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7 "if AOta STRANGLES WAEffllNGTON PARTY, I DEAKYHE CHARGES forecasts Dissolution of Political Organization Un ' less Control Is Wrested From Flinn-Van Valken burg Combination. The direct charge thai the t'llnn-Vnn v&tkenburg niaohlno la strangling tho Washington party in Pennsylvania by selfish, sinister political jugglery was made this afternoon by William P. Dea ivno until May 14' tho treasurer of tho TVasHnKton ?&& county committee. -H,e .substitution of Vnnco C. McCorinlck tot William Draper Lewis as the Bull Moose nominee for governor was chnrac . " 1 - n rioiitip.ratclv planned sell-out tcrize cf the party to bonellt tho Interests of th leaders. Tho dissolution of tho party In this State was forecasted unless tho FUnn-Van Valkenburg control can ho thrown 6ft promptly by the better clc- Tho' starting revelations of tho Inner TVashlnRton party deals, mado by Illchard H. Quay, of Pittsburgh, nnd published m" the Punuo Ledger this morning, Mr. Dcakyne Bald, prompted him to give ox lireaslon to the feelings which for a long time he has refralnod from making P"JIr. Quay," ho added, "has voiced tho lentlments of thousands of Progressives In EaBtern Pennsylvania, nnd so woll rm I pleased with his open break that J sent him a telegram of congratulation EVENING LEDaER-PHIkAPE&PHIA, flHUBSPAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. r- - ... - -- - . . - - j, , r ii.liin, L.m "TJ" ' "'"7 ' " "' """ ! ''","" """--r ..', VI "T ' ,JTV after! I had read his statement Irt this morning's PunHo Lbdoeii." Mr. Denkyno declared that, although ho was bitter as any man would be who had been sold out, still his domi nant feeling In tho matter was ono of sadness and regret that menltko Fllnn and Van Valkenburg, who until a year ago all believed sincere, had stooped to prostitute n movement sprung from tho hoblest sentiments of Its followers. Joining the Washington Party In i912, Mr. Deakyno has been Identified with tho movement slhce. Ofllclatly only did he Revcr his connection on May 14, 1914, when ho resigned .from the treasurershlp of the Washington Party County Committee and from tho treasurershlp of tho Progressive League. As one of tho prime financial backers of the movement In litis city Mr. Deakyne gave tho party tho use of the property at 213 South Broad street In the last campaign, lto also turned 1421 Chestnut street over to tho Committee of One llundrtd for a malting department. In 1912 ht nUo furnished tho head quarters. ' "Tho rehabilitation of the Washington party," he declared today, "rests with iMr. Quay, In him all sincere Progres sives have conlldcnco. We nro only wait ing for htm to sound tho call, nnd wo will rally to hla standard nnd lay tho founda tions of u now, n, ical and sincere Pro gressive party In Pennsylvania. Should ho not do this and should the rulo of the Kllnn-Van Valkenburg Organization bo allowed to continue, tho days of tho Washington party In this State aro num bered." "Tho duplicity of Mr. Van Valltonburg camo to my attontlon early. Uut It was not until very recently that I could bo convinced that Mr. Fllnn wns In the same self-seeking, politically, corrupt class. More than a year ago I had William Wllhelm, of Pottsvllle, bring Mr. Fllnn Into my office that 1 might lay before him some of tho under dealings of Mr. Van Valkenburg. "When nothing rcsultod from my ex posures I wondered why. Now I know. It Is because Fllnn nnd Van Vnlkonburg represent the samo Interests, and ever since tho Inception of tho Washington party they have been seeking nothing cx copt to advance their personal Interests." KENSINGTON BOARD OF TRADE HAVING OUTING Main Feature of Annual Holiday Is Baseball Game. Members of the Kensington Board of Trade nnd their families are holding their fourth annual outing this afternoon at the Philadelphia Seheutsen Park, KIghth and Tabor streets. Harry Schocnthal, chairman of the Outdoor Committee, gives the following nv tho program for tho day: ' P. M Meeting of Hie tioaid of director 3.00 Oenraf meellng , a so Hasptmll game , 4.00 Dinner i , 7.TO) Dnnclng 0.00 The feature of tho day was tho base ball gamo, played between the "smooth faced" team, captained by It. Lincoln McNeill, and tho "whiskered" team led by Geoige Sellers. William T. Weir, Jr., Is secretaiyAhd treasurer of the Out ing Committee BELGIANS START NEW ATTACK ON GERMAN INVADERS King Albert Leads Army Against Foe. Kaiser's Veteran Troops Rushed to France Reserves Replace Them. EX-POLICEMAN INDICTED Charged With Shooting a Mnn Ho Found In Wife's Company. SALEM, N. Jgopt. 17. John Zepf, a former special policeman of Philadelphia, totluy was Indicted by tho Salem County Grand Jury, charged with assault and 'battery and atrocious assault nnd bat tery upon Edwin C. Dillon, of Wilming ton, Del. Zcpf pleaded not guilty before Judge Edward C, Wftddlngton today, and his cuse has been sent down for trial on Monday next., Tho alleged crlmo was committed at Pennsgrovc, this county, on Thursday, June I, when, It Is chnrged, Kept shot Dillon. The latter. In a deposition made In tho Delaware State Hoipltal when ho was supposed to be dying, said ho was calling on Mrs. Zepf In her home when Zepf, from whom she was separated, en tered and ordered him to leave. On lils refusal, Zcpf drew n revolver and fired, tho bullet entering Dillon's forehead. Then, he said, Zepf sent for a physician. Zepf Is alleged to have resigned from tho Philadelphia pollco force about a week previous to tho shooting and dis appeared from that city. ANTWERP, Sept. 17. King Albert led his army away from Antwerp today for another offensive movement ngalnst tho Germans, while Belgian volunteers nro cnrrylng on an ac tive campaign In the extreme northwest ern part of Belgium ngalnst UhlaiiB who nro raiding Isolated 'districts In west Flanders. Fights aro reported from Waercghem, St. Klol and Inglemunster, whero tho Belgian volunteers wero successful. At Isoghcm 160 Belgians attacked 300 Uhlans, who were ambuscaded !n houses, fit Ger mans are reported to have been killed and a number wounded, while SO others wero mado prisoners. Tho balanco fled. Tho Belgians lost four men killed and 14 wounded. Another German detachment is reported to havo been defeated by Belgians near Alost. Tho Germans lost a number of men In kilted and wounded and seven wagons. Ono hundred regiments of German In fantry (about 100,000 men) nnd artillery forces with 40 guns passed through Llego toward France on Tuesday and Wednes day. Tho Germans aro withdrawing their main forces and sending them Into France In enormous number. But there ore no signs that they contemplate tho general evacuation of Belgium as those withdrawn arc Imnudlately replaced by troops of tho second line and from the navy reserve. A continuous stream of trains Is pass ing through Alx la Chapello carrying fresh troop to the scene of battle In the south, and It Is believed certain here that tho Germans again are hoping to resume ,thc offensive. Reports that tho Germans were actually evacuating Brussels were set at rest to day when couriers arrlvnd here from the Belgian capital, now held by the enemy, They reported that the troops which have been holding the city have been with drawn, to go to the French front, but that their places have been taken by members of tho naval reservo who aro acting as Infantry, and by troops from the landsturm. Only tho western lines through the cen tre of Belgium are held by the Germans. The towns to the eastward, notably Liege, have been lenuded of their gar risons and tho troops sent on to tho general battle front. As a result of these manoeuvres, If the Germans so desired, they could evacuate all of Belgium with in 21 hours. JAPANESE ENGINEER HERE ON MISSION OF PEACE Inspects Water Works nnd Declines to Discuss European War. Sntoru Nlshloed'a, chief engineer of the municipal water works at Toklo, Japan, and ono of the most noted civil engineers In his country, Is vl-sltlng this city, en route on a tour of the world, for tho purpose of Inspecting the filtration plants of tho great cities of America and Eu rope, Mr. Nlshloeda visited tho water works department In City Hall today, where ho obtained permission to Inspect any part of tho departmental machinery. Mr. Nlshloeda In reply to questions re lating to the European war and the part played by Japan In tho conflict, said that It wns a mistake to think that Japan, In declaring war upon Germany In tho far East, had any aggressive designs In view. "We -nro fighting for the very same thing that our allies In Europe are fighting for. We realize only too well what tho entrenchment of Germany In tho far East will eventually mean. It will mean a constant menace to both China and Japan, who will be used as bullies by German Imperialism. Wo want to de velop our own resources and seo the re sources of the entire far fast developed along peaceful lines. We do not -think that Germany lins a right to her far Eastern possessions. She npproptlated them by force, she deprived Japan of what was due to her nnd sho would like to be mistress of affairs ns they concern our race. Because of that wo are com pelled to bo Increasing our navy and military resources, burdens which our country cannot bear without serlods In Jury to our people. If the power of Ger man Imperialism In tho far East Is de stroyed, as we hope It will beforo long, Japan will breathe a sigh of relief nntl will not havo to bear the burden of heavy military armaments, Just as the destruc tion of Germany's power In Europe will bring about a more democratic and less burdensome military organization In nil tho countries on that Continent." FAMILY ABSENT, HOUSE ROBBED dermantown Home of George H. Myers Ransacked During Vacation. Bobbers entered the home of George It. Myers, retired, 6T03 Anderson street, Ger mantown some time during the last three weeks while the family was absent. Re turning from a vacation, Mr. Myers found everything In the house In great ron fuslon, numerous articles having been stolen, Including a string of pearls, a dia mond ring and $20 in cash. The total value of the goods taken Is about $150. On examination of the premises, a win dow was found open, through which tho thief entered. TO ANSWER BELGIAN CHARGE German-Americans of Chicago Inter view President Wilson. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Headed by Iloraco L. Brand, a Chicago editor, a group of Chicago German-Americans will present to President Wilson n reply to Belgian charges of German atrocities. Their documents were received by nay of East Africa. SLIGHTLY ILL AT 118 But Cnptnin Diamond Chafos nt Being Thought Really Indisposed Out at Iho Crocker Old Feoplo'd Home, Pino nnd Plcrca streets, San Francisco, Captain Goddard Ezeklel Dodgo Dia mond Is chafing because ho lias been conflnod to hs lied for tho last fey days. Ho fears that some of hla friends may think hit- Indisposition Is an Indication of Infirmity. But Captain Diamond in sists that Inasmuch as ho Is only Just turned lis years, such a supposition Is ab surd. Ho Insists that he Is ns hale and hearty ns any one less than half his ago. Ho makes no secret of the method by which ono may attain nnd pass tho cen tury mile post. His scheme of llfo ton- slsts largely of "don'ts." Don't use to bacco, don't use stimulants and don't eat sweets. Captain Diamond has abstained from nil these, and ho has not touched meat since 1S32. Captain Diamond says ho was born, In Plymouth, Mass., May 1, 170S, in the ad ministration of President Ailams, flccomt chief executive of the t'nltcd Slates, He tells vivid stories of pioneer days In the ' Mnlno woods and how he provided for his mother while his father was serving In tho war of 1S12. Ho snjs ho warf first thrust Into the world at the age of 20, when he went to Boston, being nimble to read or write and not even knowing the alphabet. Dur Ing tho civil wnr he served four years In tho quartermaster's department at Ht, Louis, notwithstanding the fact that ln was Co years old at the outlncak of hos tilities. Ho came to California In 1S77. Ho has never married, nntl today has tho ap peurnnce of u man in vigorous health. His bluo eyes are clear, his hand clasp strong and his faco unwrlnkled by the passage of ears. Banquet of 11 O'clock Council POUTLAND. Me., Sept. 17. At the an nual banquet last night of the Eleven O'clock Council of the Bed Men of the United States the following otllcers were elected: Chief rover, W. P. Llghtholder, of Missouri; secretary, Thomas J. Mc Kcen, of Minnesota; treasurer, Henry C. Hart, of Idaho. It 6k . o ' anthi ill MTlik ML m. WILSON'S PLAN FOR DOMINICANS PRAISED BY FORT Special Minister to Republic Says Reconstruction Is Be ing Effected and Honest Election Will Follow. SPRLXG LAKE. N. J., Sept. 17. Declar ing that President Wilson's plan for tho pacification of the domlulcan people and the reconstruction of tho government had worked out splendidly nnd that a new ra Ftretched out before the population with the approaching elections In Octo ber, Governor John Franklin Fort, tho special minister sent by the President on the conciliatory mission, toduy told briefly of his work In bringing together the warring factions. tt Ith tho provisional government headed by Itanou Baez pledged to see that the October elections nre held honestly under the i bsirvatlon of the United States and with EllKht modifications over the old dominium electoral law. Governor Fort believes that a prosperous future awaits tlie little republic. Since going thero Jess than two months ago four distinct revo lutions and u number of insurrections of lesser weight have been settled and tho leaders brought together In pcaco nnd harmony With the exception of u small Insur rection near Santiago in tho centre of the Islund there has been no fighting tlnce beptcnocr 1 ut that place. General Arias, rebel leader, fell Into an engage ment vith somo Federals, but soon ca pitulated. Provisional President Baez. of whom Governor Fort speaks highly, is a on of a former President, who held otnee at tho time President Grant prof fered the treaties of 1SS7-70 looking to ward Dominican annexation with tho Lnited States. I To oust President Bordas and open the I wav ttT ,i.A AuA.i r. .,. . , ., , cictiiuu in u j-roviaioniii resident required a full week's negotia tions after the efforts to bring about a cessation In hostilities hud been success. ' the minister representing the hold over Hordas Government refused for days sanction the ousting of the President, rinauy in n proclamation to the people In i eecutlve announced his withdrawal r-Ki elecon of Baez followed. Tho if. Tet 'wnlcll he appointed consists of uio best men on the island. laiy0 ,Fan 8al(1 ,hat nfter e waa t!ii, wlth a llght feve" n tlie e Dhl., ? were carrted on board boat, the i!, J " .refuslt1K to permit him to go " iurc out of fear for tropical fevers. Although weak from his illness, Governor m !? arollnu" and In good spirits. He v , Washington cither Tuesday or Itmrt ."i f "Xt Week and " " f"1' Pri i . , mlS3ln and Its success to for . ?nt Wl30"- He saw the President feel inv mlnutes yesterday, but did not ' v,e11 nough to discuss his trip. MUST NOT FLY OVER CANADA Official Warning After Canadians Fire at American Aeroplane. life ?hSfn?OTON' Set- IT.-Oltlcial warn over it lnerll;an aviators must not Ily twv ,nJ, bounaary Into Canadian terri- Mrt'mentdy "" 'S3Utd ly tne s,ato pe' tnat"a! SA0Cretary of State Lansing said tired 7,7 '"tner'can aeropluna had been Uclnltv nJ ,1.y S"anadlans while in the etl"ni It L"g Sault CanaI T1'ls le btai vf e"' the "Hwllan authorl &iw c'hl?USe,tf8y Uld not care tu ui lid, CA?.of Uama8e to their val Qvf c2,tlle,r alr craft I'overlng wted l. ter-itory will be similarly o'rn . ?erleans- therefore, today fcordei 0I,ly 0n ,hU Blde o th V m$M Smyrna ';,X 'h AGAINST PURCHASE OF FOREIGN SHIPS FOR MERCHANT MARINE Board of Trade Sends Pro test to Congress and Re commends Reform in the Navigation Laws. There i.s nothing which justifies the United States Government In embarking In the owneiship of merchant vessels, aecoiding to tho Board of Trade, which today sent to Congress a protest ngalnst tho bill piovldlug for such action. Tho board gives a number of leasons why tho Government should refrain from Mich a Htcp, and contends that the pres ent paralyzation of foreign trade Is not due to lack of shipping facilities, but to the foreign exchange situation. It is also asserted by the board that as long at the Government enacts laws which places extra expense upon all American vessels ai compared with for eign ships, and compels American shipi to carry an extra largo force of men, so long will It be Impossible) to build up a merchant marine. The only way to re-establish a mer chant marine, according to the board, is to overcome the disadvantage tinder which It now labors In competition with foreign tonnage. The board also declares thnt Government nu'tinrsliln ct vna.da which takes tho money of the people to conduct an unprofitable business, is un indirect subsidy, whllo a direct subsidy, with proper revision of tho navigation laws, would be effecthe In building up the merchant marine and insuring the continued operation of American ship yards. In conclusion, the board points out that there la a possibility of complications in tho pmchaso of vessels under the flags of belligerent nations. THE TURKISH BLEND CIGARETTE As you enjoy your cigarette this evening after dinner it may please you to think of the widely distant places named here for they have a close relation to the pleasure you get from your Fatima. in the fragrant smoke of your Fatima, expert tobacco buyers1 : - i 1 r i i r u: m i-ii ir cue gumg uvci ucu.c cuter Ucu.c ujl tnuitc jlui iibii icaij selecting here and there tobacco which they consider worthy to enter into the famous Fatima Turkish Blend. These resident Liggett C& Myers buyers know the slightest variation in quality. And it is largely due to their judgment that Fatimas are always so uniformly good llii ttfetdrJo vm. "., -as s &, a K '" .jltlm'"' TOO MANY FOR ONE SALARY Man Says Wife's Efforts to Support Mother's Family Caused Trouble. Levi Norqross, of Kline itreet, near Tioga, told Judge Hi own In tlie Domestic IteUtlons Court thut disagreements be tween his wife and himself wr caused l her efforts to support her own family und that of her mother on hla monthly ijulary of 55. Norcroas said he discovered that his wife was trying to support her mother und family on his money. Finally they beparatcd. Mrs. Norcross lives at C333 Darrah street. Judge Brown ordered the husband to pay t a week for her support. FAILS THROUGH SKY-LIGHT Domestic's Skull Fractured by Flunge From Second Story. Whl'e washing clothes this affrnnnn BANKERS REPORT BETTER DEMAND FOR MONEY Country Banks Continue Inquiries for Good Commercial Paper. Out-of-town banks continue to make iu- quliles of their city correspondents for good name commercial paper und bankers report that there Is Just a little better feeling thioughout the local money mai ket than has been In evidence lately. Hates are jullng the same, call money being 6 per cent, and commercial paper 7 and 7',4 per cent. The bulk of the trans actions are generally made at the latter figure. Sloney' lenders say that there is no business In call money. As bus been the oaso all along since tho Kxchauges closed on July 30, banks are not calling loans. IJorrowers, stock biokers In particular, have reduced their loans considerably in the last week. In eoiuo cases, however. biokers iiave Informed the bank? that thoy would reduce their loans providing that they could get the money returned to them when they need It. No definite promise Is made, however. -O t, o , i "VHH..' ava 11a MAYOR IN MESSAGE DEMANDS REFORM ROOSEVELT AGAINST SULZER Progressives jn New York Urged to Vote for Davenport. NEW YOniC, Sept. 17. Plans were per fected today by Colonel Theodore Roose velt and other leaders of the Progressive party in this Stato to send out a letter to all Progressives In Now York, urging them to Ignore the candidacy of William Sulzer for the Progiesslve nomination and to vote for Frederick M. Daenport, Mr. Sulzei'a rival In tho primary fight. ORDERS TUCKERTON INQUIRY Secretary Daniels Denies Intimation of Malicious Damage. WASHINGTON. Sept 17. -Secretary of the Navy Daniels today ordered Lieu tenant Felix X. Gygax to make a full in vestigation of all tho circumstances of me aiuaonng or tlie Government-supervised wireless station at Tuckerton, n J Mr. Daniels denied, however, that thero were suggestions that it had been de liberately put out of commission by out side Inlluews, Continued from l'aie 1 ,Ab a result of this lack of co-operation on tho part of tho men whom tlie Mayor declares, voted for the leport, the old iihemes of assehsment prevail. VICIOUS SYSTEM OF OFFICE UOL,D-l.N'Ci. The practice of otllce holders serving In Councils is declared by tho Mayor to be agaln&t all good Government policy, "The vicious character of this practice. It seems to me. should be lecoculzed with. out any argument by everybody who has the real Interests of tho city at heart," ho says. M.iny of tho otllce holders of the county occupying places in Councils are declared by the Mayor to represent a. political ma chine and to take ordeis not from u con stituency of taxpayers but from tho men Who placed them in olilce. AIt.fl w in hnvii ,i ,ist,.naiKla ,.iA.n . support except the salary of a position confeired upon them by a political boss should never be allowed to hold eats In Councils," the Mai or atserts The Mayor voices his resentment in his report of the interferences of Councils with the members of ills cabinet in abol ishing the otllce of Asslstunt Director uf the Department of Public Safety und at tempting to lesarlct by certain qualifica tions the oflico of Assltant Director of the Department of Health and Charitlus. That action the Mavur iiini ... ,., exactly the same as If Councils had at tempted to dictate whom he should ap point as members of his cabinet, or con trol absolutely the appointing power conferred on him by the charter of the city. I.AFDS RECENT LEGISLATION Gratlfleation Is expressed by the Mayor on the legislation secured at the last Leg islature conferring on Philadelphia wider powers that make possible greater de velopment of her industrial possibility.. lie commends the law that will restrict ii... o Oistinctfvi Indi Insure proper weights and measures in j-miaoeipMa. Ileports of tho directors of the munici pal departments accompany the annual mesi.ige of the Mayor outlining the pro tiusslve stridei that have been made during the year toward a greater Phlla. delphla RETIREMENT IN PRUccia ADMITTED BY RUSSIANS German Attempt Unsuccessful to En circle Czar's Troops, M.W ORiv. Sept. 17 -Admission that the Russian force is retiring from East Piussia and that tho Germans attempted An encircling movement to surround a portion of tho force, although it did not succeed, was Included In a statement Isued by the Russian Consul General here today. The statement reports con tinued successes In Galicla. U declares: "The fighting against the Austrian rear guard continues all along the line. Re ports about prisoners, guns and war stores being taken aro coming in from all our armies On the left bank of the 8an we attacked successfully the retlrlmr PELLAGRA NOT INFECTIOUS tmx Operau01,s pt Ioa) harl , b --.- ... , ar the law that csUbhslu-d a I ureau to I d" rgi ZZ-ll Austnans 'In East Prussia, in gpite of alt the OITOItS Of the Germans r cnrrnnnl -. retiring fori their plan Unbalanced Diet the Cause, Missis sippi Health Board Reports. JACKSON, Miss... Sept. 17 -Hollowing an investigation by Dr. Josepli Gold bergei, surgeon-in-chaige of the UllaKra dlvUlon of the I'm tea States Uurlau of the Public Health, the State Board of Health announced here today that Dr. Goldberger bad reported to headn.,..' In Washington that pellagra Is not an iiitcvuuua Disease. it is caused, th UM Btt"- y one-sided or unbalanced diet The cause and cure ot pellaSra h 0.. fore were considered a mystery bv Sernmcnt cftlciaU, 'Vidua! ova Ivasc ptI fop r ' 3 a ' '" n II , I jl . i s- : j. r" I';itllli mm iirai 8 m U-i