Newspaper Page Text
- - theUE MPH'S DA IIiY APPE AL SATURDAY, ' JUT.T 6, 1861, nausAcn or rmHKMi m. An A ' as lWn" Ml IB BtBanlBSJ, raise nd ' Pv i.iouo' r rce, ano or other pirpose- Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Jttttmbly of thebaic of lenneeeee, That tbe bonds M or o b iud under tSe act passed May 0. 18tt.eBtttM an act to rai, organize aod Hd, a provisional force and for other pur mm, shall be fxetnpi from taxa-ion. Sec 2. That the S'ate shall furnish to al! companTes of cavalty musiered into or to be m'is:erei into the se-vice, saddles, bridles and other equipments neeesaary and usual in cay airy aervice. Sec 3. That the pay per month of tba staO if the 111 WMI am! brieadier-seneral, art appointed at larseshaM be the Fame as if appointed from the li' e of lieutenants. Sec. 4 Thar the eomraitaariea of the army thai! supply each officer with one ration per by, and BaVmll also supply each servant of an cffict one ration per day. Me vtlua of the lat ter -o He deducted from such officers pay. Sec. 5. That the cavalry service shall be oreanized into battalions, squadrons, and com panies. That not more than sis nor less than five r'mpatles shall constitute a battalion, and tlis two companies shall constitute a souadrontl at the hld offi.-ers of a battalion shall be a lieutenant-colonel and major, and fhst the staff of the lleu'enant-colo-r,e! shall consist of an adjutant major to be chosen from his com-mand, with the rank and pay of a lieutenant of cavalry. ftSsc. S That the governor be authorized an! empoA-er-d to accrpt into the. service, complies of raneers not connected with any ba't.Ti'on, snii cor.si9t of no' less than sixty ME IMM than ninety privates, and that tbey be subject to the ssme rules as the renniar cavalrv service as to pay, forace and hor. Provi '.! thev furnish their own trms and ac cep' srrvie upon such Wins, conditions, and for otic Imgfft Bat time ss the governor may prescrifce. Sec T. That the g.trernor in bia discretion may organize battalions to consist of five . 'vipaaies of riflemen: Provided such com panies procure for themselves good rifles, to be taken by the Sta'e at valuation or rstained by t!:e soldier at bis elecuon Sec. 8. That t.e gcverner or the .military an! financial board shall appoint such drill in stnictora as the wants of the service require : Provided thnt not more than one drill instruc tor shall be appointed for each reciraer.t; these appointments hall only be made upon the writ tec application of one of the major-general's or the bri?adier-eeneral in command of the r'eimrD' for which the appoiti'ment may be reqpired; that the appointee shall only con firm in office fr,r such Wrrn as their services are ir.d'spensahle for the public eood, and it is made the duty of the brigadiei-general to give o'ice to the military and financial bean! when the services at any appointee are nc longer needed ; the rank nd pay of such re?i TBltal drill instructors shall be that of first lieutenant of infantry. Sic. 9. That the rank of aids of major-gen-er''" shall be that of color.el of infantry, and the rank of aids of brieadier-genTals shall be that of iuajfr of infantry. But nothing herein contained shall be construed to increase the pay of sai l aids. Sec 19 Tlist the pay per month of the mfejor -general's etaff and the staff of generals ' brigndes, when apaointed at large, shall be tha sacre as if appointed from the line of lieu tenants. Sac. 11. That the raDk aa ! pay of rerimental chapl iins, e!ec ed eccordine to the provisions of a'n act passed 6th May, 1861, shall be that ;,f o lier.tenan's of infantry, and be entitled to an nfficer's tent and forssre for one hotse. Sec 12. That the rank of aids to majer generals shs'l be the same as provided by law for aids of major-generals of the arn.y of the Confederate States of America, ti od the rank of aids of brigadier-generals shall be the same as providd bv law for the aide of briesdier-eenerale of the Confederate States of America. But r.othine hereir con tained shall be cons'rued to increase tbe pay over the amount provided in an ct passed 6th May, lfcfil. Sec. 13. That when bonds have been taken bv competent authoiity and submitted to the military and financial heard for approval, said board shall Se authorized and empowered to receive other proof than the oath of securities as now reqtiird, and ma v act on the same, and if such outside proof of solvency be sufficient may approve such bonds without the affidavits of securiti.'s to such official br.nd Sec. 14 That there shall be appointed, in accordance with the act of May 6th, 1861, ten regimental musicians, the chief to rank as eareeant-msjor, and the regimrutal musiciaas to rank as seargeants of companies. W C Whitthobk c, Speaker House of Representatives. B. L. Stotall, Speaker of Senate. An Act for the benefi at Insane menir-e'-B ' tbe Fami lies of Volunteers. Skc. L B? it euac!d by the General jfi"m bly of the State of Tenneteec, Ti at the wives and other members of the families of volun teers who are citizens of this S'a'e, and who hsve enlisted, or who may hereafter enlist in the service of tbe Stale or of the Confederate Statea, who have been, or who may hereafter, b" placed in the Tennessee 'sylum for the in sane, as pay r-j-tcDts, shall durins the time of enlistment, or while such ro'tiiiteera are ia actual service, be supported by the State, upon the written certifi-st of the chairman of the county court from the county of residence of said volunteers, s'tin? fcrth that be or they are unable from indigent circumstances to support such patient in the asylum. Sec. 2 That any one of the Tennessee vol antAra who may become deranged while in the s rviie. and who has not tbe puenniary rr.ears o enter tbe asylum as a pay patient, shall a received n 1 trealed as a pauper pa tieit. Pririded, bat nolbinz herein contained shall be no construed as 'o cause any of the prea nt patients of the asylum to be discharged in order to give place to any of the above pa tients, as provided in this act. W. C. Whitthoeke, Speaker of the House of ReiTesentativea. B. L. Stovai l, Speaker of the Senate. Adopted ML TilK WAT MriKTIIFRsi SOLDIERS AKf. TKKtTKD, Capt. Benjamin R. Simpkins, First Lieuten ant Cornelius V. S'fipkins, and Sergeant Jobn Hancock, of corr pany C, 1st regiment Sickles' brigade, pub-ished a card in the New York pa pers of the 23J, in reference to the treatment of their men, from which we make tbe follow ing; extract : On the 19th of May we left the assembly rooms barracks, and went to the Red house, at Harlem. Before leaving the asaeiiMy rooms, however, our men had become urtomfortably dirty, having no a.-comrmdations for washing either their persons or their clothes. In this condition the transfer was made. At the Red hoae nffeen of our company were compelled to sleep out of doors the first l:ight for want of room inside and beds. We remained there up to the 'ime of our transfer to Camp fco't, Sta;en Island. In the day time the men were occasionally driven out to tbe open lots, where t f.ev were compelled to remain, whether they w. ere drilling or not, rain or shine. Mere than once, when tbey bad used their blankets for protection from the elements, they bad to cover tnemse'.ves nith the same blankets when they lay dtwu at nighij By such means their clothing rotted on their back", while the oromise of equipments was put off from day to day. On Tuesday, Mav 28, we were removed to Staten Island. Having arrived there we were provided with five tents for one h indred and one m.i, this arrangement compelled forty of our number to sleep in the open air for the first night. Col Williamson continued to prom ise equipments, and tbey con' limed not to come, untii Um cJotMmg, of our men was actually rotted off them, and they wer compelled to wer blankets to hide their nakedness. The first equipments given consisted of twenty suits, and they were so large that most of the men who needed :hem could not wear them. Capt. A. J. Andrews, of another compan', makes H,jp tatemeut : I belonged to a company which was raised in Delaware county. We came down to the city to join the Sickles' brigade las' Thursday. We tiiimber-d seventy men. We are mechan ics, lumbermen at d farmers. The first night, aboof 11 o'clock, we were served with blankets. On S inday morning we were served with meat in a state of decomposition. On Monday Ma;. F. roham came to our camp, took one of our men by the collar, and struck him five times with bis fist, and swore that he would bang h:m and iz him, and drum bim off tbe Island, j.nd make an exau.ple of bim. Farnbam was dressed in citizen's clothes at tbe time. At no tune since we went into camp have we had full allowance ol ra ions. And two "non-commissioned officers" slate t.eir complaints in the following language: Servant Murdoch and corporal O'Brien, married men, and both members cf the Fill more Guards, from Buffalo, complain that they had been promised five cen's a mile for what ever diB'anre tbev went wilb the company, and that they have been disappointed, in con sequence of v hich their fa milies are now in want. The Buffalo union defense committee refuses to fi,rnietj means for their families be cause they votunteerea nere. naviug pro- ..rn a discharge, tbey w.II make the be.t cf tt dUf On T off, a musk iiotne. loey say there are itinies, desertions, etc , at camp Sco't. sdav uigbt a complete company got s.gbtv or ninety men with loaded and filed bayonets recaptured Whoie eumpanie9 do, however, fie- them qaently get awav. Col. Williamson several ttrre. atruck a nian in tbe face with a whip, and in conaequence bis compai y went away, J and have commenced a suit against W.lllam son. Ihe objection against the brigade ll that the chief officers are not comm ssionec; are ignorant of their duties, and brutal in their tmtMM of the men; mat tae food Mt euf fieiont in quantity for nutrim-st, and that the n:en laeVt Ma any pr-speel o' retting into ser vice. We takf il 'he above accounts of bad treat ment of Lincoln's solriier? from a single num ber of a Xew York Black-Republican paper tlie Tribune of June 23L Presbtteriani South. In the Confede ral States we have In our denomina'ion about 714 ministers, 1,100 churches, and 7 .000 mem bers. This is about one-third of the member ship of our whole church. If the slavehold icg States of Missouri, Maryland and Ken tacky are counted, it would include the mem bership i f more than one hundred thousand. During tbe debates In the general assembly aome of the speakers seemed to view the loss of the South as a small matter, and the Pitts burg aner indulges in the same vein. If a man can comfortably sever from himself one third o. his own body, then perhaps the case is made out. Richmond Preihyterian. A GrN Fired bv the Enemy's Shot. Capt. Casper W. Hunt, of the Walker (Ten nessee) legion, present on the attacks on the batteries at Aquia Creek, a few weeks ago. narrates the following as one of the hundred ha'i-breajith escapes of tbe confederate forces on that occasion : One man was lying sick in a house near battery No. 1, when the firing com in nee I; be seized bis musket and ran out cf doors with it in his hand; at that moment a shell exploded over his head, and a fragment of tbe shell striking the hammer of bis gun, fired it "ff, not injuring him in the least. Fredericksburg Herald. LIST OF LETTERS n EM A! VINO in the Poet 0!BVe at Memphis, Tenn., on K the 6U. PAT OF JULT. 181 Peron calling for them Phun!.l r that they r advertised. Lt.SN BT) Andersen A. BEHRT J T; Brier A 2; tjpUcfc BM A; Brown mias V; B'mrrM; BotI mts M B; Brarley san i; Bskr miss M; Bradhaw M P. B'stus 8: Bnrk E; Brown T W; BoMy J Si Bryan E; Bldte 1.; Bocrner miss M. (10BB n1s 3: Carr m.- H: Cawdss miss A; Cox misi j Own WOO M; barter V; CbiBsWR miss; Carr mra ; Ts-r M A: Chambers Ti Clifford E; Conne'.l V Mi Cobh M B. XAt.IT H F: Pavl" A W: Paltry snrt If; Darcr LI Psr.iel M C; DonsiassJ; Dawell Si Djnahoe C; Dor aaa ms: Parmau mrs. E STAIS' J S; lagan M; Icgria IT English M. JOSTER L J; Ford A B; Farley A 8; Folwell Z Z. CHRIST J S: Giii miss J; Grshsm V A; (Sibsoa cirs X I 5: i;!ijvi f; Sarman Mi Ureen L K: Gracs B. HAX mias M; nail m a M: Hancock M ; Hamlin C A; Hissing A; Hanson T; Hightowor M; Heary M A; HarriLC B; Holt M C; Huseis F; Hi .lies s C; atria ) Harper iii Hoaey J; nigKius If Hi Hca phseys M J JOKES W A 2; Jackson L E: Jikascn K; Jennings A A; Johnson M. KAT P C; ling H; Cannole Hi King If W; Kannota miss H. LKCOT R: lister miss J; I.inckan M; LonginotU Pi Lambert M S; Leraori n E. MTERS A f; M' A E; Marg-,nn j F; Matheara M; Martin mrs C; Maldron B: Madigan B; Moey J; Means M; Meats S; Morrion A; Morgan F. McOARTHT j; McEee E; McLeroore a; McflnskT M M; McMcrry Ki MeAnaily Mi McMahon Mi McWil hams F. aELSOH M M; Vool M E. TI ARE mrs J: Psrk S; F.ckritl M: Park S H 2; Farka. A D: Pool M Ji Farkr M; Paarce A A; Poo-all M C. RAGAmiaaM; Read H A; Rid'ia M; Robinam mrsi M A: Bawlings J; RiplasrSC; Rn-land M KBsf B. Rl hard J A. SCOTT M F; gcof. M H; S.ovail U J; Sosiaman t A; Stoner Ei Stanley M A; Hwerner Q Sewe l I. K; Ekiara i: Im.ta a C; Sprinjifisld M; Sailivau A; Maaa M A. T ATI.OR Si Tariar C W; Thompson rara J; Townsend ii Pi Town?end Vi Townsley H A; Thompson J. TXTATSJi Wet.b w P; W lliama Si Western W W: V BrtajS P B; arUUaaM M t; White M J; Webster F; Waipaer F M. VOCTM H. FRENTH T.ETTrTRS. Bronte mde C Fi Va-gnart L 2: Cr.a&ade A B 2. Friicbett Ml!; Filler J B; Bediair noas A . r'ALI AN" LETTERS Arata J B; Moritdnrino J; Bat to A; Baggio A; Franciala Ji Sorcio L. Gk-on.tlem.on" Iiist. ALLK.V R A; Alexander Ai Andersol W 0; Aad-ews A L; Andrews W Hi Andrews J St Anderson W C 2; Anderson G T; Adams A H; Addison J Fi Akars T: Andres S; Auislie J; Atkin-m. Ayres W T. BALCH C: Baldwin; Besdley J Mi Baird T W; Balen tine J G: Bam J H; Bailly F; Bradfo d H S; Brean J; BremeirCi Branau Fi Byrd Fi Bt'tanght J P; Bry san Ji Bibgham W w; Brigcs J: Brncs: BriCgea W Hi Banniatrr H Si Barnatt W R; Burcw w F; Biessiag J; Ball Ji Beard W H; Bea-d Mi Berthnght J P; Bottloell W C; Brown W Mi Brown J Bi Bssfn J; Ai But tingtnm F W: But er J D; Blnnt & Carpenter. rA BIT. P; Calhosn Si Cabell B C; Chamberlin CP; rhsii bers W B; Crandell B D; Cartwright A B; Crrssmsa W H; Cypar. J B; Clifton T Mi Cosnter A; C-x Li Cx M Gi Cox A A; Cox J; Copelin J G: Conlter W Si Corwiaa J M; Carter J A; Caoos B H; Chase W J Cochran J A: Cokes J C; Cook J B; Cook Mi Caok B Si Csmminxs W W; Cnnin T J; Chorea E N. DALUS W; nabbs J Wi Daly O; Drcghley B F; Pay J; Da-cn J; Prayer J Si Du-keo n C; Dicks 'n R: BOO !y B A; Pocelaon D S; Dr.'Ogb H C. D oley B P; Djnz laa R X; Dollis B C; Davis J D; Davis J; Davis B J; Pa vis B Ai Dv;S; Drew A; Derwin B; D ugherty J C; Donalb. n W; Dnncan A; Dnncan T Bi Dnttou P F; Don bar Ft; Domains B; Dnmmoos T. Ts VRNS B M : Eakiai Bdmondaon A C; lagan T S: Ej Echols D H; Biro' A W. TOLET 1; Fasan G H; Farri H J; Frir F K; For r rest.r B H; F.atrr W; Foster M Ti Froemsn J H; Fink II; Fiihtmaster Wj Fltct J; Fisk A T; Foltoa J W Pcwlkes a; Ca. rl R AT A H; Granless J A: G;bbon J II 5: Govan W H; T G'arv Jj Grisham J G; Gullev I W; Graham Ji Gwyun K B; Griffin Ti Godaey Bi Gidiland J B 2; Giles J Bi G'alisi.i R; George B 3) Gnsaoin T F; Gar land; rtrlTl L W Gruff J D. HARPER W n; Haela C B; narbert F; Tlanimond P P.; Harass B M Harrisr ; Heaaion T; H lsea W Ai Hoaan N B; Hamilton W E; f-unter w B; Hart Pi Har ris N J; Her d .n J B; Bolllday R B; De-ton J; Bart W; Hunter L E; ITrii1o2 D; Holcombe J; H"pon SB; Hriff A; H'jgir.u n Ia fopnes A B; Harris J. Hin hey J Wi Holland J B; Hodges J Bi Hu l.on B; nad-on C P; Hick W: Hon-t o w 3; Hudson A E; Hnnter A A; Hardtn W F; Haycra L; Hartis G Lj Holcimbe A B; Howard L M; Hopps J; Hick.- J H . JACOBS L; Janet TT; Janes B E: J yner W; Jon s J P; Jo!, BBSS J B; January P; Janes J; Jones J; Jones G T; James M; Jones 3 r ; J bneon PG; foBBHsa E Li Janes Bi Jennings D; Jooa O E; Jackson; Jones M L; Johnson Jas; oataoao a B. KERB G T; Bin? W A; Birwan A C; Keys J; Kednedy W ) Kenmsel Mr; Keough W; Kirby P. L ALTER J ; Linda A; Lnddy B; Kewis J F: I.nckett J R: Lapsley B'v ir; Liv;nitcn B H; Jocke J B; Lynch C B; Lncaa J M; L fells; Lawrence B J; Lester d J; L-.n'gar W.A. MAGOKE Thos; May W A. Merrlwethsr H Mi Mit el.x. L; MoerropBi Moore Dr; MnlllnsLP; Mani fan Thos: Masflel4 J; Mllle B S; Moby J B; Moore Bi Murray '', Mhr M; Mannonn r A; Miller Wm; Mitchell R W; M'ljalv J R; M xre A B; Mnll B; Maxly J J; rill W; MUins W f; Morgan R B; Moore D W; Malkev Jnoi Martiri.n G W; Mavs W W; Mitchell W 8; Moo-iy k Farrll; M rrisaey .. C; Mnrd'.ck L F; Mscase i T; Martin W T; Meghan; Myeir A S; Morris T G; Moore B M. B I lB W WM: McBride; McLondon J B; McDsniel H JO, Li McLemore S Bi McKinneyjs; MoOanoBila TiisJ MtMannard T; Mci'artliy C24 McCown Jn- Pi M.eos Jas; MrlihsrChu; McReon wm; McBach J 3; MiF.rland B: M. Orinlev J; McC iml) J; McCluskey J B; MclBic.k A'.ex; McD well n i: M -Cade J B. JiELSoN D; Nelaon W A; Kail. J P. 0T UVEtl J 2; Oosley Abel. PAPGFT C W; Padiret G"o W; Patrick F: Plake W W; Pol:ham W; Petty J C: J X; P ckett O A; Pyran E; P.,rlor Jo 2; Pools E H; Porter D F; Prst..n W B: Partln I.i Pratt (eo W 2, Peantk J S; Perrv V r; Paine C; PhiliipaElward; Phillips V; Phillips B J; Pride J Li Powell W Ri Pooei F: Putney Lewis. RAY d W 2; Hay n Raney Jno K; Ttice W O F; . Bobertson R B; Rassell John; Russll C G; Reynolds Jas; Basao m: BaaifTaw Mr; Biddick J H; Bcdgers Henry O; Robinson it Lason; Bynon It Highlower. RTAXI.BT C A: Slencfcter J Ai Soanlm G P; Stanton Lnke: Sanders D H S; Scarbrengh A M; Spain Jos; Saint Jno C; Sanders Davis; Shew Joseph; Stoker J a; Sweet TF; Skehan Dr A: Sherman Wm K; Stevens A; Shields Ssmnei; Simm J T; Snydrr Wm S; Smith Jas P; Smith L; Snllivan T L C; Sioddard H 2: Sntlaworth Wm; Shaw Thos J; Stevrart A P; Stewart W Li Singleton T B 2; Silvester H; Simpson D A; Strang S D; Stockton D Li Strickle- Jas; Saturn E L TATLuB J A; Taylor G W; Thompson B H; Tay W n R; Tboaipkins "ho-; Tb.itnpklns T; Thompson J C; Terry C Si Tumpkins B k; Twitty M; Thomas Dr B R; Tonley B M; Tooie Jno; Trnett A. VERMtiS J M; Vernon tt Co; Vingnan Jno; Vaaeta' vorlin Sam. TTTATT H W; Wharton P H; Wharton T C; Watt B M; vV Westbnry F; eaverB H; Wilcox Jno B; Wilson J T; Ward Jno; Ward Wm s; Ward t Jones; Webster P H; Western Wm; Wiiley W; Wilson Geo; Winfnrd A G; Wimtle A B; Williams C 8 2; Wi'Iiama Jos S; Williams T Si Williams B J; Williami Geoi Wtite W P; Wruht Jas L; Wertbaru J P; Warmlev R G; Wle M w; !! Unas D w 2; WniteJLove; Whitmore J; WbitmnraJ W; Whitmore G A; Williamson: Whitmore J; Whitmore G; Whitm, re w D. yoBKO B B; Temaria Wm. INITIALS B R Agent; Chukasaw Lodge; Qnarter master; Gayost Bncampment. 53"Persous calling for letters wi'I please say they ars advertised, and give the date at soch advertisement. Sirday iffl-e hottra from half-past two te half-past three o'clock M. C. GALLAWAY, Postmaster. Mkmphib. July 5, 1S1. MlT3I.tL ISSTRCMBSTS 10 MUqr .ir cost: I NOW will sell oft my large stork of MUSIC and MU SICAL LKSTBUMKNTM AT COST, consisting of Pianos, 4Wuilars, Violins, BANJOS, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETTES, CLARIONETTES, FLUT1NOS, ACCORUEONS, rARLOR ORGANS, Violin Cases, On i tar Cases Violin and Gnitar Strings. Piano Stools, Piano Covets, etc , ote., too numerous to mention. ALSO, FIVE HUNDREO TENOR AND BASS DRUMS! manufs:tared expressly for uiiltlary service. Apply soon a'. B A. BKNnOK'S V . r. ji,.) nti.ern Mil tary prusu waftifac ry, 25. Mam street Mempliis. Tenn. . BMHB8 FEMALE (OLLEUE. tpn MXrEBKTn SBS-ION will begin cn the SEC l OJJD M NPAT in September This tnstitntim it la believed, aflords nnsnrpesss d facilities for the ac qaisitionof a thorongn atol polished edu aiion The Boaids and Treasury Votes of the Confederate States will be taken at par vaine or Cotton at the maiket price, in payment of does The oha-ges, In advance, for board and regniar tuition, are $101 per session of twenty weeks. To secure situations patrons should mke previous application, as the number of pnpila is limned to sixty. For circulars giving foil particulars apply to 0. G. VACFHRHMN, JtiS-dawJme . President. PUBUSHIS'i DA1LT, TBI-WBBKLT AH I. WKSKL1 BT INH B. M'rLAN'AtV.B ...BENJAMIIt F. DILL Cnder the style ni firm of ?!( liAAII 7, A DILL, whoic ti! '-ftrterB on B;w(n-i5, ot ftherwi8, sbonld b Dirctti. PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dailv (in aJvance) per annnm $10.00 rri-Weakly 6.W Weekly " " D.4II.Y RATES OF ADTERTISINT. For one square of ten linea or less, one insertion. .$1 .SO For each aJditiona! insertion of same 60 I I 1 I " J I " " I K K K K K ! H ii a 8 11 I F ? ? ? L? ff S f : h ; : : f ! F I : I ; - j j : , SOld M S 0" 00 S . 10 00 12 SO 16 on 26 00 4 60 00 7 60 00 i2 00 1 0C I3 76 22 50; 7 60 t aaj aaita oo 12 no is 00 w 00 25 oe 30 00 .w w j 7 60 10 OO 12 60 i4 0(l 00 26 00 SI 26 37 fto S2 50 ' 00 12 00 15 00 18 00 24 00 10 00 37 OO 45 0" 75 Of, 1 10 50 14 00 17 60 21 00 28 00 36 00:43 76 A2 M 87 60 ! M 00 IS 00;20 00 2i 00 32 00 40 SO 50 00 68 6O100 (SO 13 so 18 onjaa. 60 -7 oe seToo 4 oo 56 n 112 50 j 16 BO ao 00)26 OOlaO OOUO 00 50 00.2 OO 76 00 126 00 rf-One square, renewable weekly, per annum , f40.'"0 " " twice aweek, 0.tO It-Two Mtutres, renewable weekly, per annnm, 6X1.00 twica a week, " 811.00 tf"All advertlaements for the Appeal mnst be handed In at the Clerk'edeak. J-A11 transient advertlsemaots mnst he marked for a aperilled time. When not ihtss marked, they will be charged for one week, and discontinued at the end of that time. t"A11 advertlaemenU required to be kept on second pane, cn abo i as hew bach dav, and on tblrdpage, as advanoe over stated ratee. Cj" Advertisement, directed to be displayed, or set In arge type, charged at SHKl rates. fJ"Teariy advertisers will be charged extra for ccn stying space aver contract,, and when large tvpe is required to be used, or the advertisement kept on Inside of paper rjj"Tearly advertisers will be charged extra at regu lar rates, for Want-, Rents, Bmovala, Co-Partnerabijw, Kotices, To Consignees, eta. tJ'Traneienl Advertieements must be paid for in advance. MagTo advertlsene:'. will appear In the Weekly paper inless by snecia! contract. ;"Adv -ements to be insorted in tteWeekly paper nly, or .rregular intervals in eittsor of the papers, will becnargeu $1 par square for each and every inser tion. fTf"Anno5BCing Candidates for State, CoBnty and Mn nicipal OIBces, $d earh, to fee paid in advance In every instance. j;J"Marri.--se and Deaths are publl -hed as news j but Obituaries, Tributes of Respect and Funeral Invitations as all other a'tvertisensente. ItJ-Al! legal and transient BtrStBlaaaBaaai wHl be charged by the insertion. 3Bditoriisi notices In local column will bt charged 20ceots per line. No deduction or variation will be made from ihe forego. 'z rates. M'rT.AVAtTAN St PTT.I.. Fr.r Congress. Wr are authorised to announc JOHW C. FARBING TON as a candidate to repreeent the 10'h Congressional District of Ternes- ee, as a delegate in the Congress of tbe Confederate States. el-te For '::.-., - WW T AVF.BT Is a candidate Is represent the 10th Congressional District in the Congress of the Confede rate Statea. lelS-te For rougresa. We are anthoriie.1 to antK.r.. e D M. CCBSIK, Ksq., of this city, a candidate to represent this Coneressional District in the Congress of the Confederate States, at the enenin election JelS-t?a For Congress. V7e ae authorised and reque.-te1 tj announce B G. PAYKK as a candidate for delegate to the Congress of the Confederate St.t- - of America, which aset l.bles at Blchrr.ond on tbe 20th day of Jn y next. jotl-te For Congress We are anthor.z-d t annminsie IDC. ATKINS 11 a candidate for the Confederate Congress from lb? Ninth Congressional District. je29-ide For Congress. We are authorized to announce M. B. HILT., of Trenton, as a candidate for lbe onfederate Cssn gresa froTt the Ninth C ngresslonal District. Je22-tdc BOHLEN, WILSON &Co7f ff'liolfsale and ISttail Dealers IN ICE, 276 Main Street. WATER STREET, NEAR FOOT OF JEF FERSON STREET. And Ba1 Mrret, nesr Sontb Mfmphiri Market. A Iabi .snpply of ICE on ban). Steamboat fur. -.shed, BOdcity and coactry ordr promptly atteuded to. Te 11. Families of Volauteers. THE nndersigned will attend at 'he County Clerks' office in Memphis, on WkDXEADATS and SATLR DATS, until further notice to pay the all.Wince made by the County C mrt to the fa nil I log of Volunteers Payments win b made where the V.t'onteer has teen in ac'ive service for one month anW in such cases only j-23-lsn J. W A. pstTIT. Jud.e. etc ALFRKD A. SMITH li'ICK & ( 0., COTTON FACTORS, Commission nd Produce iTlerchanSsi, llflLL give prompt personal attenticn to the sale of VV WRR T, FLflUB, CoTfON, and all articles con signed to them. Otne over Cleaves fc VoAbO, Mem pkis, Tenebaee Aiao, cash advancements made un consignmente te DUNc'AlsT, PATSB k CO., isW-Irn 18 Kn-on street. N. O DR. SPIKGKEL, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, AND THB MOST SUCCBSSFTJL Cancer Operator IN THE WORLD! Eight Years in Memphis. INFORM the cblic in xneral that he is prepared ki treat all disease.;, but etjpecatly thoee whick are pronnDiicd incurable, and cat led chronic. Uis treatment of Cancer is any riya!, be otuse th rlH be expelled from tbe system, with a!l Their roots and fibers. Aly by cons ntioottl treatment, withoci -nt!c aod witbont the knife. He M; o treats witb saccese, according to the most im proved science of medicine in Hnrope, Rbenruatlinn. N- nralcia, (outf Ophthalmia, Flstnla in Ano, Scrofnla, Syphilis, DyiiTenjiat Chronic Dysentery, Torpid Liver, Gravel, Fit. Tapeworm, FileB, Bropir', Disease? of the Skin, Bronchitis, Cunnumptiun, U di -pi-tcsBf the Bye and Ear, and give particular attenticn to all Female Complaints, especially those of the womb. N-gres who are afflicted with any of the above diseases will be cored, and can Cud good board and ac cemmneatione while under treatment at the dwetors' in firmary. The doctor cil!s attention of patience at a distance, that if they are not prepared to conr.:t the doctor per tftbty, by writing to hiu, with an exact account of all tbe ymptonis of tbe disease, medicine wilifee forwarded by Aditus express. CjOffle M Leoow's Building, Union street, between Main and Second, fourth door east of Main. Infirmary ju Uniwi. street, east of the bayou, at Dr. Spiegel's private residence. Pr C. Spiegel has, in his thirty years practice, es pecially on chronic diseases, cured them with the utmost Qccesa. Ue has in his possession ver five thotuand plants, herbs, barks, etc., which he can rely upon to esre diseases which 2re by the most succeaaful pracu tionera pronounced incurable. Ue also makes it his etpecial practice tv treat all pri vate diseases with the utmost success, in a short time, no matter of bow long standing, nor of what na'..ure. All Dr. Spiegel asks from the afflicted Is a fair ttlaT, then all the reference will give will be a speedy cure tv them. Thouaf'iis of testimonials, from the most reliable source, iay be seen at the doctor's office. jy2-tim IIE tUQlURTERS FOR MILITARY GOODS, AT B. TlLKER BROS., 19S Main street Clay Bnildins. rA VE jtxst received another large assortment of liray and Blue Cloths and t'assimeres, Gray aod Blue jans, Gray and Btac Te ds, Shirts, Blankets and Robber Goods. General assortment f F.niaiE j'..rrs Military Hats and Slioes. B. WALKER &. BROS., Je3 i.iy!6 No 195 Main at'eet, Clay Bnllding. Fast Received QEtk BASKETS Piper ne dslck Ohampagtie ; tJV "Sca.ks Indon Po-ter ; In oris. German Whisky; 2S casks H ..-, Bides and Shonlden ; 108 Lrla. Bxtra and SnperSne Flonr. ALSO -.(, Mola.sea. Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Olgare, Boiaina, Figa, Orans, Lemons, etc. For sale by J. V FBANB, nirlft Mo F-ont raw. MEMPHIS HAT MANUFACTORY, 257 Main Street. 10,000 M1LITABT BATS, assorted colors, PLUMES, GOLD STABS AHD LACB, GOLD COBS3 AND TASSBL8. MILLER 4s. DUNN. M Jllisfclianfons. mmm cgmpm, Of the State of Virginia, Ridusii. JT. T. WEST, rfgettf, OFFICE, ON JEFFERSON STREET, Opposite Fowlkes it Co. Anthorired capital $1,000,00 Oath capital and eurplni paid np $ 280 00 3 HO 000 lop sited vilh Controller at Naahville, as secority to policy holders. Insnraa aitamst loss by Fire oa Bnildings and Mer chandise ot every description. Alao, on Leaaea and Furniture. All eqnitably a&jnsted and prompl.y paid. apS-ly DIBBCTOBS. Wm. H McFarland; President Farmers Rank; A. Warwisk, Arm of Warwick Si Barksilale; Wm G. Crenshaw, firm of Cren-hisv & Co.; Wellington Goddin, firm of Goddin a Apperitn; T. W. McCance, firn: of !"nBlop, Moncnre & Co.; tt. A. narksslale. firm of Warwlra k. B.rksdale; James H Grant, Tobacco Manufacturer; L. D. Crenshaw, fl. m of Ilaxall. CrOnahOBJ ji Co.; John T. Bacon. Arm of Bacm at Basker ll! , B. B lUxsll. firm of Haxa l. Crenshaw a Co.; John Cnme. Jr., Ship Owner; Wm. B. Warwkk, r.rm or Warwick & Barkadale; Jas. Alfred Jone, Attorncy-at-Law ; C. 0. Bltett. Builder; F. R Rnffln, Agricnlturisl and Manufacturer; H W. Mctirudar, Hrt-. of 3. McGtnder (a Sons; W. W. Cramp, Attorney-at-Law ; Jas. Dnnlop, firm of Dunlop, Moncnre & Co. BOLLING W. HAXALL, Prealdent. O. F. BREStE, Secretary. I offer this reliable SOVTHBBN INSURANCE COM PANY to tbe property holder of Memphis, and solicit a portion of their'bnsineas. All losses will be pr.mptly paid in cash at this agency. Those who wi?!i to eC"i r ageS 'lttern institutiona in preference to Nor: i wiil pleare give me a call. J. T. WK3T, Ae. BtrJ-lv Jeffers."' 1 BEERSHEBA ePRIGS, Grundy county, Tennessee. TTIIS CKLBBRATKD WATERING TI.ACB now opened roc visitors. The premises have been put inTnORdruil REPAIR. Among other additions ia a irIifc"Rf FOR CHILDREN. The whole establishment is in charge of Mr. J0I1N B. nUEILL, of great experience in this line of busi ness, to whom all letters may be addressed at the Springs. States will leave Tracy Cit; (at the end of the rail road) daily for the Springs, on the arrival of the cars; or conveyarcea can be procured at McMinnville by those who prefer that route loll dawlm Iuka Mineral Springs. rTTIIESK SPRINGS having been carefully analyzed by X the State sveologts. of Mississippi, and found th contain Satphnretted Hydrogen largely Bicarbonate of Iron largely, Free Carboaic Acid, with small amounts ot Bi Oaro of Magnesia. Bi. Carb. Lime, Bi. Caib. Potash anJ Soda, and Clorideof Potassium and Sodium in Spring No. 2, in 10 000 parts of which a'e 1-I0of solid ingredients, flve-sixtns of which are Peroxide of Iron. No. 3 contains the ingredients ef thiSonner, except Sulphuretted Hydrogen. No. S is a strong Bed S'i'pbnr Spring. Spring No lias simple Cbnlybeate, somewhat maker than the former Both of the latter differ from the majority of other Chalybeaies and Sul phur waters of the State, in their freedom from purga tive ingredient, which renders tbem better adapted to feeble patients being almost purely tonic, and in the case f,f the first mentioned alteratives. Many visitors from Memphis, New Orleans and all the Sonth-western Stales, have been restortd to health from long standing chronsc di, eases by drinking this water; ; id the Kreiat pepnlarity which they kayo ob tained and the large increase of visitors, has induced the htel companv M enlarge :heir accommodations, and the now afford every luxury and amusement, he-idea Bros, tod comfort, which can be obtained in the oonntry. To the pleascre-seeker, the nuest fishing la within n agrieable ride of five miles. Billia'd Tables, Bowl ing Allios. Livery Stables, and whatever can utilise the stn.:mer 'l!tor, i. at his command. A Ba.1- cf Music is in attendance, and no exp'nse or care lj spared to render tuesls omfortable and happy. The Springs Eotel Is situated immediately ou the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, about half way be tween Memphis and Huntsville, within one hour of the Mobile and Ohio Bailroad at Corinth, and two hours of the Mi,sissippi Central, aid six hours of Memphis. COOK 4 CO., Proprietors, Jell-Im Inka, Mississippi. RAIvEIGH MINERAL SPRINGS ! TSESS S?aiN"fi8 have bevi. nlaced in fln ctuditioa, and are now otfred to the public aa a balm for msny of tha liU to wLtch fl-h is heir. A partial analysis of tie ovatra shows the presence, in happy proportions , (,f Iron, MaatBe-fia, Solphur, Alnrnina, Sodeum, etc, etc., a!l admirable adapted for the relief cf permns afflicted with "-v : uf tbe bowels and st)Ciaht as well s atfections of the akin. TbetveSprmCfi are differi-ut from any heretofore known In this vicinitv. Mag diwyvered la.xt snmmar on the north-went, and In the town of Raleigh, Bleiby county. Tenn-asf . A beautifal Pavilion adorns the pnmnd, and a pples did Tenpin Alley affras teallhrnl emaement to the Tisiton. P -V . STANLEY, Ute of Xemphla, haa chrre of the Imprint;, end harinx refitted and pot the Raleigh Hotel in po1 repair, ia now rrtidy to accammodate all wh may aet-k health or derire a pleasant sojourn ia a coun try villas. This la a fine place tat the families of soldiers in kervice. Charges reasonable jflti lm P M. STAKLRT. mflontvale Springs, KBAR WW t II I 1. EAST TENNESSEE, is jt a if f e jt e . rpuTS resort for health or pleasure seekers, as its X name indicates, is located in a sequestered valley, a. in . i enc.ose.1 by mountain Siars of the Alieahany, known as the Cbllnowae, and rise np cn every side and embosom a vailey which cannot be contemplated by the lover of nature without tnnch euioyiuent. Of the beneficial effect of this watec oa cases of kVSPKPilA, I'HKONIC IITEB C(iMPI VINT, and diseases mest common in wulhern latitudra, no mere certain and effective remedy exist The Hotel aocomtnodations com st of a LARGE AND COMMODIOUS BUILDINS, with apa.iona Plaits on each atory, runnin' the entire lOaafJB of the bniidinat, aad numerous SOTBIC COTTAGES, all tastefully ar ranstsd on the Laws In front of the main Hotel, and ac cessible to bull Spring end Hotel. Tho Lawn is handsemely covered with grass and beau tifully shaded with majestic forest trees No watering place presents more attractions than Mantvale, and the proprietors respectfully invite the attention of thos who seek a retreat in summer, eitner for health or pleasure. Visiurs will go to Knozville, and thence twenty-four mil) a by stage, which connects with the train. WATT, LAN IKK l CO., JeT-Im Kxchantte Hotel, Montitomery, Ala. Battels Springs WEAR FKOREXCE, ALAUA531. THIS most celebrated Wairriug Place ia now for the reception of visitors, ari K .;eatly a (tool many persons fruta different part ef the country. We have eagaged the services of the celebrated HOLD ING BAND for the season, who are hard to excel on brass or string instruments. The advantages of tlAhiKff are ad milled by an who have visited this place to excel thoee of any other watering place, Shoal creek being only a qaarter of a mile, ard Tennessee r vcr only four iai.ts diauci, ana we are supplied with Qahing boats r skiffs for the purpose. Our Tea-pin Al'.tvs and Bil liard Tables are in gool ordr. The waters of theft Spiinss ar recomaiended by mom than two hundred of the most eminent bvfdcians in the surrounding country, for the cure of acrnfuia, ropsy, dyapepfcia, liver complaint, diseaaes peculiar to female, sore eyes, chronic diarrhea, syphilis, and all diseases of the kidneys, uriuary organs, aud all uta neous diseases. Kumters of th. mott remarkable cures have beea testified to by most respectable living witoassM Col. James Mv rdooh, late of Inka Springs assists In the management of the and nu pains will be faparei to mase our guests in every way comfortable. Onr table shall be supplied with the best the country affords, and our acrommodatioBs in every respect shall be as good as thoee of any other watering place in tbe country. Onr sfge coaches will be at tbe depot at Florence on tbe arrival of th cars, at all times, and couvey all pas sengers to and from tbe Springs without delay. Our livery stable is well stocked with carriages, bug gies aod horses, for pleasure riding. myl2-tf KLMS &. OO., Proprietors. W. B. tfTIXER. GfiO. D ASHIEIaL JOHN H. TATLUB W. F. TATLOB. HHJaKic 197 !llAIi" STREET, Will Accept for Goods er Debt due the cm NOTES AND BONDS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES ! ALSO, At the First .Market Value. Je27 Jaw MILITARY TRIUTJESM Memphis itar .urn cap MaJMEACTOR y. Qflll pieces GOI.9 LACB, assorted sues; ZUU M pieces Gold Cordj, aborted flies! tV) pieces Bld BeltiiiK and Braid; 6m) Bullion s3old Tassels ; 410 vanta Gold Thread Lace ; Black Plumes, White Plumes, Yellow Plumes. Red and Black Plumes J OflJcers' Straps, Staff and YolButeer Bnttons, etc. Military Hats and Caps, trimmed ia tho most approved s'ylee at a few minutes natice. MILLBR DUNN. je!3 o JlalD str act. i JB tDrev ciatioD, ant down.- gar&toarto 1S60. FALL TRADE. I860. ! WHL PARK & CO., (Soecoasors to Eawks, Smith V Oo.,) 'NOS. 304 AND 306 IVIAiN STREET. HAVING now received the greater part of our FALL STOCK, wo are prepared to offer great induce ment to purchasers. Our stock consist in partsf, TINNERS' MATERIALS. Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Zinc, Solderlr.g Iron, Bar Tin, Sbeet Copper, Wire, Speltre, ate., etc. BUILDERS' MATERIALS Locks, Hisges, Sash Pulleys, Latches, Bolts, Window Trimmings,. Together with a full and complete artment of BuiH ero' Fiardwaro. Heavy Hardware. IRON, NAILS, SPIKES, ANVILS, STEEL CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, BELLOWS, With a fall stock of Tools, Agricultural Implements, etc. We would aUo call th attention of levee and railroad contractors to our stosk ot Wheelbarrows, Shovels, Spades, Mattoika, eta. auM WM. PARK & CO. K. GRAHAM. . .8. K. WARD. GRAHAM & WABD. Wholesale and Retail Dealers IK GRATES, BOISE rUMISHIIG GOODS, Tinware, HARDWARE, AND MANUFAC1 URER8 OF TIN, SHEET IKON & COPPER WARE, No. 79 cor. Front Row & Adams st. Will keep a full supply of Castings, Hoes, Shovels, NAILS, AXES, CHAINS. Also, a complete assortment of SHELF HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, ETC. jt Thoas wanting anything In onr Use will Ao well to call and rxamine onr stock and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Ef JOB WOHK ol every description promptly at tended to. ja20 R A HAITI &, WABD. CHARLESTON n03SE 1HMKPlATa.LT opposite depot of tbe Memphis and I Charier-ton Railroad. Pawnger? on the M . fit C. R. R., for the above Houae, will retain their checka, and their baggage, will be oouvjed free of charge. The above house is aew auJ but recently opened. Pare, 91.60 a day. JOHN D. ARMOfTR, at-lO-Sni Proi.r ia-tor. 0.&A.WOODRUFFoSiCO CARRIAGE MANUFA CTlRERS DALRS. No.l?3o Main Street MEMPHIS, TENN. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Coiiipany. lOOO SLAVES Wan ted by Hire or by Purchase. WH will Purchase or Hire, for a term of five years, Five Hundred or a Thousand Slave Laborers, to work on the Southern Padflc Railroad, in Texaa imme diately we t of Shreveport, Louisiana in a region se cure and protected from invasion or molestation during the cvnflKt which sri!1 exist between the two stations of this cunntry. The country tbreugb which CM road payees is entirely healthy, and for the distance of some 400 or 00 miles weat of fdirevpport, it penetrates one of the finer, agricultural countries on the continent of America. This company has? magniflcentlandgrant frem Texas, i. e., 10,240 acres for erery tniln of road the company constructs, for the dista el of eight hundred from Shreveport on the eastern, to El Paso on tho western boundary ot Texas m limes like the preseat. the cjmpan cannot command c.i!. to pay for labor eaaential to tbe rapid de tlopmentoT the company's interest ; but for a term a. years, by hire or by the actual pur chase, thia company will make the most liberal and ad vantageous arrangements with slavft-owners in Ken tucky, kipavonri, Virgiria, Maryland. North Carolina, or elsewhere, for the hire or purchase, with payments in the motU undoubted securities, of 600 or 1000 slaves. FamiHe" entire will be taken either by hire or by pur cha(,p. The company Is enabled to propose lioeral terms, because cf the munidcent land grants by Texas, and its ability to pnrchave the iron ard rolling stock for the eo tire road across Texas, with the construction bonds of the company, at rates almost equal to cash. All the rights ef this company are flxd and vested by the laws of Txas. This company has secured the sympathy, and tbe route on the 33d decree of parallel of latitude has the sanction, of several of tbe most powerful European government among them are Prance, Spain, Portugal Belgium and Switzerland as well as at large capital ista, commercial mea and contractors ot these countries. Tbe late Congress of tha United States passed a bill, at its latt session, donating to this company, through Ari zona, New Mexico and California, some 13,000.000 acres of land, and a losn of thirty-six miMions of dollars, to be repaid in postal and other puMie services. This bill passed the Horjse of Representatives, was amended ia the Senate, and only failed to become a law for the want of time and the startling political events familiar te the nation No company in the wsrld has a larger basis for its successful prosecution, and no company has attracted and secured to its if the approbation of so many Amer ican State and Burop.-an governments promising so much benefit to its stockholders, and to tbe world such stupendous result bringing inevitaMy with its com pletion across this continent, the trade of China, Japan, Anstratla. and the whole Pacific coast distributing the treasures derivable from tbe trade, travel, etc., of each to every city from the Gulf of Mexico to the most northern harbor on onr Atlantic coast giving each its due and natnrat i-bare a COMMERCE which as nfver failed b enrich evrry nation on earth that has ever contreled it in the pa-t , and as it is annually increas ing, it wiU till more enrich those whs shall col trol it in the FTTTtTRE. We want the labor, to progress with the work, for moU unquestionable securities, and for it, the most lib eral arrangements will be made with slave owners giving tbem terms which mu-t, we think, be -m tory without endangering, by ws!tion. emptor ment or terms of contract the safety cf the slaves themselves, or admitting the slightest uncertainty of ultimate pay ment. AH applications wilt be made to Hon V K Steven. mm, FrMdent, KabviUs, Tennessee ; Col. Samuel Tate, President Memphis and Chariest, n Railroad Com pany, Memphis; Cot. J. R McD-mid, Lynchburg, Vs.; or to myself; Memphis. JEPTHA POWLKES, General and Financial Agent of Southern Pacific u.yl l-tf Railroad Cympany of Texas. Oarleton in-Ae' Kailroitti SgHtttaUattOT. SMOKY CHIMNBfS! THE BEST CURfe i s lifillOa'S VeRtilatiag; Chimney Pots, Manttfactnred ont of LBMOX'S PATKNT GKVBNT. THicr withstand the actiun ef weather, and are abso lutely imperiahahie. A large and varied ttock will now be kvpt on hand at my ahep, on tho corner of LINi.KN and CAU8KT atreeH. Ja-3Q-6m H. I.IVON. Tennessee Iron Store! REMOVAL! TITB nnder: ;nel having beB l-nmeJ out on the night of tbe 8th inat., nave reu ved their Imn. tc.. to NO. 49, CORN KR OP PBOOT IQV AND COURT STR3ET, to the bouse recently occupied Mesrr.. Mack-ill. Bro ks Co. A large por;i.n f the Iron stock is nit damaged. On ta: wilOh is damaged by the fl'e, a liberal allow aare will be m;:ie. We intend keeping the ? ock of TKN.VRS3EB IRON' ooainVte. br .hiprnenta from our Rolling MiM, and so licit the ciiritajiu of our former patron, an;! t i-rds my3U-',awlm 171LLMAH BIlafTTI KR3. Planters' Oil Works, MAN?PACTCET OF Col ion See ti Oils, (OrnJe, Refined and Bleached,) Oil. CAKE AND MEAL. First Navy Yard Building. XatXexaaplxlMS, Tonnoi J. R CHUlsriAN. President, J. R. S7PHRR. Secretary, L. V. DIXOX, Treaanrer, W. N. KAK1N, S'Jirmtendent. itirlA iell-ly L0UISViLLE2APER MILL A. V. BUPONT & CO., MASlTACTtJUEBJ or News and Hook PristiDg Papei AND DEALERj ID PAPERS OF ALT. KSDS, Printers' Inks, tt IrTaln St. . Louisville, Ky. d3P-dly J. V9RIESH ABE2S & BRO., Cabinet Makers ft Upholsterers, ARK now prepared to execute rdrs in their line In tie most perfect maniier, and at the shorte. notice. Having furniture cara of the:r own, th7 will receive orders for moving, taking down and setting np Pianos and Furniture of all kinds, on the most rea onable terras. They will also civt attention to laying Carpets, pol ishing &nd varnuhinz Furniture, hanging Curtains and Shadt s, and to tbe exrcutivn of Upholstery in all its va rieties. Orders solicited at the store of Tncraham a; Lees, Hair, street, arI97Min street, at the desk of W. B Miller Co. Ial6-6rn J MIES FENN, NOTARY PUBLIC AND Commissioner for all the States. ALL the varlou.s duties of a NOT ART be execu ted promptly, neatly, and in iegetl form Ne will trtk- the icknow!eii:nieLit of a. rounts, deeds and o'her instruments of writing, for collection or reg istration in tither SUies He will attend to the taking of depositions in Chan cery, anl in all other caset. where MtftSt has been giv en, that they will be taken at his lice Office over Bank of Mem -hi.-, (entrance from Madi ecn street.) where he may be found at all hours of the day from 9 o'clock in the ntorni;g until o o'clock in the evening. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. .i29-1rn MILITARY HATS! M M 4000 GHAT FCB HAis- 4U0O LIGFIT BROWN HATS, 000 BLACK WIDE BRIMS. 3500 BROWS WIDE BalMS, 2'XXt GRAY WIDE BRIMS, IW0 PEARL WIDE BRIMS. GFF-CERS' MILITARY HATS trimmed in any stylo at a few miontes notice. ie-Im Mil l ER & DITNK. aW O T I C E. HAVING aold onr i of Bks. Stationery, etc., Ui Mr H. Wade Co., after thankine; onr frienj and the pnbiic ftaf the very liberal yatronave extended to oa, we Hioet cordially solicit for the new Arm a continu ance of their favors. Hejpectf nlly, G30. HATTTSON h eO. To the Public. As yon perceive, I have purchased the ntock of B-.iks and Stationery of Mesrs. Geo Pattuon At Co. I par pose to conduct the basinets Bftjr the name ami atyie ef H. Wade & Co. Most respectfully do I t.;icit fur tho honse a share of poblic patronage. Ja HBHKT WAPal Hernando Insurance Company, OF MEMPHIS, fefferaoa Street,! Two doors from the Planters' Bank. Capital SSOO,0OO. DIRECTORS: W. B. ROSS, S. n. DCN'SCOMB, S. B. WILLIAMSOV, C. DELOACH, A. C. TBKADWKLL. W. B. ROSS. President. Wm. Hnr.Mrs. Se.-rtarv myis-Iy 1. 0. POWKBS. P. LAWLKSS. Western Boiler Manufactory MANTFA CTURBRS OF FI.CKS, CTMNDRR, TCBU LAR AND i.OCuMOTi V8 BOIL3Rji, Exchange street, in rear of Western Fcnndrry Repairing of every description doue on tho moft fa vorable terms, aa.l at the shortest notice. Prices less, by fifteen per cent , than any other shop in the city. Jl-ly POWERS & LAWLESS. W. J. HOTTLK, LADIES' AN'D ORNTLKMRN'S Boot and Shoe Manufacturer 8 MO, ROE STREET. MEMPHIS, TENN. 9 RepalrlnfcT neatlv tTrnted. NU :4m LOOK 1 8 1 8 0 B 1 ITE 8 E15f J. & M. FLAHERTY, lav oa band and are dally receiving, a large aasort BjoBt of most elegant PIANOS, CARPETS, en crpetutg, etc., At No. 41 Uulon street, And iavlto the p-ibllc to call and examine tholr stock bo forepnrchasina eUewbere sell il'oiice. Ti K30LTED, By the Board of Mayrr and Aldermea of V the city or Memphis, that the Major keep a standing notice in tw- of th. city papar., that no arc.nnt against the city will be paid nnless mad4 : y anthority of th Mayor and Board of AMormen aud approved by tho Mayor. (Rztract from the minntes. B. D.BACOH. Mayor. J. L. KicrtAacsox, Cliv Rexlster. Bfemnhls. AntTTi.t 288 Jim STREET, 2S3 BRINKLEY'S BLOCK. In graham & Lees, HAVR low on hand, and will sell to wholesale boy evs, at extremely LOW PKICB3, V)0 nests Tubs; JOS dosen Bnrkets ; 60 buses Clothes Pins) IM Rolling Pins ; M doaen Wash Boards; 2 TO dozen Brooms ; SO nests Market Ba.-kets ; An a complete stock of Shelf Good. Try as b fore pond yonr money at the NORTH. noIB IjUsttUancfjiiS. 4?, B. OSWEaLela COc BOOTS AND SHOES, XO. 315 OTALI STREET, BSTWBH.V CNIOH AMD MONROB 8T3. O. B. Oiwxli B. r. IaoannAM. YaK beg leave reapectfully to inform our fner.da and VV the pnhiu. :ta we bivenow completed ocr atore. and have received an entire sew atock of Bcot and Shoe. Onr atock constate of a great variety ul LA DIBS', HliSKi' AKD CHILDRBN'S, MBN'S BOTS an:i rorrH3' tine work of onr own maenfactnre, also a good assort ment of heavy .!' for plantation coo. Rspecial attention ia invited to an aM'rtment cf Fr.-Bfih Gol, Imported especially for onr trade, all of which are oflred at very low (spires. JtS Vain street, opposite Speed, Duueb" & Stranao. ap2a Bm a. B oswbll CO. GULLETT'SV Patent Steel Brush COTTON GIN. THKSB (iTS STANDS, for which 1 am the only trarelmK acent in Kortlj Missi.-cippi and Tennea aee, differ frm all others by cmlnninz the osa of a Stael Comb Bruh, with two Bustle Brashes, thereby enbjecti'i-T Cotta to a slight caiding t.--.- without the least injury the staple, and at the same time re moves mush of the dirt, with tLher forlirn iubotancs. Attached is alf" a Duster, in front and nndr the Sawa, wktch adds largely to its capacity for clea sing and im pTorirjj tile sample. It is n.t cr.m plicated or liable to get out of order; can be run with the ordinary power na?d ; giaa very rapidLy, and perforau well in every respect. All orders tr.trtu.ed to me at Qatesviile. Panola ooni-tT, Mi?si-?i!! pi, will receive prompt attention, and farther, wiy par.nai attenticn 1b atUrbiag and starting thn same will be willingly a;d promptly rendered to ail thorie who may &9 lit to tender me tbeir patronage. J. T. WRSTBROOC. ap2-daw4m Bateeville. Miss. JACOB C. WARD RB5PBLTFrTl.LT ASSOgSC former patrons that ho ma; o his m mmW f jnnd at No 19o Main street, oppc.ite the Cis Bnilding, where he i.4 prep the public with anything hu line. Blank r.. :., of every description, with or witnout printed heads. made to order. Ilaviu; one of the moet appr'-ved ruling mochiaes, he is prepared to do any kind of rnlin. Particular atten tion paid to the binding of raisic ard all kinds of peri odicals, either plain or in eitra style. All orders from tho city or cetntry will recel'B prompt attonti.n. JACOB C. WARD, IN Main street, opposite Clay Bnlldiog, 1-1 floor, marSl Memphlk. Teos C. K. HOLST & SON, UJVnER TAKERS, NO. 300 MAIN STREET, AGBXTS POB. MARSHALL'S SOI'TIIEKS METALL0 PEKiHA BURIAL CASKETS. ALSO, FOB Barstow's .Tletallk Bnrlal Caskets KKBP CONSTANTLY on hand all aiioe of FISK Ji CRASH'S CASES. Also, WOOD COTOfS, of every description. Country Undertakers famished with Casket aod Cases at a reasonable slisetmnt. de?2-ly Memphis Steam Bakery, G. DAVIDSON & CO. MANrFACTPRICRS of Crackers of all kinds. Also Xavyor Pilot bread, etc., Second strret, betweeo Adams and Jefferson. WsJ have connected with the above bnaineea, Confec ticnarles and Caket of all ki ads at wholesale or retail. Wiil furnish fam lies or parties and weddings at short notice and at reduced price. Grocery and Millinery STORES. AGRHAT YARIBTT of wall-selected, freh and su perior Groceries and Provisions, flue Wines and superior Lienors, or direct importation, are aiways kept oa hand at the store of JOHN D HARTLEY, cor ner of Linden and DSoU streets. He has Jnst receive? a fresh con si join en t of Ame ' St Louis Ham, for which his establishment is celebrated. Jfoxt the Grocery ealab'ihnient, on DeSot street, ke has 'i-'. opened a atore with an entirely new stock nf Fashionable Millinery, Bonnets, Dry . . Triniminia and every article in that line of business. A competent and experienced lady will attend to all who nay extend their patronage. Ladies are lavued to call and inspect the spring -tvck, which will be found superior aad attractive, and at prices that wit suit the time. JOHN H. HARTLEY, mrS Corner Llcden and Dt-Scto streets. Challenge to the World ! TT7E WILL GIVE 0,1000 CASH for a better remedy W for tbilta and Fever HkBB CRSIfirtTOK'S CHILL KIN or $100 to produce a case of Chills and Fever that the Chill King fails to euro. S. C. CRBiqilTOX at CO., apl3-3m DroitiisU ar.1 Chemists, Hal street. Isyaichburg Hos and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus :J03," K.3. JOHS ROBIN MrPANIRL President. JAS. O. WILLIAMS Treasurer. CB8RD T. WILLS Secretary. r.yacblsiire;, Wa. N'SritBS MBtBtf loss or damage by Fire, Marine and 1 River risks. Also, icmres tae lives of Negroes. Twenty thousand dollars in State Bonds deposited. Ap plications deposited in the Memphis P.wt office, lock box 451, or lert a tbe office or D. C. Trader, sooth eaft corner of Oonrt Square and Second street, will receive prompt attention, myi-tm D. C. TRADBR, Agent. ruin m mi LiUillS 11111 50 000 POt7NDS L8AD AND BUCISHOT, ' H. FITZGERALD at CO , Jell-lm 44 Front row. CHEAP GOODS, A T e. N. CANDEE'3, 225 WUkW STI-KET. T HAVR on hand and am recetvitg a large and well so A. lectod stock of STAPLB ARB D0mR3TlC DRT GtOD3, which I will sell at extremely low prices. O N. CASDII." 50 Bale. O-mabergs for sale by 6. N. ClNDBM. 60 Bales Brown DoBiestic by Q. S. CANDBB. 20 Cases Rlecb'd Domestic by N. CANDR3. All qualities of Negro Plaids Print., etc., by G. BT. CANDEB. A I wish to reduce my tocfc of Fancy Cxls, I will offer them at prices lower thsn the lowe.-t many styles at less than coal. 6. H CASDII. apll-dawgni i. C. ATM.IXSOX, DEALER III Gold. Silver. Bank .Votes and Exchange, BANC BUILDING, NO. 2TI MAIN ST., MBMPH1S, OFFBRS to serve his friends and the public ia the sale of Stocks, Bond, Promissory Note, Time Bills, etc. at14-m OPE!IIMfl OF SPRING AM SIMM FASHIONS, jBk.t 8&3 IVEAin Stroot. MISS PESDtrE, HATING received a large and well selected atock of MII.LINERT SOODS from the Urst iairxTting noises in New Tork and Baltlmoie, Is now prepared to tspn with all the latest atyles. She keepe co' stantly oa fc.od the choicest and band someat asssir'ment ol BONNKT3, HATS, GAPS, DRAB PRESBKS, Rll'.BONS, etc. DRESS MAKING AHenden to in the latest Parisian style. Pattern, re ceived monthly. nrtt mi mmv SraHsportation. C HI. THE Or 'TIME M E M P li I AND LITTLE ROCH RAILROAD. ON an after FBI DAT, JTTWB I. 1881. the Regular Freight and Paasonger Train will leave Memphis at 6 o'clock, A. at., per Cheek's ferry, and arrive al Madison at :30 a. a , aukinf dsBBB eaaaectioB with the dally stage of Hanger, B-(ev ft Co.. ai.d with th lme of aomi-weokly stages of 'he Overlaost Mail Ckm pay, for Taylor's Greek, Port Smith, Hunter's, Benton, Clarendoa, Bockport, Aoorsloen, Hot Springs, Brown-villB, Washington, Atlanta, Arkadelphia, Hickory Plains, Browaatown. Searcy, Camden, Arkansas, Batesvilla, Bost n. Little Bock, Miller, Dardanelle, Clarkville Texas, Tan Buren, San F'snc: , Caiifoml Tim to Little Bock 30 hours. Coaaing east, train leaves Madison at A. St., ar riving at Hopofleld at 2:00 r. m.; making clos con nections with the Memphis and Charleston Rallroa-i Tor all Rartrra, Atlantic aud Northern ciuea. Ticket can Lo obtained at the W.petteM office. jell D. H. PBGRR, Snpenatendent. lemphiHi and Ohio RAILRO A I). l.WPOKTAHIT LwHICft VOLUNTRKRS AND BILITaBT TRAVELING N DCTT will bo transported ever this rea' without payment of fare, npoa presentation ot a special. BEQtHIITION trom the 8vnor. C.n-.-.n I 1 .ng Jffl cera .r Qnarteruasters, otherwise they will be charged fare. Requisitions most specify from and to what station service is to bo pstrforme i, and will on! I he sold in on dirocliop. If a etnrn paasaga Is Bceaeary. another Requislti.n will b required. Thrse B ajataMtagM will in all cases be taken up bv the conductors Military on furlough and without Peojuisitjou, will be transported at half tbe regt:ar fare by pur chasing a ticket froto the atation agent and pre, i.iing said ticket anil furlough t- coi.duct.r the con4actr taking op the ticket aad returniBg the furlough to tho holder BENTLKT l HAnBLL, Chief Bngineer aad Men'I Srp-rin endent. JeB-lm Memp.'us an.: BJBM Railroad. M SSIfcSIPPI & TENNESSEE I wy aj b 'j y aj jwt tj , w u RAILROAD. LvtenMoa of Line and Redncti.i f Fare. 0 N AND AFTER MONDAT, JUNE 3. 1861, train miles of Station i R Htiriiil, General flipennt .r.dnt. Jei-lm MEMPBI8 AND MJU1 M Lt AND Memphis and Nashville RAILROAD L1JNE, COMPOSED OF THE Memphis and Ohio . E. AND ITS CONNECTIONS VIA CLAHK8VILLE. ON AND A FT SB SCNDAT, April SStb, ML train will run by Louisville time, which U twenty min utes raster than Memphis time, a. . ' ws GOI.NG BAST AND XORTH. PAST EXPRESS loaves Memphis MtP, Sun tsys B ceptasj. at 5 a. m., and snly .top at prmcip.l statloaa. NIGHT BXPRBSS leaves Memphis daily at 4 r. m., and stops at all stations. BRTTRNING. NIGHT EXPBEoS arrives at Memphis dairy 9.30 A. 2t. FAST BXPRR5S arrive at Memphis iir'y, Sudays excepted, at 9 r. M. THE TIME BT THIS GREAT THROUGH LINE IS To JTashvilU, 4 hours and 4i minutes. To Louisville, 10 hentrs and IO minutes. To -rear Fork, 9 hours and S minutes. LESS TBAJ. AST OTHEi? 0IJTE. T1M PROM MBVvn3 H Bg. ToHumbolilt 3.SO ' Cairo. I0r31 Chicago aaaaa CUrtsTllI 11.08 Nashvillo 1409 LaulsvUla Cinclnaati i5 10 New Terk. Mr 30 By this favorite line 9sager have tha be.i and most direct route to ALL IMPORTANT POINTS East, North and Northwest. BMOCING CABS on day train. LOCAL TICK BTS at a reduction ol 26 per cet. from the regular price trraj he obtained at tbe iicaei tnnce. "0 NB'rBORS allowMlon tbe trains wi.Mtr a , W pTrmit, signed by the owner, blanks fm voich may be obtained by application to th Ticket Offlc.a ot th com pany. For further Information, ana for tickets. p'v to L. S. BNOWLTON, Agent, 14 Jeffera. street, .poeite tho Commercial Hotel, or at the dpoi ol 'lie oas .oy BBNTUTT L ..- Chief Ingmeer and General Sot r r ' f r..:en M. P. WHSRLBB, General Ticket Agent. ap3t MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSt c Jjfe. BaWa?a! RAILROAD. CHANGE OF TITIE. 0 N AND APT BR TTBSr T. ARCH a. i-i. train will run dally (Sund .j eiceptrd; as foliowat MAIL IBAINb. LEAVE Ll, ATS Garaer at.. .:15a M Memphis at. ttBO F "a l ! Horn Lake at....J g s yt a fi I Hernando at grig e Oaklansl a Pope's at Panola at Sardis at- Oomo at. Senatobia at.... Uoldwater ri Hernaado at.... Born Lake at.... it-'oiuwater at 1 tin: 8:17 A Seoatobl. at 4r01 s as Cbmoat 4;J r M Sardis at 4:43 r ag Panola at. S:10 r H Pope's at. 6 33 t 3g Oakland at 310 p as ABBIVC AT Garner at 4:M p g .8:34 a ft .87 a M jeta a m A M 10: 30 a m AAAIVE AT Memphis at. 11:00 a m FBRIGHT AKD ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Will leave ana arrive as follows : LEA -it AJUUVB AT Memphis at 7:10 a at Garner at 4r00 p u ON MONDAT3, WRDNSSDATS ANB PSiaATS. LBATE ABBIVC AT , Garner at 618 a ac Memphis at 4:40 p yt j ON TCESDAT0, THrBSDATS AND 8ATC BAX3 Train arriving at Memphis conaect with the Me,-.h:a aad Char!eatn and. the Memphis and Ohio Railr-jja for the North and Bast. Train arriving at Gamer station there connect wit a daily lme of mail coaches, which leave on arrival of the mall train for Grenada, and New Or'ear.s via Mi aisippi Central Railroad. Granada tickets are sold by L. 3. Km. when at Bbjimjb as Worsham houses. a. Hi'Mii,. (general Superintendent. mr3 T. A. Cromwell, Samuel a. Tatlob. . .Lata of LaGranze, Team. Memphis. HClS, CROMWELL & TAILOR, (Snccessors to G. F. Hall tV Oo.,) Produce and Commission Merchants, NO. 95 FRONT ROW, MBMPHIS, TBNH. TTTHOLBSALB Dealers in Hay, C-rain, Floor) LiS1i VV Cemeat, Plaster etc. liberal cash advances made oa ccneignm en -promptly attended to apls-3m Mways on Hana A il rBHIDK ana wen assorted stock ol I J H AT AN A CIGARS, eapressly selected tali trad. Also, suiorior 'INS y ro- Vlrgiiia iifwiHsr Tcbacco, Warranted to be equal to any brooght bare ; aad BAGLEY'8 BEST FIXE CUT TOBACCO, The agency of which I have for this city. Fersou can rely upon getting a real good article at my store, as I sell none bit warranted goods. Aug. A. Clausen, Tobaconiat, aaa maim strkbt, mrl Comer of Madison. NEW BYEING ESTABLISHMENT. -tlEVSRS. MATTHEWS e Rm, LATB cf the school of the great end celebrated Chem ical Dysrs and Scourers, Cook Ji Matthews, of St. Louis, have been induced W open cb establishment for carrying on the above business In all its braBchea. Kvery description of gentlemen's Coats, Test and Pants are dyed, cleansed and reertored-t their oi lBal perreo tioB. They certainly do remove every spot of greas paint, wax and tar, together with aH other ble-nishe and impurities to which soch garmenU are ilaMe, and w.rrant me spots not to reapps-ar. their aarnrpies of Coat dxeasivg. If t ara:n ail to pleas you. no otarg will bo made Their office s on J ajreei, bbbbbbsbj main and trout Row mrtr.-ly MtTTVTBWT. A nrNT. NEW TORK KEKO!SEiE OIL CO At Frit es to CAMta. tke naketl Kerosene Ilinminatins; Oil, , Parafflne Illvimlnatlna; OilJ' Petrol,--urn ll:Maninatlr? ofr, 3f r.cliiaery oils. D EPOT , JtVP, UdiBB. Ba-.g-l, J Ha