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tf EVENING. LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SBPTBatBEB 23, 101l RUSSIANS SEIZING JAROSLAW PRESS ON TOWARD CRACOW. AUSTRIA'S GIBRALTAR mates that the Germans lost 7000 nvn trirJ-e. IJrlflsh troops are now supporting the r(nch centre and a large force of British Is reported on the Allies' lino dt tthelms. The Germans are making Violent ef forts along the French lines around iVerdun In order to offset the progress In the region of Argonne. Still farther east, to the right of the Meitse, In the Woevro district, the Germans are struggling against the French forces which are trji ing to push northward In the direction of Mctz. It Is estimated that the French Jhave at least 700 000 men In the battle line from nhcims to the Vosges, and prob aulv 200,000 more In reserve. NINE MILES OF TRENCHES, FILLED WITH DEAD, TAKEN LONDON, Sept C3. Nine miles of trenches filled with un burled dead wero the fruits of jester day's fighting by the British troops now making up the nlllcd left wing. They were taken, according to reporti received from several sources, tinolTl clal but well authenticated, in a suc cessful turning moemein between the district just south of St. Quentln and Peronne For hours before the British charged the line, the British artillery shelled the German position Tito range was deadly From aeroplanes that flew low, defying the hall of German bul lets, the range was given and the shells burst like deadly hall directly over the tops of the great line of parallel trenches, Jammed with German Hoops waiting for orders to charge the Brit ish line. Twice they essayed to do so, but the British lire was so accurate, eo deadly, that all finally had to crawl back to the frail shelter of the earth works. When the British finally charged there was hardly a slnzlo unbounded German left In the lines Thousands wele dead The wounded and the dead weie so mixed that It was hard to rescue those who yet had a chance to recover. But the movement had been a complete success from the British viewpoint, and the position marks the first real ground gained against the enemy. From these trenches It will be pos sible to check any further attempt to push southwest, and it gives the Brit ish a strategic position on the hills that command tho roads from Peronne to Gonzeacourt and on to Cambral, where the British suffered so severely three weeks ago, and from Peronne to St Quentln north toward Bclllcourt, and north by east toward Guise It is believed tint as a result of this latest success the British will now be able to push the Germans entirely from the neighborhood of St Quentln and reocctipy that village It is considered certain that the main Gorman forces have already left It, as the unofficial reports place the British advance guard In that city s suburbs GERMAN RIGHT TURNED AND IN PERIL, FRENCH SAY The BORDEAUX, Sept. 23 positive declaration that th flank of the German right wing 'has been turned and that Von Kluk s army is in danger of being cut off. was made by the TVar Office today. It was stated that while reinforcements are being rushed to his rescue from Belgium, they will not be able to alter the situation They will not be able to prevent the German right being encircled and forced either to retreat In haste to ward Belgium or meet an attack from all sides by an army of vastly superior force. '-"The British and French columns now outnumber the Germans two to one in the western section of the line There are more than 1,000.000 French and British engaged in the battle along the entire front, and nearly half that num ber held in reserve should they be needed. Although the fighting in the neigh borhood of Rheims continues without Interruption, it is rtated the French are now occupying a much better position They resisted a German assault in 1 Lv -JfS AMPHIBIOUS BERLIN WAR OFFICE SAYS force last night, driving the enemy back in great disorder. The bombard ment of the French position continues with tht Germans using their heaviest artillery. It is believed that under cover of this fire they 'are already with drawing the major portion of their I The Germans are making a desperatJ GERM AN ADVANCE STEADY, etfort acalnst Verdun and the lower lines of the forts in an effort to reduce them, but the official reports reachlns here say that all are still intact. Summing up the entire situation, it was stated at the War Office today that it has never looked so promising since the commencement of the war. For the first time since the begin ning of the war official and authentic information as to the identity of the commanding officers of the Allies ha? bten given out The right wing in Lor raine is commanded by General Pau; the centre is directed by Generals Maunary and Duvail, the left by Sir John French, and the extreme left by General' Decuriers and Decastelnau. FRENCH CENTRE RETREATS, SAYS BERLIN WIRELESS WASHINGTON'. Sept 23 Fearful losses have been inflicted on the French by the German guns, and the French centre on the long battle line in northern France appears to be weakening. This was the gist of a dis patch received at the German Embassy today from Berlin. The dispatch fol lows: The French offensive is weaken ing in spirit. The French losses are enormous Their centre Is re treating Verdun has been successfully bombarded: the effect of the Ger man mortar3 again was tre-mendous The Paris papers show a down cast spirit Colonel Rousset com ments in La Liberie on the strength and actual position of the German army as being quite unique In his tory and warfare The English cruiser Pegasus de stroyed the German survey vessel Maeze, but was attacked and sunk subsequently by the German cruiser Koenlgsberg The Colonel Roussut teferred to In the dispatch Is said to bo tho military expert of La Liberto's staff. The naval ' battle was said to have taken place off the African coast AGENTS ORDER U. S. RIFLES. PROBABLY FOR THE ALLIES 100,000 Guns Sought in New York by Secretive Bidders. NEW YORK P-pt 23 Somebody is in the Nw York gun mar ket with an order for IW0 rifles an J 60,00O,00) rounds of ammunition for ship ment abroad Local sun dealers have been approached by commission agents during the last week and asked if Ihey could fill a substantial pirt of the order The agents failed to state who their prin cipal was. 'the agents were authorised to buy ICO.Wi guns and sufficient ammunition, fins Is taken to mean 6ffl rounds for eh rifle. The agents want as modern rales as they can get, but are willing to U-ie fairly old-fashioned arms. fhey would have to pay from 13 to J10 for an old rifle, and up to JW for an up. tn-date arm. They are willing to pay tlws Mgher price. If they get all the guns at the higher price the cost will be f?, CCO.00O. It Is doubtful If there are too.oco rifles In the country for sale Mexico, during the trouble down there, took all the arms the American manufacturers could turn out. The manufacturers there are only two in the country who could fill the order have not nearly that many rifles In stock It is probab e that thte agents have Btan scouring the country buytna; half a o xen he, twenty there, and eventually BRITISH CAPTURE GERMAN SUPPLIES IN NORTH ATLANTIC Reconverted Liner Spreewald and Two Colliers Make Seizures 02, LONDON. Sijt :i The Hamhwrs meriran linei Spree wald nas nfn raptured b the British Hcrnirk )'aptatn Lls r Baker, in th North Atlantic, the Admiralty an nounced tonight Two colliers also were captured The Spreewald was fitted out a? an armq cruiser The two colliers carried 960 un of eoal and 150 tons of provt. n, us for the German crulsere in Atlantic waters The total number of German vevsels which, according to latent reports, hive been captured by British vessels at sea or by British port authorities Is 92. Nlnety.flvo German eseels were ije Wined in British ports at the outbreak of the war Sevnt British vessels were held in German ports at the commeneemnnt of i hostilHief, and elnre then twelve ves sels out of tne nearly 4V0 carrying on ' overea trade have been captured and I tunk at tea, , The Spreewald sailed from Antwerp in command of Captain Hintz. on Ju'y 1?, for San Juan She tj- reported to have I sailed for Europe on September 4 The vessel was built at West Hartle- ' pool. England, In l&JC She Is of 3sM tons. 36J feet long, to feet beam and 36 ' feet draft BERLIN, Sept. 23 (By wireless through Sayville, L. I to the United Press). ' The War Office today officially de clared that conditions at the front con tinue to show the steady but neces sarily slow advance of the German armies. he War Oce again places all of tho responsibilit for the destruction at Rheims, and especially of the Rheims cathedral, squarelj at the doors of the French. It Is stated that the Germans withdrew from the town to save it but that the French not only reoccupled It but posted much of thel r artillery, especially their three-inch guns, there. The tower of the cathedral was occu- i pled, the oltlclal report says, by I French general officers who from that point of vantage signaled the range of t the German positions to tho gunners ' in the streets and on the outskirts of j the city. When the deadly character of the French artillery fire became manifest it was discovered that these ocers were in the tower and the signal men could i plainly be seen. It was therefore neces- I sary for the Germans to open fire on ' the town and to drHe the observers from their point of vantage. That tho cathedral was damaged is a matter of deep regret to all Germans, but It 18 insisted that firing on Rheims became a matter of the most urgent military necessity when the French themselves turned the city int oa part of their battle line. The sinking of three English cruisers Is the big news feature here. The morning newspapers all place em phasis on this victory. They eplaln It will serve to reconcile the sailors with the policy of repression which the high naval authorities have imposed upon them. Officers and men alike have been chafing because they were not permitted to go out and fight, but now It is believed that the men will be satisfied U successes of tills charac ter continue, A hostile aeroplane dropped two bombs near the Dusseldorf airship hall yesterda, but did no damage Special messages from the western front say ;ener,tl on Hmdenburg pursued the Russians, until they reached the shelter of their fortresses at Kowno. The road3 are now lm- passable. '"jThe .rrfiny season hasjset in and torrential rains havo made all of the territory closo to the frontier quag mires. A number of special correspondents make charges that the Russians aro violating the Red Cross. They assert that they personally saw a Russian train of between 40 and 50 cars loaded with rifles and ammunition, but with the Insignia of the Red Cross displayed on every car. The noted Bavarian socialist, Mi chael Schwab, has been awarded the Iron Cros3 for bravery In the field. He was serving In the landwehr. The German press emphasizes the loyal American attitude of neutrality in refusing to make a loan for France. At the same time the papers say that so far as Germany Is concerned there Is no need of any war loan from abroad at this time The letter of a high officer on the Bavarian staff was made public by the War Office today reciting details of French atrocities. The writer declares that he was an eye witness to the French systematically firing upon Red Cross ambulances carrying wounded soldiers from the firing line. It is also stated that a captured German ambulance corps was stoned by a French mob and all of the offi cers' valuables stolen. It is officially announced that in the battle near Lannenberg the Russians hail 160,000 killed and 92,000 captured. The report of the Belgian art com mission says that all of the state art works and monumental buildings in Liege and Loua!n have been saved, the only exception being the library building in Louvaln. SARAJEVO INTACT, SERBS LOSE GROUND, VIENNA DECLARES Servian War Office Contra dicts Austrian Claims to Victory and Reports Win ning Nine Days' Battle at Losnitza. VIENNA, by way of Rome, Sept. 23. The WTar Office today denied positively the Servian-Montenegrin claims of tho taking of Sarajevo and of a disaster to the Austrian army near Loznltza. The official statement says: "We aro Invading Servla successfully. Sarajevo not only has not been taken by the enemy, but the enemy's forces who have attempted the Invasion of Bosnia have been repulsed with heavy loss and aro now retiring before our vic torious troops. "There havo been a number of cases of cholera and dysentery at the front, necessitating the Isolation of the suf ferers, but conditions are not alarming." KAISER KISSES SON AND PRAISES TROOPS AFTER VIRTON FIGHT "Wc Must Crush Our En emies," He Tells Clergy man - Visits Wounded and Lavishly Distributes Iron Crosses. COPENHAGEN', Sept. 23. Tho Kaiser was reviewing a regiment of the Imperial Grenadiers, commanded by his son, Prince Oscar, after the battle of Vlrton. "I salute you," he said, addressing the men, Just after embracing tho Prince. "I have often ston your gallant regiment at maneuver. It Is a great pleasure for mo to meet you again on conquered ground. The heroic deeds at Vlrton havo been engraved on the history of war forever In golden lctteis. Your regiment has upheld tho glorious traditions of your forefathers In 1870 and 1871. "The armies of the Crown Prince and Duke Albreeht of Wurttemberg have ad vanced victoriously. Our Eastern army has thrown three Russian army corps over the frontier and two more Russian army corps havo been captured in the field. For all these victories wo have Ono to thank, and He Is our ancient God, who Is over us," The Kaiser again kissed his son and then drove off In his motor. Tho fog of German warfare docs not obscuro tho War Lord's movements, and It Is pos sible to follow him from place to place by means of Inspired Dlts ot news that creep occasionally Into the German news papers. The other day the Kaiser visited the es tablishment of a Protestant religious or der which had been turned Into a military hospital. He walked through the rows of wounded soldiers, spoke to the men and grasped the outstretched hands of those unable to salute or rise from their beds. He afterward sent a rose to every wounded soldier who did not have the honor of a personal chat. Incidentally he distributed Iron ciosses right and left. The clergyman who had the care of these wounded soldiers seems to hao addressed the Kaiser with too heavy a heart. "We have to make sacrifices in these times," said the Emperor, and he remind ed the clergyman that he had six sons lighting In the war. "Yes, your Majesty, that Is our prldo and happiness," responded tho chaplain. "1 did all In my power to keep peace," proceeded the Kaiser, "but our enemies would not havo peace. Now we will have to crush them to tho ground. Don't you ngieo?" The meek clergman. In l elating this conversation afterward, said he had noth ing to do but to agree with the Emperor and nssuro him ho was prepared to make everj sacrifice for the fatherland. Copenhagen Just now Is flooded with German noivi. It can only be relied on when sent by Danish correspondents In Berlin. From photographic prlnte ex hibited In thp 'newspaper windows? from thrilling movies shown In the Copenhagen picture theitres and occasionally from lellable German newspapers. It Is possi ble to get a gllmrse 0f the German army in Its true light and the Iron hand that rules It. Coarse Jests at the cxpenso of the Brit ish soldier aro to be sten In some shop windows here. They are reminiscent of the pictorial brutalities hurled at the British army during the South African war. FIRE FRIGHT KILLS WOMAN LANCASTER, Pa , Sept. -. The resi dence of Henry Wolgemuth, near Ellza hetlitown, was destroyed last night by fire. Mis Wolgemuth. suffering from heart disease, was so prostrated by fright that sho could not leave her bed and while her husband and daughter wero carrying her from the house she died. FATALLY KICKED BY MULE LANCASTER. Ta., Sept. 23. Bantered to catch a young mule, Jerome Rhoads, a young farmer, of Coleralne township, made the attempt and was kicked on the head. Phjslclans say his Injuries are fatal. RHEIMS AFIRE AND HOPE OF TEMPLE'S SAFETY WANES Famous Glass Windows Ruined and Walls Threatened. LO.VDON. Sept 23 Nearly all of the thirteenth centurj stained glass, and more especially the amber kIbfs of the rose window in the main facade of the Cathedral at Rheims Is irreparably ruined, according to the Paris correspondent of the Mail The I treasures of the Cathedral were saved, I however. Wiring under yesterday's date he says' "The shelling of Rheims and the smok ing of the ruins continue Parts of the walls and towere ot the Cathedral aie falling continually, and the little hope entertained esterday that the main .fabric itself might remain is rapidly van ishing. The town hall, museum and other j hletoilc buildings are sharing the fate of the Cathedral'' I KIPLING'S SON IN ARMY LONDON Sept 23 John Kipling, son or Rudyard Kipling, has received t commission as second lieutenant In the Irish Guards. PEACE TREATY WITH RUSSIA m Secretary Bryan Hopes Other Bellig erents Also Will Agree to Sign. W ASHfVGTU.v Sept ,3 Secretar- of State Br-an announced thl afterncon that Bufsia has axreed to ecording to one familiar with the jun , sign one of Us peace Weaves and that tust n t 'v may get wwt w n is n'-peiui mat an tne other Deui er 20.00Q rifles to ship abroad. gerents will do likewise. Reed-Bird Mackerel $1.00 A KIT Nicaragua Blend Coffee Tta'i i3moj blend u the utmost is cores quality at a reasonable price. MERRILL & HOPPER READING TERMINAL MAHKBT 6tulli lUt-ii AxcU fct. Sid i ! I Presenting the Season's Novelties in Women's Street and Dress Boots. Steitferu?al Vf 1 420 Chestnut St. "Wfcare only the best is gooi enough." HOSKINS Office Outfitters and Commercial Stationers Largest and most fair ly priced stock to be found anywhere. Where economy must be exercised in furnishing an office, you may be sure that every dollar expended with us will result in a full dollar's worth of satisfaction to you. HOSKINS Printers. Engraven, Stationer! 904-906 Chestnut St. F vx ' H II IE II II llD "We do the retf IIEST1 DEVELOPING and FINISHING (Hocheeter Method) HAWORTH'S Euatman Kodak Co. ),1020 Chestnut St. KODAKS Atlantic CItr Store 1637 Boardwalk Wmnn!ni.N ROLLS AMI SHEETS, mapping EyK nuxrl fi 40 uate 240 box. Panpr "u,i l'uixrr. 60c Mo ehreti. ,?.. . ,7Sll,L.,,tr' 8 '" 23c $J 00 cae. EZRA LEVI.NSO.N, 2 & JflltU fit., l'hila. BELGIANS HARASS GERMANS ADYAMNi TO AID AISNE ARMIES General Staff, in Many Skirmishes, Co-operates With Allies by Checking Westward Moving Reinforcements. ANTWERP, Sept 53. Sharp fighting la going on in North eastern Belgium between King -Albert' army and tho Germans. Tho Belgians and Germans aro reported to be In contact near Mechlin, around Termonde, and In the vicinity of Auder mardc, some 15 miles west of Ghent The obvious Intention of tho Belgian army is to co-operate with tho Allies In Franco by engaging the Germans over bb largo an area as possible In Belgium, so as to prevent reinforcements from being sent west. King Albert's forces aro also working southward toward Brussels to menace tho Gorman lines of communication. It Is reported that tho advance guard of one Belgian force engaged tho German Outposts only 13 miles Trom Brussels. Another report describes a lively skir mish between Belgian civic guards and Germans near Audermarde, about is miles southwest of Ghent, on Tuesday. Tho Belgians captured an automobile and five prisoners, without any losses. The Germans had three men killed and two wounded. South of Mechlin tho Belgians advanced and gave battle to a German detachment. The Belgian forces are composed of In fantry, cavalry and light artillery, and nro lighting vigorously to prevent the Germnns from establishing lines south west of Antwerp. Refugees from about tho district of St. Giles-Wees, who havo Just come into Ant werp, report the presence of Uhlans In that locality. Information given by tho Belgian War Office gives tho impression that tho Ger mans are being forced back from their ntlvanced positions south and west of Antwerp. The information brought by tho refu gees from St. Glles-Waes, however, puts a different face on the situation, as St. Giles-Waes is only about 12 miles west of Antwerp. In their panicky state the fugitive may have mistaken other troops for Uhlans, but If they aro correct It would Indicate that the advance guard of the Germans Is pressing close to tho tem porary Belgian capital. It Is apparent that the small detach ments of Belgian troops are acting In dependent of King Albert's main com mand. This would explain the skir mishes between members of the Belgian civic guards and Germans at scattered points In Northeastern Belgium. It Is undoubtedly the policy of the Belgian General Staff to harass the German ad vance to the fullest extent with flying squadrons which can move quickly over the country, attacking then with drawing. The main Belgian army evidently Is not far from Antwerp. LOCAL FIRE RE.CORD A. M. li)3, 1:642001 s. "th 8t.j clfrar store ana i- dwelling- Unkn&ira 3.82 037 E. Mojamenalne a.e. : stor and duelling of Samuel Frlll.Unknown 8:8B Mth at. and Wyalualng- ave. .Unknown 6:100131 Baynton at.; dwelling- of Benjamin McCarty Unknown Perry?s A few of our $15. Fall Suits Take this wonderful green mixture, relieved by flecks of white, blue and maroon! A two-button soft-roll coat with three outside patch pockets, $15 At Perry's A slick brownish mixture showing a ribbed effect; sharp pointed lapels run ning into a soft roll; neat little sleeve cuffs, $15 At Perry's One of our Junior Specials, a dark gray effect that's not gray either! It's a large rough weave of threads of many colors! Slashed crescent-shaped coat pockets A young fellow's Suit that's replete with "N. B. T." style, $15 At Perry's Their fit, their finish, their staying qualities have helped to make us famous At Perry's Perry &Co.,"n.b.t." 16th & Chestnut Sts. r ilium f.-, t,,ff:iSjAliik .,.-. "'"- ' i.nMinruiUmjilijj aim