OCR Interpretation

Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, July 15, 1870, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1870-07-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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oitjob of m Lailt j
MsMFin, juIt l an. "
Speculation In Tenneewe botnla ts the
prest featura of the import from v, ..a
street. On MooJv there waaa raiid an-
i,r,,.tlo.i or-r-asioned by BslTtees from
Xashv Illo. coufitraiug the statement that
una of the raili.ssd cs.uii.an.es nau n.iui
........ ii. ,.i.,i,i, iiiiiwn to thai Ntste. anil
that the movement was likely to lie tail
luted bv oilier roads dcalroiia af prevent
hie an mil rlf foreclosure of uiort
K(f( by the Htste authorities, in rtursn
knee of the ul.lic demand that these rot
.v.ratinm. should pav Ihelr Interest or
I itt'er tbe penally of tvaiitiiued nfe-lert
a! , no doubt, by lulettlgence of the '
., piiou by the Ijegislatnre, ou the eve
arli.nirniiienl. of Wovrruor Huntei's velo
ul the bill to bring aulta against railroad
the full text of whi.-b will be tonnd in
snot her part of this publication of the
Arrk.ti.. Old issues went up n :u. hi .1
ufcw to iii. These prioes have not, bow
ever, since been maintained, there Mbj
a - rt of under current conviction with
Wall street uien that the Eubstratuui oil
which ins-iy of our Tennessee bonds rest
..iy ihe ii. is very boggy, and
lisbleat any time to give way. It run
i... known toshrowd operators in Southern
, thtl Ihe public voi.-e of ten
nessce is against further indulgeu -eto iu
digent and inipecunions railroad com pa
i,if m. Heavily taxed as our people aie
they cannot afford to cirry eorporsfions,
where the only evidence of existence ia
the high-sounding title by which their
mime is heralded to tbe world. Thai
arc, therefore, determined to lorecloi
moitgagos at.J repudiate bonds BtnOfM
under promises and pledges that bate
never been fulfilled. If the Legislature
l.sd appreciated the demands of the peo
ple this work would now hae leeu Id
of s.-cotuiilWbment. it is t
mtieii !o ssk us to wait until December,
specially in view of what we have had U
endure during the five yean, since our po-
lui'-al reconstruction commenced. But
Binee it has been thought Isvst by otir Ho
Ions to put off what might be done to-
.l&v we must a juiwx-e with what grace
we luav. Ve will hope, however, that
-orrecti:in of an evil which injuriously
weighs upon every iuduslry of the iiiste
will be the first wo:k of the Legislature,
id that the law officers of tbe stale will
sm ihe wishes of the people in thh-
respect promptly carried out.
Asa matter of importance, ax well a.-
au illustration of the apprecistiou o
MoutLeru securities in Mall street, we
copy from the JJnalU of Tuesday tbe fol
lowing as tho dual street prices on Mod
Ten ileuses ex coo pons. . "0
new "w
Yirginlsev eotious OS
' - new S7
registered stock, old 53
4'enrgla sixes lb (a rat
sevens S3
old M 9 92
J...ith Carolina ex coupons ol',sj
funding. 1 3 &
14 u s
4." -1I.I es
- "-a
it, t.s
m rt
I a
i si
l MS
rT 67
m :-0
. Si
, St'
lisnulbiil sud KL Jo, HI'
Louisiana sixes 54
' new W
levee ixe ... 78
" :nt tl
" peuiientiary seteas 80
itlroadelgQU In
Alsisiina fe - t
elgbu m
" railroad eight-s 16
Hou Hi Carolina Hixes... ss
new, .1 aesoct i ly. 7s
" Ap'l and OC -. 7
tel. atoek, old ...
Mlii. i.-oa- - "
Mob. aud o R. R. meiling.. ia
lotetg't. .
at. ". It. It first oii.rt. Miveos S
sec. eiatHs m
r.u. and J. Urax mortgage t
" sec. ,. ... jM
M. sud C. ii. K first wort gage.... ..
' sec " 71
stock 3
Ur. an. I Pot. R. R .gusr. br rt. V 711
Ms. kiiS Brunswick, susr. ly Oa a2
Memphis city sixtss 5S
Hsvaunah eliy sevens !C
cnois,oid u m .
issued rallrosdSrSi x 's. 7 J n 71
new ieveas TV t W
Tiie opinions expressed by the Afii:ai.
during uk past four weeks, based nS.n
and istttggVsi by the expoiieuccs of the
planting comutnity, are at last finding
'todence at points here hetetofore the
bears " have had full sway. J- ortifyiug
our views, we have from time to time
published comuaunicaliona from plautara
and extracts from papers published in the
. otton country eontigruous gnd tributary
to Memphis. To-day we offer an axtract
Jroui a private letter from Mr. Win. 11.
Itaker, a cotton planter near Hudsonville,
Mksa., to a gentleman in L lulsville. and
publislifsj in the Courier-Journal of the
mil haadi The letter is dated &tb tusL :
Mv r . i- looking well, but if cotiou
continue- to decline I don't think I will
tie able to realise much profit fceata my
isbors in tha "Sunny Mosiih." 1 see
peculalois have already placed their
fitures on the present growing crop at
lour million bales, but from ail reports
that I have beard of tbe ravages of tbe
lice and continued rains thai we havehad.
I judge, that toe cms will oervalj.lv tall
short of th it estimate. I see cropsaroiuid
uue, and hear of others outside of this
oooaty, that have been so completely
taken by the grass and weeds that it to
.tu possible to do anything with them.
They (tot into this condition during the
isinV spell, when it was impossible to
work 1 hem: but as I said, my oroa is
looking well, and I am truly thankful
for It.
JSI'sIWh'Sa OP IIS Ml'-' 1 li IB and i.ot is-
Tne following is a ei.tn par stive otste
naaavf of ireigbt business of the Me in his
and Loaisville railroad at Lauuuivilie
tlunug the fiscal yearn Isfig aeaud 1869 7u:
'c-7u Inc.
$14.07; louring th net Mrnings. $127,.
779. Out of this net earn togs there have
been paid daring the year four dividends
of live per oent. each, amounting to $120,-
(XX) ; and the balance, $7779, has been added
ve toe net profit and loss account, making
that account e.i oajto The capital
stock is $609,000; the mills, machinery and.
real estate absorb of this $ i?:.,i39, leaving
Jl74,900 as commercial capital. The last
dividend, declared In April Isst, was the
forly fourtkeof tfce eoniparry. The factory
consumed during the year 2,9u,C7 ' pounds
of cot torn, at aa average oust of 'U cents a
pound, and mauursctured K.,ll yams
of cloth. It employs idO handa, to whom
it has paid eUoW.iCil, an average -of $327
e.i.-u. Another case in point was fur
nished to hUiglur l by a ISouth (' rolina
factory last spring, when samples of ysms
were sent to and sold lu Ihe Knglish
niiii k. : , the mauufaeture ol tbe factory,
si an ii.lian. e ( eleven per cent, in the
cost of inanuracturiiig. it has bwen
ileiiionslraud that the yarns can be man
ufactured ai the point where the ooiton is
grown thereby saving the ooat of trans
porting the raw material to tbe laetory
at about five cents per pound less than
they can be made in Northern factories.
After tbeexeenaeof transportation to tbe
Jfew ork market, the payment of 00m
missious aijd other contingent expeuees,
the tsoat h era yarns havo made a return
to the tnnnnftictnrer of nearly ton centa
prolit on tho pound. Thcsi are Important
Carta, and well cslcnUled to secure an ex
tensive iinm itration of Northern manu
facturers and mechanics.
The New York HeruM of Tuesday,
which we reeeived yesterday (per Soath
ern Kxprcss, two days In advanco of the
mails, contains the following as to the
.l .ck uiaikel and stock operations:
The bull cliques l.sve U'.-n singularly
uulorluuate tlii seas.. 11, particularly in
their U'est effort to get up s summer
campaign. It will be reniembercil that in
psiion of a defeat of all financial
measures in t'opgrems tliis session they
started the iuov meut s leu weeks since.
Almost at the outset tbey were checked
by the uucipecied passage of tbe Cur-
reaiey n il. aok ttjey are met oy tna
Funding bill, which whs also regarded as
a desil issue. 1111 the agnation In
Europe, with the prospect of an active
and disturbed money market here, does
uot encourage the public to veuture upou
stock- speculation. The 11 u. erlaintiea of
u . . stre.-i ..(.rrstious L :i nun tuen sd
strikingly illustrated. It is only a toss of
a penny whether In theaednys one should
buy or sell stocks. Two weeks ago the
situation, as Ur a- tiuuiau ken muut dis
cern, was wholly favorable to an enthusi
astic null campaign for tne balance 01 tne
summer. How truly W'aW street dealers
may aay " The linies change and we
chanxe with then.." Withiu that brief
two weeks three important matters have
occurred to d. f-at the speculators' plans.
1'lie Currency bill, the funding bill aud
:n 11 Europe have, spruuic ir.nu toe up-
km wn, we might say tbe almost impos
sible, future.
(HW liW Mft. , S02KSi BuC,
1718; 600, lbVvl7ci 700, 13fcUc.
OoTTOK BB Ajm MoTas Cotton
Head OS leree $12 08, or $12 60 deurerad
at mills, buyer furnishing sacks. Motes
lto 4o per pound.
t annkd uoona ins market to dull
and inactive. Condensed milk. fl oofo
14 90 per Mae. Cnts oysters, t , ft m
do.; 3 M, $2 gate WPejgAea, fa 4092 75.
Pears, $3 50, Tomatoes, $1 4.V9I SO.
Cherries, ISfSeS 2S. Pineapples, jti ;x
4 K. Strawberries, $9 2o. Brandy Peaches,
$4 00. Hrandy Cnerries, $6 tsK.tti ofl.
Pickles, half gslloc, por doZ., $1 7"a5 25;
qts, f'J i0; pTnta, $2 XHg& r6. Tomato
Catsup, $1 2ftr2 26. Pcppersaueo, i 29.
Koos Market steady at awitilo.
1 tk:. - 1 nere to a gor
cbuioe white Corn for mi
and lot
i ltvee w.i
muand f
A meal,
mand Is m
The local money market to nomiuallv
nncbanged. A few coti.m bills are ottered
and taken at par to 1 , premium, while the
cbecking rats is firm ai ;,o premium. The
demand for uiouey is active both at tlie
banks and upon ibe street.
Stocks and bonds are quiet; offerings
are light and rates are uouiinal. City
scrip to weak sad county warrants are
iin. hanged.
At the first call iu New York to-day
rovernnaents were steady, but thev soon
sb wed sigua of weakueas and closed
with a decline throughout the list;
Bonds of Mel
) Bonds Of lMiU
1 " vm .
VJ0 " li5,
i- " 1366, new....
i- " 1B67, "
t-90 lSbX, 1 ....
10-40 Bonds
a.an Sixes
..llo.,,'i ..1 !U'
Railroad (.d express shares are active
an.i steady:
'..lit. -n
iVestera Union Telegraph Co
Pacitw MU
dams E.pjij
Vt'eUSj Eargo Cu..' ifirusa
American Express ,..
L'uited States Express.
V,iy York Central
New Yoa Centra Scrip
Mici.lgui C nlia ...
Michigan eiouthmu
-.. .
Illinois Cential
Cleveland and Pittsburg....
Chicago and Northwestern
Chicago and North western Preferred
Kock lslaad
St. Paul
St. Pat. 1 rererred
- sk
.... 411,
... ibX
.- 44;;
... ftk
... 97,
.. 9"-ih
... 2
.. lol?,
... DW.
.. irttt
... ml
An advance .11 ',c iu New York today,
with a wrmer marksl in Liverpool, causeil
Ml cousiderahL improvement in the
feeling here, unit nearly all the buyers
left in our oiiy wero ewe feeling sroiUid ;
and w..rfic prices sud tabi s suited thev
.00k held. e day's aalea wdl reach
about aud bales, snd ikonslat to part as follows-
76 bales llrdinary, U14k,c: '
Uood Urdin it v 1: : sti .mh1 "ol.
nary igoodatylei, 17c; SO Low Middlings
(good at vie 1. I."ac; lot) Middlings, 18c; a5
10. isc; 16 Strict Middlings, Wic. Several
tabled which have heretofore been oa tbe
mat ket are covered up, while such a
are offered are held ; 'laais of 18to for
Middiniks and lsc for Low Middlings:
but Lovers at these rates can't be found
The Htocw i.;i hand ia reducing rapidly,
and a few active aa will about clean out
tbe market.
' h a MK.j or CoillfBBOB,
Mjturuia, July 14, 1870. J
stook, Sept. 1, ltM. M
rteo'd since last staiwioent.. In7
tewuved previously ...laaj.Tti -2W.''ii
4hipped since last sta'm'nt 2uo
4hippad previously 277,aw4-2Ti.7-.
grades II rm. Wc quote snpdrtioc rO;
X,$.. 75; XX, $sJ"; --1': st'J fancy
fti 50(9 00.
Pkc IT Apples, 1 :sKa, i 00 pnr bbl.
Drltd aj.plcs, Sijvoc. Peaclies,ri.7c.
Plsu Mackerel steady. White Fish,
$8 eO per half bbl.
Q cruras Oood No. 1 aeoonda 1'iffil St
and firm.
UiDiSH, Elks and T.iLbow tiidoa and
Fura are steady. Ury Fllut, 16c; Dry
Salt l!fc:; Urcen c; Orecn Salt, 7(7c.
Tallow, 6c Peer Sklus. 15g;l. Beaver
ioSl rs) each. Otter, $1 Oofalt 00 each.
Mink :.yjll 00. Pox SOc. Coon l.'.S
Lbath kr Homlock Solo S;tS6.:; Oak
Bole 4 Jfjriec ; Maddle 411 13c ; Bridles $435
89peraoxnn; tlppnra 4lK5'-cc; CsIS
French $4i&70; American do. $3otiA&0.
Live Stock Tbe demand is light
and supply ample. No. 1 corn-tod,
6$6Ja'c; grass fed, 3tna", No. 1 Texss,
per head 4o...is): No. f'j .4; .'k. ; No. 3,
: . -' Mioh cows, , .. .1 1 No faoga lu
the market. weep, in fair demand, lo
l,$5.a; inferior $.-4i4.
Molajsskh The demand Is fair. Re
built! New Orleans, axbev. Essleru
syrnp, ajvqoc.
N a 1 ..- -1 mi demand at $4 2"CM t' rates.
Navai. Storks Tar, in kegtt, $6 2fj
5 75 iur Pine; in 40 gallon bbls, $810;
Pitch, $6 ptr bbl ; Oakum, t . WXA 00 per
OlU Coal, 3dkt32v; linseed raw, $1 30;
do. boiled, $1 4tKji 45; l.aru, si Kt
Lubrirtiting Coal Oil, S5V; Train Oil,
fl 264l 30; Crude Collonaeed OU, ftftsffr"
Poll. 1 RV Prices are lower. Chickens,
ti o04 tor jonug; j..aj'. Si for old.
l'i 1 Potat- as are higher. Ry Ihe
bbl from wagons they range from $t 50 to
$2 20. buyer furnishing pacisaga. Onions,
S4"-t,4 25 per bbl.
Provisions Tue advance in other
markets caused a jump here iu Bacon,
and holders ask to Jc over ves
teniay quotations. W'fi iiuote from
store as follows: Meas l'oik, yil ootu
31 a4k Prime Mess, $27 00(j -iS (Hi. Kutnps,
i uowai (IU. Jols.$lo i-,j.-J.i ou. " i .r
Bac .n Nules, lSJi lc. Clear Kit), 1 Wit,
WSe. Rib, !7V16'. .Shoulders, 14i'ij
!.. Breakfast Baeou, lit .1. As-. Mugar
Cured ijanis, 23K"S?. Mesa Boef,
$16 30&ui7 00. Lard, in tierces, 17Q
17io; kegs, UiHaIVc. Country uieu.a,
17-sMl7tC for Clear Sides ; Myls ,.
for Shou;dera.
SroARa- There is no aiiauge to note.
Citimon Louisiaua lv.ii;'.,c; Fair, 110
UHc; Good, llCg.I2c : Fully Fair,
12il2Xc; Prime, 13813)scj Choice,
13S14C; Yellow Clarified, HiilfKc;
Yhite Clarified, 15j-iad5iC ; Crushed
and Powdered, la15;c; Coiee A, 1403
Hc j B, I3.Kai lTic : Extra C. 13?i(
13Jtc; C, UJtlfc.
Halt Two hundred snd eighty pound
barrels $2 252 45; dairy tS Jikrfr 50.
Spirits Highwinee c(a$: ; prnols
spirits $1 Itsgil 18; rectified whisky 90
)1 10.
Btabch li'i'jjsc per !b.
Boap Mottled 9Jt19!; yellow 7Q,
8St common 87c. C'Bdles 15eytl4c.
Toraok) Prime nstjral leaf, light
pressed. 70ctgl 10; fine fancy Va. s-'-li
fine bright pounds, 80S0c; mcdnim
bright pounds, 706Vc", ooinmon brirht
pounds, 62(.70c; medium bright ball
pounds, sound, 63fj70c amokiug, fine
and fancy, ootgWXJc; modi-na and commoo.
VfiCBOAR ComniDn u-l picUi'itg, 16c
Btilid Up tire SyttiM. Strength tvaps-
ratfc fast ti this season. This li especial ir
the cass with atrwho lrre by the sweat of
Chslr brow. Vrorn every pore of the sieve-
luce ifclu a moletere exudes wtdtb contains
the etrmoat of vitality. Tnerehy tbs blood
is Impavertahed, the nsrves relaxed, the
muscles wesltened, the ingestion lmparred,
ihe iwiwrls 6itrarbC(t, and tbe antmal spirits
depressed. The eonatant drain that prcducf
these efiVoU cannot be arrested, beoanae It is
due to the lieatof the atmoapbare ; but the
lues of the Ute-ajulalalng element can he
sill. plied by extra luvigoration. Mow, there
fore, is tbe tans to resort to Heart attar's
sasiiseli Hitt-rs, the a at powerful and
bliHiul f all veffrflshte tonics h mg ex
1 ce nas Jrrnvvd that nothing else will
rm icnflr asta!D and regulate the system.
When wilting down nudsr the double pres
sure of 1 xcessive heat, aud cuiisuuit phjslcal
or mtntsl (uiur. All pen 010. wUo bsve len
Uxuplod to iry Uie local" toulea' (so-called!
wbkjt aav I KMi started bj' sordid speealat
ors in wlico.t . vei y town sad viltaxs. with s
i a petiiia
view oi " 1 ... 0.
of the wna-'iry. kipny this t
awtse maxim fhs. aa " herd fss
It 1
to that
wbirb ia aood." Of the forty millions of
people In tbe l ulard Sut, probably aue
UfUt have UsUaI tbe rcstoiailve properttss of
Hcsttttcr's bitters, and know !t 10 Im 11 spe
clflc 'or dyspepsia, bHlcasnes, nervoas
weskr ess. general debility, ecewUnatinn, fe
ytr and ane, una want of appetite; tbat
auyol ibsse abuuid be pcnaai.. A u esperi
Dient u th the worthle-.. noetrauia, reeoiu
mended by uu.-ciupjh.us mnl Ignorant eia
penca see-i.g almost Inerrdlble.
AUGUST 6TH, 1870.
a Vi'iS Second Chaacerr Court of
ronDiy.Teaaeawe.-rewtsr broa.
1). L . lie St ai.
BY virtue of am or.iar ef sals niade In this
caa-e, I will -ail. At nahllc auction, to the
highest bidder, at Por; Pickering Landtag,
Saturday, Aogott 6, 1870,
boat, vie.,
Wit bin legal hour-, the steaai boat fit
ana a a hue, local Bar who ail
(arn Iters sad machinery- Th
be insure? ed at saM laudina.
TtBMS or flAlg: -Cash. Tills July 8, 1J70.
M. D. u sTKf ART, flerk asd Waster.
Pierre. Ktrbsrds A IHa. MalleHBM for eoa
pialnunts. lyJ
Nofl-Resiitont Notice.
Ho 4v-In tne Firt (Jl.accary v
coanty, Tennessee -Jcs. II.
iWf, Trnnenw -Jcs R. Kranssr
appearlni 'roai anTdavrt Id this
uu tbe --7Tnilsais lailsril Love. J
iY Ttrtae of iMee wf Trust., daly regis
If U-ltsl
Rtep by step
Us uap ece '.ei
sc-lly approve
and ul4 the -r
to have a nc ou
layln?; lrrltsblllty ,
coinmodlty has arts!ne.l
siue. Tbey are aaarfeer
ley support, ttreatfiieu
ii inuc.is. 2 bey appear
feet upon tne nerve -s kl-
e supplying -.vsr.ntb.
Thev seem to acrumulste electricity, snd idd
tbe elrcrdatlon of the blood tiirouali tbe pai E
wneru spMel b tvtiivb nelL aviiaus axe
i- . eu In paralys, where aitlculstlon was
roeTeride1, ibe e.-e of the fJorons Masters to
tait .ipliie restored tbe articulation, and ma
teri-uly rsdneed tbe phralyua. In fact, tne
nan. ul could help lierseli while eefar toe
ro.o...- t'laeter ura.. aopllcd sht. wis J hefp
SS a baby. We refer to Mrs. Hal! Elliott.
Kpringfle.d. M-.
Hold by draggUt. Agescy, firandtstb
Bouse, ,s..w Vork
Bii.tislcr's Kair Bye. - This spleadid Malr
Uye Is tbe best In the world. Harmless, re
ilar.Ie, instantaneoas, does not contain lead,
nor any vjtauc poison to produce paialpsis
or death.. Avoid tlis taunted and deiuaive
preparations bXMisliii-; VI. tees they do act
possess. The i;enuUie W. A. Batchelar'i Hair
Dye has had 3c years untarnished reputation
to nplioid Its liitetrritr as Ibe only Pertect
I sal. live - :!.. s er llrown. Hold by
llrtKTSleot A etiie.1 :,t K Htm.l sf re N
1 iti lbs Ittiiisiaff ' tiiije ol -Ai. OA
taMDty, Tejsntssee, in aboa o 7?,riage3"l.
on IU, August. !St, ! wtlt-teft, St the ResI E
'Tle f x.a.sni!Sof Royuior, Tr. tetania- t o. N.
E corusr of MhIu and Jeffs-rson streets. ,n
oyDiY.8.li Aucust. at u ectcxk uooa.
tlie follow llig
Kinoln-f Hi feet sooth ; the laMrseMton
of MDilM -riy and Talbot streets, ua the - :.
side of Mulberry str. i t: Uience soutb with
the west side o. Wolberry street thlrty-elrht.
; 1 feet; tbeiies Wr-tuwn rdly at rlaht anates
witn siaiiM-rry street -1 I '.reet; Uience north
wardly parallel witu Maih.-rry sueet. teirtf.
e.BL i.-tt, lauuc, easiwavai as i a icat 1
the hatglunlu-2. Tortus cash.
iy HlibKRT R. H BATH. Trostee.
Jackson O. Uuduar.
oilns; also DUlard T.
snd wife. Msry Jmm,
wnun r. uoager. ef
uoD-res-denu of the
I in
H1RRIACP A Tax ;at CofssataiK to
rnnnniKOt rm Makhied or those abont
CllinP toraarrv. or .locl
UUIUt. ca mysteries and reveU
tloas of tbe aexoal system, with the latest
ilbsxiverUa. in producing and yt vesting off
sprln j, priA-rvIug the compl xlon, tU
This la an Interesting work of two hundred
and twenty-four paires, with nmi.emns eo
grravlDRii, and eon talus valuatile iBfortaatlon
lor those who are married at oonleiuplate
Ulal rtet;e; stiil It Is a las-k. Ulat eattht to be
under lock and key, and cot laid wixt leaalj
a hoc; t) house.
Hen I to any obe ;.'rj .f ihiutsre'. Mr 5ti cents.
Address It. Halts' idspetta try, Uu. li S
btghtii street, ijt.u-, Aio.
ST AUiCV le ihr AJJh fed pud ( ,.,'rftasulr:
Before SPplylug to the llotorl .us yrAcfts
who advcr'Ue in public paper, or nsin any
tgcrkoa Raanrics, peruse lr. Butts' work, ao
matter l. it your BHaaM is, or Iaov deplors
ble your
1 r. Butts raVi fj onSjle, 1, ivdiy 1? pf v
mall, ou the dUe .see litiititMnrftT :u hie vn4tts.
I fBce, No. 14 N. Kightb street, bet. Market sod
Chestnut, 31. Loan, Ma.
Sheriff's Sale cf Real Estate
HX vlilue of an exei utK: me 1 cifnl
(Viuh tlie ir.-uit Toiirt of M-iion
Bu fjr. In th
fatter, for ibe
(IT V.
, uu
Saturday, 13th d iy of August, 1870,
Infront of tbe Sh. rift's offlpe. In ttiiGreeii
lew Opera fcnl'diiif. on et. to a sirril. In tin
eily of Mem ems. Hlhetliy ouuy. 'iecneaaee,
witliia legiil taottra. sell to tlie hlsbeat b.Uder.
for cmsh. all the rUl.t, title end Interest uf 1L
H J'olter fa :!n.l to Ihe foil., wtng descritied
real estale his s-slc Inteiea'. Iielagannn.il
vided ! wo-thirds of a certain lot or parcel of
grouii.i. wtlh the liuprovemeuu lue.cuii, sft
uai. u ou the u yth side of Madisun ti-et. la
the city of Me. npUIS Shelby ecnaty, Tenues
see. st tbe lntert-ctlon of Mstllsori wltb tbe
east boiin-tary itaeof f-'uuith alley, froaltbv
on Madison street A f.-et, more or less, aaa
runniug back with said alley u another
alley, which tuns between Madison and
L'.Jart streets: It be'ng rne same uudlvldeu
two-fhirds Interest In asid house and lot con
veyed to said 11. H. Po ter by A. Woodward
by deed recorded In tbe Register's offte of
shelbj count. In Book No. -I, page 3S1, and
Dettitj thst purt of lot No 4S0.cn Ihe p;-au or
the eity of Memphis conveyed by Ktir-theth
C. jerkins and her husbsud to John O. t iu
nle, Irustev, by a de. d re. ii di d in tite Hegis
ler'B ojjjce of "hr-'! ; aui.lj. la Eaaa ato. IS.
naiv i. uge the said interest of H. 11.
rot er, levlett ou to satisfy said execution
and costs and inteiest, Ja s, 170.
MaR, irs j. VkJUUT. Sheriff
By W. W. t'OLi s a.s. lit peiy enerIB HlMrlby
txiuuty. Teanesee. W9
Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate.
BY virtu
n i,i: s.ste-t
7tH. -.6
. :i,Md
7 ;s
. i, wo
4, ,:t
took pis
fro ul
4,7:u 4 .Ml IIS
No. loaded lieishl ars fur-
aarded 1,IS WJm "a
The priacipal increase ltsk place at the
following; points:
Foiula south ol Nashville
New Orleans
Mo. i.aded rr'l car ree d...
The principal in crease
the fallowing points:
KnoxvlUe braueh
Htunh ildt
Memptits w
leaded oars forw 'ded from
luring the eiihl months ending June
Shi, 1870, there were reeeived st Louisville
h,6t77 car loads of ootton; and lu Noteui
Ur tml Iirteetnla?r, 1H6, there were re
ceived 2,olti car loads of lire hogs. The
paasentcer earnings tor the mouth of
June, l-io, amount t.) $76,4S7 66.
The cotton inauufaeturers of Kigland
sue beooining uneasy ai the prospect, of
the South engaging in the nisnufacl ureas
well as growth of the staple, line of the
organs of thia claes, iu view of the stop
page of three hundred and thirty-eight
Kugliah inillaaiAce lbdl, exclaims: "We
are sorry to see the phantom of a manu
facturing ootton ladustryiu the South
etiil pursued, for in the present condition
uf use 1st ales It la little else. Kvery
available band la resi aired for tha cultiva
tion ol the soil, and at present prices the
growth ol ootton is certain to prove far
more remunerative occupation, tliaa any
attempt to enter into competition in the
market for manufaeture. With the fin eat
climate and tbe beet soil in the world,
Houthern plan lore will do well to de
velop these advantages to the utmost. "
(Unfortunately for this Knglish im.rual,
we have tested thia question of the pn hi -ableneaa
of ootton manufacturing in the
Honth, and are very well aaliahed witk
the result. Indeed, we consider it so flat
tering that we have largely eagaged iu it
Mnoe the war, and are every day engage.!
in presenting the iiaiteriug etatyiatiaa, la
order to euoourage mauuXaclurara aud
capitallsU from tbe North to embark in
the business with us. Soma figures and
facta of thia character are just at hand.
They ooaaiat of the last annual statement
of the Augusta (Ua.; factory (one of the
oldest establishments in the Heath),
proving indisputably and convincingly
the great advantage tha tsoath aaa over
England and the North for manufacturing
octton. The gross earnings of tbe ta.it ory
for the year ending June 11, 1b7o, were
9175,360; the expenses were ",i-; re
pairs, tw, taxes and water rent paid,1
stock at noon this day .........
Memphis and Charleston K K.
Meiuphia aud Uhio It. K 1
aagons, est C
MX roan.
Memphis aud fl.sri K. R. 36
Memphis and Ohio K i; los
Nltw Yvsk, July J4, leib a.m. (Jnttou
firmer hut quiet, ordinary, 16r; Uood
ordinary, 17 e; Low Middlings, lBj'sc;
I plaudn, We; Uood, -i Mobila, aHc;
Orleana, isCL
1- in. Cotton demand fair sad prices
flnu; July, lsjc hid; August, 18J4c bid.
ordinary, 16Sc; (lood Ordinary, 17c;
lsw Middlings, laSc , Upiaads, '.an; Uood,
ai V; Mobile, HV: Orleans, aiac.
'i-.-Jb p.m. t'ott .u deanand good and
pritsss tending upward; sales of Ordinary
st lbc; tiood Ordinary, IT5e; lxw Mid
dlin', l&'4c; I'plands, ftic; Uood, iic;
Moi.Ue, anV; Orleana, auKe.
4 p.m. Ootton demand active at full
prices) sales for export MM bales; spin
ning, Ittutf betas; speculation, 6d bales;
.viiitraeta, VMi bales; closing at July at
lite: August lafe; September laV.; Oc
tober. 174.0, and November 1717 t-l"c.
New Obi.kaks, July 14, 2 p.iii. Oot
tou steady and ticiiianal fair at 1 s .
Hales 1200 bales. Receipts 325 bales. No
ex porta.
ootton in LivaarooL.
LiVBRPOOLs July 14, 11 a.m. Cotton
ateail v ; uplaitda, h -il; Orleans, l ,d.
6 p ut. Ootton quiet but steady and
prices uiiehani-ed. Sales 10,000 bales.
Exporla and p uulatlaa, 1000 bales.
I'uurf Colic and (iriping
In Uie BoseN, aud faclti
tatas iheprureMtd Teeth
ing. Suhdues Couvul-I.ins and
tHrei,-i-.' sl tttsi ases In
Ctdeut to lutauU alitA
Cures I'iarrLoa, lneu
tery and nuimer Com
plalat iu . o vl ail
It Is the Ureat Infant's and Chlldreu'i
Sooth in j Kemedy Id all disorders brought en
by Teething or any other cause.
'i. pat .si by tne UltAtTv-N M KDlClNk
CO.. su IasaIr. Mo.
kild by drugatats and dealers in medicine
ever) where. mysuaw
Tlie B st jintt MOMt Kttiable
offered to the PuoHc.
The aVMeorican Matruptie
An advance of lfjie on bacon was
the only noticeable leature to-day, in tha
general markeuv Tbe advance caused
some demand from those whose stocks
are running low, but onlv in a few in
stances have they been able to pick up a
cssk or two under our quoted rates.
Corn was in good demaud aud sales were
larae One lot ol 1M sacks was shipped
to New orlans. Thia lot was offered here
at Wc without a purchaser.
Alb Hands' Ale, $10 50 tier halt-barrel,
porter, 111. Lager, per keg, 5 26. Ala.
per dozen, r-9 '' quarts ; aJ3 Sf for
pints. Porter, do.
lit n.i.Lh.-' Matkbials Rosendals ce
ment, (MftsM 50; laoaUville cement, 2 75
j,a. Cape lime, fl ti&ftje?; Ohio river,
1 60; Utica, tl 7s; Alabama, 11 90Mi 00.
1'laster hair, z 76 per Dale, rira brick,
00. . .. ,
Hi TTi.B iixtra cuoioe is iu ueuianu at
Kaooino Nominal. Kentucky, tl(g.
Beans-Choice Nary, S2 0OU2. 60 par
bushel; mixed white, fl 25ti 50.
Brooms and Bboomoobn Brooms are
steady at ft uo6 go par doa as to quality.
Hroomoorn is scarce and sells readily at
f-4fJ0fJ30b per ton, aa to cure.
Cobnmbal There ia a good demand at
at (VI Ho on the levee. Belling from store
at$6 25.
chbi.sk factory ana oiosier, ttiec.
Oomi Tbe demand ia moderate and
prices steady ; Hio HX&23c, Java 2tVS0c,
3T- I hrri-by oartify tbst 1 bale cxaBlssd, t-aO
(huronslily tested In say practice ibe
ts.T arotlos. a&J reiarJ tkettt as picperanuaj ft
ireal merit .uis.sila cuidiat.v lee inrn.-iid tb.ru
S. helllK sestlt I witb sp CClsl Wire froBl r-
liable lux rest ienta, " mo" ,Be
ti c .1 ii. -ut of Ibe Tsrioas clisnew for sbicb uwy an.
iV .1, .. -J, tbaa aay reaa estiea U vaicb 1 ba
r(en..arv ."uir.7e. Author u AmiSumy f rsy.
tuAwj o (V Hurt' - Mlm linr inaur,
Pnrckaae-s will ules. iik. fox copv of Horsuand
t jtt'.'c ovneri vtxiae. ......
OB9 tc SMITH, Proprietors,
Cue Sou. 1US
C O. WAIiD eft- DriO,,
Wholesale Agents, Memphis.
star For sale by all retail druggists.
Ja21 daw eas
N. W. Horse Nail Co.
vl'K Nails are manufactured entirely from
t " Benion lion, and are unsurpassed by
of a vend '! mi exponas to tne
from ilia Kirst t'licult Court vf
alieltiy e-junty. 1 will, oa
Saturday, the 13th August Next.
Proceed lobsdl, to the hiKbeat liii.ler, fur cash,
elt to legal liou.il, iu trout of the t rt -.itn.-e.
on rtca utt str.et. In the Oreeulnw
Oprra Handing, city of Memphis, illt fultow
lm; deacribcd isai .--aaie. to-wiir eerialu
hit or psree! tTHan.l lytntt and beint; In tbe
couuty ol Khelby, and state o;' Teuucsoc,
' elng a purt et' soleJlvlajou of block Clu. .7,
froailiio us fott on tti.-nortb aide of lessa
Vlno street an ext.-uding hack north 110
JW, Jlhii-Ulateiy r- t of Mr Toppa resi
dence ori Hesle strts-t, SteniphU, T.-nn. ksh,-,
being tne same roitsui veyed to Jtnu ti. Ftyua
0y Kots-rtson Tupp hy uetd dala-d May 41,
itavi Also, u i-ertaiti hit or parcel of grouu-I
situated, lying aud helug lu the county ot
Uhelhy and St .te or Tennes'ee. situated ou
st Martin s'reet. In the city of Main phis, and
runting-; feet on Hu Martlo street, aud inn
nlug back: ess', to Ihe bayou t ieet, a store
coiuiikte deaci lptl m tr ahichls given ua a
'n "leed of trust excuted by Jubn L.
Moigtin 1o Thomas H. Lrs-woo i, datt d Jan
oary M, Bt-7. Also, a en-in piece or parcel
t laud Bltusled, I) tug stiil being In the
county ol Srteltiy, sxa.e wi Tennt.-: ee, frnui
iug l'Ai ft.tt on Walnut sire t, Me.up.iU, lVu-nc-ee,
an t ruunlng b ck 150 net in tleptb oif
of the sotiineru part rf six seres of land pur
Chased ai Hbauo-rj saie I r Hoaerl S. tsmldi,
Snd tran Itrrud by sa. l Hrnltla '.aSa'.iuel K
l'iUAte., "aiid a pqrt'iVu ol the same
land vested la ci.arl .s Jone by a decree of
the i hanppTy Court of Me.uiihN, rendered in
tbe case of Newton from. Adiu'r of Thouuis
Mall, deeeaid et at. vs. I. .in 8. Clayton el
al , oa tbe Sl!i day ot Api tl, IK68, levlttl on aa
thsp.'OAieity oi de eudaiit, John t . Logan, to
satisfy an exc. utlon In ta . or or R. ii. Robert
son, surviving partner, etc.. nr (13 loj let
with intt-rest am' .- t of suit.
BheriO of Sltelby couaty.
J. 11. Buydtni. Att'y for plaialitf. ijS
Y virtue of an ex cut ou to me directed
from Hit She Hiy County Circuit ( ourt. lu
tbe case ot J. I . B csiui.ti s a Smrh.ii.
aiAii a. a. aieat iiaiu, i wiu.ou
Satnrriry, the I ith Augqst Next,
Iu front of the SlierltTs ofScs, in the Ureeu
(a Opera Pulltlluj,', Second street, city t
Mi-t.ip'iis, Wlth n legal honrs, pr.rred to sell,
to tbe hlgnest bidder, fpr eaab. the follow Uir
described real estate, lo-wlt: A cciiain Its
of land lying aud being in the county .
Shelby, Sut'e of Tennessee, houndtd ou the
north by John Neall; on the soatlt by tract of
saltl O 'len.laiil, kii -wu ;i-. th- Fatu tract:
on the east by tract ol defendant, known as
tne Clark tract; and on tne west by Mosos
see i a auu rs. r . mjij t lst.n. contain ins. bv
limatlon, uluttv-flve acres, levied on to sat
isfy said execution lor JS2 S5, and (1(1 :B ctsits
oi sun, witn interest., ot.
Jy7 tUierllT BiAeiby county
i trrsiiiince of a liee.l of Trost made to
me by Join ti. Jones dated Memphis. Ten
. May inc. . a.1, i-siV. -tn.t for registration
in t'te ftec-aier s orace of isjieiby caunt) oil
Uie'Jsla cay or M Ay, lsoA, and tne name was
recorded to svme offlisi in Hecord lxk. No.
Ml pesi tsi, snd 2Jt, ou tbs 4ih of Jane.
tvtJ.au i for toe forpuae therein dlreeted, I
l.l, st tbe ii ...... k-STAia Ijcsasui ur
KuASTlJi, TBXXkVANT U t.dt, J40. IU lj''
r'TKCIT, tu Memphis, Tanaessee,
0a Friday, July 22d,
Bstseeu the honrs cf 10 a in. and v p.m., sc..
to the highest bidder, for cash, tne following
rupert , i- iu t ey no lai mi oy sai-j Lieeu j
Tn-t, i- sit- r ctnnlng at s stake In the.
center ot Luoaa Hatchle river In the extreme
east wurd boundnry oi rt. J. Mays' land, with
l two elm pointers on tha banjt In saltl
river, tLence sooth twelve chains to s stat s
nfty feet norm from the center of the Mem
pbts sud Ohio railawsd; thence south tfu
s cat wltb said laiiiuad eue buodresl and ten
cuaiiLs (Uu; Lo a asaks; Ibeasa north 27' west
trom the ruler of -aid railroad Mxty-Qve
tn5J chains to the cuatsr ot lioosa Matohie
i ... r . tl. ,ic- up sahl river wl(k Its maander
iin? to the beginning, conta.n'ng five has
iit-.l a:: I lu en ty -vigbi scr a
The 1'iRiitof reOumpLn.u is expressly watvtsl
in this Leed of Trus'. The title lo the above
land l believed to b.- rood; 1 convey only
ss T i.stse. JOHN r. TRKZiitV ANT,
)iS Trustee.
Trustees' Sale.
BY virtue of a feed In Trust executed to tut
!.t Mary W. Alexander, J. si. Alexander,
K t - ri s. Aiuiuon And D. V. Amiuon. oa tba
atsli .iaj wt May, tsss.aad recorded to toe
Iteglat tac'a ouioe of Hnelt.y vs.utAty.BtaU: of
runneasse, iu KoukN.k71, pageGtU, Insecure
a certain Itnltibtedties ttiv--l:i desert Nal to
T B. inilard. K. A. Ptaaon , John W-lnilard
and R. I. Codtn,
On tha 22d of July, 1870,
In front of the.. fit- of Diekutsun, William
it Co., No. '2lo Frout slrtt . Msraahla,
at eleven o'cluuk a m , we Will Salt,
for to the highest bidder, the fol.
hi a lag tlcsrribed property, vis: A tract of
laud and ail lmproveaicat tiiereoa. sltuuted
oa or near the New Ualeiglt road, known as
tbs A i . ... property, c.iveyed to us hy
Dc. d tu Trust, and particularly described
therein. Redemption waived.
J. W UlCklWUOif.
June JJ, I.S70 Jegl W. W.U1IV.
BaV 0"V
Cotton Gins !
'I 'HE superiority of tbe asuve Justly cele
1 hi ate.i Uln Mtaads Is acknowledged by
ail who have osed them during the past SU
Tbey took tbe first premium at the Shelby
ounty ralr in October laat.
We ars uow prepared to take orders fer
any sice, to be In readiness for use in tlx
coming crop.
322 12 and 324 Mais Stmt.
mvi daw
Metapkis and Arktnsas Christian Advocate
,: ACcarjConrt of Shelby
wc ai.
I i
1 Uuu tbe '-'rnrlaeia ISIIstd Love. John B.
ttv. tA.' I n n 1 SmSI hi L. ,11..- i.l . ,.f M .V.
... .T - ... mm iiidi , i-,uru yj , J I ,u
Carolina- Lycuagus La.ra. Mary KB aw. Bru
tes, resatewis o' Taxaa, kWkt, V. Welsh, T, D.
WeLsli, J. T V elsh. W. P. VVeUh, L. M. Welsh,
BenJ Johnson and Wife, Martha Johnson,
re-idents or North Carolina- W. K. Welsk, uf
(Jesmrta: W. K. Tiwoaao and wife. Mary Tru
man, of Texas; Jamss li Henry. R. L. Uad-
ger, Atioi
(Jenraia. and all
Hail i' of Iwaaaasaaa
it is tbrcfore ordered, ta-at they stake
their appearance I,, ,-e'n, at Uie courthouse In
lb. clti of MernptH, TenU . within tbe first
three days or the r irular term ef said essnu,
cniumncr.g the Brat Monday la October.
1S7J, sad plead, answer or demur to oots
pUmaufa oil, or the saaxa will be taken for
contwski 1 -s to tbetn and set Car bearing ex
parte; and that a copy at thH order he poo
lisbed once a tve -k. tor f ar AUoseaatwe wwaata,
la ike fetempfais Appeal.
A c i--, all St .
. K, A. CfiLE, Clerk and Master.
By. R. J Bt.vr-x. r eriary nerk and Master
.i.istell, ,-.t.t a Heiakell. softeners fur
com plain ants. tw
JULY 1870.
flec-ind rtisnccry l onrt ofBhelby eownty
Bea. A. Bhspberd et al. Vs. U. A. BhepberU
et af.
Bi virtue of aa order of resale inari In this
catiae 1 will sei!, at public aaetion, to the
highest bidder, on the premises.
Oil Tuesday, July 19, 1870,
Wiin, a legal hears, tbe follow law de -
sen oed Heal k-tsu-. to-wlt: Using and
being la the eoubiy of Shelby and
Mtai - if Tennessee, and In tee arty
of Bfeiaaads, bwUig Me eaet barf of the
properly, sit uste-i ou the south aide of foxtiar
tiiMt tiiwui-, lueuea wwi or its int.ers.-e
tlon witb treat Una of Center alley ; i bencs
aostb 71 (cat J 1-iaaea; taenoa west parallel
wllh P .p'ar street S feet i lau bes; thence
t.ortii .i taer a meres to rv.piar .treet; than
.ist to Ihe be. in ii in sr.
ikasrs or Hisa-a --One-third cash, balance
on z cittia ui sax, tseici. ana eig-nte. a
lioiiLns rrosx uus day of sal..; notes with se-
can.i o.-..rt..g luUi- t takLu.and a lle-n re
rnmt Mil payment ot purchase money. Thia
June -n, i"iu.
M. 1. L I4TCWAKT, Clerk sad Master
Hans as a Boston, Boia. for com pit s. j2
JULY reTH, 1870.
No ata - Second fTianeery Court of Bbelhv
SUBBiiy - Taylor, XcBe.tr. et al , aaa, eta., of
a. s, nrown vara. misiciuOob.
V virtus ot an Iotertocut .ry decree made
IU tula cause. I vi 1 atl at nnh he sncll n
to the hlehesf hld-.ter. In front ot rha Clerk
and Master's ofBce of tha Hecand Chancery
Court of rthelby coaaty, tn the elty of Meta
pUis, Tenaaasee, ou
Saturday, July 16th, 1870,
within leva! Sours,
rsrtA estate, to-wlt: 1
county. Tennsaaee,
street, tef ween Ove
being a part of the
ie foil. a ids' described
ng lu Meiupbia, eiaelby
tne west side of Mala
n aid Jackson streets
Itv lot Ua, and betrlniilsg
at tne Intersection of lbs sort u uiwut' nrst
alley south of Overton street with Main
street, :. outing usst side Ma.u street 3!K
feet. ud runuiag back waatwaxdly iisv feet
to the beginning
Tauas .,r Sxut On a credit of seven
luuutb. puiciiaser executau note witu ap
proyvd setiurlty, beariAig iutereat froto dale
and a lien retained until pay meat of ths
purchase money. Eqalry of redemption
barred. Tht. Jane , UJ70.
M. D I. STEWART, Clerk and Master.
Moines A Post. it: and Moraau, Jaralgaa
r'rayser, solicitor.-, tor coinplaiQauU. jeJ5
New Discovery I !
Salvatnon for the Haii.
R. W.
w. c
HePV at CXI..
Southern Methodist Newspaper
First-clas Medium for Advertisers
ONE tUr-y, : : $ 2 50 PER ANNUM
W, C. JOHNSON, : : : Editor
R. W. BLEW & CO , : Publishers
any uail lu market.
They are the
arofflce, B8 West Van Muren street.
Factory. SO to OS West Van Btiren, cor
ner t'llnton street. Chicago.
N. foawiTH.HTes'a ATW. KiM.sL.so,Hec y
U. W SMtainav, Mup't.
a- Heutl for sample card and price list,
my eot27d
rrtWlCMTY years expt rience has proved this
I Uie moat popular reiueuy wi m pnjsi
elana and parents lor ttiose pests of child
hood Worms. They are pleasant to take,
and always effective In expelling tbe Worms
aud it. mug tlie system up to its normal
condition. Be'vare of coontarfeits and Imi
tations. The genuine have tbe signature ul
the proprietors on tbe wrapper of each
JKsCVr. A'o Pott.'
Jius4tl'$ Teller Owtfiaesu
mm utsittitrty ture icimi. j
Halt Rbeum, Barber's Iu-Ii, Vlmples
Blotches ans all forma ol rutin lusease; also
More ftyes and Kye Idd, Discharge from tbe
Ker, and old Bores, no matter of bow long
standing, or lbs money returned by tbs pro
Bold SO cents per box by all druggists. Bent
by mail for SO cents.
OMtrumption JVsitreelj CWetl ' Vphctm't Prtsh
Meat (Jure
WILL cure Bronchitis, Tonsumptlon, all
Lung Diseases and Hpittrng of Blood,
and strengthen and build up the system to
lu healthy condition. This has been tested
by Prot Troaaeau iu Two Tnousand cases tu
the hospitals oi Paris, In whkm it cured
nearly every case, and In this coantry by the
approbation of the physician many hopeless
cases nsve been restored to health One bot
tle will prove Its efficacy. Bold (1 06 per bot
tle, or mi for utt
myi sod Philadelphia-
Non-Resideot Notice.
No. 14. In tbe Becoud t bsncery Court oi
Shelby county, Tennessee. K. P. Boiling
et t&i. vs w. a. uamoie ti ai.
IT appearing from affidavit tn this cause
I ihat Ihe deiend.tnt. W. T. (tarn ble. l-.a nou
resident ol the Bia.e of Tennessee, and tbat
his residence is unkuowu:
it is therefore ordered. That be make his
appearance herein, at tbe court-house in tbe
city ot Memphis, Tenn., on or before the ni st
Blonttay in ss-i.-.e... oer. 1S70, and plead, an
swer or demur to ooniulalnsnt'a bill, or the
same will be tnkeit lor oonfeased aa tu h i
and set for healing exparte, and that a copy
of this order be published once a week, for
four successive Weeks, m tbe Memphis Daily
Appeal. This J illy a, SCO.
jl copy attest :
M. 1 1. i.. SiKWAHT.Clerk and Master.
By t t. ... Mauikv, Deputy 0. and M.
Logwood Jt Ml. ou, Sols, lor compl'iit. Jyti
Non Resident Notice.
No l.i. In the s'lrst t'hancery Oouri of Bhel-
oy t ounty, leuntssee.-jaitu-s atenagn, i.y
his neat liisud, etc, vs. Johu D. Aimoar
I T appear -ng from return in this cause that
1 the defendant, Johu D. Armour Is a resi
dent of tbe iststc of Maryland and a non res-
.,.,. r ,1, a si.l. I e..
Owens is a nou-resldent of lueBtateof
Tenuessee, and that itia residence la uu
Ills therefore ordertd, That tbey make their
appearance herein, al the Courthouse lu the
city of Mem ib Is, Tennessee, oa or before the
nist Monday tu October, Isvu, and plead.
answer or detour to ourapiaiuanl's bill, or
the same will be taken lor confessed as to
them, and set lor hearing exparte; and that
a copy et hub oruer oe puoilsoeu tiueea week
tor four sacesaalve Weeks, lu the Memphis
A)' .fill.
A Copy. Attest:
K. A. COI X, Clerk and Master.
Oantt A McDowell. .- ..s. for compl'U jel7
Non-Resident Notice.
Ko. 1L In the Second Chancery Court of
Bhelby county, Tennessee. W. P. Yo.k vs.
Saint-el B. Owen et al.
IT appearing from atjiJavlt In thU cause that
the deleuaant, Hamncl s. Owen, Is a uon-noji-raaldeiit
ol lbs Btate of Tennessee:
It Is therefore ordered. That be make his
appearance herein, at the oourt-houaeln the
city of Memphis, Tenn., ou or before the ttrst
Monday in -st-pieuioer, 1S7U. aud plead, answer
or demur to couipialnant's bill, or the same
will be taken for confessed ss to him, and
set for bearing exparte; and that a copy of
this order be published once a week, for four
successive weeks. In the Memphis Dally Ap
peal. ThiaJuiy , US.
A copy-attest:
M. V. L. BTEWART, Clerk and Master.
By Oao. MatVLiBT, Depmy C. aud M.
John A. Oalay, Bol. for coniplalnans. )y
Desirable Building Lot on Jessamine
Street for Sale.
mw Lot -i. Block 57, oa south side of Jessa
mine street, second lot east of the residence
of John Overton, Fsti ., and In one of the meet
desirable neighborhoods In the city, Is In our
hands for sale, with i vwrauortotes to orrsa
tuutaT iifBrcxarorrs to aw imuxi.i tb pob
Pt .Real Xstate Kxchanga. 1
No. 198 12 MAIN STREET,
I J.i'.utle
Thlee sixes til II V
SJaslic- iu visible v aiainK natrt,
the only Skirl adaptable for the present
walking dress; rattuufactured and sold o.vj.t
In the manufactory. Also, the following
(iKSUtsa asacH coksets, sixes rrom nan
Rot.t. Werley's Durable Plain Corset, Ad
L'Uisean's Klegaul taiibroidered Corsat, and
Mine, t'upuut s nesnttiui anort LorseA.
The IKuoBksT Bbbast Iotxctob. I guar
an'ee best, onaiity , both In skirts and corset
tut 17 UMIluLANOK.
U a Recti t ImpraveaMat.
Replaces tbe use of tbe BITTKR sni.PH ATE
yt l l. K. Willi wnicti all are lainillar.
Dose for dose. It is
Warranted fuliy equal is every way te Bit
ter Quinine.
For all Diseases of Malailooa Origin.
Vbvbb aso An l b,
cntLL Kxvra,
bmiocs Fevsb,
Dcub Aura,
and ths long train of disorders following
these when neglected-
Is made Wefy from fVrut-tan Bark (so Is Bitter
Qalutuc), therefore is of Vegetable origin, and
not a at literal poison, but on the contrary Is
proved to be one ot the elements ionnd lu
the blood of all healthy persoas.
swicj-rr Qvujye
Acts as an antulote to, as well aa a cure for,
ntalaruii er tntori'iaftc peiioa, the absorption of
which by the lungs, causes Intermittent 'e
vers, etc The only advantage claimed fer
swmxr oganLwa
Over the use of old Bitter vtuitiuie is the en
tire absence of I bat tnlenee, permKenf Mtfcnseu,
which in the latter is an Insurmountable ob
stacle to its use with most persons, aud al
ways with children.
Is In two forms -In Powirr, for tbe use of phy
sicians and druggists, and fluid, for use In
the family and for the general public.
vaDufaolum'Q ChemisU, New York
Ci AP.DKN and Cemetery Adornments, Cast,
T Wrought Iron and Wire Ralllnes. Foun
tains, Vasea. Verandas, Settees, Arbors. Chairs.
Summer Houses, Iron stairs, spiral and
straight, tn every variety of pattern. Hew
aud iru proved styles of Hay Backs, Mangers,
Stable futures. Stall Divisions, eto.
Paticst wibb Ti l i m WnliiiB. Store
Fronts, Door and Window Miasms. Fans
Fencing, etc.
JOr.rxx sb o Worlt.
Havlns Sited up our Koundrv wltb soenla
reference to ths above class ot work, we ar
now prepared lo all, with promptness, aJ
orders for Bronze Castings of Statuary, oolo
sal, heroic and lite sige.
O&naxkntal I bos QooDs. The laraest as-
sortmeat to be found in the United States, all
of w nlch are executed with the express view
of pleasing the taste, while they combine all
the requisites ol beauty and substantial con
struction. Purchaser may Tely on having ail articles
carefully boxed and shipped to the place of
Designs will be sens as UkOBS who weak to
make a selection, -asswi
For Restoring to Gra
Original Color
Ph-I.OW'S "V'lTALlAe-Mitfers Ut
tcrly trutn al! thauair coloring
prcparatii'nsieretoibre used.
It is Ibarrpul, sweet smelling,
precLpitates noniuauyor sitrny
matr,requires no shaking, im
Ti-iris no scan; tumeekun. noio
light an. it is clear and
ess. It leaves no niark. on
yet it reprcduces in
a 14
ir1 natural color coat
mav have
it t
tune or
bleach -xj out ot'
IThalon's Vitali;
is for one sole purpasejmt of
reproducing, with abaute i-er-tainty,
the natuialjkfflor of Ui
hair. It is nofitended as a
daily dressiujfliior for removing
Ecurf or rondruff; nor for cu
ring b-jMness; nor tor stimula
ting tJfe growth of the hair.
Thesf objects may be accom
plishaVj after the color has been
fixed irh the Vitalia, by Pha
lon's Chemical Hair Invigo-
The ViTAiTwia harmless
and unequaled preparation tor
the reproduction of me origi
nal hue of gray hair,ad noth
ing else. This is accomplished
in from two to ten ajaflicatioux,
according to thedurii of shade
required. Sgjatroyall diuggists.
it? &m
Testify to its merits in restoring GRAY HAIR
to Its original color and promoting its
growth. It makes tbs hair soft snd glossy
?'bs old In appearance are made youngsaala.
t la the best
Cavax Xx-oasslxxaj-
Kver used. It removes dandruff and i!l
acurvy erupUons. It does not stain the skin
Our Treatise on the Hair sent tree by mall
Beware of the numerous preparations
hich aie sold apon our reputation.
R. P. H A LI. at CO.,
Nashua. N. 1-L.Proprietors.
Voraala br- H .imytrfats.
r L. M EACH AM has this day sssoekMea
vi. with htut his sua. t r xsai n.is
and J. B. PtjtsTOl, of Memptiia, aud A W
ROBE en 8, late of fowe.ll. Roberts 4 Co.
iirowusvllle. ieuu. uouer ute arst aaaae ei
M. L. M EACH AM Jt CO- fur the purpose et
continuing tbe w h'-leeeieurocery tu.i conon
iui toraae businsss, at tne oiu aianu ot
Meacbaui A Treadwell. Jio. Dulua street.
el tone wall Block, where will always oa foand
oue ol the largest ant! nest seiocieu a local oi
it mcries, wbtcn win tie sola at me tow
uinrket rates.
air. Meaeaasa returns bis sincere thanks to
his mAiiy ti lands aud customers for their
kind and liberal pstronsae of past years, and
earnestlv aolldts for the new Arm contluu-
aace of the same, pledging strict attention lo
Memphis, July 1, 1STO.
X. K, Mkacuax.
A. W. Rkbibts.
No. 9 Union Street,
Staawwall Black,
atn-atlkat TaaaVB
aVViwpwfftw)! VaftW a
la the District i ourt of the C sited States for
the District of West Tenucasea-In the taat
tber of L. Hoirklns, bankrupt -In Baauk
ruptcy, Dlstrlcof West Tennessee as.
To whom It ay ooncera:
The undersignim hereby gives notice of hJs
appointment as assignee of L. Howalss. ot
Xseaphts, la the county of Shelby and State of
Tennessee, within asid District, who has been
adjudged a Bankrupt upon hai awa ;etl
Uon, by the District Court of said District.
Memphis, Tenn.. the Jstit day of June, A.D..
)2 Asslgues.etc, So. 7 Maolsoa . ,
Ready-Made Clothing
' . .. "J"aJJ j 'Jj31 HI to X. "
At Less than Manufacturer' an rrajMrtatrOrr Cost !
Walker Bros & Co.
229 Main Btrcet.
. INT JDXjH cy HEATH. Prop'f
Irto and Brats Castings.
Raiirtad aad
Steatsooal Wcrk
Xxtax--tiy XI-ar.ooxa.teci.
(UIABaNw), AvA KTH XJIMSm, and Aerleultural Macaiosry UepaAr-d
AUW' POKTABLK fcNOIJIxfc. sad Ma a a ! ctar.ru and Aaae, w HoTro
n i Mi.
Baals o
'di aous
Planing Mill and Lumber Yard-
H. 161, 163, 165 WASHINGTON STREET,
a - as ev a Tcaue -n
ar Msnnluctuiets of Olaaed Bat
ttoe, Palinas, BrseketB, Bear and
ih, Mnuldtnes, Balntrs. vwl
Window Frames. Celllag aaassa.
fusts. Oand-Ralil'.c La!
oeaiars In Framtna Lass oar. of all Binds; Rough and lirdtsrsd Y P ,
for box Hoosaa.
I cl
"Ins. -lawUi, 1 urtiiua aad Scroll Sawing docs to order
...uu- ui .-wiiuu waiw ntu.
All work warranted to r. of superior -uaLttv biih in
and :
-Iistertal and ftnlah
w ishla to sapprr ear eaatomers with a uoer!ur quality al stock careteilv Dut.i , .
shippeu, and ooaadent laaAyoo will wa piasaedwiLh uax carsiuiiy rtd aaU
Prioe, Stylos and Q-tuaHtj-r ofWork.
Yoar orders are respectfully solicited, aud will be ailed wllh neatness aud d pa tab.
Chancery Sate of Real Estate.
Chancery Saie cf Real Esiate.
With' n legal borm, th-to-wtt:
l.ving -aud her
Hhflby and SMai of Ten
21. H and ia. In Bluc-k N
mentioned lost ftnat ea
Sa to. W. a. -rim. Cssaeery Coort of
thslby Couotjr. Lncj K James vs. Maria
L PetttetsL
11 V Ttrtae, aa InUrloeutory de.-ree en-
x t.;reo in uie above cause Jaae 7. 1S7. I I If ti the cause. Ar
I ugu aiAwt;f-i. 10 ill. lllvtl.st st pan tic auction
i iu iauaaa ui i-e v. tera aau sxasxar
fflM. Ureenlaw block, Uecood street, la the
city of Memphis, Tennessee, ou
Fritey, Jury 15th, 1879,
with. n legal hours, the letldwlBx property,
to-wlt: A eerudn piece or psrosi of land tying
mil beliig In the city ot Memphis, county ot
-ttii-lby. and State ot Tennssuss, desTiled as
:,u.,, w : Beciunlaw en lbs north side of Over
ton street, iu saAdclty at tbe Inlarseciloa al
-aid street with the first al'sr east of Main
ttreet aud musing thence westwrrdly aloug
'in- uuiu aiue ot uverwa street Sixty -oue
rest au.l nlast ineuet; theses north seventy
four teet and three lncluw to a stake: thenc
east lxty-one feet and nine inches to the
iiiery aroreeai.i ; then.-e wiath along said alley
tiiv-four (Set three tsohea lo the be
inui!!g ttoruer ou UvMton street, bains a
fcAT! ol the tot known ou the plau o: the city
of Memphis as lot Mo. Itt.
Second. A certain lot of ground si toated,
lying and being in the city of Mem pbts,
couuty of Shelby, aud urate of Tennessee,
snd in that pit : of said city known
oi South Memphis and designated
ipou the map or Mouth Memphis as
ii No. 1 .oue) block No. hi airtewa;,
he said lot, being at tits corner oi Linden
UAd Tmuessee streets, and bounded oa tbe
north by Linden street, on the east by t'lia-
ton street, and on the west by Tennessee
.u ... : aad oa the sooth by tot Uu. 2 iu said
i bird An undivided one-halt lute rest, lu
be following descritied Dleee or Darcel oi
land, to-wlt: said trsct rontslntng one haa-
ir.io sn.l seventy-sev-n acres, lying In rttiel-
oy county, n.ar uermauuiwu. ixiuuJed on
the south aud west by the Memphis and
bitr'es'.on railroad sad lauds of K. R iv-sn
cd H. bour.iuias. snd on the suet by the
auns of I) H. trrwum-ml, and oa the aortu
hy the lands of lr. I'arrvtA. aad basse- s part
ii a oue hundred sod a isely-oue acre tract
rasled by tbe Stats of Tennessee u Khoda
Frsyr by grant No. 1ST. and deeded by J
w. stost anii luioua sum: to w. u rore aaa
I. I", .irifnag hy deu diued Sent iti, 1S42.
Fourth- ot No 1, m block No. 2, oa the
No. Ot, W. u.s-.rt i tnDCy l oart
Wieiby Couuty. -a. A. millman, et aL vs. J
li. Brsaa. at ai.
T virtue of an inteciarui.wT order eit-r. -I
.I stb. tera, I will se!
the higuest bidder, lit
iw itlcck, tJecnntl st:e"t. In tne ci'v ,: Mem
phis, rsonesHoe ou
Monday, July 25th. !373,
rrtguiarlv ;
t deep. I i.
; and runs '
teet. sud run
deep; lot Bt,
Clinton stree
allel Hues HO
01 Memphis; also, the south n trt
13. in Block Vo. t, as laid down :
salad ou the plan oi survey of
phis. frvstLug rH: feet on T-unessee
isagbsg west Lu fieet to Ltiester i
ginning 03 The w:s.t -.ble oi ! ;, ,.,
at Uart man's north-east aarner, t...
wrta Teasessee street SS teet U
tbeeea westwardiy IJti ret to AstaJ
soaUiwtrdly psrsUet with Tens.-..
IS) reel la a slsk .-: taeurr etstwa
Uartiaaa's uortii 1 uo MM ieot to 1
the. part of original tot N,. n
So. 6, aa laid down in the pissi
Memphis, beglnriinc ,t issal I r
west side of ieaueasi e slree', 11
the dividing ilM betwea lot.
11,1a Block), ia south Mempv
T.igg's north-east isjrner; iiietioe w
line, aad as right sun'es. with
street us teet to chest e: sti set : toe
wardty oa a line with Cheater .tru
astake; -.biii.v.i , ,i .
-ti .t mod parsllef with the first t
te Teuussaee staeet. fcSel-. on
Tennessee street aoutaraani y e,
ue; nuiug.
ie '
feet hi
ulau ot as.uth Meiupuis, froutlug ou Uie west
tte oi leuriessee street aooat su reet, and
ucnifig back at right angles with Tennessee
treet to the Mississippi river.
FifLh-Lot No.X lu block No 12. on the Dian
: South Memphis, froullcg on the east side
or Tennessee street ars .at reet, running
t.s.-k eastwardty and at right angles with
tennessee street to i'lluton street. IBs Met
uore or less.
Aiso. the remainder Interest After the death
of Lucy P. James, In snd to a certain so
imifn ss lot no. , oiocb in, annaim os tu
rner oi ' tiutoaantl tntoloe stre.-u. lu tli-
clly of Msuiphm, being the saiae lot on
whlen 1 homes j anise resided al the lime ot
is death.
Eighth Also, lot! Nos. li. 13 and 16 of Poe-
'.iii! sub-division of lot No. Ml, these i lots
siug togetner bounded as follows: Begin
tAlnsr on the south side of Broadway streets
feet south of tbe northeast .-ornsr of said hit
so. 1BI. thence running outh parallel and u
teet distant rrom the was Use of lot No. 101.
Art a-.i ieet to the southeast corner of lot No.
J or Postou a sod-division, tneuce with the
south tin-or lot No. 12 west parallel with
Broadway ITS feet to the southwest -urnsr of
tot No. 1-2, thence north parallel wltb the eaet
,ine oi lot .so iui, jsi i a ieet lo tne sou in iiuh.ii
drttadway, thence with Ute line uf Broadway
east i76 feel to the beginning.
Terau of sale One-third cash, balance la
six aad twelve mouths from day of sale ;
boad, with approved security, will he taken
tor the del err eu payment, aaa a leln i stained
upon saiAte nntii the purchase money Is paid.
jea K. A. COLE, Clerk aad Vsster.
No, 2.-nrst Chan eery Court of
couuty.-Mary L. Postou, et al va.
Postou, et al.
n Y virtue of an lnteriocutorr d
D tered iu the above cease, June T, Mffa. I
a illsell st uublic auction, to the highest bid
der, in front of the Clerk aad Mssten office.
city oi
, tSssaasi street, .n tbe.elty i
aIssa, a certain t!ee. m land Iviug
rng tn tbe said eiiiuity and -tt." i'i
DNi.iiiiii: oeinu a parr of ce p
laid aa into lots by t'reeal.w.
Lousy, Keel, at st, lying r.ortr
loin tug the city of Memphis au.
bere.l upon said plsl as No. -1 sa.1
ss loltows: Bestiuntig os tbcw
Third street al i he .-iuri o; i
streets, r hence tiorts a lib tlie w
ssld strirct 74 feet an it ! Inn
thence with said alUy lis reel ti iv
alley ; thence south wlih s"1 alat
Inches to a stake: thsviee totlwa.r
Inches to the oeguic.i 2 o i :
Aa rounds. aud be lag
CaldweU A i o s. siiUtt
grouudu. begicnlr.g ol
street, ai cuuteiupl ,t
said subdivision slid i
met !
j. and
pol at ou said north ode of salt
"j feet am! Inches WcstwtU
uortbweat Intersection of sal
Orleans strewt, as laid tiowu on
said poiat Being lnes, uAh was
No. ... as t od down iu said .s
on .said xaap; thence westwai
Uurta Use ul said Cuait stive
sew ooe rauulng back uoilhws
two parallel lAi.es and aiotig th
said lot No S its , feet to su a
being the east hail of said lo' I
laaaso BAdta.-uu a ere Ut
montrAh irom date oi
with good and sparev
Monday, July 25th, 1870,
Within legal Hours, the toils w lag property,
lo-wlt: A certain piece or parcel of land ly
lbst being snd situated la the county of Shei-
r.y and State ef Tennessee, wlrhla the fellow-
iug bounds, to-wlt: Beginning oa Jackson
street at the soot it-west corner of J. St. Wil
liamson's lot, running theuce west with north
tins of Jackson street. 3H1 feet to the south
east intersection of Desoto street extended,
w iih north line oi'J sckstiasirt'St-ibaaas Borxh
oa and with IHsSoto street extended, tha east
side thereof feet to a stake; thence east
parallel wllh Jackson and Broadway streets
SW teet to J. M. Wllif aseaiTs west
heretofore eaM ta Tasran B. Oar roll
by said Postou: theaoe south to the
beginning en north side of Jackaa
coutalnlnc vi acres, more ur less.
Also, s certain tract or paacel of
ated ia the county af BfcallAY at
I'eauassse. aoeat t Dallas south-east af taa
eilyof Memphis, and bounded as follows,
vis: Beginning at s slake on the north line
or side ot sverr Avetrue. me sown
or theses acre traci sitoiieu to
Ml lien jat ot me 1
Also, the south east pnrasr 0 aaa B acre
tract allotted to Catharine McKay out of
the said SM sere tract of saM at MeMtllew.
running tasnrte wastw srdly with the north
line of taogseT sjasine MB I- Ieet to a itasTa ;
hence northsxsAresW asst at rlaht aaxflea ha
Kerr avenue Ma, s-J iasyt le a stake oaaTrs.
eastwartHi wtiataaw snarta- boundary Use af
Mrs. k il-q.-v ill 1 and pi..e. tW IM
sooth waSlins arrteT llae sad 'at right
angles lo a stake la Karr Avenue aWt-s tsek;
thenee wsstw srdly with the north line af
Kerr A venae Wt S-S teet to the tsegtnn tXAg,
compiislng In ths foraaolng bounds two lata,
oneofonsaere and l hundredlhs, and the
other of ti v-hW of aa acre.
TXBXts or 8aix,-0b s credit of 7, 12 sad
18 tuon ths from lay of sala. Notes with aocu-
rvtv take a. aeawtaai tatsssit oaaa was sad a
awe retained - ill the payment
money. h4 ui ly uf resfauptli) a
ss. a. w&.sh . 1.1 a. 1
b per cent, per annum, and a lien retalneu
uutli the payaas-SAi ef satst pcrihase money,
noequity oi n-aVm: 10a s repurchase 10 ex
ist, but the title to be aawSswaws
1L A. CoLt, Clunk aud Master.
Na If Ib the Second Chancery Court o
Shelby oouuiy, Teunu-sea. -rtelen M M.t
vs. Boben B. Mi.Jcms.
IT appeavriug fiuaa slrVtsv.it iu this can
that the defendant, Kobert B Majors, is a
non resident uf th'- exa e 1 uucsee, aud
that u is residence rs nnlttsoau:
It la taer tore ordered. That he make hu
apoearauce herein, at tba ceuir beuse in the
clip of Mi la pi 1 An. itnn, oa or tie : ore tbe 11 rst
Monday iu Sef.trmrMr.ls7u, and plead, an
swer or seaaar lo complainant s n il. or tris
same will be taken tor coalesced Sb. to him.
aud ss t for heanag exparte; and that a copy
ot this order he pads I. a-ad once a week, tor
fear aasssrssivw weeks, in Ibe Memphis Lhiiis
Appeas. This Jslyr ut, u;u.
A copy ettesi-
AlO. UrtTEWAIsT, Clerk snd Mast.. .
By tiBO. Mallkba, Deputy C. and M.
I. W. aswsaaSsABwAasaassapsS - rl Jy 1 :
InaeWent Mottce.
HAVIWU suggaalAAi the insolvency ot tbe
estate of UF. Buuk, deceased, all persona
bswUat atayass satsinssthe same ars uostrK t
to aie the satme-wr.. perry satbxatlcated, witu
County canrtCfeTk, uo or bvore the lith day
of November, ls7a, er they will be forever
barred. Ska. H. N. bsjola, Adxu'rx.
B. P.Duneaa Attoraoy. Jel7
JULY 25TH, 1870.
No. am. o. r d.
iAf Shelby c tmty
H. UUsaon
onj Chancery Court
M ugh L. BrinkJey vs. H.
UJ virtus: ot su knterlocutory decree made
ir m ISAs cause. 1 will sell al pswaas ati.--
: and Master.
14 Union SU MW
Ve take pleasure In etsttng to our psv
Irons tha we have reososred our Job r-s-raasa
EstablUhAuant to No. U Union aU'est. A pees
Build Use where we hops to see our eld
spaas as atanj aew ones as win
BrJsBBs eare
tiocu to the highest bidder. In treat ol tlie
( lawk aad Master suffice or the second Chauc
erj t'euxt, 01 ataetby cstuuty, iu the city u
Memphis. Teuuasswa. on
Wtmm, Jury 25ta, 1870,
WitAla bias I hours, toe following described
real estate, to-wil: Btluated. i mgand be.ng
Da -Shelby county, Tenuessee. aad ts the city
at Memphis, oa Use west side af Second
atxasH, aad beuig a park us tot aaa, tbe hegin
niaa earner cousmeucttig at a point whern
John Cubbins' aarui Has. intersects the west
!lue of Second street; thence northwardly
with taa west line ei decoud street east i-to
teet -,1h tee hints red ami ainety-ionr sad loor
tsnlBS tost, ta a awake, thence west In aline
parallel wish Joata Cn bo ids' norm line,
oSsaPsj) eae haastred and forrv-eight aad a
havd; fast' thaxtce aoutk three hundred and
nluatar-toar and rour-t. niha Bat to Johu
Cabbiss' north Hue; thence east with cub
bins' north line to ths beginning.
Tbxuu or SA.LB. UpoaA a credit of 7 months
purchaser txe-utlng a note with approved
security, beatnng Interest from date snd a
lien rasa I awl aaaat payment of the purchase
money. ae.ulty of redemption bsktrssi.
This June Jt, 1870.
M. D. L. NTS WART, Clerk and Master.
aTaatsB A I'satnn, Seat torCooi plateau a. JeJl
for Divorce.
In the
Clreult Lonrt of Shelby county.
Ilssnan vs. John IVgnan.
ac wwsa sIbsII In this cause
John I'sanan usnoo-
of Tennessee: .
se nis
in the
a oa ths third Son-
, 170, and plead, answer or
.. ...' hill or the same will
as to him. snd set for
and that a copy o' ti s or.
coca weei. tor iou: sue
is Appeal.
that Use aeieedaat.
resident oi the (Mats
,1 re of Mum oh is Ten
day tn
rxug ex parts: are
stock of Cards,!
at laatlirtn Oar
Til wis ill iMns. tk' " -'"T ' " -470
s a waxaus
K T.VFT. Clerk.
Jordan, So.;c i

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