Newspaper Page Text
ktymr9 POSTSCRIPT EDITION EVENING LEDGER POSTSCRIPT EDITION VOL. I-NO. 8 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT CHILD LABOR PENROSE BLIGHT IN THIS STATE Report of Census Bureau Furnishes Convincing Proof of Baleful Influence of Machine on Pennsyl vania Legislation. A report Issued today by the Census Bureau In Washington shows that child labor conditions In Fhlladelphla and Ponn 1 tylvatila arc the worst In tho United Etntes Commenting on this this after noon 1'nul X. Furman, secretary of tho Child knurr Association of Pennsylvania, Mid this was duo entirely to tho Influenco of the I6niosc controlled political ma chine, which he accused of having con etantlv stood In the way of child labor legislation, nnd of having thiottled tho child lnlioi bill diawn up by tho associa tion at the Inst session of the Legislature. The ilgures given by the Census lluicau are verified bj tho State Factory Inspec tion Depnitment. According to tho repoit of tho Census Bureau, which Is not as definite on the mattei of child labor as Is tho report of the State Factory Inspector, In 10ti) there were 1'Jl males between the ago of 10 ana 11 5 cars emplojcd In Philadel phia, II JSJ between tho ages of 14 and 16, nnd V,2fU between the ages of 1G and M Of females, says tho repoit, there vcre emplovrd In this city, In 1D10, 305 between the ages of 10 and 11, D01G bo tncen the ages of 14 and 13, and 43,670 between the ages of 1G and ISO The ltpoit of tho Statu Factory In spector pIiowb that 24,000 children, between the ages of 14 and IB jenrs, are contlnu nllj emplojcd In Philadelphia, and 3I,0'0 children In the entlie State of Pcnnsjl vanlJ This condition Is worse than In nn other State or city in the Union, said Mr Fuimnn. CHILD LABOR STATISTICS. The following figures on child lnbor In the greatest Industilal States in the Union show bv comparison, the bnckwaidiu'ss of I'ennsvlvnnla In the matter: As against tho C4,X) chllditn between the ages of II and 1G jenis employed In the various Industries of the State. New York has 17,312; Ohio, 5420; Maceachusetts, Jl 157 due mainly to the largo number of children emplojcd In tho textile trade. In Illinois there aro 10.S17, nnd in Indlann, 3031 This state of affalis In the all-lmpoit-ant matter of child labor, onn of tho greatest .scourges of modem Industiy, Is lu to the fact thnt Pcnnsjlvanla has no eight-hour child labor law," s.ild Mi. Kurnian "Ye have no law forbidding night vvoil; in the glass Industry and In tho messengor service. Wo have no law regulating the street trades of bojs and girls dining any hour or the day or night TVe have no proper system of regulating the Issuance and use of certificates where by it would be impossible for any child to transfer lis certificate to anv other child or remain idle and out of school for no iciBon whatsoever. Working ccr tlfWtis should be the property of the iFsuance officer nnd wit of the child. "I'onnsvlvanla Is sadly behind In this matter Tho gang-controlled political ma chine, with men at tho head of it serv ing private Interests, do not enro a ran for tho welfnio of children of tho State, and are standing In the wny of progressive child labor legislation." WOMEN WORKERS The percentage of women working at remunerative, occupations In Philadelphia has Increased In proportion to the popu lation during the ten jears hetween 1900 ind 1910, while In the corresponding period the percentage of male wagc-camers shows a plight decrease, according to the report of the Census Bureau In 1'ifO the number of females ovor 10 jears of age engaged In "gainful occu pations." was 1I7,iS3, or 27.8 per cent., while In 1910 this number had Increased to 2"0 ?, or .U per On the other hand the number of malo workers more than 10 vcars of ago in lfKO was 121.270, or 81 1 per rent, while In 1910 there wero Ht.1,71 or s2! pei cent. In 1910 there were a total of "11,169 per ons mora than 10 jears of nge at work, or 15 9 per cent of the total population, and EG 4 per cent, of the population 10 jrar cm or over. In 19W there were WSii. uhloh formed 44 per cent, of the total population nnd 510 of tho popula te n mme than 10 years old. Tnc 71H60 gainful workers In 1910 were distributed among tho main branches of oeiupations as follows Agiiciiltute, for "liv and animal liusbdmlij, J791, or .8 per cem , cu action of mlneiaU, ITU. or - prr Lent , manufacturing and median- a inoiiatites. 319.90?, or 17 S per cent.; tmnsport.ition, 53,015, or 7 3 per cent ; tra l, nn ,.,,, or u 8 pe,. ten, f nlbc "ivti e mil. or IS per rent., piofesslonal "i-e. n,;ro. or 19 per cent., ilomestlo an'l personal service. Dl.m. or 13 0.1 per GERMAN REVENGE SWIFT FOR CIVILIAN ATTACK Belgian Towns Hazed nnd Inhabi tants Massacred, Alleged In Ostend. OSTENI), Sept. 22. It Is stated here that the acrmnns, In revenge for nn alleged attack on them by civilians, linvo Completely destroyed the towns of llorve and Detllce. The Inhabi tants, It Is stnted, resisted the demands of tho Germans to pay a line and furnish certnln quantities of foodstuffs. In tho fight that followed the Germans lost heavilv. When thoj finally conducted they forced BO of the male Inhabitants to bury the German dead. Afterward they made them dig a pit nnd stood 4S of them on the edge. All were shot nnd tumbled Into the pit, after which the two survivors wore compelled to bury their companions and wero then detained as prisoners'. PLAN TO PASS NEW CODRT HOUSE BILL OVER VETO TODAY Select Council Must Act at Once or Mayor's Objec tions to Bosses' Program Will Become Effective. U.S. REVENUE CUTTER WRECKED IN PACIFIC SENDS CALL FOR AID Councils are meeting In special ses sions today for the purpose of passing tho ?11,300,U00 loan bill for municipal Im provements Introduced In the Common branch last Thuisday. Opposition to tho $100,000 Item Included In the loan for housing the Juvenile nnd Domestic Relations divisons of the Mu nicipal Couit aio expected to develop as a tesult of Major Blankenbuig's vigorous denunciation of tho Municipal Court's expansion plana. Tho Major has declared them to be extravagant and absurd. Select Council wilt decide today whether the action of Common Council In over riding the veto of Mayor Blankenburg last Thuisdaj, on the ordinance to con demn land at 21st and Race sticcts for the Municipal Couit, l to be sustained. Re publican Organization bponsors of the now couit's- expansion plans have slated the oidlnanco for passage In the Select bianch todaj-. Major BInnkenburg has sent a personal letter to evciy member of Select Council, outlining his objections to the plan made public lecenth by Judge Brown, of the Municipal Court, for elaborate structures en the site at 21st and Itnce streets. CONVENTION HALL SITE. It became known j'estcrdaj that Dl- rcctoi Cooke, of the Department of Public Works, has been for some time negotiat ing for the, purchase of the property at 21st and Race streets, chosen bj the Municipal Couit for Its. permanent loca tion ao it site for the proposed convention hnll. Dining the Reyburn administration i, 500.000 was appropriated for a convention hall, which business organizations have urged to be centrally loci ted That amount Is aallablo for the project. Major Blankonbuig, In his letter to the Select Councilmcn opposing tho proj ect of acquiring the site at 21st and Race streets for the Municipal Court, asserts that the plan Is vague nnd Indefinite. He points out that It Is not definitely stnted wliethcr tlm land to bo taken Ih bounded on the north by Vine sticet or Winter stieet lie also Indicates that tho project outlined by Judge Brown Includes acquisi tion of lrtuallj an entire city iuock in stead of the coiner of tho block at 21st and Itnce streets Tho Major advocates acquisition of land adjoining the House of Detention at much less cost He asset ts that If the land Is condemned for the Municipal Court the responsibility fot blocking the convention hall project will rest upon Councils, ns It had been planned to locate the convention hall on the site now chosen by tho Municipal Court. Tho special sessions of Councils to pass the loan ordinance had been scheduled for Thursday of this week, but It wns sudden ly discovered that unless Select Council concurred In passing the ordinance for condemning the lard at 21st and Race streets ovor the Mayor's veto before the lapse of fio days the action of Common Council In ocrtldlng the Mayor's veto last Thursday would be nullllUd Conse quent! a nurr call for special meetings today was Issued by the Republican Or ganisation sponsors of the Municipal Comts elaborate project. Vessel, With 72 Aboard, Lands on Bering Sea Shoal Steamships Rush ing to Pier. SEATTLE, Whs!., Sept. 22. Two ships are rushing to the rescue of the crew of the United States revenue cutter Ta hotnn, which went ashore and was wrecked on a reef between Atka nnd Attu Islands, In the Behrlng Sea. Tho vessels, which were about 100 miles dis tant when they picked up tho "3. O 8." wireless call, nro tho Japanese liner Tacoma-Maru and tho Nomo steamer Senator. A wireless dispatch from Captain Richard O. Crisp, of the Tahoma, picked up at sea nnd relayed to headquarters from Sitka, Alaska, says the cutter Is In Imminent dangct. but It Is believed the nine officers nnd crew of G3 on the ship can take to the small boats with which the cutter Is well supplied nnd seek safety on one of the small Islands which dot tho sea In the vicinity of the wreck. The Tahoma Is a. cutter of tho first class. She was built at Wilmington. Del., In 190? nnd Is of S87 tons, with 1215 tons displacement and 152 feet in length. Tho vessel Is of steel con struction. The ofTlcers are: Captain Richard O. Crisp, commanding; First Lieutenant Thomas M. Mglloj, executive ofTlcer; Second Lieutenant John J. Hutson; Sec ond Lieutenant William K Scammel, Third Lloutennnt Stephen S. Yeandje, who BRITISH REACH KIA0-CHAU TO AID JAPANESE TROOPS South Wales Regiment Helps Assail German Leasehold TOKIO, Sept. 22 British troops to -co-operate -with the Japanese In the uttack on Tslng-Tao have been landed nt Lao Shnn Day. The Germans have 'made several sorties ngnlnst the Japanese nnd a num ber of scvuro skirmishes have resulted. There have been numerous casualties en both sides. Reports that a Japanese destroyer has been sunk by a German cruiser off Klao-Chau are current here, but the Admiralty has given out no Information confirming them. Transports conveying the British de tachment which Is to take part with the Japanese on the attack on Tslngtatt, left Tlcn-Tsln on Saturday This de tachment consists of one regiment, tho South Wales Borderers KING ALBERT KILLS TREACHEROUS AIDE TO ESCAPE GERMANS The War Today Renewed assaults along tho whole front by the Gcrmnns opened the tenth day of the terrific struggle In France. The Allies beat back the ns saultn nntl claimed further successes ngnlnst tho right wing of the Invad ers. Tho French made desperate nt- Chauffeur Was Bearing Bel gian Monarch Close to Foes' Lines, Declares Story From Lille. PARIS, Sept. 22. King Albert, of the Belgians, escaped capture by the Germans recently only by shooting the chauffeur who was driv ing him tupidly toward tin- Get man lines, according to the newspaper Tro- 1IIIIU UIUUCUII.CIIC .CUlMJCIl O. IC-llClt, hiiu .-,,, f.. x 1 , t, , . . .... received a gold medal for heroism clur- sress Du 'N'd' published In Lille. Ing a hurricane off tho Georgia coast Describing tho natrow escape of the three j-ears ago. Second Lieutenant of . Engineers Thomas H. Veager: Third , (?, the paper sajs the Incident oc- Lleutenantof Engineers rrancis C. Allen; curretl whe Hls Majesty was making a Third Lieutenant of Engineers Walter i tour 01 inspection of the Belgian forts. M. Troll, and Assistant Surgeon II. M, Thomas, of the Public Health Service. WASHINGTON. Sept. 22 Messages to the evcnue cutter service here todnv, an nouncing the wreck of tho cutter Tahoma In the Aleutian Islands, contained assur ances that the entire ciew of nine olll cers and 63 men would be saved "S. O. S." calls from the Tahoma were picked up bj- ships and wireless stations along tho Alaskan const, and the Japa nese liner Takonm Maru nnd the steamer Senator are speeding to her rescue The Tahoma Is one of the newest nnd best culteis in the service and fear is tclt that she will bo pounded to pieces on the reef where she Is fast. FUEL SHIPMENTS ON PENNSY SHOW DECLINE Ho noticed that his chauffeur was tak ing him near tho German lines nnd ordered him to stop. Instead the chauf feur put on full speed nnd headed straight for tho enemj-. King Albert drew bis revolvci and shot the chauftcur dead Papers were found on his body showing that tho Germans had piomlscd him $200,000 If he wns successful In de livering the King Into their hands. SAPIENT "EDDIE" SAVES ENVOYS FROM CLASHES Anthracite Is Only Grade That Re corded nn Increase, rue! shipments on tho FennRj-lvanln Railroad lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie In August with the exception of , nnthraclte, fell off from the same month i the Geiman Emb.issj called at the state , uepaitmoiit close on the heels o" oth and I'rench Ambass.ulois Secretary Bryan's Messenger Shows Diplomncy in Steeling Visitors. WASHINGTON. Sept 2i,-The rl'plo macy of Eddie Savin, Sccretnrv Ilrjans iiiiuicu mexsengct, wns put to tin test I toda; when the Ch.ut.o (rAirnire. r I of the previous year. Thej- were also rmaller for the eight months' peilod, the only increase being in nnthraclte. The number of tons of nnthiacite cm lied In tho month wele SOI.Vm, increase, 92.131; bituminous, 4,203,SlO, decrease, 2b2 52D: coke. 792,G.'G, decrease, 36S,!2S. total 5.R98,0il, decrease, S39.221 Tor the eight months' period the totals were. Anthincltc, 7,1.13,407, Increase, 30I.7S1; bituminous 31,521.31'). dectease, 1.571,937; coke. 6.S07.676. decrease, 2.SI3, 7S6; total. 43 St2,43 decrease, 4,130,912 BOY FIGHTS VICIOUS DOG nt and clerical occupations, 62,157, or PT cent YALE DEAN WITH RED CROSS trofessor Oertel Joines Staff at Munich for War Service. HanOn V. V t,onn ' Se"' 22 Prof th, i h l-,Jean of ,h i,a'- Ornduite hi m ?iJo!n."1 the s,Bff of t,le I",, "" '" Munich, it was lcmie.1 here rn., 'f,:th1rartm u,ere fc,nt0 "10 toloL'V''ft"'"!',,Lrt' PNsor of paleon. N8 i auing dean during Profeusor VON BOHEN'S HEADQUARTERS ESTABLISHED AT M0NS May Explain London Report of von Kluk's Itetrent. OSTEND, Sept. 22 Cieneral Von Pnhen. commander of the German army sent to leinforco the west ern side of the Kaiser's forces, has e-v tabllshed his headquarters at Mens, ac cording to advices received heio today. The foregoing dispatch probabU ex plains tho repoit received In London that General Von Kluk had been forced to to Mons. Uses Schoolbooks When Animnl Bites Him on Leg. On his wny to school todnv sl-je,ir-old Stanford Conway, of 2610 York street, was attacked bj a dog near his horm Sev eral companions who was with the hn ran In alarm when the dog bit him on tho leg. Tho voungstei then beat the animnl with his books, but the dog held nn Two Mien passing in an automobile chased the dog awav Thej- took the buy to the Women's Homeopathic Hospital "I neirlv got the best of him," s.ild tho little patient, as the phjsicians attended his wound the Urltlsh jnioiign tne manipulations of the sa pient Eddie, the iepieentatlves of the waning nations -eie spirited thiough the halls and conidois of the budding without collision. Mnce tho beginning of the Cumpvan war. ndtlli has been mum times called upon c keep the diplomatists of these nnd other w.iirlng nations from coming into embarrassing contact at the Mep.irt mnit Without specific instruction, from iV',.'f ,he u"'clnls of the Ix-pai tment. Kddle, the of m;iv Administra tions, has handled the situation with r.uv fcklll and Ju lament, fur which he has been repeatedlj wainilv cnmiivndfd GERMAN WIRELESS RUINED Lnst of Pacific Stations, on Nauru Island, Reported Destroyed. SVDNnV, Australia. Sept S.'.-Tho Ciei man wlieless station on the il.ind of Nauru is leported to hao hi en de stiojed by a Urltisb nnv-il force If this teport Is truo It is believed that tho Oermans are left without a wireless sta tion In the Pacific WEDDED FIFTY YEARS AGO NEWSPAPER DYNAMITED War Tax Bill Reporte. WUNUTCJN. aopt T()e. vvftr tBt 1 ."' "Ported to the House today "e Wajs anj Means Committee The o. U to 5. Was a strictly party affair. ' imlilk.n opposing and all Demc lr"l' '-tvorlng the measure. WEATHER FORECAS7' For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair 2U continued uatm toniuht; Wedms ojMBciwuiiiff doudinens with took, J, .i a'mi00' and night, modeiate onherly winds becoming utterly. For del(Xtl3i see page u. Part of Plant Wrecked During Con troversy With I. W, W. TONOPAH. Ngv, Sept 22. An explosion of djiumite beneath a corner of the job printing plant of the Bonanza, an nftc-i-noon paper, blew out a part of tho build ing, wiecked a garage and shattered windows a. block ,iwaj The newspaper plant Is In nn adjoining structure and was not damaged The paper h.13 been active for the West ern Federation of Miners In its contro versy with the Industrial Workers of the World SECOND CALL TO CANADIANS Additional Troops, 10,000 Strong, to Be Sent to Continent. MONTUIJ.VL, Sept. 22. A second con tingeul of Canadian troops. 19,000 stiong, will be raUed immediate! by the Cana dian cJovcinmcnl, It was announced to daj 'lhU additional contingent is to be ready t November t With the troops alriadv ben g diS'd it will Increase Canada a c.'iitribuuon tu the IJritUU fighting forces 10 50,(iX. Mr, and Mrs. Jnmes Ashton Leo Cele brate Anniversary. Mr. and Mis James Ashton Lee, 332S North eighteenth stieet. will celobiato their golden wedding nnntvrrsar to. night by a large fumilj dinner to be given at tholr home Jtr. Leo. who Is in charge of the De liver) Department of John Wauauiaki r's New Vork stoie, nnd Miss Amelia Walt!. ilaiiKhtni of Mr and Mrs. John WaM. were mauled Septembei 22. ISbl, in their own home, 732 Oieen street, b) the Rev. Julius Mann, a Lutheran clorgjin 111 The) have live chlldien William P Lee, Moiils M Lee, tho latter assistant managing editor of the Evening Hullotin, Miss Au,'iist.i Lee, Miss Anm Lee nml Mrs Simile! L. Kami's, of Hochester, N Y Theie are four grandchildren. Mr Lee is 7.' ) of age and Mts Lee is his junloi h) two rars PROSTRATED BY LACK OF DRUG Man Lands in Hospital Through De sire for Morphine. Desiie for morphine has Lroiuht Jo sepn I'ppcrman. of CO Ycot Columbia nenue. to the Chestnut Hill Hospital threo times the last few montlu avoid ing to phjtMcl.ins of the Institution The man was brouht there todj) bj the GTtmuntuwn police, appaientlj suf fering fioni heuit f.iiluie. He was picked up on Gcrmautown avenue near the hos pital He gasped foi breath and ap pealed to be ver) weak The phjdlcians failed to dltiovei aiivthiug wrung with him ftei resting a while u is said. I pprman asked for morphine; but his retuet was lefuseu fhen the latient jumped irom the bed und left th hos- EX-BOSS KUEHNLE FACES OLD HENCHMEN IN BATTLE 12000 Negro Voters Among Those swinging to the Bnchnrachs. ATLANTIC CITY. Sept. 22 Commo date" Louis Kuehnle. onc Atlantic ritj's political dlctaioi, h,is his hack to the wall 111 on- of the stianget battles of his pulltical career heie todaj Lined up ngnlnst him In nctivo suppoit of the Haehatachs, who have been open enemies of the ex-bos for )eais. ale many of KuehnlfV enco most seivilw henchmen. Against hlin also nre the 2u00 Ncjro voteis, whom tho ' Cotnmuduie" a few jours back voted bj bnttajlon.s undot the leadership of piecinct bosses, some of whom woio sent to prison. Practical!) tho entlro Negro voting population is in a stnte of Insurrection a.iulnnt Kuehule because liichnids, his candidate for C'ongiess, op pnsei' the seating of Jomes tluurno, n Negro druggist, in tho Hoard of lMuca. tiuu. Kuchiili has nn anchor to wind wutd. liouevfi, in tho fact that Joseph It. H.irtelt. one of his most lo)nl blip, porters ('tiring a dozen )cniH, Is virtuall) i-ertitln ut the Republican nomination ror Sheriff. 'Ihero are plcturosiiue figures in the primary battle. A. M. Heston citj Comptroller for 18 ycais. whom Kuehnls pulled out of ollle for Itisubordlnatlon. I U running for City Treasurer, p.ive i Hiurett. whom Kueanlx made Heston s successor, ami who was in turn sum piarlly removed by the fit) Commis sion for Insuboiillnatlon. Is a candidate for freeholder, n io Samuel Hast, ngs Kelly, oiic-tliiio boas of the Fourth Ward, Is a candidate for Tax Col lei tor. Ventnor i"it is in the tiuoes of a bittei m.Doialt) nomination bit- 1 tie between ileotge tiumphert, a Phila- clrlphta manufucturer, and Dahlgren Albvrtsun ex-President ot Council. tacks against Von Buelow's forces. .The contending armies aro fighting In a quagmire, making movements of heavy artillery dlfllcult, but big (runs have been rushed from Paris to the left wing-. A fierce battle Is raging on the plateau of Crnonno. Russians have captured several small towns and five of the outer Jaroslavv redoubts, and their siege guns con tinue heavy bombardment here and at Przemysl. They have taken Res zow, which Interrupts communication between tho Austrluns In the field and their western baae of supplies and reinforcements. Cracow, reported terrified by the westward advance of the Russian main army, Is preparing for Investment and many non-com-batunts have left the city, to which the Austrian reserves and a large body of the Gorman Landwchr are being rushed. Russians are believed to have nt last penetrated Silesia Berlin has not heard from Ureslau by telephone or telegraph for a day, and fears the Investiture of this Important strateg ical point, 190 miles away, In tho Russian plan of campaign against tho German capital. The Kronen War Minister, Mlllerand, reports the vlitual collapse of th) German right, with the Allies' cen tre presenting a solid wall ot steel against nttempts to pierce the lino The War Minister expects the "Rat tle of Two Rlvcr3" to continue for several days, but Is confident of a decisive victory fcr tho Allies. Berlin War Office officially denies the seven-mile retreat of General on- Kltik on the Gorman light and stales that ho Is standing firm at all points. Official statements further teport the capture of the heights of Cra onne and the town of Iiethanj. The War OITIcc praises the Allies for their valor In attacking fortified po sitions, but adds that these assaults are growing; weaker. Germany Is preparing for a hitter winter cam paign. London states that the German right Is being forced back four miles each daj This Is expected to be come more preclpltnte, as Von Kluk's army has been forced to abandon Its strongest Intrench ments. Military experts ptofess sat isfaction with the progress of the titanic contest along the Alsne, which has developed into a contest of endurance. The Allied successes are attributed to repeated bayonet charges. Petiogrud War Office announces that final Austrian resistance In Galicia on a large scale will centre ut (Jtn covv. The main Russian army Is piessltiB wfstward toward this great fortified city, which Is tho base of supplies for the Austtlans Minister of War SouUhomllnoff states that sufficient forces will bo left to insure tho cnptuio uf Pizemj-sl and Jnros law In tho east, nnd that the main army will mako cautious, progress west on account of the difficult ter ritory to bo traer.eil. Vienna admits the Russian passage of tho San. but states thnt the troops ure cavalry skirmishers and that the main nrmy will rind progress from Jaioshiw difficult on account of tho San maishus. The W'nr Office he- GERMAN ASSAULT REPULSED; ALLIES RUSH ON CRAONNE French Push Forward Heavy Guns From Paris to Aid Advance on Heights Taken By Invaders at Left Centre of Long Battle Line. General Joffre Announces Continued Success of Left Wing Against Von ' Kluk and Says Resistance Must Soon Turn Into Precipitate Retreat. PARIS, Sept 22. German forces today began the tenth day of the great battle by again taking tho offensive along the whole front, although It had been announced that tho Invaders had started to re treat. It was officially announced that the Teutons' assuults were without ap preciable results. On the right bank of the Olse tho Germans are giving ground. Tho official statement Issued today follows. On the whole front, from the Olse to the Woevre region, the Germans manifested on the 21st a certain activity without obtain ing appreciable results. On our left wing on the right bank of the Olse the Germans have, given ground before the French at tack. Between the Olse nnd the Alsne the situation Is unchanged. The enemy has made no serious at tack, contenting himself yesterday evening with a long range bom bardment. At the centre, between Rheims and Souain, the enemy attempted nn offensive movement, which has been repulsed, while between Sou aln and the Argonne forest wc have made some piugiess. Between the Argonne and the Meuse there Is no change. In the Woevie region the enemj' made a violent effort. Thej- at tempted the heights of the Meuse on tho front of Tresauvnn-'lg-notilles-Houdicourt without belli? nble to lake foothold on tho heights. On our right In Lonaine the enemy hus crossed tho frontier n.snln with small columns. He hus re-occupled Domestre. to tho south of Blamont. During the dnj-s of tho 20tli and 21st we took 20 re-victunllng motors with all their personnel and a num ber of prisoneis, belonging notably to the Fourth, Sixth. Seventh, eighth, Ninth, Fourteenth, Fif teenth Germun corps, to tho Bava rian Landwchr nnd to tho reserve corps. It Is understood the Allied armies to- guns have In certain places been with drawn toward the extreme base. This is plainly a ptecautlonury movement, but it may also be the beginning of the long-expected retreat. It I3 believed hcte that If the Ger mans finally abandon their present base they aie unlikely to attempt to hold a new line In the noith of France. Their left nnd left centre continue ef forts against the stiong Fiench fort resses In tho eastern frontier region, plainly with the hope of demolishing; them, so that If a straight westward offensive movement is undertaken later It will not be hampered by the re duction of fortifications. Heavy guns fiom tho Paris fort were rushed to the front today to reply to the bombaidment of the monster 16-Inch howitneis of the Germans, while at the same time the Allies con tinued thcii pressure against the right wing of the invading nrmy While there had been a lull in the fighting late j esterdaj-, owing to ths physical exhaustion of the soldiers, ths engagement, which Is reall) composed of four separate battles, was resumed furiously at daybreak. As a result of the opeiations of tho French and British, who aro vigor ously pushing an enveloping movement to encircle the German light flank, th battle line is bring extended .vest of the olse River. General von Kluk Is moving guns Into position to piotect his line of communication and to pro vent n letreat, which would expose the 1 ear of the tioops stationed in tho Craonne region. Tho big guns from the Paris works will be used to bombard tho German works upon the plateau of Craonno, where tho Invaders occupj it position of enormous st length. The German In fantry stationed upon the Craonno heights is suppoited with heavv artil lery of longer range than the French guns which have been opposing it Tho tenth day of this, mightj struggle found the artillery duel of the two groat armies a draw, while the main lines of both armies nto believed to be intact. The French claim to have shoved back tho German right, but at the same tlmo an official statement from day aro making n supremo effort to 1 the Fiench War Office gives an ac- btenh. through the lines of the Ger man nrmy commanded by General von Buelow. The latter was compelled to weaken his lines by withdrawing a part of his mnin force to sond to the relief of General von Klult and tho light wing count of fighting west of the ue n a point frtm which it had been thought that tho Germans hud been epelie,i Reports have again become itimnt that tho Germans nre short of ammu- . nition. but the terrific natuie nt the German cannonade seems to give this The French nro now attacking tho j rumor the lie fortified positions held by the Ger- Convinced that German) now has mans which control tho railway bo- 1 her entire field strength available tha tween Hethel and Lnon. They hnvo high military oflU-iiU hero dec I ere th t gained slight advantages here nnd. if within another fortnight, nr fine thej can drtve their wedge through. ' weeks at the outside, she will 1,1 tiniu they will plac both von Buolow nnd ins a defensive content ouim.i. f French territory. tne tour points where the luhtnuj von Kluk at a material disadvantage. fividonces accumulate to indicate ifnvnu tl,n av nvAn ..., thnt thn nerninn Hcrht fine hean f.-...aw1 i .-... ... .. ..- .., ... ttti-ut .,inii7 vvju ue 1 - ... ,.r, ,- ..w, ...,vc nunc.-, ara mo vailtj of the 1 i,j, fought in the fouthllls of the Car. lo tnho a l""th)n almost north nnd Soisaons, Rheims and niun rne imthlnus nnd not nt '""racow j south to prevent tho turning of its lines Herman left centre is making 1 wg- Scrvla officially reports crushing 1111 ! hi 'he j'o on-Soissnns region nnd that 1 oroua assault on the foils ut Wniun, " ..,. i luxiPiuu iii ,1 iour "" ' r " m, cum i" , tiiieruuieij nomuurdlne them and ih. a ilnatc l.nttln na.. V. T , . .,,, '"" niut me mvnr i-trina. i The other Servian nrmy, in conjiutr- I lion with the Montenegiin. has be. gun the bombardment of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, now an Austrian ptovtnee. I Italy clamors for wnr Tlmusands f I aid Von Kluit to hold the right, had to bo dlspused of in this way to check nn allied turning movement If this had tucceede( it would luive compelled the surrender of General von Kluk and a part of Qenerul von Rue. low's armies Rut the fact that the PARIS CENSUS 1,026,507 LESS Fewer Familleb in Capital by One- third Than in XOU, PARIS, fcept . -officiii ugures on the census of I'arin within the citj walla, show that there are todaj in the capital Sttf.lM fewer families than mie were m lull The number of. household now In the citj in ltd 30 . Consequently a thlru of thr ielilent tumbles has lift Numeruallv as n, inhabitants the .--pulaticn tod ij hovv ' a leduc-tion of 102507 as compared with 1911 This is eu,uat to 6J cer vent ' I ot the population in normal tunes j V men out of work continue demon- Oermans were furceil to use this force str.itiuns denouncing the national lo prevent their rear being exposed to . - , - policy of neutrality. Austria has called out the. thin line of reserve tu guard the fiontters nf U prov inces against an Italian invasion Var is expected Parisians rejoiced, at the news thai the famous Cathedral ut Rlieiim, hmj not been irreparahlj destrojed R. -Ports were received that while the artistic edifice had Uen battered se erelj it could be icstvied attuck was a real victory to the AllJeg. As a result ilioj hiive been able to re. pulae the efforts of the Hermans to advance- and aro slowly pressing the Germans back toward their lines of cunnnunicatiDn In fact, it is stated positively that reports of the Frenc h-British aviators who have reconnoitred the (.einiuii position show indications 0f tt rtlriJ. grade inurement. The heaj B4tJ,c making efforts lo storm them from two Sides, Much sickness hig esultcd lr rn tha cold, rainy weather, to which ind Freru-h. Herman and British in.. 1 , ( have been espoed The Krem h ir... , i that were drttwn fnm nonrum .uu a the Algerians and the Indian tr. , , s feel the Jnclsmeiu uvuiher m-.-t unic coming direct front u hot, drj iin,t Severe Influenza, pneumonia and iiWi. rntlsm twve Ml4i tlWtr Sppiuian 1, hotb tumui,, an4 tw bdtchto f i, .t soWieis are twins tliktn tu th, m,,. pitals daily Late tepoittj sa) that the i.unni lomlardnit-nt at Rheim- iiuhii n. it -j shells btiiirf directed asainst th. lr r , n fur es S'.uth of ih- it j M , ' ,- - thrapnel, however fall in 1 It