Newspaper Page Text
ft m u ""fr EVKNING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTBMBEE 19, 1914. Shortstop Jack Miller and Left Fielder Dolan, of St. Louis Cardinals, Accused by Pittsburgher. As Jack Miller, shortstop of the St. Louis baseball tram, and Albert J. Dolan, left fielder, stopped from the breakfast room In tho Majestic Hotel thla morning, they were arrested by Murray Edlls, a constable of Pittsburgh, on warrants charging assault and battery upon Vll Ham V Gastior, of Pittsburgh. Umh men were hustled lo the Central station and locked up, while Muggins, mnnagei of the Cardinals, hurrcld about In an effort to gel his two ptavers out of a cell that they might perform this after- ( nnon In two git mo h against tin Phils, lloth plnver were on hand at ball time. It 1 said by (lie Pittsburgh polios that Jn. k Miller was too attentive to Mrs. V illicit D Gnspti. Tho woman's hus band objected. It Is said, after ho had trailed hl wife and the ball ptuer thi'uiBh bright lighted refreshment places or Pittihurrfh. Onspi approached the ball player nnd upt.ralded him. Then Juck, It Is said, smote him on tho noe. Gasper fought back the best he knew how when he was set upon by another ball plaer. This nun lie believes was Dolan of tho Cardi nal Dolan. on the other, explained this aftvrnonn that he had never heard of Gasper and had nut the pleasure of cvtr meeting Mrs. Gasper. Miller was arrested by the Constable, several weeks ago In Pittsburgh, but excused himself stating that he would hun through with a fow soft-boiled eggs and Join Kdlls immediately. 'While, Kdlis w.ilted ami wandered at the ap TWO GAMES BETWEEN PHILLIES AND ST. LOUIS TODAY-ATHLETICS AT DETROIT OLD ELI ELEVEN LEAVES ITS CAMP AT MADISON, CONN BASEBALL PLAYERS ARRESTED HERE FOR " ALLEGED ASSAULT im- - GHnrabPRfwiHHH , s V M ,,,-,-tj" BBllmlPAiiJHMMMwlfjA fflT JWiiifirTfrtWlllWHiritsl BWmwmmXmWW&mm, . tmnBPaF fra WILL INTEREST VISITORS AT BRYN MAWR SHOW H. C. Phipps, of New York, to exhibit this fine pack of Beagles at the Horse Show Tuesday. WYCKOFF AS WILD ! HOT WEATHER IS A WOMEN MARKSMEN NOW AS WHEN HE SERIOUS DRAWBACK TO ENJOY SHOOT JOINED ATHLETICS TO FOOTBALL WORK ; AT SEASIDE TODAY Shows No Signs of Getting Pennsylvania Gridiron War- Famous Nemours Ladies' Over Aversion for Plate, i riors Suffer Much in Scrim-' Squad, of Wilmington, mage Contests on Franklin ' and Others to Try Skill in Special 50-Bird Event. BEAGLE HOUNDS TO BE EXHIBITED AT BRYN MAWR SHOW Mackmen Meet Tigers Again This Afternoon. . I OirrnOIT. Mich., Sept. li.-John Wel dou Wjckoff Hcems to be untamable. Throughout the season of 1511 h was so petite of tin plaer. Miller was board lug a train for home. He kept out of ' Pennsylvania until the piesent trip here. w,fe. believed that she to tecclvlng I"'1 that hp uas npv,, !,"ul1 to " tlu attentions of Miller. HI suspicions Into a game unless it had either' been wen lncteased when ho found a pair of cinched by the Athletic", or hopelessly ttousei, belonging to Miller in the room ,0,t- Mack oftn t tnt WeUton of Mr. Gasper. He Identified the , trru eis bv finding. It Is said. 11 check I nlon" ' th' cntre of the dininnnd when foi one month's pay drawn In favor of ' anything was at tnke. This saon the Field. Appropriate That American Peterboro Should Be Held Here, as Philadelphia Is Great Sport Centre. As It Is generally accepted that Phila delphia Is the greatest sporting centre of By EDWARD B. BUSHNELL. , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 19.- Fianklin Field was a. veritable oven The famous Nemours Ladles' Squad, of osterday. and the football men suffered, Wilmington, Del., Mrs. Harry Harrison, j America. It Is particularly appioprlnte iinruiy tne any tne coacnes woum nave or tne Riverside Gun Club, Miss M. Av. ' that tlm Hist "American I'ctcrDoro" i-elected to give their men the first taste I TJemv, Anderson, Ind., and other women j "hmM l,c held here. U Is expected that or scrlmmng. Th time befo.e the thMn,,. WH. feature Initial contest with Gettysburg, one week ' of the Westy Hogan Association In ' will take plaeo at Urvn Mnwr, under the Mill, r !aper nccued his .lfe of friendliness with tl ball player. She made no d2 ni'l and then Gasper trailed the two, with tin result that he was badly pum mt Ifd by the athletic escort of Mrs. fiaspit. ' Hugglns was about as busy ;t man n any In Philadelphia Just twi. minutes after the arrests occurred. It was not unttl after tne nais negon i era r Wllli'iitispnrt rlsht-hnnder h'gnn well Shortly ufter th" clock of the martins pistol he defeated Wnltci Johnson. In stead of giving him renewed confidence that victory seems to have phijcd havoc with Ills control and he has not lm piovetl In this respect at all. The opposition has never been able to hit Vcknff cnnsistenllv, but they didn't lnvo to. The waiting game was rack at tho Phllly't grounds that he ! Pierornble an cenenllv won for the s-iimttl a normal state of mind. I club which ns facing Vrknff. t.'tiptnln l?ilh lis nlajern had thm been held , lr'1 ' nomas nnri t onni" jioei; uae ,-am ... . .. . t ,i i 'n niiithfir nf liniie I lint VV'i t !. nfl Imil hence, however. Is nlready perilously their specially arranged GO-blrd match, short, nnd this sort of strenuous work The fair gunners are heralded as tho was absolutely Imperative to permit the stars of this sport and the competition conches to pass on the respective morlts of the candidates for the lino. Although It was much too hot and sultry for foot ball, it was a good day to reduce weight. Too many of the linemen nr still car rj Ing excess cargoes of weight. , will be watched with Interest. This fea ture to draw tho ladles is quite the In novation of tho tournament and the first time that their entry has been en couraged. Today has been designated as "extra line, i $M,) ball each for n hearing In Allighenv County. Hugglns did not VW in his hip pocket, but In his coat tie had a fountain pen and a check What the conches thus tried to teach was the proper manner to break through as much speed as any pitchei In the leaguo, yet his ahllit to break the ball at sharp nnies nml to wu.7. it iIiiourIi ,..!. ll ..., n ..or.lHn.l hor-K" ' I "" a IOI Of uppril HUM ll-l-ll I-Ullll'l) 5TMTitntl h'istled his errant players back , """''J" . ,lls ''."K ,"' i ,"1n,J'nl' J, "."'! I ard to check opposing linemen without io uoik lltfulh inr one season he would I ""'"R the hand-. I he way the coaches n 111 and be a his winner, hut he has worKeil the men had much the tame lire, i n complete tlNiippolntment to Mack pffcl .,? Ult,j- contest for oarsmen inn se.THon unti sntiwi nu hiu." oi set tmu over his wlltlnes. This same think' happened with H. roll Coach Hiooke had the tandidatcs for The character of the scrimmage work i day" on tho program of the Westy in which tho linemen Indulged was con- ' Hognns, the regular program of MO tar- .,. .a,-i- .i.. -ri, ,r ' Pft-S nllowed by the Interstate AssocK- llnod to charging -xerclse,. The of- tQn havnB ,)een n,ready conte8tcd. 0ver fenshe side had seven men on the line, 10o Rnncrs stalled off on the Westy of scrimmage, the defense four ami five. I Hogan "special" this morning, which has been arranged for chtrants nverag auspices tif the Morse Show, during the live dnvs beginning September 21, will mean to America what the similar show held annually nt Peterboro, England, mean" to Great Hrltaln. At the coming Hryn Mawr Hound Show there will be a largo number of loinl en tries, and many representative packs ftom other cities will compete. Tho won derfully organized beagle packs of H. C. Phipps and George li. Post, Jr., of New York, nre entered. From Virginia will come Di. K. Lster Jones, of Culpeper, A'a., and from Ipswich, Mass., Jnmes W. Apple-ton Others from New York will he the packs of Ilaymond Hclmont, Arthur riurden, H. T. Peters and Kugene S. Rey- nal. The packs, will he shown by the DATES FOR THREE DOG SHOWS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED Two Planned by Boston Terrier Club, October 3 and 5, and One by West Philadelphia Club, Jan. 23 lug SI per cent. Next comes the handl- I mnstPr nm huntsmen In hunt colois and I tlii.jn a Aril..- III mnbn n InlnfAut n ful to the ball park In an automobile PHILLIES BOOKED FOR TWO GAMES WITH CARDINALS Opening Engagement Will Begin Today at 1 :30 o'Clock Locals Have Captured Six Games in Succession. J. Sebastian Doom, loadei of the Phil lies, will entertain hU Missouri rival. Miller Muggins, of St. Luuls, this after noon at the Philadelphia ball park liuublohtrtder I planned, the first bu ginning at 1:30 o'clock. This double xhib.tlon Is tho first of the St. Loul fcile. which is the last lo be plaed be tween ihi-dt; clubs this season. Ila-lng won fclx Uralght sames, tho Phils ara bfcomlng more confident each day that they may land In the drat division Some real cause, too, has been fhuwn for the belief that it is within tho range of possibility for the Daisies to move up by the consistent losing of th El. Lculs and Chicago teams The Braves have been dueling with the former, arid put them out in all their recent encounters rxcept the one staged yesterday, which re suited In a tie at the end of a dozen in rings lule the Braves were failing to lond their final same from the Cardinals, the were completing a clean-up series with tho Cincinnati ld. Charley Her. log'.-, cmb played in rather bad luck os ttnlay. and was nrtally defeated 5-S. when Fie it ht i drove In the winning run In lh mntn liming. A general shift uf enmbatanti lake place toda. The Uianta are to toe the n.aik with their ancient opponents, the Chicago cubs, while the Cincinnati club goes the Brooklyn bridae to vikit Charley Kbbett'a stadium. Pitts' burgh will meet Iloston. This means that on paper, the Braves hae the otttci i-f the chancps the coming three d.f,d to increane their lead over the Giants, nut the nll-prrvading untertalnty of the pastime makes it a hazardous guesa to ba that the Hoston club will do better against Clarke's men than the Oi.ints vlll against the Ctibg The Ilravea dropped half a game In thr- leaguo race when they tailed to win out from St I.ouis. That game has gone by the boards and u a ieal gain for the Giants, as the llo ton and St. I.ouls iluba do not meet again, ht nee they lannot play oft the tie Before leaving here Manager Clarke stated that he would use the twst team lie t ould muster to play the IJravoi 'fi ttrtiigiheri his club as much as possible, t 1 1 kt lias ordered Wally Schang's i mtinr who has been with the St. Jo (.eph. Club of the Western league all ktinuurr to report to him at Beaton can at HKl targets. In which 130 men air entered. theie events will mnko nn interesting nd- tlltlou to the Hi mi Mawr Horse Show. The Hound Show Committee on beagle bounds at lliM Horse Show will consist of U. PIunke(t Stewart, chairman: William HOPED ARENA NOTES Frank Iiiglney, of this tity, will be ! " '',,,tlce;. "''lyv; t,n,rc"'e clarK'; "'' In another .art of the field Head seen In one mole bout befoie he sails for " ' "'" n"1"- " "" " -" Australia, where Snun.v Unkei, the lead- '.. ' tt.,il,t. n.if.lh.- rltrhl.llill rin. whn.n.Mnek .u- ,....,..,.. .!, .. . , i . .... 'K I'lumuiil ill lliai L-tmilll y. IIMH Ullicu . ... ,.. -. .. , , c uuvi.ll;iil .luiim uin t.imuai ,1-1 nuifceti ttmim: lor aDntii Hirer season iinu him for severnl contests. I.oiiglircy will who was as i.itd lit the llnNh us he ,is , when he begKti. Iloilt'k wns teleused to I Haltlmore. hut Jumped to the lltookhu I Kedeinl". With that flub h showe'l the j same old nearness t.nd has not bicn able i to win as he should In the outlaw or ganization It nun Wvckoff's wlldness bleh paved the wax for the Detroit vietotv vester ila. Todnv the Athletiis inent the TlRfra again nnd tonight thev will lonvo here for Clewlund to brsm a t rb a with the N-ip- Suii'lo'. ED COLLINS NOT NOVICE AT DAILY ARTICLE WRITING There are severnl sections of this cotin- trj In which the Kngllsh haie, which is tin' Ideal quail. v to hunt with bengles, has been Introduced. Where this game Is not found the American "cottontail" inbblt, which Inclilentalh, In .srdentlllc clas'lllcatlnn. is a true hnre, affords very i stienuouH. Hmbryo niiHrterbncks, half- , appear in the final bout of an nil-star , backs nnd fullbacks run throuuh signals, I show at the Olvmpla Athletic AsoclatlT.i. hurled and caught forwnul parses, iliond and Halnbrldge streets, ne.t ilon- chiiftd iii and down the field under day night. Malinger Ilarrj Kdwnrds has, Ulnt.d rvit.l nvi.ii trl.,,1 n llttl.. V. nt If In mnll,i,,t Vtl.,i ti'ltli ' I n It., Inr." fZttnu nt I ruunliK back punts. I Drooklyn. Tht-v aie two of the baldest ' ood sn"r,t' ""' "fcaslonally the Western Just now the conches nic not Riving hitting welterweights in the cnuntiy, both J""X'V'"""' "'"""""'"'""""''" ,to any Inkling us to the composition of the I lay claim to the title In this division, nnd ', KO0(1 "ll r M101'1- team In this game. Hut It Is almost , their battle .Monday night should be bit-, ,l ' "'" " Ameilrn there is probably t.italn that Cnntnlii Journeav will set terly contested. , some or the mon perfeit types of beagles first call at cf litre. The only uneeitaln The next bout Is nnnthei verv nttrac thlng about his work i.s the aniuunt of ! tlve numbei, presenting rieddy Kellv, speed he will d velup To plav centre oc- the popular local boxer, who created a itirdlng to the I'ennsj ivanln t.ystem lie , big surprise last week bv defeating will hm to fwill LMf,ul tiettvHt.' i. ml 1, Vnllli:' .InnL rVltrl.,. ,.,in ,,f ,l. t,.u able to back tin not only his, own rmsltion. elusive Ijnxc-ix In the lnst K'ellv will meet i del and others In I'lillatlelphln. tint to hlp wherever an ixtta nuin is- n worth.v opponent In Willie He i man, of 'xedrd. Pn'.ithwaik, who Is a big favorite. Johnny Thei air two nietnbeis nf last .vear's .Mao, of this city. lai-Mis n lough propo- I fi sliman team who teem to have uiught sltlon In Voung Fulton, of N'ew Voik, the I the conch.s' ss candidates loi line sparling partner of Jlmniv Miur.-ij. while ' honors. They ore n.-oige Wharton Pep- , Henry Hauber, anotln-i well-known per. ,1', nnd Wllhoiovv. Pepper Is a ! boxer, meets Ilcildy Holt, ( the 17th man built much on the Mime lines at. Wind, and the opening contest will he Prank Piikaiski. though weighing more between Jlmniv foster nnil lohnnv Nel son than this All-Amoilcnn guaid. Wlthemw niiifA nboi't 325 pounds and is not vet lialned down ii hnrl muscle MaiiU and It'issc'l, who played on l,ijt veurs - ir i c o r ' ",,"n- "R''t ,u reinin line pi.iitions. As Cover Words Denes or,fv;; ,h'' "'"'v, ,'?;',cl, x " "-t given an .ntlmatlnn ns to who will be I J IT ! ' his n st thoiifs here. eithor hu i tleorire vening Ledger ramiliar nrw.i.e indh-nu-d what nun or. his fn- voriiBi lor miick nein posillOllh. (Ill guer-, the man to start at quartet bat k will be Vie Pnllou or Irwin: two of the other hniki. Jones anil Mutlhews, while (lottnala or Motiltt would complete a irelty good hcckfleld. Athletic Star Who Will With Newspaper Details. Hddif Collinj, whi will contribut' a dally artdle to tba Fvkni.mj Ikpucu dur ing the world s -lerlea In U tober, b not a novice at tlm kind of work. Kij one knows that the si eat second -saefcer of the Athletics is a clever, accurate ball writer of tpecial stories, but ar some who do nnt know that he can go thtouBh the daily work with as much facltlt.v as the niun who covers an entire major league aeasun. Collins performed his best daily wmk last ear during th season. His stories wtre wldetv lead This year Collins Is aualn coin.' to write the series, nnd with hU knou ledge of just what the fans want It is safe to say that there will In no better stories in the counirj on the At the I'nlverniiv f Michigan Coach Fielding If. Vost has resented the con clu.loti of one Uastrrn football writer who predicted that when Mich Iran plav ed Harvard at Cnmbiidge en Qctnbei 31, ! Crtnuon vvoild lot Uir its best p't's, but would reserve them for the Prince.' ton and Vale teams. rct has no reaon to cure what pla.vs Harvard ucs, but it piques his pride to have the infeience drawn that his team will not be int. portttiit enough to make the Crimson ex tend 'tself. It in be staled tight now that liar. ' vaid't ony intention of submitting to a beating bv MirhUan. and the Crim son ttiav be fieprnded upon lo us its best plats and plawrr. The sunnisa thst the HaiviTtl would ui,o only "simple" pla.vs against Michigan mrt rn. reive the intricate ones for Princeton bis series than those printed in the and Vale shows the extent to which nvGNIh'rj tfSPOKB The playtri, tonlrary to Oan Johnson's statement last fall, will to allutved to do all the writing they desire Naturally there will not be more than two or three at most who will do their own work, but Collttis Is among that number. For that reason, if fur no oilur, his stories will be more valuable than those (lurnQrling la be written by other players. AUArQun4 Athlete? Ready. UlftJllNCJUAM. Ala., Sept. 11-The American all-around amateur athletic championship will be decided her.; to day at the 1411 met of the American Amateur AthljEtlc I'uloti Ten trak and field events are scheduled, five mlnutsa apart, and caib contestant must take part in each event Among athletes aN readv here to participate are Aveiy 1 us fu i til voungster n4S piaea wen jrundlge. Chkagu I'at cyConnoi Pas -rd while he has not shown the ability , umv Alhltllc Ciu.j X. w York Hair thnt I nnt. Macks man exhibited, he Is tJorltli Chiva.o v tibau Tv. t i'.,v ,;' a com ng plaer and Is aure l make . n,n t a tiili.-u it t in, Hiumii,hm food iu the majors sooner or lalcf, I Han Ftuputrlu., Nm oil. uus. iian persons overestimate sncillid football stiutegy. Harvanl and Micliisan will have the advantage of nbout the sumo, biand uf touching, and vletoiv or defeat will depend lather upon the rllbir of ihi- men than their trkk or loiniiil. caed formatioua. Trick pla.vs for which sfriet practhe is thought necessary never leprrjem 5 pei tent of a team's strength. fj t. contiai , men a.t what loynl. It llai vard should resolve to start the Michi gan game without Hrlckle.v or Mahan In the back Held, there might be some ground for the supposition that Michi gan was underestimated It ought to he thoroughly understood bv this time that the strength of the Harvard eleven will dtpend more upon the calibre or the en tire team, partkularb of the bicknld, thun upon any new football which Coach llaughton or an one else can tenth them. In a team which has absolute!) mastered the rudiments of the game and can do the elementary things as near perfectly as the Harvard plaers do. all the trick plays that ever were known wouldn't increase the strength of that team i per cent 1 In F.eo Settle md on the teams of , ' ?i I'J'O md 13 il. -un a visiter ai , ail' iik on luuctivv on ifianklin Field. BASEBALL CONDENSED NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS, rhilllri., (1; I'lU-liiirgli, I, lloolon. I; "-I. l.ouU, I (r.illrill. New nrl.. :l Cllirlniiiill, Z. Ilreiiklrn, '; (hicluo. II. TODAY'S GAMES. . I.niiha ill I'hllaih'liihln (S KnmrH). riiiilnitntl nt llriinkltn CJ uuinei.1. I'ltt Htttiricli at llimtim. ChliaKii at New tnrk. TOMORROW'S GAMES, Nnt ftrhrtlnled. CLUB STANDING. w T. I'r w t, . ,. Hniten 77 V. 5.."t I'llllllr..... (n 7 ,ffn Ven Vn'k 7S f,I Kim Plitrb'sh ii.' ".' .Wl rile.. 7J US nn lironkln i'.n 71 tts St I.ouls 71 Hi IL'ilCln. Innivil ,,i 7K -S AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Detroit. .Is Atllletlri., t. Iluslon, I: Clevrlnnd, X f'llliiieii, 7i New Vnrk, A u.liliiEtun, I ; SI. l.iiiiU, n. TODAY'S GAMES. AthlPtli ill New nrk ill till. asi. Iliiktnn ut Clrteluml tlnslilnglnit at t. l.ouK. TOMORROV'S GAMES. Alhlrlits at Cleiilinil. ttavhlnvton at t hleqvn. Sew rk hI K. .on. Il'ikliin nt Detrnlt. CLUD STANDING. u I. ! f, t. r llllflit"... HI 11 .fill fill, Kn . lit TJ Ail lloslnn Rl It Ml I St I,nl,. 01 74 t.TJ Hetroll 74 114 .'..'ll'.Veu tnrkC! 70 .44S Wmli.-l'ii 70 ill .V.'ilt'levclanil 4a lit ..ill FEDERAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Iv.inii I'll. .1; Haltlmore, I, IndlunuiifilU. A; llrnoklm. I. I'ltUltiirEli, 1; Clihuso, .1. llulTaln. :ii hi. LiiiiU, I. TODAY'S GAMES. C'llh'UCfl t lUltllll'.re. ,M. I mil, at ritUliurEh. uiiku I'll) ul llrniikljii. liidUnapnlU ut HulTiilii, CLUB STANDING. W I. PC vv i. , In.lupolln 77 Rlt sniillrimklvn Ii" lis W)s Chkagn 711 01 1 W.) ICin Cllv f.3 71 47(1 Hnlllnvor Ilultaln Tl 1.1 .vssi I.,,,, h -,s IT JIM Oil 01 SSSI'lllil. li 6.1 78 40.1 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Newark. IK: .Ittwi Cilr. S. I'ruvhlenrr, II; llalllinorr, 3. IluTulo. n; Toronto. 0. Korhrttrr, At Montreal. ;. CLUB STANDING. H I I'C W I. PC Rochoter M !' Hosiuitlmnre fi r.'j Ml "rovldene 88 5 iV03N'evvark 6170 457 Huffslu S' ST r.liaJlntrrai .,7 Ml SOX T'.rnato 70 r,7 SU If Clt 4'! UH J10 III thr world. Drafts Horn the best i:ng- IlKh ki'iinels have been made by A. If. Mlgninon and .1. V. Appleton In .evv England, by Phlppt, Pot nnd Helmont on I.png Island and bv Thomas Cndvvala- tk In Philadelphia. 01 many yeaia ttieie nave tiren liutl- vhlual owners of good be.iglei, siattered ntnund In Chester, Ocl.twnie nnd Mont gomery Countiet, and "ome veij suciess ful benglc Held til.ila weie belli on tho liiarlford Hills In Chester County jemt. ngo. Intel tst In the beagles by Ihe p o- r-le of tho soci'tl et. hnwevei, ban be. n Squirrels Die In Freshet a v.'iv 1 cent d velopment in untl mound A ImM(lltl, ti,IIHati squlirels were Philadelphia. drowned or clubbed to tlentb by farmers j )s ,.,.j,it nf n freshet near A vena. C.'il. V.blle the siililnels were hu limning for div Piinl the trinchcrfl met them In boats and u ci nnplishcd vvholesule slaughter. Three dog shows locally have been out lined by the enthusiasts of this city The Boston Teller Club of Philadelphia has decided to piogram two events, the first to be held October 3 and the second Oc tober 5. The ilrst will be n specialty af fair. Tho other will bo a puppy match, nnd will be held nt the Continental Hotol. Tho third show announced is by tho West Philadelphia Kennel Club, and will take place January 2.1. Herman Iicnnung has been named Judge at tho Hoston Terrier Club's spo- laity show. H. 13. Cook, of Lancaster, Pa., will Judge tho puppies. Sam Doran's Princess Iris wns tho first dog to bo awarded a gold medal offered by the Boston Terrier Club of Philadel phia for winning ten of the specials of fered by tho club. One of the flneit Maltose tctrlers to be seen nt any of tho local shows was ex hibited nt Byberry by Mrs M, Koerlin, a local fancier. Tho dog in question wns Mts. Koerlin's great little matron, Ch. Idttlc Folly. This Is a ten-yeai-old Mal tese that has made the enviable record of never having been boaten. ROD AND GUN One of the most successful shoots ever held by the Westy Hogan Association will bo brought to a closo today at At lantic City. This year tho seaside trnp, shootlng carnival haB been unusually In teresting and home clever performances have been noted. Bureau is BIjr Help The Trapshnolcrs' National Hurenu, of this cltv, an organization with which lending trapshootlng clubs thioughout the Vnlted States are allillated, doing a iiTPat denl towatd giving clay bird shoot ing the place It deserves In American 5-ortdom' Kntlicly without cost, trapshootlng clubs connected with the Hutciu or new t lulls nre supplied, on leanest, with schedules of shoots, ippoil of shoots, lists of tropbhr nnd conditions under which they riv be secured, shooting lilies, plans of iluhliouses costing JK0 In $10,000, lay-out of traps ground plans, club rules, score sheets, scoiecards etc. NEW CASTLE SCOUT GAMES Boys' Set of Trnck nnd Field Tests Prove Successful. Ni:V CASTI.i:, Del . .Sept. IS. - Thr Hoy Scouts of the .N'ew Castle Methodist Hplscopal Chinch held tlielt ilrst Held day events on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Feldcn S. Dcemer. About 12) Scouts of I tb different organizations In Wllmlng- I ton, In th'iige of Scoutmasters Dillon 1 ami Yetter, hunuied the loiala with their I piescnce. James Rtiyie, son of Judge William Hoyce, of tho State Courts presented to , the First P.'tliol, Sergeant K. N'ewlove, n due tent for city clean projetts and woik To Karl Mcl.aln's patrol, a com. pktc tlrst i.ld set: to John Leach s patrol, 1 11 cooking set. and to W'nrreu Connor's b.ind. a complete camp outfit. To the oiitlie Scout body was ptescnted a hand- , some American ling. S by 13 feet. All 1 these gifts were donatrj by Hi. and , Mia. Deemcr. 1 The ulunerj of the tiack events will be preirntrd trophies Muuday. go 10 the Ilrst and becoml piac vvlnmra The winners of medals were: Ono-lniil-dred-ynrd darh IMvvanl .Viiylnr, Wur. ten Connor and Frank Proud. Time, l'i 3-5 seconds. Higli Jump-Frank Proud, i feet & luthes; licorge Kern. Jr , I feet 7 inches. Untitling broad Jump Pioud, 13 feet C Inches; Kdwqrd N'uylor, Jr. Shotput ndvvard .N'aylor. 3J ffet 3 ituhes; Vaughn Lancaster, '! feet i, Inches. Jersey Fish Bi Eaters To feed tho Msli nt the New Jersey ll.itcher fiom Mnrch I to November 1, 70 tons of fish and 30,000 sheep pluck will have been used BREITHAUPT RETURNS Resumes His Old Place on North cast's Football Squad as End. In the final pinultn ot the week S'oith eaat High School welcomed the icturn of Ilielthuupt to the game at end position, nielthaupt was declared Ineligible last week, but has undoubtedly ratislltd the retiulretiiunts nf the faculty, and says he will be able to plav the rrst of the tcibon Th.. persomitl of the varsity has been iiotlcrnbly i bnuged. as the roaches ate beginning tu experiment with new combinations. White, n new end. has 1 placed Wilson, lliowu, a scrub ten tie, has taken Sickle's place at guaid, while Wc-itsel has won a poslllou in tho bnckfleld. The varsity lined up us follow,: Knils, Itreithnupt and White: tackles, fjardncr and Kldp.-tth. guards. Masoy and Drown : centre. A. Whtlnker. bmks. Webb, F. Whilnkt-r, Weilzcl und Heijer. The finshniuii footboll team will be call1 d out Monday. SWIMMERS ORGANIZE At ti mpettltir nf V M i all.Ml.,..n . .... ,!.. I i a -r- ; --.- --- ..1 1 . l, BI1H(3 iuarier-iiuie iiiu-i.uniirii .i.iyior. it 1Bil( j te clubrooin of the big rcli seconds; Frank Proud. street Institute., plans were outlined for a Half-mile run- Kdward Noylor, ; inin- yjgoious campaign of educational and utcs 10 seconds; Wnnen Connor. competitive aquatic tlurings the fall and Wheelbarrow lace William i'rouil and 1 winter months. Harry N'ewlove; i.eorgo hern. Jr., and James IJ. Sterrelt was ucain elected llrokaw Scntinan. Potato race Kdward Proud and Harry N'ew love. Sack race Harry N'ewlove and Doug lass Proud Diesslng race Harry N'evvlove and Iarl Mcl.aln rhalrmuu of tho Swimming Committee, wlin tiorqon siuileu, pahl coach; II N'. Pilot, team manager, ami Alphnnsm Cox team captain. The Central V M. C A. team is ar lanrilig dual meets with the Noith nml west lirancn 1. Jl c. A '3 Cjeruiantowii With Its Preliminary Train! 'ing Completed, En tire Squad Goes to Newrl Haven. MADISON, Conn., Sept. 19.YaIe w0UtJ U. i .looiiiuiy season here ycsier-' day with a lively scrimmage, of a ,,,,,.," ' of nn hour, which, though somewhat ' '""s"1, "" u" improvement over pr. ivuB anowmgs. Jicna Conch lllnkey wllh his men. left hoe .. ,.... .. ' . , "" uajr mr ew 111 Ilia BnrliMmniTA ,.ni.,.i-.. .. v , . , ' "" ' atternoon Yale had Its Blrongcst nggreifall.m 1. tl, .,nll.. 1 ,..,. ... . " "1 ... ,...a.Lj oiicRoeiu, with -Wilson at quarter, Knowlcs nnd Alnsworth )af backs, nnd LeQore, the freshman star of last year, fullback. LcGoro made a brilliant 10-yard run and scored the only touchdown of the day. Tho line wa, made up of tile regular players pum pelly played fullback on tho second team and kicked a goal from the 30-yard line. HARVARD CAMBntDfJK. Sept. 19,-Hnrvard'. i football sessions yestcrdaj he M under midsummer conditions, the tem pernturo being too high for the men 7n go through the long drills the coach had panned. In the morning tho m, wero In rowing shirts, doing only u$ work. In tho afternoon the tlrne ,. spent mainly In falling on tho ball nnJ Individual coaching. a" nnd Hegglc Brown again worked with th backs on au ck sinri 0.1 j' ,'..'? .?.hr!2Jl,?!rJBW ?.p"t a .ot orC; ,lfmi.Wrl,lnn rr- ...... ..... . . "l L 1.1. ...,' . T ". "1S ,e't as well a m be nns nhilof .. ". lc"-l i i,i 1.' uula s wnen wear as his rlchl fnni n.i.i.t... ,l "" wrini,t 4i" . .,::.,. ."'J- "" new inlv-;- u-T'Zl" from t , .. w . '" "l'BVCK,nB . fect-and t i I " . sisi tiniiiiiMl 11 Three-legged race-rrank Farmer uud , noss' Club, i'lnludclnhli ........ I--.. I...... . .u..r,rA 1lnl,,ltl I. 1 .. ., .. .. .. . . - and Douglass Proud. , Soccer Season Opens Today l llic local soccer season will be ushered In this afternoon m an exhibition game between the Hibernian and Victor teams, of the American League, on the Third street and Lehigh avenue grounds. Other Kimes srheduled for today follow. Pea bodv vs Putnam, at Washington Park, ' nnd FUN V M, C A vs Smiths, at Dob- sons Fi"!d, Falls of Schuylkill. PRINCETON PRINCETON. Sept. 19.The scrub, gave the Princeton regulars runT their money yesterday afternoon. Th, second string players were every bit as good ns the varsity men nnd at times had just an edge on them. No score was kept In the 20-mlnuto scrimmage; but the set ubs were on tho offensive the larger part of the time. Doollttle, who Played at half for the regulars, was the outstanding star of the afternoon. H wns in every play, picked his holes well nnd was the best back on the field. CORNELL ITHACA, Sept. 19,-The Cornell varalty scored twice on the scrubs in yesterday afternoon s scrimmage, In which a num. ber of now plays wero tried. Tabcr, the Dtooklyn boy who is holding down Thll Ippl s placo on the varsity for the time being, proved a good ground gainer and scotod one touchdown, nnd Shelton picked up another for the varsity. MICHIGAN AXI? ,A,.nP,OU' Sel"' "--The first and second Michigan varsity teams tore Into each other for nn hour yestcrdny, thi select string scoring two touchdown to nothing for tho seconds. It wns tho first scrimmage of tho year. Tho playeri fought desperately, aB half the veterans . wero on tho second team and nil th. candidates wero striving to win the eye of lost. Ho ,vn8 compelled to halt ths plnv frequently for Individual coaching In , order to give the men time to get their un-aiu mm recover irom their III fcellnf. ARMY WEST POINT. Sept. 10.-Kelly, former Army captain, was shifted to end yeter dnv. where he alternated with Neyland. noth are fast, nnd tho competition for the wing Job Is still keen. Ollphant. Ma. honey and Hobbs were at quarter for a while During tho laltcr's period he waa sending the men away In lightning fash Ion. NAVY ANNArfJUS. Sept. lO.-Though molt of tho candidates for tho Nnvnl Academv football tenm from the new fourth class nre trying for eneln or backs, a few have been found who will try for the vacant places in tho lino. One of the best appear Ing of these Is Mills, a 100 pounder, who played tackle nt tho University of Arkan sas. Otheis nio SI Kidder, who was on the squad ut the University of Michigan; Westfnll. nrov.ii. Sthejhe and Lcsralre. nil of whom have had high echool ei peile'ncc. BROWN PlIOVIDUNCK. Sept. 19. -The Drown, football fcllglhles now number 55, six ne men reporting yesterday. Including Crow ell, camlldnte for end. In practice thU morning :'5 wero drilled hard on Elgnals. Murphy und Gortlon showed up very well on diop kicks from tho JS-yard line The linemen were drilled in breaking through, while the backs were being worked oil slgnnls. AD WOLGAST BEATEN Former Lightweight Champion Eajy foi Joe Mandot, MII.WAUK11U. wis, spt tt-Jos Mandot earned a clear shade over Ad V'olgnst In their ten-iound bout here last night. Five of the ten rounds wmt to Mandnt, three were even and two vvurs all that Wolgast could ..laltn The r-.N-cliumplun showed poorlv at all stages, and only in thi. seventh round did be show any of his old-tlmt' ila- This was the time when no toned Mandot against the iupcs i-evcra! times peppering him with light! und lefts. However, he wns not able lo hold the gall, and in the tlglith Mntitlot nsaln took tin, .ugrewlve. Manuoc uppcaieil to be in cxcellt nt lorm. No' mice did he the, eXLept po"hitily In Iho seventh, uud t lien In i ttnw back fetrongei- than ever JdiT . r-Eg.. Heading V SI ' A. Washington III. l'i I Y. M C. A and the Philadelphia Swim- i mlng Club I n i I adjjfimsi 1 i.i if " MHBaH ,J,'rv. 'hI'i"''.? J,".' "'" '' "" ..... --. ..M. ..,:, lwt. VtlenU jte8 7j,C( g All() A. c. N. t'l'IOS' M n aihlPulllllU-iiW?-,!lui ' WNTKHT hdillc lletuire 31ret Tonnnr lluwdl Adm. J3c. Itescrved, 60c. 7Jc ana 1 QQ. (ieissel's Patent Converter Top Transforms anv touiliin -1' ur loadster Into a .onifoii able ami handsome lnnou sine. Foui sides of l -'"'h plate glass enclose an "i"' St.vllHh, relnfoii"d top ' '" more economl, al Hun u ','" ousine bodv Sav on i"1" gasoline and stoi,ib '"' u" used body. ll-iilt, Viune or t al u I'o '"'" The Gregg-Wm. D. Rogers Co. 1926-3 J Arch Slreel, Phil 'Aoiir .frc-uar I'dl wmmmmm - '.j..... immmmmmmwmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmaBmzi, '