Newspaper Page Text
ai .a.a :. n "'yw; rjf,-r wwrrr- l THREE WHIPPED BY NIGHT RIDERS FOR TALKING TOO MUCH Farmer, Preacher and Labor er Beaten With Straps, Proposal to Hang One Lost by Single Vote. lmrKlVltitB. Ky.. Sppl. is. -u. o. iliamby, Homy Jordon and Itftrrletm Jfr tlati, of Paw .in Spring, wrr wiHprtd by tils hi rldeis. charged by thnlr taplois tvitli hating talked Ion mliuii. their only tnlliltiR, howvei, beltnS against Slight riders. I Iamb l.i ii retired r.iiwr and er unco thp tobacco troubhs four or five treats ago he has Ijou outspoken against Slight riding. The etdor .tuition, a street BirpacliPi, I .iid to have criticised night. B'ldlhg. though tip says hi didn't. Harrison .1 onion, twppty yean of ne. is a farm laborer. Recently hi employer lalmcd that tXd . had hidden In thp smoke-house 1iad boon stolen. A few might afterward. Jordon joy. thrc nn n took him rut. forcing his employer ami non tn accompany them, sttunc him up to the tie. It mid pave him two minutes a 1 1 which to confess to tnking Urn mom y. lordon protested Ills innocence and wns pleased. Ii i sild he recuSnlzed tho three inc "it Urn he ns oeaten and threatened to have llipin Indicted. Ite was lltl that i. h curled out Ids threat lie Would be Jinised nt tin- Court House door: ihrtt trie cnight riders were Sn.-i strong end footed no cine. ( lit" .lorflo is and Hftmhy were lanen in their night clothes nbout a mile In jiolnl jmt acro's t'-p Caldwell Ooitntv line, where thoy were whipped with a hen y SfAthcr strap, tlamby sb.vs nlRht riders toted on hnnotnu Win, and that th prop Edition to hang was lost by one Vote. After the whlnplng the victims were nl owed ui ct back honi- ."is best lite enulil. ' l -.. ........ --- -1.1 m ii n f -i - - -' - ! " -- ' - ' ' - - --' ( j PN-VAN&; . v-r x 2fi& rvrj xcx$mwvmim rfSrwc"M4NAN Vp k Y- V M5 oo Miues atLO3 tlANGflES4r germans use barbed wire to Hold captured allies Free to Wander About, They Sit Spiritless niul Dejected. i.Ti;.v-un.ov, Oetnutriy, sept is. v i't p.'pomletit visited the pHdon camp Up sav-h there are about olillerf, iW BolBlang and n i Ivll captives. iw is one of the pcimntient uituver giounds for dirfcrenl .ttetcd nil over Uerman.i. nl.-oners of war arc homed In long i-t - TTteie aro IS of tltcte. and In e.nli Hunt) than &) captive ore eoutlncd, l-.'aclt aislt holds Itvo saeUs of .traw that Jfrfn for but.. In manners nro rtnued iicn feu- aitleles as the prlsonris still The l stable .ire surrounded b a iKtrhpit.n-lte wsll srvpii fopl lilch. Kverv few jaids nlons this fenco stands a j wnir., his bayonet glltlerlup In the sun. The s.piie tuouaiu to mind the picture of a piisuit tnmp so uondclfullv described in Robi'it t.ouls Stpvenon's "St. tves." Inutile t'tis barbed wall the prisoners are frp tn wonder as they wish, but the" hardly ever move a dozen y.itt1i fiont the ti.irtlL-ular stable to whlcji they are asstpiuMl. rr-pt when ordered to urn" . out n"r-r-tir work around Ihelr q'iarli'. 1-.t the nvst part lli". pit In liltl" i-'-mtpB. sp.iitloss und deii'i'ted. PHONOGRAPH PLAYED AS KARLUK SANK IN ARCTIC Btefnnshon Steamship Went Down to Strains of Lively March N'KW TitrtK. S')t. 1.-ln an .ntiel" pnt from Numo, Alaska, via Seattle, to tin- New York Sun. Lieutenant Kulph Dcmpwolf. of the I'nited Stat.-s TWo luio Cutter Hear. ales a pruphlc l.-ot lr lioii of the dl.snstw tliat hWI tV wrei'lwd teamhlp Kniluk of the :?tef tKiissou North Ioi" 'M-dltln Lit-u-tennnt Ltiupwolf MUot"-i the sin vivor m board tlie Bear us a.lns tliat the 3Ai'luk was hard an.l lust in t!io In' jiack from early October up to January 2D. when tbp ship was crushed and sank. AV. L. MctClnlay and .1. n. Hudly. to of the survivors, are on the Hear. Pear Inn disaster when th Kniluk was 1ilftlii5 toward the Noith Pole. I'aptaln Ttflitlett. of that vesMol, hod skit elothine aiicd" for all the ship's company by an Tlskimo :md Ids wife. ItartlPtt also had tho Hl.'dcra and car put In o'de). and. us a further protection, the ship' oretv each day hopped the Ice around the 3varl.ik Into small pieces to make rit'hion aprainst the prensurc of the lee 1'ifk. Pojplte that precaution, the vestl tradi-.Dlly settled In the water after belne crubhed. aiifi disappeaie.1 on Januaiy 1') tnit fiithi'in of watoi. Ketore he ank Ba.ttlf'tt iud started ti phonograph play ' 1ns a st'rrins marc.i. .James ilurruy. the naturalist of tho ei j.eilltlor and First State Anderson, to-fii'th."- i'li other gjK'mbei'ji of the party, J fr ;i r-inpoiary t-.nn) in an effoit lo jiMii; tlie maiidauil. and ure believed to la in'ilhed. .Mtiinij's mitny meteoro-loSi-al obsf . lationi were lost POLITICAL MOVIES OF PENROSE BRING HISSES IN THEATRE Mothers and Children Ex- !-. I t i press Uisapprovai as hx or Decided Coolness Per vades Playhouse. " a:r o decided coolness peiv.ided t:i pullo Then Ire, Md stieet and Glratd aieiiiie nt tlie matinee this afternoon, when a m-jvlnu picture of Senatoi l'enios" Hashed on the scteen. Theie wcte also -i few hisses from the mothois pie. eiit when the Collator's picture appeared, as his .AJfCt of ROttltic before tlie public in Hits wav has been made plain to t.iem. The sVnator was shown iiddressing a crowd of wurltlngtnen ut Honitiwoutl I a tie xt,v Ws familiar expression of ai-Ifa- l .iliu'erlty. and to tho-e not to -utialntcd with Ills political deeds. In sei'inerl to mean nil he was saNins. When tlie plcluie nppeojed at th' s.tine tiir-itru last nli;lit. it was hissed by thr fiilldorl:ef oiesent. It was evident that they had beard their parents tell how '.it- i tie Penrose had done for the working children u'eneiallv, and so the;, gavp vent to their disapproval of the senior Sena tor's a-tlnn in an implmtlc manner. The liifies finally turned Into luuchler minglpu witii plain ciuIi-Imh which l-ft no doubt where til" child! en stood The inati.icpnient It is said, is considering ii it'.tvliiB the pl-ture from the bil". The new line o( battle now being formed in France runs along the Valley of the Aisnc, where General Von Kluk's forces arc defending themselves acainst the English on his extreme right, and the various French armiesin the centre and on his left. The second, third and fourth German armies are falling back on the Aisne from Chalons and Rheims, while further east the fifth German army, under the Crown Prince, has been compelled to move northward and eastward from the Argonne district outside of the range of the Verdun forts. The sixth German army, operating on the Lorraine frontier, is moving back to its base at Metz. South of Verdun the French have relieved Troyon, attacked by the Germans, and are forcing the Crown Prince's rear guards to the north, threatening the German centre with an enveloping movement. ! id. b. u i-pi "MOVIES"' OF GERMAN ARMY USED TO GAIN SUPPORTERS Jlagnificent Display. Including- the Kaiser, Shown in Copenhagen. t'uri.NKAGKN. -5..t i. i.l.lki 1R Viperous ffoMa In until to B.nn favor t..'anl i P1 the war. rnp of hei nrthods I "' th.. ineiiintnKiiiph -sontatives of the. Oerniai i;ovo-i- M.-nt have arrived hero with a uli- of film natures showing the Herman army in its bst side. The pictures :uv -a'd to ham ben taken uudei tho l-'Aisei's personal supervision. "i'n.y show the iriacnlrtcence of tlie tier inuii 'imruhlmf and efimpmeni. The Jvitiser l.imself is shown in a numh-r "f "lo-ip" views. Onf pictui-". laliele.l ""I'm- Kaiser under fire." eliows lu.n luoic In,; thiuush Meld Rlasns. nrenunia.-lv a1 distant bat'le. Anuiher allow Pi ;il. TiuarteiH at the front. .f a ser. !ifo. "imts." vary lomfoitsr,, Jlisheu. "i e rtlnia Hie to lie silpplie.l t j.i iuie theatres in DonmaiK. ' Sweden nna oilier neutral coui.i- low prii. 'I'l.e.e was .iImi today a fie. I.." ttioii of pamphlet in till ell. i t. tcelIont Danish, tellins of th .1. "finan.iul condition of Ornianv and clirlne she was fmced into tie war. 7'ainth'ets denv icports t n up nd Russian vletor'es. I a-Hi- ..,'iiff i . ay, nt a id u e ie h BRITISH ATTACHE CALLED FROM U.S. TO JOIN ARMY Colonel M. P. Gage Will Fight WitU Fifth Dragoon Guard. ..HIS'QT"N. H-'Pt. 'i-l'nd. i.x;' (i -lei-s tu report at or.. . dut wir i his ier.ili:eut '"obuwl Moietmi ('. (late, miliia. ' aita-oe of the autisn Knibaasj. arrived In Waahimion mdav fium A'oiu aid tieua'i liunledl inakinp final jee pa. .'ions to leave foi ih- Ui-.itre of var ile vi I loin hi- o,, i oilman.!, ine 3'ifi.i 1'iaK'Oii iSusrd i-,', .p.i Ouge w i a.i,. f..- ili.- ,,t liic Cntlass.'. in l!'l. and is p,p)Ur In ii.iliiaiv i".rles lie paid a fa: .-well i: tudav at the State Ijepaitn.e- i. and at ertai:i if tr-e other Eml am. $123.1 07.51 FORCED CROSS 3Iew York Branch Hopes Fund Will Be $150,000 Saturday. SUW YORK. Sept. 16-Th. total amount collected by ihe Yolk Jiranch ut the lied L'rog riociety la ItJS, As donations are lecetvtd dall. It Is lioped thai the fund will reach 11541, pfiO by Haturda. mybt. Another rapidly .mnii.t fund la tlie one belni; raised for the teller of tits nou combatant suffeiers in IJlsiiini. Tha Jund for the maintenance and equipment of the American ambulance hospital In Paris amounts to H0,3U.:. BOBBED EMPLOYER IS CHARGE WEST HIE3TKH. f . Sept. I -Kle J.jitm ui. tne common la wife of John (akes. toloied. of tilenlocii. was loekad vp Jieffl t'lj on th haiije of bavins taken i large amount of silverwaie tiooi toe house of Jai-ub llaniiltoti, of nar Jlorstun. while employed there at a. (loniasli iitfke. S"a .ed Hit home Ut i :j;ht and r overed the prcprtv alleatd to have beta takcu by tb woman, BRITON OBJECTS TO GERMAN FOOD AND GOES TO JAIL Sauerkraut Angers Him and He Is An'ebtetffVfter Family Quarrel. .Vo rtrltlsli. H'reu. 1: or U'IkI.iii wife hioiid i-ei-.-e let liul.iind tier. n. .ii illi.e Por Frank fur' ei-s n.. al to ttlfe And mule i pe.ii:ul huli.ind vi, lu iid hub ma lose a'l trace of . .mimon n,i I i.'S lr.. en-eil b -ituerkrati!' inens. Iloal (ioimau sauerkraut placed be-loi-.. Il.nry V. Bunnle. nu Knaltshinan. ot ri'rt North Thirteenth street, ns the de iestnnee of hlri viiinc meal d'rjve him to such boisterous i.hjeotion on icial Mounds his who b'iiii. u.oi.ed a Oermnn potU-eninn. wim took the Knalls-.inan hefore a Herman ina;j-i"-tr,t. who sentenced Bonnie to 10 days .0 the i-ounty prison. When Huiinle was a: ra ivied befoio Alacistiate 3nielv at the Pnr-k and T.e hu'i avenues fltf.tion this nmrnlns Mrs. llunuie tastified he has been unmanage able since the Euiopeati war started. She said he came home last night 1:;-toxb-ated. i'iuhiiiklni;ly she bad pr-pait a ,ura of OVrrnan viand--, to which her l nshand ohje,;ed. Mrs. Munnle then mn Jn'o tho Mieet and suminotied Poin-eni in Xps, win. arretted Cunnie. two prIFsjsrans'ferred Attaches of St. Rim Are Given Other Charges. T.mi p.:.i,i, oti.ii ie,( to l I'ainol,-i-'hui h or St. Itita 'eie sent toda.. to other limine. The Hi v. .lame.- Mcliouaij. U. S. . rei tor of the cliuri h. -.vliii-n he orcaiuzvd. '.ras muMfeiied to St. .lottepli's t'huic.i, itrxeiiwlcn, .V, V 1 the Very Rev. Xnliolas .) Murpb.. O. fl. A., Provincial of tha A'lsu.tluia'i r'afhei-a. K'ather Jlc Uowati a III he sucieednd by the Vaiy IUV. I'harl'S V, Urlscoll, lir wlli lorme heie fioir. U"pimic'h 1'ev. iloi t.flier A. Siilllvan. A'Uo hn Weep tne first assistant to Fat net ',:.'j'..mji. the las' four aia, Mill f, in ti-.e i'iiiin-li of the Iminai-ulate 1'on- '.no.i. lloo-iek I-'ttlto, X. Y. Path Ho'.hui'l, i. . . who was leieiitl, j'.' dan J it. H'"ii. iU ui'cd him. MAID ACCUSED OF THEFT Anwted at "Door of Blesilng" for Taking Employer's Jewels. Th "tiuoi of Hleasiiij,'." 4 Xoili '.Jd ,!. was oofci.iiig toi Jennie Uelaiiev, a u. aid i .. u.d. .:ji Noiili Sixth nt . et, lien -Jte was li.eied for- an al e.ed .p w-1 loliUer . rtitio'iiau!e- . ' '': Niiii-teriith and Oxford -tjiU.ii- Ajtajgued befui Mas:tmle f'.-u.o. U i tlia Night Palica t'oiin, she was ieid n l bai. foi a fi.ithr haaring. Jenii. a.. formerly f-niplojed by Hit, .1. C liarwoud. UI" foi imbla aeuue. On August K aba left l be lions, ostensibly to i.-riM th frunt steps. ih never uimo uai ii. laier ilrs. Uajwoii.1 niUsed jen el-. valued at more than gttO. .She told tne p-dlie. and lnc tlieu the' hue been .M.-ai ullia foi tua luuid. Uast I'Ubl Jtni-.U- want to tie "fioor of UUi-io' to loiun tune dolhlns !it theie alun sha went to bar last placa of emplo meal. Persons at the home R'h'i knew ! tl-e alleged lola'iery suninioncl :b oli. e and tie gi. I was ariested. POISON FOR MONTANA GUARD Man Accused of Making Suggestion is Placed Under Arrest. ni'TTK. Mont Sept. Pi. Kred Magnai dot. a pluiiihei'k helper . i. hein lieid Uer todav on me charge of advlslnj a man to put poion In trio drinking- wate. used by TW membeis of the State guard. The peine, who arrwtad Alaunardot. elsum that he u;tted to a man that polsoa be placed in the I'onrt Hout drinking ali a . il h ai d a .ilumbai were hii . the ;.i , . , i,m.,ton was epained and -j . 4 . , , . ,. fti(l. PALMER DECLARES PENROSE EXPENDED $100,000 IN PRIMARY Charge of Violating the Cor rupt Practices Act a Strik ing Feature of Speech at Lewistown. WASHINGTON PARTY MEN CONFER AT HARRISBURG t.'KXTKR HALT Pa.. Sept. IS.-Led by C'oncreB.iman A. Mitchell Palme the .Democratic ' campaigners reached here this mornlnsr after completing: their tour of Perry, Juniata and Mifflin Counties yesterday. A charge that Senator Pen iwse has violated the conupt inactice act of the State and nation and a review of Ills opposition In Congress to publicity i-ampalsjn lesislatlon were the climatic pointi in Consiossman Palmer's final speech at Lcwlitown last night. .Mr. PaJmer declared that If the true cost of Senator Penrose's nomination were known, including his own expendi tures nnd contilbutiona by those to whom It would mean mot for him to be o'octed to the Senate the total would be near 41f,.'.'"' althotmh Mr. Penrose admits ex penditure." ot only Jltxv. Tim Pennsylvania Prote-.ti'.e I'nion. Mr. rainier assetted, was a political com mittee within the plain meaning of the miiupt piactice act. He said it should be tompelled legally to give an account of it disbursements in bcnalt of the nomination of Senator Penrose. indicating Senator Penrose's opposi tion to any campaign publicity legislation, Mr. Palme.- refeiied to the ConKresiional i.'econl for duly 1". nil. Here Senator I'enioe it recorded as "not otlng" on tb Mil intended to limit the campaign expenditures, of a senatorial candidate to S'lurt". Tne campaigners left lla.-noui at n-i',11 '.esterday. covering 6U miles by au torn. i nle before tliey t.eacheo Lewlitown last night. The.- were accompanied hv . N Crosby and itobeit S. nrlght, cai. didntes for Congiesgman-at-lui-gp.. xu. idglit the candidates will speak in J.oc; Haven. Meet to Discuss Lewis' Withdrawal Bruram Against Surrender. HARRISBURG, Sept. 16.-State Chall- ' man A. Novln Detrlch arrlvetl lieie ut no)n from Philadelphia to take charge of ; todays meeting- of the Washington Pait, State Committee, and at once opened hlb headquarters In the Bolton Houso. Most of the members from Philadelphia and adjacent counties came with him. National Committeeman William Fllnti arrived from Pittsburgh soon afterward with the contingent from the western part of the State. Indications at this hour were that the attendance would not bo very 'ante ' The committee went into session at ; Chestnut Street Hall soon after lunch, to consider the proposition of Dean Wi' llam Draper Lewis withdrawing as the party's oandldato for Governor and to consider the substitution of Vance C. Mc Cormlck. the Democratic nominee; Although the withdrawal of Mr. Lewis met with the approval of the recent oon fetence In Philadelphia, committeemen from Schuylkill County who favored Judge Drumm for the nomination are In i lined to be somewhat mutinous are not favorablo to the idea of making BRUMBADGH GREETED BY GREAT CROWDS IN DAUPHIN COUNTY Ovation to the Republican Candidate for Governor at the Gratz Fair and in Many Towns. changs in the midst of the campaign, and some of them believe that the Judge ought to be substituted for Dean i-ewls on the ticket. Some of the committeemen belicm that William T. Cicasy, Democtntlo caudi- IIARRISBURG, Sept. K.-Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh spent an hour in this city this morning, receiving many friends at the Commonwealth Hotel, leaving later for the Gratz Fair, on the upper edge of the county, where he spent the after lieon. Doctor Brumbaugh came over from rhey I Pittsburgh on a night train and held his reception at the Commonwealth, from 9 to 10 o'clock. lie was in excellent spirits J and highly gratified with what he had i found In the western end of the State. j The journey of the Republican candl- date for Governor to tho Gratz Fair was ; date tor uientena it uovernor. snoum step . colUnua aellC3 of st0p3 nnd brlef .,. I down for a Washington Party Such .,, ,.,.. i n.'tlon. however. Is unllkelv. aH the nemo- ' Ptlons 'n 'be many towns along the eratle lenders contend that such a step would look too much like a deal. A number of Senator Flinn's lieuten ants here are not very sanguine as to the outcome of the conference, iiltnough on the surface they are wearing the customary political smile. HIGHWAY BRIDGE WILL ELIMINATE CROSSING ESTATEAINS IN VALUE $541 ,084.40 Will Be Distributed Ac cording to W. S. Allen's Will. Will'.am I- Alien, suivlvlrig txecutoi of the estate of Wllllum S. Alien, who died I aoiio i iwn, ai mtd a seL.on,3 account ui wis nsiate wun tne negater of Will lit sets form thai the oiigln balance .f awarded him by Judge A.hrnan in 1301. lias been increased by dividends and otl.ej funds to H,5K.M A balance of t5ll,ei.tu of tins amount i to bo distributed in accordance lih tho ti ins Of 1'ie will. Among the invtjinifnU romp'UIng ihe baUm-e of tne estate are: 'i Paenger Rallwa I'oiupany. appraised at HUGO: Ule. trio arid People's Passenger Railway company, JTi.oi), appraised at !,: Siibmban (ias Compan, JlJ.ojo, at 111.1S5: West I'lieMei- Rallwai- Companv, fl.gai. ai l.'Viil; Kaunas t'ny Southeui Railu'a- Companv, K8.000, at IIS.'J'"); Phil adelphia Klrttrit- Compaii.. JjO.CW. at IJO.WO; tnited Railway Company, ia.. al J.M.olS: Spriu-e and Pine ttieets Rail win Cumpar.-. 7'0 shaies, tii.lin: Uieen and Coates .Stieatu T'asjunsn Railway Company, W ahaies, ?K!5o: West Jersey and Seashore Railway Company, lilS sharex. Jl-1,680; Frankford and Southwark I'assenRer Railway Coinpam. 55 sheies. J19,a: Union Passenger Italia ay Corn pa n .5 sl.aies, at JlJ.-loO. WHM admittad to piobate today are tnoe of Autila McCarrlck, (19 South 19th street, who hit 8'i estate valued at 3l0u; Kllra beth 1. Roach. E518 Race street. i0O0; Michael Kcougii, 330 North Sid street, Margaret Patterson. ZUl Tulip atree.. TIM- The personal effects of Moi ris J. Davis have been appraised at Un charged With Kicking Boy Magistiate Grtlis scored Charles Mol-li-ish. US eara old, of 637 Roberts ave nue, today In holding lilm for court on a charge of having kicked 7-year-old Kd. ward Macclone. Molleilsh said Macclone and iber o-a stoned him as he passed t-.. ..-i rjmg a i-adioad tie but Mac- o i-i'-d ..'Jieatu s h-fti the m?.a was boo, under fkJ ball. Steel and Concrete Structure for Glenwood Avenue Near Seventh. A steel and conciete lilghwny bildge. to cost approximately $IO,w, will be con structed on the line of Glenwood avenue near Seventh rftieet over the Hacks of the Richmond Branch of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company. Plans for the structure aio being pie pared under the dliectlon of Chief Web ster, of the Survey Buieau, and, follow Iny the appioval by the Public Service Commission and ait jury, bids for con st! union of tho bridge will be ieccied. .Money for the bridge Is available irom a municipal loan. Residents of the section where the hiidge will be elected have been appeal ins for months for the btructure that Mil eliminate n dangerous grade crossing l.nit must be patsod daily by children on then way to and fioni school. route. Tho party included W. H. Hor ner, Republican County Chairman; JB-mes K. Lentz, Vice Chairman; Congressman Aaion S. Krcider. candidate for re-election on the Republican ticket, and other piominent men In the party. Doctor Brumbaugh went to the Grata i Fair by special invitation of the man i agemonf. and ho found a gieat crowd of I voters there to welcome him with cn 1 thunlasin. ! The Brumbaugh paity left this cltv in automobiles nnd ran up the river road as far a-i Halifax, where it was neces sary to strike acioss country. A stop was made at Halifax for luncheon. On tho load to Halifax, the party was met by Interested groups at Fort Hunter. Heckton .Mills, Dauphin, Speccevlllo nnd nt Intervening points and all gave tho Republican gubernatorial candidate a warm welcome. After leaving Halifax early in the after, noon stopi were made at Flshervllle, Dietrich, Llizabetlivlllo and Berrysburs, winding up ot the Gratz Fair grounds, where the lemaluder of the day was spent by the party m general handshak ing and epenkiug. FORTY WANT $1500 JOB Apply for Chief Clerkship in Depatt. 1 ment of Docks. Ftri applicants for the position of chief clerk in the depai intent of wharves, docks ami ferries took the examination of the civil SeiWco Commission today. Piestdfnt filter, of the commUsioneis, said it was the largest number of can didates that had ever taken the exami nation for a similar position. Tlie pout pas llMVJi a ear. John K, Matkham. of ISM Tacoio street. Is th appointee serving as chief clerk in tht flock depaitment. Twent -three men are taking ihe ex amination for ntenographer and clerk in an depai tment at VW to Ies than Htlni a eai. The new schedule of examinations p, (Ill vacancies In any depai tment beglna today. Under that schedule examination will be held almost daily until September a. iixaminutiou for a chief tesldeut pliysl clau at the. Philadelphia General Hojplt ii al (40o a year is the most important of the schedule That examination l.i to he held September ri. ARRESTED FOR BARREL THEFT Charged with tlie theft or a load of waterproof barrels, three young men were held last night in W0 ball by Mag istrate Pennock, of the Central police sta tion. They ate Charles Ellis, 11 years old. of 1513 Point Breeze avenue; Howard Ruby. 18 years old. of 2Ut and Tasker streets, and William McLoughlln. it yaara old, of 1920 Christian street. The theft was reported by tho night watch man of tlia Reading Railroad fielght sta tion, located at 3d and Arch streets, and the youths, who were, taking the bar- i. xmai- lii a moving van. were arret ed at :'rt r -l ' ir-sta i.4 ijntclal Hon, Riu-te Policemen ut: " acv,imj. uu-ljj- BRUMBAUGH INDORSED BY THE LATE HENRY W. WILBUR Letter Written Shortly Before His Death Pledged Support, Indorsement of Dr. Martin G. Brum baugh, as a man for whoso defeat "tho temperance forces at Pennsylvania cannot piotltahly press at this time," Is contained In a letter written by Henry W. Wilbur to K. J. 'Moore, of the Anti-Saloon League, and made public yesterday. Mr. Wilbur, who by many was regarded as the mot piominent Friend In Philadelphia, wrote tho letter a few das befoie Ids death Uit week. It has Juut been made public. The possibility that his own life might cue -o soon did not occur to Mr. Wilbur, for in the letter he pledged his own vote and those of three othern In Ids home lo aid the candidate of Dr. Brumbaugh. Fusion, Mr. Wilbur, observed, generally . iru to ccntusion of all the moral Issues I which enter Into tho compact. The fusion . scheme of this campaign lie partlculaily ' ., , - ..- l ...1. ...!... I.- I.-,,-.. . Oppoaeu urtauoe iis auujjiiuii, ,, ueveu, would tlnow oveiboard "A. Mitchell Pal mei, a temperance man by Inheritance and practice, in order to help the chances of a man of unknown tecord on the sub. ject. and whoao knowledge of Pennsyl vania and Us needs Is simply the know, edgo of a carpet-bagger." This last re ferred to Glfford Plnchot. BOY STABS MOTHER JAPANESE ACTRESS SAFE, THANKS TO U. S. EMBASSY Several Students, Reported in Berlin Prisons, Beyond German Bordors. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1C. Madame Tamaltl Jllura, the Japanese actress, has escaped from Germany, advices to tho Japanese Embassy here today state. Mme. Miur.t, who Is the premier player of the Imperial Theatre, In Toklo, was In Germany with her husband, a civil en gineer, when the. war broko out, nnd tho American Ambassador wao requested to look after her safety. Twelve of the RO Japanese students, who were said to have been in prison In Berlin, also havo reported from points outside of the German bordors. TUCKERTON PLANT DISABLED Communications With; Germany Hin dered When Wireless Machinery Fails Communications between this country and Germany received a serious setback today when the wireless plant at Tucker- ton, N. J., was forced to shut down owing to an accident to tho machinery. While the naval officers in charge of tho station would not divulge exactly what tho nature of the breakdown was, It Is understood that tho soncrators had burned out because of the high pressure at which tho plant has been forced to run night and day. In an endeavor to dispatch all the messages accoptcd for transmis sion. As tho Tuckerton station Is ono of two in the United States furnishing direct communication with Germany, it has been practically swamped with work since the cables ceased operation. The generators affected by the breslc down are the most vital part of tho send ing machinery. As all the machinery In use at Tuckerton Is of Gorman manu facture. there may be much difficulty In replacing tho destroyed parts so that the plant may be kept out of commission for some time. ARREST AUT0ISTS WHO FLED Camden Man Faces Manslaughter Charge for Killing Woman. Mystery as to the Identity of the man whose automobile struck and killed Mrs. Anna Donnelsbeck, In Overbrook. Camden County, a few days ago, was solved to day by the arrest of John Maxwell, of 903 Point btreot, Camden. Maxwell was taken Into custody by Detectives Dotan. Levins and Grlbben through a description furnished bv nil eye witness of the accident. He told the detective tl,n i, !,. u. ,'.:.. ". Mrs. Donnelsbeck, hut in the darkness could see whether or not sho was badly hurt. "I drove on becauo I was frightened. Ilost my wit. T guess." os his state. Tlie accident happened on the White horse pike Mr. Donnelsbeck was her way to church. Maxwell waa drivlnu & "Jr. '0i,dS,er Wlt" "I wife and child. They saw another auto coming nnd veered to one side to let It pass then speeded up. At this Mm. Donneisbeck stepped from behind the othar inaclilne "".'" 3,,V,Ck b' " '" mud gtaij of the car Maxwell was driving slaughter1" B8 a8a"Mt "w" Is man- YICTORY FOR CZAR WOULD BIND PEOPLE OF RUSSIA TO HIM Success for Germany, How ever, Would Be Danger ous to Government and to Nation's Civilization, Says Correspondent. , By STEPHEN GRAHAM MOSCOW, Sept. 16,-Tliore Is ,lu j,. presslon of tho national spirit in Russia There nre no striken, ,10 rotS( no revohi; tionary propaganda or pessimism, hut Instead an all-pervadlnR cheerfulness ami natural unanimity, which even tho most optlmlstlo could not have foreseen. Tho peasants go to the front with great enthusiasm, nnd radical nnd conservative alike chocr them on. Newspapers of all parties are one, and Liberal organs aro as loyal as those of Kxtrome Right, There Is tho same unanimity among Pole,' and Jows, and oven Jewish volunteer regiments have been formed. The only sympathy with Germany n. In Uie breasts of iho Finns. The only Instinct to fall Into brlgandago and re bellion Is among the Mohammedan tubes men of Caucasus. All Is well, nnd if success crowns the Russian arms, tht empire will become bound In a happy allegiance, to the Czar as never before. On the other hand, if the Germans gain tho upper hand, and Inflict vaBt slaughter, the presence of millions of armed liui. slans In western Russia U prcgnnnt with danger for all who havo property and culture and position there, This war Ii. a matter of llfo nnd death for Russlnn civilization, as It 13 for all tho other States onsagod. Tho air Is full of hope. All vodka shops havo been cloned for a month, nnd Russia has taken on tho nppenrance of sobriety. It has been Impossible to obtain alcoholic liquors of any kind, and ns a consequence drunlcennoafl has disappeared from tlia streets, nnd with It tho great army of beggars, who only be that they may gather a few kopeks for a bottle. The absence of vodka has made a great blank In tho peasants' lives, but that blank has been filled up by war nnd (lit Intorest of war. Ordinarily the peasants feel they have nothing to do but drink, but now It Is otherwise. It is aa If In war they found a real reason for exist once as If In death they found the ob ject of living. My ears ache with tho sound of wom en's sobs. All the way from the peacotul und happy villages of tho Altai the sounds of wailing and crying broko upon my ears. Here, however, In Moscow It Is different; some ono has wiped away their tears, and the women, with sun shiny, If tear-stained, faces, aro fever ishly working- for the thousands ot wounded who havo come back for their care. Already there aro MOO wounded In Moscow, and they increase ut the rate of five tratuloads dally. The streets are thronged with Red Cross nurses. In every house women are thinking of what they can do personally for tho wounded; how many they can take to nurse. Alas! Wo nro only at the beginning of sorrow, and for tho thousands of wounded today there will be tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands a week or a month hence. Kvcn all the care and thought of thoso at home will bo too little to meet the suffering, nnd many poor soldiers will die without the touch of ono skilled or riontlo hand. Xiuve for tho soldlcis In hysterical. At tho railway stations whero the wounded nrrlvo await largo crowds of women w-l'li baskets of Klfl.S and when the huge cross, which marks tho ambulance train, comes In and stops, thrro Is a new and sweet Invasion, all the girls running along tho corridors with cigarettes, tea, sugar, cakes and newspapers. Kvcn the German wounded participate in the sen rrnl hnspltulily, nnd you frequently hear Russian women say of n wounded enemy before her: "Poor one: Is il his fault In la flKhtiiiff ur?" The Germans, for their pait, are veiy .suspicious, asking if tho tea Is not vit riol, refusing to take medicine, nnd ask Ing: "When nro we to be hanged?" EXECUTOR UNDER ARREST One of Heirs of Estate Alleges Mis appropriation of Funds, Trouble over tho handling of funds Ire longing to tho estate ot Joseph Byine, today resulted In Magistrate Grells hold ing William McBrlde, CO ycais old, tin osecutor, in .WO ball for court. Joseph T. Byrne, one of the hehs. mails tho complaint. Ho snld SW had ocen misappropriated by McBrJde, who lives at 3I4C Stillman street. THE WEATHER She Had Struck Him When He Re. ' fused to Go to School. j Dislike for the routine of school life led 1 U'-ycar-old Joavph Goldstein, of 112 Chris tian Btreel. this morning to stab Iris i mother, Rosie Goldstein, in the aim with j a potato mine. jug. lioldsttin had been trying to induce her son to start for school, and wheu ho finally refused to do so. stiuck hirn. The boy, who had been sharpening n. pencil with a potato knife, attacked he The child was taken lo the Second ana t nrisilan streets ooliee. iu. ne was held for a further BOY FLEES FROM RELATIVES Says They Are Unkind and Asks Po lice for Shelter. Cruel of relatives who. he said did not die for hlu, led .lame, am" ert 17 ,""? SVV. t0 Walk fro"' Billot street West Philadelphia. t0 the At "..Joid street, police station, and ask a nl-bt' r tnf sod-Tv Vu,,,.,a "v" '" " today Oiganlzing cha,lty Stuckert said he resided with u,, a,,. , Mrs. Dome Roberts', at the ,ou' str'ei address He told the police his kinsfolk did not treat Ulm kindly and fiequwitlv would not perm., to coirn'mto "ha T-.tHy ,is sister. M. Annetta Wrlgjc I o3 Dover street, sent woid to tho police to,Uflr ? ,aU a home, but m l ! ?,0,,rls ,,,aced '"Im in care of the charitable organization. HOUSE ROBBED OF JEWELRY Jewelry and ttlnkots value.j at Hi) wete stole,, f,om the .esldence of . Joseph Head. 6 We.tvlew street, Ger- h'. !..i'e,t W" committed Mt night. Jeenit-Ud'r" en,"td bedroom on the second floor and ransacked a bureau tiVt.V' 'I' whM" " kPl faui"y val- ... i "-..., yfir ut un imus ami i ii h -Wei amoas &t u, UWtUf Oflicial Forecast WASHINGTON'. Sepi IS For eastern Pennsylvania Fair tonlsiitj Thursday Increasing cloudiness; fresh northeast winds. For New Jersey Fair tonight; Thurs day unsettled with, probablo showers: in creasing northeast winds. A tropical disturbance s central "ft tin eastern coust of Florida this morning and Is moving northward. It has uppurcntly Increased In energy during the night ami Vessels are warned that conditions vtll o dangerous south of Virginia capes. Illgii barometric pressure continues oer tht northeastern portion of tho countrj, -auj-Ins continued fair weather and moderately low temperatures. Rains are reported in tho northern States from tho Lake i.-glan westward, while conditions hae geneiall cleared in the great central valio - A ehaip ilse In temperaturo oeciiind uvei a belt oxteudlng from Lake Superior xoulli westward to Kansas. United States Weather Buieau H ilhtn observations made at S p. in , ea'tera time: I". S. Weather fliircau llullflin !.. Cft last rutu- I'he , btailon. Sa.i.i. night, fall. Iloii I. U".;'J niwttuji. n a. m. um ran. nun. n. .- APiiene, 'lex. . AtUntlc City . lll.injicl.. XI). Uoton. Jliii. Iluffalo. X. V. . rto fe 1'lilcaipj, III. ... US l cllaud. O ,-VI SI Denver. Col. . . . .".S 5S lies Icinu. In. T- To neiroii, Jl l', (,: IMlllllU. Jiitiu. . ialelun. Tex lUtttl-ai. N. c lUleiia. ilont.. JlU'k'kuIlvlIlD .. Kanaa 1'llv lutlllle. Kv.. Ill ..K MeinphU. JVnn. in H; New (rlan .. 7- III New York lii raj N Platte. Nob. rel :a Oklahiing 7J it t'nuadtipiiia ... l. el 1'iuMiiU, Aim... 71 It rntourcu. I 'a.. M PortUud, Me... It! I'ortUnJ. Ore. . s3 VutL'Ce. i uu. . . l. I.ul. Mo Ut Paul llluu. Suit l.n.i- I'll. dan Iran. I .. .. Snaiituii iv Tampa . Vvashloalou Wtonlpei ,, 71 71 W M XK is IS .Hi NW u r.u NW I j i ! 1 1 I, I' ' ."J i, i -1 a lo i I " s li si; i i -i: i !.''; 7u i .in s l ' i"" lv i xi .ci si; ti ' T-J 7u .iu M-: -' : :;i; .n hi Z .o-j x 7- 7" 3. 1 1 .h si: XK SI I 70 xi: i-' s -o r i i- i i-j n, ii. 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