Newspaper Page Text
THE MEMPHIS' - imii'TlTTI"'"'" ALLY A MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. THE MEMPHIS, SUNDAY JULY 7, 1861. VOL. XII -NO. 152. Hi MCLANAHA.N & DILL. n Jr P E .a. l 1 Ma ri ioirii:s or histouit. THB APPOINTMRNTC-r IISBOP PC IK T V . VMLMINE M'CORD. Tnere is in the great chain of historical er r.!', curi w links which connect the people of this aze !.r"d'y with the ancients. Hence the curiosttieB of history become more striking and novel than the vagaries of fiction. Mankind is t't ctly an objective be'tr.e, a fact tba' may be proven by ha actions, in ei ry p-riod of his civiliiajion. "Hie histori cal cause of many events ar often mote 8'ieees';ve tban results have proven, am not th least is tJiat of tbe appoin'm nt of Bishop Pali by P csi.l-;at Davis, ba tbe command of th we'e.n division of the confederate army, which is bat one more evident. of the fit ness an ! sagacity of ,1e(T. Davis for his positian over anv other man in th republic. I cannot wait to compliment any of the ap pointee of this id net wise a-lministratnr, ar.til I huve first th well deserved 'ribure to the Pre'Hent mmself, wlio ee'iis to have ber. r? C'l'at'fi; for years who would be the nio't sens b rnn in tbta division of the re p it! r, for 'be various offices of the new Tteimt. In 'ieh jndicioul appointments as he sbU male- at flits cr'si". he the prosperity of mr fu'u-" power, s fact which seems to be well un d rata by the intrepid chief cf tbe Confederal- Government. Tb recent appointment of Bishop Piic, ten nV'Ves two very essential atttri-r"t- In rh ptiilnsophcal as well as political character of the Pre:dent. Firs', a 'horoueh kuow'ede and jricwment of tbe character eanaritv of a man. for one of th' most impor tant offices in be G"verr-mnt ; and secondly, t e irfl'ienccs of Such a choice upon the ''I'-ire r'larar tr of our people, and its history on fi:';C" natio' s T i circumstance, h iwever unique, finds a jfefle ;rlel in comp-irative history, and th-1' Uiest'd e the identic! c ue." In ti c re'ijio'is war which have desolated arc ,-v, f o'n the exodus of Abrahetn oat of Bb"l i. down to the see in wh rh we live, tbe iercsst ard m- deadly conflict of all, b. iha of infidelity arint tbe relic'!, of Je-liS Chiist. if anv ae has es-aped this ar-nree since th' hour of his crucifixion, it has b-en for the w--t of pouer, and "iot the wit! of infidelity. There sem to enist in the human mind a na'val principle of uioraliiy, suscep'ible of the exrme opera'ions of these two oppoie sv ms f pt.Hra.-phy. These demonstrate anil are tbe lainnjr t tattttwe of aa'toifl nti rne t, the sqp-rJor invariably seizine hold of Ci-ri';rniy'"itb a za! .us f ii,ticitn, while th sppejrs, of it opposite (-nfidelity.) is the hWarlalec nrecursorof the d'sy of na tional virae. and the phenomera of revolu tion and a rnorSid th'rs for rower. The word drawn bv the fi-s" k a I i ff- in the East -fains Chris' I"' e smce been buried aWMatfc be rj tI h and ruin of a fa's a.? rafin-' philosophy, upon which has 4r, tbe inspirinjf monuments of Chii'.in' power ai.d edvarcemmt The limits of ii fidelity were f.r a few cenifie bounded bv the re treat'' y confine cf Is'am'C empire, until the aemi-barharinn. j'ist wkit'2 from his trs! ' lumber of - ees, without I ts'ory cr reli gion, basraai to oues ion tbe authority of tbe sa-ced law bv which the wr-rld had brer, re deemed from barnariei". ThiK occurred in Genrary firt, and F. ance afrr a deolattns revolution, when in the fa'sl rec i"r s c'y cbos to re!sps into laMat it' , aid the Undine spi-i' of the a?e S-ram tbe t)'ipi' ft Jlpi'.osa an'l Frank. It seem as if the mind, sick of rrvo;nion had fallen into a tort of moral deperi-r, srd eri'.-avored to repay, w-th tbe rHessactf of infi leli'y, the un ba'towet wrons of political anarchy. Nnr ha the vile teacbii c of the specula'Ire G'rimn yniloKophy ronten'ed itse'f with sV ptro''ff tb national ser.timen' end vfitne of the older division cf tLe republ r, bu' 'he semi fcatharian srivan: eg to tbe very threshold of f.- -'erdnrrr. and points the wts'ing aword of the Kaliff again at our hearts upon our native bore. ' i ne far-seeing and saracions Davis, nr.d-r tPnl'eicll tie deep pblosoThy hidden be hind thi ngCMtffa movement, has chtsen to -tend down to the ereat future, the in-icna of I trie cause, thrj-j-h tbe unyielding pages of h'tlorv. Tt st 'his mora! psiiler.ce had its rise in Oermaoy, here c:-nno'w be a doubt, al'hmtgh the spirit of infidelity origina'ed in France Jat s Infer clafflaaH formed the advance gur.Tn ti letters iu G-rmania. Infidelity, un fcr'una''y, was carried to that ruinous and precoc orts ration with ita litera'ire, who eixe upon ii hi an early and unprepistions hour, to pvyttifY' their poetry, and obscure their v ad ignorance fit the philosophy of the areierts. In th- tby have Jeceivfi5 soriety. where vet i their tr iserable it.fluerce has extended, hy r. ,Yectii g to be tbe invei.'ora of a new school, .when it e fart is too palpable to the hitorian that the German have ir.ven'ed b'it few or'ir ' iral ex'oipe; bu have sttached themsclvs to hose (vetema rf philosophy which were re aetad'at Alexaodia and Tarsus Th ripe aihatlia isf llai n now mil c'tie spurned tl-oe fjoctora wh" hav-become the m's'er cf the fte-mai , and It the credit of the I!am and 0-omn I may add that their works were not all"wed to he trsnsla'ed laha t""e laneuazes apkep lj M)hammdan n!ions, for many ' centuries ftt the rise of bat religion. 1 1 e j.Vtonphy of tr e appoin'ment of Bihop Pnlt.: shall he Fiitsined bv history, both in its comparative and practical scierce. Abnu' the vear 537 of our era in th reien of Theodorinus, a bold and dar'ne bpd of irfid-ls sod roahers, came ont of the w'lder n of ia, and etab!ibed themselves rn tt;e hill roun'rr rf Si'ile'ia, and soon began to diturt the borderir.e countries of Aia Minor. Tliese we-e soothed hv treaty for some centurie unlil their" rength wasetai. li-hd kv tbir raising Zenr, their bandit cb'"f, to 'he thnne of Cor St apiipopl. When this mi harHrian fomd hims-lf es-,!..'...-( opon 'lie Chri':an throne, he ap pointed tv entire household, and body euard from mnnff his fel'ow men, nd rewarded th't-i ex'ravagantly out of money from tbe public treasury. In he face of these s'tr-icilies, the Chris tian armv apaiate ' he hishop of Cons'snti nof'e as their leader, (afterward Leo 2d.) p.! ma cvd ag int the nfic'el In their capi ta', p't'iirff 'he whote band to fiifrbt, and proHenin; triurpphao'ly the Christian eapitol and ifarone This w th" first time in egh'een centuries, tha ''istcry has san ifi an army by placing a Ct rif'iar J f! .6 .i at its bead, and the secoi.d Jan t laat event of tie ee.roe kind, i that of a chief a this cocntry, who has chosen ta set 'be n.i're shove the standard of the Corfederatr arn'y. flot 'he ; nrpn" of driving out the inh lei ueiirper of e Cl riotian dv nasty. Trnlv mnk;rd is an ohjective being, an I no age of tt e world KM exhibited ary ex-ep'inn to a common rule apart from 'he influences of that age. The grest moral and po'i'ical eon tet lies between Infi !e' ity and th Chrtian ret gin". This fea'nr was siatWa in the cru sade of i-ht hundred years in Palet;ne; nor wa it s'ibdiied in tb" suhtl siege of Sebao'n pol The Ml-krff, Redan, and a 11 the bloody landmarks rf ihe norh. who red sta'n can not he washed ont by tbe Crimean war, or Danube's dark t;d; hajt the gre question re main to be settled in 1 1" new world by a young and ardent nation in i's first ren'ury. Tliis being a re'igion war, the President has ap'ly chosen a bishop Mr he c!.nrr to meet the enterrccies in'o which this division of 'he republic has been plunged by the infidel pu'pit of 'he Nor'h. It l ipthltllil1 M mtf of infidelity against the re'g'on of Christ, and German heracy against the ancient and subiiaie traditiona of our earlv Hebrew masters. These inven'ors of a pure philosophy estab lished the principle cf natural aristocray and domiratiop of th" superiors over barbarou" T ce. wiiicb prineip'e, in i'e'f sugge'ed the taatl lien of slavery as a moial as well as po litical econemy I it not wonderful that this most eminent div'n' is at' t at every step of our advancement bv th ipodern fable rf the equality of race", thereby tipseting -he veneiah'e traditions and customs of the early Jtrute of religion ai d conserve! af liter tare and law. Thus 'ha mora! spirit of the ol ! divisions of this republic ha oeen dretroyrd bv the phylosophieal fble of 8piora, Fiank, Voltaire, end their dicijles, and revolution b'rome it watchword of a veneratlve and free people The bid'! sign which ban? out in the ea ern ky of tb Chritian era, now shine aloft in the aYat and if we may be allowed to divine by the corresponding points of eomr as" (which the ar.cien's snrrlj; did), thi clrcums'ance por'eiiJs no harm ta o", serirg that a counfer hailf i is effected In the comparative scale of bif-rica! even's. In the premises of oracular divinations, we discover Ihe four cardinal point of compass mpHored as method of propheeying, snd even e''efn prophets mentioned therewith great a cu-cy. We mav ther Im'ta'e the ancients, and cal cu ate the overthrow of infidelily .nthe North, u ider the guidance of a biahop of the chnrch, s it was done in tbe East under one of tbesi eccti"ti.-a 1 dleni'ariea. P. shop Polk bai devoted tbe flower of bit aj BbV ' . . - - - -"kBMBBBBBMBBBBBMfc " -. ' ll'l',,BBBBMjM.gBp''Wsaix - - - i m ' ' "apyylgWJeSawaB BBABaaBBKaBinBBBBfiBtaBBBM jBJT f, aaraMmriranWralTSl BaaSBwBwakBaa. pBMir- i'llltli lin ' BaaaaBBBwBBBaw HUBBHhiBBaaajlHfeaMH HBawawaiwawawBVaBRaiwBaBaB " 'if"waasai nHHH HHBBHHawawA8a that he now draws bis sword to defend. Like Ji-pttia, Gideon ai d D ivid, he is march ing bis legions to fisbt the btt) ! of tbe Lord: even Israel's God, the Lord of host ! All bail to our ititrejii! and wise chief, who hag rbossn to sanctify the western divis'on of the confederate army, by 'he miter above tDe sirdles and stars 1 flftHTIIlLKN !.. To Greel ys, the Danas, the Raymsnds, the Bryants, in thrir several secure offices of MhMss, Timea, snd Peif, in New York, are by ni means satufi d with the ilow progress of affairs in Virginia on the part of th federal government. The war advances too slow for trade, and the capi'alisi' trow costive in regard to new advances. GreeUy Taves. He cries : Go ahead! Don't m nd the beat, ctupt ar tohtl, country fever, yellow fever co ahead, Baal mike the war a short ai e. If 9 creeps on and keeps on. in this p-v par, from day to day, we are lost. New York is List. We u.ust cenqutr tne outh riant ay out or i;nn the sju and before Eur.'pe wants morcottocl O ber wise, tbe rase is complict-i. UV ;av- E'lff land and France in 'be f.:! ., Id New York ii alrnos. at the mercv of tut fnmy strong a' ae! Go aheac', eood lrl!o ravish, burn, dtrov, wipe out, kill, rrnd, isae, devour Kivaee K:cbmond, b iro Charleston, and sack New Oilman-! Do you h;ar? The beau'y a: d tbe fcooly shall he yours, only conquer !hee r hls of (be Sou'h b'fure 'be next crop C"ine- ba. The nex' crop will oe tiSe death of ne ! Le it be t hewn down in tbe fields fcurn . trampled, lost ; or, f you Lave tbe oppor'unitr, ship it I to Ne York, and we will hui'd up Goiham bv 'tbepricsi m ist bripe next se. son. We shall sweat tbe pockets of France an! Britain out ' of u: told million", wnicb shill all cnie home to us in cold. We shall have the monopoly of the h. in-' markets, bav nir duly suljei-ted i our vssts in tbe t-on'h. Go ahead, brave I fel'ows, Z naves of Hew Yark, whom w were apt to f pit upor, tbougti vou do 'De worK et fires. Go ahead! Duu'c m nd yellow fever. Don't mind black vomit. D-n't mind bilious fever, or cholera, or measles, or small pox, or hot weather, or hard living, or cold eteel, and hot-shot. Go ahead I T wpnyer trrnpndcntt. IS BrPABTMrNT, ( SirHMOSD. July i, Sol. GiutleiMPN : While I have not withheld permission from any of the renresrntatives of tbe press to visit tbe camni in Virginia: and while I ara as much the in. cost, lanlalag advocate f an ansmckled press, as 1 am of the freedom of speech, snd of the indepen dence of the Confederate S'ates; yet I have thought it proper under existing circumstan ces, to make an appeal to you to forbear from the tranam'ssion and publication cf su-'a in telligence a m'ht be detrimental to ttie great cause in wb cb we all feel so deep an interest. You are aware of the grea' amoi.n' of val uable information obtained by us tbp ugh the medium of tbe enterprising journals of the bonh; and w. may deiive profit from thiir example, by a discriminating and judicious reerve in communications for tbe ecu.hern journals. It must be obvious that statements of strength, or of weakness, at any of the poiu's in the iciht'y of tbe enemy, when re-produced in tbe North, as tby would be, in spite of all tbe vigilance in our power, would warn them of dan.'.T -o theinaelven, or invite an ttck jpon us; and la like manner any statements of 'h of bs'tcries; of the quantify and q lality of arms, or of ammnrdtioi:; of move ments in progress, or in supposed contempla ti' r; of the condition of troops; of the commis sariat, etc , might be fraught with esse: tia! injury to the service. To eentlemcn of intelligence, and of unquea ttonabir loyalty to the cause cf the Co ifedrrat States, I do not deem it necessary to be more explicit: nor can I doubt for a moment that you w II appreciate my motives in making this frank appeal to your prtriattaa and discretion. L. P W AjLKFR, Secretary of War. NAI'HI i ' I t . I have lived solitary long enough ; I .want somebody to talk at, quarrel wi h tbeu kiss and mafc" up arain. Therrf.Te I am opn 'o proposals from young la1 es ai.d fresh widows of more average reaper' ability, tolerably tame in disposition, nd the ha ir of any other color 'rian red. 'snea.lyas lean judgjsof sayeel, I sm not over eighty n. r u:i !er twenty-five years oT re. ij night, am ei'hcr five fee' eii'h'. r e'ehtfeet five, fo'jet which. Weight, 135, 21. 31, one of the three ; rccolb. tt each Ciuie peiftctly well, hut as to their true sr rai gen.i rt am son ewhat puzzled. Have a whole suit of hair, dyed by nature, and pretty free from dandruff. Eves butternut bi indie, tinged with pea green. Nose built according 'o tbe Ionic order ef architecture, with a touch of the Composite, and a mouth between a cat fish's and an allig -iter's, made exprs!y for oratory and the reception of latge oysteis F.ari patmated, long, and e!e;antly shaped. My wbis-ers are a combination of doe-hair, moss, and briar bust: well behaved and fear fully luxuriant. Am sound in wind and limb, and on t e nigger question Wear No U boots when corns aie ticubteeome, and can write poetry by the mile, with double rhyme at both e 'gee to read backward, for vard, crsv iee, aad diagonally. Can play on the jewsbarp sad base drum, and wLisile Yankee-.:oodle in Spanish. Am very correct in mv morals, and frt rate at ten pii.e ; have a regard for the Sabbath, ard never drink only when invited. Am a dom-stic asrffl, and perfectly docil when towels are clean ard shirt buttons on. If I possess a predominer.t virtue, it is tha of f-jrgiving every enemy wtsra I deem it hazar dous to bardie. I sav my prayers every night, mosquitocB permtt'in ; and as to whether I snore in my sleep, fp-1 wai t somebody to t;li me J&t Money m object, as I never wa troubled with any, and never expect to be. H, gals! TEic-sr:i:. A hasty trip through some portions rf the To unteer State a few days stnee convinced us that our individual appierintjon of Tenness-e has never been equal to i's merits. We sre nov satisfied that t' is emphatically a greuf Stale, and that Ihe Ssuthern Confederacy could never have got' en a og writ without it. We do indeed regard it as one of 'he most val uable and indispensable stars upon lbe Con federate flag. The portionsthrouh which we traveled ''resent the grand spec ac!e of one vast wheat field. Millions of buhels have been harvested from tbe present year'a crop. and the same will be the case from the corn crop. The aoil i peculiar'y adap'ed to grain, and the v. eld this vear will farsurpas that -f any preceniig year. Aside from he indispensable produc's of h"!r soil to tbe Southern G vernmen', we coul I not willingly, as a Southerner, be dei rived of the privilege of boasting of ber g'and moun tain scenery which, iu our opinion, is not sur psssed in he world. And lastly, though by no means Jpast, her brave and gallant sons could not have been spared from tfee raoks of our Southern army in this grand strike for Scii'hern independence. Hr sons, noble and true as the sun ever shone upon, have rubed to lbe field with a unanimity that truly entitles ner to the honor of beln called the "Volunteer State." Between thirty and forty thousand of fhem are now on tbe tented field, and it ia almost impossible to held them tn cd'ck. We are proud of Tennessee, and now repent us of all the hard hough's we evtrhad against ber for her previous tnr in this Southern movement. Georgia Cmsotltr Capture, of a VnnKPC Vrurl by tlio nor lb atoll in airamrr Winilow. From ill Ba iRh Rcpiitrr, Jaac r On Sunday afternoon last the North Caro lina steamer Winalow, Thomas M. Crossa lieutenant-command rg, captur'd, off Cape HaHeras, the c'-ooner Transit, Knowlrs mas ter, last from K-y W t. Ih pr ze was in bllt, having sailed from New York for K West with provision, shot, etc., about tbe 27ib of May. Having landed ber cargo safely at Key West, the Transit was upon her return Nor'h when eartured. the is a fine t-ehooner of 19S 'una bi'rtlien. She was built st a cost of $13 00f. She I copper-fastened up to nin fee', and has ga! anizrd iron fastenings above iba-. She belongs to New London. Connect i cut. The prizj was carried to NcwLcrnby Lieut. SrSWrll. Hardly wss the abore in type when informs tlon was received here that Lieutenant Crossai had captured e.uo'her vessel off Cape Ha' eras This veeel was the Hannah Balch, an berma phrndite brig, which was captured recen ly off Savannah by the Idnifed Sta es ship Flag Lieutenant Starton. ,Sr was j .st frnm Car riena. and laden with loll briig. of mohisses Her recapture was made by Lieut. Crosaan, of the strainer Wmslow, tVirih, Carolina navy on the 23th instant, wh'le on hr way ta northern pert, in charge of Ihe Yankees." The Sew Going Oct. There arc now mor spots on the sun than have been seen for many veafi-; some or inese are vinble turoiuD smoked gUss to the naiied eve. Several stars somi of them cf great brilliancy, wh cb from their ascertained dis'ance, most have been a large a our sun have to alty disap peared from the sky: and tbe question has been raised amore astronomers whether th light and hea' of the tun are gradually f lin away. As this would h- st rnmparned by tbe destruction of ail the plants and animafs on the esr'h, D is rather an interesting que-tioB. The sun's light and beat are diminished by tbe dark epota at the present time above one per cent. talent and life to tbe service of that God "Hurrah for Ihe girls of '76!" "No. no: that-g too old. Hurrah for tbe girls of 17!" It i -aid that anything Midas touched was nrned into gold. In these days, touch a man with gel.., and he'il turn into anything. "Why don't you jump off?" some on asked Pat after J had narrowly escaped with his life fr. m a horse which bad run away witb him "Ariah, be jabers, and wasn't it as much as I coutd do to stay on?" "So."' saic a young gentleman to a beantiful v I ' lady, at a party in Arkansas, "you m .'t tae any of tue s-trdines?" "No," said phe, "hut I'll take some of them greased min nows." 'Sill," said a fellow to a girl who had red hair, "keep away from me, or you'll set me on fire." "No dsnger of that." replied tb g rl, "you are too green to burn." "Mi, may I vou home," gtd a youc man fas a f rt. "No. sir," was the short re !y "Oh, I don't mean now, but some o'.cer nigbt when I can't eo anywhere else " He who is a Hirer in his family is generally a sheep in society. Magistrate, pompctxly, to a li'tl boy wit ness: "My boy, can you repeat the Lord's p.- v.r?' "Yes, ir," was the instant reply cf the smart ycu h, "can you?" A miller in one of tbe midland counties o' England, meeting a half-witted lad one day, sad to bitn: "Well, Tom. does the? know what beest thou thinking oi?" To which Tom replied: I knows what I know, and I knows wha' Idanaa know." "How is that?" quoth the miller, "f never heard of a man as knowed what be did not know." "Ob," re j lined Tom, "it' sll right. I know you ha' many fat pigs, hut I dunna know whose rorn you feed them on!" Tbe miller eloped, sorry tLat he had asked any quetion. " There s our Gi-rshom." said Mr. S. "he must g ofl to the city, to get his living by hia wits " " We'd," asked a friend, "how did he make out at a I ?" "Ah!" said the old man, wi h a siib, tap ping bis forehd significantly, "he failed for want of capital." "So yon are going ta teach a school," id a yaung lady to her old maiden aunt " Well, for mv part, sooner than do 'ha'. I would mar rv a widower wi'b nine children " " I shouhl prefer that life iryelf," wa the e,uiet reply, bu- where is tbs widower?" An old gent'eman of eigh'y-fon.r having taken ta the altar a yaiing damiel of sixteen! the clergyman said to him. "You will fi"d the font at lb apposite end of the church." " What do I want with tbe font ?" asked the old gentleman. "I beg your. pardon," said the clerical wit ; I thought yon bad brought tbia child to be chris'ened." A man overtook a small boy of aome fire or six summers, and addressed him in tbe fol lowing manner: "Well sir, whose son are you." Bov, "I am Sarah's." Man, " And who is Sarah ' Boy, "Why, she is my ms?" The man rode on not much the wiser, by his inqnery . When Napoleon wa only an officer of ar tillery, a Prussian officer said in bis presence, with much pride: "My countrymen fight only for glory; but frenchmen tight onlj fir money "You are right," replied Napoleon, each need of them fight for what thry are u;oet in of " "Did the defendant knock 'b plaintiff down with malice prepense?" "No sir be knocked him down with a flat iron " "Yon misunderstood ne, mv friend. I wa- t to know whether be attacked him witb an evil intent?" "Oh, no, sir it wa outide of the tent." "No, ro, I wish you to tell me whether the attBck was at all a preconcerted affair?" "Xo, air, it was not a free concert affair it was a circus." A IBVBIBT I Si THE HOt'l", We know all about it now what all those drawers are! chests were filled up with a mini ature wardrobe for why sister Mary had such a fashion f blushing and hiding her pretiy. tasteful work at the .bottom of the ba'ke". Yes, we know all about it now: tbe mvitery i explain ': we've got a baby! a rt a', blinking, 6oafcvfe baby; the irtelligenve of which wa conveyed lo me by a round-eved, wonder stricken urchin, who was the baby until this morning. "Oh, such a tiny bit of squirm!" ho ex claimed, "no bigger than a doll, and i ain't got no eye at all!" I at as I hurried home to welcome the little strarger, Timmy was there before me, and with eye biggef than ever, wag standing at nurte's knee, evidently trying to solve tbe qurs'inn whether baby's fists were douhled "p o hit him a "uncti or to snub tm own nose ;ne wrong way of the world. A bran new baby! Do you know what i's advent Is into the heart and home of a happy family? The rao her laying upon that bed of suffering which reduces all women, from the queen to tbe b 'ggar, to the same common level r humanity; e mother 'hat we approach so reverently, feeling that a human soul has beerr" ent from heaven via ber maternal bosom, and that from her hand he who s"nt it will re quire a strict account of i's guardianship while pas.i;g its lire through this world of chance and change. What a responsibility! I tb,sk we are s"l- lorn con-rious of it, or if we were, we, who knvw to its core every throb of tbe great work's heart, wbohave lived through i'as'orm and calm, who knew how unsubstantial its pleasures, how poignant its woe I say, could w know the responsibility o" transplanting to its sunshine and its shsde, one Bingle blossom from the garden of God, we should pray to h pared that trust we miirht so ineffectually fullfil. But then to see our new baby our beautiful mystery; to see everybody tiptoeing in every body but Tommy, who never having been ac customed to walking on egg, don't exactly see why he should begin now 'o se them all so gleeful over baby, go pitiful over "mamma, poor mamma!" lying there go pale and wan to see them jolrir g pap, and calling I dm ". terrible fel.ow," t which Ii tie Tomm, is in dignant. and think it wonlri't be well for Mr. Grundy to ca'1 him uch a hard nme. Whit an interest we take in babies in general, not tuat we 'funk anything in that line cr.utd hold a candle with ours; and what jokes we tell about otnr people's babies, until our laughte- warns the tiirie; who warns us to be more quiet or leavr; to be sura, the laughter is generally conhned to I oimiy and I, for mam ma only smiles the tiniest ghost ofj a smile; Tommy makes up for it, however, laughing so loud and go long, arttOonttBe remotest itea where tb lai rh come in, 'hat only 'be in dulgence of a rouh and-tumb." g imer"t can cool tiff his merriment; at th exhibi'ion of which enormity the nurse gives him a different kind of propeller, which sends turn cr mg to the kitchen. Mairms sa-. "poor 1 ommy," am! iapa immediately starts for him. In a fe v minu'ea he ri turns with tommy and a pair or re: eyes, wry maniuiiy assert ing that papa's biy wasn't e-oir g to have bis nose put out or joint ror an the babies in tne world! Then mamma smiles on papa, and papa, when he thinks I don't see him, smilei. on her, and takes her poor, bloodless band anri presses it to bis 1 ps, and places it in his bo som, till poor me, who don't see him anybovr, who wouldn't be hired to see bitn. and who hag live I long enough in the world to kne . when to gee and when n t to see, chi ke up tbe wor3t kind, make up for my chamber, ai.d have jut a magnificant crv with nothing in tbe world to cry for, only because iverythirg i so affecting ; the sick-room, in itsqir-tud', the helpless Utile creature in i's cradle, and papa and over their new born affec tion. Oh ! I tell yon a man never is a man, UN ? bit of human'ty, bone of bis bone, flesh of his flesh, lays belptes in his arms. He never know himself, till the dear one has chosen out of the world to walk with him the i ilgrim aire of life, l es for the fir t time '-efore him, weak and pale, with this morsel of humanity upon ber bosom. The promise thev make to their own hearts that no wrong of their doing hall ever give a pang to that gentle spirit ; 'hat no paths of pleasure shall be bright enough to lure their feet from the portals i f home; that no word of unkindne-g shall ever give pain to the mother of their child. But alas ! ('here mtmt be an end to everything in this world), new babies get to be old stories ; freeh promises fade in the light of fresher plensnreg and men, hehg " inconglg enf ever," would require a frerb baby every week or tw o to make them toe the mark of all the nromlsfs thev go inconsiderately make; and! a it wou'd ae rather it convenient for us to accommodate ourselves to Biirh requirements, we must take the will for the derd, and re.ak the mot of their repentance for tbe past, and good resolves for the future, while the motives for these resolution last. Babies are a great inti'ufion, though; at least, ours ial Gay Sjianktr. fjj" "How did you overcome his areu men V asked a philosopher of a ynnrg the-ol--gjan who had erg'ged a powrrful adver sary, "Arguments!" r-plied the o'her ; "I said nothir.g about his arguments. I told him first that he was a Judaa Iscariot, and next that he was Antichrist. A 8 T K A S Ci E STOK. Some week or tan days ago a young man, originally from the eojntry, became engaged to marry a yaut.g lady squal to bim in rank an I fortute. She was a Parisian. He occupie a lucrative place in one of our railway com pany i officej hern. Her father l.veg on the family estate, which is situated in one of the mounta:n gorges noar the Ffancorspanish frontier, and sptirated almost entirely from the world. He bad passed for a widower about twenty' years. The young man paid a visit to the old family seat, where, indeed be was accustomed to spend his summer vaca Mona, to calleet the intniasen Me documents the French law requires the officer who performs the marriages t have in bis hsnds before he stamps the civil contract made before hi-n wi'h it Mi'dean snd Ptrsian rparae'er. v He 'ked his fathet for bis m itber's burial certificate. Tbe fatbei was rx remely em barrassed by this appeal ; but no bands could be published until tbe burial certifi-a'e had been lodged at tbe ms yor's office, where the marriage wag to be eontractrd. Tbe father nt last broke 'he silence, javii g : "Mv dear bov, I have for a great many years concealed a secret from yon. because its possession would proire a painful burhn 'o you, because the honor cf our house is inter ested in its mainterunce, and your tender yea's have hitherto rendered you incapable of preserving it. Your moth-r liveg. She is a luna'ic. Come witr. me and I'll let you gee hT. H carried his pon, who w as Iremb'ing with emotion, into sn o'd tower which fotined part of the architecture f the chateau, and they went to tbe top ef it. Tbe chamber on the 'ast floor was the lunatic's cell. He opened the door, the son entered, and kneeling at the poor woman's feet, gobbed : "Mother! mother!" In a most heart rend ing manrrr. Thrse touching appeais, which would hrt ve more I stone idols almot, made no impression on tbe poor lunatic. Her s'are con'inued as aca Dt am! tier li aa speechless Merer. The sen, bis sou! sick 8t the sad spectacle, there jently upbraided his father for denying him the melancholy aolace if shar ing the attention be, his fa. her, hail bestowed on bis wreck for so many year.i. The lather repeated the excuse he had given of his son's youth and the impoitance of the secret to the family happinesi. Itb came necessary to avow this misfortune to the bride's fa. iilv, and they naturally de aired to sec for themselves, as the story that the-wife wag dea 1, and the atory that she was crazy, seemed eomethirg awkward, which neded explanation. Several members of tbe family went down to the distant chateau, and 'he poor lunatic was introduced. As soon as gbe saw heiself surrounded by witnesseg, ghe sgbl i a calm tone i "I am not mad. My husband becoming the prey of unreasonable jealousy, and I being helpless and alone in this secluded mansion, to escape his continual scenes of violence, and to avoid t';e fear that I was continually under of being ansastina'ed by him, (he tbrea'ene 1 more than once to kill me) I eav, I feigned madnegs in the hope of enjoying something like quiet. I preferred languishing in prison all my life, to being hourly harassed by these dreadful scenes of jealousy." You m y imagine the effect of this declara tion. The persons assembled thought at first this accusation was but an additional evidence of the distracted state of her mtnd, for mad ness often borrows reason's mask, and wears it so well as even to deceive the most practiced pbysxians of the mind. The faculty wag ap pealed to. Before they could decide, her brisdand, who bad been in a sta'e of agitation ever gince bis wife charged bim wth ber sequestration, becamer.ivtng mad. H paper were inspected, end it appeared that he had been crazy a monomaniac his phrenzy -r s ngfrnm jealousy. He was carried to a in -id house, and bi9 wife "igned the marriage contract of beT son. .$. O. Picayune. uvau mi p. A young friend of ours, who " puts up " at a two dollars n. fi'iy cents hoarding bouse, relates tbe following incident, which may if ard a useful bint ti those ladies who under take to provide nutriment fr boarders with strong gtouiacbs and weak puraeg. One day last wiek, saya our friend, the goup produced for our noon-tide meal was unusually rich and unctuous, possessing a flavor which proved conclusively that an x ra quantity of meat had been used in the preparation. Tbe boarders wcr all very much surprised and delighted, bu' tbe landlady seemed to be ss pleased with their frequent draughts upon 'he tureen. A short time aft r dinner, our friend, lap pening to pass by tbe ki'chen, overheard bis hostess rat ing the cook for having put too much of the shin of tbe beet in the loup kettle : " Half of it "gi 'd the economical provider, "would have be n quite enough for eight boarders, that pay no more than tbey djfor their 'victuals." " I didn't put hf If the shin in, ma'am, says tha cook." "Ye needn't tell me that story," cried tbe ex cited old lady. "I know you've been wasting the mea' ; eo j -ist I ake the ladle and dip up the bones, ami then ve'll see whether I'm a I ar or you're mistaken.'' Ive cook obeyi d, and after diving the iauie down two or th: ee times in tbe ketth, idle brought up somi thing which explained tbe mystery. "Lor. ma'am, I see how 'tis," she said: "kit ten has been ju nping "bout the kettle and dropped in, an' it 's all boiled up in the broth " "Bless me ! ' cried the hostess, "so it is ! "i Then, after a cotsiderable pause, ghc rdded: "Cook, hare you any more ki"ena? We mtgat drop one n, you know, every time we have a soup dinntr. You wouhl't belie'te how the boarders ieened to like it." Our friend pat sed to hear no more, but start ed out to seek aro'.ber boarding house, Tbe Life Deatb of Sheridan. Tbe last yean of Sheridan's life are mourn ful to contemplate. Age brought bim sickness and woe. His old friends were dead : he was alienated fron his party ; he had lost his property; be had lost that royal fnvor in which was his l8t hope. The rich and great who bad threnged around him in his yrogper ity, fell off n.iw and 1-ft him "naked to his en emies " Byron was in a foreign land. Moore and Rogers did what they did to smooth the pillo v of tbe riving man. Ad thus, old and poor, sick and miserable, tie went down to that rolling darkness which ha! gathered ov' tbe por'alg of the torah. It wag a sun which rose in golden gplendnr,"vbich blaz-d in me ridian gio-y, and which, finally, tbrnagh clouds and storm, sunk away into its solemn res . It wag a lif which began in health, hope and ardent vigor ; which in manhood wa full of prosperiry and honor, and wb-ch ended in dig appoini nrn', denil and utter despair. The fuieral of Sherdan was an itroosing pageant. Throngs of the great and titied fol lowed him to Weatminsfer Abbey. Two earls, .o lords, a bishop and duke were his pall bearers The princes of the blood-royal, numerous noblemen, as mourners, arrayed in "he Mapping and suits of woe." Moore, whose ard-nt spirit scorned thi mockery, re bukes tbe heartless cruelty which could suffer a g eat man to die of want, ind Hun follow bim fal to bis grave. SIAUhU, '.f you find a man circulating mi'.icious re pt rts about his neighbor, it may te set down s nn inviolable rul that any suc'.i person is iiehonest. Hot only dishonest, but, from bi infamous diRpr.-u'ion, dangerous to all with whom be may be acquainted. Hi cfrcnlates false impressions, and sets people upon an er roneous course of judgment and conduct in respect to others, wbick. may frequently be ruinous to their prosperity. It r'nes a general injury to society, more than to t'le party slan dered, a it destroys eotriUakKt. The man who i fc'iiil y of circulating rni'.icion reports must ceriKinlv be Hecei ful, anil therefore dis hnest; he must l e atnr. loi e l t- every prin c'pte of moral feeling. Iu ancient times, when a mm w-s convicted af being a slanderer, he was s'o: d to death a? being a Janger and a curse to the who'e Cfunaunitjr. Ia m.v'ern times there is area a better remedy tban this it is 'o ceise nil communication .with such characters. Trf a' them like lepers, abandon thern tn their own kir d, which is a social death, one which rcay -rve a sn eairr.ple to others. This rule is observed iaaoeig all in telligent penpte, and should be invariably car ried out in this place. Er, The Hrni'c is Caanrosf LrrK. In a re cent lecture Grace Grecnwiod g-ire the fol h.winc ircide.'it, said to have occurred at the time of the burniug of a 1 e-imer on one of our western lakes. It is one among the thousand of the beautiful inc datnta which reveal the he roic in common life : 'Among tbe few passengers whcue courage and perseverance of mind rosf superti.-- to all the horrors of that fcight, was a mo'ttf who succeeded in savin?: her two children brmeans of s floating settee. Fcr hours, till help csme, she cheered arid comforted the shivering, frightened little creature, sustaining her self meanwhile in the wa'er by merely resti lngiierciunon rue rran support, i nis moiner rrlited that once, as they wer" floating near '.lie burning wreck, a man swam toward them, looking spent and desperate. 8eein2him about to grasp the setlee, she cried, "O, do not take it away from my poor I ttle children !" The roan made no answer, yet the appeal struck home for, by tbe light of the flame, she could see that his face was convulsed as with a fierce struggle between the migb'y Instinct of nature and some'hing better and manlier. It was but a moraent. He threw nu his arms with a groan of renunciation, flung himself over backward, and went down." Mediums. CORNS, CALLOSITIES, DISEASED NAILS, CLUB FEET, ALL EXCRESCENCES AND DEFORMITIES or THI HANDS m FACE wr: be ErriCACiOTCLY an pcsmaxistlt erlaacs. ted and cored br DR. WARN! RESIDENT SURGEON CHIROPODIST, No. 327 Met in street, over Jones at Tagg, Memphis, Tenn. a. WA.RXK&, with grateful tbanki, bu tb bnor to lefurm the Ladle and Oentlemen ai Memphis, that throigb tb kind and liberal patronat which he ha re ortvrd frota them, he bu been Induced to Mttle her permanently, and become a cltlseo of Memphis . He cociiders It pansaaaatJi In thti csnnection, to pbllah the hundred ai FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS h'h.iba receive from Gentlemen of th HIOH K3T RE6FBCTABTLITT in this city and elaearaere. Ther are la Ms do was or. and open for the laspectloa of all, hnt tie Reference, below ar oi rutnre that will abundantly atiify U who pernae them. REFERENCES. T. A. NBL30M, K--,., Praldnt oi th bask of Vent Ter.ceue. LKROT FOPS. Bsq., Superintendent:-.)? th dtf Khaots. 03. P. 8. JOKM, (firm Sheldon. Jone t Oo.) B. M. i KH , . t. K-i , Attorney a: L- 1. CKOX WALKER, Esq., " JOHN HAMILTON, Esq., R. 2. CQBW, Eq., " T. J. FINNIE, Esq., " B. I. HAMMOND, Kq., " CONSULTING ROOMS, XO. 327 llAVi STREET, OVER JONES fc TAGG'S, Between Union and Gayoao Strte, Office houis: From 9 a. m. to 6 p. M. Le win be waited n t.y the n-T-tjr' office leavtn tblr d(!rew at nrn JIM RKiElYKI)! 1 afl ' ,t:!i Pine anil Ooarae SALT; J JJ 20 ankK Bcon Side and Shoulders ; 20 tierces I ard ; So raeka trnd'E Porter : 10 barter Pidh Heids ck fhampakne. ALSO Snyar. Molasses Tea, T-tiaro, Oisa a and W'iikj, eic. For Mi by J. P. PSNC. j. 30-d .w No SB Prn . t r..w GOOD PASTUKAGE, FOR iftUEES AND HORSE XTEVER FAILING WATER AND e0"D FKNoB il Appljt JOBf HOUR SON, Or, HILL fc OiiRlON, JelS-lm M. 18 Front row Memphis and St Louis Packet Company ALL persons having claim against thla compaaj ar rqoeated to preient tfcem ror fli-ttlement, to J. M. GRKGnRT. at. ui office, on the aooth ide of M-mroe elr-ei, over th jewelry store .1 A. J. Wrren A co. JeiS-ln J. C. GRIFFIINTG, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF Bagging, Rope, Bacon. Flour, Cotton. Rice, sugar, Molasses Office No 46 Front row, Memphis, Ten: easee T H aVii in arore and f-r sale 76 BOB lbs. A. W. Mack- 1 lin & aon'a celebrated canvassed anjar Cured AMI) and a lot of One Family Flour and Jtfess Pork, t which I invile the attention of prchen by the lot Oi'ntianmenoi nolKlted, to which promor a'teuiion person will be given. C. GR F?!NG, Je30 2m 46 Front row. Just Received and for Sale. Q falfk BA'3 SALT, OUUU 4iO brla. Whlskr, 400 baia M a', 300 bns. Meas Pork, brla Finn-, 60 ciirks deai- S d Bsc .n, 35 ca-k honider Bacon, 10 caska . ... v i Hams, 60 btlS. Lard. )y.1m WEST, COCBRAN fc CO. ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, Montgomery County, Virginia. TQIS celebrated WATERING PLACB will b openei f ir the reception ot visitors on the lut day of June Located three and a hair miles from the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, they are easy of access, and afford the bejl srcority for families. department is supervised by the proprietors, who will attend personally te the wanta of their gne.ts. Tbe proprietors ft after themselves they were never so we'.I prepared as the present reason. A nil supplr of Ice bas been secured. Passengers leave the rai roa-i at Shawsville, and wilt be tarried in tunr horse orjnibnsaea over a fine road tc the Spring". The.e waters stand unrivaled for lbe cure of Dy-pep- Sl. BOOTH, CMI.HOUN k CO Water for sale by S. Mansfield Co., Chandler k C . Wigg. Bros, ti Oo., Druggists, Memphis, Ttnu. je'21-dhwm PRITATK letter mail To aad from the Federal States. ALL I.E TTBRS ror the Korthern States rnclosed Is an -outside envelope (both enve'upes beint; prerala) ami nddressed to me at Nahvile, Tenueaaee, with ten cfiits enc'toaed in on'aide envelope, wi t be carried across to Franklin, Ky , and there mailed for their proper destination in tbe old States Tn like manner all letters from the old States may be directed t nin t Franklin, Ey., and I will . v them across U Naville Ten 1 , and mail th-ra for the prop er d. t . . : . s uth. If found iuconvenipnt to prepar m?ide enrelopes for waut of he proper stamps, fifteen cents may be enclesed in ptas;- stamp. of either Co fedtracy.or cash, and I will prepiy and forward as above. This arraQKeraeot to continue dnrina tbe war Keffr.n.nce Any of the citizens of Memphis or Naliii e j-v8-Im B. WHTTBSirKS. N 0 MM Delta, sffobile Mercury, Obar est-'U Cnori er. Savannah Repnbticin, Vicksburg W iz and ans:nta Chronirle copy fo one menth ao send bi" to thisnnV IlsrORMATI .IV WASTED, Or . S C ELLI8, tinner, who was former y in tb e-'ploy of Mr. O N. Oarleton Information left with! N. Carleton, M5 Main street, will be thank fully rectived. MBS. L. P. K 1.1.18. je8-im StltSffllaitfaus- 0HING AM M A. 1ST UFAOTOEY, 374 Iain Street, GAYOSO BIiOOK- A LARGE QUANTITY OF HAND-MADE HEAVY DUCK TENT CONSTANT LY ON HAND. rAM PRBPRBD TO FURNISH TBNT3 of eifl d c lption, and in any qoautltr, on short notice. AIM, to manufacture JLrmy Clothing, In tbe beat ttrle and of the beat qnallij, to any ex lent All ordera exernted promptly J !- X. D. CRA"nf.L ICE, ICE CORREY & CO. WHOLBSALB AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Z O ES OBBAL STRBBT, between Bain aad Shelby, and JBFrERS jN STRBBT. .;nth aule, between e- ond an-1 Third j -1m BLUFF CITY MILLS, POPLAR STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. MANTJFATrRBS of all of Choice Extra ani Snpertlne Flonr, Bolted Co.-n Mjaal, Uran, sbcrta a . Blip IntTa. Orde-a aollcit'd nd promptly attended to. Term.1 ex'In-lTely CASH. Cf" Hiehest CASH price paid fur Wnet. Apply at ND 1 FRONT ROW. )e8-3m WOTBR fc NEBLT. BOOK BINDERY, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY AND PAPER WAREHOUSE, or C F. Chamberlin & Co., (Late of nd sncceaacra to CnlTr, Parte, lloyne fc Oo.,) 159 MAIS bT.IKET, MBUPHIS, TSNNKS1KB. BLANK BOOKS mar.nfactnrd to order, at abort notice. Alio, conatan'ly on hand and for sale, PUt Papera, Cards and Card Hoardu, Blank IV-ka. Stationery of all kind-, and Bul k of erry deacriptlun. for cily and connte offli-em. corporationa, banker and railroa-I oomnaniea, at whoieeale and retail, at tha lowest price. Ordera frn the country shall receive onr r-tukpt at- tanti-". myI7 ly 1 T&KGRKT txcwlmily to ompliM to nay few word- two U5.s of my bor-1er. The first are h-ye who d not pay promptly. It is im'? UMa for r e to kpfc op witbavut. prompt p- m-nt The otber cla- are thoee who r-- ilanttoAM with tbeit fare, and the rnlfa and regnlstions of the hona. I b it-ve IVt pr -pnator ha a -iRht to lna fme, atd rb M who are tit -tatt-fied am he rtcht nnd pri f iirg t ;e- When tbey ar tJNastisrtM tbey wttt ublice nv m m eo. I hope ibit notice will ecffl e. Very rspcctrnity, jell-Ora Proprietor Oty- Honae. IS KKMAIIM, MISS. OR. ROBERT TE.HFLE, HAVING bonht ont th interest of L f . Jone, in the Dro: S ore of Temple la Jonea riaa Jnat re ceived a fret.h snp ly of good?, which make., hi stock now on of the heat of FRESH ANI) PUSS DRUGS ever bo ht in tlilj market, alio which h offers lo caah, or prompt customer, at Memp'-id price, or brliv. Dr. T. haa Jnsi pr'rnrt .1 thea:vico t Mr BSRB, of VirKinia. ai Preacripiion clerk, whohrioirs the hi? tr eat teatirnoniala of hia rtientinc ar-d practical kuo.rl edxa of the hnine-s, and of his pentiecinnlj- claractt-r. ALL M8DK INBS Gi' ARANTEtfD. Come ad examine my stock and prices. a: TKMPLB M. D. ITTR save determined to clrse o r btnnen and shall W diseontina Ihe crel it system W-1I sell for caali only, and no Roods delivered pid f r. Oar auxk of saddles. Orioles and Ilann s, w will cloee ont at coaaa J. W. ARMSTRONG h CO., myR xm . W Hatai ti t. DtSNoluaoii. HATING sold onr entire itotk .f G-tit to H. B. AUSTIN, ihe ccpartaernaip heretolore existinit between ns U this day mntnally disaolvel, except so fr as may he naceaaary to eloe the aaaaattaB haziness of tbe concern. We here take occasion to r. turn nar thanks to onr friend and carton) frs for their lrberal patron is, and sUcit fer our successors continuance of the aaaa pat ouk. HOBTON h UCVrBK. Memphis, April 1, 191. ara Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, 291 Main street, aP2 BRINKLEY BLOCK. 8 T K A W AND Cliildrens Fancy Goods. MILLER ft OUNN, MANlFACrrjSERS i UEiLERS, WHOLESALE AND RATAIL. BS1M8 KXCLPSirBLT ei.ged in M . :; . 'nrlng and Deaiirit in HATS. CaP3, etc.. every descrip tl n, w are evabied to offer great M I M 1 1 pnr cha ers, an-t will keep aBiaaUf n hand the isrgeat aad mobt extensive assortment of goods in vtir lin In tbe South. We can nit '.be taste of all in fSAlity and price. Call at mr23 MilVll" W 1 KSN. Butter and Eggs Depot. BUTTER ANdT(.GS DRPOT. J.tfOB J. PEDES 3i ro., General Produce Dealers, No. 69 Main Street. (Between Market and Winchester streets,) Ki constantly on bsnd fresh Bnttcr and V:gs, Whit ish, Msckeret, Troot, Laire Shad, Pickerel, all kinds of Cheese, tc.. t the lowest ."rket rates. JelS-Bm Military Books! H. WADE k CO. H. WADF 4. CO. JUST BfCBIVKD new nd desirahie ed'.ion of Har dee's Ta -tics, in two vo nm , with .i aidenda of a Manuel of the piece adapted to V-i Kiflo Mo-kel, tb BiDe, and other Infantry arm. Also, a atannai for Coif Pistol. Thi- is the b't eoi'inn lhat has teen lanned, being preferable V Lippiccoti's, of Philadel phia. We have Button it'gh's edition, and that of E. 0. Kirk rt ALSO The Trooper's Mannal, or Tactics for Light Dragoons and Moonted Riflemen. ALSil, LTTXH1BT WflKKS the Lost a.J-nlb-ern author D'lsraeli'a Br gll .h I. Herat .r- kight at Last. Woman in White Chapel or St Mary. As It Is. Oames at tbe Truth. Book of Poblie Prayer, as prepared by Oa'vin, Km-x and others. Levers 01 J. W Alexander, D D. Claiborne's Life of Qu rutin ; and maaymor. All for sale by H. WAOej At CO., Jl K3 Ma n street. l$xt&ssvml CarDs Dr. W. B. Morrow, MIDDLEBLRG, TE.VV. HAVIN1 r- i?nd hia prsltworahip .d is B M. Collie of Memphis wh ta mure rrjiia I home anJ devote bis whole time tee prcijce -r In their various departments. H has er.toved - perir fa-Hit es, nd as bad lung n acceauai experience in practice. Ch-oaic Disease (especially tbo of tbe nnrct and tbi.e pecaliar to n.i,ei) ireat'' .u:ciarnl y Hecr lares his meolcinea fro-T' -a-ative and no-poL.non anU(raoi!t'-frt m th vegetable kingdaxu), which t anws to bo SAFk and RBI TABLE Ca lsfrom r. distance aUea'.eu w Preacrlptivr.s and Medic.r,.' eu! by mall or express npon ap, .ica'loa. 'el7-d.twswanl DKS. J. B. H A8S0 & ii. HAS.".rT. m.m. DENTISTS. NO. 320. IT . VB muvvd ineir uDce to comr of kl UNION AND MAIN ST'RS T3 where they have flited op and fr:rntihi; rtn.-iTiM suitable tcr taa acoomniodr.tion of itoae who may faror them with their con3detice, and havmi; thes located prmaienHr wrier their prcreseiooa! b.irires for tbe 9&za6 PnrtrteT thac this we wish to Uod Ml pu .n-.ccen.eut wi.ateve-, to enuare tha public or tlr t thrm to onr ofllce, by any ei.. it:oa of Dec:al r"Jc!TBnt, or propoiti'Mi to do 'cheap Dntiirv,' pr "at pfaCOT an low or evatu lower lhan the Try lowest," or by any o:ar aiarerreieQ'atioa vt facts ia any way wuatever. W-eitbr do we wiih any o- e to mietaJceonr aaaat (Wa-son) faw that of an i ber aa the came Ii olane, and e of tnainei.s eaaily tcand. Oiac. oemer at Vnir, mi Main. r0 f J ! iwmr DR. VAiH BIJJMft, OCULIST AND AURIST. Office ia Jackson Mock, COBNK Of? MAIN AND GATOSO 8TBRHT3, mrl-'awly Memphis. Tens. M. D. L. Stewart Kaieigh STE'TAZiT J. B. ALSEE, Memphis. A, ALGEE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, (OtB' e at Rile:?h, an tn Beaister's OtBce Bnildina,) Corner of f 'onrt a Third Streets, lil aji. Tonn. 13"Bpecil attentijn to Oo, lections, Cor.vej s;c.nanJ Invent u.-iinc Tit iee etc. delt-ra Attorney and Counael or at Law, AND COLLECTING AGENT, AtTexkx -: ixls, Toitaeaiseo. Tt" Offlce itith side of Court qr .re, three doors rom Main treet. Jat'.'-am GHAHCXbYI SALE OF Y!IIW REAL ESTATE. PFB3UANT to decrte of the Chancery (mrt at Memphis, rendered N'wemoer term, l.sao, in the case ef A Baldwin Miller vs. A O Bills, I w 11, On Monday, July 15, 1861, In front of n.7 ofTJce, in the ci'y .f Memphis, prteceed to sell to the hihKbt bidder, for caah, A Valuable Lot of Ground, IX THE CITY OF MEMPHIS, Bontided and described aaaafollowi, to-wlt : Commencina: att the Borth-eat 1 orner aj a lot conveyed y Frr'irirk O 8'ant'M' t.i J'TtL;a i&ryp, where the IkwatM a h M th lot Nnaaf y uw m 1 by J-h-. T. Tresevant, rt Matn ei:r-et; therce w tb Tt s vai:t'a .ine efard y 10 feet ; tLenjesuthtrarrt'y parallel to If tin -tre-Jt T iMI to the c-rner of a lt toaveyej. br aa'd n to Was. Carr; thence eatwardy with Carr's line to If-tu atiael Matte! thcoce northwa dly with A .. street 75 feet to the ueinn:0fT. sale at 11 w'clock, a. M. . ' v C IAN1S11, .fel1-awt-. Clrk and Vaster. (H.iSIEKY SAEE OK A VALCbLB i.M J h H i) 5 u.iioiiU.Lii; noli PrisrAVT to a decree o' the Chancery Conrt al MenjrihiH, reudereit at ihe hit -ember term, 1S6J, ye the c e . r win. u Griusr vs. B C. Brinll-y, I will. Rut u.i K.. Turnae an! On .Tloariay, Ju'y 15, 1861, la front of Wf flSce, in tJe city or Memphis, proceed to ieH to the MghMI bidder. The Leasehold Estate Of n'ns C Tnrmge. the'e-.a. In acnain I Lytcit ia the citv of 31 see. at the tou'i-rjitit loeth?r wih the iniproven'eMt-' tt f Ian !, d--crjt)e-i a. i luw: mi'h:s, fbelby ciLn;r, Tn't.'--ourmr as? aWaani aid J-fTerson f lxt Mo. 341, a. dei enated on Tee's, bel e a pat the map of Memphis ; b- nxins at a str-tkJ at the n rth ?t ea rner of said tct No. 513, ru-j.nuff ea-t wi h ih so nth of JtT rs"D ttreTt SH ftei ; aassni pajoO an-! pra lei with taabd sireeiliM fret; t.ienie wst and paraUi with Jrtf?ron trpt 8s feet to th-- ea : ;'! c Second Ktreer ; tttefcee Pflftt wi'h tUe east, stilt oi Sec cti'l stre t 74 feet, to t ie be . umag TbltalS F 3AL8. Said Leasf-no d Estate and in:-aaTv-se-'ueats win l- sold on a cr; .-tr,r ..usmsw.?" nvi-ths m er,'ial inal ment-. pirhasei to ej( notes with approved secarity; a 'in retniited oo the premises until psyment o. purchase donev Hiost ll 'cliXl, A., fif . JtlTV 0 LAKIB. ir l-iwrd Cl-rk ar.d Master. CHA.M'ESSY SALE lUigLE REU WI PTBSOANT to decree of the Chan, ery Onrt al MemthiK. rendere.l a: the S.-vmb term. 1910, iu the c' of J. t Johnacn vs. Oeorge H im.hrey and Win. Park, 1 will, On ttosday, Jaiy 15, 18fil, In front of my offlra, in the city of Memphis, proceed to sell to the behest bidder, A Valuable Lot of Land, Lying in the city of Memphis. Shelby conmy. Tennes see, heing art of origina. cuQntrv Lot , ocS, being L U Nos I, 6 Ld part of a. aa laid off in tb snuUvi taa or said original lot tit M A. K-rr, st-vember li I8AB. and being tt- N03 1. a. 4 and 6, as laid off by John S Ball.itni, Mircb 12 H B;icDlua stB at i e -on h eetern ext-eoiitv of aald xBMl lot on the Al' bam a road rsnntng thence north 4 deg.,east ISO feet a s-ake o the soota-eaat boundary line of said erigli al Uit; ibeuce Lorlh c deg.,we,i. 6iS foet o stake at th extreme we,t corner of Jjhn HilicmV l.t ; thence 4dH deg., ea.-t with said Halmrn's line M : a-10 f"t to stake on the sonib-west ude of -16 feot avenne ; thence nortn 40 H deg , eat 131 H feet to a stake en the wnth-veat of sa.d aveuoe. themce sonth 3 a deg , west M feel o a stake on the Alabama road; hoace wiih said road conth 44 deg . eat 27H feet t S ftkei thence sooth 4 , east 19 f et 10 the beginni' g IKitaS OP 3 A LB The awe described lot will be aold on a credit af MX and iblneen momh in qnI in -t-uinenl, pnrchuer to xecnt noie w th approved scennty; a lien r tainal cn the premises nntil pay ment ef vn-chdse money. Sal at tl o'clock, A. at. JOHN 0. LAVISH, jell-d.wtd Clerk abd Master. CHA5CEKY SAL.E as VALUABLE REU ESTATE. PURSUANT to a decree of tbe Cbnncery Conrt at Mem;bi, rendered November term, I860, in tb case of J. Cem-U Terry vs. Thom.a L-u-iarl, I will, Os itlosday, July 15. 1861. Ia front of my offlce. In the rity of Memphis, proceed lo sell to th highest bidder, A Valuable Lot of Ground, Lying ar.d being in t-e city of Memphis, Shelby eer.ntv, D' kn wn aa par, of L'.t No a in ttlxk To. , in South Memphis, and romineacing a the nor'h-ea.-t corner r Main an-1 Lmden .rreets, and renting thenc north wardlv with the east id ot Mai street 40 fe' to t stake : theucj esslivaruly nd parallel with LiJen atreei SO tret to a stke ; thence aonihward v and par il' with Main street 40 leet to Lin.i.'n; wc-t- ardly witn Linden street W the se.inaing, on Ai ln street TftRMS OF SAI.K Th above described lot WW B sold on credit of seven nd tmrteen equal in stallments, purchaser to execute note, with approve, se curity; a lie lo be retained on the premises until pay meat of nrcbase mo ey. Sale al Ii o'clock, A. M. JOnN C. LAN! KB, jrll-dawid Clerk and Master C HAS I E. 1 S.UE PUBSUABT to a decree rendered by th Supreme C"Url of Ter-nesjee, at its April H "-!, lii. end -.n tbe 24th da ot April, 18(1. In a c nam caase wherein Ma' ica A. Ooieman and other ar complainnrs, and Jka Pitman an-1 Artaor Tsylor ar defendant, I will, on Saturday, the 27th day of J&Jy, 161, Proceed to sen to The higl in front of the oSce ef Master, Snuth side of Ova phis Tennessee, the folios L"' No, one (1). two (-1 I, in the it' of Memp-.: that portion of -aid city i'lder, at p-hhe auction, 0. Lanier, rierk and are, in lb city of Mea leal karate, to-w.t: lbre(3), in B.eck No nneasee, and being in mpbts formerly known a- South Me i ph , and more panicnlarly described by metes and bounds, aa follows to-wit : Beginning at tbe b'Hith eagt ot er of ShelKv and Tregev.nt streets, in aid ciiy of Memphie. and rnnnitrg aawwea estward'v with the northern line if said TTa-vaiit street one hundred au eigoty feet to an alley twenty feet wid" ; Thence southward y and earallel witb r-hrty street about one bunl e-1 aid fltiy feet to Bu'ler atreet; thence westwardly with the noTtbli'-eof ButleT-street about iwe hundred fet ro th nortn-east corner of Sbelhy and Buiier street ; thence nothwar.lly with the aat line ,f Shelhy sireet ahont two hundred and six y reel to the t eginninx. S d property will be "old en t credit of six snd twelve mmibs from tbe Ilth day tf April. IPat.tfc purchsssr execnt ng noi- with gord security, and a 1 tn being retained upon the proper' until tbe pur cnaa money is wholly paid. 8 Velock, A. M. M. D. WBLCH, j Oierk and Blaster. ten artor Ft. 11. ftrnrruii.ii. .1 ' Lrl lauvil:e. Ay.t ! Ja. G. Simpson, Menjh;s: Wj. m, 8renda, BkaBBBBIB, WEATHEBFOKD, tiflGMH & CO., Sticcesors to Jamcaon sa Bro.,) Wholesale Groeers, Geaeral foiSaCissieB Mercbaats. Produce Dealers $ Cotlo- FacVm NO. 8 FRONT ROW, "iojii old '3 "X'o.xa.aa.e IBapsrin. Bcpe and T-- e VkaSfty, Piuar. Tocacco, Te. Sue r 9lt, Uao.-n. CrjJee. "jil... S.'P and Casii, tjstetber with a foil stoci of PiintaUon iclis. mrtl-dawflai . 11. uuiinoKi:, rvvrnvtAT t? 1 1 wrifn AND COMMISSION MBH1BT, So. 39 Front row, an l.wt VwrPiTIs -wvf!B1 A8hlion ...P. S. .'ones 1. Ilaicneit. SltLTSM, Mil & 0. Cotton & Tobacco Factors Commission and FOE WARDING MSR03AHTS NO. 40 FRONT HOW. MEMPHIS fUAaUaWE. AsrrUforieof Viratinia aa -rTTi Mdvnmdwiwmpm tvb.u co, FOitlilSN AND DOMK3T1G eMAtM, nd i Jen ml Comnii.ssion Mtrciiaiiti. TODD t OOTBa'3 BHlLDINa, 74 BSUNT BOW, MEMPHIS, TENN. TO the merchant . of th Southern Confederacy and the l-oiiih-weat we se d greet eg: Onr acock of Virginia ani Western 7iia'-C"s and Cigala 1 large and aaa coniprimg many of the oit ryopn.a- branca, -"taich we most sell, notwithstanding the tariff. Onr pri -ea are iov. Pleae give na call er send n orde.s. Cakh dealers prkes to salt; p.onpt rim dsaiers, trrme and nrices easy. nji-4 C A JR D. O. O. BOONE, COTTOJT FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERrHANT, Desoto Block. Madison afreet, iSSTWI B.S MAIM AND iSl'nV i. Mi Memphis. Tenn. nut: FIRE!! FIKEIt! iSAFES!! SAFES'! I SAFES J HERRING'S CHAMPION Vim PEOOF SAFES, (Warranted Fir aad Bnrgbar Proof,) Por u!a at MANUPACTtTBBB'S ASBNCT, Sacor.d street, near Adams, BDW. H. H ALL. Agent. M. 3. K fnll ftMortmtnt of SCALES uul Ta-CM oi an4. mria 1 'APS, CAPS, CAPS. SOiTKEIW WTLITiRf Cap la&ofaetorr 19 1 j? STREET. nv.-:,t M. SI1l.S'3 TT7K are n w r;dy t f..,nih Sor.them Military VV Companies with any rtj. rotor or qoalit- f Military Capa, at the shores, pcssihie notice, ani at c-la-diLg'y low prices. Orders from tw roantry will h' promptly attended lo, and r.irwsr ed by Adam- Exprea. ;ffl era' Cap. of ail kiodi mule acc r ling fc order. Military Bars f ir OScers will L triwui'd oa tlu-rt no'ic--, aud Tiimmings fur the same kept couta tt'y oa nah-f . J. I BLtTMBVrH.L a CO. lOU tUAT Will LBS filli.1 Badge's Patent m mm mm rjATTNfl n lint rex SeTwrixo I - as .... ; arad drat. set w tk l Baal t Wlker' u aaft, .'. Lnder, aid H. LBMON. Cekti We, the undersigned, hi Dodge's patent tor setting hetter warmed, with less its adoption ; and we rake r.v our dtisens generally fi it on my in tbe con.-urn T:.-d:u James flume i. L Morgan, O. Paha, B. F Dill, F. M. Cash, J. 3 ich'jicover, Ja!5-ara bad 01 areplacea Ml with .tea, and we dnd tb rootus el, t-an they erert hetor asure in recemmend mg it he comfori. It irMuree and' Chariea Porter, Je B Cook, A Mii.ond, J. G. Ficm, J. J. Mrann.ay, Morgan Baldwin. 4.BLIFF CITY EnuiaUrdE (XMHMY V:1'H1S. TEX. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BD1LDINO JflttJT STREET. Capita? Stock SiOO.UH X Irootoro! H. LAIRD, B. M. GATES. 0. C. CLRATKfl. J M. McCOMBS I. D. WILLIAJlit, jNO. W. CKUCiaa, I. W. WTLUNSOJI. H. LAtB J. President. T. W. WILKINSON Bec'f. iy Vill inaare against loss by Fire on Houam an Mer-e,indise, Birer and Marin Busk, on Cargo,. Alan insure khw Lives of Negroe. T.f Loews promptly paid si"-: . fa. J. CAMP MBADM k CO. CAMP & CO., (Socceaeors to Srogvener. Camp B. Co..) PIAEO, FUBNITTOE, Carpet Dealers. fl ANOS from the celebrate! Haaeltr.r Brothers, A. It JT i. Keogk, and others from New Tork. Bcaewoed Parlor Suits, covered with 8r" , Ma bcyany an.-' Wataut Suit, cwvered with Bir-ksta ami Plush; Raaewond Mahogany and Wataut Bedm Suns fnll assortment of all rticls ef fi H FURNTTFRE. lutbim for aa. Ha.r. Oottos. M TaI''T-v Bt n Ttr.-. la CABPRTlNtJS. OIL CARP aTT igrtdecn fi-t wide, taxs of all kinds. cajav a c o.. Old SUnd. Ho. tha Main street, le.miht Tewn. ply. Super a: INO, frem tl UXTKINO tw 3 Main Street, Briakley Rlocfc, cll attention to our stock of Brutes every qnaatj' Cl tb Bnhe, Crnuab Brnsbm, ih. Chimney Brush, Lager leer do . Pto-.r do wnM Slbre do , Hore de.. Whiter ash do . B-t;; d . . at I pri- INOkARAM M LBBs JOBtei C. CARTER, Attorney - nt - Law MEMP " N. Cf OtBce ia tk Ada ooia-i, f I a "E. ir . un- IO 1 rl I O 9 A. t. 10 a ... sf ... as ... ... sauo kaai a-.j t.'on ia tamedp. a i 4 4 p ; ATI le,ki 1 5 l B