Newspaper Page Text
S 8 fE-CRAZED YOUTH ! FLINGS HOT ACID INTO GIRL'S FACE ti . t-i .. nTi.- r- Jorman rratt manes des perate Attack on riancee and Then Attempts Sui cide In Hospital Now. .... .. untuned after having sue .,AcA In leatllnfir h's sweetheart to tlio H Pratt, of 6305 Lena street. German made an attack on pretty Theresa ntimriin'' vi"":, -,-;,. -;-,.'. llntown Hospital In danger of losing Ma '!?";' u.. OS n. tlpVr.1 Ifiir In the Spring Garden street eta Side "as the culmination of a trip to IKK ,. runinrln last r!iS They differed on the question UM? .'.. n,,i n nrltut nhnnlri mnrrv hm and returned without the ceremony ?MlfPFlt2mMtln,8 father heard of the jui i,.. I. in v nit h In ilnllch. ?rPaln. rratt came to the Fltzmartln tir as" ; ...... i... iv vr Phis nay past Mis. Nora Fltzmar . .ii.-.-.i ihn Ali-1 In her room. 'Km he crappled with her. The police l". ... trlel to fotco acid down the girl's Soat Mrs. Fltzmnrtin scizca i-ratis rlst Her face and hands were splashed i'.. ' -u tvim-im. hrr 4.vpnr-old son. .'lis also seriously burned about the head it flylnc drop, oi mc mium, Htls Mnry Flttmaitln, a slitcr of the I.. . ........Im frnm 41lA lintIRn nllrt filed rollccman Leo, of the Germantown i'jllon. He reached the struggling youth l time to sco Prntt spit most of the reminder of the acid on his face and Jjii In an effort to pour It down his Phis'lclans nt the Germantown Hospital '"'.. . ,1I l,nr thai rr-,U"o f mere n nuiuu .... ..,... .... itulsht may be saved. He declined to Bike a statement, other than that he . . ,- Trtlvmn,f In In .Hot rn rl Intv !!,IaiMtlgatlon revealed, the pollco say, ftit Fratt inaucca uiu Km iu iuur nur 'ftiitlon, being In the employ of Dr. id when ho had her alone In a rtj tried to choke her. The marks tlhls fingers are still on her throat, ac toritaff to a physician In charge. Pratt got the acid from a drug storo itBajnton and I'rlco streets, Gcrman liitn, purchasing ono and a half ounces, ujlns he wanted It for disinfectant. As li hid prelou.Iy bought three ounces Hi druggist was not suspicious. DID NOT LET JOY WING DISTURB HIS READING Qlaaman Gets Knock-out From Dennis McGovern. When reading nuropcan war news Den- J. Mrfinvrn of 28-1(1 Mlllnv Htrrnt. rinra ft like to bo disturbed. Ho was follow kf the movements or Uermany, Russia, fnnce and Japan this morning, when he in Interrupted by a representative or rvi.t irhn nll l,l nnnlrt wna .Tnv Wlnir. TVInr fthlprtp in MnGnvorn's. nresence 'ftause he wanted to clean the steps of v. lamulrv. nt 3i17 TCast Clnnrflelfl street. Xi McGovern was sitting on the stops it refused to move, and said If there j any cleaning up to be dono he would Ute part It In himself. The Chinaman . in lha Titnrlr. .infl trnt n lil.inklnck. He raised It over JlcGovern's head, but it mi nn furllier. There was a craflh and Joy we.nt to the ground. McGovern then went on reading his paper. He was not Interrupted again until a policeman noticed tho Chinaman lying on the smevralK. Joy was laKcn insmc ana TffXfiYAm nrrnmnnnlncl the nollceman to the Belgrade and Clearfield streets station 9 explain. NEGRO'S DEATH MAY BE DUE TO LEPROSY, DOCTOR THINKS Hoard of Health Now Looking Into Case Causing Alarm. Some alarm was caused In the south western part of the city today when It s reported that Owen Hall, CO years eld. a Negro, had died at his home, Eetenteenlh and Montrose sticcts, of leprosy. The man was attended for several days by Dr. S C Boston, 2219 Catharine street. tho Is district surgeon. He said today that the case was diagnosed ub possible leprosy and that thcic was no cause for lUrm When the case was lepoitcd to Ue Board of Health this morning Dl tector Ilarte sent Dr. Hni tzell, of the loird staff, to make an Investigation. Hen, It Is said, had no regular home lor lome time, and hlied a loom here tad there whenever he had money. BOY SWALLOWS A PIN ptry Frehmg Has Physicians on the Hunt Now. A Pin BWalloneil hv Tlnrrv FVohiirir 1B 'i old, of 1727 South 21th street, is juiing piiyslcians at St. Agnes' Hospital So far they have been unable to tocato W. OUt FrebUrCT linn nl,n r .in ntarmlno laptoms. IEDERAL COURT IN SESSION Ihfe reit1s t .11 . i .. i. .. -. lutes ni.tri,., nn,,.i .i . etain.r :: :: r: r." ."' .",o. ?" ..... ., elB ureneu ny Judge nompson today In the Postofflce Build-i-l. Edward M HltMi, a newspaper man r,Jostmaater at Tamaciua, Schuylkill Crind jnaS appolntca foreman of the HIBERNIANS TO FILL OFFICES NntnlnatlnKa m ji.V A " ,or county ol ces of the X t.i.lFerof II,bcm'an "-111 bo SfVB,.-S," ? f the men- tlsht a. j?i v u.n la b ,,e,1 tc" iniinn . . A: 1"ul;e nl tns second "tor, will be submitted tonight. BUHET!rnon -ntr i . .. utOrra f. mi .. MMrVnrt m T"' 3a 9 years old- so" " 't awnl t,r?e - Tho'as' Jr- t SenU? duri,1 " th0.rl"' hana by tho in;, .. L dl8S.h'lrBO of a rifle. Is recov. fcnUit was for;. J. ntma"n Hospital. Tim P He m 1 by ,he X,ray anl te 'w hj. nlU leae the hospital In a Ribs Broken by a Fall broke ? hi euJ:s old a ston" '' second Jo thVfSs?Bwh,n ho fe" "m b,'i demoliah "f"t iloors of a building thnI..emollslld on Car IsIa tr, v,l ttnwrt.toSl' m.ornlns- a stepped K chute. lLTnt ? noor '' a rub KlPlUL e was take" t St. Joseph's PSVaI "lcer RecoverlnB nJ?i!lc,? at the vni, Utemnt con U, tot,ay a,d that 4J$WJ WeU the' road W' Pe7t h l0W'ns a operation. th?JS of"cer to rejoin his Uuta :!i r-ve fleet within ., r iti, - -.... .. ' K AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER? LEAGUE PLAYERS HELD ON CHARGES OF ASSAULT St. Louis Club Members to Get Further Hearing. Jack Miller and Albert Dolan, members of the St. I.ouls National League baso ball club, were each held under S0O ball this morning by Magistrate Itenshaw, of the Central Police Court, to appear for a further hearing In Allegheny County on a charge of assault and battery. Ball was entered for the ball players, who wore held on charges preferred by fVilllani D. Gnsper, of Pittsburgh. COUNCIL FOB PRAYER. DAY Church Bodies Issue Call for Suppli cation October 4. The Federal Council, which Includes all tho Kvangellcal Protestant churches of this country, has Issued a call to all the churcheo of the United States, ashing that they Join In prayer on Sunday, October 4, as requested by President 'Wilson. In the call there is Included the following appeal: "Let lis pray that the war spirit may bo suppressed as dueling has been sup pressed; that nations ohall think of nations not as enemies, but as co-workers together with God for the establishment of Ills kingdom on cailli." Many Bpeclal prayeis have been pre paied for churches of dlffeient denomina tions, to bo used on the "Peace Prayer Dav," among them being ono by BIdhop David If. Gieer. of tho Protestant Episco pal Diocese of New York. MURDER CASES ON CALENDAR September Term of Court Opens To day at Media. MEDIA, Pa., Sept. 21 September Crimi nal Court opened In the new Court House here today and eighteen grand Jurors were tjworn to pass upon 171 new cases and about CO continued fiom tho June leiiu. Four murder cases aro Included, the de. feudants being George Johnson and Alex ander Moore, charged with killing a Negro; Maggie Smith, charged with the murder of her daughter's child; Mary Freeney, charged with the shooting of a man at Prospect Park, and Ferdlnandn Spllltlno, charged with the fahootlng of his brother-in-law at Glen Mills. Contrary to expectation no opinion will be handed down at this term on the ap plication for new trials for George H. Maich and Itowland S. Pennington, con victed at the last term of the murder of S Lewis Plnkerton. The case of Bow land S. Pennington has not yet been argued. GERMANTOWN PASTOR RESIGNS Throat Trouble Cause1 Retirement of the Rev. Arnold H. Hord. Throat trouble lias caused the retire ment of the Hev. Arnold II. Hord as rec tor of St. Michael's Protectant Episcopal Church, Germantown. His resignation was read at the services yesterday morn ing The Hev. Hord Is also the registrar of the Diocese of Pennsylvania and lt well-Known among tho Protestant Episco pal clergymen and working laymen throughout the East. For almost It years he had heen In charge of St. Michael's parfsh- PreWoua to going to St Michael's the Rev. Hord was rector of the Episcopal Church In Holinesburg. and before he be came rector there he serevd as assistant at St James' Church. Twenty-second and Walnut streets, and at Christ Church. Germantown. FINE DID NOT WORRY HIM Ednard Saunders, of 106 Peach street, has t.30 today unless he has spent It, despite the fact that he has been out of work for some time. Saunders rented park benches at 25 cents a seat Saturday at the field day of the Knights Templar Magistrate Bojle fined him JS.J0, but be fore he was arrested Saunders had col lected about 15. so he cheerfull paid the fine. WOMAN STAYS IN HOLE TO KEEP ELECTRIC POLE OUT Workmen Cannot Move Her, So Courts Will Decide Issue. Will the Pennsylvania Itallroad Com pany place an ugly old post on her prop erty? They will not, If Mrs. B. Pelllcoft has anything to say about it. That is why she Is established In a now post hole, dug by the employes of the com pany, and she does not Intend to get out until they have departed. Will tho policemen kindly make tho lady get out of the hole, bo that the men may go on with their work? Certainly not! Tho hole Is on her property, and she has a right to stay there If she wants to, and she does want to, so that's all there Is to It. This 1 tho situation which is holding a crowd of spectators at Twelfth street und Atlnntlc avenue, where the Pennsylvania Railroad Is erecting poles noccBsary to the completion of a stretch of electrified railroad. Tho company believes that It owns the land upon which the poles are to be erected, and Mrs. Pelllcoft believes that her husband owns a particular piece of land upon which the company has designs. Mrs. Pelllcoft is sitting In the hole; she has had her lunch and says that she Is looking forward to enjoying nice chicken supper tonight. Of course It Is lather awkward, In having the food brought out to her, but then it Isn't so had when you consider what would happen It she got out. Employes of the railroad say that Mrs. Pelllcoft can sit there, it she feels that way about It, until the courts have decided who owns tho Innfl. They have tried every possible mean to dis lodge her and ore now resigned to a Judicial settlement of the affair. THIEVES ON MONTHLY VISIT FATHER OF TWINS IS MISSING FROM HOME Third Call on Optical Goods' Store on Schedule Time. The regular monthly visit of the un known thieves who rob the optical supply store of A. H. Harrison, 590 Germantown avenue, took pluco early this morning. A large rumber of glasses and optical supplies were stolen. Just why tho thieves single out the optician's place each month Is a matter of conjecture. By way of novelty, the Intruders entered thlt) time through the rear window. When they called In July thoy gained entrance through a front cellar window, while a visit In August was made through a side window leading from the yard Tho pollen believe that tho thieves are students. ICE WATER CAUSES ILLNESS i Man Falls Unconscious in Street After Satisfying Thirst. Drinking too much ice water In an endeavor to satisfy thirst caused by the heat today brought on a serious at tack of gastritis which caused Frank Days, of 220 Haynes street, to drop un conscious In the street at Manayunk avenue and Harvey street, Germantown, this afternoon. Days Is 21 years old and a stone cut ter. He was taken to the St. Timothy's Hospital for ticatment. SHIPPING FIRM INCORPORATED O. G. Hempstead Son. conducting a shipping business at 41 South Fourth street, and acting as local agents for the North German Lloyd Line, has been Incorporated In tho Btato of Delaware with a capital of J50.000. Mr. Hemp stead said that the step, contemplated for some time, was only a preliminary one and that no definite announcement could yet be made as to when the in corporation would go Into effect. Ardmore Man's Disappearance Puz zllng the Police. Seated beside a cradle In which tiny twin boy babies laughed, Mrs. George S. PIttingcr, of Haws Terrace, Ardmore, wept this morning aa she told of the disappearance Saturday night of her hus band, and pleaded for assistance In find ing him. Leaving Haverford Court, an apart ment house at Haverford where he Is employed, Pittlnger failed to return to his home Saturday night. Later, when she became alarmed over his absence, the wife left her home and appealed to policemen on the Ardmore beats to search for him. Not a trace of Pittlnger has been found. Because of Mrs. PIttlnger's request, the management of Haverford Court em ployed a private detective to take up the search. As they aro known in their little com munity in Ardmore, the Plttlngers nro regarded as devoted to each other and to their children, which makes the dis appearance of the husband still more Incomprehensible. Pittlnger came originally from Balti more. His children are nine months old. When he left the apartment house ho wore a navy blue suit, low black button Shoes and a gray soft hat. DEDICATE CATHOLIC CHURCH Thousands See Priests Take Part in Solemn Services. The new noman Catholic Church of Our Iidy of Victory, 54th and Vine streets, was dedicated yesterday morning with several thousand persons present for the exercises. Bishop McCort headed a ritual procession of 1500 persons. Arch bishop Prendergast occupied the throne during the Solemn Pontifical Mass which followed, The sermon was preached by the Rev. Mgr. Charles F. Kavnnaush, chancellor of the diocese. Assistant priests at the Mass were the Rev. Richard F. Hanagan, the Rev. George E. Orr, the Rev. John J. McMenamln. the Rev. Francis J. Shee han and thn Rev. .Tmn .T rrnrr:, Solemn Vespers, with a sermon by Uie Rev. Wlllam J. Garrlgan, took place In the evening. GOING TO FIGHT FOR. ENGLAND Son of Mrs, Barlow, Golf Expert, Will Enlist in Canada. Lovel Hardwlck Barlow, of Haverford Pa., son of Mrs. R. H Barlow, the golf expert, will leave for Canada today where he will Join one of the Canadian resl- Barlow. who Is only 22 years old, was monts about to depart for the front born In England, but not long after his birth his father nnd mother came to this country, where they have resided ever since. The young man has never been naturalized and feels that he should go to the defense of his native land. Aged Man Struck by Trolley Michael Nearo. 71 years old, of 28CC Wharton street, was struck by a trolley car at Graj 'a Ferry road and Washington avenue, while on his way to work early this morning. Ntiaro became confuted when rinding himself between the trolley car and a wagon At the Polyclinic Hos pital It was found that his Injury was slight, consisting of a light bruise of the hip. BOY RUN DOWN BY WAGON i James Comerford, It J ears old, of 1253 South U'jcknell street, suffered a frau tured ankle and other Injuries toda when ' he was run down by a waon at 2oth nnd Federal streets He was taken to the Polyclinic Hospital. I P JJt2JXai 'W do the rut" llKbT! DEVELOPING nd FINISHING UtocheaUr Method) HAWORTH'S Eaatmaa Kodak Co 1020 Chestnut St. KODAKS Atlantic Cltr Blore 1S7 UoarUwalk UNDERWOOD BRINGS WAR TAX MEASURE BEFORE THE HOUSE Liquors, Amusements and Fuel for Motors Bear Brunt of Levy Close Imi tation of Spanish War Legislation. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2i.-The Admin istration's emergency war tax bill was In troduced 'n the House today by Repre sentative Underwood, chairman of - tho Ways and Means Committee. Tho bill Is a. close Imitation ot the Span ish war tax of 189? except for the tax on beer, wines and gasoline. The stamp tax on checks Is not Included In the pres ent bill. The. telephone nnd telegraph companies aro to keep account of their taxable messages nnd remit for them. The principal taxes will be levied on beer, domestic sweet wines and dry wines; gasoline and naphtha nnd other producta uecd In motors. Amusements will be tax ed In cities of moro than 6000 where thea tres will be taxed $100. This Includes moving picture houses, Tho bill hus a ptovlslon whereby retail clgnr dealers will be taxed $4.80. Bonds of the United States or those of any State, county or town are exempt from taxation. Bonds and stocks of co operative building and lonn association! with a capital stock ot not moie than $10,000. nnd building nnd loan associations making loans only to shareholder are exempt. Tho taxes under tho so-called "stamp tax" section of the bill, borrowed largely from tho Spanish war bill, are: Bonds, 5 cents for each $100 or fraction! stock certificates, 5 cents per $100; bills ot eale on stock and bond transfers, 2 centB. BUI of sale of merchandise 1 cent for each $100 or fraction. Promissory notes, 2 cents por $100. Express and freight receipts and bills of lading, 1 cent each. Indemnity bonds, 50 cents; certificates of profit, 2 cents por $100; certificates of damage, 25 cents; other certificates, 10 cents; contracts of atl kinds, 10 cents; deeds and conveyances, 50 cents for first $100 to $300; each additional $300 an addi tional B0 cents; entry of goods at Customs House, 25 cents to II: entry for with drawal, 50 cents. Life Insurance, 8 cents on each $1000. Life Insurance policies on weekly pay ment basis. 40 per cent of amount of first 'weekly premium. Marine, Inland and fire insurance, one half of 1 per cent, on each dollar or frac tional part; mutual and purely co-operative fire Insurance companies exempt. Fidelity, casualty and guaranty insur ance one half of one cent on each dollar. Mortgages on real and personal prop erty of all kind 25 cents If above $1000 nnd not above $1300, and 25 cents on each $500 above $1500. Passage tickets on vessels leaving United States ports, $1 If costing not more than $30; $3 if costing between $30 and $60, and $5 If more than $60. Power of attorney and proxies, 10 cents; power of attorney to sell real estate, bonds, etc., 23 cents; protested paper, 25 cents; all seats In parlor and Pullman cars, 2 cents. CHAUFFEUR THREATENS HIS EMPLOYER'S LIFE Man's Mind May Be Unbalanced Magistrate Thinks. Charged -with threatening to kill his employer, John Barry, of Merchantvillo, N. X. Is being held by Justice of the Peace Longstreth, who will Investigate the man's sanity. Barry was employed as a stable hand by Isaac Ferris, Jr., president and treas urer of the Isaac Ferris, Jr., Company, a shoe manufacturing concern of Cam den, In Ferris' Merchantville home. It Is alleged that Barry had threatened to kill his employer several times, and that last night he came up to the house and began destroying property, breaking two large windows. FerrlB, fearing the man might try to carry out his threats of murder, caused his arrest. Bad Eyesight Retards School Children Various forms of bad eyesight, most of which oculists can cure, are retard ing the progress of 23 per cent of the school children In thl city, according to the latest weekly health bulletin of Dhector Ilarte Patents who cannot afford to pay for the treatment of their children's ejes ar urged to bring the children to the Eye Dispensary of the Bureau of Health. gr DON'T MISS THIS SALE OF GLOVES Our completa line of summer times Is being doet out at coat prlcffl. Some excellent aluea at prices from 45c to V- 76 Many are heavy enough tor fall and winter er. Our duitera are also being cleaned out at rock bottom flguraa. Some an low as CO cents A real opportunlt IS lip VA1I. II Y 3L MOTOR SUPPLIES HUL, DEKttaiHEABERCO. I 217 North Broad Street J , BOYS ARE CALLED VANDALS Windows, Furnishings rtnd Roof of Empty Dwelling Mutilated, Three boys, Innocent looking In appear ance, but exciting suspicion of possessing Captain Kldd tendencies, were held by Magistrate Grclls at tho nidge avenue and Mldvate avenue station this morning, accused of entering an empty house at Celtzor lane and the old Philadelphia and Heading Hallway, breaking all tho win dows In the dwelling, mutilating tho fur nishings and tearing off part of the roof. John Dobson, ownor of the house, testi fied against the bos. They are Frank Meade, 15 years Jd, of 2635 North 21th street, Thomas Monahan, 13 years old, of 2712 Judson otrcet, and Albert Uenafold, 15 years old, of 2227 Oakdnle street. They will be brought beforo Judge Gorman In tho Juvenile Court. LAWYER MUST TELL ABOUT BAIL BOND FORGERY District Attorney to Go Deeper Into Magistrate's Tangle. Mnx Aron, n member of the Legislature from the 20th Wnrd and the lawjer whoo nomo was mentioned In tho latest ball scandal, Involving Magistrate "Joe" Call's office, will bo Invited by District Attorney Rotnn to toll anything ho may know of the nllcgcd forging of the name of Ipnac Friedman, of 1120 Glrard avenue, to a ball bond. The lavocr formerly represented Fried man as supposed bondsman for Frank Bohier, now a fugitive from Justice on a charge of keeping a disorderly house. He was spoken of In proceedings beforo Judge Bonnlwell laBt week as having some knowledge of n faked letter used to ob tain postponements of Bohrer's tilal. Aron's name wns connected with that of Samuel .1. Gross. On Saturday Call promised the District Attorney that he would dismiss Gross from his place as cleik. The lawyer will ho requested to call at tho District Attorney's ofTlce to morrow. ' Mr. Ho tan Is going over tentlmony pro duced before Judgo Bonnlwell concerning the alleged forgery of Friedman's name, but thus far has found It to bo bo con flicting that there seems to be small chance of It being substantial enough to warrant nn arrost on a forgeiy charge. JEWS CELEBRATE HOLIDAY Synngogues Thronged With Wor shipers to Hear Sermons. Ttosh Hashana, tho Jewish Xow Year's Day, was ushered In last night In every Jewish household In tho city, and by special religious observances In all the synagogues. Today Is the first day of the holiday, which will last until sunset tomorrow and will Inaugurate the fall cycle of Jewish holidays. The syna gogues were thronged with worshipers last night, and special sermons were preached at all the temples. Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf preached his first sermon at Kenesoth Israel, Broad street and Montgomery avenue, since his return from the European war zone. His subject wns "The Failure of Our Civiliza tion." Ho arraigned hittcrly tho Christian nations of Europe, and said that the peoples of Europe, In entering upon the bloodiest combat of history, havo dealt a death blow to the structure of Chris tianity. The sermons In all the other synagogues were along the same line. Bosh Hashana Is followed in ten days by "Tom Klppur," tho Day of Attone ment, which In turn Is followed, five days later, by "Succoth," the Feast ot tho Tabernacles. BECOMES IRREMOVABLE RECTOR The nev. Thomas K. Burton hos been mnde Irremovable rector of the noman Catholic Church of the Annunclntlon, 10th and Dickinson streets. He comes to this charge from Krackvillo, Pa., where he was rector ot St. Joseph's parish, which he organized about fle years ago. Previous to going to Frnnck vllle Father Burton served as assistant In several churches here. He succeeds the nev. P. J. Dalley, who has been transferred to the Church of Our Lady of the Ilosary, C3d nnd Callowhtll streets He will assume his new duties next Sunday. HOSKINS Office Outfitters and Commercial Stationers i tj- i Largest and most fair ly priced stock to be found anywhere. "First impressions are the most lasting." A tastefully furnished office creates a favorable impression a distinct aid to obtaining new trade. HOSKINS 904-906 Chestnut St. MAN POLICEMAN SHOT IS HELD FOR ROBBERY Arthur Hotnllng Attracted Officer Making Too Much Noise. Arthur Hotallng, 2S years old, 223T North Franklin street, was held under (2000 ball for court by Magistrate Emely, at tho Park and Lehigh avenues station this morning. He was accused of com Pllclty In trying to break open a sate in the ofllco of the mslng Sun Ice and Coal Company, 1018 Dauphin street, yesterday. Hotallng was arrested by Policeman Nickels, of the Park and Lehigh avenues station, who, attracted by a noise In the ofTlce of the company, heard voices Inside. A peep through a break In the shutters convinced him that there woro two men In the ofllre who had no business there. Drawing his revolver, Nickels darted around to the rear of the building. Hear Ing footsteps, the two men mado a dash to escape through tho rear door, where upon Nickels fired, hitting Hotallng In the elbow and bringing him to. a. stop. Th other man, who, Hotallng says, Is Clar ence Mutchler, a former fireman, succeed cd In making his escape. Ills arrest, how ever, Is expected. After Investigation of the company's promises this morning, policemen found, In an adjoining stabln, a check protecto graph vnlucd at $40, and a small sum of money which the burglars, in their flight, left behind. Sirs. John Hotallng, the prisoner's mother, said that her son was undoubted ly Influenced In attempting the robber by a man named Lawrence. This man, she ns'scrted, was well known to th police. "My son worked,' said' Mrs. Hotallng, "whenever he could obtain em plo ment. Ho went out with me on Satur day night to bco nbout a poaltlon. Hit left mo finally and met Lawrence, who I know coaxed him Into entering tho building. I am glad that he Is alive for I understand the policeman who arrested him llred five shots although the shooting was all unnecessary." SUPPOSED PICKPOCKETS HELD Trio, Seen by Detectives, Mingla With Church Throng. Supposed pickpockets mingled In thn crowd yesterday at the dedication of the Parish School of the Church of the Holy Rosary, at Haines and Morton streets, Germantown. They were seen and recognized by Dotoctlve McCarthy, who placed them under arrest. They were held by Magistrate Ren ahaw at tho central pollco station this morning under $600 ball each, to await any cases that might develop against them. The men gavo their nsjnes as Milton Crevillo, David Llpman and Isa dore Cohen. Perry's Fall Suits Fall Overcoats $12 $15, $18, $20 The values of material and making in them have passed into a household truth in Philadelphia At Perry's We have always put such solid worth into our Suits and Overcoats at $12, $15, $18, $20 that big makers of men's clothes have frankly expressed their astonish ment! At Perry's We continue all the time so to make them that our $12, $15, $18, $20 clothes keep right on making good At Perry's Their wearers tell their friends, and they buy! These men in turn tell other men in an almost end less chain and every sea son finds us selling more and more of them At Perry's Perry & Co., "N.B.T. 16th & Chestnut Sts. f 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET IDH I.tdU." Shot Farteri, Second Floor. The "Gaiterboot" Topmost Style The beautiful Parisian overgaiter effect is perfectly realized in the "Gaiterboot." Its graceful vamp out line, emart design and modish finish give it undisputed prominence. Patent leather or black Russia calf, with narrow receding plain toe, light welt sole, and leather Louis heel, the toppings are fawn, gray or black of the new imported Dreadnought cloth. The B Shoe Store 12Q40608 Market St, K Silk Stockings and Satin Slippers In Seventeen Shades School, College and Institution Accounts Solicited We are the largest buyers and receivers of fruits and vegetables in Philadelphia, and will be pleased to send price list or representative. You will find our prices in teresting. "We will send for and re fund any unsatisfactory purchase." Free deliveries and prompt attention to out-of-town trade. Felix Spatola & Sons Frill U iiuil Vegetable Reading Terminal Market Private Exchange Bell and Keystone 'Phones Established 30 Years y: " ftr ii