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DAILY STANDARD .- .1 VOLUME III. MOBILE. Bt8H,UKKH dk, BUULK, COTTOX FACTOR S, AMD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mobile, Ala. THE undersigned have associated themselves to gether UDdrr the boT dries, and respeetfuiiy offer tneir iniwi as Cotton Factors, General Commission and Shipping Merchants IRA W. PORTER CO., DEALERS IN Hardware, Cutlery, Housekeeping Goods, Nails, .Spikes, White Lead, PaiuU, Oils, Window Glass, Ac, 4c, Ac. A LSI ) Doors, Glazed Sah, Flinds, and Wood Mouldings Carpenters, Joiners, Blacksmith, Machinist, Coopers, and Other .ttECIIAMCAL. TOOLS. rI FFLI.OWH' HALL. BOTAL STREET, pi th 41 y T O II N N. M T T, Importer and Dealer in CHINA. K A KTII EN WA RE , GLASS, Cl'TLKKV, Etc., .No. 21 ..nh Wnt.-r Street, Ajirll 1 l i:i:n MOBILE At. A (VF El.llH, I'EI.F.KTINE EsLATA. F. L I K R A K S L A V A, ..Successor to it. MAZAKUK,) I nnnr1r. ftnd Lenlert in HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND At.KKI LTl KAl. IMPLENEXTH, i incr Commerce, ami Exchange Streets, Mobile, Ala. We desire respect.nliy t' call attention to the above srd and renr-et;l that we will kep eotistsutly on t. hij d a f'ul nupj ly of every article in oar line, eon- CifYlNS, STEEL, IUO.V, MILL HOCKS, PLANTATION' HARDWARE, s He tin and Ag i altural Implements, of ail kinds, H :ti eri' Hardwire, of the best and latest styles, pocket ami 'I sole Cutlery, brtu Amnripio and En Hub; f arpen'ers' B arksrntths' Tanners' and Tinners' lo' li. TiaWire. S iiTw. JI jIIow Wart Houee Fur onMrg io lis. and a variety i f Fancy article. Our ported goods are .vnnped Com the Manufac turers direct to Morula, anl ail article we re-i:o- from fiik! hand so ttiat we rn seller the lowest pncfi. ELDKK at r.SLAVA. Aprli 13-tly ANlMBlTP EN H y"BE T TEH THAN A SLOW SMHLLING i s O U li M OTTO, A N I luVSrKY MtUUIAXTr PLANTERS AND lil'YF.Rs GF.NERAI.l.Y, viriting Mobile should not leave the city without calling at the house of A. S. JOHNSTON Sc CO. -Dealers in Family and Plantation lOU ami lOt Dauphin street, Just above the Public Sri nitre. W K II A V K Constantly on Hand A LARGE STOCK OF ort GOODS, suited to the want of THE PLANTER, THE MERCHANT, and THE FAMILY. Havinir an experienced Southern b n y e r con stantly in the North ern markets, we can take advantage of the IliKtations in the mar ket which enables us to oiler our goods V K It Y L O W ! C C XT. H O 2 IJw iv Trial I A. S. JOHNSTON & CO., HE.VLKUS IN FA I I LY, PLANTATION and FANCY DRY GOODS, tiKNTV Ft ltNIMtINt; tiOOIS, L.Vi K AND Ml'SMX, WINDOW SHADES. CTKTAINs, ENi.I.ISII AMKUK.VX AM) CAK ! VV.T. M ATTIMiS, Ac. 1 ami lO 4 Jtnuphin street, MOHILE. ALABAMA. if ! N It a S. I. A Co.. have been located in i twelve years. Their buyer i Mr. i f LEWI- DVMEI.s ol the late firm of Daniels, Kl(fin A Co . Mxbilu lio has been buyin? tor It' ! market f.r the i:i!-t twenty live years, and Iberriore kimns the want, ol the southern peo i, pie and how to cater lor them. S " Jl! 'h27-il.ini iB SHEARER, SI!. W. C. Tl'KNEK, Euu-rprisrv WITH 'v B. SHKAKER A CO., COTTOX FACTORS, GINFKAL COMMISSION, RECEIVING ' AND lorwardlug 9Iercbant, No. -2d North Water Street. AfrilirMly. Mobile. Jla ,' 8. C M CLINTOC, JAS. P. TERRY. v McSile. a. s. CAi'.KixoTON, Montgomery, fi i Mobile. McClintoc, Carrington & Co. tSIn-cessors to Julius Hee A to. in the Re- eivinjf ana torwaraing nuMnws.i Jlereiring, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Xo South Front, ami No. 3 South Commerce, MOBILE, ALA. CONSIGNMENTS to our rare forwarded without H-lay. Specification of Packages ad Charges in detail rendered ill all caxes. ruanM-uly. DsHAVEN, STEWART A uSBOKNE, ' Cotton Factors : i" AND GLNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 37 North Commerce St. Mobile Ala. ,? BAARCKE & KIENCKE, r Merchant Tailors, S ROYAL STREET : i- r. Under the HallU House, Xorth of the Entrance. Mobile Ala. Aid Sdly. S. SR0W.V, R. D OOLItUI, BROWN A OGLETREE, I UROCER9 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. Vi, Sf. Louis Street, ' ApnlUtdly ifohile, Ala. 'M. KLCSrH. C. F. WTCKOFF. 1 J. E. KLUMPH & CO., . ENERAL COMMISSION3ECEIVING AND f FORWARDING MERCHANTS, -ialtri in all kinds of Western Frodnee, S. V. Cor. Commerce & St. Lotiis SU. nll3Jtjan '67 Mobile, Ala. . 8TETSOK, A. 8. T1UOt, 0. B. FRlaTOM M. S. STETSON & CO. Maoofactrmra and wholesale Dealers In 0OTS, SHOES AND BROGANS, .1 No. 11 St. Francis Street, Mobile Ala. 19 dl MEMPHIS. PULMONIC CORDIAL FOR THE RELIEF OF CON SUM P T ION, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND ALL DISEASES or THE T h i a a t and Jj h h g s . 'piII8 DKUillTFUL PREPARATION FHZ 1 pared trom aal cart-fully e!cte I ROOTS AND HERBS. coiifi imitiy reeommtidHd ai & piaiiauT. -t reliable remwrty f..r the iom ffction. th timit n.e of tbid taIu -be expectorant ihuy of fie eiU rnuaiDr fr m coa or xpotar or wHtp ttier x iU &o hereditary TENDENCY TO CONSUMPTION, Can h- -r It ii 1 v rno iil tti -ar!v nuMfcrU'LMONH; COKLtU.. ea -tao'Is u wttn 'itt a r.vai lor ti ?. & uiiai.jt. Try It and be Convinced. CrfpariJ m1 ho id otily b? CKKIOI1TOV CO., Lrug!t ni Fba m ru'rai bemat. Ap:2T.3in 44 Main irf:. ..'phi.. a o o b a 7: w s ton THE HlVi U AFM.IC'TIII! THE GREAT Vecrr and Aur Itrtnedij THK CHILL KINO. Warranted at a ure ca-e for FKVIR AND AGl'R, , Dl MB CIIILI.K, ENLARGKD SP1.K.K.V,, AND AS A Tonif fur Xtrvon Prostration, From Long Sickness or Debility, fnini what ever eaune produced THE ORIGINAL CHILL KING la only Prepared by C R K I O II T O N . C ., Ilrugyixt and I'harumceutival (Jhemixt. 444 Main Street, Memplila, Tenn. N. ft AnattemDtia beiujr made to introduce an other Kemedy, bearing tbe nama of De La Kooke' Ubilt &iok in eonfleqa.nee of the very favorable re ception aait remarkable aceesa of oar preparation eeraon. wtsutDg ttie I nuine ArUrle. wi'l ttieref -re. bepartienlr and Inquire for Cll REI.1H UN'S CHILL KING. apW4.i3m CREIGIITON Si CO. l u n (j i) i s j: a s i: s. i)R. CKEIOHTON-S OFFICE IIOL'RS f-ir these Specialitie. are from H to Jo'ciocha m. anil from 3 t1 1 o'clock p m. Prsonii wiithio lr. t'reinhton servicei ronit con-ult ih'a r rantreoient Oftice in i n:g iStore, 4 '4 Vain Bt r.m h of Heal. - "Ke.-n tor Prefet-ional Visit each. Ten Tol Ui. Apl 14.1tm B. ft. BLACK, O. C. CAMROV, Menipbis. Tenn.. Late Mavsville. Kv. JAS. WHITE. Late Maysville, Sy. BLACK, CAM RON & CO., I'KOIUTB 45D tOJIMISSIO MKUCHANTS, Charleston A venue, Near M. A C. It. R. It jot. 31 EMI1 JUS. TEXX. ("U)NSIGNMEN'TS soliiited. rrompt attention J given to all business entraHWd to our care, ami orders for provender and plantation eiippliei lilled at ehorteet Dotiee and at loweet ratea. All ordero left at 3J, i t out street, will be promply attended to. May l!d3tn N. J. RH.LEY, IlKO. MF.LI.Ell.-l!, rittburg, . Memphis. l I! Bli. T .FY, Memphis IIK.LKI', I ELL. Kit Ml &. . Whole.-ale alld Retail IK'nie - 1:1 Pittsburg: Coal, .V. "2 Jeffemon Strert, One IVmr East of SvoildSt MKMrini", TKNX. 17E :ire prepared to supply Steamlxiats, at V the lowest market nitos, with No. 1 rittsbun; Coal. Order" promptly tilled. f-jT'Steanilioats supplied, uiht or day, ly our t utr. Nellie. rayinltj 11.'). A. 1. WHEELER, D. BRYSO.V, Commercial Hotel. J KM PHIS, TEXXE S S E E, Corner Front and Jefferson streets, WIIEELEIl &. nRlSOX. AplCldly I'roprletorN. MERIDIAN. THE MAMMOTH SAL 0 OX, UNDER THE JONES HOUSE. Meridian, Miss. JOXES FA TXE. Prtprietort. Constantly on hand, the flaeat WINES and LlyUOKS. ' Call and see. ApnilOdiim. RAGSDALE HOUSE, ON THE HILL On tbe East Bide of the Railroad llertdiatu liississippu IS alwaya open for TRANSIENT and PERM A KENT BOARDBB. DAY and KWBT It room, are LAKdE and COMMODIOi 8. and the Proprietor ia maklnr ad itiona and Improvement eootinnaJly. KKMEMBEX SAtiDDlLE IIOI SE," Dee. 19. tf and near the Hailro.4 track PARAPET SALOOX. SHED i EAKEK, Proprietor OS LEE'S AVKSIK, Two Doors from First Street. MERIDIAN, MISS. THE Fineet Llqnera and moat entlcine wiD." tilam ready te e aerved at the Har. The beat Brand of To bate and Ciw are kept at thia Salooo. April Udtf JONES HOUSE, MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI JOSIAH JONES, Proprietor. THIS Commodloni Hotel haa been renovated and otherwiae prepared for the accommodation of anet. The proprietor promiaee to keep hia table supplied with everythinr the market afforda. A stable is kept in connection with the Honse. where r wUl biw.U eared for. Mr 11 dtf PACI. C WOLFF. C r. NORTOX, WOLFF k NORTON. -BECEITISG, FORWARDING 1SD GENERAL COMMISSION MER CHANTS. ALSO Agent for tbe FLOREXCX iXr.VG MdCHIItl Company. MerleUam. Ml April illiitt R. HOOS fc CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IH MENS' BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING. and - GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Koe. 13, 25 A 27 Exchange Place, nd 86 Cus- tomilOUBC Bireei, ic. vrncauv. - J A CIvSO PROFESSIOXAL. LV J. G U 0 b E Slttorneij and Ccnustllor AT LAW, OFFICE. NO. 2. CARONDELET STREET St W MKI.E.4X, L.A. hiiiy CUAULKs' CLARK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Resumes Practice. Residence. Bolivar conntv. Mianisippi. l'wi ortice Napoleon, Ark. jamtldti DR. J. W. HUFFMAN, S I K 11 a 0 I) E T I S T. SUM MI TT, MIS8 WILL practiee hia profession at IKoirnehitta, Rrookhaven, llahala and llailehurst- Will fully guarantee any operation perlormed by him. Jvaa Htitly. J. L. II Altf.tlO A T T 0 li X E Y A T I- A W, Rrandon, MIxk. Will attend all the comts at suit .InW. son. will tollii t claims in Vickslmn; Cantm or anv- wherein Mississippi, when business wi'l jnstity. Haviur pra.tieeil ui the -Jd Judicial District of Mis sissippi, he lias superior advantage of knowing the people. Will als.. sell or lease bind or buy for others, examine titles, pay tan s, redeem land bere totoresold. and do everything usually done in a Ren.-rnl Heal Kstate ltrokeraite buiuet.s KKFKKS Ti Hon .J K MeNair. Judge 2d Jo clu lal Ili.lri. t. Lrv reek il iss ssioni: Col A li Mayers. Ass. of Int. Revenue of 2d District Miss., Rrandon Misi-s;iilji: Messrs. Knikerson Mi-Laiii-in. 1-2 t'niun street. New Orleans: Warren Crawford. s ( 'Hronilelet street. New Orleans: tien li S i'appan. Vn ksiinisr. Feb2dlT OKO. WUKK, ATTORXEY AT LA Vi, Jackson, 1Ims. Oiliceat the late residence of lien. C H liieen. Feb4dlv RICHARD COOI'tR, J. M. SMITH, Ct.iOrER it SMITH. A T T 0 R E Y S AT L A , It. aiitlit it. 11mi. Fel. Idly. WALKER BKOOKE, H. F. COOK. BROOKE i COOK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, VICKSBURO. MISS. May litdly AMOS K. JOIINsloN. KK.tXK JOllXsWN. Johnston S: Johnston, A t to r a e y a a t Ij a iv , JACKSON, VlILL attend in all the State. Federal and VV City Courts at .l:teknn, mid elsewhere in the State in special eaiisi-s. They will rer ularlv attend the Circuit and Probate Courts of Hinds County, at Raymond. Attention riven to the collection, compromise and ad justment of all claims. Otliee opposite the Capitol, lip stall", in N. East corner of nirello's Imi Idinir. J A.. i J. SHANNON, A T T 0 U A E Y AT L A W, Jackson, Mlas. UriI.L ive bis personal attention to the collecting orsecurin ol claims in Hinds. Rankin or any jf the counties in East Mississippi. Aril23dwly A. O, MAYERS. ROBERT I.OWRY. MAYER.S i LOWRY, A T T 0 R EYS ATI A W, BRANDON, MISS. April llrtiwly. .K. .1. I,. CAUTDU. OHirc at Craft &, JohDfton'i L)rii Store. Ten Jers his PrufVg-tional Services to tbe 'citizona of ,!ackton ami vicinity. tVtl. iiltlti I'jf3 Ilesidfnce opposite Campliellitw i'hnrcb, lonuerly occnpit'i by Mrs. Ouion. K. Y. BROWN, ATTO R X E Y AT L A W, 37 Carondclet Street, New Orlran. P. O Box ill. T (,'iv Humplirf vs. .Tackri'm, Miss, Chi'-f Justice H.iii'lv, Caif'U. Ha.TlJ0-. ... v liurron, .litcksoii, ' 11 in A.(. ItrowB. Trry, 11 uiarHdtf DRCRY J. BROW" V. Crystal Spring Misn Gallatin Miss. MILLS ATS Jc BROWN, ATTORNEYS AXI) C01XSELL0RS A T I. A W, A.NI AliK.NTS Colt THK I'l'KCHAsK AN1 SACK OK K K A 1 1-: S r A T K. 11TILL practice their prot'ession in the various courts of Cojuali and adjoin counties. Special attention pven to all business entrusted to their care. my 24dly. WILLIAM T. WITHERS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AG EXT, Jackson, 311s. nAS European. Southern and Northern capital to purchase Cotton to le prown the present season. Twenty cents per pound will be paid in advance for Cotton' U be delivered next fall and winter in New Oi ieans. He is prepared to fnmish a limited amount ot cap ital to stock and cultivate plantations; putting the use of the mouey against rent of land and super vision of the planter, planting in partnership aud taking one-third the crop. lie will buy and sell improved plantations, hav ing superior facilities here, in Europe and the North. Letters addressed him at Jackson will have prompt attention. M-TICKAt the Old Land OJfice in the Capitol. marl-nltf W. M. ESTELLE, ATTORNEY -A T L.UV, JACKSON, MISS. OFFICE ON COKNER, SOUTH WEST OF GOV ERNOR K MANSION. dec 30.dly ill II. HARDY, Paulrllnsr, Ml. a., and , T. J. I1AR.JV, Raleigh.. Ml.., At torney at Law and solicitor in Chancery. F.uidinr M isa. wiil practice in all the court of toe 4ih Judicial District composed of the counlie ot Hinds, Kankin, Scott, Newton, Sabh and Japer, a so in the eouutlet of Lauderdale. C'iark and Wayne, bth Dutrict. Also General Agents for tbe purchase and sale of Laooa. redemption of Lanrts sold tor taxes, quleiinj tax titles. Ac Ac. Address Paulding Miss., or Kalebta M Nov'i'iw. DISKASES OF THK WOMB. Dr. IL J. Holmes, can accommodate a few more patients at his Infirmary. Sheets, towels and candles must be furnished by the patients. Hacks can be hadat Terry's Depot to convey ladies to bis residence, Spring Ridge, Hinds county, Mississippi. April 22dwtw. K KM OVAL on. A. WESSOV, Dentlf, lrinphis. Tea. IT AVING removed his orrVe to the Irving Block, 1 would return his thanks to his friend, and the public for their liberal patronage. Hoping that his earnest endeavors to Kive satisfaction in tne past will iruanuitee him a large share of practice in the future, he is prepared to perform ail operations in bis profession in the most skillful manner. faOr. W. has a new preparation for beaatifying and cleansing the teeth. Mayltfdain Dli. BEX. JOXES, SURGEON DENTIST, VICKSBURG, MISS. Cilice overMiss Martin's Millinery Store. Wash ingrton Street. April 27. 'iW-tf. NEW YORK. C BA"aERVUL, J. 1- SHIRMAV, Columbus. Miss. ' For.North.Sherman A Co. N.T. W. K. TOPE. GEO. L WILLIAMS, Col una bus. Miss. Memphis Tenn. BASKERVILLE, SHERMAN 4 CO . WHOLESALE GROCERS ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Importers and Dealers in BKAXDIES, WIXES, TOBACCO. CIGAJSS, ire. No. 34 Cortlandt Street, May3d6n jVglT FOfiA'. WESTOX'S METALLIC ARTIFICIAL LEGS. Two leg hi one. It has the onl y rubber Ankle joint ever made; Cerk-lined: Covered with flesh col ored leather. A fit ruaraotee at yor ho.; READ THK FOLLOWING. COLEXBIA, 8. C, March 7th, 1S66. MR. J- W. WETOF: rear Sir My lee ha arrived, and I have been weari r it steadily uwe. I am entirely pleased with Its woTkinr. A far a I can (ndfe, it eome ud to all that you claim for it. I hall take great pleasure n rSeommendte, It to all who have been Sendf or a Pampbdet. yEgxON, Patentee, M,,tf h: W, Broadway. N. T ACTSSISSIIl3 VICKSBURG. CITY BANK OF VICKSBURG, A Bank of Deavawil. Tawa am Bella FarelfBi aad Dcmtstic 'ichaafi.Cela and Cncstrreait 9IomerI W. 8. WHEELER, Manager REFIRE-tcrs .Bank of Kew York. New York city Kerchant National Bank. Cincinnati, O ; ftolosa .u Marrn Sob Cbieafo. lUs .; City Nations! Bank Cairo Id.; Allen. Coop at Nl.het. St. Lorn. Mo ; Se.t National Bank. St Louts, Mo , First National Btna. Memphis. Teen ; Citlsena Bank, New cleans. La ; fike. apeyre A Brothers, New Orlraoa. La. NovlSMly GEORGE M BARBER, President, ALEX H. ARTai'R. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF VICKSBL'KG. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, NEW ORLEANS, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI. ryX. S. Bonds and Gold and Silver Eoueht and So'"- Apriildly. HENRY HAMMETT, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS IS HARDWARE, QL'EENSWARE, TIN WARE, Wttwliinaton Hotel Ituildinc. dec2T!ly vtcxtat ao kiss. TAPPA1T A. CO., Dealer in IROSi, STEEL, KAILS, SPIKES, ! I. A O K S M I T 11 T ( K -s filming and Wrapping Paper, kr. No. 4, Mulberry Street, VicksbuTij, .Vtvss., i Hilly. Louis Hoffman & Bro., MAN UFAC'TCREKS AND DEALERS I.N SADDLERY, PLOW'S, MAILS, BKLTl.N'O ASD ROPE. of all sizes wholesale, and letnil $ttif We are also agents for Wheeler A Wilson's SEWING MACHINES. LOUIS HOFFMAN & BRO., Washington St.. Vicksburu. Dec. 30 165 ly H. E. O'REILLY, B. F. BOWLING, 0'REILLir 4 BOWLING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G IR O O IE IR. 3 Af DEALERS IN GENERAL, PRODUCE. The best Brands ot Flour aud Liquors, Levee St., 1st Brick Store South of China St., Directly opposite Williams A Co.'s Wharf boat. FebSdly VICKSBURG, HISS. DR. L. I1KLNACH, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST, Feb.2illy VICKSBURG, MISS. J. L. BRISCOE, W.R. HOCCK, Wll. D. ELDER, BRISCOE, HOUCK & ELDER, WtoleiaI and Ktail Dealers in DRY GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, (HATS, AND CAPS, PISBlMln Mapplle., ic. Washington Street, Fifth door South of Crawford. VICKSBURG, Miss Special attention paid to Storing, Receiving aud Forwarding. AGENTS For Clinton A Richards, 74 Magazine St. N. O.; also for.Tno U Richards. 67,Commercial St. St Louis. ITjrLiberal advances made on Cotton shipped by ns BRISCOE, HOUCK. A ELDER Jan 2ptf w M. JOHNSON, Vicksburg. ; D. Wash I.AMPKINi Yazoo City. JOHNSON & LAMKIN, Vicltsburs; Mi8. Grocers, Provision Merchants, ( Under the Prenliit House, J HAVE FOH S-A-XJ3, carir Fftlt ISII: Floor, Fig", Citron, Curran Raisins, Prnnes, Mackerel, Cranberries, Spices, "1 Meai, Bratj Corn, Oats, Hay, Salt, Lime, Meat, Sances, Potatoes, Biters, Onions, . Preserves, Apples, Pickles, Soap, Catsups, Candles, Wines, Starch, a. e 1 Z i e x x X x iz Cordials, Sugar, Coffee, b Jellies, Vinegar, Herrings, Oak am. Tobacco Crackers. Mess Pork, Bacon, Molasses, Cheese, Knte, Tea, Rice, Soda, Oil. (7 Order solicited and promptly filled. deci) ly S-tJaOIXA33Il.-3ar, AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER. WILLIAM TILLMAH'S COKNBR, Od Stand, Washington street, Vicksburg Mis , wholesale ,and retatl dealer In Saddlery. Hard ware. Leather, Paddle Trees, Ac on band and prepared to manufacture to order all description of r addle and Harness, at short notiae. Spanish. Mexican Kir. fihaftoea. Sides, and Coach and Buggy Brerk and Team Harness. ALSO A large assortment of Door stats, Parlor Rugs, Oil Cloths, Kulber Belting ALSO Pistols, Guns, and mar.31t jan'67 Ammunition. JAMES E. PERNETT 4 CO. COTTOJT EACTORS Forwarding Commission lerrbants, Corner Crawford and Leree Sta., VICKSBURG, KISS. Liberal cash advances en fwnsigTi merits of cotton and produce not perishable. STORAGE. We have a large fir proof warehouse and can store any amount ef goods' Jan ladtt DRAKE CO., PLANTATION SUPPLIES AKD FAMILY GROCERIES, Wholesale and Retail. - ' i - ALSO '.. Prcxiuce ana COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8, Waahicgton Street, Teoodly. VICKSBURO, Jtisa TUESDAY MOH2STl3srG, MAY -29 aSGG. XEW ORLEANS. DOLBEAR COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Corner Camp and Common Su., in the Sptcioua and Elegant "Story Building," Is constantly ia session n rder ab'e Professors. It was fooodel in 1SI8. and i chartered by the State I's former students may be foood a Pried pais or Bo.k Keeper In a lars portion of the old houses of this eity and over the Southern State. Laite or Gentlemen can attend the Coamemal Course, or Book-Keepm;, Penmanship, Mathematics. English! freneb or bpauUh A business ednestioo. that ma b!e one to earn diouOac W annaally, is 'he beet fortune oarenta can give their sons. A I-r.'LOMA 'rum this Colleea Is a psssport ia all C-maereial commuoitts. Ladies an i Gectiemeu are invited to cad BUFL'S DOlBEAR. President. Jas )6dlr. THOS J. 1 Hk.SOtvrrH. JOHS r. CASHT. W1UI1S HAI I Late of Masoo.Co Ky. Late ot M.Louis, Kentucky. CHENOWETH, CASEY St CO Coiuiiiiioii itlerchanf, Denlers in BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE, PORK, BACO, LARD, BERF, FLOCK A I) WESTERN PROl'U-K GENERALLY. No. 53 Gray c ""reel. New Orleai.; .a. P.-rri mal attention iven W rhr r..c i.. ol M. r handise and Groceries for the country Janlrifd Onrpets, lVEa.ts, OIL CLOTHS, Etc , E. C. PALMER. &. CC, ; -r , r. ,,t itj,. WiiuVsiie and Rstftl T"f.ler I 1 't ' rn fr Street i Orle in. COTTON FACTORS lOtlMISSIO HEKIIAXTS. No. ti'i, Carrm liili-i Street, .riJH OXt LE.i.t'S, Iai. NovlMdi V CIJ. RAYMOND, F U R X I T U li E D E A L E R, No. r, Royal .Street, coror of B1di1v. FEW ORLEAXS Has on hand a complete iupp!y of all kiarf of Fup niiiir, of th latest atylp, which ht ofTr lor late on rMar(onHblr tv-rnm. o;a.-V2dtjanl GET YOUR .SHIRTS AT S X. 'M O 0 D Y'S. Cor. (aom & lioyal Mm., NEW ORLEANS. a. UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY. O LOVES. CRAVATS. SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, UMBRELLAS, Aortfevcry variety of Goods for a Oaotlemao'. toiliU, at prieea that defy compthan A prDcv for Lockwood Pftpr Collara. The trade supplied at PbUHdelphia prices i trdrTu promptly filled by Express Sftid size of nck. "our he pht and wig. Copj-add)-: " s. N.MOODY. Corner Canal and Royi -iri.t., Jan 16dfim - Ntv Orleans R. BLEAKLEY & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS AND COMI.nSSION MERCHANTS, TV OS. fi- and l Poydras S reet. comer of 1 1 Povdras aud Tchopitoalas Street. SEW ORLE.tU '" All Cotton consigned te us will receive the per I attention of r. J F. Girault, (formerly with the bouse of Wright A Allen) who isspeciaily charged with that department of ourbusinea.. GEO. C. SEBASTAZX will be found at this house, ready t. wait on his old friends. jan 'idly i;. .11. ituEi.., Dealer in FOREIGN WINES, LIQUORS, And Sole Proprietcr of PURE SS 3L oB (taitMiSa- Depot os. 63, 65. 67 Clrod St. Near Tchopitoula Street, .ew OrlenaH. Febl8Jiv. E. J. HART 4 CO., Impcrirrg WHOLESALE GROCERS, PHUOGrST). AND COMJIISSIO.V MERCHANTS, 73, 75 t 77 Tchoupitoalas Street, mh2Wly. JTIf ORLEAXS ASLNGLE TRIAL WXLL ( O.XVIM E THK 7IOMT DKEPTICAL that there is anequalk-d virtue in the RED JACKET SMiCfl BITTERS! THKT ARK A COMBLNAriOK OF RARE HERBS! FREPARED Di THK CHOICEST OI.L) BOURBON WHISK KY They strengthen and invigorate the sys tem. They give a good' and healthy appetite. They assist di gestion. They are the "best surtru lant in existence. Tbev are pre ventive of fever and ajrue, Thev cure nervous head ache. Thy are per fectly pure and palatable. ryThe Red Jacket Bitters are sold In quart bottles by all Druggist and Dealers in the country. J BEXXRTT FTETERS A CO., 31 If 3i ifiekifan Aeeavae. Chicago, Sott Proprutor J0. W. TsORRlP ak CO., Wholesale Southern AgenU, 52 Canal Street, Apl24-d3m New Orlean, La XEW ORLEAXS MILLLNERY AND DRESSMAKING- ESTABLISHMENT. ON Main street center ot aecond block, be low the Capitol, where the choicest and most fashionable style of HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, and Plumee msv be had. Crape and Thulle Bonnets made to order, also DBESSMAKLNO, done In the latest style. April zi oo-u MOODY'S r SHIRTS.J XEW ORLEANS. POIXT CLEAR HOTEL THE I SUKit isaed will epsn the Feint Ciear H'u-l on or a.Soat the loth day of May next. Ttiis establishment i Df being repainted and put to complete repair and c"n Sitioa. gas aad water-aork. are belrg ereetej. t:, grounds beautifully laisout and the bouse furvisbed entirely new i J the best of material and lt-.t im provement. ArraugemeaU will be made for direct ecmtnmira tlua with New Orlean ant Mbi'e both by sieicb "at and telegraoh. Billiard 1 abiee of th most apprcvei pattern have been ordered, new Ten Pin Alleys hei.-ir built, aad every amaeement ui;able to the e iir-atc and lb P'aee, aff-jrde to an, woman and child. Fortoa'htog. and nLirg and baitbfuE.e, thia eelebraced wateriog place has a& snpericr on the e n toeot, and the und. rbrned Ktea-a to make it the moat pleasant and oomf. rtable ia he w-wtd. AprU Ud-lvl CH AS. E. SV1KOES Manaeor. Portable and Stationary STEUI EXGIXES, CIRCULAR SAWMILLS, HOrs CIRCULAR SA WS, CORNdr FLOURING MILLS, RUBBER t- LEATHER BELTING, STEAM AXD WATER GCAGES, ENGLISH CAST STEEL, R'Uche-'s S s w Vi, Gam Hemp srd Lnl.ri rati-r Iarkitif, B.iits. N'J;. And Withers. Hoil.r l eu and lii."T. Ssw f-cit.. Monkey W'rent r,'s, G. and Fitt;nif. Smut 'nch:nes Vacrmi.T.' Too's. '0 tDWOR 1 H s I'lainmST Mach n-s. and s!l M d.scnptioRn cf .saw w-,ii and I'iantat.on Ma chinery on hand and female by EDlirXD 'if. ITEXS A CO, ."3 St. Charles street, mLCMtni xew nmr.ts. 9u NX4.I A N CA FUO i A C A IN WORMS. REMEDY ora WINER': S CANADIAN VERM IF I 'O E. S,1fS THE CHlI.nKF.X. WINER'S CANADIAN VERMIFUGE, OUQHT TO HE IX ALL XL'RSEMES WINER'S CANADIAN VERMIFUGE, IS THE DELIGHT OF MOTHERS WINER's; CANADIAN VERMIFUGE, DESTROYS WORMS AT OXCE WINER'S CANADIAN VERMIFUGE. THE DELIGHT OF XVRSFS WINER'S CA NA D I A N VER M1F UGE, THE OXLY THIXG THAT CN BE RELIED OV TO EXTERMIX.4TE WORMS i WINER'S CA NAl I A N VERM IF I 'G E , FOR EXPELLIXG irORMS. Remember it is the only tiling that can he depended on. It has had years of triai and has a:wsvs been hailed with joy by the sunVring. Be sure and ask tor Winer's t'ana tiun Tennifvpp. For sale bv all dmrcist and bv T. 'W. WRIOHT. '.Sole Proprietor. 33 Bienville sit. marSSdly, XEIV ORLEAXS. D Oj FOR PKEKFRVIXl, IllHTOHIXi, AND BEAL'TTFYIXG THE HAIR. And ia th most delightful and wnndrful article the world ever pod treed The proprietor baa devn1 both time and attention In combining an 1 preparing this articl. F.ach injrrt--dienti frvie te .carefully prppartd and conihind ia prop-r proportions anl is ottered with a CrrtH:n.y that ft will gifff aatisfartion No comm,nt ia necessary; a fair trial will convince all of lta efficacv. Ladie will lind it not only a certain remedy ti Restore, Darken and Beautify tbe Hair bu. aiao a d? airable articie f"r -he Toiiet. an it it highiT perfumed wiihancb and delicate perfume, independent ot the fragrant odor of tne 01 of Paim and Mace. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS, T. W. WRIGHT, Sole Proprietor, 35 Bienville St. SEW ORLEAXS, LA. 18G6. .SPRING 1SGG f IIOLCSALE, J . LEVOIS & CO.'. IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Hare new in store full lines of th!r usnal STAPLE GOODS, As well a tbe. Latest Novelties ia FANCY DRESS FABRICS, A'apted to the SOUTHERN SPRING TRADE. uprising1 Faney STDFF8 and LAWN. French sn ticoteh LA.WNS JAOnNRrs and ORG A..VDIF.S. PtRCALf 8 sndGI.NGUAMS. Solid and Striped CH A M nKATl French and Enslisb PRINTS. BAkEOEs and THsLfcS Broche l RN ACIXKS, (.RENAD1NES la Plain Colors. Black and Colored LP AC AS. f CLOTH ao UAsRIsKKI S MkRlNOfcS an4 DrlAP O ETE. Fancy Linen DRILLIOS White DUCK nnd DRILLS- Mohair LAi.ES SHAWLS. French C TTOS A DKS. Wbhe GOODS and LINENS Balmoral eKIKTsJ Ladies" Dress TRIMMINGS. Oow(oa atATTINO white aad Checked. With a full line of AMERICAN GOODS, IN CALICOES, SKIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, Which we offer to Merchant AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES AND ON LIBERAL TEEMS. J. LEVOIS t CO., Canal street corner of Bourbon. r. ORLEAXS soarSStta MULLER 4 PI AGE!', 35 Chartres Street,' KW ORL.EAAM Importer of TRAW, HILLI.1KRI. AXD FOBKIOX DRY GOODS. Stock constantly reneweiby weekly acoeeaioa of the lataet novelties in STRAW SOXXMTS AND BATS, RIBBOXf. ARTIFICIAL. WLOWERS AXD SXdSOXABLE, TISSUES. TatRJt LIBKRAXt. sasdiy XEW ORLEAXS. Drugs, frdicint s, Chemicals, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, AXi FANCY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE. JAMES GOXEGAL, -3 St. Charles St ..20 .IVir ttrieatis, Lm. Havir.r received i v the late arrivals a large S.ock of Fre.n au X,w DRfOS in ad.itlsn to tlie lare as soitrn?nt on hand. I am now preoare i to supply the Ursea-ii ia.rea.iui wat.u of tae DRUG TKADE sol ra. The followigj ar'.icles comprise a part of my stock Aciils, all kinds. Alcohol, Ammonia, Carbonate, Bay Ruai. Blue Vitriol, Brimstone, Castor Oil. Chalk, red and white, Chloroform, Copera.s. Cnttle Fih Boue, Epecac. Jaiup, . - Lnuar Caustic, Mace, Magnesia, Morphine, Opium, Quinine, RochcHe Salts, Pumice Stone, Syringes, Turpeutine, Emery Flour, Emery 2 and X K.xtracts, solid fluid Flax Seed, " ground. Ginger, Gum Assafuedita, v Camphor, " Truacanth, (.hie. Herbs, fresh, Oil Anise. Balsam Cojiabia, Blue Moas, Borax, Calomel, Caiitharailies, Chloride Lime. Concentrated Lye. Cream Tartar, Illfli'O, I siu glass. Licorice, Root, Madder, Manna. Musk. Nutmegs, Quicksilver. Ri'tten Stoue, Sul'ihr.r, Tamil ti. Ki'in Salts. Ether, Nitric 1'I F, S-ili'lmt ic. Gamboge. Glauber Salts. (itiui Arubic, I " Benzuiu, I " Sliellaok. ! " Myiih. i Glycerine. ! Hops. Oil Bi-rgaintit, " Cud Liver, whit " " " dark, I ilsve, p'ts and q'rts ' Sassafras. Peptier, black. Cinnamon. Croton. Lemon, " IVjipermiut, " Wiutergreen, Pepjier, Cayenne, PotasM, Iodide, Rhubarb, Salciatus, Snutl'.in jars 1 bottles Sida. Bii arbouate. Potash, Chlorate Putty, Saltpetre, Seiiua, Snap, Castile. Sponge, Slnin. .soda, .al Varnish, White Was Wlntu Lead, P R F f 31 K R Y . Fancy Goods, Stationery. Combs, Brushes, Cologne, Handkerchief extracts Pomades. Flavoring, Toilet Articles, Pull's & Powder Boxes Soaps.plaiu ami fancy Patent Medicines, etc. We welcome to oar columns agala our old friend, Dr Humphreys, and his specific H.imojfiathio Berne di.s. We have known the Doctor for many years, and know hjtu an a ronst-isntions Ch'Utlan gentleoaD, and an ai'csmplished physician. We have used his Specific ourselves and they are used extensively amc ng our fi lecds and are free to lay that they are a:that they claim to be invaluable Family Medi cines. All who have the pleasure of Dr H.'s ac quaintance, knew that be would offer notbiut to the public uidesa it was fill ly up to the stanrard of recom uierdat'on. in ti i'iuei:i ' II O 3t tE O i A T II I C NPGCIFICi, HAVE proved, from th most ample etperience, an enure S' biuiple Prompt Etficient. and el atee. Tjey are the orly Medicines perfectly ed:ipt t. popu'ai-nse o .imple that mitaae esn-n-.l be msde in ubinK t hem. sn hsrinlens ss to be free don danger an I so . ffic-ient as to be always relisble. '1 hey have rsise.t th- highest comuieuajtion fern all au! wiil tiwiiy rei,d r sat .sfictlon. Cents. No 1, Cures Fcrtrs. Congestion. lr.fHmatinns 25 - " U'trms V orin Fever. Worm hw4ic. 25 :. " (Yyinje-Colic r-r Teeiblnp ot infant.. . y.r. C " 'larrhora ef chi d ren or adnts. 2, " Iiymlrry Urti i lfr Billions Coiic .. . 25 " ' Cftuierit Mor-int. Nsusea. Vomiting. ...25 " , " Cohgtu Ce ds. .Broncl ills v5 '' . " Xeurolgia Teutb-sche. Face a.he......'J5 '' y, " Htutach' Sica-Heada'he Vertigo.. ..25 " 1. ' itfpepta. Billions Htomach. .......25 " I'. " Sn'.'jrrrsatrt. or patotnl Peri-ds........i3 " 1!, " tt'tiites too profuse Periods . 25 V 1:1. ' Cruitp. C' UKh, dilh. uli Bratbing 25 " 14. ' Rkettm. Erysipelas Eropfions 25 - 15 " Rhriimittm. Khuil ic Pains ....... .V5 " I'i. '' Frrrr and Ague. Chi 1 Fever, Ague.. 25 '' I", Pite blind o' bleeuio; so ' is, . OptithJilmy. and s .re or weak Eyes 5U " l'i, " Catarrh, acute or chronic. Influenza. .W " " lykitopiug Cough violeut Oought.. 50 "2!, " Asthma oouieisive breathiuff. . ... . ..50 " '.i, " Ear I'isrharf.g impaired Hearing.. . . 50 " 21. ' Srrofula. ula'ged Olands. Swellings. 50 " 1'4. ' tirtieral Oebilitv. Phyeic.i Wesknes. 50 '' 25. ' Ih-trptu snd scanty secretious. ...... .50 ii, 4 Aa &u;kne6 f om tiding ........... ...50 ' 27, i Ktanrtf l.aa Gravel 50 vH. itetwu lJJiUtv Stmtttal Emitntmt, .u.,.i .tir7 oisi harKes -. - 00 '' 2., ' Sure. Mouth Canker 5v " :io, t'rinaru I'uytiiltHf nce, wetting be 50 " :il, " Pat'tful Periods, even ni h pasms.. 50 ' 3;, ' ."'erinft at cl.aii.e of life 10" "3', " h-pdepri) S iasros. 1st. "Vims' Dance .1 00 ;il, Inpttttria ulcerated S re Throat.... 50 FAMILY CASKS. :t." vis's, m-r c -o esse, and bock 1 0 00 20 lace v!s1h, in urir xeo, and b i.k . o On -Olsrte vit's. plain cse. rn-t h:tok -- 5 00 15 boxes (Nos. 1 to 15). and book 3 00 VETEK1XAII Y SPECIFICS. Mahogany cae, ifl vialu $10 00 Mn.-l- vljls. wi'h directions 1 CO I'i.eS - Kemedies. bv the ci-e or ling e boa. are sei.i in any part ol the country, by Ma 1 or r.xpress, free of ci.arse on receipt o th (trice. Addrers HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY. ffl esnd Depot, I . 66' B oidsir, New Vork. Dr. Hansps-reys iscon-ulte l daiy st his office, p-r-sously or by lt sr. ss above f r a I forms cf disease. JAMES GOXEGAL, Wholesale Ageut for the Southern States. CRAFT & JOHNSON, AGENTS, Jacteon, Mitt. Msrrh 50 '1 V. F A M 1 L Y MEDICI N E .S. TIIK BEST I TUB nOKLD! NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL I A CEHTAIM, f LEASA.N'T A.0 fOSITlVg CURF. ! WARRANTED! Gardiner's 'Rheumatic AND E I It A Lf i I A C O TI PO L A D ! Th! remeiy. s- exTen:ve!y known, and a nn qriat fled'y funoriH by tbe Medic! Fcu ty i effered to tbe public ait anequa led by any otter in tne treat mint f r-pQT!tiin and fvenr&i;ia, n matter of b'tw loaf 4ta;iiag or bow .Tce, atinta wno bd f r yr drawn a m:arab e ei i enrr, have by an oe-c-ioj1 d m 'bu ' B id ot i ea i." been r;oed to Leaith and pornf jrt after ail tbe tuu&I remenle and rotr-urns a-i b-eo tried and f nn l u?ies Its nr prisicg effects hTe bH-o x rieneed by tb asana and n"ver aoowo tw fail. It rfqui e n rcstrarQt fr( m buiur-s or ulca-pr-, cd may be csfd by th-e ot tbe m t delicate c n? ltaii ooi at a strict tanner o: the biord, wticb U so very -eotiai In the founda tion -; beUh. JAMES GOXEGAL. NeW Orleans. Wholesale Agent f jr tb Sonth. fi"b.ildby a'l Drug-o,. mh!;ly. "A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER." MARTHA WASHINGTON II AIR R E ST 0 R E R Is a perfect success The best in Market. A HATS DRESSER AXD HAIR 'RESTORER BOTH COMBINED IN ONE. 10,000 Living Witnosea ar testifying to their Ithigtbor, from day to day, of its Wonderfal Effects. 1 It i not a dye. 2. It win n t color the skin 3. It will restore the Hair from a grey to a Beau Cfal Bisek. Browo. or Aajnm, or whatever might have been its original color, and cause it to assume it former col' r. 4. It will cure all Humor and Disease of tht Pcslp: keep the read ceil and nice; remove the Dsn'trurT and Scurf from the Head; keep the Hair moist and 11:11 like in appearance IN YOUTHFUL DAYS. 5. It will promote a Healthy Growth ; prevent it from fa'liog off. and Cause it to Grow'oa Bald Heads. Where there i Life and Vitality at the Rwta. Bat, where these are gone there la No Hope of Success. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIR 8ES T0RFR 1 ss much ahead cf anything of the kicd, now in the market, a tbe un ouubine the moss Ia Brightness and Glory, THE EEST TESTIMONY THAT CAX BE given will be found luiid of each bottl. Warranted to do All we Claim for it OR The Money Refunded, After using two . Bottles. Try It, AND BE COXVIXCED. , Sold by 'all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines everywhere. SIM0ND3 fc CO., Proprietors. Jf. H. Firzwilliam, N. H. JASTES GONEGAL, 20 St. Charlaa St., w Orleans, Sshjddly. Sole Amenta. XEW ORLEAXS. HUB BEL'S STFF.RIOR OLD CABINET BRANDY (MKD1CATED.) AX CN EQUALED REMEDY FOR DIARRHOEA, SIMMER COMPLAIXT, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Griping Fains ',in the Bevels AND CIIROXICiDIAEEHCEA. It isjhighly approved by the Medical Faculty Far ChailslU'slar su.1 Diet. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS, AND EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED HUBBEVS Celebrated GOLDEN BITTERS. A PI RELY VKIjKTaBI.K TONIC! Ilavifjarating aad ftirengthcniag. Fortifies the system against th evil effects of uu wholesome water. For lale lu all parts of the world Cst""C EXTRA L DEPOT Amence -prest Building, 55 Hudson Street, .Yen York Manufactory Ilttdton, .V. T. CEO. '. II I' II Ht: I. l C O , Proprietom. ouie ivgrn 1, j.p f;0NFr'-lt'' WholeeaR) Ilil.c'St, larles st.. Nt vcOricariH mU23dly 20 3t. Charles LILIENTHAL'S PnOTOGRAPII GALLERY, .131 lojdra at., near Camp. .IVtr rltans, 1m. Established 1I51. PICTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Ar fln'ihed In this establishment in the best style Particular attention is paid to Eclargtn Small Pictures to ' i; 'ir,,., sic The nt'it imperfect small pictures may be enla'fd to life size and nn:itid m Oil, PaKtel, Canvass, Parchment or in Pi.otog'aphs painted in Aqua i, India Ink, Ac , THE BEST ARTISTS Only ar employe 1 In sending -mail i icfuren parties should rtte tbe color of eyes and hair, and direct the style the picture is to be fln-.uhr-d, hen c nvenient It is better to bring it themseive and give full direc tions. ISo work need be accepted rnless It gives COMPLETE SATISFACTION. ncTCRis or DiciAtcD FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Can be Hade to Smile upon yon Aa in Life. CW Price moderate .o init the Umes. marSaily JOHN W. NORKIS. RgCSt.V . CHAMPION JN0. W. NfiRilS t CO., (Successors to GRAY 4c NORRl ) Cotton, Sugar and Prodnee factors A ad General Commission AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . 52 Canal Street, New Orleans. Cash advances ma 'e on consignments. (Wholesale Agent for Tbe Celebrated Red Jacket B iters, Pbcenis Mills Crffee snd slices, Bisooprlck's Baking fnwrers, Fu-a and Mur i.r proof Safes, it c asl,. E. L. PIERSOS 4 (; )., n kciuaie and Retail Dtalert n o lot nine: AND G K 3ITI' Fl'RXllllI.Vb OO O D B Ns. 1 Magazine Street, (Coraer Gravier ) New Orleans, Louisiana. W. H. DCXX, formerly of W. H. Dunn A Co ifobile, Ala. mh3ud6ni BAITta 1. BCTLtB, Vicksburg Miaa.. ids at. sicaisnsos, Vicksburg, Miss. aim at Girre.N, Xe Orleaca. THIS L. TERRT Treoton. La BCTLER, TERRY 4 CO., COTTON FACTORS, AND GIWIEAL COMMISSION AXD FOR WA RDIXG MERCHAXTS No. 97 Poydra" Street, Front OKct, Up-Stairs. Apn:3d1y XT IT ORTEAXS S. B. SBIAKIS, C. A. LaCKII, Mobile. Aberdeen. SHEARER A LACKIE, COTTON FAIIORH. GENERAL COMMISSION, RECEIVING, - AMD Forward I bc; Merchant), No. 33 Natchei Street, April Illlv XEW ORLEAXS BRICC St. MOOBB, A. HAMILTON GKJCNS Late of Cotombua Miss. Oriean MOORE, OREENE 4 CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS EeeeiTing and Forwarding igenti, Ajid Factors for the Sale of all kinds of SOUTH SES AXD WESTEKN FR0DCCE No. 72 New Levee Street, 5w Orleans. Will give strict personal attention to th pur ehaes of iferchandia aad Grocene forth eonntrv. Cash Orders sehctted. Instructions strictly obeyed. Febl6dtf t-BROWN 4 CO., COTTON F A CTORS AXD General Commission Merchant " No. 36 Natchez Street, ' jriW ORLEAXS, . ' Prompt aad P arsenal attention gives to th nUfnf ef order. v. AnrUliOUy NUMBER 257. XEW ORLEAXS. ialjc tatua, :.nnvn ktcsuiev. caowtt n. rtno TAYLOR, McELKO' i CO., ifjnVa.-txt-r,- Jebbert CLOTHING, 73 Canal S;reet. Xl6d3m AiT ORISAXS LAX LIDstr. Mcksburg. Mji W. BALSK1TH, rw Ll.lli;V a. II AI.Ntll I II COTTON AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 3o' Natchez Street, New Orleans. Consignments sol.ritel of ,: k!rdof Pro,1u.-e Par tlcnlsr attention given ' e'Ur. 01 or tr Conn TV Merchsnts s-id 1' m pr, l l 'ssh sdvance n.ajc u, ou t'i.jdi In Usnl. Jan iTllv 1 1 o i iiiM.: i roi iiiM,:: MALARU A '1 fiOKER, 0 CBA.ITEES ST 10 rsr Orleans. "E now have In st is. a lirsh of UPHItti A ft ti l M n K i i ol iilvii a ca we offer for a,e to count! y Men tscta. FUnf ra. t. A fine asarta)i-M of i'-. .ii c sas:uire lta liiack Alpsi a S.o k C' vj:i,.:i ijuA,:t;e Lmeu au.l Cuts for Plantation us Low prite.1 Faia-v .s,iiis iw l'.atr?aUou use. Checked snd Coi.'le.i ;;;lts. A l omiilete seam t n;-! : ,t Furu:shitlj G.ns'.s Pnrchaser vtiii uud n to their a.ivat.ta to c:vm ncal marl ";.m lMoN U 1 K.NMl LIM. rVhoUtaU Ztalrr m HAra.ya. Hoifsric jiyp OEHMAX CIOaB Virgiaij sad Western C II K W 1 N O I U A c C O AUo, Haiana, Flpri.Li. IVru-.t'i rt';,f VitciCn.t arui tc'.'.r.-ri.uf .see.! LEAF' TOBACCO, Wrappers ami Tille. T0HACCO IX Ba I.E.S K'l; JIFXICAX Hi RKE I A.M) PL.. IAUuS li A L A 1 A u. m: No. T" C.i :in lcr Sstrcet, etueeti Tctiouj-Uvut i!a.;ajrut marC'dJui. . i ir vhJ.L.SH F I'.AUEK, Jfanvfa.-ftirr-. 1-prter aid ZVa-tn TRAVELING TRUNKS. VALISES. Cartel lings India Etibb'T and Oil tlo h Clothing, HATs, CATS Ac., No. 5 M;ii;i.iiie Stroi't, Opposite Custom Il.'ilse marlTdra A A ir nRLIAXS F. N K W U ALL, importer oruf ft j.Vr in T- r:ch T-i uUhaid Amenta P A P E K II A N C, IS OS AMI WIXVOW SBADLS id' VERY DESCRIP1I0X Alway on hand a htfr as.,.! anient ef Lcorat;oc Oak. Matlile Mo-rie lu-s.tiairi 1 eater l'apeia. Plain and laui v hurilrinjb I;:,- s.. ;rgl;l 1 faolt-SMlr nnd Celni, N'o. 14 Camp Micet nuJer City Hotel. marlTd3m . ir OULEAXH ll t i j H 1".S F"7oL"iERi CRESCENT S0A1' WORKS, Third street, between B.irr! u, snd Drj sis. Otliee No t'.o Common Street suhjd3m All' CRLFaXS. NEW ORLEANS CARPET HOUSE, 19 Chai trcs rSt lu Ws hsve rccuiverl n ;tt, n th Is-" thirty days a full ator ment of the lat..t ,trn . cf Velvet, llrti.seU. Tspestrv, three psc ksjt5 Inri Venetians. Dnteh Wool and Hemp I'm s;.o, Flo r on Cloth, cf all width, ai.d ij ialiii. u in,, checkered and Coeo Malting. Window r-bsd. s, H r . oih, 1 sbl and I'lBeo covers. niar-Jidlianl A . UK' I'SvE AC A C'l) R0DEKT PITKIN'S CRESCENT i'ljrn;;i EMPORIUM, OEXTIEUKX-S FA lUlOXA ULI fr'PSIc'r s'tf KSTABLISIIMEM's I I A f.l (MRip Mirer Weir Orlruni, THe mi!,(T!lil-:- ta .r-.e-V ViarTme1 :t home t.1 t - CavaUilUt' atI. (... aK A A 1 t Ai i l'i, (J, nd Oe- tl. Hen v ! t:, turn ot..;l-d ti,r IL ! . Jmblic r:t-m-i.t , , i GENTLEMAN".-? SKA.1" .N. Artiuiea too nuui-ion t,. , : hi tl.t-.rl - i. in M n Clothing of every di-s i. ; -,.t u ; e ? et leiil Hands. Ac Ac. ;i'.i ( t.v ;u of at A t IV TOhK I'lilt L i 'ew and spa ions ap.ii t s c-pcri,i; :y br Whoieeale. A tail and an eiAiiiili;ii;'.'ti is t -.:i t! iV. s.-:ii i ted. ROBT. I'M KIN. No. 13 A 1.), e in p Sit Opposite Lad:' Kntrani e to Cttv Hotel' matl'iitl .ViH' uA.i'i.U A. R O U S S E T, SCCCL'"R TO ROUSSET A Vinill IIIKS, II av r g :e".:!i' i ! HARD W A R i : L IT S I N K S 8 At Xo 1? OUl Lv.e Street, Oppositetbe Custom II . ' S- tf t i h p-ibilc a.,.1 former palroilf, the ion wi;g or 11 tiware SO do Colli u's. Ilui.u and MiHrp -1 l.i 3 "0 oos O S Piante-s nrl -tn N- i 500 Half B.lg .t P. ant ri HOKs -i N 80iO prTR' E CII ISS ll ) KS 6 1-1 f-t 2 Casks Ergilth C K.V M I I.I.M a... rted K'jS Casks 6 MOOT HIS . IKi.-.H lSdC-dls Vanll a l-l.iir (-i L1-N.S 50 Coll. Cotton PLOi't.H Lis' -I 5C0 Keg. Cut N i 2!dos CottinA Woolt'At'.m. S00 Ir.,n and B a.s Mi, I 'i:i Vl.d 25drZ O AttMiL-Liml H . rt l.r.C.e 8HADKB iii t OAi.ii '.i.1s'i.rt III ii.o 8HUVF.L8 100 d'l Cot. and hp sfAl.i; mi -!l VLf X Alsa verv g-n-r. ss.'-rt . sat ef SH-LF H A ROW A " K CC 1 l.r K V LO'KS, FILES, FISHINO HOiKs.nlTAl It LB. PEKCCSSIuS CAPS MI'iT ami P WL)tB. A. R 0USSET, Hrl J. JFt JD 7Jr J E, No. 17 Old Lever- Street, XEW ohi.i: 4. mhiTi-Um Aovt'Ily Iron orl., COKNEK DELf'RD AND NEW LEVEE STh XEtr OliLLASS Ilsvhrg msde eireos;v.' p'-fia w'l. n. s-s c. w pre pared to M anotacture a.i .t -tati'.ne.-y VJ.ehl nery Heciai attnti'.n hs- r,-n g .e:i to onitrnc lion of Pstlrns tor .ertc-ii 'Lr.-.t acting grg nas ;!: of the m"St ;n, proved .r. srt de.irus o.f purchasing Saw Mm Merh.nery of the b .ve d sc.-lp uon or Circular -aw s.i tt e 'eqa-'std to ca.1 and examine the Erjenrien now 01., man jfactur d tor tbat purp-j.e Mo'i ! a; or.s to i i t iu,ccaws will be made without extra rh-Mzv a. we mter.d ro devote a portion , f our ftao.u,tti; '-j th secs. itv, we cfcailrre c-.rr;; et;ti,.:t THE .NOVrlLTY IKnN V.'01'K-I '.'.rmerle 'he estatili.hmant of atrers-.n r. sn; ta-irig the nattemsof overtwenty yesrs accnn,:ii.,ti n sti.l cu hwnfl, and in exceilei.t , re -t -n pirt.. s esa tsec casting of tne san.e witton snv ch..-?- for ps'terns nan2.iOlj nl w G'jLIi N'i Pr .prlctr ii a i: i w a k i;. II. J MULLAN A CO , W holoeale Dealer In HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY, Agents for Howe's Standard Scales. 71 Common St 71 msrogdiy Arte- Off, s a vi O G t E N GEORGE, Successor to JOHN LANE, ifanuacturer and B hjluait Dtairr in BOOTS AND SHOES. No. 83 Canal Street, New Orleans. Orders promptly ftlled. marlTdeat GATES, BEIRUT k B. WHOLESALE Palers lm BOOTS, SHOES clticL Brogans. 103. CJraTier Street, 107. MAS XAGAHNE STEFT, .Vetr Orleans, La, Andrew J. Gillespie, W. 0 Plbrell, ' Aberdeen, Ml. J ' ' HaUauviUe, TsxsJ. apL Ka lane Usa ' A' r4- I