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-y p r s TiT-Y EVE1STI&G .LBDGBB PHILABBLPHIA, SATJBDAY, SBPTEKBE 10 19X4. SATURDAY EVENING REVIEW OF THE WEEK'S EVENTS HERE. THERE AND EVERYWHERE!! COURSE OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Thte Moit Important Battle So Far and' What it Means to the Gen era! Situation. DurtrfK six davs a titanic trags1. upon vhieh the final outcome of ihe war may rest, his bn in progress along a 130 mile battle line in northern France To comprthiMX the altuati'-n tt a whole It is necessary to eliminate single engage menu, the ebb and Bo of vlfttorles and defeats, and rear3 the battle Ot IBe Aline aa a whole This battle Is. indeed, the most Itrpor i taiit thU far fouKht In the war fpon the; outcome .hall re't the fate of rterman emu In France, tn one nhort week the world has seen the mightiest army eer gathered virtually routed driven from the very rates of Paris and forced to take the. defensive at a time when victory reeraed certain. For more than Mx week, not counting tie temporary check at Un. the fVrrr.a-s ",'t eter) thing be fore them The seventh we-X a a turn In the tide whc-i tke allied arm) adr-ii-lterd a c- s-'ntr 'eat to the Germans along the Mar-.e rt'nbe.r Saw th blsrh-water rr-k th" invasion From , that date the French and British ha- t'n victorious" At the; of the present rek. the eighth of 'he war tve allies were fcur.d pushl-c the rjrmans far from Par1 routln? th Oer-nan risrht wl" rn-ing- th ampalr! in Alsa- a I d-ivintj the 0nran cr.tre awa- frotr !t po.tlons nar Verd-ti. The A,-ie was croed bv th, the Oer-rans r d'loJsed from tv hi. s to the no-th f the river ar I fe,-cei to tak itre-'h i positions between ti die and V - Meue covering a ter.-!tjr V..rd-! by th- t v- and the storfd f-jrert of the Ar;-.r t'non this battles i the arrr s .1 engaged. Asain talc're the friv- t GerT.ans have tri: forces against the a;L. but, apparentiv, , tc no avail Th'. iattie !f one of artil lery, of lonc-rar?" r.eht.nir. of maneuver Ir? for positi' n The outcome will prob- I ab'.y not be known fpr several days. I . DiFi.-.ters:ei military experts the world o'er are of the fpiiin- th alife are m a favorable pes'tlon to drive th.e Invaders Into tl Va.!" of ti Me-ise and out of France Should the petent batt beoome a victory for l Germany the sitjat'on would be vir- COUNTING AMERICA r-v -p 7,v PJW6 JO,'. OP rt'Sjrs3 &. I. (V ....& k .&. i KKk,A&J sW ' GfVtrnment Thursday that Its members hav '2cided to pay taxts th. jar on . h.rru int -f the war. tuaily th ame as existed thr wek aeo ."'hr slow retri-at w- ild be vale to th fortifications at Paris The Bri'ish a'd Frnch ha.e prcfd th-mselvea ma trs in th art of retjr'.rir, while the panic which fo lowed the fianking move ment of the Brltif-. demonstrated that the Germans fari in conducting a with drawal Tho losses of th allies u?n their retirmert f." m Blgium were InSni a c-T''"',d tc thos sustained by the Ofr-ian wh'Ie the contlr -a! har amnt of f armii of von Kluk, von Billow ard vi Hausen th w thenr, "re of th- French artilry upon te 'atlcurd sn.H m and th diccd Mgl-tin? f tve B-it'-' and Indian trocrs nrojxT ''ishtful ' ' he Oerrr.a-i ranks jpon tn r r-:rtat to the present posi tion. Should the tide of batUe tun to th iUIh a ''.p,tf. df"at fi(r (5rT - Is virtually assured. The Kaiser realizs that victory Is nvr attained bv th" on the dferlve France and must b brouv t' t-ns oefor Eriir and can be rckoiM with Wth th Fr-."h campaign a fa! ur. with rt-js'an victori ous in daiin'i. -,- 'Irat liritain master of th pa id ir. a n'1rn t" r'-iif jre the French lines for at least a year, the position of 1rmary wou.d be untenable Thus tho crisis in the war has been reachd- Whatever s;a be the contents of the dtspajih- -aiflnsr between Wasfcincton - rii the Ame.-kan Ambassador at Ber lin suf.lciert o'S":a; "r-matior ra be?n .&i- pjvI" to warrant tre b!if j-. f.i a.i., wviv tr--i - ir -, - - i . 'i j i f' . i n -j-i ' - m rsi t a'm i. in -" vw -v -vi rm n.jss m m MMW, , cJX'A TM MWArJ'SWTVOTW which v rc arm wy W'M V XX - ; , 1 o L5a - -- -tr - ' 1'' S. Brokers rT 7777 1, J-k'-V -r-" r---, tzsISB tm IN- c Tpy; 'i:a iteif iil108 i !?: I . . ..1 .11 &'. iif-H-JL.-Xil Eal5H-ViJBtWijJ-KaiS-f '""tiSfe -. - . i - a wi-r-a. .s: j-t s - ' "fc- 'tfja i - n r ovibvu-i . I i-"- i C -. Jl'-J' ..S5;W4 F-5rf.. .. 1WK ItSSK' l.if ! i r.i r-r v-. ,5ss fe5Sisisrc;y ,icia --t; "? .1 !? lilMN : -aeZZx& ,.-,TSV-5tSy?v-i;i?--3? -ssss?:few n cfe j ,M?ifz3&m-z , -.r.C-5l USSir-. T5-JSTi'- -S-!. -AsT-:- -- i FAVOR The favor of the Tnlted Stat-s Its O'A-- rnmnt and Its people co-ti-j" tc fe cojrted by the war-'r.s r?"i Europe. j Jn Wednesday formal r.otice was pUn to the wrrli by President Vi sc- that the t'nited States at thl t m -arr"t rass judgment upon or take ar- ra't It rr-. troeries between the warring European ( natiors fver alleeed Volition ' X the ros of civilized wa-fare and hurr.anitv H said that sett!emrt of thee ques tions would have to wal irti ' rd of the wa-. whlrh he pra"ed miffht vj very o-,n The President arnounc3 t1-' ? tion ff the Anvrici". Oo'TT.rt "ret in an adjres t; the C'jrr.m!Fi in f-r.r i" Y'.m by Km? A.bert of Belgljm to protest airairst a'leced atrocities committed bv the Oerman army. tA'.rr In the ay he sent a cablegram containing similar ex pressions to Empe-jr Wil'ia replying Russia 1 ; ,h tatter's recent rrotet that the a .les were usr.e aum-aj-" i. et A resume c: the c-dirK ' f .the Belgian Carnmlssior. of IniJi- a-rolr.ted by the Kini; of the Belgians to lrvestlgate the al'eeed atr-ltie" ror ;mltted bv German t-oops was made ;-.v. bv the Eelsrian Iirat!oi at Wa"- nrtor Wednesdav after the report had been presented to Presidftrt Wilson , v jS-'-fS' -.-A -: ii .sssv?. . 1 ' o i SSge r.- V-s . Visits -i.T, t"'iS .:" s? W7? )CTf STRIKING ASPECTS OF THE NEWS AS BROUGHT INTO RELIEF BY THE CARTOONISTS be in a hurry to SECOXD-THOUCriT TREATIES Tuesdav was the occasion of a most im- pres:-e 'oJ"-t IesJi in be'-a'f of peace that Ge-mar.y w..d welcome the Bood ; Treat'es between the United States and onces or tn.s erU-fry in orinsrnff about peace. The r-'ral effect of the commu nications made rub!i- at Washington has Its reflections in L --"Joi and Paris. This week has a.xo sern vast strides rneuie bv the P.usstans in Oalicia While Bprl'n -f' t -- r r -. "yir, A t- campaign of nvai'lon In Eastern Pruesia the defeat of the Austrian the concn- fiur other nations. Great Britain. Franc. Ppair. and Chira. were siitr.ed simultane cuslv at the Prate Department by Pere- m 0e".n a vi V fdnrAfjcr t b f 4taa t Via loreijm countries named They have , tet-r cT .d --rv art. 'b -dir'-f ?''. treat. :. the reason for th' d.f'uiatlon lyliijf :r tl'e fact that they privld- that The ;cilrv rivers and rar." b.'n ... fit shouli nj dreJ. a la-.' r.rt of th l.r :r- P. - ...... publicar.8. at.U the olo ..'.1 r iv. il.. j-o-alled teisure of the Natioi.u'. expenditures thl3 jear In the Kailways system bv the Constitutionalists erectkn cf publ'c bulldlncs It will be tf.k place -itU 'n tho week. That th"rc ahown also that a canim; of 2 W WO , nad been a confiscation wn denied lat-r could be made In the anticipated ap- ' with the statement that new otiiclals had propr.atiors should the State LT.rtment , been substituted for the Clentlticos In abandon its rlan to pay 0-loibia tS.- i control "The Mexican Government owns 000.CW as a blm to her jur.d. '1 pride atout 52 per cent, of the controlling i . for the l-E of Panama and (3 0M. j0 to i teret in th National Hallways, a or-Nlcars;-ua', Canal route and other naval , pora'.ion rlrtered by th Mexican Con privijeges in these water ere With its majority interest tr. A "'.onference" of al. House Republl- i Government has the right to rcmoe the cans wets -.i!led for last eening to form direc-ors nnd offic'als of the compan and a unitt.j front in opposi-g what thev call to dictate its policy " a "war tax in time of peace." I The information that General When the rr.ers and .'.arbors bill eame ' wgjld not assume office as Provisicnal up in tre Senate Thursday the fllib.ster President of Mexico came simultaneously was continJtd Senator Ker.yon, of Iowa, with the announcement of the early evac made his f'.jrth days speech against th I uatton of Vera Cruz. It is his under rr.easjre. and the Democrats attempted I stood purpose to turn over the executive to tomptl him to continue his remarks power in Mexico to the Provisional Presl-wit'-out further interruptions from his j .lent to te named at th Constitutionalist co'.-ajruee, who were thus allowing him Convrrttion of trulitary leaders to ue held br ef -est- The resurrected a prece- rn October 1 This Carranza 1 dolnc so dent established by ex-Vice Presidc-nt j tnat he may be a candidate at the sjose Morton duri'c a re"nocratlc f.ibjsttr quer.t election. against the "Force" bill. On Fndav the J Early In October, it was said Thursday, isjetlcn ?-''.-. as whe-hcr the '- the American Government . ' - '. sro i.d r"-r .ta de uion t at a .-':-.atc lie t ' -ii. p. ct in view- State Cimmlttee of the resignation of Dean William Draper Lewis, the Wash ington party nominee for Governor, and the ratification of Vance C. McCormlck, Democratic nominee, as the Progressive jhernatortal candidate, pave added Im petuc to the fusion movement Charges of a "deal" behind the with drawal of Dean Lewis were made by t'nited States Senator Boies Penrose, who d'flared that the Dean Is to be made Attorney General If McCormlck wins. That the withdrawal has not met with univcrai sanction In the partv was In dicated by the action of Richard R. Quay, sn uf the late M S. Quay, In branding E A Van Valkenburg and William Kllnn as foes to the Progressive cause. Wlll Inm V Deaykne, of this city, and other noed Wahington party men followed the lead of Quay and Indicated the be svinlng of a stampede from the party, i Fred E Lewis, Progressive Congressman. nt-Lnrce and Washington party candi date for Secretary of Internal Affairs, p-edkted that there would be general f iMon against Penrose Gilford Plnchot. the Wahlngton party i nominee for United States Senator. In one of his speeches of the week, indicated l that he would withdraw If he believed Palmer had a chance to win. In the Democratic ranks the Federal l Administration took Its first iactlve step I In the State fight. Secretary of Labor i William B. Wilson delivering a speech ' at the meeting of the State Federation of Democratic Club at Scranton. Dr. Martin G Brumbaugh, the Repub lican nominee for Governor, met the offer of support b tne Xorth American If he wculd against Penrose by fusing to be a party to any "deal. IN PUILADELPI A committee or local business men was ij named to ro after the South American trade. Dudley Bartlett, chief of the For. clgn Trade Department of the Phttadel. phla Commercial Museum, detclared that Canada was- a fertile field for American goods. Dr. William C. Jacobs tas mentioned Monday as the successor to Dr. Martin Governor Mr, Jacobs Is now acting su. G. Brumbaugh should the latter be elected perlntcndent ot Schools. Monday night the Franklin InstltuU School of Mechanical Arts started Its Sljt year. Tuesday Secretary Redfield, of the De partment of Commerce and Labor, named Alba IS. Johnson, .president of the Bald win Locomotive Works, as a member of a committee of business men to co-op. crate with existing bodies In seeklnz trado with South America, Business men from all parts ot the cltv attended the meeting called by Transit Director A Merrltt Taylor to protest against further delay In getting Improved transit facilities for Philadelphia Appeals from the South to Philadelphia for financial aid In handling the -ot(on crop, were made Wednesday. On the, same day the Philadelphia Rotary Club started tho "Made In America" movement and urged a study of trade conditions In South America. Councils made possible a start on the sewer work preliminary to the subway or. Thursday by appropriating fn(r'. from the $11,700.(p loan for this purpote. Drastic cuts were made In other appro- ' prlatlons to secure this and the total of the loan was reduced I409.WX) The Art Museum project may be crippled as th , result of a $200,00) cut made In the ap- , rroprlatlon for It. Mayor Blankenburg criticised Counriit efforts to hinder him. denounced dual office holding and summed up plans fcr South Philadelphia developments In IXi annual message to Councils. A port boom began with the salllnt of two vessels with full cargoes of grain another with oil and a fourth with coal, The price of citric acid dropped 4 per cent., breaking the "corner" that had been started In It. Orders for large quantities of blankets, saddles and bridles for the armies In Europe were received by local firms. Study of the plans for the sedimenta tion basin at the Torresdale filter plant Indicated that the cut of I100.0M in the municipal loan, appropriation for this work will not cripple the project A city-wide war on rats was called for by Doctor Harte. Director of the Health Department. The liner Ancona sailed with a large number of reservlstsfor the Italian army. re in I i l. nuring the wefk compared '..., cbi with the same month of :.,.! ear. b-t this Is to be ex- i l . T.-..-Annn ",.. Ttia l Jjuiuuean ,. a ... , , ,. ., , x- i. i I -t !. ri'e decreased in imports, ' '" ""'" ".''"":" "n la .n5 and Ml off very heavily in Imports, with , "" lc" ne '3 waiving nis cam- , th- mult ol ran excess of imports of H9. Antl-Saloon League in I ' '''v. "om.r"ri?.S Z liht n,h i"f Parsing McCormlck and Plnchot came handle exports In the fame month of .mrpri'e. as it Is said Mr. Palmer ' the previous ear of l-fH".- The value had been 'sIated for )ndorf!ernent. charges t exports was less than in any other , n.ivr bppn a bv Independent lf,mper- , rrorth for Ave jeais. The export of gold flnc g,ncc that the conventIon of thc during the month was SlS.lit.l. as againtt ,- v.. -aaa- to fevnr MrCor. nick nnd Plnchot. During the week the tratlon of Rjslan rrm-r against Ger- I an vtwm which rannct Nr etiei b man Slles a ind the ranic et Vienna c.r. I clpor-av rai. ie referr-d to a p-rma- be received 'j lit irdiratlor" that tn' r Czar's forees are 'tempting the German invasion fro-n P'.a-d rather thftn frsm Prussia This wek has brought the hos-s of Russ'a to the v--v doo- cf Germany. Cracow alee v,ars tr.e wav to enter the Kaiser's domain on a line to Berlin which Is far easier t-. take than alone the ironglv fr' f el -r hern route fiervla. however, haa lot ground dur mi? the Ispt ix 'Uyi or. Austrian '.!! 'emlin, from wr..' h the Austrian b"" barded Belgrade 'ater taken by tn Serbs has been evaua-d Aifainst B' Ma the Serviars are now marching wl'h the Montenegrin troop? For four ''hvh Xhey have bee- v'or4"'! In the Far East the theatre of wi presenta a drama of remarkable hero'sm a mere handful of men entrusted In de fending the i-itv of Tslnir-Tao In he j German Provinee of Kiaa-Ohai;. ho'din the Japanese fleet and lar.d f"rcs at ! bay. The deve opments of the week hav been of !'''. " ' se .. -.ce fo t- a 'n be ascerta'ned The most importa"t diplomatic fat;re of the week has h-n the failure of Ger. manv to ind'jee Italy to rerr.&ir. In the triple Alliance Iuily has mobl' eJ he army, the reserve, t'rrt, has beei ea.'id to Join the co'-rs on September 9 ard the participation of the enrtrv tr tve war with the Triple; Ertert dTa-4j by popular art'rr.eot. will provfcb!y Uk plac during the rreaent month. In short. " yr.biastjd scrutir.j of the e ents of the ;h1 week w r '-r-many Is In a --erMoua poaitlon that she must administer a iu'ek defeat to the fllieji or 1- 'm.' t,e-ord ' 'r -and that, encompassed by fos. nald'd by Austria, she fa'oa the crisis of lr lifft The mighty arms has proved to he fa"!. tie the sp.ri" ' .e n!l!e have .r raised and the Kaiser, instead of iWlr.tJ to virtf.r1. in Paris, rinds h! own thr'.re In danger. eom -isslon for ievtlg'nr and that ir rt, case shall host.: trs -sin b- rt: th expiration of a year The :ablnet officers, ATbassadors and M.ji ste- who witnessed tre , of the treaties were given a luncheon at the T.'niverslt;. Hub. at which .-'ecretary Bran pr ided the following menu of r.; own an-argement Xeutrality Soup Frn'h olives White rsdlshts Spanish nmeUt E-i.h mutton chops h- T'.it"i a la pkln Frtmh otas Ctb r. Brnii , Miami !d An?ri-i.n its Tn Oolorg tea '"rder the ic cr-am the Secrtary had tr.'s '4uota-ioi.- "Diplomacy 1 the art ' Kttpst.g cool ' At the end of v.- 7i, card wag written. "Peace hath her .ctorStrs ro lsi renowned than war." and t the ffjot in heavy t pe was "Noth- ir.,- is between friends " The last 'uoiti'-n we. the anwer whls,h S.cre. -r Brvan sj&ve to Vicurit Cr.inda. the Japarete Ambassador, last year when the latt-r !r', .ired 11 a certain note rn t.-.e a. en lard '.'ntroversy was "th.f. lat word T'.e f tt ' tokr seeontt-tltovght tra tis -vtM. a, re slgr,ej Tuesday are tik the X pre- ovsly mad with Central and -'ur r, r'i.n ard a few European fojr.tries Osrrrany. Rusaia. Japan. T.rfH.- ur' Grei. havs Indicated tht.r aprrtival ,i the pnnclpi Jnvo.ved in ns Instrufenu and the Arr.ertcar Department of State expects lhrft to twrr.e parties to gltn.lar compacts cannot yield to another while mirg a speech, excert by unanimous cor.ent. A seno. s Rt;-rpt to brine to in en.l th HepjM.can n.ibuter by mttns of c-mproroUe was beun yesterdk v lump sum apor' pr.ativn. amujrti: ' ' r.O if'.'tA to 1 ' Vfi to be tvptrxlvi !&r,'e-y at thf dicr-tion of the Srrftar.' oi War Jr. and making r!-er ar.d harbor imprierrtnts. was tr.e s-s-gestlon. -tally asked t" -xtend reccg- tmn to the new Government then in extiuthe con trol In Mexico. l'l 157 In August. 3S13 Among the annual reports of railroads issued during the week were those of the P.tading Company, the Philadelphia and Rcad'ng Rallwa ar.d the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul. The St. Paul earn ed 3 per cent, on jn6.5X.,400 common rtock. as compared with S.62 per cent, on tll.3!.?i0 stock in 191!, while the Reading Comaanv earned 12.17 per. cent, on J70. C'i'KO common stock, against 17.57 In the previous ear. The gross and net earn ings of all fell below those of lat year, wnile operating expenses generally In crease d. The Star" and Stripes were hoisted to the rranthcad of one of the fteamtrd of the United Fruit Comr.anv, and the com pany plnns to place all of Its own 25 es wls under American reg'trj. in addition to 17 other vessels whi'h the company Brumbaugh supporters gave out copies of an address in which he aligned him self definitely In favor of local option. "AS GOES MAINE" The election held in Sfalne Is significant of three things- the decrease In the Pro prfssive vote, the corresponding Increase of the Republican vote and the fact that the State, which is conldeied a political barometer for the whole country, went Democratic by an increased plurality over that obtained bv M- W'lon In 1911 , The Republican' gained S1.541 and the Pro3res!-lves lost C0.4B1. I Haines, thc Republican candidate for Governor, received 57.V2, as compared Urs'CLE SAM AND MEXICO The subject of American occupation of Vera Cruz has had in thf last few v.eek considerable prorr...-er.ce In the editorial ctlumrs of thw press, and the events of this week seer-, to have answered the qut!ons most frequently asked. On Tuesday it was announced Ir, Washing ten that th troops would be soon with drawn ar.d the cit and port restored to the Mtx!can Government. The decision w.t caoled Immediately to Consul John R Sill. man. at Mexico City, who de Hvred the message to General Car rarsa The people were celebrating's Independence Day, and the r s was received by them with en thulast.c demonstrations Rafael Cul vae y Garcia, ths official orator of tho da. referred to the United States and President Wilson in terms of the hUhest praise "I invite ou," ho said, "to give 'via" for Professor Woodrow Wilson, President of North America " The in- TOWARD PEACE IN COLORADO The end of one war. foiunatelv setm.s to be In sisht. That Is the labor wai in Colorado. On Tuesday President Wilson received a letter from the officers of the V."ritcd Mine Workers of America, ac certins tho Presidents plan for an ad justment of the differences between th mine ownets and the- workers, such acceptance- being subject to the approval of the mineri themselvs. A convention of the miners was held the following dav at Trinidad and the letter of the otficiu!. a formally ratified. The President submitted his plan to the parties concerned on September 5 The basis of agreement orfered by the President Includes the establishment of a three-year truce, subject to the inforce ment of tho mining and labcr laws of Colorado the return to work of minors who have not been convicted of law vio lations, the prohlblt'on of intimidation of non-union men. the publication of the current scale of wages and rules and the appointment of a Grievance Committee controls. The Metronclltnn Life Insur- "'V'1 . i'r n in uu; nnce Company imported one of the largest I w1!s Ga.d!ner. ,,e Progressive candl riv I ne si m n I n.- I rt ftfriiDrnrini nift udes that In cases where the ofiiccrs of I mor,v ln Ib city are 6 per cent., the company or the Grievance Commit tee cannot settle differences, a commis sion of three men named by the President realty loans In years, the amount being HB'tva, while In Philadelphia a loan of "r,W on a piece of realty wai made bv the Glrard Trust Company. Philadelphia grain men will apply for a charter for a new export company io engage ln ex porting wheat and wheat flour. The New York, Now Haven and Hart ford Railroad Company and tho New Ens land Navigation Company filed their Joint answer to the Government's suit under tho Sherrnnn nntl-trust law. denying that the law had ben lolated. The filing of the answer was laigelv formal, as the suit, by agreement with the Attorney Gen eral, is to be settled out of court by dis solution of the New Haven A better feeling in the Philadelphia monev market was shown during the we-ek and out-of-town banks made Inquiries of their city correspondents for good name commercial papei, thus Ehowlng that the better feeling has penetrated to the coun try Institutions and that they have de cided to let go of some of their surplus funds. There was no change In rates. however. The rates for call and time the I uitineai it'Hul ruiv ill i ciiuaj ivuiiiu. uiiu commercial paper is quoiea i to i per cent. Tho rate for commercial paper ln i shall step in and act as the filial referee I f2vKY?rk(1,.!.T ?.n'1 Lp,tr,CCv'" hui p.aper of all disputes. That the request of representatives of rr?", ?" aSrXSK.'J.'to ' Col., l operators for a coj WAR TAXES AND PORK I News fro-.- Congress during the week i Mi "i do .TiOit: wjia tn propond war , tax and ht senate filibuster against tj j .r.d haroors btil. Tn w-ar tax j it cat'ir r,.'h. was agreed upon by th ; r-.i onty of tn !j-nocrats of the Wajs j ai i Mbs r . rn.ttee of the Hojse last fe.l( wi re 4 n by,r.c urti tha re'rri or. T.ej-j. rt President .Vi.ior, wo hft.a t-.--. tt nis summtr h.dme in fornisfc. . a,. M'joh opposition on th ptrt 'A the- Jrowate ef Haul and 8r. ate lis w!t & of the R.publicejas hid "" '"" '"- r '-" "' a, a pr v i Amiitr Ttvi ever :g h. raueva of OU fieri, -in ' ti . -x the frt!(fht CuS prov or, f.-ura th brii, nd ac HOME RULE AND THE WAR In England thtr 'O'.rj ' tj (-.; wek han Illustrated thfe rjrr.fcrkaKe rlx! tdllty of tfie Conatltytign Th. :tdri of the parties In Parliament talked of mail lng an agreemient whereby th pf-fcent O-verrm'" h u' 1 k't ,r '.wr the -nd of the wr There ws mil such harrnor v rwnw, whin on Tuesday PrnHr A.-, .t-.'j i'i lor suspending th operation of th- lioir j (ptd itrr rl h had Wen agreed Rule till for e wa ( rfi., ,t, t ,,t ,y ,r. ,t a v. hue H ua 'or.fsr, r." the House- of mmosi Fiona f I.-iw 1 1' Pr" --' t w 'ir itr 'r. l r-leidi-r of the PrlouiaU, inaiit- ;, rd. ' v. --. m f ir Wvs ar-I M-ftr.i In which he charged th. fjv-rritT..r.t nit .' f'"i r!f r"r irr mors hiirm-n t.reach of faith In t..kii. alvr.rf of 'tiYt It .1- I'.r.i" r orn.-r.ittfe iirere. he Invat desire of TnlonlsU o to eeat . '"" M'Adoo sr I Pos.fra-1. tmkt trcubl In th' present nail' tiitis and r,t it conclusion lt tht immUn ut his Ejrocean Influence in Mex'co Or tr.e rext day Sir Llonol Carder, ftirmerly Brltisn Minister to Mexico ana rvni!y appointed Minister to Brazil, , na4 quoted as saying, that "It is a des- i prrate ahame that the United States has sten fit to abandon the decent people of Mexico wner. they most need help." HU a'.eged atawment was a very severe ei iir.ism of president Wilson s action. He had previously, white in Mexico City. eriti'lstd tha Mexican polirv of the L-itd states In the strongtet language, .et it was tnrough. President Wiison'l in j"ne trtt 'ater he was not handed his Saaaports by Genera, Carranza, who be- I vetd that the Englishman wao largely I j-eBponsJblB for Huerta's dogge-d reels- i tae 9 dipiomAtlc pressure, ine uriiisn at vstieirtnn. sir c-esu riptliiu-Rlce, xpred to Secretary JJryan tha detpsst rfgret for th latest Carden lnelirnt, and character!! d the utrunu uttrlbutt-d to the former Mln-i-t. r I'. Mexieo as "unauthtiriUttve " prlMj-Hlce ha tnado a report on the routur t ti. Iwdon Fjrign OiSet. The American Gyve-rr runt. It was sauj Ttiuidv ha deided to ignore the al- , ied iu!spftton. Several newspanera ferente with President Wilson next Wed nesday had been granted was made known yesterday. has been finding a sale In New York as low aa 7 per cent. COMMERCE AND FINANCE POLITICS IN PENNSYLVANIA The prospect of general fusion against j Penrose furnished the main topic of political speculation ln the week Just i ending, which has been marked bv events Optimism of the most unmistakable i of considerable import. Gubernatorial and kind was this week Injected Into the ! natorlal nominees continued their up r,i.i i. .,.,.!., ,i, . u mi. State campaigns and made speeches in financial situation of the w-orld The nurn,.ro3 towna ani cities. Euroran war. of course, naturally con- i rUures obtainable for the second reg more or less of a disturber of the t8tration day on Tuesday Indicate that general business equilibrium of thl. conn- the republicans have held their lead In try and the world at large, yet tho dark i both city and State. The enrollment for cloudh of financial and commercial de- i the second day In the city Is g'ven as protalun are slowly but surely belm: ' 3.073. making a total for both days of pu3hcd aside, end there haa como In tholr stearj a brlshtenlnfj on the horizon which forecasts an early return to nor mality everywhere, Ar.i'ng the more Impel tant event rt the weeh were the floating of a lHofi.f loan of the city of New York with whiih to pv uff the city's obligations maturing abroad, the shipment of yi.uutfii in fold bj J ('. Morgan ft Co to Ottawa to help in fit same purpose; a fall ln foreign exchange rates being the first generul decline since thc unprecedented nig1! ites which havo been pruvalent since approximately 180.C00. Ot this number the liepupiicans claim iw.wj. tne Democrats 12 OM, the Washington party Seen anr about W.flao arc nnn-partltn. In tilt State the Republicans also hrl I thi- lead, but the prnpurtlnn is not ns l.irgf as In the city, due probabl.v to the lntk ol the s.ime effort made here It in claimed, however, that the Republican State figures are larr than for th first two registration days of 1MJ. The acceptance by the Progressive date, lectived only li.4i3, as compared with 47,004 votes east for Roosevelt in 1912. Political Campaigns in Other State3 ' The campaign In New York State has ! reached the mildly excited stage, due I prln'Ipallv to the Indorsement by Mayor Mitchei of John A Hennessv's candidacy for Governor on the independent ticket, on which Franklin D. Roosevelt Is run ning for United States Senator ' Progressives were greatly exercised over the possibility of William Sulzer's obtain- ' lng the nomination for Governor on their ' ticket, and many are reported as having threatened to bolt in case of the ex-Gov-ernoi's success Newspaper traw votes seem to Indi cate the succcs of Glynn and Whitman , at the primaries i Ambassador Gerard has sent word from ' Berlin that ho Is willing to run for I I'nit'd States Senator on the Democratic ticket provided that he can remain at his post so long as the situation de- J mands it. ' Wiliam F. McCombs, chairman of the I Democratic National Committee, visited President Wilson and discussed tho New York situation. It Is announced that the ' President will remain neutral In the fight i reiween iammany and Its antagonists. Mct'ombs Is said to favor Glynn and Gerard. In the Maryland primaries, held last Tuesday, t'nited States Senator John Walter Smith was renominated by the Democrats The Republicans had no pri mary contests and their candidates will be certified by the Boards of Election Supervisors I Democrats of Connecticut met in State ! convention in Hartford and indorsed the ' Administration's policies Governor Bald win was selected for United States Sen ator Arkansas went Democratic b the usual majoritv, Governor Haja being re-elected i by 30 000. JUST OUT A New Novel by George W. Cable Author of "Old Creole Days," "The Cavalier," etc. GIDEON'S BAND A TALE OF THE MISSISSIPPI $1.35 Net, Postage Extra William Dean Howells, in spcnl-my of Mr. Cable's car'id u.ori. in "fcrowes of Fxclion. says "For a ccriain blend of r unan t reality which d no wroni: to i r component iroperty. I do not kn" , like In American fiction, an J I fe'l t this is alns far too littlf- I m " -a In all fction and not aicute i ih t i' extravagance " The New York Tribune: ' There are few llvlns Anerkan r i uho can produce for ua more i e-i than Mr table iloei. In tils best n ."- the epee-h the manners, the whil Htmosjihere of a remote time ana a cullar people. A dellcl us flavor o' mor penetrates ht stories and .. IKirtlon are handle.! with- rare tre-g.h The Edinburgh Review: "Cable possesses the vein ol iietr .i Imait'natlve feellnB that enah'M h m t coniuie up a rlciure to UJen with fragrance of the part a to ommunnn. his meaning palpably to the ente Charles F. Richardson, in "American Literature," says- "A keen obierver an I a fearlm i for fearlessness is needed If one u.i faithfully ("eiiict the lift I a n- -folH Catle Is also a fine artlt ir touch and at the same time a holr mi moralist " Charles Scribner's Sons Fifth Avenue at 48th St., New York Hi'I-W'B Tt fr ti .erw.rrf1 fill the t-k 'it rv..r- tre nut'-ir- IB fcecord knt th' 'i"ii. ir i -he ,iji 4. and It new bill r, d'mtic manufac- agreed to th Mu..U UIJ on W.ejrw.- "" Ttf XT? ! ''. :r',7ZZUZZ , ,.& tl..... Iflll kiill KB, uluBul V., I " . " --.. ',-.- Cliiy, lim ,.- ...- v,, nww ,bkm. wi i lClnt: Gevr yterIy. L.uL ihiil oT-i; I rttin WtohM the ov.tb,e.fe of hostillties Jn; part out of thfc ,uwta!, Th. spen, '. 'J ' ' sion bill In conntl.m with , Hme , " !? f . ,t.' J J, Rule bill rMl ...- Houj of f ;., J 'Bgi ' fJ, ''," a,r that evening, and th HovkM o Wl ' J.,,'' ge rJ , J ,'" ..-.I ... , ,,...,.iin Kill l.n WmA.- ,' fl Wlr K - r It , war ta on bonds (-rtihckt. harca of stoelj. bills, f t 1. drafts he-!s. mun, gattes, Ultrfams ind h like The total John RMlmrnd. the Irish leader. is,id . eetlmat r' fr'-w these sources a manifesto Wednesday eveninir in which uld v. tlWVA le eAltd on all Irishmen to bear their With prti 'llfrrervr,... smcothni -vr, share In the war In which the empire li i AdmJltieisi l.dr ve'erday were e-iiKaued. ' The dcmouoi) of llrtt- ' tm!4 to i-ush the bill to final eon. oln Imve ktpt faith with IrUn4 ami It "f" ,n w Uo Or. th 8nau Is now the duty of honor for Ireland to ! 'l?. vwver the bill is experted to ht J.eeu faith with them." h sid. f,1 .m"""" "'J orpr" ' n u"m ...,.. , I tht "' or. the .riiu.1 that ,jerno- "flia Wonvta's Tax Resistanei I.e-viji. ,,.,,.,. r r. Vii. f (t,. urlff i -. , ,trl.. -i iM-d noinli . . iffr tt-- tt- . nh' f ii ri 1 i, .Ml. atif our i'.ple it should put Sir ionel out i t the 'jUkiiittfS of eo.ciillnl diploma' y, rfr.d iny avrt that h did not r--lrernt the, DrttUh Qovi(irnnt in Mexico, but IV-rd Cowdray ar.d tbs Rtarson oil lnter tii. ' Tha revvs of our etaclslon to withdraw from Vera f'rus a rec-lvl with great fvbr in sioutn Ain.-riea countries, ac cord. ittf to di.-pat' h On Then-cany crtry of War Garrl son ordered trarn:urts south to bring the Am4rican tru i& i .t k to th L'nited siutes. President vVilson had expected to r"Wove the tr op 'fore tjctooe-r 1. but Qeneral Funston u?Kstel that Oe tobr to -A-julet b a more suitable date on .iecount of t'e leifc-e. number of r-f-Urfees in Vera 'ruz In some quarteri it is sssertea thai there is et no a le , iate flS'jrari'e vl protection of legltl rati r r"p"ar lnter.-if in Mexico, and the application of the Eastern railroads to the interstate Commerce CeimmUsturi to reopen tho & per cent, freight rate case .and the agreement to u tcnii-renee iftueen the Governurs of nine Southern cotton States In Washington n next Monday to discuss a plan to uk- t'i's year? cotton crop off the market and thus fave It from low price destru. tion 'the plan for the buying up of all So j th em cotton Is that the nine Slates Involvid shall Issue I".OO.0jO l per cent bonds kikI buy und ktoie i.Up'Mi) bales of eot ton. the purihak price to lm lu cent a pound. The plan also Includes the tutting dow n of ntxt ear'x cottun acreaue e per cent Ry another plan. Introeluied In the ' bu-a-bale.-of-cotton" movement, a large qjantty cf cotton has already been tin p el of at 10 cents a pound The reports of the foreUn trade of the 1'nlfil States for the month eif nnf'i- S$Nf V'! Iff j rfW IT'S ABSO. LUTELY CORRECT TO DINE Before Theater, After Theater, In Fact, Anytime, at the Hotel Adelphia CUSjINK btlltlCK AMI K.NIH().NJlfcT meet with ibe Me. of the most fastidious tllESTMT hTHEET AT I3TII - witt- Carpets and Rugs Bornot-Cleaned are freed from every particle of dust, dirt and germs; grease spots are abso lutely removed, Bornot dry-cleaning does not injure goods nor colors. The results are perfect. If your carpets and rugs are faded, we can dye them for you and in every case we guarantee satisfaction. The Bornot-Cleaning Service in cludes draperies, furniture, upholstery, etc., as well as domestic rugs and car pets and finest grades of Orientals. A. F. Bornot Bro. Co. j era Ave. '"' ... ITU Xurlli IfruJJ Jill ami tlu ! Ulnilnton '"' 1332 riieatnnt K Ilruiul ami Tatkrr St. WalilDton, I). C, Krenrh t-ourer anil lljrrn ltb t. and t-alrmuuiit .tie. i-opiar uia. iiav 3 t, vi.rk.t -I '" ' i 'I 'i'i 1 - . .- sW 1 III tin f saT rll i ii a iiiia