Newspaper Page Text
-THE. : JDBMPHIS.' DAILY ::'AP PEAT :'M. VOLUME X.--J&STTTMBER lO. . a at. . I J ' ' ' Tr-nn' ' 3",' ' MEMPHIS, THTTRSIDk xXW:Ri5 13, 1859. r i i i? iivii i j vrv x rrj j x. l j--A- ' q r . . -- - , . TnnrPACJUFIP KJUliKO-Jat IltLIiSa Al " " ... mm t" -a -- ft, gTITx 19 sue mmiw UK w 11(1 railroad rem the Mississippi VtMevte tfee Paeafie- We aH enrVree earlf tareliisn te laT mull rrrevitieat of WOK nmu moe r Miry, rcxorr is hhk. r e BCTfOwteggMw a-ay w reefers tsreajrAirnr feat-Tee wow nunjiiiofa (treasure, awl toepit aaw the argrtaestt sir urn tip it itifFrt At frmat we tbaS centta m exposition to tfee ttfeeme wt sat bees serVanrttrd to the SerUe,fckerpeet ti aia-f ee rateed br that Mr tkm sufctt, of wtodi Mi. Grid, of C-MgrsU, it CWirati n. Tnetttfe at .Bit: To aetttoriie tire JYeeaeieet of the Vhri State to costract far tfce traasfwiattao ef tfe l-Slls. 'roope, kmw, murrriinr of war, armr and navv fli, ana a etfaegwusBcet Mmn, bv rafo boa the Miuoan river te 8aa !racic Is tfce State of CiWena-" Hi exMitearfe- that Cee grest possesses tfce eoastlta' Ma1 power to -take eea&aita far the traataertatioB of the above enumerate- afcprt'J ot tie rallies1. Te esable tfce co-cter to prepare a read over wbkh to reriamej tkrt trantportatioo, it is pro peti mmt Oagress afca make certaia ai rmen. TlKfiratUabaaatef tweatiaeetMi tr mi af ibe ml IV Brfseral lasts nt CaHfataaa uc xeeW beat teiecitoa, asd aa I najiai all1 at givea elsewbwe. Itta read it to be aliiddl into eetieB of teree)f-nve aril, as ao last it to be cenveyeei tteetfre-e acctiea it cemBltdou, wire- tfert feartfc ef Mm ltad pert-ising to that seetioe it to aeeeae4, ud the otber f earth rc-erveI bf Ctrtrirait aa aeeatitjr for tbe coapie tt of the rgmiiaarr. 1. At mMm eat twettea off 3'sillife caapleU (be SraaUeat M reaintl to mmr baaat etrne 17aAe4 S'atea, beanug iatereat at tfce rateW- per eeat., to the lamt af twalrc thontanlfireliaajreJ aaBara ft aOe; battibe aoaafaaiU?af4 ahn at aaeeea tweary-ave niWiiwi af a Mara, lerf ore, before tke con tractor! gtt amy Umi or aaaaey, tttey Boat caa atract aaa pat is efxtltiofi 2S mUtt of tke na4. iataaMtoa to arfeieb, titer are reaaired te octet a tecartbr SSMMO in CaitedSutet tck,wilci eaa be wiMrawspra rota a tke raad ptnreaae. Befere tbe eetracter caa get eteer laad or amaei, be mmt speai erer a nilira af aa&ua bsBuiBsc a eectoeeif tkc road mhi leag, asd ao to eacbtec traa before pajaeaL tint rbtre is bo proba- tna GaTemmeat,aad ratertat, it to brrefaneW toTkt GeTfrDiuHBt to trfrUtfcfi, at tb or- antAij ntesjsaM nan seiTiee Bar exceeaia the rate af $W9 per arSe. Thar, at to tae awser r it to be-a lMi. ' Aadaa ta the laaifc tbe Gamsaieat it to be retabaraed br ttte iB- cxeaeed alae asd tettieaMBt of it lemamia : laaai Hi ise vicirurr ot tse roaa. it m eafttat Mt it not a aaaatioa of ei her iaad or BwatT.ibfeagge the neaer it all to be roadvf; 3W, to the laad, it it oak sach a ditpoilaWa a aaj nite praprMor weald auke af a put to reader what wat retaiaed foar faM BmeSaiaaWe thaa the whale wtthoat the road. 3. IfeelettiBga arete be adtertued, aad the caetraett pm to the lowest bidder bjr the 4. The road k to be caatpletod ia tea yean. 5. Aftrethi exsirattoa, of he coBtraet, " Hid teanrportattoD pottal, aUlitiiy, naral, aad for ererr ether pomsaient farpef shall be perfvrm en aaidread, aadei thedirecttoB of the Prefer departaeaia, for reasonable pricei, tfecedbc thoeepjU oa other firat eiatt rritra5,to Bt aacntaisrd by Concrete, ia the eraat at a dinpeeiaeat betweea the goeemmtat aad the eatHraetort or owoert of Mid road." 6. The bat ragUrnajatoi that, after a certay MW, therea "Jeai be ttmeMerel toftV Stotot Ihnach where tt-patte. . 7. Ia caaeabkeoatfaeter fails toeaajfily or Ytotatfi in eeaVaet; ihea he forfettaattbehat doae, aad hu jiepotitt, aal the rVeardeot baa TtfM. to re-let hVe work. 8. The coatraetart are repaired to tell oae baV the tanit ther recerre wMiib fire Teait from the da af their paten b, aad all reeuuo ip miW at the ead if tea yean it forfeited tethe Csited Statet. Tait BrorieieB it sicaed to efensaaY prntnt tnry taad rao- Two haadred feet are aet aaant alvsr the I t( L .. . i reae rer a angeway aaa letegrapa. These 'are the state featarea ef the bill. There are many rerataWeru in detael seeariBtT the right ei Ae agvertitntfrt aad ptmbc. It hat beec prfred ty the eemautiee with awch labor aad care. W. The coetr letori wtajiiH the peenti amed have the power to locate the road. Kwatsap poeed that capital weaH aek tbe best loca twa, as the pabMe hatereat aad that of th EtatT actors matt be Bereaiily to adopt the meet reaaaacratfve reate. It la one of those case wfc,tre the inter eat ef the pablic aad the iatensto ef tbe capttithita are Meatieil, aad ia these eaees it is always beet to twtt to capital for a wise aad Hen ad taunt of policy. On aayef aVe rentat prepot-ti oc fceic tohe adaated, the advaaee ef the Gerameat in beads aad tatereet, aOowiar tea yean for the eoeaaatriaa of the raikoad. woiu no exceed three inilhnnt ef doUart per aaaam. It is cea tiadii that that amount etc be (pafadfuwib ttaii ary without rtVhr the slightest iacoi.veii ieaee to the treaaarf , ar ia aav uay adding jiLlLiptiijly to the taxatioa of ibe ceaatry. These beada have nineteen vean tv ma, and before they fall dae it ia claimed that it will be refunded ia twntftTrtatten, aad a vast aaeeni saved to the Govern m rot, M the reduced rates of Baas. MrvtcaaBd ether Gverameat transpor tation. iMthaisfac'.theroaduaameasarenr teentmr, aad will aVcreate the rate of taxa tioB aad the bwdeBtaf the ptoste. 1L Kitargaedwim cteat asKWesee and force that the road wonbl par; that U wUl nrin section-, before tt nriiwitd bVrawgh. tkjtbe Pacatk. It witBpastetera He wWetier tt even aaV a iagc"tovei. Trie overUad JsJU coaeaes renaaot eea saw acoaaiaaaalato asae- 1 huadredth naat af it an aar af the rentes. aU of the raairt fttoinl forrheraiiiBha, tihar? it a mrg imnninaeir coontry at far meat, aad whien wBl yield a heavy credi expert. A ar there ia ao eartrattea. aH' would cenig tjnaaV rat titwd. H li keown many portions eat eoBtry abe3sa rrals, wbach would V tnnajwjrtotLoiLthc road. An the trjeasurr fam' Sit Racr&c Woy$ e Uaasporuid oa the road to avoid insurance and perils ef Use aea. The ojwratioin of tbe roads in Miwnimi, aad aeaag Ue Obin, aad is the West rjeerarMiy, enow boat they arc meet "bet ter adapted to tha trananortation of heavy freight man was aKsterly believed- They ara actnaHy eepereetHtf nirt naaigatioB in tee traaspertttwn ef aHfreighis. K aaete wete A rukoad to the W4VaW wktffy wtBAfeJT aH tttC BHlCai9ali4i9C a4t bow gees reuad the Hera. The reaseB it ebri oea. h vreuM muire anch lee eapttaf ta do baMweea, as the mercbajst eouM oTaVr aai re ceive hat LapyMi-ii in tea, days by rtikead. . It would, thereitre, BrA V rtnkti to keep (ach heavy atocfc at al Bteseat. Jiow he ia eoev. petted ta pay wiaaesl on a tax-moatht veyage, vrhtch th raittead weald ebvaate. rf tfl anartt9 CAtUdkelHOd feta tfl SSanV JnlUsI afefl a China weusd ga on the railroad to arsM daja age ia th tropics acd tbe dehtyt of X lang voyage. Tu aeeM Ike aaase rMbtj aad Ion K capital, a large Mrttoa of the nton oft that it new catrtoa Mr tea would be trananattsd ss, the read. AS the preoWcta of the vine, ew bfenming large ia Calateraia and Jim Htxi ce, viowUIm tram ported ea the read. The mignitifSBi gawper, srasges. lime, agt, and oat res ef Let Aareios would be laarketed tu w York aad the fBtrmediate dot. Th agiiLtdtui id product af th' far West weald be poured into the Van of the East Tbe hoie: wrft ia tiM Atlaaoc dthm vtoohi tet tvecj merning aaaa bar iaWe beef aad awttenirom the great gaaata ataia ef tbe Uo Granie. It i urged aaacaa everland raiiread weaU control aad aVrewjateaew chaBeiathe trade of the East, which no Batten ha ever possess ed without Banking rapid pregnM U efrfiaserce aad wealth. Tbe tropic are enfrieodly te the traneportattoa of the preducts of Chiaa. Tfo isthmus rewte can ever compete with a railroad free Saa Fnscitco or Paget Sound to the At lantic. Sach a read i aVatiaed to csttroi that trade. Kit it net tpeediW cemasacedlar ear GgTemmaer va lie toil of the United States, it watt be eoisturcted en EfiRfaa grouad bribe British goaenimear. Wren such a read," aad ber present toot, held ia the East, she would lit ir oar ebipt 'from the Chinese porta and meaepittze thetrade. And while tb wouU have a itHi ut i to threatea and control our pea teassen ea the Pacific, we should have as sde cjuate metatajafgaawaacofdeftnse. Thu subject waM net breet. faaBier delay, m view of the ar geat asd raidaty national interest which baBg oa the PeencrtitfoAd. i .i i-ii o t'nji x or thi; oveiilaxd JIAII. SERTJCXU rram th WaAiaffc-a Bntau Herrtfore,"Owic5 to many causes no" necee. tary te erpiairj, 'the overland ma l contractor hat bees taaMe to rsake the Bail tenicr fjoa Meatphtt ie fWt Sslttl equl to that from St Loeii te ?W Fort. Ai Fort Smith, aa oar rrsi ert itl rj reflwt, ifte awo routes mute tad form oee tbeeei ha St&Fnnciaco. AjaataaB,aad anxjowt tai deal fahHr bv both aectioa ef the cWederacy, Mr. Bofterfieid, ha beea intenae- Iv maruaed at betegeemreeied to et the South westetB States supplied from Memphis wtth mad aad stage rerrVfe decMedlr inferior to that furattbei by Um to the Aorthwetteni otatnt irem at. Uomt. AX1 r own enon, ami larce expejadatarea. the ditnantr hat been rt- meved. Hereafter, the temxe from Memphis to Fort Smith will be most admirable. The Overland MaM Company bat wehated, aad pUcd ufoo the Arkansas river, rirht draacht patsenger mail (teambeata to pry repnlafly, seni-weekb, betwei little Rock aad Fort Smith. Thesf' can ma about nine month is theyear vvttti eartaMy and recnUrity. Ibe MfaaahU and Littie RockBulread bat just been aaaplsted boa Memphis to 8k St, Franet river, ferty rales, (the lowest and meat e&eutt pertoeBef the wbo route,) and the can have commenced their daily trip upon it, From the St Fnaeei river to Little Bock 8k distance to be traversed by stages 1 about o:ie hundred and twenty mile : hence from Fop Smith the traveler from Sac) rVswiscd travels en a stoanaVot or m a i,ulrod carailthewBy to Mestphb. except the ooeiuwdrxl asdtweB tf raiie of ataging between UtUe Buck and the SL Franem mer; wliereat, if be ceet from Fort Smtth to S.. Louis, be wfll travel three hundred and Steejl mQea by atagr and our huu dred aad sixty-eight miles by rail war. To the weary .rireler.wbobe beeWeoefeed twesty day asd tweotv nights m a atace ooach between San Fraacmco and Fort Smith the privilege of going on beatd a tteamboat' where he caa obtai deep had rest, aad ' aftor wudaget off with eae hundred and twenty niicanf tUgi&g, instead ot three hundred and 61 teen, is most valoable. Tbe cost is alee semen hat less. Tbe distance from Memphis to Fort Smith is estimated at two hundred and sixty cilet i from St. Lord to Fort Smith, four hsBdred and eighty-three ; diaerence two hur Wtd aad twenty-three miln. Hwetttw Om. ItBd Wr'Oorith4ntetwo hvadrtd det iart for a tiiket (rem 'Sn 1reite4 to Mrm nait. aad two baadred dolUn titrn 8B rraa mo to the aad ftbtJajttetoadWra. coBt.) oa buntrrd aft ir-sfit'ae wett of St Lowt ; froBi Syraease tae patteectr pavt Tbe iaProresMBt of the omitBd ten n4U beseat fraTtlar from Calif oraia beaadto iraabiBgtoo City- By the eloae ef the eect- itf naiBier tae road aeace to LyBcaeurg, aad from Clevelarid to Chartaaoea, will be eeaa slrfed : thea ear Uttbaee faaa'Watbawtln & Meaphii will be mcfl BBadred aad thtrtT-ei)rBt mileft. wbtcli it about tbe itMtane fmm W21A- BeWaM St. Ixaua, aad oaebl to 'be rau iir Uttj Stbe talHiael-ath far the taaM price. As Memnhi could be leaehed at ioob aad at cheam aa-1 it bestae twe haadredUBdtKaateMjatoMtHi'l'art 8aitti tba tt 12411. had iiaa bat oof lHffidred aai jVly bstfad 4f, tfc tlt aad fifteen antes af tUrjBg , tbe beaeat of tfcit isproteateat of Mr. Butferfieid'i to all Call for ait travelen to asd froa WaehinroB city, ad MtafUUSticdtitle4 yiefc.V-rti-aapt of it, it palpable aad mott geeep able. The aane tpirrt will toon caute a larrre ude of trave? aad eattentioa toiaw kc th creat reatr. throM!TAlrBilrif!f a,d,Atli' aaa, to the Pafahc coat Tbm matt mat' how the people of toe Boatowett that GorerBor B-owoliat aet beea ateepiaeipiVr the "pjrB'. ' H!IUTof aw &wtlttMt route. Caote' beyoBJ hiteoBtrol Wone preveated hit contractor (Mr. Batter- OeeaaBtractonaW Wp iatpertaBce of derelopiat; the capacity of that ase reate ateadi'y in new. Aware that the ArLaasaa cannot be Barara- tai, rrra by fltraiictd bam,-at rtai aeaeaat, Mr. axmerBeia aaa i aHMn vo intaia hit riiaimaniririoai at thete teataB. 1i it eatilr deae, at at aaefa taMtothe ceati trr it dry and Aard and caa be nmm rxarert eabrataceaj tb diataaae fraat VaaafWato Mvt Sodtti it two MMred aad mrt mlfn. aarty of which hat a railroad ; tan leave an twobuDOrea ana :w j mum c n. Viewed in any P"in; AitaM,i route will be both convenient and lajtiwttat. To Korth- iaworUat. To Kortii- I wet and Ceatral Ark neat, and to Mtttphit, Labat the Apocrypha aheaM be more read in dif this regular eteambeat, start aaal lajfroadj tVeat parta of Germaay than the Holy Scrip mute nail be teciUv adVaataLi ads, aad wtM tore. A friend ef mine, net verv lonr tince. BTitiilrr them upon th ankadad reaalt wraievi naa Been towweiiy wrowawt omioi bvtbe Poetmaater aeneraW t" Tlir IJcmocracyoIIlllinjla.rnrt tJrrel. Inp 10 ihr 1 111011. rri tae SUte Krcultr Jaa t 1'larJav 11 - las Mi i, .-,k- -f,f: ..i oWi. tlina. V.R ,lu tn tKo fata.iwi. rJ tmnaibtr imlilnlinM thmrmt nar raarin aejdte whale eivilixed worldV The repreteaUUre of the people of , maJbraeafe. as' eznreMed at the ballot box ia ' November last, met in tout coaveattoB. at two oefeck, aad elected Steph-B A. Doaeiaa to the Uaited States Sesate. for tbe term ef air yean, fraat the 4tb ef March, 18S9. Thttyiat reeaiafJaB which pataed the heaee wae coacarred ia by the Seaatc. at the morBiat; i, and it wat oaoerstooa inat tae Daiioi- bar weald beana at twe o'clock. At aa early hoar in Ue ahemosit, aV L'rtlti and lobby of the botwe wa crowded to their utmost ca pacrty with ladaa aad geattemeavaK eager to witaess the nanortaa eveat which wat abaam' totraatpire. Anxiety wat dBacteBpeB every , eeaateaance. All feR that they were aaovt to witaatt themoet iaaportaat act ia tha polataiMl The creat poeitteat battrc of the ace waa fearbt byth- Iltiaoi' Democracy, dannr; the recent excrrtac and leiporunt campinjB, and waa woo by them on the second day of leet November. The issue waadtrect betw een Sea atar BoMfiat aad Abraham Jjaeeia, the eae repieeeatne; the priactplet of the craei Demo crattc partv of the country, and the other the dogmas of black republicanism. Tbe voice of the aevereicB people of tbe State uaa for the faitMal repreeBtatnre ef papular nphe. atepaiB A. AMtarm was yeerereay rany in- dorsal far hit conttitaeat. whoae leavetCBta lorsad by 1 tivetexnretaed their coBedeace in hit iBteerity, llaHilj and etoieemanship, by caHiae hiati gaU to reameat the btateof llhaoM is the ' ( Wbea tbe hour arrived iaif the take Mace. e, a aWfef! wa man tdVleai' Bte rl- lerie of a U bat the ladie. but so determiB'd were the spectators to witness tbe eltctioa, tha t to execute th eodertofe Hensa. JxTr announced that aa demonstration of apptaeae would be tolerated is the hall, oa the anoyance- i xaeid of tbe reeuJt- Both bowses having astern- ! bled hi tbe bed ef rbe hone,rhe roll was caHfd 1 and every member of the I'gis'atare reapoaded 1 to bid aame. The speaker announced the ob ject of the joint convention, n-ftca, Ur. Barrett, of Sangamon, being the ofdeat raftabir of the , House, aad roe venerable representative to whom bad beea awarded by the Democratic ' members the honor of placing is aoasiaataoo ' the nminee of tbe caacBS, arose from his tent, ' and .ifter making a few prelisaiBarT remarks, Botaiaated Stephen A. OoBgla ; asd' Mr. JaddI the teaator from Cook, pat in nomination Ab- rabaaa Linceta. Mr. Douglaa receired fifty-1 four votea, aad Mr. Lwcoln ferty-s-x. When ', the Baker auutnjjuif tbe reteit, eMwttli-. hM wii wi . ijie p,icuuTe orocr va uce wau w uc uiutiary. most dafea:ae attoeU of aaBtaate arete rromiiiose wtraiB m Ban.AaoM,M well aa rentiaaT. c'snned their band, waved their bandkerchiefi, aad joined in the general congratalation and rejoicing af-tha aadleno. Tu .ti ....I m 14ia . nlrt ,lnr u lnnrl 9 WkA aimt: WHVMU, m J--' "- long, aad every eCart of tbe speaker to pie- serve erdar wa In ram. lue aneutt war caucbt npJiy those o itsiJe, wbo were ti.aUe 1 the Ptmtrjatat tfiaiuim went up ttloiurbeut the cajy. The cannon seat forth eta lead ap- 0U19 uw9 aSftfip vpWalQt a!aV flaVttt 0C lam OT pTocetsieBS. with music and beaten, paraded throuch the streets, and everywhere throughout rberitjr rbe rreAte eBihutiaim'ufe ft! tree, boca a ahakinc ef bands and such warm centra te laabne a were exchanged by the Democracy, aever be forgotten by those wbo were cog- at ol tnem. i tbe adjournment of the house, which was at iminediatelr ahtet Ihe-xeMfrt of tiaeMwec- waa aBBouBceal. Rn9 cans were made for Barret, who came forward aad addressed taaeBee ta a seat ana appropriate speech, lwa recetrea wrtn toouts ot appreoauon. be were also made by M fears. Ende of Menard, Weed of YVa'ditBgtoB, and Ben. Bead eafpUntaa Tbe apeeche of tbe genUemea -were received with en'hetiaatic stionts from the huadreds crowded with ji the hall of the house. The triaaph of Bcmg'a aad tha fcailaaf Drmocracf af Jllinei it .boat Doapet The joyooa S'trs ht this rtectk wilt sadaVti ttie hearta of the patriot masses all over the Union. Tlieviatelligenct ha already bees batoldad by iigbiaing from Boston" to New Orleans, aaa the conservative people all oyer the. country have raised their Vood hurrahs over the clorirws tri tuaafa of tbe people's tribune ana the great !'A ebamajoa of popular rights. The people of the J whete country, tVigiuabntef the poHSeai ebreeri of Seaator Doeglaa, and masdful of hw 1'ijT J gujBBea puesc serrasea, aa a pa u ret ana ai Sutetmaa. will bail with pieaaar e baa return to ILe Senate of the l aited State. AaaSeamtor fretn tht Etste,wtH rosMmetrf reprerraW taetnteresis Mt oraur at liaifioa, ANK at as. -wsote couBtry, East as wen a West, South at wen at ona. la judge jjougtat tae ueeao- cracr of thto State have ever faaad an able SFfar nod a faithful rrareteU4re, and thar wjnlnil with pleasure the day when be will bexalted br the American people to preside firft th BetB-iie of oar great republic. -Tbe nab.vllle Official Plnndrr. A hart sad r-arcel of the Wetorv oftbe' tfiocs. we give m another folnsMi lire card of Mr. Lattrell, touching the oavcul pecnlatmns at Nashville. It m a little rentrkkWe that. viUa a, lonf and Ubenou iavtatiaatioa by a Jgtl4kire Cemmtttee, and hvauiiiuai cards from the parties lying tinder the aaap.cian of rtetiv roneerned in Hie peculation. Bo one it able to ywWiterta4Tx!f tiw-tiaef 1wbo i sat atoien some oer or two nundrea taousand dMlart; Perbapt tae very best tainc mat tae reotue of Teaaeasee can do, will be to make a dmsrttf ot: the existing State GevefametrV isairi to put Is aea wbo wtiiBotesty ae Hon est themselves, but be capable of detectiag dia- hasety in otsera. jumptu jytitMn. No one aoaaainted with th historr of the late peewtations in this Scat niB fail to ae the pal pable lajaa'ice of the paragraph quoted above. It tkse gtos intastice to these geattemen waa barcjateiy retired f rem ei&ce wvJheot a afaadew px rufteiea retttag upon taetr eMractet. rr dseagoa iajatbee to the preseat oScert of State Government, who coald Bet, by any poe ssbiHty, have beea implicated in these pecula thans and frauds whose integrity of char etu is unsamboned and UBquetioobte. It ees UpHtwe to the Cewiatttee, who diecfaarged their duty with eaefaM ability. IteJn jottice te tteTieioocratJc psjtv, wHchaww ha csolrol of the State Covernerent, aad ufajefa ha diecbafged it trust with toes hoeUty mat sot eae rcemter of thai party haa beea auspected ef puricipabofl in any of the fraud which bare beea committed. The statement! of the BiiUU. are inaccurate a well a unjust The thief who store a por Meti of the miaainc bonds, has been detected aa hit guilt proved by hit own confession. He waa the Know Nothing Clerk of a KnowJCoth lg Comptroller, who was elected by the Knew Nothing LecitlatBfe ef l&5e-6. The def aaHtr vtne violated BIS emcrai irau ana reeoea me State of J37X, is known. He wa a Know Nothing Secretary of SUte, chosen by the tame Kaow Nothing LeersUtttre, Hit Excbasge Bask fraud cannot be aUriSo'ed to J By officer of the existing State govemmeat, and no sus picion bat been attoebed to anv member of aba party in power The rsSty man' mutt ". aoaght for in the rank of the party with which the uOH it sow act, and tbe blame reals be tween the Know Nothing o&ce borders Jind the Proprietors of tie Exehasce Bask, who are set ia my way connected with tbe State govera aest or the part, which controls rt It is a BoUble (act that of aU Lnefraads re. fvi ceajsj wnBtas or ewzeat ef Tennessee,' upon theStato asd Federal goveraaesU, Bot see ha been perpetrated by a member of the DemocraUc party, wtult all ef them have be-n deteeted by the vigilance of Democratic offi cer, asi this correapends with the pW hMef r of the parties. Whenever tbe orosttin is In power, GelphaaitBi, Gardnerisa, Bnrtoaiss, all kinds of crimes creep into the Government, Tbe bureaus asd office of the Stat become dees of thieves, and resources of Ae nation are eahaosted to feed tbe vermin which their eor rapQaa ha engendered- Wbea the LVmocracy rrdsrvi ta nower a Herealean toak m to be ner formed in cleansing the Aug ran stables of the rmoaiHen. nod the Bxraost irtcilesce ia to be exercised to prevent tees e-expericneed tremery Btevet, grown siaiHtu -'ii'. ',' A ' f3? The Itirinnnarl fflug rtcMmmend the isirodnctieif sf the camel into TJrginiA. It says that )bisataral rang i from IS to S de gree North Utttude; that, requiring little greoesiBg , be, K weuM jaat asM the aeerets, aad that carrying from a thousand to Sfjeen hundred pound weight, it would da away ta a great measure wtth th use ot wagons and , teams on a plantation. Thi Lit TiMrKiitd Fou.rA Pflr writw riretUie foKowfaf deterfpUonof aoit. rariaitideof drew, wliteh htt pst tenn. Tired by the ladies of tiat city, wWrh will ere Wcrot. the .AU(. "Tarn inclined to nar that tive mate ef all an&tt, HHt now, it tin iareBtien of a seu &h. Battacha dreeal ft batbandt anl Slhert were ill-adTited erBh to ralte an eat ery about erinoMBe, what will they do new' Thddreta I tneaV of it oae, to make which, abest ehrht aHtwckf tbirft: Tr3t PItilf are4eaiured.aBd be restmeat ia theeaht bi look beat when made ef velvet Kow jMt ' iitle lUun nhat waeated, aader I XV., to be called a-araiaWl. title ewe raa n wnn wae aten, snmi ,T1'lSJFSf,i,i " Sir " "V," ia iTiwU dresi. ai-sl 11 cuitt as ttjrornial(a tit. sgii mfpmims", vf each otberff Bit hack inimv tinrolafr ner, the back ef the body tpreadiae: oat into t Wind ef kmc, large cape, aa i' falh fon thi tkirt. The body it rather leote, Hke what ii called ayranaaeeaBd dotteot.Bt to tdteawaitt The drtas Jetoat Ut 4pwb the front fth paath ctnhtliaa1tIattoia ds bf ekbt yaria. ai.dauia tveofaeW ate'tows? oraaineniJt paMeaieBteiie, called ' bradtbwrois baco a rest auy eatily be braacht to cost $1,000, aaa casnot coat nsde der $150. J-1M t e The ArocaTFHA ik GianaKT. One of the ttinacholdt of the Apocrypha i to be foasd in the chatechitaM uaed ia different part r ter masy. In the one Bted ia the Principality ef Cobearr. in rtair to the oaettion. " Hew do we know that there it a-GoLVwe find an an- atrer. " 1 10m the Heir benntares. Mraea.xiritt War Una deetarturtbe AroeryM to be the ward oc uea. IB tae iraeauat catacaaMt. wftil ytiYWtW-mrtyk I&eaHti 'BarSftk' we aad teaaf th t . MBahalkat botM-etiht Qld, Tettamat boT eace atMled la ft. taree oojv twice, and OBe ooee ; even Isaiah and Jeremiah are enlr o noted ast-wra part at otten at tee Apocryphal book Swath. The firtt eJphteerf beoka ef the Old Teetament are saeted lerty- eaaht timet ; the foar greater and twelve leaser propiieu lauty-taa: bate, eat btraee Bweiy-nve , imii ii 1 ik vuuti v i, wivui m A www, 04 ! oftuer quoted ia thi cbatechitm than the thirty ' caBoniaalbatla ef the CM Tettameat. . .-, I . J "T-.. 1. . . r- ri- f aaeh fat, it eaasot tdrerite ha aalrri af(y-two Toon; wbobcpfe ietiiooigtareTioBt,preparairTiotneireeinc; roafcnwd.ltatitDoefctef the Holy SctiMartl , thaar mireaita read the moat all anawered w In (ae Alwcrvptia."' One alone added. "Mr father totaedmea readt in the Ptabnt." BT Ii caTcMMWaei: loadeaf anoKred. twoaB. Mavoa'i Election" -CoL Jamet C. Lattref!, late Comptroller of the State Treasury, hat beea elected Mayer of the eMy ef KnervtHa. 3f The deaitists ef Iadiasa are about ta farm a State auecUtioa. Their teal will be a imtar, with the mette "we ptjM tegcthtr." XOTICE. Bilaaila Mmtr, ataW. afi Wei n Mx, ; i Bnamua W Vav. K4- wrt r Oreea, H Havti- arawtCeatt feaMVpTMii Fe met. b ," Me A Fraattta a h Baal Batate. J H Sentk aa TX aua i 1 Cleft; l tt ateearnc ta Bae aatiehctka af raa ii f tw uixu. i aa hi aavaw eai mi aoacna, inat amvataear. naoiaeaa w ae aa r r .M."r. a-Jaa R ae BBMaA art auaesaarsu uf the State mt Taaani m. It aa UwrfWt aeare b tkc CVrk Out nHloillai He mate far foer cwaaaeatiTe weeks la t Maaaeaiv ArpeaL mtiiut taM a nr tarn i fiaiu tu aeyear wtthta tto art three aaya t the next Ctnwit Cart ta he tot ha ghift" rwea lr, Tttl I 'ir r. at lhaOwrt gala, to lha Hi l Balmh, ea tha Thu H-aT m Jaaaarr nevt rhrmaM thete is plea, aeawer a- deaaar to (iaeaaaieana. l4naal hrrera ale, ar th saaa wilt he Ukw hn awataaae aa aa sheaa, te MC fur hearia ex parte Dwae at arBce ta Ealeash, Piueali'i 14. lao8 X D L aftnTABT, rant Take II Aanrnaot. Attareera H4d (TaSH BOOK STORE! The Place to Get Bargains. WATSON & BEARD. .Vo. 313 .Tnm Strtel, ARE STILL SELLING BOOKS AND STATIONERY FOR CASH, AM) LCMTVEK. THAXXTEM., WATSON ft. BEARD. J. alee tvVotice. I T?IUMI aad after this date an kills will he reetrre A. saithl: C W AIXAAHKK. r-iw , aaa. J L fjTT3 fltU IVotice tu Shippcrx. . . T .. .VEaiI KihiiJrr: f B , i ii i 1 1 a. mmmA dan! leal rereuaa aas-tr Swet seataiaaa uutermx runraa. il'' ' For Sale. f Hjf x. HOTSe an LOT Hteate oa Vawo street J TtoaagattitaaB- I wja aaaen hmttiaae. rar saatKwjars, Me-lta sostars, esn ea a a. atiAw, DR. T. C GAYLE, PKKS W u ttmv U Ut cMum mt XtTatbn mi viciatlT. far tlw rrry liberI CKlff4l te hum fnr t p mrrrn jratt. "WaHM BAVvfarrtran hiiim T.ri m tring mi imrtmtm iwcmipw s um f aarhJaiSiin leak ones aaiasiuli 4 In hi rare, art elmwe to pahtac etetaaa aMpawlmcaah or iitWailT USet TlS atata aiawu (i I! R M A Ji BOOKS. JWT OPESBB, ARnETOOK-OFGERHAX-BOOKSf By VariotiH Authors CLASetCAL, rOBTKUt, HlSTOSeCAU nCXOBOCS, . la raa, hatt h eutt at, marw at ; rAvrwev a. m s Trustee's Sale. BvderrSeflSaM.Tae4tw i5h eaarMBaaaBarasaeea the tut av sf Decemher. K6S, he A. C mairaw wife NsarrC.. wharS martaase H af rear aa theAera lha Beawrwer. u White enrnv, ia lata ! if Arkaaaaa, la Baok I FaeaMaa3t7,Mae. I vara eertam erati tterei win la Kii aW t The hl(heat kiamr tar Ca, 4arr Aaanarr. leel. at tto areei f Nail. he i aettlato mi'l, in the citr af Xevaetaa, LASTP. Iria aw hera in the ruwatr af White, ae State AekMwaa. St-wW. aha aaal half a4 tiielkwin eaaner thlltj list elaa the eaat half ef aawtkant evarser af rMMBKU-wal atostke awtk bahj ad th awarheaal warterwf actapa mrMree; ake the wnt hatt K the wewlhatt at Kdaa tejeaa ; a earth hell at rfted irthsl i: math teas are wllH ahAhs ahs eari hate. ta VmI test at wret hair of Maa tweatv-twu is la want if tu. swrtB raai sit west lalilaaung I an. eleven aanare The utle ta talaprerertr Ittto warraetrd hj sai Stair aa wife, ttaeutn me aa o.ii -,, . 3a7-ht T. J. CAVIBeOX. TTurare. rs'csTOtx for Sale. LUl llllll i at ase harheri tar-av aervasi One NacsSf ioafrh aa raeiHtV ti asd tto ether, "' -VX reflew Bar, tt veart at ase barheri tar- j riaer rier ae to. St rear aH ate Tm 11 i M k oae aae XI: Trart A tan Carsettsv. tes as tents. Aasarta XrsjmABRAT A. 00., ! rnrerueaiAveamaeJbaiawarrret W ANTED! .Vji Iniproretl PLANTATION NEGROES, Ott M WEAR THE SliiiiSitbipfi t Arkansas rim CottwRejrM Jiwiriewi lhaa 999 im ttsnuf Buu aw net lew than lOO NEGROES! rOS which we wilt nar t.0O0 Cui ejeeMMirattns Otv watertt. X rtas- tatiee af VS trn. men asmrarvd, neat XrawhWl as u nttea an wvaBhr tenrtnil mea. reeve hy real rrtale, hivias tram one la area reara te res beana? six per ceet interest- We will also traae fc Lata! aad Xetroea. ih ftaeat WacA af hmhunM m tha ciiv of yLtmfku-xi&tmt a nett rent-ef $tAX aaaaaei, the itae luirWaaaWiBfri " wa will Ber a inarjuusrloftfrlrura asejiai in&V-tA. bal- We have ate toaan &trtti&rv&ij't. tejwhi XfaaAsjaaSita'fthee'f mn rr. th ia ri ills n ibb). .Wats' nil toilet!' ftaranUtd. whKk 9vwlJr IWLvWAaeyN l7 Bcsffrttate htraera af yfjWi.lrrev v 1 10 000 Bnnu'1 LUSP PITTSBURG!. CfljIL! FOR SALE CHEAP. ' At S. 3 on tic natfurea'ity B. T. WALT. Comptfoller's . Office, XaanriiAX, Tznf, Bsc S, IMS UN OKI the teovltaaaa f lb aat f Itth rehraarr. -MM. chaa SB. ae athst salt SBM tMashierlaf Vvee Bawkra 1 will arB at swhtis eacUaa, at the JI to VmAmm ia Tit rarer. Sew Tork Cllr. wa lee the Btaaa at Tausrrair. htlrnias la the taDawaac Trsa Hurt, am ra thiwHitian. my-1l It XaiuvtBe an caaemawet BerSaa Bob, tar $l.oa ears. hehrwratwilt-rBawkar Cliltorsf At EaMTewMaaee an VrrfttAa KaUmad Boelr, for $ .000 frh, wawiaiac tu lay Sakaf Jagrrroo tv naat iiwa w n i aet vwemta nauraaa noaaa, iw l 030 rwth. I ihesia a the Sank eflfreatat. Sadmtre aa Chaltaaaraa lllwrt.Bti VBB0 eauamoetn avtoetwtani JAJBrm i BCNLAT. m;rea-. lust Received. T fBSULK-s rrwACamvatktaaa; jLf lAsaaaar'a Artiat'i Ferrate aad Eraaert I Jfearf rrapallie ream, lverr an Wed i Twe VTao VartMaa ; raa Bom Wso WrlUB ilea If izuskb K-aCk Alptiaheti , Dr Case's Tnsta tha Aralk fcraaiei) A Tina aaaortmf at of Ssbber - Aorooot Feet iiMbiied. whielicaBBte Kl' 1 tUeX peaWdB b jkJly IT rlcU M the 1IBMPHU AKtmjmX BOCK fel) .IB wim rrtefc'ea fdbr &Wdc of tke F i Id if .1. i n lii v w imimSi J n..n irerfrebnJer thwflhri iiATXsSrTaWilt A HE. ujTf vxh-t, nu-wEtcxT axb yvqap. jo. a iWtiiAniJi uofiaat taooibait. acjuiMixr bill. Cwfter Ot rljle u4 ana cf M'PLANAHAN TROUSDADEJc. ftl'Maj To whom all IrTTiaf 0 BifiiM. oa otnra Wiir, mocLB ac oiarcrru ry in bm, ticriHit oMrw w ijto bktrrvrl5 M jilnae. 1 13- Ttvrr-tu tw u t. aviMir rtaiait 1 DAIUTSltATES l'Oll ADVIIII.Xi3a.-t. Partaeeretaf tea toner tru $1 09 rw eata aiawinaiH tmanwa m wmr. 1 mmikkif. lmbK y a o fol"oT oo'Soffta oMtSHW J 00 ; f oot W(iooojij xn it 00 MOO SOW 4) 7 taw oyt M(it o oy oai a, a oo n av5 oojia oo;i tw-30 oo)t a kii cjiT tiii oo a con oojti awtol VI vs j t ail ocao oyi Q9 a oajto (njta ooMWj fi it saw w)jB a,Tioat eojia oap ti t u opto on'n oiyjo oa to emto ona oat QWt.J Oa attar. rearwaWe werklr, TWai ,! CO ft 00 E- Twe area, reaewaMe ireektr. m oo r-AllaTerttea retre ta e tea a tmai Xf. CHanarn at nv sach nar. a aa tut awe, lmrtn, arrereiLr ian. . . Miwmtiialnct.ulMUI Ttri fcrf- Lanawtoa4, n Of rtttetea mum c larratx w WaeM, ItaaO. Bemaratt, (VMamtaX Urea. Ta Caaaataee. J3TBM1rT ABViaililHO anni riui la ADVASCC t. rt- K. aruai mi war atef la tae weMraer aetTM tr H'flal a-awaa lAJitiltoiaialamtoleaerte I me weeMrpaper ealf. w allrrcaalar mtervala 1 aaawv aw ajMa, win be raarte per lajre m eaga "ar - ry Aaacia CaaataVlea fcc stata, Omm iStal OSM. $ eak. t be paU ia aaraara Wl e rAB t-r 0irlaay. i. OiawdM. Wu a, Ta-a aad afbn raMat al DM ar W1 1 1 ll b mr', tM cK It t f BfCT tM lBBawTafl JwekvaM ty AB tern aet TraenVet Alnllltlminll wt to A.r4 W Ik. ! Illlll : XT Bditartal yatkea in Iml CM wtVherharte 3-Neaallaorc variatwa wul toataMBWtAto IfaffaaBBajajs ftttVs IfCLAXAQA.S", TBOHHIALE A. MIX. VOTTfTR. ATiXn at awr eMrr no af Ureas. Jtrwtctaea, Bwr Sufi, kc . ta Mrora rLDHEB fc- BLDRIPrJE we a4arM far Item a iwnrraaiart af the rerr Mbem Ml raeaae heraawT wpoe na Wa 4m wirify ll p-r- Mea Iwtrwte ta ta ta caM aa tetHe lha tame to tha arrt Jaaaarv. aa war toerj aaaat te eVwe al ware S C flABMK a. CO MESSIIS. PLOJIBR K ELDR1DGE TTfSrLD can raw atarwtjaa. If roapleaM tf rt W tt will he rea team tte ahove cat thai the; 74 have pwrohaird the ttact af flea C. Baitaa a! Ca.. Jtf ail awX tmwlr r U the sttiaaaa afOA Xrnftt. M kxaic naatr. that the; are iar an wlBiec n attawt w aB viau la Iheir liae. wtoleaaie an reuiL at tha at UwL X. SO Kala Hrret. Thev wiH kere at all timaa an eaure- aa IeoV atatA a Drat Chewecala, OIL Palata. &e , a . Mr4 wfll H em on . trot Mali pandaal rail -r ai aa he 8re4 ta thJa rtr nemll alaeatate thai Itov tw exeerleraw nil liiit 1 1 M rtillili l'l -T Vraara SeraMa aw Hi hee halhaf weawi are wwB kaaa m Una imaeaaBv. in who have b lepetMta Hi that ar aar aahee talr. wtB Iwaa ta war ami, aea wm rave atir parwxwiac iwx priaralvaaiea at an triwra m iae eaa94f Xcartll Smrmherl ISM JAUIES at Mi FlaiUIERTT, (SaaceiMrt ta tto late arm af Geo Flaherty a. kr I WHBLBSALE AND BETAIL BCALEBs IN FURNITURE. PIAJSTOS, etc.. Memphis, Twin. HIVI.Mi retaavr tathe tew aa inlifninliiar Btave heare tat rataeatf eet, between XtaM a Sieuef ntrilwnlfwi aM tua,aa4 aOetaaw the far rtace HawM af J X WUweU b. Ce bee leaee aa Hntt IW-aliia laawawaaeaaMtataekef FttBlCTrrBtT PaAXhS a-4 XELOOEOVSi bcrtker nu a tae aa aartaamt af CaraeUaz. naitOlI Chntha. Cwrtata eeuoa. 9haei. Wintow Sju. Stair Biaitleri, Newats.. . all af wtra re-r upon ihelewt rrw irrm we feel ataare that we can make it to roar iaaereH la give a a call tf t. W-focr psrehastae ehewherr Brvetfallr, 1 Ja( JAMES &. 3( rLAHEUTT Splendid Saw-iflill FOE SAJUE. . I DATE tw ne . liM with tha best nan"? r ir-altr Saeaaa Saw-MiU ia the coantr. with a Srul-lLill at- uaiaH to iej4tai wrver! ta baiMaa1laaa ta aejtT hrli f wilt VrbA. 'W aa I atre 4 etwath Baaw namdhk aTitH i 1 MO Wark i4 lm.maoM to fU mr laiU M-t HmA, H r- oa Wur rltrvr tJaa UaMOTl t4 CfTWlBK, IM aataVt) ff-taB Mrf.ll.ja.fl.W IBMUfffc mt tttUf M tb bad t kf Utiaufl rtjiwiti if ar Mtet yuU. 1 w4N j-H my lm4 u. tmXL Iht lamtA M4 Its tahMI MMM WbivflHri1 tJMC, M May pa?raB M aTeark lasV BUN P7 HrtxnU htht- tt M ptgrnml wmli Ml 4lm Amy mrrwam wuaaVlaat, aw vmf Wal " va aaraiBtl mm ausu- jewji art?ll aAtl Vtgal tt I u itrfclj ta taV aTUll 199 P. M. &ANM1I1JN. WlrMn TtmJ Jj 5HAW Mnmykl. Oat .Seed 0ftiCM Wt tw OAT MED Ml wife WALK HZUOS & CO , JfM term, wtM tv MM H aaV laTallBl tf MX T Hi hwwlf, Matta. ItaVHr Vf- llfcrmHastai m ttriirri tfcillh'rmnr aaki4 mmt mh lwat-L S. 4 itAIS 4I4MT Fine Smoking Tobacco. . . lXTEmip traltwJ .fear tradel a veiyaneertar' attkfr f aankiK TOBACCO, le snwM walea; alro, aa oar heavy stark af all rradea af Vtrfiaia an Paent -aajr. evyr, dti-lm .y ,0 x. ltritlt COMMERCIAL RESTATJSANT. JirCrrion Mrrr'fJJ t i Srr, akixI ufannis, w have aaew idtxf tit VhrfMana- tj the erar Lia By the Barrel Br the Bwtet IH th- ttaOMt Xrt Br the Half fill" K jWreit;- ' ' Bv the Caa. M creta eyataBaeaa Br the Mat! hraea. BtsalaleOwe We have the Bar si fWe have thf rtiwt " Wa havethe swwe 1 ' . We have the Brralr , we have tha Stiahrjed. ." -We have the Baka wehave the tvate. We have th Braiu ' with thf Mm m theva The fact n,-laraii aa (eu lilsata. wewa trete mflirurr jna-lrj CHABLM BATTiirAN- run i'i.ux STOitE. THE ST0DA31T PLajSt0S r. rLiAVio, HAS iae aleanare aairawais ta bb) Itjaa tl rarH' tewrraBV teat he haa rvBlaswi the hv tlrvart 9wjart a nu . New Tetk. Aeral tsr ta talaVf STOW AST MAN'OS. He la aiy I in anal at their rtare an Sfaliwai afreet a lew urs frvai the rama Rank, a lerfe wk. k which will tenrar atXrrvttxvV 1 J1VHE OOtt&LJ: TESUIEXT sonrvruc the ajj. I 1 west bH ef 1 ITS. "O AoOJra SiOara, llai aareet, nar the X an Xaliraa The taaaeir"eavlehy lenaala. naupar relraUrlr. lie mauthlr rent af $31, or 480 per anawa lav pciee, vsidiMlow andterma apt to tt K OKXE. At rrrmtriXtewursBle.k CHOICE FRUIT OF AIjIi KIHDS. Win. rKW-RKC$s t"trrTe4 l i i-aAulng efQU-Vl Xafir-avM!. riimim win lT-rt4 hv ttw Imp flft , cm rpp4caih ikr-.r fmralvM mrATMh U us mamlhaf i s. mt tntni Mr vita?; for mbvt at &aa mA r -rdts at tTtre Br-3BfJr ttare wtth utOiotj fftr, srrritM aVattwf-L AJ1 mrt mMmmtA in mt trooci. th Ufmrnkt pet SVor. will twinjfosft i5Mioai. .Mjr WfHf u ea ti Hmn 1. roartl. 1 H mitti frn bnrh JSotice To the Ladies! I nXCqMIailvraawrbveUtaIaaieat K BABIXIM A. 1X1.. ta hav treat Barralm I areer tiehiraeoarhaaiaeaitiiaatrKUr FAVCT IHIT IKMHW JJSD stLLANEBT 5TORK, we hare teaervaiae wtrtrae aat all osr haarf tawla, aach aa PianeaHr Prvela, Caeam JieLaiaet. Aau.Acat rjOST rBICES CaB awe at Raw. BAMXCS at co. On Hand. AbTLXXMD stock at Boeaeia aa MiamerrrTT Gacdf, Sae Dress SHU, Barb Ctaska aMLfl,!) ihawta, bletr recetvrd, I te aaM Ww tor Caah tt jTNrV C BAEINriS . CO , 01 St Xala street For Sale. vette KCQAB FLAVTATTOV the aarf t jwilea aarve U rtty- eaaUralBr IniMiJ ,MS!M IB ..lliRIM. IMU.I 111 Araeauaf vJ!W) calurauam. m ante heatUr USA M.'W-ther wits 00 aeniaut. tdalaves. Tbah Jtiar-rlertrer rwrtersM,ae ppiru , , ,-, PRirgHABB n, rujirat A aw ur leant aone n, im jwbxihwxi ,'r- Joe litclvcvarnc's .iGrardeiiS: TORT nqEBIXeEAB MEBrnpS. TBtTH. t Jl.rine souiu iroiu louh niitiiirr fij.g Wahaveasulutf 'fSi 3t'At.UlT . 'X'X-t Miua, .fT. af or twn erWth f rirH TEST Strvaf an vicor-aa. at tht Ultat va tletrA . . arrLETBZKS--Ofhe teat kiaia far the SaHh fKAB TKEESa-A Urra M af Dwsrf and StaaardJest tree, . tt f I " ALSO Cherry, Item Apriojt, Xectariaes, Ax. A ipleraO aaarr&aest ar luxe an IMaat lal&rVNtritrShiaS tla I tlwsraaohaad riSrelfetm4' rfHri to. Oram (net the .aeetrr mUowv- i SlPeraaia la the citr or VwaetrV wivslsv; GARDKN'S ItADETOOKSKB wiU ha aaeaBOKidale sareapaaaVta It nar We rairai Boat hat tha heal watkiaeK 0rera thrSBrhTht Peat Oaca la tae. w 3 llt.M a. (b , win teren ' proralit aUrMMsi -j;.lft rTr0ITaa!tS " nl-fivtrn fvcil CiJaen. Msaaeala. Teaa Ucmoval. I aaa is Ibe CtrrAaiaw aadJUvrr lutatlu, In MkWp- l, Flaaulheu ta M iMiaiprn ana Araanaas, rr am, errovrdaratraalavrrreamJIrtaiais aat nkwH al vavi en baa asd ftr aaie; apCT-lr Meraplila, Tcnn.? iiwflii r.rr., . emt hetwaan Third aad Tdtirth 1 O Alt kinds cf Js&Me and rapainsr of ncildlats tnm?Qr attaadad ta. ft tBj oi 7 Mj 1 oa it out oiijw WMWj r: 30 OOJWW I Hi professional darils.. F.Dtr AIID PICK13TT. JIU, 1 TTOKXEr AT LAW. Mrmtbn tM OS T W Offlja BuMue Jeff tmm Mint -l?' IJIL. D. IIKIIAUOX. OrriCI'.. araw Jlua aa JlidlMa attertt. rraM xl al-1 1 TmB if Bin jwla w Tarawa rf. a1? V. Maiua-M' n Stnre ml-lT ti rt.rr.i . jib l xs frier. Kim BiBk rvrmr Mala 111 KMIM) (IKOltGB DMOJf, a rniavax f law, r yv t ff if n rvtanfl TlTl' -VrrXMH. Mvicr, to o ctttHttf MtmiBM ax. VJ TKiaity OSM corner of Seoaa apt, WMWT battlMU. .1 " tnrtl.T. ww. ttp.wr.nT. JK.. Ua'TTORVET AT LAW MBre oan Baraw Saak BaUd- a r iTniserrxLOV. ABELLi JW STniXOFBL.l.Oir, ffaraaf Mlmart.l ATTOBjfBTS AT LAW. Meaaahla .Breaaf anr thavs me IVat Offloa. lha nam htterr laaaei'd T Jdt X. laat-lr jctea-watumenn.. ..vvrr. TALJtEn it MIOXJVICO,' j r AWTVerarM T.J'i'iIi mee'y. TTsmth I tasa Caart Benara. aaH see. w a irvr. RAVXn & I TniVV'MTI AT i LAW. tsw- riftrrT.J. TICKBTT, Ii. Xaaraa atreet aseaarle S S.BrecekCe aCarnaea area Banna Jal-awrii ti n. waienT - a aula WRIGHT At, ni. VIIt, t TTOa.Yr.TS AT LAW. Jade., tiitimaa caaatv, A Miausaiat. . . a-lr , BASIS. MACr. SAMWM. CIMIHII. mace & CAnrnjiTEit, ATHtaXETn AT LAW, Meaufrestretiieir Oaea aa Mam atreet. earaer af Jentrraaa. elt-ra f T AKSOLS..I n A MILS.. t TTOJfCTS AT UtW. SMtttmt ie Ohaa-rrr aa JX 6-af 1 (Vai--tiat Aarata. Aartar, XlKUiiffl wat (iM 1 luJS'l aUeMM ta a t animal rnerMed to them mafitrlueanr Befer la -he aaat as aa leex tethe Mere mytt-eatwij iircn n. nitxER, ATTOBKKT AT LAW, Semphia. Teee . will nr art lea lasnttf CiOIeBjriu.thea'eel Clrcait and Ihe aanrsietad Fea-ral at trk. u wtl aUaad arnaatlv t the taflertKraof daiaa la Wevt Tea- r ml North M iralHiaar "1 irraoe, b-tobhis -i w" rtreet. twe Stars yat rfWXSS aetaJra ciniu aCOrv...- i v six SCOTT A- DIX'OV. 1 TT9RMET-MT LAW srliaaaTIBMK rHANCM ii. XT. Mr ll if iv., TVwa rrlr. re-l seaauaa m all the roarta hld in tha rttr iA Xrmhf. and the awnrerae and rrteral C,-irl at Jackaai rr auat atten tiae 1 he siren ti alt rlaimi fv nlerlwal retrnated u them. iOSVe In KewSauk rawHtn comer af Main aad Xadie itrrela. aver Btvat Baat Wall mi a taittaAraa atrrw; fkt-U j HVDL1N DOCTORS, ritQFS. BROCK & SPIEGLE, Jleniplils, Tcnn., COLLECTED ra pirn, from me Narth ae MB Aarrna ladiaaa. and the Meter af OVr BralaaVrt. Ihe naaical ImawleAc and aaa ef srav v ahreun Balanail rtanti. Barkr. Barta. tierha, Bartama, aed Gems Th taffett sad skm! teccearfcl Cancer OTOcrr.tornA rathaaurU. CuarOtatluaal lreateveat. wraVaat tha uts efthakalft, anteatea tnaraeue. leriatrat iimaul taaa eared endan rheeaac Dtaeaaea hr the laraaeevateaB ar a "ravine. In I a, illaatar nraava rmeardad tr Kill. fre. an as- lVataB atdHra rhaTientf rheworMteteifornithermrea we a ratywr making 10 Baranr ae AMenCA. ladtm laatsmrr. earner l'aieaBdUauitrerra,3(rsB. aeas. Tfwn. noAlawlr J9R. Jf. WJOLSOJW DF LONDON, EUROPE, "VTroCLD rejparMBtMarm ma Mrfmtkl iutii m ivm Ar tt lai ereenrtwH Bulilidr, n tte rot-as mt rrwf f oT vrtnte mx99mrt ip?t n me Luiis. Lirer, EsreandCar. pfOfM.lin hit nrlir afriy tt tb' Umt mm yn, ul T.vrrf. tvMef Ma to yWmTw. Ttmmm rwTm ib m And frr ml tmc Tlv tt tjM lH iBTrtralf ctf ff Sr-aaalM trHl(el Bpn tfc --r t4t tcrmMf tltwrfd wm- , ITo the Iavadic. 1 l &mvrmr itmm " ml' uiorrrtwo. bwmt mmrtvriiT to thrir n To tbra I uJ4'irtT1 kirirat m4 HTT rrwrtk tm tf ?WBtt ttt TrmUp ia I'fn mmmWrnrrtrnt intMwmtttm mmd HKm-Ttimm, wi M mHmrw ot tW Wutwfc mr. 1 wmM I9tww. it it m HriW mf f7Cvt iaYrUMi to wkt py HnHi rtrtj, tor tf trmu0 ekrostc r itrtraruMe. trrifti. mt XMtt w im 4M fwcttum m tm ut f& Csa btt bHMm tnrt to amy mMtt. ,. fard. HAnSttrratrae rm the rrBIfrtrBE BCaaSf at She at) tore, aet are saw rreetvin aa entire' new sad well aeteeted ram, whtrh eaaant hat nteaaeall hfti la rlca ual rl TWraUal V aU w frJaMt far nirraast rihrrrl ptrrwaarr. eesM sfill aflat rt'ir trade, and W(M ht nrasia to serve vau aaam. m cariX0B f t B. HOWCOTT Ji E.VTIS T, sccoaaaos to i. x howcott. A LL dearal aa-raUana anhnnnd at tha .XA. thai hit, aotuv. aa saaraaue an vm ewer, eseaute tar w tavt-rnr Drs. Brjon tfc CrosTclI, DENTISTS f) rr SAIKatteet, aseaHe On Mvws'BaTl. Xrm- A l I ahli. Dentistry. T)i. C t)UB, ltof taWSrmof -tryia Cole, Will r-aViaaf tlkC m-im mt. VIImHIMWIllMcftMira lmX fllT nwrM tovcl-m all rtiiMMM I-auTT TrrfM imrrt m th Mou iwsT.-vr-l Uu. I lart . fw aaxl TaJrwfcto mvmmt im arufeul -mmt, mtP tM9 mmAm 4fkt u. nUXhmumm of IU tttiUtr irto. Otke mm Mais Mrrfi. ta Prtrnt h, Sw- art't bcw WIMtM; mr mt A Gato flamg. h . tskEB.. t aotixi; f . miS. 8XEHD &. IIOIUXE, - d, e n T I &yq7 S !VCozzix3la.lf9, Tonn. OrncB haraer at Cor aad "tm atrtr, aaanaite WHU A. Br. Fotranre re. CoMatrer. Tenth laaertH on Ck a tin ' TV mt if imanr can ha aea at aer pare DR. G?' W. AC11EE, uenutii , 'OlSt; Street, ooposete A- T. Weils & Bte. 4 LL rf nalauea aerrarrae with the leaal J.. ii ima nam aa ia tae troat akiu fat ail Dtsaeore ef the teen sadt fratr trenlr Aruantl treth Imtrlid ttuai asrat arvraved sua with cnirealr aad eiraer om ar new. u .errra to tnaaiie lha nr akin, or as la ind ace meal ra aal Superior Suburban Property At Private Sale. I WILL aril. ' rsvnraMe leraa. my rraideaoa IK aula aaam af Canrt Sanaa, fcrner Israri ae uaaar atreet.) raalatnint 1 H aereaveswhirh ther ra a new FraaarDweUie. ntliBhl 11 taiaat,auh tiatliarrraaaa' team, tetarhed frara aaun tall hat j Calrra af rare Water. Aktoa a nsod Wen af Water. Mater. Carrtate Hae. Pualtrr ul Cow Bowae, a larse tlirtm amd toll aral a waaaf Orchard af Baa aeteat Prrnt Traea. Ar Hrloarr ataoreoal iah.urh te wiUti nelrh twrhd. Fer wtacwar anreire af i at rATOrcr. a. co , No IS rnet Saw, ar the tanwriher a the nreaueet Ul-dra F. jt.PATBJClI OYSTER aV FISH DEPOT. THEnnder.lna4 woald re-v rvectfanr taranathe eftiareaa ef alraareM and the nelshhiirhaad. hMittatdtihidaBBrormiaiacitrm So. 27$ .tlain Street, far the sal at rBRtfl nTSTTRS sad PISH, aad whert can Hwsva ha Ii aBdtJyrters ta Osm sa Barrella Aim everv varietr at Trr rtah eireel from New Or lean. The natirrlraed-ha. rruhltraad hiaaat; 1 TlWfiT hers, aaat tar neat mar erei nt4 oarearraerr WfrriY BrtrUf nlaitty lha rear luanf Behrwlahaa arlcevrar rmaoaa- -$T par derm rata ................ . . oO .... 00 s ry jr HE.N'RT W UNS, Na Kltfartl-tt Pat Ml mheikeU Par 600 Per harretM the nhu Peraintt eaa... deit-am IIILLMAX nilOTIICRS, sLUirrAcrrBias or BrelCaaKoal Rraadlraa.uJr!!!,s. ,aha aaalm la Iraa, Kalh J - caatlata. steel Aarita. . 1 Ttcra, BtUawr, Chaiaa, It , So M rraal Row, atrraahia. Wa werd refrtfaDr lafarm ear caatucaer aad tha liualii saaaitltr, that wa hara new in store a tar a aad wrell aarerare aaxfc af heat Tanarirri Irae, whrah w keep aamtantarsohaet Aan a fuu rtntk af Nails, Oaatissa meet ehama set SuUtt't Taola eAHn, varies MBeena at Plawt an Oatta Soraaen. We are arm ate tar the Jrwvfl Paaral Carr Pkrw, (Bert) a teprriar artiO. AW tf aa-t wa raTrr Mr sale epne aa tavartMe Irmea tan M amtMhtamatael a-'r VUSX iiBtigprRe, JAJIIJ. .YOltSiG, (late Bitlarre a. Tanf ) REAL ESTATE BROKER, AATD . X A 3ST 33 -XX. OJESHXT , Ko. 11 Mideo SUajs, Up SUlrt, over A. J. . .'loetgsraerj's. nxprepertr and rahti tan, ptintithinr wHli urfroes. wu laaaa, an far sale, can at No ll mai tnjm U t A Bee tract af adI-r aef t,eart atWaUvsraar, Laf I.1C9 arret 900 la caBavallae, an Xiakiitl rlrcr rplradld pLate, near Lake Pravldaapt, La. 1 fine taoase far sale in two taientes walk, af Canrt 5aare .inniRiiim i ettjr netnrref anetiaottaret tar rent,ctoae tialti it part ef the jaxbsttjttxb, TL.I I film Inil dlS-tf K 11 Misses streeL an aUts. IOTICK oLnialJer aIen anil Builders. 8ATBal tajfreartei irrteTt. IS a s a aaa at err lata, r rarte Daer Deret aa eahw al (itio luilrtM. two aaadrr therMiM h an a men OVarrnj Baaraa, taccther with a heaatlf aUat at SowUtns at sa 4vt Also, fine lot of Waifs Oak tattslMe fur car hnlhkac and tnachine work meeraUv. I canjantrAklMiauhait, Batata ax Whits ttik) rarToA. ojrprea, risBVaW Wsi? an lanvsar rrora ie ta ao real tamt oraera wiH he re ceive by H, A. Jaava k Do Vo IV Prcet ltowar tv ma at the stave peest eta-Ira X C JIBES N,W MDSIC STORE! rinE A&LtTMri aM lat mMl Ms X rnB StOfk t Vtfmt, Xttatte-BS. TftBV &wtft 31 aaK. vlHcti Hkr lif tM tat hmtim affiifota Hi -eTjri. t mmm mm vmtxrt, A. i. Gtlt k Co.. Amd gUinaray ft. fmm. wtrr 79mm mrttrrzotd far aa TrU aavlv (tMilNrt Yr ttc, lb fr 1(1.1 Tt mUx at Si-tH 31 mate ia rmtf hut, rmtnekat aH ma prmmmmt fit$ mt ft uy. tt jmm vet tM rttMs mm mi Ik Wl prirr, CaH at X A. K(CLtntE&, y asoxuastraat - K B.- A trHi Iwpplr 1 ( tVfw fKpoLar aoSCi, Lnla u Gon Trnra tM LmU Gram. a4 txasmg m hiiual Rfpota mil by FontT rplTCf nan aaaa St ouis?hsincssari7S. WTI. XV f-n STrtT-wf . PROVISION '"ijESa.R, CUREK AND SMOKER OF MEAT, M tt Sown Mara Street, st. tefwa". jnl .Ilttr- 1'ork, lAird, Hams, Side, jpltouldert, pc, on hand. Ill -Mm" i p.iTr,T siaciiute srrXBlV aulcae at Utaelae saye alwra ae tea A rjrflrrjaalmitAiprrthr . nllm 4 '' VVtrVraartKlaSt Ueea Joseph!;. atiLixRs CummLssion and Forwarding MQrthsnt, , No. 2X JVXarJLszot otrrjot. nlt-lv , ST JAICIS. ,X0 r iin.iiU"iinrj'oi uui, , Xoa. ICS aad KM Lavaa, SS.IKT I-OCIS .ii'asQDB.i Saeractarn ofTnTlaiiaf DOMKaTIO XaZQTJOXliS Aa Bala rrePrltlar f rMtvlearale araaatar JtlAXIHE AST) CNCLE SAX WHBIUKS. iait-tf II. I). VAST SYCKEli, Frotrlsion 3D oalor, BAEZXLED, CVX1IEAS. LARD. AC . Aleafa ae hand in aaanttuea to aaH, .VS. t Cornstvrctal atreet, Vetwaeu Xartet aad rvevraot. ST Lotus, uo. W. P rituOuAtabUat. , . nrjMti, Tobacco Comstltston Wcrcliant, AXT- Tho Virginia Tobacco Agency, SO. XI Vale street. ' ST. MMM, S I r CALfStHAW.. razz) iLale wrth Brearmsa a. Soatrh ) P. C A Li Li A..2I A.(A. .CO., WhatrsaorsPeatots m JVjrrlifik nitrf Jtomestlc Liquors, ASD Rectified Whisky, Cignrs, A.c. Jfa,WXim Lena, hat Waakiastoa Arena ft. Tine. ' -! ST LOC1S, VO. . f. , .. ...JII AXDHRSOX '& 'tKlTSOV, " "1 Commission and Formriiae; MrrckBtft1 Cararavrristrvela. treetf an VTVroo. ST. UHTIS. I0. II. It. & C. S. 11 LOO D, Commission and Forwarding Merckats, And Daaters m PlXTB, SACOiC, LARD. BtmZK AMD ZroTrlsioiis G-oxioraJAy, ;l Caaanerriai atreet, oetwcCBOrtv led LataaL n7m ST. "LOPW. VO, , " eonvrur, ' h eeonwiv. xenaAT, w w SAsres J v 1 rWleara re an. Vew rrkT OODm.,IURR.4Y &CO., : ,fcitrttl.twrtjivs) ' Importers of leaf Tohefqi Sais, t JiB Manafaijsrriiar Plral'fa' Cat. rhewtat aad Il naiak-n Twaaraa, Sean, Ao.. kc , No Tl flinniii- cial atreet. M Loou. Ka. FRAAK. XT. RORERTS, Vaaafacterer aad aara PrHrlmtl af Herring's Patent Champion Safe, r tha eaatet of Allaaawl aad tews, and hall's rATurr rowDES raoop uxx BOTH rrertved Prise If redo at tha WertTa Pair. Loe ai. MM. hnd W,3.r. prr. New Tart. IMt I. raaa tfaettree af TACLTS. TACIT POQIwi. BAMEBS" SArng.atEaTa.Ax ALSO .1 tret lav Patent Bank Lacks af raaVreat raa tm ll Lrvessad M Ciuianirail Mrear, rT-racterr ta the cur 1 sr. utm. no alsx aiHrri,.;.. rf sstitw. KEI.SET A. SMITH, Forwarding and 'Commissibn coaxal, coxuekcul and caBSTKr-r jvrr. ST LOCIS, MO, -f-Hr aeawTtiriETT xilis sells raascw villa' TRIPLETT, SELLS AiCO., General Commission irerchants, INo. 53 IiCTec, , . ?T.LOS13,rO T,CALEItSmBpa. nrmp. Prnilona, Planr. crrsm. ttc I. ran atTinrr on oaorlrr BJre nrsm i',j. s iiciha a. B.oaceo. C. M'CACLEV & CO.. tjeneral fJcmmLsioa, and. ForwardiK tut tt-t? t-rr-T- pcrrs . ' t .10. 47 Commrrclal Strttt, ST LOCIS, AI0. "ITTltX mve Kenpt peraanil all I alma ta th rare ar tV psaekam m ttta maiket af aer am latum at Mar- sm rear. Oauda tewaidr with dirsareh at lawnat ratea. Or. oera ariwntlr Mir wife carr Ordera and oaoalcmnrms naM -a Wm atoa lainafr--tara Daaaraj a naara'r m-rww ar ticle or Crertm. Cracknel Hreaat aad PiM Brea. Hamrav Stlla Ilalltd Barkr aad atlas, aduch we will aiwan aril at rhe kawett rater aJ-a DAVEXPORT &'DIIAKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOCTHWBST OOBKRrX .fTarktl anil Commercial Streets, I W SAVUrOBT, ) I a bbaxc. V ST LOCI. C C nAVEtrOBT, i Itcrrn TO J 1 Prises A Co.. Hirialt, Shaw A Ca SewOrleana ati-cas txfaxx.. STOCa-TO... TAlTSIIfe D W. VBtlUk. BECKER k CO., General Commission Merchants, a II K Bajraaata, Santh Ciaarairriol street, : , i ".Vf ' iltf i LI StrUt. tdtantea mala r raamiewli. and parta alar art ret ran riven to th pwrehat an tale af Prt- ace and Manafattered Arteeea CLAIUi. J. 3IORTO.V, Coaraission and Fonvarding Mercbasf, 1Y. 9 Zjocttsl Street, ST LOCK. MO. pOBMlSfHO.NS aollcrted, and narUralar attrataaa paid to tha nllaac af arra. Befera. tv pi I Sal Mi toMeorro & Oatarrtllf. Parrirsei SasHaa. M It -hell ot Ca . 31 J kka. Itra Ifcaro Mrarham &. Oaatraatit Parrlaarari a How Baak ef M rent It. Mremela. aad toMir tinli taaeraUr fSt. Lanta., nPTm W. r. & L. It. SIIRYOCK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vtt TtLreesratatCrsaniiiiiil Strsrt, ST. LOCIS, XO SIILKTS ordera tar the parrnaar at Bemp, Bafalef , Bone. Baaaa. Lard rarer. Wheat. Corn. Onto, Sa. SHI everr drau Ittlas af Caeetry Pradaoe oa caearmv roral. srtd rvrwsrd Mercnarafloe pi iwanttr to an pnau tram 51 Loela Bcrtn TOStratlaa. MrDavm a. Co . Taj r larva a. HowtU. CUrk It ntrrta W nawar k Ca nl4m EXCEIaSIOR IKOA' WORKS, EKiHTH STBEBT AND CLABC ATBNTB SI. Jjouls, Mo. THE ittratkn stutrchitecn. SoJhrars and Khan hi the Soalk AWsfceajwrrt. , AdBllid la oar vartru and eirewiivo ajaortment if Drtagna aad Patteraaof Ptam aad Or aimr ul Iron frrcrts tor I aiHIaes, with ar wrth oat Patent Btdnas StnUrva. Aha. Teraaaaaa. Belroara, Crrrwlar aad Straisht Stairatepa. WaaoVw ae Bear Cap, Wrorarat aad Cast Iran BAllinaa for Caraeteriea aed other rnrhaalea . oarather with every dearriptaoa af Iras Wort far-Private re PnaUc Batrarats . . W atto auoalKtira EOOCB ITirhJr-TArLTW fcr Baaka aad OaeatAnt Rooms, af themaat httrawd am. laaed with handroaw ateel aad aKiuid- wm Batea or Tale'a eetohraled Lorka. New panaras fsrtiiahed. aed tit tet m telldlaat when ervtred tear terras aad amcs sre aailoeral Itohumt iu the I'lOlMSUtM ' ! c vmtBirretts. X PAWLV. Sstwrtntendeat ISiMEPMM &.RR0L IMFOBTEU ASP WBPLCSALZ XtUUIl 11 Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, FJLA'CY groceries, tr 7.I !' i :c-TrTf-T.l 1:11 I l-l .cl, tu . Ax , ac. o1V?.l(rO .ltorfi Second Street, ST LOCIS. XrASOCKI. HATK in auire aad ararneatwllr riaanaaifrtihsap ptiea of lh f,J:-jwint coats whldt ther rear at law prrcea for rash ie.Gti tosea SKirr oraaset i tJXO has tcoiea Srdlr Oraeaaa , l,rvn hoxM Sadtr Leauaa. tsm half antra Stdtr Leatmai Ijxn hases rrwack Iraiiai; tvrm karo Krlata Lin ai; . , . te,rxa tcaet Mrs; sed larf kiaitoa'u lirs aV ta aeartarhaxrat tM hbti tnracXaMCwfaaUi) , , .1 V trace Genu cttrea: l.OtM drams Sartaat rUMtal MO mar 3Ba..plavi,rirlaaVp 11 360 aaoro. t It ,, rbrs Oar I U0 sarea 3 fh . UhrtresywMftaiedl S09 haaea, 1 to , Iihatara. worraetedi too eases. S Its , Green Oarn ; S5 saaea S ree..Oreea Pesa; SeOeateaAraaraaeai BOO as. siaeetM Jctitrti w a ouee Pme Aretes, la ttars i 3M aaaes aarted Pie rreS. m atatal 260 aaaes aararted TaMe rratt, as ahu; an mars hag borer Sardines, tret toaaaV -300 caaes qr hoses Sardwea, teat hraadt ' MO awea whata hsxra Sardmea. hettwraad f IOOO aaaea, S and S tha., Tvesalaea -' a0 aatkalvKa Aaaoodr; . 260 sacAtTaraeoni Aranolaj 260 sacks LacoSKo AraMOdai 00 aacktAlirut AHoonaU. ,. 275 tackt Jordan Hud Shalt a ,aLXOaaackaTcxsaPraiiai , 750 rti nrw FrrbcrUI ax) rack! EerUra 7iiwot4 h tot) sack Braiil Xsts; WKO Or Coma Xtta ; XfCO sacks Pea Nuts ; 900 cares svesaed (iiaxrr ; ooo too. iMctr4 Eocili rlraara-v. 7&a etars Amerkaa natoa fa hnlr entttimcaasBMi, fnaonajamtutwitjr eaana. half tAHcart aad one 300JJU1 iiooroM irmao cttarti 600 000 ckraeeuc Clfirr. vartoea hraadr I 100.000 iLvraaa Cixara. vartaoaovsarsai 6rXX3 borer aoMctcdrancy Odili ilitoi if, iktliieeljlm .im 4 uiiun , ISO case Olive Oil, ptara and eeartti to caars Paarl Sara )00 caara Caatlla Snapt cat caars Freirrb Capers; Tt eaaes Halted OHvta I .1.000 lra ..carted Plavarlee Extracts i T&a cares Pta. Prfeer saore, pfsto-snd eaart JfJO aoc Tccnato Calattp, prtna aed saarla , BOO Ha I'Jixluh Saacear 00 Ita lirklrd Crrttcrt, in ttoral XO lip PreiafcPrenesI tm caaca Prsscti P. sa, JaXaa a 300eaaeaTob.cca: t ,J 100 cases sriuy Charrie 130 eaaea Sraldr Prsibr fVll ' f A 500 klttl S?-SavAr?cvaawtj' 2 70 iuh Cltrrt Win. t S30 rates fresh strawoerrles, ia eses I I0 caaca French Mmtard, In eaaal a . 74 caaes bxxtm Xnatard. in t tM ( Rbl ftr ' 300 earee frrah Damwau, la earn i 190aaesBrk PUh. Incanat ' ViflOO hhia. Sacaavar. PaH and Wtstev Atstea, Wat af ra, new tloar barrela, ecatcacia tar caaoTofaanali ttm in ntect iicUt. XO areafretPeACea;avlifSm. .cprVdtr, For Hire. AXZOBO if AX, a (aod Ocok a rt WILLIAM S0BSZ23. acS-U Bs. IT JeOVrsan strscL. business &ixte. Straw Hats at Wholesale 31AYIIER &. KATTEIVIIIIcLj iineoKrsM : AiaPAcnmHts ASD wnoLsaiuc . BIALtUtSIM" sarxija.-ct7- 7XO.TS f ' Or XVUBT IiESCTUrTrOV, Xo. IrJO rjroadvray, JTevr Tork. ririta rirtarrweawe ranjMeirtrij ran ua anaeuea X rawrer. v. rte atili rcf aaf that tarr aara Ukaa ma stare, Bl OArHlWAT. fansartr nrapi-it t-i ia- ,. nrm if A LI LAND S 00. aaafcc par, knar their -taaerp aM nutinenr. iar tha for pov a; oaenemirtma omfiinimhr itmsniirTtr Ve). Ilia, llailr ratarlt 'natnaaa-aaf IhaoM uiaHra. WAI baven'BILL 11,- lata ana af A LeUad fc la , who he ae atea irsr Uenr. MaartMHrer end iflararioi warr wiu aavr veartr or are anBtv warn rrnrta sarwrr ! rha ah i ifcaf the tale STta,-wfahl aw anl ear Mark tor the ratals ntaja'a tea w,s a. rater-lya il to aar m pores ar ve. rtatt ot ewrs. an Uuita rnMMto aa raa eauUUaroI ST tto Ma arm. lor thrlr to) error Safes aa w-ll aa their raoreitfvf fciruesrlim n Uc)rnr tarkioM vrtrt he fslry saaaanaidhv m jom xATrrant, lino a. uraaoiu. fe'BOOT AND SnOE STORE. Soot and Shoe Makers, X SCatai-at .nninaora.WaiaterrarUaanSsaTS HAViita, a, iwris eta aaavo awwaaae psrrsaa-i e a toad wk ia rreAatlu. riasruiasy imtfi IsrmtW rilaoarol MMaahM tart nroiWwttcrl that ha saHda thc.i nalronaaa. iiriaairiar la a.a ipiaaaasr AuataanarafwerKes? noaay tlive htm t trial dav-ly Goaar.v s iioirr, AH FORTTARDIXG JIERCIIANTS. Aesurvs ron 1st sale or Manufactured TobncrOj Ircal xooncco, nnti fjigars, earner at Main aad Caroa aa-ootr, MIMTHIS, TEXX SBLLUfb, raahrr rK ss!aevetrsa Cariimrtiran. they ma csatol-d u roerdy ao tra at aa low raSaa m lha oasra iai r or Tarawa eaa to toast m say market U.,V.J0iESctCO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OtV. Ve. 17 ! k. IrweVa Block, 'roBt llfow, !VXoT3aT3Aalat Tonn. Or tMnaaraastn af swerf ttarrVttr BAwGINS aaHfHS,oad all other tttlHts, ItlrarkU st towrat l," L urooLa&r. . XrwOimar E- a. ETiizaipar, Laor of Woekty oo .Ten. TVTKJfiSET tSi OTIIERLDGE, qonoNs-TOMc ofactors. GH.YEIt.lIj COJI.VISSIO.Y FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. W Caatp Street, Aev itrieaat. rt prosaetlf tint, at rawest whttoiala pttces. nrolanllyi a in uosa. , Sliver ar Bartittiga. ilIERETO & KOJOUX, Watch Makers and Jewelers, maxes or abas .lnd maik sthsets. MKMPiilS TEX.V. "ITTJC ace aara m raavsat af a ralaedrd Mad: af V, WATCSXS, CLOCKS aad JEWnrjrr. aa win l-rp cocalnstly ca hsaa . fall saaalv, whtdl wa cr-r at rr.aaaaole nrrrea Wa are yrrtaiadl to a. raaair and caeaauac at all time, sad warrant to en caaca. Cast and tsamm uev ayiadf 5,000 Wortlt ot SADDLERY AND GIN BANDS, FOR SALE LOWER THAN EVER. & to, 2 3 1 Jli I f HTR.CI.T, tlfTOarni 00C3TSQI7A&S. We aresww rvrnlas oor larAVi FALL STOCK, whack s hanttt tow tor rack aat wts rat te anwtvtctd y-o ravrat a ra waet af mrtea- mthe Saddlery or Harness Line, AT waOLBSALI OS KBTAIL, Ta I.V- ,i- . , .u brtara parilaaia Arra far rata at a troal r-.a- tow SAPPLtS amnal hp watot at tar ute si - W rk racee w ortor aad asiliattd rri4-i- Sera?, nee Big A oo. To IlarHicfirT'JJ.iyers. A J WBIVE r A MVIBLZ. A. J. WHITE & CO., ln uf UM Ormltn 10 HARDWARE, CUTLERY Gus, Nails, fDgs and MeUls, liter.::; rtvr a full rtoiirtsarel of artidr. rtidr. St CASS S rcha-A Hms-C-3 to whii-ti Ute attratlon aad PBOMPT TIMB BTTaBS invited Psrckna. BaCtuvct rrara lac laarrlak tad Amrvicaa X twrrra. erutlra -m ta cer Gatda at nrtcm mem less taaa heratofive raid in this tasltrt. A i WB1TB KCO , nt-twswam t Prons Bow C. C iA YD WELL'S as-ble Yard, OX ADAMS STREET, .Year the Corner of Second. I HATE ne bud the tsrseet .ad arot Mack of ITAUAX an TBSSOMT XASBLZ rvrr arTrre tor aalr ia Xnocihis X will rap lo tea pwttrc. that 1 wsB aatl wart cheaper than can ha hnatkt man fits ?6r 'Sain it'nra. It are daily inawamt an the paMac taanaak Iflrilninpi .as rVnniaee; 1 wtB ami caa ssD st ts nnneeati aad tl Lir prirra. to ttirmt lha rrattaa Wand ef M coo arau-risl m ther Laa. sad defy iruajitilit. aad ttjrer nurihjaiac of nra, caa HVO Iks tweetp par COM tar sire Vara- set ala I ir oomaav sat tea tar aailritla. Taaarepayim tkmlwevsryltmajaapmifciir of them AB I ask to, to trros rhrtr'wwrrl te Bet tha Um Mini aat enemy af Xarhto, than aaa ae aw mr strak sad ootaatyj Im rm I what I ray ta Irae. Tea was sat aoawar aiMMUoar , u will b la yoar mlarart to tiro C C VATBWBU. COLEMAN & CO.. ttf AettTt roa Tax iale or r-JItGI.YI.t .TT.I.rUF.WTVItEIt smoeing"tobacco. ALSO GEXBRJL C03MISSWX AXt , FORWARDING MERCHANTS, IVo. 3 Matlisou Street, SUSIPSIS. TBSX. FASIQONABLE CLOTHING, Jutt Opetitnc itt lis 7 3Ialu nireet, UnaW the Wortltam House. BBUEU moral tsr id aad sainted ia Xew Tart, n arroolrtorae Wcatern Pall Tlaa. audit ham tha clooaat af hia haalmaa. wtn retl BtaetoTWjrtT-PIT PER CtST LEVI than caa M ssrrhite m Sew Trt Ctrr tor t'aeh serrhaa;- fr-aa in- I ity aad CwBtrr ar rraerotod to rxamiH- hi. brforr smiisc their parianiii when he will il l Ut-nr with Bartama att-dly Fall and Winter Goods AT THE Emporium of Fashion MAIN STREET- IS9 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. STHjIhIISUV ' CO. MPOnTKBS AND ltEALIBS I-V WlcU iioods or all li-lnils. 33rosa Goob, BV rant aata. Tatreto. and Caahraere Bates, Bkk PlaaaS, rtatntral Stark ulkr trr Bvaar.. Iroaob Vntosa, alt wool D'trhrm. ptsia aad erresril, aed aa other kMtet BVrvaUicas. Cloaks ami (iliaivls. The WSrot rtork of TMrrt So CMS CtoaVl m th citr A. report tot i CkeaeUle Oruetal, Stella Shawls sad sessttre) Scarta Telvctaiiil Straiv Donnets. --T I SW nowi rxtenaire si kM I'ever eitrhitad tork fpJ'.f oar own iae I. Tea moat externa stork at Parts Bnssili, , AMtopkas toatoa, an j Cap an d Ilcail Dresses. The laraaot liurfiat ie rm. Dress Trimmings Ot sB ktoda, ate Initial atecktu the catr. Millinery Goods II mint Ptowrra, Peatkera, Bsrtsr, Ac. etc. Will rati rAw lata trad I,aco Roods and Embroideries. tsacSttavas. ginvf uro. Brnraabs Pavnt Lace aad Parat Itoaii it I ii ii I 1 " - Brow, IMtari. rStsves, OhtaVrrra' Boaos kc . kc Moiirninc tloods. AHrsrvea haa. tm .an sroncty tllinlitu Stork Tstvet a ftot lar ttoorv Abncat rvrrrthia Ikal tap rrtllam la a Jdtet Wasd- . camaa roan mx 1 i caa lie had lata oty, pleajecadi aad iiltrap taag. satvra tt ta no traahto to na to thaw oar pada. Oar 1H M AA 1SS BtPARrXKXT is as ovteet i Sac city and Ladira can depred ae sanaf their work IrMMUrm ininwi oryte STILUf AN a. CO . ct4-dtrrowK S9 lfam atreet, Mcvaplm B.-F. RISK, , tTholcsale and Retail c. I DXALXB IK "kPS STOVES, G RITES, PLAIN & JAPA5ED TItfV tttRJn I Lndrow's Ervfot: 31 WlocheiFi Wax FRUIT IA3Tl Also ILarrlsoa'a i'ateit Kitchen Store, JUt 9tIo3 WBOTJGHT IRO'N 8T0VE POS Steamboats, Hoieis,t a Hoard int: Homes, And Familr Use. haktketa, CtrTta, Ban Tm Kettle Breast JTew. "awe! iros. KiriS TAtMeOS OBBsa. ABTtlobaSifSCrrABLB rii. C odi nlry Tinners! all OP watofi I orrsa Ol I l-;7TJ I-OIFI ri a ttrpr t At 3S4 itlalii street. B ETWEES 4MAPJ$SD MOXRQE. MUI - y -CHOUSE, SIGli & UECOlSATiyE U - -r- TXTI 111, T1 1 . JGtasH Staining, Gliding, Sc. IV. II. IMSSJIORE, hi aineart rhaska tor th vcryy ' ie-. cm aisa stonsr ta s.ira in Mrwtahis, oiraU tfft ii rttie cffrtreiv--J trrparet at nail to' make TISE COS- araarraam or wrra ra cay aua r a at amnrs MAetytotMWSBMrsramhie aevUHa ra Alt city Starr ol Na 1 Sua alt k. k. TtVi tee'aMoik. Uim otrtrt. S, bare fterrilrd ra rraartst lbeterr lrr.of ef thbtl pra-rual Pajntera m tha roanlry. sr mi. BESTS lata of Jiaw T.: It M torrmaa. to aausa ma CX-.T13C ootaa btmciam lasmsmar tkatvcul si -a per. 1 n-d!y W H rASSXOSX -.If V9m?mWm& may Tsaswarranaa Sto totoa Cotton Mdoxs. a. r Men!.. ,.w. a crrnitr. MORGAIV .fc CHRISP. COTTON FACTORS Commission Mcrcliant, .o.4T Front Row, up stairs, 91cm, phis, Tenucttcc. E7 All cotua -invitee to nr will ho oners oy ,o- irttwsa S. W. VERNON rojIMISSIW. AND FORWARDING 3VT 33 XT. OH A TvT T . (re. ft Frost Rew.orer Mfaeham & Gaibrtatli'i, JIEMPIlsfl, TEKX. D. IT; ; TOf KSEND, COTTOS FACTOR GHO C ER Commission si c r c 1 TjafiMPT ill. all sivr to ttortn aad aattias Cnltre. X ou naea -Vj at mu Bate, Mrerpbia nltdralr WAsnLAW aowAae. war AV . HOW Att !t CO., Cotton ractors. Commission and orivaruiiif; Ttercnantt NO. HOWARIVS BOrV, MEMPHIS. tnS TVBAIJEBa m BattlCoT, Bope. Sa TWrTMn U tr Cottra. Miaaaar. Xwr, - VWOT Dard Soma HhIhiI nott London Pnrter. Ale Win Whirkv Taesar. Lima, Pirster, aa4tsrcertaa taecvaSy A see stock new en saed. aad tar ease aa raaaaaabte prises. Ej-taa rriran aaaa ae caUbaa uaatare tar aaaa or i taw, rat Off oaoe faster af lsaaraaca orvara all Cas tas conaosaru tt aa y watrr ; alio m riik of Pir Owr enamiaotoaa tor rMt aad srtlssi Cotton wtlt harascVT oszamcaas. rar numw sad torwardto. so cent mK artrMsw i. s oooblitt. w n eeoBurr. GOO&L.BTT f CO Cn' COTTO.Y FACTORS,fQj 3 o XL -ccra-xiaa no- o General Commission Merchant3. Baitrg. Rfe a4 itvsiriM Sttflks, NO. 35 7H0NT ROW, IVX0ZiaTlxlt, TotlllOBSOOi L SAMrU....M. S MITCHVU. J X aAWSLi: Sample, Mitchell & Co., COTTO.Y FACTORS,fppgi RBCEITING AND FORWARDING 7ASXl02ZiA.I-TS, MAWtox sr , TBiari booh rAtr or cxaox sai. MKMPHIS, TEXX. 4 BtTPPLT af head HirvwiT and Urns alwavo la otoro Jti. Ovsam tor imiBn Sua at tha towsst caok mlaaa. asl-dnwly e wwatim c rt whithosc. Townsend & Whitmore, COTTOX FACTORS. C O 1I11 IS SI OJY Forwavdlns" Merchants, Xo. -1 Dank Avenue, TABIC DOOM SB LOW THE BtTLLITIV OmcE, W 1 TfUi ". their hast ana-, pKhSM I I tice to the aara ot Cot Ston sad other produce Comnue- far rtorUHT. rol lint and wikln. IS came nrr oom All Crtlrn ia store losers aaleoa omarnia nwdractrd deal i ally an hand, a (so aseprv or Bamin aa Bona TOWXSautD a. WBITatOU aasnr w axbskttes.. i Axaaxt-Txa JDHil W. LfDBEnR & CO. Cotton Factors i vn Commission Merchants, "So. 4 Front Roiv, 23kXom.TDli.ir3t, Tonncrirsoo. XJ Statist n Baps and Ptaatatue SapnUaa resa- atiAES awair auuiiw st Lau of Snmi iTllto, Tamt. Owen S Oicen9 COTTOIST FACTORS rVnvarolfflg a! Gcieral CmmlshrOii ZhX 33 XT. O XI J. jST 1? 3 . 'So. 273 Slain street, Memphi. TTTK are Keparaarsa give w V oSvearaaureslin toihr lac tarhsnr amt tttssmt I Tnawcor. lot otber Boooaaa rofioaraod lo tha raorivtnc ssrt lis aimdisil af Oaodr. All F wowtohToontowfaheuavaiidty aer apmpoOcyrf le- rnraem. ae esato la star tr sur Sr arttcy of laoa reace, nslrrr ask is n tor torn in Irf AU toHrarltrnr nroaapOy oheye. atri tat arns tw Bactm. Bap, sad other PlantatMt SnanUoa, toed k tha arret! mar let prices Wr shall atwawj ha prrpared to artAle an Cotton aad anta-taaatm l. riuta . S-rvaphu AStca n aonvtr Lata of Irathimvlll. Tata. VERSER tfc BO It U!I, COTTOIST FACTORS aire Commission McvcUants, (Up Stair Moaby & Hurt's New Bleek,) .o. 17 1-3 Front Row, Memphis. Wr wsB nap pa m rerr r a order tar wrncrrirs. kr , acre rawest market prirra reS-dhwtf aepoucon BILL. ..chas h nemo, in Lata of Bvinar, Taaa HILL aV DORIOY. COTTOS FACTORS,fi& coMmssiorr, eeceiving, ASO Forw ai'tUng Mcvehants, Office, Xo. IS Front Row. Ol second boot Moser fc H end's sew burea&7, MEMPHIS, TBKN. WL SU Sll antora carefnrly aad ttv promat aueettoa lo any owuaraa lotrsolad to them. L. KETCBTJM & CO., COTTO.Y FACTORSrSSa Commission Merchants, ron Tennessee. Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama Produce, NO. a FRONT BOW, MEMPHIS. "ITTI wiO takr aothm hat SOLD AXD S1LVSR m m 1 1 raalialrot tw anytklar whatrvrr add bp thta mm seta dtwawty .nawTon s-onn.. -c TMSBWUA, F. liAIVE tfc CO., COTTOInT factors APS Commission Merchants, NO S SOOTH SiDC CNMaK STBBBT. MEMPHIS, TENX. AiMI.VO. Boa and Ptoel repaues rwmareod st the tow. MItasral Oor rkaraes trr rotra aad rrBtsf Col tra I BAnatrrr enAnAhi wu xxwaw hill GIMJIAJI tfc IIIL.L,, COTTOIST FACTORS CO JtwIssjojf GROCERY MERCHANTS, Jfo. 9 Front Row, Xemplils. BaggltRsaDd Ptotwa 9ppliMoala&d. TTfUX tkm mmU mtltmAhnm to MltaifCtXr. I V Timtmer CMiTitwiiiiii (or wiUaaC Cooos itai utd wkraktvs Omtmm. 50 emu per bmk Ml I-tfawtx W L tTEWAIT i X t. UM. STEWA&T & KTJ.G, Cotton Factors, General Receiving, Fwar&H9g us Commission Merchants, 5;c. Xo. 19 Front RoiY. oOlce with J. IV. JlcCracken &Co., nemphis. c m. noaves. .r. c MaaTes-.r s weenetix C TIL HORTO' t CO., COTTON FACTORS, GROCERS. COMMISSION AXD Vorvurtlln: Merchants, Xo. 33 Front Row, Memphis, JVWV WILL tire Ihcir sttrtuoa t the riA1tBri MHnc .inrinz and ihiDetas tf Cot-I SIBPm or taker prodera Coraraxaka tot teniae, etovmg sad vreifhiaf Cctton. amracy-crrs cenu per hale p raartanuy cat band, Battuvt, Saps andPTanialiontupp.ifa crneraliy sccSMgca IlOPIiXVS, S LOVER Sc CO., Wholesale Grocers. COTTOS FACTORS, COMMISSION k FORWARDING 3VC 33 O 23C J KT T J3 , Xo. 1C Front Ron-, Memphis. X IBZSALcjash advance cat Oot too sod oth- XII ar ncodece in ator far shiaconc Bassin aad Plastatiaa Seppuea lanuaded all the rawest market rabrs Aii iuriiliieiiiitiarl for miner itt na'T'n1t tlH-rai j T STSATT0 ..r. SfnATirT -.a H. DOS1COMS STEATTOIT, McDAVITT & CO., COTTON FACTORS Grocers asd OsLssioQ MerckBts, Asti Agesta for GriuToW's Celeerated Improved Cetloa Gin, NO. 7t FKOSTROW, MEMPHIS, TEXX. "ITTltx sirs tkeir best stierjttmrj I lit to tht aaM of Cotton and other GirannlarlaM far atertsr,BUUSKl sorter, sad weufclas, "3 earns par kal. All OoUocl to .lor. iaaared. aalooa otbervrso ImlnxxM. WVaM lairwaUcatton to their rrfettoct ef Bastiar Bona aad PlaeUtion Saantlrs lygaat B. C WTHTEBS MITH, COTTON FACTOR, GROCER ash COMMISSION MERCHANT, On Bask Ansae, between Madtaoa And Manser. 0ra ard SUsi'of Pjrarhrill kAveBrfAJ Memphis, Tennessee. T AM now m receipt of a isrte. rLA- ttoat at Geula. and oemlantrj of Satbneana naef In siaetarkv Baultoi. J Lar. Sraadiaa. Whury oad Wines, lotrtker with averr vsrtetpaf Oreaca, to wta I am ceaaumrr adcoat I havvarwsm ins teat hrsndral Keatecty Jraa asd Lm. roTKOuurVrta, Cotton Ttrnt, kc Patvatuartltsntton strew to ttaneff sa aarrnax cjorora o. i noroqj-JTUtcjdrdlii I a 1 1 sanla rolldud Crom ti r-usds. , C WltrJLSXITH. ' "IW toc-Sisia mmt ore Mmmt. tommmtm (LraiisporiatinHo MEMPHIS AP LITTSOCK RA I LB o 4 1) rpm read asa J. I mm)M I mBMUf XcilUaMMJ 1 X Sal. n. . (A Urn Si. uf lartir ' . rr. rrrryiiuai AUSUi oil. . r! Tr"? oraisriHti sr an mi, r- in ivlar-rl ii wnt lh- K.,lr iTOUdrjrjur, a a. nam ra, ! Sara k. L B. B. B PrllSSlSSIPPl A WD mVfC90CI R A 1 LtJR.i.0 A D CIIAAGB OF SCIJraDinLB. OSTsad sttar XOSTDAr Kiraeav tat. BBtt. iho Tiauaaatbaa mat wtn aa tSSAAL L oratrd.a at Vat"" aaadMawr Tntmwff,rmr eale'BStp Bettrmsaj. tosves Mamnaa, 2r at ,aa axiirwaavL PsaaUatSp. at .s1 rsrsona lairaliat an ih.H,n Uraa ran opeml tht aaaas and a halt m Ml kl aa rebara -101 raane d.r wtaUwSatatealaaadChavrtooliai Saileawa r -riTl sad the M real hi e sral f)r om yortL datlrstlA at . aadarn.oo.c Pimi lews a ntisisiss. rmvaarsaomsi il ls x n aetirr; al Miiajhto at t r st. Tk Pvvttet and liwwnnit itjoo -ram la osm n nil to 00 rrora mo soitr mm, tneoa StaatV Sarmora tw Snfiet me be ohcaraa st ike ta BbSk tee itirirm i ni .aai , , Aliiiilillloaomaieitoem arrlia a) Tlflj a tsr ISaVS. Great Eastern Eoute, TU MHJiFUis iM) st. win- rKicrs Am St. Louis. Altoe and Chicago RAILROAD TJae orte atalaaeet Direct Koutr Ta aM Easteni (Mm trt. Piiacial PMts OFCAKASA. TBKaarpsseoehrt eaa ta th Bart. v Xapr Paoia. Paraoasara teres St. lavua roachiat Xew Tork in rs. sad BotAon m SB hears Tha oaL .0 iiiiooi, iroor uiionaas. lajutMnr SrnslMlul Pi-ens err. hr B brara tier, smre wntan are Interna. af ah cant air af th Scant LahoacMU toe taretot ciu-i m aaa wm. now areata raib wtehoel m-i uat, uy TictMa rood ear SS tat ase rb- k 1 mnauth Faro or low ao bp aae oaVer 1 Ttavo aa saark aa arrr rrkem rue set hi 1 sarsst term Mempeu M ta' L. ntroa. reaaaaaac mi t rmsltm erctotji u St. Loaio. Tteroaanmnmiimiltmawirwairromlha utaSia ami iioeii 1 in oory oa nseeato mitr mt raridycetv- 1HE AJiBBJCJUl AJtB mttO 3TATXS BXPSJESS aae tss Great Northern & EMiearii MttiL latrevaataas coacerniat tk roes, caa bo ararr.1 TttoafAS H Willi tut k OO . Atom.. Vo tBowoWr Bow, Sreaph'-. Por tk St LeoJt, Alton and Cbnr Bailioad JyS-dly RED RIVER AND TEXAS tTBrrua, STATBS DiULY MAIL IIHE ! -yraw aad ilirnri Paw Betas I iv win toorr tbo arooTh of Bed Biverl BTWtT rrra.-neaa, on cno aiiltnlaf ia. Matt Bra tram Scar Oelaoaa toor Atooji aedria. e,nhlesihis.fl llBlllaefSkravrpart, wtth roar BoaooCirchM atCboaij ilno. 11 Hi 1 1 ns voaorr. arc 011 norla or a Tlarrn aa Boacoia Tarao cpral 1101 ta nar ibjertia and mrat relisUe koowD PUCINS fc CO a at Charter, eererf, !few farT.iM, Or to nd-tr 1 B PtaCP. Pnowlet.-i FETBR COOFER'S aspilfip SHEET AND SIRED kS.NfiLASR, A PRIMK ARTICLE, Terr itsiailtit, mad for Blanc .Mange, Table nl IlVetr inSXaXsXIBEI. And for milTTDSb PBSSEBTES 'HI SHBSD. with otroctiocu fur tain?. 1 sat ta dii , Ptckaraotor Paantly Cor, aad isrulil by an tea prin JtarooriaoadPnirtirei rti imtnil tha Carted Bmtvo. lunnoooin. II otm r) BatrliDtalip SrwTsA Fall and Winter Goods ! AT B. VAIiKBR BKOM.. TS Fraat Raw, aoraar tt AcUbm strev, ASS J. WALKER & CO., 317 Mats tttuet, esuttate Ota reilowV Malt, XAJOToatBCBaW OeT C X O T II 1 Ji G 111 Sorts Tsird Street, railt-DCLTIflA. A Lao xrrBBS asd aoatttn ix Dry Goods, uno uiiu snoos, Lnillci' II r ess :ooda.aHtl IIotisc-FurHietaiHK GetM. Plaatara. Cioartry MrrtbanU, aad mint ITadara oca rawed to ceB and ei amine oar rtack before sarchaoieai elaewhere B WALKXS k BRm . ta PVoai Buw 1 WAIALPB k CO . septt Sll K1.1 .Lrrt a. e sossii. eutLOs MEMPHIS FOD10)EY i.vp Machine Shop. B. E. KOHRIS & CO., MxsrrxcJTuma ot wm iiBt, fmm mm. OfMK MUU. Him-im. Bimi Waft. mwa m Ftwjfc. Wmiew Cat. c SImmImi nmum matt imtmrntm wk ot mrrry 4mmtr-mta atirmAat to pruaptrr lr-ota. MC it friii t mm can mr- snnnc it v: w iume Vm mr mwn. t frfvi rWr t-am iiTaa10slt 4kl 9a Xthm Trr j tbmrt Bt-tice tsa1 sV um iiiuif mi tii iiMrti fi 1 m iiiHir-i iitinnai Htny at wm jv-is.wiT Notice. RBSOLTSB. Bv m XtornM of ytxfnt mmt mttmmmt tm ar 4 MtMptei, thakt Um- Miyf a ttiMttV tmt m iu irf ttM ity ppr. that ao aflMflk ttWMt mm city will aaa, ulna mu by aatka4r i m X,Tr mm 9om4 i ArlrraeB aisd anrmri Ob Xa- r Ixtrart tram tm tis,tt..l m, m mjkmtUt mm jot h K BicMaM. CM EtSMlar MffM. Xmcmt ft 1MB auT-ti Liitcrarts Hureatt. J.X. Ihilirtktl adecale Utarnrr Mar- 11 ami tf-av pears of the diekjliy ot Daily Join nslam. ha Jrlilimmrd to hire oot nr oril hi brauw at retail, to tkeo wha taay reoaurs ehau eoritcoo. st aae t .erratic war- aaatWeMaMap BaMnffjfVvl atwa, lBw'riBlBVa, aWwl au'atl'FTu Oct vary kra weB ha awarder. 1 Hal, wilt Aoyrt clear. misss. (aorseaal ar etoeawsiSjJ Sstlora, I'oroo, Circulars, or any Irene, of erticts obafisd. rrreuiuar wui te roaaaro wvtr. .opr. rn - Bepurra. ItlslaTl, LrWorr. Tarrrt, Prrtoblilr. SJit, rial Arti- eacs, C'sasnnsliillnris. sad assy other tort ot Bvam Wort. wbKtl tbay roay aat jsesnaiiil Ladle, rial (iraMr air apt iisvi I aat ie sorievysr oc 1 otrlliia ia havyaM toretoltsm iiitutn an aayasMm Tb- aarrartaorr will stoa csnebjet ar crfesslato C a-iosmm. dcecs of ererp bant, retoor Biiclijb. Prrarh, Su,at taensanarKasaa. 4 Poetry, ActetUecLiau trr Aiaenio. y-o. Bun ntina. anodire ae Ceaaaneottoa of vh jKwt aarl -.ifl- aretaat ckaractrr laabi 01 to a-rry pcooiMa iramuare or event m lire, wis bo reaaiahi if in iti, ,, J ,.- .r a OOacO, hp wvHJHt to two m In Iff i t. aad rxslarniaf lwitkcat). will br r:r. tl. J TrrWesPSOj;. Lltrrarr tniir. Box US6 PhiraOlphta p O Pa NEWT0RK.VIRERAI1TXG COMPANT. COMPOSITE IRON EAILTKG, (secvkxd mr lxttzu rxizxT ) U tit itsTfWrt IRON FENCE At ABC OP WKOCCMT IBOK. IW crarabeaty 10 eaaivaleat to it tamaaskt Its taeuty shawa tor Itt llatata and as ta mmt, at aa CSKAPBk IHA.N A.VT I Wy rTiUSW AtAXTPArTTSaj, Wt tr prrpared la karaam as atrlw cf WIRE AND CAST IRON 1UILLN0S, &e. Iron Gates, 1 rranuans, Farm Fences, Iron Iletlsteads, Iron Furniture. mp.Y Fou.mni' n-vnic. Tht raisatc It terpectfaaty iWortaed that wa are the onry naraaoa larASp aetaaoritemaea tTICKEKSIIA5IJS FOLDING IRON BEDSTEADS. Camera ra emltisitc arveral SvaaeroJ ovanpae k ark ftrtaakrd an necipt of tear tkrie tarn P Vol .. . .., i. ur, 1. raiara tttTrcuaatA ' i i, n3T-3m! si? nroaJweT ew Tol, Trust Sale. aicre4te'tke Rrceraor r oaSca of SkrBr ccanatt.TSjedfcJ ,-, aa trattee. eoa. on tb M ft WenXlraoW. tVaBltkmt hmdm SaTcaalloaolo: aodloo all tha slat, utle. claim am 71 VTl. on iOv--N.IT latamaM or tao -.1., 11 Vbbasma. to and to the etIfagEc ecamate tractor laad. tyimr m taacbr cataeap Tveariocr. aocvtwinrty tZZ 1.. ruree Booot rba. ahum ton tmuo rat 1 1 of the elir ca airaaaouo, oojoaaaos; crrraam vacea sjaowa aa ma laaoa ea a. aeiiireaii . a r rreasaass. e soa. Sra. Cpprs. Barea O Slain and Thirr n a, re m loavars aaawswoaa m laKtcrrmatttasckaatoaad Ml SSekamaf Iralr. Savnce asat ft castas IS lists, litems north Tt chain X at. Iks. ttienoo wool It cbocoo 1 tiara, tsaecsaaatk chain Ad iraatJa. teWeat vreat T temita Uats, tamco aank S3 okaua SA laaka. totane wast at chaiaa t3 linka, taenea seeSr at rammsaitaam. toaatakc oe the norm MaVef fit iieab CTeek. tbraro dovrs said Creek wttS Q10 rarandrrr tearveof. to s to erk ire an tha aavrtn Set Sf Said vraalE, Iraeeae ravatk Tf, eeaaaSSMSrnarro ta Ik trttnams 1 roatnaina. tj lilfturet oUSaates All erfeity. af rnlcrlaatiae 1 IJUttoall waive deed af trtsf, aad lb tttto re brtiawe to ,r! rvnr 1 ,san a-Jr corrrvr aa TYnaroe Sato oetweon taa bocraof llo'OorVA X sad 1 a'ctoca; r at casual b x rsn traw teero antmt. tmrnnm enui aveh Cll I I Baa nut Loaanr-o ; Uo noe the Swamraao of thor Marl aarl toatrat BaiBSit tatati Jackie la wtn ntleeac hfwac rmraia Tair 1 iirausjortvitiott. ! CM ten SlilYwers. rJKEix Tiirrr.ftx routk. ! ST. LlHIS AND OHIO 8. MISSISSIPPI LmUiLu" .4 a Mrr. ra- R. ,11 'iis,rf-r i ilrsrf I ' i Mora ic m. u. .-,rrr-,u anr I 1 tm u . 'on n'pn t a h MlM OJ ;ta JtSWat iiM "ia i.rtj ;bx fiAi.f J., 1 - iai ity teaaT. afi aWfr. aVnftkl- aMItttJMBt Tm wm pr'tit -a r r. ( itj ffSM8THUI Qmr rr1li- ar m atUt 4ttia- TbriWt, -fc.l- ml UtaUaf .. MX OV IJIanTl nj7 atrvepi oste mm iImi on Mftiiv-mt.' a i tshro ml S mlonatt aanroet Shortest. Cheapest. MOST KXrEDITlOlS 1W1JTB VMM6TJSR.YSr.lTZt'TIC CITIES TLk - HEirrns asd ciurlestok Mj TTaTo- R AIl .KO A U. PTwffe rerruf v , WBoaaaaaeannTllB. 1 ramasreadsva. r- oataUMMtWc aaoaiintuioono ranraar .oot- rr n. l.aaSBl, wAsmwro-i CITY, BALTIMORE, yew iom: aou 1,-v iu.wit.AiiAi t. crnESL tf Wveup f. STsakmetaa Ctfp toaeaed ream hew here aoaroaan ay tha POar IVflCI nrTPASTrfBST mnwastaaatoiame Oreat SkrH Lltl StatatMvUl Sahnstr laroath atava tovTUarp. SJe asmumm or', not in Sain ririamanmi lij 1111 1 Tha etr Satlwsy Bawto tiom tss Brstkmsnt mfavt and to all tha oaeeeeato sn f h laai woarraof 1 and rMartaa, u by tha BerurAia aad Char I rati 1 ey rnpr. mi ma iieanrniraa tnnnj rJ r-tat siiiaalaia acomery. eanvaraaasa ia s Throath 10-aoia, a: mterrd rates, eaa to SEW YOKat, PBILAOEIjnilA. tALtvivmE, WAcMGTO!f, ucnyioxfi, CHAsXESTOK, PrTlXaUaHTaa. cUTAPIBAst, aHACOM, counoiA. ACCOVTA, NAaWTIU. MOXmiJL AaXaMa. LT?inniOBts, CHATTAItOOGA, MOWTtrOMEBT, COLintBtTs, Asstta TneOTA SuaaM sckst, Tlttitars. sTismtll, rem Aceanakmato tiaa. Sraaaara caacaed raraas aad no caeree tar aaaaSaBaa tsr aSPKISi SAIL litAlx loarooBonasmavoVa p at.. iTnmin at an etaiaoss. rax ACCaJAtsonATrOli TBAIX ana laaoa 1 VAU.T rescrpt Saaeaay, at Mtat A aaa eiiraoa aoacaoa aontwaa sail - Baltroa to BoUy SprmBS, Oskild. ' lute a sad Nrw Orlrana. AJm wt Central atallroad : Buttvar. Jarham, Cairo end SV I Atiemvmaaaairrlmeaf fratr aoreeCoad Aacteere. CoroToea. vtc . to tk aarthara 1 the BVwato aa Ohao Baalmsd Tajrseap hca-rrr aowe) nralil nead oath eke 1 1 .1 enema at any prinr oe-irr asm at ft i-aeral PBaaaeawr 00 Praasht Oatro. tto. 4 an at tnr soeaphu etataca. Cask nannnsn win bo allowed taw basal rd naaedbar na, r as , noanicav win ao 1 jsuss m I not lacssent tv th paeaoa of tha ; noa ma t iapaarij wu aasasy an I, held I 1 rxcnoUaa; tM BaaaaM tss pciet to ohvii iksv are to so. an esenatMB tfcat mew nr to IrwrW hy ralirve. or thoy waU aaB cao-rvan. no-11 aat eau -w east eaaseV m o 0, cart snirea ueir owanr ar eats m eve Tickoe Aataa. eaad aatot voceAtoraeTlsaaresii of Btruaat. ieaalS taparu-M A-XOTHER BETirCTIO-f. PreUfiki lAnem.' TIIKei GII RATES FlCaHr IsEW YORK TO - A S 0 TuscHmbit, Br .tiSo Wbewl oarf Vrrw oaaoaaahraa to - CHARLESTON AXD SAVAJtNAM! The fbl?ewtrrt Kate Gm the eocal coat, uy. BtitmiBip flllSBtJ, Buit,! aad aiurtwes: Cheaeaetoaaed is 1 eaasae, mis raBtibtrtaa !.-rn Nrw Tork Te ratoaclaaa, per lu ita... 1 1 a n IS Sd ai SB (louaMmfm 11m tmnm mMtos I CtilBS Sip ik, aa or raa aaatlnSm; IaaB teat toe. Boots a raiKak.. tohatuea; teashrno aad a aad Sairir. TWeaaaeav nil 11 list UBS I' reics: a Sake. SaSSsTB isfff) CLASS Barrrwarr, (races rucks ta oseee- ardm Pint as This fl 1 11) QeetmBBna, anaalaaavawv I'vroas Lataara. m Nutria aad papra; Tttarrr, mssaavoj Lratter m rotia aad nose. 1 eitu. in harrsT eel iseti CitaSsii end tawaaowsia, ia eratm an antas; Bean, wmrras. Phartlr. Shret Braae and Casasv. THUS CI area im ataees. Basaoa. mm,. ,, Zidc and Tin. m Ma. Tm Platrs. Aaeats, Ttom. a caanaraa ateaa. araarnr sea cotton , Hoary Caotleaza. Sail riants Cerriess I Aslaa, Bailrcad whsaar aed Arlae Cbaara. Boola m dot rear. SPCCIAL BATS3 Piarnvlaae aat Caa I Mem, haaea. sen otker nam sr!K!ee or rasmristo, Aoila. , T oikcr Chrmaraaa, wiS ha , waalht, at ouafclr Ptatf, Ctsae raloa rr AUatstlomoB Saacahra sad 1 twwa Tttaeassbta an Hemthia, ctarsaels phi., all otatieao east of TearanvbLa, eaea M to 1 P- Jbaarr, nlr eta Bavtssill, it 1 alt bat Aaaes ewetrsi aaaiman. aaraaaan, 1 1 airanie rittk lamas 111 lis niiilirliiB ahaaH bo aaaat Uaul SVwm Caraltaa Bailrood, rhei eotrea S sX ia new Tors rl-BoadaerUl not he 1 rnajmSea. OvcriAartm rnmplly 1 ifllthpaoS l irwavaas aaaaaa. enoaralaBed am team up au wuSeal tiaa. and if est ibend ia thirty dam af! will nerf tor taaae. JT S Li oralrablo m all taeeo of awtaoed aeaanW hp circa b tbo Snnorinloadoal af Ika 4 aoa. OT tha loadrtalenard. m order '.bat tks sat CHABLXS W AXBEBSO.V. . nH rTI-tf P O t'Mr- NEW TORK fc CILARLESTQif STE.1M SHIP IAXE. ThrmvtgJi Tickets Cabin SUM Steuaft 3 we Caa b had By mfiiatlm at the Kail road TlihltOaBmi as caAtelr.l VTSW TOtvK ABB CSABVSBOK Star It vrnsmtl.ea. aamasrssssmi CtnaEBSatA. teUStoua-... . X XASatTTUS, atm taaa L a. Sa JAS AB6BB, loWbaes. B ten MaasOH, ISWIoaa.. w J Laaora Adsot 'e Wbarta rearr WIDXASOAT ae Sia. raVDAT at Barb Waaer vbavaa cataaaawhaso were all taut rxprrot.'y tar thin eatSa 1 aaat tsr earaay. rarest an 1 iimtirl, ar- 001 1, iMItenta opsat. Taoae eaaal toil wait every rttawry, asaswateaaBat aaartoom Pawaaii' 11' will : newer tra voter, by Sato Ben ovary soSertae raoer-.-t. lurtsa eteeast state rams aaasn iraatawto7 Pwr neeaorjgraaaeDab Irll-tl Cornar last Bay BBdAoSes'tl owrsca eefl tasas. Mas atOe., j IovdlT ill ei7 aea ijwatllesl iu "seWamTst kp at Smsmj avrtt, and art! mode tor each or araarovo etaet ampsprreitry. Im reteruinc oar tkaaksfor the lateral Srawasae ao taeated tea. wr rroaactrtlty tat Its LiaSIBBBBra m aaali keap oar alack well aaaortea, aad rai r , rr m ram BaaSa at fees araroo rbaaksva beea ie7rrro m ekto msa- kv Wa are cessans oat ear present eierk at rory rroaaaoa praava tor aaaa. CASSCX. sia oa ase. ut-ut Trstec s mt STEAMS It DAHI2L BOOJfB. BT vtrtM ol the power n-einl t by e roruaa Hard of Tra.!. rVCnlrd to at let 1 tbo wan. ss or reeeaaii "r ... .-.lain dott .11 ,1 , . ia htoseol eiosor ror taaa, aa HO, atlhowb-rr is irroy. day ,v Janoary '", nabflVB. Willi her ejainary, I aaealo . A nWOtl -bJ To Contractors. TB mitmmammmmmimmimmm9 W i fi thlt mih -jflgj 34MgUMV jBMTftgi-, aooZ UmM 3l- trntt nmnii 1 ; lh 1 1 ot Xmlmm, Carta utd mm fTa-i- aad pavinc boat tbu toh-mapmtaeVlltemmird Stttaaaater watrr an haa mrnfiei '11 nam Hatt Ike ibb from il par., aa raeadiy satt Si to tk sartm Wo Uui no .ark tstilmety mmVm ei nee all I men of merry end mmiat 10 scene s mi m a row ra Our tmluem toe ihe last skaeaease vaara aaa rat Lmem tvuaiso a mm mm aeaum. to. -g- I hae boon m osr own tort w. waau. let etoliss ore bocrom aed marsa paeerble 0 aemaral, SU .", Sam 4am. -ait, i toe) ta 1 ' " . " ..T h,llo ana. STr" One tcrtorred Twi-aet-.-',' lha atoo f7.'X,Vr7'n " dtt-lto laaoa ri aapaMuB. - - of fio Pnatf anufcttry SAICTJIL POLWirLIa, MAjtwPACTtrsa ef imanr Ptnmts: .irsa. arrataANeni Adm stMM, tndt .sform lb uevcrmsf lliesli aad ear m-lio coaeary mt ht It sreoo truA rna at aa rtatmatl anam aa cejr-BattS itieTktie. fcam ataparsa silk -r farpatme ware; st iktrtSWo (3; Sa. nt Ata-t tajrt. fCraterS (asiaaesk, ia we aea lapaat an rat SSSaWaaaaaaaVoSV Bk ttvat ear- a earnest maarm saws, lecaaraj tiaaata, vmiltllensreaa, WeavaaOaannsaatho ry. m, oases, carte, sad term; Drat. Prataa, Prett Tlim Wl! 1st mttol, ears. ranwchmSoaloto, laaaaaaasSaaaaV MtoaahS UsaUnrwaato Pts Aeaum ia new Tors etaet awawesea. A200I CharlartaB Law. aUS BranmoUa. A. A. S. tVaUU Asnat Saraaawah Lieae. n mall vrho wm lAanliaUy 1 inter aUmessnm teaarp taetttmsa, asatmimit allsi nsmy itijeim mtavassrdsm aWM aKoaS-. ST t atSaJIPS Berrv. CaaavaaaSn. rvep, a eaa aaa Baa. wo pucaxo--, tm am rna m Mom mmtmmtaJmmamm mm m,miT .mmjmmmn boat is awe. sap1 mktaTBpatoBm. an it w -rr-J22 " " uj