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'3 Ktibs'H&Jfl ikju .! mj NIGHT EXTRA VTCNTNG JLJ JL 1 X J, H VJ T TPrMTPR JLi JLi JL V-fl JLj! A w NIGHT EL A I If II VOXi. 1-KO. 0 PHILADELPHIA, SATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1914. PRICE ONE OHtfT i I RAILROADS WIN PLEA FOR A REHEARING IN FREIGHT RATE CASE Interstate Commerce Com mission Fixes October 19 as Date for Presentation of New Evidence . WASHINGTON', Sept. 19.-The Inter stale Commerce Commission today grant id the application of EaBtcrn railroads for a reopening of the ftvo per cent, freight mle Increase case. Hearings, to begin October 19, the com trillion said, would be confined exclusively to Information and ovldence arising since the recent decision granting only partial Increases. Meanwhile the rate orders of the recent decision will remain In effect. In October, 1513, the Eastern roads filed tariffs, at an expense of nbout 11,600,000, providing Increases In freight rates esti mated to average 5 per cent., which com puted on tho gross revenues of tho car riers Involved of $1,000,000,000 a year, would mean additional net revenue to them of nbout $50,000,000. Under date of July ?J last, tho decision refused any In crcii&o In rates, except on a restricted tonnage on roads In the Central Freight Territory end then only In the rates as applying within that territory. Since the closing of tho former case another fiscal year has been. completed In which gross revenues declined $41, 700,000, compared with results in the year ended June 30, 1913, nnd net operntlng revenue In thu aggregate for the roads concerned dropped $73,000,000. Hence on the volume of business in the 1911 year tho yield of an average 8 per cent, advance would be $2,233,000 less than the $50,000,000 originally pro posed, and furthermore tho advance in operating expenses and taxes since tho former petition, coupled with tho loss in gioss. would swallow up an average 5 per cent, advance nt this time and still leae net operating income over $25, OOO.liuO smaller than in the 1913 fiscal jerfi In July of this year grosls revenues con tinued their downward tendency, but the progress of cutting operntlng expenses to the bone had begun to show its effects and the losses in net revenuo were mini mized Then came the un'tscttlement to traflle and especially to cicdlt as a result of tho European wnr. Gross revenues In August declined more sharply than In July, nnd the effect on net Is more damag ing, accoidlng to early Indications. Even more Important is the tilslocatloiV-of ciedlt at il time when railroad maturities are heavy, amounting to a half a billion dollars In the coming year, nnd when the railroads are In the weakened earnings rortlon Such arc the changed circumstances which have manifested themselves since the closing of the advance ratS case, the decision of which wnta handed down on July 29. The fivnrablc notion of the commission toda. generally predicted, followed the appeal of railroad presidents to President Wilson to present to the country the rail roads' llnanclal situation because of the war. Reopening of tho case affects 133 rail roads in nil States cast of Illinois nnd generally north of tho Ohio river. That the hearing will bo extremely brief and that n decision will be forth coming by Xovembor Is generally be- FIRES AND LOSSES IN CITY SHOW ENORMOUS INCREASE . Property Damage Bounds $321,082 During First Six Months. Coincident with the report of the National Boatd of Fire Underwriters, It became known this afternoon thai there has been a tremendous Increase In Phila delphia In fires and fire tosses during this yenr. The losses have been exceedingly heavy, there being a substantial Increase over the corresponding period of last year, Charles B. Mill, secrotnry of the Fire Insurance Patrol, 429 Walnut street, re ported this morning Hint for tho first llvo months of this yenr there hnd been an Increase of $321,032 los3 tesultlng from fires over the same period In 1913. Tho estimated total loss for the first live months or this year had been $1,253.5)';, as compared with a total loss of $932,171 in 1913. Tho number of flies has also greatly Increased, During the first six months of this yenr there have been 218 more' than tho corresponding period In last year. Tho total number of fires for the first six months of this yenr Is 2187. There have been 329 more alarms rung In during the first six months of 1914 than In that period In 1913, The total number of alarms for that time this year Is 2542. BRUMBAUGH PLEADS FOR STATE'S HONOR ON HISTORIC SOIL Pays Glowing and Eloquent Tribute to Pennsylvania in Address at Paoli Memorial Celebration. lleved here. The text of the order of the commission follows. "t'pon consideration of a petition by respondents for modification of orders heretofore entered and good cause ap pearing, theiefore "It Is ordered that further hearing In said cases be. and is hereby, grnnted; raid hearing to be limited to presenta tion of facts disclosed und occurrences originating subsequently to the dato upon which the records previously made In these cases were closed. "It Is further- ordoied that pending uch hearing and further order of tho commission In the cases, tho commis sion's report, finding.! and orders here tofore entered therein shall temain in full force and effect. "It Is further ordered that this pro ceeding be assigned for hearing at tho office of the commission in Washington on the 13th day of October, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m. "ft Is further order that a copy of this order bo served upon each of the parties to the lases." KING ALBERT AGAIN HEADS BELGIAN TROOPS IN BATTLE Succeeds in Driving German Troops Front Termonde, ... ANTWERP. Sept. 19. me Belgian army again was led Into ermonde by King Albert today. Fight, log there continued until last night, but nnaiiy the last Germans were driven out. According to inports received here to- j"y by wounded Belgian soldiers the tftcatei part of Termonde was burned by '"' Octmins befoiH they withdrew. our troops behaved plucklly when ne were surprised on AVedncsday." '?'? ne of th soldlert. On Wednesday Hi, i. ' 'Jel'ns. keeping vigil on thn rank of (he ilvcr, could hear the mutlc 'e cavalry bands, songs and laughter comins. from U)e tQWn Wakened ruins." A refugee from Termonde declares that ,,ei"an, soIlllers Bothered In the open bu"n I U' Towtl HaU " " BOO Priests and Nuns to Get Relief 0tfH "NOTON-. Sept. 13.-AS a result of Sn ,??!";' of destitution and danger of oiio rathollc pj tests and nuns In Mex- to orniw A,lml,lls,ratlou toua' Planned !?.... mean3 for removing them U om Mexico. WEATHER FORECAST Por Philadelphia and vicinity Gen trolly fair tonight and Sunday; not nueh change in temperature; mod "ate winds, mostly northeast. TEMPERATURE Highest yesterday 8S; time, 3 p. nt. Lowest last night-C7; time 6 a. m. "r detal?t see last page. Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh. Republican nomlnoe for Governor, pleaded for fewer laws nnd for a strong citizenry nt tho 137th anniversary exercises of the Pnoli massacre, held on the battlefield at Mal vern Station this afternoon. Tho exer cises were held under the auspices of tho Pnoll Memorial Association In front of tho monument erected many years ago over the burlnl place of the victims of the midnight nssault on the troops or General Anthony Wayne during the Revo lutionary Wur. "One of the greatest gifts a human being can receive is the gift of citizenship In this great American Republic," said Doctor Brumbaugh. "In no place, In any tlmo or cllmo, has the world witnessed the supremo spirit of democracy as it is to bo seen here In tho United States In this beloved Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. "The political struggle of the. centuries has been to widen the circle of the com mon citizenry. On this spot men heroic ally gave their all that a universal de mocracy with a quality of civic rights for all should be the heritage of unborn millions. "Countries, like Individuals, can pros per only as they give gloriously their best gifts to those who need them. It Is because our forefathers gave so splendidly that we have prospered so phenomenally. It Is JuBt as necessary today that men should glvo their lives In service for tho nation as It ever was. The man who loves his country honors It by living under Its laws, a decent, orderly. Industrial life. If any are to be denied a pnrt In our civic proceduro let It be the lazy, the willingly Idle and the criminal. These are unpatriotic. They arc not real American citizens. "Tho first test of a good citizen la that he obeys the laws, not through fear but through sincere love for the country whose Inws he obeys. This love must be an Intelligent lovru It must bo based on a thorough knowledge of the great sacrifices of the past. BEST CITIZENS NEED FEWEST LAWS. "Wo ore always In danger of thinking our civic ills arn cured by legislative en actments. The best citizens need fewest laws. They know how to npply the gol den rule In their dally conduct, nnd care llttlo for the restrictive issues of public assemblies. The weak citizen Is always clamoring for much statutory support. The strong citizen could cheerfully forego much of tho agitation for new laws and glvo himself gladly and heartily to con duct of such a patriotic and noble char acter as to win the respect and support of his fellows. "A few laws honestly nnd impattlally applied will make for tho progress of u people. A'ngue, Intemperate, propulsive and ladlcnl enactments lead inevitably to confusion, distrust nnd disaster. There should be stability in ordered procedure Just as surely as In Individual conduct. Leglslatuies should, like Individuals, bo sure they ure right before they go ahead. "I um pleading for that type of man who has respect for social and civ ic or der, who has the courage to doubt wisely befoio acting, and who, when the right thing Is clearly vlsloned, will devote his energies, his fortune, his lite, his sacred honor to Its accomplishment. When would-be leaders cry Lo here' or T.o there." he vi 111 say 'Prove all things, hold last that which is good.' PENNSYLVANIA'S GREAT HISTORY. "There Is another matter that I wlbh to present for a minute. When I taught school In Pennsylvania years ugo I be gan to learn the lesson that there was u great deal of New England und Vir ginia history In our schools, and very little Pennsylvania history, because those who had written the text books of our public schools the books jou studied und 1 studied were men who knew the New England history und the Viiglnla history, but they did not know the story of Penn sylvania. We have not taught It to our children us we should. "Gradually there has to come into the conscience of the people of this great Commonwealth the fuct that hen in Pennsylvania we have a history of the founding of a colony and the develop ment of a Commonwealth si stoiy of splendid service by men and women, that is us line and splendid as any people In the world have written Into the an nate of time, and today. In this political campaign. I rejoice that I am a Penn sylvania bo. und that ou ure citizens uf this great State that we all ought to love. "The moral of that Is allow no mau to speuk III of your family, your home, your church, your town, your country, your Commonwealth. These ought to bo tho sacred thing for which yon stand DON'T DARE TRY HOSE FOR FEAR OF A FIRE, PORTER MAINTAINS Forty Per Cent. Would Burst Under Test and City May Need All Its Apparatus in Emergency. Hear of a fire In Philadelphia llko that which devastated Baltimore some years ago has decided Director of Pub lic Safety George D. Porter not to or der n test of nil lire hose, as suggested by the National Board of i?lre Under writers, according to a stntement he gave to tho Evemino LEoaEn this after noon, "The 40 per cent, of our hose referred to by the board would burst If we tested It," said Director -Porter. "We would rather have It burst nt a fire nnd have some use of It than destroy It In tests nnd then wnlt until City Councils makes up Its mind to glvo us money for now hose." Tho director read the story In the Evbnino LEDann onecd on tho report of tho underwriters and then declared: "This story backs me up In my con troversy with Chairman Connelly of the Councllmanlc Finance Committee. I my self asked the Nutlonal Board of Flro Underwriters to come here or send a man to examine the hose, every bit of ap paratus and every Are department build ing In tho city. "Wo don't dnro test the hose. The 40 per cent, would burst under test and we couldn't get any more right away. We might need It all at once. The reaBon we don't dnre test it is because wo might have another Baltimore flro here wlth- ""iJJ1' Evcn tho rotcn hose is needed." Tho Board of Flro Underwriters recent ly completed Its examination In thlts city, mude at the Invitation of Drector Porter. It declared that tho frequent bursting of hose at fires was due to lack of proper test by the fire department, and pointed the hose In years old and FIFTY-TWO LIVES LOST WHEN SHIP FOUNDERS Auxiliary Schooner Francis H. Ieg gett Sunk In Gale. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 19.-A wireless repoit was r.eived here , today, sup posedly from n Japanese cruiser, saying that the steam auxiliary schooner Fran cis Mi Leggett, with her crew of 15 men nnd 37 passengers, foundered In a gsle nt 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon CO miles BoUth of the Columbia River. All on bonrd are reported to have perished. The messnge was received by the Port land Port Commission. No confirmation of the list has reached here. The !.eggctt Is a thrc e-mastcd Bchooner of WHS tons gloss registry and has n capacity of 1 fioo.OOU feet of lumber. She Is owned or chartered by the Charles R. McCormlck Company, of Sun Francisco, MAYOR CRITICISES COUNCILS FOR GRANT TO NEW CITY COURT GERMAN ARMY CRASHES THROUGH ALLIES' LINES AND SEIZES BEAUMONT -o I The War Today out that forty percent of use is more than five should be replaced. It will bo necessary for the department In this city to purchase nt least 18,000 or :o,000 feet of hose annually to replace discarded sections, In the opinion of tho underwriters. A revival of tho proposed separate water main for fire nnd commercial pur poses in the Industrial district of Cam den is expected as the result of the criti cism by the board of the department there .where it has Just nntshed nn Inves tigation. Denial was made today by Councilman Harry T. Head, chairman of the Fire Committee, that politics lias anything to ..... ,... .., j ul0 oainaen'oenart mont. "For several years," he sald'--'w'0 have been expending large sums in meeting the demands of the under writers nnd it Is generally accepted thnt our department is up to the standard in every respect. As to politics having anything to do with the department. It Is positively not- so." Mr. Read was rather Indignant at tho criticism of the underwriters, because, ho said, when they wero In Cnmdcn they congratulated him on the condition or the department and made objections to but two or three companies. In discussing tho conflagration hazard "i.,1 Cn" the "nderwrltcrs' report says: ....- ,i,-..iv tmiiciurai conditions, com bined with the narrow streets, numerous overhead wire obstructions nnd Inade quate fire-fighting facilities, would nor- mii create a severe conflagration hazard; however, ns congestion Is lack ing, private protection Is provided where most needed nnd powerful outsldp aid is available within n short time, the re sulting conflagration hazard as a whole Is low. Owing to weak construction and somewhat inadequate flre-flghtlng facil ities soveie Individual and group fires are piobable. The hnzaid In the districts is slight." Tho board calls attention to the practice of Camden politicians dominating ap pointments and promotions In the depart ment. This system It condemns. It points out also that there is lack of pioper training among the (lie crews nnd that the engines are not well cared for. The lite nlatm system i n poor shape, according to tho board's report, and the building inspections being made in Camden are of little value. Report of tho board on Camden's water supply, fire department and fire alarm system follows: Wale Allotment of $400,000 for Buildings for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Branches as Extravagant. Mayor Blankcnburg sharply criti cised Councils In nn Interview today for their "extravagance" In nllotlng (100,000 of the proposed loan to build a courthouse for the Juvenile and Do mestic Relations Divisions of tho Mu nicipal Court and for passlng'ovcr his veto an ordlnnnce condemning property nt 21st nnd Race strets ns n site far the building. He urged that If such a building is erected it bo located on tho property adjoining the present House of Detention, bo as to keep these branches together. Tho Mayor was In fine spirits nnd ap parently In good henlth. He said: "I think the Municipal Court Is en tirely too young to go Into such ex travagance. We want to find out what the Court Is like and see whnt It can do, nnd thon make some genernl com prehensive plan for providing It with a courthouse. "It seems to me absurd, In fact a little cheeky, especially after the cx travngnnt extremes they went to In appointment of tipstaves In that mat tor they flouted public opinion. I don't know that the Municipal Court Is en titled to any better quarters than the Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions and other courts. You know what poorly ventilated, congested nnd dark condi tions some of thoHo courts are in. "The House or Detention was built In 390G and 1D07. There seemed at that time ample room, in fact, more- thnn was needed. I was County Commissioner at that time, nnd had charge of erection of tnis building. PRESENT QUARTERS AMPLE. "Philip 1 1. Johnson wns the architect and his plans were accepted with slight modification. When it was dedicated, Mayor Reyburn made nn address and persons were present from Chicago, Bos ton, New York and other places, and they said there wns nothing like It In this country. "All of a sudden It Is Inadequate, ir It Is Inadequate we should build alongside of It for tho Juvenile nnd Domestic Rela tions divisions. I believe In keeping these quarters together. The House of Deten tion, nt 213.1 to 2111 Arch street, occupies a lot DO by 10J feet. Adlolnlng Is an 1S- foot street, called Bcechwood. The next five piopertles are assessed nt $.17,100. in the following order: 2121, $8000; 212.1. $7200: 21-5. J'200; 2127. ?7200; 2129, J7B00. A building could be erected there nt a cosil of $100. C00, The acquisition of these properties would give us double the space we now have. German forces, along the Hlver Alsne, continuing the gigantic seven days' battle, crushed through the allies' lines nnd captured the town of Beaumont, according to Berlin ad vices. In the seizure 2500 French sol diers wore taken prisoners. It wan slated also, unofllclally, that Rhcims was being1 bombarded and part of the town was in flames, The Teuton forces concentrated their attack on the allies' centre to relieve the se vere pressure on the army of General von Kluk on the German right wing. Losses of approximately 150,000 arc es timated In tho seven days' fighting. It Is said the allies have suffered tho heaviest cnsualtlcs In attempting to storm th Teutons' fortified position?. Night attacks have characterized tho fearful onslaughts against the allies, the Germans using searchlights to guide their movements. In East Prussia's campaign Berlin re ports the advance of General von Hlndenburg's army from Lyck to invade Russian Poland, with Osowlec, a strongly fortified strategic point, ns the immediate and "Warsaw as the ultimata objective. Success in this campaign will mean German aid for the Austrlans In Gallcia. Vienna "War Office states that Austrian armies have concentrated on a line connecting Cracow, Tarnow and Przemysl. L'nder the strategic direc tion of the (ferman-General StalT, and with German reinforcements, they will resist the advance of tho Russians, who have reported winning constantly In the region between "ie San and the Vistula. Vienna char acterizes ns exaggerated the reports of decisive Russian successes in this vicinity, but admits an attack against Przemysl is expected momentarily. Further claim is made that the de cisive battle In Gallcia has not yet been fought. French "War Office announces satisfac tion with the progress of the allied troops and officially reports the rout of the determined German night as sault by English forces. Fierce Onslaught by Teutons in Mam moth Array Opens Seventh Day of Combat Determined Assault Made to Force Back Advancing British. Storming Force Takes 2500 French Prisoners, According to Reports. Rheims Said to Be Burning as Result of Terrific Bombardment. PARIS, Sept. 19. German forces today broke through the 120-mlle battle line, along which 3,000,000 arc in death grapple, according to news received here. They captured Beaumont with 2500 French prisoners. It is unofficially reported that Rheims Is undergoing terrific bombardment, with the city burning In various sec tions. The Thirteenth, Fourth and parts of several other German corps have conducted a successful operation south of Xoyon, it is stated. . contrary to tne reported reverses along the allies' centre, it Is officially announced that the allies' left wing is making progress and that the German Crown Prince's army continues its re treat. Unofficial, but apparently reliable, re ports received here today say that the Germans have taken up a position near the Sulppc River, east by northeast from Rheims, and are bombarding that city. Several sections of Rheims are re ported to have been set on fire from bursting shells, which were directed against the French troops In that city. Unofficial estimates place the Ger man losses at 100,000 men, and tho allies at halt that number a total of 150,000 In killed, wounded and missing. The fighting on the left, where com- The "War Office adds: "On the left In j bined an lies of Generate von Kluk tho valley of the Oisc wc occupy ' and von Buelow are massed, increases Menarque Eglise, Cnrlecont and Cuts. In Intensity, but tho allied lines are To the north of the River Alsne we slowly being pushed forward, accord- Slinnll Plimnlnr .nnlnm.n. ..... umclent. en conslfjorlna: email reserve station. Fnrra malm, n,l,.i,ta .?......... pr slight alue. Consumption moderately hlKh. Pressures low. .Main arteries ami secondary feeders of kooiI size Hnd nell ar ranged In most sections. Minor dlstrlhu tern ftenerally well srMlroned: conildcralila .1 and 4-Inch pipe, but being replaced. Did pipes apparently In poor condition Inter nally. (Sate wihes generally well spaced and In good condition. Iljdrants falrlv ell spaced, mainly of satisfactory size and In Rood condition. Fire Department Full paid, under su. perytilnn of Council commit lee. chief ex perienced. Onlv fair financial support An. pn ntmenls imi promotions subject to po litical Intluenres. Comranlei sllchtlv un dermined and strength not well main tained. Distribution of compitiles nialnlv good. Total enslne capacity sIlKhtlv Inad equate; ennlnes not well cared for and crewsi poorly trained. Apparatus, except inn oldtr trucks. In ko.bI londltton. .Minor equipment and nprllances for handling largo streams deficient. A aood supply of suitable engine fuel. Ample hose supply rut not regular! tested. Ilrsponse to Unx alarms (rood, except In Hast Camden: too f'w enzlnes on telephone and second alarms. Discipline fair, drills and train. Inn lacking-. Fire methods fair. Iluirdlni Inspections of little nlue Fire Alarm rlyslem. l'nder supenlsinn of the electric H bureau. Automatic a tern. Insecurely housed. Apparatus at head quarters fairly complete lth allowame for gronth. Wiring nt headquarters and houses good to ery poor Batteries und iharglng circuits malnl) satisfactory Ifoxes mainly of uond tne hut not nmn erly conspicuous nt night distribution mainly good Kxtensliu additions to un derground sstem In recent icrs. over biad nlres part hare and ptit Insulated; some on poles with high and Ion uitn tul light und pnner nlret. Duplicate aiarms circuits to lire stations. Telephone slem adequate. Tests frequent. In lomplete records of tests and trouble. Complete maps and records of circuits pro ldfd. The N'ational Board of Fire I'ndci wrlters has been making similar luvib tlgations in all parts of the country In an elfort to cut down tire losses. Concluded m !' t CARNEGIE SAILS FOU NEW YORK Six Steamships With 6000 Americans Leave British Isles in Day. LONDON, Sept U.-Andrew Carnegie sailed lor New York today. Six steam frh!p with 6000 Americans left the British Isles today for the United States. This makes the total of American departures during the week 15,000, and since August I, 7,000, WOULD KKKP nUA.VCHUS TOGETHER "I entirely ngrce w Ith resident Mc Ctirdy, of Common Council, that If any additional buildings are elected, that Is where they should be located. That would keep these branches together with out great expense. The House of De tention wa built for $163,000 out of an appropriation of $200,000. We tiled to turn J35.O0O back Into the city tiwisiirv. The coulpment wo provided nt the House of Detention was without a blemish, NEED LESS EXTRAVAGANCE. "Now, what is the use of Imposing an extravoganco of this kind upon the city? This must have been a sudden Inspha tlon. All of a sudden we find the present (Hiarters ate inadequate. Some Inspira tions lie sleeping a long time. Let ua have a compiehenslve plan about this whole ptoject The Juvenile ami Domestic Relations divisions want a $100,000 court house for themselves, but wo want to know what thev will do. "The Municipal Cotnt hus not made a good stait In public opinion. It must mnko good llrst. It asks for thU amount of money now, but nobody knows where It will end. "How manv jrais have wo been wait ing in West Philadelphia and in Tories tlalo to get some improvements for the city's poor, sick and Insane? Now these people come along nnd want to gobble even thing In sight. It is. not fulr or reasonable." CLERK A POOR READKR. The otdinance culling for the condem nation of the ptoperty at 21st and Race streets was passed by Common Council over his veto, said the Mayor and Clerk of the Council read his veto message so Indistinctly that ope cif the Mayor's frleiulb could not understand the read liic "I vetoed seven or eight bills last Thursday." lie bald, "und oply one vjs pasted in Common Council aver mi- vei, That was done under a mlsapptetieuon and because the gentleman who leads my ' messages before Hie Councils mumbles ' tnrougn tnem so no oen can understand theru. "The veto would havebcen sustained If It had not been for this misapprehension on the part of one of my friends, who voted otherwise. He complained that he was unable to understand the reading. That has been the complaint ever since I have been in office. It is one of the weapons used to throw dust In the eyes of the public " The Mayor became surcastlc In dlsous. ing Councils' attitude regarding transit. "I am glad that It did not require pub lic opinion to compel them to Include J500.000 In the loan for subway work," he said "t am glad to learn that It wa always Irt their minds that they were Ju Joking with the publ) all the time," have advanced slightly. Three at tacks attempted by the Germans against the English nrmy have been checked at Troyon between Solssons nnd Crnonnc." German General Staff expresses confi dence in the outcome and states that the French are weakening, while the Kaiser's lines are being .strengthened ing to reports received by General Gal llenl. The Germans retired to new positions constructed In the rear of 1 their original ones ns the pressure In creased. But at no point have they actually been defeated. Along the rest of the line the great battle continues as an artillery duel. There has been almost no fighting by and the troops more numerous. The t the Infantry for 36 hours, both sides reported shortnge In ammunition is realizing the futility of sacrificing men denied. Reinforcements are reported while the entrenched positions remain on their way to Join the Germans, , intact. Consequently every effort is Petrograd War Office In briefest state ment of the war says: ".Military op erations continue successfully. The , tll,ery ftro is incrensing jn intensity main atincK on rrzemysi awaits tne arrival of Russian siege guns. British War Office statements express , being brought to bear to demolish the German batteries. The French ar- confldence in the outcome of the struggle along the line, but admit losses of the allies have been ter rific. British forces repulsed ten at tempts of the Germans to assault their positions by night. Italy is the scene of popular demon strations ngalnst the Government's neutrality. The Russian and German Ambassadors have engaged in an un diplomatic war of words In the effort to enlist Italy's aid. The Ger mans have distributed broadcast n pamphlet urging Italians stand by the Triple Alliance nnd "win with us." Washington officials were somewhat discouraged over prospects of media, tion the warlike attitude of the al lies strongly indicating that efforts for peace at this time were futile. nil along the line, according to the reports reaching here. H wns Kept up all night and there arc indications of a coming charge from the German side. The German assaults of the last five days have been tremendous. At a dozen points on tho centre they have tried again ond again to take the of. fenslve. Division after division has been hurled forward en masse, only to be shattered by the allies' shell flre ana forced to give ground. And every time the German lines have shown signs of wa vet ing the allies have been I thrown against them with the bayonet. , As n result at a number of points I ground has been gained, ns the Ger i man soldiers do not relish the bayonet fighting. But the main German en- trenchments, except on the extreme left, remain intact, as their artillery I at ,on ,pW(J Bhells doing havoc among: tho French" and British troops on the south side of the valley. When the British and French aero planes went up to discover these place ments they were met with a murderous firo from the hilltop batteries of the. invaders. In several instances, how ever, the Germans guns were located and the British and French artillery concentrated against them, compelling them to move. In order to prevent the location of the hidden batteries being discovered, the Germans used smokeless powder in their cannon. Some of the trenches are half full of water from the heavy rains, and the troops are soaked through and through. The soggy condition of the clay soil is impeding the work of dig ging fresh trenches, but the German soldiers are held to this task, and night and day the labor goes forward. These lines are being constructed all along the front. They are covered with screens to protect the soldiers from shrapnel, and at intervals pia toons of machine guns are stationed to sweep the ranks of the French and British If they should try to capture the German batteries by storm. The French and English also arn building redoubts, although there seems little chance of the entire right wing of the Germans attempting an as&ault. H is the opinion of ninny military men hero that the only places where the Germans have moved forward from their trenches to charge the allies are points where the allies have succeeded In getting to the north side of the Alsne. The German line has again been re Inforced and nt ori-.i., .... .. j mans outnumber the allies. The fresh troops which have Just .eached the front are supposed to be part of the thiee corps uncjpr Genera, von Boehn. Which IV Bra m..t. I .. . . " ;u wiruusn Jieigium fire Is loo deadly to be faced up to the present lime. Additional reinforcements have been sent forward to tho left. The general situation, ns described in the first offi cial statement posted today, Is satis factory, but practically unchanged. An .English correspondent who has succeeded In getting through from Rheims gives the following account of the situation near that point: "The stronghold of tha German posi tion is the height of Nogent l'Abbesse, three miles duo east from Rheims. There the Germans occupied tho slto of what used to be the forts of Rheims, and from there they are bombarding the city, which was on fire in eight places at t o'clock Thursday afternoon, when I came down from the tower of the Cathedral from which I had been watching the fierce battle since morn ing." At many places on the Ai3ne line the Germans were successful In masking batteries upon the wooded hills. Tho heavy howitzers of these uattcrieB hayo Kept up an incessant caiiriunatVt thf I?S IT havoc nmmin- thrt m. Tl? ' ' ' "-J f JfII iJiJfr flflffl I -4 tmm wii ; BLACK SEA FLEET REPORTED OFF THE DARDANELLES Said to Be Ready to Attack Turks, But Ships May Be British. NAPLES. Sept. 13 statement was issued at headquarters Ofrlcers of the steamsnip l-'avlgnana re- today: 2500 FRENCH CAPTURED IN SEIZURE OR BEAUMONT HBIIi-w. oept. 13. (By wireless to , SayvilJe. U I.j-The following official ported today that the Russian Black Sfd ' fleet of twenty units Is cruising oft the entrance to the Dardanelles, ready to attack the Turkish squadron If Its leaves Its harbor. It Is Improbable that the Russian fleet has Bucceeded In passing through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, but the Favlgnana may have sighted a British fleet, which la reported tg have secured j a station on the island of Lerongs. A decisive attack has ben made by tho Thirteenth and Fourth Corps and parts of other divisions south of Noynn. They suffered some lon. Beaumont has been stoimd. and taken and 2,500 French pris oners have been captured. (There are three town of Beaumont that might be meant by thU dispatch, but it probably refers to Beaumont in the Ardennes region not far from Se dan There is another Beaumont about twenty miles north of Paris Thla town U IS miles southwest of v and it Is hardly probable that the Gcr 1 man tiava bR able to get so close j to ParU. Thlrty-Hve ml led southeast la another to- n of Beaumont. It lies I in the mountainous region of Narvy ) Attack along the entire battle jllne have been easily repulse-!. I k t