MYSTERY SHROUDS METHODS OF MEN VKnsimisiiHinMmHIl mm nlGHT II EXTRA ll VOL. I NO. 13 lif IS '? ill ' ft. :l.;i,iiiwyi'.iiwiiwiMii.i iuiwimii..i MMHMHHM WHSHWmK0m' TTTl 7T71TVTT HiVJLiNl tf& LEDGER M PniLADBLPIILV, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1911, S PRICE ONE CENT DOMINION REFUGEES HERE WITH WAR TALES IN LAND GRAB DEAL Visits to Property Owners in Vicinity of 21st and Race Streets and Vague Of fers to Buy Assume New Significance in Light of Municipal Court Project. Proposed Purchase of the Magdalen Home Admitted by Those in the Secret to Be Only the "Entering Wedge" in $2,000,000 Building Fund. Mysterious oall b m.vsterious men on propei ty ow ners in tho vicinity of -1st and Race streets, the site for the pro posed .'.OOO.uOO "marble hall ' grab of the Municipal Court, have taken a new meaning to those mho entertained the men since the plans of McXlchol-l'en-rose forces have been tevcaled. For months before It was even whis pered that the Detention House at :2d arid Arch streets, built onlv sl years ago, was to be abandoned persons who owned pioperty In the path of the grab have been asked to tell wnat they would sell . for. Sometimes the "agents" have said they represented the cltv, but more often I they have come from persons who did not want to figure In the tiansactlon until It was closed." , No one knows who these men are. But they have been unsuccessful In most cases, as the neighborhood Is made up of to ileerve nl! the hard things Maid of It bj those who want to build a new one. "On court dn.s." she said, "the halls aie crowded su that It Is almost Inv possible to pas. And the Judge has only one small room lo liimt-elf. If people come to see him he has only that smail loom to entertain them In." The advisory board, of which Louis AVolf, George Q. IIorwItK, Louise Jurist, and others are members, complain be cause their meetings aie Interrupted, they suy, by tho nolsp of street c.irs n.isHlnc I along Aich street and turning north on "U street. Their meeting room Is at the side facing I'M street, but they havo I to go over Into the probation officers' I room for their meeting because the cars make so much noIs. according to Mr. iiurwuz. Meanwhile Municipal Court officials and other organization men are considerably upset by the publlcltv given their plans. There Is an impre.-sloti that the plain for buying the lest of the pioperty may bo submerged for n time tn the hope that the size of the grab and the methods chosen to make it may be forgotten. FENCIBLES MUST SURRENDER ARMORY TO THE CITY ,: thrifty people who saved until they had enough to buy a home and who intend sticking to It despite alluring offers to toll. No one connected w 1th the land grab will admit having thought of the list Caj,and Race streets property before tho end Dilatory Tactics of Councils Force i last .Muy. out tue 15110 ui mu at o- Tr.: -n , r, . n,, terious men began a long time before vacation of Broad Street Site. that. I Owing to tae dllntoriness of Citv Coun- ,.,,.,, ., .., 1 cils to act on an ordinance providing for AGLE METHOD.-, OF AGE.NTo. nn extensions of the ,eae of the State Mcst of the property owners along ' t'enclbles' Armorv building at Broad and Winter street tell th; same story. They ' Cfillowhill streets, that militaiy organiza tion mil oe compelled mmed atelt to U ... V.-. nnMtAVliwl AI1- II I fill' O Till .mve ucc.i u,iViu...Cu .w .-..., 1 vacate and de!,ver questioned vaguely as to what they j Ct-. thought about selling and how much The lease of the armor up possession to the thev would want for their jots. rhe knew nothing of the Municipal Court's plans and those who suspected there was anything peculiar In the visits from agents put It down to the Parkway con demnations. Some property owners stopped talking very quickly when asked if any ope had tried to buy options on their land. Op tions, like dead men. tell no tabas, it has been pointed out. Records at City Hall are innocent enough. There is one exception, however. It Is known that one of tho properties owned by Mrs. James P. McNichol. a four-storv brick house at SCI Race street, directly across the street fiom the "Mar ble Hall' property site, would be en hanced In value In the event of the grab being jerfeeted. It Is valued now $000. hltlMinrr oTntri,,! on March lns-t. and the citv declined t" 1 lenen n, i0r th- reason, according to Kmanuel I'liitli, who ppi.ents the Ken- I bles that the eubll.3!im.nt of the Municipal Court mad- It n.-cessarv for the j iltv to llnd cjuartrrs outside of the Cltv 1 Hal. for some of its d. pattments In order tu muny room lul the pew , .titer Judgment had ttt lease. court. been entered o 1 Mr Furth ntni immorii.,,,. fjwiion oy taking a rule to show cause v hy th" judgment should not be opened Meantime a bill was introduced in the Joint Committee of Councils on Citv I ropcrty providing for an extension of the original leate to the State Fencibks lor 10 oar longer. This was favorably i"po-ti--d fiom eommitt.-e, hut no action was taken bv Council ns n hr,.i.. ,. .t... at 1 proposed ordinance. .vir. i-uitii explained to Court of Com- jr A IHB; si Sgt h - HHHHIIIH I JImWm mW' :"'flH LINER DOMINION mlm 11 raW tell troubles S 7 JBmmi :;l ? I "'' Irl Steamship Docks at Wash- "" HHBhJ W (iWi ington Avenue Wharf Af- J&w-- i i m smhhhk.::v "! r?&Ji5-mr LCl viievenuui vovaee fi -X JK. Vt BBK,.iHIUMM'' ' ' jWt -St . " s " i i I .- 'i'vv w& - issffiiisr " - ' lass gWwwwaiMBiiiiiiwniiiwiiMiaiiaiwritM)wMiMaiMwoM REFORM MEMBER OF COUNCILS RESIGNS TO BALK MACHINE t 0, ir .i.w,,..,,..w fc .... ,... "-- . , ,,, . ,eaB ,j. j toadv mat Dir eto- followed bv shai pest criticism among Porter had agreed that no further Mepi those familiar with the scheme of the ' would he taken b the cltv to get nos Municipal Court. ,,..,. ' lor of the armory building until Coun- It was pointed o;it tod. that the gang uis had a, ted on the proposed ordinance major tv In councils wus willing enough nr i,i,rth adderf t'mt mV .J "' . in n.n,1 mlllln. tn hnl.e fl Ml.nielnal I ' , L L. J t-"U h appropriation ... .,.... ... ,..- - ..-.... ..,-.. wl ,j,JiV,j (Jy .ne ,.., frn fVlft r1.,.,,. aniiiiirjaeq loan to provide Court less than a ear old. but that plana w hich would be of .ncalculable henetit to persons In every part of Philadelphia In tne new subwav and other tinnsit im provements were being held up and blocked at every turn. Councils granted W,O0O of the loan bill mone for the Municipal Court p. una. but reiuctantl allowed JSOn.OfpO for preliminary work to Improve transit only under the heaviest pressure of public opinion, It was pointed oi.t After th revelation Saturdav of the plans to buy nearl an entii cltv square and put up buildings north SiA'V'OO, of ficials connected with thf Municipal Court admitted the truth of the Idea as set foith after Investigations n'LY THK "ENTEniNO WEDGE " FZxecutlve ccrk Fred C. Simon, of the Municipal Court, admitted that the 00,Olo item in the loan bill and the ordinance passed ove- the Maor'a veto io acquit e a small plot at 21t and Race streets were onlv th "entering wedses" in the scheme to hour the Muni' ipal Court In mag nificent buildings on an expensive tract. "We proposed to add time to time to the Magdalen home property." said Fimou. "The li.'X In the lan bill wan to he the hasls of 8 building fund. After getting tht flMt property we Intended acquiring more by m-w ordinance until the plans was carried out " The new House of Detention at &d and Aich streets would be abandoned if the land grab plans went through. This wan admitted by promoters of the grab scheme The House of Detentton was completed rnly six vear ago. and It is still in i.qod condition according to Mrs. Henry P nichardson. wife cf the superintend ent and assistant to him "The halls are very crowded during the cnurt days," said Mrs Richardson, "and the noise "f passing street cars makes It liaid to hear In the courtroom. If it were not for the court her, we would be able to manage very net' " When the Juvenile court was moved to the House of Detention many of the offices on the flrst floor of the building were turned over to probation officers and other officials, and playrooms awl other quarters for the children had to be taken to the second floor. We ubed to be pressed for room to a. commodate the children." said Mrs. nichardson, "but since Juduo Gorman lias been holding court every day instead i of once each week there Is not so much congestion " I PRESENT QUARTERS AMPLE. I A trip through the house falls to show ! any signs of crowding or serious defects , in the plan of construction. Children sat j etudjlng their lessons in class rooms and I ever thing seemed in excellent order There are divisions for ftmt offenders and second offenders and the sanitary arrangements and tenihatlon stems ar faultless, according to Mrs Richard-son "But you are not here on a rourt day,'" MATl 1 lit, .-.A,-;, fOl thf, Mlin. Tnal ,'rt..-. ,, . ' teiievj the neresiiv niiH ,U x.-.. , Uble. and he tlierefoie apj.ealed to the -f illy side rt the court to open the ji'dg. ment entered on th" lase. Assistant Cit Solicitor Edgar W I.ank areu-d that Director porter had no au thority to act for the cltv in such a matter and the ,aiv Department wa lajlng Itself open to criticism by reason or the delay in getting possession of the armory. The court said that Council? was the only authority for leasing citv pioperfes and ihe rule to open judgment xv as discharged Passengerswho arrived in port on the American liner Dominion today. Nearly all had some war experience to tell, eager to make it known and glad to be home again. Reading from left to right are Miss Elizabeth Doerr, of this city, who left Brussels a day after the German occuftation of the city; John Vrooman, an American Boy Scout, who lived in England for three years and had a chance to sec what war activity is like; Captain Frank V. Avery, U. S. A. retired, who spoke highly of the German army and mobiliza tion; De Forrest Hart, of Chicago, who arrived from South Africa and spoke of the sentiment among England's erstwhile enemies and present loyal sub jects, the Boers, and Mrs. K. Gabel and her son, Milton, who were in Berlin at the height of the warlike enthusiasm. POLICE SEEK BODY NEWS-POST QUITS; OF MAN WHOSE WIFE RADICAL PAPER HAD SCOUTS SUICIDE IDEA EXCITING CAREER immington Retires in Order lo Permit Election of Suc cessor in November Who Will Uphold Mayor's Hands. Wharf nevent From Liverpool. MAN ACCUSED OF SHOOTING AT BICYCLIST WITH BALL Police Declare He Fired When Rider Continued Loud Ringing. oie Be!' --rmuld not he Carr's Coat Found on Bridge, Scripps-McRae Publication, But Mrs. Carr Says He Says President Clark, Was Didn't Have Enough ! Not a Paying Proposition. "Nerve" lo End His Life. I Two Years Old. m. ...w.v u. -n.uia not ne rung r,u the. .Sabbath in the mon of Jos-pph Bolden of 171 West Price street ft u ajipd he demonstrated his objection to this T!!. I.l,y, 8h00tlr"f at Itaymond Hull, of MI8 Marlon street liolden WaS ,," a' under a ball .,v Magistrate P-nnocb, of the Oermantuwn police gtatlon. this According to the polle riding m 1 Wheihei Hairy Carr. 510 North Tenth ktreet. Camden, is a suieide or not Is ex- I pected to be dotermined bv 0 rew from the police boat Reybuin today. Th I man's coat was found on tho Maiket , street bridge over tho Schuylkill fUver early today, but hi vlfe, whom It Is ! alleged he tiled to kill last night, scouts Hull had heen ' t'10 uWdo theory, nailm.- tier husband to take his me nelchborhonfl nf tvnnA 1 jn nf hm'n nppv .ttmuli ..!,,,,. 1.l l..l...i... ... . """ - - ..- -..--O.. ZL r..7.:..., ;..,.u,T -"" raet, rinslns ,ifB. uirvL-in ucii 111 ii nn Pfiiiiio l..j 1 1 - ' dlaereeable monnei, and Oolden tx pressed his objection t.j the nuisance several times to the Uiat without beine aule to persuade him to stop Finally itolden drew 4 revolt r and. the police otttw, iircu ut Iiail 'I'M Hlilla , . ji Hall aud bulled Itself in the tonnea.11 t Levins sas ho Ualleves tho coat left on nn automob'Ie standlne In front of the 'be bridge was put mere lor a "bluff." garage owned by Edttnrd Miller a num. (:r' WBS uul " P'Obftllon tindci ber of men standing in front of h . suspended sentence for previous theft ace narrowly escaped btlnz sinmL- . hen a new uarmut was sivorn out for This theory Is aUn shared by John Levins, a Camden detective, who said lo. day Carr as wanted lit Camden for rub. ber and he was still buntlnu for him. despite tho fact person lesuneq to see I The News-Post has suspended. The ( last Issue appeared Saturday, but the announcement that the newspaper had ceased publication waa withheld until this rnornlpg. The XewB-Post, a mem- I ber of the Scrlpps-McRae league of newspapers, was published at Tenth and Hamilton streets. In tho heart of the old Tenderloin with two afternoon edition. The tlrst Isauo appeared April 10, 1912. j Silicu then It appeared without Interrup- I tion until this morning, for a time dur- j inff the outbreak of the Kuropean war 1 a Sunday edition was published. The radical tone which predominated in escaped btlns struck. Spanish Course to Aid Business Piompted by the suggestion of esnort Injr (irms engaeed in the South American trade a course in Spanish and Spanish" American business lawa and customs opens tonight In the West Hranth J". M. GENUINE REIFclT A 1'hattanooga man leontlv met on the highway an aged darkey of his acquaint ance with his arm in a sllnsr. wt,UB"u' "Is your arm broken?" asked tli Chat tanooga man solicitously. me old fellow grinned- "-o, ain't broken only kuii fcoie." "Ah, been huntlns?" "No. sub: ain't been huntin1; shootin' at trees." "Target practice, oh?" "No suh ain't target practice shootin' at trees " ' I don t understand " Well. suh. It' lest like dis I pues out Into d uoods. an' 1 selects mv trees an I shoots bullets into 'em In a little while de trees grows 'round de bullets Den I cuts 'era down to sell to persons from de charsiug him with tnieeny Itoliuujshead, a soap triahtr hoss, Jt been Jest U protested when it was pointed out . North as relies of de battle of Lookout tLat Ur House of Detention did nn stem, Mountain." Iew Orleans Sutcs. inc the man jump fiom the brtduo toUnv. ! the News-Pobt inado It a source of curl usiiy nun wunuir 10 me man in ttm btteet. Its publishers denied any connection with nn part, but the paper seneully was rewarded na dominatid by Socialihts. The Newj.-1'oit had an exciting career. At one tunc the staff was aricsted on a chaise of criminal l.bel proftired by Magistrate Tliumtu. XV Mcf',trluud, and laut May the publishers cro reprimanded b Juds' Mai tin, of the Common Pleas t'auit, for tlielr c-o.nment on ,-i damage suit for damages tried before him The suspension this morning was a com pute emprise to those In touch with, the nonspaper ileal in Philadelphia! Three months ago the size uf the paper was Increased from four to eiht pases and n more ambitious tone pervaded its ac tivities Theio was much wonder as to "how the kept It Boim?," but questioners were told the paper would be continued fo rat least two jcais longer. Tho decision lo suspend became known here aftet the return of H. H. t'laik, tho provident of the company, from I.os Anscles last Friday. "Phllariilphla in a good town," said Mr. Clark this mnrniii)?. "but we didn't "put up the paper In the wav to make people bu it This wan not a failure All our bill-) are paid We have lust quit, that Is nil When a rimpps-Mcltae pacer his aricst fiom n M, 1 of Camden, Avoiding to the polho of tho 3Jd street and Woodland avenue precinct, a small j boy came to them this morning. sa)ing he had seen a man jump Irom the Market street bridtre and ttiat his coat was (eft on Hie ledge. The cat ws found and the police boat iUifturn bent to si apple for the supposed body In tho pockets uf the found on Market street hrldi; was u letter ud dressed to Hurry I'uri, 158 (Jreen street, Philadelphia- Kubsetiuent invusUfeittloiis have led the polke to adopt a theory that the owner of the coat wat the same Cnrr wanted In Canulan for larceny. Other papem found In the oout pockets strengthened this idea P. J. McGARVEY RE-ELECTED Patrick J McUarvey was te-elected countv prulflent of the An lent Order of Hlberiiian.- 41 Hie Uonlnj; xtssion of their conveniioii In Id last night in Apollo Hull Thomas K Neill was tletiirl vi e prca (dent . Joj.n r itorica'i. ( . - , y- residing becie- noesn . paj it i tui3 uiuiuut anj xuss. finaiulal secro- came "s "i n- preliminary tHrv Rrvan J Tairset tary. Patrick J Fitzgerald, coirespondlng announcement, and we are going out the secretar; Patrick McLaughlin, the na- ' same way. It Is not the Scripps-McRae Uo&bI president, attended, the meeting. policy to u lts PPi" James Slmmlnffton, Common Council man from the 2Sth Ward, and candidate for the Legislature from the 19th Distiict on the Democratic and Washlngtot tick ets, resigned from Councils at ncm to 1 day. Mr. Slmmlnston came to City Hall 11 with Alexis J. Limeburner, also Council man from the 2Sth Ward, and handed his formal resignation to President McCurdy. Back of Mr. Slmmlneton's resignation Is tho fight of tho admlnistintlon leaders j in Councils tn muster enough votes to stand behind Mayor Hlankenburg In his I icform measures. Legally, Mr Slmming- ton. oven If elected to the LegisUtuie, might havo remained in Councils until 1 January 1, 1013. I3y teslgiilng then, how I over, the seat of one reform Councilman I would have been vacant until the No 1 vember election next jear. The teslsnatlon of Mr. Slmmlugton at this time gives nn opportunity for his sucessor to be elected on November 4, this year. Mr. Slmmlngton intends to co operate with the reform leaders In his ward to have elected a man who will stund by the Major In order that the numerical ratio of administration and or ganization Councilmen will remain as It now Is. Several men have been considered by the administration leaders lo (III the CouncIInianle vacancy, Amony these Jacob Itothkusle, who lives 11 1 the south east corner of 2.'d and Dauphin streets, Is the most favored. Mr. Rothkugle re signed as nominee for the Legislature on the Washington party ticket In oider to perfect fusion In tho 19th District. His sacrifice In resigning, his friends say, makes him the logical candidate to take the placa made vacant by Mr. Slm mlnston. from the Democratic party and five from the Washington patty will meet tonight to dttermlne upon the candidate. Pro vided they agree upon a name the Wat-h-Ington party Waid Committee will meet totnoirow night to Indorse their choice. The Democratic Waid Committee will meet on Thursday night to take similar action. Air. Slmmlngton was elected to Com- I mon Council In 1911 at the tlmj Rudolph ' lllankenburg was elected Mayor. Last 1 year he was te-elected with little oppo 1 sltion. Two other Common Con ml I nun tepresent the Twenty-eighth Ward. Aleh .1. Limeburricr and Charles J. .McKinnoy. In helect Council William H Qulgley rep lesenta the ward. SANJAK OF N0VIBA2AR (A dispatch from Kragnj ovals re. ctntly stated that the Austrlans )ial evacuated the Sanjak of Novlbazar.) The Sanjak of Novlbazar! It sounds like a drink fit the bar, Or the ell of a lynx With tho willies, methlnks: It sounds like the name of a gtflr Shining far, Or the script on a Pullman cnr. The Sanjak of Novllj4Zarl It sounds like a Japanese tar, Or the opulent themos Of mad heroin dreams. Or the growl of a ukasing Czar, When tlie are At grapples In Novlbazar. The Sanjak of Novlbazar' It sounds like a family Jar. Or the catamount screech Of a BUI Sulzer speech No wonder the Austrian are Hikln? far From the Sanjak of Novlbazar! Nw York Bun. With hundreds of passengers from nil parts of tho European war zone on board the American Line steampshlp Dominion landed at tho Washington avenue wharf from Liverpool, this morning. The liner arrived after an uneventful voyage, on which no obstacles were encountered, "not even a German cruiser." as Captain W. E. Ingham put It. But if the voyage of the ship was un eventful the experiences encountered by many of the passengers on the continent wore different. Many of the passengers, and particularly the women, have ex periences of all sorts to relate. A graphic story of the occupation of Brussels by tho German forces was told by Miss Elizabeth Doerr, of this city, who left Brussels a day after the arrival of the German army there. "I shall never forget tho sight," said Miss Doerr. "One million men. like a great rolling cloud, passed thtough the city. It took them three days and three nights to do It, and when they got through Brussels was foraged. There was hardly a bit of food In the city. Not a drop of milk could be gotten. All the food stores and warehouses weic emptied by tho Germans and the palace and public houses weie occupied by the new Ger man ganlson left behind by the main ni iny. "It was on August M early in the morn ing when we received ordeifi that nil flags but tho Getman anil tho American flags must be removed fiom sight. A short time nfter the tecelpt of this order the first German officer, riding on a bicycle, cnteied the city. We saw him, foi, en courogtd by the icpoit from the American legation that the rlty would be sur rendered without toslstance, wo took a chance and went out for a promenade. Behind the oillcer came 40 cavalty men with ilfies ready to shoot if any sign of sniping should appar. And then camo tho real sight. One million men, one huge, endless cloud or humanity entered the city. U seems strange, but all of them looked tiled. Man1 of them seemed to be dozing on their horcs, nnd every now and then, tnuscd by some noise and sound, would hurriedly open their eyes and look nbcmt them. PRAISn FOR TlI'.AKD WHITLOCK. Great credit Is due to Brand Whltlock, the American Minister to Belgium, I don't know what tho Americans in Brussels would have done without his valuable nld. But that Is not all. The fact that Brussels was saved from tho fate of Louvnln Is due diiectly to the efforts of Mr. Whitlock. On the eve of the arrival of the German nrmy 11 meeting, at which the city autlioiilles and Mr, Whltlock 1 I vvero piesent. was hold In the City Hall. I 1 It was at first suggested that the Bel- glnns defend the city to tho very last j II1UI1, UUl .MT. lllllUCIV fllUlUUCM tll'UU IIIU civil and military authorities to Mirien der tho city, baying that It would be use lesn to miike ai" r wisiance, since it would bo overcome and would only re sult In great loss of life and property. I "I am glad to say," continued Miss I Dooir, "that till the an licisures of Brussels have teen saved from selzuro I ! the Germans, because thc had all en previously removed lo England." Miss Doerr said that after leaving Brus sels It took her 1! houis to get to Ostcnd, whereas tho trip should not Like moie than two hours. She left Philadelphia in July nnd went to Rrutstls to cumplcto a courso in music. T'HAISi:S UimMANMETHOUS. Great admiration for tho eltkiency of German mobilisation was expressed by Captain Frank P. Avery, U S. A. re tired, who arrived from Vienna and I Munich. 1 Captain Avery, who resides in Wash-j ington, and Is a veteran of the Spanish- I American war. mid that the speed, effi ciency and marvelous pieililuu of the Getman mobilisation was the admiration of every man who knew anything about military silence "Tht pi-uplt in Vienna and In Munich mid till Auktiiun and Ger man towns we passtd are stmpi' cruzj for war The patrotic funz that has been aroused among the population Is nothing sort of religious enthusiasm. In 1 Vienna hundreds of women were clamor inr to go to war nnd wanted to Join tho away," ROTTEN HOSE BALKS FIREMEN IN FIGHT AT $50,000 BLAZE) Could Not Carry HigKl Pressure Streams to Burn ing Plant of E. J. Spangler & Co. Prediction Up.',, held. Rotten hose, which burst when attached to the lilgh-pressuro fire main, a thins jredlcted recently by Dlreclor of Puolio (Safety Porter, held up firemen early this mornlne at .1 $50,0W firo In the enveloj ana paper pmnt ' r u, J. Spangler & Co 1237 to 1249 North Howard atreet. A girl who dlHcovcicd the blnzo fainted after rousing neighbors, nnd a policeman, whose homo Is across tho street from h burned building, ran eight blocks in hit bare feet to turn In two alarms, Tho bursting hose this morning Is th second experience of that kind firemen have had In loss than 4S hours. Lat, Saturday nftcrnoon three separata llnei of hoso burst while firemen were fighting' a big blaze at the Koasch packing plant, Second and Brown streets, and In on Instance spectators were drenched. GIRT. DISCOVERS FLAMES. Tho fire this morning was discovered J fow minutes nftor i o'clock by Miss Irene' Yale, 1231 Howard street, two doors frora the burning building. She was aroused by tho crackling of flames and when tU saw the blaze she screamed "fire" and then fell back In her room In a faint Her mother, Mrs. May Tale, arouse neighbors, including Policeman Bender r the Front and Master streets statto'n! Hurrying out to send In an alarm, Ben, dor fell down stairs, but was not hurt" The bluecoat, In his pajamas and without.' shoca or stockings, ran two blocks ta GIrard nvcnuo and sent In an alarm. When ho returned tho envelope plant wu blazing so fiercely that he ran back again and turned In a second alarm. By the time policemen and flremea arrived the three floors of the plant were ablaze and the flames were threat enlng adjoining dwellings. The family of James Schrelner, 133 Howard street had persistently refused to heed th calls of neighbors to flee to the atreet Policemen Cooper and Casper finally ran into the house and carried out three children, nfter which the parents fol lowed. Several firemen were partially over come by the thick smoke, but after beln treated by ambulance mr. , three hospitals who camo to the seen they returned to work. No one was In Jured. HAD TO TURN WATER OFF. The hose that burst had been run vp a small alley from a hlgh-prcssute pluf near Howard nnd Thompson streets. Firemen had been using It to direct a strong stream of water on the rear of the burning building. They had to turn off the water and run a line of new hos. This Is the second timo the Spangler Plant has been burned down. The flnt was about three years ago and an eqnil amount of damage was done at that time. JL,??3 ei'tlmatu today that the loti J? I? ran5 from -m t0 s!ooa Bo far the orliHn nf ,. v.i L ' . . " determined. """c ntta not Bem of the ilames was duo to the fact that shift T,I?0'"e,Wiiere near the e'""or shaft ihlfc acted ns a flue by leadine the the to the upper floors within a few minutes after its start. Only quick work by the fireman m n. nlng new lines of hoso Saturday nn prevented the firo at the Roesh plant from SSfv'nl UrUg?,the neighborhood. Z SSIU nDono,rowtoe'BU?rodn.,hoaft testU0n,f hnosordbf -nuerwrite s' inli m ' ,bec'nU30 he would rather lose the hose In service than In test Councils will not ptovlde for new ho..' that Is badly needed. The Director acreed with th fire underwriters who saw H per cent, of the hoe being used In this Vll ft lUi rotten- '""mating that ,C8Mt,.Y0"ld be to ,nvlt lepltetioa of tho Baltimore fire In this city THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Sept 2i .v?r T!crn. pr",n3J-'vanla and New Jer rrn, 1 alr "'K'" and Tuesday, with nro0rSthwesTw0ndds.P'aCeS ,0n,E'"' m0lent' .in'' fl,,'inetr,c Wure has continued since Saturday over tho eastern half of wtV0U",r' ,aUenile'i "' generally fair leather and temperatures auinewhat bo. 2WLn?i'ma,' T.h0 crcst ot ' "K" f"; or,tl' ,"' !'' Erie this morning, and IU,nt to heavy frosts are reported from tho lower Luko region, New York, New Lngland and northern and central Penn sylvania. A disturbance of slight inten sltj covers tho Rocky Moutain slope, but It has caused but little precipitation thus tnr. There aro Indications that a tropical storm Is developing off the Louisiana tuabt. and stoim warnings are displayed along the middle Gulf coast. U. S. Weather llurrau Rullehn OUervatlons made at S a. ni , Ka.tern timet J.uw last Jtaln- Veloe Riailon Sa hi. n't, fall wind itV.Mihr Abilene. Texas. M .,2 .. SK Clear Atlantic Cit . Ill fi ,(t X 12 i-Iejr KUmarck N. U. 01 ,',2 02 MV t I'loudy 1MJ(U1I, .naia t, ,1 Buffalo, N Y.. 40 4b rhliJKi,, ) . . Ail !,, riovelanJ, n 41 u I)envr. Col. .. r. TJi Dfj .Molnc. a. M ,-,t to mi r.c; lu Detroit, Mich . Duluth Minn . (iaheetuu, Texas "S fii Hutteras N c . ivi Ut J it Jena, limit.. Huron. S. I)... Jatktontlll .. Kan. Cll, JIo IjjuIsnIIU-, K . Mt-uuiliis. Tenu New Oileaiia .. New York N 'Mile. b Oklahoma OWU. 1''lrtHa . ririplx rlz !'lliturh I'a P'Tilmi'l Mh P-rM.iiil 'ire Qu'-he, 1 an Ht Ijaiilj l M Paul. Mini Halt Lake, t lih Pan Viaq Itig d" S Scr3nt,n, Pa it 't Taipa Tl 7o Wasbluat'in .. !V 44 VvluaiBtj ...... H in U 41 WJ ft'i 71 1 -J r, it r.l .-- (is fe in ti .i si st f.l 4 41 rA u VI 40 t. 14 m r.i NV SE s hB HW X 1: f NE NE Si s NK H N K NU N SK PI. N V. N VV s li S f. K ST N it 1 loud 4 I'lKtl n clear 8 1 -tear 5 riouuy 4 Clear 1 ctia.- I t'louU 11 CUar 'M ilar 8 Clear 4 louJy x 1 0 Clear H t le.11 II ClCi r U I'lIouI III Cltar I I'lluMj H Uar 10 Ifar !. 1 loar 4 1 I t 1 1 ' 1 4 J") 4 lS 4 4 10 I 5 I W I I I "i I' Id 1 t "." 1-1-ir ar I mummmmmmmmmmm mm 21 mmmWmmmimmWmt