Newspaper Page Text
"wmfipMf EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914- WL-TALE FIGURES SHOW MAJORITY'S APPETITE FOR SPOILS Appropriations by Congress in Last Two Years Carry Their Own Comment on Professions of Economy. Washington, sept. 2i.-Thc subjoined table, giving the Amounts appropriated by Congress for the support of the Gov rnment for the years 1913-14 and 19U-13, compiled from tho chronological history of the Blxtythlrd Congress, prepared by the clerks to tho Committees on Appro priation of the Houso and Senate, cents being disregarded: iai4.tR. inn-H .,,,,i.ur. in,Rt;r.s.i2 $1 7.089,94s .l. .. . 101 010,512 ll4.2Rft.14S Ht f Columbia.. 12,172,Mfl 1I.3S1.7.TO ' ?i!liflftlOn ..... (102770O S.218.2T0 ri! ..?..! !!! P771D02 0,48(1,810 151',.. ,......... 144,868.718 140.800,011 sMS.n .!.. ...... SJif 2S hirbor'..: All-mi i f A&SSJ futdry civil 110,070,227 110,70.1,327 Tn(.i M28,&1R,7M M&ti I"..".. 33.3M.M7 28,074.012 T(j,l 0.12,212,37O 020,001,411 MiwriSiwaui 0,000,000 aas.r.07 Annual lolala... nR8,212,fl70 $Mn,n;n,aiO nreSnent .....:., MmImb.W druid total 11.080,408,777 l,or,7,OOS,004 Ko river and harbor bill lias been passed for this year and, therefore, this appro priation for both years Is excluded from the (rand totals for purposes of compari son. The pension appropriation, for ob vious reasons. Is decreased by $1,000,000; the. Military Academy bill Is $100,000 less than was allowed for last yenr; the sun dry civil bill Is down by $6,725,000. But generally thero are Increases, and tho comparison of total appropriations, ex cluding the river and harbor appropria tions, for a series of years shows this attributing record: , mr, , ill!', utii. ' .7, . Ift7 IVM nJ7 1912 Ofl.-,.7IIO,4n2 1915 081,3.13,340 1M4 t,o.-,7,flo.-.,n'H 1915 1,0811,408,777 The appropriations which are given In detail above were made by a party In full control of the legislative nnd executive dtpartments, which won power on a plat form denouncing Republican cxtrnva jinco and pledging 'its candidates to frugal administration. Tho. laws' carrying them were passed by a majority which In the House today Is framing nn emer gency tax measure to maintain tho reve nues of the Government, while In tho Senate It struggles to enact a river and harbor bill bloated with useless and In defensible projects which would appro priate at once $53,000,000, or $12,000,000 more than was carried by the same measure lart year, and would entail future appro priations ot sums that no man can esti mate Neither denunciation nor protest need be added to this record. It carries wlfh It a lesson no thoughtful man can escape. BLUE TO AID RAT WAR TJnlted States Surgeon General Will Speak Here Next Monday. Burjeon General Blue, of the United States Public Health Service, will ad dreis the public meeting of representa tives of civic and trade bodies at the Course next Monday morning for the purpoie of obtaining co-operation In the work of exterminating rats In Philadel phia. Director Harte, of the Health Depart ment, who fears an outbreak of bubonic Plague In Philadelphia unless the germ bearing rats are exterminated, has Is sued a public call for the meeting. The Pennsylvania Ilallroad, Philadelphia and Heading and Itapld Transit Company and other big corporations have been requested to send representatives to the meeting. The crusade -against rats has been con ducted by the Health Department for several weeks with only indifferent sup port from the general public, according t the director. mmmmmm ' !M '5 1 47 APPLY AS CHAINMEN ftsltions as Sewer Inspector and Resident Physician Also Sought. . Forty-seven applicants, IS years .of ue, took the civil nervlce examination ror chalnman In the Survey Bureau to day. The post pays from $4S0 to $500 year. Twenty-eight candidates endeavored to qualify na sewer Inspectors nt $5 a v n the examinations for resident Physician In the city's institutions tho number of candidates In the various es are resident physician, promo- . u at "W n year- two applicants; resident physician, at $1300 to $1500 a Jear, six applicants; from $600 to $300 year, two applicants. ATTENDANCE FALLS AT BATHS nly 17,700 Persona Swam In Tubllo Pools Last "Week. J?.14! w'a,her and the reopening of the r.,i' have "narply reduced attendance U.!I i Bt. tno M cltv bathhouses super viJM by the Board of Recreation. in attendance record for the last week as only 17.780. Greatest attendance waa iV;. r,cor1 of the men' nly 6361 boys no 4334 girls swam In the pools last week. omens attendance was 1457. HURT IN MOTOtt ACCIDENTS Men Injured and Little airl Vic tlm May Not Recover. Two men and a girl are among the vie Urns today from Injuries received In auto woblla and bicycle accidents In various Mrts of the city and suburbs yesterday Mternoon. The girl may not recover.- The jjvjured are Dr. Henry A. Stees, 1650 South old 'iiTU Fnnla Ifargreaves, 4 years Hi'rrl Vlcke' avenue, Ardmore, and DoMn' mi North 26 "feet. th.h..i ."5 8US'a'ned concussion of bvY5J?i When hls automoblle was struck b.lnVn! ? 22d and s,,ff"" streets, "as ..n. . dc?Ba.lnst a c'e8raph P'e- Ha hlVhome. CTeS" HosP'tal and there tuomi!,tlrS'Vl, 8lrl ws struck by the of Z S?r ot C. R Sharkey, proprietor John t n ooa Ho,e1' ' Pol'" "y. Irf Th.,h? chauffeur, was ih Howlial ahlW U at lne Bryn J,awr toreyeU..,nl?revWa hurt when his mo. intta. ,,V.r ,Ck alcyc,e at 29th and Clem ktort U- Ths ""relist escaped un- WOMAN PALLS DOWN STAIES wa?iihT :h0ck rec1V6d ,n a 'a awning mal . "a,r at n" home this Strobe 7?vPrr.0V?atal to M"' Carrl tre.L'sL i - old' ot l7n North J111 i HoSdm-i einff treated at tne a" wndlUon i ' here Physicians say her SS lf g"iou owln to hr id- WOMAN GIVES $2143 ESTATE TO CHURCHES AND CHARITY Will of Hose Mttlholland Admitted to Probate Today. Catholic churches, charitable Institu tions and St. Joseph's Hospital will re ceive the $2112 estate of Hose Mulliotland, whose will was admitted to probate to day. Her death occurred In Bt. Joseph's Hospital. She bequeaths $200 to the conference of St. Vincent do Patil of St. Francis Xavlor Church nt.d nn cqial sum to St Joseph's Hospital, Bequests of $100 each arc to be made to the Home of the Good Shep herd, St. Vincent's Homo nnd Slaternlty Hospital, St. John's Orphan Asylum, Little Sisters of the 1'oor, Eighteenth and Jefferson streets; St, Joseph's College nnd the Society of Bt. Joseph for tho Educa tion and Maintenance- ot Orphan Clill" dren. Tho residue ot the, estate, after several bequests for mosses nre deducted, Is dovlsed to St. Joseph's Hospital. Max Kcnos, who died recently at 1102 Qlrard street, states In his will that his estate of $200 Is "to be given to any Jewish cemetery where 1 shall be burled, to It or Its assigns forever." Other wllli probated aro: Emily 3. Posey, who died at llndnor, Pa., dispos ing of an estate of $70,000 In private be quests; OcorgoF. Friend. S22 Hollormftn street, $3600; Vlncenzo Rndo, 1S2? South aiuiuin sireec, 3iw. CONDUCTOR BADLY HURT; WIFE'S LIFE IN BALANCE News of Accident on B. & O. Ilallroad Kept Prom Invnlld Woman. Tho llfo of a Philadelphia woman hangs In tho bnlnnco today as tho re sult of the Baltimore and Ohio Hall road wreck Saturday night caBt of Woodlyn, Pa., where a southbound ex press train was derailed nnd throe sleeping carl were rolled down nn em bankment. She' Is the wife of n. A. Humrlchouse, of 1S09 North 2Gth street, tho Pullman conductor who was hurt In tho accident, Humrlchouse Is badly Injured and may be crippled for life. Tho wreck Saturday night was tho third he has been In since he went to work for the Baltimore itnd Ohio two yenrs ago. About a yenr ago his splno wns Injured In a- wreck In Illinois and ho was laid up six weeks.' The old Injury has now returned nnd today ho Is In bed nt his homo wondering If ho will ever regain tho uso of his. limbs. Mrs. Humrlchouse has been under treatment fpr nervous prostration for seven weeks. She docs not know that her husband has been Injured nnd her physician' has given strict orders that the news bo kept from her. Any shock at this time, ho Bays, might prove fatal. Accordingly every effort Is being mado to keep her unaware ot tho fact thnt her husband Is lying on tho verge of paralysis In an adjoining room of their home. Humrlchouse wns brought home yes terday morning by Dr. E. .1. Morris, of tho Baltimore nnd Ohio Railroad. Tho physician found him lying unconscious nlongslde one of the overturned coaches nfter nit the Injured hnd been taken out and cared for. When the crash came, according to the story the conductor told Mrs A. Mundy, his mothcr-ln-law, who Is 'attending him nnd Ills' wife, he had Just left the sleeping car nnd wns In the parlor cnr. The shock hurled Humrlhouso the full length of the car nnd against a door. In spite of Injuries to his side ntid arm and the dull pnlh In his spine from the old hurt, he crnwled through the window nnd went to work helping the Injured out of the overturned conches. Pres ently a train nrrlved to tnko away the passengers. Humrlchouse calmly made out the transfer tickets to this train. When his duty wns completed ho col lapsed. Itapld progress Is . being made In re moving tho wreckage from the Baltimore nnd Ohio tracks, nnd derricks now nre in position to lift tho three remaining derailed conches, who trains of the road aro stll using the Pennsylvania tracks. Mrs. Julia E. Wlmer. 63 year old. of Roanoke, Vn., a patient at the Crozer Hospital In Chester. Is the only one of tho Injured treated there whoso condition Is serious. ANTI-LIQUOR YOTE MENACE TO PENROSE IN CHESTER COUNTY Growing in Strength and Op ponents of the Senator Equally Zealous in Sup port of Dr. Brumbaugh. DIMMICK MEN FOR PINCHOT League of Antl-Penrose Republicans Issues a Call. The nntl-Ponrose Republican League of Pennsylvania, whlcji was formed a week ago by men who supported the candidacy of J. Benjamin Dlmmlck, of Scranton, for the United States senatorial nomina tion on tho Republican ticket Inst spring, has Issued a call to all Republicans to support Glfford Plnchot. tho Washington party nominee, to rid the State of Pen rose and Penroselsni, "which has traded too long on tho fair name of the Re publican party." The league has also announced Its committees, of which a majority of the members are temperance leaders of the State. WEST CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 21.-Bena-tor Penrose in his present campaign in Chester .County finds thnt ho has the anti-license element to deal with. Mr. Cole, the head of the Antl-Llccnse Orga nization In this country, has made a. careful summing up ot tho tempeianca voto and he figures that tho vote will bo fourfold larger than It has ever been In the past. He snys the temperance tide has been rising since June. T. L. Eyre and County Treasurer Fred McDonald, as delegates to tho meeting of tho State Republican Committee, voted for the local option resolution. Mr. MncDonnld, chairman of the County Republican Ccunmltteo, Is ex pected to wield his power, along with thnt of Mr, Eyre, In tho effort to con vince the voters thnt their voto on local option wns the right thing under stress of present conditions nnd that It really meant nothing save to gull the people. Chester County will undoubtedly give a majority for Doctor Brumbaugh for Governor, pn thin point nil parties arid factloni seem to ngiee. To nil Intents and -purposes tho sentiment ngnlnst Mr. Penrose Is nearly as pronounced. Tio Penrose people nro .carrying on what Is classed as a "foxy" campnlgn. The old-time Republican courngo appears to have oozed out nnd this condition of af fairs serves further to accentuate the statement that "things nro different now"; that the machine which for many years boldly carried aloft the Penrose banner. Is now compelled to work for his return to the United Stntes Spnatc In a rather surreptitious manner. Tho nverago voter hero has grown 'whser than he was a few yoars ago. and In proportion to his tnklng on wisdom he hns become endued with a hardihood which comes with casting off the collar of bosslsm and standing forth a free man. It Is said upon good authority that Mr. Tenroso Is being kept advised of tho chnnged condition. There Is no an nouncement ns yet that the Senator Is to visit Chester County during this con test. To those who are not Informed on the conditions, .this seems very strange, but to those who know what's doing, the reason for his staying out of tho county Is obvious. Dr. Brumbaugh Is to come here some time during the campaign nnd his visit will serve to bring out the strength of the Republican forces as well as many others who nre quietly resolving to glvo him the support. WILLIAMSP0RT WORKMEN OFFER BRUMBAUGH SUPPORT Republican Candidates nnd Col leagues Get Cordial Greeting. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.. Sept. 21. Martin Q. Brumbaugh, Republican candidate for Governor; Frnnk G, McClnln, candidate for Lieutenant Governor; Henry Houck, candidate for Secretary of Internal Af fnlrs. and other members of the Repub lican campaign party arrived In WII llamsport this nfternoon nnd received an enthusiastic welcome from local mem bers ot tho party. They were met at the Pennsylvania station by 'a lnrge re ception committee, which Included Con gressman Edgar R, Klcss and County Chnlrman James C. Watson. After Impromptu greetings the party embarked In automobiles and were es corted to the manufacturing centre of the .city. At tho Sweets Steel AVorks tho entire plnnt wns closed down for a half hour to permit the employes to greet Doctor Brumbaugh. Assurance of sup port was given him by workmen at mnny of the Industries which he visited. From 4:30 to 5:30 a reception wns held at the Young Men's Republican Club. A rally Will be held at the courthouse this evo-nlng. Pusion Plans Approved LEBANON'. Pn.. Sept. 21.-Tho nctlon of Prof. William Draper Ltuvls, of Phila delphia, in withdrawing as the Washing ton party nominee for Governor In fnvor of Vance McCormlck, the Democratic nominee. In the hope of defeating Pen roselsm, and the action of tho Wash ington party State Committee In placing McCormlck on Its ticket, was approved by tho Lebanon County Washington party committee in session here. Arrangements were also made to have Dean Lewis here on October 1 for tho opening meeting of the campaign in Lebanon County. R. M. LITTLE COMES OUT IN SUPPORT OF PALMER Former Dlmmick Man Says Many Will Follow His Course. Further Indorsement of the candidacy of Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer for the United States Senate has been given by R. M. Little, a member1 of tho City Club, a lender In organized charity nnd a Republican nnd warm friend of J, Ben jamin Dlmmlck. Many advocates and supporters of Mr. Dlmmlck, Mr. Little says, aro now working for Mr. Palmer. In repudiation of Senator Penrose Mr. Little declared that If Mi. Penrose wns a Republican ho himself did not wish to bo classed as such. A list of names of Dlmmlck's supporters, who have .ral lied to Palmer, Mr. Little said, would soon bo mado public. LOCAL OPTION COMMITTEE NAMED FOR FALL CAMPAIGN Members Aro to Preparo Report for Baptist Ministers' Association. A committee to tnkc nctlon on local op tion for the coming campnlgn wns ap pointed this morning nt the meeting of tho Baptist Ministers' Association In the First Baptist Church, Seventeenth nnd Snnsom streets. The members, who nro to prepare a report for the next meeting, two weeks hence, nre the Revs, S. 55. Tlatton, A. S. Watson, H. W. Barrns, F. S. Samson nnd A. C. Wright. That the "Tendencies, of Prosont-day Theology" nre for no theology was the assertion made by tho Rev. John Melghan, tho speaker of the day, In open ing his discussion on this subject. " He particularly urged the Importance ot the study of the history of Christ nnd His work as Important to the success of tho churches of today. If the slum work of today bp Isolated from the work of the Child of Bethlehem, he snld, It would be n fnllurc. Other clergymen In the discussion thnt followed the main paper of the mdetlng, Joined with tho Rev. Melghnn in his plea against bringing Christ down to the level of man In teach ing young people. MIXED CHOIR AGAIN IN USE Church of St. Charles Borromeo First to Make Change. For the (lrst tlmi- In eight years women and girls sang with tho choir of the Church of St. Charles Horromco. 20th and Christian tetreets, yesterday, nnd It In expected that thero will be mixed choirs In many other Cnthollc churches In the near future. When tho late Popo Plus asked that only men nnd boys sing In the churches, the Church of St. Borromeo was ono of the first to comply with the decree. Plans are already being made for tho Installation of n mixed choir In St. Ste phen's f'hurcli. Urond nnd Butler stroets. Musical directors are glad to have the privilege of obtaining women nnd girls for their choruses ns they have found dlfllculty In securing men nnd boyfc to sing alto and soprano. SUNDAY SCHOOLS FIGHT DRINK Circulate Petition Asking Lawmak 1 ers to Ban the Traffic. A half million children, under the aus pices of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association, aro signing a peti tion to tho Legislature, urging that the legislators make It unlawful to sell "or trnfllc In any manner In alcoholic ' "iiors for beverage purposes." The petition ar gues thnt It .Is the duty of the State to curtail and put an end to the liquor traf fls as a duty to the citizens of the State, whose servant the State Is supposed to be. Copies of the petition are being circu lated in every Sunday school of the State and thousands of young men, wom en nnd children have already afllxed their signatures. It is expected that 500,000 children will have signed the petition by January 1, when nil the copies will bo bound In one volume and taken to Har risburg to be presented to the Legisla ture at the opening of Its session. ELECTRIC WORKER KILLED Pennsylvania Railroad Employe Run Down by Express. Bewildered by the approach of two ex press trains on the eastbound tracks of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, between Bryn Mnwr and Rosemont, this morning. Michael Barber, a workman employed on the electrification project, was unable to gut out of the wny nnd was killed. The trains, one from Parkesburg and the other a Plttsbuprgh train, came around a curve. Barber was attaching binding wires on the rails ns they np pioached. Fellow workmen shouted to him, He started to run ncross tho tracks, then darted back. The Pitts burgh train, on the No. 1 track, struck him. Barber was about 45 years old nnd lived at 4126 Mnrvlne street. Ho was mar ried and had two sons. Terms Arranged for Your Convenience Royal Appreciation of The Pianola The rulers ot fifty nations, with unlimited wealth at their command, and with all the world's player-pianos to choose from, have selected the genuine "Pianola" Player-Piano. At Heppe's you may obtain a genuine "Pianola" for the same price as an imitation, of which there are hundreds. Pianola Pianos Steinway, $1250 Wheelock, $750 Weber, $1000 Stroud, $550 C. J. Heppe & Son 6th and Thompson Streets 1117-1119 Chestnut Street JERSEY PRIMARIES .TOMORROW ; BITTJER FACTIONAL FIGHTS Bull Moose Cuddle Up to Both Republicans and Democrats in Ocean County. (fsom a RTArrcoiuiKsroNtniST.J TRENTON, Sept. 21,-Tomorrow's pri mary day In New Jersey, tho day when factional fights In nil parts of tho Slalo will bo determined, after which tho Re publicans, Democrats and Progressives will settlo down to tho work of trying to elect their respective candidates In thd fall election. Tho Bull Moosers as a party aro virtually eliminated In New Jersey this fall. In Passaic and Ocean Counties they hao combined with the Democrats, which fact nlone Is taken to mean the death knell of the Roosovcltlans as a party of weight. Tho fights within the Democratic and Republican ranks, how ever, nro numerous, nnd some of them nre bitter. In tho primary fight In Hudson tho voters will be called upon to decide which of two brands of Wilson Democracy they want. Fbr tho time being alBo, at lenst, will bo settled the question of the su premacy In the country between the factions of Nnvnl Ofllcer II. Otto Wltt penn on one side nnd Governor Fielder on the other. U'lttpenn hns a comnleto candidate, has no opposition within his own ranks. , Sheriff Joseph K. Nowrey, Democrat, Is ono of tho candidates for the Demo cratic congressional nomination In tha First District, and Harry C. Richmond h another Democratic candidate. Nowrey, it Is declared, will get the solid Democratic vote, eliminating Richmond almost en tirely. In tho Second Congressional District tho nght Is very bitter in the Republican rnnks. It Is concentrnted In Atlantic County, although Burlington, Cnpe May nnd Cumberland, tho other counties of the district, have been drawn Into It. The four Republican candidates In the Meld for the nomination In tho Second Congressional District are Assemblyman F.merson I. Richards, Isaac W. Bach ntach, ex-Senator Grimth W. Lewis and Senator Blnnchnrd II. Whlto. The war, particularly between Richards and Bach arach, Is to the knife. The old Smith-Nugent faction In Essex will do Its utmost to control the Demo cratic Assembly delegation, and the Witt pen and Fielder forces nro nt work In Hudson. One of the grentest fights In tho northern part of the State Is the Sheriff's contest in Hudson, In which Representa tive Kngene F. Klnkead Is making a great furore In the Democratic ranks. Ho Is opposed by three Democrats In this light. There Is another light on In both parties over the County Clprkshlp of Hud son. In Esex n Sheriff and a Surro gate are to be eleeted this fall, nnd the primary contests there are being stren uously waged. CONFESSES ANEW TO MURDER TO SAVE MAN NOW IN JAIL Jersey Pardon Board Will Consider Durd's Story in November. TRENTON, N. J.. Sept. 21,-Confesslng a second time to the murder of Mnnnlng Riley In 1907, In order to f.ave John Ed ward Schuyler, convicted of the crime but believed to be Innocent. Frnnk Burd, n convict In the State prison here, has nenln nlnced Ills own life In danger. Burd's SnKnlw .n(rt'f,l0n,nl f".,01 ln t,h0 ' nr.t confession wns made on September Hold, under tho standard of "Progressiva Democracy ar.u the ticket ngulnst him i Is the "nnll-bois" ticket. Governor Fielder, who Is from Hudson, Is not tak ing nn active Interest In tho pre-prlmary I fight, but It Is generally believed that ho Is staking his Interests on the legislative ticket In the field which is against Witt penn. I In the First Congressional District, con sisting of Camden, Gloucester nnd Salem Counties', Representative William J. Browning, tho Republican Incumbent nnd SO, 191! The first confession wns Ignored by Prosecuting Attorney Richard Kuhl, ot Flemlngton, and a Grand Jury, acting under directions from Governor Fielder, refused to Indict Burd for tho crime. The second confession will be presented to the board which will review Schuyler's application for a pardon. The board meets in November. OLD MINES AT FRENCH CREEK REOPENED SCIENTIFICALLY Iron Ore Rivals in Quality the Best in Country. WEST CHESTER, Pa.. Sept. 21. The opening of the old Iron mines nt Falls of French Creek, this county, marks the revival of an industry which once wss the leading one In the northern part of the county. The otd shafts have been reopened In a scientific manner, and mod ern mining for Iron ore will replace the primitive methods used for moro than 160 years. Thousands of tons of the finest Iron ore mined nre snld to be left In the mine. The ore tests far better than nny mined In the enstern part of the United States nnd rlvnls In quality that from Missouri. Much of tho ore shows more than 90 per cent. Iron, nnd nil runs more than 75. The vein Just tnppcd Is 40 feet In diam eter and runs through a solid bed of granite, making timbering unnecessary. Tho entire bed of ore can be easily worked from the face of tho gangways. ASSERT THUGS WERE HIRED TO BPEAK UP THE MEETING Italians Protest Against Organiza tion Lenders' Move. republican organization leaders are re ported to have hired a number of thug to break up a. meeting tonight at tho Italian Polltlcnl League, 721 Corpentet street. The officers of the Leaguo havt asked tho protection of tho police. Thr meeting Is to be held to protest against political servitude in the Italian colon; In Philadelphia. Certain candidates wll. also be Indorsed to be voted for at the elections In November. Tho speakers tonight wilt be M. Chnrle? Marlcllo, who will speak on "The Polltlcn Evils Existing In the Colony Today" Joseph Pumollo. on "The Necessity of Organization"; Thomas S. Russo, on "Ths Results, Consequences nnd Benefits Dc rived from Sucn an Organization," an Henry Dl Hrnrdino will revise tr sppeches In Italian. The meeting 1 scheduled for S o'clock. " Women's $1.25 and $1.50 t1 Gloves at.. L Cape and pique sewn; one-elnsp. Black, black - with - whit", white nnd tan. All sizes. FIRST FLOOR. STH AND MARKET : I.V OUH IIIO HUSTAtllANT. SToitn oi'i:xs s.:io a. m. and ci.osks at 5.30 p. m. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lfif Braffosffs Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Do Your Shopping; Unrly nnii uct Double Yellow Trading Stamps with p.ich 10e worth vou purthnse lxfore noon. Yellow Trad ing Stamps give you best value. " -IIE&T OF nVKKYTIIINfJ AT LOWEST PIUCES I'll'TII FLOOR I Our Great Stock of Draperies : Curtains. Drapery Material and Other Upholstery 25c to 50c Drapery Madras, 19c to 39c Scotch madras in white and ecru in pretty all-over designs; also light ground with pretty colored floral de signs. 36 inches wide. $4.50 Imported $7 30 nr Lace Curtains, P07ll Importers' surplus stock. Fine Irish point, with very pretty borders of various designs. 1 to 4 pairs of a pattern only. $6.50 Crete Curtains, pair $4.98 Woshahle and sunfnst. Pretty designs and illuminated colorings. For window or door hangings. $5 Irish Point Sash Curtains, pair $3.98 Imported fine point net with neat and effective borders. 2', $ yards long. $7.50 Irish Point Lace Curtains, pair $5.98 Our own Importation. Fine net, with wide elaborate borders. 3'j. yards long. $5 to $18 Lace Bed Sets, $3.98 to $10.98 An Importer's Close-Out. Mounted on cable net with Renaissance, Arabe Lacet and Marie Antoinette lace frames and centre motifs. Bolster covers to match. $2 and $2.50 Scotch Thread Lace Window f A-). '"fcT t-V-m JAa.VJ J g lit? I 'A Panels, $1.39 and $1.69 Ivory and oeru. diet lace effect dpslgns. 2'5 vnrilK long. ?i inches wide, 5U..1!) ' 4S inches wide, si.illi 75c to $1 Fancy Linens, 59c Lace-trimmed and Japanese drawn work scarfs, squares and centrepieces of various designs. $2 Drapery Velour, yard $1.39 30 Inches wide. Heavy quality, lustrous finish Myrtle and Olive green, red and rose colors. THIRD FLOOR $2.25 Couch Covers, $1.39 Heavy tapestry In Oriental de Msn. Full width and length, fringed all around or with plain hems. $5 Portieres, pair $3.98 Of fine mercerized yarn In pretty designs. In myrtle and olive green, red, brown and rosp colors. Large tassel fringe. New Wool Fabrics PARIS HATS Falucs That Are Astonishing for the Beginning of the Season $1.50 Silkand Wool $1 Poplins . . . . J- -10 inches wide. Woven of pure silk-and-wool, beautiful lustrous finish. Colors include Cream, pink, light blue, old rose, Copenhagen, Delft blue, reseda, Belgian blue, tango, mahogany, wis taria, Burgundy, peacock, American Beauty, prune, olive, taupe, guii'mctal, light gray, Russian green, midnight blue, navy and black. Copied at $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 and $7.98 i This is millinery that knows no i equal, except at $10. $15, and even i higher prices it has made us 'famous from coast to coast; 1 brought us orders from every 1 State in the Union. , Picture Shoifs a Lauison Model Exacthi Reproduced. $1 All-Wool Prunella Cloth, 75c J Has high, lustrous surface: 41 Inches wide. In tnupe. old rose, mahogany. Delft blue, Copenhagen, wistaria, Havana orown, garnei, uur gundy. midnight blue, navy and black. $1.39 All-Wool Poplins, 98c In 43-Inch width. Fine quality, closoly woven with round, cord All the popular colore nnd black FIRST FLOOR. SOUTH It is one of the chic little hats small and tight like a skull cap, , with showers of numidi towering , to an arch from each side. And We Use Only All-Silk Vclretx in These Hats. 0kf IM 'I , This is very important. There are - new styles every day some especially smart ones ( inviting a selection tociay. MILLlXliKY bALU.N, TrIIKD FLOOR TWO GREAT SPECIAL VALUES IN New Fall Rugs and Linoleums $25 Seamless Superfine $1 OQC V17Pt Pnrrc 9x12 feci LJXjJ T W T . .M., We Have 150 of These Very Choice Rugs. Woven In One Solid Piece of llrnvy woolen Yarns They ore from one of the Kreutrxc innuufneturers of Hoynl Wilton Hurb In America secured at such a price reduction because tho have slight color shadings that onl the must critical would Und Nothing to mar the appearam-e- nothing to huit the wear lleautlful meiliilllo" deign In red, green ntid tnn Kroiindn. - FurnTii floor $1.25 and $1.50 Inlaid Linoleum, El'71or, Square Yard, - ' "c Two yards wide 3000 yards of extra fine inlaid, with colors woven through to back 1" hng lengths some in full rollb of the cheaper giade Iirge selection of patterns, llrlng room Klirn. Stoves and Housefurnishings : Our Annual September Sale News to Interest All Thrifty Housewives SE Ideal Coal Range, $13.98 Extra large oven and fire box, will burn wood nr coal All lift-off nickel trimmings Three lengths of pipe and one elbow free $2 m turn i;i.i:n'iiic utnxs . . Efficient, economical and durable, bright nickel fin ish weight six lbs LIT DIlOTHEItS vifSllipf I Ash Sifter & Ash Can, $3.15 Heat) galauized lion ash sifter u it h iot.u) and large-size un foul lludi, li;avil OC galvanized ZtxiC -10c Double 1'sni Self baiting. 11 x size Heavy steel Hoa" 25 c 16 inch Pantry Sets l-lb tea 2-lb cuffee sugar l.'U-lb Hour FOl u rn :nsu7K cv.msti: enamel w ith in gilt sue nm m-iti white stenciled SI.49 Clothes Hampers 98c Whole willow square shape reinforced MAII. Oil rilO.Mi ORDERS KILLED c V1..W) ( uaverulr nnd QC Ilolilrr J3C 3ten in.h ubserule ..f nre pn..,f bi.juu earth, nvvare. whiif lined Will stand baking In nvpn t'ompleia with lid und solni brass nt, kel plated holder $1.00 Wash Boilers 69c 73c 'I'ar lluolluK I'auer Hciul) tarred two CC pi. in b'i ft pvr rull OOC KOc l.nlvanlird Tuba, fi( large size OUC THIRD FLOOR S: LIT UIIOTIIEHS lli x m