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M mu II ifi SIC ivrcS? AVm fift; l; h. - I K '!-i.l.HJl"!5!fnnWB ;"? 'aiw- t " wn-s""- vrt' il II 1 l ll.l I,lllll.l.....IHI.HIIII I mi up EVENING && LEDGER TUBLIC LEDc E l COMPANY CYItUH M. K. CUIITIS. PlIMtDINr. . f onn Grlbhtl. Vlcerrealdenti 0-W.Chst Secretary John C. Martin, Treaeurer: Charles, It. Ludlnjton, rhlllp a. Collin, Jolin n. Will lam i. Directors. KDITORI AL BOAI1D : Cibds IT. K. Ccitis, Chairman. f. IT. T7ItAt,Kr Kf tultv JMltor .tOHN C. M.VttTI.V... ,J, . .general llutlneaa Manager rubllthctl itallr at Pernio as Hulldlns, Independence Square, Philadelphia. I.mesn Ci.NTiit Bread Am! Chestnut Street ATT.AXTIC Cut rri-tKloii nulldine Nw Toss tTO-A. Metropolitan lower CmcAflo. 817 Home Insurance. Ilultdlnsf London s Waterloo Tlaie, Fall Mall. 8. Vi. NtlU'S BURBA t'Ri TTjnii'urao Brmn The rat riot Ihilldjns WaamicTos BinsAC The Tosf Tiu d ne . Toaa: HcinAO The Time TlulMlnr Jiratis Iirmuc , o FrledrlclulraM" JfOMioN Iicinr ,.3 Tall Malt East. S. W. run BoaiiC 02 run Louis le Uiatid SUBSCRIPTION TF.rtMS Tir carrier. DaU.t Ovia, It eenta. By null. postpaid ulslde of Philadelphia, entpt where fofelrm potac la required. Dhlt one mnnth, twenty-mo cents! UiitT O.VT.T. one year, three dollats. All mall sutscrlp lions payable In advance. KIX. 3000 WALMJT KCVTONR MAIN 3000 f7" Addrm r.U eonimHlear(oii.t lo Kioiini; Ledger, Independence Souare, PhiteuJelpltiQ. Irruoxrtoy iAte at thk rmitADEtrnu rflftoirica ok .li ah arcQNn-clAm lit. tirrrni. PHfLADrxpniA. Ttr.DESDA,5inr..MDr,n 16, ton Transit a Juggernaut to IIoltl-Backs. IK THE letter sent out by James . Pal four and John M. Fogelsanger. urging the stockholders of the Union Traction Company to protest to the company's directorate against acceptance of the suggestion relative to rapid transit made by tho Rapid Transit Carmpany, appears this statement' "A committee of tho Board of Directors of the Rapid Transit Company has come before the Board of Directors of the L'nlon Traction Company with the proposal that Union Trac tion stockholder shall Rive the Rapid Tran sit Company financial support to the extent of supplying- funds for the extension and equipment of existing lines AND FOR Till-! EQUIPMENT OF TUB NOW PROPOSED CITV BUILT AND OWNED SYSTEM OF RAPID TRANSIT LINES." The agreement resulting irotn confeienccs between the Department of Cll Transit and the Rapid Transit Company, under the cap tion. "Union Traction Co-operation." says: "The Philadelphia napld Transit Company will rely upon the Union Traction Company to nid in securing ONLY SUCH FUNDS AS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE NORMAL EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM, the requirements for which will bo grcntly lessoned by the establishment of the new high speed lines." The discrepancy between the two utterances Is obvious and vital. The Union Traction Company has not been asked and will not bo nsked to provide funds of any sort or in any amount for the proposed new system. The Union Traction Company, of course, is at perfect liberty to decline to participate in the program. It may, if it wishes, forego the guarantees ofTered by the city against loss of net Income occasioned by diversion of traf fic to the high-speed lines and the abolition of exchange tickets. But tho Union Traction Company cannot prevent the achievement of rapid transit in Philadelphia. There is no company that can do that. The thousands of workers, men and women, who are paying Bix cents a day more than they ought to pay for conveyance to and from their work and the thousands of others who enjoy a five-cent fare, but lose pre cious minutes daily through slow service. aro not Interested in the details of finance. They only know that the municipality i3 am- ' "" enough to accomplish the project. ' They will sweep politicians or any other set of men aside, if necessary, and use their votes to set what they want. Public opinion Is settled. It will have rapid tranlt. The movement has already become a Juggernaut to the little fellows who think they can check it. ,. . MMM , J f . . 1 , f. 1 .J -.1.111 I" .-..-. WX7W rM theso findings ate recorded and are of great value. They cover the) ehltd'a history Up to, usually, about 16 yeara. Why should nol this valuable data, bo turned over to the Juvenile Court for use In cases of delinquency occur ring among school children? It would save the court a vast deal of time and money, and would cut out a lot of testing and Inves tigating and duplication of work already don by the schools, and done more carefully and thoroughly than tho courts can do It. In Buffalo, out of a public school gradual- PASSED BY THE CENSOR WHEN you read In your favorite news paper that Rome ono has found a $1000 pearl In an oyater, put it downito Ignorance or to the attempt to advertise the restaurant. Pearls found In salt water oysters are worth less. So says Herman Myor, father of the American pearl Industry, who has devoted 0-odd years to exploiting the fresh water lng class (average age 16) 64 were known, by t pearls of this country, from Wisconsin lo . . i, !. fram flvn in .itrM vpnrs old Arkansas, from his native State, Tennessee, I mentally. Yet they were turned loose on the to Maine. Myer's life woik has all the I community without any adequate provision glamour of romance. Born In Carthage, Ten I for future help or protection against the dan- I ncssce, ho was sent to Harvard and was cent Inherent In their defective state. There Braauaicu Willi Honors in cnomistry. uur- last known barber surgeon in London waa a man named Mlddledltch, of Great Suffolk street, who died there In 1821. Ho was aljo a dentist, and a Writer of that day says In an "Autobiography": "I havo a vivid recol lection of his dentistry.1' would seem to he a great tired of linking up 'and co-ordinating all our public and private social agencies to prevent this state of affairs. XlX ( Beat Penrose : Win the Nation R. PENROSE could not be elected United States Senator from Illinois. In Califor nia his candidacy would be lidlculed. In Maine not a corporal's guard would rally to his support. In Ohio he would be treated us J lng one of his vacations, spent at home, a I fisherman brought him a peat I. That started ! his downward career, for his father, himself j a banker, had wanted his son to follow In his financial footsteps. But young Myer thought otherwise, and, packing his grip, went to New York, whero he sold his pearl to Tiffany's the first American pearl ever sold In the New York market. Thoio was a time when Oriental pearls were woith their weight In gold; today tho Iridescent pearl, found In the rivers of Iowa and Wisconsin, is more valuable than a dla- hH prototype, Foraker. was treated. In Mis- mon0 o( corrCgpondnK slze. Atui Mycr )s sourl It would not take 20 minutes to count the votes he could get. In Maryland, another doubtful State. It would be Penrose last, with none of the other candidates In sight. A So cialist would poll mote votes than he in Wis consin and Iowa. In Washington there would be nn avalanche of women's ballots polled against him. Where. East or West, in any doubtful State, could Penrose command a following'.' Yet this Is the man who. pleading for pro tection, tefuses to step aside and permit some other man who could really do something for protection to go to Washington. H Is mock pry of reason to assume that the test of the nation would follow Pennsylvania in devotion lo such a leader. It Is sheer madness to sup- lurgely responsible for this. Up and down the Inland rivers ho traveled, on foot, by train, In wagons, preaching the value of the gem lo the fishermen, telling them how to find It, how to valuo It, how to market It. And the upshot of It all was that the self same fishermen becamo so expert that they doubled and trebled the price to Mycr, until the profit to the wholesaler was almost negligible. BUT even Myer was not the first to deal In American pearls, for in the great cathedral In Seville. Spain, rests a collection of these gems, gathered by De Soto and his followers during their invasion of our South ern States and his trip to the Father of Waters. In the archives of tho Spanish city may be found wondrous tales of the vast I l iches of the American Indians of Do Soto's I dava. of the Immense stores nf nenrls found pose that theie can be any ichabllltatlon of , hy tho n,Ventut.CIS, of tne tter disregard the Republican party so long as he Is ono ' the natives had for their value. But tho of Its accredited Icadeis. It is proper for men j whose business is threatened lo dedicate their I work and influence lo the restoration of Re publican policy In Washington, but every ef- bushels of pearls gathered as spoils by the Spaniards weio lost in the main when ill fortune overtook them. I An fIsm" That Hamstrings Protection A DEMOCRAT has been elected Governor . of Maine. The wave of revolt has not subsided sufficiently to throw this naturally Republican Commonwealth back Into tha party column. The Progressive allegiance proved strong enough, despite tremendous losses, to prevent Republican success. The result Is typical of what may be ex pected in other States if the party does not kick out of leadership the men who were responsible In the first place for tho wreel: of the institution and who are standing now In the manner of dogs in the manger, in sisting that the wrefk and ruin they have left behind them constitute a reapon for their retention in power. There aio thou sands of Progressives who are still good Re publicans, but they will not tome bdek Into camp until they know that It has been fumi patod and cleaned. The elections In November nre merely preparatory. Tho real fight will be in 1916. The Republican party has this year the op portunity to prove itn moral competency, its Independence. Ha convalescence. The way to the White House is straight, not crooked, and there Is not enough argument in the world to convince the people of other Com monwealths that Penroseism travels on the broad highway. It is triumphant Republicanism without Penroseism or it li a languid, heartless, powerless and nerveless Republicanism with Tenroselsm. Intelligent citizens should havo no difficulty in determining which they prefer. fort they make will be futile if they Insist upon using as their representative a man whose name Is Identified with the most thor oughly discredited and hated system of poli tics in America. Tho national Republican party lias many enemies and Mr. Penrose is the greatest of them all. In his own State and in his own town he has atlenated the Independent Re publican press. In no other Commonwealth Is there any Republican newspaper with any pretentions whatever to independence that would even consider apologizing for or ad vocating Penrostistn. They know it for what it is. They have no doubts about the cuckoo being in the robin's nest. Only in Pennsylva nia is the party expected to be a Little Red Riding Hood. Elsewhere and here, too, the alluring front of tho house of Pcnroseism does not deceive observers. They have alro been looking at the bjiTk yard. CONCEDING for.tho sake of argument lhat V you know the names of our rivers, did you ever hear of the Opcck or tho Alllwcge sepo or tho Causissepplone? Or tho Al bacha? Yet you know them all well, only tho river now is known as the Ohio, Iroquois for "beautiful," WHEN you see a person of the male per suasion approach and note his delight fully pink socks or mayhap they may bo pale green or lavender do not start and wonder at his foil'. It's nothing new to wear brightly colored hosiers', which, by the way, threatens to become estlnct because we can not get dyes from abroad. In the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries in London is an exhibition of ancient socks, dug out of the ruins of Antinoe. Egypt. The examples shown are in good preservation and are suf ficiently "loud" to please the most extreme of futurists. Principal among tho exhibits ate socks of yellow, green, red and black In horizontal stripes, which outdo anything yet shown in our haberdashery shops. The Battle of Kegs really took place dur ing the Revolution when patriots act afloat infernal machines, formed like kegs, Itt tho hope that thoy would destroy tho English fleet In the Delaware, off Philadelphia. The British discovered the stratagem and began firing at every floating thing, thus establish ing tho name of the battle. Tho largest vbed In the world may be seen at Ware, England. It Is twelve feet square nml la (.nnnliln nf tliltfllurr a. rinzeH nCrSOnB. Shakespeare refers to this monster bed In "Twelfth Night": "Although the sheet were big enough for the Bed of Waro In England.' IS THIS PUBLIC OPINION? Contributions From Headers on the Senatorial Situation in Pennsylvania To the Viltot of the Evening Ledger! Sir Senator Penrose has again demonstrated his dominance of the organization of the Re publican patty in this State and has pioniul gatcd a platform of platitudes and generalities, ire profepses what his last Loatslature refused to enact Into laws, albeit Ills professions are far fiom binding party obligations to do any thing definite and ially remedial, and every one Is confident that he does not Intend that the next Lcglslutuio shall Improve on Its pre ilecessoir. His Intention to secure re-election as United States Senator and the power he wields through ht.i organization to that end are tho alaimlng thlnes. Yet he can bo defeated, as tho defeat ot the Slate road loan has demonstrated. He Is a blight on hla party and on the State. THOMAS ROSS. Doylestown, September H, 19H. MUST END HIS POLITICAL POWER To the Editor of the Evenhig Ledger: Sir Tho many persons of dlveislfled Inter ests throughout this Commonwealth, who are Interested In tho forthcoming November elec tion and wish to see tho tesult thereof bring about the defeat ot Penrose, are very much concerned over the attitude your valuable paper, tho Evening Ledger, will take during the campaign with respect to his candidacy. May I not urge upon you tho very gravo re sponsibility which you hold as editor of this very excellent paper? The primary cam palBii committed you against Penrose, and your active opposition to his election during the next two months would have a great Influence in ending his opportunity further to misrepre sent this Commonwealth at Washington. I hope. Indeed, that you will see your way clear to oppose, with all tho editorial and news power of your paper, the claims of Tcnrose for election in this campaign. RALPH J. BAKER. Philadelphia, September 14, 1914. wr A New Kind of Men For Bullets. WHEN the veil Is lifted from tho broad battle lines east and west of Germany .nd the aplendor of the victories is. dulled by the sombre pall of suffering and death, a new spirit of determined opposition to war will force Its way around the world. The tei graph and cable, the enormous facilities of the modern world for communication, have torn the mask of glory from the battlefield. Jt waa well enough for nun to fight when only the living returned to tell of it, whn tales of massacre did not reach men's homes until weeks or months after the event. But now the horror of war is shoulder to shoulder fTlth the glamour of it op the front page. A single bullet can destroy two decades of edu cation or sweep into eternity the fickle light of genius; for more terrible than the number of men is the kind of men killed. That Is the loss that staggers civilisation and drives It backward. It is not the last great war, but It is one of the last, and It will do more than all the pamphlets ever printed to hasten the day of universal peace. The common sense of humanity aa a whole la certain eventually to gain the mastery over pasaion. A Really Responsive Government WHEN, in 1T76 and thereabouts, a goodly proportion of tho inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies threw off the yoko of Brit ish bondage they thought, and their descend ants after them, that they had acquired a I considerable superiority over the rest of tho Anglo-Saxon peoplf. It seems, however, that in political matters the English trust them selves much more implicitly than Americans do. Their Constitution varies according to the will of Parliament It was proposed yesterday In the House of Commons that the duration of the present Parliament be extended to 1917, and it is quite likely that the several parties will agree to such a continuance. The Government of Ijeland net and the Welsh Church act, ac cording to the piobable arrangement, will be stmpb relegated to the future, and all at tempts to force a general election on domestic I Issues will he abandoned After the "Pensionary Parliament'' had sat from lO to 1677 and lost all touch with the country another Parliament limited the life of each assembly to three years. Then the Septennial act prolonged its possible life to seven years, and by the five-year clause of th Parliament act of 1011 the term was reduced. A Parliament rarely dies a nat ural death, and now comes the generally fa vored proposal to prolong the present one, which has been in session Mnre 1010. to 1917. That means, of course, the extension of the Cabinet tenure for one year over the statu tory limit. Where, except in England, can be found a governmental hystem so quickly adjustable to the needs and exigen cies of the time? No slow-moving machinery to be operated to effect a change necessary to the new conditions: no referendum, no con stitutlonal convention. Simply a response on the part of the men in Parliament and the Cabinet to their obligations as public ser vants, in such spirit as that In which Burke addressed his constituents at Bristol: "Your representative owes you not his Industry only, but his judgment." HEN the Boer War broke out General John French, commanding tho British forces In France, was in Ladysmith, Natal, about to be besieged by tho Boors. He took the last train out and seated him self in the compartment of the car, smoking. Hardly had the train left the city for Durban on the coast when the ping of Boer bullets resounded and the windows in the cars were shattered. Sir John, unperturbed, assumed e. horizontal position and finished his smoke. General Grant was another soldier who smoked and died from cancer said to have been caused by that habit. Once, when he was going to New York, his train fell into the Passaic River, near Newark, only the windows of the coaches being visible above the water. When the rescuera reached the scene of ... .,-...-. ., Uuu w.C vc. ou- ,flf(1tt of a ma1 wlo s ,,SGraco t0 th0 fa,r ijjh iii lT.nri ujj i, iiia nan iJuiiHiK us usual . name or Ill's iji mmoinvralth. A RECORD OF MISREPRESENTATION To the Editor of the h'vcntiia Ledoer; Sir I recall, with pleasure, the brilliant fight made by the Plblic Ludoer, against Senator Penrose in the prlniailcs. It was most credit able to the management of the paper as indicating Its independence and Its high stan ard of service to tho people of this Com monwealth. Senator Penrose Is now the same man he was before the pilmarlos. Tho same lecoid of misrepresentation of tho people and service of tho interests lenialns. The same "moral issue" confronts the voters of this Commonwealth, t am glad to see the Evening Ledger maintain tho high standard of right eousness which it lias assumed under Its present management. E. J. LYNETT. Philadelphia, September II, 1114. A MENACE TO THE STATE To the L'dttor of the Eeeaing Ledger: Sir Remembering the attitude of the Public Ledger during the Senatorial primary contest in this State, I am glad that you still recognize the "moral Issue" as paramount In the general campaign this fall, Penrose is a menace and a disgrace to all Christendom, and you will be held re&ponslble, in the opinion of a humble Penn sylvanian. for any endeavor to ptolong this muna.'u on Pennsylvania. Tou can lender a lasting service to this .Stnte by supporting the opposing candidate for United States Sena tor. Am I correct; THOMAS J. MOYBR. Unlontown, September 14, 1914, DISGRACE TO THE STATE 'Jo tha Kdttor of the livening Ledger: , Sit I am u reader of the Public Ledger and have always admired its fearless stand on questions of public Interest and its Inde pendence In politics Of late I have been In terested and concerned as to what stand the Evening Ledger would take edltoriully on tha candidacy of Roles Penrose. In view of the fact that your paper vigorously opposed his nomination, and editorially declared that Ten roselsm was a moral Issue, I rejoice that you decided to tako u stand against his election in favor of Palmer. With the wide circulation which tho Evening Ledgr has throughout the Stato It would be nn important factor In bringing about the on a coal black cigar! T OOKING through old newspaper files I JLj makes interesting reading. A Topcka paper reports under date of 1864 the arrival of 200 bales of buffalo robes, "the largest cargo ever seen" In that city. And a few items furthor down tho column we read: "Gov. James Lane, of Kansas, and Gov. Yates, of Illinois, will be speakers at the Lincotn and Johnson ratification meeting hero on September 6." Aided by that recent brush with the Ger man ships, the British fleet should have no difficulty in sweeping the seas. The way to get rapid transit Is to get it. arid the way not to get it Is to permit holdbacks and lovers of technlcallttea to stand In the way. BUT there are things which happened years ago which do not get Into the newspapers, such as tho mistaken adven tures of the first Chinese Minister to this enlightened country of ours. What his name was has slipped memory, but his malaprop Isms have not. His first social visit was to the wife of a Cabinet member. He arrived at 8 In the evening and, knowing some Eng lish, proved entertaining. The minutes turned Into hours. Eleven came and found the Minister still talking. Twelve came. Then one. "I am very sorry." said the hostess, "but it la getting bo late " "I am bo pleased you spoke," replied the Minister, "you see, In my country a gentle man cannot depart until the lady of tho house has given her permission." And as he started for the door the hostess graciously asked him to call again, "very soon." At 8 the same morning the bell rang the Minlater had called again, "very soon." THE Chinese are the most literal nation on earth. They will obey orders, no mat- The troops will be glad to get away from ' ter what the coat. An American naval offl- Link Up the Social Agencies THE public schools are now sorting out the children of defective mentality, refer ring them to psychologtaU and phyalclana and social workers, so aa to know how to grade then and how best to deal with them educationally The paychologlat teita their mentality, the physician test their phyelcal londitioii, and the social worker flnda out Uitlr family history and eavironmtnj, .All Vera Cruz. They are anilous to get back home and find out what they were down there for. Thoae who are best acquainted with the work of Doctor Brumbaugh In the achooli are convinced that he will be able to teach the politicians something. The Maine result ehowi that the only thing necesiary to turn email Damoaratlo plurall ties Into big Republican majorities la to bake off Panroaelam and other things of the kind that have faartened themvelves on the party. The Uoverntuttnt - ownership -of - railroad Idea seemx to have become very popular in Mexico, where the Provisional President cer on temporary duty in Hongkong discov ered thti. He waM .the proud owner of a pair of hitherto Immaculate white flannel trousers, which had been put hore de combat by a ureaie etaln. Ho he took them to a Chtneie tailor with Instruction to make Mi other pair exactly like the (ample. Twenty-four hours later the Chinese tailor arrived with the new trousers "exactly alike even to the atala! BRADFORD. CURIOSITY SHOP The red and white ttriped barber'a pole date back aeveral centuries, when bar bers atlll exercised the profession of blood letting. During the operation the patient had to grasp n. atlok, and a pole wan always kept at hand, together with the band, age irceary after the cutting. Eventually (Vi harlivra hilmr their lnsleilla. pole and bandage, out of then windows. Early In the .. . - -l .a.1 nalsli Plr'Hn m m. . t ARTHUR McKEAN. Bracr Fall?, Pa., September 1!, 1914, thinks he U neglecting his duty unless he ' e'K""8'''". '"ii-.i."" Zl'Xl" .,?',"? I f I flsaSEta aa 13 W irUIXlUVellXl saT Uh4 Uvel aw r4lW wia cunfiscaies vumeililng ur oiher before break- j ' e glrjPed bjua ona white, while surgeon- UL ia pom Sirica diub mm ,!, - - --"- I ... - bartws colored theirg red and wbiU. The I acraruon, fcejKeiuber n, isn WAGE FIGHT AGAINST SENATOR 'Jo tie L'dttor of the hvouwg Ledger: Fir It seems to us that the Evening Ledger can lender a very great seivice to tho people of the State and do honor to Itself by opposing the re-election of Boles Penrose to tho United Statetj Senate this fall. Senator Penrose stands for policies and for political nvthods that meet the disapproval of moat a'.l who have the public interests ot tho Commonwealth at heart. If the Evening Ledger will take decided ground ngnliiBt his re-election it will probably be the turning point in the campaign and at.sure the defeat uf Senator Penrose. We trust that j ou will give the matter serious consideration. GEORGE R. BEDFORD. PAUL BEDFORD. Wlikes-Barre, September 14. 191 . POLICIES FOR REVENUE ONLY To the Hdltar of the Uteniug Ledger: Sir As a subscriber and reader of the Pubmc X.!:F')ER for ovfr twenty years, I want to ex press to you my delight that you are using the power of thu Evening Ledger against the re election of Senator Penrose. For many years he has stood for all that Is worst In Pennsylvania politics. He has been closely associated with the disgraceful happenings at the State capital. The fact of his prurience in Washington aa Sena tor from one of the greatest States in the Union Is a standing menace to the higher patriotism, u constant encouragement of policies for revenue only. JESSE H. HOLMES. Swarthmore, September 14, 1914, SORDID CARICATURE OF STATESMAN To the Editor of the F.ieniitg Ledger: Sir The political reputation of this genera tion in the great history of the State demands that the battle ,ou have so worthily begun shall be fought to a victorious end. ROBERT C, BROOKS. Swarthmore, September 14, 1914. WHAT A JUDGE WRITES To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: SlrWould It be deemed wholly Impertinent and intruelve If one who Is fond of the Evening Leooer should suggest that in his humble opin ion there has never been a more opportune time, not Indeed a more marked occasion, for great public service by a great newspaper than the present? r am only one of Us readers who have In dulged the hope of eeeing the weight of Its In fluence cast Into the scales against Penroaelsin. E. C. NEWCOMIJ. Sersnton, September 14, 114. OPPORTUNE TIME FOR DEFEAT 7a the Bdttor of the Evening Ledger; Sir It seem to me that you could not do a better service or machlne-rldden PennsjUanta ttiun to oppose the election of Boies Penman lor Senator This sem to be an opportune tine to get lid of the machine, and It may be tffeuUJ by his defeat tor the Senate HA Ml Kl. Ii PRICE. - " ""' . ... s, ii .. , i ,. u , . h fftlllill I, a, uhhi ninm ,.,, " lsa -" -'' ' .-.. ......... r., in n. .1 . .-... ,.t ... n ,,- , MiiMiiwwsssasaasaaa-p, DONE IN HILADELPIA AT FIRST glance one might think there was , no connection between the site of tho building where tho Evening Lodger Is Issued1 and Sunday schools, but there Is. Sunday schools are now so common that their existence) Is taken as a matter of coutse, and yet only 100 years back they were so much a novelty that they were being studied else where, especially In England, with a view to Introducing thorn Into this country. And whon It had been decided to Introduce them here, tlio movement that was organized to support them had Its home In Philadelphia. Now the connection between the Ledger Building and this movement is simply this, that tho American Sunday School Union, hav ing been formed, made the Ancient building then on this site Its headquarters, and romalnecr here until about CO years ago. It removed to Its new building on Chestnut street, near Twelfth, from which location It again removed only a few year ago still further westward. But tho site was historic even before that day. In the new view of the group of buildings on Independence Square, which embellished the Columbian Magaalne In 1790, there will be seen In tho foreground art Isolated structure, named the Academy. Unfortunately It is only tha rear of the structure that Is presented to u, but It Is sufTlclent to give us an Idea of tho character of building which was first elected on this lot. This building was erected for the then new Academy of the Episcopal Church, 'just about tho- time tho forfeiture of the charter of tho old College and Academy of Philadelphia was ac complished, whloh, as It turned out, was a good thing for all concerned, for that Institution raised Its head again as the University of Pennsylvania. Tho Episcopal Academy, which still thrives after more than a century of useful service In the causo of education, was organized In 1TS3. Tho Rev. John Andrews was appointed Hs first principal, and in 17S7 tho institution lccctvcd Its charter and also a grant of 10,000 acres of land from the State. Its first home was on Fourth street, below Market, but this provided little more than a makeshift, and arrangements were begun for the erection ot the building on Chestnut sttcct, west of axth. Tho slto of this structure Is coveied by the Washington Building, 612 and 614. The building was still unfinished In 1783 whon tho Academy moved Into Ho new homo. But, .while the Fourth strcot house was too modest, this wa3 boon found to be too ex pensive, and It was sold In 1791. Subsequently It became a hotel, and suffered severely from tho fire, that destroyed Rlckett's Circus at the corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets In December, 1799. Oellci'a Hotol, as the house was known, wa3 tho finest hotel in tho city, Thoso hlstorlo banquets of the French sympathizers, who wore the tricolor cockade and tried to sing the "Marseillaise" in Ftench as they waved liberty caps In honor of Citizen Genet, were held here. Talleyrand himself, while in the city, is said to have stopped there, nnd tho celebrated Doctor Priestley honored these affairs by his presence. In those days the doctor resided for a tlmo on Market street, west of Sixth. There Is a long story to toll about Ocllcr's Hotel Itself, but this is about Sunday schools. It was quite a long time afterward that tho American Sunday School Union camo to this site. The Interim was rilled by the building being used for various purposes, part of the time as a boarding house. When tho nineteenth century opened, strange as it may appear, there was not a Sunday school In the modern ncnso in this country. There had been such schools In England since Robert Raikcs, a Gloucester, England, printer, opened one in this city, nnd set an example for the entire Christian world. Rallies' idea took hold, for he seems to have been ono of tho first to have not only seen tho connection between neglect nnd Ignorance and crime, but to have put forth a plan by which this might be remedied. This plan was put Into operation In Gloucester in 1782: by degrees the idea spread all over England, Lon don having introduced this form of instruction in 1785. In these first schools an effort was made to teach the children something more than piety and correct conduct: It also sought to give them a rudimentary education. It should b remembered that what we call public schools were still a long way off. and those children j whose parents could not pay for their education sot none. Our own public school sstcm is Icjs than a century old. What Eeems to have been the first Sunday school established in this city was organized in 1SU by Robert May, who had received his knowledge In a Sunday school in London. May left the country In 1S12, but the 6eed took root. It was not that the' Idea was not regarded ns a good one that it did not take hold more quickly, but there was the expense attached to It that had to bo borne. In order to assist thoso Sunday schools that needed It. and at the same time to Bupply proper literature for them, the Philadelphia Sunday and Adult School Union was formed In 1S17. New York had a similar union, and finally, in 1J23, It was pro posed that a national union should be rstab. lished. This was the beglnn'ins of the American Sun day School Union, which was formed that year, and was constituted in IS.M. It vaa de cided that Philadelphia was most centrally lo cated for the headquarters of tho organization, and this became Its home. Three years later the property now 61i! and 614 Chestnut street was purchased nnd the union established here. Ten years later It had the titles of COO of its own publications on its catalogue. I am not mire of what constitutes a historic site, but I am inclined to the belief that this has some claim to the distinction. GRANVILLE. ;ood THE IDEALIST Yesterday I csrne across an instance of healthy energy lying dormant. Among a group of folks with whom I was shatting was a young woman hardly out of her twenties who dominated the whole group with a moat remarkably magnetic personality. She fairly effused sunshine. I have n"ver keen such a psirit of sincere optimism as this little lady put Into liar every word and gestute. Cu.-lous about her personal Interests and ac tivities. I questioned our hostess. "This young lady," she answered, "is the most energetic person I know. Utr sincerity Is as deep as the sea. She wants to do work of the helping sort. For Instance, she has a craving for youngsters, poor youngaters, those that live down in the city's darker parts. She wants to go down there and help make those little tot happy, give them trinket that every child, poor or rich, yearns for. In fact, she's got the 'mother' Instinct, and in some noblo work of this sort he would be a real power" Then I learned why she was not doing it. Her wtathy father did not want her to become "contaminated." aa he put It. with this sort of work. "Stay away from the misery of the world ahd you'll keep yourself from beWl miserable." Think or HI uiS' The father live a clean, spotless life vlM there he top. Ho utterly lael. !,.'., acicrlallcs of personality that tend i0 7 others tnnNl i,t tti j . . rW them in goodly mcaiure; """ " 1 I have a Idea that this otherwise sironr. charactered man was providentially .UDrtUdl I hi child, with that Impbrtant power- J I " - " "" "'nvc-uj incited. Is the seldali InfafA 4.. t.i. ,-.... . ler , the balance of 1,1s ZZZZT' i would be the exercise of thlsiew - Z . -.' J which he was endowed? "" I think not. , THE IDEALIST. IN A SPIRIT OF HUMOR Not Pining, but I do not plno for human gore. Tot boldly I assert I'd like to slap tiro brainless yap Who calls a girl a "skirt." Peoria Journal. -1 pine not to bring others woe I trust I'm not ao mean; But I would llko to swat the bo Who calls a girl a, "queen." Houston Post. I pine to see rro Injured gink Clutch at himself and wall: But I'd like to boot tho crude galoot Who calls a girl a "frail." Now York Evening Sun, I am not prone to violence. But I should llko to maul And kick and muss the Inane cuss Who cals a girl "some doll!" Judge. 1 have no wish to go about To give a guy a llckln', But I'd llko to clout the looney lout Who calls a girl a "chicken." "Awfully Literary" Mazle T hear that your brother's wife i real lltorary. Saldlc Oh. she Is! She's awfully literary! When she spanks her baby, she does II wilh a bcolt' Fun. Caution lo Quotcr "Possibly," according to the Kansas City Star, "tho poetic gift Is born In people who die "mute, Inglorious Shakespeatos." The "posslblly" 1b fortunate. Before now It has been said that a Milton a Milton could not posl slbly bo muto or Inglorious. The Patriot's Complaint "1 object," declared tho Hon. Bray Lowder, "lo this Government tendering Its good olflcci to tho warring Powers of Europe! Why, nans It all, thcie ain't enough good offices to jo around nmong the patriots here at home, let ntono wasting 'cm on foreigners!" Puck. How Did the Boss Know That? "Why should a married man be paid mora than a single man?" "The married man ain't so anxious to get home early," declared tho boss. Seattle Post Intelligencer. Pure Milk and Water Mis. Bacon Do you suppose the milk our man brines us is perfectly pure? Mr. Eacon Oh, yes. Why, thpy pav ho never uses anything but distilled water. Yonkcri Statesman. The Sellish Brute She I don't see why you should hesitate to marry on J2o00 a year. Papa say my gowns nover coat more than that. He But, my dear, wo must have sorr.othlnj to eat. She (petulantly) Isn't thai just like a man? Always thinking of his stomach? Kansas City Star. Fair Words or Nothing "George," said the wife to her generally un- appreciative husband, "how do you like my new hat?" "Well, my dear," said GcorRe, with steal candor, "to tell you the truth " "Stop right thorc, George! If you're golns lo talk that way about it, I don't want to know." Ideas. Showing Up Father A young minister preached ono Sunday to a rural congregation und spent the next day visiting the people. At one house the man of the houso was ex pressing his appreciation of tho sermon In com plimentary terms wltllo assisting tho minister to put up his team. His little son had followed him, and nfter eyeing tho minister a minute or two exclaimed: "Why, papa, you said he was a one hois preacher, and he's got two bosses!" Kansai City Star. Interview His Majesty received me with grac courtesy. As 1 entered ho hud been sitting by the flte, smoking, as usual. "I came down to ask you," I said. 'If cu have any comment to inalw on tho situation In Europe " Tie rose swiftly, while his face flushed with Indignation. "Only ono thing." he replied, hotly. "For a long tlmo they have been calling war by the same name as" he gestured In tho direction of his well-known plant "my demesne. Now. elr. in view of what is happening In Europe. I want to ask you if you don't thinK mats a ua libel on my own home town?" Life. Words of Wisdom It's surely very foolish to bear tho ills ot life Without a soul to sharo them, a sweet ana loving wlfo "Ask the man who owns one i Each year you wait is sp much loss; you an not growing young; Far better pop tho question that trembles on the tongue "Eventually-why not now?" Among the maidens charming theie's on nwniting you. Her heart is worth the winning, her soul is kind and true "W 44-100 per cent, pure.' i The single life Is cheaper, a fact I don't dispute. And married llfo brings worry that some times grows acute "Coats a little more than others-worth It. The wife wilt make a sunny home, dispel e"11 cloud ot gloom. Her loving labor lightens and brightens every room , , "Chases hrt Don't think your life is all complete and sliu" tlio wedding ring. Tou may be aerl3oking the most imporUni thine , ... "Have you a little fairy In your honv Life THE NATIONAL POINT OF MEW That Is a mighty army which is being mob ilized in the United States these days-tM army of school children who are going y learn how to solve the problems of life wit" out killing each other as the barbarians a The right eort of education will put an end w wur. Mucon (Ga.) Chronicle. Of the men voters in Chicago 67 per cent voted in the primary on Wednesday of ," women only 8 par cent, voted. What a a nlng blow that la for "Votes for womon. Savannah Morning News. If emergency taxation be necessary. '' luxuries bo taxed, not necessarlej of Hi " of ordinary business. Congress should eow pel the committeemen to Impose a "war w on their own Ingenuity and think a lit'la " and harder. The freight tax should be J0U and defeated. Chicago Tribune. H Is an Indictment no nation -n nlf, escape that patriotism, which ought to re,la the finest sentiment and loftiest Ideal " people, continue to be fed from l,rl1n'.h human Impulse that hid their rl u Stone Age. Kansas City Star, Hs iia i Si' ui i nil jmggaJjH J. u--rt,-.. -.,i-irT.i aaaasSMstlisaHl gjjgrtgjesgsssE '""' ,-.i1,. "" ' ....-". :...rA- --,,. ,. ,,3r5r . -....-. -m-iMiiai aim"