Newspaper Page Text
ws ' P if. ,t a THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL THURSDAY, JULY A, 181. "Ft 4 TT .V Tr i UWBMNttna THE ! Tirc. Tbe miUtarv di or at the S York T tat who mi Woog the elbows of the iMt.cio, and in imn b& tisht places, ia :be course of the Italian campaien, Ion : enoi-h to become indoc rinated to l m- extent in itrateev, is terribly severe on tbe briirad.ers Lata Lincoln army. Such an opportunity of airioR his mili tary lore as tbat i.retenrel by the little at Big Bethel was net to be EMeM by this journalistic Vaukan, the ejH.pi;bla of whose you.ta were all excited on reading the Jumii.ous dispatch of Gen. Butler, and thua did he de lirer himself : Nelhine bmM be rr.t;eii more evidenMlnn tha tbe officers who convicted this expedition never ew an intrenrhment, an. I were whol'y uaprepired hy a;.y meat s wha ever to I Will and cirrr one. -nd these are the men iw propose to rrnicb from Hampton to Rir-hnon.i, when, as we have iia,inc: I v mltntin sb d them, a redoubt, or an ii. trenched camp w:I! b to i:.d established at everv availah e point on the m i. We take occasion to aueat, tnerefore, that Gea. Sc-olt "Oul-.1 f"n.i, immediately, a ...r n.-inpr rfir.-:r to F-r res M-'P.roe to explain to the leacer" of li s expedition the nature arid purposes of an uureiicura 'm; in what way it is intended to jtreni'ben a posi tion, an:' tbe usual appliances for rtiryii:g euch works. So much by way of au ;ce. But the editor proceeds to (five the federal chi'fs information as to what they msy expec: to encounter on the rout" to 'Uic&o-.oad. He talk from bis at tic as ur.derntandii. sly as if he had juat passed over tie ITtRBl he refers to, and it is clear that he r is .10 rep'ct forthe military cat-acity of the aboli ion legdera. He says : There are certain princip'es, which we mty call 'be eonpsrativt anatomy of fortifies' ions, which It mot b" of tervtce to submit to cur genera 1 4. Wiie a thev next take up their line of inarch for R chem 4, a- i run 3rina' a bank of freguli-raist-i! earth, aMeh seem) to hare soue Kiipicious retatis , o the rod they follow, thy mar safely aesume that It is a rampart, allien has been studiously pliced th r- to enable a few me::, uader its cover, to di-pute and deUy the proj-r-as of an arn.. Tbe egit nce of the embsnkin n- indicates the aim certain presence of a ditch in front of it, from which the earth was "aken to form the bark. The holes wnirh they will eee in this emunkment are pretty eood evidence that the plac is defend d by artiMerv, and they may be very sure that some of the euris re so arransed tb-it they will sweep tbe low and level couutry for a mile or jo around the fort. THR rF1Pl.OEn riTtZKXR OF HHII,Dt:i.PHM. The Sixteenth, Sei-enteenth, E'chteenf- and Nineteenth wardsbel i a Isrge meeting Wednes day night, an ! repjrt 5009 pep'e thrown out of employment tact e. The Prei of the 27th ays : Tbe men are all anxious to wrrk,an! appeal to eou'tcils to do simetfcin" in their behalf fet the earliest opportunity. Although pr rcipai'y mechanics and factory band, they evince a disposition to do anythiag that will enable then to obtain an benest livelihood. The rrin' tpal speaker said : "We are ant of employment, many of us for four, five and six month, others less, and, t' ere is no mir ake about it, the m-ars of sustenance are now ey hausted with all. We have been patient thro ifrh all tb.e There have been no ri -:t, and I hope fher- ill be none. We have taker, the best meibod of r dree-ins this grievance, by siating our cse snd laying it before the cry councils, whu have, I f tir-p-ne. both tDant and sympathy to give us a 'r fl not in charity: we want no chanty, we want labor." Mr. Michael Waid said : K one ned tell hial tha: be is in-'he midst of doleful misery ; that starvation abounds in every die'r-ct. Starva'ion had sec. some :o their final resting places already. There were some few cases of ttiii U:i d, bu' many are actually starving by dgre-p; 'bey are dying parr:firs to those political mover who destroyed the bappy Union 'hat i:-ed to i rnish us plenty of em ployment, and by that employment a eLffiVjency to purchase be nuessaries cf existence. Thege creature?, catrrpilltrs upon tbe cab bages o' sncie y, af"-r t-stir g away the best portion of It, were riissa'ifie 1 that there was BT another lor them ka devroy. Our property has b-e:i wrunsr frorj us, at least tfce meari? kj which we derived our prop erty, which Uea in cur ten finger', each of them hearing : he morks of toil They have been eoveredwi'h blisters, although they are now weatioT off for w;i! of employment, and we are pr.iwii g weak and punv. Ve are not possessed of -hat spirit of urbulDee that may be tfi ihuted lo the working classes. We are the producers of w ealth, and we should be prot feed. If the city fathers will carry out the contract that binds ue to society, and furnish us with remunerative laoor, they will confer an im's'i Dable blessing. If they would apply one million dollars toward some public Improve ment, in the course f a few years, I think, it Blight be doubled and trebled. We merely ask for labor sufficient to sustain lire. We have snet, in our rtids' who hare not tasted meat for months; men who have not re ceive.! two rrieals day for months; others have lived on but one meal a day, ad I know one man who did not eat anything for two days, and did from i'. It w? "sron-r cot to call this meeting sooner, but there is yet time to ave those who rre upon the verge of starva tion. The secretary then read the petition, which will be pesen'ed to councils to-day. It was unanimously adopted : WroaEAs, We can no longer refrain from mafcir g r.-ir wr r.ts ko iwn to the cit z'5 of this municipality, and Relieving that it is the Interest of a I that we should' in some way !.e employed whereby we can earn something fo sustain life until trade and business resume their former channels, which we would tain hope svtfi no' be lorg, 'Iherefo'e, We think it unnecessary to pre pare reo!n'ions cr prese t plans. AH we think is Trq lisite for us to do it to swaken the ympa'htes of the people in our heha'f aq,d thoee who are selrcied to legislate for the people of 'bis city can soon devise infant to employ 11s, and w believe their ar'ions in so d unrwil be endorsed with pleasure by the people at large It on!-, requires the councils to look how the have he.-p employed in Eorepean cities in times like these. The governments at such period have create I work w'.ic'i was unneces sary, reasoning that it wou'd oe far better for it to pav for prod active labor ra'ber than bear the taxation which would be necessarily im posed upen it by starving people DhlTMTIM t-r nt not BATic i:d. I 1 IN. jernm tbe New To'k4NT-w . J3- e S8 1 Pursuant to an it formal call a number of Democratic edi ors me; at tbe Astor house .nt 12 o'clock ves'er 'ay, to c-.r.sult in regard t0 the present" condition of phbhc affairs. The ireeting ws organized hv ap- oin ing ML P. Williams, Erq., of the Hudson GnZfttt,a te'n porary c! a'tm i, F.Tid Gayloid J. Clarkeof the Loekort Mmrttm as secretary. A committee, onsisting of R. G. Iltrton, of be New Ycrk Dei Bonk, G. f. Claik.of the Lockport Jdrertutr, and D. J. Holvead of the Svracnte Courier, were r.ppointej to report on credentials. Messrs. W. H. Herriam, 7rov Daiy t7aio, Thoras Smit! . of the Tonkers HtraW, and Gen. F. L. H-"gadorn, of the Trey Bdeet, were appointe-; a eomrniitee on permanent or ganization. An adjournment then took place at '!! three o'clock r. m. A' that bo i-the oop-nv'tee on credentials reported 'hr Hon. Benj. Wood as chairman, and G. J. C arke at secretary. A committee cn r lutions was 'hen formed, consisting of G. J Clarke, Iff. P. Wil liams and R G. Horton, who were directed to report at 7 o'cl ck. Upon the re-assembling of tVe convention, tbe eorr.mi-tee reported 'he folk. wipe reso'n tions, which were upnitno:n!y 8dopte!, with the ejeepciop of M. P. Williams if the Hud eoft Goze'te. RetoUed. That we earnestly desire the per petuation of the Union of these Statee; but, in the lansu)te of the lamented Stephn A. Douglas, we blieve that "war is disunion,' anu that if the Union be contlnned, it mtis- he ipon the prit.c'ple on which it was formed, viz : the voiun ary consent of its members; tbet any o:her mode is euhversive of the prin ciples of self go.ernmei.l; at.d hence, in order to restore 'his Union, 'he first requisite is pence to the end that ft 1 1 que tione may be fettled, not despotically, by the. sword, but voluntarily, by tree content ot me .-tmericau nenplf Reilved, Th -i tbe present alarming and de plorable eettdttioa of cur country baa arisen main'y from tbe exercise of unconstitutional powers by the pretent chief magistrate, who jas not he Itated to inaugurate a ar, to enlist a large to ee re right to viels H i: ration of rease the na.y prl in pajiers, 'o deny citizens the rms. and . suspeud ihe writ of ell of whieb acts are in direct rt. I, eecs S and 9 of tLe conti Joitad S't'es. and of the emend- Art. II end Ait. IV. at tbe enormous expenses of the il! eertsiusly burden our people ; : annv is daagerWH to the eafety thai Its expense is dra .vn troai ma a i of the: of monarcDy, to euncn ui iew at J 51 of the many, end that we enter ourfuciand earnest protest againti ell of. th?be measures as oppose 1 to the principle of true democracy, and destrnctiie to tbe liberties a:.d material jn.r,qt of the northern Stits. Resolreii, That Um Repnbl can pirly has proveil 'h it all its pretentions of devotion to "freedom, free speech, and free jsJeuaelen,' were simply cl.taks to conceal thir real enmi ty to liberty and the const guaran tfea of citizens, a- d that the attempt to muz zle the D -mocrHtic press by mobs and terror ism, to prevent citizens from expiessing their honest opinions, calls for ar,d deservet the Bternest condemnation of (very true friet 1! of law, order, liberty aad tiH inaheuable rights of man. Rcsoltrd, That in view of th- many mat i lest viola: ions of the fun.'.Hmen'a! principles of the constitution, i! becomes the duty of the Democratic press, and of ai! f: Sends and advo cates of free institutions, to Btilte in resisting thes- alarming strides toward a desp-.tic, con solidated system of government; and'ht it be especially suggested to all f' lends of peace and HtMttM ot al liberty, irretpvetive jf party, te aree u;.on a joint and mutual basis for actio; at the present crisis. Retnlved, That we tdjotjni to meet si the call of the rhairmin of tbe Ascia'ion of Democratic E '.itorsof the -ta'e of New Yoik, at :be regular mee'.ing to be held dun; :; ttal pre.seu: tumsier. B. WO D, Chairman. GAVLoaD J. fmiK, Secretary. Letter from H:nhiii;lOK- 8p"c:! Co-re'poo'tence of Ue P.civnre. Washington, June 25. Much surprise is d Uy expressed here at the absence of complete returns of tbe killed and wounded on the part of the 1'nited States troops at Great Bethel, and tbe in.f rence MrtnraUj arises that the loss wts far n. ire t-evere than it was deemed expe dient to aduii'. The reason of Gen. Cidwalla der not marching on to artiwburg is taid Lo have been in cons, q uence of the receipt of pari tive Itfliei Hit from Gen. Scott The latter wat not yet reidy f jr that move, and hence it was not attempted. One of the regiments from Wisconin ar rived here at an ear'v hour tbi iorenoon, and are now i! camp. All the newly anived reg ime:. s trt inducted as speedily a pos-ible into tbe experiences and "pleas ires" of the camp. The government is beit persuaded 'o ac cept the services of a regiment of American riflemen, from kVew York, but wacther it will do so or not N not known. The administration is sore'y disnlessej with the repeated loss of its picke's in Virginu, more esoeCially in the 1 etghborhood of Fair fax, and if is said that Gen. Bcatt has Wftttea rattier sharply to the commanJini general there with reference to the same. He sets down the 1 iss f these pickets is the result 01 a want of proper caution ami unwarran ea familiarity with those whom they should keep at a rcsp-etful distance This hob-nobbing with tr.- "enemy" m-.y appear to be very pleaean- amusement to the tioops. but it is not always safe. Theexchsige of liquor between the pickets is severely condemned. Advices received this morning report tha' there are one thousand Confederate troops a1 Occoquan, Virginia, the o' iec'. being to head off ai.y fl nk movement of the federals. Everyday adds 10 the c rt.nuty tnat there will be a etre. iious ffrt in the approaching congr- ss to core the rec gni: ion of southi rn independence, b it a careful review of the wb le ground leaves liKle charce to hope that the movement trill be suec ssful The government is for a war, and the indications are almos positive that thev will rvrv tf 1 nwird. trtllioliclsiu .: Ktavtwy Bolb to be BettrayeC Like Pnp.,(-, slavery is ln-otanatiMe with the spirit of the age, r, in other words, with Hbefty and r:v;!iz itio: . Their progress is at an en!, and fate or providence seems to have doon.eo hem to spee iv des'rur'ion by the folly rf '. - r devetees. Kru Ycrk Time.. At-'t civil treed im is d stroi e.l rv the ir.on jarchictl, purttanicsl. an' i-republiean party, : now mn'toiiing the northern gover-ment, 1 1 will doub'ie.s. as the New fork Djy-Boc-k tays, turn i attention to the overthrew of re- ligio::s freedom. It tried to get up a crusade T.'aiT.s' Catholicism a few yee.ra since. ; tid h : New Enla d penetra'ed convents with its j committee, etc., but its onward pre 2 re s was j gallaatly met by old Virginia, and with the I democratic i: s'i'icts of 'qua! rig'its, she con J qu red tbe destroyer. She fought and gained oi.e of tfce most imp..rt-nt hit: les for rqua! r g:''s of this country. an she f ught for the j tioilh, which had been oveiTU by the pestilent j heresy of know-nntbiiigim. Itie re', rr. she ge's ior it is the invasion of her soil by the i very men whom she most served. Lonticille Couritr. TUr AUfTUkt t Itriloa. T .e regular election for governor, delegates ; 'o tt e Confederate Congress and mrmbeis of tbe legislature will taks in one mon.h J from ttiis time. Thete never was a period in 'he history of ! the S'ate, wl.en it was mo'e important that j true, hon-s , nd perlt-c'ly relian! men shouh! ! he elected to every position. We wou'd m t I vote for the de irest friend we aver had, unless I bie heart is wtb the Sou' h, l is judgment sound and bis nerve strong and s'eady. We biseecu 'he people to look to it 'hat no I mere place bnnlers, chronic office seekers or j designing politicians are commissioned by them. Ret) ember the fata of Maryland, f rem I having H'cks in the gubernatorial cbair : Remember how Virginia has beea tossed paa an uncertain sea and troubled by dema gogues in her convention. Think how impor tant it is, '0 S' ceess in 'he grea' revulutionary movement of tbe Bath, that iennessee sin u'd have patriots to direct tier legislation, unity in her counsels, and wist! its in all uer acts We would warn our coun'rymen to b very careful whom Ihev eeied fcf trie r agen's, in this try, g and t. riible exergeucv. Let hem have no delicacy in discarding the unwcr'hv, tbe incompetent and the turbulent aad factious. Let theia make their candidates show their band' on every question, and speak out their sen; iirients in full. 'Eternal vigilance is the price of lihtrty." Njilttiiie Union. C5f An Ohio B.ack-repuhlican, serving ia the three m iitlis' volunteers, writes thus to his s s cr. Similar ccicplain'.a are made by the Pennsylvaijians : 1'ARKF.RSBUitG, June 12. There is the best touaecu here itai is In the world, but we tave not 0; e cent to buv it. We look more like a tro.p of raggsmuffins ths: TJni ed va'es sold'ers dirty, raggsd and don't care a dsrn. We are tboiM the c. lor of a sa 'die, tbe su;: burnt us brovvn our lit tle caps no protection fn m its rys ; but we are full of the devil and anxious for a brush ; we have to lose but dirty rags. It would not do for G-r. Deniiison or Gen. j Carrngton to come round here they would get a outlet ttirouan tneir raeeatiy orams no short notiee. Can't some of you Oaio folks raise a cou.psny go up to Columbus and rH the earih of such infernal cour,'ir. Is and villains ? I would rather shoo: Dennison lhan Jeff Davit T he Slate of Ohio it plen'y able t.i clothe and feed us, and jive us fentt to sleep in. Bu' We bte to crowd in some shed or sleep under trees just because that chief of alt ras c Is (Dent iso ) keeps tbe money back to put in his own pocket and that of bu friends. I hope be ill get tiis just deserts, and that, will be a halter around bis neck. Proclaim him a scoundiel, villisp and traitor; he is hired by Jeff Davis to expose and starve ui to death. Hell will be his portion if he don't repent soon. And now, af er such treatment, he asks us to enlist f $ three years. I would not do it for three men he, after treatment this is tha wrong way to get me to enlist. .V O Y7NG sold oor t i c e. of B... lt, PtsU .nery. en I '- are : t tbeir favjri Reep-rtru., B30. j'ATTISv.'K fc fO. To the PabHc. As yon pTcp:vr, I have ptircba-j-'! the -tock of Boots and Sti.ion-ry of Kessra ijHi. P!iujx. k,C- I p.:r povff to Cfmdocti tbe bcsite i .rr the s.ams and ftyle H. Wni' Ik. Co Most re -itK:fnily U.i I tolicit f-r ILe boa a bfcar t pDbiiC patrMnace. KVtoUaaU and Retail Dealers IN ICE, i7(i KuixL frecf. WATER STRLET, NEAR FOOT OF JEF FERSON STREET, Aid Best etreei. n-w Smut, Memphis Market. A lsrge SSBpty uf ICB ...i li imL . MesmboaU 'urnisn ed, ei d citv 4nd conmrT ordert prwrptly atteu led to. my it To tho FamlMea vi rjSrJR on.1ern;lTPe.l will DATS, eattl r,mlir n'.ti. e M bj tM Coi i .-C urttoth- tew foimBtrers, ba c oat Clerks' ;UATS in : SATUll- It.e I,!!. Wrt-.'e Dlh'ie . i.t V.,lont.eers us wi.lh-.md9vtifre th. sereice lor one motJtL ar- in c iv ji23 b liK & i 0., COTTON JSaM f'Gtny.i' TOIIS,! And Produce vsercti.'zatM, CO., ,N. o. Bt IbaKs Appeal. tBUSHKD DAILY, TW-WBKKLT AND WBKIll tr l!to a. M'CISAnAlt BEB1AMIH T. niLL Tnder the styls nd arm of TI'C L A A a A 1 DIIiL, wLoJiall Letters on BsKir.s, or otherwiee.aiiotjldte DirectM. H-K11E OF iraacBiFTiosi. i!l tin vwee per r. :-.. rtl-Woeklv " " Weekly " " 10.00 !. UiILt HJLTfStJtW AtDV BKTiaiBIC) Prua.. imusre.if teu lines i.rless, inicr'.:oa..$l .rt for ii s.i.liij.'iial laseruoc of same 60 m eC 4 S r 1 3 H 4 6 taj G no I ret 10 0C 11 Se 15 on 26 0 2 t 6u t ' -i .'Si S 13 00 If- iy: IB 75 2. M 37 50 7 Too 9 to io im i-i ( it w!! o;so eej ee 4 7 5i 10 00 l i 5i 14 mtS 0 25 00l 26 T, 50 62 50 5 9 M !2 16 0( 18 UlilW 00 30 00 37 V lo M 76 0 , 10 V ! I .. : . -J :t ! 2 to HO li tf 52 :-7 . , i 00 !S -0 00 ii n Of -1" W 50 00 6 S Itt M la 5 . is teas c 27 tt 3 on a or, M m i7 ntn 50 9 "l6 SO 23 !: M M J" O 40 00 60 00 Sit HO 76 126 UP rOneSQOre, renewable wjetiy, tor tnncra, 4O.t0 ST " tKr I week, " 60.11O jVTwoiiioares.riiiiewhble weekly. vr snnam, 60.00 " twic a wee, " SO (XI !Tj"AK vlvertisenintstor tae Apteal mist be bac led :o't the Cterk't desk. -jAll trtniient ilvertisemeuts Ein-tne nrr.eflfor a tpeaSedtiae. When not thus rr.arked, they will be rhsrzed for one weel, nd discontinued tt the end of the! nine. r3-Allivertii .-nee. its reqiired ' a 'oe kept ' n second w each da V, and on thinipage. d sdvance over mated rates. ;-3A(iyeriisment.i directed to be attplafea, or set in arge trpe, charce ! ct D0CBLK bates. JTeurly teMtttttN will be charged extrsfor f. irs yise jjia-e tm t .-vintraet ,nd w!."n :.a.1oe TVPE is equired to be nsod, cr the advemseaentkept on inaie r :-r jTetrly avertierf willbe (harsed eitra at rejn ar rates, for W.inti, Re:.:s. Betncya'.s, Cc-f ari:.ei-5iii, Volieen. To CoafiiTJees, etc. Tramieut mint be paid Jar in ujr iriee. ryeNn ttlllUtaatlll will appear in tbe TTeekly paper tj -toecial coniract. 53"Adv ?aen:stole Inserted in t!.e"Weeklyne!er r.!y, or rreialar ir.lerrnli in e:tb..r cf the papers, slil becnarged $1 psr t.ivarefor each and every iaaer loa. l3"Anno-Minf Oaodi la.esfor State. County and Mc lieipa: wsce,!t5 each, to M pid in advance in every lustsn.-e. rylarr!aes snd Death ae pibitshed as news ; bot )bitnarie. Tributes ol Keapect and Funeral lavitationt as a!! other advertisements. T3"A1! U M l transient a ivertlsements will be barred by the insertion. TEdiioria! notices in co'iumn will b charge i 20cent per line. 5y No deiinction cr variation will be nia-ie from tha foregoing rates. jftrt,vvtA' vtrTi. For eo;gi BS. We a-e anthor aed . .-.ioHS'C FABS.IVG- TOX a a catididaie to ren-esn' the 10 h "orsres'lonal DietrKt of Terr.e . ee as a d. 'i S'.te in the t'oncres; si I the Confederate Males. Jel9 tf I' r loncrfBS WSf. T AVFRV is a candid ,te to represent tbe 10th Consres-'ional District in the as of the Couf. de ate Mates. lelS-te For Consroft. V e are ar.thnriird f snn. .:.. e D X. CITBHIK,, of tntarity, a candniate to r present this Concre-ii Dtttrid in the Congress of tbe Confeerrate States, at j tbe cnsniiK election leto-tee j For l ongreos. TTe ae a-ttr.nied and reqi:e,.;e l tj annonece B. G. j PAYXR as a tandidate for delegate ?e the Congress of j tttl Confederate St-t.-s o.' Am-nca, which a-se i bls at i tt.chn.otid un U e ap:h day of July neit. JeU-te j Fo1 'mm cress. We are anlbo' I d t stm .:.... J O C. ATKINS as I cjnd: :ae for ib-ilC-, t-dera.e Cotisress from the Vi-th Cosvrettlsnel Sirtrict. j.9- de For CVBgtM. We : e aatkts ? I to a; :::u..c- M B. niLt, of Trenfm, as - indidats for th .nfederate 'o:i credit .'ro'ii thr N. n C-ingres-iona! ri:.:r:ct j.22de PuJniofile Cordial ; FOB THE HBL1KF OF COKSUMFTION, COUGHS, COLDS, AKD ALL DISBSBS OF THB THROAT tXSKSk eTa;S deliirhtfol prersra'lo epired frees treat neetae Hoot -iie,-r. couu d aa a pleasant safe and reliable e aOtcaioaa. S .id only l.y WARD IfiiLXT.LANU, CHANM.KB il 0'.. DSAKISi; tL WBTHKHIIX. H. F. FABNSVOBTU a. CO., TALD)T il DAJfOT, SENT .STACK & CH , .ind S. C. I. Wlllat t 06., r ra l ts and Oetnuts, ltd.ra, H,?rll,.T,rn II1TA1T THUtmilWS I .TjfT.wi'feTs- tf.r .uvn C1P JKtaUrt7FeafC TOR IT. 200 (,i)'.i LA'.)-, ahrted nen; 61 tie,; . (I . -1 floret, a,orted ns; nil places Gtid BeitiOK and Braid i 60 Bn'l- in laold Ta'es ; iU j sTh a M Thread Lace ; lllaek l'lames Willie Flumes, Ye'ilonr Plume, Rfd and ItsncSi: Plumes I Officers' Straps, StstT and Volanteer Bnt'oos, etc. HtCaty flat aad lisps, ir mmed in the awt approve.! s'vles at a tew rnie.nles nttce. MILLKK i. DUN H. i''3 J57 Ma n s rae'. NOTAKY PUBLIC AND Comnision(r for all Ihe Stales ALL the various dull"8 of a KtrTART wll t exevU t d proc-pily, neatly, and Jn lejfal fom He v. :ii t;.be ih tcknoWedafFment of aceejantu, (!eda and oiber in.-trumei.tfc of wriun, for collection or rg iittrauua in ether 8t . He wi i attend to tho tatlns tf depositions in Chan cery, Hal ia ali other case,, where ntic- has been giv en, ht they wi.1 be taken a his i fti-e i f9c ever K.nt of Hem hi, ( nirance firim !-.-!;-wm - tree: ) where he m 'j be f-'tuud at all b-mrg of the dav (rum 9 'c! k in the Blg Mtil 6 o'ciork ir the .a. He reprctfnHy aolicita a ibaxe t.f pnbl4 pt'roT.sjre. T "It ill IILITAlf lAtSl 4u00 G:;AT Fra IIATS' (ift0 LirjnT BIIOWN n ATS, MM BL ACE TinR BttTWS, SBfri nOWg W1IE BBIVS, 20" li K AT WIDE bRTMS, iVK) PEARL WIDE BBIMS. GFF1CERS' NILITART HATS trimmed iu any iyle t a few minctes notice. 9-'i" yiM.ER fc Ri-NN. ruuBi FIRE !! I IRE!? .SAFES!!! SAFES-!! safes: HERRING'S CHAMPION PIBE PROOF SAFES, (Warranted Pire and Bcrglar Proaf,) For sale at KANTJPAOTtTREE'S AGRN0T, Second street, near Adams, KDW. H. HALL. Agent. N. B A fn!l naeortmtnt of SCAT E3 and TBTit'KS on band. uir23 Fuxl Rewired. i)r( BASaRTH Pir n Cir Ctiiniprtgi.e ; CkJJ 75ci Jts London Po-ler ; 10 brlr Herman Whisk; 25eafc: H .ms, Sidee tan Sfcoilters; 100 bri?. Eitra i.n i SnperBna Fl. nr. ALSO Snaar, Molasses Coffee, Tea, Tohareo, Cirars, Raisins, Flit, Otautea, Ltcions, etc. K r sale by J. F FRANK, term Kn r..w. MEMPHIS HAT MANUFACTORY, 237 Slain Street. 10,000 MIL!T color., PLUM IS, GOLD STABS AND L4(!, I OOI.I wOSPS AND TAHSBLS. Xil.LKH & DUKX. isttilatit0!i3 ISQUICE CfiMPAKT. Of the State of Virginia, Kicbmond. J. T. WmBTi w7, OFFICE, ON JEFFERSON' STREET, Opposite Fowlkes Co. AnihorUed capila! f 1 000 no Caati capitn! and Miytte paid np $ -.80,00 rf tt) wtesi attvd wetaOteeBeatti at tatttHel aa tecu it) to policy fctMert . lint ritif '"f ' t Fire on BalwUtt eta aiee taandUe ot every Aetoriptieo. Aleo, on I.eaes aud Fnrnitare. All losses eqoiutly adjus ted and prompt y paid. Ntt-iJ Dtr.I'.CTOBS. W'ni B. McFarlaud; tteeidtal Farmers Bankj A. trarwi k, firm ot Warw:cs t Barksdate; Wm G. Crenshaw, firm of Creu-liaw a Co.; Wellingion Gudd.n. Urm of Hoddin Ct Anpertonl T. W M v-i::.- , ': ' - ',T' "1 e c. C '.J 6. A. riarksdatc, Drm of Wirwm a Barkadale; James H O'anl. Tobacco Manufatnrer; L. D Oreaataa, n m o uia.i oreeataa & Co. John L Bacon, firm ct Bacon St B-skeivill , B B Uijali nrai or Hsxa 1, C'enshaw Co.; John Cnrrie, Jr., hip On er; Wm. B. Warwick, firm ol Warwick fl Earksdale; Jas. -ti:re J.mes. Attorney-tt-Law; C. C Kliett Bnilder ; F. O Rnll'in, Aericn'.inrisi and Mnnfaclorer ; B. W. Ki-Uruder. firm ol 3 McGiuder St Sons; tf. W. (.'ri.uip, Att..n." ; Jas Dnnlop, linn ui DuoAop, Mciienre tt Co. BOtXIMi W. HaXALL, President. O. F. Bbesee, ijetreury I offer this reliable SOI TIIKRN IKSKRANitK COM FANT to the pri-iKTty h"":der of Memphi, and solicit a portion of their basi-ies All loesei-wiil be paid in ca-h at this ageney. Those wao wish to eucvt r age S ntr.ern liistitullons in preference to Nort t. will please me a call. J. T. WK&T, Aei a -Mv r Grundy county, Tennessee. H'THS CBLXBBATKD CATERING PI.AOR 's now X opened for visitors. TLB premises have been put in HKUOOOI P.EPAiR. Among other additions is a BirtlXGRvOTl FOR CHILI RES. Tlie whole e--.a!.tisbment is ia charge of Mr. JOHN B. Gt'SILL. of great esperii-uce in this lino of busi ness, to whom all letters may be atdrest-ed at the Springs. Stages will leave Trucy Cit;.- (st t!.e end of tk-e rail- rojd) diily lor the Springs, on the un ival 6f the cars; or liaiejll Btl can be procured it XcKinn .iile by these wlii prefer th.l ron'e tel2 dswlm luka Mineral Springs. THRSR SPRIKG1 baTing h?en carrfn!!y analji?! by ib Srat tTroiotXi if Mie-sisniptji, h'.-.l roncl ih couUm Sn phnrpi(M tlyrofCn iars y Bicarbonate of Iron Ir-iy oe Carb i.ic Acid, with Fmalt am. -unis of bi C.rb of Mugaia, Bi. Cart. Lirar, Bi Caib. Polah tn ' Sola, nnJ On of P-tainm aD'i bodium in Sprint, No. '2. ir. lOOOOpartaof which a l-'O of Ktii lUBredicntri, flve-sixtrifi cf which are Perosid of Iron. Vo. 3 e ntains ihi inr d:cnts of the former, .tpt Sn'phnrettf d Hy'r- Bfn. No. is a Mrun lted bn inB If -ring. Spnus Nj til a simple Cholyrr,at,l femewhat w kr ibAn the fornier Jkth of the letter di(T.r fr- tn tU- majority of oiter ThalybJ-ates and bnl pmr water- of th Btate, in thiir freei'm from pnr-i-tive mgrt-dien s, xla h reiiders ibem better aiapud to fef ble patients hfiLg lllinit r-nreiy tome, and in the cas .f the flrt-t m-'ntioneti aU-ratires. Many visitors Irom Keiupbif, New Orleans and all the Sunih we?t: u fttaltt. have been restored to health fit-m lung andirfr chr ,i.c ditea-es by drinking tnis waier ; and the cre-it p ipnlarity which tbry b-Te ob tained. an-J ttie U'C lncreas of visitors, fcas induce! tbe hotel co.pau fca enlarge their aocomiuodatiooa, and they now afford every tnxary and amnseraeni. be-1 idea sttdud comfort, which can be obtained in th oonntry. lVtaM 9teMaWwtaBetBCtW( tmtm flaeett Ashing li wnbm an aKrepa'.-le rMfl of five miles. Billiu-d Tables, Bowl lug AllatV Liver- Stable, aud whatever tan unu- the s MBjfaMC viattaw, U at bia c-mmand. A BuL'I ut atomic is iu atteudaare. and o expanse or ca'" is t-pared to rendrr gn.cs c ti.fnrtaMe and bavpy Th - eSpnuvA flctt I Is situated laiaK-'lutc ly on the HrMUi'haS and Chariest in Railroad, abont bM way be irtn MrniTdUj and KvBtcvj In, within oti o of tbe Mobile and Ohio Ruilro-d M i orinth. and tw;i h.'Urs of the Jf i Mssippi Central, aid six hoars of M . K & CO., Propriftor., MtMjg lax, MWmhri. UJS LEIGH MINERAL SPBINGS ! THESE SPBIN'fJS have bei-n nlaced in nr.: caudition, and are 11 w oflerf d lo the ptMie ce a balm for miDr of tha ills fet which fleet, is heir. A partial analysis of oe waters r-b.iws tat rresence, ie hapew teetat4ettjB of beta Masc-ia, S-.lp&ur, Alumina, Sodenm, etc., etc.. an Edmirahie adapted for the relief ef persons afflicted w,t!i dr-ranjci-n nts of tue bowels and sh.mah, as well as affectio-js if the skin These Springs - re diderrnt from any heretofore known in this vicmit. b-inK d. severed last summer on tbe ti ,rt:.-we,t, and in the town of Haieuh, Sieiby connty, Tenneaee-. A kcautitnl Pavilion ado r.s tbe gronnd, "d a splen d.d Topiu Alle) air..r 'i Lel u.'ul auitibcurnt to the visitors. P M STAVLEr, late of Mrmnhis, his charce of the Springe, and having refitted ai d pnt the Uaieisn Hotel In gejd repair, is now ready to arc jmnodate all wha m-.r set k Health or fltafja a pleasant sojonrn ia a conn try vi i lag . Thi ia a rise place fer the families of soldiers in se-vice Charges reasonable. jelC lm V tf . STAN'LKY. flontrale Sprinffs3 NBAR KKtrXVILLE, EAST TENNESSEE, IS Jt'O II' O JP M ef ,M ID . riH-S resort fur bealth or pleasure seekers, its X nun- iRdiciies, is . . in a seqnter;d vaMey, airae-t ece,j(eti by mountain svnra of tbe AUerhany, known as tbe f'bilivwef and risp un on evf ry :d aad ercb urn m v,ey wtiieh cannot be co templated by tbe lover of natn-e without mocb enloyment. Of the be'.ertcial etr-rt' af this water on cases rf PTSPfcP3!A, CHRONIC 1ITER COMPLAINT, and ii:-!- it ftimuin in Luuthern Utuu.i t no wore ce:taio and effective remedy exists Tbe Hotel aroSem-dtions Con.Urt of a T.ARGB .iND CiaMO.Hrt BI7ltllNw, with swteioiM Fiuu on each a.ory, ruuuina; the ertire leDostttuf the huibtinir, l Hal rm OttTBIO COTTAOEj, all ta. tefuliy ar ' J Liwu m frit of the main. Hotel, aud ac- cstibl to betb Spriaf and Hotel. The Lawn is bandsetpeiy corcrel itb gra'9 aud bean tifaily hhadi-d w th a;aj stic fortsl treft No wateri.-La; piace pre-enfs mo" e attrarticr.s than Monvale. aud the proprietjrtt respectfully in it tbe a'teutiou of those who r.eek a iu suaiuior, either for health or pleasure. V.-it rs will fro t Xnorrille. an . tence twenty-four rail' s by ttage, which coDnecte with tbe train. WATT LAN! Kit 4t CO.. Je7 Im Ei banse Hotel, Konts-ome'?, Ala. Ualieyts Springs VE4R ALABAMA. THiy root celebrated W.terna; Place is new open lor the reception of Uitori, and has a ready a goo-1 inftDT person from !ifPreH parts f the country. We have ei-gntst-d the nerT.osuf the celebrated HOLD ING BaND It the reason, who are bird to excel on brass string inatrunit!. The sdvaniaites of flbihg are admitted by ail wto have visited this piace to excel thoee of any other wariua: place Sh-jal creek beini, ony a Qftaitwr of a mile, ard Tennesee r ver only four miles distant, and we are supplied with tUbing boats r stiffs for the put pose. Oor Ten-pin Allcvs aul Bil Iidid Tsbiesare in gooi order. The waters of these dpi law are recommended by mire than two bnntlred of the mort ejninr-nt .liys;cians io the fcurroandin? c-untrye for the cnr of scrotati, Trpsy, dT9t epta, liver complaint, aiseaae. pern iar to ismales, sore eyes, ct.rouic diarrhea, syptiilis. and all disetistd of the kidrcjs, uricary organf. and all uta neoa diseases. N-imVprs of th tr.ont remarkable cares have bee. te.uild to by most respectable living witnesses Col James M och, late of Inka Sprimr. a'a:-:s im the mauapment of tbe bouse, and uo paint wtl! be fcpre-: to make our dne-ta i every wsy comf rtnble. Oir table ahaJ I"? supplied with the b-et the couMtry iiffor-Js. snd onr accommodations in eve-y respect shall be as good aa those of any other watering place in the cucuiry. Our st ge coaches will be at !h depot at Florenre on the arrival or th" cn -, at all times, aud convey a.: pas-seriaf-rs to au-i xrotn tbe Sprintta without delay Our livery stsble le well stocked with carriages, bng giCf, hjrses, for re riding. rtt-H BfXIS &0O , Proprteurs. W. B. MtLLBK JOHN H. TATLOB... Geo. n A.niEii W. F. TATLOB. 197 TtlSXS STREKT, Will Accept for Goods or Dt-bts due them NOTES AND BONDS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES ! ALSO, At the First Market Valne. je2T aaw MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. NOTU : '. TTOLKTRBS Afn MIL1TAKT travellrr nr V wi'I be trail-ported over he Memphis and Clia 'im ra ir'.eil wl.hunt D.Tiieqt or rere. ntMin rc tionof eerctaL bejci:tioh Irom cmniandief jffl rer-, cr qnarter masters, o'.nerwise tiiey nl uef-'.JjH fare. I IU inisitiors no t specify from and U wkntht it'ons Mrice is Id be perf.riaed, and will bo taieu n .yvn-du.-t.-.s W. Mj.i;ar on enrloMa. ar.; wiTiior rBanisiif- ' be tanspurtei ai o.'.-liaiI tbe re.iular 're. Je-J-lm Sen. Enpt. f.and artoart I860. F-iLL TKAi). I860. wm PARK fe CO., (ScRceaora tcHav.ka, Smith &Co.,) SOS. 301 4XD 305 MAIS STREET, HA VINO now received tte greater part of our FAIL 8".'(X.K, we are prepared to cOr great inilu.e menta to purchasers. Our stuck cuasistj in part of, TINNERS' MATERIAF-S, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Zinc, Se4tttrin Iron;, Bar Tic, Slieet Copper, Wire, Speltre, etc., etc. BUILBE&S' MATEBIAL8 Locks, Hinges, Sash Puileys, L&tches, Boite, WiEtlow Trimiriinfft, Tojtether with a foil and complete aaaortment of B'lt'.t ers' Hardware. Heavy Hardware. IRON, NAILS, SPIKE?, ANVILS, STEEL CHAINS, GRLNDSTONES, BELLOWS, With a toll stock of Tools, Agricaitaral iiapiemritts. tU We would also call the attention rf levee and railroad contractor! to oar nlock ef Wheelt.arrowa, Stove., Spades Mattccks. eU. ana WM PARK &. CO. B. GBAUAM I. K. WARD. GRAHAM & WARD, Wholesale an3 Ketal! Oealcrs I N GRATES, bouse mssm GOODS, T I n ware, HARDWARE, AND MANUFAC1 URERS OF TL, SHEET IRON fit COPPER WARE, So.TG cor. Front Row 4 dam st. Vfl!I keep a full supply of Castings, Hoes. Shovels, NAILS. AXES, CHAINS. Also, a complete assortment of SHELF HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, ETC. rf" Those waniin; anj-ttalns in onr Una will 4o well to Cill and examine oor .lock nnd prleo. before pur chasing ebewbere. Xj"JOB W011.K of .very description promptly et teaded lo. jt20 GnAH.tMf Sl W ABD. ARLEKTOn HW-Kal IVMK 'IATBI T oppu3ite depot of the Mem; hai and Chariton Railroad. Pa-tngers on the M fc C. K. R , for the above Hoose, will retain their checks, and their baggage, will be ronv-jed free of charre. The above bouse is new and bat recently opened Fare, SI 60 a day. JOHN l. ARMom, ardfl-grn Prorrtr.r. aafli JL&A.VV00DRUFF&C0 CARRIAGE MANUFA CTURRS DEALERS. No.185 Main Street. MEMPHIS, TENN. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Haiiroad oiupacsy. lOOO SLAVES Wanted by Hire r by PnrcftiSf. ITTK will Purchase or Hire, f or a term of five years, VV Five Hundred or a Thousand Slaw Lab rers, to work n the 3 .utberu Pa. ific Haiiroad, in Texan lnirae diatety we t of hreepr:., Louiaiana in a regiua se cure and protected from invasion or molestation dnriug th c-nflict winch shall exist between the two section of this cenntry. The country tbreugh wbich the road passes is entirely bnaUbr. and for the distance of sou.e 400 or 600 mile west of r?breveport, it penetrates one of the finest agricultural countries oq the cor.tinent uf America Thi compary has a mage iflcent land grant f rem Texas. i. e , 10 240 acrej for eve y mile of road the company constructs, for the dista M of eisht hundred miles frum Sbreveport on the east- t o, to 1 Paso on the western boundary ot Ti:a.. In times like the pretest- the Cumpany cannot c.i'..m:.d cash to pay jt labor essential to the rapid de" topment of the company's interests; bnt for a tfrm c year, by hire or t.y the ftctual pur chare, this compioy will n, ? the most liberal and ad v -::.'.-. n- srrangemeiits with r!ave-owier in Ken tucky Miaeouri, Virgi ia, Jfarylsi'U, North Carolina, or elsewhere fur the lure or pnrcb.t-e, with payments in tbe not! nadonbted i-ecurities, of 50n or HK lsves. Famitie-1 ei.ttre will be takn either by Mre or by pur cbsie. The company is enabled io pnp.Re liberal terms, becmse or tbe luuniflreut land granta by Texa and its ability to purcba- tbe inn ai d rolling stork Tor the en tire r ad arrow Texas, with the construction bonds of the c mosny, at rates almost equal to cash. All the rigtts ef this company are flxf d and veite i by the laws of Tex. This company ha;- secured the sympsthy, and ! e r.-ute on the 32 1 degree of parallel of latitude has the sanction, of several of the meet powerful Kuronean goveTirment among them are Frsnce, Spain, Portugal, Beigium ai. J swiizerUnd as well as f large capital i-iis. o mmercial men an! contractors of these countriea. The late coigreM of tbe United States paj(ted a biil, at its la.,t session, denating to this companv, tbrouuh Ari zona, New Mexico a d tlailforma, MM 13, "00 ;-0o acres of Isafld. Mid a Ioku of "hirty-six miMluns of (iotlara, to be repaid in po t-d a'-'d utner ' . - ervicef. This bill pas-ed the Hcu-e of Representatives, was amended ia the Senate aiMonlv fr.iled to become a law for the want of time and the ftartllng political Ml 'nts familiar te the nation No company in the world has a larger baeis for its sucoes fnt prosecution, and no company has attracted and secured to itt If the approbation uf so ti: : s Aeier iceu at3tfa and Burop an governments prominiDK so mu' h ber-eflt to its ."torkbo der.-1, and to t'e worU' VKb stupendous result- bringing btevitably with its com pletion ajcrctt 'his continent, tbe trade of China Japan, Amatra'.ia, and the whole Pacific coar.t Ji?tribntinu the treaur. 6 derivable frorn the trade, travel, rt, of escli to every city rrum the Gulf of Mexico to tbe most norUiern harbor cn onr Atlantic cot giving each Its dn and natural share a cOUMHHCE whirb as never failed to enrich ev-ry nation on earth that has ever contr-;ed it io tbe past: at.d a it is snnually lncreas ina, ltwill:;tilt more earKh thoje who shall cot trol it in the future. we want the labor, to progress with the Work, for most unquestionable securities, and for it, tbe m t lib erat arrannemei ts will be made wnb lave nwnerr glvim tbem terms which mu t, we think be satit tory wilbont enJanseri".i, by pmltiem, emtio- e;ett or term of con ract in safety f V e s'aves themselves, or admitting the stixbte.-t uiicerUi..iy of ultim&te pay ment All applications wiTl be scale Ut Bos V. K. Seven ron, Frenideat, Maehville, Tennessee ; Col. Riauei Tate. pr.-ident tfeuiiis snd Cbarlesb'U Rsi rosd C"m jivr . Memphis; Co . J. k. Ucli.Cil, Lyr.'rhbnrg, Ta.; or to myself, ilrmpbts. JXPTHA F-iWI KKS, General aad Financial Agent rf Southern paciflc lnyll-tf ) Eatltoad Cyspany of Texas. anrous. SMOKY CHiMNiYll 'SIS!!-; Si?JSX I'YJRl 18 LaEMOXH Ventilatia? Ihimney Pot, If annfactared ont of LBaiOK'S PATENT CKMKirT. riEY withun 1 action -r x eather, and are alii will now t,e k-. pt on lian'1 at tr.y -ti-ip, on ti.o coruer of UN U aadOAUBkl ttreea. JaJSO-fim TT. I.FWON. 'till. TTAVTrirj nK-'EIVKD ISKIRVATION- OBRTAIN AX parties are i leitllf m aMtCtarilg and selling FiWJIASi'S JStOiV TIE, f-r fastecinfr Iron bands on eott u ba I hereby notify withont mv prwaJi lOD, an-l are only for sale at my ft tal'lisbrprn; in K'ff Orleans All persona infrinc nt my rights will be protccctetl V. the hritsjsjt ifnt of tbe law. ray6-daw6m H. FASSMAKW. Tennesseo Iron Store! kemoval: fTnR nn.ier-ilgned having bwM Inrnel o:it cu tbe X niht of the Sth test., have removed their Iron, e;c , to NO 49, COkNKR f PsUllTl R.-W AND C'rjHT .-TRK KT. to 'he t ouse recency nccnpird by Messrs Macfcall Brook fc Co. A lag" parttea af Dm Ti ..n ?tock Is n .t daTnafrt d, On that whici i damaged by the d-e, a liberal allow aocn will b made. Ure in'en! keepitu the s oct of TRNKFSKK ntOM oniijlete by shipments fron onr ILdling and so- ttCftl th cii't m of our former patrons and fiierda WLfM 'iwlw HII.i.MaN BR'THa?lS. Planters' Oil Works, MANtTrArTORT OF C?4fifdMt &eet Oils 9 (Cra-ia, U.'Sacd tai B'.eacbe.!,) Olfj CAKE AND MEAL. First Vas y Yard Biii?i!la?, J. B CHRIKriAN. Preiiaeot, i. R. RYPfcl" R. Secretary, L. V. DIXOK, Traasorcr, mrlt .'el l-ly W. K. EAC1N, Sayerint'ient. LOUISVILLEJPAPER MILL A. V. DUF0KT & CO., KAKUFACTT- " TlUS OT Sews and Dcok PrlatSng Paper Aim Mtaxm in PAPBM OF aJLIs K c.Ii3, Printers' l3iiis&c.. 477 Main St.. LouiRTilie, Uy. F-H'cu.ors' iVuticc. rpnK rt Jer?ig!iia hav.nn beea wtaMta as eiecators X uf H -i It .bar.!, .IrCfased, fcereliy nu'ifr a'l per son indebted tu Ua estate a &.ake paynent To u; and all persons hvinsr ,-lainM asuiust hi e.tale are hereby aoiitfe-l W preaeat thfm. dnlr prnve.i a- .k.1ih tt law, for paymciit. Taii Ma day ol Hi'. 1S3I JAM R WICCKR3IIAM, I. A. BKSCUiCa. el-lr,l ai R. R,,hai1. de.-' '. J. CtKBEMiil ABft & BKO., Cabinet Makers & Upholstertrs, ARK now prepare l to rxeentt sraers. In their liae In tie rwat perte- t inaaner aad at the shjrtes notice Huvina Fa nitnre cars of their own they will receive orders fur muvin. taking down atd aattial a? Pianos and Furniture ol ali kinds, on th. aio-t rat ,naale terms. Ther will also zie attention to aVaa Caipeta. pol irliiuK and varntskias Furniture, fcawtH Ca-tuns and Shad-, and to the execntiou ol Dpliolstery tu ail Ul va rieties. Orders wllslted at the .tere ef Inrahata i, Main street, r l7 Kain .treet, at tn. Jest r '. B. Miller a Co. ial5-ini A T1E!'SB, CORN U l!KN ER ALljil ANU W AaHINrtTOX ST. , Itt prrpared to ruanurctare all kind-, ol Jaamemati attl, rhiBwophicai and Optical lutruinrDis, in the best unr.ner, and at lii. lowest prices. He la aias pre pred ti BtaaattataaTt Ballet Moulds taa ( artriili;-- at all 'he various kinds of tire. inn now in u.e, and all HSM machinery. He solicits a puff. jaw ol tat pobiic pair.inae. Orders i rem the cmutry promptly attend.-, t . tel-l a Hernando Insurance Company, OF MEMPHIS, Jufforson t& t i- o o t , Two doors from the Planters' Bink. Capital $'200,000. directors: W. n. ROM, S. at DCT.V3C0MB, 8. B. WILLIAlfnOV, C. CKLOACH, A. 0. TR13AP WKI.L. W. B. R8fi3, PtMldent. WM. TTolmes. Secretary. nirJ-ly j c. powtas.. .P. LAWI.KSG. Weetem Boiler Manufactory 1 1 twT - ' --. - A iKrPACTT-RyiUS OP PLTTKS, CTLlNDSll, TUBU J.V1 LAB AND LOCONOTIViS BOILBRS, Bxchange atrtet, tt rear of Western Konnlery Repairing of every description done on the most fa a.rable terms, mud at tbe shortest rotice. Prices less, by urteen per cent taan any other (hop lrr the city. Jl-ly POtrNR? t LAWLESS. W . J. BOTTLE, LADIBS' AND GBNTLKMBN'8 Bo; and Shoe li Manufacturer JiOAROE STREET MEMPHIS, TENS. tl Repairina neatlr executml. f ew :tm LIU TI TIH IHTIESTI J. & M. FLAHERTY, Javt on hand and are daily rtcelvirg, t large aent cf most FIAXOS, CAUPETS, OIL CJIRPETUTG, ETC., At No. 41 Upton street, aVnd iavlte the rrtbiic to cil and .e.Tnlie their tttxk be fore pnrchaoinB eiewbera e3l The Mound City Ferry. Tn! st. nal Citv Fern P i. set M. R. CHBtK. on and afier !li li'Vi June, will rnn aa r.illi.w. I.fuvrs MoUO'l C't evervdsv, tacrp. Btoda). at 'X 8 10 A. M .and lt,SH P. M. I.esves Nncpliia at 8, 9. UM A. M., j an.l 3 i . M P. a. Wi'l naa three tries 0n SsbIui. 1.14 T It. CHREK 00 AStrayeit TTiTtOV h, r tste of J C An I" .boo' 'he last or Afril laat an. and a balf mites of Gen M AKB ind tw-MITLEi. UsM"( riming lo br wn, one bind foot seven yesr old A yonng Ma, ai hs.i ot hsn they left- a L.ttier 1 In the band aronn the uose tearev Tbe other Mnie. . drk fo. eoi cMr,markesJ altfe it.e g-ars Akty above stock will be thankfully rst-e HENK Adni'r of estate of J. 0 i Jn9-'lnl Ot e". i aix or lDf jriaaii'-a t m M JLt. aaaata aa" 1 VRML Tlf JT11'! I glisffilittmi iJ. B. 0Wi!L.L. tf CO. E09T3 AND SHOES, BSTWBSN ONION AND MON'BO" ST?. B. Oswell B. F. lioaAHAf. VaTE heir leave respectfailr It inform our friends ana VV the potilic, tha we have nw completed nr st.ire, and have received ao entire bew Stall --t I'oott and Shoes. Onr siKk .onsisu of a great va-ieiy o LADIBS', itISSXi' AND C'lLPRBN'S, MAN'S BOTS AN'!) YotTHh' One w-jrk of onr own niantifucnre. also a good aseoi t- a-ivrtment of r our tra1e, all afet St Strange. rmruxet co. Fr-.nch Qtx imy-rted e--peci cf .t-ich are cffeied at ver lur t'.S J4 in street, . pposito ripe. tp23 8m 6 'aOLLET'f'S Patent Steel tirmnto COTTON GIN. fTpHRUal GIN 3TASDS, at which I am tbe oa!y X tt aveliux a?eat in NortU ilissi.-sippi and Tent, ea se., differ from all other, by combining tbe use of a Steel c nib ar:nb, witli two Srntlo Brasiie. thereby snbieftitiK tlie Cctt a io a stigbt caidio procas.. without the lata ininry M tbe ataplt, aad at the same time re moves niui, of the dirt, wi -Attarhed is a!o a Duster, ir. r: :pai:ty f ,r c easint anu ir'i not cjnp.i iated or liable to aa with -.- ordinary power ad perfcruia well in every .as vary rapidly. A! Panola m, and d to'ail lunar r. e.v : er- r.i! ai tent ion in aft .ch the same will be willingly a d primptii tto-.e who may see Ot to tender me tnei t. T. W a;--dtt4ni Ba JACOB . WARD T R3PECTF KLLT AJtHULXOSfl :o his XV for-nr patrons that hr- may be frond at N IM Miia aireei, eppoAite the Ciayj RaildiRK. where he is prep-irrd to serre th vmml wr.h anything io his lins. Blank BeM of every description, with or withoot printed Ua.ii, made to order. Haviitr one of the ncu-t approved rnling nxachiaes, he Is prep-irexl to Jo any kind of rnlmK. Particnlar atten tion paid te the I indinj of mnsic a: d ail kaUds uf peri odioaJa, either plain or in extra aty!e. All orders from the city or c-nntry will recel' prompt attention. JACOB C. WARD, 1 W Main street, opposite Clay Br.i,dina Id floor, maril afe-mphi. -n?.. C. K. EOLST & SON. NO. 300 MAIN STREET, B!E33 3VHBCISI. T JST 2W , AOSXTS FOR MAKSaiLL'S SOrTBEF.X METALLC PESiliA BURIAL CASKETS. ALSO, FOR Carstow's Metallic Barial Caskets XT on hand all sixes ol FISC fc E3. Also. WOCD CU! riKS. .1 rs furnished with CaaaeU and Cases not. deJJ-!y Mempliis Steam Bak ry, E. G. DATIW. 4k CO. '.S of Cncsers of all kinds. A'jo re,l, etc., ectud street, between tionari.t aad Cake., of ail k Will '..rnish fau lie. or par Lei.j( and t reduced prices Grocery and Millinery STORKS. A ORBAT VARTBTT of D atltrtta. fresh and .1--1 rrior Groceries and Provisions, fine Wine, ar.e tawtriet L.o.uors, of direct importation, are alwcys kept on hand at the store of JuHN II KARTLRT. it- ner f Lirerlea and T-oU s'.reets. He baa Jtist receiv --e a fresh ccnaiffnrnent of Ante ' St Louis Han1.-, f r wtiiru his twatMl -haeat is ceiebrated. Next Ifae Grocery eeat:i-hcient. oi, DeSoto f treet, 'ie bas ust opened a atere with an cnti, ery sew stuck cf Puhioaable Millinery, Bonne,-, Dry (loud., Trirnrain :s aud every artade in tha line of business. Acouipett-nt and exper eneed !ady will attend to all who may extenJ their p.!rona;e. T.a.lle. are ivit.d to call and inspect the sp-:Lt ataok, wbict will be fon -d superior ai-d attractive, and at prices that i! suit tue time.. . JOHN B. IJiRTI BT, mrS C -rrer L!" -1- S .te tcreaa Challenge to the World ! W TB WILL GIV -s 1C fi.iSH ror a better remedy SING or $liio lo ptisfnce a case of Chi' and Pev.r that tue dull King tail, to care S. :. CRBI5BT N" .1 CO., apl3-3a Prnri-I .n-1 fJaaaalaa, Beal street. Lynchburg Hose and S'irc INSU3ANCE CfWafAlfT Capital and Suvplus $3'Ja,5 7. VS. JOHN ROBIN Mi rAM?:I rreeident. JAS 0. WILLI A am... Treasurer. CtttiKl t. WILLS Secretary. I.yrichburr;, Va. INSTRRS .gainst loss or damage by r',re, aTaraat end River rik Also, insure the lives of Kegroee. Twenty thousand dollars in stale H-ms deposited, p plica'.ons depj ited in the Me-nphi.. Post OtBce, lock tx 4S1, or left a' 4be office ot . O. Tr-.Jevnontti east corner or C uri Square and Se.ond will receive peo-npt attention. my7-Sm rt. C. TRAD BR, Agent. f. Cf( POVVM LK aD AND BITCKSHiT, J J , J J J for sale by n. riT-aEaA.'.D ro , 4 Pr.-nt row. iell-lm CHEAP GOODS, A T G. N. CANDIE S, 225 MAE 8TKEBT. i HAVE oi bant and am receir: -c a I-irge and well se lect e.l .took of ST A P LB AND WMaUl PRT GOODS, which I will sell at .xtremely low prieta, n N. CANDRI. 60 Ba'e.- Osnabergs for sale by Q. N. CANDKE. SO Bales Brnwrj Doaeetic by G. N. CAND2B. 20 Cases Biect'd Dome-t by Q N. CANTJBB. All qualities of Negro Plaids. Print, etc., by 3. N CANDBB. As I wish to reduce psy ts.k c: Ftm v G-s?ds, I will -ffer them a' prices lower tuan the i-e' i-.anv styt.a g4ltw ate tea tr. N CANDBB. tall dat-Jn t. C. ATRW805, DE ALE it IU Gold, Slircr, Rank ,ti? .': and Exchange, BANK Bni.DlSG, NO. Ill MAIN ST., MEM THIS, OFFERS to serve sis friends aad the public ia tke ale ot 3.0 ks, Bonds, rroroitjorj Notes, Time Bills, e c. spig-tra OPEIIWCI O F spring aid mm mm At B2Q TUZztlxx Stroot. MISS M. PERDlE, H A VIN ? received t f I M ! I I. INERT G ;' tntly ot hand tLo cboK t and baad- mWtsWti' HaT3 i"U3' SSMAILlSt- P i latect ParUian ayla. P - Mi TT'Y.YT CONST KIKf K CRANR CAS every desrri;ion. Conntry Cr.derlaka st a reasonable disco rausportation. U.I. YO af. OF TMMM ML E MJP HIS ajn LJTTL.K RO'R RAILROAD. rf and alter FRIDAT, JTS K U . '. J Freight and Faasenier Traia -wit: ieae rmpalt at (o'clock, A !., -r r Cheea's ferry Ita Madison at 8:30 a. St., auitatclut tame .u th.ialiy tiSf' f fianzer, ft -i v' . . - , tt.. Un. of seat-weakly stage, el tbe Ov.rlaii if ail Oaaa- Taylor's Creek, ?jrt 9mitb, Hunter'., Beaton. Clarendoa, Btakparej Abe-l"en, H- ' spriun-i. Brows vllie, Wasbinirt -n, Atlanta, Aria.!.- p! . Hickory plaint, Brownetoxn. Bearcy, Cr: iec, .'.r; .' Bite.ville, E. n. Lit:l Reck, at i iajaak. Dardaaehe, Va Baren, F.-:i:i'.-. f'a!:f-rTJls Time to Little Rock SO heart Coming east, train leave Mi rivinz at Hopefieid at 3:00 r ; aectioo. with the Jf-iurhi- a i all Kastere. Atlantic and Nor Tickete can ht ootainen at th fe12 D H. FK R A i LJ O 5 i. i.hpobtait iwO-nre. VOT-UNTFEaS AXr ILlT.sRT travki.t :a on DU1T wi.l b iraosjeor.ed mr this ror w.ui ul j pnyruetit of fare, upou preseiraiiiD of i :pl. iaL blquisition frf.-m the (J-.verntT. 0swjssfftfag tffla I cers r Quartermasters. otBerwi- tney be cnargad far . R'iul-'itiont mnt sppcify from and to what t ions srvic is tu be psrf .tm-":. and will onl- be sood iu n dlrcii'n. If a etnrn p-rae is n,-es-arjw tno:her Reqni-tition win hrtqnlred Th-se R qaio.tK-ns will ID all te taken qj h tb c n-tc rs Bilitary on f-jri-i. and without fet,;::. 'loos, will be transrted at half th refmar far- by par ctasiiic a tictx from the s afiuo aat-n; aim mmm ung aid tic. t end far!on'-'h t cn doctor fn c -iinci r Ukiog op the ticket an-J framing tbe Mrisflll a tu lb hj.' er BKNTi KT p il k Kt L Chief Ragineer d itmu.9 Iwf no mm nt j-ft-lm M-Trrpi aa -t tin o Rai.r. Wm. 13 SSIaSIPFI ft lRSSSRI RAILROAD. Extencioa of Line aad Reflates of Fare. OS AKD AFTsR It ON ! AT, JCN'R . I8M, traine will run reiiarly to Ha-dy Stat .n, wi bin s,vpn mi ol Srenadt. states ror retro Ir v-tweea Pardy Siatioo and Grenada. Vtsae areata n lacet ai oO. Jel-lm Geaeral So-. MEMPHIS AUD LUUJ VL:LB AM) Itlempliis and N?.ivill RAILROAD LINE, COMPOSED OF THE Memphis and Ohio E. E. AND ITS CONNECTIONS VIA CLAKKSVILLE. OK AND AFTZR STTNDAT, April 2S!h, ISea, tra.ia will ran by I oni-viiie time, wbich is twenty rain ut.a taster than Memprus time, as .."cws OJI.v ; EAST AND NtsRTU. 1-AST EXPRESS Wave, Memphi- taUr, Sur.-iajs ex-cp-.ed at 5 a. ,., and rnly stu at pnncipi,i -'iona. 1.ISBT MPRBS3 leave. Mphia 4a,iv rt4r. a.. a.iu slope .1 all station. RBTrrRjnjfg. MiSET BXPUrs arrive, a: 31 1 dally at :M A. a. PAST EIP2SSS arrive, at JCecipbl; dai'y. Scndayt excepted, at 9 p. a. THE TIME BY THIS GREAT IHOL'GH LINE B To .Yashrille, 1 hours and 45 minutes. To Louisville, ?0 a .r d IO ' minutes. To York, 9 hours and 30 minutes. LESS THAS !LVi OTHtB E04TK. timi prion siSxpiKs r. -.. J: To TTumSaldt Cairo Chicago m Clarxsvilte 11 uo Kaahville Hiflo Louisville 19:30 Cineirme'L ?:0 New Terk 6S.3C By this favorite liae ,aa.i i tave the best and moat direct rat le to ALL I34PORTAr,T POINTS East, Ncrtk and Nortliwest. SMOKING CARS on day train.. LOCAt. CoMBUTATiO-S TICSKTS at a reducti.-o af 36 per cert. fr. m tbe regular pii'e aa i, obla.aed NO N"C-'tROs4 aik wed oa the, witboar a special permit, aitned by the owner, blank.-, for which may be Mar ed by application to the Ticket . flke. of tue ssa Pny. pnr fre"ir infonB.tio-. ,r.. -. r ;i-t-- - S. INOWLTOV, Agent, H.ffer . Comm. rcial Hotel, or a: .be Jrpor c C: ef Kr.gioetT - MISSsSSIPPI AND TKEJ m RAILRo A I CHAUE OP TINE. 0 N AND APTBR TUBS. .1CH -t. let! . will run daily (Snud . .tiepteo) ar folio MAIL tRAi.N :. Liars Garner at. trlra a r.iti 0 i a Ira Oakland at.., Pepe'sat .... Panola at.... Sardis tt Camo at Sesatobia at. Coldwater au ,..! A at ...1:n A SS ...7:49a m i"a a ...3:34 a ...3 57 A M a aaaatsVit i Coano at. ... aedia at.. Paueta at-. a a I Herne.cuo at, 43 a a 4 p a Opt Hers Lake at..... 10:20 a a j Oakaaad at M ABXITB AT AitSlrB .1 Memphis at. 1 1:00 A M j Garner at FBSIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TR-VS Will leave and arrive a. follow.: l'avi I Attain st Memphis at T-M a M Garner au -A-K ON MONDAT3, WBDNBiDATS ANB PI)Ai LEAVX I ABBITS '1 Garner at B:M a a 0 ON TrtRBDATS, TTJUBsDATB AND SAT' 91 Trains arns,5g at Mempajaocraert wiih thi i--. aad Cfcarteaten ai:d tbe Meapni, and Olio la.. tor the Nor lb and Bast. p pa rs Trains arriving at C a dally of vail o tbe m .i; traia for Gr .1 .iptrt Central Bailr Granada tuk.u are ax Worsham bouses. a-3 wit val c i Mia ads, and New Urleai. vi sld by L. 8. Knowltoi at r. vorn General Jaueiat T. A Po WWELL Late of LaGrir.j- Teal 8a mull A. Tatlob Memplu EUlS, CROMWELL & TAi'LtB, (Snrosarrs to G. V. Hnls a. Co J Prodace and CocmLs-ion Meichait SO. 95 FRONT ROW, MSMPStS. TBNN TTTHOISSALR Dealer, in Hay, Grain, Fleur, Lir V V Ceuieat, Plaster etc. Liberal cash advances oa cuosignmcnts. Ord pr ,mptlv atended to. aplt-t JitM&S OH Hit A SCPKRIOR ari well assorted siock of 8v 1 HAVANA tlrA 13, expressly selected for iu)" tail traie. Also, scperior Virgiaia thtwias Tcbaccs, Warranted to be equal to any br-niht here; and BAwrlEf'S BEST FLfi tUT T08ACI Tbe agency of which I have for this city. Persona r.iy open getting a real good article at ay fure, .ell none but warranted co4e. Aug. A. Clausen. Tcbdeoatst, MB MAIN A-RKST, nrl Ooinar at .VUsc NEW EYEING ESTABLISHJfE? HC(SRS. HATTaCrT A. HI LATE of the school of tbt treat and celebrated 0 kai Dyer, aad Scourer., Cook it Matthews, Louis, have beeu induced to open .. r , -arTsira os the above b-xalnesa In all la bra Bvery deecrtption of get Urate'. Coots, Vesta ard ate dyed, e'esused aad restored to tier- oriateal c tioa. Tbey cer'aittly do raaaew ever? assstet c i'l aa at ween Main atid Pi niril-ly M UTiHW? 21 E W T O R a kkkoki; Oil, At Prices ts Cemaacd tbe ,V Kerosene lisunsmrinj; c Parafline Hiuruinau. , Pefroleam Iliuutlui.-. Machinery tll. t csst!isr