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Gwiazda Zachodu—“Western Star” Wychodzi w Każdy Piątek — (Publisbed Ewy Friday) "Daremnie będziecie zakładać misje i budować kościoły i szkoły, jeiełt ale Jesteście w atanie wałczyć ofensywną i defensywną bronią lojalnej prasy katolickiej. "—Papież Pius X. Jedyne polskie pismo tygodniowe w stanie Nebraska poświęcone spra Polaków na obczyźnie a szczególnie w Nebrasce. 1411 RONCKA BROS, PUBLISHERS BUeet Pkone JAckson 6408 Nebr. Caaa Prenumeraty $1.00 Na Rok w Stanach Zjednoczonych Entered at tbe Post Office of South Omaha, Nebraska, September 20, 1906, as secomd class matter under the Act of Congress, Karch 3, 1878. THANKSGIVING IN 1936 Thankagiring thia year ftnda Ame rica witta much for which it can re joice. We are at peace witta the world and further from entanglements ttaan almoet any otber nation. The emergency ot the depresaion is past. Unemployment roiła Have fallen to probably less ttaan 4,000,000. Manu facturing employment is almost back to the 1929 level. Payrolls bave risen ste&dily and many ot the 18,000,000 shareholders in America'* great In dustries are ceceiying ttaeir first divi dends in years. President Roosevelt is able to re port “the return of prosperity has re stored hope in citizens in all parta of the country." Best at all, we can reflect upon ttais TbanksgiTing day ttaat America has avoided the pitfalla of ottaer countries. Wtaile the post-war depressions have drawn other peoples into the quick sand. of tyranny, we in ttais country have stood firm on our liberties and freedom. Depressions have alwaya been a wel come vehicle .tar the demagogue, the agitator, the false prophet. Even with prosperity returning, there will be those wtao will look backward and ln siat upon ttaeir quack remedies for aa emergency ttaat is no longer with us. But it is inconceiTatale ttaat after battling upward out of the valley of the depression for siz years America will surrender any part of its liberty witta the goal in sight. Ttaat is not the American Way. And for that all peopłe will give thanks, So. Omaha Mała Chorus Putting So. Omaha . on the Map The Stock Yards Chorus, under the leadershlp at Ted J. Stolinski, haa been rendering a serrice all through the Fali season to ahnost every Idnd ot public enterprize connected with the Uve Stock Industry, in the wajr ot program*, etc. They furniahed aereral program* during the AK-8AR-BEN Stock Show; entertained the 4-H Club*, and Ust Friday erening the National Broad casting System through thelr faciU ties at Statlan W. O. W, permitted the Choru* to make a recora ot tne **fWM A W A*1 mim er rutftfł uf łh* Wrwwa. Corning football gamę between Creigh ton and Marąuette. Ob Tuesday ot last week they ren dered a program at the Chamber ot Commerce for the National Organiza tlon ot Commerclal Club Secretaries and thls performance akme gave this Chorus a National reputatian a* a musical organization. Other fine pro grama are in the offing, and before long, this Chorus will be plannlng for their annual Party at the Bali Boom of the Llve Stock Ezchange. Klas Irene Stolinaki i* the accompanist. John Ign&rslri Diet John Ignarski, 28, of Tamov, Nebr„ died Sunday at an Omaha hospital after a brief illness. His widów, and one daughter survive. The body waa seat Sunday erening to Tamar for burial. ; ■ , NWAMMKMMIMMMMMMMMWIMWMMMMMMffMfMM | Ceny Targowe stoli ttock COMMISSION CO. Najlepsze tłuste woły—0.75 do 11.10. Dobre tłuste woły—8.50 do OSO. Podlejsze tłuste woły—7.00 do 8.00. ' Najlepsze tłuste roczniaki—0S0 do 11.00. Dobre tłuste roczniaki—8S0 do 118. Podlejsze tłuste roczniaki—7.00 do 8.00. Ciekle woły i roczniaki—5.00 do 6.00. Najlepsze tłuste Jałówki—9.00 do 10.00 Dobre tłuste Jałówki—7.75 do 8.75. Podlejsze tłuste Jałówki—6.50 do 7110. Jałówki z trawy—4.00 do 6.00. Najlepsze tłuste krowy—5.00 do OHO. Dobre krowy—4.23 do 4.75. Podlejsze krowy—3.50 do 4.25. Stare cif kie krowy—3.00 do 3.35. Cielęta lekkie—6.00 do 8.00. Cielęta ciężkie—4.00 do 6.00. Byki—3.75 do 5.25. Najlepsze świnie—9 25. Dobre świnie—8.50 do KIO, Maciory—8.90 do 9. ML . j j~ - 7 - Robbins School Gra duation Today Th« November graduatlon class Ot Robbins school will include many Pol iah names. Graduatlon eaercises will be held today, Noyember 25 th at the school auditorium. A Tery interesting program haa been prepared. A class ot twenty-one will be gra duated. Included on the list are the foUowing Poliah studenta. Leo Bober, Irene Ftsher, Julia Krayneski, Ed ward Maaloskl,, Leona Nowak, Leo Sempek, Be mice Slahetka, and Jose* phlne Stodółka. Polish Welfare Club To Nominate Officers The regular monthly meeting of the Polish Welfare Club will be held on Friday erening, Norember 27 th at 8 p. m. Sharp. The nominatioa of offi cers for the coming year will take pdace. Ali members pleaae be preaent. A President, Vlce-Presldent, and a board of directorm will be in linę for nominatton. Louis J. Brzenski present president urges a strong turaout by ALL members. Calling on Nebraskans for conti nued support af the annual Christmas Seal campaign, which opens Thanks ; giTing Day, Honorable Roy L. Coch i ran, Governor of the State of Neb i raska gives the thirtieth annual Seal | sale official recognition and his owa good wishes for snccess. i i - Pułaski “Barn” Dance A HugeSuccess < The “Barn Dance” sponsored by the Pułaski CJub last week was a huge success. Over 400 persona attended the affalr. The rural atmosphere a bout the bali madę everyone present feel like having a good time. The dance committee wlth John Dyrda thanks the membera, and pob ite tor the aplendld support. ‘ł . Balloon Dance The Wbite Eagle Soclety will spon sor a Balloon Dance at Si. St&nialaua Hall, 41st and 3 Street* on Wednesday November 25th. Commenclng at 8 o clock in the evening. The entertain ment committee is hereby eztending a cordial invltation to all dancers to attend thls pre-Thanksgiving Dance. A.dmlsalon only 25 centa. THE FATROirs AIM. "To make righteousness prevail, to make justice rei go; to spread beauty, gentleness, wisdom and peace; to widen opportu nlty, to lncreaae good will, to move in the llght of higher thoughte and larg er hopes, to encourage science and ! art, to toster industry and thrift, e ducation and culture, reyerence and obedience, purity and love, honesty, sobriety, and the disinterested devo tlon to the conunoa good,—thia is the patriota aim." — State and Church. GIFT TO YOtJR CHILD. “Help him cultivate a wide yariety of lntereeta." —Conceming Your Children. OMAHA THEATBB Now showing at the Omaha theatre is Joe E. Brown in “Pola Joe.” Ano ther iaugh riot of hilarioua comedy and a plot that cen tera around the gamę of Polo. Featured with Joe are Carol Hughes and "Skeets” Gnllagher. The second feature is “Rosę Bawi" featurlng Tom Brown, Eleanor Whit ney, William Frawley, Larry Crabbe and Benny Baker. On the stage retuming by popular demand is Jay Clark, America'! fore most men taliat. BKANDEIS THEATBS Bing Crosby in “Pennies from Hea ven,” and Mary Astor in “Lady from Nowhere” are on the Brandeis theatre screen thia week, opening Thankagiv ing day. "Pennies from Heaven” is a merry musical with the aeason's swingiest tunes woven into a laugh-packed com edy romance. A strocg cast that in cludea Madge Evana, Edith Felloiws, Donald Meek and Louis Armstrong and his famous swing band work a long with Bing Crosby. “Lady from Nowhere," featurlng Mary Astor and Charles Oulgley, a new screen flnd from the Broadway atage, ia an intrigulng adventure — •tory heavliy laden wlth faat actlon, romance ano boisterous comedy. Corning Thuraday, Dec. Srd- "Wh| teraet,” and “Mummy'» Boya” FEDERAL THEATKE “The Spider”, the myatery drama which has thrllled Omahans for the past ten days, continues lts preaenta tłon, for at least another week, at the Federal Theatre, 19th and Capitol Avenue. Thls comedy myatery thriller has created quite a sensation during ita Omaha run. There is fun galore thru out thls trlcky play, produced In a tricky and effectłve manner. llaugha, whoopa, shrieks and glggles abound durlng the elght sklllfuUy worked out acenes. If you want to spend an unusual, inexpensive evening, go to the Fede ral Theatre’s “The Spider" Perform ance every evening but Monday, at 8:15. Admlssion is 25c. PAKAMOUNT THEATRE. "Bora to Dance," starta Thursday, Nov. 26th at the Paramount Theatre the season’s most laviah potpourri of musie and dancing. The new musical extravaganza pre aents the dynamie Eleanor Powell as a star and Just about runa the en tire gamut A top notch aong-and-dance sup* porting cast featurea James Stewart, Virgrinia Bruce, Una Merkel, Sid Sil vers. France* Langford, Raymond Wałburn, Alan Dinehart and Buddy Bbeen. Roy Del Ruth scores with a first ratę Job of directioa. Also on the same program, la test Fox Movietones News, Toby the Tor toise, a cartoon in technicolor, also there will be other ściec ted sbort sub Jecta. TOWN THEATRE One of the outstanding programa of the year will be presented by Town Theatre for three days starting Sun day, Nov. 29. "Rhodea” staring Wal ter Huston. Jack Holt in Zane Grey*s "End of the Trall.” companion feature. For Wed. and Thurs. Buck Jones in ‘•Boss of Gun Creek.” Also Gloria Stuart and Robert Kent in — "The Crtme of Dr. Forbes.” For Fri. and Sat. “KUler at Łarge” also James Fenmore Cooper’* "The ~JUhe weekly | CONSTITUTIONAL ■■-by MAX BCPNS Whims of the Moment Why don Congreas conalat ot two branches? Th* Continental Congreas had onły one brmncb and prored unaatla faetory. Tberetore. our Conatltutlon prorides for a Senat* aa well as a Home. Tbe Federallat, tamona anthorlty on onr Conatltutlon, saya: "Tbe ne eesslty ot a Senate la not leaa Indl eated by tbe propenalty ot all single and numeruus (large) aasembllea to yield to the łmpnlae ot sudden and rłolent paaslons. and to be sedueed by tactlona leadera tnto Intemperate and perntdoua resolutlona. Esara plea on tbla subjent mlght be elted . without number; and from proceed inga wlthln tbe ited States, as well as from tbe bisiory ot other natlona. A body whlcb la to correct tbla Inflrmfty ought Itself to be free from It, and conseqnently onght to • be leaa numernus (than the other branch—the Houae). It onght. morę over, to poaaess greal flrmneaa. and conaeqnently ought to hołd Its an tbority by a tenora (term ot Office) I ot cnneidrrable duratlnn.t I It t* to gnard agalnat ława baaeff on tfaa whlma ot tbo moment that onr Conatltutlon prorldea tor a Con gresa eonaiatlng ot two bouaea—« Senat* wlfh long (aia-year) terma ot V Office In additlon to a House of Rep reaentatWe* wtth abort (two-year) terma (Next Wr-tf: "Can the Suprem* Court Repeal a Law?"| Copyright 193« by Maj Bema '• Lazt ot the IfnMcaruf* wlth Randolph Scott and BInnie B&rnea And on the gala Saturday midnight show two great featurea will be pre sented In additlon to the regular pro gram. Lotnicy Niemieccy Za błądzili do Polski WARSZAWA. — Onegdaj lądowa ły aa terenie polskim trzy samoloty niemieckie se szkoły lotniczej w Gli wicach—jeden pod Częstochową, a — dwa pod Krakowem. Samoloty te wy startowały do lotu wysokości I zabłą dziły, biorąc Wisłę za Odrę. Po wyle gitymowaniu się pozwolono im zao patrzyć się w benzynę i odlecieć z po wrotem do Niemiec. W Polsce Bawi Wybit ny Amerykanin WARSZAWA. — Bawi w Warsza wie wybitny reprezentant ftwlata na-1 ukowego, prof. Duke uniyersity, dr. Malcolm McDermott, Bada on usta wodawstwo karne w Polsce 1 szcze gólnie Interesuje się ustrojem naszego sadownictwa. Pracuje on nad przettu maczeniem na język angielski nowe go polskiego kodeksu karnego. Pro fesor McDermott wygłosi w Warsza wie odczyt na temat sytuacji polity cznej 1 gospodarczej w Stanach Zjedn. po ponownym wyborze prezydenta Rooseyelta. Nowy Statek Polskiej Floty Handlowej GDYNIA. — W tych dniach odby ło się w stoczni Schuchau w Gdańsku poświęcenie i spuszczenie na wodę no wo wybudowanego handlowego stat ku motorowego “Tatra” o pojemności 7,000 tonn. Nowy statek przeznaczo ny jest przedewszystkiem dla polskie go obrotu handlowego i będzie kurso wał między Gdynia a portami połud niowej części Atlantyku 1 zatoki Mek sykańskiej. \n\n FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW!/' By H. T. Elmo , — GREEKS, ROMANS 1 ANO EGYPTIANS, CONSIDERED THE SNEEZE A KIND V7»T,*u U/APMFD ¥ Wl WfV-lfc f** «V» * ••* ' [them in times of danger r AND FORETOLD FUTURE l EVIL. Ill > Nwm, It. In ancient * TIMES . <» NEITHER a GREEK NOR A ROMAN WOULD PASS A WINE CUP TO MIS FRIEND WITHOUT HAVING TASTED OF IT TO CgKSjgftflf ITS SAFETY. ** kVVHEN THE DUKE OP BURGUNDY LOST MIS HAIR FROM A. SEVERE ILLNESS IN 1A61, MORE THAN 500 NOBLES SACRIFICED THEIR. HAIR SO THAT THE DUKE MIGHT J, " FEEL CONSPICUOUS !j IDETECTIVE ' RILEY By Richard Lee i YOUNG G>RL IS BROUGHT k'JSg I BEFORE DETECTIVE RILEY THIS IS MISS VIOLA, FAMED EXPLORER AND ADVENTURESA SHE STUMBLED upon and tried ro break up my narcotic ring, but LIKE YOU FAILED/ YOUR STUPID BLUNOtSRlue 7HAG SEALED THE DOOM FOR BOTH OR YOU— YOU V/VIU. be PLACED IN DUNOEONS WITHOUT FOOD AND WATER UNTILL YOU STARVE TO DEATH oa ths rats FINISH YOU OFF/ THE MANDARIN'S FIENDISH threats hams seen carried out, riley and viola have earn been locked in tiny cells to starve to DEATH/ z must aer our of Hemr ear to smash .THAT FUNQ, in rue cell next TO RILEY'S MR. RILEY— r TRY TO BEND these bars amp ^ climb through hmtc MY CELL, THEY POM'T SEEM TD , BE ANY TOO . STRONG—r HAVE AN IDGA HOV we CAN GET out or j / HERE// vOOl ^WHATOYM ) VIOLA'S PLAN BE l_? PASH v DIXON By Pen Out TjrHE DRAGON PEOPLE HMB gathered *ro honor dot And chah - but the. queen w» upaerr — "fF WHWW-I SHOOOEP TO THINK WHAT MIGHT HflNE BEEN !/f IT WAS , HORRIBLE./ -TOCV NEAR "TOEDOOR what's rr THAT _^SOVNOS LIKE rumbling m/*v voices; ' MAY&2. -THEY ARB mad eecAOee we KJU.&Q THE. £jdt DRAGON / r AH-I HAVE A x PL AN."TO SAME MV THRONE AND ALSO SET RIO OP THOSE te^Dev,L^ NyS^AT is THIS PLAN to do aw«v wrm DOT AND DASH