lUVB'NlftG LEP&EBPmAPflEPglA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. r - - -- ' . ., , , i i . . g DIVIDEND IS DEFERRED ON HARVESTER COMMON Company Assigns Bad Business, Due to War, ns Cause. After the meeting of ellrectois of the international Harvester Company In New ork today, nl which It woe decided to pass the dividend on thr common Mode, duo nt this time, the following announce ment was made by Crus It. McCormlck, president' "As a result of the Ktliopcan war, the business of this corporation In tlfe com- iii s coll"'rlefl Is almost at a stand still. Thus far no icport of any damage tp the plant or properties has been re eelved. From recent advices i hollrve Brokers in Sydney, Australia, Will Resume Next Mon day London Discussing Riimnhnn and NeW York . corporntloirn 4ossos In the countries Awaits Its Decision. THREE-CENT FARE ABOLITION VICTORY FOR UTILITIES MEN Firit news since the beginnings of the European war of a resumption of stock trjdlnt, at nn of lho ""Poitniit centres Jiere tbe Exchanges were closed came .wt. from Sidney, Australia. It an- . i - i. rJtnt t fvnhnniia thai I MJncea in . '"-"1 ",."...,'' " -HI be otnciaiij ui""-" nui. "iiun). Tkl ahnuuncement natural! Increases ,h, feeiinp of Lontldenco everywhere ap unnt tha' mires are on the mend and ihit the niMiiclnl world la neater a sen Tn resumption of business todaj than it my time since the end of Julj, when U,e Exchanges closed. In London today foreign Exchange t'ltken met for their first session since .i. r besnn While thele was no Justness of ftnv material Importance traniacted, the session Indicated that ,vry aid I being given the Government hlM effort o expedite foreign exchange. Another favorable sign Is the announce went of repc.ited conferences being held i. the Metiopolln between representatives of the. Government banks and the London Stock Exchange Committee, concerning Ue reopening of the exchange. New York will take no action on the reopening proposition until after London hjl taken me initiative, unci rimmiei- phl H1, or course, no Homing aionif this line until after New York has oftl- dally acted Washington oroKcrs sec sucn a gen ,ril improvement In tho situation that they hive alteady hnd several meetings 10 discuss the advisability of reopening It vvas finally decided, however, to tako ne action until the Now York situation til been cleared , Brokers In New York say It Is ex ttemely probable thtit tho reopening, rhen It comes, will cntlielv confound ll' prophets More than likely the ob itacles which are In the way of a re- romptlon of business will appear ns for nldablc as ever until the efforts being jiade to overcome thm shall have been wccessful, and the rolling away of tho clouds will be brought about almost n.s luddenly and unexpectedly as they arose. NEW YORK LOAN OFFniMNG feared, but the situation In Europe makps It practlcalh Impossible to collect, at the present time, a largo portion or tho moneys clue us there. "The volume of business secured to date would, under normal conditions, pro vide profits In exress of alt the usual dividend requirements for the vear, but In view nf the existing European condi tions, the directors feel it would be un wise now to declnrp n. dividend on the common stoc1 ltlon." Public offering wns made today of the jew llOOOTO.ono 6 per cent, note loan tefotlatcd Inst week. Just how much of It will bc alloted to Individual Investors, ts not known, since there Is no Indication of the amount taken by tha syndicate of 127 iciv lork banks and trim companies The bonds and notes are being offered nt par and accrued Interest. They bear Inter dt at 6 per cent a vear, pavable March and Spttmber and are issued In coupon and reslstered forms In denominations of P$, llimn. vmo and HO.noo. Thei will ma ture as follows $57,010,00 f. per cent, cor 'corate stock notes due September 1, 1915, lU.WfvW 6 per cent, revenue bonds duo Eeptember 1 1916, $25,000,000 6 per cent. revenue bond due September 1, 1917. when the list payment was made yes terday afternoon by New York financial GRAIN PRICES UNDER YESTERDAY'S CLOSE AS MARKET OPENS Traders Play for Reaction, Believing Upturn Was Too Sharp European Soil in Shape for Planting. U. S. Court Ruling Declar ing It Confiscatory Ends One of Most Remarkable Traction Fights Country Ever Saw. MILLIONS SPENT BY READING TO REMOVE . GRADE CROSSINGS ferrtr! dividend, eomp.ted with 17.R? per 'cent, oil n net corporate Income In 101.1 of HMnn.RM for three companies after deducting preferred dividends. HKAblNO ItAlMVAV COMPANY. fnia.n lo''i?.. Heeolpts M7.12VUO V,WI.7 IT Expenses 3I.7IO.20S :w.rH7..14" Financial and commercial situation at home and abroad-market reports NEWS COMES TODAY' OF THE FIRST STOCK 'CHANGE REOPENING PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Ninth Street Elevations Com pleted Holding Company Surplus Equals 12.17 Per Cent on Its $70,000,000 Common Stock. CHICAGO, Sept. li.-On tho theory" that yesterday's upturn In wheal was too slmip, tiaders played for n tenrtlon to day and the market started onc-iiiarter lower nl 1 tl'4 for December and 1.19 to l.lSlfe for May. There vv.ii rather free selling -hv brokers. ' The commission cnll at the recession was fair. The receipts of wheat nt Mlnneatiolls mid Puluth today woio l.fcS3 cais, against 9D0 curs a enr ago, at Winnipeg 126 1 cars against 1,049 cars, nt Chicago 314 cais ngulnst M cars. It Is estimated that the men of winter wheat In the am plus States will exceed that of last car" by ten per cent. Tiado In corn was light. December opened oft c, nt 72Hc, to aic, and May unchnnged at "S'ic to 74c. There was somp realizing. The country Is not selling The "price current" has received reports Indicating n total corn crop for the I'nlted Stntes this jear of approxl matcl) 2,600.000.000 bushels, against 2, 59'' 000,000 bushels forecast in tho Sep tember report of the Government. The receipts of corn here today were 103 cars. Prices In Argentina were firmer. It :b expected that surplus of that country will bc disposed of qulcklv. Oats was easier on realizing. The de mand was not so urgent. Most of the bulls are waiting a further reaction be fore Increasing their llnes There weie no sales b the country to arrive. Ex port business recently has been heavy. The demand has come chiefly from the continent, as the British markets ap parently are well supplied fnr the pres ent. The receipts of oats here today were 217 cais. CHICAGO GRAIN PRICES Quotations for Cereals and Provisions nnd Fluctuations. CHICAGO, Sept. 17 -The quotations for Kraln nnd proilalnm wer Lending futures minted as follows- VflnrHn b i, irriu- ijim'ii. Illffll i.iijii 1 ns', Low I 07 CIon c!o( l n;i. i n'i 1 ll'- ln'i 1 in i ll a. Lin i lti, ! iin. lis-. luiltutlons, the figures showed that about WOO.CW had been paid by Hie banks and trust companies In sterling exchange and KfXfW In gold. Some Inquiries were received here today ly Investment bankers from Investors imlous to take part of the noto and bond e(Tlng It Is not likely, however, that thr Mil be much of the offering ab icrbtdljn this section. The notes and bond!, exempt from taxation In New York are subject to the four mills tax In Pennsylvania, in tho enso of Indl Tldual Investors. This hrlnira tho vll,l inn to about SS per cent. The offerings Septemhei re. nouever. exempt from Federal In- v. " r I T. J" ' na? """ y0" Bince such I 'n men dellvorj) nign grane onugatlon, backed by tho I Prntemher . 711 77Cj muii ui .pw iorK Oltv, waB offereil on . I'eceniner men an attract ve hnsls nml nna nf il,u . '?J thl( reasons why Investors here may not KH into the market ns extenslvelv they Rould like. Is Hint illotrlhutlnn lll probahlv begin In New York, where J,1'lZer lrdv It Is understood, there has ben Oc on?r a oversuhfcrlptlon January .. .10 17 in 17 BONDS IN GOOD DRMAND p,ViSSr ..11 no ll.v LOcalll (hPTA ennilnima nlrl.. October . 110 M.O trying In stocks, although within the J",'!"'i" " 1nR"- ,,,-s-' wew aajs a falling off In transactions . j.p,, . i7i 17M 17M " Men noted Demand for high-grade Januao 2Mio 20.00 20 ',0 tonda continues active under the elrcnrn- 'Hid tAfkeil nances One large house hern sold $17. ' orth nf nnhlin iiitiv Bann,iMas Jfiernoon. all of which represented an "'fitment In a single issue-a gas prop- "on I" West Virginia It put through ISO ITOOfi RnlAQ nf finntl.n. till.. .. a,.. -... ... uiK'uiri kviiiiv nrt'ur Ry. COVPHni luihli. .,i hth M Idle Wost .H"i.aiiii.. Kleclrle fltomg. Bat.ery Compan, reEular .iuiii ! phi nuarterlv 1 i?r cent, on rnmmnn nn.i ijas told this iifternoon of nnn locnl . iaahl October 1 to stock of record Rj(u, ' ' "-n Ttri- Mini Film ' lf WaTh' V'lr' "Lc.,,ri!r" "? n ?" ..Amrl".an,n7.s a"' K' company, reitu- After a strenuous fight which lasted man)' months nnd which was watched with unusual Interest In all pafts of the country, the thtce-cent faro controversy in Toledo, Ohio, has at last been settled. Judge Killlts, in the United States Dis trict Court of that city, has decided that the city ordinance enforcing this rnte is conllscnlory nnd he has oidered n tcturn to the old rates. (He .cents for each pas senger except during the morning nnd evening nisli hours, when the rate shall remain at tiuee cents. Decision In tile enso was n victory fnr public utility Intel ests While the fight was on between the Toledo Hallway & Light Company and the city authorities, thcie developed a situation In Toledo which his never had a parallel In thl countr.v The compnn, after March 17, when tho otdlnanco became effective, declined to accept the three cents offered by passengers- who boatded its cars, nnd those who did not pinducc- the live cents which tne company declared to be Its icgular i ate, were permitted to ride free. Thcio was no acceptance of tlnee cents for o ride except during the rush hours. Kor live months the company operated Its cars undei thin legulatlon and Its officers llgurcd that the losses Incident to this arrangement nveiagcil H.OW a day. i'et they would not retire fiom their original position In the matter and they detci mined to fight It out to the end. They declared the principal of the lower fure scheme to be all wrong and on the giound that the securities of the company weio being serldusly Impalied b the low rates, they fought every move for en foriemeM of the oidlnance. Darl In the fight Henry h. Doherty. head of the company, offered to permit the city authorities to take over the car s.vstem and operate It for a year to prov that the low rotes of fare were unprofit able. The city declined the offer, but It submitted to the voters a proposition to have the municipality buy the property and operate it under u municipal owner ship scheme. The voters, at n special e'eetlon, agreed to tnls plan, but there v as no provision for tho creation of a bond Issuo with which to purchase the property. . Judge Killlts laid upnr the city authori ties the bin den of proof to show that the company's revenue, under the three-cent fare ordinance, would pay Its operating expenses and leave a suiplua of from JSOn.OOO to JliXl.dOO a jear. Such proof was rot produced. In his opinion. Judge Killlts said that the city should rave had, when It pnsscd the three-cent fare ordinance, knowledge that Its term were reasonable. Neither the city nor a court has the right, ho said, to fix an nrbltrnry rate of fare without the knowl edge that such rate will pay ..pcrntlnn Int,sti tnx, c,e The Philadelphia and Heading Hallway Company spent I3o0,071 for tho elimination of grade crossings In the fiscal year which ended June 30, according to the annual leport of the company, Just Is sued, coveting operations for tho year. A total of II31,M5 wns expended on account ot additional main tracks. The sum spent for grade crossing elimination was almost wholly In tho elevation of the tracks in Ninth stieet and on the Itlchmond 11 ranch. Up to June 30, the company had spent $5,162,668 on account of the Ninth street elevation and 11,161,115 on nccount of similar construction on the Itlchmond Drnnch. These sums are exclusive of what was jpent by the city under the agreement foi the abolition of grdo crossings. The elevation of the Ninth street tmcks Is virtually completed. The total nmount spent by the company In the year for nddltlons nnd betterments to the property wan $2,024,751, a decreaso fiom the previous llscnl .vear of J366,77ii. This ear separate reports are Issued by the three Heading companies, the Rending Company, the Philadelphia and Rending Hallway Compnn nnd the Phil adelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Coinpan.v. Income account , of the Head ing Company shows a surplus for the year of 111,322,062, Including the amount received by tho company In the distribu tion of the assets of the Temple Iron Company, under n decree of dissolution by the United States District Court. This surplus compared with a surplus of the previous enr of JlO.eai.OTO. and Is equal to 12.17 per cent, enrned on $70,000,000 com mon stock after the dividends for the first nnd second preferred HtockH have been deducted. Last year 17 57 per cent, wns earned on a net corporate Income of $15, 000,871 for the thiep compnnles. The annual report of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Compnny for the fiscal year ending June 30. 10H, shows gross receipts of $32,703.iS2. compared vvlth $10,083,063 in the previous year. Net oper a'lng profit wns $818,367, compaied with $3,780 018 In 1113. There was n balance or $715,390 after the pnv ment of fixed charges, compared with $1,130 592 In 1013 The heavy decrease In earnings wns due principally to the falling off In the sales of nnthra' clte. The following tables show Income nr counts of the Reading Company, the holding corporation and the Rending Rail wnv Compiny for 1013-1 i nnd 1012-11. nKADI.Vf! COMPANY. inu-li ini.n Receipts $10,0.11 in $1,1,'hi7 I l.xprners Net Income from r operation" . Outsltlf operations net Net Income operations Taxes ... . Oreratlnu Income.. Oilier Income from all 15, 110,101 ao'Miivi 1.', 7oo I2s 1 207. va 11,112,021 1.187.RH 20.01 ."1.170 411,4 11 2O,420.Bn 1..1O0.47S n S20.4IJ'I Deductions from Income. 8. mists 10.120120 1.210,741 Orp corporate Income 20.007,07 1 270,00.1 12 flOO.IOll 2..10I.W12 7.420 f!21 Additions and betterments 2 021,78.1 Net corporate Income .. $1.4018.18 $0,008,007 RAILROAD EARNINGS BEAIJOAItl) AIR LINK. 11114 Flret week Bert $407 ijn From .In y 1. . . . . 1 00 701 iit-1-FAt.o, nociinsTKrt and nimctii Second week Pent '2,.!7?' From July 1 2.410.110 fjecrcnfre $17 8H 200 014 HT1P- $0.1UI 188 .18.1 102.140 lo-l in WILMINGTON BOND ISSUE IS ENTIRELY TAKEN UP Sale of !?SO,000 Worth of Securities Reflects Better Feeling, In contrast to the demoralising condi tions which hnve existed for the last month In the municipal bond mnrkets of the country, It wns announced this iifter noon that the entire Issue of $50,000 worth of 4'4 per cent, bonds Issued by tho mu nicipality of Wilmington, Del , hnd been entirely subscribed. When this samo loan wns offered to public subscription last Thursday thero wero no bids received. Tho bonds wero sold over the counter at par nnd were taken largely bv Wilming ton Investors. Hrokcrn aro awaiting with interest the opening of bids September 2) for $77,208 20-payment special street Improvement bonds of the city of Minneapolis GRAIN AND FLOUR WllflAT. Receipts, 1.1,5.17 bushclsi out side mtilcr-g loner, but Ihls market ws nom inally uni-hanged. vvlth little trading car lots. In ejpnrt elevator So 2 red, spot and September, $l 07fr1.12, No 2 red Western. $1 No. 1 Northern Diiliith. $1 2-lff 1.28 CORN. Receipts. 7013 bushels. , Trade quiet with no Important change In prices i r lots for local trno, lo lornllon No 2 v el low 8708,14c , steamer jellow. 8iU4flS7r HATS. Receipts. 4,1,110 bushels. Prlres teadllv held, imt demand only moderate. . 2 white, illiiflMc . standard while, .MBM'de No 1 while, r,2'4U.V)c. . I'l.OI'K. necelpls 170'. barrels. 07.020 barrels In sacks Mill limits steadily heio hut trade quiet. Winter utralrht. Jlfl-, 21 An sas, siraigiit. juie sarks, ' nrai - io . r" $2 Kifll, medium, 1 501T2 .10; arples, IeUare. per namper oUTfouc lemons. i. ner hex. HH4 Pineapples, per crate, rorto nico, i Mt i :ni lorlda, flfiS W. cranberries ("are Cod, Eatly k per hbl , tl.nflfln; rrannerries: fane cm, . v lllnrk. ner irate, tl.7102. cranberries. Jersey, per crale, dark $t 7132.21. light, H neachet. Vlrglnli. per 20.i, basket. 2.1,aiVOe., do-, do , per crate, 7,1cfl$l ."(), do. Delaware and Mary land, jier basket. 25fl70c . do, do. per. crate, 75c.fl 21. peaches, Pennajlvnnla. per basket, lnre whit nr vcllotv il8ne medium 'iff Me ; reaches .terse) white per -basket, 40e. nl do dr. el!ow. per S-hasket 40c.fl$1j pears, nrarbv per bhl nurtlelt. No I $100. do . No 2. 2 7in.1 2.1 Clanp's Favnrlte, No 1, 11 .viffl do. No. 2 $2 7,111121. pears New York Rerhet. per hbl $l1 other varieties, $2f?.l; grape (Southern Delaware, per carrier. annTOr nrflnee, Ponrord. ner rrate 10'fIOOe I elear U 7.1n. do. Plums per -in raiKri uyih Hni,u,,in, niienf ir. HvSn. Knii- i Colorado prr rrste iwi 'i-, no, no ran, FINANCIAL NOTES The pnsscnger trnfllc of the Interboro Rapid Transit Compnny, of New York, In the subway during the venr endlngNune 30 nmounted to 310,413,103, nn Increase of 12,9ll,n'l3, nccoidlng to dgtires complied by the New York Public Service Commission, as Indicated by the number of tickets sold. The bnnks lost to the Rubtreasury yes terday $050,000; slnco Friday $2,610,000. A cable received In New York from London says that 2,000.000 of French treasury notes have been placed there. The result nf jesterdny's ballot by the New York Cotton Kxchange Conference wns as follows: JtcFndden nnd Company, 100 bales: A. Norden and Company, 100 bales nnd Weld and Compnny 100 bales, all sold nt 0.S0 cents. The minimum rate nf discount of the Hank of England remained at 5 per cent, today. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nnithern Pacific Railroad will bo held In New York on October 15. Paul Sheldon, of Sheldon. Morgan & Co., 12 Hroadvvaj , has been elected a member of the Chicago Hoard of Trade. Oait Septtmber December Mav 24 7W, 71, .111. n.i2 17V. .10V, IrW. 41l, :1K 17(0 j 7() 7.T. III". 4W .-.21, 74', I7V4 .-.mi .1.1 3 . . 1117 0 IA 0.IO tfl I.', t'l 17 ln.M tin oo in in II 12 losn in ns 1 1 .12 11 r.i in on n 12 10117 10 7.1 IT 8"i IT SI 20 SI 20.0.1 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Hnuohton Count Clerlrlo Mshl Company, regular leml-annual 7.1 cents on preferred and 02 n Lenta on common Imlh pajable No em ber 2 to stock of record October 1,1. expense"" nnd leave a reasonable return on the Investment By this, he said, he had no refeience to bonds. 'Is It possible that the city intends to occupy thr'poaltlorr "f dog In the manger forever?" said Judge Killlts "If the ordinance Is unreasonable the company cannot bc held to Its terms by tho mere fact thit It continues to operate. We must have transportation Then for the c'ty to say that If the company continues to furnlh that transportation It accepts terms which may be unreasonable Is un conscionable." The Huntingdon Development and Gas Company, managed by E W. Clark & Co., of this cit, increased Its outnut ol gas fiom 81,000.000 cubic feet in July to 140,0(10,000 cubic feet In August The com pany has valuable concessions In West Virginia and Its securities have recently lecn In active demand. Stock of the Capital Traction Company, Washington, D. C, has gone to a 5 per cent basis. It has been on a 6 per cent basis for several ears. The cut In the dividend rate was authorized at the meet ing of the board of directors nnd Is to take effect with the quarterly dividend payment due October 1. It is due to de creases in earnings Some minoi claims were considered at a meeting today of the creditors of Wil liam U Rear ri Co., bankrupts. In the jioivu no office of Divld W Amrani, reteiee The Vpial to 12 17 per rent, after deducting pre- meeting wis adjourned until October 1 tir,.8initin $iis,ij.2ni i .i iii.iiim , .s ; fiirnlue for vear tll.122.Oi, K ent. Jule acke, $.1 wen fin. spring, first clear, J1S.121 do. straight. $1 2.1011 Ml, do. patent. tlOWJO: favorite brands. n21fi"7,1. rlty mills, choice nnd fancv patent $0 2lfl !; do , regular grades Winter rlear, $1 T.lfll do , straight rff.1Mi, do. patent $1 WiWO HVi; I'MM'll. In light request, hut steady at $1.1 00 per bbl., In wood PROVISIONS Mttle trading nnd the market without Im portant rhnnge . . . , City tuef, In sets, smoked nnd alr-drled .lira 32c , W extern heef In sets smoked, m,l2e , city beef, knurkles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled 12IT.H estern beef knuckles and tenders, smoked, ,l2fM4c, beef hams IOfl4i Hams. P. p rured. loose H'iUlOi.r . do. skinned loose, IRiiUMc. , do, smoked, 18a ltc. other hams smoked, city cured, as to brand and rured 188110c , do, boiled, hone less, 2S:iOc plrnle shoulders. H P eured, loo.e. 12fffl2'P., do, smoked 1 1 H '4r . bellies, In plrkle, nrrnrdlng to average, loose, lflOlSr j breakfast bacon. to brand nnd average rltv cured, 22fJ24e brenKrnei baron Western cured. 22S?24c. . lard, Western renned. Ileties. 11 cjfft llc . do do do tubs. 1 1 , ffl 1 1 aj r- , lard pure rlty, kettle rendered. In tlerres. najifilSc lard, pure city, kettle rendered In tubs, lllil2c. SUGAR Refined market firm, hut quiet Standard granulated, T..10T OBc; line granulated, T 21fftT 00c. ; powdered, i.flfiisi T.nne. ; ronfertloners' A. 7.I5r,T.40c. ; soft grades, 0.4.11IT.0.1C. DAIRY PRODUCTS Ilt'TTint. Trade qulel. but offerings only moileratB nnd market steady Western, fresh, solld-tackcd creamery fancy specials, .14e., exceptional lots higher, extra 1291240 : es tra Orsls, lllr . ttrsts, iOVlOV . seconds 27'V3'.:hV . ladle packed, "Jlflaie , ns to qual ity nenrhy prints, fancy, 31c . do., average, extra, T1.14c. , do., first. 1W12e , do, sec onds. 27Q2Dc. Special fancy brands of prints Jobbing nt :i0f?41e KOGS Demand good nnd market firm under small supplies In free cases nearby extras, 11c. per doz , nearb first', $8 40 per standard case nearby current receipts $7 TM 7 W) per ttandard case, Western extra 0rt, Ji.40 per caeu. do., firsts, t7 .Wf7.R0 per case do . seconds $0 00170.00 per rase. Candled nnd recrated fresh eggs were Jobbed out nt 17r per doj , as to quality CIIKKB Trade better and prlres firm. New York full-rrcnm. choice, WfyWfc , &a , do. fair to good, 15Vitrl6c , do., part skims, 11314c POULTRY I.I K Trade fair and the market nrm Fowls, I75ri8(-., old roosters. 11312c.. spring chickens, fine, large, 17fT18 . do . medium sl2es l.vaii!e . ducks, old l.lffMe . do., uprlng 14fll.1c . guineas, per pair oung, weighing 2 lbs. nnd over apiece SOc . do weighing 1 lb apiece. 50c. do. old .mc, pigeons, 141 lb, aplere miaTOr. OKKSHEI) I'OL'I.THY. Demand fair and market firm, with supplies of choice stock -well under control .... rreidi-klUed fowls, per lb , selected heavy, 2ivc, , fancy. weighing 4C,B1 lbs apiece. 20Ur ; weighing 4 lbs apiece 20c , weighing .lti lbs. aplere, 1718r , weighing .1 lbs. and under aple.e. 10c. old roosters dry-picked, l.iuc. . broiling chicken nenrbv welching 14 32" lbs aplere, inflWc broiling chickens, nearby, fair to good lfifilSr hlckens. West ern. .1494 lbs nplece ll)c do do 2WS1 lbs apiece. 10fll7c Drilling chickens. Western, m f32 lbs nplece 1718r broiling chickens, Western, fair to good, 1110c squabs per dozen white weighing 1Ifi12 lbs per dozen, flllWIV) white weighing 010 lbs per rtoren 131 71 white weighing 8 lbs. per doren. 2 2W-' .10 do. weighing 7 lbs per dozen tl , m- no weigninc U5'4 ids per dozen ?1 21WI ' dark and No 2 rtOr 'r?$1.10. FRESH FRUITS Apples arriving quite frectv. hut rholee stock In fair request and steady Other fruits showed little change Apples. pr bbl. fancy varieties, 40V walermelors, lersey per 100 $1315 VEGETABLES Potatoes slesdv with demand absorbing 'he mrderale offerings Other vegetables In fair request nnd ateadv White potatoes per bush Penna. choice 7.137V do. fair tn good. 01 O08r. , white potatoes, 1rrey. per basket W 4ftr aweet potalne, Eastern Shore. rer bbl No. I, 1 7.1112 11 No 2 78f fll sweet polntoes, N c , per bbl No 1. 11 T.1t?2 No 2 7fie 1f$l sweets, .erse per bbl No I, 12 XV3 2 70 No 2 l ''131 71 sweets Jersey per basket HOffnv onions H ettern and Connecticut Vnllev choice per 100-lb hsc $1 21. onions medium pr loo-lb big II rabbnge domestlr per ton I121TM celerv V Y per bunch 123.1"c . muahooms, pr 4-lh banket. Mr 3tl W CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Pept ir-MOai Ilerelpls. !,. 000 markets 1031.1r higher mlsed and bud hers, JHMKTtlM good heavy $8 0130 11; rough heaw J8 2-.fji HO, light $8 8030 11: pits ts (MfS 71 hulk $ ViBP 2.1 CATTJ,R Iterelpts. nvifl. markets steady heees t7.40 All row, and heifer, p!in71 sto'kers ani feeders. til 4038 21 Tcxans $7 0038 81 calves $0 V1312.re1 tlinF.P necelpts lBOOfl markt-ts ateadv native and Western, $1.2,10 (, 25, lambs, $0 1,130 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGOS NEW YOItK Sept 17 Butter-ne relpts. BANK CLEARINGS Rank clearings today rnmpar with corre sponding day last two years- 1014 1013 1012 rhlla. . 2,t,o08.7.1! $27,211.01.1 $21051.0.11 noslon .20.710 217 22 tO.1.212 27.180 018 Nw Tork 18.1028 027 110 701,714 W7 487 074 Pt IOUls UT.10 7Sa 11 814 10 12.1B4.r,87 Chlrago . 40 000.2.11) .14 141,712 S4. 0.14 742 Centennial National Bank Philadelphia, Penna. At the close of business, September 12th, 1914. RESOURCES Loans, Discounts and Investments $3,318,908.15 220,376 71 73,349.80 285,00000 1,010.903 81 Due from Banks ...; . Exchanges for Clearing House Clearing House Loan Certificates Cash and Reserve $4,908,538.47 LIABILITIES Capital $300,00000 Surplus & Net Profits... 606,19165 Circulation 195 30000 Deposits 3,S07;!4682 $4,908,538.47 . EDWARD M. MALPASS, Cashier. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA iitr i snt nn enmninn . n; - ...... k,,, Ul - ..; i...,iBnt nvesturrs nnd w thin two 'Tl '"' ,on rreierren ine common Is pa; h)l had cleaned up n nrnflt n nrnvl. i i ,tn ,c,0'"r "" " 'erord Uepiemher tlng IlilM iuiii.. prnnt npprnxl- si. ,.n, the preferred Is pabIo Nov.mber 2 . 1 . "'"' nnuttlng off of Imports , to stock of record October 21. djestuffs due to the wnr. has Influ- Wd a rieninnd fur them which run ,,A nn'" """nlUated Mines Company, re. k'rdly be met I ,'lar 'l"rlerl 2' per rent paable October j ,c '"ei ,l ,Q -tork til retord Srntemher -in AllUal Klnrb .il.. l ll.. . , .... tnH... . 7 . "- in iiir mi-ai niiirKei ri. p. tiiiiivMiiirt ill iu, i.iec- -..r.u ,KP iiatlriy nt I2'4. Tononah Bel Kolh IlaUri 'otiiDan. reciter ntiarrrh iv rT cni on ireferrM ioik, jujahlo October mom V. . ,l '" nopnn ei- i m iock or reconl September 10. ,, . ' '-" ''lend Securities offered ... . ,, ., 77- i We prtres asked wero I.ehlch Vnllev . r,roc.'."' nuinhl Compan). regular qunr- " W'i. fnlnn Tri.ii.n i ti d ? ,l'r,' - p" ,rnt "" Preferred tork, pablo Bs. 1 ii.. , TJdll,on 40- V s- s,oel. I fictober IS to nock of r(ord September 2d rM. i, ,rwoo,l Electric lis, lftl . Pllllllllid- I ?M Electrn l tn. r-li.. Ae nkii.j. 11.1I I Willys (lierlnnd Comnani. leitular ouirterlv ".Of W and 1141 mm .. n i ' p"r ''''n, on "'''erred iork. paable o. Itneral m .7, , nt ' 2 nml n,a,l'1fc' tolwr 1 to .tock of record September 22 ,!?,rl mmiBBBe (s at 02'4 W Sto L TP-tlnB the Phlln.le. 'Oker. in .'u 'arBe an'1 ",e investment Wy t L '","1 'ci"-IIIm sot tosether ItuTtinn" P m"re cash 'rnrtlnc The It S,V7I' over thoroughly, and iiM uriiiiiLe .iciiuii ttiZ f'h'lltl'snreThart'ha "'fictions '" "ii tinner certain COMMON DIVIDEND PASSED Ctral Coal nnd Coke Directors Will f,r,c. erVe The,r Fi"ns. 0" u n. PaS8ed ,h1 nuarterly dlyi Rl t this .L""1"6 on ,ne mmon 'HtiA of u' The reKular quarterly tCt- was d.n.Frent on ,ne Preferred htoek!f r. r!do paab,e c'obe'- ? WtlcTta'c 'Je slocIholder. says 1 '" unatlSfa""', ma,nl' on accon ? lh lumber rn'i .condl,l0"! existing lv Uecllned , n,narke'' Prla of which '' ovWoduP.e.r C .nl- " aCC0,,nt ot a ycondLlU,CUon last eari "n'i J" larwi aUSe1 by ,he Buropean lumbr curta,Ied ,h consump- I nlled I'tllllle. Cmnpany. regular ijiiarlerly Ht per cent 6n preferred Hoik, pajahle Oj. tnber 1 to tork of re opt September in. Cnninlidaleit MinliiK Mllllm and Smeltinir Criupaiiy, regular qiMrterl L' per cent , pa. atle October 1 to Murk of record September VJ. Standard oil Cloth, nuarterl) H, per rem each on preferred A and H atorks and a nuar" lerl f i of 1 pi"r cent on common, pavablo October I. Sun aneV Tides Sun rlsei.... .1 2 a in. Sun seta. PHILADKUPHIA. Hlch water .11 V a m.lHlch water . . p.m. Low water, water. R 45 p m. ' KEKDY ISLAND. HlKh water . N2Sam IIIh water Low water . 2 12 a in I.oiv water IIRKAKWATKn Hlch water . .', .11 a m.jlllgh water Low water. .11 IKam.lLow water VesselB Arriving , Kchri. Iliimarock, Emma S Lord and Chtlde Harold, Nova Srotla lathi. 15-iiK p m. 87 p.m. 3 ft", p m. 12 pm. . . p.m $100,000,000 NEW YORK CITY 6 REVENUE BONDS AND CORPORATE STOCK NOTES M Maturing as follows: $57,000,000 6 Corporate Stock Notes due September 1, 1915 $18,000,000 6 Revenue Bonds due September 1, 1916 $25,000,000 6 Revenue Bonds due September 1, 1917 Name. Soestdjk Haverford Ancoim . , Stenmships to Leave PASSE.VC.Ert. For. Rotterdam .. Liverpool .. . Napteti Date. . Sept. IT .' hept. 10 ..Sept. 10 (lermantown l'atwenKer ltallwa, quarterly ?1 ll', paahla October 0. regular lUnRor ItallviRj and Kle.trtc Company, rrg. ulir iiuarterly per cent nil referred, pay. tble (Viober 1 to ttock of record September 21 American fianken' Safety Company, reguUr quarlfrlj l per cent on preferred, payable S-cptember :tu to moik nf record September 111 luar-cto- fertw III PRICES 3iED P. .. tWOK. Rtn I . fuVLSs 8iS, PtWYno "w vork'co.?L" :?.he m'mb " fi,,a notices thV. , . ""'" nave re- E of ,r;V' """?. Sf iJl, ?fcmb' at 9M. Mar M check., V Uv'poo nut Mondy. m M to'."5 member " - "or A tt Klrnhbaum Company, regular lerl per ent. on preferred, rayablo ttr 1 to stock of record September 20. I'nlted (ilobe Company declared a dividend of 1 1 .'ill. , FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOIIK. Sept 17 -The foreign ex chance market opened weak, with offer, inps in excess of bids Demand, It MB 4 16'4. cooler, t(96. marks, SoTbc , francs, 5.09. PORT OF NEW YORK Sten.mshlps to Arrive DUB TODAY ..r3,'"?- From. pate. ,lrnl nordeaux Sept l??.,t,c Liverpool Sem S Athenal 1'atrua via Trieste ThatiaalnnlUI -. . . .. .I'l 1 r i . V iiii'raiiar .. . Lusltanla Liverpool . Steamships to Leave Name. i'or Ansonla CUitm . , JJ1'","lou Ixunlon . , Hnland Liverpool .. Amona Naples Touralne Havra . . Potsdam ilottrrdam .. Crctlc Naples .. , Price 100 and Accrued Interest These three issues are direct obligations of the City of New York Exempt from the Federal Income Tax Exempt from all taxation in New York State except for State purposes Interest at six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on March 1st and September 1st bent 4 Sept 10 Date. .ept 17 Sept 17 Sept 10 Sept in Sept 10 Sept 22 , Sept 22 I DEFER DIVIDEND ACTION Directors of the Crucible Steel Company of America todaj decked, to defer action on the reeular dividend of 1, per cent on the preferred stock. The reason given is the present trade conditions as the re suit of the war. BAR SILVER Commercial bar silver Is being quoted In New York today at MHc , which rep resents a decline of He , compared with yesterday's pflce, In London price were down ijd., at Hi FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Tha ktediiKhlp market It dUplajlug much aulvllj In the tranat!intlc trade. The rremh Government haa cloeel contracts for nix veael to rarr rats STKAMMIirs. llrot (Nurl. IlaUlmnra ,n lia...A , I IS in 4 1 quarter, about U ,7onipl ' '"'" noiiingipn iir I iiaitimuro to Hordcaux or St. Naidlre. oau, dSjo quarter, a. 3d prompt ' !dsi.un illr.) lUltlm 'ia to nordeaux oat. 25 urn quartet. 2. 3d , prompt. fu"u- """i Muhaeiflell Ilr ). Ualttmoro to puked rwrU I'nlted Kingdom, oau. mux) quarter. 1. 91 opi,.oPi.r.nA.-r,u.n.,.,,o'M -' i, nmi: Ventura d Iirrlnaga illr) .Ul.nOO nuarler. a me i)gllv illr; lialllmore or Newport New. lo Vrcmh-AtUiitli porn. eat. IS m0 quarter. 2. 2i.d I'romni ""' hroiighors ildn ) 4,uf to CbrlitUnla auarier. i 3d prombt 1'ranlenborg iDon I PhlUdelphla to Cornn bagen petroleum 12 ono barrel, prii ate terms prompt ,' Hag iNorl 22rU ton Baltimore lo Hlver Plate. ioal private term, rrompt Sommentad (Nor 2V2 ton. Philadelphia to Call ioal prli ate term, prompt " iUrpaiu. 'Br ) 372 ton. Norfolk to Medl- i terraiiein col P'lwl term., prompt ' Venlero ilt.l ( .tSOK ton. Virginia to wett eoa.t italv coal private term., prompt , Weitland. (Br ) 2C01 ton. Baltfmore to'rocoal and rove private term, prompt MillT-h IBr ) W ton. .am. """" SCHOONERS I Horatio I Baker T20 ton.. Philadelphia to I fortoBio coal, private term.. EagV Win in4 t-)n Philadelphia to Be.. tea,, 70 cent.. Principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States of 'America of the, present standard of weight and fineness at the office of the Comptroller of the City of New York Coupon form in denominatfons 0 $500, $1,000, $5,000 and ?10J)00 Registered form in denominations of $500 and multiples thereof as desired Coupon and registered forms interchangeable. Jt.OOO Jl'e are advised that these bandi and notes are available for the following purposes; ' . As part collateral for circulation, under the Aldricli-Frceland Act of May 3Qt 1QQ. 2, As security under the Workmen's Compensation Laiv of Xeiv York State. 3. As an investment for Savings Banks and Trustees in AVu- York State and elsewhere, A syndicate of banks and trust companies of New York City has purchased these bonds from the City at par and accrued interest. A large part of the bonds having been withdrawn from sale by the subscribint banks and trust companies, we offer the remainder, on their behalf, for public subscription at the cost price Subscription booh uill be closed at 12 o'clock noon. Tuesday, September 22nd. 1914, or earlier in our ,,, ,. The right is reserved to reject any and all applications and also, in any case, to auard a srnalUramZ ZanTpZd'fT ""' Applications for bonds should be accompanied by a remittance in 'en York funds of $50 for each nnn a a i j t The balance will be payable at the offices of the undersigned, Monday. September 2S(h If onlv JZ r 7'i " iv be allotted, the balance of the deposit will be applied toLl L mn! ' "" ' '' """"" '' & J. P. MORGAN & CO. New York, September 17th, 1914, KUHN, LOEB & CO. i rrrrni- mm ryu-M J-?l