'' " n Mi
Mrs. Barlow and Mrs. Van
derbeck Prove to be Ster
ling Performers in Test
Held at Glen Cove.
I I., N. Y Sept. is No matter vvlint
tho ultimate outcomo of the tournament
may b, Philadelphia nt lonvt hns tho
satisfaction of knouiiifr that two of Its
reprcsentntlv oi reached tho scnilfln-il
etnge In tho Women's N'ntlonnl Oolf
Chnrnplonilil)) Tournament on the Units of
tho Nassau Countiv Cluu. The fact that
Sirs. C II VnnuVrbeck and Mrs. Uonald
II. Barlow wore In opposite brackets ns
another source of crntlllcatlon.
Before teelnc up time a mnjorltv In the
Sallery were of the opinion that Mr
liarlou s otcadlness and experience would
prove too much for Mls 12Iulne Itosen-
il, wai, mo 13-yeHr-om khi uun. iunumi
but there wan a great deal of specula
tion as to the probable outcome of tho
tilt between Mrs. VaiiderbecU and Mrs.
II. Arnold Jackson, the Oakley woman,
who lnt Juno won the eastern title at
The Ion.; drivel has little ncl intake
over an opponent on thN coi osp clalh
na It Is now nftn a week of (In
Mcathor, for the turf has become so
baked out that balls set unusually lone
runs. In other words un lndirferentl
hit half topped ball here pets practically
ab fur as the well hit ball that depends
on carrj for Its length.
To start the Mrs. Jackson-Mr" Van
derbeck match tho last named sot the
better approach to the llrst hob- and had
n putt for a 3, which she missed, so that
they halved In four Up the hill to the
BOO-yard second Mr Vindei beck's third
Bhot found a trap beond the Kreen She
laid out of the sand to within 7 feet of
the cup, but failed on her tiv for the
live and Mrs Jackson winning tin re, be
came 1 up
Mrs VanderbecU sank a lout, putt for
a four at the thlid and it won the hole
lall when her opponent failed on the like, the
23PUf .....wl ...... Ilulm. rl,i.i1rrll slinrt
Both women f-ot into dlillcult ut the
fourth. Mr. Jackson with a sliced drive
to a trap and Mrs. Vanderbeck on her
uecoiid shot l'tom the s md Mis. Jack
non reached the fir eilue of the green
and she won the hole when her op
ponent again putted weakb. Mr". Jack
son vvus then 1 up
The Oaklej wonnn inci eased her ad
vantage to 2 up with a tine 4 at the fifth
hole, Mrs Vandeilieck losing a stroke
when she pulled her second shot to thu
lough' After pulling their drives to the
long grass nt No ' both had to plav
ehort of the sand, but when Mrs Vamlor
lieck fell green hv on her third, using
a Jigger, she gave herself ,i lot to do The
ffi! Philadelphia woman, however, got down a
L'R?' long putt for a halve in " That left Mrs.
Jackson still 2 up going to the seventh.
"When Mis Jaikson again pulbd her
drive, to the rouch fiom the seventh teo
ffBrt. -CTM1 had to pl.wOeiut short, it looked as If
f-2? Jd aiideifcfer k mwht get back a hole.
lhaTrflladelnliia woman, howcvei, lulieu
to take advantage ol the open ng present-
3 to get out. Mrs Barlow then drovo
out of bounds nt the eleventh and It cost
her the hole, for, although Miss Rosen
thal was bunkered, she made i fine sec
ond out of It This made the match even
once more
A long putt nt the twelfth won It for
Miss Hosenthal and Mrs. Barlow drew
up again nt the next
A superb second shot by Miss Hosen
thal at the Hth enabled her to get a 3
to the other's 4 but the Philadelphia!)
outmaneuvered her diminutive Chicago
rival at the long lth. Instead of trying
to run down n li-foot putt for a 3, Mrs
Barlow was content to lay dead to llu
pin, so that she Intel a sure 4 The
psvehologie effect on the othei was that
she missed a try from four feet Again
the match w a level.
Mis Harlow's second failed to ran y
the chocolate drops at the 16th, and she
lost the hole, but two tine shots on the
4on-wirel 17th, a font she did estcrelay
agains.t Miss llvde. got her home nnd
she took two putts for a 4 and win. Thus
the match was square going to the homo
Intense excitement reigned In the gtl
lery. Uach got away good drives. Mrs
Hallow plaved her second short of the
raw nine pit guarding the green. Miss
Ilosenthol plaved to the thick grass ib
the right, evidently to bo able to take
some turf nnd with hack spin get hor
ball well up In this she calculated cor
rective, but Mrs Birlow .also reached the
green on her third, so It looked like hn
etrn hole match Miss Bosenthal's
nervy appioach putt was laid dead to
the cup, and Mrs. Barlow overran only
three feet Mrs Barlow was weak on
the putt and her ball stopped short oil
tho lip. The match was over and Chi
cago will meet Boston In the final to
mot row.
The rltrj follows
Ml Itotentlial
out ... . ,', r, 4 .". I .'. 5 4 411
In 0 S I 0 3 B 4 0 541-31
Mrs Barlon
"ut .. I 1 J 8 H 58 4-41
III . . . 1 0 (5 I I I 5 4 04.' VI
Varsity Football Men Have
Had Experience Enough,
But for Most Part Candi
dates Are Unknown
Some Fine Performances
Were Recorded at the
Philadelphia Cricket
Club's Headquarters.
ST MARTIN'S, Pa., Sept 16 -The first
lound of match plav for the St Mar
tin's cup and attendant trophies at the
Philadelphia Cilcket Club started this
morning under Idial weather tondltluns.
The 04 best plav ers out of the 2'0 entered
In vcstcrdav'H eiualifvlng lound, who were
drawn for match pla todav, got away
from the first tee between 10 o'clock and
11:00. On all sides were heard compli
mentary remarks from the entrants, who
wero well pleased with the condition of
th course and with tho business-like
manner with which the tournament Is be
ing run
The first match to finish In the main
event was between V. S Blcklng, Arono
inlnlc, und J N t-tenrns Cd, Nassau, the
runner up to Hi clnald 'Worihlngton In tho
Nothing could be more senseless right
now than to attempt an appraisement of
the material which has reported for I'enn
sjlvanla's football team Those men who
have had vnislty experience with tho Bed
and Blue In past J ears are known quan
tities. So, to a ccrtnln extent, are some
who plaved with the scrub eleven last
j ear, but for the most part It Is totally
Impossible to give any sort of rating to
men who plaved on last year's fieshmnn
eleven or those Who come with football
ovperleneo from other colleges, When
scrimmage practice begins the coaches
will have a mentis to test their men; the
preliminary games will bo a guide, but
not until the more Important games, such
as the Navy and Swarthmurc, will experts
be able to pass Judgment on the majority
of the new men
Nothing would be woise foi the final
succcs of the new plav ers than loo much
praise at this time. Over-enthuslastlo un
dergraduate correspondents are Inellnud
to exaggerate abilities of the men whom
they see running back kicks, making
long runs nnd line plays against tho
scrub players. But the real worth of a
man Is never known until ho has been
In some real games. On this hypothesis
Pennsylvania's coaches will have to con
tinue their sorting until they havo an
eleven which can hold Its own against
championship rivals.
Pennsylvania's coaching Mart Is pro
ceeding with Its sifting process In a lnis
lnesMIko mannei livery man who has re
ported is having a thorough test. In fact,
evciv plajer will have come under the
piisoiml inspection of Coach Brooke hlm
belf befoie the Initial game neM week
against Gettjsburg. Not only will every
plajei have to pass Brooke's scrutiny,
but he will have to receive the approval
of the assistant coaches.
In oider that tho men nny have cvelv
facility for learning the rudiments or
the game as well as the fine points of
their own positions, thej aro divided Into
squads, first to practice those rudiments
of the game which arc common to all
positions, and then to specialize in the re
quirements of the positions they hope to
inus ujwer emus the line men,
Shawnee tournament. Stearns won on
ed, as hei trv for the green with u bnni th , t
resulted in the ball g tting nadiy trapped .... ., c, , , ,
closa to the green Mi. took two strokes At the tuin Stearns was l up and fie
to get c.ear of the sand so that Mis. ' match was tquaied after Blcklng won the
Jackson won the hole In 5 to C, and be- j tenth The eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth,
came 3 up. fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth were
to rest on the
Set a iinii'in ioui ,,, f ,llr.v was his. In 4 to 5, and the match, 1 up.
Mrs Vanderbeck hud a stroke of luck Tn ,ar.iH. '
at ninth, where, nft.r missing her try njUin--"
for a four, she laid th.i ejuKicy woman out
a stymie This prevented Mrs. Jackson s-uarns-
Xrom getting a four The half there left ,'llkll,
Mrs. Jackson 3 up nt the turn bhe in .
went out in 42 to 4", for Mrs. Vandei- i . Stearns
v i. n
Although Mrs Jackson had the better , m each ,, three A half ,
ee shot over the pond, her ball coming, r,.suUed on ,he pevenu,lnth und bo,
o rest on the edge of the green, she ,... ,h.. ,,, ,r .. ,,, ,
three putts ,Vlcr'b,1T,bJ!",ft ,! I show. Blcklng took three putts, how
who had tallen a trine shoit, to I ond wUh Su.onls (own n' tno tl(.
Mrs Jackson made a hash of the tenth,
or "circus" hole utter getting bunkered
s 4 5 .', 4 e 5 5 J U
544043 0 4 4-41
.". U 4 5 4 C 3 C 5 42-sl
4 .', 5 4 S 5 4 li 112 S1
C u Lalveit, ArommlnK, and hpuneei
Wright of the same club, had an inte--
efctlng match, which tho latter won on the
o3Jn jr, - -. ht - 3(up oft. the
IVr -0t--' -- - "SUES ft, -- although Wright, m
Up the hill t, tl, !-. M. Vander- " l .5f.onJW 'UL:L5..: .1'ti i
ck almost pulled liei neeond shot out "" """ k" ""."" . w...h .... e-u,
bounds and she half topped her next , 'r ."j-Ua' V? 'nn
. tha .r.llr.1, lilt t,,,., ft,,, il fll,, HI. ".', ,'ujt.n ,,-- -it.. .w.t. .W .,!
ball came to ret seven fiet from the pin
and she won tho hole in a fine 4 to w,
Mrs Vanderbeck was then only 1 down.
Coming back to tho Uth both women got
away good drives, Mrs Vandeiheck hav
ing u ffvv yards the advantage Their
seconds were olT the l,ne, jut Mrs Jack-iron'-i
ball ltlckeil luckily from a mound,
whereas the other was less fortunate, a
liall stopping behind the bunkers on the
Hth, Wrights tee Ohot was wild, and1
his secund shoit of tho green. Calvert
was well up in two and ml'sctl a haid
rutt by Inches for the hole and match, i
Wright succeeded In running elown a I
long putt for a half, making an extra
hole necessary. Both drove well to the j
19th, but Calvert was a little off the i
lint; His fecoud found a trap In front
of the green nnd was almost completely
right. Mis Vanderbeik aLaln Drouctu 1 covered by sand Ho failed to get out
off a good putt for a half In 5 with his next, and as Wright was down
Mrs Jackson drove the Iso-yard H'h In four thu match was ended. The cards.'
green and making no mUtnUeg, won It calvert
In 3 to 1 thereby becoming I up again out ... ..... S 4 s n l r. ,1 5 4-42
To the fifteenth. Mrs Vanderbeck badly ' In 16 14 4 6 3 4 4-3S-S-I
I ulled her drive, and it looked like un ous,nl'
"out of hound," but the lull hit u rail
and caromed on th fairway She topped
i r. r. i i i r, i i-ai
In 2 0 n 3 3 5 4 3 4 ll-M
Ktr4 nu vvrignt. 4 Calvert, :.
.. o.t V,nl tf the 1, linker nml ir h.wl . "f. " ."' "I wio raTOiae
..c. ,.v ....... ....-, .. .. .. , ,,,sa, oy 3i M JaeK, a jouiip piner rrom
Kid lie. until Mr. Jaikfcon pulled second JUrion Plavinfc against J t Ita. Phua
to the (ran and took two to Bet clear lelelihla Crl ktt Club, In th third sUten
LV u,Li.iT.,r r. t..iT. ho" h lfatel T up atU 5 to play Jack
They halved In 6. leaving Mis, Jackson maif a rmaritable rounu of Til. one. stroke
rtlll 2 up going to number U Mrs. over Walur HnoH' medal-w Innliig carl of
Jackson s hecond landed In the trap, I ,'Vajr lilH "5 C?T 444043 0
whereas the other ufclne n spoon for her j rn "'.. S3344434 !j';-70
npproai h made the green Mm Jaekson I Sumiuirln flrnt alxin, fit Martin's cap
recovered finely, th ball eomine to rest I lV.lur IJenoW Aioiilmlnk dcleuttd P l
iv fot heiond the nin She then bnlel rrftr"1, ' ' "!' anl " Kr. " I
Six feet ueionu tne pin. nne men noieti Hm ,,, ufeatcd M. K Nlffer Huntlng-
thc putt tor a halve in 4, Mrs. Jarkaon ' nun alln. by rtefault, Lajton M. bchoch
vvns then dormle. InUuUeihls countr, ,lcfe4tit Uerknl C
To the seventeenth Mrs Vanderbeck TSTT" viySSSUMitiU "6 ' V " "buti.T.
S4 Numu, ilffeat4 V lllckliiij Aronlir,
tnk 1 up Viw,n I'nttei Philadelphia Cricket
Club. d(e4tl Iluiert Uier V tlmlnistqn 1 up,
1j boles, I II Francine Iluntlnedeni Vall
dafeate 1 11 liarnah.-iw I'lnladelphta I'rlcket
i'ut. 0 up and 4 to go fa. D Wright, Jr.
Aronlmlnk defeated ( . B Calvert, Aronlm
tnk 1 up, Vt hoii
biiconl elxteen I'retident's cup U M.
tash!,grn lyjncr Jlerian. defeated II. II
hentua. iVnnkford, 3 up and 4 to o, S. H
uhatttood. Merlin, dertate-t lr O A Illxoii,
Natlt.nal Oolf Unk, 1 up W M Weaver,
HuaiinKiun Vale defeated John ' Kox,
Iranktord. 0 up and 4 to go, J. J Keenan.
jr jjansucrane, ueieated vv. I Allen Del-
nulled her drivo and thereafttir never
had a -hance Tlio other might have won
the, bolt in 5, but she contended herself
f w (h a halve In C Mrs Jackson theicforo
f on the match bj 2 up ana l to plav.
ho card:
3 S 4 S 0 4 s-42
Mrs. Jackson
Dnt ..,
AITS vaiiueiucttt--
Out 4 0 4 0 S 8 0 4 5-13
ilr. Jackton ..-.,
In .. ..33CS3Q4G
Mrs. suderiieck
In 3543404C
Mrs Barlow vvas beaten 1) M.las ItoJcn
thai on the ery last green, and It was a
-match which will go down In golf hta.
tory as one of the keenest Imaginable
and one In which the golf of both con
tenders vvas of almost par esce'lence
Mrs. Barlow need not feel afivameil to
Bel! J up C II Webster Jr, Frankford,
aeieaiet J neieer Atlantic i-t, 4 up
Dickson the ends, and Brooke the hunks
in addition to keeping his eje on the
whole squad Because tiili work Is being
done so carefullv Is cNplanatlon enough
for the unusuallv eirly reduction In tho
Mze of the vai.slty u,iii
Michael Dorbas is winning the np
pioval of the coaches bv the determined
way he goes about the business of learn
ing American football Idle all the
coaches confess their regiet that f-ome
ono did not take this oung Gicelc In
hand when he first made his appeiranco
on rrnnklln rielil, thtv are now trvlng
to make up tor lost time Since last spring
Dorizas has piobabh- had more indi
vidual coaching tliun any two men com
bined. Pootball Instiuetion has been
crammed Into him In such big doses that
his success as a line plsyer will depend
upon how much he 1ms been able to as
similate Football knrwledse and intuition
are not to be absorbed ns n rule In so
hhort a time In intilllgence Dotlzas
ranks above the aveinse football plavei
Likewise he lies athletic cleverness, nnd
these qualities may ovrreome the handi
cap under whiih he HI ors.
Coach Bulk continued his policy of two
practices vesterdny The afternoon sej,.
sion vvas largelv given ov.i to higna:
work Vreelnnd va out and alternated
with Sulbnch at left end The mn were
run through the plaj-4 with lots of snap
evidnt Coach Untold Qast, n, of the
serurs, sent his mm thiough foimations,
mi talngs look biignt for a hci-lmumge
with the varsity within the next few
days IK will aavu a good, scrappy ag
gregation and they will give tho varsitv
a good fight Tho tcrubs are to ha o ,1
training table this year Doe Iiwlu got
off several punts foi W vnrds, and Tucker
and Ballou were clos-o by Irwin also
showed ability In handling punts Ilughv
continues t thow form.
Dr Geurse Orton and CoacV Vivian
Nlckals. having heard such wonderful
tales of the brnwni freshmen, came out
and looked them over. They were highly
pleased, being sure of manj good weight
throwers and oaismen.
IMdie I)nnls. fullback in '01. 'CT, and
member of the basketbull Mid track
t.am, was n visitor at the afternoon prac
tice. Also Dutch Sommets, halfback of
'07, 'Oi. '05 and '1".
Cornell has the distinction of being the
first member of the "Big Six" to begin
scrimmage work The 1 time ins have been
at It now several days This was made
possible for them by the fact that they
had a full week's start over I'enusylvaul 1
and are now prettj well along in the
hardening process Another lenson for
Doctor Shnrpe's anxiety to start his men
at real foothnll was the fact that the
Ithacans have for their first opponent the
Unierstt of Pittsburgh team. Cornell
has good reason to remember nnd ft ar
Pittsburgh because la3t year this eleven
beat thu Ithacans II to 7 It Is true that
when Cornell met Pittsburgh a ear ago
tha Ithacans wero in the midst of a
slump, but Pittsburgh was the better
team and la said to be Just ab fast and
powerful this year Some Cornell men
are even now wondering why the football
management scheduled this team for the
first game No mattei what happens It
will give Cornell a fiery baptism at the
very start.
Continued from Pnge 1
Becker out. Mnge'e fouled out to
Konctchy. No tuns No hits.
Vlox singled to centre. He stole sec
ond. Konctchy doubted to left, scoilng
Vlox, Wagner singled to lefti Konctchy
going to third. McCarthy lilt to Mar
shall nnd Konctchy was retired, Mar
shall to Dooltt to I.obert. Coleman
bounced a homo run over tho left field
fence, scoring Wagner and McCarthy.
Marshall threw Adams out. Byrne throw
Carc out. Tour runs.
Cravnth hit tho right field fenco for
two bases. Adams threw Bjrno out.
Duderu.s singled to centre, scoring
Cravath, Ludorus going to second when
Collins fumbled the ball. Martin walked
Dooln forced Martin at recond, Wngncr
to Vlox, I.uderus going to third. Mar
shall singled to centio, scoring Ludorus.
Lobirt doubled to centre, scoring Dooln,
Mai shall stopping nt third. Becker was
out, Konctchy unassisted. Throe runs,
four hits.
Collins fouled to Lobort. Costcllo tiled
to Magee Martin throw Vlox out. No
runs No hits
M igeo singled to center. Crnvath lilt
into a double plaj. Wagner to Vlox to
Konctchy. Bvrne filed to Collins. No
runs. One hit.
Bvrno threw Konetchy out. Wngnor
filed to Magee. Mai tin threw McCarthy
out. No runs. No hits.
I.uderus singled to centre, Martin bent
out a bunt Burns batted for Dooln.
Hums sacrificed, Konetchy to Vlo.
Baumgnrdnor butted for Marshall Bnum
gnidnei hit to McCaithv, who threw Lu
drrus out at the plate. Lobcit filed to
Costcllo No runs. Two lilts.
rirrii inning.
Coleman walked. Kantlehner, batting
for Adams, fanned. Carey forced Cole
man, Martin to Byrne. Collins filed to
Cravath. No runs. No hits.
Becker singled to right. Magco filed to
Costello. Ciavath forced Becker, Kant
lehner to Wagner. Byrno was put out
Knntlehnor to Konctchy. No runs, One
Costello beat out an Infield hit. Cos
tcllo was out stealing. Burns to Martin.
lox singled to centre. Konetchy sin
gled to light. Wagner filed to Cravath.
McCarthv filed to Magee. No runs, two
lilts , ,,
Ludcius sltie loci past second. Mnrtln
beat out a bunt. Burns was out, Kant
lehner to Konetchy. Paskeit batted for
Baumgarduer ond lifted a (.acrlflce fly
to lo:., Ludorus scoring. Lobert doubled
to b ft, and when Carey fumbled tho
ball .Martin scored Cnrev recovered tho
ball and threw to McCarthv, retiring
Lobeit tijing to stretch tho hit. Two
runs, two lilts.
Oe?chgei began pitching for Philadel
phia In the seventh. Coleman fanned
KantMiner filed to Magee. Cnrey fouled
to Lobert. No runs No hits.
Becker walked Magee forced Becker,
Wagner to Vlox, and took second on the
latter's wild throw to first. Cravath hit
the light field wall for a double, Magee
scoilng. Bjrne filed to Caiey. Cravath
stole tnliil. Luderus struck out, and wns
thrown out, Coleman to Konetchy, when
the former diopped third stilke. One
run. One hit.
Bjin? tluew Collins out. Costello
fouled "to Lutert Vlox fanned. No. iuns
No hits 1
Maitlrt filed to Carey. Bums filed to
Costello. Kantlehner threw Oo-ichger out.
No runs No hits.
Konetchy beat out an Infield hit. Wag
ner out, Oesehger to Luderus Hvatt
batted for McCaithj. Iljatt filed to
-Mnrtln Coleman fanned. No runs No 1
Continued from Page 1
wild pitch. Covelesltie fanned Bush
grounded to Wjckoff. No runs. No hits
Oldrlng filed to Veach Covelcskle
threw out Lapp. WjckolT hit to deep
ii'ht field, halting at third hut continued
home when Cobb loafed on the throw In
Xluiphv filed to Veach One un. One
VI tt walked. Cobb filed to Murph, VI tt
going to second after tho catch. Craw
ford walked. Veach hit Into a double
play, Coll.ns to Barry to Mclnnls. No
runs. No hits.
Cub got Barry's Hy. Bush threw out
Collins Baker gtounded to Burns. No
runH No hits.
Baker threw out Burnt, Morlarty sin
gled to left. Baker tluew out McKeo,
Morlartv going to second. Morlarty stole
third Covelcskle gtounded to Uakei. Nu
runs. Ono hit.
Mclnnis singled to center. Walsh bats
for htrunk Walsh sacrificed Covellskle
to Burns. Mclnnls on second Oldrlng
filed to Veach. Lapp fanned. No runs.
Walsh now playing center for Athletics.
Bush grounded to Barry. Harry threw
out Vltt Cobb walked. Crawford filed
to Oldrlng. No runs No hits
DnTItOIT. Sept IS Directum I paced
an unusual mile here jesterday In a trial
against his record of 2 00, ns an exhibi
tion In connection with the State Fair
races Driven by Ray Snedecker and ac
companied by a runner driven by Tom
Murph). tho chestnut stallion paced the
first quarter In 30 seconds, the half In
1 01, the three-quarters in 1 30 and then
psced the last quarter in Sa seconds,
making the mile In 1 ESi Minor Heir's
mark of 1 55H la claimed to bo the fastest
mile ever paced In the open.
Wilmington Gunner Equals
Henderson s Mark by Shat
tering 148 Clay Pigeons
Out of Possible 150.
ATLANTIC CITV, Sept. lS.-Bi caking
148 out of a possible 150, William Foord,
of Wilmington, Del., tied Woolfolk Hen
clorson, national champion, for honors to
day In tho amateur field nt tho Westy
Hognn tournament. These scores wore
made out of a field of 100 marksmen rep
resenting the cream of tho L'ast, and tho
score will stand out tho most prominently
of any made hero to ilato. Poord nnd
Henderson will shoot off tho tic to dccldo
tho ownership of tho Atlantic City cup
nnd gold award that goes to tho high gun
of tho program C. A. Jenkins, of Wood
bine, Md., set a startling pace for com
pernors In going down xevcu events with
clean sheets. Ho lost one at tho eighth
trap and faltered on his final round.
Salter Hun, of Macon, Gn topped both
his own expert set as ,vt.u , thu nmateur
with lis great card of 119 out of a
POSS bio 150. Hn nn- n .,,..-! '...,..
sco 0, of course, did not count In tho
?l?i.ra:o tV1"1 'iQl. n(t went
.straight for eight events and lost 0110
bird em "Is ninth to spoil the record
bienklng exhibition of tho touincv.
( buries H, New comb, the popular Phil
nclilphla shot, broko 147.
Toord scored another triumph on total
ing the clear sheet of 133 "breaks" in a
row for the honor of topping the select
amateurs. Tho Wilmington star was
nover in bettor form nnd Is In the
events hero tho most consistent winner.
.1. M. Hawkins, professional, of Balti
more has recorded tho rcmarknblo
straight frnme of 170 "breaks."
i 1 Jo3y'1 '"'Port from Wilmington,
ins dropped U6 in line, nnd H. L. Worth!
Ington. another professional from the
Monumental Cltv, follows with 1W.
Henderson won the Sousa tiophy In
fc S nnh? "'if ,sht at Un, -no. Va"
v.,i, e "' ch'"U'i sliot of Pennsvl-
wo n,l ,0l 10, '" ""sslon on trap
Ic.ws. ot Auburn, III, took th" j-eohv
t,ToD,,,,Mis, - ' ;. " y
!' II el. ftSi7'
.V,.,1....""-. T1 'i n. ir
S Appcwtc""'.," r'1,,17;,,"., h'i"'don. 0-,, w.
HolohiH. l.s, 11 vleliV. -i"?h,,,,, V' V I'.
II emus li '11 'i u '-owls. 7t, J.
M. 13 ' V 'it.- J, , "'r."- .7-'.. ... 11. Hhoop
i' ( i.-- .."".. -... i. .u 11 in els ,J- .
IIot?hkiV; 'i, i'-i v." ,t"a,"f?ri1 '''- Edntr.
Bail ti !'11-..-y. Luilwlg, OH L.muril
;.-'. Melrntl, S" " K' "V J.,1X,u.tJ,0?'
I. M. Iattersn. iu Y' ,t ui"""1 V ' !
!t", 'V',1 ,,;.i".. '"..":. o 1-
compt- lis, .1 , rirlllllli us "V '..VMS
VI Hell -", i.,llv' "" ', - . HllllllBS. .6
- 1. i'. '.r'1 IJ "Jk.well, i,H, K I. Wilson,
,-'. II SI Trent in II j tMiKhestii 11 H
t 1. ' I!ol'!r' Patterson IK. v Huff, 7V,
.1 II, Ilarnit, 7o, I II ?'uc, (), i V'i
ViiWiriii J. MclVf "-V.0"' T)'.r denier. (!J fohn
iiltterllng i.u. a, liruun, 'a, r 1: leKcHey.
, John Vllnnkk OG J low fin ) . L
Ivlou ,s, I. It o.a lor, el a. J Tuikett 71:
1. lloekeitJ 'l, f I. lli.mir 71, Cenrne.
i',ru,b- A1-.1 A sdbirt 41 V '-omtrs.
,1. O. o Ue, ui, s i. JioRitnn is u. T
vvl,.k $? A v- ''urrle, SH Tailt lt.ej. ,.,,
'1. - M1a,s0". ' , ,. II, Iliisiliigtr. ou. .Miss
M VV Items', 61, 11 l. llii 111 1 A
Clnmberliin. 70, C (' smith, 71 J 1.
elilploj-, "iJ Jeiar Anlro.ii 1,1, e T Hlffo,
CW i: O IViul llii. J. Depe (,.' n O.
Artz. CM, J 1 . Wvnkonp 1,7 I V Ilrona, ill,
I. C clunlal.ci. 7.'. II p -staph ton, 1.1 A
E Corefleld 71. Pieil Plum 7, HurroM
Parent i.'i, N 1. euark 1,7 J II Fontaine,
HI, II i: Perry. OS John 1: Khberts 71 J,
I. I.'nglert. I.S, o. It l)lil,e 1,1, T II K'el
ler, Ir. 1,0 "Jseaf ApB.ir. ri sini tilnvei.
7.V, (' ( Fanium, ii 1: A Watson U John
II Hall, e). T. II, Ko, 7-' T II Keller,
Sr., UI, J P Kane, r,7. 1 I. C uUcr, 71, W,
I. VV Jones, 70, J. L. V rlclu c.l it e,unir
i.l, Hairs I.jre, 71, ". A Jcnklni, 7". VV
FJrth. .-.-,, I. It liahlii, 1,7 It Hall, (19,
L. w. l'urtcnbarsrcr. en, 1 l. Pmlth, r.i,,
E Hiilc, C'l, t, lanes RI, r S Toinlln 72,
c II Piatt 7-'. 1 II. Ilauteh 1,7 A V Pai
ens 1," 'O Von ler.'oike il L 1! P.isliel
71. VV. L Poster. 1 1 s K SI111II, ill, Thoinis
Iiamlo, 1,11 1 n Miller, Hi. I: 1, Pell 7."
t. t .nebiM,., L. 1 t 1 ...... . t. V) m 1
II Sloan 7J A c Kins Kl VV II s
oi 1; 11. -turner. i;i ii Jooer :., v
A Mlllur. f."., U II. Wagner, Co, EJ. Hamuli,
til M. 11 Sti'u:irt. a.
ton taucts 'Storr, 141, MieMon, 113, Ap
(legate 11.' I, CI Itkhanls, 11? ahaner,
IIU John Itihrls, Uil, AUn 1W, Hand, 14il,
, n..l. ,,, kl ... 1,, a,.A.n. ,,,
vu, ui.uiiiii niiuhmi 111, uriiiiJii, I'll,
1 raliv 141, Mc.VIahon, 14 ' "i lark 1IH;
Moore 141. P Until lis, llrooks 141 tier
Hiell, IIP CoLhrun 141 llrlim. 140. Martin,
ll.J, WoiJcn 141 bhoop. 111 Hi mill, J.5,
"Daniels, 14 1 Clunther, l.l, -anlord, 1 i"i,
Hon likls l"s. LjJhIb, 1.1. Uank, 111,
M. ll.if.ti 111! efn.ltav.tt ill li.i 1IIT .11,.
n nn 1
S to jio. rhannlns tvaj Overbroolt, Uefeatihl
j A si4itoi etuvievi, 1 up ana ii to 1,0. A
M. Voel, irontmink. deftated Dr mutl
l.olton I'rankfoi i 4 up unl i to ko, Nurninn
Mux well Aronlmlnk. dufeHted . A. Ale
Curdy Cneroruk. I up ana 'J to ieo
ruir4 sixteen covtrnors- ejp p J Ilellly
lose' under such conditions and to miss a p?,1? rJIfa.,e?,l"' . l x Shii. J'hiiailel
j-ard putt on the home green hen the ' i.nfulAur.o'.f WV ? "Sky?-?
other laid btone dead Is not the most Philadelphia cricket eiub. 4 up and 3 to so
dimcult thing in the world when the 1 if ' , Mce-aiiPhnadflphla Country C'lub. Je
match depends on it. ; -)V B. Toen'd 'ffSlon dated" Oeorie
By running down a 2o-foot putt, Sirs , Ciioke, Pnllaauj,h!a ' rKket flub 1 up M.
Barlow won the first hole In 4 to 5. On 2.fc ,?i","n ..'JJtfVlin omi Z!mvbli'
the third Miss Hosenthal a long putt for a I H Jon.. k(or,lb dIfSt"i 8 r flSrton
4 anel Airs tariow a iiuh iur a nuivH siuiiiiuuun .auv, o up and 4 to ko, e e-
Ir.veled the match fc-aih took i putt 4 to
t e fourth and another long one by Miss
Bosenthal left her one up at the fifth.
Two halved holes followed, with both
women becoming more nnd more delib
erate. Miss Itosenthal inlawed a putt on
the short eighth over the pond which per
mitted Mrs Barlow to square the match
With a perfect 3.
A naive IU par tour si tin num. k uoaltr IIuntlngdoH Vall7 1 up 1 r Pren
tiss match all square at the turn, each tUa Mohawk debated E s Wa ifwk-
.. .ri". UMi ."."! Uuttaraortli,
rhOirtas Jr lhllftrii,lt,n!n IMnli.t r-1,,K ...
fcatel Otorge VV LlnJaay Aronlmlnk. 3 up
jad S to so O o Suddards Oiertrook d
lt8hol Thompson, (suing Haven. 1 up,
Fourth slitktn pera" cup P. Slm
ou.Jf Ovtrbrook lefeated J T Blakf St
Davlii. 2 ub anl 1 to 10 B Wauon. Uucka
CuuDt. elcftaui F. n Kct. Huotlnslon Val
ley I up and I to bo r U HaltoS VVhlt.
rSKl, ?.T,',Ka,a" W .' wu" Pttllad-phln
U..VV. .', .j ri - mo aereated 1, t
irolnz out In 4L
The gallery grew In numbers until
several hundred wero In It Mrj Barlow
trade another perfect 3 at IM tenth and
the chlcaso rnls vvas bunljcljd and took
Philadelphia Vrlcket nub, defeltel V p
IIu ;er. Merlon, by default C V Major Old
Tfork Koad. defeated J n timer Mooreg.
tone. Ly default, lr. 8 U RWse UuVki
aWWy' D- GoW' "mii,!
(Iillllek. Hi l'lttbursll, 3
l'lillllra, S; I'lttkburxh 0 (id eonif).
.Neil urk, 10! Cincinnati, I.
c'liliuco. S; Ilrmiklvn, 1.
Il.ihloii, 3: St. I.oul. 1.
fit. T.011U at I'lillailelnlila
Llnclnnatl ut Itrooklrn
I'ltttliurah at Ioton.
tliiiueu ut New ork.
W I. P C VV I, V C
Boston 77 ." Mt Pbllllea ... ell 71 .474
New York 74 SU V.flPltUb gli CJ 71 4C7
riilruo 72 64 r.20 Brooklyn Sa 74 444
bt Louie 71 Bl S:i Cincinnati 5t) 7T .421
Baltimore. 3; Knu nt, 3.
riileaso. 8 s I'llLbumh t
IndlauapolU. 7 1 Brooklyn, S.
Buffalo, 7: bt Loulj, !
W L. P.C -W L PC
Cblcaco ., 78 S9 ,583 Brooklyn 87 G4 oil
Ind'apolU. 76 S9 ,r.B3 Kan City 02 71
Baltimore. Tt 60 S43 tit I-ouls. S8 76
Buffalo. .. OS del ClUpiHn eb B2
Athletic, hi Detroit. 3
Button, 81 llrvrlaml. 1.
Jim lurk, 7; ChleuBo. 2
VVu.blngton. 12 Ht. Louis, 3.
.thletlcn at Detroit. .
Boston ut t'lrv eland.
VVasblnuton at St. T ouU.
New orlt ut t'bkugo
vv 1. vc W I. P P
HU 46 n.V3 Chicago. B3 72 407
KO 5J 607 St Louie 111 73 4V.
Ti 04 Bit New York 01 75 419
Wujh'eVn 00 03 .023 Cleveland 43 03 3t0
Newark. 7 Jrrery City. I.
1'roTldenre. 0; Baltimore, 5
Toronto, I; Buffalo. 0.
Bocbreter, 7; Montreal, 8.
w UP.C. W UPC.
Provld'c. 89 67 .COT Baltimore 72 03 614
Hocheeter. 87 OS 600 Newark , 02 7T ,44d
Buffalo.. 84 68 .692 Montreal 87 8S 401
Toronto-, 70 a BlOJer City 48 7 .822
kins liS, Cunnlnghuni, 110, It V Ilrown
in, Blllmer l.lo. I'attorBj.i ilj Oochrane.
144, llindirson, 148, Koch, 110, ! fompte,
... ...,tritl. ,91, v.nu 11.1 kkli. In.
..V Mm -u.vi, ...,,
, .jl.lllll,, ,.f, .l
reMru, l-n urce'iiuuu, i, tinier, 1 i, litin
nttt, 110 vteciarrvn, 115, t ook, hn vet
c .ti, l.io, MeVe, Jr , UU, Itldlej 142, Ivln,
, I (....ila I', IIi.IIfi II. lltlll...... , ,-
, l.Vllbl .- rt. ...,, ., .1.111, 1),. .,,
llAll 111 VulLTllltnll 11? AI.1,1IM UI T.nn
Bell, 111 Newiomb 117, A.l.nns HI, lion.
Ui, Williams 125. c laik Jr 142, inkewull
122, VVIUon. 14u Trat HI, WlncheMi r, IIS
II Harrison, 117. Benin 111, lul. Jlra Har
rison, US Patterson l.'V -Huff Uj Har
rett, 142. Blppus 113. Uruni, 14S, IMwia,
1 iS. IluckHulter, llii, 'leKlei, HI Bltterllng,
Ut. 11 Broun 121. McKehey, 141 VHnniik
1I Jnnp 1.17. "KlotZ. 10!l. Tailnr I IT
j ueiteti, ne imrncuj .,, (tuiuer, Ji.,
Grubb 144 leiljert, in. -tfjmi-ri., 14V, Ut,
1,0 Heiftmali, 111, Krlck, 111. Itted m
Maunr, 1 17 llHR.InUI'r 1 J.V MImm M C Tl,.
111. II P llemy U'l, CbainUrUIn 141, '
p simllh 14". Phlulej 141. Andrews 1S1,
Itlffe, I'.l, 1'urU. UJ Dcpin 12H, Ann 12i.
Winkjnp 11.1. 1 A llronn, l.'l, iiundakr,
111 Stapleton, 113, Portneld, 13S, Plaum, 113,
'areola, j yi
flark 13b Fontaine. Ill Perrs lin I ,
crlK 140. hneler, 117. Dlikc, 1 Iti 'Kelley,
r. Ill, "Vpiear la ellnver Ut Fumum,
,1 ll.lull. I'.l. llAll IIS If. tl-. Lf ..!,.
hr 121, Kan 1 HI, Culver. 140. Jones .41,
Wright, 1'.7, Youns. UI Kro 13'J jeuklns,
lit. Firth 112. Clulvln 135 Hull 14u, Peffen.
larger. 110 Sm th 1 U). Hyde 11.', Janes, 111,
-.-.-T,l.- ,1,. 111-.. 1 Ml ll.unnu , 11 !,
1U1II11I1, .1, .111..., . U..WX0, ..1, '.,111
Lugerico 114 HUliel. 132. Kjster. l.l Shull,
117 Pando, IU. Miller, 120 Fell 142, e.ro.
tht?rs 12J. Aumack. lit UtKreiice-, l!0, Kto
nan, 127. Cahra, 114 Paiiiiliiic. 141 i'OKera,
111) Joslyn 141, DavlHin, lis Siniiison 127,
Prltchar.l. 110 Kllllan, 111 bloon 111.
Mnlliews. 110 Hoovtrr. H8. Miller llu vuk
nr, l.-J, HattlelJ, 140, httuart, 117,
Orioles Sign Salisbury Pitcher.
SAl.ISIlLinV. M.l. Sept. 18 Carl Hona-J.
ho pitcheil winning ball tor a scml-profea.
slonaf team here tills mtninor baa been tlgnej
by Jack Dunn manakor or the Baltimore In
ternatlonala tor next season Dunn offered
Howard contract calling for T--1 a month,
with an increase It bo made good vvltbln a
nt VMPIA A A !i'081 $ Ilalnbrldga
Ubliyiria i. f. iurr PilnurUs, ilsr.
Frank I.ouifhrry m. Italian Jos Cans
Ailin J'ic Hal Itea 60c Arena Bes. 75c Jl
hatlonal A. C, Jack JIiCuIbuii National .1. O.
Pour Other Contests Four Other Contests
ConllnnVil from I'nee 1 ,
first three gamei. Then Church took
Williams' serve ond his own. From hero
both won their serves, five to three. Then
Church took threo straight games. Tho
test then went to six nil, when Church
broko through nnel matlo first set al 8-8.
Church started to servo In the second set.
Williams won tho first two games. Oarncs
then went to 3-1, Williams leading.
Church then took two games, making tho
scoro three nil. Games then went to
seven all. At this point Church, by an
almost unbelievable brace, won Williams
servo and his own. This mado the Bet
nt 9-7. At this time tho gallery seemed
to be unanimously In Church's favor, ap
plauding his every point.
Contrary to expectations, It. N. Wil
liams won the third set at 6-4. Ma serve
wai supreme. In this set Williams took
the llrst and sixth gnmo nt love. Both
of theso games were on his own nerve.
Sets then stood nt two to one, nnd Church
started to serve In the fourth set.
When tho fourth sot started both play
. ...n,i in tin much freshened after
the seven minutes' rest, but after tho
first few game's doui vveaieencu cuhiiuiu--nblv
and lost their nerve qulto fre
quently. Williams saw tho games to 5-4
In his favor. Here Church woko up, and,
to tho surprise of the gallery, took threo
straight games, making set, match and
chnmplonshlp. Score, 7-5.
Tho Merlon club porches were crowded
when pliy started. It was a lecord as-
U.U1.M. ne n.eV,l,alntit(r, InMlllo fnllnW-
IjC'IllUlitHO 111 Vll.liuuiu,.!. ........ ---
ers. and they saw n matcn wnicn was
thrilling fiom start to finish, Williams,
tho national tennis champion, vvas a fa
vorite, but Church alio hnd his loynl
followers sporting tho Orange and Black.
In the previous matches Williams ad
vanced without much difficulty, tho only
closely contested set being tho second
In the match with Illchaid Harte,
tho Plilladclphlan representing Harvard,
which went to 8-6 before Williams won.
Church also hnd a brilliant record, his
only close set being In tho Beml-flnnt with
W. S. McEllroy, tho Pittsburgh Univer
sity champion. Williams, In his last
tennlH In this city, prior to tho Davis
Cup matches and the big Eastern tourna
ments, Including the title event at Now
port, won the Pennsylvania State cham
plonihlp on the same court on which he
opposed Church this afternoon,
Cunllnurel from Pace 1
to tnKo his turn at tossing the stiaw
man to tho ground, for the coaches re
allzo that weaknesses In this depnrtmont
of the game proved Pcnn's undoing In
moro than one contest Inst year. Men
of Urn build of Mike Dorizas find tack
ling on tho gridiron particularly difficult
bccauio of their natural awkwardness.
Carter U a notoriously weak tackier.
Kocauso of the law which now requires
every btudent to be vaccinated. Dr. Han
cock took the bull by the horns and
had nil the candidates go thiough this
obligation this morning, This wni a move
In tho right direction, for tho team
would roclvo a s.ovcro setback If they
wero vaccinated after the season started,
as In the case of tho Swarthmore eleven
last year.
Coach lliooke had Carter out early this
morning and put him through a thorough
eh 111 In drop and place kicking. The
blond tackle showed a decided Improve
ment over his previous efforts this rea
son, and diopped a number of goals from
difficult angles on the 30 and 33-yard lines.
Ills greatest tiouble lies In an Inability
to get his kicks off quickly.
Bob Bolget. tho former Central High
School athlete, and laht season's varsity
backflcM man, appealed on the side lines
this aft' moon, but will not don a suit
till next week.
Provided the weather Is suitable, tho
first sctlmmagp of the ear will bo at
tempted tomonow afternoon, nnd from
this the coaches hope to determine the
real calibre of the plajers.
Shrubb to Coach Harvard Again
CAMBBIDGn, Mabs, Sept. IS The
Harvard athletic management jesterday
signed Alfred Shrubb, the well-known dis
tance i tinner, to continue as coach of the
Crimson's cross-country team.
Woodbine Entries for Tomoirow.
-D,rBtiTat.e,,.uil 1BeH Tercentenary handicap,
J. ii uiJe.l. U furlongs southern .VIal,l. mi
Inkle I'tl.llockvllle 10.1, orkllle, 107; Back'
Ha, 113, Pan bcarln. Ill
Second me, solllnie EnBllngton plate, 500
added, J.jur-olili and np, mflo and 70 jards
V.edoltlc. 1CXJ, riprlnstniKld, 10(1, Dr II
:,, ."nivuHci, ju., i-il-i jacKson, llii, i
j-ountnln tay, 1M, 'ConHdo, luo, York 1-ad,
llilrd race, ItoFf berry Plate. fOOO added, for
.'-jeir-olds .-.14 furlonirs Penper Sauce. OS:
Curzon, tin, Hln DlII 102, ttl-an Allen, 103
L l Ed JOt,
nl.n,7'rIh, !"." Autumn, Woodbine Steeplechase,
Jl "nil mlded. 4 j car-olds and up, about 1
mll03-1Juernnce, 1411- tWcldshlp; 148. ulun
Cottin IV) lExton, 14V. t.Shannoti Wver 15J.
Dorothv Webb 14"., Prijolee 130 ' '
Coupled tPnuplcd
Plfth race. Produce- Stanley Stakes, I150O
added, l-jear-olls liv miles tsealord. 110.
iV'ajtot.ito 107 Marlon Galrti, 122, Moss Pox
12V orn Uroorn 12.', IKo Hive, 125 '
If-e-aBram e-ntrj,
hlxth race Motlanil Plato sclllnsr. JV0.
airlfil, for 'l.vear-olda and up 0 furlongs Tbo
dovernor, 14: Bendel, HM tlordon. 102. Nlca
Ono lei Fadorus, 106, Liberty Half. 10s
Knmihatka 10S, Toronto. Ill, Lucia 112
Mudirn Prlscllla 112- Illllo Brlcade U2. j'.
1 Huughton. 115 Bt-blcon II, it,', 'aIbo
dlflhle John C! Weaver, 103, Ampblon. 00.
llrlu Hnuae, 114
hovtnth rare, selllnK. ISC0. added, for R-vcar-nliU
-inl up one mile and sixteenth 'Tho
Ts'ier in, bt. Win. U7, Krene, 07, Aprlsa.
".7 'Centaurl 07 'John Graham, 101, Thomas
Bare 102 'Sigma Alpha. 104; Cluii Bufrod.
K0, I-in.ance ll'l; AstroloBer, Wi Tecum
Beh loo Husky Lsd. Ill, L'nclo Ben. 111.
SherUrk Holmes, 114 "'
Vpprentlce allowance 1 pounda clalmel.
VVea'her clear; track fast
Belmont Park Entries for Tomorrow
Plrst race, all ages, hanllcap, 7 furlonE
main course nukln 110 Plltiergold, nil
ankeo Notlonn HV Charlestonlan lis
II.dBC 10S Vorkln lad, lnO w",'"1 "'
i.'cunci raie lor . rar-0lils lellinir. 13 fur
1. res striilBht-ep.iltuit, Itf) BnibroMery. 10V
Ocean City and Corinthian
Members Will Follow
Chelsea's Example by
Building Several Boats of
This Kind During Winter.
The racing of thej one-deslfrn fleet ot
boats, which havo been built by mem
bers of tho Chelsea Yacht Club, and
the ones that will be built by the mem
bers of tho Ocean City Yacht Club and
the Corinthian Yacht Club, of Capo Jloy
this fall, will bo a fenturo In tho dlfl
ferent regattas along tho shores of South
Jersey next season.
It has boon suggested by nn oftlclal
of tho South Jersey Yaoltt Racing Asso
elation that a special series of events h
arranged to tako placo at the 11 regattas
which will make up tho schcdulo of the
association. Tho members of the South
Jersey club3 will mako n strong bid for
tho one-design events at tho comlnj
meeting to bo held tho early part of Jan
uary in this city.
Tho Chelsea Yacht Club fleet, which
consists of more than a dozen boats,
held a scries of races during tho lattci
part of this season. Thero aro three
classes, namely, Chelsea locals, 18-foot-ers;
Chelsea expiess, 10-footers, and Chel
sea flyer, 24-footers. Four series of races
will bo held. In tho local class Kcdene,
owned by B. G, Frazler, captured the
prize, winning the first two events.
In tho 20-foot class, Chcdorn II, owned
by Herbert G. Stockwell, won tho series
after a splendid fight with Foggy Devi,
owned by J. L,, Apptcton.
En Jay Ess, owned by Joseph Snellen
burg, In the Sl-foot class, defeated th.9
Kama, owned by Gcorgo Degcrbcrg.
Dorvnl Park Baco Results
First race, for 3- ear-olds and up. selllnr,
purse $30O, B4 fiilnoes. I.ambi Tall, H,
Metcalf, 0 to S, 1 to 2, out, won; Sonr
of Bocks, 102: Van Dusen, 3 to 1, even, 1 to
2 second; King Chilton. 02, Action. 8 to 1,
3 to 1, 3 to S, third. Time, 1:00 2-0. Chrj
sels, Trovator, Strlto Dorblo and Dorothy
Prlvver also ran.
Second race, for .1-5 ear-olds ond up, purse,
J500, 0 furlongs. Colston, 100; Metcalfe. 4 to
ft, out, vion; Miss Barn Harbor 103; Acton,
4 to 1, even, 1 to 2, second; Itndendo, 111,
Ambrose, IS to 1, 3 to 1, 2 to 1, third. Time
1:15 2-5. Plunlty, Itusty Coat, Marnoc, J
Jr., Brnndynlne, llEelln and Brooms i:dg
also ran.
Third race, for two-j ear-olds, eclllng, purse,
$500, five furlongs. Bd Weiss, 10J, Calla
han, 2 to 1, 1 to 2. out, won; Jack Marlon,
100; Collins, 8 to 1, 2 to 1, J to J second;
Carrie Orme, 105; Carroll. 2 to 1, 2 to 1.1, out,
third. Time, 1 02 2-6. Lady May md Asho
kan also ran.
Tourth race, 5 nnd one-half furlongs Itcd
dest, llrst, B to Ii nnd 1 to 2; Splutter, sec
ond, 1 to 2, placo; Llngar, third. Time, l.lu.
All started.
Fifth nco, G'j furlongs Arran, 1 to 1, anl
even, won: fair iretful, 3to 3. placo, second
Ancon. third. Time, 1 IS 4-3. All started.
Sixth race, for l-j ear-olds ond up, ecllric
gentlemen riders, purse U.O 0 furlongs 1 hei
da, 142 (Cirnej), fi tn 1, 2 to 1, even, hot
Aurllle, 117, 3 to 2, 2 t 3, 1 to J, aocintl
Cole, 142 (Lucas) k to 1, I to 1, 3 to 2 thlr
line, t lH'H-5. neteut, Ilopsacli, Itldgelan I
and Blue. Laws also ran.
Seventh race, .1-1 ear-olds nnd up. 6c!Un,
purso $600, 1 mile and 70 yards Olga hta.
100 (Acton), 20 to 3, out and out, won, Illuj
Mouse, Kxl (Melcalfe), 5 to 2, 4 to 5 nnd uu
second; Klnmund, 111 (Ambrose), In to 1,
3 to 1 und even, third. Time. 1.17. Spellbound,
Ovation and Tom Hancock nlso ran
tVn&T CIIKSTRB, Pn., hept. IR Uarne-s
racea held hero this afternoon resulted as fol
lows 2.10 trot, nurio S100
Lena .ornbro, b, in., llcnr) Dutton-
V llmlngton .
Alton Bell b. e , Cheater Moumr,
Spring City
Count Keller, br. t , Henry Dutton,
Mary Jane, g tn , ellen Qable rarm,
Wj ebrook. Pa
Bxpo, rn. g., 17J. Brown, Blslnj Hun.
Elkton Hoy, b. jr , U. G. Cann, Ken-
nett Square, Pa
Banatmra. b. m . JoueDh Hilton. West
Chester dla
Fulr Laura, b. m , Joseph Klcckner,
C j nw d. Pa
Time. 2 23V,. 2 .Mi,. 2 21'..
2.2'i trot, fiorso $100
A. O. Harry Tod Lancaster, Pa.. ,11
8ptnola, b ni , Jamcn Bell, Phlla., Pa 2 2 I
Bondy Boy, l. g , 1" Leltchammer,
N'orrlstnwn, Pa 3,1
Cen Coxej, b. s , Xells Carlson, Ocean
City, -". J HI
Slary I. , s. m., D-vnlel Loary, West
Cheater as
Time, 2 23. 2 241,. 2 244, 2 2V, .
2, 10 pace, purse $JU0.
Hugh Bo bure, b. s , Daniel Learj, . ,
VVeit Cheater Ill
Hendricks, s. g , K. F Bspenshtp, INor
rlston. Pa , . ....
Pld Illllon. hllc h.. .Tnhn ThnranMn. VV 11-
llamntown, X. J 2 4di
Nolllo Blrect. b m , John I'loro, Bast
Donlngtonn, Pa. 44
1 1 1
3 2 t
2 J S
I 4 4
5 5 3
7 C
7 T
2 3
rfl ' (v
Muntrosa, 104 stro!og 101
Third race for 1. tear nlli. nn,l ,.n .An
htndiP.p mile and sixteenth-IIuy Plsher 111
Plue Thistle 112 Worklni Ud 111" nu
away, W PmirreiUe. 07 Faster Star li
rerib Hoik 1.5, Ileehoven Ut r r' lwl
Fourth ra.e, for .l-je .r-oldn and up Bel
mont Park autumn welijht fr age. I", miles
Reiner 112 SptRrhead U". " " lca
Fifth race fur a jiar olds and up the Br, k
Cup strei lechate handicap about 2'j mile
Ilelluf, 101. t-onipllmeni. p.0 The l.Tn.le" vL
FoitllEhts !.",. Astute I lo MmduM , lifi
117 lllankenbuig 111 Ju irk
hlith race, for 2 ear olds maidens r,i . fur
,?"h', ,?st, ( ',n. uo Hblne Maiden 1U7 II
Will, 107, Ivy Marquette 1C.7. ilnuiwcod IiiT
Marland Cllrl, 107. Minstrel 107, "
Apprentlc- allowance claimed
Weather clear track fast
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