OCR Interpretation

Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, March 29, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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THE Hanks had onlv the usual mo
r . -jj ' notbiag at &11" to give by
tra? (.' r rt yttrtUy. The obeck re-
1 i i" ooUon market doea col
I rcr l aiTiCt thtwa, owing
;-r-. ami. act of ootton that
I u: tb hliinment of
L-eu delayed byunfavor.v
- vr. ;. i- ?, ard the movement of which
j i - j'.. a 011 upon their resonrom
--30 la la ample supply and the
-- 'ci y at i discount buying on
.v rZs Bail premium selling; on
n o;?.rs I dieooHDt and par selling,
ve J wise duipoettton on Moa
. to advance to iu former
ynrrday morning it wai
? 1131 and 114: brokers
1 i i
3 T
ro flaring at 113. Sorijo were
: - j a. d 15 mat oar lat quotations.
r :i t w y ,rfe Herald, of Sunday, re
: -u Vio f lowing raiea of exchange
... jlas' ctv: ' Cincinnati very Arm,
.3 t- 1' i- tia'ura; Cnicago, 50 to CO
:rc"u:r. N -w Orleans, commercial.
tah. iirmiuin; ric Lotil firmer
- i trcr t emanu ar, w7& per
.' - o '-sen uiusis." xtie irw
t :& T-.lmc remarks that wblln the
rc- Ci .ii set of 13i6 has permitted
4-rCie 0i circulation amount
ig tj the "laws of trade"
-aro ciij el a cmlraetirHk of the circu
cm. anting to $36,202,834. The
- r; -.t ! riractleaily a withdrawal of
, ,C7J,1C2 fro nj the clrcula ion. There
vtnauaiso $j0OU Mifcslwlpri flwt dif
I- teve? i) t.'b at 16. Ai.-o of $3000
t..;3 - ituranca stock at 16.
Emrine. Selling.
ax scrip, 17
:a 5 v-irr ' .. , 75? S9t
TriE cyrTON makkkt yesterday waa
' ".ttlti rf thi lithivitiipv ilmr mucin It
u !asr week. Tha telegrams
w-.j i, j. iiiiiy, -uiveiiicui unliveries
. . 1 W.I. JXfW I III K WSLM C ! 1 1 1 1 Hnil
iccO.'e":s o'ofeJ drooping-. There
"J3 o 3 ravorjtble feature; New Orleans
-i j li.i rli lHrgely, of oourae from
uio L-i:e nuc unti nas uuecieu our
J. t" 1 M 7 " r " M IIIMI, Will IM IUKIIIP L
n a '.ray ro favor the present market.
1 ; j x?ii- c eery where pnsrvod; but
j r -ri;a-Ket mere were uunie couee-
-3Ui ma e, nlthooch quotatioaa re-
i-.u.j uetmB. i 'ie large amcuai oi
. . m.
" t -i Ivjt lint frh)ri!M(l. is Kiinli.
itrc ';a u s Jos, sj both buyer and
to rlear tlT. Qootatious at
Xoi before
L,-vi ia-3Jllu2 12 I2H
Ml J J c
'11-1 1JL'11
"I r;. quiet: fifties wore 1100 bales, or
-b 114c. Prv oi mkiuiing
1875. 1S71-5.
l-r ved yesterday S19 519
jti) m3H S53.K
:; Jy teen,.... i,!13 1.UM
-. 38,i 27.ll
1-5. SW WW
I ..o U - M. A C. Jt. B., 1S3; M. & T
T If i. T J. n U It 11 H7.
ti. . atrl t ui4ni?itj ntliar rjAilrntu
Exports. yi. & C. It. E , 700; M, & T.
ri . . (i. - . .... l'CC. I : I
Tho f-' jwitig sre tne ollicial tele-
gtiu3 f t jn condition of the domestic
m . tic j ui re;ved at the ootton tx-
:r-t A-, me Jf- yvtce
T..-y- Market, e 'It. Ski. Middling.
fizlv Pro. S liii 13
hcj a." c Quiet. 44 3)B9 ISi-i
Uc'...: . tas er. 6 (MJ 13
K vanzn Qa'et. KtS 3 l:i
C isr.r-'a tii'et, 107 U,U)4
V,k; ;!a vtat-t. lj 12i 12Ji
J x ; k. ljulet. liu 400 15
)'j:iko-( Uu el. .. 115 13-
KcV;k lall. 1H5 1,1 W 12
r-i-czi Quiet. 21 1.05S lak
Pt alp:-.a . . 2X
L u j l-aslcr. U7 2V
Ac;' .a. I Qaiet. M 21 124
Ycrt -Jay'a New York closing tel9-
Br.-.cw rr, -sr lrllnarv, 9 13-lus; good
iriary, II 5-I6c; low middling, 12 9
middling, 13c. Price of middling
bzto time last year, lGfc. Bales, 1116
hi'.ti T :o 'one of tne market at 10:10
wai q :' t; 12:3 dull and easier; 2:10,
dull a d c- .eTi 3:0c, dull and easier.
Tii fai:owir sre the doting rates in
Ho "? Y '& futures for yesterday and the
day b fore:
Jj a
J -
O r
X);? a -;
TT 9-16
1.1 -18
1 ! ! 18
i-ltvM S-JJ
u 7-iei4 15-ie
11 X.' ll 9-S2
h . i r-w
.IS -16lK4
.3 7-lSlS
IIS lS-lSlHi'a
,11 HSgH
14 -!
IS 15 16 11
IS 1S-18AH
30 10
12 3J,
U -.J
s, o '.iK'; the tone of the market at
tlir '- p-ier; 10:40, barely stead v;
rosy; 1 : J't, quiet and iteady; 8:15,
New O-'jians yesterday quoted mid-
t!Il g at 13 at the close, against 16s at
tho i.a2o iirae last yer; receipts', 4S1
l:i!ts. t! us .ar this week, 14,100 bales;
euka, 4SO0. The market was easier at
tha : -ie, bat aot quatab'y lower.
Yej'erday's LiverpoM clo-sitg tsk
gr .m re portB: Uplands, C 9-16d; OrleacH,
G 13 If 1- als. 10,000 baleh,of which 6100
were American. The price of middling
Eit"3 1 ji li t year wiu 7 15-16-J. The
mark t wa quiet.
Tud L. virii-j. i market for airivals
a' ,fnrp? lag Shlleia were oiTeriug at
1 lower; at one o'clock arrivals
were 11-' at 1-1611 lwer. February ship
ms jt , t-'avaTuah aim Charltston.l m.e.,
ea:' r 'a J 0 11 lCd. March delivery,
b'a-1 ah ;r Caarleton, Kmc, 6 J i ;
"lltr a'id April duto, 6Jd; April and
May d.t:o 6Jd; Mv and June, ditto,
C0I6d: Jr,e sad Jn'y, ditto, CJ and
0 II J. Fel-ruary shipment, New Or
Isars J.m.c, 8sil, 6 11-16 and Cjd: Feb
ruary bj.I March ditto, Ojd.
Tho m-vemfEt at sll the ports was re-pcr-eJ
as f iI'owp:
Lvt Sra9 Time
M - I T .. . "
l".r- s Tiro K'j
) 4?1
G.J Ij New York dosed at 114;
E-rc t.M3 2at ycr, lift.
The FRODcrs kxchasgb was cheered
wI L. a Let ir a.tendtince yesterday.
Th ro was no we. tern boat in, cr any
uzu ai' tr. lUv-ement to d:aw tho mer
ch; s the had, but thfy are dl&oov
c i ! -t t j niet together every morn
Jf, J t- be bu. for twenty minutes, is of
Krca v.ue. In that time a knowledge
ii g r. eJ of what ttock l on the raar
;e , w;.rro it is. and what is the tenden
cy cf j-ricis auu the nature of the latest
ii.'el igenca received. Corn was in small
cir.r'rg TOaickssold at 4Sc; there is
1 -"to lr tW.t hand, with some inquiry.
Ti? Hi Liu.3 JiepuUioan ef Monday re
po'T . The active movement in cash
c;ra I b hai b:eu noted this week
wc r r1 up to-day, and the bust
cesa d irewaa light; nor was there the
rap d. t or quita the considerable traus
B't.co tn fuiures heretofore noted of sev
ere! da; fas', aldicush the result was
1 r-e t-e engaemen's involving 335,
10 i - . j of N. 2 m'xed making the
t I-.! o. 'rareatione for future alone,
IV (, ' till Is for the pst four days."
Oi'o a-t i i rLdnced olfeilnK and very
q :. ;rae ff 100 Kfcckd raised at 42c.
II D r im-'S du;I; sales of 50 bales
far jsity at $13, and 60 bales
Tirt- st $1S. Bran was again
V! ry a! , o 'y soifcll pnrchaeH at
D & Cornii&at retain lis advance,
ruoiermte w-def , $2 60; the 81.
L "J j H puUican, of Monday, ret orts:
"H-? . 3.iJ dtm.uid Balw of city,
d . J, avpraifMl bbout SOO bbls
1 r- 2 15-?2 25 up to Wednesday,
a- . j 2 3j Tnarsday, and at $2 26
2 Z" r'ay. To-day firm; sa'e SXl
c "f-J 252 36 d livere.1." Po
(; n ' e o. q:il;t to fore sh any
'" t, tt-o ab 'i h f ar-
- l;t, - 'ceii: ! tlat
L - . r r -i o Ltn.e r iin
irai: t
r 'eis aii i pftriesd
UjI ff-rg at 65c a barrel; SI 20 caked I
for Ohio river peachb'.owa; in the ab
fHoceof sslsa thtsj rates are nominal.
Egg, favored by "a spell" of cold
March weather, and the abtence of ar
rival?, wore rather stronger jeaterdav.
the general quoting rato being 15c; a 400
dozen lot eoiu at njc. tot. Xiouts pa
pera of Sunday reported: "Receipts
Jarre and snippers all out cr mar set;
round !ot could not be sold higher than
HinUMc." Chickens wero in email
ollering, with some inquiry, mostly for
line lieiiH; tales at for rosters, i-i ou
Ml 50 for mixed, 5 r -r neus; a few in
the abienne of competition sold at
$5 50. I'ju'lry nominal in the
ah-e-jceofrece-pte; ducki,55: geese,S6
o i; wrueyp. iow-zij, gosu to cuoice
Cabbage nil at jS10 per hundred
held. Butler is firm at 1530c fir white
to good; choice, 32353. The American
Grocer of BaturJay eays there la creat
Improvement in the position of butter;
hae graue scarce at3w4Uc. Advices
from the country, notoi ly in this State,
but in Michigan, Iowa, Ohio snd other
butter producing teitions, t?ay that there
Is scarcely aDy of the old crop now to
come forward, while the make of new is
light. New butter opens very high this
seasan, being about 10j above the open
ing figures of lost eeafoa. The high
piices, of course, check tho demand
fcomewhat, bat tho call from consumer
is "Ufllclent to lake all that ii oS'ered at
prs.-nt Of western butter wa are re
ceiving a vtry limited quantity, as the
mirkets there have sdvauced, and moat
of it 13 taken for home u;e Dealers an
ticipate a good felate o: atfiira fir eome
time to come, as fie make of new but
ter is yet quite light, while the stock of
old is pretty we 1 used up." Coffee,
acooniiuz to the American Grocer, U
very firm; most ol tne sains are for con
sumption. Purchases at Rio were large
for ivurope aud euibll for the United
Stale?, thus reducing the stock
in Rio without materially increas
ing it here; lates therefore
advanced. Sugar, says the same
authority, has been depressed with lib
eral receipts, but a belter demand end
less disposition to sell caused an advance
of 1-10(3 Jc. Refined sugars were active,
prices t.ie.id 1 maintained. Provisions
are tnokei. of as follows by the St. L-iuis
Republican of Monday: "Uiere wis
marked irregularity in transactions from
day to day in the hog produc, and the
market has shown various llactuationp,
alternating between buoyancy and de
pression, but with no certainty in wmcn
groove it wa4 disposed to settle. Satur
day the fee'ir-g was not bo briik ai on
some of the preceding days, and there
was a dull anu easier eentiment in most
of tho offerings. Ilea pork (etandar j)
sold on ftftiera at $23 50, and a rouud loi
at Quincy for $23. lry salt meats and
bacon quit. Lard seemed about the best
sustained, and on Friday afternoon a
round lot was S'l'i a; at. jo
for 13c." Livs Sloe!: in liberal re
ceipt, with a fair inquiry. Cattle, oorn-
feu, 3t(g4jc gross; n caoice wereouer
ed. M4le mere could bo had; rangers,
213c; cows aud calves inactive at $15
(aj40 each. There ia eome inquiry for
hois at 7(7i2: supply ratuer umiteu.
Sheep are quite scaice, with common to
ir at 5lJfe3 each ; good to cnotce, sm
Ore. Turpentine, 45c; linseed oil.
0c; boiied, 7oj; white lean, ium
11c. The following are the merchants'
wholesale canli rricef, aa teported by the
cbaDiber oi commerce:
FLOtJIt Firm: suDoiflne. tl 73(a.: double
extra, J5 25(5 75; treble extra, SfigG 50; choice,
S7 257 75; lancy, SSSS 50 per bbi.
CX)HNMEAI-idisUer; itlln-drled, KCO32 75
per bbK
COKN Qalet; mixed, 5251c; white, 623-3c
per bash.
OATS Firm ; mixed, 4Cg47c ; wnlte, ISQOOe;
seeil, 50g52c per bush.
BltAN Llgbt demand ; J IGQ17.
HAY Mo leratn demand: choice western,
222o; prairie, S9S10;mlxeu,$15S20 per ton.
uaOIK- fPaczed) Firm : Bhoulucr3.10&10llc :
long clear Mdes, 13c; clear rib eldec, lSJ
13Tie: cli-ar tides. UuUV.c: breakltt. Ido:
Kugar-curea bams. cnnvad, 15c; sugar cured
nams uncanvai, i.yaaiac.
DItY HALT MKA1S Firm; shoulders 95
9!c; long clear sides, Vic; clear rib side-,
12?ic; Clear siues, i-yyigioc-, uiu.&, iic; jncsa
poic,S2t 50; rump iorK.?22; packed c higher.
LAKD lllgner; In tierces, HJtoloc; kegs,
15Sc; half barrels, 153ic; iu pallc.ljJiQICc.
'M lb. taal3VSc: baline twlue. HsiHiic: Iron
ties, bV&fyp-. pieced ties, ?Kc; , ,
MACKERELr-Kirm: ball bbU,No.l, tD
9 Su:bHlt barre's. No. 2. S7 7538: half barrel-.
No. 3 J77 50; kits. No. 1.S1 75Q 2; kits, No. 2,
?1 50ji To; kits, No. 3. SI 50
WlilTK r Isii nan urreis, to atso .0.
COFFEE Ktady : ordinary, 20Hft21c; fair,
IXQlWiQ; pood. 22(x22Jc: prime, 23c; choice,
ic: java.ooc;joiuov, ;mvc
RICE -Ordlnsry to choice, 6&bc.
hLUAK- LOUISIANA lu Uhds: firmer:
ralr, TJlc; lully fair. 8c; prime, 8K8Hc;
choice, 9s ; yellow clarified, 9J4QIOO ; white, WA
llc. llant-led.Kc higher.
KUGAR REFilN ED .Standard A. per rt).,
104c; crushtd and powdered, HJJS12c; grau-
uiHiea. ny,c.
M- LASSES Finn: common. 40c: fair. 45(3
4bc; prime.62ffl5ie; ttrictiy prime, 55i3jTc;fau-
cy cuoice, ootw'c-
sruurM firm; common 10 iancy,ucy;i.
t-HEESK Western, per m., 13511c.
SALT Coarbe aud common line. In bbls.
f 1 75; dairy, iu bbl8,J2 75g3; Liverpool coarse,
In Kcks 1 3031 40; .Liverpool fine, In sacks,
1 tm 40.
SOAP Resin nnd German, &36J4C.
CANDLES-Eoxes.Xull weight, 1M16KC: hlf
box. 16)ait9ic; qr box, 17i7c.
STliCU-5c perC
VHISKY-K5ct4rer gal.
LIME-Jt 351 oOperbbl.
CEJIENT-LoathVlllo. tl 2-5; Rcaedale. S2 75
per bbl.
per sol, 51506 50; lemons,perbox,$5aC; oran-
ces,per box, si&i j; poiaioes -peaonmows,
St SOgl 60; early rose, 8oe51 25; rnss6ts, 75.-
tl 25; pinkeyes. St 251 50; cabbage, per cra'e,
79; onions tl S'w-i beans, per bush., 81 2o
Ml o; tirieu Hiuies, o(j.'c; uneu pcuuuc, otvi
MI.SCELLayEJUS Butter-wesicrn taoU,
35&37c: Inferior, 20g25c; egES 15c; nallb
cotton roi'C. 18fi20c: crass rope, 12(81 is:
Dowder. kecs. S5T5: sboi. paient. S.' 4Uft2 50:
Mxla, kegs,554c; soda, cases, 6a6Xc
PARI3, March 28. Rentes 66f., 50c.
NEW ORLEANS, March 28. Gold,
114; Eight, J premium; sterling, bank,
LONDON. March 28 The ratio of
discount in the open market for three
months bills 2jta;3 per cent., beine irau
IS centbelow the.Bankaf England rat s.
Consols lor money aud account, 94 3 16;
20a, of 1865, lOai; 5 203, of 1867, 1031;
10-40?. 105!: new five", 1061: New York
Cobtral, 104; Etie, 173; Pirle, preferred,
NEW YORK, March 28 Money
easy tu 3(2,4 per cent. Prims mercantile
paper, 56 per cent. Customs receipts,
$462 000. Tho assistant-treasurer dis
bursed 96,000. Clearings, $30,000,000
Gold advanced from 113 to 114,closed at
114. Carrying rates, 1 to 3 per cent.
Loans also made flat. Government
bonds were -firm; coupons of 1881,
22J; do. 1865, 117; do. 1S65,
new, lia; uo. 1SU7, lit; uo. Jbus,
ZH; new lives, iib; lu-ius, regular,
; 10 403, coupon?, iibi; currency
1261. State securities wre dull;
old Tenn&see, 42; new Tennes
see, 39 ; old Virginia, 33 ; new
Virginia, 35; Missturl Ga, 104. Rail
road bonds quiet and firm. Stocks
opened weak and declined to If per
cent,, the latter SL Paul preferred; Han
nibal and St. Joseph common declined
In the afternoon the general market
recovered somewhat, led by Pacific
Mail. During the last hour stocks were
irregular, and, in the main, considera
bly lower than at the opening; Hanni
bal and St. Joseph rose from 15 to 16 j;
Western Union, Rock Island and Pacific
Mail steady. It ia fcaid that German
financier aio to organize a bank here
with a capital of $10,000 000 Transac
tions lnbtocka aggregated 171,000 shares,
of which 7000 were Pacific Mali, 14.000
Western Union. 9CO0 Northwestern. 14.-
000 St. Paul, 62 000 Erie and 72,000 Lake
Shore. The eh sing quotations were:
Western Union teleernnh. 6S: Pacifls
Mail, 20$; Adams Express company,
10"; Wells & Fargo's Express compa
kyiSSJ; American Exprew cimpauy,
63: United States Express comnsuy.
69J; New YorJc Central, 113; Erie, 19;
xirio prererreu, ax a.anem, 4u; Har
lem preferred, 34; Michigan Centra),
01: Union Pacific stock, 62: Lake
Shore, 60; Illinois Central, 100; Pitts
burg, tfbr; iNortnwestern common, 411:
Northwestern preferred 62; Cleveland,
Columbui, Cincinnati aud Indianapolis,
65; New Jeraey Central, 1C6J; Rock
Island, 1101; St, Paul. 42J: St Paul pre
ferred, 69; Wabash, 31; Wabash
preferred. 9i; Kort Wayne, 102i: Terre
Hiute, 5; 'ferre Haute preferred, IS:
Chicsgo and A'ton, 4; Chicago and
Alton preferred, iu; Ohio and MlssiH-
Ippl,19i; lndi-na Central, 4: Chicaeo.
Burliuton and Quincy, 18; Hannibal
and St. Joseph, 16J; Del&waro and
Laftawanna. 19: ALflilta end Pacific
'e'eertvt IS: Cent'a! Pacific bonds.
!'" ; L aion Pac'fic bonds. 104f; Union
Pacific land grants, 102?; Union Pacific
perke, 31; vinegar, per mi., ioy-)c; uioacco,
per lb, 4Sc!l; snlce, 1823c; pepper, 2122c:
nardtn'ti, S116 50; oysters, 1 lb, 51; oys
ters. 2tb. II uj: cual-olL 18c: matches. $0 75
sinking fund, 91; Mariposa, 1081; Mari
posa preferrtu- loot; jranama, av; juis-t-ouri
Pacific, 1135; Atlantio and Pacific,
NEW YORK, March 28. Business
was rather better in some departments,
but slow on the whole. Cotton goods
were in steady demand at nominally
unchanged prices. Jobbing quotations
for cotton goods were low and Irregular.
Fancy prints were in good demand, and
shirtings doing well in jouDerv nanup.
Dress goods were in moderate request
Woolens remain Inactive. Foreign
goods dull.
fnTfllfiO XT ..nti no T?l, ,t1l
Wheat irrezular, but in the main lower:
No. 2 spring, SI 021. Corn in good de
mand at full prices; INo 2 mixed, 46
48c. Oats quiet but firm ; No. 2, 33 j
33c. Pork dull and a shade lower at
$22 40. Lard dull and a shade lower at
13.70c. Bulk meats steady and un
changed. Whisky, $1 07.
LOUISVILLE, March 23. Flour Is
del'. Wheat. $1 lbl 30. Corn, .45
46. Oits, 3741c. Hay dull at $16.
Provisions eteady and firm. Pork,
$23 50. Bulk meats, 8j, 12.1512 403.
Bscon, 91, 13.1013 40c. Sugar-cured
hams, 14(3)142?. Lard tierce, I4c;
keg, 15c. Whisky firm at $1 07. Bag
ging quiet, but eteady, 1213c.
CINCINNATI, March 28. Flour
steady. Wheat easier at SI 161 30.
Corn eteady with fair demand, 0c. Oats
quiet but steady at 3743c. Pork steady
and firm, nominally $23. Lard steaoy
and firm; steam, 13Jc: kettle, I4'a)l4tc
Balk meats easier, 8J, 11.8711.90,12.20
12.25c. Bacon inactive, 9, 12, 13
131c. Whisky, $107. Butter taster;
choice, 3537c; good to prime, 283l3.
ST. LOUI3, March 28. Flour dultand
lower for meHum and fall ex'ras: extra
fall, S3 503 75; double extra do, $4
4 75; treble extra do, $55 75. Wheat
in light demand but holders firm; No. 2
red winter, $1 50J Corn active and
higher; No. 2 mixed, 45$46c; 4SJc bid
for strictly fresh at close. Oats firm ;
No. 2, 35obid. Whisky firmer at $1 OS.
Pork quiet at $23 25. Lard nominal;
14c asked. Bulk meals quiet Bacon
easier at 9, 13, 13113gc. Hogs easier;
packing, $7 758 25.
NEW ORLEANS, March 28-Sugar
common, 61c; fair, 717Jc; prime to
choice, 718Jc. MoIejsjcs fermenting
and common, 2530;; fair, 32c; strictly
prime to choice, 4S52c. Flour super
liue, $3 75; double extra, $4 25; treble
extra, Si 506; choice and family, $6
775. Cornmeal S2 30. Corn advanced ;
white, 5455c; yellow, 5960. Oats,
4245c. Rran, 70c. Hy dull; prime,
S1619. Pork dull; mess, $24 50, as in
weight. Dry silt meats steady, 8J, 12,
13c. Bacon steady; no shoulders; sides,
13j141c. Hams dull and drooping;
choice eugar-cured, I4c. Lard scarce;
tierce, 14o; keg, 15c. Rice in good de
mand; common to prime Louisiana, 31
61c Cofl'ee quiet; ordinary to prime,
151i18Jc. Whisky firmer; Louisiana
rectified, si 10.
NEW YORK, March 28. Flonr firm,
with a fair demand; superfine State and
western, $4 254 65; 8t Louia, $5 409
Rye flour a shado firmer, $4 105 20
Cornmeal firm; western, $2 753 25.
Wheat p'eady, with a fair export de
mand; No. 2 Chicago old, in store,
$1 27. Corn quiet, but a shade firmer;
mixed, no grade, 66c. Oata firmer and
more active; mixed western and State,
4650c. Coffee quiet; Rio, cargoes, 15
lSJc, gold; jobbing at 1519c, gold.
Bugur Meady; prime, 7fo; Muscovado,
7.557.75c; refined firm. 910c. Pe
troleum firmer, with a better demand;
cruda.8J9o; rtfined, 14c. Prk steady,
S23 30&23 40. Cut meats quiet; mid
dles quiet; western long clear, 12Jc; city
long e'ear, 13c. LaM heavy; prime
steam, 14 1714.30c. Butter firm; west
ern, 1631c; State, 2038c; new, 30
423. Cheese quist, 613c. Whisky dull;
tellers at SI 14
Cloudy and cold up to nightfall, when
the sun set with the old signs of clearing
weather. Tho low temperature contin
ue, and the early risers will find ice and
ficst in exposed places this morning.
At the las: observation yesterday after
noon thermometers stood at 41, with
inclinations toward zero.
The river here continues to rise, and
has reached that point at which an inch
or two makes a big difference as to gen
eral result?. Differences of opinion ex
i?t as to the proper measurements com
pared with the memorable high water
of 1S67, and that all may bo heard we
continue the publication of the report
from the office of the signal service ob
server, n3 well ss the one kindly fur
nished us by Mr. James Round, super
intendent at the gasworks, who has kept
a faithful record cf tha river's doiDgs the
past several yeare.
Office or Obskevat;on,")
Signal heuvice U. H. Army,
Mkmpiiis, Tknm., March 28, 1876.J
Above low
Feet. I In's.
Cairo ,
Helena, Ark....
Utile Rock
it emphlN .....
New Orleans..
St, Louis .
Below high water mark.
H. M. LUDWIG, Sergeant.
Memphis Gasworks, March 28.
River 14 inches below h'gh-water mark
Little Rock, March 28. The river,
after reaching 22 feet 4 inches, came to
a stand to-day. High winds prevailed
all day.
Pittsburg, March 28. Noon River
9 feet 4 inches and falling. Weather
cloudy and rainy Night River 9
feet 3 inches and falling. Weather
cloudy and rainy.
Cincinnati, March 28. The river
is lining. Weather cloudy and damp.
Nigut River 33 feet and rising.
Weather cloudy and rainy until 4 p.m ,
siiico when it has snowed steadily. De
parted : Mary Houston, New Orleans.
Evansville, March 28. It rained
all night, and has snowed since 1 p.m.
Mercury 41 to 38. River rising, with
32 3-10 feet on the gauge. Wind from
the west blowing a gale. Port-list
Up: Chas. Morgan, 6 a.m.; Vint Shin
kle, 6:30 a m.
Cairo, March 28. Noon Arrived:
John A. Scudder, New Orleans, 10 p.m.
Departed: John A. Scudder, St. Louis,
midnight. Light enow weather cool.
Night No arrivals or departures.
River 44 feet 4 inches, and rising light
snow. Mercury 3i.
Movements at tbe Levee.
Thompson Dean, New Orleans; Idle
wild, Gaines Landing. .
Thompson Deaa, Cairo; Idlewlld,
Gaioe? Landing; Illinois, Vicksburg;
Andy Baum, Cincinnati; Osceola, St.
Francis river; City of Augusta, White
river; Belie of Texas, Arkansas river.
IN port.
Phil Allin.
boats due.
James D. Parker, Oaceola Belle,
George W. Cheek. St. Genevieve, Susie
Silver, Glencoe, Kite Kinney, Robert
Helena Geo. V. Cheek, N. S.
Green, master, five p.m.
St. Louis Sle. Gsnevleve, Geo. W.
Vlckew, master, ten a.m.
Cincinnati-SusIo Silver, D. H. Sil
ver, mhstsr, five p.m.
KccefpU Teatordnj.
Idlewlld 52 bales cotton, 73 sacks
cotton-seed, 18 packages sundries.
Thompson Dean. 7 bales cotton, 12
crates cabbazes. 48 hogheads fugnr, 211
barrels molasses, 8 bags coffee, 12 barrels
bottled ale, 4 bags wool, 6 barrels pecans,
5 cases wine. 47 hull-knives, 22 sacks
hulled seed and 20 packages sundries.
I-evce PamBTiih.
More snow.
Business excruciatingly dull.
The packets out yesterday were pretty
well nxed.
Cat eKorically speaking, how about
yesterday's weather?
Big Muddy is immense, and growing
immenser every hour.
The high water has nearly suspended
business in the bends.
The gale yesterday morning made
things lively around the wharf.
The Phil Allin has laid up for the
present, turning her business all over to
the Idlewlld.
The Thompson Dean had a fearful
bout with the wind in getting into port
yesterday morning.
Over iour hundred inousanu nusneis
of coal will bo added to tho stock on
hand at this port, by the arrival of the
towboat Alice Brown, now due.
The Andv Baum cot for Cincinnati
826 bales cotton, z3o Darreis on, ou uaies
rerr?. 100 emntv beer-kec3. and a Rood
company of passengers in the cabin.
It io hinted that Captain Bob Wise
will be placed in command of tho new
Memphis and Cincinnati packet, the
building of which has Just been contract
ed for.
Captain Flower went out In com
mand of the Osceola, for St Francis
river yesterday evening, Captain Bow
man being confined to his residence by
11 In pes.
We are under obligations ta Mr. Jas.
Round, superintendent cf tho Memphis
gasworks, for his measurement of the
rivet's altitude, taken from marks made
by bis own hands, and which he is will
ing to swear by. They are acceptable.
The Thompson ien went up the
river yesterday afternoon, on an extra
ciuise to Cairo, where the will get be
tween live hundred and one thousand
tons of freight for New Orleans. She
will be back heie to leave Friday evei -
We are requested to urge our planting
friends living within the oveiflow dis
tiicts to drive their stock to the high
lands or other places of security, as tho
prospects are ttut we will be visited
with a disastrous overflow. The safest
course is the btst.
The mcon's line of march is in close
proximity to a very brilliant star per
haps of tne second magnitude and old
fashioned weather-prophets say that it
is a sure sign of cold weather. The moon
aad star are there to bo seen, and the
cold weather is here to be felt, so the
sign must be correct.
The New Orleann limes eays that the
steamer R. E Lee "will be furnished
with an entire new cabin, of the latest
modern style, and it will be magnificent
in the extreme in fact, the only portion
ol the old boat that win be used on the
new hull will be her engines and ehafts;
all else will be bran new, of the finest
This chronicler is done for In fashion
able circles. We said the spring had
come; quoted the phestive phrog, the
returning swallow., and all that, as evi
dence mat yesterday would bo fine
weather. The dear creatures believed
us a weather prophet, got out their
promenade suits for an airing, and then
didn't get to go well, it's a good thing
we don't want to marry.
Louisville Courier-Journal, Monday:
"She was a tall, rawboned, oakum
headed blonde, wore a yellow-spotted
calico dress, and had a watt on the end
of her ncs?. She carried a carpot-sack
arid couldn't read. She stood on the
livee looking for a boat She asked a
mau, 'Kin yew tell me whar the Jeems
Deo Parker boat is?' The man pointed
toward tho Prkcr. Tne woman wept
bitterly, wiped her nose on the under
side of her calico skirt, and the last we J
saw ot ner uoo wise was towing ner
aboard with his hat pulled dawn over
his eyes, and her carpel-sack swung
over hh shoulder. She had walked thir
teen miles to get to go down toDogocd's
Landing 'on the Parker."
PARTIES desiring to contract for the deliv
ery or Blackwalnut, Whiteoak, Cypress.
Poplar, Cottonwood or other timbers, will
please call upon the undersigned, at 251 Front
street, office of Burrus & Searcy.
fb27 Agent Ocean Mills. New Orleans.
Memphis and Kansas City K.E. Co.
BY order of the Executive Committee.'bids
will be received until February 20, lS76,for
the Clearing, Grading and Furnishing Cross
ties on the following divisions of the Mem
phis and Kansas City Railroad ; payments in
County and Town Bonds, as specified on each
First. Between Batesvllle, Independence
county, Arkansas, and Jacksonport, Jackson
county, Arkansas. Payment in Independ
ence and Jackson County Bonds.
Second. Between Jacksonport and Augusta,
Woodrnff count', Arkansas. Payment In
Jackson and Woodruff county Bonds and
Bonds of the Town of Augusta.
Thlid. Betwten Augusta and Wittsbnrg,
Cross county, Aikansas Payment In Wood
ruff and Cross County Bonds.
The Board reserves tho right to reject any or
all of said bids.
Eids to be addressed t-
President H. and K. C. R. R
Memphis, Tenn.
Memphis. Tenn.. January 18. 187H. Ia20
Where Advertising Contracts con be made.
xnriteriew raa r velAiioru
cf tha aczDiJ rrttem. with
theUtnt ilvrovrrlej in the seiraoe or irproiacUon, prwerrtof
the complex Ion, k This li an IttteresLlnf work i r 3bO paces,
with nuajfrcas enrTinj. ccd crStiios valrutla infbrm&tiaa
rrtboMboareuarTiMorcoatmplateB3tTTlx; Uilll 1
book urn orjgni to be nnarr lock ana lev, u not wrt carei-
ryiot tbe home.
e home. Brat to any one (pmt paUS) tbr.YlflT 1
Dr. Botta DUrjensarr, No. 11 H.Y.brU, 8U
For the Revised Edl
tion of Ad ven lo
in r. and IIow and
roliern iu llu It. Everv one intending to
spend money in Newspaper Advertising in
the West and iouth. should have It before
making contracts. Full of valuable Informa
tion and lists of papers. Sent free. Order It
by postal-card from
Jf n,n,lrtTPiMarrlage Ouldetticht.
all the laqohiUve choud
snow on uoun.oip, Altr
ria, the rhriioloTical
Mjtterics ftad Hevrlauon.
AND ol theicxu.lirrtem.Phl-
their nitur .nd cure. Treat, on .11 Prime I)!n-..r, fSl
expUUnin(ttheirc.iiiei, .jmptorat .nd muni to cureTtt
is the onle really cientiflcvork of the Mod erer publiih-
L Louis, Uo. lUUhUshediulir.
1876 MUSIC BOOKS. 1876
3XTiX"tioiatX 3 on g:s !
ALL tbe prominent National Songs, in an
elegant collection, well harmonized, and
with piano (or organ) accompaniment. Every
American needs a copy of such a book as this,
and the Songs are tho best of all Songs for tue
in this Centennial year.
Keller's American Hymn. Hall Columbia.
Star Spangled Banner. Our Flag is There.
Red, While and Blue. 1'ankee noodle. To
Thee, O Country. Columbia the Gem. Watch
on the Rhine. Fatherland German, Wear
ing of the Green. St. Patrick's Day. God
save the Queen. Rale Brlttonla. Roast Beef
of Old England. Men of Harlech Welch,
Partant pour Syrie. Marseilles Hymn. Gari
baldi Hymn. King Oscar Swedlxh. Camp
bell's are Comln'. Brace's Address. King
Christian Danish J. Russian National Hymn.
Spanish National Hymn. Austrian National
Price In Cloth, 75 cts.; Boards, 50 cts.; Paper,
40cls. Mailed, post free, for above price.
HUMO appropriate to the year will be
found in " American Tune Book." ill 50) in
" Father Kemp's Old Folks Concert Tunes."
Tourlee's Centennial Collection (40 eta.) and,
in heet Music, Martha Washington Quad
nlle, Centennial March, etc, etc
711 Broadway, New York.
(Successor to Lee & Walker) Philadelphia
To all who are suoerlog from the errors and
Indiscretions of ycuth, nervous weakness.
early decay, loss ol manhood, etc., I will send
a recipe that will cure, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary In South America. Send a self-ad
dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T.In-
sihti. Station P., mtehout', Jfrio YorkCUu
FOR the speedy cure of Seminal Weakness
Lost Manhood, and all disorders brough
on by IndUcretlon cr excess. Any druggls
nas tne lngreuieau. AGuresa jjiv iua UN
CO.. Box SC. rw York. ncsn-dnod
'I his compound of
the vegetable altera
tives, Harsapaillla,
Dok. Stllllnela and
Mandrake with the
ln.l1fA nf Pct.Mlnm
x?nd Iron, makes a
ibm enectuai cureoi
i series of complaints
-which are very preva
lent and atnicting. -it
nuriflen the blood.
nnrzesont the lurklnsr
numors in trie nyoieju, imi unaermine neaiin
and ssttie into troubles imo disorders. Erup
tions of the skin are the aDnearance on the
snrrace oi nnmors that uouiu be expelled
from tbe blood. Internal derangements are
the determination of those same humors to
some Internal orcan or orcans. whose action
they derange, ana whoso substance tney aes-
4rtr. A VPII'U H III. 1 11 ll.HT . ornfllll t,CA
hnmnri l mm the blood. When they are cone.
the dlEorders they produce disappear, such as
Ulcerations of tbe Liver, Stomach, Kidneys,
Luncs. Eruptions and Kruptlve Diseases of the
Skin, fct. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas,
Pimples, Pustnles. Blotches, Bolls, Tumors,
Tetter and Salt Khcum, Scald Head, Ring
worm, Ulcorl and Sores, Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia. Pain in the Bones, Hide and Head, Fe
mnTn Wenknf ss. Sta. llltv Leuchorrhoea arls-
ing from internal ulceration and uterine dis
ease, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation and
General Debility. With their departure
health returns.
Dr. J. C. A"YER & CO.,jLowoll, Mrs.,
Practical and Analytical Cbemlsts.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine.
To i worn exactly an Been In cut
In medicated with effective compound!. Cures
Dy aDsorpnon, acting on tbe liver and stomach
Immediately, taking from theystcmcTerypar
ticlo of Malaria and BUlous poison. Is equally
Efficacious and a sure preventive in all dis
eases growing outof a disordered liver. Those
who try them are wild with deUght over their
enced y release from suffering. ....
Like everything valnablaTIOLMAN'S FAD
Is being- counterfeited. Buy none but thoeo
bearing his picture and signature.
A sure cure and preventive for all
FiTcJS and Agues, Silious Sisorder?,
Urn Complaint,' Keura!g!aL Hsadacho,
Price rtO. Will send by mail whendrnggiatsdo
not keep them. Send for book containing much val
uable Information about this wonderful curative.
Dr. Thomas Eriwarda & Col. 20 South
Court St., 3 doors west ol Jno. Gaston's. Price
82 sent by mail, postage prepaid. saw
TRUSTEE'3 SALE. By virtue of a Deed of
Trust executed anl delivered to me by
William Juniper, on the 2d December, 1872,
and recorded In the Register's office of Shelby
county, Tennessee, in Book No. SO, page 465, to
seen re the debt therein mentioned, I will, on
13ib day of ApTll. 187C, at tbe southwest
corner of Main and Madison streets, in city of
Memphis, at 12 o'clock in., proceed to offer for
sale, at public outcry, and sell to the highest
bidder, for cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit: Sltnated In the city or Mem
phis, Tennessee: Beginning at tbe corner of
an alley on the east side of Wilkerson street
and running south with Wilkerson street 110
feet and ten Inches; thence due cast to an
alley 155 feet ; thence with said alley 110 feet
and ten Inches to an alley; thence with said
alley 153 feet to the beginning same being
lots Not. 31 and 32, In block 51, as laid down in
the plan of Jessie M. Tate's subdivision, and
on record of B No. 1 of plats, page 27. The
title to said property is believed to be perfect,
but I sell only as trustee.
mh23 JOHN WARWICK. Trustee.
BY virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed
on the day ot ,1875, to secure J.H.
Martin & Co. In certain indebtedness therein
contained, whtch deed is now on record in
the Recorder's ofilce of Mississippi county,
Arkansas, I, as Trustee, will offer for sale, and
sell for cash in band, to the highest bidder, at
Shawnee Village, Arkansas, on the
First Day of April Next, 187G,
CORN, it being the same heretofore conveyed
to me In tiast to secure said J. II. Martin A
Co. Said sale to take place within lawful
hours. This March 17, 1876.
W. W. FRANCIS, Trustee.
G. W. Thomason, Attorney. mh!8
Trwsee's ale.
BY virtue of the terms of a certain deed In
trust, made to me on the 29th of Septem
ber, 1871, by R. C. and H. L. Brlnkley, which
Is of record in the Register's office of Shejby
county, Tennessee, In book 88, page 230, and at
request of the holder or the debt therein se
cured (the said debt, Interest and costs being
due and unpaid), I will proceed to sell, to the
highest bidder, at public sale, for cash, at the
southwest corner of Main and Madison streets,
In Memphis, Tennessee, on
Thursday, April 6, 1876,
at 12 o'clock neon, the property described In
said trust deed, as folio wb, to-wit: Being lot
No. S13, as known upon the plan and map of
the city or Memphis, beginning at the Inter
section ot the east line of Second street with
the south line of Jefferson street; running
thence east with tbe south line of Jefferson
street one hundred and loi ty-elght and one
half (USK) feet to a slake; thence south par
allel with Second street seventy-ftmr and one
quarter (74fl feet to a stake; thence west par
allel with Jefferson street one hundred and
forty-eight and one-half (118) feet to the east
line of second street; thence with said east
line seventy-four and one-quarter (71K) feet
to the beginning corner.
All equity of redemption Is barred by said
trust deed, and the title Is believed to be good,
but 1 sell as trustee only.
mh7 W.Y.O. HUMES, Trustee.
UNDER and by virtue of a trust deed, exe
cuted to me on January 1, 1873, by Frantz
L. Morat, and duly recorded in the Registers
office of Shelby county, Tencessee, in book
No. 110, page 585, and to which reference is
here made, 1 will, on
Wednesday, 29th day of Karch, 1870,
between tbe hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 12
o'clock ro.. In front of tbe courthouse at Mem
phis, Tennessee, sell to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following described lot or parcel ot
land, lylns; In the county aforesaid, south of
and near to tha city aforetaid, bounded as fol
lows: Beginning at a stake seven hundred and
twenty-Qve feet south of the Intersection ot
the south line of Division street with tbe west
line of Horn Lake road (estimating the "Mag
nolia Garden" lot to have a lront on said road
of 200 feet); thence south with said road Ave
hundred and twenty-five feet; thence west at
right angles with tald road sixty-five feet to
Trigg's east line; thence northwardly with
said east line five hundred and twenty-live
feet to a stake; thence east on a line parallel
with the Eoutb line of the lot here to be sold
flfty -seven feet to the beginning, together with
the Improvements and large shrubbery there
on. The equity of redemption is waived In
the deed, and tbe property will be sold on ac
count of default or the vendor, Morat.
mh7 JOHN II. WILLIAMS, Trustee.
'jCrnstee's Sale.
TTNDEB a Deed or Trust made to me as
U Trustee by Jrjhn W. Jefferson. December
13, 1S71, registered In bonk 104, page 464, to se
cure to J. H. McDonald, iruardlan, the debt
therein mentioned, which Is credited by
81530 61, 1 will, on
X0NDAY, APRIL 8, 187G,
between 12 m. and 2 p.m.. In front of the court
house In Memphls.Kell to the highest bidder,
tor cash, a lot of ground situated In Memphis,
Snelby county, Tenn., being lot 27 ot the sub
division of country lot 516: Beginning at the
southwest Intersection of Manassas and Marr
streets, fronting L'O feet en Mar aasas by 85 on
Marr street. Equity of redemption, right of
dower and homestead waived.
mh2 WM. M. SMITH, Trustee.
Z3r, Da S, eJoimsoa's
Between Main and Front Streets,
TR. JOHNSON Is acknowledged bv r 11 tar.
U ties Interested, as by far the most snccees-
iui pnysician in tne treatment or private or
secret diseases. Quick, thorough and perma
nent cures guaranteed In every case, male or
female. Kecent.casea or Gonorrhea and Syph
ilis cured in a few days, without tho use ol
mercury, change of diet or hindrance from
business. Secondary syphilis, the last vestige
erauicaiea wuuoui tne use ot mercury, in.
voluntary loss of semen stomted In a short
time. Sufferers from lmpotency or loss of sex
uat powj-rs restored to free vigor in. a few
weeks. Victims of self-abuse and excessive
venery, suffering from spermatorrhea and
loa of physical and mental power, speedily
and permanently cured.
Particular attention paid to the Diseases ol
women anu cures guaranteed.
Throat and Lnng Diseases cured by now
All consultations strict! v confidential.
Medicines sent by express to all parts of the
conn try.
Office boms from 8 ajn. to 9 pan. Sundays
rrom a to o p.m.
decSdAW T. H. JOHNSON. M. Ti.
95 Camp SL, near Potcrhs, New Orleans, La.
Attachment Notice.
nessee, enemy county Brooks, iseely Co.,
firm composed of S. H. Brooks, .1. C. an l H.
M. Neoiy, vs. J. T. Westmoreland.
In this cause an attachment bavin? hepn
Bued out nnder section S455 of tha Cndn or
Tennessee, and returned levied by garnish
ment on me urmoi retiitissimpson, a nrm
composed of J. T. Pettlt and W. Simpson, who
answer that they have property, etc., of the de.
fendaut;and said defendant Islustly Indebted
to plaintiffs in the sum of S1T3 i5,due by ac
count, and unpaid, aud that said defendant
Is anon resident of the State of Tennessee:
It Is theretore ordered, That the said defend
ant, mabo Vila unrtnn fi 1 . i . .i n -.. ...... V., ...
James Hall, J. P., at my office, in the city ol
aiempms, xenu., on ine intra nay or May,
187H, at 10 o'clock a.m., and defend said at
tachment suit, within the time prescribed by
law, or the same will be proceeded with ex
parte; and that a copy of thU order be pub
licum oucb a wees, iar iour consecutive
weeks.ln the MemDhls DaUv Anneal. This
23 J day of March, 1876.
mn-a in J A.iit-s iiALtj, J.
Attachment Kotice.
BEFORE JAMES HALL, J. P.-State of Ten.
uessee, onei oy county. BrooKS. jn eeiy 2 uo.,
a firm composed of S.H.Brooks, J. C. and H.
M. Neely, vs. Westmoreland & Trousdale,
a Arm composed of J. T. Westmoreland and
'1 rousdale, doing business in Florence,
In this cause an attachment havlDz been
sued out under section 'Mai ot the Cede of
Tennessee, and returned levied by garnish
ment on the arm of Hill, Fontaine & Co., a
nrm composeaoi rapoieon mil, .Nolan Fon
taine and Jerome Hill who answer that they
have Dronertv. etc.. of the defendants: and
said defendants are justly Indebted to plaint-
lus in me sum oi si&; a, aue Dy account ana
unpaid: and that tbe said defendants are non
residents ot the State or Tennessee:
It is therefore ordered. That tho said defend
ants make their personal appearance before
me, James Hall, J. P., at my office, in the city
of Memphis. Tenn., on the third day of May,
1ST6, at 10 o'clock ajn., and defend said at.
tacnment. suit, within the time prescribed by
law, or tho same will be proceeded with ex
parte; and that a copyo! this order bopnb
Ilsned once a week, for four consecutive
weeks, in the Memphis Dallv Armeal. Thla
23d day of March, 1876.
mn.-iiri ja.uk) UAbU J, 1'.
HAVING qualified as Administrator of the
estate of Hiram 'lllman. deceased, all
persons Indebted to said estate will please call
and settle the same; and all those having
claims against said estate will present them
to me, for payment, or thov will be barred.
fbl7 thn
Nn. 13 Union street.
Attaehmest Notice.
No. 3014, A. D.-In the Circuit Court of Shelby
county, a ennesseo. J ju. ruiuam vs. airs.
Iris C. Swingley.
In this cause Judicial attachment bavins
January 21, 1876, and returned into court levied
upon tne real estate ot tne ueienuani:
It is therefore ordered. 7 hat the said de
fendant. Iris C. Swingley. make her aDoear-
anco herein, before the Judge of tbe circuit
Court of Shelby county, at the courthouse, in
the city of Memphis, on the third Monday In
May next, and defend this suit, within the
time prescribed by law, or the same will b
proceeded with exnarte; and that a copv of
this order be published once a week, for four
consecutive weeks, in the Memphis Appeal.
a. copy attest : mis ziu day oi FeDruary, ihiti.
B. F. COLEMAN, Clerk.
By B. H. Coleman, Deputy Clerk.
Harry H1U, Att'y lor plaintiff. fb25fri
Non-Kesideni, Notice.
No. 1745 In the Chancery Court of Shelby
county, aennesseo jonn n. liiacKweii vs.
It anDearine from affidavit In this cuusn
that John H. Blackwell, defendant to the
cross-bill of M. J. Pruden, Executrix of R. A.
Pruden. deceased. Is a non-resident of the
State of Tennessee:
It is therefore ordered. That he make his
appearance herein, at tho Courthousa in tue
city of Memphis, Tennessee, on or before the
urst Clonus. y in April, isB, anu plead, an
swer or demur to said cross-bill, or the
same will be taken for confessed as to him
and set for hearing exparte; and that a copy
of this order be published once a week, for
four successive w eeks, in the Memphis Ap
pall. This 24th day of February. 1S76.
A copy attest. EDMUND A. COLE,
uiern ana Master.
By E. B. McHenry, D.C. and M.
Kstes Ellett. Sols, for com nialnant In Cross
bill. Ib25frl
Administrator's Notice.
HAVING qualified as Administrator of
Henry Schuc. deceased, all person owing
said estate will call and settle same; and all
perbons to whom sstiu estate is indebted, will
Hie their claims with me, or my attorneys,
within the tlmo prescribed by law, or they
will be barred. JOHN W. VOEGEL1, Adm'r,
jianton, weameriora s r.sies, aitys, m
Non-Resident Notice.
No. 2204 In the Chancery Court of Shelby
County, Tennessee. A. K. Morton vs. A. P.
Curry et a'.
It appearing from the bill in this canse
which is sworn to that the defendant, A. P.
Curry, is a non-resident of the State ot Ten
nessee; that he Is indebted to the complain
ant in the sum of about five thousand (15W0)
dollars, evidenced by open account, and at
tachment having ben issue! aud returned
levied on the properly of said Curry :
it is tnereiore oraerea, xuar. ne maze nis
appearance herein, at the Courtnouse in the
city of Memphis, Tennessee, on or before tbe
first Monday in May, 1876. and plead,
answer or demur to complainant's bill, or
tbe same will be taken for confessed as to
him and set for hearing exparte, and that a
copy of this order be published once a week,
for four successive weeks, in tbe Memphis
Appeal. This 17th day of March, 1878.
A copy uufcbu zauh unu a, uiuk,
Clerk and Master.
By E. B. McHenry. Deputy C. 4 M.
Young & Halsey, Sola, for com pi' t. mhlS sa
Non-Eesident Notice.
No. 2240. In the Chancery Court of Shelby
county, Tennessee. oioiuo atoDinson vt.
Hairy K. Koblnson.
It rmnearlnz from the bill In this canse
which Is sworn to ths-t tho defendant, Harry
K. Robinson, 1b a non-resident of the State
of Tennessee;
It is thereiore ordered, That he make his
appearance herein, at the courthouse in the
city of Memphis, Tennessee, on or before
the first Monday in May, 1876, and plead,
answer or demur to complainant's bill,
or the same will be taken for confessed as to
him and set for bearing exparte, and that a
copy of this order be published once a week,
for four successive weeks, in tho Memphis
8th rtni7 nt March. 1KTB.
A copy attest:
E. A. COLF, Clerk and Master.
By E. B. McH enry, D. C. and M.
A. H. Douglass, sol, for compl't. mh!9 sn
Attachment Notice.
ry Luhrmann vs. ii. a.&ommerneid.
In this cause it appearing by affidavit that
the defendant. II. ti. Sommenield, is a non
resident or the State of Tennessee, and is J ustly
Indebted to the plaintiff In the sum of one
hundred and twentv-two dollars and eighty
cents, due by account; that tho debt is due
and nnpald:
It is tnereiore ordered. That publication be
made in the Memphis Dally Appeal, a news
paper published In tbe city of Memphis, for
four successive weeks, commanding the said
H. a. Horn merfleld to appear before me, or some
other acting Justlceof the Peace, at my office,
No. 39 Madison street. In tbe city of Memphis,
on the 29th day of Aprl' 1876, at 10 o'clock
a.m., and make defense) io said suit against
him, or It will be proceeded with exparte.
JAM"! HALL, J. P.,
nfU19 su 11th Civil District Shelby county.
IS Cnnrt rt.
No. 1775, R. D. Chancery Court of Shelby coun
ty, Tennessee. B. P. Anderson, Commis
sioner of Revenue, etc, vs. George B. Pe
tern etal.
Pursuant to a decree for sale entered In this
csu'e, on the 10th day of March, 1876, and re
corded in Minute Book 14,paee86, e'c.I will
sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder,
for cash, in front of the courthouse. In the
city of Memphis, on
Satarday, 8th Day of April, 1876,
within legal hours, the following real es
tate, or so mnch thereof aa may be nec
essary to ulscharge the taxes adjudged
against said propertyand all costs as shown by
said decree, to wit: A parcel ot land lying In
tbe 14th Civil District or Shelby county, Im
mediately south of the " ttate Female Col
lege," and described as follows: Lot 17 and
part of lot 18, of the Wltherspcon subdivision
of lots 1 to 1 and 9 to 14 of the Kerr tract; said
lot 17 fronting 185 feet en the east side of an
avenue (College avenne) and running east
irom saiu avenne, witn a tiKe wiuin,urreet
to Fowler avenue; and said part of lot 16.
lying north of lot 17. frontin:; 185 feet on east
side ol the avenne first mentioned, and run
ning back east, with same width, 317 feet; the
said lot 17 and part of 16 containing 4 acres,
and being all of Bald lots 17andlG not hereto
fore sold and conveyed to Mr. Shaw and Mrs.
a so, part of lot ISO. In tbe city of Memphis,
and bounded as follows: Beginning at the
northeast corner of Main and Winchester
streets; thence north 20 feet; thence east 50
icet; inencesotitn uieet to wincnesierstreei;
mnce west oi iett to jaain street, tne begin
Ai-o, part oi tot ui), in tue city oi .nempius
insauiciiy: beginning at me soutnwest cor
ner of Main and Winchester streets: thence
south with west side of Main street about 25
feet to the center of partition wall; thence
west through middle of said wall, parallel
with Winchester street., .ifeet: thence north
and parallel with Main street about 25 feet to
the south side of Winchester street: thence 55
feet to the beginning. This March 16, 1876.
a. tr. Aur-Kaui,
Commissioner of Revenue, Etc.
John Johnston, Attorney.
No. 11C9, N. it. D. Second Chancery Court
ijocnei ss. f. Anderson, commissioner or
itevenue, etc., vs. unuget uooney.
Pursuant to a decree of sale, enteied In the
above cause on the 10th day of March, 1876,
lnth.Ph.n..n.rAllrf tamnUta T mill. -alt
at public auction, to the highest bidder, for
casn, in iront ot me courtnouse, in tne city
of Memphis, on
SAtnrday, 8th Day of April, 187G,
within legal hours, the 'following real es
tate, or so much thereof as may be necessary
to discbarge the taxes adjudged against said
DroDertv aud all costs as shown bv said tse-
cree, to wit: Part of lot 46, In the city of
Memphis, between uverton anu jacsson
streets: Bounded west by Chickasaw street;
east by Front alley: nortn by south line or
Martin Kennedy's lot; south by nonh line of
lot lormeny ji. iieonaru s ironung is leeton
Chickasaw street by lis feet deep.
anis itin iiarcn, ioit.
Commissioner of Revenue, etc.
John Johnston. Attorney. mh!6 thn
No. 1578, R. D. First Chancery Court of Shelby
county, aennessee. a. tr. Anuerson, com
missioner of Revenue, vs. Wm. Ferrell.
Pursuant to a decree for sale, entered In this
cause on the 10th March, 1876, and recorded in
Minute Book 11, page 89, etc., I will sell, at
fiubllc auction, to the highest bidder, for cash,
n front of the courthouse, in the city of
Memphis, on
Satni-day, 8th Day of April, 1876,
within legal hours, the following described
real estate, or so much thereof as may be ne
cessary to discharge the taxes adj udged against
saiu property, anu an costs as snown by said
decree, to wit: The west half of lot 6, in block
43, In South Memphis, fronting 40 leet, more or
less, on brown'd avenue, and extending back
south 170 feet.
This 11th day of March. 1ST8.
Commissioner of Revenue, eto
John Johnston, Attorney. mhllta
No. GUI, R. D. First Chancery Court of
Bheioy county, Tennessee. a. tr. Anderson,
Commissioner of Revenue, etc., vs. W. D.
Lnmpkln et al.
Pursuant to a decree for sale entered In
the above cause on 23th day of November,
1875. In Minute Book. No. 12. pa:e 581. 1 will
sell at public auction, to the highest bidder.
tor casn, in irontot me courmouseoi oiieiDy
county, ou Main street, in the city of Mem
phis, on
Saturdny, 8lh Day of April, 1876,
within legal hours, the followlcs described
real estate, or so much thereof ss shall be suf
ficient to discbarge tho taxes adjudged against
said property and all costs as shown by said
decree, to-wi': A certain lot of ercund de
scribed as follows: Beginning on tbe south
side of old Madison street 21 feet west of J. H.
Hill's lot thence west with the south line cf
said lot 43 feet; thence touth 32 west 67 9 10
feet: thenco east 38 feet, and thence north
32c east 81 4 10 loet to tbe beginning.
Also, Lot ia, on tne soutn siue or Madison
street: Beginning at the intersection of tbe
south side of Madison street with the west
line of Wellington street, and running south
with Wellington street 118U feet: thence west
97$ feet; thence north Midfeet to Madison
street, and thenca east 97 leet to the begin
ning. A tar. thammf IiitaJIiIwId Af Int 1 C - .ol.l
lot fronting 72 feet on the east side of Welling
ton street oy us ieet in aeptn.
xnisstn uay oi juarcn,i.u.
Commissioner of Revenue, Etc.
W. W. McDowell, Solicitor.
No. 666, R. D. First Chancery Court of Shelby
county, Tennessee.-u. tr. Anderson, com
missioner ot Revenue, etc, vs. L. Kauf
man et al.
Pursuant to a decree for sale entered In
the above cause, on 26lh day ot November,
1875, in Minute Book, No. 12, page 83, I
will sell, at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for eash, in front of the courthouse of
Shelby county, on Main street, in the city of
Memphis, on
Saturday, 8th Day of April, 1876,
within legal hours, the following described
real estate, or so much thereof as shall be suffi
cient to discharge tbe taxes adludrred against
said property and all costs as shown by said
decree, to-wlt: Lots 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. 66, 67,
63, 69, 70 and 71, on tbe west slue of Ragland
avenue, each lot fronting 61 feel en said ave
nne by 183 feet In depth.
This em aay or Marcn, is?o.
Commissioner ef Revenne Shelby county.
W. W. McDowell, Solicitor.
No. 668, B. D. First Chancery Court of
Shelby county, Tennessee. is. tr. Anderson,
Commissioner of Revenne, etc., vs. Paul A.
Pnrsuant to a decree for sale entered in
the above canse, on 24th day of December, 1875,
in Minute Book No. 13. page 172, 1 will sell, at
public auction, to the highest bidder, for ca- h,
at the courthouse of Shelby county, on Main
street, in the city or Memphis, on
Saturday, 8th Day of April, 1876,
within legal hours, tbe following described
real estate or so much thereof as shall be suffi
cient to discbarge the taxes adjudged against
said propertyand all costs as shown by said
decree, to-wlt : Part of lot No. 1, in block No.
29, on the east side of Shelby street and comer
of Talbot street.
Also. lots 1.2 and 3. In block 31. on tho east
side of Shelby stieet.
this Bin uay oi Marcn, is.s
Commissioner of Revenue, Etc.
W. W. HcDowell, Solicitor.
No. 6C7, E. D. First Chancery Court of
Hbeiny county, Tennessee. u. tr. Anoerson,
Commissioner of Revenue, etc., vs. W. F.
Waidrsin et al.
Pursuant to a decree for sale entered in
the above cavse, on 26ili day or November, 1875,
in Minute Book No. 12, page 583, 1 will sell at
rjubllc auction, to the highest bidder, for cash.
at the courthouse door of Shelby county, In
the city or Memphis, on
Saturday, 8th Day of April, 1870,
within legal hours, the following described
real estate, or so much thereof aa shall be
sufficient io discharge the taxes adjudged
acalnstsaiu property ana an cos is as snown
1 f.l .1 : ... I , . Tn, hn O In I.Ia.I.
42, on the south side of Vance street, in the
city or Memphis
Also, the north half of lot No. 10. In block
No. 42 aforesaid.
This Btn day or March, ists.
Commissioner oi Revenue, Etc.
W. W. McDowell, Solicitor. mhs wed
No. 1115, R. D. First Chancery Court of Shelby
county. ij. Anuerson, commissioner or
Revenne, vs. Zach Biggs, Jr , and othi -v.
Pursuant to a decree for sale entered n the
above entitled cause, on tbe 2d day of July,
1875 and recorded In minute booi IA pagel-S,
I will sell, at public auction, to tbe highest
bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in
Shelby county, on
Saturday, April 8, 1376,
within legal hour, the following real estate,
lying In Shelby county, Tennessee, and In the
city of Memphis, and described as follow?, to
wlt: Lot 16 on north ride of Jefferson street.
being part oi tne "Arsenal urounus," fronting
7o Iter, on jeucrson street, anu running oacic
between parallel lines 143 feet to an alley.
X .-9 o L Ufa, u. ...tut..., u.u.
Commissioner of Revenue, etc
John Johnston, Attorney. mhll sa
N-. 135. Chancery Court of Shelby eesaty,
Tennessee. Daniel V. Corheuet al.w-K. V.
Co: be It ft al.;-and No. 31 -E. V. Cottwtt
et al. vs. Stephen McDufiy.
BY vli tne of an Interlocutory deoree for
sele, entered In the above cause June 21,
1872; December 10, 1873, and renewed, e.. Feb
ruary, 1876, and amended March 21, 1879, I
will sell, at public auction, to the hlttbest
bidder, in front ot the Clerk and Manter'H
nfflce.n'w Conrthonw building, Main Mitel,
Memphis, Tennessee, on
Saturday, April 15, 1876,
within legal hours, tbe following desert bed
property, sltnated in Shelby county. Tea
nessee, to-wlt: In tbe Second Civil District,
rango 7, section 5, bsln: the west hair of tbe
307 acr-s that Joliua Stookey parohtited la
the Robert Goodloe 3CO0 acre grant, No.91;
thence west 17 decrees east 15 links, a sweet
cum marked R. G. the northwest corner of
said grant ; thence east 5J soutn with the north
boundary line of said grant 1) chains 41X
links toas'aSa; thence south 55' E 82 links, k
poplar marked J. M., John Markbara's NW
co'ner; thence south 5 W 38 chains to a
stake; thence nortb 21 E ZH link', aa ah
marked S. M. on Howard William's line;
thence wert 5 N with sxla line W chains UK
links to i f.aso 4 links fontho' a dogwood
marked B. A. on the west boundary line of
sail grant; thence north 5 ea?t with said 1B
& chains to tbe beglnnlnc.
Terms of Hale one-third ( J caw: batesee
on a credit of 6 and 12 months; notes with ap
proved security required : litn retained lttl
came are paid, etc. Ibis .March 25, 1878.
a. i.ui.t, ciers anu ji aster.
By R. I. Black, D. C. and M.
K. M. Hearn and HoiskeU A Weatherford,
Attorneys. ma25
No. 3t!v, N. It Chancery Court of Shelby
county. r ranK itiuui vs. scary JiaeOflo
et a).;- and No. 4332, N. It. T. A. Fisher ttat.
s. Alary Malnne, Adm'x of Thomas Make,
deceased, etc., et al.
BY virtue ot an Interlocutory deeree for
sale, entered In tbe above cansn nn tlw
18lh day or Octbtr, 18T2; March lie, 1871; No.
vcmber9. 1874, and renewed February 2 1S7,
I will cell, al unbLc auction, to the hljjUt
bidder, in front of the Clerk and Matter's
office, new ronrlbou-e building, Main street,
Memphis, Tennessee on
Saturday, April 22, 1870,
within legal hours, the fallowing deseiibeet
property, situated In Shelby county, Tennes
see, and city of Memphis, to-wlt:
First. fart of lot No. 49, on the plan of tbe
city of Memphis; Beiantr.g at the intersec
tion of the south side of Jackson street with
the west side of Center alley; thenre west with
the south side of Jacsscn street.49 feet K Inches
t.491; thence south 50 feet; thence ea-t lest
6 inches 49 to tbe west side or Center alley;
thence norm with the west side of said alley
50 feet to tbe beginning.
second. Also, another lotln Chelsea, Shelby
county, Tennessee: Beginning at tbe north
west corner of Greenlaw and Second streets;
thence west with the north line of Greenlaw
street 113 feet to an alley; thence north with
said alley 37 feet 1 Inches; thence east 118)4
feet; thence south with Second street 37feet
1 Inches to the bc-tlnnlnz being tbe south
hall of lot 32 Greenlaw addition to the city ot
Third. Also, another lot -an undivided one
hair Interest In lot descr bed as loilows: Be
ginning at the south side ol Uayet-o street
219 feet west of tbe west line of Wellington
street; thenco west with tbe outb side of
Gayoso street 0 feet to tbe lot owned by the
heirs ol John A. Nooe, deceased; thence suuth
with their line 78 feet to the line between the
Rice and Ramsey grants; thouc east with
said linn to tbe lot belonging to tbe heirs of
B. Graham, deceased; ihenco with their line
nortb 65 leet to the beginning being same lot
sold by B. Graham to John Lai-kiu arxt
Thomas Malone. See Register's office book 41,
pftrt 1, page 130.
' Terms of tale-On a credit of 7 and 12
months; notes with approved securl'y re
quired of purchaser; Hen retained and eqnlty
of reJemr tion barred. This March 21, 1878.
EDMUND A. COLE, Clerk and IhmhC.
By R. J. Black. D. C. and M.
Fllppln & McFarland, Humes & Poston and
J. E. Blgelow, Attorneya. iaii22
jE?L&&1,1. JESS' tSLt O-,
No. 291. Chancery Court of Shelby county
Tennessee. John C. Saint, executor of J.M
saint, deceased, vs. W 1111am brown et al.
BY virtue of an Interlocutory decree for
sale, entered in the above canse on the
6th day of March, 1876, I will tell, at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder. In front of
the Clerk and Master's office, new courthouse
building, M ain street, Memphis, Tenne-ee, oa
Saturday, April 1, 1876,
within legal hours, all tho Interest of the es
tate of J. 21. Saint, deceased, in and to the fol
lowing described property, situated in Shelby
county, Tennessee, and In the city of Mem
phis, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the south side of
Georgia street 151 feet west from Its Intersec
tion wttla Ninth street, and at the corthwet
corner of Wm. Brown's lot; thence west with
tbe said onth side 100 feet; thence sout-i on a
line parallel with Ninth streH 170 feet; thence
east on a line parallel Kith Georgia street 1W
leet; thence north 170 eel to the beginning.
Terms of Sale- - One-fifth cash; balance
on a credit ot seven and ten months; noter
with approved surety required for deterred
payments: lien retained till same are paid, etc
Tula March 10, 1876
E. A. COLE, Clerk and Master.
By R. J. Black. D. C. and M.
V. W. Frazer and T. M. S. Rhett, atty's.
mh!0-17--4 31 apl
Real S3iSJt;t e
No. 1 887, R. Chancery Court of Shelby county
Tennessee. R. A. Parker, Receiver, etc.vs
A. M. Ferguson et al.
Bi virtue of an interlocutory decree for tale
entered In the above cause on the 6th day
of December, 1875, and renewed March 7,187$,
i will sell, at public auction, to tbe highest
bidder. In lront of the clerk and Master's
office, new Courthouse building. Main btreet,
Memphis, Tenn., on
Saturday, April 1, 1876,
within legal hours, tbe following described
property, situated in Shelby county. Tenner).
see, to-wit: Beginning at the Intersection of
the old Randolph read with the L.ew Ran
dolph road, In the Filth Civil Listrict of said
county, being about 1 miles north of tbe
city of MenipbU; thence sonth wilt the new
Randolph road 1015 feet to lot No. 33; theoee
east with lot No. 33 to tbe old Randolph rood:
thence along said old road northwardly to the
beginning; containing eeven acres, more or
lffs, and being country lot No. 37 of the
McLemore and Weakly grant No. , as sub
divided. Terms of Sale On a credit of six months;
purchaser to execute note with approve i se
curity; lien retained and equity of redemp.
tion oarred; purchaser required to deposit H
per cent, on purchase with Clerk Instant eras
earnest money. This March 8, 1876.
K. A. COLE, Cleric and Master.
By R. J. Black, D. C. and M.
J. A. Taylor, Attorney. mbS
No. 958, 0.B.D. Barzilla Raney et al. vs. La
grange and Memphis Railroad Co et al.
Grand .enteunlRl . o1bic Sale or Fort
Pickering Mahw.
continuing from day to day until tbe
prjperty is disposed of, at the senlawe-t cor
ner of Main and Madison sireew. Mempbbt.
lenn. Pursnnt to an order of sale in the
above cause, from tbe Chancery Court, l will
sell, to the highest bidder, the following prop
erty, to-wit: SltUHted in Fort PlckeriBir,
and known on the plan cf subdivisions tw
Block 1, Io s 11 21 22 2i 26 27 : 38 31 42; Itloek 2.
lots 10 13 15 IS 20 21 22 27 29; Block 3, loU 23587
131517 18 21 231628 30; Block 4, lits 6 7 18 20 21 St
28 ; Block 5, lots B 21 28 29; Elock 6, lota 6 7 11 17
18 20 23; Block 7. lots 5 18 11 L117 181923;
Block 8, lota 345 67 8; block 9, 1 s 1 236789
Id 11 12 22 23 212526 40 41; Block 10. lots 12 IS H
152128 29 31323331 1241; Block 11, lot 10 II 12 lit
1618 32 33; Block 12, lota 10 16 17 18 19 2021 232723
H 14 21 22 23 21 2526 2728 31 3237 383S 40; Block
17. lots 12 13 14 15 ; B.ock 19, lit 5 6 7 8 9 10; Block
21, lots 4 5 678910 11U: Block 22, low 11 2S 27:
Block 23, lots 3 4 5; Block 21, lots 6 7 8 9 10 II 12
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: Block 25, lots 6 7 8 9 Id tl 12
132321: Block i6, lots 4 11 13 18 19 20; Mock 27.
lorn 1 2 one-bad or 3 6 7 s 19; Klock ai. tots 1
2345678121814; Block 29. lots 12 13 11 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22: Block 30. Iota 10 11 12 13 14 : Bruetc
32, lots 12 6 7; B.ock 33, mis 4 59; Bb ck 34, lot 7;
Block 38, lata 12 34 5 6; Block 40, lots 2 4.
f our acres, uescnoed as Depot Grounds,
on tbe plan of Fort Pickering, bounded oa
the north by blocks 18 anJ 19; on ibeetu-t by
Fifth street; on be south oy blocks 20 and 21,
and on the west by Fourth street.
Heven acree, situated south of thecldtraek
of Lagrange and MemDhM Railroad, nor h of
Solomon Rozell's field, 7-', poles wide and IK
po cs and JJ links in lensttn, tne mme con
veyed by A. B. Carr to Lagrange and Memphis
Railroad Company by deed, recorded In
Book M. 248.
Also, lot No. 8. in block A. laid down on the
original map of Fort Pickering as Roeeer
street, but now fronting 60 feet oa Paooto
street, ana running Da.cz. -juu ieet DoOBOeti ee
the north by lot No. 1. in block A.
Also, lit No. 9, In block A, set apart origin
ally as Panola street, now fronting 60 feet on
Broadway, snd running back 3U0 feet, bounded
on the east by tot 6; on the west by lots 3, 1
anu o, in diock a.
Terms Notes at 7, 12 and 18 month", with
approved security, and lien retained. Equity
of redemption barred.
Special Commissioner.
Jso. P. Tbizkvant. Auctioneer. fh
38 North Court S.rvt.
FIVIDENCE reported la Cottrtn, befor r ef
I Arnu. n T VArhftllm i -nw . . . . .
orally or by mall. 5

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