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POSTSCRIPT EDITION EVENING w wpijp T "'W"""i TT LriDijJcixi i Miww ni'i' ii i ' '' ' I POSTSCRIPT EDITION ii i VOli. I-NO. J PHILADELPHIA, 3VBDNJ3SD AY, SEPTEMBER 2tf, 1914. PKICE ONE CENT n DUAL OFFICEHOLDERS PROVE USEFUL AIDS ' IN OPPOSING MAYOR Their Votes in Select Coun cil Sufficient to Override Veto of Land Ordinance Reeking With Scent of Graft. Voles of dual officeholders, bipartisan ! fympalhlwra with the ..Republican Or ganlzallon, standpatters and boss-con trolled members In Select Councils made possible yesterday the passage of tho ordinance to condemn land for use of the Municipal Court over tho veto of Mayor Blankenburg. There was evident apprehension In Or canlzatlon ranks before the balloting on the measure, that will condemn only a tmall Plot of ground nt the northeast corner of 21st nnd Rnco streets and leave the remainder of the block as a fertile Held for land speculation among the usual bcncllclarles of the city's land Purchases. Judge Brown, of tho Municipal Court, has already made public a lavish de velopment scheme for his court build ings that will Includo virtually tho en tire city block. It was obviously feared yesterday by the It'imbllcan .ipon.-.jrs 'or thu land condemnation that the 29 vntf.i neces sary to pass the ordlnanco over tho Mayor's veto could not be mustered. Urgent calls were sent out to every mem ber of tho chamber who takes orders from the bosses. William E. Hoxnmor, of the riftocnth Ward, telegraphed from Wafchlngton that he would mnke every effort to return. He fnllcd, however, to appear In time to have his vote recorded. Ono member was rushed 50 miles by au tomobile to cast his ballot. DUAL OFFICEHOLDERS ACTIVE. Conspicuous nmong the line-up of Eelect Councllmen who voted to flout the Mayor's wishes nnd to open avenues for lavish expenditures by tho Municipal Court wcio county officeholders, whom Mayor Blnnkotiburg declared In his an nual message to Councils last Thursday to be serving in the legislative bodies of thu city against nil good governmental policy. Chief of these noteworthy dual office holders was Thomas S. T. Mncklcer, of tho Twenty-fifth Ward, who iccelves a salary of $"."0 a month ns clerk In tho Municipal Court. His vote ulone saved from de'eat the mea.suie that will .benefit the Fourco of his alnry. Among others who hold county offices and whose votes helped to override the Mayor's veto ohe Hurry Itausley, presi dent of Select Council, who Is n mer cantile appraiser; William J. Harring ton, of the Fourth 'Ward, employed In tho office of tho Register of Wills; George D'Autrechy, of the Seventeenth Ward, a clerk In tho olllco of the Re-cord-r of Deeds; William E. Flnloy, of tho Thirty-ninth Wnrd, a real estnte arsessor; Harry J. Trainer, of the Third ward, who has been a mercantile ap praiser; John F. Flaherty, of the Thir teenth Ward, a clerk in tho Quarter Sessions Court, and Eduard Buckholz. o: the Nineteenth Ward, listed In tho Manual of Councils ns a real estate as sessor. Referring to tho elual officeholders In his message last Thursday Mayor Blankenburg said: "Hero are men charged with the important duty of making laws which govern the com munity, who, because of allegiance they owe to political dictators, can block nnd have blocked Important public measuies, nnd on the other hand have passed over the head of the Chief Executive meas ures which he disapproved nnd which have been recognized by tho whole pub lic as against public policy." FALSE TO CONSTITUENTS. Thomas J. McGinnis, elected by a Democratic constituency In tho Sixth Ward, cast hl3 vote as usual in bipar tisan sympathy with the Republican or ganization. Herbert L. Mnrls, tho Glb-boney-Keystone representative, of the 31th Ward In the Select Chamber, simi larly cast his vote with tho organization. 11 wood S. Davis, elected n an inde pendent in the 23d Ward, lined up vvlth the gang. Republican standpatters In Select branch, who consistently boosted tho ex travagant plans of the Municipal Court and voted yesterday for their icuhzutlon, were Charles Seger, of tho Soventh Ward: Edward Patton, of tho 27th Ward; James E. l.cnnon, Vnra's man In the 2Cth Word. Although Common Council passed tho ordinance over the Mayor's veto last Thursday, It was accomplished by a bara three-fifths vote, and independent mum l'rs Inter voiced their doubt that the veto could have been overridden In less hasty procedure thnn was adopted. Even President McCurdy, of tho Com mon branch, disapproved of the land cn.ulrng oidiimnce for the Municipal court. Yesterday he favoied cutting from the 11.200.000 loan the tlOO.OOu Item for Municipal Court buildings. The at titude of President StcCurdy In opposing the expansion plun of the citl's newest court and liU championing of the economical scheme to house the court nar tho present House of Detention la vakonlng considerable speculation mong Organization forces. CAMP FOLLOWERS OREDIENT. Other camp followers of the organiza tion held In leush by Varo anil Mc Nlchol Influences, who voted yesterday to over-ride the Mayer's veto were James Wlllard. of the Eighth Ward; Alfred M. Wnldron. of thu Thlrt) -first; '.old. Hut, of the Twenty-ninth; Wll (lain H. QulRley, of hn Twentj-olfihth; James M. Ncely. of the Ninth; John J. McKinley. Jr., of the Thlrty-thlid; George Mitchell, of tho Thirty-fifth; Henry J. Klor. of the Forty-lifth; Hany r. Kennedy, of the Fouitoonth; Albert "e, I'rcfontHlne. of the Thirty-eighth; William J. Crawford, of the Thirtieth; John J. Conroy, of the Twenty-fifth; v- iiiam Roal. of the Fort-llist. und laJ Abrruns of the Sixteenth. The Select Councllmen who voted to sustain the veto of Mujor Hlankenbuig ai'd check the expansion planned for tho Municipal Court, were Edwin C. Holleau, nt the Thlity-second Ward; Georga D. lox of tho Forty-third; Georso B. ''avis, of the Twenty-fourth; Joseph J. ullwoith. of the Eighteenth; Ira D. (.inian, of the Fort-lxth; J. F. Green wood, of the Thirty-seventh; William J. Uiieton, of the Thlrtj -sixth; Colonel fcheldon Potter, of the Twonty-second, nd William Jt. Rleber. of the Forty- ARMY-NAVY GAME PLANS AWAIT FINAL DECISION Representative Logue Confident It Will bo Played In Philadelphia. Ifrnoit otrii'STAtr connrsr-oNnn.NT.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 2.1-Rep- rescntntlvc J. Washington Loguc, of Philadelphia, Was Informed at the Navy Department today .that Secretaries Daniels, nnd Garrison Imvo not ns yet settled the controversy between Annapolis nnd West Point as to whore thu Army nnd Navy football game Is to be played this fnll. From his tnlk with Secretary Daniels, Mr. Loguc was convinced, however, that the annual contest will be held In Philadelphia. PROBE OF PENROSE PRIMARY "SLUSH FUND" TO BEGIN PRESIDENT DEMANDS THAT MINE OWNERS ACCEPT TRUCE PLAN Head of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company Refuses Terms Offered, But Is Told to Reconsider. Senate Committee on Privi leges and Elections Meets for Consideration of Norris Resolution. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23.-Prcsldcnt Wilson today refused to let the Colorado Fuel nnd Iron Company turn down his plan of a peaceful settlement of the Colorado mining strike, when J. F. Wei bornc, president of tho company, told tho President that his plan was not acceptable to tho company. The Picflldent, In reply, told Mr. Wcl borne to reconsider, and In tho most em phatic fashion told him that In view of the present crisis In the country he should not definitely refuso the offer of settle ment. Mr. Welbornc promised to get In touch with the other operators In Colorado, and have their answer In the President's hands In a few days. It Is considered probable that tho operators will square tho issue presented by the President nnd stand pat on their declination. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company through Mr. Welborn today presented an alternative plan of settlement to the President. Tho latter declined to con sider it, saying that ho was not thor oughly familiar with tho facts of the Colorado situation, but that he thought tho plan of a three years' truco a fair one. He added that he did not Intend to act ns judge or arbiter In the situa tion, but only ns a peacemaker. The President showed his disappoint ment plainly. He had believed that, under existing conditions, his proposal for a three years' truco would be ac cepted by both sides. He remained firm, however, and Informed the coal magnates that he would insist on the acceptance of the plan. "Go back to Colorado," he Is reported to have declared, "and reconsider your decision. You cannot afford to decline such a proposition In view of all the existing circumstances." Mr. Welborn was closeted with the President for nearly an hour. On leav ing the White Hous he appeared flus tred. but he declined to divulge nny details of his Interview. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. The Commit tee on Privileges and Elections Is In ses sion In the office of Senator John W. Kern, of Indiana, chairman of the com mittee, considering the resolution offered last week by Senator George W. Norris, of Nebraska, providing for an Investi gation of the collections and expenditures In tho Pennsylvania and Illinois Sena torial ptlmnrles. The Inquiry was pro posed by Senator Norris, after charges had been made to him that large sums of money hnd been expended In tho In terest of the candidacy of Penrose, In Pennsylvania, and Roger C. Sullivan, Democratic nominee In Illinois. The lcsolutlon directs tho Privileges nnd Elections Committee to Investigate Into tho total nmount collected nnd expended for the candidates In tho primaries, the methods of collection nnd expenditure, and also to leatn, If possible, whether any funds hnd been collected and expended fur the candldntes by any persons, cor porations, etc., which wero not recorded according to law. The resolution directs that the commit tee report to the Senate whether nny of these colh-ctlons or expenditures were In vlolntlon of the law, and whether the candidates. If elected, should be admitted to tho Scnnte. The committee also Is to recommend nny legislation which may be deemed necessary to correct any evils It mny discover. Roland S. Morris, chairman of tho Dem ocratic State Committee, went to Wash ington today tc confer with Democratic members of the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, which meets to c"n to decide whether the Senate shall Investigate Senator Penrose's "slush rund." Senator JCern, chairman of that com mittee, colled the meeting to consider tho resolution of Senator Norris calling for an Investigation of the campaign funds nnd expenses of Kenntor Penrose and Roger Sullivan, tho Democtatlc boss of Illinois and candidate for United Stutes Scnntor. The Democratic member of the commit tee, while strongly In favor of an Inves tigation of Senator Penrose's "slush fund," do not favor throwing the llmo llght on tho methods by which Roger Sullivan obtained his nomination. Mr. Morris went to Washington to appear be foie the committee In response to u re quest made by Senator Kern that the men Interested In the proposed Investigations appear before the committee and present their views today. SUBMARINE STRENGTH OF POWERS AT WAR According to the latest flguren nvntlnble the combatant nations In 1013 thus Wore equipped With sub marine toipcdo.flrlng craft; Great Britain . 72 France 6$ Russln 3H Germany ,. .,.,...., , 23 Austria-Hungary 10 Japan II BRITISH DEATH LIST IN NORTH SEA FIGHT ESTIMATED AT 1654 TheWarToday Survivors From Thxee Cruis ers Sunk by German Sub marines Arrive in' England. Tell of Escape. AID OF COURTS SOUGHT TO CHANGE CECILIE'S BERTH German Liner Seeks Winter Quarters at Portland, Me. PORTLAND, Me.. Sept. 23.-Agents In New York of the North Gorman Lloyd steamship KronprlnzeKsin Ceclllo are ex pected to present an application to the Federal Court here today for permission to bring tho vessel from Bnr Harbor to this port for anchorage during the winter. Tho Cecllle Is In custody of the" United Stntcs marshal on account of the suit brought by New York bankers because tho ship failed to deliver gold bullion at Plymouth, Eng. While bound for Eng land with moro than 510.O0O.0CO aboard, the captain turned back and headed for the nearest American port to escape capture by French nnd Rrltlsh cruiser.. ALLENT0WN FAIR CROWD BREAKS ALL RECORDS second. WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Un xttled and cooler tonight and Thurs duy; moderate variable- w'mdu. For details, seo zaae li. DU PONT LOSES INTEREST IN $2,000,000 ROAD PLAN Opposition to Highway Gift to Dela ware Discourages Him. WILMINGTON, Del.. Sept. 23.-"-If Del aware ever gets the $2,000,000 boulevard which T. Coleman duPont intended to present to the Stnto and on which ho was working when stopped by Injunction proceedings, It will have to ask for It. The General lost all Interest after oppo sition developed. The force gathered to build the road hah been discharged. Mr. duPont had already spent $100,000 on the project. JAPANESE LOSE 300 MEN IN KIAO-CHAU ATTACK Germans Explode Two Mines as Enemy Advances. PEKIN. Sept, 23.-Moro than ZM Japa nese soldturs are repotted to have been Kiiieq aim injureu wiien tho German de fenders of Klao-Chau set off two mines near Wnng-Tal. Earlier reports stated that only 32 Japanese were killed. Official ndvlccs from tho Chinese of. tlcials now on tho Shantung peninsula suy the Germans exploded mines In ground over which the enemy was advancing. WAHMING UP FOR MAYORALTY Boom Started for Two Republican Candidates at Wilmington. WILMINGTON. Del.. Sept. Kt-Deaplte the fact that a state campaign is now on Wilmington Republicans are seeking a candidate for mayor. President of Council William P. White has been regarded as the organization candidate for some time, and It was gen erally bupposed that he would have things his own way because of being the tirst in the field. A good-bized boom has since developed for James F., Prloe. City Treasurr. it i. expected f "- Uthi to.- the Mavoraltv will reaul , Receipts of First Day Exceeded $20,000 Prize-winning Poultry. ALLENTOWN, Pa., Sept. 23.-That the love of a good horse and tho desire for amusement and social lecrcatlon reign strong nmong the American people Is shown by the great success of this year's Allcntown Fair. The receipts to date arc upward of J20.000, about $3000 above nil former records by Wednesday morn ing. The crowd on Tuesday numbered 3J.O0O nnd was a banner one for an open ing day. A. J. Fell, the noted Wynndotto fancier from West Point, Montgomery County, who came to tho Allcntown Fair with the avowed Intention of winning the grand sweepstake poultry pilze, wus chief prize winner nt the fair on the opening dny. Owing to tho great number of entries the Judged will not llnlsh their work until probably the last day, but Mr. Fell made a good start by capturing tho Robert S. Rathbun cup for tho best White Wyan dotte In the show. This Is the third year in succession he has won the $.'iO trophy, and he now becomes Its owner. The war has had tho effect of popu larizing tho national breeds of the vari ous European fowls, and Charles Haight. of Doughoregan Manor, Mil,, won the prlzd for FavcrollcK. the French national favorite, and William S. Weaver won for Mullnes, the Belgian national chicken. II. L. Iirnhaw won for best female bartam. and Llnstead Farm foK- best mnlo ban tam Colonel Harry C. Trash r got th spe cial iilze for wild un'.nvs, which wi-ro rnlsed on his game paik. Di. HI toll house, of Lorano, got the iM Kuhns and Kersihnor cup for thu bint Culumbi'iii V'tamintto pullet, a breed again lt high favor and In which there Is btrong compo tltlon. Joseph Kcenlg. of Park Plnce, Rlt turbVille, got the $73 Ilersli & Brother cup for the best Silver I.iceil Wyandotte cock, and George II. Schat, of "Allen town, tho fair's own JElO cup for largest display of pigeons. VIRGINIA JOINS DRY STATES BY MAJORITY OF 40,000 State Will Lose $700,000 in Revenue After November, 1010. RICHMOND. Va., Sept. :3.-State-wldo prohibition won In Virginia yesterday by a majoiity In exepss of 40,000 votes, carrying all but four cities and sixteen counties. The four cities opposing prohibition wero Richmond, Not folk, Alexandria and Wllllnmsbuig. The total vote inn to from to 160.000. The election results will cause a loss In revenue of more than $700,000 annually to the State. The State becomes dry on ana aner jvovemuer 1, WIS. JERSEY NEEDS RAIN Water Problem Growing Serious in Some Sections. LAMBERTVILLE. Sept. -."3.-The water problem here Is growing serious, and un less there Is a rain within the next few days there will be actual suffering. The three reservoirs of the Lamlxrtvllle Water Company are low, and wells used by many aro practically dry. At Stock ton tho Wlckechcoke Cieek has fallen to a mtie rivulet. the Mayoralty ?60,000 FIRE AT SALEM SALEM. Mass., Stspt. 33. Two leather plants, which escaped destruction by the lire of June , were damaged by a $60,000 fire today The fuctorlea wer those of Samuel Knapp and F. A. Buck lej Company. LONDON, Sept. 23. The magnitude of the disaster suffered In the North Sea when tho cruisers Abou klr, Crcssy and -Hogue were struck by German submarines, struck home to Eng land today when It was learned that only CU survivors, omccrs nnd sailors, had been accounted for. Tho missing number 1GJ4, the three bl.lps having carried 2100 sailors and 163 ofllcers. It Is believed that some of tho missing Imvo been rescued by ships that will re port later, but even the most optimistic fenr that the death list will total at least 1600. Only tho barest details have yot reached here of the terrific execution caused by the torpedoes sent from the German submarines, Tho unofllclal re ports state that the three cruisers wero sent to the bottom within a space of only two hours. The Aboukar was attacked about G o'clock yesterday morning. Within a few minutes her shattered hulk had sunk, leaving on the surface only wreckage nnd members of the crow who had been able to throw themselves Into tho sea before the vessel went down. Within a short time the Hoque reached tho spot, and while close watch was kept for the enemy's submarines. Its boats were lowered nway to save the Abouklr's men. To this fact many of the Hogue's sailors owe their lives, for, despite the precautions taken, a submarine dispatch ed a torpedo ngainst the Hogue's hull and sho followed the Aboukar to the bottom. DESTRUCTION OF CRESS Y The Cressy was the third to be de stroyed. Sho Is said to have been sent to tho bottom nbout S o'clock, while her boats were engaged In rescuing the crews of the Abouklr and Hogue. The Abouklr was struck on Its star board side. It was thought she had struck a mine, but while the Hogue was lowering four lifeboats she was struck on the starboard by a torpedo. It was then understood that submarles were In action. Four were seen nnd llred at. The Abouklr sank In ten minutes, and tho Cressy, nlso approaching to give aid, was torpedoed and sank. Two submarines nre reported to have been hit, but this Is unconfirmed. The third escaped. It Is supposed at least four German submarines engaged In the attack. Most of the survivors of the Cressy state that they were three hours In the water, swimming, before they were pick ed up by small boats. The survivors wore nearly undressed In their berths when the torpedoes struck. They jumped out and leaped overboard. The captain of the Tlton, which helped In the rescue work, believes that It Is possible other survivors may possibly have been picked up by fishing boats. Only one German bubmarlno was seen near the spot where the British cruisers Abouklr, Hoguo and Cressy were sunk In the North Sea yesterday by the captain of the Dutch steamer Tlton, who picked up a number of survivors nnd took thera to The Hook. STORY BY BRITISH CAPTAIN. The Tlton's captain told the following story of the dlsnster today: Early yesterday morning, when wo wpre nbout SO miles off the const, wo saw three warships In the offing. They were so far distant from us that they were nearly hull down upon the horizon. As we approached I saw- one of them suddenly disappear. Wo continued In the direction of the ships, and Immediately I saw smoke arise from ono of the others, then tho faint sound of an explosion came across tho water. Wo put on more speed so as to reciu any survivors that might be floating In tha water, and as we rushed forward I saw the third stlp struck. We djd not know at flrst whether thero had been explosions on board or not, but we were puzzled by tha tact mat no attacking force could ba been anywhere. Survivors from the thiee British cruisers sunk In the North Sea were kept under close guard today at the Shotley Naval Hospital and the Great Eastern Hotel at Harwich, to prevent their giving out any details of the dis aster. Tho only information vouch safed was that they reported probably 700 had been saved. A pathetic scene was enacted last night when the wounded and uuwuunded sur vivors, numbering 110, wero lauded at tho Harwich and Parkeston docks. They wero brought ashore on a little hospital ship that went out to meet the cruiser and destroers that had picked them up amidst the wreckage of their ships. WOUNDED TAKEN HOME. The wounded wero carried through lanes of weeping women to tho Shotley Hospital. No sound was heard but tho shuffling of the feet of tho Utter carriers and the sobs of the women. When soino of the latter attempted to approach the litters to peer In the face of the wounded, they were gently thrust back with the one word "wait." They waited, but it was a grim vigil. Even after the wounded reached the hospital their relatives were barred out. ' They were clad In nondescript attire jur me moBi pari. some wore only blankets. Others had to be content with burlap sacks. A few moro fortunate than their fellows had been given the thick coats that seamen use at night, but on the rescuing ships there had not bent enough of these to go around. Many of th survivors were officers. They fared no better than the sailors, however, lo the tnatUr of clothing. Fierce fighting, especially on tho west wlnfr of the long; battle line, wan re sumed on this, the eleventh day of tho great battle of the Alsnc Posi tive announcement was mpdo of the success of the turning movement by the Allies against the German rlfjltt wing. General von Kluk'u arnly Ib now In greater peril than at tiny tithe since the battle of the Mnrnc. Russians contlnuo to bombard 1'rzo mysl but tho Investment of thla heavily fortified position Ib not per mitted to delay the main Russian movement on Cracow, tho Austrian base of supplier). The storming of Jaroslaw was accomplished at smatl Russian loss, but the casualties were heavy among the garrison. The Rus sians have rebrtdged the San and arc passing troops across to reinforce tlu urmy advancing against Cracow. In Poland German operations proceed briskly, and tha Russians are de moralized by the rapid advance of Von Hlndenburg's army which de feated them In East Prussia with great loss. The JJerlln War OfTlcc re ports a steady advance In the Wur saw campaign. Belgian troops nro engaging In numrir ous skirmishes in vicinity of Mech lin, Termondc and Ghent, to harass German reinforcements which are ad vancing westward Into Franco. French official statements without iuuiiui.utiuii iiiiiiuuuvju iiiu auuuesa ii the Allies turning movement against the German right wing. This will force a general withdrawal, It Is be lieved, as reinforcements rushed to Von Kluk's aid through Belgium will not be able to alter the situation. For the first time authentic announce ment is made ns to the identity of the generals In command of the armies of the Allies. Berlin official statement Insists the entire German line 'is holding firm with no Important change in the relative positions of the opposing armies. The forces operating from Metz have driven the French far within their own frontier. It also Is added that tho Germans have driven the French from tho outlying trenches at Rhcims. London has unofficial reports that Brit ish advance guard already Is In tho suburbs of St. Quentln, as a result of a series of charges yesterday. Nine miles of trenches filled with German dead were taken after a terrific artil lery duel. These trenches are of great strategic Importance, as they command roads to Pcronne, Gonzea court, Cambral and Belllcourt. Tho main body of German troops are be lieved to have left St. Quentln. Japanese lose 3000 men when Germans explode two mintes under troops ad vancing to attack Kiao-chau. Belgian War OfTlco reports a policy of co-operation with the Allies by which the attention of German troops, ad vancing westward, is occupied by flying squadrons, thus delaying rein forcements to tho six German armies on tho Aisne battle line. Petrograd War OfTlco reports that many Austrlans are deserting In large numbers and that tho army of Gen eral Dankl Is almost completely sur rounded, it does not expect that Przemysl can bo taken by assault, but claims that the capture of Jaros law, controlling the railways west, obviates necessity of capturing Przemysl as an obstacle In tho prog ress to Cracow. Jaroslaw was taken by direct assault, according to late dispatches from the War Ofllco. British losses in North s"ea disastor when three cruisers, the Abouklr. Hogue and uressy, were sunk by German submarines are now placed at 1631. Several hundred survivors have been landed at llnrwich, Eng land, while others picked up by fish ing boats have been taken to tho Hook of Holland. FRENCH ASSAULT GAINS TEN MILES ALONG RIVER OISE Flanking Movement Against German Right Wing Meeting With Great Suc cess, Is Afternoon Declaration From War Office in France. Germans Report Capture of Outlying Trenches at Rheims and Further Suc cesses in Lorraine District Fighting Resumed Along Entire Battle Line. DANIELS DONS COTTON SUIT "MADE IN AMERICA" Naval Secretary Joins Movement Initiated by Miss Genevive Clark. WASHINGTON, Sept 3 -Secretary of the Nav Daniels today joined the "Cot ton Clothing Club" suggested by Miss Genevieve Clark, daughter of the Speaker. Ho appeared at his office In a suit of white cotton and announced that he would wear only cotton clothing until the war ends. "The way to help our cotton growers and manufacturers is to make a broader American market by wearing cotton tlothlng." said the Secretary 3000 JEWS MADE HOMELESS Incendiaries Burn 800 Houses in Turkish Territory, CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. afc-Three thousand Jews were made homelws by an Incendiary lire that dstroye4 SW houses In Hasskeut oa the Golden Horn early today Relief steps are being taken by the Government. PARIS, Sept. 23. Confirmation of the circumstantial teports that' the French left has suc ceeded In partially turning the flank of tho German right wing came today from the War Office. The official resume of the situation, made public at Bordeaux at 3 o'clock and wired to General Gulllcnl, stated that by violent fighting the French left, on tho right bank of tho Hlver Olse, has now succeeded In advancing more than ten miles. The Germans are again attacking In force from the northeast of Verdun, but the French, by a series of brilliant counter attacks, finally repulsed them. The report says: The left wing of the allied army is making steady progress ngainst the Germans commanded by Gen eral von Kluk. Our left, by de termined, and at times, hand to hand fighting, has succeeded In gaining ten miles along the right bank of tho River Olse. The move ment at this point (an enveloping ono) is progressing as planned by the commander-in-chief. The Germans madf a violent at tack on the French position from the northeast of Verdun, but this was checked and finally repulsed In a series of brilliant counter attacks by tho French armies centred there. No change of moment Is notice able from any other point along the line of battle. Tho Germans hold the south of the Woevre district front Rlche- court through Selchleprey to Lerou- ville. In Lorraine and tho Vosgcs the Germans have evueuated Nominy and Arracourt. The enemy continues inactive In the Domovro region. Fighting of the most desperate char acter Is In progress in the district around Amiens, 70 miles north of Paris, with the Allies claiming success along the 13-mlle line from St. Quentln to Peronnc. The British troops, according to un ofllclnl dispatches, have advanced to St. Quentiii, one of tho points in the tri angle occupied by Von Kluk's army. Violent hostilities still continue at many points along the great battle Una from tho Olso to the Mcuse. but re potts agree that tho most furious fight. ing Is now taking place along the left flank of the allied armies, where the British and French are putting forth superhuman oxcrtlons to swing back tho German line, thus compelling tha retirement of the entire German host from the strong positions It has occu pied slnco the battles of tho Aisne be gan 11 days ng,o. Unofficial advices which have reached this city since then show that the battle fronts have been pushed further and further toward the north west from Noyon. The German forces which occupied Peronno several days ago to protect tho German right apparently art par of General Goehn's1 army, which was. rufehed forward through Belgium to reinforce General vun Kluk and to help defined the German lines of cominupi catlno, It Is officially stated that many of the prisoners captured by the Allies along tho estremo northwestern end of the battle line are soldiers of the landwehr. or German reservists, show ing how hard tho Germans have been pushed. They have been compelled to put these reservists tWho correspond to national militiamen in other conn tries) on the firing line at this critical point, where the services of the hard, last veteran troops apparently wero needed. The nucleus of the Allies' attacking fun-x along the German right la sup posed to be General D'Amado's French army, which pushed northward from Paris to form tho upper blade of the "scissors" In which the Allies aro try ing to crush the Germans. On account of the flooded condition of Btreams and a long stretch of marshlands on the Olse, the French hud to take a round about course and push far to tho north before they could take up a position from which they could deliver a blow against the Germans. In the triangle bound by Noyon, St. Quentln and La Ferte the Germans were successful in occupying a number of elevated positions upon the hilltops, where they threw up intrenchmenta and planted cannon, but the- Germans have suffered from exhaustion, and they have not the superiority of num bers which characterized their opera tions against the French and British on their march south around Paris. Heavy siege guns, which had been used against Maubeuge, have been moved forward and planted nlong tho German lines and these have proved a strong factor In the fighting. A number of German prisoners have been taken around Amiens. One re port says that the entire generalstaff of one German division was captured in the fighting along tho upper reaches of the Olse on Sunday and were taken into Amiens. One correspondent sends word of the destruction of two German troop trains which were rushing with rein forcements to the extreme northwest ern end of General von Kluk's front. According to tho correspondent, this disaster took place between St. Quen tln and Pcronne. A French gunner managed to tap a private German army telephone, connecting two stations. He gained Information as to the loca tion of the two trains and communi cated this to his commander. Artil lery was placed in an ambuscade and tho trains were shelled and wrecked. On the German centre, it Is stated, tho lines still hold. The southward movement of tho enemy has been checked, although he still continues to attempt to break through tho French line, now strongly reinforced. The Ger man left is very active. Strong rein forcements have been sent Into action and they aro operating well within tho Lorraine frontier. The death list is enormous on both sides. In the last three days the Allien have suffered more than the Germann on their centre and right. Inasmuch as they have been attacking in force In an effort to break through tho German lines. An official dispatch from field head quarters of General Joffre, the French commander-in-chief, admits that tha losses of tho Allies have been "severe." but, it is added, the losses of the Ger mans were undoubtedly heavier. Official reports make significant ref erence to the hostilities that continue by night as well as by day. The Ger mans, in ordor to forestnll night at tacks, have kopt their artillery trained upon the fields nnd rivers In front of their lines all night. It is believed that tho present batllo will last at least two or three days longer before either side claim a decisive success. Bven then tho result may nut Justify either side in claiming a clean-cut victory, for, if the Germans are compelled to retreat, their mal'i forces may be ble to withdraw In or der while the advance of the Allien la checked by the strong positions which the Germans have seized ami 1',-rttfW The Germans are still bombarding the French lines; around Rhelm wlh the French artillery answering the fire. Th Invaders are making desperate ef forts in that region lo pierce th-s AN Ilea' front. In the fighting around Hm."- plateau of Craonne the struggle has been titanic. One superior ottlcer est.- I A