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Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, October 28, 1874, Image 1

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iTO 263
It is a great, a deep regret to tho get.'
tleraen Instrumental In advertising and
preparing for the mass-meeting that, by
no rue intermeddling of a person, or per
sons, to them unknown, a confusion in
regard to the place of meeting, interfer
ed to prevent its being held. It was ad
, verUHirithe7(f3CT Monday eve
ning, and in the Afi'eal of Tuesday
auoralng, to come off at Uie Green
lawOperahouse, but the Ledger of last
evening advertised a change of base,
aud that it was to be held in front of the
l'eabody. Here quite a number of per
hobs assembled, numbering from first to
last peckaps fifteen hundred; but the
Bfteahecrt who had bten selected and in
vlted iy the oommltteeof management,
being in their charge, went to the Opera
house and there waited a reasonable
while, and being disappointed of an au
tience, retired. It was impossible that
a call so numerously tigued could have
so failed of its purpose, were it not for
such a mihaiasb&9been complained ot
toue, and we hope the causeof it Willie
fouud out and properly explained to the
jHiblio. It is a serious offense to
trifle with the public interests
at any time; it is still more
at this time, when all classes
strained to their utmost in an 1m
portant political contest, and if there is
a man or.men who, by chance or by any
undethasd means, would interrupt the
nuUie voice iu Its expression against
any, even the least, encroachment by
Grant's administration, we should like
to have his or their name, that he or
they may have all the notoriety
ooveieu. we nope it will prove
a mistake, but whether or not, that
the committee will order the meeting
again, and bring together our best
xpeakers. No matter what men who
differ with them may say, the signers
of the call for the mass-meeting deserve
ltter than silence at our hands. They
are amoiig our foremost business
men ami merchants; the very
bst expression of our worth and Intel
licence, aud we trust will take up where
they left off and pursue Uie mas-meet-ing
to a legitimate conclusion. Bill
whether the mass-meeting be held 01
not, we ask, ia behalf of a disappointed
public, tor an explanation of theccn
fusion and consequent silence of last
He will Arraign tlie Low-Tax-Brlerm
fw Mlhr Atitbor of Itie Bar
tfenvof taxation.
Hpwlal to the Appeal.
Nashville, Tenj-., October 27.
Governor Biowti will make a declaration
mat will create a profound fceofcatlon In
Memphis. lie will bliew that the burdens on
Memphis save been caused by the pretended
advocates of reform and low taxes The
rvmocratie party keep aloof from this sen
aio'iil eoBtetii, and Is Intact. It has enough
i 'j do to eeatesd with the mixed school ln-
diendent Radicals.
Snow fell at Fort .Laramie yesterday.
U-i n force meets for Cuba sailed irom
Madrid yeMertlay.
A meeting of naturalized citizens took
J .c ai ew uneaos last nisnu
A fifteen thousand dollar fire occurred
m Mansfield Pennsylvania, Monday.
Toledo, Ohio, has bad to endure the
l resenceot a snre-enongn lord anaiaay.
Vice-President Wilson was at SVasli-air-v,n
to-day, and lett at night for the north
A tf lepra m from Vienna Sunday, says
that the Moaleiiego difficulty is of km ail Im
portance. The ranreme court at Washington
has dented the motion to advance the
grange oases.
A motion to vacate the order for the
nomination of Henry clews, in New York,
ha teen defiled.
The etamships Deutschland, Hol
ms and Baltic, from ew York, arrived at
London Monday.
A disfisvtefa from Paris says that the
if. '.mills are urging Count deChambord tn
i uni to France
Tue Republicans ueld an immense
masviueetlne Monday evening In New York
t j railfy the Ute ticket.
The PrechleBt his approved the com-
ssion of Postmaster Dewltt Btearn, of
Uui.j spring, Mkfclpr4.
Several Texas Republicans interested
n rropoeed ehanve In the government of
flces are now in Washington.
Dr. Alvsh 15lfttfiell, who was confined
in the Tombs In New York.has furnished the
n-'ceaaary ball and been released.
Rv. Franefci Xavier Kuatoassy, pir
priest of tue Holy Trinity church of
v anb Ule, Indiana, died yesterday.
A dispatch from Madrid says that
Admiral Topete had an attack of apoplexy
. - Friday, bat is reported seriously ill.
The fteaenthips Helcia. from London:
rieldes, from Yokohama, and HhasghaL. via
Marcus S. Hooke, son of Judge K. HI
flooke, of ObaUanooga, suicided at that place
(-(jiuay moruiog. uanse, unreqaiiea love.
K'Kht HiDorhWe Huch Childers.mem
ft r o' psriiameat, aalitd from London for
oric emnoay la ue messier Abyssinia.
Pierre Berteu, a notorious burelar,
v. ki.led by a psnlte&Uary guard In 'New
i' .f ,m atonday, while attempting to escape
Tue new lA-hop of ViconsIn, Ed
ward llaodolph Wells, was consecrated hun
murnlBs In Ibe MC Thomas church, sew
A telegram from Berlin, vesterday,
ss - mat Herr Hanser. editor of the Vienna
'isf, is to be a witness In the Von Arnlm
Gworif KeynoWs, or Halt Iake, Utah,
whs Moatday Indletod lor.poisgamy and
1" 11 to bait for two thoussnd lle haodred
dui ;ars.
I ranoe and Spain have determined to
ti tut a war vessel each to the river Bdaoa,
: ficvent the erosslnc; of supplies lor the
.il ml.
A gatlieriBg of workinpmeii of com
ii. i.nlst teaeVncles met at a hall in Chicago,
...iiday,ai.d nominated a-fuUtlexetfertne
county In eas.
fi x-i Jebt, Fullerton and Gloster have
t illered for the six thousand dollars trotting
1 ace. November 7tliv at Han Francisco. Bet
t ug is quite active.
The eeiipse of the moon at San Fran
ciseo Suodsy rooming was visible through
luas of the phases bat a dense fo obseurrd
I at of total eclipse.
Tiie mule Bplnuere In the Baltic mills,
belonging so tbe Beragne estate, strurk yce-l-rOs
on aceoant of Ine proposed reduction
oi fagesteo percent.
The government of France has issued
a note to allay the disgusting rumors on the
bourse and eewbere in connection wllh tbe
cpsnish memorandum.
A telegram from London, Monday,
v,s that the marriage between Princess
' i ara of Denmark and the Crown Prince ol
lianoTer has been abandoned.
A telegram from Berlin Sunday says
that tbe supreme tribunal has confirmed the
fl-clsioa of the lower court rejecting count
ua Arrnln'sappeal for release.
Itetween thirty and fifty thousand
,1 ulars worth of goods were burglarised fiom
ti,e storehouse of Kberwoud Bsrk r A Jo In
1 o.edo, Ohio, Taesday. -No arre-ta.
A large public meeting was held at
tliechuroh of Transfiguration In New York,
Hunday, for the perpuse ot considering tbe cs
taoushmeat of a cbureh bulkling lociety.
The Granget's executive committee
In Kan Knwelseo are reported to hae de
u rallied to ship wheat on their own ac
coiiui witooat retereace to Morgan & Boas
Henry Cbrisioau, of Xandoo, Ohio,
aiuinpted to get on a moving train atCowan
station, on the Utile Miami railroad, Hnnday,
md, falltBg under the wheels, a leg was taken
The Ottumwa express was wrecked
at WhltesVeW, Iowa, yesterday morning, and
It was postUrei)' stated that nineteen pas
Mongers were fatally injured and several
A telntrram from Madrid Sunday, saja
. . t rrsaeanJenesa has the rrjxin that
Alnhonsn. with four buntirt rniirt&sra
crossed the Kbro, havtogabahdoned the cacse
of Don Carlos abd Intending to return to
A telegram from Paris, Monday, says
that the Spanish consul at Bayonne has matle
a demand lor the extradition, as deserters-of
won wi me sieamsnip &u John uq
A telegram from Madrid. Mondav.
says another body of Uarllsts numbeitng one
hundred and eight, belonging to Tozano'a
band have offered to surrender If amnesty be
b. .....
Dr. E.B. Ivimbcrlv. one of tha earl!
eat settlers of Chicago, and for years promi
uvu au Aia auairs, uieu at II 11 resmence ll
Lake connt, Illinois, tunday, aged seventy'
two years.
The representatives of the Grand
irunit raairoau tines, alter dlscnwlon or ob
jections to the new oil rates In 1'hlladelpbia
jionaay, ueciaea mat any reaueuon wasirc
The London Time correspondent at
Bombay telegraphs that it is e.M'.xl that
twenty thousand persons were as, in the
town and district of illdnapore during the
recent cyclone.
Last Saturday night Simon Wolf, an
Inlluentlal citizen of rJpringOeld, Ohio, was
waylaid and murdered by some unknown
persons, tils gold watch and a large sum of
xnonty was laaen.
Ate'tgram from Paris Sunday says
luab man Jerome apoieon nasissueu a po-
iiucai programme, in ids lorm ei a jeiier.
conn em nine tue reactionary clerical policy oi
the Imperialist part.
"General Shaler, of New York, has not
yet Deeu iniorrueu 01 me proposition or tue
municipal authorities of Chicago 10 reside
there and act as consulting engineer of Ihe
ure utpnniues, 01 lual Cliy.
A fatal ehooting affray occurred be-
iw-u irr. w. a. xv.isuauu anu rreueric ior
ris. of Warren countr. Kentucky. Mnndav.
KasUand was shot five times and died soon
auer. morris was wonndea twice.
A disnstch from Vinrinia Citv. Ne
vada. ssvs a chanire 1s acnounrMi nnthn In
deiHUidentlezislstlve ticket, br the subtltu.
aiuu 01 iue name or j. u. vaiaweri, 01 uoll
11111, for Btate senate. In place of A. K. Farlee.
Austria. Germany and liuisla have
presenieaajointrenne-I to the rsjrtc rorner.
mission to conclude romme elal treaties di
rectly with ltoumaha. Tbe porta refutes.
hMuau luiljiui AUUU Ml UU lllD ( 1 C M1J Ol fans,
A telegram from Kew York fav
The breach amnnnt the Nevsiln nnmiwrsli.
as uecuinmg wiaer. iiiiams win not ret re:
be holds that he is tbe regular party nominee.
Mitchell's friends are nnstilnir hf ciniirm
harder than ever."
A dispatch from Jacquemel, a seaport
o: the Island of Ilaytl, says of the coffee crop,
that business is dull; the coffee crop is Im
mense, but It comes in slowly, the country
people reluslng to tell at the prevailing prices.
A dispatch from San Domintro rbvr
that the republic Is quiet. President Gonzales
has issued a decree anthnriclnc IhA nnntra...
tlon of the foreign loan to the amount ol three
Auiiiiou uouars, anu nas appointed J ox Man.
uel Olas sgenl tonegoUatelL.
The Lenord, the organ of the Russian
government, fays the Montenegrin massacres
cannot be overlooked. Turk
oat speedy JusUce to the perpetrators, and
Ktwuiuu itr uie.r crimes. A ue great
powers have advliel the porte to this course.
A dispatch from Romesavs the two.
recelevedihe bishop of "Vtrdan, and that he
ssiu no iremuita at the dacgers menacing
France: that it was necessarr thst i-ni.hniirs
should nnlte their forces to meet the e
threatenel evils, and to oppose the enemies of
auq vaiuivia uiu sociciy.
A telegram from Calcutta, Sunday,
VSI "Nifia wahlh has hen BtirmnilASHl In,
the hands of the Brill h
JaJi. or Scldla. tt is undei-stiwi that
irom rina to Maharajah, asklocfor proiec-
chieftain ana led to his captcre.
The controverav of spvpi-aI vnra
ovouuiiJ g ucm reu we n, mcarru ana Alio a
railroad company, and tU Louisiana and
Missouri river rail ro id com nam- rel&tirp in
the amount of rent to be paid by the former
cuuiuhuv in i ii n ijiLipr mr in na or ira rnoi
nas oeen ceiuea vy arDltrallon.
Tbe registration In the clrv of
Orleans Ji as follows: Whites. colored.
white majority. 11,117. In the country
parishes thlrtv-toree elve. whltM. JtLTits'
ored.-caM. TcIaI registration. as lar aa Heard
lrum. Muiies. oijidti coiorea. s)JC3 net col.
ored majority, 2,173. Twenty-four parishes
su S3 J Ct IU aJCssVK 11 UlUi
A dit-natch from Hawkeve. Iowa.
ays the train which ran off the track near
Fairfield yesterday forenoon, had an engine
sua nine cars aucnea. me nremmn, Joseph
belne crnhhed.and he beinc severefv brulsMi.
About fifty hoys on frelghi-cars were killed.
ro zurmer damage wa done.
In a quarrel Sundav mornincr at To-
lauli nhln Isfa. tifn TT.-a
aiuu, v.tau, n tsu aj so w tic, UlflU UBUirU Oil,
btruck her with a hatchet, enllttlne her head
vjrvu. i a muugm u3 is noi ixoruuiv
wounaea. oxr was arret.ted. lie attempUd
suicide lastnlnht bv cutllnt an artjrv In h.s
arm and butting his head against the walls of
uie pruxm. ue win proDUbiy die.
A telegram from London Monday
says: "The Brit sh subject living luSooIoo
arc ha-pel ago have xneinorUllzed tbe home
government, complaining of grievances at tbe
hands ol the Spanish, who hateai-sumed the
Kv-relgnty ot thoe Wands. Ilermi-jesty's
KJicrmueuL wiuuispaicu a man-oi-war 10 in
quire into the matler and reiKrt.
A colored man named Georce Wa?b
Ington waa found dead In hiscabin,mnnleredt
u w iuiittb kiwv ujiud iwcstpuuuay evening.
His head had been crushed with a unjuir tl
corone held an laauestoverthf Lt-K-ivni.il ihm
Jury returned a verdict that the uted was
commiitea oy another colored man named
l uiana, wno was arrestea and lodsed in Jail.
A lock-out of coopers in New York
nas ngunt owing 10 me reiusai ol the men to
aDanuon ineir iraue societv. At a meetinr nt
cooler's union No. 2. oundav. it was resolved
to Mart a co operative shop, for the purpose of
lnr ae, and they guarantee them that
mere win dc a bawn-ci irom nttyto eighty
Thefallmeetiucrof tbedriviucpark as
sociation opened in Toledo, Ohio, yesterday.
Good tiack and fair attenuauce. First race
was for three-minute horses, wllh nine en-
trleH. All started. Tne rsrn n-a vnn lir
Hahaw, of Cincinnati. UeKt time, 2:15. 8ec
ufld race-na horses, H en trie, 12 started.
on by John W.IIali, of Cincinnati. Time
Tiie seventh annual international
convention of tbe Kallroad Con J actors life
insurance association will meet In LouH
te-day. Three to lour bandied dele-alei are
expected, a large proportion of whom have al
ready arrived. The mln bunlne bcloie tbe
v i mention will be a revision of the confuta
tion and by-IWH and Uie reorganization of
the association on a more satisfactory bs s.
A telegram from Kan Francbco, Cali
forola, mti that a man named Parker, a va-
beaeron the Legal Tendtr from lahill, just
arrived, repoits that the ship ftloc;ul was
burned at hea one thousand foar hundred
mueafrom the Marquesas Island. Captain
I-'i eeman and crew brought to Marn.ues.i8 one
greyhound irom San Francisco, No other
particulars. The Mogul was bound from
IA verpool to San Francisco,
The counsel of KulImarK, who at
tempted to absastrdnate Bismarck, lns'st on tbe
pretence of Prince BUniarck. as witness, at
Wurzburg a Indispensable. As the Sfw4oD of
panlameut begins at the hinitt time tbe trial
commences, tbe demand is Impoible, The
OOUnsel al-SO adduces tht fact of th lnrnrahlA
Llunacy of the defendant's mother, and de
mand ms examination ty a physician skill
ed lu the treatment of Insanity.
A private meeting of the western di
vision of the biotherhood of locomotii e en
Elneen, representing all railroads west of Uie
Ohio, was held at bt Louis bun day evening,
tu consider the reduction of wage as proposed
bv the various railroads, and a partially car
ried out by the Chicago and Alton road. Af
ter considerable discussion a resolution was
adopted proIesUBgaeainst such reduction as
unjust and nncaUed for, and declaring it will
not be submitted to.
Information received from southwest
ern Nebraska shows that thousands of people
are in a starving condition. One informant
saw many whufor weeks had bad nothing to
eat but baked aqnash and pumpkin and salt,
and others who had lived on baked Hour and
water, one meal a day, for weeks. Ten thou
sand people In the btatewlll need aid sum
clent to keep them from tdarvation and being
frozen to death this winter, llundieds of peo
ple are naked and on tbe verc ol starvation,
without the means to leave tbe State.
The Spanish ambassador iu London
recently ruade reDresentatlons to fnrd Irbv-
mlnister of loteign affairs, that supplies ol
arms and other material of war manutac-
tuica in tntiatid were IreqoenUy shipped for
tbe C I lieu la t-paln, and re,uested that
vigilance ce exercised by the Untifeti authori
ties to prevent snch violaUou of neutrality.
To Mils Lord Derby sharply replied that the
indefinite continuance ot the war Iu Spain
bowed laet of patriotism and energy, and if
the tian.a navy was vigilant the landing of
arms for tbe Carlista wouiJ be linpoWble.
A Mobile dispatch states that all the
testimony i a tbe caw? of the alleged conspira
tors of Sumter coaoty was taken Saturday
and ImmcJlately John Little, colored, and
Cpeonel Lee, two of the lour defeodtnlt, were
discharged, ltrameoutou trial that these
two men were to be ued for tbe defense, and
that tat y were made eo-oefenda-is that tbe
defenw rulgbtbedeprived of their evidence.
Hester, the United btates official who caued
Uie aire! of the inn, was with Admiral
Semmeaasoneor the Junior otneers of the
Confederate cruiser Alabama.
During a political dlscuaiou at King
William conrtboue, Virginia, between J. it.
ISener, the IlepubUcan candidate ror re-elec
tlon to coDgrerc from the first district, and It.
B Douglass Uie Conservative candidate, au
affray occurred which resulted In serious In
jury to Mr. sener, who had bis arm badly
broken, and was otherwise hurt, it is stated
tbe difficulty originated In some lemark by
wner In reference to C'ongreMman Beck, of
Kentucky, which was corrected by Dougl-i.
Other words of an Insulting character were
Interchanged, when Douglass Uirew a tumbler
at Hener, and a fight, loilowed. The crowd
rushed upon the platform, and in the scuffle
Beoer received the Injuries mentioned.
A Shreveport dtepatvh says the follow
ing gentlemen haw Uen arretted there by
the united but marshal, charged with vlo
latSng the enforcement act: George A. Pike,
banker; E. Jacob, or tbe firm of K. &. It, Ja
cobs, tbe wealthiest Una in tbe city ; Jobu J
Horan.of tbe firm of Ioran& Lrymey; W. 1.
Ford, of the firm of Botfneau A Ford; Ik II.
Uodsay. of the firm of bteers & Lindsay, and
J Q. M Williams. Other arresU are threat
ened. The warrants were nerved by O'Neal,
tbe Radical candidate for shpritr nf itoKirr
parish, and were based upon Ue alllilavlti of
uenerai uewia.jaecrui, Lnited males army,
oommandtng tbe division. No resistance was
offered, and do one attempted to escape. The
examination is bet for Monday morning.
The Bfttevllle Ttmesat the thirteenth
ttiys: Vclrday morning J. o. li rooks
bruichtiipfiom Fraly'a imp iw.i hundrea
aort HKhtr-TonicatfiAj, vrhlch l.uti. ,it or
mv bMAkek"
ProtcediDs of ;ihe (Jenoral Convention)
ailliap la Xctt York, for the Past
Tiro Dadt
Rltnalium Thoronghlj Ycntnatei), Dls
casscd and Almost Unanimously
Speeches. Enactments and General I m
previous on tho Subject
Etc., Etc, Etc.
31 OK DAY.
ev Yokk. October2G The general
con-tntif.n of the rrolentant Kplf copal
church resumed business to-day. Immediate
ly aUr morning rrayer, wm. v elsh.orFhit
adclnhl-. on behalf of the committee on no
finished buslne&s, reported that at tbe last
meeting a committee bad been appointed to
pr mote civilization among the Indians, and
read a letter irom General Custar on the sub
ine commmee.iea a proiesi aKninsiiue
saleoflrdlan roervaUcns or territory, and
recomraenaeu iue aupoinim nioi a commii-
tee on Indian aflalnt The old committee was
ltev. M r. uetz. or riitsbure. offered a it solu
tion reouetlDe tbe house of blshoos to set
apart appropriate religious services to be eel
e bra ted on tbe centennial anniversary of
American inuepenuence. iaia over tut to
morrow. It was resolved to appoint a committee to
act with a similar committee from the house
of bishops, to determine on tbe place for hold-
iue iue nexi eenerai convenuon.
'the committee on the ceneral theological
seminary reported 1 hat It was In a satisfacto
ry condition. In 1872 Uie number of students
was seventy-three; In 1S73, seventy; tn 1"71,
there were seventy three. Thefinancesof the
InsUtuUon were Increasing: but Uie talari es
of the paid professors we.e utterly unfit for
The report was referred back to the com
mittee. The order of business on the calendar was
taken where It was left off Kit unlay, being
the consideration of the report of the com
mittee on canons No. 7, respecting the pro
posed ameudment to sections 2 and 3, or
canon 13, title I, of digest, with regard to tbe
connrmaiioa oi oisnots.
A vote wss taken on Uie amendment of Mr.
Steam., ol Kaston,thattheconfirmaUonof a
bishop be committed to tbe standing com
mittees Instead of the house of denut.es.
The vote was taken by dioceses and orders,
aud was lost as follows: Clergy, ayes 10; nays
25; dlvlded.G. Laity, ayes 9: nays2ti;divided.L
A bubttttute was offer u by Mr. Bartholo
mew, ot Kansas, xor tne report or the com
iiuii.ee. wnicn wasaiso iosu
The orislnal report of the committee was
men aaopiea.
A reeolutlon offered by Dr. Bchenck on Sat
urday, calling for tbe appointment of acorn-
mlttee to conder theae and Infirmities of
the presiding bishops and take what action
might b deemed necessary, was adopeed.
iue ionowing resointions weie received
imm me nous-eoi Disnops:
lie oleei tlbe house ot deputies concurring
That paragraph one of section twenty or title
eleven be amended by adding after the words
" crime and lmmora ity," thee words follow
ing: "And he be presented under paragraph
one of this section, tbe bishop may, with the
advice nd consent of the standi eg commit
tee, at once Inhibit a minister presented from
all funcUons of ministry unUl a trial be had
and a verdict be given.'7
lietolvtd. That tne paragraph of secUon one
of canon two of title one be amended by
striking out the words on being found guil
ty," and Inserting In their place lt he be
found guilt."
lesoivedtThe house of deputies concurring,
that that section of canon 6, UUe II, be
amended to read as follows: "If any presby
ter or deacon shall, without availing htmeelf
ot me provisions oi canon o oi mis line,
abandoning communion of this church br an
open renunciation oi me aoctnnes, disci
pline and worship of this church bv format
admission Into any religions body not In com
munion wnn tne same, or in anyother way,
it thall be tbe dutv of the standi ne committee
of dioceses to make certificate of the fact to
the bishop of Uie diocese, or if there be no
Dit-nop, 10 iue Die nop or an adjacent diocese,
which certificate shall be recorded, and shall
be taken and deemed by eccleslasUcal autbori
ty aseaulvolent to renunciation of the mln
istry by the minister himself, and said bishop
may men proceeu lo suspend lorsixmoniDs
the presbvter or deacon so certified as aban
doning the communion of this church. No
tice shall be given 40 said minister by the
uisuop receivinjr me ceruucaie mai unlets ne
shall, within six months, make declaration
tnaime iacis aucged in said certince are
false, he will be deposed from the mlulstrv
vi in lb caurcu.
The resolutions were referred to the com-
mi tue on canons.
The recreiarr reada commnnlcatJon frr.m
tbe ton venUon of Canterbury, England, tran-
miuang me cnromcic ot lasi convenuon, ana
returning thanks for documents received from
me genera convenuon.
The report of the committee on canon No.
10 on the ritual belne the order of the day lor
uie lorenon eune up loruiccussion, wnicn
was openea ay uev. ueo. Leea oi juaryiana.
lie said the sooner be knew what was al
lowable In prayer books the better persons
woum oe aiioweu meir privneies wimin cer-
loin hnnti,I.Fliwlnrthoal.issh .n o smSM.
bent must be protected by well-defined, elas-
uc, luoroucu anu sounu oonnaartes.
ltev. Dr. Fulton spoke In behalf of the com
miitee. He said there had been creat nneasl
ucm au s no vuuivu iw i - n . ry uavi, uici
would do about this vexed queUon of ritual.
ureal numuers oi uocumenta were seut in to
the committee relation to ritual which re-
qnlrcJ carefut study, but b tnotignt the fears
of the public were exaggerated, as the church
was not. near destrncUon as tner thoucht.
several ui me cDiamuite, u out iuemajorjiy,
would rather not present the canon on
ritual to them at all. tt was true
that the Innovation on the ritual might have
a changing e-ect upon tbe doctrine of the
. . a r
church. Me, as the youngest member of the
commttte, took it upon himself to say
they had examined tho matter in all
iu bearings most thoroughly; they had
sat five days before they could pot a word on
paper. The rubrics o; the pruerbook hal
their room way down In the earlier daysof
the church, and no iejon should touch tbein.
When a bishop heard of the erroneous prac
tices or ceremony in the celebration ol the
holy communion, he was to make Investiga
tion In tbe matter with the standing commit
tee of the diocese. The committee eijotued
that everything relating to this should receive
mcst careful consideration. The committee
on canons of the house of bishops, he said,
was auuuiiuuufeiy ia lavnrui ian canon.
Dr. Caddy aald he was authorized to state
that tbe committee of the house of bishops
was not In favor of iL
ltev. Dr. DeKovlne, of Wisconsin, then took
the floor snd an Pour wat voted him to speak
on thesubjeet before recess.
The chairman appointed a committee lela
Uve to tbe resolution offered by ltev. Dr.
'i ha committee of conference to whom was
referred thesubjeet of the memorial from
Texas, submitted a report signitvlng their
consent and agreement to a division of the
diocese of TexaM.
After reces. ltev. Mr. DeKovlne made his
address. Her aid :
"It was a fact that our church had admitted
men Into holy orders not holding doctrints or
the church, such ax, lor Instance, the doctrine
of bapUsmal regeneration, which the speaker
believed, surely Uie Ume was coming, or bad
come, when this church of ours would be pre
pared to say w hat was the limit of tae ritual
on one baud r the other, and be would sy
that a commission appointed would be tbe
proper way to protect the church from
the charge of llrenUousness and law
lessness. If he had his own
way he wonld prefer no canon at
all on the subject lie thought forbidding
or any particular things Mich as tbe nse of
Incense, or Uie crucifix, was vlolaUng tbe
EilnclpleH and au interference with her ro
rics or articled Of religion, tie thought tbe
church should be above the Paul lrysortof
work in send ng around presbyters to ferret
out In what parishes these ceremonies were
being ufced. was the church prepared to say
that tbe use of Incense waa wrong, when, ac
cording to the scriptures, Aaron stayed the
ptague with lncenso? He quoted irom Uie
a. ripturea as showing that it was used In the
worship or God by the patriarchs. lie was of
tho opinion that It was a christian privilege,
to worship the Holy 1'resence In the sac la
ment, if the church wished to restrict these
obervancK, the Fpeaker was willing to bow
to the church's order; but a cry would be
foi ced from a thousand hearts, -Let me die In
iny owncountrj, and let ray lnes be laid
wiiu tnose 01 my iatnerana mciner:"
.New Yokk, Oetober 27. The Prot
estant Episcopal general convenUou reas-em-bled
this morning, and after morning prayer,
resumed business.
William Walsh, lay-delegate from Philadel
phia, stated what bad passed relative to
Uie tieymour cause, which he would hand
oer to the secretary, if Uie latter would fur
ulfch htm copies of oilier charges relating to
the tame aubject, which were In his posses
sion. Dlsewtou ensued, many delegates
from Illinois claiming that these papers I
should properly be the property of the home, J
and that thev stiould not be made the sabiect
of barter between tbe delegate irom Phila
delphia aud the house; and they were of the
opinion that Bishop beymour ought at least
have copies of these charges brought against
The whole matter was laid outhe table, af
ter which Mr. Welch handed in bis docu
ments wlUi the remark ibatltdld not matter
to him, but he thought be would offer a llule
the committee on the state of the church
submitted an extended repoit on the condi
tion of tbe church at the present time. Grat
H log reports from all parts of the country. In
regara to ber well are, were read ; but ll was a
matter or legret that the number ot candi
dates for holy orde.s had decreased since JS71.
Tbe conimtuee recommended the creation of
a building fund, and commends tbe condition
of the church In Uie south to her more fortu
nate sister churches north.
The committee on canous reported having
under consideration message twenty -one of
the house or bishops, containing an amended
canon on the subject of divorxe, and lecoin-m-
nded the adoption of the following!
Jtrt&itrdi Thai die house of deputies con
cur with the houe of bt&bops on tbe pro
posed convention on tbe subject of divorce,
wllh the following amendment: First
hlrike out nation I; aerond, strike out sec
tions, 4 and 5; third, strike out section 2, so
that Uie canon may read as. follows or mar
riage and divorce: No minister of this
church shall wolemulre matrimony In any
case when there 1 a divorced witeor husband
of either party still living, and when divorce
was obtalnt d out of some cane arising out of
the marriage relations; but thU canon shall
not be held to apply to an Innocent party In
divorce lor adultery, or to parties once di
vorced seeking to be united again." Placed
on tho calendar.
The cotxutilttee also reported on luemibjt
rr i turn x to postures to be need at oommunlou
sTttflce, thai aslt would lmolve someebanges
be discharged from farther consideration on
inesuDjecb Agrecu to. ,
Thn ptiTTiml ftfM nn rtdtr dloceseB.on dlVl'
slon of the diocese of Whconstn reported the
resolution to the effect mat me uouse ui
msnopi concurring they conseniea auu ita
UDU US3 UllilUUU UI l7Sl. . - T
Tt.a v. ah . h trl n t I V sv fet tun a efttlon Of
vice-president, Lucius B. Otls of Illinois!
Hev. Dr. Bardsly, of Connecticut; Judge
Bhelly, df VlMlnia; Ueorge K. Comstockiof
Central New York; Rev. Dr. Van Deuser.uf
Centrai Net York; (Joverndr Baldwin, of
Aiicuigan, and ueorge niepneiisoa, oi a.cu-
mcay, were nominaieu. iu luaivc nao
on tiifl table far future acUon.
The subject of the canon on ritual was
taken up uy Dr. Hhattuck, of Massachusetts,
anu j on u w. AnuerKou,oi uaio.
Air. Andrews declartvd himself strongly In
favor of tha amendrntni reported on by the
coihmltlee on conons.
ltev. John Bolton, of Pennsylvania, offered
asubstltuto lor tbeieport of the committee.
Jt was almost 1 entlcat wllh that offered by
Hev. Mr. Lennle. 31.D.. forbidding the use of
Incense, the elevation of the elements of holy
communion, etc.
jar. uoiuin tpoito ai some lengm in lavor oi
Uie adopUon of hla aubsutute.
A meiMtrn vrut rcflvrd fmm thfthnnu nf
uisnopsassonung 10 selling on a portion or
LvcriLorym uuiiiumia as a missionary juris
diction. Another message was received with ie-
gam to giving nouce to me utsnop oi uanaaa,
in the event of the dpnofJtlnn ot cloitvmn.
The house of bisnops amended the word Mde
uvniiioa" ijr"susrension."
The house of deputies ooncurreJ In both
Hev. Dr. Beers, of Albany, thought it was
better to have no legislation on thesubjeet,
butconcernluethe reuort he thou ah t It did
not give antl-rltualUts aa much as they want-
eu uul cave mm isls more man mev re
QUI red. ilesald that Professor Tvndall had.
wnn verDaixeiiciiy wnicn ungied in the ears
like music, Jed many christians to doubt
whether the human race was an ovster-bd or
a mousey mow, anu we answer me argument
by wrangling over a little matler like a cere
monial. After further discussion It was resolved to
limit the Ume of fiuccetdlng speakers on Uie
subject to fifteen minutts, and cease discus
sion at lour o'clock. Concluding address to
oe anowea 10 me committee on canons.
After recess dlscuslon on ritual waa opened
uy itev. ur. j acoo a. wi&rK, 01 me comnuiiee,
favoring Uie amendmen..
uev. Joan A. Harrl-on, of Tennessee, said
the feeling in the church was against allow
ing extremist opinions Into Its doctrines. He
thought Ihe feeling of tbe church was also
against perm it tic g any ritualistic doctrines
to creep into lk 'ibis church, it seemed to
him, should take pome measures to arraign a
minister wno- practiced ntuausuc ceremo
nies. As an amendment to the oroDCsed
canon he offered a resolution for the appoint
ment; oi a commiuce 01 mree ciencai ana
three lay deputies to act with three membeia
oi inenonseoi Dtsuops in me selection oi a
commission of learned men, which shall sit
irom ume to ume to consider me wnoie ques
tion of ritualism and report to the next gen
eral convention what legislation, if any, is
necessaiy on mesut jeci.
Mr. llarelnurskaiavdelesate from Penn
sylvania, after saying that tbe air was full of
ritualism, asserted that all law nececsary on
ico suojeciwas already laid down in me
prayer dooje ana consul uuon. ana 11 me cier-
cy did not enforce the law. the laity would
take Its execution Into their own hands, and
preserve the ark ol the church.
Dr. Norton, of Virginia, spoke In support of
tbepioposed canon, ltef erring to the objec
tions uroucni nzainsL tne nse ot me worn 8
'Doubtful doctrines," he said it was not plain
ly trroneous doctrines, but doubtful state
ments or doctrine, which were creating most
mischief In the church.
Kev.Dr. Hall, or Biooklyn, said that this
canon of the committee meant either the
death or victory of ritualism. He advocated
the passage of the canon. If it was not
adopted terrible wrong had bten done Dr.
i ne discussion was cioseu on oeuaii oi me
committee on canons by Hill Bargwine, of
rmsuurg. no replied to points raibea oy ior
mer speakers against the adoption of the re-
pork lie said If the amendments to the canon
were aaoptea it wouia lmj u&eiy u ueitai me
passage of any canon again.
On motion, the amendments to the canon
were laid on the table, the vote was then
taken on the leport of the committee on
canons, and it was adopted. The result taken
bv dioceses and orders, was as follows: Cleri
cal vote whole number represented, 41; aye1,
S3; nays, 2; divided, 1. Lay vote dlocases
repreteniea, .; ajes,sji: nays,; uiviutu.i.
A mes fle from! the house cf bishops In
formed the clerical and lay deputies that they
concurred In the message, thirty-four asking
for tbe appointment of ajolut committee to
consider some plan for the relief ol the presi
ding bishops, and had appointed as such a
conimiii.ee me uisuops ot uuiu, inuiaua anu
ine convenuon men aujournea.
Hew tbe Carl Ufa are Sapplleil wltb
maalllons of War Pere xlyactntlie
Etc , Etc.
New York, October 25. A Parid tel
egrara to the London Timet of the twelfth
says that a French paper gives the following
account of the way in which, as It sayi, the
Canlsts are generally supplied: "rihlps laden
wiiu armsaua ammunition ciear irom Ant
werp, Liverpool, and even Hamburg, noml
nally for Japan or China. They repair to the
gulf of Uascouy, wxere tbev cruise for some
ume, waiting ior a lavorauie opportunity 10
land their cargoes. They are careful to re
main In Spanish waters and not In French
waters, because they know that as ft to a as
bad weather comes on the Spanish cruisers
return to poru men. irom mu nine uiscavau
creeks which are in i he h mds of the Carli ts.
uoais go out to me bnusn, ueigian or uer
man vessels, and land aim- and ammunition
without the smallest obstacle or risk. The
French paper says it is unable tc explain the
nenllifenee of the Spanish cruisers, out insist
on the strict correctness of Its information."
Another Parts dispatch to tbe same paper
ys th..t the Protetumt consistory of Geneva
have refused, by a large majority, to allow
"a.her llyaclulhe tbe nse of the 3Iadellne
hurch lor week day lectures on me deca
logue. Father Hyacintoe first applied for tbe
use of the Justeriechurch.bat u dlClcully
was raised as to the quarter to which applica
tion sbould be made. The consistory hvlnn
Jurisdiction as regards rellgtou-s services, ana
the municipality Jurisdlcuou as to lectures
and meeUngs, be was aed which catesory
his lectures would come under. He Uicreup
on asked for the Madeline church. The re
fusal, as explained by tbe Journal de Uenrva,
was based on his beinc a Priest and a Catho
lic, and on Uie posiuon he ha assumed to
ward Uie State and the old Catholic commu
nity. A Berlin dispatch to the sime paper says
Kullman has succsslvely applied to a large
number of lawyers, wishing to charge them
with his defense tn his trial for attempting
Prince Bismarck's life. As all have declined
tbe duty of providing him with counsel It
may devolve upon the court, which hai the
right of ordering one of the local lawyers to
undertake what is called an cx-officio defense.
i be fact of mere not being a single jurist in
Bavarl.1 willing to stand tv Kullman at his
comlog trial has exasperated the Ultramon
tane nrfw- of the countrv. Th Mnnicn Yater-
land in a tierce attack upon the bar admits
Uie liberal opinion to be too strong for coun
sel to come forward and defend tbe assassin.
Kullman is more lucky in the place of his
trial, Wurzburg being one of tbe principal
centers of Ultramootanlsm In Germany.
Serleft of Resolutions; Complimentary
to the Ureal lleail of Ihe Matlou
and Ibtrd-ferm Aspirant.
Washington. Octobers?. The com
mittee appointed by the NaUonal executive
committee of the Union League or America,
which met in Boston on tbe twentieth Instant,
visited the President, Secretary Btlstowanu
Podmaster-Ueaeral Jewell to-day for Uie pur
pose of presenting resolutions adopted at that
meeting. Toe committee consisted ol hx
Governor Newell of New Jersey, chairman;
George Harlow, of Illinois, Colonel 'ihomai It,
Klch and Colonel Thomas H. Gardner, MJD.
The resolutions presented were as follows:
RctotvttL. That we recognize with feelings of
great pride, wise Judgment and discretion,
manifested by our chief magit-ate, Preslden t
Grant, In se ecUng such true and tried pa
triots a Hoc. -Manual Jewel and Hon.
Hon. B. ILDrl8low,totnehigh and important
position, in bis cabinet, of postmader-general
andsecietaryof the treasury, and do assure
him that such appointment tend greatly to1
reogtnen nis auministrauon.
R solved. That we heartily approve and en
dorse the policy pursued by lion. Marshal
Jewell, pouus5ier geuenu, auu iiuu. u, Ji.
lirisiow, secretary oi me LIeauy. xn man-t-nrfltintf
a healthier order Of thln&s In their
departments and In their eflorts to rid the
service of corrupt and Jneindentoulcers, and
commend their example to other branches of
he govern menu .
Arjofmf,lbRt we call on tbe administra
tion to weed out ail corrupt and lnemcient
officers wherever found, a a most Important
step toward regaining Uie impalted confi
dence ol the people.
Metolved, Tnat we believe the surest means
of strengthening the Kepubllcau party and
o vercomi pg the influence of the white leagues
ai me aouui i w iruisuio ss.av-. IU
iimt. lor-ali tv. and that a proper recognition of
our order at this time would be fraught with
good results.
in presenting the resolutions to Uie Presi
dent, Governor Newell assured him that his
administration was muorsea oy me league,
On behall of the order, he expressed hope for
Its coutlnued success, stating, at the same
time, that they had no candidates for oflice t j
itretsfut. but simnlv desired to eive aturance i
of their confidence and support. They con
gratulated him and the cuuniry upon the en
iryluto ine cabinet of Postmaster-General
Jewell and Secretary IlrUtow, whose appoint
menu gave ample guarantee tint the busl
nesilu their respecuve departmenUwouId be
conducted to the best interests of the people.
lhe President, In respond, said be wan bap
py to receive this asurauce of confidence
and support Irom the league, aud was g ad to
hear Unit the recent appointment In nl cab
inet were so acceptable.
An adJlUouiil rewduUon was presented to
Pottmasler-General Jewell expressive of con
fidence aud approval of hw course.
Governor -ewell, in resionse. said he was
happy to lectlve tbe congratulations ot the
committee, aud waa thankful lor this expres
sion of confidence and esteem from so Influ
ential a body as the Union League. It wai his
purpose to conUnue the course which he had
inaugurated until the work of reformation
had been fully accomplished, and In this he
was ably seconded by Uie President,
The national council of tbe Union League of
America will assemble at Cincinnati on the
fifteenth or January next, wben measures
-will b takeu to effect a thorough reorgaul ra
tion of the league throughout the coon try.
Indianapolis. October 27. Mr?,Ktte
Daw sou, the wife of Thomas K. Dawson, aus
uoneer, committed suicide last night by poi
soning herself. DJmssllo difficulties were tbe
Count Ton Arutui to be Jt el eased.
He run", October 27. Ihe newspapers
aytil Count Von ArmlnwlU be released
to-morrow. Prince Klniarck has ie turned to
Brllii. Herr Uanser has boen imini
v lenua.
War Ncirs from DlCferent Parishes
lletnils of OntragfS Ferpetrattd
la the Name of Law.
Attorn cj-(!eneral Field's Opinion on
tho Jlnch Agitated (Jaestlon or
Natnrallzatlon, and the Pow
ers of Certain Court!.
Latest Intelligence from Franklin, Son
roc, Xcyt Iberia, Homer, and
Other Localities, Etc.
New Orleans. October 24. Attor
ney, ueneiai rieiuuas given moriuiuot au
dro&sed to the State register of vulers, Irom
wired tho rolIowIDg extracts are maue:
hin Y our communication of tbe twentieth
instant, has been received, and tne question
3 ou propound to me, whether lb. second and
rlrit div-rlet comu of ihe Darl.U of Orleans.
have authority under tha act of congress of
tne joane?nin or April, ault-, u graai usiur
all ration certificates to aliens, and thereby
confer upon them the right of dtlsenshlp, I
have cons.deied with more than ordinary care
and with nvltw of bavins these Krave ques
tions fairly and legally determined, i ne nun
section nf the acL of cODBrress. of tbe four
teenth of AdiU. 1S02. Drortdf that every court
oi recoru, in any inaiviauai olhlo, aatiuj
enrnmnn Ian- fnrisUrtlnn. and a seal attu
c erkprotiioaolary, shall be considered a dis
trict cuurc wimin uie meauiuK ui m -h;,
and every alien wno may have been natural
ized in any such court, shall erjoy alter the
passage ot llils act, the same rlsht
aud prlvlltgef as If be bad teen
naturalised In a district or circuit
court of tbe United fatates. 2 8 at. at large,
153.J I maintain that this Is the only provi
sion nflatr which defines tbe character and
lurl-dlctlon of the courts clothed with power
Dy tue act oi congress 10 naturalize .ucus.
The inquiry then suggests Itself: Does the
second circuit conrt contain tbe attributes
requlredlntheactlonaDoveciiear n uuoeo
nnttvwMd an thm. thn Itc&nnot natur
alize. The second district court Is a court of
limltArt InrlutlcMnn.and i maintain, wiiuoui
the fear of successful contradiction, that tbe
second district court has not now, nor has It
had since uvl, anv other power oi or jurisdic
tion except that which strictly belongs to a
nmhfltA cmirt- win It be contended that a
court so limited In Its Jurisdiction, confined
entirely to probate matters, with no power to
aeciue upuu conirovnisien ucinrau iiusauw
generally, couia oe ciasseu as a cuuit ca-ca
cislog common law powers;
ll.rfl rnllnws an arravof authorities. 6bOW
Ine that a court to naturalize aliens must
havp mmmnn.Iaw lurlsdlctlon. and tbe re
cent decisions or the supreme court of Louis
iana are cited, one of which says: "Tbesec
ond district court baionly probate lurlsdlc
tlon." The other savs: "The second district
court lias only prooate Jurisdiction, and nau
not ) urisdlctlon to try a suit against heirs who
had been put in posf esslon ot property of sac-
rwAlnn " Thn uttnrnev-eeneral then says:
Tills court derives all of Ttalurlsdlcllon. and
IU proceedings are strictly dependent upon
statutory law? In conclusion, ne says: Af
ter a very careiui anu paueni exuuiisauuu wi
lh.nnM.llnn vnn have submitlel to mo for my
official opinion, and. If 1 know myself, wltb a
ueiertnination to uivest my miuu ui uaa i.rim
csl Inrluerceslncomlnetoaconcluslon.I am
constrained to savtnat I do not believe thst.un-
der tbe third section oftbe actof congress ap
proved on tne ronrteentn day oi April, isa, tue
i.pcnnd district enntt of this nansh has tbe
JurlsdlcUon to grant naturalization to aliens."
Franklin. October 27. A detach
mint of United Stales Infantry, la 'command
of Captain I'age, arrived here to-nlgbt Their
arrival causes mucn surprise among all
classes of citizens, as tbe parish of lit, Marys
was never more quiet man at present, anu a
better and more lrlendly feeling exists among
tne two races now tnau ever oeiore.
Monroe. October 27. The telegraph
company is taking testimony relative to the
cutuncoi tne wires uy aiicuivdsui .uuuktkju
and Marshal Seely west ot Vienna. Uoth
wires were cm iu six uinerent places, anu
fortr or flf tv feet taken out ot each wire, tbe
ecus wrapped around trees, and the insulators
removea. it iook several noursio rcpsir tue
dsmages. The affidavits will show that the
cuttlDg was done by soldiers under orders
from Hodgson andHeely.
The investigation before Commissioner Jew
ett, ot the case or J udge bcott, Kecorder Ram
tey and Mayor Blcbardson.or lfomer-C'lal-tx.rne
oarisb. wlio were brought here yester
day, closed to-day. A decision will be render
ed to-morrow. The testimony of Hcolt ltalnes,
colored, the principal witness lor tbe prosecu
tion, was, that a Republican meeting broke
up because a pistol was fired in the street
auoui a f-quare ou; noouewasaisturoeuur
tlireated in tbe meeting; but he (Haines) was
subsequently personally abused by white
men, but did not leave town till sunset,
Youus: Maxev and otner eovernment witness
es, testified favorably to the accused. Mhcrlff
Aycocsr, summoneu oy tne aeiense, tesuueu
himself that Ramsey, Richardson and Bcott
were active In keeping peace, which was
inresipnwi ov uie vioieiir action oi tue ne
groes, who demanded possession of a white
man who had a difficulty with a negro, when
a pistol was fired, and that be summoned
several whites, as an armed p se, to
suppress the mob; that be arrested the white
man fur forcible seizure of blacks attempted;
that there was no politics in tbe case; there
were ody about fifty wnlte men in town to
three hundred blacks. Rav. J. 11. Jordan,
alto for defense, corroborated the testi
mony ot Ayeocfc, and said when he
saw tbe blacks rushing to seize ine
white man be laid his bands on tbe
shoulders of the foremost nezro and told him
to wait tbe action ot the authorities; several
In tbe rear cried, Knock the damn white
man looe ?' tbe negroes halted, however, and
nnslly quiet was restored.
liere tue oviuence ctoseu. aus cue waa si
Tied by John Ray for the prosecution and
ndee itlahard&oa and CaDtain Cabb for the
defense. Tbe prisoners aie confined, under
uura, in an oiu aciapiuateu resiuence.
The trial of lltey. iioyfleid and Phillips are
fixed for to-morrow.
Kew Iberia, October 27. It is re
ported that .. Fornet and Benjamin Bertrand
were arresteo at cw iuamu tu-uay uy tue
L'nltod Sia'es denntv-marshal. Tbe prisoners
were tried here 3-esterday, and are still in cus
tody, all offers to slgu bond being refused.
General Ileclouet, one of tbe wealthiest
pianieis rn su jisrun s parisn, came nere
to-day to sign their bond, and was refused.
Homrii. October 27. Juiltrfi Trim
ble has Information that when Sheriff Aycock
reached Vienna, and served the writs issued
br him. the sheriff and bis deputy were treat
ed In a mot contemptuous manner; that the
writ oi naoeat corpus was aisregarueu, ana
tbat shameful and abusive language was used
by Lieutenant llcdgson, in command. Tbe
prisoners Scott, Ramsey, and Richardson
were surrounded by tbe soldiers with guns
cocked and presented at tbe law officers, and
the writs were defied by tbo military officer
Judge Trimble is indignant that tbe clvllau
thority was disregarded, and will lake steps
to punish the offenders. Trimble Is a Repub
lican aud a supporter of tbe Kellogg adminis
No additional arrests have been made In
this pailsh since fcatnrday. There are
several bodies of troops in various parts of
the parish. II. H. Maxey, a Republican, says
warrants are out for the arrest of over two
hundred citizens. Not a single threatened
Individual has leit orwlll leave. There Is a
difference of opinion among tbe Republicans
here as to tbe eflest of the arrests of tialurdsy,
some of them repudiating the whole affair
auu euueuvorini; to sunt tue responsiouity.
Rumors of arrests are frequent from neigh
boring parishes.
Coulinnttllni of the Examination be-
forc Jndce Ilnmplireys, In Wash
ington Ihe Ifreas to be
Look rtl After In
the Slntfer.
Washington. October 27. The safe
buiglary case was resumed to-dy. Judge
numpnrers aunouoceu mat uewouia allow
the Jury to visit the premises at some staireoi
tbe proceedings, when convenient. He then
directed an officer to take tbe Jury out ol
court for a few minutes, and when tbey had
retired, he addressed counsel upon the pecu
liar report of ihe proceedings which some of
tbe papers are presenting their readers.
Uue of them, be said, hs a standing
bend entitled, Mockery of Justice.
Another criticises uujustly, and another
laper mattes a aigest ol the proceed
urn iu a form unite oblectlouable
tothecauseof Justice. "1 his Is all contrary to
law. aud It may possibly become a nrovinceof
court to Interfere in such publications. If
they are perslsUd in, such publications and
such remarks in the press are Intimidations
aud may lnflneuce action aud sbould be
suptiressed. Therecnn be no stronger metbod
i intiiuiaa'iug tue jury man some oi the
ublicatlons which have appeared. After the
case is concluded there will be no impropriety
in iue pies. luH.iufi sucii criticisms as ine
facts may warrant; not, however, to use any
more libeity in tbat respect than is allowed
n any outer urancnoi mepuoue business.
The iorv was recalled, and Oscar u. M h-1i-
supervisor of rpeclal agents of tbe treasury
departments, wassworn. lie 'estltled tkat he
was acquainted with (Jeorge Carter, of Balti
more, and that In consequence of an Inter
view with him he had another wllh Harring
ton, Governor Shepherd and Colonel Howe
He told these gentlemen that Carter had told
him that a government safe had been robDed
and that Columbus Alexander was
implicated in the burglary and bad
agreed to furnish one thousand dollars
for tbo p'irpose. Harrington said he
was investigating the matter and fixing the
chain of evidence, ltenton, one or tbe bur
glars in cu-tody. had Informed him that
Alexauuer was uuiiv-rtAiciu iu tne mtinery.
witness offered the aid of some of his detect
ives In working up tho case, but Uovernor
Hheppanl said Harrington was poshing mat
ters anu no (niuirax. warter
afterward told wlln ss that Alexander did not
riut up one thousand dollars, but that he was
uterested In t e matter. Harrington was
anxious lo have witness employ Carter for
the government, saying he would pay lor his
services, hut witness declined.
tiustave Zerrath as called, but as he had
been ludlcted In this case, the court ordered
a noli prosequi to be entereJ. Witness was
acquainted with Nettleship; met him last
Aiarcil. sues wuutinfAcu wuvuirru.
miiin mf arranzemcdts to meet Nettiesblo
In Philadelphia, tha defense objected to tbe
question, arguing mat iucu eviueuce waa in
admissible; that no declarations of a third par-
i .i tiAMi n..MM n - . .. .
length against tbe admission ol thn evidence, j
Before the conclusion oi his remarks the I
his argu-
ment, and the court decided tbat the prosecn
tlon might continue the line of examination,
azalnst each oafttrrrl trial.
Tbe examination of Zerralli continued. He
told the story of Nettleship Meeting ntra In
Newaik. New Jersey, and giving hlra money
to pay bis expenses to Washington, where be
promised to meet him. In Washington tbe
witness met Demalnand IIays,thelatter under
an assumeu namq l uuuer aiso saw rt ei ticuip
several limes alter) lie met Imaln and Hays
at the Marble saloon br afratiemflnt. under
airection oi .neuiesoip; at mat meeuns wit
ness heard Hays tell Demalu he ootild get
those books and papers; Demaln said it would
be a BTeat accommodation to tbe party: on
Batnrday evening witness was ont with Hays
unuieieren o'clock, wnen ine taiier starua
to go to the depot; llays wished to tro alone,
but witness followed him : Nettles hlocame In
ou tue train, anu r CLi.pflnin anu aabvb
lumped into a back and drove to the Owen
bouse, and witness followed: Hays came out
soon ana saia rieuiesiup am not wisu loses
Zerralb; Hays said NelUosbtp told him tbat
this was tbe greatest put-up Job in tbe coun
try; lr witness did not leave the city they
wouiaango to tne penitentiary; nays ram
he was going; Nettleship met witness tbe
next morning, and was surprised tbat be had
not left tbe city; told him to go home and be
would meet him In Newark and settle with
hltu; gave witness fifty dollars to go home
with : witness started for borne and met llays
at Wilmington, who told him he had better
make himself scarce for a few months; that
this was a big put-up lob on Alexander, and
tbat Itwas put up by Nettleship and bis chief.
vr uiteiy.
Tbe court ruled out the reference to Wbltely
nnui ne was connected with the case in
some other manner. Adjourned.
the Mark lane Express Reviews tbe
Breadstuff ifatket In France, Eng
land, Btlglum and Other
European Conntrlf s.
London, October 27. The Mark I.ane
Ezrrrtf. in its weekly review of the breadstuff
iuaraet,ssys: -w unless rain ana comer tem
perature, nere ana on thecontment, has been
javorable for late potatoes, seed sowlogand
all kinds' of field work. In France, potatoes
are abundant and free from disease. Tbe ten
dency ot the wheat market here Is rather up
ward; In some cases there has been an ad
vance of a sbllllne. Tbe markets of France
aud llelslum have slowlr followed those of
ureat iiruain. i ne saics in England during tbe
week show a dtminntlon of ten thousand quar
ters,whlch makes evident the reluctance oftbe
f rowers to accept the present rates of freights,
a Huugary they are declining, though they
are yet too high to admit of the shipment of
wheat to England. The Southern Russians are
beginning, however, to show despairing of
doing better lor some time to come, as sup
plies are rapidly Increasing. It is thought
that cold weather will coon Interfere wltb
shipments from America, by closing rivers
and canals, when seme Improvement In prices
is expeciej.
Besolnllon Adopted Providing; for the
Reinstatement of Expelled a em
bers installation of Officers
and Transaction of In
tereallns; BuslnesN.
From the Nashville Banner of (Satur
day we copy, as follows, tbe closing day's pro
ceedings ot tne grand lodge of the Mate:
Tbe grand lodge I.O.n.s. met at nine o'clock
yesterday mornlnc. IL T. Johnson, i,. M. nm.
Representative Bolts, from the committee
on finance, made a report, which was adopted.
Representative Comee, from the committee
on appears and grievances, submitted a re-
purt, wuicu wasuaopiea. xoe report snowed
tbat nine appeal cases had been taken into
consideration by tbe committee.
Tbe grand master appointed the followiug
committees to report at the next session of the
CemmltleeonCodeof Laws forTrlals. C C.
Comee, II. H. Lurton.U. (J. Taylor.
Committee on Insurance and Funeral Ilene.
fits. C. C Comee, U. o. Johns, 8. D.J.Lewis,
H.U.11AUUJU. n. A.nuiiu.
Commltteeoj Resolutions on tbe Death of C.
U. l&anaoiDn. I'ast Urand-Chnnlftln A. M.
Burner. J.-T. Brown. J. T. Units-
Representative Hoffman, from the commit
tee on by-laws, submitted a report. Adopted.
Tbe committee recommended the annroral
of the by-laws of Wetnmpka, Milt jn, Mount
ciuvu aiiu iuiuct v tile IW.ra.
Representative Comee moved that tbe com.
mlttee on tie code of laws and trials In unbar.
d'nate lodges he allowed until next session to
report, cornea.
Ilepreseatatlve W. H. Trafford offered the
following resolution, which was adopted :
2teolvexL bu the Grand Lodae of Tennettee.
Thatthe grand master or this Jurisdiction,
during vacation of the grand lodge, be and he
i. hereby authonxed and empowered to grant
dispensations to subordinate lodges to rein
state expelled members into the lodces from
which they have been expelled ; provided that
no lodge wlshlug to reinstate such member
shall present a petition lo the grand master
witu uitj seat auu tue signatures oitoe.u
V. U.and secret rv of the Iod?e attAched. ask
ing such dispensation, and assigning the rea
sons therelor.
Leave or absence was granted to J. P. HofT-
tnau ior me remainuer or tue session.
Representative Tavlnr. from the committee
ou charters, made an amended report, which
was adopted. The committee recommendrd
the granting of charlers for a Rebekab lodge
at Clilton, and for a subordinate lodge at the
Hermitage, In this county.
The application for a charter for anew lodtre
at Martin was rejected.
Representative Davi, from tbe committee
on legislation, submitted a report, of which
the following sections were taken up leriatlm
and adopted:
section one nas reierence to the grand mas
ter's suczestlon transferrin" hla visillnz pre
rogatives to the grand secretary,
ttectlon two recommended that the subfect
of the code of laws for conducting trials be
reterreu 10 tne committee on tbe revision ol
tne constitution.
Section three has reference to the perma
nent secretary writing and answering all
communications. The committee reported
that it was in conflict with thn laws nf the
grand lodge of the United States. The report
ua lAie committee was sustameu.
oecuon lour, reiernng to the resolution ot
aa. aa. 1'jLi , iciutriu .uuuiiAiuaie luugev
to meet their financial oollgatlons with other
luuges auu general renei committees, as
recommended by tbe grand lodge of tbe
United btates. The committee recommended
the adoption of this section, but It was re
ferred to a special committee to report at the
next session.
Tbe grand master appointed the first three
members named on the committee on the
revision of the constitution as said commit
tee. Representative Smith, from the Indlciarv
committee, submitted a report, which, with
some amendments, was adopted.
urauu itepresentauve unrney onerea a
preamble and resolution In regard to the
death of Past Grand Chaplain C. L. Randolph,
wuicu were unanimously auopieu oy a rising
Adjourned until two o'clock.
The finance committee submitted a supple
mentary report, which was adopted.
Revreseniatlve Reese offered a resolution
providing lor the publication of a dally Jour
nal of Ihe proceedings of the grand lodge at
its next meeting, which wa laid on the table.
Representative Trafford offered a resolution,
wblch was unanlmonslr ailnnte.i. ratnmln?
thanks to Calanlbe Lodge, No. 8, Knights of
A,iuiAA,iuttun use oi tueir nail inursuay
Representative Smith, from the Judiciary
committee, submitted a report, which was
adopted, with the exception or that portion
relating to the consolidation ot the two Amer
ican Jodxes in Chattanooga,
The question of consolidating the above
named lodges was referred to tbe incoming
grand master, with power to act.
Representative Henry, from the special com
mittee on the death of Pul-Urand M. A. Al
bertson, offered a preamble and resolutions,
expressive of the sense of the grand lodge.
They wore unanimously adopted.
The committee on mileage and per diem
submitted a report, which was adopted.
The hour of 730 wasVH for the installation
of officers elect, and the Brand lodge ad
journed until that time.
Tbe following: officers elect were duly in
stalled Into their respective stations:
A. (j. 11 1 . Kenorn, granu master.
George B. Boylea, deputy grand master.
H. a). J . Lewis, grand warden.
J. R. Harwell, grand secretary.
Robert Thompson, grand treasurer.
The erand master made the appointment of
his subordinate officers as follows-
A. F. Davis, grand marshal.
II. ('Sheetr. erand conductor.
Ueorge eeiterle, grand guardian.
K. sjamuels, grand herald.
All of whom were Installed in due form.
The retiring grand master returned his
lisufcs In a few appropriate remarks for past
Alio following appointment oi utstnet aep
aty graud masters were made for the respect
ive districts: W. II. Christopher, T. H. Clay,
u. Ayaeioiie, .s. it siaritD,i.u. tvaitace.
t, . 1. 11HIL, UI. A.jlUr. A, 1. Al V.U1IUUAU,
W. P. Sutherland. Joseph Pate, W.C. Dickey,
J. U. Holt. N. J. Hess. V. W. Allea. J. T. bell.
John T. Slark, T. w. Hendren, John Link-
haoer, . J. Crnmper, Thomas Richardson,
it. K. Lewis. J. B. Halle, K D. Mann, D. C
Howell, J. R. M'Enaily, W. G. Smith, s. s.
Herman, S. U. Hopkins, J. D. Leech, M. E.
Wilcox. D. W. Reese. W. H. Trafford. H. G.
Jobus, J. L. Rainy, w . L. Young. K. G. Budd,
t . a owuuu,r. h uue, it. is. iitcnaniMiu, x
H. soott. W. A. Smith, c I l-omee. E. C. Ku-
dolph. J. II. Plttman, and C Gross.
a resolution oi tuanssto tue retiring uranu
A.AlABiC-, .UI.U -K' I. . Vf tile utile uuu Duuiiwua
manner in which he had presided over the
uuuy, was unanimously auopieu.
A resolution of thanks tn the other retirin&r
grand officers was also adopted.
The grand lodge adjourned until tbe next
annual communication, In October, 1S75.
INDIANPO LIS, October 27. Thia morn
ing at five o'clock a fire was discovered in
room No 31, third floor of Hubbard's block,
corner of Meridian and Washington streets,
used by thejanltor for storage of rubbUh. Tbe
flames originated from an ash-box burning
throrucb tbe floor and running alomr to the
Joists outside. A large amount ot water.. was
tnrown wnicn ran inrougu the floors to tbe
stores beneath, doing considerable damage.
M. II. Spades & Company, or the Boston
store, and Uresheimer & Company, clothing
merchant, are the largest losers but are fully
Insured. Tbe loss on the building is very
light. I he coals from which the fire started
were deposited in the ash-box last Saturday.
1'lrlt-d Up at Sea.
London. October 27. The brie Lod-
bema, ftom Liverpool for Baltimore, picked
no from a rait live persons beion-inc. tnth.
steamship Mary, which foundered while on
a voyage from Glasgow to Trinidad. It Is
probable, wltb the exception or tbe live per
sons above mentioned, and two landed at
raimoutn, mat an on poara tne Mary are
Hotel KnrurAl.
OAKLAND, Mo., October 27. The
u ades hotel at nils place, owned by John
Dally, burned to day. Loss forty thousand
aoiiars;insunuice tweuty tuousana uouszs.
McELLROy At tbe residence of her son,
Mr. V. A. McElIroy, in Chelsea, on Tuesday,
October 27th, Mrs. Aw:f McEluot, mother of
Mrs. Jesse r. Brown of this city, aged sixty,
three yean.
MITCHELL-In this city, at the residence
of her son, W.B. Mitchell. In the sixty-sixth
year of her age, Mr. Sabaii c Mitchell.
Irtomervllle Falcon and Corinth papers please
Friends and acquaintances or tbe family.
and also of Jlrs. B. B. Chiles, are in vlted to
attend the funeral, from No.ZJl Poplar street.
this (WEDNESDAY) nfternoon at 3 'clock.
Services by Rev. Mr. Bogss. Carriages in at
tendance at tbe resilience.
Urn. 3. V. Eadion',
nr rhHulan Mtnnlv. tf.ntnclrr. died on the
21st Inst, being in the sevenry-elghth year pf
nerage. rour aaugnters auu a auu, m. a.
Radford. Esq, of this city, survive the mother.
Mrs-RADroRDhad been for mora than fifty
j ears a zealous, liberal, and working member
of the ealem Baptist Church, worshiping
near her restaecce. iter nospitaiity waa un
limited, and many ministers have found at
her house a home, and tbe kindest treatment,
for their Master's sake. Her faith was strong,
leading her to do God's will and ask no ques
tions. She believed the gospel had saved her,
and would save all who trusted its promises
and obe ed Its precepts. She was looking !or
ward with trreat Interest to tbe removal of her
son anu nis lamny to me 01a uomesteuu. one
leit mat it wouiu peas me captive jews re
turning to Jerusalem. God bad, however,
prepaied something better for Her, and'called
ner to j erosaieni, tue goiueu. x
No. 303 Third Street.
cal courses taught. For particulars ap
ply at 303 Third street. se29
A SPECIAL communication of De- n
Soto Lodge, No. 199, will be heldVV
this WEDNESDAY, evenlne. October AA.
2Sth. at iyi o'clock, for work in the M. M. de
Ail i. ji.'s are iraiernaiiy invitea.
By order. BUN. V. PRICK, W. M.
R. W. 8Bki.T05r.Secretary. oc28
Saturday, October 31st.
rilHE Democrats of Fayette and Shelby will
I hold a Mass-Meeting on next Saturday, at
CoUlervllle, Tenn.
Col. GEO. GANTT, anil
Will address the people. Let everybody. Re
publicans and Democrats, attend and hear
sound political doctrines.
By Invitation of the State Democratic Execu
tive tyomtuittee,
will address the people of Fayettee county, at
Somerrille, Monday, November 2d.
AU the Republicans in the county, white
and colored, are invited to hear him, as he
will show by Republican documents that tne
Republican party and their allies are responsi
ble for the Slate and National debts and for
tbe high taxation. State andNatlonal.
jiaj.oi avaus is uo omrc-eeeaer. auu ueiuu.
to nn rim? or clione. He was no ad vocate of
the Fucdlng Bill, and was tbe first man In
Tennessee to make a speech, in June, 1873,
against tbe Assessment law, at Paris, Tennes
see, and to suggest modifications of it. He
staudasaoarelr on the Democratic Platform,
one plank of which, that for reducing exor-
ouaui salaries ana aoousuiug useless utuees,
be assisted in drawing and getting through
tbe Convention. Let all come and near htm
discuss tbe financial condition of Tennessee,
and tbe burdens of Federal taxation Imposed
oy tne itepuDiican party.
ir possible. MaJ.Pykes will attend the Grand
Democratic Mass-Meeting In this city on next
Monday nlubt. and refute all the chances
made against the Democratic party by Bar-
Dour lAewis, r.meraon r-uieriuge. ana otnei.
Democratic ana Conservative Candl
daie Tor ftoterlal aepresentattve.
Lu.?raDg& Wednesday, October Sfc'th,
Moscow Thursday, October 2Wh.
SoiTiPi-viile Frida v. October 30th.
Memphis BeaJeStrectMarlcetboase-Satar-
aay, uciooer aiu
my compeuwr, luaicu or inuejuueii., is
reauested to meet me at these appointments.
and discuss the questions now before the
people. J. BU. UALUWAl,
PAPER, snd are furnishing, in addition to
the .Nashville papers, the Appeal and Ava
lanche of Memphis, besides many others.
We will be glad to correspond with Pub
lishers in regard to their supply of paper.
o:t2S S. M.SCOTT, Pres't.
CIrar Ilie Track and 1-et Ihe Sale Go On.
HAVING rented a stable in St. Louis and
decided to move there. 1 will sell at nub
ile auction, to the highest bidder. & bortlon of
my Horses, Harness, (saddles, Hnccles,
Ksr.n, Ulsnkels and alalia, and otner
articles too numerous to mention, on Satur
day, October 31. J874. In rront of my stable,
rfo. tli Union street, commencing at 10 o'clock,
a.m. The stocic has all been selected with tbe
greatest care, and Is of the best class.
riaie positive ana wituout limit.
Terms or Hale All sums of S30 and under
c tsh down : over !30 a credit of sixty uays with
ine best city acceptance.
At. IS. iA fVO , X-ropiietUr.
R. VAhllROKLis, Auctioneer. octSi
OFFICE Life Association or America,)
Ht.Lodis, October 13,1571.
NOTICE. A meetinz of the members of the
Lite Association ot America will be held at
t he office of the Association in tit. Louis. Mo
on tbe 12th day of November, 1ST), at 10 o'clock
In tbemoinlng, to consider and take action
upon certain proposed amendments to the
charter of the Association.
By order ol tne uoara or Directors.
oct23 H.W. HOUGH, President.
Chancery Sale of Seal" Estate.
No. IB, R. First Chancery Court of Shelby
couuty It J. SAtrrvi.j.j, uauauhu.
RY vlitue of an Interlocutory decree ior
sslf entered In the above cause on the
Ssih day of April, 1X12, and renewed October
8, 1STJ, and October 12, 1X71, 1 will sell, at pub
lic auction, to tue highest bidder, in front of
tbe Clerk anu Masters omce, city oi jiem
phls, Tennessee, on
Satnrtloj, Xoteiaber 7, 1871.
within legal hours, the following deserlbe-l
property, to-wlt:
IaJIUS auu uetug iu Ainupuu,7unuj wuu-
;y, TennB-see, and known as tbe eastern por
inn nf lot No. 58. of John D. Armour's sub
division of original county lot 196, f rontinff 25
feet on Madison street ana running oacs; oe
tween parallel lines H1, teet to an alley.
n nf SxuIa Tash. rfoultv ot redemDlion
barred, as provided for in the deed of trust.
mis uctooer a, lot.
E. A. COLE, Clerk and Master.
Humes & Poston, Attorneys, octal
Ilghest Market Price, In Cash,
Good Sound Cotton Seed.
tfr tt. nr. ARK. the Asent of the Com
pany, will visit snd confer with planters In
relation to their seed for the present season.
JIMAA Ai. j Ll LLl l J!. IV,
aeix General Manager.
For this ureal
Pictorial Family Paper.
"nilOHTtoten Lad'esand tnree lonveuen
Vi tlemen, properly qualified, will find this
an agreeable and very remunerative employ
ment, uutmestiuitauir ltw iviotvuova re-
miimi. Anrilv in DeTson between Stand 3 D.m
or by letter containing address, to
1 . J,. , 1 1 L-IJt7 tflT, if U.Atu.t .1
.J, At. A" A.AAAAANAAA, AA AlMimjib BA.
They Defy Competition in Quality,
Style and Price. Fits guaranteed to be as
good as can be made to order, and as they
bry exclusively for cash, cannot be under
sold in7this or any other market
In addition to their stock of new and
desirable goods, they have a large lot of
Goats, Pants and "Vests of Broken Suits,
which they propose
cost many articles
... -.-- o
SOS 3Tain Street
267 Main Street,
(Opposite Conrt Square, uetvreen Barnnm's Jewelrr Store aatJ LtUj'i
Hat Store).
Overcoats from $7 50 to $70.
Business suits from $10 to $50.
Black Cloth. Dress Suits from $30 to $80.
150 Pine Dress Beaver Coats at.817 50, worth. 827 50.
300 Casssimero Business Coats (of broken Suits) at
$7 50, worth. 5518.
150 Cassimere Vests at 91
100 Black Silk Velvet
breasted) at $8 and $10, worth. $15 and 818.
25 Velveteen Hunting Suits at $22 50, worth. $36.
A small lot of Corduroy Hunting Coats and Vests at
$10. worth. 3Z0.
Merino Underwear
White and Scarlet Flannel Underwear.
111 I Mis
Fisk, Clark & Tlagg's Shirts, beat qualities, at $33 par
dozen; former price, $45,
.fancy Percale Shirts at $18, worth. $36.
The above stock will be sold at surprising prices, anil to assure jou ot tha
above, call and examine or yourselves.
Stonewall Block, (Up Stairs.)
234 Front St. and 299 Mam St.
E. E. CXiibkz. formerly daike, Ely i Co. 1 M. D. Johhsos, formerly Buby,JokflaB ACQ
Ia, IX. coc, formerly Biuby, Jotuison a Co. C. B. Culexx, formerly UojO, Qajfes & fx.
Clarke, Johnson & Co.
commission r.csrt.cE:"ra,
37 IPront Street, - Memphis, Tean.
1 carload bbl. and Iialf-bbl. I'kiUs.
S car loads ew Tork Potatoes.
1 ear load Cheese.
1 carload Eagle Brand JIlllc.
1 car load California Canntd Frr.ils and
1 nir load Beans.
to sell regardless of
at say half the cost.
FP.OIil $10 TO $60.
Memphis, Tenn.
50, worth 34.
Vests (double and single
k d's SMrts
20.GOO cases new Canned Peaches. T
matoes, Pineapples, siranlwr
rles, Raspberries, Blackberrftr.
Beam, Jtreai, (Jjsterg, Salnr
Lobsters, Dtc.
1,000 parkars Kalsius, Corracts,
Snts, Etc
ES, Um, ETC.
Kl!t'.'(.ifi ec

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