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- r. 1 THE DAILY ll!.10. A.D STA1)ARD J. L. POVTEK, B. r. JOXES. JOTTES 8 HAMILTON, JAMES J. H AJTSOS, HAMILTON, POWER & CO., FCBLISUERs Ay U riCOPKIETOK J: Klli.WOX. Kdit-r. TERMS: Utea of Subscription thtlv per snnnm- in a.1 aclu.ui, hif VBrly. quarterly 3,iai. per aimam, C"0 ; half yearly fcii-U RATES OF ADVERTISING. Tncnu adverbMMiieuu. tlrat UiMirtiua, saV.,; 6SC saw!00 Uwei-tiou. 7.Vta. per mtaaie. All baslno Dttc of mlvrT.tmeot to ObargMl twenty cent per lino ; if mora fail, oats qoro. cbi pr nun. eh itiwrtikju. lgft ootio-s wul be chared, in all a trn- iTertiniTjt opruofof publication made t !1 the rer: a.r--ent u pud 11 truaie&t adverunfeineEt most be ja:-i 1 - All bill with regular advertisers (-bail be ren ml OMcial Jaraal mt (far City f Jackson- Officlal Journal Tor llie Publi cation or I lie l.av or tin United Ma1. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE STAT V. St. Lons, July 29, 1S6C. There were two deaths in the city Substantial Admiratioa. We take the liberty of making the frtllnwirnr pxrant from the Drivate let ter of a radical Anti-Radical friend. I yesterday, from sun-stroke, and one whose admiration,' for a letter recently from heat. The day was hot and sul-pnblished-in this paper is so intense try, but towards evening became tht Hp nronoses Hvi'no- the author U-ooler, and . this morning is quite r-i o o - ........ thereof a bale of cotton from his new prop; ..We hopirta -obtsin : the- neces sary permission to reveal to him pri vately the author a name, for we know pleasant Another incident, tuat oc curred yesterday, was the sucide of a beautiful young lady, Miss Mena Bush, the daughter of a grocer, reported to that he would esteem it a great pivi j be worth 100.000 dollars. It appears that a voung man, Henry lazer, ana Saturday : Au-u-t !. 1I i). Address op IIux. J. W. Ci. vv. We acknowledge the receii t of this excellent address, to which we had the pleasure of listeiiing on the occasion Of its delivery at the Slats University. Regarding it as one of the brightest literary and philosophic getn.s of the times, we shall publish it at length in cur columns. Erazil. Our tric i'i Gen. Still writing about Krazii. posed that he ha 1 e?:.:au3tei Ject, in our column:-, but i from late files of the ZSTa that he is just getting hi1 of the ouestiou. Inez s lb. "Woo I i We sui the ui. appcars morn Re. Dr. Wa-.ltUll, is tio-. tbjjugh West Tenae-ree, the educational ajvaitig State University u lour sonting A man who stole a horse iu Coiuui bus on Sunday, was puri;.ed by tin: owner, caaght. tied to the horse's tail, and in that position, u;:ii xhed into town and delivered to the auiliontie-v lege to carry out hb threat in the very best faith : "Although your views and mine arc very far apart, I miss the Clarion and Standard very much if it does not make its regular visit, "which it has not done for some time past. But my principal object in writingyou is tj ask tiie name (if you are at liberty to give it), of the author of the private letter to yourself, and which you puhlished. dated July 20, and advising against the South" s responding to the call of the Philadelphia Convention. Now I so seldom see sentiments so exactly my own in newspapers now a days' that when I do Iaui rejoiced. I must know who the man is who thinks a that letter indicates about the humilia ting anxiety we have shown since the surrender to get back into the Union. If vou cannot publish your friend s name, write me who it is I want to I know the man. I want to give him a bale of cotton from my new crop ; and I have a great mind to order your daily issue became you even had liberality enough to publish such a letter. If you do so many more times you may lookout for the cash for your daily." That is certainly a great induce ment to be 'liberal,'" but our friend ought to have known before, that al though we have views of our own. which are freely expressed, our col ums have ever been open for a fair and in: partial discussion of all questions aiiei ting the public welfare; and we promise him that the communication which he sent another journal, and which does not appear as lie expected, if sent us, itshall have an early and C Jii-picuous ventilation. Mrs. Jacob Thompson White House Motid.iy, to interview with the 1'io-i.le mission for her husband. t in Nova Scotia, to re turn ted States. ,..-s ai tU obtain an i for ner- i now Uni- The New Yorl is a discrepancy 1 e ra 1 1 t:lte-s thii e of i-ouio thirty mil lions of dollars, wid.-i. has be..-n 'lis covered in balancing the a.-.'om.n of Judge Chase, while .Svier.iry 'f the Treasury ; or rather, that hi account do not balance l.y ihu amount. V nice little di.:!i''it in-jood in thv i-a-!i ac count. The IJ(u-a! I c!:.-i-x-s ilud -Mr. Fcsseudcn resign,. ,1 on ac.--!i!-t muddle in which he found the cury nceouat.-. aii'l J'i. .M cC'illoi been unable t -!.-. nti.e; f t!:e 'l'rea- ;i iiiatteis The freight h am. i h .i,-;, f( ,-,:n Vicksburj, over ihc n-'v brid'i-e. ar rived yesterday. The i is d freiglit taritf, our mercliants sav, is ciy rea sonable the freight mi ilour. lor in stance, having been retinoid from 81 SO to 85 rents pet- barrel. eaKiiig Co.' The Philadelphia Age. i-i of the adiournrnent rf the Tti gress, says, that "if, in pauioiism. the majority have been sadly, wickedly deficient, in corruption, extravagance, robbery, and profligacy, they have reached an altitude unknown hereto fore in the annals of this, u: lion." The New York World ays that some very silly people in that neigh borhood, are 8till under the delusion that the real Governme nt of the United States is a written constitution, and one Andrew Johnson President under i that Constitution. AVe should think that popular fallacy raJlcollii played out by this time. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Washington on Monday, having just completed a trip an ollicial tmsiuess through some of the Southern States He gives an account of tiie feeling and temper of the Southern people, who, in general, are found well disposed to wards the Government, and ready, if they shall be permitted, to give sub stantial proof of their loyalty and de votion to the Constitution and Union of the States. corrc-iifDilciicc of thf Clarion :iml staiulnr.i. KKOn K tT 7IIS1. HSI. Wayne Co , Miss., August 2d. '66. Mr Editors: I have not for the lust two months received more than two numbers of 3'our journal. It is hardly worth while to forward it so long as the Postmaster General's or der is in force, forbidding the delivery of mail matter at Postoillces where men could not be found to take the ollicial oath required of Postmasters. The Uadical members of Congress seem to have determined to rule or ruin the countiy, and their rule evidently tends to uSter ruin ; and most of the heads of departments seem to have discharged their duties according to the malignant spirit of their part-. I am pleased to see every h here in the Southern States a disposition to send members to the Philadelphia Conven tion on the 11th of the present month, notwithstanding the cold shoulder given us hy those who got it up, and the Democratic members of Congress who recommended it, in harping upon j tne Ka bcal cant, ' loyal men, loyal L ntot I nun." etc. 1 trust that all the South ern States will be fully represented in that Convention, and if their delibera tions be in the spirit of peace much good will corne out of it. The South having been bulleyed into 1 the late war, by the Badicals of the North, it is not strange that they should con! iuue to speak of us as they do It is unfortunately an instinct of human nature to hate those we have wrong fully injured. But it is strange to me that sound conservative States-rights men, who are endeavoring to heal the wounds of the war, should taunt u-: with disloyalty. The President knows very well, and the Democratic mem bers of Congress know very well, and Montgomery Blair, who is not afraid to speak the truth. knows very well, that South of the ISorler States there are none that the Radicals call "loyal men," who have remained among us during the war, worthy a seat in Congress, or the pro posed Convention. Then why do they indulge their imaginations, in creating such a party in the South ? Your long residence on the border of the pine woods region, mutt cause you to feel some interest in us. We had a sort of spasmodic life since the surrender, in the demand sprung up for cross-ties, bridge tim ber and other lumber on the railroad, and for saw-logs at the mouths of our rivers on the coast; but a great red uc tion has taken place in the lirico of Mi-s Mena. were engaged, in marriage, but her father, Bush, refused his con sent, and was very bitter and violent in his opposition. The lovers, unable to meet at the house of Bush, had stolen inter iews, and Fazer, iu order that he might be near his beloved, ob tained a situation as bar-tender in the Star Sr.Ioon, next door to the residence of Bush. A few weeks since it was reported that Fazer had been detected in a li'json with the servant girl where he worked this, Bush circulated every where, with fueb. additions and exaggerations as his enmity suggested. M-'iia disbelieved the story, but it greatly mortified Fazer, and made him almost deranged. While in this state of iiihiu, the lovers met in the city, day before yesterday, and after pass ing meet of the day together,brooding over their disappointment, mutual agreed to commit suicide. Mena was to take arsenic, Fager, laudanum. They returned near Bush's house and separated, with, the expectation of meeting in another world. About midnight the groans of the girl aroused her mother she admitted taking poison.-physicians were called in, but too late she expired at S yesterday morn ing. Mena, be fore her death, informed her parents of the double suicide, and the police at once went to Fazer's room, and found him suffering from the effects of poison, lie had swallowed an ounce and a half of laudanum. A physician wai summoned, remedies ap plied, find he is now out of danger. Fyfcel is i.i great distress, and declares he will yet put au end to his existence. The young lady is said to have been very beautiful and interesting. Fazer is a harmless, inoffensive young man. of rather good appearance, certainly with a very weak head. They were devotedly attached to each other, as the equei proved. Altogether, it is a most remarkable and melancholy case. The census of St. Louis, just taken, shows a most remarkable increase of population. The total is 204,327. There arc white males over 21, 53,512 ; under 21, 46,:;t6. White females over 21. 1", SIS: under 21,48,721. White population PJ1.450. Colored males over 21. 2.415; under 21, 1856. Col ored females over 21, 3,038 ; under 21. 2.5:i.v Colored, in all, 9,877. The negroes, compared with the whites iu the city, are less than one in twenty two. Nearly one-half the inhabitants are foreigners, and more than one-half the voters. The white native popula tion is IO.S.000, out of a total of 204. :J27. There are 50,000 Germans, 20.000 Irish, aud about 10,000 of other nationalities exclusive of the blacks. 1 he proportion ol naturalized voters to native, is as 20 to 11: while about 12,000 foreigners over 21. arc not citizens. It will be seen row impor tant an tleinent in elections is' the for eign vote, and how completely it might control the city. The Germans have generally been Radicals, but great changes have taken place recently and it is believed that at the November election, the city- will giyc a large ma jority lor the conservative Johnson ticket. St. Louis is making rapid strides iu manufactures and commerce, and if she can secure the trade of the valley of the Mississippi, will eventu ally become next in importance to New York. With a suspension bridge over the Mississippi, a trade worth millions of dollars would spring from Illinois, and St. Louis would become the great corn market, as Chicago is the great wheat market, of the United States. Anlf 3IiWr r thm t&mtl'c - ADDRESS ' fattf ltctlrrrrdattbeC'Bireraitraf !HiIlppi. tt cJ i til t . 4. a fchlf le rl wf Trwew, i. cu,!U M we jewM c--err-r Jf9, !!. br Orleans papers of yestersay : ' The State of Louisiana, First Judicial Dis trict, Parish of Orleans, Fiist District Court of New Orleans, The Grand Jurors of the State of Louisiana duly empannelled and sworn ii the name and by the authority of th said State, upon their oath present : That Rufus K. Howell R. W. Ben nie, Terrenee Cook, R. Xing Cutler, Jno. L. Davies, James Duane, Ennis, W. R. Fish. G. 11 Flasrg, Ed mundJFlood, Ed. Hart. Jbhn Hender son, Jr., W. H. Hire. Geo; Howell, II. Ma&s, Norman, P. S. O'Couner, Orr, Jno. Payne, t-Pintado, O. H. Poynot, Chas. Smite, Jno. A. Spel licy, C. W. Stauffer, W. 3. Waters and Hamilton, togethei with divers other evii disposed persns to the num ber of three or more of jbe jurors un known, on the 30th daypf July, 1S60. did unlawfully, violently, riotously as semble and gather togaherto disturb the peace of said State of Louisiana, and the said Rufus K. Itwell, etc., etc., etc, did there and tte-n unlawfully claiming themselves to be a Conven tion for the revision ol the Constitu tion of Louisiana, tins unlawfully, violently, and riotousl; intending and attempting to take possession of. to subvert, overthrow ani usurp the Con stitution, laws and go'ernment of the State of Louisiana. And the Grand Juror" upon their oatl dosaj- that the said Rufus K. Howell, et--., etc., etc., did then and there make and knowing ly assist at the unlawful assembly aforesaid, contrary to th? form of the statute of Louisiana. (Signed) Axdrcw S. IIkkon. Attorney Gen. Stite of Louisiana. Upon the presentatbn of the obove bill of indictment, tbi judge ordered writs of arrest to be ssued for parties therein named. Gei.. Hays proceeded to execute the writs, found the city under martial law, called upon Gener al Baird, who stayed proceedings and indorsed on the writs, "withhold ac tion until further orders." Gen. Baird. however, reconsidered the matter end informed Gen. Hays ytsterday that he could proceed to execute the orders ol the Court. On the Saturday preceding the jiot. Lieutenant-Governor Voorhies and Mayor Monroe called cn Gen. Baird, and asked, "Should the Grand Jury find a bill of iudictoaeiil against mem bers of the Convention if they con vened would he allow the writs to be executed ?" He rejJied in the nega tive. Under this indictnent, military re striction having been withdrawn for the execution of the writ, the follow ing parties were arested last even ing: Judge R. K. Howell, O. Poy not and G. II. Flagg The two first mentioned gave bonis as required, in the sum of 81500 etch. Juge Lacy became the security of Judge Howell, and Elmire Luscey for Mr. Povnot. When we left the Sheriff's office, Mr. Flagg was still in custody, no bail hav ing been offered for bin. IIO. J. W. CLAPP, - "v a lff Bbrr f ihe Bar J. After so long a suspension of the exercises of the Univeiity and it reorganization un der the auspices of what is, in many respect, a new regime, tho Board ol Trustee deemed it appropriate to signalize this re-commencement, if I may 60 designate it, by a public address from one of their own number, to be responded to by some member of the Faculty, selected by that body. The honor represent ing them upon this occasion was conferred by -i be Board upou myself, and not being present wheu the appointment was made, I bad no opportunity of declining it, as I should have felt compelled to do, until too late to make otber arrangements, and am therefore here to-day, to viudicate, iu the best manner I may, the wisdom of their se lection. In discharging the duty assigned me, it is, I assnre vou. with no affected diffidence that I invite you to the humble entertainment which I liave to offer, after the sumptuous inullcctual repast which has, from day to day. during the present week, been spread btt'eiv yon ; but time and event have with iik -;uily sobered both head aud beart. ami whatever verihif may once have existed iu tiie fields of fancy, is now withered, and all the dowers of rhetoric are faded aud gone, aud I can but offer for your consideration 3 me homely and practical suggestions. Kepngnant as it is to my tastes and fill ings to discuss now questious touching upon our public affairs, I have felt that I cou'diiot well avoid doing so to some extent on the prc.seuf occasion, and could not, perhrps, better meet the demands of the hour than by submit ting some re rlect ions with reference to the great ami vital changes that have re eeiitiv occurred in our condition aud circum stances, a individual, and as a people, aud with reference to the duties and responsibil ities resting upon us. and especially upon oe.r institution of learning, aud our young nice., in this new phase of our social and in dustrial existence. In pursuing the line of remark thus indi cated, I am not unmindful of the admoni- -iucedis per ignes, Suppositos cincr dolosi." IJutyet, in treading over tbeso "treacherous embers," and amid still smoking ruius, I do not deem it necessary to preface anything I may say with cither protestation or profes sion as to my .motives or opinions, nor have I any tear that I Khali give ntterauco to senti ments obnoxious to any jast criticism, or otherwise do violence to tue proprieties of the occasion. With reference to tho causes which pro duced that frati icidal strife, so mourufully caianiitous in its results, it is not my inten tion now or hear to speak. It is, however, bnt vindicating the troth of history, and the -wisdom of the fathers, to state, that it grew our of no design or desire to change the form of government as originally estab lished b them, nor out of any dissatisfac tion with the Constitution itself, but was the bloody at-quul of a war of ideas which had been waged almost from the date of its adoption, as to the proper interpretation of that instrument, aud which it was believed by us was so interpreted and administered ly a dominant section as to threaten the practical subversion of the government, aud the inevitable destruction of those rights of person and property which it should be the end and object of all governments to foster and protect. Whether these apprehensions were well founded or not, aud whether we were at stractly right or wrong in our theory of the functions and powers of government, Stare ami federal, or in tho means to winch ve re sorted to vindicate this theory, it is not my purpose to inquire. Iris enough to know, tleif aft r veais of birter controversy, of crim ination aiid recrimination, the theatre ,.f j the great work of social aud economical re strife w;t shifted from the busting" and the generation upon which we have entered, halls of legislation. t the ramu and the; At the very threshold of this work wo are affections of the whole people, and tho Union would give greater astmrauce of perpetuity than at any former period of its existence. Strange i wis, that if those who advocate and adopt the punitive and nnrelentin pol icy to which I allude, are really what they profess to be.frienda of the Union and of the country, they d- not profit by the teachings of all history, and learn that m the moral as well a the material world, like produces like: that whilst the exercise of passion, nreludice, and vindictive power Dever fad to exasperate and alienate, and to perpetuate a eoanict of opinion, renderieg truth aud in nocence more resolute and uncompromix in2 : falsehood and error wore persistent aad dangerous; on the other hand, the exhibi tion of mercy, moderation and magnimity produce a corresponding gentleness in the subject of their action, aud if they do not convince and convert, at least disarm opposi tion and secure confidence aud co-operatioii. Were there not, in the providence ol .od, a man placed at the head of public aliairs who kuows how to apppeciate thu- character and prfessions of the Southern people ; who knows that although we may be impulsive aud wrong in our opinions aud action, we are at least, incapable of treachery aud dis simulation; a mau of enlarged aud compre hensive views, who can rise above the pesti lential atmosphere of party to vindicate a principle ; one of that inflexibility of pur pose that is now required to stand unmoved at the helm. nd hold the quivering ship up on her course until she outrides the storm, we might well despair, uot only of any amelioration of our condition, but of the Republic itself, and of constitutional liberty, which would inevitably become the victim of a suicidal aud remorseless fanaticism. The manner in which the Southern heart hasexpauded.aiid its respect and confidence h:.v Iw en extended to one who, when but more thau twelve months since he was un expectedly called to the position he now oc cupies, was unquestioably the most obnox ious of all men to the great mass of the Southern people, proves iiieontest3b!y what I liv Rii.rsrested as to the effect of a like conciliatory policy on the part of the legis lative branch of the government. I do not mean to say, that, as the result 01 that policy, social auii sectional distinctions would have been at once obliterated; that an immediate oauu oum u. .n.u n"'" to Weeding ad broken liearts : tlnst we would have been false to the memory of our lamented dead, or have ceased to honor our venerated living; or that the oppressive sense of a great public sorrow would have been at once removed; nor do I mean that the natural antipathies of race, transmitted from the deludge down, would speedily disappear. Nor is it necessary, that iu order to vindicate -nhat is termed our 'loyalty,'' we should become, social monsters, stilling the instincts of our natures, ignoring the claims of friendship and the tics of blood, and degrading our selves to the level of an inferior race. Those who are so swayed by passion, and so dead to every generous emot ion. as to make a com pliance with these unnatural demands a test of our allegiance, or the evidence of our feultv to the government, would be satisfied with no sacriiice wo could make, however great, nor with any suffering we might en dure. We have already, as I have shown, given the most ample proof of the sincerity of our professions: enough to justify the conviction with every unbiassed mind, that had the policy of the Executive been the policy of the iwrwnmrnt. we would to-day be. pract ically and politically, a remitted people, working earnestly together for the common good of the couutry, and presenting to the world a front unbroken and invincible. t!ut whatever has beedoruiay be the ac tion of the Federal government with refer ence to the Southern cannot release the people of those States from the duty and the necessity of gathering up, as far as prac ticable, aud applying to the best advantage, the fragments that remaiu of our former prosperity, and of prosecuting vigorously LAWS OF THE CMTED ' STATES, ! Pacd at the first session of the Thirty-ninth Vongre. official. Prnuc No. Ill TH TAX IYW. Ax Act to reduce internal taxation ami to amend au act entitled ''An act to provide internal re von no to support the Oovern ment, to pay interest on the public d. i t. and for other purposes,'' approved Jim. 3., 1554. aud acts amendatory thereof. ( C o i I i n u e . ) That section twenty be amended by strik ing out all aft, r the enacting , !;Mise ami sel'tiug in lieu thereof the 1, .flowing : That tho assessor of each collei tion disttiet snail, immediately after the expiration of the time for hearing appeals concerning taxes return ed iu the annual list, and from time to time, as taxes become !iai'!. t" n.ak out lists containing the sums payable accord ing to law anon eer. sei.j. ( ol t.t.itio'i for each collection distti' t ; v, inch list glial) con tain the name of eaci. pi-r-oii residing within the said district, or ov.a, g . r ha ing the care or superintendence "f propel tj 1 ii;g ithin the said district, or engaged in a-iy business or pursuit which is liable to any tax, when such person or person aio known. t"gethei with the sums payable i. each; i ial where tiieie is any propcm wit bin any l!..-iioi district liable t i.e., not os e. d or -envied bv or under the sane! in: em;, in e .,! :n, pel- soil 'eni' tit rate list of si. m pavablc. proiu tel ors ITK In lieu tVw or and coll J. , t V , V wCesMl 8 slnpp, in VV , LL- Pd -hall be -,,5 ?V, 0. the cotumif-7 W'- ' Z tors are p7' amount sUira f6"1 oa which t;;e pe and collectors l - Co HIS rtlTVr in t: . . ...s and c,.l!tt,r, shall a. era,-' l,-..e l,.,.i. , ' upon ass. during ' b th siii h pii.p, t , and i i.e iiatr. '. ben know n. making out ur s;r r, sco:, mir to the n-se-snr i ine persons liable to pa -'e h have their principal oiae, of the lis; "of poipt 1 1 ! liable to pa sm : t.. taies asse.-.-, d und- 1 act I": IV be priid w nl h where the pet sons li.e side, or may have t h busiuisf. And iu al! assess.. r sball fnnii!i t 1' tile several collect i"H ,!i within ten s .iftei tie r !' '. appeaN cot'ei niiug -. - .. '. '.! '. : annual list, n wi iV.'in i : me ! t me t In as 1, ,iiire,l. a - i rttiied coiiy of snch lists !oi t bei r j"' "I'd coSb-ci..i I'.-tis. i iu case !l il;l'l be a-eel l tl.,.l ' 11 pal list, or any other v. ! t.ia Itei'li. or v. li i 1 ! : si, a 1 i in I I : . r b. . . , i to u:iy colli ct-.r. i- itep- rtet t or u.. ... i.'i eollsi'i jlle'.'. c el' i be oil: e-- e i'i e! : e. of any persons ei ;.; i I ;c- 1 r. nie 10 t :. eons, .pien, of .-in u:s -i..e, ,.r i.'.d. meet.oi nmki v a v. . on. ..r !,,!-, r t lent M.iselllellt cot :',.:!' e .i ; .i'lj lit let urns man, ovany e r-.P'e a or.;:. -to tax. ': sa:d ;s, .r . i-o-.n t tim,, oral any em. . i:t'ii i'i'oi'.i n H'oii; ' tic tame oi 1 1 from the ! hue ot l ! I ho cell, ,nr .a- a ioj .;.;.!. motit'ily ..v :. , i.i! :,st : !. : ( PCI SO! II Oi p.;! tics v.. ... lilt led. the amount of fi f,.-: . t'.- h , been ol" simil o. eoiile bone . names of the persons j-ait e whose returns, as aloi -,-sa ai. : orshall be any .eiiissio.i, m .n I derstuletiuiit. or taU.- e. i,a meiit, together v. if h t'n :,:ic.u such persons or n.a n.a; r aud above t he anion i: lor " i h.ave been, or shall !.,. . a .-..-s.., , turn or returns mac..- ,.:oi,- certify or leinrn ii' to , a. irluti requited by law. And ad pro i.u.i.-s ol for the ascei rani me at i.i xia u, to an;. or the assi'.ssiueni or c no el n" be hei'i to anpl;, , as ia i as l.ui to ihe pi'oce.-dings h. reoi ai'ti reeled Aud whe"eer !l;e ' useil in this in i . or thi ;:..'- t-i vviiti au ai'iemlmeiit, i; .-bail !. . oust i n. ,! "tax" w ben .er t.c. ,-!.!;! lioo necess uy iu uid. r ... e t . .. S lid net -, That se.iloa - . .!,,, sinking eui r!je '.,:.! , ,..,; ii.n.i taken the oat": ..r : :ni i .... t this aet,'" and dun , i log in in u lm word-: "without having ta-ei, aimmutioii ivpiio .1 , i I'lial section n.eitM ,i b. s; riking out all a! : . i ' ::.: j . insert ing in licit tln-r, ouli, toii' tiiei'e shall be ai low e.i n.t iai -1 : itssessois a sulaiy of iifieep leu. I per annum, j.a an! ' i.m.h ! ; I;. . lion thereto. V. la 1. ! .a i i , . . ... lection disiro t shall ceo lit. htunlreil ihoi-sand Ooil.ii-, aiei ceed the sum of loui fait,. re 1 : lain annually. iie-Ii.tit mn tile excess o.ei o tliousand dollais. V;it ! ; lie J eollectioa disti let .-',..i!,:. ,-,! i fiiousand dollais, and -hall m hundred t imus:! ml on.. ! b, 1! 1 1 V. s,e s of the And the ..i at, list shall fans i'i"snet w here the t.i x. resab . or shall ot niisiaess.eopies el by . i-soli) so at the of this be ;i d. strict to .ay i be same n-i- n nclpal place ol (hi r cases t he sa id . I ! , pi li s I . ct : fas dell Kigorsot Aastiian SiEcipUue. In 18441 had a terribe example of the military discipline of Austria. Owing to the state of war, the frontier was then guarded by Croats. I dined every day with the Austrian officers at the little village Orsowo, oa the banks of the Danube. One day I expressed a desire to see the on the other side of the Danube where Kossuth bad buried the crown of St. Stephen, of Hungary', when 'he army fled into Turkey ; the place bad been discover ed, the crown disinterred. bi!t I wanted to see the singular tomb. Col. P. promised to go with me the j next day ou the other si ie of the : bridge which separated us from the I enemy. That same evening as I wa taking my walk 1 said to myself, sup- j pose I go now. I passed the body j guard, and proceeded to the bridge. I -nnethmg more than an idle boast and had nearly reached the opposite 1 H1" ",l moment ;l e ot in side when I heard a report, and at the j Zti same time tnree or lour y.US WlnsUeil l.-.. the country was an immense camp from ty me. 1 stopped, ru-voral Cioats liatth -tield, and that in the dread arbitra ment of arms, 'the lart argument" of sitates i as well as of kings, a decision wns ).ro ! iioiineed against us at the cannon's mouth, ! from w hich there is no iini.eal. There the I theory lies entombed with the thousands of its martyrs who vainly saciiticed their lives in its defense, and, obeying the dictates of j isdom, let us turn sadly from tho dark and l dreary pan to the contemplation of the present. Having in our brief and tragical experi ment to establish an independent govern ment, challenged the respect and admiration of the world, as well for wisdom in the cabi net as for prowess in arms, may we not justly insist that we are no less entitled to that re spect and admiration for the manner in which we have borne ourselves, since, by the signal failure of that experiment, we became a vanquished and impoverished people? Adversity tests the virtues of a people as v. eil as of an imii tdual. and, looking to all Mm circumstance?, it may be safely affirmed that there is not an instance in history thai: will iu all respects compare favorabl- with rbe so.'ei jele w hu ll has beeu present the world by the people of these .-outheru Mat i since they hi id down their arms ; show ing that, to whatever cause attributable, the sup, riot civilization which we claimed was confronted by a problem of momentous im port, upon the soliniou of which depends very greatly the welfare of ourselves and of posterity, as to our present and future re lations toward that portion of our population whose civil, and to some extent political, status lias been changed by the results of the W3r. to be continued. I Curious History of an Old Gun. ! Editors Clarion and Standard: I While poking through the dusty cort-.eisof tho Capitol, a few days ago, I came to the State Library, and there, listlessly, turned over the leaves of sundry volumes of miscel laneous works, which, by the courtesy of Gen. Ewiug, of tho Federal army, had been preserved nod lately returned to the Library of the State. I was just leaving the Hall, my mind filled with solemn thoughts of the past great htrug gle, and wondering much, as to what next to i would be meetedout to this unhappy South, from the great store house of the future. Suddenly my eye rested upon a gun a t range and venerable-looking gun covered a sena- z tin Clin mem t tu, ir . nce liat date.ihec. ;"' , be obsen-ed: a::u w? rt "i uu part ef it -ar. i. appointment, U. T s.-ssor or coll,-,.;, coun;iisSiolls such assessors .' s'ntT a.gieauir be allowed to !u "!' lei tors in the &l "" author:,-, d by !4 . ' Scksor oi coiiec.f missions of as, tot'oie earned sL,rf 1', ainl . a. 80 rtt th?r fX c f iUi (.sen are " .' Hit it Pa in i visions ot tins but t.o vn r,;, ... , a. i io! 4 vti ,i. ... "li"- V- itll.HH T ' . -le! , l 1,.,,."" r..;:i.i.,; :- or , mis llilss'.e. ports been r ti,c: !. of , ' A s ., thi" int.; I ' And i .,1 li i:. t I. l-i l i.-te v in j ' . i e . . ..U ls li, ! ol !s to a'i -tail with ha I v.m : an. regii-i !' lll. 'lt of t tit, :r pno.d.d th.-r, Ai'i'-ro-. it.i ' lis - case ;; li, .l.'l , d tvitm d. .1 ' I.i i. oil ..- y,. ' i'k 1 ii'io, T: ' be. ,,, spect to I lias been j --.I at:.i.; ..f On--..:: , .,!"..i!'..i! aiiil.-nt us ..r . iadde, '! il I l.eV i :: i.on !, nn bicb o e I may V I I - sliiill b, la-.-. :y :.i-. ;, snail tint ii i- ,i .li r v .1 lb n th, a. lau .t lo a ill; . lb. In w ith rust and dulled with age. I approach- in Ol :1 nut e si lid doi .ii.t upon ilUlalle,! , pi -. of a 1 1 :)... i 1 1 d '.coed six L'n.l. d it'd to in lb: ' I to I line i i i na s.iaa a,, iiinii. ,, .,i : 1 be otia-e s i,, , 1 1 i,r.r . Pi ',-sab-iii sl.ali a,- ; time in iu,,,-. .., ,-,rijili, to ;uljii-it t'n bcu; .liairt , I-ainl l-':s r:vfs .' e,.,i j b latioti of :ia l.ik i time wh, u tl-.. ,i 4 !?tc. i!. And tM. a j,.,--. l'lcshient ii i.eieoy ..: by .'111 w nh the j senate, or il.iring th I until tia end ol ... J a Keeisna .an! 1...-. ., ! tl let, v. bo -hall I... r-i : j site of the oih'.'e. ,-ii; .j, i-i s and resjioi.'i,: peiiMt ioa ati t'e.-i , sat,,. pCf IIKIOHI,, II- ie i o oi her Land Our , r;. Apnr.n ed. Ji'.f. ;, ly. AKP t-u)e ;ii!it ! n ti . n i ' it V fls- : yd , irhcr jgus: d!l city . Tan nan fld 'IKE i ev itin josi rni' - ir; nst es I'OM -- S..'i jstc ' tes mil ,tn t o t : S 1 Ml: i b cess ,-iie extremity to ; be ot her. anil almost our entile w lute lmtb; population, between t he esot seventeen and fifty belonged to some a ioiiii of militarv omaniation: and when this mtL'hty camp was broken up, and its tens of thousand were disbanded, some of : w hom were veterans of a hundred fields, aud j all more or less accustomed to arms and to a ; soldier's habits ; some of whom had beeu i absent .r years fiotu home, and the anmlior- rushed upon me, muttering something I did not understand, and led me to my friend, the colonel. He looked at me exasperated. "Slr'saitl h. "what were you doing on the bridge V" "I went to visit the tomb.' "Enough! Without n permit, And the sentinel ! did not arrest vou aung iniiu.-iic.-sof social and domestic lite; at the enterance Of the bridge V' ! oi ""om were penniless, and many of , . , . v. ' w hom were about to return to besr"ared fam- A sergeant answered m German- ; i1;s and desecrated homes,-is there, or 1Z " e were dining With the body guard, there been another country, where, oat of "x.h ! is this SO ! And all this time these muterials.hostileand "marauding bands spies could be eointr and corr.ill"- I would not have beeu formed, eluding or de how manv were vou f ' r U,e power o1' tbe. ov-'rnt. r at DOW many were JOU r least conimittinsracu of usubordination and "J our men and tnyselt,- replied the j turbulence, requiring the exercise of milita- sergeni. . per centum t.p.iu the four iiitudi' .1 thotisaud ,idl receipts shall eXe, e.i si - bi dollar-. ,M -t. nlb ot" on. i rl'leh ,!:ilj; .ei! ill, s,l.i. sbafi in at,- t asr- -xe. e.i thousatid dollai . And tiie shall be allowed and pa : i 1 ; and i;ece--tri!.v c.p, i,de! w of the (,'ta imi-siola. ol T for ofiieu f lit ; Ian no e shall be r.ilmv, d .'- p-mi no been v.-ril'ed in .u.-,; a mission, ', siiail r.-' iai. . , audir.'d ;ii:d appro, -1 '- : of tin- Trci.sin-y 1 a p.., ; :, , . era! a--.-ssoi - i,. , . : tberiof shall ha'., b, a jei, prov. .! by the proper otlii'el. their nee, ;'iy ,n:o re clerk-I.iee ; Inn no sin i- acco proved utiles, .-,:.,. ill name-, of ihe el- t k o: . i. . k i - ef t .111. ,1 ,pts The Loial Unionists of the South. The New York News naturally in- lut.tber and it is very chlhcult .now to ! IllilC3 whetIjer the ue roes are Q Ikfamovs. The foot stone over the grave of little Joe Da is, son of ex President Davis, was stolen from the cemetery in Richmond a few days ago. The children of Richmond, the friends t.nd playmates of this interesting little boy, had raised a considerstl obtain the means for the purchase of corn ; and the stock of homed cattle, ami hogs, having beeu so much ex hau&ted by the late war, meat kits be come a rarity with most of us. We have been looking for some nid from the State, for destitute families, but none has come to this section. Two merchants, at our Station, have been furnishing corn to their customers at a profit but little more than pays for I invot;t om ,i.nnjuij; v.' I LUC VCM iJ, lfvtliillj; payment in poultry, eggs, butter, pigs, or anything which can be turned into money, when tient to Mobile, thereby enabling many families to eat bread, who could not otherwise obtain it. These merchants gave an order. be represented in the Convention of Southern loyalists called by Under wood, Wardell. Botts, etc. The call is addressed "To the Loyal Unionists of the South." Those who make the call profess to regard the negroes as par excelhnce loyal Unionists of the South. It is therefore fair to presume, says the News, that the call is address ed to the black as well as the white t h r.'S,llo-h 1 Crin,i,l fV,, o lrtf rtf n CUni0l i ."'S-.'O" .V.V, AST. I Vflll, LV, 1 fpcrd TtallblaTr T? rev, li e.i. Cnlvs. money to erect a suitable monument to j lllinoiSt who ht4ring of the'good hc;. his memory, and had but recently j were doing to the poor, presented one placed it over his grave; and thus it i hundred dollars worth of the corn, to has been stolen, greater ? Can infamy be Important to Internal Revexue Officers. The late Revenue law as amended by Congress and which goes into effect oa the 1st of August, lst'.O, amongst other import3.iatchau.res, has the following : "Section 65. And be ii further en acted, That all oiKVial communica tions made by assessors to collectors, assessors to assessors, or by t ollee- be given to widows, who had no means of purchasing this necessary article. Such acts of liberality, and returning good feeling to the South, are worthy ol recoru. Watxe. There is nothing in the call itself to negative this presumption. If the ne groes are to choose the delegates, we suppose that there is nothing to pre vent them from choosing negroes, and we suppose they will. What we wish to know is, whether those who signed the call expect the Southern negroes to take part in the choice of delegates to the Convention, and whether they expect negro delegates to be chosen ? The Philadelphia Convention to be Broken ur Br Boughs. The cor respondent of the New York Com mercial Trrites from Philadelphia : The Convention to be held here in August under the direction of Messrs. Doolittle and Company is regarded with great disfavor here. The return- iiit" soldiers nml firo r.imiintiiM tors to collectors, or by collectors to A,,7i ,s,,4,nir ,Pi,r tht th,- ?,,! assessors, or by assessors to assistant assessors, or by assistant assessors to assessors, or by collectors to their break up the gathering, and a move metit looking to that end is now said to boon foot. There are a lartre litim- deputies, or by deputy collectors to ! bor of invalili aml C0T,valcscent sol- couectors, may ue oinciair i ran o : a;ors 5tiI1 aiouUue hospitals here who by the writers thereof, and shall, when j at!i;ijate to a considerable extent with eo franked, be transmitted free of postage bv mail TheNewY'ork Herald, referring to the Philadelphia Convention, sensibly remarks that the call recognizes the great issue between the President and Congress, and invites all who support the President and his policy of reunion to take part in the Convention. It avs nothing abort the Woods, of Vallandingham.or Belmont.or Marble, or any other obnoxious indvidual. It lays down a broad, solid platform, up on which all may stand without crowd ing each other off. The w; X is over now : old things have passed , away : everything to begin de naureaut. It makes no difference what a. man's po sition was as to other issues, now d td and buried ; the only vital ques tion is as to his position in regard to this great new issue between the Presi dent aad Congress. , - J the firemen, and assert that thev can prevent the holding of any such meet ing, especially as public sentiment is against it. Any violence, however, will of course be summarily headed off and punished. Extensive prepara tions are being made to tender a warm greeting and welcome to those attend ing the Southern Union Convention which meets in September. Shocking Accident. On Friday last, a Mrs. Henderson was riding on a hand car near Tamola. Her clo'thes got entangled with the machinery and threw her out in front, so that the car ran upon her. Her skull was fractur ed, and both legs and both arms bro ken. There was not men enough along to lift the car off of her. One of the persons on the car had to go a half mile to get assistance to extri cate her from nnder the ear. She died in about two hours. We understand that she was the wife of the brother of Mr. Granville Henderson, the station agent at Marion. Meridian Messen ger. ;. , , - " . Count Bismarck. The recent splendid successes of Prussia in the German war have all been owing to the great energy of Count Bismarck.the Prussian Prime Minister. Yet even he. the greatest man of the time in the Prussian camp was overlooked during the excitement following the decisive battle of Sadowa. On the day of that contest a correspondent writes, the Prussian head-quarters were advanced from Gitschiu to Horzits, towns in Bohemia, but at the latter place, owing to the absorbing interest universally felt in the battle, no preparations had Wen made to receive them. At night fall Count Bismarck arrived at Hor zits. He was hungry aud weary, but all the houses were closed ; there was no bread, and all the straw in the neighborhood was in use for the wounded men of the Prussian army. Iu this state of affairs the great Prus sian laid down on the pavement of the -ITace ot Horzite, and without' a pillow, -slept that pleasant sleep which tne soldier wfio has won a victory knows. An Ai'Propeiate Dispatch. The following dispatch has been forwarded over the Atlantic cable : Mator's Office, Newt York, July 30. To the Lord Mayor of London : The energy and genius of man. di rected by the Providence of God, have united the Continents. May this union be instrumental in securing the happiness of all nations and the rights of all people. John T. Hoffman, Mayor of New York. The Whole Argument is a. Kct Shkix. The reason why Sozodont has sup planted all other dentifrices is, that the flourishing promises they fail to keep, this peerless vegetable preparation quickly per forms. When once adopted by man or wo- j man, it is never relinquished... 1 11 -: ' ' . "You shall be shot!" The Colonel went to the wiiidow, called the guard of the opposite tent, and gave the man into custoly. The next day the men wers shot, in spite of my appeals to the Colonel on my knees, for pardon for those unfor tunate men, of whose death I was the unwilling cause. The Colonel was inflexible. When those five Croats, pierced by shots.had fallen, the Colonel, who regretted the loss of his soldiers, and seemed to for get our friendly relations, said ; "And now, sir. leave the territory in two hours. or I shall have yen arrest ed as a spy." "But, Colonel" He looked at me, and with a terrible voice 6aid, "Upon . my honor, sir, I swear it" A quarterof an hour afterward I left j Orsowo. rive years alter, l saw among the list of officers killed at Magenta,the Colonel's name. Courrier des Etats Unis. I.MUr frmat Itr. A. II SMepliru!i. Alexander H. Stephens has written a letter dated July 23, in which he says he shall attend the Philadelphia Con vention if his health permits. In this letter he says: "No man can more cor dially approve and indorse the--objects of that Convention than myself, and vet from considerations of expediency I doubted the propriety- of my taking part in it PeonI iuerests have no influence wItn me whatever. Had I oeen goverened by personal feelings I should have had nothing to do with the late troubles further than entering my protest against them, so that while it should seem that my present efforts are tending to a result in which I have more or less personal interest that is my admission as a Senator in Con gress yet I assure you I never expect nor intend to hold that position long, even if the seat should be awarded me." Mr. E. G. Ross, the editor of Kansas paper, who was appointed to fill the vacancy in the United States Senate caused by the death of Senator Lane, had a good thing. He hurried off to Washington, got there on the 25th of July, and was immediately sworn in On the 2Sth Congress adjourned, and he can start back again with a snug sum for pay and mileage amounting to nearly six thousand dollars. He will probably be superceded by a regu lar election when the Legislature meets,bnt he bos got pay for three days service at the rate of about two thou sand dollars a day ! We were glad to meet on 5-esterday our old friend, the gallant General J. Davis, of Mississippi, a distinguished officer of the Army of Northern Vir ginia daring the recent war, and a near relative of ex-President Jefferson Davis. He is sojourning for a few days at the Gayo&o. Memphis Ap peal " " .. . .. iy loree tor their repression f And vet no armed organisations were formed beyond, perchance, a few outlaws banded together ilere and there for plunder only ; not a gun has been tired hottite to tin government; and w ii h the almost pardonable exception of a few instances, iu which stores, formerly ihe property of the government for which these men had sacrificed their all, were appropria ted, no riots or other violations of the rights of persou or proerty occurred. Tor four or five years the laws had been si lent amid the clash of arms, and courts of justice had almost ceased to exist, and when tho military authority, which had controlled everything, w as subverted, and there was iu fact no law, is there now, or has there been, another country or people where, under such circumstances, civil and social disorders, and indeed the wildest anarchy, would uot have occurred ? And yet, no sooner does the smoke of battle clear away, than with an instinctive love of law aud order.communi tics are reorganized, the civil tribunals re established, and 'Returning justice lifts aloft her scale." At the commencement of the conflict wo were, in the aggregate, beyond controversy, the wealthiest people upou the globe, aud possessed more of the elements of agricul tural and commercial power aud prosperity. 1 Many of onr people had been reared in the ! lap of luxury, and a far laiger proportion were surrounded with all tue comforts of life in abundance, and exempt from the ne cessity of daily toil. Not only was our sur plus wealth, so to speak, swallowed up by millions aud thousands of millions iu the devouring volt x of war, but almost every form of property was iuvolvU Lutllecr"" iuate desf rni'. rences and houses were Otrtit;d ; farmes pillaged aud devastated ; mills aud manufactories destroyed; com merce annihilated ; business paralyzed ; and our system of labor utterly subverted. Not o ily were those who had never known a w aut deprived of all the luxuries to which they hal been accustomed, but thousands of onr people were denied the comforts of life, aud thousands more its very necessities, so that uiere subsistence, in multitudes of cases, ami sometimes iu whole communities, was, and is yet, a question of startling import. Under calamities so appalling, where is there another people that wonld not have stag gered into hopeless imbecility and despair i Aud yet not only were these incredible losses and trials borne by our jieople with a heroic and sublime fortitude, but with a marvel lous promptness they adapted themselves to the new condition of aliairs, tbe corner stone of a new social anil industrial edifice was laid, and soon the Phoeuix, Prosperity, began to be evolved from tbe ashes of her former self. Looking to tbe impulsive character of onr people, and to the intellectual power and im passioned eloquence for which our public men have been distinguished, where is there another country where systematic efforts would not have been made, covertly or open ly, to cripple and embarrass the government that had compelled our allegiance, either by involving it in a war abroad, or in commo tiotis and convulsions at home ? And vet it may be affirmed, that nowithstanding the mars 10 men iv wouiu almost appear tnat we are aesignedly subjected with a view to drive us to desparatiou. no such chivalrous fidelity to the terms ot surrender has before been exhibited by an entire people; and I believe I give utterance to a sentiment that will find its echo, not only- in this ball, but from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, when I express the opinion, that had the feel ing common to our people when and after we laid down our arms, been rightly appre ciated, and at all reciprocated ; had that for bearance and magnimity which we experi enced from those who met us in the shock of battle been exhibited also in civil and po- . : r 1 1 : . , 1 .1 . , . uuesi me ; uau uie w ise ana generous states mauship which has made the Executive de partment of th covernment honored and illustrious at home and abroad, been resnon. ded to by the legislative department, that 1 compen -;:! ion ar. e, u..:,. .-..,! , coiiipaiiic! by .-I,, alibi. , i: i .In stating that siiel: s. r.a -, , , 1 required by be 1,0c. sate , ,.! I . v. ,-is ;p-;sia!ly 1 eiMi.-i . ,1 . a a -.. I -o n . vit of en eh elel k. s. a t : ita- that bo I ed rln .el -. e-e .-i, -i 111 sii- !.;. bis b, ball. 1 In ct'tii pe.,s -1 :o;, aai. and that Le has no; paid, no-ir sig:1, ,!. or com r.teieil :. pa.. ,1.1,,. sign :,tr. paii ot sic-i eeep-n-i::, Use of any other nei -.... ... reel ly or turn,.:; a::--' : . : trade! to pay ,-r ;.i ... (. pensation for hi- elite, eee,;,, ,m emohoneot-- rli. ie. l i and ibc cm, i any st'ch ass- ..r (,, ie: bor: minister, iu the a.'.-, p.-.. of the a -oaf !r-ir a.ttiiaarloas ;a. i,.,.,;,, act. Ami there shall ) a!b.w,-'.i :.i each assnaaia :, ,r joar ooii day actually employ .-ii iiieoiieet making valuations, ibo numb. 1 eessaiy for that p a .os. to l tin. assessor, and time dollars p. llreil pt I -op s ass, s-e, ,o!t.,l tax list, as eolapb a. d and del, v. to the assessor, ami : a , I v-'n each permit giant-! lor mal ii Slltllf, or cig il s ; and a,-!si be allowed, in tin ; - i.e.. , , counts, sueh sum a-, Mi,-. Com ai in ternal Revenue shall apaioe. , id it; eyed it closely; it was a musket-barrel clasped by a broad iron hand to a stock of hickory wood the stock was evidently made with a jack-knife and all about that gun, betokened that it had been fashioned, cer tainly in no polished age. It had tho look of some old veteran, whom war and toil ami time, had brought unto the verge of tremu lous obi ago. My heart softened at the sight. This, I said, is some old relic of the by-gono days: some sturdy Continental, burning v. ith patriotic fire, fashioned this, after hours of toil, as his own handiwork, aud wielded it beneath Great Washington's command; or I else it's Kip Van Winkle's ancient gun, sutl- j deiuy urougut to iiglit ov some sturdy poll- I t-lcrau, for further use m some terrible strug- j .jH,' .,','.,. j.,,' , ,,. glefor onr Constitutional rights. And ut Wre r..-s.V, ot! v ol y mo uuu;ii"., 1 ouweu my ucaii in- reverence to that old gnu, then raised it ig my hand, ami at the spot where hickory wood and rusty barrel close were bound in iron clasp, that old gun, bent and meek, returned my bow, and thus addressed me: "This ijun tea efoeked by Andrew Jacksnn in 1811, m& pre-v to the ,V(.-Sfiufhi-ippi. soon thereafter." 'He who this gun shall e'er displace. 31u-t meet it's owner face to face."' What, said I, did that venerablo Hero fashion this old stock with his sacred hands? Well was he named Heikory, who, from such tough wood, could fashion such a work of art.' Well may t he State of Mississippi lie proud of theo, Old Gun aud tdace thee in I this Hall, a guardian ot her rights and liberties. I stopjtecl aud wondered. Ihe Old Gun burst into a laugh loud, prolonged, and echoing through the lengthened corri dors. : fctrauger, said that Gun, '"are vou up to snuff 1 That'sa right good joke, that Jack son trick, and stood me iu good service. Why, Audrew Jackson never dreamed of me. Tin a thing of later growth than that. My history's of this war. Don't you remember when Gov. Pettus called for all the squirrel rifles and bird guns to aid our Southern movement? At that time a cow-county far mer fixed me up, and threw me in the pile of Pettus' rusty arms, as his contribution to the sacred cause. Fortunately my good looks j three hundred dollais per an saveu me iroui tue untimely late that befell the rest of those old arms." "How was that?" said I. "Bill Johne you know himl" "Yes," I replied. "Well, Bill was Librarian of this State, and was a candidate before the Legislature for re-election; the battle of Manassas had been fought a while before, aud as Bill hadn't at that time figured iu the war, he had opposition." "Who ran against biml" id I. "Mi.m-tt. it lived down bere. some where near Clinton. MoVtt, you know, had pop- t-u tutu mo m , cuny, anu nan ngured quite conspicuously at the first battle of Manama-,. and was crowding Johns heavy, aud no mis take. "What was the result V 1 Why. Rank Dixon this ber nimn House Rank he was an all-fired Democrat, ami stuck to all the kidney, tooth aud toe nail, no stooa up tor Johns and steps out to th pile where Pettus' old guns were, aud uavmg an eye to ueauty, Belects your bumble servant for the occasion, and ornaments him with the glorious inscriptions you Lave jii3t read and proclaiming it to the Leirisla- ture. mat nui jouus would nave killed seventeen Yankees, at Bull's Run, provided he had been there. He rather turned the tables on Motiett, and Johns came throusrh 1:1-- - 1. . e : r ........ o "" lurougn uutter. "What was then yourfatel" "Johns brought me in the Library, and there I staid unnoticed and unknown, until Gen. Grant came to this little village. Blue- coais rummagea au over this town then, with an eye peculiarly single to knicknacks, sentimental literature and relics. They left all these old musty volumes of law, you see around here. But down they came on the light literature and your humble servant, like the Assyrian, A c. Gen Lwing stopped them, though. Quite a eentleman. i tbnt Gen. Ewing. This idea of Old Hickory turn ing gun-stoeker, rather touched him on the patriotic chords and eo he carefullv served me, and a few weeks ago, returned me to the State. Stranirer. I'll tell VOI1 it. ram ehaky times with me, when I looked out the window of this Hall, and saw them Blue coats throwing all of these secession guns of old Pettus in the fire. Every minute I thought my turn would come next. And when I w as saved, you may put it down, that I foreswore secession took the oath in good faith, and swore to stand by every Andrew raised in Tennessee, henceforth and forever. Hand us over a little of your rosin, stranger, and let your humble servant, phaw .i,ib u - m w anut A5. lie has rather faulty feelings, whea he thinks of those tunes." Yours, JEEMS JOHNSON. n a! -lis v pro it a, ,i ,i M KM) l: A lot' '.'taii'r. - r V tiiilrNMtr rm iftvi ,nc i ,nd , Mv :,9 n i . lf ' ' d '"1 nl r tes de Ci bt: d ,ei , t s K) E B X d o WAX ADIKKTWie KUWERLE & hOii AJlSSOl 111 J'.KASe r rs sll tl t It Plflj! -t.,-W , 1-M a - f 31 - T . . vitai inn.! H :,! r 1 ..!-.;. iir (,:, :-. -: i.,ia: ;oe: It. in,.. Pip..-. 1V.1M... -I , on in r v.i.ii;ii tv s I.ielmlvp 1 laur f oa,Kiil) lis. l'o da- h 1- s 'I I. l':o- d !,. f. s 1 . Am. -at -. k. pt ,- ittpiiy :i! ro,;. I j, 1 ,.'.;. rf lis... to ll t. t lie o ad- :'ii 11 this i d to ; I., l.rira Sl.e Ci ::.. ill I t. (P. ' , i A: e -.-., r. , - l)-v.i-U. iv Sou, i.-n I .1. a, .i - . if.- s !ol , -, el V :nz lint s and ..f d I., s 1 .. ..t.i tilled by r ev, t bni,. :,e,i ia tbe ' O bv ill PI it-, r-r a -, .1' ,;ie soii-.H-rr r'- W'Ofi - f E : 1 m- . ill.;; I , 10, olfice ; t -i t!l be ' b 1 n vei i ii.-ai.JeV of and shall Si,:, A no. I'i,.-. ; .y-l,.: Wi-it. t Ittnb'e 1 'ra (1. -;oe I'-Hll ie II. ' . a- H 01V j -ro ire; tihv J;r; in .,, H 1, alii. H ,, r ,.(.'-, 1 r,., te.lai C. Kwl i .:.,. Mor-.-itn; Kaskusk'H. iia C-i: '. r-oev . .rra fan k a.. ! BVi. k- I C h'tkc f"i)i..r. a-nD I vnuiu; City, La,:n i'url. C:"'." Si, heiler ( "i- ' 1 t"i V.rnnn SpliiTIi; Lewi L. '-': it it,.. ,.:,.-,,-. i-:,t. r.i-ft rel-, half ban: 1 orn ii--n! far Cramp. A common cause ia indi gestion and the use of soar liquids. ' These should be avoided, and Rohaek'a Stomach governmeut would to-day be stronger ia the . tisa absorbent - - , reui; oui no acccniii pu st: t, r allowed or paiil until if ,-ia.i! l,-i tied in such liiauut r ai il:c (Join Internal Revenue n.ay j.- an. have been audited and appn.ved by the pro per ollictrs of the l ieusiuy Depai tme-ut ; aud assistant assesses, wln-n einployed out side of the to 'An in which they reside, in ad dition to the compe.isat ion now allowed bv law, shall, during stu-Ji t . eiiipl .ycd, rtsveivo one Uollar per day; and the saiil as sessors and astis-aut a ..1, ssars, re -pc t ively , shall be paid, alter The accouiit thereof Snail have been rendered to ami approved by the proper otiicers of the treasury, their iiccesra.rv autl retts.,, nable cb tig-s lor statiolierv anil blank books used in the dis- barge of their duties, and for postage actually paid on let ters ami documents received and sent, and relating exclusively to o;u .a' in si us-,, aud for money actually paid lor publishing no tices required by this act : j;-;ndi((. Thai in, such account shall be appioved unless it shall state the date and the p-trtnaiar item of every such expenditure, ami sliall be Verified by the oath or affirmation of such assessor or assistant assessor; and the compensation hertau specified shall be ia foil for all ex penses not otherwise paitieularl-, authorized: trorided farther, That the Coiaiiiissiouer ot Internal Revenue may, under stieti regula tions as may be established by the Secretary of the Treasury, after tin.- pal lie ntieo, re ceive bids ami make contrac-is for snnplvin." stationery, blank books, and blanks to" the assa-5srs, assistant assessors, and coil, ctors iu the several collection districts: l'ri hl farther. That thti Secretary of the Treasury strati oe, anu ue is neretiy. authoilz.-fl tu tiv sucli additional rates of toinpeuoation to be niaue 10 assessoi-s anil assistant assessors in cases wnere a collection district emorac, s more than a simile con.i-resioii.,1 ,l!.t,;,.. and to assessors aud assistant assessors, rev enue agents, and inspectors in Louisiana, Georgia, Sutli Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Nort h Carol 1 ua, M issi ssippi, Tennessee, California. Nevada, and Orcuoii. and the Territories, as may upiH-ur to him to ira just auu euuiiauie, mcolieeuuence oi me greater cost of living and travelling iu those States and Territories, and as may. iu his judgment, be necessary t secure the services of competent officers ; bnt the compensation thus allowed shall not exeeed the rate of five thousaud dollars per annum. Collectors of internal reveuue acting as disbursing orb cent shall be allow-ed all bills of ussistaut assess ors heretofore paid by them iu pursuance of the directions of the Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue, notwithstanding the assistant assessor did not certify to hours therein, or tnat two uonars per ttiem was deducted from his salary or compensation before computa tion of the tax thereon. assessors' axd collectors' compen- . . , SATIOJf. )t T rer;e: City nail, 1. ,-t-C. i.'.bi-- v 10 la 5 to Xn. 1 i"l, (mton-L"ert-oa'j I , .ova- , at rt-J'-'ceu pr' :-.iai.: r - ij,i:-, - Cr FX). A. SMYT rap. Ttir. srvtRAt iU;' .; A C K S O N , M I ra?"Oaice at the Citv UM- I Situation fflllE unde-.--!--T.'-.i wi-a.-..' j 1 tion as ( tvt r-ct-r, or X-S-. . tion in Jlissi-sippi. Ta,!. yC ' uivr-n as to capaeitv ana E'----Addre-s, care ef thU "4 , -;.'' ...J-to' . Jack-on, Aug. 4, WILL be oid in front' s.,, 4th ill-!. t- hoid and Kitchen Furn tun-Hcdstead-, fc.-., xc; one -P - " Harness. Also, saJ iK,L and Hor-es. , n . uiSldlt J.-r.Eui- olicp io f of tonP, I NOW have a iar affl";;.. .1 Capital to invest ir. tii Cotton, ami will buy' in "" to one thousand bale-. I will pay twenty cent; F . ; I vance for cotton, to be dciivr:'ev " winter in New , , i ;' ah eoinmiinicaiiotis 5, , son, will have immeliat rf-; vNb F I N E A 1 .BI' That section twenty-four be amended by tiiking out the proviso thereto, and infcit iar r, 0 TO THE Washington PhitwnPfc Ci"" In tbii Cffy. m W. Q- Iiwr' 6 Jaoksou Miss. - For Be"1'. OS E ef the New Store Boom' Building, Main Streeu V upstairs. Apply w t n.sTT suiriiitr. ilistiisipplsn cop;-