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SPORT REYIEW By WILLIAM T. KOZIOŁ CREIGHTON TO PLAY TONIGHT FOR TITLE In Des Moines The Blue Will Find It’s Hardest Tussle Speicher May Play NORTH CENTRAL CONFER. ENCE CHAMPIONSHI? IS AT STAKE. W hen thu Des Moines Tigers inti> tli i- fray agaimst ton uaiversity’s famous defense tonigbt at Greighton gym thcy will be backed by the hopes of ;i strong Iowa following. in theit big chance to wrest the Norih Central eoafercnoe ehaiapioushij: frorn the Iłilltop, The Bengale from the łluwkeye Capital have a eourt five that kas braved seven conference battles without defoat in every gamę dcinonstratiug , a bldliuul lorm that will bc liiiglity 1 hard for Greighton to stop tomor row. A staggeiruig 5IJ to 10 yietorj over Nebraaka Weśicyari ’is on'.\ on item on die^ Des Moines un blcmished reCortL The Nortli Da / kota Aggies, mighty Fliekertaib " that they ar* fełl hefnre the Har ry Bell ąuiftt in two sraight mix es. South Dakota State suffere I a like fata. Morningside bit the dusi before the lowans 24 to 12. Creigbton will be prepared to tday i ta hardesl gamę of the sea son to suecessfully <lefend the t.ilt that the Bluc won last year. Joe Peicher, varsity ^.gunrd who was in jurni in practioe Monday, got baek into action last night, but it is doubtful whether the faat Iłilltop defender wiU be ablc to hołd out for the whole gamę tomorftiw. But with Ifaiey, Koudele, Allen and Coremnan avai jable for tlie defenae, Coaeh SehabLnger is prc pared for au emergency, The Blue five leękcd true to its best form in last night’a scrimmage aguinat the yearlingn. Trautman, Lovcly and Mahoney are in shape for the title go. A light workout to night will fini«h the Omahans for the test. AMATEUR BOXERS MEET WITHIN A WEEK. Denny llyati uf the Omaha Ath letie rdtib i* busy making prepar atiorifi for the junior boung ehampiónahipa of the Midwestcrn A. A. l'„ which will be hołd at The cltib gymnaaium, ,Friday eve ning, February 22. The tourtyinient is ppen to all registered amateur athieteg of Mebraoku^. Iowa, Korth Dakota, South Dakoia, w hu have r>evcr won firat place in an A. A. U. rhainpitmahip tourney. Medals will be awarded to wiit nerM in the paperweight, fly weight, featherweight, light 'teaw and heavywelght bouts. HAPPY FELSCH ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF PREJURY -_ (By The Associated Press). Milwaukee. Wis. — Oscai (“Hanny”) Pelseh. former \Vhit« Sox player, who was involved ii 1919 scandal wh eh rent the eluh was arrested hcre today on i charge of per,jury iu conneetioi w.tli his testimony at the “Biaek Sox suit for alleged liaek pa\ due hini. Joe Jaekson, anothoi fonner Sox ontfieldcr, is sum* the Chicago American league ciul owner, Ci A. Comiskey, for $18, 5uO he .olaiins is due hini under t farmer contract for playing ser j-***ł- • V ' 1 ' Felsch was ordured plaeed uu der arrest by Jttdge J. ,1. Gregury ;after the eourt had askcd him' t< . take1 the w.tness stand while ai atinouneement was tó be madi froni the beneh. The arrest wai I the ontgrowth of testimony giver late yesterday by Felsch, in whlel he ropudiated his signature af fixed to a contraet he signed m 1920 to play another season with the Chicago club of the American league and tlenied authorship ol . written letters suhmitted in evi I denee. •Jmlge uregi/j-y said : “The nomIuct of the witnes i Fclseh was so uudicious and sr. i vintlictivc that lt was appareut ; to mc hu had committed perjury I have aaked the district nttorney to be preaent hcre today to takt eongnizance of Wiat I havc to say. I order Oscar Felach into the eus tody of the słieriff Milwaukee county with bail fixed at $2, 000.” Dceision of the court was mad u under a statutu whieh provi<Jes for orderuig the arrest of witness *!? ii a et i on wheił i* huui-iiic apparent to the court from actions and test i mony of the witncss that hu has committed perjury. Folach was taken to the county jail to await the appearance of bondsmen. At the offiue of the district at torncy it was said by Roland •Steinie, associatc district attor ncy, in charge of the case, that a fomial eomplaint chnrging per jury against Felajh wouhl bc filed at once. The Felseh iuejdent interrupt ud for ncarly half an hour the proeccdings of the case in which Jackson is suing for salary under the contract hu signed in 19‘JO to play with the White Sox. and for | bonus allegcd to have becu prom ised him in the 1917 world series. jsCHLAIFER TO MEET SIMO NICH ON FEBRUARY 29. _ i Augustine to Meet Munroe Agairi Morrie Scfclaifer on February 29 \tdll have tlie opjfortunity to get rcve»ge for his last fali de feat by Joe >5monich, Butte, 'Mont.. wolterweiglit. Barney Boyle, Nolinarei dnh niatchmak ler fałd Wednesday niylit that Morr;e and F nin.; -h bad beeii siimed. Simonich is tlie only man to beat ” Schiaifer in tlie past year and Boyle therefore believes that tlioy slionld be brought together tttrain ii' S<ddaifer expeets to pet . anothcr ehanee at MicFey Walk er’® title. Tlie loeal Elks have w i red Walker an offer to ineet tlie ■winner! i I jMtliońgh Augustine iost tlie . referee\ deeision at tlie last fight be s anilin Miatched to meet Bat tling Munroe. Eaeh' of these fighters^were liandod a kayo whieb wtfl make thi.s a “rubfcw.” j WŁADEK ZBYSZKO METTS TOlTGir POE IN GAUDINI | Włieu iyyiato Gardini, Haliari lteavy\veight mąt star, signed ar ticlies ot a;."rrmrnt to with Władek Zbyszko at the Star and Garter theatre Friday night, the italian, aceording to those who know the inside df the sport, jpcked abont the tonghest oppon '■nt in the business. Few give the , T.taliąn as go od as an even break wifh the sturdy Pole. Władek'is on the trail of f*liam prdti Kd bewis, and annogiiees that, in order to earn tłje rjght. to snęli a irutteh, lic is ready to. go throngh the entirc buncb ofcon tenders and has authorized loeaj promoters to use. their ojyn judger ment as to the opponęnts they: wi«h him to meet. When the cOse was resmncd W. i W. Way. manager of a conuner !‘"'d ei.lli i.,, here. testified that Ile was a Inindwriting expert and ' nad examined the contra et signed 1 y .laekson in 1!i2(), and it was was opininu that the enntract form Used htui l». filed in with a fonntaiii pen. This was in di rect eontradietion to testiinony KiibmitJed yesterday by John F. Tyrrell, another handwriling ex purt, who deelared the writing had bcen. done with an ordinary Steel pen Anmewhftt the worse for wear. ▼ r%-- _t ■ i '* ""K1' uic^ui^ utniicu ći luCtSuu of the defense for a dirccted ver dict i« their favor. The eottrt tnade the denial with certain re seryations. Ile ordered the attor neys to continue with their argu mentu, saying hc wislied them to continue before he madę finał do cision in the motion. CREIGHTON PREPS INVTTED TO TWO TOURNEYS. Ohampj M:;y Co to Chicago. €Ve!ghton Prep’s Omaha cit> championa on the court floor havc been honored recently witli iimtafions to two national schol astic basketball tonranments, the Chicago university meet and the now Loyola univers ty tourney. Present prospecta at the Ilill top ramp do not appear to favor a tri]) to either of the conc’.aves. The Pręp athletic treasury is Iow and followers of the fast going ,Omahajis are soon due for a coun ! cii of war at wh‘eh a plan for espense money may be fornied, Hoth tonrnaments will be held early in April. Coach Drennan of the Prep five annonnced last night that the February sehednle for his erew ha.s been revi od and a re turn głfipe witli L.ncnln high ad rfed. Thę eapital quint will play herc Saturday afternoon, ary 2J|, , Instead of making the Kansas trip, tbe Bhie team will journejj irjto this State, ineeting I Itandolpb February 29. and Crof f tóu, iNjtąreh 1. The Prepmen will play at Fre 1 lnont tonight. I OLD STANISLAUS WANTS BOUT W1TH STRANGLER -0B iw .£ li:':: i::'/ Ktaislaus Zbyszko . i* making fraiitie. .to induce Cham pion Ejl Iyęwis to gj,ce,t h:n> in the proj^osfgyjtitiilar el^Kti announccd ,\yhjto apfl .Coffęy .for the 1>i« '.s£0ckyąrd* aren# iylr, 36. The Potepoiiitsóm be ot all tfctft l6fcding!‘hi‘a'Vy'Wi!‘ight& stif fkfed the lettst nlimber of defeats firtd won hniidreds óf • victories, inbluding ałftońę his Wrtfitrt every iftan in the gamę For ‘ the Tast twenfy-five years with the ex eeption of Frank Ooteb. He met Ijewis tive times. winning two and lnsing three. The orie-fall maleli '7ie lost liere recently to Stienke. was a Fluke pnre and simple he says. The promotera, too, are eager for the rnatcli. for they know that no matter what tbp outeome, the elash is eertain to prove the best possiblc from the fans’ point of view and they are also surę of a good attemlajicę, as the old Pole has the sympathy of the fans swung his way. The hiatter lias simmered down to a ouestion of guaranteeing the champion’s finaneial demanda of a fiat sum now set at $6,500. The promoters, however, refuse to cosidor guaranties of any kind. but offer 60 per cent of the gate instead. Over The Hurdles Frank Brinzda, forrner St. Jo-j ph piteher, who was recalled by bo Minnea polis elub last scason, bas been released to the Dos Moines teain, of the Western. Fred Ciarkę, foriner manager of tbe Pittsburgh Piratcs. is in t!'e. field fot the'Lirngpln fran ehbe. Diek Orotte, ehairman ijf the Omaha Elks’ aetivities committee js aftjer Champitrti Miękcy Walk er for a bont herc March 17. Work on building the ctub bouso for the new Ifighland Coun try ehrb will start soon. “Big” Mun won over “Big” iieth in a wrestling inateli iń New '> ork lasl night, winning over bis opponent in seven minijtcs witb a beadlock. The Kinney Shoes lost their tirst eage gamę last night to the Bel'evue town ąuintet, 2!) to 13. Howard J. Ebmke of Los An geles will pilch again for the Red ^bx and Oscar L. Fulir of 8t. Louis, formorly an Omaha, piteher [and Mobile elub-southpaw. will join the hurling staff. --—■—— Sosrlanit Sheatrr Friday and Saturday Thomas Ince Production “ANNA CHP.ISTIE’’ Comedy “The Fatal Photo” Bundny, Monday, Tuesday BERT LYTELL —■-in— “THE MEANEST 3VIAN IN » THE WORLD” ..Comedy Baby Peggy in.. “PEGGY OF THE MOUN TED” W ednesday BETTY BLITHE —in— "TKUTH AitOUT W1V£» ’ Fijfliting Blond Bound No. 7 Thursday, Friday And Matur day CORINNE GRIFFITH “COMMON LAW” Comedy “Cold Chills” ACE HUDKINS BEATS STRAYER. Lincoln. Neb. — Boxing seems' to liave staged a comebaek here. \ packed house watclied “Ace” hidkins win a deeision and the 1'ghtweight title of the State from “Battling” Strayer Tuesday ■i ght and the .same erowd cheered itself hoarse when Informed that Morrie Sehlaifer, Omaha’s eob tender for the welterweight rowu. would appear here next Moiulay n ght in a 10-ronnd ex hibition bont with Joe Hrirriek aLso of Omalia. Sehlaifer was introdneed frorn the ringside along with “Tiny” Herman, Omaha, hea vy\vejght, who is also slated to perform here n the next eard. Bid Soklyn, Lincoln, and Ray Cartpr Bioux (jUyt fotlghi an eighOronnd draw as the semi ' windnp to the Tuesday night bat tle. “One-StejP’ Watśort, Omaha,'1 was awardeci the‘ dfecision iit- the(> fiftli ronnd of a selieduled sh round bout when Vern Slaughtet0 ! Lincoln, łmng on the ropes and " refused tó; #Jght. • .-;GA'. _ . • ■ . ■ t B,r Dnnny Kralek Omaha, beat •Taek Miller. Lincoln. over a fonr ronnd rdntc and Bill Riley was giveh a, deeision ovcr Bernie (las tle. Mikę McTigue ha.s signed With Paddy Mullins, also manager of Harry Wills. lieavyweight eón I tender. : / fflgSBK¥SS8'X«S:-S.»a®!SEfflBKS®|i WORLD THEATRE THE PURPLE HIGHWAY In conjunctión with bi£ f? ucts show headed by Valeika Suratt. Alł week begilmiti;; Saturday Febr. lfith. MO ON THEATRE “THE MAN FEOM WYO MING” I,,(;nr tbys brginriins Ha “HALDANE OF THE SE CRET SEEVTCE“ Three days beginning VVr»d SUN THEATRE MARY PICKFORD —in— “ROSITA” Om; week beginning February lffth. :.W\ EMPEES8 THEATKE “YOUTH A LA CARTEv Ru rai eharacter faree eomc dy. Feature Photoplay. “THE ŁUCK” One week beginning Satnr | day February 16th. \n\n Baseball Boxing k Racing SwA*AW/VA*/AVAVWAVAV • * c * b n tr aro-o-i W restling Basketball Bowling ivvwwvv SQUIRE EDGEGATE_The Squire Was Too Accommodating _ ' ■■■ ■■■ "ITOil BY LOUIS RICHARD _ -T3ZT-1 TU5T My JLJCK-] TO To S'T By /) Tobacco Fit H£> THIS LObtCr ~rrfiA>u. r U'LL JUST SPE*)* )T© Th •SQimpL \f>aouT ~r At(J > 5 B>r-HZ c ;T OUCriT |/VOT To 73E. ■PEr?/^ i TTt-d th ppnina Or x^id/ES {ScpL.W«?E-E>0 'JQJj I /)LLOrv OK~HC. //* “TV//S COUUT ■Roo/v1 -* "7 kvELt. TME^tS mo *?ULE ^€r*)lMS'T‘ IT — jf you must 5mok,E" <3-0 wii.yr •*)*WE*»E> i- ^oy ’/)/vd /**)*£ VOURSELC _} % V, ^