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Eif2Z3 P?S BVSyiyd- tEDGEE-PBlLADBLPHIA, aATTTRPAY. SEPTEMBEB 19, ..19.14- 1S INANCIAL ANL) COMMERCIAL SITUATION HOME AND ABROAD FEDERAL BUREAU ffl-END BRINGS Ibetter FEELING IN i: FINANCIAL MARKET I j sees Better outlook for IRON AND STEEL TRADE At ... V,l, IN ft W i u i l Houses Will Again Solicit New Business and Phila- f delphia Will Follow Suit. With the end of the week comes a mora . .. ... flAnrldl circles to renew aispujiuu' Expert Says Prices Have Already Gone to Their Lowest Level-, Is my firm conviction that It will long time before we again see n prices for Iron and steel oroducts as we have seen since the Ilrot of tho pres- f , ent year." InVCStment Thls ,s ft 'tatement made In an Ihtr , view by Frank Baackes. vie president and general sales agent of tho American Steel and Wire Company. "It would seem." he says, "some people looked for an Immediate boom In Amefl' can trade right after the declaration of war In Europe, but there came up several complications that delayed matters. Trade Improvement has set In, however. It Is gradual but persistent and e shulj continue to tee good results coming from It from now on " ANNOUNCES RATES ON WAR POLIGIES PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 3 UrCAli ESTATE FOtl SAIaB VTe.t l'lilladflnnlit 1 rooHr, 17fllc llflI2r prln(j rhlrkmn, fine. Urn", ilo. meHlum r". 5'jMO'- ducks GUAM AND FLOUR Ff.OUIt..t-nclpl. lflOrt tibli-. 1,32.400 Ibi. I old, HfA14e , do fprlns 14171",, . gulnMf. r-r In ncM , The insrkot quirt, tint Arm In svm ,.,. , ,.-ii,in o ii,k ami nvr unlrce. tmthv with nhMl. nut ry llttlr- 1mi.m1 , falN 'oun"'",g ,,',, , , Zn, Winter, clear. H T.lflSi rtn. rtralitht., I.lfls SS, ' TOo.i .In.. uelRhln 1MM". ll,. aple. ffMjrev Ol.l v. ent, .X.4'IOJl,iJi Kana. trnllit M particularly active and the better 'ttxti the situation as exceedingly favor- Jhle Events or me iiu. w ", -iont much to clear away the clouded Lon-he.e od condltlortB - RlvP more ftnmlu of an early return .u m.. ...... Ln at anv time since the great K.Mmsan struggle began tendon has ueen pc ',. m.iatlinc confidence iu '- . . ... .... --. lln thre influenced largely ay ru, . S iontinufd v. -torles for the British and French armies nas ueen .." -.. , markets In this country. Broken M the metropolis are sun ..." i'Hy openlng of the Stock Exchange J;e ,o marked has been the general iSpwvement The exchanges In Sydney isd Adelaide will reopen for business on fllohJs d here ls a chanC0 that th Vdboume Stock Exchange will follow tjit ivmt time later In the week. 'Collapse of the foreign exchange mar- ttt has helped materially In the general iiajuttment It touched a lower price i,,. vetterdnv than at any time In six neks, the principal Influence being the iucccs'sf.l j'tllement of a great part of 3 counirv s fon-lgn Indebtedness. This Vw hdred alons very materially through of the .New iorK uuy iia,,- BANKS MUST STOP HOARDING MONEY, M'ADOO INSISTS No Risks Will Be Tak. en on Cargoes to Ports in North, Black, Baltic or Adriatic Seas or the Bosphorus. no., nat jncK, x.t.i'iioin mi, no pnini, jute mck ,.hii nlirnn. tvr ruilr 1.ilir J VWfVZn',2"lSJri!3 WJi.-min- IWk IIIIKHSnt). Tlie msrk.t Arm on -IwlrnhlP tJ".2-'. fe 9?rf iT",eiiV. Ji2nVi Vlnt ,l"!k- v,,h demnn.l -quill to th- llmltwl ofTor- I brands, W.M&. M.'W' Pi'11' 'holro nn,l , ,,,, Fre i-l l'l foi. por lb.. ptt-il-rt . fsnry patfnt, n,sXfl(l,T. do, ruiilnr umi'o- i'.;,:. n r.n n.ihino. n.w, .lhi. I Winter. tenr. ! T.-MXi do ett-alfflit ISflS VTi -,I?-V ...' ..'."-,--- oo . . . . ' wettfh ne H' Ins flPK-e. li'riiSf. niii iirrn. hi tu rtn.. pfttrnl. r, fiOWO irvt: ruiun. rjtiiet. ..vj per nui t in ooo PROVISIONS Murk'l ntill but ten,l-. nt hf, In eta, smnkM nnl slr-drled, .1IHf12c. . Welern bf. In set, emokeil, Sl'ff'Wo , cllv beef, knuckles find tendere, smoked And alr-HMed. n2(5ai" . Western beef, knuckles nnl tenders, smoked, R2 MIC : beef hams, f 400 It, potk family, fSdfy i. tmms. p. l'. rurerl. irore. nt'tuiu'jo . no skinned. Iooe, l.Vitrln. rto , do., smoked. 1M? Exporters In this city received today I "' ,r'sm0,VadncC,:Vh,:r',in,io,kefl0 from Washington th- schedule of rates I 'SSJi, Tv' n?Z fixed by the Federal War Itlsk Bureau I Iooe, 12B12i,jc . do, smoked 1191444 - ..i- ,.... .-. .. in,' i bellies. In pickle, according to aerae. loose, covering Insurance on cargoes destlner. misr i,renifi hnn. m i,rnd en.l r .i. .i,i,, n -11 .hinnanti I ww, city riired. MB24r: breakfast I f?,10'i.1 u. ,.,,, o,F, ,... ,, ,, ....i-......D haConi Western cured. 22S24c: lard. Western ware, per between ports of the I'nltetl States and I refined, tierces, imoll"!'-.. do., do., ,lo.. 1 'iff4. Plnei neldhln old rooter. Ar rhlckens. tiearb irbv. fair lbs and under aplere. in, nllairf l.1Ur . hrolllni? welshlnic i'?92 lb nldrcs". lPf720r.. do., fall to gooiK lrffline . ehlrken". tveatern. 1411 lbs. fiplern, H10.. do., do. If'sPI lbs. apiece, 10 fll"e i hrolllnu rhlrken. Western, weighing 42 lbs. nplere, 1T1H' do, fair to good I.IWItlo.s s,liabs per do, nhltr. elahlnit 11 112 IPS. per nor 'uwtm uime. nntmni M10 lb., rer do . M1 "ft. w bite, welching ler HIT... a..7( -a, l lh ne dm. f.Tip2. do d 1 . do do I'flfli. lbs. per 1 No Z, tll,r 1H1.M1. 0: 2. 1 mai.CO, dark an FKKSIT FHlil'IS Market quiet nnd nlthnut Impnttani init 11 Ighlna lbs dux., Apples, twr Secretary Treatens to Recall Emergency Currency From Bankers Who Deny Loans for Legitimate Commercial Needs. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 -Drastic ac tion against bankers who are hoarding money, denying loans for legitimate pur poses to commercial borrowers while their vaults bulge with "war emergency" and j other currency, Is being considered by I Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. 1 The Secretary and members of the ted I eral Iloserve Board admitted today that j numerous complaints agalnit bankers are I being received. Recall from offending , banks by the Treasury of currency Issued for the war emergency tinder the aVIdrlch Vreeland net unless the hoarding ceases was being seriously considered today, It was reporter!, 1I11 flotation foltW bond and corporate note leue, ihkr it wis announced today, had been enitu'bscribed The break In exchange (.Urates a return to more normal condl vZ In our trade relations with Europe, liTpeelally Great Britain Exports have 'Sri growing to a remarkable extent. " . (-...-iia.-. nine rt t m tnritiv nnii v Demand ore"'"':':"" "".'.. .1. State banks, which cannot tin renched aatec recOVerea Some Ul juniciuaj .-, -a--- - --- --- . Milins- strong at 4.35H to 4.D5'A. b the Federal officials, are also off end There a a fairly brisk demand, even lnj by hoarding their money, It waB stated 8t the higher rates. . w,e m,ons of dollar of ,, nlt.l, KKSt'ME BOND SALES j currency have boon poured out to th The Philadelphia Stock Exchange Com- 1 banks, manufacturers and merchants are miitee of Five and the Committee on oeing turneu clown when loans are re- " . ... , -.i .. n 1nn HJ ,.. . , . , . iu,:3liu ituu uiitresi ciiHrKfs uuosiPri Cnll'ted Securities have agreed on a plan for the broadening of local bond trading by which bond houses will be permitted to solicit business An announrpment to this effect will be at the Stock Exchange on Mon iiy and the Bond Committee will nlso lend out r letter on tne 'sunject inr rian ha the sanction of the Clearing 1 House, and simitar action has been taken , I In N'ew Vork Restrictions on traoing win e rnon, 10 as to allow the sending out of bond , isJrtimen. Kfinnce of circulars and other idvcrtlslng and solicitation of business en the basis of prices approved by the committees, fales to be only of bonl3 1 he'.d by the firms offering them, and only on a cash basis ' Anr.ourcrn-ent that New York invest rent bankers had decided to again put throuRh rales on a large scale and that 1 Philadelphia firms would follow suit noxt week save added strength to the situa tion A committee will meet In New YorkdIIv to pass on all sales and their restrictions will be stretched so as to per mit transfers at lower prices, If neces nrv. than 1I11)" which 1 tiled when the Exchange doted .lulv 3') This Indlca'eH very clearly a llnal re turn to more normal conditions, slni-e for eeki the brokers have been restarted In .ale t" the last olllclnl Exchange prices There la a possibility that a slml- , !ar ruling till be made here At nny rate, brokers and bond salesmen nr trushlnc; the aerumulated ilust from their desks ind ,hlr- and are getting in shape J for a more n, tlve trading all of which forecasts the return of a brighter situa tion The Y'U Vnrlf C-n,,iillloa, fit 52rn. liter rontinued conference with the tlarlns II, n-.e Cnmn'itteo nnd the Stock Exrsnirf r-mmlttee of Five, mnkes the fo'lowing announcement ' '"Vlth 'he 'onciiienie of the said cmn- Mttarc ,t t the tlnderRtntidlnE? ac cording to comphlnts reaching the treas urv Many banks are nlso said to bo de clining to extend maturing paper. Hoarding always occurs In times of ills tress, but with the treasury dealing out currency with a free hand there Is no necessity for such action now. in the opinion of Pocietary Mc,doo, and the reserve bonrd Betwe-n October 15 and November 1 the reserve board plans to have the new currcnev system In operation, and mem bers believe present hoarding will then cease. Its possessions or any nonbelligerent country In the Western Hemisphere would be ti per cent.i to nonbelligerent ports not north of Havre or east of 3lclly. 1 per cent ; to all other ports, m per cent. On vessels between United States ports or Its possessions or noli belligerents In Western Hemisphere, & per cent., to nonbelligerent ports not north of Havre or east of Sicily, H per aa "aai, . cent.; other ports, 1 per cent. Time policies will be Issued for BO days only at a 2 per cent, rate or In spcclnl cases i per cent. The rat-s are alt subject to change without notice. The bureau alpo announced that no Insurance will bo granted to vessels bound for ports on the North Sea, be tween the latitudes of Chrlstlansand and Amsterdam, on the Kattegat or Baltic Sea or adjacent waters, to ports on the Adriatic or Black Sens or on the Bos phorus, without special application and rates. Because of the exceptional hazards In volved, the Federal bureau will consldet these special ports only when applica tion Is mnde to It and It reserves tho right to decline nny risks to theie ports, or. If accepted, to name such rates as may seem In Its Judgment adequate. Declaring that the organization pur poses taking a vigorous stand against any attempt of the Legislature to endan ger the business of members or deprive them of rights as agents, the lnsuranco Federation of Pennsylvania declares that legislation such as that enacted In Ohio, Washington or West Virginia, which de prived agents of participation In the com pensation insurance business, will be re sisted. It is predicted that the Legislature will consider matters this year vitally affoct Ing casualty, lire and life Insurance agents. Texar' Secretary of State charges there Is a discrimination In lire Insurance rates on cotton against the farmer He says that cotton In yard is ft. SI while J3.50 Is charged the farmer for covering cotton on his premises Nothing Is said, however, about the dlffeience In hazard, according to th underwriters. I, tierces, 114011"4o.. do., do., 114imir.; lard pure rt. ed. In tlerres. 1liAi2c., lard red, in tuns, 1 .SUGAR kettle pure hang. bhi tlraiena'eln. M.Mir '. other rood eating wirletlea. medium. apples. Dels- hamper. 30Dr lm"ti. per oox nitish. 12..VIW1 '1111 imp rifN. Pineapples, per rratp--I'orto Hlco. JI.2.',7( Market oultt at luotitlons Standard ptrsn ieo. i.nijr nne .-renuiaten uU ed. T..1.10 . confertloners' A u.ingr.oic 21e . powder- 13c soft grades DAIRY PRODUCTS IIUTTEIl. necelpts of desirable stock llrht and prices stead), tut trade quiet v' err. fresh, solid-packed, creamery, fancy spe cials, 34c. extra, .12c , extra firsts, ale. . firsts, 2P4t7-W.e . seconds. 2?402ft4c, ladle pack ed. 21323c, aa to quality, nearbr prln'a, fr.ncy, Mc, do., avernire extra '31M1C, do., firsts, .WfflJe,. do, seconds, 27fl2nc. Special brands of prints jobbing at 3ni41c. "OOP. Demand equal to the limited offer' Ings of fine fresh stoek. prices of niileh stead ily hsld In free cases, nearbv extras. Hie pei doi. . nearbv firsts, Js.40 ner standard case, nearby current receipts. IT.WltJT PO per stand ard case U'etem extra firsts. $ 40 per ensa, do. firsts. J". BOO" 50 per case, do, seconds. JH.f.c.'gfl.oo pr ease randled and rerrnted fresh ergs note lobbed out at V,f)1Tc per do? -o quolltl CIIKESE Offerings light and market firm bu- trnoe quirt New , rk full rte.itp h te 1H'if7lfl4e. do., do. fair to good, l.Vj7inc. , do,, part eklmstlffr. ' I-OULTHY LIVE. Choice stork firm, hut ordinary 1 UTOe poultry dull nnd wenk Fowls. lTf!!""- . old 1 fal. .7.1! Florida. tlfrZ.Kn f'rnnbetrles. f'ape Co' Karlv Black, tier bbl 4 r.lKf.',. f'ratiberriee, fape rod. Karlv Hlark. per Tale. Jl 7.V3'., I Cranberries, .tet-sej per crate Dark, It.".'? 22,1, light, t71 2.1 Huckleberries, per qt.. I 4i?fe. Peaches. Va. ter 2fl lb basket. SlUfV. , 'do, do. per crate. ,."' iftll KO, do, Pelanaro and Man land, per basket, Zfig7,e do. do, per crate, T.V 9I1.2S, Peaches t'ennavUanla. pe Ijasket liarge white or ellow (VJOc medium, RSff.Vic pearhes. Jere, white, pel "-nasKet, ancw,i. an. 00. yenon, per n basket, 40c SI Pears, nearby, per bbl Hart ley. No. 1, IV30. do.. No. 2, $2 75fi.1.2 Clapp's Favorite, Xo 1, 1.1 ,VHIS do No 2, 2.78'ff.'l 2.1. other varieties J2JT1. pears. New Vork fieckel, per bbl , lifts. Grapes (Southern Delaware, per carrier, 40513c , grapes, Con cord, per crnte, 40'SWc Plums, per 8-lo basket, 200'jSc. Cantaloupes. Colorado per crate, ligt 21; do., do , flats, lOflfiTic. tVater melons, Jerty, per 100. f5nl,1 VEGETAIiLES Potatoes quiet but eteadv. Other vecetRldos showed little change I'enna: choice, ".ig'.'.c . do, fair to good, 0SWl"e. . white potatoes Jersey, per basket, 403 ISc. sweet potatoes Rastern fihore, per bid. No 1. tl.TSt)Mi.13, No. 2, 7Se.9',li sweet potatoes, N C. per bbl No. I, .11 753-2, No. 2. i.VBl. sweets Jer sey, per bbl. No 1, $2.W)H2.7.-, No. 2, Jl r,0fl 1.7.1: sweets, Jersey, per basket. 409 Sue. Onions, Western nnd Connecticut Valley, choice, per 100-lb. bag, $1 IOffl.20 onions. ni dium, per 100-lb. hag, 51. Cabbige, domestic nir ton. 5111.1. Celery. N V., per bunch. I" Musnrooms. per 4-in nasnei, .,- u MUNICIPAL BONDS FINANCIAL NOTES Philadelphia banks hnve taken out tl27.2.V) emergency curiencv from tho Sub treasurv In this city, making $D,652.C90 Is sued thus far Out of a total of 21 blast furnaces In Eastern and Central Pennsylvania only nine are In blast. Binks gained from the Subtreasury yes terday D2,oii. A reduction of 25 per cent. In the ry engineering force has been ordered by th New York, New Haven nnd Hnrtforil Unllroad. In the mailer of a proposed fnciease nf 15 per cent. In freight rates, the Oulf. CoIoiriIo nnd Snnta Fe will start a force of expert accountants nt work preparing data lo be submitted to Ihe Texas Itall road Commission at the public hearings lo be held In Austin, beginning November ."J. rjoyernnient repoitu giva. the rondltlon of sugar heets on FeptPinhr 1 ap p2 S per cent, of normal, forecasting a yield per acre of about I'M pet cent. Chester Issue Taken Here More Of ferings to be Marie. An Issue of J'5,000 paving bonds by Ches ter. Pa., wns awarded to E. J. Coleman, Philadelphia, at par and Interest Hid3 will d received until September 1? bv th 1'urgess of Hancock, Washington Countv. Md.. for "10.HJQ 3 p"r cent, water bond" Lecchburg. Armstrong Countv, Pa., will' not offer (wi school bonds until .tune, 161.1. Bids will be tecclved until September 2-1 by Phllllpsburg, N. J., for $13,000 1.1 year 4s. An ordinance, calling for n vote nn n S1"O0,0O0 bond Issue, was Introduced In the P.eiullng. Pn , Council. Tim lonn m III bo voted on at the general election, to be held Noxnmbcr 3, and, If approved hi the voieiB, the tnnnet Is in r 1 1 sj( J fllr Hie following items- New city hall. f.'AnOO; storage teservnir, $, Bnd for parki nnd hnulevnrds, "i'0.000; Improved -I reel paving. $250,000. RAILROADS SHOW A CONTINUED FALLING OFF IN EARNINGS Western Hallway for the month of AugUBl from mlneM nlong the oompanv's lines and from other railroads worn 2,45",S03 net tons. FAILUKES THIS WEEK Commercial failures this week In th United States, as reported bv It. Sc Co. are 331, ngnlnt 2 In' .W the preceding week -,"'' G. Dun f W ek. Wm.H.W. Quick &Bro., Inc. 8 South 40th St. Direr Ihe Following Properties for Sale. 3900 Chestnut St. The best apartment site In West Phila delphia, lol ino220. fronting on .1 streets: good eeatlon; hlgh-rlasa surroundings! excellent car facllUles Make an offer. 4207 Walnut St. t,nt Rx21fl ; a serai -suburban home with in i-lty limits, old shale, large- library, reception and bedrooms, modern plumbing, one of the finest nn West Wnlnut street. Must be seen to be nppreclslcd. 3827 Walnut St. fl story seml-detnehed stone-and-brlck rea. denre, containing 11 rooms and many unique featurea, beautiful outlook i must be sold reuardleas of rost. 932 South 49th St. A hariealn' 12-rnotn huUf Imllf f'V Mu'frJ flron ; hardwood Onloh thrnughotit, Hor IfKhtn, xlunlvp nlKhhnrhoori Can h noM rlone to flflpnf vnluftllnn. 3809 Walnut St. ,Mniirjn t-Rinry cpiiiI drtrhp(l iutllrtfr ot n KtfinUy rpl'irt-f prl f . iinmirpflpuprl lornHon nnd mndlHon, !.nutlfnl outlook. 518 Woodland Terrace Newlv '','',' wrl ni.r.t"i1 'T tnry slfl1 nrr rtrlflti lot .inrin. pnnthfrn px pouff . Iafjr ronmn airl porches. To he noltl at a Rcflflc 4007 Spring Garden 3-storv ho'ise convenient to t. and sur face lines newly papered and otherwise In perfect condition. Itedti'ed prlre for quick sale on account owner's remonl to ,-ountrv Mr JlBAt E9f ATC Ftm 8AI.H Vl Phlliwtelphl, HOMES AND INVESTMENTS 4206 SPRUCE STREET I S story, 14 rAoms. 2 baths, side yrdi nV 1 plumbing newly papered and painted. 4030 SPRING GARDEN STREET 3 storv 12 rooms, modern plumbing, flrsf. class condition, near elevated station, price I 'OW360 NORTH 42D STREET Vow, 2 story, & rooms, porch, reception halls 1 no 'nrs nn street, very desirable, I 3248 SANSOM STREET .1 storv II roomi ' venlent lot-atlon, rent mndrn plumbing eon V4 . will sell for J300O, 1 4400 SANSOM STREET i-nmer 41th street 12 rooms, near trolley i examine and make n offer . , 607 NORTH 34TM STREET .1 elory. 1.1 rooms S baths, newly papered nnd painted, near Kairmount I'ark, no reason. , able orfer refuse,) I 410 SOUTH 43D STREET II mom flhrl pnr'h mnrlarn plumhtng rtrst clai" coTTlltfon, pHfp r'l-i'r1 $11550 2 etnrv 7 rooms por, h an rn"".n!enees near elevated, ren'-d a' J1I s rv,ap homa t and good lestment nrt q.iirkly ! J. B. R. McCLURE & CO. Doth Phones. 18 South 40th St'eet. Fixing up thul net" honne i)ov hove purchased or rented? If so, make a nolo of this: j When Buy.nR Furniluro Our Charge Account Plan ' la at your service. The .a3v feamri of this plan Is paying your account as your income I permits I Will' .VOT OPEN New Stone Houses non bpirift cmplp'fl in . a't! hrnok Rfftion NASSAU ROAD In leautifu! Ova- Ee--eer fjti & V,a (First atree' co.'h of Jtffea.o-! S 1 Something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT The.e hmnet are all on of "-e sem "(urban 'ipe Houses are 21 fee' front built on lot as feet itde eupplied Ti-lth fentrnl plant hea' These house hi--a evrj rnnreivahle convemenre ,na !s pos sible in etiulp the modern house of today in'ludlng marble shouer baths etc W. Percival Johnson DUILDER, on Premises or 4'),)! l.enenster ,n ie These hmi.a. mav be reached elihe- a Klevated passing north up eoth siree nierbrook cars on ,r,h ttrret or P R H getting off nt Overt, Station ' an Ar-rorNT? W. J. McCORMACK THE HOME OF GOOD FURNITURE 4055 Lancaster Ave. Doth Phones. Inromp Rprlnrrr. Mom Than responding week i:.-i Canada number 55. ngiilnit U I i-t o.,,. 53 the prnrp,llng week nnd twntv lnf year Of falltiren this week in tho I'nlted Ptates 145 wore In the Knpt. let South, $6,000,000 in First Week of September Roads Hard Slump. Cotton ?" Wo!,t nni1 I" th" I'ni'll,'- Statwg, and ,.,., H'l'WIlHI .1.1 Ul U..", ",, "- 1)1 lll,l . ngninst 91 lust ivnok t.lahllltlon of com mercial failures repoitt'd thus for for Soptemboi- me J12,77T,Cip, ngaln't '7,112,10.! last Hit By With few exceptions. gro33 earnings of the railroads In the United States for the ftrst week of September continued to show HILTa URGES PKUDFaNCE 1 ST. PAUIa, Sept in.--.lamea .1. Hill. j when nsked by a leprnbi-ntatlve of the I Now York News Hnt'-nti nn to enVrt of decreases compared with the same period , ,.,,,. nit.rt.f ,hn, i, ...... ,,, .. prophet or son of a prophet, but he ad vised people to be "prudent and careful, and not to bita off more than they can . chew." DIVIDENDS DECLARED , Intm national Stonm rump Company re- ceivniK nave pen authnrl7pil in Issue re ceivers' rertiriciitPH for ,V(i,onn at pipsent Thpy are permitted to Issue t1.3Sn.0ni) later. If It Is neceanry. Plilhilelphli i-ompanv, regular qu.irierh I it per ent. on mmmon. p.tabe Xntnher 2 In scrip, lo stork of reord October I Kerlp Is redceiinhle nt option of th compani on or before Ma, I. mifl, and will bear Intere.t until date nt redemption at rile nf a per r.n, nn- ?.hiniVn?Jil.,.'.i,.1.Ji i omriar nl" "lr-'l ; ,,-eok nf Septembei. and th lon ni regular setnl.l.imul Jl nr ran nn I ' last year. Moderate Improvement l1? shown by some toads, but the leading , systems of the country are generally below their last year's figures. The fall- Ins off during the first wek of Septem ber was 10.431, OT. or 5 7 vr cent. 1 The roads showing Improvement are the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville. Minneapolis nnS St. I,ouls, Denver and Rio fcramK Western Pacific, and Mobile ( and Ohio. Th unusually light movement I of cotton, which Is generally a gloat fac tor In the freight business of the 1 all roads of the South, Iiua ndveiselv iiffectt'd the earnlngH nf th cotlnn load" To Ibis can ! attributed, In a Lire incasuip. the smaller 'ainlngs nf th- ' Lnuisville anil NashvllI, I'lni-lnnnti. Now ( Orleans and Txhh, Sniilh.-in anil scuin oilier larger systems. !oia in th Ws, and .Southwest sre not as lnig .) form erly. In asotip Instanci-s, and iud.callnns at for linpiovemonl I1AR SILVER Commercial bar sliver Is be'ng qunied In Xew York todav nt hl ccnt3 In Lon don bar silver "in down '4d to 2iD-!;d ni5i. nsTA-rn rnn sviai: r.enernl nolnhlv In ('iiim-iidii nnd Southern, Missnurl I'acllli-, and Mlfsnurl, ' Kansas and ToNaw. Th following tabl kIvps th gn.sw ..hi 11- . ing nf nil railroads In th I'nitci! Stats reporting to nun's Itevl for th first d:.ilets n bond-- should he directly gov trned iv the folloMing rules 'The pte f unlisted bonds nwnd by the dealer It is thought that dealers should be fre, to ell such bonds to In vestors "Thf .-t nf unllMed bund" iinl owned by the dealer nil sui h pinpoed trade Mould b. t.i irl hefnrp the I'nmmltt of Ev, n 'Th' .-., ,,f Hd,, 1 hnndi-. all biii-Ii pro. PC"d tn.i.o should b laid befoi the Sti'l. Kxnange "nmmltlfp of H'h." It ! th, expectation that, at the -ate f progrf--, being mad in clear ing 'he trade nf nppn contriicl.s rpqulrina.' International ndju-.tment. the cotton n clHn?eF nf tb... pinmtrv nrn likely tu be epn f,,t bunnes inside, nf the tu-xt two r inre. weeks - Hankis In chntge nf th sjudlt-ate hlch tintlerwintn Npw Vnrk cltv's Jinn.. ona.Ofin Inan have annnunced th nvpr siihKcrlptlnn of th bonds and nnies, al thnugh dellnlle flgiiies upip not yet nvnllahle. It Is believed ;n npr cent, nf the rnnf,,un, . . , .... ... .. . the Issue has Iteen iitken ),. rVirMint, . ' .,.nrr tiiiipf ny in ... - -, ;r-'Rl v,e.Me rtnar.i n,, n.nt.n.h.r i .,. "okuts or maturing nntes. "iu,r .ne foreign oxchange situation, ''""ol" "onrerred n th the l,r,i in Washeiles nf Ih l.ehich Navigntlnn hich partially re-turned this month are expeptrd to he In full npnintlnn after Ortoher I. suh.ct, nf pniip. tn tnule conditions, which ar now favnrnhl. Rnatd nf I'uhlle t'lllliy CnmniisslniiPis of New Jersey appinvd the appllrailnn of Ihe Atlantic Cllv JOlpptrlc Cnmpanv and th Ocpnn Cit l.leclrlc Light Com pan.i fni the purchase of the latter hy the fniiuer al tffi.M3. The Allnnllc Cltv Klertrlc Cnmpanv as nuthntUed to issu'e litVA't preferred stoek nnd 521S.OW Imntls riiv r,n ii pool, PLAN " B Koigan nf Chengn; A. II. Wlg- rn and lleniamln Strong. ,li.. nf New rnr ,. l,n I, (tile, nf Philadelphia. "Prfsmting the enrnmitte annninteil l,i or hankers failed by tin reserve .iiitr i nnsiderntlnn of their proposed Plan to rreit, a gold fund In relieve the international exchange situation The e.ram.ll'''r n,iR"ally recommended that a , SOU fund f jiM.xfl.f)00 , created by .-on- 1,10.1 U"" fro'" U,e 1,anks "' ,he country cities r"erv" and central i"'l" .' ' Vnrk ,n 'ompletlng r ohli.n"n for Pav"ent of its maturing Mmfi.l "" an ,or the "eeesary gold "mitUnces tn Europe relieved one phase to r.7.u' a,lnn sn'1 """1'' " -leslrable tsro,1 l.r0"8",Pr ih" t)Jeot and de termine what further relief. If any. was thih!!a!,a,nk,''s' 'o'liniK'ee has considered "funli . y. e ,3e"'ahle 1" create such tlon 1 ,10"-0f,,-0f)" o meet the sltua th. orL vt"'nx The board leeelved Jormuu,, "' and ,lle inkers will for is! "'"" wiving meir reasons .."' '"'iiy or this action "port f.itfn K,,,l '"".""tr" - u. w, ooara today and This con- Inteslors here nrp pleaded ullli the showing made by -ho Oneral Motors Company for th year ending Julv 31 Fdl, the annual report nf which was Is sued today. Although the. net profits of subsidiary companies, $7,917,112. were, J11fi,72S less than tho previous var ami Ih share to the liennral Motors Com pany. 7.g3 f0S. was J1iit,ns5 smaller than in 1913. Inlerest on notes was hrnughl dnn to $370,23.1. or I1.1I.3.V, less than 'n 1913. Rut plus after p.ijment of dividends on prefenod stock was Jfi,3),A.13, .1. P Momnn & Co. aie. nfferlng hold ers nf $ Hue Riiilrnad nnies um turlng Octoher I the privilege nf ex changing these notes al innturlt fm npw nne-ye-ir 5 per cent, notes, tn be Issued in ex'-hnngp at S7, The new notes uill h limited In aninutil to Ji.SSn.onil nlw nut stundlng and will lie secured hi 7,(iV).nnii first mortgage bonds on essential parts of the through llnp of the Krle betueen Chicago and Neu YmU New times with JJ5 for each note deposited will he read, for delivery Opinhor I pa ible m cash Noember 2 to mork of rec- or October 1 j Ashland t'onl and Iron, ouarterli 1 pi cent , P0able Pertenilier 2.', This Is the Hrst dlvl dsnd lnre Deceinber V.. inn, . hen 1 rer I rent. uaH deilnred. t New Vork Stale flallnns recuiar ,iiirterl I of H per cent, on the preferred and a quar terly rtf I per rent, on the rnminon, p'tv nhle Oriel er 1 to stock f record September 3-. This I. n tedueilon of 14 ,,f I per c-ni. ftotn tho la.t qunrterly pnvinent on the ,,,111 mnn. Tubn'.n Pioduria i-orimraibui reKtiUr ,uhi. ' lerlv I, per cent on pieferred. pa.eble Or tel er I 10 stock nf reeord Sepiemher 21. rtoiilds Man.if.i.'turlni; intnt,an. tegular quarterh l'4 per cent, on foinin n nnd t. oer cent on pr.ferred, pivabl October 1 lo sleek of recoid Pep-ember 111. Kh.iron St.el ,w,p. reeular qiMrterly I8, per , p.iable Opiober 1 CHICAGO 1JVK STOCK i'llli-.nfi s, ,,1 in . MOOS Iln-elpis f.nKi. markeie .low m iirnd. mixed nnd liiiti-hers. WwMiltls Kood heavy. JV ruiflli 10, rouuh heavi sssafiss.'. 'Isln IS 7.,filM1 ,Ik. 8tV.fiS w bulk fIM"fUS.. t-ATTI.R llerelpts Mil. maikeia Head, beeies S7 in 711 rows and heifers ItliHTS storker and iee,rr. Jit UI7S vi 'I'exans. 7 'Iki' 00. lies. flll.VI'l!J 2-1 PIIIIFI'- lle.el,l IWn 1111 kets ias iialho and Western $3 .'11(0 III, lambs. ils s CANADA BUYS WHEAT The Kuropenn ai has pnuseil an piior minis increns In Chicago wheat exports 1 to Canada hy wav of the flrent Lakes. I According to figures compiled b. H C MrCreorv. head of th Marine Popart. 1 ment In the I'listnms nflle iwIp as much wheat ns usual was expnrted In 1 .Inly nnd August RIDLEY PARK fin nidlev Annue 11 the lake new bunga tr. llln dluinr ni.Nl.l klo hen I bei nmms and bith room fo, - ro.,m in spread slnn hot vial hent Uundn hardn iiwl (In Ish ' front and side enrihes lot. ,VilV ol.l bade. ,a.V lew pr IWi ,,nlv ',n, 'l terms 10 ult vt III meet train r trollo uh auto b appointment Filbert tin; W E. L. MOORF. DECREABE IN BANK CLEARINOS :ht o7 Tu a Ne-S n,,r'a" l"""8 "' tiBited :...":!?. ,arKe "e ln ho.d ." "' one- -Nw Orleans, corr.Lrtl ,ncree hls week over the e the ter of .. 1. '"" y,"ar ,n tr,e t"3' om, th 1Ses ll,r01Je he clearin o...:." Though cotton mnvem.n. in .h "a'itn U'tlh ... ... -. ... ... v.. "Ms 1. bli rauing banking bus- willt.on, V. .nrmal Mcau" of war crwin0-f 5'en "" '" lhat clt' wer an Ti.. , or ' Pr cent an artr.,. . .. - . ard M ,n Vork city. 39 . smallest in Baltimore cent 0.08 rr . fO... . -,. --------.w, w.v a, 0tt N f- r.n, 0.1U,Ph,a S,h ' vaae9, a. per cenL G. Franklin Davis Co. Colling and Richey Avca, West Collingswood, N. J, Phila. Office, 240 S. 3d Slrecl CollingBwood, N. J, bulnts Cornel lo' good location fur Values Increasing Fine lot facing the Knlfhi Park 10-ioom dweliinc s'l tonvemsnet (icing p.rain 2H story brick dwnnni ,3950 1'iv) tgsh. ba'tsct may rtmaln en mort fill, pa-'b' reo ;17 South IStli Street. Plnla " WIL.I- EXCHANGE CLEAR for othsr prorrt tlMr or roorlgaK i .ims. pared with the earnings nf the same rundu . for the corresponding peilnd a enr ngn 1 alsn the loads that lepurted for the,iitue i week In tho preceding months, together lth the percenlages of los ciniiared ! with laHt year: ! 1'er IIH I 1'ep, Pep!., 1 ei,.. in.ini, 1:111 t,H fin.' n-t r, t Aiik, 1 eek.. .1.HHT.II13 Loss "I I I" Jlll. I eek.. ll,,".T:l. 1 .1.1 Lots ! I.'S 1111 N'el enriilngs of the I'lilcngn Vnrlh wetem Hallwny deprensed fill II In th, year ending .Mine ), 1S1I, n lien r, implied with Ihrf same period nf the year, accnrdlng lo the annual tepnrt tui issued. The net earnings for the seat wire ft!l,S71,!XX), The total npri.iting -penses for the vear weie mi. -. 1 11 of this amount JlJ.lil.ii!) uns fnr ch.iig.s pettiilnlng in the maintenance ot wav -and structures Coal shipments nn the Norfolk and .VrAltTllKNI'.N A NEW OPERATION or loughr'an'houses icst laiicc Tin: ii-, th -r ivi: tu n.r AMI Slll.r, l.Ael- i K.n See Sample Houses 4832 North Fifth Street Price $4000 M -I. 516 Eleanor St. Price $3200 TIih hm ' pti h ffniifj nil mmlrn Jm prnvpnin' l';ipmm iijn-1r rtprrrlt llchtP rifJllt lth th xtntliT .hat hat. mfil th 1 oiiKhnin hnj a mari'Jarl f puoit r Mntr-i tixii S JOHN LOUGHRAN'S SONS 5TH ST., BELOW ROCKLAND ST. WWII tIKN'l. HE CENTER gf f nil rii nil it ir c Vr f APAKTMF.XTS 1 APARTMENTS PALMER & HIRST Apartment Sperinlists Phr,,,.. Uiin it UU Rpp.1 Fitatp Trust ni.Iir 2&-K 2&&ffi&P W&ffimdtosnrm 1, ,,..,,, i ,,, IT) It -,.,. Xt -tEifi.SSJj M&&$$mm Housekeeping Apartments BACHELOR SUITES KITCHENETTE SUITES FIREPROOF BUILDINGS Corner 18th and Walnut Sts. Corner 15th and Pine Sis. ' Corner Juniper and Spruce Sts, Also Haver ford, at Station McILVAIN & CO., 1518 LAND TITLE BLDG. Karir nudl'ns -.aragt ins innon q. rin.- r tiling Kami near station .-nthnrc llus. Block I -it, tatlts ?tastiorff Gran-art suburban Ornatton PtlTiirr ro drountl SMI til JOWl ,.v-i ISQfiO II IO 21 nm JfJII mem IVIIfll, psaKA-s; v. JAMES H. DUGAN ,yttT " "" Mt'V A -VEW HOMt: IN LANSDALE SlllaVK TltK COST OF L1V1XO PROBlaKM VAl POl't'LATION 12 MIM Tl.fc KltOM ItEVniVt, I'KRHI.N l. ' IN lOMMlTATlO.N KItE SEW TWIN BRICK HOL'SES ALL COME N1F.V -S (Oil TO ?.V) TKHS1S St IT FCMl FOR nESr-RJPTIVE C1RCLLAR I WM B ANDRFWS S P SIVARTt-EV li S, Cd it., FtlUl. Mlla St., Uullll, Fa. olmeljur-ot 1012 Spruce Street ONE AND TWO ROOM APARTMENTS Well-appointed dining rooms with separate tabl fer gach flimjiy "Meals that please" 1 he comforts of a luxurious home combined with the sen ice and freedom of an apartment house Telephone Connection R. ., re, fl Rtqinrei $300 CASH nnd MONTHLY PAY MENTS of $25 (of which $5 rdiKs a nnd mrta;op,, will snir a nw porrh frntit rpsMnro containing h rooms stnm hit, tiutrh hall, etc Further pnrtlrulnrii upon re,ust POTTS & TOWNSKND 4005 Baltimore Ave EVERYTHING FOR SALE OR RENT THE CHESTER AVE. SECTION j STORES APARTMENTS HOl'SES i If It Is not ,oninlnt to call during th i .laj run "t nnd m" t night Sly offics anO horn, nrp unlrr th sam roof DONALD V. REDDING 52d and Checler Avs, fffil rnij-pitfjNrq IlcD. IlImont 5212 Knstnnp. t'cst 187 Philadelphia, Pa. New Homes Nearest Centre of City Spring Garden nnd 41st Streets W$ a ffl B f it hi? . -" -"V ., (WiftV' S '" "S3 Pa H IS-llsJ B g-3 PI MS "a a r t. - -...-.. ,, ,4aH-i -a 4 -"a- 'if "" "Vl" J I ' JmtmmVWMlimi TtSaa!n!i-ItMlaK.tjj MAGNIFICENT TWO-STORY HOUSES with 8 nnjiiii; ,iri,T 1. rr;iccs; rln trie .in. I cn IisiJuinjr . hot-n atf-r ;ir(iii try llnnrs; 'insciiKilt l.iiitlilrif ,, etc. hiat. Prices $2950 to $3750 TERMS TO SUIT You Can Pay More, But Why? EDWARD F. GORMAN BUILDER AND OWNER on Premises. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY ALSO EVENINGS Mfiwrlnr t cut t -. r ThPhi? proper i is pi f N, . VI p, r h h. pi r. k r...t imlnK .1 a.'-. OlfrhriHiU Ovil)run A "NAPOLEONIC SUCCESS" Is the W'rJiit "t the Arm nt Hum.1 Hner Who Have Been; .in J HeMein McGarvey's nVERBR00K Price $3700 6 St., North of Lnndowne Ave. Only f Left Surrender in Time JOHN N. McGARVEY liltler and Owner, on Premises lu,V riir ciasMiifi fifth atrret ne ttrobruolc ear Will jjujs you direct to optrution for one fare. aitlllirha.l ii2tsssA-.iaisuai -&.?kk &..'?.-.. ...... .. .WHM.A IIM.HB Uil I, II m , li,l.iWIIWIWMfcfcM.MaiM,M.ial WJUJI I-J L.aij l-CjJaU 5ffttr;j i Ills I-. nit i nn M i it m II .1 i I to in i.s i .1 l IN . I IN IM IMMII I III M III 1 I N l IMI II I till F- -i iio'ir I !( I i mi , at . M SHllllii iim s.imo ii,i, -i , i In". Fnit I i l, pl , . lion IN lit-. Ill Mlltll I t II i I I- 1 n II ' nno i PHONE nCAI CGTAT&TrfillOYOltH v,ttiHur3a54KUaiO!MIL KUO PLUUT main UHe A8PECWW . t'A 1 . r vl1 m