Newspaper Page Text
1 UAlJkY TANDAKD J-ACKSOISr, IVUSSXSSXPM, SlTUJRDlY, A.TJGMJSX 4, 1866. UMliKK ii7. i AND CAIRO. jA iil.OTUERS, rrP.a AGENTS, f uif a fummiwion VD WESTERN CAIRO, ILL. i - T T" O ALL uiiooAvo, t,TTD FACTOR. kl-A-S-" Ju OO., i l5 aSD PROVISIONS, pfCi, INI111"! - 1 ,'T. LOUIS. lal'j-iit.ii U-i'ciiaiUs. J' ' i.:--r. rF.Cv-XE C-LNEriALLY. it I ;,ui. "li. IfeSt - :-':; '- ;is parciAM &' f ' . : iXi i L i . a. : AC ;,.,, r .,t. i -h.d cor. :,. - rr? .v.-a Xar I:.;.: .- V,: t Ok tit.. .-.. :J. :' .; .a - t : :'- i i itann sad Luds v of t;pn. ElU. MM K K. ,3 - - - tttaiiror) Sale. l'itii of ' . -'i- 1 .' v !.ir th :!.. . v! ihl- v i : ... ' :.n Ih'. . " i'.. !;:-h. -t bi.ior .!'A . t l!ih (t:iy Of I 1 in t ; t. ii. in ih;Vitv .!i:..- --r.i.. .1 tract of ( i" t f j i i . nr,.I ecu- '. ,, ir. 1! :iii.t forty. . .8 ... .5 ! K '! v p.i I i vinr--'ton : .... ii -J7 ana 34, ! L . in '.:; iiiii- bi'tV(vu 1 .: i.j U'i'li-tia 1 1 . i'.'i ' r. 'u..l runninc j -.i:!n'o-t conivr ot "; ,i!-irT -f 1 T t.ii ".ii ;. ij iniu., i : !i-rt'i--. n i onii'i.trj" of i !: iVi'-t . '.) r of thi- t'PSt ' ' r o! c.-iion 'J.i, - 7."' mm. ' '" ' ! - I'.-i! '.7 .'Hot i .-t. - to tb" ! ". i:.i:;ro:wi Mjutb . si ''V'-.a to the comer i :n Ji-mU-uiiia to h : 1 1- ) 1 . il : li ". ! Si . -4 . i .: ! cet- . t :! 1 lice of said :i. - , ZZ. r. .-bains !I -. If. .I:-.- Ih.n. v ; u;.:.itc, Si" SH-liH : !-..! of land ly. - cf "!:e :y of ,1 .ck- l.;:.;i;ii, Jr., C ':.;!''-s;oner. Reward. r -V ji: :or;n.t"n r - vl'.D n'XL. ' vc...:. t,,e BiurUer of: iv.i::cit;cd in Ton- ' . o; Mb d ;v of ; 1. i-'.-r. C. H unphrevs, j '( 1 rfv'ii-in. t sl-. Htrof rf r' A:Ul I iio uo--ovcr require "- ' -l;'t;' t" K- u;.. -. i,t in taeir -l--'i:ve. - - aybr.:.-, ihe ( ''.tJ 1 c! J -i. i'-. ibo6. atid -M ;.!. ,tc. tr iw-tvftthth. i ri l:-j. i. ui'PiiKtrs. I 1: i ! 3 "' J ft cr 10 tjehes i -T . . - v) pouau. has 'h tt i'-fs. aud dark - ' i ad ccuuu'naace ? JJ i .-'V' " ,5 s"- " cl- aad piava i". -M-:;' ' ''-r. but does n"c.t 'J.--6 ' fifcr; :; :iesses well ; :.f .".'rr H-z'-i tone of vole, .. -'ti.-s manner. te o tj i exu or ii. Ixkj.1 f'."--''- Cutred by .rr.j::: sabscrib"-CC'- r;.:;v a;;:;fxei xaensioa -nut de ' " u;e -'brriif of 1 ' 'l"il '.S. S..XI f-) I f . I A?. '.l'.' 00 tr.c K, XFNTr K Y r! -I-- AVJVns, leRCs. I PR'MlXO I.K., L 1 : jr.. -.' Tfl"' v yp"e experience in Ww"''- fi cooadent I cao make :i hV.i" v,,,b 'juying raper to . t;r,e,Ta: nTiioir pnrv-bpsea. .tn- "t- ' ,cr uio-rwise .hail receive. i iea, v.l-"t market price in cash, rope, Ac Ac CROMEV, !"r i salo of d a St.,!, twen Seventh & Eighth, Lonsnr i e kt ft 8a!eJ,-rO0n,!'"- KiSe d Blasting i aiy. on hand and fur May 3d3n iatr?.?? of 8"aining an undi. ir entT lQ eur business, we are now ! b?t? Rt Prime to-L If not tioa. 0f Aue.'ut. they will be I' R0BtN"SOJ & CO. MEMPHIS AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. MILLER & SHAW, PROPRIETORS. JAV 4. l!I!lrk, w. v.. EVERY KIND OF f AKimix KM MiVTHG MPLEMEXTS . L WaYS ON HAND AS DESCRIBED. We roci(? attention to inqui ries Rr.d crJera. reJ ask, rs a favcr, that Dealers and Planters WE BUY FOR CASH, AND SELL FOR CASH- ALL GOODS WARKANTED. Will send for our CIRCULAR ( de scribing good-.) and our PRICE LIST. IS- We claim to sell Goods at the Makers' LIST PRICE." JET TRY US. . . . .. LOUISVILLE. J n. uiliiei: a ro. IMPORTERS AKD JOBBERS OF D XT a- s 1S1 Jlaln Street. Btwoea Fifth and Sixth Streets, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. QFFER TO THE TRADE THROIGH out too Western ni Soathoro Slat, an rn nw, large and wtU Mlecled tock of DRCOS, SEDICIXEV C iie m. i c a 1 s, ESSENTIAL OILS, PAINTS, VABXISHES, DTK STCFFS. GLt!IMVARK, TOIiACCO, CIGARS, DJi UG GISTS' S UXDRIES, AXD FANCY GOODS, Emhracinz eTeiytbinu nanaT.T foni d In Drag BiBg itnive importers of ail the Stapl Urr.nt; aiao tbe mora favorite brand of foreign -ofcaiical9, ilodicina) Preparation, etc, and aiw of toe morn oelebratwi makes of foreign Perfumery, Svaps, Br?M, Sp;., And iptts for the aala of the mwt celebrated Amenc&n and Foreign rAMILY MEDICINES. Tby zr in m position to offer special indrir mnt to Prugleta, Alerchanu acd JIera Ga- FOR CASH. Southern ordrm nd rmicmttita partirn3Hv olint5 and prvtrpvly atrirti to. Tn old roil of 9 years xp!rieiico. My3d3zn INDIAN VIRDirAI. IiTITI?TE, .o. TO, Fmurtm irrr(, pposiie Nauonnl REV. t. B. DAVIS, President. . H. JOHNSON Fiq., Vlre-Prwidnt. ALtXASDER, secretary. FRANK E. CHAPMAN, M. D., Ccnsultlar KTABLiSHfcD FOR THE CURE OP COX Iwsumptl n.ChroTiic ataxrh. Brobcbial and Palmo Dnry AffectloD'", diroreei fnnc iom of lh Heart Atosxscfa, L'Tir, c. Ac, Dysprpata, Rhnm lura, Gout, Nnrif i. a ,f the Kldncyn rad kindrM ortfns, O d Sorra art tlccr of rvry i wcription, ait NfTvoc dis&)K9, spinal. fmale, otfrin, and rhiid bd wtaka!M iain Lt tfa bars, prostration, and all otbfir Ncrvou iorrl"r. Serret maiaiii th re nit of dissipation nd early i3ra, pnxluciag tiiiorifrj of the inin, munciea, Joinu fftaait and aii ihe internal viscera, deranffini? tha i"tDctkn: cormpTina; the Wood, dvamposiug- tb snf. d-torruinFthe tru tare, and dfHcin tb beauty of the humao form dirine, are enred by the new made of treatment orijrinatedby Dr. Ohpmaa in from three to nix wb. Cuas trca'ed by rntU, and medicines sent to iJprts of the country. CHtre gvaranUfd. DR. CHAPMAN'S -'IDIN PKfcVENTIVE POWDER," prepared expremly for iadif oniy whew tea:th wUi not admit of thrir bearing children. These powders are perfectly harmless, nod have Jx-en ad in the Doctor's prlvnto practice for years with out one single faiiur. Price 9i per packajc. Nent by mail, securely eaied, on receipt of t e p ice. PR. CHAPMAN'; LIFE GIVING PILLS' pre pared expressly for tbe aired and infirm, pi Tin a berlthy action to the kidneys and strength to the blad der. These pills ntandwitbont an equal in tbe world Price Si per box, containing one hundred pilia. Sent bv mail to anv ad rt: on receipt r f the price DK CHAPMAN'S "1NIIAN SALVE" cur- all skin diaeas- and old tore of every deeription. Cures Itch in 24 ho era. $t.WO worth of choice reei rtes mround each box. giving instruction fr raftkin all to4 popul'ir hair preparBtions now io th market, eon sKioa: of dyes, wash a, oil, depilatories for r rnov ina; auperfin'us hair. Also a $2 50 m piece in the bottom of ery one hundredth box. Price fit) cnts. S-nt by mail to anv addre? on rt-c-ipt of thepric. A'tdreasaii IftterM to TH . HaPMAN, INDIAN MFDiCAL INSTITUTE, No. 70 Fourth street, op poii4 Na'ional Hotel, Iouievil';, Ky., wheiv th y will receive prompt attention. my2$dbn ED. WILDER & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AXD DEALER IS TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY AND GLASSWARE. AGAVE removed to my now nnd Sptwloti Warr hou.e, Marble Front, Xorth Side of Main Street. Xwly opposite thp Louisville Hotel, our iloor below tbe corr.T of Sixth, VVbere 1 h:ll open an entirely new stock of Goc(i and v. ill offer to the trade, together with DRCOS AND MEDICINES. A varied assortment of DRUGGISTS' FAXCT GOODS. Liquors., Cigar and Tobacco, Comprising tbe most complete assortment in one boune in tbis eountrv. All of which 1 shall otl'cr at manufacturers' manufacturers prices. April 27, 18WMV. and less than rOR CHILES AM) FEYER ! ! USE THE BEST! ! Hurley ' A sue Tonic ftevrr Fail. -Al wave be Depended I'poa atbing .Tl ere Reliable Than Ilarley'e Taaic. WILL cure Ague and Fever, Chills and Fever, Intermittent Fever, Dumb Ague. Every person who has tried Hurley's Tonic speaks in the highest terms of it. as a cura. tive agent, it is unsurpassed, and more certain than quinine. So bad results from using Uoriev's Tonic. Everv bodv should use HURLEY'S AGUE TONIC. ond Your orders to HURLEY, RUDDLE & CO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. HURLEY'S STOMACH BITTERS. For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, Indigegiion or Dyspepsia, want of action of the Liver. Disordered Stomach, there are no bitters that comp-ve wth these in removing these dis. tresslng complaints. For sale or can be had at anv Dtur store in the United States, or from the proprietors, Louisville, Ky., corner Seventh and tireen streets, to whom all orders should be addre.seu. . . HURLEYS SAR3APAKILLA. The great Blood Purifier, as a Spring and Summer Medicine, stands unrivalled, removes ail Impurities from the blood, and gives health and strength to the system. HURLEY RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors. HUSLEYS POPULAR WORM CANDY Aa this it reailv a .-pecific for Worms, and tbe best and most palatable form to give to children, it is not surprising that it is fat tak. of ail other preparations Tor worms it being tiiei., mv child will take it. ORIENTAL PEARL DROPS. -For beautifvins the Complexion, effectually ' bWtiM Klot.-hes. and nvinz the skin an eleKant smoothness not easilv at tained by any other. Its use amon the ladies of fashion in tne t-asi, . . mi.-vf .v. edicicv which at once stamp- n superior for tbe 101M of any lnuy. -; TSK, INK. rsK. j Se.ton's Chemical Writing Fluid is bocominfr world-renowned forits superiorquality. Hav iDKbeen introduced only about six years. U has become the principal in use with those who want a fine, free flowing ink. and for perma nencv,itis d-idedly the bt ink Srcmta that can be used. For coutsumr houses, banks schools, it is unequalled and m ody to be tried to be approved. For sale by Drug gists and Merchants everywhere. HURLEY, RUDDLE & CO., Proprietor, Comer Seventh and Green Streets. IMTdAwtSia. LouisTille, Ky. POWERS' PATENT PERPETUAL BROOM. or aar infornjatwa iwiwi nun vL-lrwTiatae Cntte-t Stawa. addxeaa, LOUWILLi. KT. April it dti : .,n. ' SHILBT TODD 'B-MSBo"dURA.NT A TODD, - - trv.Wela Tfeaafr in FIELD AXD . GA SEEDS, . irjtiat..Utirta Third at.Fomthr - ,.n,tr?f f t XI. III PROFESSIONAL. RICHARD COOPIK, I. . f.ITH, COOPER & KtllTH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BRANDON", KISS, febll dlv- CHARLES CLARK, ATTORVET AT Uff, has revoaed Pnctint. Kesidenre, ijolivar rotmtr, aLjwisippi. ftyt Oniee Xitpoieon, Ark. " ,BS3rltf A. G. MATERS. ROBERT LOTTRT. MATEHSI Si LOTTRV, ATT0RXET3 AT IAW, EEANDOX, Ml'ia aprll twly WALKER BROnCR. H.I. COOK BROOKE At COOKE, Attorney; at law, TicKM)rf.r, ji?s. mavl dlT JAJIE J. IIAV0, ATTOENET AT LAW, JACEJyjN. MISS., win JTe his personal attention to the coiieet r. or ee curuie of claima in Hiiid Kankin or xi-v et tbe ro'inUM. in Cw Uiwmipp:. AriliCaawly CEORGE T. 1W4. 1 TTORITEV" AT LAW, JACKMMT, MISS. mar 30 dlv FRAK W. KEVCII, ATTORNElt AT LAW, CAKEOLLTO, Kit. W. IT. ESTEI I F. ATTOP.SEY AT LAW, JaCKnOX, iliiisiwippi. Oace oo coror Socthaat of Govercor e -n aioa. arc 30. i'. r H. HAHDT, Panldtns;, Wl... ana Tf . T. J. HARUY, KaJeicjli, Mtaa At toraejs at Law and noiicitor. is tjcwirery, Pantdg MiMi. will practice in .11 tfceconm of tbth Jr.iiriai LhKrirt eonpojed of tbe cocrt'. ot Rino.. Rank La, keou. Newton, Smith aa4 Jasper, aio in tee rornfex of LanaerdRle, Clara and W.yoe. 8th DiMrirt. Ai.o Gnerai Apeoi. for he pcrrhaM sari m Laa.i.. reinip-Jon of L.n.1 old for ,ax.. qnief'.ng "I titl. At -. addre,. panldiog Mi.. or Raliti Not CSrttf. AMOS B. JOHy?TOK. TRAJf K JOHKSTON. Johnston fc Johnston, JACKSON, MISS., WILL attrad in all tbe State, Federal and City Courts at Jackson, and elsewhere in tbe Stat in jtwcial causes. Tbey will reg ularly anend the Circuit and Probate Courts of Hinds County, at Raymond. Attention eiven to the collection, compromise and ad justment of all claims. Omce opposite, tbe Capitol, up stairs, in N. East corner of Anpello's building. J. L.. IIARGROTE, ATTORXE Y AT I. A W, lirandon, Miss. Will attend ail the oonrte at, Brasdoo aod Jack- 1 eoo, wui oouect ciaim. xa v lcksourg, C&zitou or aoy- Harior practiced ui tbe Sd Jadicial Dirsrict of AliV siAsipi, be haa anperior advantage of knowing the people. Will aim aell or lease bud or buy for others, examine titlea. DAT taxea. redeem land here tofore aold, and do everAtlilng uttrialiy doce in a L grorai reai estate croKerae Dasuieea. KEFEKS TO-Hon J E McNair, Jadge Sd Ja dicial UiAUVt. iry Creek, iiis.iw.ppi. Col A 6 diavera. Anmor 01 mi. itcTeaae ol "'a uistnct Mutt., Brandon lUaivsippi; Measra. Fulkeraon A MrLaarin. Vi Union atreot. New Orleans; Warren A Crawford, 81 Carondelet street, New Orleans; Geo K S Tappan, Yickaburg. iebdlj E. V. BROWNE, A T T 0 K E Y AT Li W, 37 Carondrlet Street, 'ew tlnt.nt p. o Boxaii. REFER TO Gov. Humphrey., .lackKon, .Mi. Chisf Jnptirf. linnrfv. UaatOQ, Hon.Tho. J. WiiRrton. Jackson. ' Hon. A. j. flrown, Trry, marfrttf I'RIAB MILLeAlV. PRDRY J BROWN. OUatin Mi. Crv.tai Spriags Mioa MILLS APS BROWN. ATTORNEYS AMI COI YSELLORS r i. a v, AM) aCLMj iop. TUK PfKCHASE A.VD J-At.E OF K K A I K S i A T K. 1 1 ILL practice thir prof6ion in the various . T coui t of CopUh and adjoini: counties. SjHX"ial attention pven to ail bTiin, ss entrusted to tair are. my24dly. PR. M. W. BOVD. DR. I. F. H ARRi.NGION. Drs. BOYD A: IIAKRHflTO, HA IN'G assoeintd themselves in the prac tice of their profession, will srive strii-t and prompt attention to all calls, and will trive their joint services to all eae, without addi tional cbanre. . iia Omoc in lliilieim 3, up staii K KM OVA L, . HtssOV, IJt-iii)t. -taeiaplii. Team. HA VINTr rrmovtsd hia oitiee- to tne Irving JifoV, wonlI Murn hi thanks To Ui frienun and Uie pnbllc for tbir libera! pavrt'Dfttre. Hoping thai his earnt-flt niiavom toifive rntifiietixn in th pat will puarantee him a fare share of practice in the fntare, he Is prepared to periorra all operHtiniig ir. hi profession in the most akillful manuiir. fapDr. W. h:u a new preparation for rnatifyins and cletannin the teth. jSfaviidJm It 11. J. I,. AltTI.IJ Office at Craft A Johu.on'a Drug Store, . Tenders his Profriwional Services to the 'citizen, of Jackson and vicicitT. Fed. Sldtf I if1' KBsidence opposite Camnbellito Chnrrh, Hoae fonnevly occupied i-y Mrs. Gnioa. ir. o. j. nun, s U R li li O N L n N T I S T . Ovpt Blaciuxll, Barber ir Bariey'v Store, Front Street, MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Meridian and surrounding counties. Will attend to calls on the different railroads. His work is guaranteed. ArtihciHl teeth in. serted on Gold or Vulcanite. CP" PRICES REDUCED. i; T I T It V . DR. J. B. WASSON", Dejttist, Memphis Rooms at the well known cor ner of Main aud Monroe Streets, No. 3X2. Further reference is unnecessary, as our reputation for unsurpassed skill aud success, ful operations, are too well and favorably known ty me manv tnousantts tor wnom we have operated during the past twelve vears. . is. LVjn't mtsfcike the name, i asson. and place, N'o. 3V2, corner Main and Slonroe, .Memphis. lenn. Aiso propnetor o: the jilem- phis D-utal Depot. jWidtf. K4PP A IirFFiIAX, ENTAL SURGEONS, JAiHSO, iTIIla. D DR. KSAPP having associated Dr. John W. Huffman with him iu the practice ot Dentistrv, would recommend him tohis friends and patrons, as a gentleman of skill and expe rience in his profession, and every way worthv of patronage. Dr. H. will occupy my office curing mv absence, and attend to those in the country who may desire his services Jackson. June is,. iitr. A. B. BULLARD. A. M. NELSON. H. D. SHAW. BULLARD, NELSON L SHAW, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CarroUton, Miss., will practice in the Tenth Judicial District. Terms of Court. Calhoun, id Mondav of March and September. ChocLtw. 4th " " " Carroll, 2d M'nd'y after 4th M'nd"v MchASept. aioousaa, oui tn " TaUab.oer.hie.Sth 4th " " l.i sunnower. atii i,h " July 14, lsJ6 dly WILLLiM T. WITHERS. ATTORNEY AT iW, AND REAL ESTATE AGEXT, JACKSON, MISS. Will practice in all the Courts held at Jackson, and in tbe Co: ted sta tee District Court at Oxford. Miss. Collection, nrompuv made in all Darts of the State. Plantations boaght and sold, having sn pernor fariii. t es here, North and in fenrope. Althce at the Uld Land 09ce in tbe Capitol. July 15. tf I. ft. nAVEN, AT LAW, CarroUton. Mis. VTTORSEY will pract Tallahatchie, Sunflower and Holmes. jyiSdun J.M.BOXXKR. E.J. GOODS. J. P. DILLINGHAM. BOEK. GOODS St DILLIXGHA", 4 TTORXEY3 AXD COUNSELLORS AT m. Law. over Canal Bank, corner Camp ai Gravier Sreot, New Crrleans. janly. DAS. K- RUSSELL- JAS. SOMERV1LLE RUSSELL & SOMERVILLE, 4 TTORSXY3 AT LAW, CarroUton. Car roll county. Miss. Practice in Carroll, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, and Yalobusha Coun ties, jyifcliy, ENTERPRISE. JOHNSON fc H0LDEN, Front Street Opposite the Depot, . ENTERPRISE, MIS. HAVS aa band a verv large aaeuilutaat. bmd for lor aie at tin lowest Caah pncea, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, ; SH0E3, HATS CAPS, HARDWARE. CUTLERY. LEON Ac. Carpenter's Tools, SADDLERY, OATS, COBS AXD BACON'. ShiaideaaaaljaBbar east ia aaliyarad at a bv 4r asptjoa. ... T -. ' ". .. - tFasars alao BreBajed to raoeiea aSUada af cr- ieamjtwytsrarrpwui NEW ORLEANS. DtJLBEAR COXMERCIAL COLLEGE. Corner CAmp qd Common Sta., in ihe .cp,cioua And Ierat "Story Ba3dine," 1. mnxantly in evsaia aider aMa PieaMor. It y a. fnodcl la lB3t. ad 1. ebanered b tse State. ! forser wudean ay be foand a. PMadpalt er Bo-k-Eencers iamUnt portion of tbe efct benee pf tbi. Hty and enr Uenootnera State. La -lie. or Aentlemea raa attasa the CoanaereJal Cemse. or Bo.Kepic, PmBi.airv Mathematiea, Kngliifa, Fib( or fpaniA. A taataeea edaeeUon. Uiat eo ai ne m earn t"f 0 anoaaiiy. It the beet frr.nv oareat. sa j , - r eoa. A DIPLOMA trm tbi C',e m a-or in all Geanil ron,,- Ladiy.aj -.tleuia are in,t4 to -j KUrt 4 OOlBF.AR. Frridst. T" j. cEEKOwrf-r, jai f rairr, whliax hau t"tMMeX.. btte of SuLeeia, Eeatnckr. CHEKOwETE CASEY ;CO ('ommiioa tlercliant, Ds-rt T,n SAGGISG. H0?7. A Sit TWIXE. fOKK, SACO,A.AAU, HEEF, FLO UK a! ; WFTERN PxR0ILl''F. HEXERaLLY. So. 53 Grstlf New OrJetiie, ?"Cona' etteotion prea te the wuiuv Ker faa"Cie ard Groerw. fcr fie eottDte. nriT CRKEK a. t o.. COTTON FACTORS A.a o. Gil. Cror.vt Rirs O ULTRAS, Io. CH. RAYMOND, FUENITUEE DEALER, Ke. tl Soral Street, cwner of Bienville, ' ORLEA.VS Ha oa hand a complete .apply of .11 kinda of Far niture, of tbe laL.t rtyle, .!.' he offer for ele oa reasonable tenrm. tnar23dtjaal R. BLEAKIEY t CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS AD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VOS. 5, 59. SO "Sand 64 Pofda Street, wcer of prdra. and TchopitoAias oreet. NiEW ORLillifl. C"ir"Ali Cotton eoailraed te t. wGire?eiTe the per- ,oc 1 attent.on of r. J F. Glrauit, (iortaer'.y with tbe hor..nof wnrt A Alien; no U.pertaii reared with that ?partcect of oar bianeaa. GEO. C. SBxSIA.LS wUi ta a' tb'. boci. realr to wait on bin old frrd. Ja Idiy. f. ti. itrsiiA, Dv.r in F O R.K I G : WINES. LIQUORS. Ard Sol Prtprietor of av FIRE S ipr.t Vok. 6-. 67 filrod St. Near T-hoY.itocae Htreftfc Vw OrlrnaK. Fb1)1Sq1v.4 L. ,1. HA UT i CO., Import r re WHOLESALE GROCERS. roHsassics merchasTs, T." A 77 Teiioupitoulas Strert, - :".iiy. tfStr OSLKANS r - nu;rK, L. rot.';r, w. a. teokjs. f i n r ft P. O.. I" " irs-n BABDWiRh, IK0.1. il!F fUWDLRRY. S? i. 25 Mignzine Street. Trrjf siu James HoUL a s Orleans. LEEDS' FOUND EY. (I stabtiahed in 1825) Comer Dt lord and Foucher Streets. w e bfg .eve to iaform onr frWod and the public Fno a.iy that we are prepared aa fonneriy to man uf.rture strata Encioe. Boilers. Sitpar Milts, Snrar Kettles, Draining Machinea, Saw Wlil. Cotton Prrse. Ne;i Srre. G:iOeeriD5 Furnace Months. Grate Bar, all kin of Pantation aad t,Tnboat Works, an 1 ever desrrintioi of Maciiinrv for the 8ontb. -mbSMtjaal ' LEEOH A CO T. S. WILLIAMS, J. O. M0 SET Late General Snp't N. 0. .G.SH.R Late of Mlsssippi, WILLIAMS MOUEY1 So. 53 Kt. CHARLES 8TRKKX, - NEW ORLEANS, Real Estate Broker, and . Agccta, ' For Bnyinz Seilae or L'tr Real Estate, toe Pnrcoaee of Plf nta'ion or other Buppliee, Ceiieoting Rents, yegotiatlsg Loans and procuricg Laborers. znyHJdtt. r. CHAM6JRS-. R. O. LATTINQ' CHAMFER- &. LATTING, C O I T O N 1 f C T o n A.M. GEEh.u mmm amm Ha. tl Carondoiet street New Orleans. KeeD constanUv on hand. Bafffftnp. Rone.' Pwfan and Iran Tie. for Cotton. FeoWsi - L. GRUXEWALDS MUSIC STORE, AN'D PIANO-FORTE , WAREROOMS, No. 129 Canal BireeU, JVew Orleans. ;.: PUBLISHER of Music, and 'mDorter of Mtx. sical IcatruaieBta, Strings, etc- Janl-ly. j. BC.J. C II4XDLER, ( I-.te Paymaster . O., J. A G- . R. R. V R A K. AGENT and 0MiIISSI0N MERCHANT 47 Caronde- - in r-Li . imesns. 3' 3' naiXkM. i i nnu Fpe LODGING ROOMS, Cor. of St Charles fc Gravier Streets, (Opposite St. C--rl. Hotel ) FIT ENTRANXE, 145 Gravie. HAVING renovated the building-aria Ottea it up with entire new furniture, in view of establishing a permanent business, we cor dially invite gentlemen visiting the city, wish ing pleasant, airy rooms during their "stav, to give us a call. fe endeavor to sive atisfao tion. WULLFSSA BOWLES. New Orleans, Julv 20, l-ew. dem. D. V. HA RELET. K. R. HATXIS. trx Vriecnt. la. KanhaXL, Trza. F. M. HENDERSOX Tnioa Spring Aio. D. 31. HARKEY & CO, 1UCTI0.1 & lOMhSIB.f 3JERCHAMS, And Purchasing A (rent, No 102 Gravier St., XEW OELEASS, LA. mav lotC S. FT. GOETZEL. BOOKSELLER, PuWUhcr and Stationer, ST Magazine street, .New Orleans, and 37 jjanpnin street, aiooiie, Keeps ajwavs oa band Webster's Elementary fcpellme; Books. Mc Guffey's Scries of Readers, Web.wr's Dictiona ries and Definers Davie's Arithmetics. Qlnev's, Mitchell's aud Smith's Geographiea aodAtlas, Parlter's Phiksphies: Sacred Harps. Southern Harmonies, jieuiouist. Baptist and Presbvte- riaa Hymn Book, Bibles, Prayer Books, rnsoa Lite M Jen. iwns, Surry or Licle's Nest, Medical Books, Law Books, Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books and Novels, Juve niles, Joseph II aad Henry VIII, Letter Pre. ses and Letter Books, Letter Paper, Foolscap, Envelopes, Ink, Black. Red and Blue, Pencils, siaies, tiold ana steei rens : in snort, tn his two stores, in New Olesns as well as In Mobile, ne nas ue largest assortment oi Scnoot iiooKS and Stationery in the Southern States. He has great facilities for filling orders, and by hia cheap prices, has gained alarge cnMam. tie also Keeps me sgency tor the rresbrtenan Board of Publications, and all the new books published abroad, will be found on bis coun ters, as soon as out. . Country ilercAanta. Teachert- sad Purchasers, generally, coming uneresi v cau on t I ' &H.00ET2Ite-r .;! 67 MagaaoneSt- Nerw C"rlatt. mar- ? rahiB swfiohua. NEW ORLEANS. P?t?7ZuZ tbe tvHn ay ot kLay wr- a ; btica repainted and put 1 c- i-.i-czxei t i ani ct ditiea. aasd wir- o M;rc era.-;. t ireaidi seaaCfniir ivj i on k--j. 't hOi ra;hec tirely bw wi Jtt tue beito i:,; 121- ptwement. Arrcn4pasetTU wdi c its !e fo di-ect emnxnlca tkc wiUt New Orleans as V. Me ho'b bf a iei-b a: wdteiearrmnk. BuLard 1 et th mat avprcT pattern have bt'3 ordered cw Ten P.a AUef cn-icg1 balk, aca every asa-emea; &oi ah to 'te c tcaic aaa the p'aea, if ?i a&n. w-imac and ecLid, Forafhicr. and fi'bi : and heatthralctawa, tfcia waieru-e pewets r,o aaierr oa the o- n- it, and ih aeitr-iiT?e-i i :e ca niit it the moat p Vacant aud roa?f bt wvi April i 1-1;; y I C H AS. r. S r E5 Masafer. CAN AD I A N If TP HQ A JAIN REMEDY 1 WORMS. CAXADIAX s.4":s : CAXADIA X VER2SIF UGE. ought to pi i:- a:z WINER S CAXADIAX VERMIFUGE: WINEPe CAXADIAX VERM IF UGE, DSSTXOTS rf(Jrtrj AT C."C WINER s CAXADIAX the nussi ' IF UGE vr.sss vvIVE CAXADIAX VERMIFUGE, tus o.vxr tei::g that c : TC rXTZRVTATt 2 i"ti.'iJ..C CAXADIAX VERMIFUGE, . FOR EXPEL II? 5 , --iS Remember It i. the oniv thi t crc ba Grendftd on. It has had yc&r, cl" i h i v, cter. b.Ued wttb iov by tb- .uffrriry . .-re .d . iwr Wvrvrr't Ca'ndduin Termifujc. For sale bv ail drr,r?.f s'-i br T. r. WHICH r. SjIs Prrutor. S3 IUnVI ie (SC nar33d:y. ."t " ' -P.Ea i 1 j'-LW 1 PRBsEiIVI:. Br'T(Jr. BE A V Tl P Y i a G ;"1L H.iit. Ao-i ta the most 4fio:;-.i i--. d(.:.'u. ;.:.;:. tc world erpr'i The proprietor hao ce'o. - rrls tic .' ri iv v.r-z in com..:r.(j ani pr-'p'.r i. "... .rsrre. dient i . eclotte . carc;n:ly . rop?-- c". proper proportions sn l i, CLrs; z i '' '. : it will rive sti?facti03. comment Is nrss:'v. . f - "-.-1 -'.z-zi aii of iti eiEcacv. Ladle? wiii find it not : : ? r. r?::...i" l : RRtorp. Darken ar.ti Ri-it;.'.v tr. -".t. .r;.-c n de sirable article fir tee Toil. l. s i; . ;. l . witfcan"i an.l d.ieate p?."u3i:, :r, . t. fragrant o'.r of o.;t o; r. .i. - c . TOR $ 11 r. IY aIL DRUGGISTS iND rTP.FU'.-iER : no;: ea- j la. 3 5 Chuitrs S . . : : - SKtv OF.IK AA t Iiiporters o: STRAW, nn LI v BY, Ate T c, i: s DRY G00D5. Stock constantly renewed !.y &cs3.oa 01 tiie latest is STRAW BOOSTS A.TD Tl tT K.TZCyt ARTIFICIAL, FL0fS A K D EA$.:"ABLE TISSrES. TJCRM LlUail A L apOiT STATE L"iC:- i CO: wooir end i2i:ail L'.r.'ci n HATS. CAPS, biUAW GOODS, Gdo, Pistols, Sill ss " Fov.ucr. Sat. PERClSSiO CAPE, SVt'Or.CS FURNTSHEG GOODS CEMir.ALLV. Nos. P5 i 97 Cinul S:.:, Af-fT OFLEA.S A Large Rto-a of Lubber otjr.-1 -.vs n3 v.- II A Is il I J H a, ; t 7 COMMISSIOit LIZ2wHAIiT3 No. 27 28i-h-i New Criescs. Consifmaoenta solicited of a!i Kcs f Froure Fer tlmar atlentina g.wea io .-i. c cr .r i z i -z'rt Conorry Mrchants and P'.rc rs IV jr Ca advances made &fn ?cdt in Irsd. Jaa l'diy rt. roos co3 WHOLtSAIa AT EtTAIL Z? MENS' BOYS' YOUTHS'" GLOTHiiiGs and GENTS ' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 23, 25 A 27 Exchange Plac?, v.iJ &v Cus tombouse strcs-t. New Or.v".n- :c"clJ-ij PABTARLP A iV Ii HTlTIJ.XAEi" T t; a ti i i. CIRCULAK SA-rr MIT I . HOES CIRCULAR .ws, CORN AND FLfURL-iG MILLS, P.UEBER AND LEATHHU EELTING, STEAM AVD WATER OACOEst ENGLISH CAST ST lTL, Butcher's Saw Files, Gum, Hsr.? EtiJ Lubri cating Packinz. Bolts, Nnts zni Wis h ers. Boiler Iron and Er-ets. ba'-v V-tts, Monkey Wre:iies. C-:. Pine and Finic?, -.ut Machines. Mtthiniits Toois. WOODWORTHS' Plaiaiiy MachTCes, all descriptions or Saw 'Mrj and ira and tion Machinery on hand ana fcr aic ay EDUI Sils Jt. IVEA'S A CO., " St Chsries street, Jei d3m- iXr-m Orients. NtW OLEa'5, JuuC 10, irjC, I have associated vitli tne in raj Cctnsscrcial House In this City, -Mers. McKiaueT A Co., Hazelhurs Miss., and M'-sra. AJkil', Dur ham A Co., Apsiachicoia, Fla, sni vrui cod tinue the Cotton Factorage sad Gor.erai Coni mlssion business under the style aad Lrra of Jlerritt, ltssksm llikttis I & Co., L. M. MXESITT. Referring to the above we solicit fcr our New House the patronage of our Cntads. Our best attention will be given to the sale of Cotton and other produce, and to thep'rthise of Wes tern supplies, Groceries and other iserUiaadlze. Liberal advances will be made on consign menta to our friends in New YorV, Boston, London. Liverpool and Glasgow. MERRTTT, DUNHAM. McKLN 5ELL A CO. - ----- - 47 CaronJelet Street, - , . -? r-. t yewOilcaat- Ja8CUi,13Ca, . ej VL NEW ORLEANS. ! Drugs, Medicims, Chemicals, PAIXTS, OILS, GLASS, E-YE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, AND FANCT. GUUDS, AT WEOUsiLE. uS GUN EGA L, SO Si. Csarlis St. ". .20 -rVif OrUans, JLa- Havirc received bv The hue arrivals a iarfe 9toek of Fre-r. aa N-w Dr CQS in adUtlaa to xi.m la's, .r so. tert ca fcaai. 1 am now prepare! t cnv tfc. Urisr an.5 ia.-reuiog waau of the SRVTCr TRADE ire icttw'.BT arur.e. ootrpriae a part of aiy .toca Acids, ail kiad. Aloohol Balsam Copabia, Blue Mass, Co rax. Aismonis. Csbcasta, Bay Ru.hl. Blue Vitriol, Erimstone, Castor Oil. Chalk, red sad white, Chloroform, Copperas, Cutti Fiat Boce, Epecac, Jalap, Lanar C&o?t:e Mac, MagnesiA, Morphine, Opium, Quinine, Rocheila Salt. Pumice Stooe, Syrinpe, Turpontine. Emery Floor, Emery S And 3, Exls-scts, solid A 2uid FIas 8ed, " " gromd, , G lager, Qtua AssaiceditA, Camphor, " TragsvcAnth Glne, j Calomel, ' Ciutharadie, Chloride Lime, Coucentrated Lye, Creaia Tartar, IlldigV), Isinglass, Lict'iice, Root, Madder. Macca, Mnak, Nutmegl, Q'litksiiver, Rotten Store. j Sulphur, j Tauaia, ' . Lpscc: SalwJ, Ether, N'itric FFF. ' " Sulphuric i Gacbo, . Gsa Arabic, " BcioiD, " Sueiiack, " iiyrrh, Clrceriij, Kocs, Oil tHjrgtimot, Herbs, froah, CudXiver, whit, Oil Anise, dark, " Cinnamon Olive, p'ts a,ad QTts " Crotoa, " SHasafrss, Lemon, Pepper, black. " Pepoermint, " Wintergrean, Pepper, Cayenne, Potassa, Iodide, Rhubarb, Saleratas, Snnfl'.in jars A. bottles Soda, Bicarbonate. Whit Wax. White Lead, Potash, Chlorate, ! Put:-, j Soitpetre, I otuua, j Soap, CaalUa. I S.ui', I Sfds, Sal, j Taniic, FIR F C H E R T. I Fancy Goods, Stationery, j Combs, Brushes, . Coiof-ne, Handkerchief extracts Pomades, Flavoring, Toilet Article. Puflii &. Powder Boxe Scape,plaia&ndlancy Jatont Medicinps.ete. We woizome te oar column again our old friend, Cr Xluraphreys, andhi. .pacific Uomo9pathle Reme dies. vV. have known the Doctor for saanj eara, kacw biotas, coniantieos Christian gantlemaa, iri an accomplished pbysiriaa. We bare used bis r-pocifis onrselvew, and they are used extensively a,nn? onr f. lends, and are free to say that they are s ltb.t they claim to be Invaluable Family Meet-i-lnfu. All who the plaaaare of Dr, H '. a quaint ance, ass w that he would offer nothing to the public unless it was fully up to tbe standard of rerom EeD5.t'03. lll.flPllll.GYV KOjilEOPATiilC (SPECIFICS. nA V F, proved, from the moat ample eiperleace. an entire saeo.s; Simple rVomjl Eflldeat and ... i,. Toey are tbe only M.'daine. perfectly sopt r popalar nee 40 bloapie tnat mlstaaes eaa- t hr insae ineiDffttieai, so b.nnle. a. te be free -i2 dans;er an I 3o,fncient a. to be always reliable. ' i have rsldtb-hiKhest eostiaencutioa frm aU T-ill always render satis;ac.ion. t-eata. Care. Fmrt, Comrsstioa. laS-msticn. K ' "o- 1 2 ' ffsnm WTOftwr. eera colic.. ? " Crvmjrbi: or Teetthie ot Infants.. 5(5 4. " Lha-rrvta t chi dren or ado t.. 2 5. " Dytrntey O-lil c Blllloo-Colis .... 2. 6. " CwicrifMo-ik N.aeea, V"Cituir 'if " Caught t at. Broue His vi 8, " yotroia Teoth-.he. Pcea-he......Si5 ?. ' Uriiach t fr:c .be Verti, o. .. .2, J'. Lrytpsia. Btli.oa. Stomach. .1, " 5r.jpraatd or painrnl Peri-wl........ S.S I.'. Wnizst too profore Prloti...... JS, - Ow tsjtb. OtlBrBit Br. Jiz(t 14. ' Salt iuWTMil, arysipela. Eruption. 6 iS " KhtviaHtn Kh'nn.e IC' liS i6. " Fcxr ui AfTi. Chi I fever. Ague. -25 1. " Plies blljs o- b.reuiod i') 15, " Optoici.. acd re or weak t.'yes....Su 4t Cczarrk, arnte or cc'onlc It nuenra..r' " n'hocptr-Ca. violont C- ok1is......0 " sA.-i isiii.'l. breathing; So " Elf Vteduis-g . impeired Herlny....5o Ct ScrcUa t.iats;es Qlands, Nweitlugft. 5. Vi. " Git-ai Debility. Pi.ysic.1 Weakness. 50 " Dropiy snd ksdij secretic-. : " Sta.$us:-ret f on ildlnr 27 " A'ranry VUrtut Qr.vei SO r;. " .r,crcct- Utility ieminaH SrrtistU'-nl mvolnat.ry . .1 00 5a- blotch Canker. 50 Urinary jnamtiwice, wetting tes .. o 31. pat'fui Ptrioat, even wl a sx . - - "i0 5ter-s at eaoee of life... 1 Oo Epipri Sia.ra, 8t. Vit0i"OnBe .100 Lxtpiherui. ale. rated Sore Ttroat.... io FA31ILT, CASES. ?,s via or. ceo cse, and boo& aiOoo .0 is. (re vigi,, ir. mor cso, and o ok...... vi,i.. plain cue. sad hook i5 Done, (i-ios. 1 to IS, and book e oo f oo VETfcrt.ABT;,SPCIFIC. ! Viirrg.nv cae, 10 vials 'inao Siovlfr vjals, hh direction......... 109 ffrT uc t Kcedie., by th c.oeor .in e b.-I. are ; :o in, p.rt ot rbe eenntry, by Hail or r'.xpres., ! tree of crarRe oa receipt ottheprico. Address t HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC j liO.MCEOPATHIC MEDICli.E COMPANY. nrt Iff.ft. !. K Bro.dway, New York. I lr. Htt-vpir7i is enosnltei daily at his ofiiee, pr j sr-iini" prby letter, as above for a.l forms of disease. JAilES G0NEGAL, WhoVsale Agent for the Southern Stat. CRAFT &. JOHNSON', AGENTS, Jackson, Afiss. Msrrb S".tlv. ' FAMILY' MEDICI N E S. TaaaT BEST IX THE WORI I! it'EB EN OWN T FAIL! rtf.1 rtlaSAM A"D r'.BITIVS JCVKI ! WAR BAN TED! Gardipers Rheumatic qz:.!!:; ftc-o-ad bj tbe '(i-xtifcai ifan'ty is ''fTmd io xf t j'oi!" aj uire;-ia!le. by ocbr In tif travt of t amar:Uai r4 jfiraJfi:s, m acattw of h" lca;c; or tow f. r AtVata wio had for rRrflro a mirbl ttittminm, hmv by aa cb-.OL-ai 4 iM.f tbta ' BiC3 of tiiM." bo rauwA4 tr haejb acd cotafort aftr ml! ttM &juai rmva ud rr-irBiS baa tr.d &Dd fintad bmi. iia nr priiiEs ifftfCT-a iiTi bwo a,jrtaacl by tbouaoHa. ad iivsr iDwa tv imh It rrilra an r:ranot frt-za to-iaeM or pianr, and may b caed by thoa at rs'-t ac:a et?iiAiitcuoii" a a, atrift piuiiT ot the oiod, Tecir! fa o twt sMatial to Ih fotiroa.- T .MFS GONEGaL, New Orleans. Wboieeaie A vent for the Smith. 7jf Sc.i-1 by ai! Drergists. ' mr.dl r. 'A THING OF BEAUTY IS A .IOY FOREVER." .1 ART HA WASHIXGTOJ H A I E RESTORE K Is a ptrfoct success The beet in Market. A SALS. ZEZ-SSF.E A.Vi MALS BLFTOREZ B'JTH COMBINED IN ONE. 1U.UOO Living Witn.-ses are tetrttfyint to thetr f-iftiiM, frci day today, of ii Wonaerfn P,ffe-t. 1 It is cot a dye - I. ;'! n--T color the "kin. 3. K wi.. fM-.e the Har frtrx a grey to a Beaq t f&i Browa. or A'luro. er whatever miebt ts v - oeer its oris-.aaieoor, and canaeitto aasusie it. tormer 4. 1. wiiJ t aii Hmsn and Ittseaaee ai the tsifK kefp the bead cers aad niee: nsc-vs the Cazaran-snd Scarf from the Bead, keep tbe Hair svtiet aad s,.k-l-tfce in appearanoeas . LN YOUTHFUL DAYS. 3. It wiU proaote a Healthy Orowth ; Bravest it froaj f.ilirs; off. .ad Caise it to Grow on Baid Heads. Wnere -.cere is Life and Vitality a: te Ro??s. Bn: where trees are rose there la Kc Hcpe tf Sccceas. TEE T MARTHA rVASE2GTG! HATE. ZT.B. is as each aiead of acythin; of the kicl. sow in tha naiket, as the sen entshises th snooa La Srlghtcsss aad Olory, TEE BEST TESTIMONY THAT CAN srea wiu aa to. 4 laaie of eaefe boola. Weiracwd to do All we Claim for it BE Th e Money Refunded, After vising two Settles. Trrlt, AXD BE C0XVZXCSD. Sold by all Dmggiju ud JJealers la Hedicioea ererrwheu. . , . ' 20 Si Charias St,2iaw Orleans, V&Sily. Sol Aitsata. NEW GFi LEANS. KUBB3L SUPERIOR OLD CABINET BRAPJDY, ( MIEICATtO. ) a AN UNEQUALED REMEDY DIARRHOEA, KUKS S COMFL AX a TS, CHOLERA, CE0LEEA TOEEUS, Griping Pains in the BuireJa AND CHEONIC DLVEEHCEA It !s highly approvcHi by tha Madical Facnfty FOB CHANGE OF WATEK AND DIET. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, AND EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED H U B B E t- S3 CELEBRATED GOLDEN BITTERS A PURELT VEGETABLE TONIC I iBTigarattog and Htrengthcniti j- Fo titirs the yst-iu ssaitit the evil effects of unwholesome watt r. F. r snl.; in a'l parts of the world. XT' CFNTRAL DEPOT AiMCiic.m Ex press Building. 5,r Hudson stre. t. New Y'ork; Manufactort Ilud-on, New York. CEO. C. HUBBEL & CO., Proprietors, '.le Ajfent. JAS. GO EG L, Whols-ale Drug its. i::h2tUy 20 St. Charles St., N. UTl ans. LILI E N TH AL'S PnOTOOEAPII GALLERY, 131 POID6AS SJT-, EAiB C Zip. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ESTABLISHED I III. PICTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Are finl-hed In this establi-hinei.t in tie best style. Particular att ntlo 1 is p'd to ENLARGING SMALL PICTURES tc any desirable aUe. The most linp.rfsot small Il.-tures may be enlarged to life 'lie, and Eal-Unl in Oil, Psstel, Csnvais, Parchment or in Photographs, Painted in Acj .rel. India Ink, Ac, Ac, &c. THE BEST ARTISTS Only are employe! . In sending saiall picture"., parties should state th- color of eyes a0d hair, and dirs-t tbe style the picture U t,bi iini-h-d. When convenient, it is b. Iter to bring it Vheai selvrs and give full directions. No work n'l lx acccj te-i unless it g'.vet complete saiufaction, S3 Pictures ot Decaed FRIENDS AND Relatives can be made to -mik upon you As in Life. E3T Prices moderate to suit the times. mar22dly. SEW ORLEANS CARPET JJIJtSE, 19 Chartres .St 19 "I'VE have received within the Inst thirty w days a full assortment of the latest uat- erns of elvet, Bru.s. Is. Tap-trv. three pack aces Inirrains, Venetians, Lut.'h Wool and H-mp Carpeting; al-o, Floor Ji I Cloth, oi sil widths and qualities, White tbeiktred and Coco Mattinz, Window shades, Hair, Cloth. Table aud Piano Covers. mariMdtjanl. A. BF.OS-r.AU & CO. LEWIS ALCtra. ISAAC STIIKKCK ALCUS & SCIIEKCK, ( lsts of Summit. Mis-. ) Cotton 1 ii t r- 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 73 C'arondtiet st,, New Orleans, juiii-lv. E A R N E 8 T T U It PIN, XauvcttuTfT pf eC ki'vit if t tTV C'A.IDIKM, ktRlPN, flXn DROPS. JCJCBE PASTE AV T. SUGAR ALMONDS. Hy Steam, No. P3, Oid Levee street B.!".n si. Loa;, &ji fnn'l saatfldtja-l SEW OKLZASi. I. A. GONZALES, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AKD 1MPOETLR OK HAVANA CIGARS AXO CCBA PHOUICE, 29 Tchovpitovlas Street, mar gldij- J,'EW 01LL EA Si 6. T. CWWrs, O. H. V. ELAf-E, New rleans. Hampton, Ark. R. BALLAVF, New Orleans. t. tooimm & t o., COTTON FACTORS AU COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 26 Gu-ondelet Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA. CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton, Sugur, Molas e. Woo!, Hides and Produce ofaii klads. solicitiBd. ' Order- for Plantation Supplies, or anv kind of M-nhanclise for the Couatrv Trade", tiled at the lowest market prices. Reiving and For.vardiag done with care and dispauh. REFEitzycrs : W m. S. Mount, Esq., Citv Bank. New Or'eass Mews. N. M. Carter A Co., Mobile Ala.. ' " Jeutins, Bro.. EufJa, Ala., " Stacy A Polan, Ebrep..rt, La., Wm. A.ioodwyn, Esq., M- mphi-. imn., Joseph H. Blai-k, E-5., line Bluff, A.', Hon. T. F. Sorrell, Wamn, Col. H. U. Bunn, Hampton, " Hon. M. fioeeman, Arkadelphis, " Col. W. T. TownaJ, Winona. llissisat pi. Jel9dom. J.y. WaXTUaLLL L. WALraaii Newbem.Al. .wm.h.stSfSuLIY . Marion, AJ Vfekeburg. Misa. WALTHALL & CO., COTTON FACTORS GENERAL COM JnniuN MEHfHANTS, , Ho. 13 CbIob street, yew Orleans. SSF Proeap attention vrfU be given to th , sales ot GoOon and Western Produce. Ail r Oars triUba carefully Blied. Liberal adv.i. wtl he mios la Caah er 8of pUs on C;v ifaadto ma. jKfrG