii M.iDiii of twilitiealai.vostarv i
' , , 4Ji, wifb what pErtp'sopby wi- msy. It
ClTiBOW'MS,or.it-': evmja.thf hisjory of
w- We cannot believe that he,ii la,- rpeflt debt, thetfforeiaa
a .jh J&ltiSpof? 'rtTv Afttay rtrleoij, 6t vffficn fbodt ofie-lAir
-l.'rXSfcly -des-riad th Democratic party, , elEq.rjt n j T7 3
..'n-..n.iR4-f aera-xniztdaaa a member ; J , n
. - w. -a.mvt h.,evA tbat beii Ia -
sr bio, tor iwmutajaa memoer
r f,t.ITUcl CX,?MV.. tt carries no x
t il .4A.iA".oAiknTitAW fit will
aSVattjaaa.,BBtL4M CHy . ""VT 1
. . -r" B -a- ,rTl. AfW..tl.MM:
. .lEWUtaUp
Csmpoitc of tbe E:t san Son
WiiiiiNCTOK.-Tlectmbtf 13 Since commit
UogtM first lejuf to the ball, a., yjtlt to, the.
nrifaeTiiad the first sermon was there delivered
by the Bt. Georze D. Cummins, pastor or
Trinity Cburch, Wasbioeton, D. C More than
'wo thousand persons were comfortably seated,
f arxanaments or tne Du were shcu war
ertrr ode on the lower floor or galleries could
witness erTTthin- which-Uafispk ed,tbe-view-t
KiHmj--nroosinicieo, ana me tocb oi iuc
speaker distinctly hrard in. every jirt of the
ball. T3M ddrtLM4 sf perf'ect success. 1
At the hour of eleven th reverened sneaker
rose and commenced the exercises, with the
kublim-rnvoeatt0fj;332t the wofls'bf our Hps
W iBSJaSSiiJUif n( 0ttchearresacptJiDie
ittyiiSrffilKn5,Tctirsire aglb ridrur R -iefmrf"
After 16 usual lesions he i;ve out,
na lae. innaeuR usemniagu nnitaa in iinc
ing the hymn beginning, Before Jehovah's
4 nrful throne." Mr. CummH-'s text waffrom
334 chp. Det(rooomy,S9th vs.: "HappyaTt
flqu, oa, Israel ; yrtto ls .nue untQ.tnee, op,
people saved by ibe Lbrd, the. shield of toy
help, and who is the sword of thy excellescy !
and thine enemies sbaH be found liars .unto
'bee; end thou: (halt tread upon their hi;h
Never were words uttered on ad occasibn
fraught with deeper Merest. The. speiker was
Moses the tried, incorruptible patriot the
wise, learned law-fiver ibe leader of the hosts
of Israel throHgh all the forty year's wander
ipg.ln the wi(dernesi. Tbit eventful life was
now drawing to a close : but, tefore be should
ami tu-iv trom thera forever. Moe catherpd
Hheta-hrose theTaonntatn.iatt
, Ashereeauts Gc'i usoocpnea ceroieo
ielnafon,h Ireaki fortS in lhe feity strain
of the text. Is there not a fi.ness in tbes-
ords,fora!PCflaio8.Lk;"ii uy i not
ate" up the strain to-div . and say to this na
tfoa; "Happy art tlreu,-"&c. What word bit
er fitted to describe this people than btf :
u A'peopleisjred by the Lord." . This is the
ertcious- truth -running like a golden, cord
through all the past history tar our country,
niis rfghf Te wyitten to-day at the heid pf
every, page inscribed upon her capitol traced
ueer trrv every painting.
Hsw shall ye aoceubt
t auch coficptibn cat u&o tin miua or &r
- rr - i- i i .a -
nnar Rjnnfw? The band of ibe Lord was dla-
covery was ooticea. . .
Then, see the hand of God again in the ehar-
ettr oMh-a.ettkf of oar1and."Hre
tbfrPlgrws-lhr their voyage, their JanH-
JhlB God, one To blob, Tracj, and sympathies
n r. .ti.tr riftitniuuiAi rrirm. rreeaom 10 war
were recapituiitea wiia oeep paiuua.
ThlnUv Not lees -marked do we trace the
band of God IncrovMing a new World as the
T, .V.ri nr ih f rne'riraent. O was a new
world, a continent sUndingin uabroken still
na its original grandeur. It had bo past
Mstery 86 hlMowed nlaees ab local Bbrin.
It bid sever rroaped wir a yoke of dpot
.iwa.. yo-fetter of RigaaUc eaperstifloo to
luM of treedsm ! Its natural
fMtnrf fi tl to eu'tivate fretlhittWfloVn. Its,
vast forests Its lofy . cioiiBtatni. its
rn .r Urn rinntir MtaiSCtll. all fitted tO YtVt
breadth. aBd scape, and keenness to the-
hafstls ?f Its ihhabiUnts. lhe j.rovwence er
..lhehaiidof God was also seen InOhe men.
raised up at the crisis of owr History io acco
7hefeViS there'ewr
so iwjsejso.suraj po
ine as loose nan
UatM wUh thrinjn' power. ,Il;f ,t"rt prayer
ftfl&t aer-temoraWe cbunJil was'srs de-
i scrib-d with great eloduence.
quotations. The preacher closed this part o.
om. v7ordsr
wena s apoauopoc uu mmun.
ni,r.i. thtiandof God in that wis-
sif?jE?emenU!cyi i ' i4 Jj
TTielfirst rtlipioos lemeta. theifirt hrmn oPl
The preacher's theme then was : " The habd.
3?er Jdan.vfhieh Sramedlbe d.yficatuuhing eaUjres
Thel'of Bit Constlrtitwn it our liud.' The liberties
Ar tbn vuntrv, compared witn in at or ouaer
TntrfM.ViWnced the sonerior wisdom of our
indeed, Aid the
Hiuktr refer to the clouds which had in former!
OB 3 BUIVWKH 1"- pu.pi.9 ww. . ... ,
fir a. neaoa the raii.bow atmeared and all
becam calm. -Tau thought said be, that id
was brought abec or congressional xomprw
misee, but it was fte hsntf f God.. His firm
cenvtctioo was tbit, the Union would .never he
diseoived glorieoa America was only it its
flTfaf cy ;' Its mMsioa was nt yet fulfiHed.
What its mauhoo -woald befwho trouW tell?
Its greatness of teffitorjr.rro.ip the roieats of
Maine to the savannahs of tbe South, with Its
cootabtly exteudiBg domain, were 'depicted
I&iiii imiNriHiic Turvw smi
with impretMive encct. America suau oecomc.
je 1,.
Altogether this was one of lhe. isost palrJ-
this metropolis, wMst the reHgioh of Cbrisf
J . . rMi.'Hl to air. The
dy was fine, the chufchea geeerally -were, well
The select committee at' U House of Rep
' reeettUtives bafg.exaiiia ihe new ball, it
.( Blrferitl)ad thy wi teport in favor of Its
; inmdi-rre receoUos. It sai atraln light!d
. lit evenin-r and tbeaupearance from every ob-
I rVable portion ofLour city was very fiat. It
i b -,. .nd cer-
lain Meigs, no accommodation to represent
Ttlve,s""rtteTtersrrthe' nabttc.will he wanting.
1.. HeferriKfc actlpn if the northern. cities
jn rejrard to the speedy resumptieu of specie
notice,. ,,,.-
'TTexVessee BstSE.WjUHiEb A WAV. The J
Ljaion frttMMy8 ,he bn4Re w the-.Sparta4
the. Chattanooga GHrresulted -in ton-i
being. nofJly to dealers ia. Nashvilfr and
a tdh-e GeHatin- Landing.
IBs prices generally
Abjcaksas Paoirraous. The Helena Skidd
Hvt4 pbst'earag5.3eea"it'. -lhe ttee
of-thines In -that neighborhood. - It says:
.. '(In, thia aid adjoining counties, though Ibtf
cotton crop way not -prove, -qnte an average
trNe'ahdtha.jirice net t8 g-'tod as was antri
tAled earlv in ths a4sin, yet' when we take
into oBtideratioa.tbe fact that the wheat crop
wasvery De,Tne com rrp Boaminii, ana tae
fartein aad foltntlbg iaterest but IrtUe etabar-.
rassed,.liiere ia eo real .causs lor tbe pressure
to be seriously felt la this region of country.
tV--renriire-to' tar thattin-Ho fire etHtetiet in-
-t.i... l.W.n.ii Tenneaaee. Aflaa1aait.nl nr
tTf.Voirrf art.-the'neoDle' id a rtfore 'bremneroua
niUTL J .- . -. J r ... .
i'ad nacmbarrAJ inditioa" Ibaa those of
I PhiHips, Monroe, St, -Francis, Ceitteaden and
- I Mississippi. Being entirely an agricoituial
a.-aA-t. -tKmr are Tint Infl jeSetflTiv Bank Males
like a manufacturing people The chief pro
duct of tbtir iabori-cottoii it one thst com-
al hash bard cash 20M and
ui'iv, 1 - -' i "-
ViJytf jr ibey.' sp. u-JU it; .as-queplly they
it are in comptfatively easy eircumaWBoes, and.
s or
JittU -evident of hard-times. - Take tbinf s all
ii.-aii. 41. l.n PklUins conntv. and ' El
j,Brapejrous coaunwu.-- - : - .
idjest ine lies Are t-jii' or
tat accisern
county, 'on
. . ..-, . f IT .... . a.
alcierafio wersloa ompany.on a UnoU
I .i aVftf
I OtTnetAiu,
I .Y.A,VX lr,
Ia .rnlrxle. IE. AUe-umi w .
-1 - . . i ..ii.
llickartori ana rorxur y .uu
:. ' jiUTir recameu uis
respondeats win save sears provnteu ir uiemtjjyjjjvtrj,, jBe cueumstances
10 a special e'liery as.m me oeoatF ruiniDer vryxjoQ0rable man would ins.
Under the liberal ant. juitif umis views or can- 1 rnri- to avert the ore ft
e uin ir-ruii.s ...... -v.-v- w.w j"sa uw-f.. "-?Dfapir'aftoorMi8Mt?rjf sUofAtltttla;:!
lin!- VLiVizT. . -lV7T Mr.:-f.H.Hy, T',T I Mws that taer mtke thah thev do a
Allla - t ii' I.t)." j r aK Tt.
Y&V&' " .ViWSJk tPY'l'1 ;fr;iK.
lidi .aVa. -.9 Bllrf Miai'lTiliril aVlfSJ JikUaWSCU
a. r r . r J-t'Sr.,.
-iue ocui vi me uui.cu
ju)v isarfjEtorjctTlt.fgl-.tgW.yeie rcieemed".
s.ne-d h4rT abot50W''have been paid.
.t - i a Ili.tefotaa about !2o.l3a -
8 A 8
- " . -TT.. . ,
- varyv.-.r'.'.-"V.'rl...V;Z V TIJ
' five feet lornruieUJej-aay auempnu 10 oaa
jkvocd inHAttrhJlteMV'yieJt1?' but ,h5l?wayj -Brother,-yotf tre
arla.at ,-a-.
stsw, thab-wbeo
' aa - - l rvrji r- -
became to
LhviheJcrUVb5.a5uia.-ji.Ja farther.
Files of the Deseret Xttrt to October "lh
bad been received at Saa Francisco. The pa
pers are filled almost exclusively witn repons
of liirmruo. hreathirur the most hostile spirit
-towards tho-GraUCrwtK"nJT
Young, Prestdeat Kimball, and otaer ngu-.s of
the Alorftod f brch. , 1. 1 IIJM ii i
i. sfkboh paoir ButonAX. j
Tb a sperch dellrtred by BrighSm Tbung, ob
the 13-h of September, hsnf. " '
Before tbemeetinc close I want to make
few remarks. My feelings are o eotnplicatf d
that I-want tossy a few words and I do mot
..-. ..H ti ... tail-nnd I do-not iinr tb
Wfe'JBiu recollect hf srlpg ob or the Elderk
state upon the stand, not long since, tuav ue
came lirto Uie church msd and bad been mad
ever since, and 1 m loo angry this morn or to
Drtath. ' " '
I have been In this klngdoc a, s9od.,wblle,
tu-etv-five years and upwards, and I have
been driven from4 place to plsca ; my brethrep
Have been driven j my sisters have been driven;
we have heen seattertd and peeled, and every
time without any provocation upon our part,
only that w were united, obedient to the Uwb
of the land, and striving to worship God. Mobs
repeatedly gathered against this people, bu
tber never bad any power to prevalent!!
Governors Issued ftbelr orders 6a,,carteo out
a force uadjrr a latter nfUheJvt, buthreakln;
the spirit, to Vold'U4a,iaorav)B8.''rtjl ,bilo
Mfertial scamps cut their throats. 1 Tiave hid
all thatbef'aeUirouihaieIigutDast, acjd
it makes me too angry to preach. Also, to-s
that we art In a Governmeut whose dnkiM-
atalnat in. sod ret thev Ire- ore-aatllng tbrir
forces to come bete and protect ' InftrnL.
eamps who are. anxious to come ana ifiiiuom
they please, destroy whom they (pleas.e aijd
Gsally exterminate the " Mormons' . '
I dW at arrive till .late, ana'Dtonieriayier
was tb preaching upon this subject, andjl
warglU or Itj Ile.tWt WUgnt you poou pris
bondage to any G jvernment on God's otsfjcjl.
Vba?e traasgreised ho (aw, and we" hive do,
Mrason-tdqstialthll!tlolvlsGltridi:B btt
as for any nation's eojain; tors'roy this peo
ple, God Almighty "being my helph'-g caij
ot esEee'htre. TThe conireifatlon reeaondad
lbr - oud Amen. " Hilt is "my feeling .-apdn
itaat point
KLL-fithy itt, nf Julv llftt. ft.nnrnbftr nf lift
went to Big cottonwooo ivanyon, 10 pass uie
anniversary 7f or arrtval lDto tbU valley.
Ten Tears ago the lUlh of last July, a few f
the, ELtexa arrived cere ami began tr plow aiw
to plant seeds to rtise food"to satAiH'thsiij
selves. Whilst speakl?; to the brethren oh
that day T said' inadvertently, jf .the people df
the United. .Stales will 'let us alone for tefi
years we will a sic no oai or uiem, aou iei
! moil and tha
rfiAi-ihajl rra!ied2.M0'lrobps fd eoidB 'here
and bold the'cMgrmopsVatill, while priesti
pOIIIICianS, DltrtlllrtWlD. tiWunmv.l,vt.J
every mean," fiithy character that.voulj
revin should come here, and kill off.
Mortnons." I did not think about-what, 1
itrSlsrstexe always try ing to lirjure u i while vit
absj:on-iiar.tly at the defimes of 'all' Hell" (o
Kr5-nv iat -rouMs for ihelr hpstiltty
noWej-.iaiiifflten years ago, Ml I heaTtl'tbitJhe
Presidents the United States had so uniustlj
ordered troops here, and then I said, when ni
former exnression came to my mm in tae
minr of Isarel's God we ask no odds of them.
I ds'aot often get angry, bat when I dol h
am righteously angry, and the bosom of the Al
mighty burns with anger toward those scoun
drels, and they shall be consumed in the nanje
of Israel's God. We have borne enough it
their oDnreision awl hellish ahuae,-and-we will
not bear any more of in for tbereisrTio'Jijsl,
Jw TPqwnngluriutT lorDeanncj pa par pssi
Ann l am trot got
iing. to nave, troops herato prp-
Xect'the priest arid a hellish rabble-in efforts lowborn or naturalized-American itizens.- -
j . I. . 1 . i . t IT .U
io-frot-wantwifr be "driven,' and h?a jajd, i
if ytti will assert your rights and :
eomipjidnMntsfyriKjs'vt ntvft be htt
hnnri'n' hvVmir enpmles."
j jftiftoflcei 13 ctittJandtoHtlfUrfiilJ SStf s
arm , on its way to- Utah detailed one of bis
stafi, Captain VarLVliet, itha.1 iv-e the
Y&i&t&cotik here and learfi whether he coufd
procure the-aeceidiry sup (die Tor the arm.
Many .of ypnre already aware cf this, aijd1
some of you have been previously Jirquatnted
With rUj-Caljiij.'. CpA"l titVliSt nsitjd
us in Winter Quarters, (now Floresca.ViLnd it, I
fFfffilfShir cortfcLlKkeATas ihw.nK.-iillit il
SAsSSlatit U larte? ataswr. tietaKftaur
-feWstr'irr'he capacity of AssTsUnt Q larttr i
taterjsr-romxie-ityor.ms-vreiito innier
yjaner3mai.orMi3P.eopie nave oecoine per- fDllIleil state -for a, trade, and promised them
sonaUy ArqaainleA with.bim,botblhiough cae- ' lhit jf idlfriail fd Otiti that want
ua! InterroureeviibAnd ivorlung for him. ?,lfel,;1toir-h Wo-woukl Vrod all tQ ibo Stalet
Da'jinvari.aDiyirfaiea inemKinaiyuBwou,aith;lt wantfd to iVe would get our thou
a Baptist, a Methodist, or ianv.9;herprofl.fcr . gan,,8 t0 their o.e, they would mike that
v- " - : - - - . .
He aas always etn
rouna to be tree jBd rranK, "tnq to ue a mai
mat mieA.LO aa.riFuizta-ia na aouoi ue wouia
deal out j-istice to all it be badUsiciwer.
mkflvlbf von hava4abored for Clm.wizdefbucd'
HoTtoe a kirxl;good.inan; apJlScdersta id
ss aas nftiea lnnuence in me army larooga qis
kind treatment- -to-Ue -"Boidiers. He tresis
iii ashumsn. hrtsiS', -while ntb3"5ie'1SoU
'Wfll. the inquiry is, "what is the news?
What is the conclusion '.' It. if this, haf e
to tnun In God: Tam-aot in the leaatofiderri
ed as to the result, if- we. -put out trust in Gal,
The adminlstra tors of aw, Gjvsnuoenr haye
issued orders for marching troops and -expend-
log much trswvani 1. .prdicatel upbn
havrst made an economical and -peaceful in-
nv. unmst aoi enuraiv
gndleSspovemengaWps. but Captaiis,
Majors, uoloneis, and otter BBbomiaate om-
l"" "'.cmw r?""-
aolaly fPf .the aeeocjpjisbmest .ofr their utlbil-
lowa scneme, qave aaa tne PDtDBrrayjiijynn dfe.bKthorieVjf lb asImaHwVere
anu misrepresintatimis ; dux ciuzeBs.unorgaii-
iced into ciiquej or parties, no matter bow,
lueir iii-.riii.uya uu wfvy' 1
toa.vert the Mow wifl the. iniwsiratioalofl
our Goverrmeatis arrayed agawat -mrrunlss
mey w ii-aito-uniiu asaiest ine lew wei.,t.btrtT mta - iDi j 8na Utlt
gantied tconnarels Vhd tti Jlhipilrpng dur
treasury and Izaf. urging our country to disjo
lutioa. - W have goi to- protect ourselves by
the strength of our God. Do not We fKr'cerried
two pH.ndsvhe ati ftiParit arbi- was pat irt a
.quart-cua, npoa.bibng a"kdwbetberstie-iivtd,
- D. abs said. i'. L Uvo-i a ad arrew.&ielvl -y
JSdpalsobeaaid'of the iittet-my-Sal4sVki0fi
srfberfced and' retv rrnelir. " rTT. -.51 E
" "You are" Upght frqul SaT.'baJfi.'io SaibHtBl
what to do, and ix jroado-tbatall will be well.
There is onlyone thing-toear,and-ttlatts tbat
ou wlltndtbefjitlifai to the 'ttlpfifom ff.GW.
We haye U)at klngdonjarid. it will aprfad its
balmy wiaea over tbeusaBds and millions woo
(-have net j-et heard Ihe Gospel, ajid'tHey vifl
fiad 1 Israel, t,o bpfrie aaad, and fffi,. tha tail."
IVBit is the cause br the hosUls" feelng
against :au3 -pehple? 'Bro. Taylor bat beu
tailing you. , jGpdi has; rested , fee,. Gptl. of
p 1 J
salvation to earth a?am. Tbat unites ihe
hearts Vf h people nriflgy toetflef those) of
Afferent natibmi, l1otwllh6?alfi168heit, vafiius
u .
, . . . I 1 . . 1 1 J" I I . . . T. ,1-. .1 ,
e,.!,t.ib,?J' .U",tBlk,nIB!'1'Tls 1 berighisof tbfi'eb'pte1 unaeV.tjjeireet 'wtJIe
TtW"7ht mS13! d?r-t1,t?7 lrtAD thrffeaffi alstf Vhil,, wHb w59d like to ho ,or
ger. AILheHlj faJo-d agv.nst.ihis fcppU pev-jt4tfl; A we hlv tvet a,ked for is our C(JH,
cause we are of one heartland one mind. .stitutional rights, ,.W with- the., laws, of.iiur
The faith bf tbe GospelV Je,1if;Q!irlsti uhsktltiWhr &L
calculated, ta flnit the peqpla ,1a ooe.aod 1 to I ored thm, but they are trampled under foot by
i . i i 1. i .. . U . it, . ....... . . . - J
DUBg mem oaca. uiiua im. aau laiutw aiipse
who obeyed'tb"gOspl,aaeiei,ly and finally! to
brirtg them bXekJo!oJy. TaeUco ydu wpn-
der tbatll the secta or me day are enraged
against us? I have told you thtIdo pot
wander, neitaer oo i wonoer mat stp.vernprs
and,ruir are .enragea ai .pur.success-Ate
aod rulera ate. enraged at ou.r.succtS'-
iBere'any'Dembctats, fy Wmgir. atj- Metjio-
. i l ...i. .. i
Li.nisf hi will their faitfl ivrn
"one. aaJT tbey are ode irj all things. ' . jm
It Id not alobf ttfe UriTled btitf . Jhatl is In
amienc4 or tae-raita uiere is uere. txjrae
mjtv tuiak that It hraof 0.'b(ft 'I ttnbWlnDre
about IhVHuVe4 States. flub.." pen. -nua,COrsylfiayMa.a
' - - - .' . c -
here direct from y asaingtar. i ireaa their
history and tbeirfeellncseyary dayv Yoaoeed
! hot thihk'lBA tSev'orlaajrerW
i jounced no; iryuK:inai,rKii(i'aaj.are aoi lopjj
. posed to us. for thev are. ..-..,... t
! W,e Jjafe jiept a Delegate to fopnwa-djirine
the. past, six- years, anl hasittfie-iver been! ai?
je oary Vabt fo know who We' Jlft" Hap it
j and tbey will, f upport ,au Dr. 'SernSretl it
ianrturM-saiB) atnu oat it cost Dim a utousanu
dollars KgHnU8 ejection? Xotntihtt not
! east him a sisels-dblltr!-to.-noteoraB-e:h as a
ted cent. Ye thlbk'tbaf h Is fherrrfoifBulta-
ble rata tor us to tsptt.tb.TSb.lpg(on4,aDil,,wi
say -"ittus teaa ,aiu' and he. ja-unaoimeosly
7T. - . V ..." 'ii T""! T i .
Itcted. And if we had a thousand-officers
s to
elect, If we htdto electthe PrifsidVntoT the'
ViUIAaaei vu.f i.ceA.uBenin
VOte. ' lm. I
Partie?fn- our-Govefnment hrve ndhe)ter
.idea. ib?atptbjiny the. Rrptfbllc'sTaha't all the
Armer upon opposition, b-rt rsay thatif is not
A Ilepublicsn tovenmen coaaistli-in let-
e "people ruie -py lurir.-nnrred' vojee.
houta.(liasnbnj learning; what, s for
atand unitedly doing it. --.mat ia true
fjo'notbear'trv. rwiHrffrnUybdMhbeaBLwinhaYethe
aagry as L anu JjivaeV-get a.o angry that yddl?
... ...
h.M.ni w.M r i i. r. ta 3 wmLi:a. a,i
1 V&S rfe"llr?lflS.'.r.,nt
-. --j-j" "y-, t . lr i 1 i .
ap TJm nnw ri tamii at,c1 v ataraci tiaaao - -v
U . .Trv.ement rrf bfr cennrrv will ro by
m- : .. - . .. . . - -
i foranother aton, It it prohibit thst-ojir tnejtiia w-na r guieonsness to tat
I miea W1J have, Wfnip Motr ..
.r,Trw, -Arrvir1Mi:re Kalrerirn-Tjainta. njiev
'.. M.i.cs.-firii-i.:'iA7;'ia likAii
this matter, forif haa -Bert td ttahe;frp
1 r.7 ' - ..! A' -1..11
. . ..1. -j . - - ,
l-wll -turn them- whtthertaveT e- win, so i i'F. y.j;-VU-.r,iy. JtL i, iruhT.
'thevddbbt'coae'hererlifttlttrt .llu99 tt Mt Wth the tfrfthre
i Hra' o?. "k; I'.'. -'.f-.-y. ..''3n,y:;v,i4n.l sister, way-ihat our-enemlet .may no
a ' R,;t ,fh;r maViV.uondiavaU
.i.- Z'-.y.., s.;,n.e ....i..,tn h lurnefll
1 ui ""r;"" l--3
th.m',i;t th,'xrreinrror I wantto'fiEht tbem.dr.eilo oraeomfnaflbnt and death... And ydo
WJ S! a aiTMlKf r'rrTTd-.VJ Il'J r: ,hat .he wJU ieilmu that It she co: Und damn m,
cmnwituai..iiw.iB.iA.i.- -r ------T.VX3iiii &i.s ,i.r. ii
ZI.a W SB I iMHktAat, tABtatu nuuf I Hits, wae -a "-. ' Z a .. r- ,?ifl-.ii: . .B.i J..
I s-isJnn abb -aflaallh MrfV aa a-e. cVd nVr IH IJPT irCIILnia USTC Via CUCIUIVO WUJV "WV u -a r. mm, - B
tcred. '"cross MW,nyirthy tiadflr-BeeTa fB&ft 'Diopa,-Bna-,c
-Mook to oi)t Baa other waTjh
tj-nwr-eouU -t
I'aim, nor the '
"cross the Sl.-rra Nevada Mjua'alns,
Bann Jlim ofe-fi'.ir north, nsnhe deyrU at tne
south. Btiirtys one, " I jwa'nt toight " Dr
all such persons know thstrlh'sy art not right $
Learn to control yourselves, learn to be In
the bands of God as clay In the bands of the
pattf r, pnd if he will fau-n ,otif .enemies away
nriiUd'be hl.'nsme. Dut if lt!should Ueebmt
Ailalyjojake the sword, let u do it manfully
ana id tue ftrengui or isrsrr um
will cbase a. thousAnd, and two will p it ten
thousand ?o Bight.' ! The! dhyWU'btj in which
am.an will go out and eay to an army of a
htmitfrft ttinu
an tuui ana so or we
arc upon jou'and fhey will hr tbi rumbling
of fchariow and the rusblnof troop asinAhe
dss of Elhib. iii
Voq recollect of a prophet's telling what
tfreft'af"& meat should be sold for In srsttniten
ed city t ie YollowirijJVray. The enemy thought
that arete were mtHlons of the-Israelites al.sr
hem, for tbayibs-ird, Ibt r?Uing of chariot
wheels, tbe.eUbl'K of arms and the trampling
of horses, and they fled. The prophe"t hid
told the klog that he would, be trodden to death
lji tbe gte, nd he was, and a measure of meal
was sold In the city for a penny, In fulfillment
of lbs word of the .Lord. The doctrines of
nitration are the same- now as they were In
-tie days of Adam, or Elijah,
or Jesus when I
he was upon toe earto.
While )brolher! Tajl! yvasspeefng of the
sectarian world,. tt.WWirre.4. IP ray mind that
the wicked do nut know any more than the
dumtjbrulei coragarafUsly steakln, butf (t is
ohr business to hunt up and gathef-out aft the
hones? pirUdfis dribs nations of thairth and
gwe.lhem.salvAtion. W may vary .properly
say that the sectarian-world do not K"ow sny
thing correclly.so fur a. peyju jjo aalvatio.i.
A'k them where hftven is where tbey are'
going to when they die, where paradiie iVj and
there is ddBalHestln (he worid tbat can an
tireryotir Question.. Jlakrtbtia whLk(jjdo a
hini our ltevenlv-Fathsr.i. and they cannot
!B'l-youo much as. BiUnm's nil told. bta-
IHey are-more-iguorannuaq cjiuuhil.
We hive the'kitowledge of thsse things, and
tc Iiim lh greatest. rtsaoiito be thankful of
afifpeft'plo'upon the ftce of lh- earth. If
olhttKonsbcfb dp fight, we mora Be-full of
4oveJifid -compassion, to ycur fellpw beTpg),
full of kioUnesS, sucti as numan Jieings .an
'rwi-i-fuf that 1s our business. Th -only
iusiness that wAa'vp on. hand is to build up
lhe kingdom or uoa, ana prepire me uray
the son of man.
.l you Jb-yohrMidy In-lhltftOptit yptuneed
not be afraidofi mous,pqr,of, forces, sent out
in violation of the very eenius of our free lni
liWwttotA, boldlBftjOjOu.ijU jnoha .lull, you
Slobs 7 X,8i yV wnere is mere me least par
ticle f aotpirity, eltfier In our Constitution
or lawsfor sending troops be, 6r ven for;
fSppblnUng cJHifltlicfBviconttstyJo thf ojup
farr consent of the coverned? We came here
without anvhtlD from obr'eienfies, and we Int
triwltn'sfiv-aa Inn' ss we nletase";
They say tbat .tuir-araiy is'egal, and I say
-that ttehn statement Is as-false, ss beUrand
ih.f hr ira rotten as an old Dumokin thai
.bashesnfrdAen seven times and .then peH,'4id
.AhAEvestsua.. Comt an with your thousand.
of illegally ordered trpoD8,an4 I will promise
you srf Jtft nafte oMsraeTa Go.1, thlt you
efore his constituents In Illinois, that nine
nth of our Monle were aliens. We have a
larger proportion o'f Ibrefgners'ihthis city tbafc
Titi any oWtr pirf of theTCTrltdry,hd lbre
-are-a. good, many jiere. to aav wjio aaye jusf
come-in from the plains. I want those who
are" native born and ntturalized America a
iiti7mc in nl thnr riphthands I Over two.
thirds -of the congregation, raited their right
j-hacds:) You who have not yet received your
riatiiraiizatiori nat) era will nie-ass manliest a
fn.fifl"same way, (Less thaa i Ihird of the
conereeation raised Uir4rhan-!s 1 -Now, Cap
I taln-you'can-Bee-for Tonrself that over twot-
, it. , i . . ill . . . :.w.'
thirds of this congregation are eitaer native
I hate!tarlfd?faUfl,t)ti.thjtlCApt Van Vliet
statement was false, for he has seen for bimt
If it. .wera. any. um. 1 would ask whether
feMfof'.0 P9Aja this congtfgaiioa who
"wants to go to toe uouea states, duc i Enow
luat i suouia put unu iiy. xiut. x win picupc
myself that if there Is a miii, woman or child
tha want toxoe'haclc.to theaSiatesigif tbey
"PI" lbr-r debapd. not stea,l anythingi
, mi .tft ttsia to0 . jrhathas -beta mt
we kno-vabosition airihetime. . , '
uiey cdii to ; am il lury ate pour aoa- uoihbi
. Bt0 Tav,or haa 1d rhafhe bantered1 the
iraue. oui no, iurv musi Kern on ivin". liuw l
i,i.--vjSt iW.Sm Vm n'
;ne. arift m-inglb oppfess awl killlhe innocent
p ( i t. - t .
Wheir soine' Went away Tast 'spring T tbld
lheia.-to goin.paice, and they did so. What
are they doing now? Many of them are- stros-
tfing'to get-baclr,ind tbe rest are wishing that
ty;ywh3AeJ'er here, U is a. kindf dev
bualae'M . to-apoatatiz-e -ertrv year. J- woulfl
rather stick to the old ebip Zion. -t
1 t?hi I u wrilLn In In 'j ,1 vn ft. K t .
. v-'. . " " - I"J V - ,
ident oi tueUMteu &utes,iarouga,arvouierper-
iinirtbgtP'wBT6r Af HOif going. Mt
Fjpuna7r, I.reptiel that 1 did iot koow.where
lo ti . for Vancouver's Island, and w
8ent a n ipad f Salnts r0UH(L a to
iforiial 5Heh in authority a-afesd, where
nia.orlo. Vancouver's Ial?ml.". Whsa the j1-
.dshaJJ malfeBWT.aa tht.sapK before, a Jply.sun,
MSuuan s'-- at. T .
. be faction of Capt. Wri VI let Oae'bf our old
fthe l Sonatora. liSti4ea: Afloiglas.,rtciUv: .said
mar be ablelo do J9 he always does, snrak tbt
ke'P AFl rrTbbldfy 'a?lJtell th&'o'f ft hext CvWVrl
ugbt luto Vjubington, and that he can, if he sees Ssnai
lor -Lioueiss in dsuiBEtou, xcit uiui 'uaL uis
:v.en-.D3TQneer. company reached Green river we 'met
Samuei Bracnan and a few others from Call-
n4.i f.- ,4iv'.:;.-Wt.j -t. f i.. ;.k.l( ni.
fmarked let us go to California and we cannot
stafltiRne'drpve ars0)uejet its sttri- in the.
i mountains and we can ruse our own potatoes
aDj tat .w al$i c'acfiae- fD sUv hJre. yft
one and the einw i, and we-intend to
ncaa-sayf Come as -a tBttb'afid we can
p , jjj dderrfy.-They nevtr
d.d anything against Joseph till they had osteb-
ar ' ai,VajL armed. comnanv.thafhttemDlA
to -ctxne. UeVeL -as a lAbW. ' f the1 ' cbhgregation
responded, "Amen." You might as well tell
show tbem this, if they do not keep away. Dy
taking tats course you win nod that every man
and woman feels happy, and they say, " all is
.riebtj-aiya wpllj" I say-iliiaOHr eaeaaies
J f HJ Jkt tli. M .
God bleas you: Amen.
I would like ,vtf y wall jto h.eari topie of th
rest of tbe brethren speak, If I had entirely
got overbeing angry and had patience to sif
nd-hear 1 think, fcuweveiC tha Ksbal be
bl totilm arod control my-Teelings, thdufth. 1
I uo not expect 10 uecome entirely eettiea until
yie anairskrAuad meBdettlfdy- e.v 1
itTst Tvrenvjioia sianji jior. ion neopis to
iTfe'lo-taynHat therWIlf Hoi beTontrolletl by
i be corrupt administra'ort of our general G
ernment. iW,irijl bacortralled by them, if
ney win be controlled by tae Uonstitution andJ
laws, but ihey will not. Mary of them do rjotl
bout the
n 'ITl-l a I a (.imil .
admt&IBttaiora ata.
There cannot be amore damnable, dastar
,T- 1
Lordei-tiai.ied Wtanjwjj JssiiuV.bx,lbeg Adm
' if ivitforinbtlAi peWile" wAiltrthey1 weT in an
Indian eoui.try, i,i 1SI6. Before we left Nau-
, yep. nailssslhan-two Ucitei-tatrs tJemUori
Ucaane.!.oreciVBa nilefce from as that we
fWduld leave lhe Puite i States, aad then, wlaile
nvsr iMwfA-ir bftt t.es.ediffcir tJbtfea-s,
'7oor, low, degraded curses sent a rrqussi-
n ror.av.e jiunorea. cr our men. to eo and ti-tht
i ., ... fJi. iJJi ..jf . . .
an their battftft Tail was Prtsldent Polk, and
is I be is now weltering in hell with old Zaebary
J.T1 .I'. .... II. .I.A.. -- b. t - - . . L . , , .
i'Taylor, where thlir9efit aiiratdiBTBtbtB till
1 soon be, if they do not repent.
Bite, reported, taat dais, neppje have
rs dent has
I ir, Ihia Territ
s oraerea out. troops io aia in omcer-
ritpr)-,,and if thosexilcers artvllke
h&rhB&tiWbWi a I
3-TV-.rv'T.-.wr-r.-.-.j.f;r-" r-U
we have reasoo to believe tbat thev are. or thev
woWdhK d6i when 'ibty 'knowMhey are nor
they are poor, alterable blacklegs.
rrtfyj-ftf pcwiriaaiiiicAt ifaCKs.f rabpera. and
I wtrofemdneTt. men thai are -liot'fitTdr
j -- - .
IVd socjetywiio they must drfgoon thejn. upon
IiW omcerV 'Vrwl'tnat"1 1 ' wdhV bedrtueh
cursed treatment, and tbat is enoneh- to say,
e- ... . ... ;n., .. e... i . - ..'.hj .1. i7,
AWl nEl.j,...BIIK J Ml . wuunMIITBIi
I do not lift my voice agdKis! the reat and
glorious government goat-aitieif 16 every citi
zen by our Constitution', bh! 'against those cor
rupt administratoVs'wbbtrample the Constitu
tion Jiii'.ini.liWA'Bader their feet. Titer care
lib'tkbrt 3lUut them than tbey do about the udv-
T . . .- . , . . r . ,..a
ernment or t ranee, , ouiaaej"- waiic-ianai aaaer
tneir-i tv4tn -tutpttHtyi -Hha tae most or tae
cVat-aVKtrs tbey have sent here as officers cared
no more abour the laws of our country and this
rejTltpry . tfekn theyi!bUaboatgritt lawg of
cagijaiked mfym 0 if feet with
all the recklessness or despots.
iihde'rht?t?o?.tfiiri5t3 cmfrigebes.VratihVof the.
IlaVVsald'fhiit'if the' bfrtnrenurd'.'haVe
fai'h. the
Lord irf tliht obr tattles, affd wti
rivilege of livinj here in peace.
tlWcl.tiataitfV'pfihf. co,!-
t l cannot begin to
people will live
HAejktiri arriti briVe told
you that if there is any man or woman tbit Is
noUKilBtg tomcshtoyTanytbing and everythirg
of their property tbat would be of nte to an
nViurtf ltf lmefnted them to go"ont of the
r- rv e i . . , - -
-nnjTrcTjni..a-Lo-uinQ'An(7 lary wact our im-
la) Jl J . . . a . a-, ia
tr,l J, "V."u.o"" t".
. "i i uun,uin must
- Mt interfere! efore. I .will wl
; there shall hot be
one buiUing.
lamber, ndfa Bticlr, Dor
,, lit XlrmJVmin
- X 1 3 A t
ffltWhH yourcpuld let an,innyjn,rjere
ra(8 havf peace: hmrrintea th tell them' aad
fiM ' nor a particle of grass and hay, that'wliliburn.
i h . leltM rea'cBr'6uKenetrilSMl,I iT sworn. If
tefljr'laf rWe,,.n
- - ar! lister, -pray-wai .r-w lou w
eotai hvre.-for their- errtra'nte is
designed '-by
.Veantwit aollr tnd brlheioreven to sister, bhfl hire; killed n
hsr. -If-loitsfftUa roy-fUi:ga to havcthe
come here my heart sinl.-s within me, u
buoyant spirits are cone, attd l aave no com
fort, for I know the hel'Ish designs concealed
under trie preir.itmovmnt. uut we are free,
add every" man 'says, " staod by the kingdom.":
When thlt is theC4se every mau Is like a troop,
they are like lions.
Admit of corrupt administrators sending troops
here, and what would bs tbe result? All bell
would follow after. I naturally dislike to have
any trouble, an,d, would not were I not obliged
to; bbt wo ars 'obliged ti de'fehd !ojirte)ve
against the persecution of our oppressors, or
have onrcccstitntioualTigl its Teat-fronrus. and
ourselves destroyed. We mast either eufTet
that, or stand up and nulnt-qinj tbfglcfpgdom oi
God on earth.
A' havtr known all tha'amtr that the- king
domtqtdarkrjfss were ojfpjisd to th kingdom
of GbiyUtstSthe power of earth aWh'4ll'wer
combined against it Chriiit and Baal cannot
make friends with each ott.er j you cannot mix
nihand water, rigbteousneis ami wickedness.
This Is the klncdom of God t and all others art
of the dt v(l They.neter can. ho uiited Jn thin
world, nor io any other : thire Is no pmibility
of tbe two kingdoms beotning one. Those
sfbi tie lie ft -art!) obs the gispelof tb-Soaicrf
God, aad forsake all for its Interests, belorj;
to tbe kingdom of God, snil all the zest btlong
to tbe other kingdom. Hilts is a distinction,
indlhi lint must bef drawa, (uidJyotCaud I bav
o afaril unito it: even thoukhi If may tkU
from us our riehteyes and rieht hands. Vfi
muit stand untoJUtXIne ami maintain ice King
dom. pf Gpd, or, we will all go to dutruetJoa
1 am perfectly willing tbab tbe brethren
should stdn all Imnrovemtnts. if thev choose,
and spend a few years In mrtlne what our ene
mies will 4o, though, their eujrta against m
will only tend to use them up the faster. Bat
IT fhe people prefer if, thejmy stop their Im
wovemen'.s and take care Cf their, wheat, asd
cache a supply of grain, flioir, S., where no
other persons can find it j- lliotigb we can raise
grain tier all the time jret all tae time.
- Sjppon that our enemiel end-50W0 - troops
here, they will harij to Iran, part all thaUIa re
quisite to sustain them, our pne winter, for I
promise, merp, Deioreciae; come, iuji uiere
sbaimif bi-ons partlcli of forigtm'f toiie
mBUthtui of food for thera 'should thev com t
TheywiU bays to bring aj their pfojrisions and
forage, and though they start their teamr wi.h
as hsavTJaas ss tne? can urnw. tsars s no
tsam that can bring enough to tus'atn ilse1f,to
say flolhvng of the men. II there were no.mnre
mea oere man taere are. in iuo &erainoie ii
lion, our enemies
coum nfver uib u
i up,
thy dO'ifal tissthemseivet wi watcUjiaey wni
do. The Seminotes,it little tribe of k fevr.hqn'-
dred ia Ftorida, havs cost io-ir- gprimit. i
sunaose. In the neieuhoruoiMpr. jLfiW WV wu,
aad tbey are no nearer biing corimted than
when the war commenced. And what tew have
removed hiv besu inducel to do so by com-
nrotflissi oad-lt woildbe lir cb"pest ff the
givernmeat to ply the debit they honestly oe
us, and leave us unmoiesieu in me peaceiui on-.
jo-rSehiaf -iurcriguts. U: rf i ; j
wui4ut oaf eneiaissieetwsu.in goieg u,
tberkanyoas' for" wood," thel5:st:n'fgUt, tb'eiak,
th'Ir suppers juritur. .loe lilsaiuts me la mind
of an anecdote told by oni Brown, about the1
mar) who took the first haercl.ot. whisky up,t6e!
MisHouri river on a log ralu
tion till they ate up wb,al they broajht, apd
then they would nave to go baejc
. . l( has been aked, hays jqu,couatejl the.cftt?
Ves, for ourselves, but 1 jcaonot begin to count
it for our enemies. It wil cost them all tbey
have in this world, and will land them' In hell
in tBdVdfWtd ebtsre, whlW'the-'ehiy'troublet
with us is, that we have two or three tines'
mdre men than we' aeed. fjirisin; up all who
can come here to deprive ui of bur rights.
Asd said this morning; bin .years ago on thin
round I stated that we would not askany odds
of our enemies in tea years from thatdite, and.
the Mxt.time. that J aitit of.it cas tenj
years afterwards.'to a oar. "They ire ao1
sending their troops'," -wa lbs news, and it d i-t
rUyccnrfei to me,"0wil5Wi)asJ;aiiy,odds
ras tas news, and it an
'owil swiasj; aay,odds
name of Israel' God(
'a! tterifsUtxffs'we get
or them?" ro; in tae
we- vvll not, for as soon
eads- Jf bayonets. Wbea use- bav asked
them for bread, they baverdyeu us.alonea;juid
when we-have asked tbem ikir meat, thy Davq
gli'en ns tcorploLS; and wfiat is the useia onr;
i ski ug any more? I do ijot ask any oddi o
those who- are striving to denrive csxif everyl
vestige of freedom, aqd to destroy us from tt
earth.""'""" " ' "
SunDose that we should now bow down and
the? shdald order: thdr t)iop haS-fcfaijaBed
iiui a Goverioj- aDdiolher officers here,!jn
!onc would it ba b'efcrrt sbi.e -mWrable scamp
would get It. to a-fuss witb ihe- Indians in-Utah
;ouiy, or in some otuer county, anu gei kiiipu.
riien the Governor would order outlhs militia,
probably two or three huuired men, to kill o&,
hose Indians. Well, the brethren, knowing
(hat tbe acsressor Is a wbl'.e man, da not want
to turn out, and, like Gen. Harney.iiU thi
rtnnawn. aru thv Ritr: it nhall nst.fo''
rtien'th- Goyeniorwould siy, "they have com--mitted
lreasbr," and it would b;, " send an
army?here and shoot and,- bangthem." OuiJ
if the. troops are -now thli -side of Laraule.
remember that the -Sweetwater isthissiJiol
that place. Tbey Taust h;tve tomi ' plice' to
winter, Xqr they cannot .come. through this sea-
son. We could go out and ise them up, and it
tvotfid hot require fifty men to do it. Butprob
ably we shall pot hive occasion to take that
course, .for we do not want' !o kill men. They
may winter in peace -at torn v place- eaet or
bfit When spring comet they must gd back
(be Ve.5, pr at any rte tbey must leave
mouatains. ' ' " - ' !
We have no desire to kill men, but we wish
to keepThe devils fromkilliig m. If f& hear
&attiega.r3ear tar. upper, crossing.ir p
I'lalte, taey will probably stay taere till taey
can collect fifty thodsand troops; We will my
hateiiat aad-thTee-equalsev&nteeaf and if that
s o. haw lojjwill u take; to getjhoaa troops
herb?" "L-t an arithmetiIah 6ur outbow long
it will be before nine- and tiiee will make sev-eutteBj-forihat
will be jjusUii soon as out eiie
mt wdl getfiftyf thoisandlrobpfirJere.i'
tV'e have,iy)t to bp calleda-easoaers by our
enemies. 'Joseph was fatten up six ttmea, f J
remember' rlshlljf, on the charge of tre-aVti.
Unce he was arooght into court by soia c.e
raletwho thought that they ould prove tfaabhe
bad committed adultery, and that tbey termed
treaton. -At another time our brethren wnii
. . . ...... . f: . . . - ,
to iiQte ia .afi.Le .county, iusiouri,aod nam
tbey" wuld oast their -vofei ind have -heir
rights with other citizeas, u hereupon Joseph
Lm taben-uB-for treason. Another ibice.he
was, taicen.iip, pn,a cnarge, pr, aia-;ireasoii,.
anu wuen ue qameuj(urc jucj;tann jury uis en
emies wanted to prove that be bad more than
one wife, aasertl:ig tbat that' was high-treason.
.- - ......1,. - ,
' uar enemies arc cnnstanir' yeinng,-"reoe.
lion, treason,"-no matter bow peaceful, orderly
and loyal we may be. And row to come out in
pper opposition lo baicxurv;d :ocrurjt pfactl
cei.iVill of icoiirse ibh leddrded treaira." :B it
UttellKTu'.thiitrj!rai:acttnl: tresioa i
xomtnitted In Washington by tfie'Ad'minis'fri-
tora of our uoverqment seil-nrgjtroopa to take
thelivetof inno-ebt citizenir- tvery man Is-:
allowed by the Constitution to have what r?r
ay tue uonsututio.i, oui yim, oionmrs," sn
armv miiBt'bb'stnt "against you- because ydu
are LutteriDay j6ln'. -Yesi aa array must &
tanl to drive us from the'earlh.. . , . .
- There-is bish treason in Washington, and if
the, law was'carrl'd ont it would bang-up many
of tfiem. And the very act of James K. Pilk
in taking 500 of our men wtile we. were mak-
(Uj$ purju-ftVfOJit ).tbe ryjtiy undec.aii.agr ce
ment foned unon lis. wou'd Iiave bniz him be
tween the- aeavens and taseatta, ir. tae law
had-been faithfully-executed. And, now, if
they can tend a force againit this people, wa
tuve every. upnaypuionai ajm legal rigat to
send them "-to bell, and we. calculate to send
tem there.
When I get over being anjjryT miy. preath
something else'; bilt' thelOUt traVlits aid suf
ferings of -1 this pedple fbVod'h mdbocricy are
before me. ' ' -
5 F T6t ra;?5 9r)rt? Gptrrtmetjttut of
the corrupt aHoiritstrators' of the Governmett
Itey nft:me'thitHorh ai:n in New York
up which win letterd,i"AII manntr of twitt-iB-and
-turaingdone here.-"' ..It is just .-so in
waanineton tyitv. luexczn iwisc lira turn in
any and every way to suit Uelr hellish appe
tites. "Were I an officer sent to Utah for Ihs "pur
pose dt' aldfognbf 'SnballQedvpprfssIon of
the Innocent, (and In this conieetion I disclaim
all 'neVsonaliuei.l I would ri-elw'tbe 'facts in
the due, before! I made fi.y hostile move ; aixfci
n-flK hrm.lfl.iul n.....l.. H
BLWUCI -tin II iu. ... ,,aMM, u .... wiiiiu. a
would resign mycAomisalon and tay, "Take.
lteBli(kdtBtydr booUatd-ja te4it, and
I Vin'go my 'way?' And f wooM rilhei
eo mv war." And i wbuki rataer eor
and raise toy own potatoes for mw ves aBf
raildren, laat'to aojuwuxe uiuei soca a st or
dminiitratsra and bow down to.thejr-wirked
I'esignse- lBougu ir l-wero'cr toe-woni), i
would probibly do as the rest -do
- I havs already told ydu thai. daVt.iaain cansa
or an army being now sent acre 'is -a political
scheme for thejiurpose of geitirg money out
o( tbeJnitMStttes Tpasnrjf , Pa1iicians add
faders combine' id lay plnu,'rfo taa'tfer how
Jbviftib', for getting IheiffD-aMatnfdUJorrreas.-ury
of the-lltilted-Scatea ibst tbey may hare
rmoiy wjtti which lo tow corrupton aoarat
ifvttbeirUaachVdpa)ures.f t
"Some men dp not, reajiz.e . yrbat they are dome-.
I taT3. a few' weeks 'agii, 'hat the deeds
'6T 4me rtfe n aref ont cf tikht. fc Oiir mertEants,
here have fanned Jhe tutae and wuar lor ?
T peddle off sit Moodjand yoartfor gold and';
silver." XtrhoNrt$'ilh'atMdesiA,rniy have besp
p-,t vflhefr tTghtjetsucnts.ttecatf jDuttney
will not make money by tbe.optration. Should
tbecTitis-come, tbey will find themselves In
fbor rastore, witb bbtbiftg but greasewood and
sage to f ed Upon. It will not d6 for'tBem to
eell'fbfmupyferjw. more tbap
the Metaodlstsociety was told for io Canada,
whire tceiwireaold t three:entaheid. "
JTarh awarerthat Jou'wint to know whit will
thi1eWd6f!'lhe- prnanUmiiVvmeaiiagainst
us. Mounaniem wilU take, an-almigbty ttride
Intn Inbit.nre and nower. wKte our enemiea
.. w miu.-'itt i .- i . 1 r, t
wuiiht auaoccome neaui m eKer, andJ
he no more, and I know It just as well now at
I shall fivo Vears Irenier The Lord Almighty
winfa-a nameand character. a:id He'wfllthow
ho'hr tnemTesohaf He It. God.-and that He hat
eiito ma canu aiMin to.Eaiuci jsratuana irr
uare pa iai;e a step
in tfirl.cf arid open oo-
pusitiooxo taa popular leeiingacx aiuns.wieir-ed-ln
youf Government? It yoi do, I will fiht
your bayles ", ,, , " ';'
jUUX , r,8e.Ci.es, uaa jeiier.cviijj ine epsr, ror
if they continue the job tbey will want to let It f 6n beharfor that Territory, bleb1- rhf Presi
outto' tab-contractors-befort -tber rn half j dent, in btt irieajaee, nroelaims'asTn a slate of
xarocgu wi i iu n uirv peitisi mseauing
troousiiere. I waut
IUC lCyp40f 1UO llJCSh aim
East to understand taat it win sot be sale for
,-therb to crps! tbe plains.
,it caa cost uie -uorirnmria nanareiis jai
taauramu er dollars more ror ton Indians in the
other Trri-Wletbarrittns in his, and I have
a-i aa-v
etLth Gove rniaent huodxedj epj ahontanits.
iollaVsby ktep&fgWl&nait WaSeubleiia
iiuuurcas -i villi's nvre iu? iqaianri
, and shall
1 thera to bold
traveled to pep me, to kDorr ' wl'eyjtj' xhey -"If, Iberefore, 2fTr. 'BfrnWsel lr 'onry-a-rafgft
Hri4 Lll'riT marrv ttt' njr. atitl tAev'AATdA -vatiii srm.thiuie.il I- at lfSiL wnrt h- lh. rnn'iTJi
'a a-.".-?-' -a".-., .. aa I... . .... . . .a . a a I TTTl tartcK tst Yllm7& nAfTn TTatn lllid Kriv-1
lhe to. mntpwr of nickers. .that-L.
went tbto .tb hfs It.. iHOn, oa tfletf way 1
irom California io iqe a a'es, lata at eysry
Indian thtv Bl w4 between Carson - Vallev and
Biix Elder, sod. whst 3iis bteo Itbe resilfc?i
ProbVly scores of persons hive'bten killed,
aa.lmilg'havelbiisn taken from natly alrtbe
tbe Indians in tbat region have bow more stock
thau they know hiw to take care of, and they
corns into the ssttlemeats with their pockets
full ot gold. The wbites first commenced on
th itidfantj n.I now tj they do nt'4 afjta.ch!
conduct they must stop travellh throu h thlt
couotrr, for it is tatp than I can do to keep.
tae iiHlitas still under such outrageous treat-
m-nc - , , . , , ,. .11.. ti
The people Jo not realize wbat thev hav
done by-df rtng into lhe tnnUt of - the Lvut-
amtes. iriy pievetuad j senh from associating
whhi,hhllia?. btt Miy .throu h thirl
ranee, thought "hr wwe going to Vancouver's
uiana.nr op yjebVerssoalit, Paeifie, but,
l, they havs drives as into the midst ot tbe
bitrfaWtei.-'-nierw LnmirtlteHi brsin toihawa'
knowledge of tbeir.forefathers, and they are
cultivating the earth, line were the most .de
graded cUsies of Indians to be found, but n'oW
there is not anbe so enlightened nor one that
bas so good a knowledge of its real position
aad Blaidiogbffaro.the Lord aj hiye.tomof
these Ulllfindiana. It liftiowbttoinlhir-a. fini-
vereal psaetife wiltl them to pomlj tbf guilty
and not ths ipnoeeot. Tbey have be'n tanght
mat rrota tue-xims w nr cime- uere. i aiic
with them, an l you will learn tbat they have a
good deal of knowledge. Tbey must be saved,
fofiheyaTe'thd" thHdrrfot Abfahaat" f
Tbe.Lordin-htsatteKhataiiiCirtd ux enemies-
to do Ihatuhttttwa could not have nc
eomplithed formaay years, and let a war.cusi
mtnes and there it no knowine where vs shall
next land In jjeksop county, Missouri. Tbey
will leara that " Mormonism" is a living crea
turfeS?3t 5 J ' 15 M m 1
"All tbs world have to earn that tbe Lord Is
God, and tbat be'Hs ' the God of his children.
He-KiltTrotecfhit anointed, he will defend
bttown family, aa-l all w have to-d is to do
blr will. Aad ererv man, womin, and
child, ought, to seek to learn th will of-God
and do IU When tbat is the case, we ne J not
fear all earth and hell. Do not oliiod God by
not doing at he waatt you to.
JUy the Lrd. God bits I you, hrethrsn ana
v-sLtPB. v .Ualifobkia Thuxmq Aztex-
Tcais.-r-H Ibe lyshpgJoo. 2fi, .pf.thls
week, we find a letter from George H. Hornish
now of .Marysvllle, California, but formerly
a rtafclenl or CiTiaoBsburg, vttflngldU coun
ty, to bit sister, in uhich he relates some
rather -tatUln$i!u! ventures which he hrs- ro
cently bad io th 'and pf gold- It appears
that, investing his money in a claim which did
not- pay aim one cent on tae uuar, ae con
cluded to leave the place, and after procuring
a remittance from aa Francisco, where he
hlisora'sroooey on deposit, hf started South
again, accompanied by three comrades named
Moore, JaqspJUland Aatqine, tqt jtvrp rormer,
as we judge, from tbe tenor' of the letter, being
natives of Pennsylvania perhaps of Wash
Ifttan 4ot&iy. .;. ?I ! ,i. 4 ' n
fba party had to crass a high mountain to
reach their destination, and tbe second day had
ascetdedjits shspeia distance c nhreteen iil9,
when, almost dying from thirst, they found a
spring a"ndeucampd by it fdf tbe aight. They
jp?sujler&dd lay down-toreit) buVwere.itooB
afterward awakened by.the-cry of a " Grizzly
Bear." Hornish ran to tbe nearest tree aad
a&ci5eedSfcr;ii$r vni(rfhMarii: Mmtelf up
it t hut Moop abd iaekaen. were attjciei by
two anitoaJ,l-tfchnelJtoje'paiiherr in
stead of bears, aad almost iastantly killed,
Horhtsb fired three times- from tbe tree and
killed one of the brutes, but not.ttntilhTs com
rades had, both .fallen la bis -letter he ex
claims, " I would to God our t.sssilants had
been bears, for t&Ml I thluk we shobld"have ill
been saved." .
Horotdh aad Aassia resumed thiir jouroey
next day, amd reached a point known os'fbomp.
son's Bar, without molestatlbn. Here tbey
were si zed by Indians, of which there, was a,
camp io tbe vtciaity, robbed of all tbeiretfacta,
and turned" bareheaded and barefooted out of
the camp I"hey harried away rrdm'tb$"tlace!
with ail the spaed, they were ,poaiesjed.pf,.bu
had not gone more thiH two miles, wbenbey
beaid 'hi lAilftttfk'behiiM then, in pursuit Be-
lieving that they iptead-vl murdering thera. they
took.-refug in the bushes, each in a different
place. Hornish remameM cocealed-daringh
nttW, and in the morning ventured to crawl
out, wltecMbe first object, that rfaet bU vieW
naJ1r-I&oQr&r'ntDiftk Tbs tcila
hid been taken off aad ft preseated a ghastly
preteated a ghastly
appearance. ' ?-
He was now alone, but nothing daunted, he
pursued bfe jpiirny an l n ftDt ud reached
Marysifille, where he fras stopping when h
wrote bit l'tter. His adventures were, indeed,
of .a posab?Hius character, and ebow sis that
tri-elit Vk-tlfe remote gittrietol CaJifornlaSis
still Attend ithdangrs, of rthieh bnj. tw
opdr reaarsaiaVi tht&ast coneeptioaa
? ti r :u5 1.t Ta I I
Ho.. Jirr. .Davis and Gek. Wool Tbe
followint- is ihereply'of rr.Jtrrxasox Davij
to Gen.Vott'slrBrit'aF?. , v . '
WAJH1.1CTO". U Cv DfC. U 1S57.
' HyAtfc4ion fiatt been tilli.1 toL IvfteisiJn
ed John IE. Woof. drni"tedates AVifiy, Beaded
Troy, NJi';ytNvemher;ir67ad0wUed to tht
editor of the Stag of tie CTtion. Jarks.-p. Miss-,
in-l -published i?aiVw Tfk-pap'rf Di'c.,
1837. It purport to-bj argply. to an exposi
tion which t JieattH proper'to triake.some tim
in the last summer, to IBs unfounded slanders
which the sild 'WboI -had envtjrtly through tt,t
newspapers and-in otEcial corfespondeace witb
tbe Secretary ot War. uttered giinst me. Th
alleitlons, wfclcb. are tepelted IAlils recent
publication, havawK Veen then sufficiently refu
ted, andhi purpose wiUfuily aaJ maliciously
to misrepresent my acts having- "beeN conclu
sively established by tbe records of the War
Office, I de it uooecesary further to' refute
his slander,, whether Uu-y be otdoues revamp-
tiljotiHK-iatiescorcocltmJ ! I t ,1 I :
Whn the exposition above referred to was
made, my official relations to Gen. Woolbsd
ierniinitad; aad.lelasedl the -proof tif bljgrbss
tmsrepreieptatipflk by:denouncing9htmal,. tbe
pern-tratbr of a "palpable and pitiable false-
Bqoil "".Tlf now seeks th. redress .himself, by
tha pubiicattoa ot rreclmiuatbig epithets1 a
remedy not recognized amosg gentlemen, and
one to tbe enjoyment af which I now dismiss
him. Very respectf ally, ybbrs, A.c,
( -f-'1-
te iTlTTTllIf
RiTCaoAO Pa Sikh .to -Eoitoib. Judze
Jeweit, at a late Railroad' Coirveatran when
op taequsatoo or " citftlpg off free passes to
editors"" aaid that thlt was rather a small
matter for tbe- Cdaveation to spend time upon.
The real evils under which the-railway system
of the coiiotry was staggering fay deepr than
tbe-reach of iay quest! in of free passes lo ed-:
IVirs. Bathe would say that ttre- riilroads of
the country could not repay, if they were dis-
poseiif, tae. tiabz due to (ae newspaper jy ess lor
its.pcr,veTful aw when the I, lei ot'i railway
had to be exWiaett irnJip-Jpulitued the pub
lic bp(it9 Dou, and tb.e.peoplejpdu-.ed to
come forward awl associate for the nur'nose of
atcodrjliihinr the rea works that now' iieail
tmoSdyocaU. Ft his part, he was glad td
have editors ot the State press pass over and
eximine nis line, np regreited to tiy tnar ae
did not remember to hare met one c f tbe local
editors oa the Jjae of jibe Stubei.vjlie read for
months. He eoiild lest forget' the amount ot
utrjiia labor peribraed jn the Iriflifcy of -rail
waj; bnildlag hy the on(y men Vhp cpulreach
the popular bearfin the most iffectfte "manner.
Thos. jErrrtio's FATitta-JfTis' Gbiat
Sirattrcf ft' I'erer 'JefferWmV 9.tioe is ct-
-scribed'bv Mr Itiiiwlall a.fnlfnWa' , . .
irj n a. iiu vi ,i;;ujvic Bb4vurtrpizin,
r3T n 1 1 onr..fliB ? i. in . ..k. I r.
idowto loake, and not over-prompt -to aeiept
adyinces. ' He was one of those calmly and a -most
sternly self-relying iren, who, lean oa
none who desire hlp from none. And he cer
tainly bid both muscles andVtaind which could
be. trusted! Ie eouTd simutlaoeouajy e'Jaedi.
up" praise irom metr sides; to aa upright posi
tion) -two hogshead of tobace6 ' wefthlng
neaily a ta-islod pounds apjece. He ofic (Ji-r-jcted
three aWe-boUVd aUyesftdpull iawii a
rninoti s-shd bj- medrisbf a'rope. After they
had agaio and -aaliru idjde .be effort, ttjibade
tbem stand asiajej pized4he ropJ-arnd drltged
down Ibe structure ta an l.n.staBt?-Tr5eions
aav come down or nis-onlnutSgUils jlrnet as
a surveyor, through saffifJslwiIdetrtetsM, after
Gls atsia ants had given- out from famrlejand
fatigue, sibsistinr pa -the. raw flesh ot came.
ajd even of hiicarrylng;.hialss, wbetother
foodtatjed. rg ' r
-Good OLrr-Anvics. NoahrWebster. the
great- lexicographer, wrote a. Tetter ta- bis
. i ! iw. : f.C. I n ..I..I 7m.lf .iL ' .
u..nuww in 1 yt iu icmuuiwiM aim! iinigjvi
whfebeads as tlipugb ft' mfgbhavWheefij
writteatbis morning. It cencluiissAs follows :
' Never buy any uaeless clothing. Keep M
sun. i or oumiay ana outer puouc cays, out let
your common-waruig. apparel be good and
anhslanUil clolbs and, liirfa ofyurown man-
ufariore: 'Let your wives'acd' daughters lay
asiue -iDtir niumes. i-eataera and rrtppertea.
i silt. ui'vl.neroiceeqr toe wencD tnyoucKltcaen,
a itn, .h j.. :i;i .a-' a-. tu : t
mu iuij iiv.ic imuiuc iub aair-ua.ugu.ci3u.
America f iae or- tnedry gooat imported you
may aave X50.6O0 a year, more than enough t6
pay the bitterest byoar publitdrbts:'; My
"countrymen, I am not 'trifli&c wifh yqn. i am
serious ;. voa ieei in facts 1. state; vca,v:now
von are rir. and iMihl In irnn rh. fault- a.
J A " 7 P) - a--. aw
ail your owsw A, ...
"Atf Vbd not satisfied wfth the food and
lltihk iblctir:rbli cdintryl sfffordaJ TbeTibeef-J
tue port, lae wi.eat,xae -corn. -Ibe batter, ibe
cfreeee. -the cider, the- beer. those -luxuriea
Lwtfieh' are heaped in,profns!Yn uponybM la
wea r it no, ysumast expseta.oe poor, in
vain do yea wish for mines of gold and silver;
A in tne would be tDe greatesr farte" thatcouhiaTiedltTntbesrar. SpiauCorraxire-ao-l Wrat-n...,
befall this eonn'rv.' There la bnWariA' ailreaA.RavnaOiseaart Hlaao. Tsa-n-. Alba mt alU 3a;ell
though iu tha iorld, and if you ha,'., B
eaa-igu oi ic, it is seeani job consume all you
eani in useless food and dffpk. Id vain do job
wish, to increase the nuaqfltr of cish by 'a
rnibt or by paper emissions. Sht.ild it rain
muuont or joes into your crjlmneys, on your
prelent BVitetilW txpeftlrei, ybiiAbuld stilt
havf rip taonty. It wonld KarejAt country tfj
Alrtamt. Trirl not with teriout mbjec't, or
e ?end your breath In empty wisbetr ..Reform,
eeonodiie-'this it the whole of yoiir poll-leal
duty. Tod 'may rejsdp, speculate, ibrjiplain!
raiser moos, spend, lire. la raiiirgjit. Cwngretti:
ana your rulers, but unlets vou export lets
"than you Import unlets you spend less -than
. . in. , , . iuu miii ri. , ,, , , v , , r.
Ui Jji. HI- i. T. -Jl
JL Befnhisejha.t takerf ht8ea$7itibe House
of. Representatives ar a .dile'gite irara- Utal
X1ATKT .TEA 11 El EX. II- I.Oan.aavM tflnn
Terrrtorv. Is Mr. Bembisel entitled to a seat
reoeiuon, and. to put down, walch isoth tae
President and Secretary of War demand the
raising; cr, crrtaln ad4lttonal Jtegiments? We
think riot: "If'Mr.'Uerb&isel Vsa Mormon, he
owes implicit obedienct 4o.ihe;wilJ .g'f.Bilgha
Young. Tbe President ava thexe no longer
TemalnBanygor'enireiTt in U'ah but tbe-'jirspoji.
.tlsmdf'irkha'm' Tounk nd that ,"We hfaV
aJreadcammdtedactd.hostllitvasainst tbe
united fccaies.'-
3ates,' Idrralloa
. 'j:m fkrarii ir fa i nif rtrtiniffwnajw. rtmmitm wntarnsff.nR n.A it : - .
vhs-vt vmakA-u HaSaaAAA l wu-iv - aava. u tuaa.wvu U. -', . uwaa. a t-T T ' i Zf Wi TWTX im UIIIlTtlQiTl a . . Bt a r-m
i-i fcav biei i to sidFfi. -::r,f.j -mwsmw.- Ah
ttt tbe Jlrahn Appeal
pwn la antre a sort Mm tC
Wee I to tiara scd. to 4tr - ,
Wo14 cf lit ptrjJlvMIJfT ma
tin tear ot bfartftlii tjcpACij-J
foal wiIm erfj- prrcet hiwf
The taispar mUd ffrctlra tWws
Wlibta to ckeer lira llenDj mxj.
and bmt Kit eare'j tr assle iwav.
A brent ! wtiere eft mj h4 hift Iaki,
Wbfcle tor starp'd tk pla of p&is,
.zA.ni.mtj fMlisi laivj rtpev
Wakb calm OMteatant oij leows.
X WrA'a iJt.tsi.alk'AioaitrUt
JL'ta sarrov b A farcd rarerttl.
'vrnaiiy lAir mi i m toatj stow.
. 4 ( , t . a- . n v
I mln Mb tort m l tUTerr tm
Oi (a Wtiti ryi tfcaf ttttr'i mi oa :
TbM x-auv ixfics tbst ey ez;ral
- oil MiIixCT la blai tber Meat-d.
Stranf ibad-ms f-OLifafU Vf dy J
Jfr batrt, Br.bpeaarrrwar. '
O I beam, MM tr, mvd'mr !
Sidnt w txsl l(.l my wl ."
J. TT.
GsaS6Joxcntio,Tt!f. tvitdriT 31,'leST.
5TAWrb!S?Mzasiar It. ...1 ' .
.Tiai WAtKEB -Frederick P. SUntoa,
5itMP 1' of-Kaas ,'ibA is'ined a mes-,T,l-b
""'TerrltorUI LSUlature which he
called together. Iistea4 of roBlrih,..! i
paeiTy IM'tbrteKdale the tJafty? Mrf EfaBfia's
mrsuee is calculated to do
th.tlt.if lmer-th'eTJsmocrattferBUcVErpubi
u:wim. imparlance to make
It the tubject t coatenti' a.
Mr. SUnton tears no all the old, tores. He
drllt conskltrableiength od th' factl that a
probible majority did not to- e for the eouttn.
lioaal coqvtiba, tad ifcwt vryi Nlegiealtde.
duetlona therefrom. Thete people had tbe
riabtto votet thev-wera. jiotr r.refvLA..,on.
voting; and It scarcely becomes Mr. Stanton,
or nt otbtrappartat phifanthrbplst.to set Bp
a howt fftr mea who bad neither the hoaesty
mi. American ciiizeas.
While bj! .expresies jjrave doubts as to the
power or-tasieglstatdrt. In aay mabSer to 1b
Vtrfere with the proceedings of the convention
be itiJtxs that' thetconvestiofa lin itinnin
to trammel the peonle.an-l tbinks tbe
pose o the iegislature. is to counteract thia
eca&l. -'-raiF ws te 'tfA'MaVoBtretey? or
(Aiucr iue pijin imoiaaaaiiat-oc doui sides
or toe aejlngUflvernpr.
His' mesnge (i T ioiodiciess la a D
craijc aepsfss it Is unnecessary la asy tester
Thomas Peaay died at the Naval
Asylum, near this city, yesterday, aged 81
ytatt ,Tb,is;iUant tar wasone of the. crew
of Qdmraodore Perry's flag ship Cawreaee, aad
rWWmPnpDiy.on.toiul that-visi-i ustil
Owing to her disabled condition, it was deter
mined taat uommodore ferry aaooM go op
oomi tae Niagara, waen Penav -warselecred
at one ot-thatctewjof lhe boattlhat watto con
vey bit braye commander The passagq wa
euB-ciea amia a siorm ot round saot and grape,
Which splintered many ot the oars and so stmt.
tered the boat that when it reached tbt Ni
agara it -was ia a sinking condition. The
character of the fight oa board the Lawrence,
In which this heroic teamin, Peanv. acted hit
part with .cool and determined courage, may be
gathered from the fact flat out of a crew or
0ae hundred rad three, fit for duty, iwitly-itr
vtre Kitua ana nzty-mttt tronadeat. IDe pat
sae of J?rry from the Lawrence to tbs Ni
tgara, under the fire of the enemy in an tm-i
boat, fs joitly recarded as a feat of personal
heroism saarcrlyrkraileled in the butory. of
tavll warfare, arxLH Is buLfalrtbaUlie Jiamts
of these devoted bjibjimblc map, who perilled
their lives in the same enterprise, should be
herafded tb a grateful country. Tb (Mais Peaay
was a true-hearted American tailor, aad his
messmates fieaf testfmoby H bisafti flerling
traits of chlracfer, both oti sea aad land.
P.W. fffl-miroiwn, Dtc. 15.
WAXTED ' 1 '
T0Hiarf9C-a-, Vib.AwHroeer .. ,
9 r tfloa lkach. 5
rfec-tr 16 Pr-t FUar.
a ir.l .EQU.HIItE,. ..
T70R Ibe next twnre meni&a, tw-a'ttlela- jmtat
L' HidRoasA. unaiwina Nua;
oiber a tod Ksaaa.CarsoBter. for mntef
fafmaK-e. apetr to
arras-1 hi- m: i. TUBKEK, Germaiitewa
JD WI.V BOOTH jTrpttltallr UUnrmi the bbMc tbat
wit ute Man
on bacicAAloaa arkil appear la
diets' BOX tQ(li:XOtro?a; H. " ,.
The Last Day!
- "' I-3ff ' "" "
cimsFfif nuw
- "at
Geo. Pattison & CorSt
HAVrNO flttJip taaJin.of'fr J C. Ami traoe.
eo the we.t aMe af Thirl atre-C betwe-'n ITadt ae
a'atH-nrbe faslmwpre.ved 'o ace ma date aeawra
C-.oUE)--o.wilhik-lrr,!n-'l-. AIo. seaax. tarHtadai
baamra rfeIt-ll SIRS U If WXiT.
mtn le8t-t
ii.'i ' ' FO It'l
T?jnE?itipAr-daara. f UA.sri wnklo-fnjia rS!
11 twa to tbtte sitle at tka dMr. trfth twrSl VjB
MABCflaoa,It. , J. Jp14p-ailaQ7ij:To wba
wvWkUtiafitfiaAekailBa. ApiyVt -.
b (-! i a tJfOTIClB.r-
ALT. reraoaa Inlebt'U totf a eautesf w C. VaazEas,
UfOraseJ. Ae? ren-iertM-t enae hrwx i aai s-tile
tflc a -w ABd alt Ihabarbic cJaUil atalnat tAe-aaAte
W.5'"nl'liet3.lolr Aa.best'cat d, and In Itiniitat
tktar dlreeia er Ih-j wiU kerRidat4zuVrkH)
decll THOS. a VATK?II.V. arttWWt.
rprtK SaetVaia: o.(.Btip4kr. Winfa, lc, ejrtradbred
lit lnjfrrariiii..'iji tW ii. at,eai&a out ar t.
Tuuarsu.i & t-u.-a o.orc, sia ai jitmi street, to
c aravan the et J e: deal-tw
GOirdener Wanted.
X at cbrn Oardener fjr tke comlec fear, at the Das
upSprinf i; VarletBan eiaBtr.1 Trds ' A man wild a
tmaU farallf ryeifT'at To a aoeraDdlBda.rloaaraaa
NnaI I1 will b- paM Adxtreas tke aakaa Iher ai
Orasl tTersetDM-Taim ear JL-H Aretr wmrfitmJtr.
Krnrpotl. J. C. JSABRuaaArrV
det3t-rw- Grand Jaactiea.
firrrS R3J5JTFBH.T aaoi:Mt4tklra'af
iVCA1 f Jten-pkis aad tb aerrco-Mjint cosalrr ,
ttlhjtiai rtnrnaw1 ti t Sat pli aae tk aV
Tlewfer rfUMiSATndi'btrtrr ttmttmhlif?. htf win t
bippj torxauilt ail o. tiers la br Uror bulaesti, witb
aetoe) .tif.tc2i Ber twra- n tm t2.aortiii
at aaat Vtf .lT mtJx1 u.a H.A'l?.aald Tl.a. ' ' 1
L iUrtl-d. w;wlf
a, a,vval IMH.I.IHSI j J tt 1 WB M UVU -J.
araatw cicto
"Watch Makers aud Xewelers.
'4 NDBIWXCRtrroEAe'a'-k elaiftrwHVMer;
Ah sib.,, biwlBM alABRaauIaltrv. .
To obi
aalfu ai- wrf. bemtd r. fc'coodacM SaiSr
tbe At-era. AlH. jat Uriikt tUad.. wbeta tke
fanmr' easterners or Andrew Hereto are respeear .y rev
qaraiea to cau . dee3t-tf
' 'MfcrJ5Isali(l O&IVl&llKlta.
.- rr ii . JfrmSrU. &ht Jl 184T.
rX pniDAJ, Drtaber U.bt(Ckcltaaaa JUT.) tbe
KJ trains ob IBS ateiajbla and bate a.llroad Wil nut
ran, and bo rrttcbt B-nt bn rrctrrMut any or tbe Da putt
o3j :t HaRraipriy SateWBdtnt
rt .a Dad of TroaU ex-
I TbidJ. S 2 Coorimar, wft 'Stt U b larf Oetooer,
on MO.VDAT. Janaarv-tlb. ISS-I. at tae -oatbwait car.
wiuaaoaaeaBa au istrrareBv-Btaiqareto otuacmc.
orcaa tua
HEVH.T (i OUST Traate.
LPoTtilrlen'. -Sriro-snii anrJ Irrfinebae
Waablntton Slreex, between, X Aln. Aad Second,
VEsrpnrs, nrsK.
flflse bqartrrtm T o o'doct. a . aj frara 3, to 4
.m a-. . ,
rp aAJftrUL far tbs. kind DUrooaze i-retofore ex.
I trull,! to tnefl tate i Ar to Mtorm bit cnitam- J
- ? .e-?'i-',-'-r'ir'T,'':'"'. rarnimo
I cjtttm .an. De.B-ipont. aO.1 'Tha' I a
I PtPfel!Tf IA llllril tt I I PataMJlt Itllaea
a., uia. a mm pi-parra 10 uooenate tne ntjat
dlta-n't aprratioBi and iccoBcbsn nil, and tbat I ds not
r ftfel tnifAaTTart-crred la onioaa mtbadjdn aacb
auiioiTaiojiia larerrere wiin id. Dniia,., nr than,.
i ... . . k
... avv. . i uo aw aae -aoj- -tn-renrp ia to xrea w
at RbenmtUi
m, AntBrttls,
Aenraitia, .v-rrjoi HeadaAte,
Taralralf -mrpeplU;
- tS" "Z'LZ'M
AmRurrbaea. Cb'MOJis, tSarltit .-drrait irrb ea. 2tc
ea.'. araarcitra-w tltc raejturean eatlrarruulallan ot
tba amd aad fierroTU arttem. I IK lb Jlajneto-XK-ctrl-treatnieat,
arMcb H nalTtraAUp known far iu practlCA
btlty '
After a'araelfoi mt a-eeara al Staff Phrtrdin and
Dirrttor Bf several b-xplta's 'la Germ tor. Aad allot
rears practice tn tnCntted State tar- repalatioB. a a
PBretcisn.-SnTpna and Aeeweaer IsomacieaUpeaUb-
UsBedatotneoafartber-coraiaeBt: Ljtii!rralrtd;PMtioac BaHJlnr.
oectl-iiawlp pa.. . U ASXT.afiravti4 ' .
Swsar'irioiassfeg rAailfCfaaTce.
t; S0?c4af Par Lona TcrterJ
boxes Star Candtea;
boira Prtrf Soap;
dVtvlrio.VT-ad i..r - WlJt, :
At VACCABO &.C0.j.
No. 293, Slain Strjot,
iX tavtr AOd daaa, JUltiatJn.t re-
XtjyJ eeivao iu lor aa;e oy a u i-irrrBB, a
ydgia m;-f nimtri 1 set,iakIMotttxet. .
I far I Tear
-wa .ba
5iu,5i&ca t
J'a aa .
Crisiys Gaiety Theatre.
Jiim SlriJt. i -a-i
LMseaasdafaaatrr.;.. AtA.....VIv1 H OKI
sura umhi nxicaArtAH Dkwtas:
TrrMarrr.." . Xr. X.C, LXKOTSBV
Oesdaetarof Orebeitra Profnior BEMING
nIMtr XIrht! VcparraMed Attraetlest
nrtb sspearABc Is Mrapbts t tbe tu atal rwsit
amtriEit.ntia. ) , ' 1
mii. crivvix uoorir.
.TWaAVXVESINO Dteitr3th.iSiT.UibeBre
V tnlKj Sstrner'i ttita Senaaa 9r mt tb KOE.
BfRS. ebartri D Moc, Mr. Mflo E?o4h. Af er
UtbaMe IrrrtlelWTTsa hrnel THE DAKOlG BAB-
JHHTta AO. llAHrat rWACSlAtkB itt HcAMaUAA
tm rwm. Ttra Daacttt Bair, Mr. wd
rr ftH nartKfitirv. wn (if IK. d.r. A.-SA
(rKoCampbeUs are Coming "
Six kisUtsl
Comxaenciag Monday Decombsr 2Sjf
HATE tar ta tur toteaauim af ft nlBlr e&ttta
tad Dvsalar brrfi.rau a Taw (Mtur, aa av
iialii4 a4nta irliHM iaIMI n'lba CaHM
!Utti, art a-dr Ike rk- tlicctlaa jf J.t wsiK-reawirKea
jf att. rtru 1 . . . . -
W-Tmr lulMlifi m. kll.il tbA dir.
aei iv. f. . jevw. f s.
Liberty Fire Company So. 3,
. AT
'6DD-2L6wsi. HiLL,"
EVAUtq'OlT J4CA3V llr,l JW9,
TUwktekib MatatulMi lk palrti(- ! Itclr
-frlra4r(a4tc-s.kt3. - - -
atitat cr-lar win be -r rttl a- i ma twk.t uM .t tha
W. i'wj. nA
Ohristxria3 Eve'fe
' ' 23 -A. 2jXa " '
FIRE CO. 2s O.
h. h. rATXTea,
m. t. onQ'Xst. v
' T. SfalTTOX,
JOlnrKscSr. g
a. a. joikb,
; a srfKWitpcrl i ?
A atSno
aB-1 Ht
'-- li-
1X PrcBtJlow- k .4 rc ul a4 xea aiuugT m
mio ft mt lb- lrtt. tk -tt. At BMwt eMBle-
tca r cam ebibs ver
broulit to tbta anrtM,
wsfxll-r Jfer Jw to h
be Uvb Afc md 'ritaiiliT
Taexfi ! MAS'" iar vbe tkeaa lw,
tvn-waee mt 71,,,- ia 0r.tV' and "OIrta-
Tkve CMl Mi I,"'. Mnja-iopiia at. m, Kb ih-x kaaavaas.
alABllr cb aaad. al woolci: aad rrUU
- yo. SS Front Row.
MKMrnt3i....-4--... -.;i.4c;;KasE!e.
WA. HKVTH Jl iro , Caadr Kin-ictm. Ute of
KewTai-k. faar.aajMatBckiaji Bw ceBMHoled
Xwii PrrB, JaaWa SB , KV S$ rraat Umw.
Iketr agaaUA aad aaad lli.ir huaae a St tae tke tale ae
Ibtlrfa-nl: Ca a, , , .. .
' M'.r mfO laea-aoda. Br , are'avae to fsr
atafi tae airt. j.mI ,'ii.l.iVi aae trad At wwer yrtana
IbAB tber eaa k- a -if I ml an- tbT mmm Urn MaaAtkia
IB laet "irKflr larva-i- aa Ha-tm B lo-a TIM
. H'aik'afam a. aaaaja aaara M tUarlr, Kar.il
kBAwa. aad c Kinirr d aV.a. rn 1 a- -inatT tB.taanaii.
wsattil welt eaU -a Vam Rnffba Jiw.-g l
Bra) . Bef vre 99r-ealaff . faaa.eiw dc73- SVarSi
lloaor to We8w H jeot b Uoe
IN aiil'i ta eaaMe rae io p.j . a.-. ervartte,
irV ATlallw: Itawmaji -tana ad-e tke
eeceeattv t aO-rtrnt tor .al- (at a arriac ) ear v5n,l
at- (at a at:ridc ) ear
1 ,&BrJ4.kati-rtki'&' Bas ii win JJl 1-
raeH a awtee and 1 t c jtaaaaa efravt. realist IIS na
aoath aktealaal. aamtv taaaaae e-a a- VJSH let The
kseiauM.itk' rataaa. i,t.i'n ard all otaet
coavrel-aeea Or I will ael. Iks iVI.a CilTTiCr .a
aBrt4ra'pertr I mAmnm avtf T'fiam Vt nfTki I- i
Uea JU I U9 Sad a srcfur f r a-i pwril-n rek
afarerra- jioij vmrrr vex-wtb caaa, ia aaiaaes aa
ThvaallerBaUeekAarraarBLBt. at 1AM cradt rvttets.
41A-eB1ii-l.d kereallr mwm frvc ir- -jcla-I.e-
-. tut ra-k. (irreapacuve of ari.a ) -r. v ke fudailelr
nVtaleud, a Bw Mt ke detireiad na) itarc'Bata
a I f T. . , , . . , , .
I .kiHwire ak.1 aivij ml airaM Balroni, who hare
a wa- a paid ikalr Beermat wkeB teeaeiitea, aaar V dta. '
dtliibiajleirtaeBrtBtiBB; traat; at dhcrtau
II 'hinKtd Iketr ilusrralaraa mt rae term.. 1 l
prefer aie'sr tketr trade to dertAfa from BrHMiaar
VrrerHc A or neraaa ..Mar ere II aaaat rr..!. n.
He-BHraa are aaranar.B Araaa tra.lt- m.diui't t
f-r nM af djBbUAfjnr nnd . w B
TiiaekralriSr pirttrreri 1 Aa.'resetrTfflT.
dacaB-lw . i - - .EOTIl.
Siu iti. tt Aiir.
STRATSD. lrjfn nea- lb UeaapkM aad
Ckartaaat Railroad Deo-at- ej Paa r
etaaiBa', tba 3ab taut., Iao j mm Hraa
o la a ro r 1 lltir two j-rr o-d t- j larre
asd nke ; uar la Hi- (orefcead aa I eadtl aaa- k
otkn H A atrial bMtevatt; star ta tae tor at, aad
B9B le-i wtiw
Tb?aJTC r-arivd.wiH . piM fx ak'tr-d-HTrrr ta
Jiaaea- Lrtwr lab e ea Adaaat lret. or a lfo:al re
aardraeaJiniirflirsattaa ao tbax tau- ll ttirra.
JiXd A RSt.
rtnkUa tenatr, A , 'fniB ik ar Raatli8,
9 c-dtr cr-et. tares rsaea rr .at tLv Ola Paraaee.
Fine JBress Silks :
"aosrn $m fo t.
Ast tawer prieei 3k at cirreaaoeyJtaz prleet. aai
BatavB halt price.
rPIaliTttFIfrcJi DeLafee tt CaSfifaercS,
As4 a.waH-aAwlaC.ttatt t. ME.HCH.VyDls: Ai W
t4t4t - 17Mtn ttreet- KVte CUdtcts.
For Rent.
risna'pace aa walcbl tire, .or tke . aiding
X Jar, oaBtaJatazTw.ntT Aerra, ad Inias-1
uciiMitrur j w waneroa tae .-, joaa
True, Ea- , ob tke eeatb, Oiteaaa atreet oa tb.
raat, aad waict atreet oa Ike. aorth. Tbe mtmpm (a well
laaprered. a-d kaa a tae orcbard t alaaor evaer varlelr
u( fraut, beaiaVaafrawkerrlea, raapberrt--. aad afpetler
dt Peraoa reatl-r. cab be firaVbed wita firaatag
AlfBAMl . Call .jB- Jlrwu. BysakertT k. Ardk-tt an
Bute cb tbe p enlwa. JAalBS KAXS3X.
lUYUavtl Tables.
IIIAVH far laietire A Xo. I 'Kbllard TaMes at bait
valne. JAMK8 BOTD.
ron Wats, ta five eenraeir awar, er obtain a 'BleadM
Wktna-a tr-t a. finr-l.liae rtaaBrBlab.farUoeeof
rni. nmniuiq-. Aoa&eajrapaa. e.iarriB a Sl-ea Lacxet,
Pla, Brae .let, Xiaa at aaVeilelaat rale.
.p. rt ct.a.8a;co,
'detO-lw- 1 rtart'i WVMa Btf
NEW Filial.
Forsytli, Jajiiesoii & Bro.
K yHbLjAL;fe:(,lt'CEttiAND (
.i,Cpjnvui.ssi.oiv. aicKclrants;
1L . T$o. S8 rront Bow, r-:
T72KPC)nfAntlT on'tAaoS. i l.jre. aad- eB selec
JV. alock at GR0CKR1XK. A ao. as't for the aale rt
xa.p-ArUKCU-anao4 0AaOtJU IlLUQR. Al
or woteo-w vm seat aiw ia'Kr:if7 taaoe ana .Jan a Er T
i . -
rp H 3 BaderiK-aed wll- take ctarga ot -f.a
X, COMHaRClAl. HUTCU Xmoota, Tean.,
ot tke fl at of Janaarr ml and wlab-. ta biro I
orArJwntx Hotel rraalA, jn-1 ttjtte.ocAJ
roar meal aooaa and twa-paetrr etota f rr tbe next Tear
lior trWrb rood waff win b-paTVLraial!llri , . I,
i . brtAiaiit ; . I i la p. xrrcnRU.
t ft i it i 3
..... . llf.5'.'r,'1,,,
AHUHlarL-. im front armv enrei toiint- air. r tZt
MtBtPbM. t II. o'co-k, proceed to, real to tke v!i.
fkbibeit bHr f r lb e-nalnz rear. tlw. armMk aa a
rttoa. ATALUABLK BRtO: Rg3IDrxrR SaelbT-
Irret Jorsaerir orcept. ft or siinoa araoford, sow s
u P.Pjrsawartb.
TbLWaa aad conditions win be aaaaaBord on tbe da.
r.r'trJ 7. f - fWQtlsrC .XA.TBR.
d3S-d Ork aad Waster-
ta. A4U -n wlsbla to rmi.toj a man or
tt!l'rdVrtlaSlreI.-JPf SALt. at !. TCOB
a2HrelTr BALC. Jl
li' -oa-l iNiTtieJxutaa'IUr.U. saaracaT itf
dX19-ciJ- ,
0TTO2? 18B7- - '
AOOaPLCTt; lapat) ar tbe abore celebrated seerii.
f a warrsaira I no, jaai
it raetTrd aad't.i' ttl bol-
sale atd I'tag, f
j aata t et
foil SA.E."
. A . KPFef- ASP. UTtM tbe or!.r of BeaJ. ,
'fl Sd UiMetdCaireeli.' tke Lot IS IU reef 1
a Balo4a4Mpt,?iJ ?eet, op .LaadrfdAl to i
Oaroao street exleadrd. Tbe IT Mian eont.in. f
nee looral, alo tit-ben crntealeflt, mxvt ertura
welt, and aone,tkrnkberT a4 Bt an tbe nreanaea.
luai-uir-inni ca n, oaiasee in l, z aad 1 TearaJL
rlurUBttreir Pnrtoer tnforBatUa-tib be had from tfief
tThenyon are Passing Main street
TTTTt 1t DAw-maVat ptct-rea tht ar ecmal. If not bt I-
XI ter, than aay ta til" truea. Remember, he baa tbe
. ... ti . i ui wi .1.13 1.1k I u I iav a.iawijy. a .kui,
tryleorpkrtareCiat wuinercriale. dc20
-ftdTRCHAKTS and otaer neUns4iAtlsneryr any.
1VX. bad. -atlll dpit.ta sire. ncn early caII. aswai
ata carry c
total Xanax re
aaocwursaaasa ta ere1 cut mu
A LSI tKDJCR h. trntTB,
rndfr OW-WliW.' HaU.
1.1 i 'f T r '"UUilllUUu .
APJ5W rAX.B0iaDHR3wUlbtAra-at Kr,.,"HN"
01.V3. on,Thtnl street, op pAiW tbs.FlratJ Prra-
ve.Un Chanh. . ., decS(r?w
n n .... t
mO boy lamedUttly. tLOOaor A 1030 arorii of al.lWl
J- J. InlbtMeiaribl.Oaa.Liatit gtmpaay, ..AdJ.es s U
tor I B eXK3ptilf afJk
..ln a
""t.Ti I X 1 CT.mtt .V . i
IS nr eitenatre atoea wUl be ffrasd Btaay cisKe aa',
Ta)aaleaJrlo(ita".e.ttletM aeaaw, aad If
, ,e -a ,ali .i u -
Indian aks.
Gvauil Junction Tow n LiOts
OV WKPNK30AT. U Uib ds at Jumr w. I
M aril at .iKtM at an4 IwWm, lant rt)A
nitNDasDTiwK lots am mj mtst.
TiaMf Ooetb H iu Ottthrt, tg-6, aa MttXae
torVr radaraed ; eae-lklrd ta are jar, aad a ltsid aa
Httmi JSMlt-n It Hae4 Sri 'ln turn Xmsaili,
al tBAraaz f IaX- mhf a 4 Cbrinaw W Mb.
lithiimf On ml. s tk M tyfum
KaltSda Tmo me f W Mar aad m 1 lr -Simmr;
kaiauaa aad aLtarttnaxlaBnAyn v
W5ATCHB3, -! r . i i
AwdokaaoNs,' .
FAifGlP QHttflOg
Splendid Holiday Gifts, '&
Tina night:
. -
m iiaik stsibv, MtMrs.
tyiHx 'Pna'tMTOT.
- - iAOL AUCTION. . - -
I war. ten OX WrwfBeBtT. at at at in
Mm Mth ,M aoct 3af, miaH atwakvS.
om aadaWe VtHB His- Aba, a itaay at fvi-
tun Seur OeOt, tic ,
kVl-K A.
WALUOft, Aafteeer.
TT7XBXK30AT. the ttaaijaT Jmmmn art, at M
VV o'lmtt. I W uM hi rrofit mt 11 0 O-niM1!
As-taw Beaac, ibe premr r Wu XL. Yiatbin.
na euaiKltBS af Hi. rawtB arSxMa la-wtV t
Om Sksp aad T4a le Mia airael, aad a -taiBttlr f
wae otfiMH B OarA H mm. Aaw. (- BvMt,
oae Btr. uel-i wtc, a Wartaa. M Xt-
ttam, oa !. Ad mom maU artl. -
tabus Aa itmi asm t ah over sat ab
Bot $iootu BMetBMeWaiaj twtt mm ati wj
axaea wlalaelertrf eatAwava.
I-srltL rM a THCIHB AT. PieieaktrHei, imm.
taf at IB ea the imwh ihe itkawn
PLAkTATtoy f W. b. Weak tatiwaed Ml (aw MaSasa
aad-VtBeBAlr aavva aa WKLtaT 3rtXWiK,imi.
UIUC mt HI ACKKS la thw wbapm lTM.
trmrt ob.(bi te xm; tract oae nlnl aaar Ana
IT-Iw (lit) acraa, aa4 Inf t -mt Baaar,a-laal.
SVvr Msm aaraa Xteh it k.t lw. tea aJ-atf Vm
0raaaBawa He, aad tke MeatTkM aad OMa THin it
Tke iSB-aeee tract kaa kat d acma rtaan.l aad BWaaf
aaee ta Boa liaaDer. Oa tb SO aera ix-rt taa-e la a
lawa4'nut kaBt ta taad May- athtetmi,
aawkkaa e.keMe BaMaa, 4 a laner Meitfai i-Hk
a KicadM 7-Bn( arekaH. akkt M asm aai aaarer
CHtlTMIaa aad ike teJaaaa M IMaA.r. w IsbTaW.
Uaet aw a aad irul aaH. Wiaaaa, c.lkn, MkL
ae.wli iHkeiiM er a k-fek yaea -
I "111 aaaa aatl, at tka eaaae daaa aad staaa. tbalaaaatlr
CATTLC am aad aaraw, anxalaaj aa.a. baaaaA laaTk a.
1 ka, fanataf 1ia.ll., ihbik. eaata aani lad,, tanr.
j Ha-, k.a aBiBt aad Matkaal JTaratraia, mmi I 'litttfi
I aulaaalat ta a laad I k
Al a, aai -, wwwai wra nmmrm aaa naa-iaia; Ta.
aaaa u a S-J-raa, alaaar Aaw, l.ast a aBMirtt
COBK. a).. k.
Tka KaaB arm be e-! at If aVarii ar aa aif at Are.
tnuaa rraaa Braa.viOa. Par.aai aaiam'aaaa jiaadtia
eaa lasaB tae nr. at th aaar, m: TuiUfc
aeilarf Mif k, aatVaa -BfMav AdkaeaBaKl 'T,
altaad tke ae.
TCTsfS-Tka y-ffBai, BaatV, ISaaBtrae. aaaeaj Aa,
WW ke aatd t r I AAK ka LAaafaat Baaaaa, aaafcrtlW
aawaer aa .BMtaiarac I tan 4 aaaca
4 "!
leterrx w av '
aers-wa A waxKAett
Rosewood Parler Ssitar
SBVaiAL aeaaax
aUaefatad Parla J
aa rarai.ara jaet R- I
" ceiaeel raaclit la -
sriara froo t teat., t wklck laaata kW atU
alien loa of pardwMet. PrVar. aatr jh, at kk aa
aad tmaaeaae eataathiba
lavrsta -
Victoria Bedsteads.
A XBW ttf.e at B.dattarlA arr Ba aad k
rV brHker wata HI tk dravreat nneiaj ae Pnaak,
IHak fit aad Cattaa (beat,, flt irrirl
are uttered ta Barrknara thaac tktk-
t t.
rine Furniture.
OCR anArtaaest a rtak aad rttgiat
raaaiaBtaW 7BTtrttitaaa aa h.
I aiad etiker k aaa Mr ae-aa allay.
Partaaalar attieatta ta ravaW ta a
r few a-ta of raarrB abaraeter. aad Parka- PravWafa aaaa.
f Btaeiarrd la New Trk ad BaaVai, tar aar awa teaaa.
1 Viurs to tbe cIit ab-wMaaa tad a la-k akeaaJk ami
I bw a teaaaetue eauMUaBMat. -
I a-t 3-nteXr 4 tan.
i TT- ' '
Cheai) Carpets
MaivAl.l.1. arrev carpa ,
Tapaatrr Teteet Cara.w ;
Tateetrjr Braeafa oafBta ;
Imaerlal Tfcr--?TT Carytta; -
Hariab laarala Ca-pKa ; -
AAMnea. lac rata Carret ;
Tapral j V. lr SHaar Carorta ;
Tapeairy B I &-. 3tak Carpal, j.
Twdled StaVatarji. H, H aiaci-treed wtdef
AaskCaataavS 4 Ia,isj 1 It t, U-t laaWt iaJi.
Dragiat. Kaatiaa:,. aad llnllm.; '
8rr Platad aa Braa- tatrSX. -
Haitaf a erra-iart aad weartrd aa-etaf darrrta.
I alet-w aad fie, Sr. aad tMM rtaca Ik 1-Hka- w
i Bfiatrlke-alteall B af BBItka.. la. aat aeraf. aarilma.aa
i aa t at a rerr aaaJ! praat aad ar- perfise aataa
) raettna la all eaaea. Cirarta aaAr aiMl act aa.
i no at - XcEuRerr,Ct CO.
Curtain Materials.
BROC TBL K. EatKr Detatae, -Ovnte-i Soataak, 8U
BaadlaaAaeB, Ixraaad M-Mtm Carl eta, Traa.pawat
Sad.., BarrHaitand, wtaaaw Corateaa. Caetaaa BAada
aad Ptfta. Every arttct af 6Wa aad Tiiaaita.i ten
ears' t- deep rate a Cottat or PaIac. C. ihi.t i.ii, aad
Oartala Ruitil errtnud.k? aa ajparleacad .arkamaa
rraaa New Tar k Ottr.
ares' ; VcrifXTT Sl SB.
!Piano3,. Helodeon3, Furniture,
I BATE inat retarBad i
wth-waaBTd beadtea, troai I
U Narta, atm 1 kaaa- j
taken Beach Bain lav -
lectine Aaopenoraaaortat-Bt uf Ptaawa PaeBiti rayCar
peta. Cartalr eooda. SAAJr. lc . wnick I aaa saw ra
tTiMandoaertBiriaAlarateaw to raear aae wttb .
Ikar patiaa .ae Ur earJeat wiak la to Mraiak goodtr
ttctea at reaarntk'eprlcea
latrtiarlgtaTralitKra P. -wttaaTKHt. -waa
altead toad araera far taaiag aad iaa)tiUlBiltiWiila
aad waf as tbaa wba faear aw wttb a taiL .
tltki-ftla of ataitreaaea Btaie ta order.
H. X. tWITKiai,
eoldiq :,.i. j 3tUa1 Hree.
Xorthera Bask or Mlitt&i?p7
SIX GOOD La R8 a HCLC8; Oa. g.tdla Bge Twa
BaaxrHsrtes; Two rarlass' Mart lar raV. Tbe
at rsosef- takea at par . . .
PLOOE.VOr, COOPtK Jt LaAJEar-deat-dlw;wtt
l Mala etrrrtw
A GOOD COOK AX0 WASH SR. lot- wk'ci taat ware
watbetrrea. Tate ber bow or ao tk let af Jka
oatt. deo3) H. H. POtTa.
F A. KUEBFXEB, 31. D.,
wtsbea o uuorsl tk OHeea. of XespaM aaa Ma ii!
ciailj. .It-A, baakAalca4 MsarK at tkAaMUajaat
earner ot efalen aad Second street, aa.aax war aa
lap!ppoffssitrf loedtcil ep rteBeaf m taaf 3atb
tartar a perted ot two Tear IV.," 31 w-, ' aft-1 af
foir Tears Id aileten. 3 eTrkerv ketreated-fVB
itStat tMtlti TBtlaw freer. aa-ipleaiiet tk-aaa.
pox. kvalde lae eery aerere eTMemlc, or xrapaa aaa is
aaeata, tbe djartar aoUotaBaaat ,rf Sf-clf ly. la- pat-
roaaaeof aae
eWatBaeareaBT nr,
tkp It kK tfule kaowa, bet leaee to - i a few vttxatk
reepe pi It. '
HdAaMsatbr'ls derlred from tke Brerr wrd-BMteapatkata,'Br-astat
BS1fcriertaa- Hakarmaan,
Ik batealaaA fpadJf tka araacas. daa akialed tt Skat
kisd af BtedtHrpracft VbickBkaa,al tb cat af a
t-(iTeadtMAa.ai aieisa af a ienHa ar tesacwwkt.
M takaa tf krailBy persons in arse aaaea, avecea
tkroatb Jcdiewn" experlBMatataaa.., a a...t ataadar .
f arnipioaiain tBAKXTera
Tke wrltlsf f Ulspatntea, Paatetaae, aaatSftaBd
olaert, akosttdiaK -la car peatBwd wskk utiedti
wktca are aMe to pmtaor rtenlar .. ims walk twal ot
thepilenl'i led BAbaeauaa ta t ixala.li. isub
Uekavartttb sUacipet ot.-lafce earaa W-a,- 9A
awsiHSavt vrsatsr aa fee tAftat aad ssji iat,Bad at
taedacal pracMoa f-
flosieopalbT bthK eTerywkere the rxrwrtu mt lb eo
ttzbtened part of thecramaaHT. tk .aaakeBjeav-ea as K
wxat tretp ta aCBBAiBtAac witb itatwabAtteaasiuunu
wari lptrs aa-t,-tJJf tfy. pabiratleref a to tka
.Ad na daaea aaw allowad ibiauita k, M .aajaaa
fontaed, tad CAnaai. tker-fiate, ,ae lasftiltlat )udes.
TbeiKi aaertlB a-o tvnoearatad kf TiBsaa.att.ii. in
ilia er tbe liaaph at ta mild c w pox iraataaawig kk
dttpiBBxke-Bet-axlUae. aHbuaaJi Ba-aek eeaaaar
Al-j.x asdr-raabr tbe pjilT grirtlia ml. ittla 1
Hi karat o s-ar t tb a .r af ratktar fnaaaa
llmks. witb aaawa wbe tbe MM 'Va raBCaax f jas.il
doaes l refnted by referesce ta tke f 1 1 1 'Ttr "t MUf at
tb klabt. ad aeaatMaMy f tb servea of a teak aareK a
dafpiared oa Itsepeaar. toaateraal abiect, aad eees
to. BAtara $timmH to- tbe pa-f-xsaaiK V. kxratate
(amataaea Toa waal bread dAllbtt ktafa is ae ar
read ooeafarUbtT too rrqalnof oa waa addressee "ye,
a epeak shiot ta b Bsder-t-o-l by yoov rrt-ja baa aees
rrkaaitwbp SeTtd fntrtiraiiUin.ttltiaaf. asd
aaaM not brar tbe trcAtkftt ray. if b(kC ar. Bwtajaaaei-
roathw or tae ear, ana eoaia no. orar Awauaer tasisain
.rf. s will admit, vfcen a Balaral aUaiBlm as!
yinad or nolee, eaa oerainnaat4ke antra
'taey-araoy siekBees, araaaal aae. as raediesa jaaat
-eo-aaocB raora aor and tbat larte doarA e a aaeaMc or
oaece palblorwda weprodawaaaJrwajatedAzacer
vsMoitof Ibeeils'lBBaYffe lac or of at , peiSobaace
patklc rrtaedaes aa awravof la a-r word a new
llaeaae. befojaiskta earaVeoifer leVartr rrvat tke at-
tarkrtke edtetgal-aaeBt,aad eaktHUkawaaf airy re
attlui v. a car. Tker.ara tb Bere.aHMttaat
do(aef -mcdidaoitt Tt- drat wttb Heats ea aaats ba-
-aKzopatky4-i - ... . . -a,
-1 face boars as' II 9 odorr Hi nw tnorBeat, between 13
andj at noon, aad btweeB t aad 7 la tbeemtaf.
BcatuUrsAraSbaMav" etav BrsWai, of Ml
Vd-oirMitctt-H. eiirk.laB, . V i Braa Br-tsx
Li'pe. ot PaUa eJpkla, aad Dr. Caiaut, LaoAtfae.
- detlB-dfJar. . ai
r rltVB tbre- dest abi real taaoe LOTS, eaea-mttat
Kay. ISM wnich J woold Jtkat trade far a pteea ml
txanad o Wolf rtrsroc ajy of ita trlbatAiT -ytaoat.
tat abeai a ncleior s,taieB i a bait Iron; taeadrpo
ralinunilaef tbe cfly, e. n abbiic from tw. ta bc teres.
Any pefc,BJjalranr t.-aduw rx .asc property, caa
bar a rood trade by sfpt ji; to
" pArRtrtarijrt-iire
detttrlat . If yfct at, btt jfaiawtieat Baw..
To nifler chants i
WHO i u milrUk.talr ttoctof EfUr.srQODS,
CAn now do s on IbeTerr best irma Tbe roi da
ar frrab aocT'lb toad 'oTdef,'kBd:'iaBt ke aioaed at la
tba sezt tbtrtt orttitydayt.
Planters a'd other can be aeoomaodaled te tea wsy
of Barkat abyxjatfialr or bavLeaVd aad brown
nnRi.atlM Ttrdta iHnMt nn.l.Ha ClaMnM . Tl ..kii.a
Mrrtnces, SHi and tl C HaakercbtefsTTbt it". pt-l-a-a.
Ac ,Jte., down toBatteaa. Xeedte atd T5raa4.
CaJtatKo. 5 (westaMe) Mate altjet, rp ttAiiJ,
'liwlirt totUcr-Xadtaoqitrttt, oa
dytdtw ... . . T. RgBgRS.
Trains riftsirr - .
"ijOR fioa tt U s to eialark aai tTOtlabla
J DryOoodi trad , we bw rff-r aor .aBs-e stock ot
I h .ti. f iriT Gcsdaj
vajata.a.rtiCT (Kcoaw-u. pajarjAd, iMia mt very
bs ptdltteo. par :pcathn Is one ef Ike best la tba
dect3-li-wtt V' - frr--S7KAKC
TOTHaT JAIL of TJkBderdaia oaaatr. Tttaesiee, a
the IltSi day of DeorV.beT. 133T, a NHS HOTBOT
BamedTOC, and rays ba betonss to'kfr. XnfLHtac
near Ron Bprlata ktrss. SaM boy M- Wa.ka a bust
f Trty-fryarsroM. are fet nxhtor nine facAn-ka;;
drf writ he about acts bnad-d aad alxty oroa baodred
andaeTantynoanda BAId-bay was fa-meety- award by
wtflUnn at.-pahner. of tkls ptaee. Tba weetMr kl
boy la-Tnnated to) com- forward, era-w prarty. bt
eha't ani taks Mm awar.or h. waj a AVa-t-W-h aa
tb Taw directs. JOSEPH H waxvLAW
V'titi aaentTABdJaper.
tV. Tthreh Tta S7- J - artt
r rois.---ra-er.rT btda.'tasTi Brr-reo-4cif neerred.
B OlectfST sale low talbe trade kyr
i. a.-T. .
-.. .rMvtUI,WirAU.vfciAts
4 .fri'f -4
... .
. . r . iw a
- i
rvi a TirrriiaAi T ft
" -Sff jtKa ! - --
e .

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