Newspaper Page Text
fhi:xs r ociETY'S doings at HOME AND IN SUBURBS ... v a O A XT1 0 .7 ...... have teen sent out by tho Race lnvlu" ,. wmiiwnarah Hunt Club for immltteo o clubhouse Satur- B. MtroTi; of Media, Pa., ahnouneo the en S of their daughter, MIm Arabella gMP to Allen Hunter, Jr., son of Mr. m Allen Munlor, of Chestnut Hill. and WW. , f r th0 -wedding. Ho daw "" . f hv lho Comm- , the ciubhouso ' October 3, before the races. Tho guest,. dar' , rfSto owners of horses entered In tho , and Btcwards, judges and other officials r. ii r.tco mcotlng. !rat four-ln-hand coaches will bo driven So. including those of Edward D. ! iih Frederlo Strawbrldge, Captain E, Smith. , niirklsv. Innc thoso who have already reserved park . Unices are Edward D. Toland, C. Bradford . itv Edwin N. Bonson, Jr., Stovenson S James O. Lolpor, Jr., Miss Emily iiv J Stanley Reeve, Jesse Williamson, ?' Captain E. B. Cassatt, Mrs. II. Howard rniSon. Jr., James W. Cooke, F. S. Whlttakcr. i Sis B. Stoughton, Daniel D. Wontz, John Packard, 3d. Mrs. Arthur Blddio, Fred- i. h Strawbrldge, Clement N. Williams, nobert K. Cassatt, George F. Tyler, William if nilts. Honry Frazlor Harris, Theodoro C. Voorliecs, K. M. Cadwalader, Httmllton pisston, William 0. Warden and nil. Nelson Buckley. The Huntingdon Valloy Club will give a din er dance tonight nt tho club house. A dinner ! dance wis given last night, also, which was ery well nttended. . Mr. ana Mrs. Edgar B. Hownid, who are at Ambleside, their summer homo nt Bar Harbor, Ho., will return to Merlon on Monday. . Jlis J. A. Johnson, who has spent tho sum Bier abroad, Is now at tho Bellevue-Stratford for short stay. Sho will return to her homo in Virginia next week. Mr. a'"1 Mrs' J' C' JICKargeo, who have been 'rpendlng the summer at tho seashore, havo "taken apartments nt the nittenhouse Hotel for itho winter. Admiral nnd Mra. W. P. Harris nro j,lo at this hotel. L Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcofgo Breed, of 6220 Wayno lvcnuc, gave nn Informal dance for tho younger tet hst night at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club. One hundred nnd twenty-flvo guests attended. Mis. K. D. Blair, who 1ms spent several weeks jt Fishers Island, has returned to her home en Lovers' lane, at Edgowater Park, N. J. Mra. Henry Lowls, Wood, of Williamsburg, Va., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. David Smith, at her home, Tho Appledon, at Edge- I water ram. lla Marlon H. Crcsswell, of Edgowater fark, N. .1., Is the guest of Mrs. Worthlngton Pcranton ot 300 Monroe street, Scrnnton, Pa., during tlio tennis tournament at the Scranton Country Club. Samuel B. Echkeit, Jr., whose marriage to Hiss Agnes Musser will take place next Sat urday in Dorset. Vt, will entertain his ushers It the Kacquct Club tonight. Among the guests will bo E. R. Stoevor, J. E. Copo Morton, Alexander D. Orange, Austin O. Maury, C P. Brown, W. H. Patterson, Clar tnco H. Clark, 3d, Emlen Drayton, Henry C. Drayton, Albert Lawrcn-o Smith, Robert Burns, C. J. Schmidlopp, H. M. Malono, Henry Slmp on. F Louis Washburn, It. B. Evans, George W. Elklns, Jr., J. R. Blatz, Francis Kemble, Dr. John Musser and Dr. Richard Pcarce. Mrs. J. Lewis Crozer, of Braeside, Upland, Pa., has returned from a motor trip through New England. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury will givo n dance In honor of Miss Cordelia BIddle the ptgot of December 22. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Prexcl Blddio will give a dance for their daughter January 7. The engagement ot Miss Dabney Maury Hal ie. diughtrr of Mr. nnd Mrs. James T. Halsey, and HarrIon Crulkshank, of Wilmington. Del., has been announced. Tho marriage will take (Lie caily In tho winter. Jli and Mrs. Abel P. Wetherlll. of Wynne wcud will leave on Tuesday with Mr. Wetherlll'a lather, W. 11. Wetherlll, for a trip along the Hudson River. Mr. and Mrs. Abel Wetherlll after their return to Wynnewood will again itart on a trip for Louisville, Ky.. on October 4. The marriage of Miss Sarah Elizabeth Put ran., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Putnam, of ISM Spruce street, this city, and Seaton b'chiotdcr, Jr., took place today in Grace Chunk Watcrvlllc, N. Y.. where tho Putnams lm,, ilitli country place. The Misses Walton, of Drexcl Hill, Delaware Couit, entertained nt a marshmallow roast on Thuisdav evening In tho woods near their home. 'n informal dance In tho houso followed the iOJi.t About forty guests were present, among lYhoin wUe the following Phllndelphlans: Tho Hisses turning, tho Misses Loughlln, Miss Mc- I'ul'ouuh, Miss Almeo Junker, Miss Helen SIooip an 1 Messrs. Keely, Jackson Blank, Will iam r. Loughlln, Joseph Creamer, Herman Junkei, fharlps Towno nnd William Stanton. VLONG THE MAIN LINE oVEiiiiHOOk Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Du Mee ind Miss Du Mee, who went abroad early In ihe s'linmer, havo leturncd to their home on 0erbio.k aenue. Mrs .1. CIan.-nto White, of 6327 Lancaster avo Hie, hj returned homo after a month's stay In Virginia. JI' v' ll Roberts, who has just returned fruni N irnigansett Pier, Is the guest of Sir, nd Mrs W.ilter F. Thompson. Mr and Mrs. A. Logan McCoy have returned rom Jameitown, It, I. Jans It Urooko and family, of 540O Wood lint avtimc, nie homo fiom Mount Klnco, Me. 'I! Mirgaret Hnrrlty has returned from J.'arope r.,rs. William P. Harrlty and her tiaunht. ra nro Btill abroad, but hope to obtain Jasuicc r.e.t month. Mehion Mr. an.t tra. Lincoln Oodfrey, Jr.. ho .u, still :,t N'orthi'ast Harbor, Me., are trit.'d lomi. tlio last of this month, Jlr nn,l Mrj. John W. Iluckman and JIIH williiu i iiuikinan, who spent the summer t thin , .t.,B,. ,lt North Hndley. Canada, n--turnnl u, Mulun last week and have opened fx'r '"'in. , ii s,i4th ilighland nvenue. )! I.' Hi.uii Finicttcr has returned to her Hn" ii liahd iond, after a visit to Atlantic HliLlllll Mr and Mrs. Samuel It. McDow W .tim i lm,j ntently leturned from the Dcla. " Wdtn a.ip. MM Margaret McDowell, r sisiei. Mi Sjhester Megargee, and Sam- ' It MilJuwcll, Jr., who have been spending fee iveilts in the- l'ocono Mountains, aro ex- -a liuiiiu th t irij- i,ait of nt.3tt wet;k, Mrs U.K,. 1 1, iifor,3i of -voodhide avenue, rilunu.j Horn a. blx weeks' tour through "w Eniri.i-,,1 m. ...,J, . ...,. -". I'uauiu rruiier, -Jlisa tteivn e ud Mish Agnes Gllmore. of Lvnn. '. Ulsct ,r..l !. .. .. .. ., - ... nit inp wiiii airs, uutoru. twudE,00U ilrs John W' Colcs llas rc" rom Visit to Cape May, and Mrs, Oilmi hi MRS. WILLIAM J. CLOTHIER Mrs. Clothier is an ardent horse lover and usually exhibits her horses herself at the annual shows in Devon and Bryn Mawr. Mr. and Mrs. Clothier will entertain in their box during the Bryn Mawr Show, which will open on Monday. i --- - " George Trotter Tyler, who Bpent tho summer In England, is also back at Orfric. Mrs. Coles will open her town house, 2114 Pino street, tho 6th of October. Mrs. Tyler, as usual, will spend the winter with her. Mr. and Mis. Webster King Wetherlll have closed their summer residence at Jamestown, R. I., and are now visiting Mrs. Wetherlll's father, Caleb Cresson, at The Oaks, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. David Goodbread have returned from Atlantic City. ARDMOnE Dr. and Mrs. Harold S. Colton, of Singing Wood, nre'recelvlng congratulations on tho birth of a son, Joseph Ferrell Colton. Mrs. Colton will be remembered as Miss Mary R. Ferrell. Mr. and Mrs. George Clymer Brooke have returned from Watcli Hill, R. I., nnd are now at their home on Glenn road. HAVUnroitD Mlee A. C. Russell, of Lake For est, 111., Is tho guest of Miss Alice Granger. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum and their daughter, Miss Kathorino Baum, have taken apartments at Haverford Coutt. HOSEMONT Mis. AV. U. Allison and her daughters, Miss Marcelle Allison and Miss Mary Allison, of Rosemont, have returned from Bar Harbor. Mrs.' Joseph F. Slnnott and Miss Mary E. Slnnott have returned after a motor trip througli Now England. VILLANOVA-George W. Packnid and family have returned fiom a summer's stuy at Saranac Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Btown havo returned from Bailey's Island, Me. ALONG THE HEADING Mis3 Marlon Sharpless, of Hatherton, Chel ten Hills, has as her guest Miss Marlon Tcodt, daughter of Mr. and Mis. E. B. Tcodt, of New York. Next week Miss Teodt will be the guest of Mrs. Edward Wlnslow Taylor and Miss Anna Sharpless Taylor at Cedron, their home on Queen lane, Germantown. Mrs. George F. Lasher and Miss Gertrude Gil bert havo returned to their homo on Washing ton lone. Rydal, after spending some time at Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Fox and Miss Margaret Fox have returned to "Ilerthcllyn," their, home In Ogontz, after spending the summer at Cape May. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnlter A, Unlloy havo returned to their home on Lenox road, Jenklntown, after spending some time at Chelsea. A kitchen shower will be given tonight at the homo of Miss Amelia Shclp, In Wyncote, in honor of Miss Clara Schoble, whoso marriago to Willis MncDonald Powell will tako place I October V. Tho ladles' auxiliary to the Men'c Impruvo mont Society of South Oak Lane will meat on Monday evening at Association Hall, on Broad ' street, nnd plan the winter's entertainment for tho association, A Etrles of card partiej, din ners and dances, onu of which will take place every other week during the season, will bo ' arranged, with committees ro- euch month's entertnlnliu?. In cliargo on Monday evening will he Mrs. Cornelius Van Aitfcd.ilun and Mrs. Edward Mo Cull. Mrs. Charles Feuier, of Tenth street. Oak Lane, will return .today after several weeks spent In Now York. Mr iud Mrs,. Arthur Carroll, of 3ecnth street, ' Oak Lane, returned on Wednesday, after be eral weeks spent nt Lake Hoputcong. N. y. A dinner dance and muslcalo will mark tho opening season of the North Hills Country CluU today. Neatly 3) guests will bo presi-nt at dlnii'ir. , The day's entertainment will begin nt in the afternoon, with a inusleale, followed by a I reception to the members, 1 The hostesses for tho day will be Mrs. Will- i CHESTNUT HILL Mr, nnd MM. J. Percy Keallnff will return to day from New England to thlr homo In Bt. Martins lane. Mr. tand Mrs. Jacob Sleelmart Dlsston nnd Miss Dorothy Dlsston havo returned to Nor wood Hall,( their homo on Chestnut avenue, after spending the summer at Northeast Har bor, Me. Mr. and Mre. Patrick Grant, 2d, who are now In Malno, will not return to their home on Chestnut avenuo until Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gordon McCouch have returned safely from Europe, where they have been spending the summer, to their homo In St. Martin's lane. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rowland have returned from Bar Harbor and ar occupying their house on Crcfeldt avenue. Mrs. Boll nnd her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, ot Colorado Springs, nro visiting Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hulse, at her home In Highland. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian J. Wellens, of 357 Gowen avenue, Mount Airy, have left for a trip to Canada, The marriage of Miss Marguerite Baldy and Mr. Spencer K. Buttcrworth will take placd on Wednesday, September 23, at 4 p. m., in Grace Church, Mt. Airy. Miss Baldy Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M Dlnlmlck Baldy nnd granddaughter of tho Reverend Hurley Baldy, of 203 East Gowen j uvuiiui;. t Mr. Buttorworth Is the son of) Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Buttorworth, also of Mt. Airy. Reverend Thomas F. Cllne, rector of Grace Church, will perform tho ceremony. Tho brldo will be given In marriage by her father and will wear a traveling gown. Miss Catharine Baldy, a sister, will bo the maid of honor and C. Melcher Buttorworth, a brother of tho groom, will act as best man. Following a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Butter- worth will live in West Phlladclpnia. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Taylor and family, of 154 East Mt. Airy avenue, who have been In Atlantlo City Blnco June 1, returned to their homo on Thursday. Mrs. Hllson H. Whyte and her son, Law rence Whyte. of 7415 Boyer otreot, who have been abroad for several months, will remain in Scotland until tho mtddlo of October. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Taylor and their daughter, Miss Florenco Taylor, who havo been abroad for several months, returned and havo opened tholr homo at 230 East Gowon avenue. Miss Emma Samuel, of 369 Gowon avenue, who has spent the summer at Sweden, returned to her homo on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ellwood Carpenter and family, who havo spent tho summer at Ocean City, returned on Thursday to their homo at 7417 Sprague strcot, Mt. Airy. GERMANTOWN Mrs. George E. Tllge, of 228 West Chelten avenue, announces tho engagement of her daughter, Helen Tilgo, and Lawrence Ripley Clapp, of New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Allison have returned from Jamestown, whero they spent the sum mer, to their home In Pelham. Dr. and Mrs. Alexis Dupont Smith and their daughter, Mies Dorothy Smith, of Harvey nnd Greene streets, who havo been abroad since August 1, will sail from London today and bo at home on September 27. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dunn and family, of 221 West Allen's lane, will return on Mon day after several weeks spent at Eagle's Merc, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz, who havo been spending tho summer In Chelsea, have re turned to their home, 112 West Walnut lane. The Misses Marguerite and Agnes Janssen will give a luncheon, followed by cards, today at their home, 103 East Mermaid, iano. Dahlias, asters and ferns will be used In the decora tions. Their guests will be Miss Florenco Rhodes, Miss Margaret Williamson, Miss Grace Washburn, Miss Emlllc Wallace, Miss Lillian Ramsay, Miss Bessie McQullkln, Miss Alma Steuber, Miss Elizabeth Baker, Miss Erma Peters and Miss May Parker. Mr. and Mra. William Harmon George and their daughter. Miss Anna Martin George, of 6S East Johnson street, who have been abroad for tho summer, will sail from London today and bo at home on Tuesday, September 27. In the party Is Frederick Dunn, Jr., and nophow of Mrs. George, who will return with them. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis, Miss Catherine. Davis and Miss Margaret Davis will return next week from North Adams, Mass. Mrs. Frank Bird Gummey returned to her homo, 6418 Greeno street, this week, from Up perdam, Me. Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy O. Bright, of 5113 Pulaski avenue, have returned from Massachusetts, where they spent the summer. Mrs. Frank K. Gllllngham, of 3105 West Pcnn stieet, has as her guest Miss Helen Lin coln, of Attleboro, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Karpclcs. of West Chelten nvenue, have returned to town, having motored from the Delaware Water Gap. Mr. and Mr3. James A. Emery, of 5104 Wayno avenue, with their family, have returned to town from New England where they spent July and August. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Lewis, Miss Frederlca Lowls, WIcr and Henry Lewis will motor to Chelsea today to spend the week-end. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Anna J Neckcr, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Necker, of 4723 Klngesslng avenue, will bo married to George Krler, of 1115 Plna street, nt,- FrancU do Sales Church, 47th street and Springfield nvenue, Wednesday, Sep tember 23, at 1j. m, Mr. Krler, who Is a sculptor, cam from Ger many about five years ago to make his homo In this country. Ita was introduced to Miss Necker shortly after his arrival by Mr. Theo dore Friendoofer, who has since roturncd to Germany and has joined tho Kaiser's forces in tho present war. Miss Necker was attending school when she first met Mr. Krler, and Just finished her prepa ration to become a teacher last term. After the marriage the couple will resldo with the brldo's parents at 4723 Klngsesslng avenue, Tho Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Frank P, Parkin, ac companied by their son, Harold Clarke Parkin, returned last week from their Beasldo cottage at Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, to their apartments In the Nether lands, 4310 Chestnut street. Mrs. 13. F. Kelly, of Tobyanna, who spent the l summer abroad, has returned and has taken apartments at tho Normandlo for tho winter. She was accompanied by Miss M. A. Depne. , Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mayer, of Vcntnor, motored to this city early In tho week and spent several days as tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward S. Btackhouso at their homo, 4617 Cedar avenue. Frank Rommel and Miss Helen Rommel, who spent the summer abroad, havo returned to the Bartram for tho winter. Mra. G. M. Eldrldgo, of 4107 Locust street, has returned from Klttery olnt, Me., where she spent tho Bummer. : Mrs. James E. Stokes and her daughter, Miss Mary C Stokes, of 3642 Chestnut street, will close their cottage at Capo May tho end of tho week nnd return to town. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Off, of 4202 Walnut trcot, have returned from Asbury Park, whero they spent tho Bummer. Mrs. Georgo C. Schoff and her son, Lawrenco Schoff, of 4205 Pino street, havo returned from a visit to Mrs. Edward E. Paxson at Bycot, Pa. Mrs. William G. Moffott, of 4242 Chestnut Btreot, has returned after having spent tho summer at Ocean City, Md. Miss Gladys Mof fett camo home last week, having spent tho summer In Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Router, of 1121 South 46th street, returned last week after a summer spent in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reppllerhave returned from a motor trip to Lake Georgo to their homo, 204 South 42d Btreet. Mr. and Mrs. William Dcerlng nnd Miss Kathorino Dcerlng will return from Cape May to their home, 41st and Spruce streets, on October 1. MISS SARAH ELIZABETH PUTNAM Miss Putnam, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Putnam, of 1926 Spruce street, this city, and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Walter R. Eastburn, of 2141 North Eighteenth street, will give a dinner tonight In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Eckel. Covers will bo laid for ten. Mrs. Eastburn has JuBt returned from Ocean City, Mrs. Eastburn and Mrs Z. Glading, of 231S South Broad street, will leave on October 2S to visit in New Yoik, Rldgewood, N. J., nnd Englewood, N. J. Thoy will visit also Mrs. James HlnchllfC at Fuller Terrace, Orange. Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Dale, formerly of 2116 North Fifteenth street, are occupying their new apartments at Queen Lane, German town. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Coles and their daughter, Miss Iva Coles, of 1931 Dauphin street, havo returned from Blackwood, N. J., where they passed the summer Mrs. J. C. Kltchenman, ot 2517 West Oxford street, has just returned from a -ojourn at At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. William Rawlins, Jr., and their daughter, of 2141 North Eighteenth street, have returned from a tour through tho Thousand Islands, Montreal and Quebec. Clarence A. Hutton, of 1854 North Wllllngton Btreet, has returned home. Mr. Suttcn spent most of the summor, at the Rho De'ta Kappa Fraternity HouBe In Oceun City. Tho Rho Delta Kappa Fraternity closed Its house at Ocean City. N. J.. September 13. The fraternity Is now making arrangements for the annual series of dances to take place dur ing the coming winter. The first dance will probably be held the latter part of October. Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimmerman, of 2211 North Eighteenth street, have returned to their home, having spent the summer at their cottage In Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. George Geggenhelmer and Mrs. M. Green, of 2217 North 33d street, have Just returned after spending tho summer nt Wild wood. Mrs. Geneva Elliott nnd her daughter, Miss Florence Elliott, of 1S07 North Camnc street, returned during tho week from Atlantic City, where they spent the summer. Edward Elliott has returned from a tour through the West to California. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kucn. of North Eighteenth street, hnve returned from Atlantic City, where they hae been staying since tho early summer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy nnd their daugh ter, Miss Nana Levy, returned from a summer's Btny In Chelsea on Wednesday nnd have opened their winter home. 2223 North Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John It. Young, -t 1S35 North Park avenue, havo opened their winter home after spending the summer in Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander A. Sawers. of Nmth Twelfth street, have returned from Bay View, Long Island Sound, nnd Bridgeport, Conn., where they passed the summer, und have, gone to Atlantic City over tho week-end. Their son, Alexander C. Sawers, has returned home from an extended yachting cruise on Long Island Sound. Miss Margaret Lomis, of North 22d street, has returned from Northtleld, Mnxi. Mrs. Jacob SaXad.t nnd her daughter. Miss Ruth Sallada, of 1933 North Eighteenth street, have returned from several weeks' visit In Milton. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoer havs clo.'eft their cottago In Chelsea and have been spending a few days In town prior to their departure for Michigan on Monday. TIOGA Mrs IMwIn Wilkinson, Jr., will glyo an in furmul luncheon nt her homo. 1303 lluntlntj Park avenue, Thursday. September C4. Mr ami Mrs. W. U. Chambers, of 5217 NurtU Broad street, havis returned from Otwm City, Miss Mabel 1,1ml. of 1723 Wsl TioSH strcot, left "ii TliuiMliiy for East uratit N. J., where she ia the guest of Mrs. William Parkinson. Her slstei. Miss I .aura l.tml, is nagging tho ieok-eud lth Miss Maiiim Ullpln, of Rlyer ton, N. J. Mis? Elsie Slnzhi-lmcr, of l$-.'l West Rrlo aYD. nue. is 'lvlni; a linen shower today for Miss Olive Fulton Gemini, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ticmini. who will be married j0 Hector Alexeuder Siiizheiiner early In November. Mrr. William Jennings and her daughter. Miss Alice Jennings, of North Nineteenth street, havo returned from Seaside Park, where lam U. Hummers. .Mrs. Franklin Meehan. Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, will be married today tncy ,vcre ,h,x w13 ot JIrs- John Weaver, georjr I'ong. Mrs. Lewis Block. Mrs. Fred- , jn Waterville. N. Y to Seaton Schroeder Mr- uml Mrs- F,sh" n-Urymp'e and their erlcH Jl. Kaselbaum and Mrs. Guy Whlddln. I jr 0 Washington, D. C. '1 daughter. Miss Alice Dalrympte. of 3JS0 North Sixteenth street, who spent ! eMin ltl Mh City, returned to their winter hom today-, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BArber, of 181 Wert Ontdrlo street, have returned from ft fortnight a visit In aioVersvlIle, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosenstem and family have closed their cottage In Atlantic City and have returned to their winter home, 2131 West Ontario street. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Dotts, of 2037 West Tioga street, havo returned homo after spending the season on the coast of Maine. Miss Helen Ilellly gave a luncheon on Thurs day at her homo, 1911 West Venango street. Tlio guest of honor was Miss Elsa Sonsa. Mr.' and Mrs. Tliomas C, Poole, of 1318 Hunt ing Park avenue, have returned from their cot tago In tho Berkshire Hills, Brandford, Mass., where they paBBod the summer. Tlio Evangelist Home, of Old York road and Hunting Park avenue, is giving a sauerkraut supper Thursday evening, September 24. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hlllman, of North Thir teenth Btreot, will return to their home from Cape May, Tuesday, September 22. Mr. nnd Mrs. John J. Lamb, of 3219 North 25th street, aro making a tour of the Great Lakes. Mr. nnd Mrs. Benlamln Booth and their daughter, Miss Eveline Booth, of 1013 Venango street, haw returned from Atlantic City, whore they Bpent the summer. ROXBOROUGH The Flat Rock Motorboat Club gave a tango party last night at the club house In Shaw mont, which was beautifully decorated with fall flowers and ferns. The members present were: Commodore and Mrs. A. H, Bradley, Mlsa Florence Bradley, Dr. and Mrs. Eugeno Swayne, Mr. and Mrs. Vandegrlft, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Vandersllce, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lsnlnger, Mr. and Mrs, Georgo W. Sands, Mr. niid Mrs. Harry Rldlcr, Miss Sue Price, Miss Florence Rldler and Miss Bertha Rldlcr, Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews, Miss Wolf, Miss May Price and Mlai Elizabeth Price, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley NcIboii, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas, Mrs. William Field, Mlsa Gertrude Field, Miss Alice Rldler and Miss Mabel Rldler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winkler, Miss Grace Ed wards, Mrs. Charles Miller, Miss Staley, Roland Bradley, Leslie Kruson, Elliott Kruson, C. Harry Aires, Thomas Markle, Walter Vande grlft, P. William Ridley, John Wolf, John Field, Ivan Field, Joseph Winkler, Jr., Enrl Har lan, Albert Lawson, John Kelly, Frederick Staley, William Price and George C. Kruscn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Swager Potts, of 6011 Ridge avenuo, havo returned from Ocean City. Miss Mildred Z. Holt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Z. Holt, of 145 Sumac street, Wlssa hlckon, has returned home after spending sev eral weeks In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. D. Slter Cornog. who spent the summer at Capo May Point, have returned to their winter house, 6951 Ridge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Mllford Fox, of 202 Rochelle ave nue. Wissahlckon, 'have returned from a month's stay at Beach Haven. Mr. and Mrs. George Rlghtcr, of Ridge ave nuo and Gorgaa lane, have returned from an all-summer's stay at Wlldwood. CHESTER AND VICINITY Mrs. Samuel Crowther and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Crowther, have returned from a two weeks' stay at Atlantic City, Miss Ida J. Larkln, of West Sixth street. Is homo after an extensive tour of Florida. Mrs. Pennell Larkln Is visiting her sister, Mrs. William T. Foster, at Childs, Me. Miss Marie Fen ell, of East Fourteenth street, has returned from Easton, Pa., where sho was tho guest of friends for two weeks. Miss Knthryn Kelly has returned to her homo on East Fifteenth street after a week's stay with relatives at Elmlra. Miss Dorothy Marshall has returned to her homo In Marcus Hook after a month's visit to friends at Bridgeport, Conn. mil Mrs. George W. Schwartz, of Pros pect Park, aro spending a week with friends nt Scottdale, Pa. Miss Virginia Vauclain has returned to her home at Altoona, after being entertained for a week by Mrs. J. L. Smith, of Ridley Parle YATES-SAGE A, quiet wedding was solemnized this morning nt a nuptial mass In the Church of St. Francis do Sales, at which the Rev. Father Thomas J. Hanney ofileiatcd, when Mrs. Sara Sage became tho bride of Dr. Robert Yates. Mrs. Sago wore a dark blue cloth traveling suit with a hat to match,, and was attended by her sister. Miss Suo Mcaklm, as maid of honor. Miss Menkim wore n suit of dark blue charmeuse and carried asters. Doctor Yates had as his best man his brother, David Yates. The couple left for Niagara Im mediately after the ceremony, nnd upon their teturn will make their home in thin city. Doc tor Vatea is otliclal coach of the Swarthmore biueball and basketball teams. O, GREAT BEYOND! I am restless. I am athirst for furaway things. My soul goes out in a longing to touch the skirt of the dim distance. 0 Great Beyond, O the keen call of thy flute! 1 forget, 1 ever foiget, that I have no wings to My, that I am bound In this spot ever tnoio. I am eager and wakeful, I nut a stranger in a Strang luud, Thy urunth cornea to me whispering on Impos sible hope. Thy tonsuo Is known to my heart as Its very own. 0 F,u-to.Seek, O tho keen call of thy flute! 1 forgot. I over forget, that I know not the way. that. I have not tho winged horse. I un llatisss, I am a wanderer In my heart. In tho sunny hazo of the lansuld hours, what vast vision of thlno take shv in the Mite of (ho sky! 0 Farlhcfct Bin, O the koen call if tliv lluto! 1 furet, I viei fowl, that the giWi-s are shut uverywhoio in tho huuse where J dwM tiU. IlabuvirtiHth Teare. UVM NESTLING MfiiiM lrIng in The duve nf mam rtosired to bUd A mat built stout and atrwrnj. Awl every nation tsvnt lr tvmjs To hulp tho wurU ulans, And Uvroi-tu linden. IJuglisU aajs. As tautfli as Keusuind Uatluw, FrenvU itiestnut, und tho ItUAVisn (Jr Wire woven all tusi'tlivr. With folded vtium In isliu coateiu Sne brooded on the nest, Ami felt 1K stirring In Hie, egg Beneath hr duaiiy breast. Then bang! the sihell blsw up and fred Its dark and dreadful culture. The frightened dole discovered she. Alia, hud tiaulud a vulture-. SOCIETY READY TO GREET SIR KORSE'PIEXT WEEK -- i n - Boxes and forking Spaces to Be Filled With Members of Smnrt Set From Various Cities on Monday. Society Is looking forward to Its first Im portant event in tho opening of the 20th annual exhibition of the Bryn Mawr Horso Show As eoclatlon, which marks the autumnal social Bcason for Philadelphia. Tho event will begin on tho Polo Grounds nt Bryn Mawr on Monday nnd will continue through the week. An especially Interesting accompanying fea ture of the exhibit will be tho first annual Bryn Mawr Hound Show, which begins Tues day and extends through four days. This side event Is tho first exhibition especially for fox hounds and beagles ever held In this country and Is attracting national attention among huntsmen. Hunt clubs from Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Virginia and Maryland have entered their packs. Slnco 1910 the horse show has extended through flvo days, but this year tho exhibit has been extended a day and 5 now classes havo been added. Heavy draft horses are being exhibited for the first time at Bryn Mnwr. Addition of this class is In recognition of the efforts of landowners In suburban Philadelphia to Improvo tho breeds of this useful typo of horseflesh. But the Bryn Mawr Bhow has been since Its beginning primarily an exhibition of hunting horses. Tho Bhowlng of harness horses, saddle horses, hackneys, pontes nnd draft horses has nlwayB been regarded by tho patrons of tlio exhibit as of secondary importance, although kren contest? always develop among these on tries. Tho abandonment of the Madison Square Garden horse show In New York this year on account of tho unsettled conditions caused by tho European wnr, Is regarded by local horse men as a factor that will Increase tho Im portance of the Bryn Mawr exhibit, socially as well nB In other respects. From a show of one day's duration held on the terraco at tho Bryn Mawr Hotel and at tended by about 230 persons, 20 years ngo, the annual event has Increased In Importance until today Its ribbons nro tho iriost coveted of any show In tho country. Its average dally attendance Is between 4000 and 6000. This year prizes aggregating ?GO00 In value will be awarded In the various classes. The most valuable prize for hunters Is the Radnor Challenge Cup, valued at $2j0, which event also carries a sweepstake of $100. The Bryn Mawr Challenge Cup for harness horses Is valued at $250 with sweepstakes added, and tho challenge cup for tho best team of three hunters, given by W. HIncklo Smith, IS worth over $300. A total of 413 ribbons will ba awarded In the 29 classes. Among the prominent horsemen who have ac cepted Invitations to net as judges are Frank H. Caven, Philadelphia, trotting horses; E. Von Der Horst Koch, Georgo B. Hulme and Reginald C. Vanderbilt, New York, heavy harness horses; Joseph E. Wldoner, Philadel phia, ponies In harness and In breeding classes; J. Garner West, Garnorvllle, N. Y E. F. Gerry, New York, and Lewis E. Waring, Plainflold, N. J., saddle horses and ponlos under saddle; Henry V. Colt, Genessee, N. Y., F. S. Von Stade, New York, Fletcher Harper, Mlllbrook, N. Y., hunters and Jumpers; Joseph La Rocriue, Bernardsville, N. J., draft horses. WHAT MILADY WEARS Smart gowns In tailored stylo and many with the fluffy trimmings so dear to tho femlnlns heart are being worn this season. As It hai been for tho last two or three years, almost any kind of gown Is worn for almost any kind of an occasion, and society molds and matrons aro by no mean3 adverse to showing how they have chosen all varieties for their fall and winter wardrobes. Mrs. J. Theodore Marshall, whoso clothes ar always of the latest cut, was shopping re cently in a navy blue seise suit that was ex ceedingly smart. The coat was in the now redingote style, quite long and worn over a short, facant skirt. Mrs. Marshall's hat was of navy blue taffeta, edged with a narrow rim of white. Mrs. Joseph E. Wldener wears a becoming model of cream-white broadcloth, tho skirt draped over an underskirt of lace. With this Mrs. Widener wears a large flat-brimmed black velvet hat trimmed with black aigrettes. Tho costumo Is unrelieved by any touch of color except for the glrdlo of dull pink. Mrs. Gilbert Harvey, who wears her clothes extremely well, was seen In a white serge tailleur cut on simple lines and worn with a close-nttlng little black and white sailor hat. Miss Marguerite Caperton. daughter of Ad miral and Mrs. William Caperton. Is wearinar a smart little frock of sheer batiste with a purple figure and a glrdlo of satin to match. With this costume she wears a Jaunty little purple hat. For shopping Miss Linda Baker has chosen a smart little trotteur of navy blue crepe. Th skirt Is full over tho hips and Ij topped by a short jacket. Eton In effect, with a ro'llnir collar nnd pipings of white crepe de chine With this Miss Baker wears a medlum-Blzed hat of dark blue with a rather Hat crown. .Mrs. Warner Earnshaw wcais a striking afternoon frock ot sago green charmeuse. The skirt has a straight tunic, whllo the waist i made of figured crepe, the figures being In shades of dull red nnd mustard color. Soft laco forms tho vest and collar. A small dull rdo hat. trimmed with two quills, gives an added tourh to this gown Miss Caroline Franklin, of Lancaster, whose engagement to Stanley Smith, of this city, was recently announced, has selected a good-looklnj dnrk blue cloth .suit, which has a short pointed coat, and a three-tlor skirt. Tiny mottl's worked In Alice-blue flo; ar used on the eleovos and collar of tlio coat. Mrs. Thnmaa Klnknid. wife of Lieutenant Kin Uald, V. ri. N . who U at present the uet nf her mother, Mm. J. Anderson Itom. ha i lnen O MluW wtlU dies, the- Ulrt uf U'liMi hnh a tunic of ii4i-kundu hit trlit silk chiffon U ortUtieully draped about the hip and ttd in a Uow at lb buek, u4 r the tunn . Tin- hat U hUufk velvet with cnu r d vr vlttth. Miss Winifred Iwrraiu-e luuks well m u fcinait itfteruuou ftiM'k uf liiwn-inl'r4 il tulle TO budivv U euiiipokM! uf lu4ui !a. anil I'biCfi'U uf the H4UUJ liai!i.. Til klll ha-- the Ituwdau mule tffw.t. Ml HurtlUM,' Weurw With tllU Mtuil- a iua- tiui wallmi hi trinuwd with lusui uf white w-lyvt llown. Mrs. VUIhi JJ. fMiiirvih is maum a, Jrevt dreK of navy bju ereu'- Th" k,r' ''-'- 11 UukjUiIi tuaie whleh is iiult wUlfc a I lite l,l Juni. Tbe buuwiu budUw U tUl nupulji .net u uu till gowu t'rie utttl dark bin.- iliin ,i are combined vitli guwl efl.ct with tln ,i tern. Mr, tli uNi, Hears a na - ,1m j clone tittliiK irau hut triimiud uilh u butt rii Low uf uialine. M Mitt ,ii. M. MfcMtfcfalilMllil illUl II Vl'i i ii,lli, iirtjltintr . i- l JraJjMtlllll I I II Ii lltim-.lVJi -""- "" fti Hlhii m. B .-fiL.