Newspaper Page Text
J ; i THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL- SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1861. icrsi JBattm. HlurJaf naming, : : : July 6, 1S61. 0 e--l a,u Street, Cor. Front Alley. TRAVELBS (;i lD. AMD tMiRLESTOJI RAILROAD. AkBIVE. ..!:fto p. M... .12.61 A. M... ..9:16 A. H... DEPART. ,.:IU A. M. ..6 as r. tt ..4.-00 P. M Ma Acc XOIfHIS AXDOHIO RAILROAD. DEPART. .8:00 a. M. ..IrBO P. If. ist Ir,Mk All E'-prcie. .8-4 A. M .MOr. M MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. A&UIVE. IEPABT. M-:: Freight Alt'. - '-m.i:h.n .lft-as a. m S oo p. . 1:10 P. M 8:4 A. M. ME'lrHi AXD LITTLE ROCR RAILROAD. days .xcepi. Beets a: Mi Or ' U Francisco, ma; Cart Atkan- a : leave. Fr-ry Lmdlng daily (Sna :0U a. at. Arrives at 2 P.M. Gon with Arkansas State Company aod rhsst.! I Pari Sueuh, Saa nu;llt Springs; Washington, Arkaa- , Texi.9. and all rr-ncipal points in ras. Tickets sold by L. S. Kaowltou, No. s .'o(i.-rsan eet LIST 4F LETTERS. Tte list of uncalled for letters in the Mera-phi- pot' office will be founi on ibe fourth page of this morning's paper. $g"Rr.v. A. W. Cbsmbless will preach at Camp Pillow, 'o Col. Hindman'g legion, near For' r' ck. :i: ;-, oa next Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. H. Impiety For disturbin"; divine worship in the Bipiist chur.h. on Beat street, Thursday tjM, Iain McGraw was yesterday fined ten dollars by tne reccrder. GPKcv. A. L. Chamblu will preach !o the acldiers of Col. Hmdman's rasituf 0c-marrow mortiitii:, at ;bir carap below this ciiy. Tbe Rev. P. H. Thompson w.ll preach In the afternoon. Db w.ned Soldier. Oa Tuesday a soldier In frr.y dress, witb red waiatbai.ili and siripes, bavir a cartridge box and b nonet sheath, was found floating in the water at Mound City and burled there. Nw Books. I leaves &. Vaden have re ceived and have for sale Hardee's Revieed Tactic"; a Treatise on Advanced Guardf, and Detachment Service of Troops, by D H. Mshsn, Esq. These are valuable military manuals. Tir. Recofdeb -The new recorder, S. A. Mori', Eq., was Eworn In yesterday, aid en- tera on the regular uncharge of hi duties this I moicing. He has appointed Mr. S. C. Toof his cletk, a moat excellent Sfl'C ion Criminal Cojbt. In tbe case of Belle Harris, tl: jury had not agreed last evening. In the care :f F. Sa:u'hie, charged with ob tain, r.g money on false pretences, the jury 1 were cut considering their verdict, Thx 8i-DitVs Mcrder. The two men (James Bar' on and Char! Phillips,) charsed with luotrr.E Cwn McCarty, of Capt. Jack toe's artillery, were ep b;fore Judge Swane yesterday, when their trials were set for next Monday week. The two are ironed together. Attention Fbed. Nelson Guards. Tbe rfficers si d members cf this compsny are here by req'ie ted to meet at their armory tbis, Sat urday evening at 8 o'clock. A full a d punctual attendance is required. AH persons wishing to join this company wiil please report them elve ; t s:i e"!v ' our. ScsrrN'ioN or the Public Schools The city cruncil yesterday pissed an ordinance looking to 'he suspension of the puMic schools, and appointed a committee to confer witb the school h.r.o.'B on ths subject ot suspension Tbe proceed will be found In council repcrt. State I tcislaicbe Our frier.d and fel lcw.ri iien jotn Martin, si will be seen frcm an an -rceE;rit in cur advertising columns, is before the vrople as a candidate for the State i-iielature. Mr. Martin will biing to tte service t f the S au. if eleeted, a wide ex-po-irtce and a fund of prsc'ical itfoima'.ion. tjrsvrr K oht. Pco:der Moore has no sympathy witb wife whippere. He yesterday Sent .' :;fj to the chain ring a Lun- dreddcsf r whipping his wife. The brute whipped bsr when tncrintt. She afterward uffeiid from r.iscarriage. A week from that time the wretdt whipped her again. She ii a mild, qu.rt, Dtfit looking woman. New Oiltani Packet. The beautiful ateRmooit Lcmutiilt has become a regalar Men-ph f a- i Orleans weekly packet, he leaves every Saturday on the arrival of tfr one o'c!o: k trattaS, commencing to-dsy. Her commander is the veteran Captain Combs, J. W. Mai.cturt Esq., e gentlemm of high qualifications is Ibe clerk. The enterprize deserves the ececuragemertt of business men. Ablitiow Financieb;-.-';. Mr. Chase, Lincolt.' st-retsry of the treasury, has o der ed tbe tub-treasurer at New York not to pay the July tb'ereet on the Texas indemnity loan cf 185S. As these bonds are held by northern and Etitopeeu capitalists, a rtro: g appeal has been mad? hy 'he farmer to induce Mr. Chase to reveise his decision. The New York Timtt rioin'ediy telle Mr. Chase that tie refusal to psy U f ;nUTet " must 11 flict greater damage to the government credit than teufold the sum IlvoIvkI v. cult make good " Ao Mr. Chase will focn be in the market to borrow, be may orrj-r the interest paid, especially as a refusal wili resuit in no inconvenience to the people of Trs. g5? it is thought that Emerson Etheridge Las, uawittiLgiy, rendered a signal service to Tennessee one that was the farthest from his intention from bis recent traitorous proceed -lrgs. We have heard it intimated that our immunity from attack by tte Abolition forces ia owing t. the fact tha on bis passage North, when he wai feastc and feted by our enemies, te gave tbi-m such inlormation as to our pre parations for defense as to have frightened ttrm from their project tf taking Memphis, at preteii-. H.s treachery baa inured te afford ui time enough to complete cur arrangements and now o:;r gallanr men will receive those who Uave ao vaunlinjly threatened us with the greatest id:u ical courtesy 1 CITY OFFICERS. Tte folic v. 11 1 hit of ibe city officers it will be well to cut out and ketp fcr reference. elected by the peopls. JMavor.-Jchn Paik. If ecorder. A.Moore. Tcz l ollectrr.J. H. Colttctor of Privilege: Knweu. -f JohnNewsom. B Karfnailer.-Tobias Chf 0f Police.-BG. Woi. 1 Garrett. APPOINTED by cosncil. Rigi,l.-h. R. K.ct- Engineer. J. H. Hum- uie pbrles. CcntrviUr. W .0. Lof-5trei CommuHontr JgI c A. M. Thomas. Trtaturtr. II- R- PUS j lptclor. A. C. Kir ,lorev.-S F. BU. wan. . mtmmm of Coeti. 1 W . H.' POLICI r,.l Da. Hsyne J.llsserf. Day. J. T. C. N. arii' Johnson X. i 1 " Lieut. Night. KobinsOn. Cait Atfif n " . 'Aucker. STATION HOCsE KEEPER. Day. II. B. S. Olin.' I Sight. G. W. Coae. MABKFi MASTERS. Xorth.-B. H. Capps.iSoittA-H.Kirkland. EOABD OF ALDERMEN. rf,ft nW.-T.gL. Fifth Ward.- Kirby, rr.,t Creenlaw. mZZ HW-Mor Sixth Hard.-Towns- S I ocbran I eD, Farmer. Ld Word. AmuyStvntk IforJ.-Rob- - -,rtiou. 1,1,011 p'"r":k- r y uvre.-Mer- Eighth ard.-Vollin- vre.:. I tine, Gailor. i nil, V ftloTbEM. The regular meeting itXTUEB will take place on "Saturday of ite ptciety t S o'clock. The change BJCIkljgg, tt. fiU, . scmbeis belonging to the " 'le to . - .. . . -. tl .. . .. . IT .1. -c 1. ( I i.uc ISW the 11 if on Monday. The etat mcetti. . to attend, it te- of safer tleir week m course to U . -ouegted to be Aii manages arc n By order tf tn preside. AfAar E. Pope, I ft aw I Si COUNCIL MEETING Council met at r.ine o'clock yesterday morrdne, tbe president, Dr. Mfrrill, in the chair. Present : Grant, Cochran, Morgan, Amis, Merrill, Farmer, Robinson, Patrick, Vollintine, Tighe, Kortrecht, Kirby, Greenlaw, Gailor, Townsend. Absent : Du pree. The chairman announced the appointment of eleven standi! committees, as fallows : Improtemknts. Kortrfcht, Morgan, Du pre, Towcsi ud, Grant, Greenlaw, Robi -son. Voltectine. Accockts. Patrick, Tighe, Farmer, Mor gan, Townsend. Finavcbs. Robinson, Cochran, Kortrecht, Kirby, Amis. Ordinances Morgan, Farmer, Duprec. Policp.. Townsend, Dujiree, Grant, Coch ran, Gailor. Landings. Cochran, Patrick, Tighe, Gai lor, Robinson. Pbison. T he, G.iilor, Greenlaw. Fibe Department. Voller.tiue, Amis, Greenlaw. Phinting Gailor, Patrick, Kortrecht. M abklts. Kirby, Amis, Grant. Navy Yabp Farmer, Vollentine. Klrbv. The ru'fs a: d by-laws in force ir the Jaet 1 i board were adopted for the present. The monthly and annual rtp?rts of the city officers were read. A cumber cf accounts lyir.g cvr from the old beard were referred to the committee on accoun's. Aid. Kortrecht, from 'he special committee, reported an ordinance fixior a tax of or e per cent, for general corporation purposes; of half of one per cent, tor the payment rf inter- I eat on bond indebtedness ; of one-eighth of ! one per cent, for school purposes : making a total of $1 Gji on each $100 of city prop erty. The ordinance was read a first time. On the second rea-iing Aid. Kirby moved to post- ponc the imposition cf a tax for school pur poses and to suspend the schools. Aid Gailor was opposed to the motion ; the schools bad bo been long in existence and they had done incalculable good ; to be-rn re trenchment by suspending the schools, would be a measure not commendable ic the beard. Aid. Greenlaw said tbechoeIs must be sus pended during ibe war; the city could not af ford the expense. Aid. Townsend supported themotior. cf Aid. Kirby. Aid. Morgan said the power to sus pend the schools did sot lie in council. Aid m,m, .aill the t.x couH rot fce af,.eMed by tbe board until tbe census of the scholastic population bad been taken; h was sure there ws nothing like the number of children in the city there wag sometime ago. Ald.Voilenune was in favor of re're:.chmnt, but ' the suspension recommended was a slow mode of tntlrely killip.g t ft" the schonle. The schools ought to be fostered and protected. He be lieved they wanted reforming, but that was not the busiBeis of council. The charter made it imperative on council to levy tbe tax, and without delay. Tee riaing generation were deeply indebted to the common schools. H sent his own children to these schools, and was satisfied witb tbe progress thev had made. Aid. Morgan rose to protest against an as sumption of pawer on the part of council to auspend the schools, even for a single week. The board must perform the duty prescribed by the charter; members had better break up tbe city government and go home than violate the law. Aid. Robinaon denied that tfesta was a design to suspend the schools. He asked if tbe board was afraid? Aid. Kortrecht was in favor of levying the tax; he thought Aid. Robinson ent;re'y mistook the case. The board of schorl visitors is an independent corporation, and council cannot control it. Tbe visitors in their estimate bad shown a dis position to economise they had reduced the estimates to a greater extent thin any redu:- tion that had taken place in the umber of children. To suspend would be to eit bsrrass the school authorities just when they should Rion at Mcund City, take this method of ac engage teachers and rent school-houseg. He j knowledging and returning their thanks to was In favor of keeping the schools in opera- Capt E. Cheek and his kind lady lor the polite tion. Aid. Gailor tbsiisht economy a good. and. unremitting attention extended to the court Uiicg; but ejsp'ndiDg the schools and sending during their Bession. Such disinteres ed kind two tbsussnd brvs and girla running idle ness will be long remembered and gratefully through the etreets, was bad economy. The motion to strike out the school car was adopted by the following vote: Ayes Grant, Cocbran, KirVy, Greenlaw, TownBend, Far mer, Robinson, ai i Patrick 8. Noes Tighe, Morgan, Koitreclt, Merrill, Vollt-n'.ioe, and Gailor 6. The ordinance, as amended, was then adopted. Aid. Morgan offered an ordinance fixing ibe salsiies of omen of the city as follows, whl:h rwjf.wrT trrmtnAWr, V-'Ci-KV; reg'Vitr, $2WXI; attorney, 1000; engineer (without as aistaot), $2500; street commissioner (without assistant), $100; secretary of the beard, $1000; treasurer, $250; market-masters, per month, $40; inspector, total fees of his office; captain of day police, per month, $70; captain night police, per month, $75; leiutenant day ponce, aw; neu'enant cignt police, $"5; pri- generally in ttie rooms or tbe "Southern Motri vateg day police, $50. privates night police, "" fj8s b"n $atii. In reply we must Tt m . lit. i B,7. that in response to the urgent request $55. The committee recommended the sus- . raade by yr.u ' pt,v.iriani ,nJ miny ? the pension of the offices cf assistant engineer, as- lady managers, we have almost every'day as sistant street commissioner, assistant chief of : "ia'-ed you in the medical treatment of the pa police, and secretary and lieutenants of day !itnt,'8d b,ve,tljuV b,a1 fl'" opportunity to ,j . . , ,. . . , , , , know not only the skill and success of their and cght police, which wag aUo adopted. , medicli treatment, but the unexampled kind Aid. Fsimer moved to apsoint a coaaiittee ness, attention and success of the ladies in to confer with the school visitors, on tbe sua- "upp'ying everything necessary in their rooms pension of the schools. A,irpted. Messrs. totSYT! ""f! .f.'b.e r ,, 1 .. Vve feel that we wouU rl rn doing justice larmer, .Morgan and Tonen me the com- to yn. mJ tbe ladies connected with the mittee. Hoduiem Mothers' association, if we did not Aid. Morgan moved to have screens put to 1 a'd' ."?'. we have never SPen ny institution rf ... . . . . . . i of tb cou"cl1 chamber. Adopted. windo Aid. Morgan moved the appointment of a committee to furniih the council chamber. Adopted. Messrs. Morgan, Robinson and Townsead the committee. On motion of Aid. Vollentlne, Mesirg. Vol leatine, Grenlaw and Grant were appointed a committee to examine the bends of cfneers. The mayor being called upon to make his nominations, nominated For Register L. R. Richards, who held the office last year. Elected on first ballot. Two votes were cait for Lawrence. For Controller W. O. Loflsnd, whoheld the office last year. Elected unanimously. For City Treasurer H. R. Pugb, who held tbe office last year. Elected on the second ballot ; votes were cast for Fisher, Park-r and Penn. For City Attorney S. P. Bankhead, who held the office last year. Elected on first bal lot ; one vote was cast for Beard, 10 for Bank head, noes 3. For Engineer J. H Humphries, whoheld toe office a year er two ago. Elected unani mously. Street Commissioner S. M. Thomas. Elect ed unanimcualy ; he held the office last year. Inspector T. B. Folger, list ; ayes 4, nays 11. A. C. Kirwan, who held the office last year was then nominated elected; ayes 11, nays 4. Captain of Day Police H. S. Klinck. Elected; ayes 10, nays 4. Lieutenant of Day Police J. T. Johnson. Elected; ayea 11, nays 4. Captain of Nisht Police R. G. Tucker. Elected unanimously. First Lieutenant of Night Pelice C. N. Robii.ion. E'ectr.,; ayes 13, nays 2. Station Houee. Keeper H. B. S. Olin. Eleeted unanimously. Lamplighter John Smcot. Elected. Secretary of the Board W. H. Bridgee, who held tbe the office last year. Elected; ayes 13, nays 2. Market Masters Noith market, B. H. Capps. Elected; ayes if, nays 4. South market, Hy Kirtland. Elected;ayes 12,nays3. Night Station House Keeper G. W. Cons. Elected; ayes 14, nays 1. Assessor G. W. Lincoln. Elected on ie ond ballot. Clerk of Assessor R. O. Gibson. Elected Aid. Rabinson moved to refer the subject of the city printir g to tbe committee cn printing, to whoa proposals shall be. referred, none of them to be opened until all are received. Adopted. 5 Aid. Robinson moved tj allow the late board their salaries, at the rate of. $250 for ths year. Adopted. Aid. Kortrecht moved to add to Aid. Rob inson's reaplu'ion on printing, that the com mittee consider whether any change of tbe present ordinance be desirable, and what. Adopted. Some resolutions to drain ponds, etc., were adopted. Aid. Morgan movfd that the regular meet ings cf the board be held on the first and third Tuesdays cf every inon b. Adop'td. Adjouraed to meet on Tuesday next. jy We were much gtatified yesterday to meet our old and particular friend Judge Ccshman, late minister to the Argentine Confederation. TO THE PATH OTIC CITIZENS PHIS. OF JIE'I Memphis, July 5, I8SL hava a picked company of rfl'men now at Cnion City, numbering ninety men, well drill ed, who have been without arms for one month. The company Is composed of young men, (cot a married msa b-ine in the compa ny,) sons of fanners back wood men, who have been chosen for their expntness with thp Ml', wun rue promise mat riii-n houiu ur furn;shed us. Contrary to expectation, it is . -. - . i , I 1 L almost impossible to give us Uie rifle, and having learneJ that there are enough, and more than enough of rifles, ( M :vcard and Er.field) now in this city, belonuinir to private individ uals and to home companies, to arm this com pany, for the sake of the cause in which we are engased, I appeal to those owning rifles to u bave tbm at once for active service, I tm authorized by Gener 1 Pillow to say, that the State will ply a fair and reasonable price to those owning the r.fles, who will now step forward and give ttiem to the use of the State. Col. W. R Hunt will negoti:e with all who may respond to the call. H. C. Kino, Captain. A CARD Memphis, J.ily 5, 1861. Editors Aptsal : The piblic and private solicitations recently made that I become a cand date for delegate to the Confederate Con gress, d'mscd 8t) explicit reply. The position to which my aspirations have been invited is eminently honorable, nod under ordinary circumstances, might well be sought. But there are already an uuus ially large num ber of candidates for that office. Their friends will doubtless espouse their interests with a natural warmth, and the harmony cf our peo ple He jeoparded by the canvass. While our armies are braving death upon the field to pre serve cur liberties, It is an obvious duty of pa'rlotism to suppress dissensions at bom united and harmonious oeir success is assured. I cannot, therefore, add to the present compli cations by becoming a candidate for Cor.ress. Dm compliment paid me by those who have thought me worthy of that distinguished posi tion, is fully appreciated, and I here return as surances of my gratitude. Respectfully, En. V. MuhroaD. THE WHEAT TRADE. Memphis, July t, 1861. Wi'h the view of facilitating the transac tion of business, and for tbe ma ns! benefit of wheat buyers and wheat sellers, we, the under signed, owners and lessees of thevsrious flour ing milU of tbe city, are desirous of making all psirehaBes of wheat at tbe Merchants' Ex change, and in furtherance of this object, hereby request merchants in the city, having this article for sale, to met us there with their samples, on and after Monday, the 8th instant, during the regulor 'charge hours 11 and 12, A. m. Elliott & Co., Center Mills; W m. Wai ar.R k Co., Eagle Mills; Kirwin & Tcbian, Navy Mills; W. F. Greene 4. Co., Chetses Mills; 3t Goteb & Neelt, Bluff City Mills. A CARD. The undersigned, members of the general court martial which has been h9ldinging ses- appreciated. Brig. Gen. N. Borrow, lm Gen. T. S. James, Col. C. W. Richabdson, Col. C. W. Beard, Col. J. B. Bopbue, Col. D. C. Cboss, Judge Advocate. CORRESPONDENCE. Dr.. Stanis, UoMiday, Eritine and Irio: Dear Sibs: As yo:i have viaited the pa'tents under my charge at the rooms rf the "Suthern Mothers,"' I would request you to give your opinions in regard to the medical treatment and management of the patients generally. R-spcctfullv ynura. etc., G. W. Currey, M. D. Memphis, July 4, 1861. Dr. a. W. Currey : Dear Sir: Your note of this morning, re- nrpihne nor " i,.n in rA ' r. .... '.st treatment and management of the patients tne Kind, gotten up hastily, do so we and mhif,td witb ag mcb ttteer't!l and u8.,ub,I3. The institution has our cordial annroval. and shall have, as far as tbe ladies and you may desire it, our cheerful asaiitance and co operation. With high respect, Yeur cb't aerv'ts, Shanks A. Holladat. MeMrms, July 4, 161. Db. G. W. C'jbrt Dear Sir: I have re ceived your rote, and it gives me pleasure to state that while visiting the sick under vour charge, some days since, I examined carefully some cf the worst ca?es, and fully concurred in the diagnosis you had made, as well aa tbe treatment generally, finding any saggestions on my part almost entirely unnecessary. There were several very critical cases at the hospital at tbe time, snd manv who bore evidert marks of having passed threugh a severe ordeal. The measure of a man's professional abilities is always es imated, and, in the long run, cor rectly, by the meaenreof his success By this criterion, you have ample cause for self-gratification. Three per cen'. mortality is a low average in the beal'hiest communities, lnclu- ding the well as well as the girk. The ratio of mortality in hospitals is, of course, nrnch greater, scarcely ever legs tain eleven per cent., ai d oftener much greater. Taking then into consideration, that with a hundred and six patients, accordiug to last report, but two of them have died, and one of tbem from ac ciden. I think t;ie "Lady Patroness of the institution," the public, who always interes s itself in such ruaUrrs. and more particularly the patients themselves, who hnve been bene fited thereby, should be fuily sa'Ufied with its management. , Wishing you a continuance of thelikeauc cess and prosperity to an institution so credit able to the humanity ami benevolence of all concerned in its management, I am, Veiy truly yours, W. T. Irwin. Memphis, July 4, 1861. G. W. CcrrT, M. d : Dear Sir : In compliance with your request, I take pleasure in stating that I have on more than one occasion expressed to others my ap proval of the general medical treatment and management of the patients under your care at the rooms of tbo "Sou'hern Mothers " Per mit me, sir, te reiterate it to you, at the same time tbat king you for the uniform courtesy you have extended me upon my visits to tbe rooms. Very reepectfullv, yours, etc., A. Ebskine, M. D. tUVKK AND STEAMBOAT MATTF.KS. Tbe liver is rising, and is three fset higher than it was three dajs tgo The weather yesterday was fine and pleasant The splendid boat Louisville (Capt. Combs, one of our most experienced river men, and the clever J. W. Maincourt in. the office,) leaves at 10 o'clock to-day for -New Orleans; she will make regular weekly trips, leaving at tbe same time every Satutday the arrival of the one o'clock trains The Victoria, from Vicks- buig, brought iu f 8 bales of ctto:i, and 675 baga of cotton seed. She returns to-day, and those who put themselvea in the. care of Capt. Moody, and Hues, the accommodating cleik. will enjoy an agreeable trip The Ken tucky arrived from Columbus with 1000 sacks of corn, 604 sacks of wheat, and 8 hogsheads of tobacco. Ski returns in the evening. Boats Leaving. Fob Vicxsburo Tbe fa.-t and splendid boat Victo ria leayes iuf above tbn evening al 4 o'clock. Jerry Q Ha: ki and J. C McManoa, asenta. Fob New Orleans The i-plf ndid passenger packet Lciwvllle, Comb, master, will leave for New Orleans and all nav landings tbis afternoon, at I o'clock. J. D Morton J. Co , and Elliott It Vinson, agent. f atcst lUius to &f Ifgraf jr. gy M. W. Barr, of Louisville, Ky., a the special and recognized agent of the New Or leans Associated Press at that point Tbe telegraph company has no acency whatever in the preparation of stfch reports, nor is it responsible in any manner for the character or truth of the news. fczT Fcr war news by telegraph, see second paje. New Orleans, July 5. A whole block of small frame dwellings were burring tnis morn ing on Toledano street. Loss, $35,000. Washington, July 5 Senate. A bill was introduced confiscating the property of civil and military officers above the rank of lieu' en ant,di?qualifying them from holding any office of honor or profit; all traitora' property to be applied to the restoration of the Union. The resigning clerk was Joseph Nicholson, not Asbury Dickens. Fort Monroe, July 5 A flag of truce, bearing the British consul, who wished official ly to visit Baltimore, Commodore Stnngham, of the blockading fleet, refused to recognize. Indianopolis, July 5. The 14th regiment and a company of cavalry have arrived here, armed with Sharp's rrbine.i and revolvers. They leave to-dav for Virginia. Washington, July 5 Gen Patterson is reported as having reached Martiosburg yes- erday the confederates retiring as he ad vances. The confederate loss a1 the river was sixty killed, eight miles from the river. Tbe confederates are In position for a rs newal of the fight. Mallory.of Kentucky, nominated Etheiidge. Comirutml crs. DAII.TBIPOUT OF THE PI AH. it ET ri7E!IIHED TROM THE MEBCH AS T' EXCn 1 USE Memphis. Jn'y. 6 UN, COTTOK Koth'ng aiing. lWtipts S3 balea. Mid JiiBt, nominal'y 7 He T(1BCCO No aa'es reported. Market Arm at for mer a'leta'.ions. WBItAT Receirts more eaneral. and market actiTg and Arm a, nncbanred p iras. Sales reported of SOO kae., in tkree lots, at $1 .23, and JOS ba at $l.i5 "J gajgktt. FLOm Th market Is quiet, with amp ato. ks aad a limited d mu d. Sales f br s at A7.75. and 145 bags new at $4 25. C ,)kK The markat coBtinues dell and spiritless' with large receipts and storks, and little or no demand save from the local trade. Wa hear of only limited aales at a basis of SOfcaVJc for yellow, mixed and white frcm levee. OATS ASV n AT Operations cot in-d eiclnjively te the retail trade, a4. (3S j tan for hay, and SScfl basket fer oats. BACOS A sl.rttly improved d"m ml withoit change in price. Sales reported of 23 ti t', at 13c for shoulder-. 16c for ribbed sides, 17.- for clesr sides, and 17c for limn. U K3 PORat 42 Ml soli at $27. wni'KT In good deaiand and firm, wit! sales of 40 and 12 hrls at4Rc,and 11 at 21 He Et'aAR Sales of 10 brie at 8, three at 6, 3 at 5 Si, S at 6, 3 t SH and two at le. COFFKS 6tl bags told at &0Ut . 12 at -25 aid 14 at Mr-I.A.SSKS Sales of 20 brls and 25 half brls at $1.23 and 13 an at 33c. BASOISG AKD ROrB Kentucky -I!ing 19i20c end India at nlfc. Machine rope is arm at 12 Kc HICS Sales 10 tc's at 4 He. COKN MEAI-Sales of 120 bast at S5&9: bashel. New Orleans Mnrket hy Telegrnph. N'nw Orlsars, Jnly 5. Cntt .n 3a!ea or the week, 9 balea . receipts 243. against I50i same lest year. Decrease SSl SOl bales ; at all ports 838 80S balea. Stock, SO 0 balea. CoBe Week's sales, 290 bJEs at iSi$:o' Sleek, 5,100 bagu, against 11.420 aae periwl last year. OKITI ARY. Eied, on the SJtfc of Jnce, 1831, Walter LeNeib, beloved see of L O and M. L Gallavciy, aged twenty two m riths and twelve days. Tkas w have seen the mysterione, the incomprehea t r plan ef bin), whom, it is laid, " doeth all things well and in good time," sweep from their heme and fond embrace the loveliest and most promising little b"T that ever nestled upon a mother's bo-om ! Darling, smeet Walter pledge of conjugal affection, thy soft, winning smiles .hall never again light tip an adniirlss fattier' countenanc i ; thy gentle, lisping accents never more thrill with delight a doting mother's heart. Kz qnisite flower, wuose match!?" charms yet half dis closed, whoee grateful odars yet half diffused, too aeo were clipp-d from thy parent stalk. Yet enffei lot this blow, fond father, to pierce too deeply thy mounded heart. Others have claims, yet a father, yet a husband, sacred duties remain upon you. A cheerfal heatt, a buoyant spir.t, cja at yon for those ta-ks. Toer life is iheckered Walter's will never be in his proiressive career. And yi;n. pr weeping, dis consolate metber, permit cot these terrible laceration I to break entirely y iur heart. Fond mother, every as sociation of yeur little boy octht ta biing comfort and resignation. His inanliLess, bis intelligence and affec tionate devotioa, hia tenderness ef heart, in a word, tie beauty and sweetness of person sieuM make you willing to res gn him te the society of ' the aagels; and yuu must live to cheer and comfort yeur kustand, and to narture end train and love ft ur re -maiciog boy. Ton cannit reeall the ;t one. and it la beet you sh aid not. Remember yonr own life pleas ire predominates largely, bit trouble has left ite icata ings. From these your at.jel kibe B set free. Courting retirement, yon recall the UyxtAp sawtarea of little Walter, to ftze. i4-ntr; asd weep. Ton rn niLnaAe" ne pleasing scenes and incidents as he prat tled at your feet. Too remember the c-.any little ter ns of endearment " mamma, dar'uu? mamma, precleua mamma," to weep anl weep that those dear worda can never again fall frcm kis lip, hie little ferm no more Sgnre in tkeee scents. The last scene haunta you; yeur heart writhes as you wilu-ss tie signet of death upon your precious b:y. Ii desperation of sonl you breathe out, kalt ccmfcrtlig. That elf h is for thee, tho precious otc ; life's tide is ebbing fast. And o'er thy once all Joyous faco death's Sicily hn is catt. Thy eye hath lost its sway, thy voice its buoyant tone, And like a Sewer the storm kaa rrnehed, thy beauty 'e pa-t and gene . Another pang and all ii o'er the pulseless brart is still, Meekly, though sad, thy mother tows to thl Almighty's will. Grief presses heavy on my heart ; my tears fall thick and fast ; But thon, Ikon 't in heaven, my child, lift's cbeqnered dream is past. The busy feet that gladly rnu thy matter's smile to greet; The prattling tonise that ljsp'd h.r name lucbildnood'i accents sweet ; The glossy ccrl that beamed live gold upon the sonny brow ; The lip, meet rlTat cf the rw, h, death t where are thoj now? Withered bene. th ih ne 1 y tr-i b lacked in thy dep cold sleep ; Wkile s!l ihe ioy tbe molhi-r knews is silently t weep. Or start as fsac- 's echo wakes t:y v.. ice 1 1 meek Ler pain, Then turn f. g s; tip n !hv c r; v, and .'eel ber grief in valiu The grve, Ihe stark ce'd icrave, f n'l a, (,u win Li le tbee fr.'W y new, While I iny weary wsv through life in solitude rurne. My Willia:n dear atd precims Htb-rt are nurob'red witb fa? d a AsC, my greatu Jay en eartb. Mesa to , n-y boy, hatb fled Permit cot hjgs aad and sneia'choly drift of sonl to unnerve you Ne Ihe duties, aye, tte pleanre ef life. Tes, for ye l.fe bis yet a sunny side; f r y.u a kind, doting Aesbaod lives ; far yon a krigl.t r ssajehkl l.ttle bov lives. Is concentrate yeur affection and radiate jeya around your path. A multitude ot ardent friends live lo cherish and sympathise with you in your aH c lions. Remember, too, Gad has npoi y u exceeding great claims, and that be chaateas the k red one not willlnz'y. Laura well the inculcated lessen ; let it aid yon in becomiug a little child, l:ke Wslter, fit for the kingdom of heaven. There be dwells to elicit special favort upon precioee mamma " In dtse titae be will come to conduct yon te the epirit land, and then you may feel, That whan a mother meets on high, The child she lost iu infancy. That she has then for pairs and fears. The day of woe, the watcnf.-.l night. ror all her sorrows and her teare An over payment of delight. T. . In ITMERAL INVITATION. DieJ, on Fridjy morning, at 4 o'clovk, after a linger ing illness of six months, Georoe Walteb. yeargest sen of the late Robert J. and Lydia Crtlghtpn, in the sixteenth year of his age. The friends of the family are invited to attend lis funeral from the residence of his mother, corner of Pontotoc and St. Martin streets, this after (oon, at 4M e'clack. Oarmget wili be in attendance. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE 8TATE OF VIRGINIA. Authorised capital $1,000,000 Cash capital and surplus paid up 380,000 See card iu ancther olumn. Ofllce, on Jefferson-st., with AStn. r.fflce. myl-ly J. T. WKST. Agent. Read the Evidence. MESSRS. Clark, Gregory a Co., Nashville Bents : I bought f.ur buttles of Ambrosial Oil at our eonnty fair la.-t fall. Thought perhapi it miefct be a hnnibug. I sold three b. ties before giving it a trial. My wife tried its virtues ic a case ef rheomatUm and fcund great relief. It is the quick-st relief for colic I have ever found. I want two di len immediately f-r myself and tuoee to vchom 1 sold the three bottles. D. B. BROWNING. South CMon, Loean co., Ky., Feb , 1360. For sale by M. 0. OATOM tt SON, And all Memphis drnggista. ) 3-daw2w HoIlOYvay'a Pills and Oiotment. CCTANBOUS Eruptions, as Blotche., rimules. Bolls, etc., are quick y remaned by a short cjurse of these remedies; tbe Oiutnieot givea a clearness and trana. paren.y to the complexion, while the Pills purify the blnc-d of all those hutnors which otherwise seeklcg out let force themselves to the burfice and disfigure the face and neck with noslcht y Blotches, Pimples, etc. No toilette table sheuld b without the Ointment. Sold by all drnggieta, at 6c.,S2c, and tl per be. jy3-ltwjwlw Cherokee C'urel AN unfailing cure for Srmiual Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Iaipotency. Losa cf Power, Pains in the Back, Stone iu the Bladder, Obatrnc.d and Difficult Mocstrauticn, an t all diseases caused by deviating from the patb of nature, and indulging in Self-Pollution. By the use of this Cu. e all improper dischargee are removed, the weakened organs of generation are speedily cured, and full vigor restored Rither sex, contemplating marriage, should reflect that a sound miad and body are uecesaary to promote connubial happiness. In the Cherokee Cure the poor, debilitated, worn down and despairing devotee of -ungual pleieure, will And relief. it U safe acd pleasant in taate, but Immediate in its action; containing no mineral poison, but is prepared from pure vegetable extracts, in the form of a delicionf syrup. Price $2 per bottle, or thre nettles fer $8, and for warded by express to all parts of the world. Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. POTTHU & MSS.WIN, Proprietors, So'e Preprietors, SS Jeflerkou-at. , near po;t office, general dealers in alt popular family medicines, Mem phis, Tenn. I J- Sold in Memphii by all responsible druggist. mr2-dtwawly .Icl.eaii's Cordial. AS may by seen, we insert this woek the advertlsemen of McLean's -Jordial, etc. It is very well known we are not particularly ' vor able to patent medicines, and, as a general thing, eBaew the whole of them ith but little ceremony, and with these sentiments we declined inserting this advertise ment until we knew what were the ingredients of the medicine, and hew compounded. This we have lea ned, and believing, as we do, that that tbe ingredients are good, and the compound Judiciously nude, we recom mend it as a mixture worthy of public confldedce. The above is from the St. Louis Christian Advocate, edited by Ihe renowned Rev. Dr. .McAnally, whieh speaks votunes in fsvor of McLean's Cordial. We say to ail, try It. See the advertisement in another col umn, fee-daw UUiT!EOPATHI; DRUG STORE. NO. 52 MONROE STREET, Two doors from Second street. M-ift-dawly P. A. W WR1BHT. DR. EDMONDS, HOMEOPATH AND HYDROPATH. Residence north tide of Beat etreet, second house west of Medical College. Office over S. Mansfield a Co.': Drug Store, Main street. Office hours, S to 9 A. M, 2 to t P.M. mr2t-ly g"Tbe attention of the readen ef the Appeal is directed to the r.dvenisement of 0. W. JON 83 (a CO , Wholesale Druggists, Mo. 229 Maic street. aptx-ly DeSoto Savings Institution, OF MEMPHIS, NO. 273 n AI STREET. H. LAIRD, W. B. BOM. Oaahler. President. apl2-Sm See advertisement of Ward & McClel land, wholesale and retail Druggists, IIS and 177 Mali rtreet, opposite Worshacn house. te9 See F. H. Clark & Co.'s column. J"UST RECEIVED BT A NEW ROUT, 15,000 HATS, Of different colors and shapes, citable for military companies, in lots frcm seventy-lve to one hundred and fifty, at FRACiSC0 & C0.'S, 289 MAIN STREET, BRINK LET'S BLOCK. Je8 The Chinese Mats, TUST received per stemer "Plvirg Scud." from I t Canton, China. 1,500 of tbe Chinese iolar Data, some new styles, am n.g which sreas the Double Bound, Helmet, Toad Sbol, Mandarit,, etc at PRANCI90O h CO.'S, anil 239 Maio street. For tui&rr'es. We are a-ith-.iUed to annousce the name of B. D. NaREHS as a lasdidate to represent the lOib Diatrict in the Oonfederat Cougress, which meets in Richmond on the J4ih nut. Election first Thursday in August. jjS-te Strayed or Stolen, fS the 25th June, an IRON GRAT M ARB, la J about flfieen aril a half hands hign, shod all rounl, a smooth and well tormed animal. A liberal reward will be ps.d for any information that wili lead to her recovery. 8. KBOK. Jyd-tf Corner Main and Gayoao. Strayed or Stolen, FROM the premises of Col. T. J. Manley, on Sciday nigh., Jane :o,aORRKI, HOUSE, five years old, flsx-n mace aid tai'. shod all round, spot in the fur-heal. He is a very fiae saddle Horse. I will give a handsome reward for the delivery of tbe Horse on the akove named premlaes, or for ia firmatun respecting him. Address me at Hickory Wytke, F-yette couotr, Tennessee. j,4-dawlt J. A. MANLET. In the County Court of Harde man County, Tennessee, July Term. 161. WhitmiU Cobonrn and wife, ana others, vs. neadlv Polk, M. S. Polk, Charles L. P. Ik, W. W Polk, Be dora L. Polk, Bdward H. 1' L Sarah B Pelk. Peti tion to divide Slaves. IT appearing ti the court thst the above named de fendants are noc-reaidents of the State of Tennes see, it is therefore ordered by the court that publica tion be made In the Memphis Weeklv Appeal, a news paper published in ths rit7 of Memphis, reqeirieg said defendants to ei.ter their appearance In slid cause, and pleid, answer or demur to t'je sinie, bv or within the first three days cf the Angust term, 1881, of this court, or said petition wil; be taaen ror cunresscd as to them, and set for hearing cx parte. A copy Test. R. P. NKSI.T. Cleik. Jy4 w4t Br R. C CRISP, D. C CENTER MILLS, a 1.7 r; ins street, over Bayou. 1. D. ELLIOTT J. D. ELLIOTT ...WM. BLL10TT. & CO., KSKP CONSTANTLT ON nAND A GOOD ARTI CLE OF Flour, Com Meal, Middlings, Shorts and Bran, wholojalo fxrj c 1 notall. TJ"The h'ghest price paid for Corn and Wteat. TKHMS CASH. CaT All orders left at the store of Elliott k Co., No S Prcm-nade, between Adams and Jefferson streets, will be prrmptly attended to. TERMS CASH. Jel6-lnwlm Strayed FROM Kacnn, Fayette county, Tenn , on 8t nnlay, June W, lt6t, DAPPLE ffB.T HOSSfl ; rh'rt tail, black fpot under rach je. about firteen hand's b'gh. worko and rides well, seven ftf ei.'ht years old A suitable reward will be paid on de livery of tbe Horse, or any information so tbat I can gethlin. R. W. GARVIN, jy3-twlm If aeon, Payette conn'y, Tenn. JYotlce. IP30POSB to preerrlbe foi CHRONIC D'SKASBS by letter, and warrant a care. No sure no pay. A'ldre a me at Wall fll!l, Miss., givin yonr stiup titn , and roouey to prepay postasre from time to time rs in it be required to address ydQ. an l I will promise you a cure or nave no pay. I will tell you io advance what will be the charge, giving yna a chance to accept or reject. J - - In CASTLBMAN, jyl-lw Wall Hilt, V For Hire, AN3R0 WOMAN A g1 Cock, Washer and lr .ner. Apply to WALT a JOBNSON, Jyl-lw T7 Proat row. Corn. OAAfl SACKS OF WHITE CORN Just received acd fr sale at lowest market rates. Jj-Mv STRATTON, McDAVITT a CO. UTS! StSatrs, I'rtotlry. JUNE 1ST, 1861. nisoSatioiia THE FIRM OP P. H. CLARK a CO., crposid of P. n. Clark, J. S. Wilkins and Tcoe. ii: is tbia day dissolved by limitation. The house will be continued in tne same form by the subscribers. P- H. CLAHK, J. S. WILKINS Our stock has never been nore full and complete in all its branched than at Wl time. Our leading arti cles are & WATCHES, & JEW E L R Y, siL ifr n ikij, SILVER PLATED (iOODS, Guns, Pistols, MILITARY GOODS, Cutlery, Clocks, SPECT A O LIES. FARCY GOODS, CANES, ETC. tj All kinds of work done in the be! manner and rlth dispatch. Our Daguerrean Gallery. TITS have kuilt and arranged a suite of rooms for VV this expresi pnrpose. Onr light combines all the modern improvements, Producing, IlMi4rea Quickly and True to Jfature. Our Lah-ratory is fnrnisbed witb all the appliances necessary to prepare the bst cbemlcele. We are aide.! br a first-class Ai tut, and can furnith our enstomer with superior pictures in all the various t. les known to the art CJ" ArtlstJ furn: hei with 6lock. P. H. CLARK. y H. CLARK St CO., J. S. WILKIN'S I No. I, Clark's Marble Block. lafT-awa Cavalry Swords. A LIMITED nnmbi-r of cV. ajai SWORRS for Cavalry officers may be artatild by leavinj orders at GILBERT. ANDREWS h. C'O'3, t;J Main street. ALSO Now on hand lOO Shot Cutis, Pistol. littles and Howie init;s. at low figures. JelS If Fzt re Quinine I WE hava received and will e;i at a im .11 cn cost, in lots to suit purchasers, 500 Ounce Powers X lfelght- m a n's Celebrated Quinine. Also, on hand a small lot ef Smith & We-a-n's Pisti: Partridges. M. KrPMl a CO.. JeI3-lm No Id Ptaaal row. Jflanted, JMMB IATSLT, two hundred goo.) hands to make Uniforms at E. B CRANDALI.'S Tent and Ciotlnug Hana'actory, 371 Main street. sSavoso B .ck. JSO-lw JYotlce. OWING to the illness of tbe family of one of enr firm, and tbe other being in service, we have not bad our office open for seme. lime. We witl, however very soon open again, ar.d will let our friecds know where to flat us. je3)-lw MMM fi HOLT. Harry Wacarty. ARKANSAS COMKDIAN, Tl ClLIST, BAN JOIAT, DANCER, the Anb. r r.. the Man ot Many Parts, wiil give bis Personation Concerta EVERY INH THIS WEEK, .IT ODD-FELLOWS' MM. ILL. ty Admission 53 cents. Tervants and ChUd'en 2S cents Jj3- TI!!TY 111 POR THE REMOVAL AND CURB OP RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA AND PAINS OT EVERT DESCRIPTION, AFFORDING INSTAXT RELIEF! T"HIS LINIMENT, nri!ik ordlniry applicatioaii, a perfectly transparent lioni;! will not soil the skin of tbe most delicate individual, ami warranted to be the best loeal application ever offered to the public. It. powerfn! penetrating qualities adapt it to ejnjssrj form ol Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and pain of every iaracter. Por sale by Ward a McClelland and Cuandier a Co. Tor sale only by war a McClelland, chandler a co-, DEAK1NO a WETHERILL, H. P. PA RNS WORTH a CO., TALBOT a DANCT, BRNOSTaCK a CO., acd S. C. CREIOHTON a CO., Drngglsb, and ". . ". ap10-ls Real street. UeniDbis, Tenn. Lumber, Lumber TUST RECEIVED IM. (HO feet clear White Pine, 1 J IM, and 3 inches thick; 160.000 feet dried White and Tellow Pine Flooring ; soo.iwo reel sawe-j nawa lor building nnrooses. coats, etc.; a general assortment of Penelng ; 400,000 sawed and cot Lths ; 600,000 heart Hv.'esi ha f Inch Slum s. aitl aiu rire orica, iu addition to oar already large stock of Lumber. Doors, Sa.h. Blinds, etc mrJ-t v-a-ln , which v,e will sell low for CJ m . 1 ' 'i ' s v A !Kr BflKt) OKCE THEN FORGET IT. r LOW'S GERMAN SPECIFIC. 8IT1VSIT A NEVER-FAIMNC cvn FOR DYSENTERY 4 DIARRHEA Is certainly found at laat never known to ran. This remedy is offered as a ipeciflc, immediate curt, in every instance, for Thtenteru, (or Mux.) IHarrhwa, and every species of bowel complaints ; and aa such we ntuirantee tt. Vc here only itste brief and reliable facts, and In vite yw to examine Ihe circular accompanying each'box, for full particulart, prooft, and home certificate: Header, when afflicted, will you try one box of these pleasant powders? Try it, and be immediately cured. To delay is ti suffer, perhaps to 11'e. M Soldi by the principal Drugprlets throngrMt the land. Price, 50 cents per box. OrderMy bo addreaaed either to D. S. LOW, MJr, CO., Proprietors, or to Meears. Pi.vygff.R &. (iILbekt, Druggists, No. Ml MeTStreet, Mcmphia, Tenn. Jv-iy SMMittiFF'S JTOTBCMi. VITAS saaamitted to j ill at Covington, Tipton 1 W . univ. Teuaeesee. on the 13th Int., KS-, 'IRO B,t", who says hl ninie is Bil.y, ab 1 l,e helonirs to Wm. Jjhoson. of Meatpble, Ter see Slid boy i 17 or 18 year., of ate. Ugal copper eol or, abont live fiet high, and will weith atout ISO lbs. The owner la hereby rrqnested to come, prove property, pay charges and take him awav, or be will b dealt with as the law directs. DAVID C. SLAUGHTER, Je30-d4w Sheriff and Jailer, Tipton Co.. Tena. TO WHEAT (.HOUERS. w B are manufacturing a good WHEAT SACK, and ill keep a supply on hand throughout the season. V4RN0N', PARTES & CLAT, Commission and Grocery kler. hants, JeOT-dawIm Me. B Pront row. Memphis. A. HI. 0DD, (Snccessir to B t. Sonith a Oo.,) Receiving, Forwarding, AND GENERAL C03WISSI03 MERCHANT, AND Steamboat Agent, AT THE STEAMBOAT LANDING, PINE 3LUFF, ARKANSAS. PARTICULAR attention given to th sale AMD Hiaino oct or neoboes. and to the sale and shipment of Cotton; and Ii the sale of Flour, B. on and Produce .( all kinds, Furniture and Merchandise of all kinds, either at private or auction sale, Jell-lm )ritttiiifl rintiuja WHITMORE & BBO., S T E A. M APPEAL BUILDING, Cor. Unlou street X rrout alley. H AVIVO JTST RSFITTBD OUR OFFICE WITH HNTIRKLT Mew Material, WE NOW HATB TUB LAEtiEST ANII MOST COMPLETE lTmirr lii i 111 ix ihe sot rai-WEST, And an bow prrpaied to exes;e every description cf Plain anl Ornamental Printing, IN THB BBS? STTI.E KNOWN TO TTIB ART, and at pri-ee LOWER than any other Priating House in the State. GIVE US A TRIAL. WBITIvlORE & BRO. FOR S.iI;Il. TTTR entirt? materlaJ of oar old oflc. consisting of tbe Press9, Job True, StaH'K Cabinet, Cases, ftrAo, Leads and C"inposition Ktilf"' (new), etc., etc. !-o, ulp No. 1 MitenaK 3l.t-ine. on Lead Carter, a arge assoruuent .-.f Cdts )en Osd only ni-itit fi! all neailj new. 0t and vhi.h we wi! at pri ere-t (.f th'.se in need ti oa. t'a'1 at tLe appeal Job Ho in HrrlUU . bro n CO 6 w 8 . 2z -1 .lis si s S -5 a? t "fail s - o la PS w H aH O m a 1 - h i: J i s as fc o H a 1 u eS St 5 1 . ct S rt B B r -co S 0 m algja - isa o5 o o 5 1 2 m at c S B 3 M 5 M?Hp"ats TfBt, CiBtp EqnlpmPBts ind flotliiBiT 13 .jiuf.icic-ry. CORNER OF UNION AND MAIN-ST. Al.B ES SOLICITED AND PROJIPTLT FILLED. J U-n I Tent Maker. ir.l g.d Seam-'resses wanted. Je9-l,n J. C. MCALLISTER a OO. Caution. ALL persons are hereby forewarned not to t argain for or receive any Note or Notes, amuntiag in the greg-te to eight hundred and fl. ly doll-ra, more or 'ess. signed M Ilawi. ai.d indorsed by O. N Carletjn. Ihe constderatios it ihi Notes hivicc failed, the same will not a. paid. jy3-lw If. HAWKS. ifFilltary Caps, c the SOVATI MIU- m iri prepared to fnrtiish vnjpax ira at ?! W.VNTRD 1 n th-' same. my I or tweive Can Maker: . to eew PRANClaCO a CO., Brirt'ey Biocg 189 Malt: .'.re.-t. Jai Recelred, tf CASKS CLEAR S1I.E3, JU 100 trl-. Exira II BKj li 0 ca-ks Turner Scotch Ale, KO casks By.jt U. Ino bae.'ts Piper 1 ALSO Scgar, Holaase'i taislns, Lemons, A I ..... 1 myl J. F- lel.l-etck Champagne CoSee. Te. Tobacco, Cigars, ', etc For sale by f'RAKK. No Pr.nt Row. E5I;OLIJTIOt. T.TR Srm sf A.J. WARRBX it CO. Watrl ui iker. Jeweler ;, etc , No. 59J corner Ms'.n and Monroe -treets MmipMS, Tenn. has ifcia dey h en dl-eoirsd by he withdrawal of A J. Warren fro; law c .nc rn. The be Continued hy th' re aaiatif partners. Q A O'lkey a-d W. T. Ar.ier.tioder ih' OiLKKT a ASOHsR Hen. phi., June Eft, ML UUI a ARCHER. je27-tm THIS GREAT Indian lledicme. cojjf otrttDrn raoii 7J tr W in CO H O o nam blood seargdeb! For the Renoral anit Pemanent Cure of all Di eatet aritiny from an Impure state of Ihe Biood, viz : Mercurial and Syphilitic Taiats, In all their different forma and stages; Ulcere,i:rupfions, Pliuples,Node8 or Shit Boaes, Blotches, Boils, Scald Head, And the entire class of .-omplain'.s can ed by an impure state of the Biod. , , . rjr It invariably enre. Itheomatlsra. Liver I om- piuint, Oeneral and Nervous Ueonny, isiuiaiuuiii. of the rfjw.l, j those orslrectic nature's own i form to perfec ritfor to the n .iM.kla in the lljrty recommended for all females are liable. It is br.ngs the young female's richness to the b!.od and :g health and happiness to r.d saddened eje, the rosy Lloom ot haalth to beautify the faded cheek. The ''Blood Searcher" Is precisely what its name indicates in all iU length and breadth, viz : In a searching manner, to seek, to look for to imiuire, to examine to iavigorale, and tbes porifviie and cleansing the bl.ed, tbe sonrce. the foun tain of life, rinsing it to tlow pi.e and unadulterated in all it-i original purity and trius removm from the sys-em all impure and pernicious cauies which have induced diseaae. lta etlecia hare been almost miracul -o ! Hundreds uhjh hundreds have been snatched br It from an nn timely grave and reitord to the sweets of teal.b and the ctidea-nients ef friends We can point to hundreds of cases that have been cur darter ail other remedies hare tail'd, ai.d many in-tance where the patients bad given up aa hop. ot ever being restored to health. We n t o.j'.y rUini to have discovered a panscea for impure blood but e challenge the entire world te prodoce a medicine tbat his its life-giving and s. arch ing or perliee JtJ" Price $- per bottle, or three bottles f..r $5, and forwarded by expr'&a to all p.rts of the Confederate States, on receipt . f price. POTTPR a MERVTIN, Proprietors, go J.trtson-st., near post ifflce. And general dealers in all p.pular patent medicine.. Sold at all the Dm Stores in Memphis. Jel8-dtwawis Salt, "kfi rtrt SACKS COAR3B SALT Just received per .4itj'J steamer Ferd. Keunett, an and for sale at MtaM Wharf-boat Jy2-lw J. D. MORTON a CO. CHILL KING! THE NR VSR FAILING REMBDT FOR CHILLS AND FVB, Dumb "lyue, AND FEVER OF EVERT CHARACTER. tf" fiP ARANTEED in every caee t. effect a earl Try it and be satisfied. For sale by WARD a McOLKLLAND, CHA MM.KK k OO., DEARINft a eVKTHirr.II.L, H. F. FARN8WORTH a CO., TALBOT a DANCT, SENOSTACK a CO., and S. C. CaEIfSHTON a CO., apie B .. street, opposite South Markit. joe pumas Xegnlar fjarfctts. FOB KEW ORLEANS. Regular Saturday Passefger Packet LOUISVILLE, JOS. COMBS. Maiter. J. W. MAINCOURT. Cleric. i LeaTfs ."il.mpiils Evrry S .TBSDAA, at 1 o'c!o?k, r. M. Helena, every SATURDAY, a' I P. M. s CaraiJi's Landing, 13 SUNDAY, a! t a. M. Suuic... Od'.nea Lakdir.g, Ocinmbia, tir-earire, Kags P hat, Gkrassd Lake, skipw ill's Lanl.u;, I.-t- Prtvtd nee. So d. ich e, a tlkam'a Bend, Vick.onrg, Carthsce, lJra;..l BMBj St, Rolnev. T 9 - 10 II H ax I p. M. i 5 i to - II - -J I A. M . 1 - C 7 - 19 - U a Water Pro N.t. hez. Fort Red River, Bar u $r., MONDAY, at. Bal..t, Ito,: je. Arrive at N-w Orleans a: Ir M.kiug landings at all intermediate p.lnts. J AM PS T. BITRWB h. CO.. kllioxt a Tunoil jyd-'m Agent... Sleiu.his and Yirkshnrg C S. Hell Lit e. splendid passenger s'eamT VIC- DRIA. Moody, matter, O f. !I . s ri.rk, 6o'c ( Net i l leave as ab-ivu SATURDAY, at" k p. M. Orieant freight taken at ttrd rates. J. C MfcsaAJfM, or JERRY H. SANKS. Jy6-2t 33 uruTit Row. For New Orlean R.gular Saturday Packet. T'vn duriOR tbA m;B, at U p a , , i train X and C Hi: rad. ssaffe a; p r on board M to OC&NK 6l CiJ.f So fn-n! r;w, A i. nte. For New Orleans. THK1 di: SA1I Pr fr ij5 2t enger pacSet LOCI sVILLE, atter, will leave as aLuve j . at 1 p M. r pal age apply on board, ar to BLi.ICrr a VINSON, The Koand City Ferry. ri'llK Afcund City Ferry P-cket M 1 CHPSIS, r.n and ifrer Ihe 15;a J will rnn as follows: Leaves Mound everv div, exce p: Bund. at 8. I M, BM p.m. Leaves Mrsphia at 1 OH A at , .ed . 11 4 a. at.. ant 3 4 , 6h p. At. Wii make three 'r ., - on Sundays, let I T. H. CITRKK a CO Johk n. West j. v. J c-sixl. WST & FCSSELL, (Succersors to Hsmilton a West ) COTTOS FACTORS, COMMISSION .1ND, FORWARDING MERC HAMS, No. IS Front Row, Second door, Mosby fc's Block. Jy3-dawlro MSHPniS, TENN. jEstray. STRAYED fr ra the re scriter ab.":t three a f AT haitd- HORSB, lonr years old, i rew.r j JeXi Fnnt ruw. ne-r atr.rk t -treet It - .i i i L: Achancb poat m itn . ve. have a quantity of d i BEZF CATTLB ureal- on r.. atj. H Allen's, near the Fair J-29 lw w ".A-. a KAEL. YotH'e. VTXK re. ,ve the fT'-acsnry Notes of ths C. S. A. W attar for all d.ot. die us, arid as cash for ail Oood. sold. 1 ST."VA'L & MTTCHI.L. For WtemWs 1TORE 13 He 317 and 3 M j corner or Union, foro.r y cecums Drugstore; wilt nssat ttsaaa apaai red Apply to Wlii'iJ BRU-. iiS--Jw No Dissolutions., rpEE partr.ershia herrrofore e-xinirig between tb. A, nwder the Arm of B. B. Kaber. at i-d are al' ne antbortxeo to rje tne urn naa.e tu l.tioo. Mesipbts, Tenn , July 1. 111. B. D BARSRS, W. W. Mil. AM, Jvt-lm B.iWI. NO. DR. J. H. HcLJJA-V Strengthening Cordial BLOOD PURIFIER, Tbe Greatest Remedy ia the vVoiid, ABB TH Kost Delicious r'j aD DtlicktrBl toratal B7S3 TAK3H. did ia? HEALTH AND srREN.lH. is i cur Li-rer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, tt,nterr Headache. Derresaion ol spirits reverauu tgr.e. Iuw'ar.1 Peer, Bad Breath, or any disease ol tha 'g-j' Gentlemen, do you wish t b. healthy, strong indviassroaa? tf Ladks, do rrn wsnt the bloom of bealrl to EOT at to ,our cheeks ataiat Th.n ge .at v'' "rL J Strengthening C irdia! au l S.o-nl ruririer . moment; it is warranted to give jt 'm. l . W, -mre any diaeajse of the Kid. ey. Wovno or awn. r , Fainting, Obstructed BatsaBwwBwaw. aAwBBB Wctub, Barrenn-s, er any disease arming from caronie X nervoua debility. It is an Infallible remedy. For Children. Bo yon want yoar delicate, sickly, puny children to t. healthy, strong and robust? th.n give them McLean's Sirenithecing Cordial (see the direction, oa each bot tle). It is delicions to take. , One tabl-spoonrrjl taker, every morning fasting, 1 a sure pgwvamtiva again.'. Chills and Fever, Yellow Fever, CarTios Beware of orui try t palm upon you . bettl. which they can buy ibeap, ty There are .Ten men baae i .lame to dub their vll. dee mous pirates and their vlllais Dr. J. H McLean'. StrengU Purifier. Take nothing eii or dealers wb. map ten or Sarsaparilla, a it is Just aa gjasd. h to stea. part or my I. Avoid such inra samaouods. Aak tar ; C 'd a! and Blood is th. only rem.-dy r. . will ymnj Mw.i-j. .. . .l t.. .h..l, rtMtH 1 7.t: . .n an-1 at tne 'rf. 'lliie -ir.u.-u-ii iu..,... - It ia FUt up in large btties 1 pr bottle, six bot tles ax at- PR. J. H. McLBAN. Sole Proprietor. Corner Third and Pine streets. St. Lotas, Mo. Dr. 5Icl.eaii I'uireraal Plils, FOR LITER COVPLAIXT BILIOUSXESS, HEAD. ACHE, ETC. There has never been a catbar-ic ntedlcme offered the public that baa given such enure satisfaction McLean's Co. verbal Pills. Being entirely regetable, they ar. perfectly innxvnt and can b taker, by the most tendei infant ; yet prompt and powerful in removing alt biliuos secretion, acid or impure, feted matter from the stomach In fact, they are th.'oaly Pills that should be used in malarious dis tricts. iIa I ecul Stouiacb, when so cneap a remedy can be ob taiued K-?tp tberrr. constantly cp hand; a -ir g's d..., taken in season, may Prevent hour, dayr. and saafstai ot sickness. Ask for Dt J. H. McLean's Universal tilU. Tak. no other. Beiirs coated, they are taetelet. Pri.. .Ely SS cent, per box, and can te sent by mail to anj part of tbe FaueU St-.ts J. H Mc LEAN. Sole Proprietor, Corner Third and Pine iti, A'.., Mo. Dr. J. D. -IcLt iin r. Volcanic Oil Liniment, TH: BEST EXTERNAL IN THE WORLD, FOB MAX OR BEAST. Thousands af human beings have been saved a life decrepitude aad misery by the ass of ibis invaluabfia Linin ent. It will relieve pain almost instantanetiusty, and it will cleanse, purity and heal the foulest sore in an incrlible short lime. McLean's Votcasue oil Lin iment wtil ralieaa th. moat ureteral, caaaa f Rheu matism, Gout or Neuralgia. Pr Paralysis, 'J ntracted Muscles, Stiffness or Weakness in th. Joints, Maacin r Ligament., it will never fail. Two applicati "is win cure Sore Threat, Headache er Kara. he. For Burns or Scaids, or any Paia, It is an lufalilble remedy. Try it, and you will Hod it an indispensable remedy. Keep always on hand. Planters Pairrer., or any one harm? charge al horses, will save money by using McLean'e Ti.kru.ic Oil Liniment. It ia a speedy aod infallible cur or Gails, Sprains, Chafes, Swelling, Lameness, Mweentr, Sores, Wounds, BcraUhes, or any external disease, r y it, and yoa will be cocTlnced. DB. J. H Mcl.SAN. sle Proprietor, St. Louts, Miaeoni-t. For sai in Memphis by A. 8. MANSFIKLD a CO J also by G. W. JUNES a OO , atd WARD i McCLL. LAND. Also, by POTTER a MSB. WIN, 15 Jefferson-st., near post office, general dealers ia all poyui r fami'y medi cines. t.-irs.wi. !!l(i.ippl and Tennessee RaiJroatl. Through Freight vlll be del Je?l-tw T. W. IRWIN. Freight Agent Memphis SLvUoa f BBBK nz xzia faOTHl It wit i, . . Pou.