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PWdifci"-?n5n &m rlmm jymmmrrw-- fWP'sSpBPTO' ymrrar ffmfW'PeM'Kl)9t' f EVEKIHG MDGEtt-pHILA&gPHtA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 38, 19 13 FTNANCTATTanr COMMERCIAL SITUATION A HOME ANDABRQAD--MARKET REPORTS MARKET SITUATION BETTER AS EIGHTH WAR WEEK BEGINS More Confidence Every where and Talk of Early Exchange Reopening Is Evidence of Improved Conditions. Fall liotiscclcnnlng Is In order In the ImtikliiK nrnl brokeraRo houses of the biff flnnnelal centres. Lonc-illstnnce tele phone, wires, which wore ordered out Just lifter the stock exchanges closed, so as to cut down expenses, are brlns replaced; Btcnosrnphors nro busy Blmrrieiilnir pen cils and bond salesmen who have been on protracted vacations aro being called In. For thoro has come a general brightening' of the situation which fore casts an early resumption of trading. This Is tho eighth week of hostilities In JJurope and Is nlso tho eighth week slnco there developed the financial depression Incident to tho closing of tho world's Htock Exchanges becnuso of tho war. Jlany things have happened at homo and abroad In tho meantime. There Is no In dication that any cessation of hostilities in near, but thoro aro many ovldonces tnat thero Is at hand a, readjustment of tho financial situation which shall lead shortly to a moro normal resumption or r general business. At no tlmo during tho eight long weeks tho suspension has been under way has tho outlook been so bright as It Is today. There Is everywhere apparent that gen eral feeling of confidence which has been ho badly needed and which has made Itself felt to such a largo degrco that In the financial centres of the country plans are being gradually worked out for mar ket operations on a larger scale than cvr. London, Now York nnd Philadelphia rnaikcts have arranged to begin traaing la securities within certain restrictions. Tho committee of tho London Exchange has published a list of securities In which trust funds may bo Invested and has given minimum prices for the same. There Is also a proposal at tho British centre to ileal In securities through auctioneers. At home tho most Important step that has been taken Is the ruling that unlisted eccurltlcs may bo dealt In through brokers and that prices must not be rigidly main tained on the basis available when the Stock Exchange closed In July. All this means preparations for actual business. The list will probably from now on be gradually widened. Managers of the Stock Exchange are now under the impression that business may bo icsumed In an unrestricted way on November 1. This Is still dependent on the banking situation and tho esti mate of November 1 Is contingent upon the ability of the Federal Reserve Board to have the new banking conditions In eractieal workable form before that date. The week opened In tho foreign ex change market with a Jump of ISc. In both demand nnd cables. A heavy de mand for exchange was evidenced and lurther advances aro looked for. The In quiry Is directly duo to tho fnct that ti'oout JW.Ono.Chfl of American finance bills held abroad have got to be met by Octo ber , The special demand for cables Is dun to the fact that no steamer can possibly reach the other side In time for tho set tlement The Special Committee of Five of tht Xuiv York Stock Exchnnge rules that on all loans of securities between membets as well ns on contracts for se curity s still unsettled to and including Sfiti'-nber 30 must bo paid October 1. Advices from London indicate that con ditions aie rapidly Improving and the statement Is mndo that nt no tlmo has the .situation their- been regarded ns ferloiml an many .have been Inclined to believe. Large amounts of money are known to h,. ava lable In tho English capital waiting opportunity for Investment. It Is futr to n ru me, tho information states, that a part of It will seek tho American marl;, ts for employment. Conditions In London nro said to be better now than the have been In weeks, and the outlook Is vli-uert by many with more confidence than at any time hlnco tho present wnr b ga:i. PlIBLfC UTILT IKS In announcing their decision not to de clare the rt-Hular iunrterly dividend of 1 Jtr cent n commuii stock, which would nominally be paid October 15, directors of the I'ugct Sound Traction, Light and 1'nwir fimpany make this explanation In a li-tur to stockholder, received here today "I'uring tho Inst two years the I'uget K.niinl district has suffered from general depHuiinn in business throughout Pacific Kt.Kc and Hiltlsh Columbia. This has bi'-n letierteil In earnings available fur icmni n M.ick dividends. As It has sub stantial cash balance nnd no floating debt Nth.. i.impany Is strong llnaiicl.illy, but " is impossible to estimate how long bu-ln.'-is depression will continue dlioc tuis. m Hfvo resources shoiild be con ii il " Although the franchises of 1C Ohio cities l'h the Last Ohio cias Company author ised that company to Incieaso Its price for natural gu from 30 cents to 35 cents a l"n i uhic, that company decided thi In vluw of present tlnmu-tal ccmill ti' ns it wuMid not make tho advance. This 'e'i.-iim wiu ,ep the consumers of tho f"ll 'Win ellies: Akron, Canton, Massil Ion. I 'fiinlboii, .Vuw Philadelphia, Buck. ilty. Danville. Ulirlchsvllle. Nlles. Wun. n. Hast Palestine. LQWellvllle, Mm ii..ia, Hubbard, Gliurd mid Canal bum, Th. (il,!,, pbuc utilities Commission as- authurUeU the Cleveland Hallway tn .uinmon capital stock amounting tu "' par value, to. In sold fur not less than pm.. II ..,s Miectnrs, ,,f ii,0 Columbus Hallway. "' i ami Light Company, which is mnn h.U una opiated by a 1'lilludelphU jlrni, decluied Uift regular iiuiuteily itlvj, "l' ,,t p ,M.r ct.t. un the preferred '"'. suns A. pujublo on October 1. The u'l'U'iiM ti,.k no action tnwiuU lluaiiclns '''i''l Impiovements. It Ij said, hjw yi tint Impiuvcmeiits. and extensions Mi 4ii iiigent will bo financed out of aiiiinj.3 The third 2100-hoisepower unit of the ""n ltui,ia hMlro-eltctrie development J 'iistiuLted D U. si. llyll.sby K C, on " siuvwsippi Itlvor has eeu placed In 5-ii""i,Vtal oucration. An tmrase of w kiluwatl hours will be supplied ly to the Slltineapolls Uenoral Klec " i ompan from these three units. ;,'2 'ouf' unit will bo placed In .pra J,'.0" al,Q"t te middle f October, and the t. I1.1""11-1 oru: vt ' 't mn-M lnMulia V'" In N'py Ti iff ASSETS REALIZATION CO. SITUATION IS IMPROVED Report Made for Creditors Shows In crease In Property Value, The report prepared by O, M. V. Mur phy for the Creditors' Committee of tho Assets lteallzntlon Company, which Is In the hands of receivers, has been sub Jnlttcd to that body. Jlls conclusions are, In part, ns follows: 'The direct and contingent liabilities ''aVi "ton decreased by almost $3,000,001). Although Interest paid creditors nnd ex penditures In ImnriivmiKint nt H. rht... panys property nggregnte $39r,B99, cash on hand has Increased $37,101. Executive or financial reorganization has been or is ciTccteil In tho Breakwater Company, the Slmms Magneto Company, tho United Ma es Worsted Company, tho Bitter ltool Valley Irrigation Company, tho Art Metal Construction Company and tho Unltcfl .m" ,?t11 Products Company. The Alndln nnd Armstrong mines have been soldi tho Haidwnre and Wooden waro Syndicate has been closed; tho ABh 9.V & Bnlloy Company lliuldatlon has been practlca ly completed; tho Morris I ark chtates have been flnnnced beyond tho period of tho maturity of their mort gages, and their direct obligations have ,?n!urutluec.d b "Proximately 75,00O. -..,; iuM ui mo atowart .Mining com pany, in which the company was largely interested, has, utter serious litigations with F. A. Ilelnze, been sold nt a satis factory price, nnd tho situation of the united Copper syndicate has thus been Improved, Tho distressing situations of tho Kenwood Contracting Cotnpany, tho Placlta Itanch Company and tho Swenaon L,and Compnny have been adjusted on terms more satisfactory than could bo Justifiably anticipated. Tho King's High way Company has been sold, and tho Fifth Avcnuo Investing and Improvement Company saved from what threatened to bo complcto destruction, "Without obi gutlon on our part, $225,000 has been obtnlned for the developments of the Gogo Park property. Fixed annual operations havo been reduced to the ex tent of $147,185, nnd a great variety of small assets of the company have been realized upon or havo been put In condi tion for realization n due season." SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Sons of Pennsy Employes Will Enter tJflluerslty of Pennsylvania. Samuel Lycll Lelthlser, of Havre do Orace, Md., and William L. Butler, of Now Philadelphia, Ohio, arc tho 19U winners of tho Frank Thomson Scholar ships established In 1M7 by tho children of the late Frank Thomson, former presi dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, ns a memorial to their father. Both tho successful candidates this year will enter tho University of Pennsylvania. Tho Thomson Scholarships aro awarded each year en a purely competitive basis and nrc open only to the son of living or deceased employes of tho Hues of the Pennsylvania Hnllroad system, both east and west of Pittsburgh nnd Erie. Lelthlser Is the son of Scalo Inspector Isaac I. Lelthlser. of the Maryland Divi sion. He was born In Havre de Grace, Sld March 23, 1&33. Butler Is the son of E. It. Butler, passenger conductor on tho Cleveland and Pittsburgh Division of tho Lines West. Ho Is 13 years old. NOTES OF THE RAIL A decrease of 5 per cent, per mile In totnl operating revenue of railroads In Juno compared with the same month of last year Is shown In the summary of the Bureau of Railway Economics. The Biimmarv ulso shows that thero was a decrease In operating expenses of 4.1 per cent. Tho net operating revenue per mile wan $23 smaller, or 7 per cent., when com pared with June. 1913. With the Intention of breaking up the practice of passengers riding on plat forms of moving passenger cars, the Pennsylvania Railroad has posted no tice! on bulletin boards of the Pittsburgh Division warning passengers of tht dun gcr in so doing. Through a lost adveitleement a passen ger on tho Maryland Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad recovered $100 which he had lost on tho platform In Broad street stntlon nnd which was picked up by a brakeman nnd held by the company until the owner was found. Othelal? of the Pennsylvania saw the ad vertisement, -which appeared, got Into communication with the man and tho money, which was the savings of a six months' cruise on a sailing vessel, was returned to him. Chicago is now assured of Its new $65, 000,000 union stntlon and pnssenger ter minal yards, the Pennsylvania and other roads Interested In Its Joint construction having accepted the city ordinance gov erning tho undei taking. This Involved tho payment to the city of $3J3.S0ii, nnd a few weeks ago there was danger that the entcrpiiho would bo delayed In anticipa tion of difficulty In raising tho money, owing to tho war. This appears to have been overcome. The work Is to be com pleted In five years. Statistics show that only a little moro than 3 per cent, of the passenger cars turned out Inst year were, of wooden con struction, and In a few years those of wood will have disappeared from the principal ntterles of travel. If not from all roads. In tho coming year all postal cars must be of steel. In the four years ended January 1. 1313. steel passenger cars In creased In number from 620 to 7271, and steel underframe cars from 673 to 3296, each of tho former costing $13,000. which serves to indicate how expensive It Is to tho railroads to make the change to metal equipment. IJTU.TTY EATWrNCS TWIN C1TV. toil. Increase, Ausu't Rrcwi $TllS5.-iD '2l Tin suri'lu ir,:i.sns n.i;:i:i From January t fi.141 ITS :ii!i.:iiij Surplus l.losn.'.T I30.0W PACIFIC I.iailT AND TOWE1I, Augunt Krons r.M. 1.17 f H),fll4 Net Income -".Mil .T.llll) Tf!ve months' Brcs.. l,34.'l S.1H 7X1103 Surplus after dliMemla. btl.407 80.731 RAISING THE GOLD POOL Steps toward raising the JS.OuO.OM (n,i which Is the allotment uf tho national bunks of this city In the JIOVOO.OOO sold pool, are progressing. Tho proportion con- , tributed by the various banks Is fixed on i u, pio rata basis on their gold reserves, j Somo of tho banks already have taken i action on paying their share, and the i others arc walling until meetings of their respective boards of diiectors. NEW FEDERATION OF INSURANCE AGENTS IS ORGANIZED HERE State Body Covering Life, Fire and Casualty Brokers Will Make War on Pro posed Obnoxious Laws. Organization of the Insurance Federa tion of Pennsylvania has been completed. It has established temporary head quarters In tho rooms of tho Flro Insur ance Society, In Fourth street near Wal nut. The federation Is. made up of life, flro nnd casualty Insurance agents and brokera throughout the State. In a letter to brokers nnd ngents, J, V. Henry, president of the newly formed federation, declares that the future of the Insurance agent In Pennsylvania Is In danger, nnd that thero must bo made a co-opcrotlva attack on laws, which, he says, tho next Legislature plans to put thro.ugh covering Insurance regulation nnd operation. "Ab you aro well aware," says Presi dent Henry, "tho Insurance business hn3 been tho subject of attack by Legislatures In suvornl States, and, as you know, the Insurance ngents of Ohio, West Virginia, Washington nnd other States, havo been put out of business after working yenrs In building up their agencies. Wo nre at this time confronted In Pennsylvania with a Logllaturo about to convono to give consideration to measures vital to the Interests of the Insurance ngents In tho State of Pennsylvania, and wo must be prepared to meet tho Issue fairly by be ing organized Into a body that will wield such an Influrnce na will grant to us as ngents and citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a right to continue In the Insurance business as a means of livelihood. Had tho ngents been organ ized In Ohio nnd other States, they would Btlll have their business. "If tho Insuranco business Is attacked nnd legislation passed which Is detrimen tal to tho business, there wilt bo no fuither need of the agent. The Insur ance companies have no right to cotno In and say what character of legislation shall bo passed but we, as citizens, tax payers and voters of this Commonwealth should say what sort of legislation shall bo put upon our bread nntl butter. "Only organization can Favo and per petuate to us the need of the agent In Pennsylvania, and ns fire Insurance, work men's compensation nnd llfo insurance we know will be matters for considera tion by our next Legislature, we must, for tho salvation of our business, bo organized In a compact body, working hand In hand In legislative matters to safeguard our business." Oflicers and directors of the federation aro: J. W. Henry, president; S. H. Pool and J. S. Turn, vice presidents; J. L. Rlvolta, treasurer. Directors; Robert M. Coyle, Philadelphia; Wallace M. Reld Pittsburgh; Charles K. Yungman, Phila delphia; Jnmca F. Tanner, Erie; II. A. Logue, Pittsburgh: J. W. Barr. OH City; J. B. Longacre. Philadelphia; F. S. Barr. Lancaster; J. E. Parnell. Indiana; Jerre H. Barr, Reading; E. H. Bnlr, Greens burg; J. F. Brondbent. Scranton, and Jesse S. Bell, Wllllamsport. FINANCIAL BRIEFS On October 7. nt 2 p. m., the Depart ment of Agrlculturo will Issue a report of condition and yields of grain crops. Tho L'tlco Steam and Mohawk Cotton Mills, of Utlcn, N. Y have received an order from the French Government for 000,000 sheets. President Robert Lnmont, of the Ameri can Steel Foundries Company, on an In spection trip of the company's plants, says that It will be necessary to closo some of tho plants nnd curtail production at other works. Mr. Lamont said that the foundry business was decidedly poor at present. Retiring directors were re-elected at the annual meeting of the Chicago, Milwau kee and St. Paul. The American Gas Company announces tho payment of the remaining outstand ing J1.6OO.0OO 3 per cent, collateral trust loan at Its maturity October 1, at the of fice of the Marchants' Union Trust -Company. The financing of tho loan was pro vided for earlier In tho year by the place ment of a like amount of 5 per cent, col lateral truBt bonds, all of which have been sold to Investors. ANOTHER BANK "BLACKLIST" AVASHI.VriTO.V, Sept. 2S.-Treasury He partment oltlclnls today completed a ref und "black list" of banks accused o' "hounllng" reserves and chnrglng execs hive Intt-rest rates. Tho list will be ie fcried to Secretary McAdno and C'omp ti oiler Williams, but whether It will be made public hns not been decided RECORD COAL OUTPUT The State Department of Mines at Hur rlsburg has Issued statistics on the amount of coal mined In Pennsylvania In 191J. Tho total Is given as 2S4,C57,020 tons, of which 173,030,061 were bituminous and 91, 626,656 anthracite The total production was larger than In any previous year. BANK CLEARINGS Hank clejflngi tnda. comi aro.f with lli corresponding day In tho two jmr, fu. loss; 10H. 1013 una. PIiIIh.U . ., .US U.1.M.1.U1 424.20,1 osi llosiun 11 IU1 711 HI R'.'4,il.v, ji.Wh'-Mi New York J170.inl, 570 tVil.Xlt SIT VJ3 57U1U PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUtt WIIHAT. ttectlptu, I47'i70r1 bunh. The market ma quiet with no Important ehnnK Iri prices. Csr lots, In export levator-No 2 rfd, spot and September, $1,085 1.13s No. 1 red IVetKrn, $1,1201.17; No. 1 Northern Uuluth, U.tSOl.2). COHN. rteclpti, .1009 bush. Demand light and prices lie. lower. Car lota for local trade, as to location-No. 2 yellow, 80,4387c.i ateamer jfllow, 8W?8'4c OAT8. Receipts, 48.C00 buidi. Trices de clined Me. with btier Indifferent. No. 2 white, DltfftlKe.! atandard while. M!i'.'te.; No. .1 white, 5.103.-144C. FLOtm, Receipts, 703 bbln., 811,807 lbs. In aacka. The market doll and largely nominal. Per i()0 Iba. In wood-Winter clear, W-Wayj! do., atralaht, JUKlfifUf.; do., patent, ' S.fiOj Kantaa, straight. Julo aacka, 20fl3.COi do., patent, Jute aacks, l',WB5.'A!..SB5"iS! flrat clear, Jt.TBa.l, do,. atralKht, J.I.IWlfUu; doy patent, f3.n0fiC.Ki, do., fnvorllo brand", JOBfl.iBj city mllla, choice and fancy .ly1'"'. $000.2.1; city mllla, regular grnrtca-J lntT-, clear, fl.Nfr4,8.1: do., straight, fl.WfJ.i.irii do., patent. S.2..?JR.CO. ItVi: Kl.OUIt. Oulet, but ateadily held at f35.CO for nearly nnd Western In wood. VEGETABLES Quiet and prices fnvorod buyers. Whltfl pota toes, per huah. I'ennaylvatila, noimc; New York, Kl.lle. ; whllo potatoes, Jerary, per bas ket, .IMtOc.; sweet potatoes, KaRtcrn Shore, per hbl.-No. 1, fI.?oV2..1.i: No. 2, 7.V l, sneet potatoes, ixonn larmina, per iidi. no. 3, I1.7SB2; No. 2, 7iSc f I: aweeta, .leraev, per lihl.-No. 1, 2..W32 73i No. 2. fl.snttl.TG; aweeta. Jersey, per basket. 40930c. Onions, Western nnd Connecticut Valley, choice, per 10Un. unK, i onions, memum, per jitj-id, hait. 750(100. CabbaRO, domestic, per ton, HO Si2. Celery, New York, per hunch, 10330c. Mushrooms, per 4-lb basket, COCUf 1.00. FRESH FRUITS In fair request nnd generally steady. Ap ples, per bbl. araenateln. fl.S0Q2.23; Plush, fl.fi0ff2.2,: other Rood eating varieties, fi.nw 2.25; medium, fll.fiO: apples, Delaware and Pennsylvania, per hamper, oOflfiOc. Lemon, per box, S:i fr-1 . Pineapples, per crate I'orto lllco. fl.23i!I.'l.23: Florida, fl(i)2.fiO. Cranber ries, Capo Cod, i:arly Illark, per hbl., t.Ml3: cranberries, Capo Cod, Early ninek. per crate, tl.7."Q2; crnnberrles. Jersey, per crate Dark, 1.73fr2.2.'ii light, ftfrt.23. Huckleberries, per Ht.. 408c; Peaches, Virginia, per - 20-lb. basket, 2."fiM)e. ; do., do., per crate, 7.'cfffl.23: do., Delaware and Maryland, per bnskrt. L . 73c,; do., do., per crate, TSc (7fl.2.": peach?, Pennsylvania, per basket r.iirgo white, or vel Icw, SrW73c. ; medium, flOfWOe.. p-ache. Jer sey, while on yellow, per J-ba8kot Extra larcc, 73fI00c., medium, MIMOc. Pears, near by, per bbl Ilnrtlett. .Vn. 1. SIW B.S0: do., No. 2, $2.r013; Clapp's fav orite. Nn. 1, fH.WUH.SO: do., Nh. 2. f 2.5083: other nrietles, f2fl.'l: pears, N. Y. Scckel, per bbl., Jl'fS: pears. Ilartlntt or Meckel, per hushel basket, flQ1.73. Grapei. Now York Concord, per S-lb. basket, 1.1ft life. , do., per 4-lh. basket, SftlOc. : Dclawares, per 4-lb. haket. 2i(?l."c.; (trapes. Concord, per crate, 40ijr,0e. Plums, per S-lb. basket, 2021a. CnntaloupM. Colorado, per crate. tWl.."0: do., do., flats, r.OgsOc. Watermelons, Jersey, per 100. SlOH-o. SUGAR ItnriNnn. Trade, slow at former rates. Standard Krnnulated fi.soc. : line granulated. (! i.'c : pow deed, n.Mc. ; cdntcctioncrs' A, 0.05c. ; sort grades, .".Mirfl.IOc. DAIRY PRODUCTS JIUTTKK, Market quiet and without Im portant change. Offerlncs moderate but am ple. Western freih, solid-packed, creamery, fancy, specials. Xlc. ; extra, aic. . extra firsts. HOC. firsts. 2SU,1;2;i'$c. , twornli. 2Q1T27HC.: ladle-packed. 21ft2ric, na to quality; nearby prints, fancy, :14c. ; do., nverngu extra. .12ff.13c; do., nrsts, Sortaic.: do., seconds, 27i?28e .fce clal fancy br.indu of prints JobhInK at .')8TMlc. KCiCS. Strictly fine fresh etrgs kept well cleaned up at steady prices. In free cases, nearby extras, ,'llc. per dox. ; nearby firsts, SS.40 per standard case; nearhy current re ceipts, f7.2uifJ7.fK) per standard case; Western extra firsts, fs.40 per case. do., flrats, 57.20ft 7.50 per case; do., seconds, fn.H0iTll.P0 per case. Candled and recrated frtsh csirs were Jobbed out at 15f.17c. per doz.. as to quality. ClIIXSi: Trade quiet and tho market unthansed. New York, full-rrenm. choice, 10'4 SJ1C4C ; do,, do., fair to good, llliSlOc. : do., part bklms, OSllc. POULTRY LIVE. Plentiful and barely steady. Fowls, 13ST17C., old roosters, 145(1 lie : dutkH, old, 1'IW He: do., spring, 14T15c. ; guineas, per pair, oung, weighing 2 lbs. and over apleee. ,0c.; do., weighing i5Ui lbs. apiece, WrfTil.1c.; do., weighing 1 lb. apiece, OUc. ; old, Mc; pigeons, per pair. 17ftlSc. IIHKSSKI1. Fine desirable sized stock pretty well cleaned up at tteady prices. Fresh killed fowls, per lb., selected heavy, 2lVsC. : fancy weighing 4'j'(TS lbs. apiece, 20Hc. : do. weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 20c; weighing. 3H lbs apiece. t7ffl$c ; weighing 3 lbs. nnd under, lc. ; old rooiters, dry-picked, llP-Sc. ; broiling chickens, nearby, weighing lUfrS lbs. apiece, 20fi22c. : broiling chickens, nearby, fair ta good, lfljfi.xc ; chickens. Western, 1 lbs. apiece, ll'c: do., do.. 2i43 lbs. apiece. 14H15c: broiling chickens, Western, 1HT lbs, apiece, 17?T18c: broiling chickens. Western, fair to good, lSSlOc. ; squabs, per doz. White, weigh ing 11 to 12 lbs. per doz.. f t.n,'fi 1.23: white, velghlng ( to 10 lbs., per doz.. f2,; whlto. weighing 8 lbB., per dot., $2.2MT2. III. do., do,, 7 lbs., per doz., H."iTi". do., do . flii fW lb., per doz., fl 2501.30; dark and No. 2, 50c.Sfl.10. PROVISIONS Market quiet and unchanged. City beef. In sets, smoked and alr-drled, :!liu".'l2c. : Western beef. In sets, smoked. 314T32C ; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 32J34c; Western beef, knuikle and tenders bmoked. 33fl.14c.: beef hams, fWftl.i; pork, family, $28327; hams. S. I cured, loose, in'M?lflic.: do., skinned, looss, 1.1if,fj lfic ; do., smoked, ISftlOc. : other hams, smoked, city -ured, as to brand and average. lSJJlUc; hams, smoked. Western cured. 1S& 10c : do., boiled, boneless. 2SfT2'ic. : picnic bhoulders, S. I', cured, loose, 12ji2ic. ; do., smoked, I4B14He.; helllea In nlckle, according to average, loose, l(IHfi7c : breakfast bacon, as to brand und merage, city cured 21fl2;lc ; breakrast bacon, Western curl, 21?2icj lard, Wj-storn, refined, tierces, fimll'jc. : do. do do., tubs, MVytiWc- lard pure city, kettlo rendered. In tierces, !li;?ll'ii-.. do., puro cltjr, kettlo rendered, in tubs, l,t,illl:. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHIC.KJO. Fept 28 HOfiR. Ilecelpta, 20,000: markrt 10c higher, mixed ami butcher, fs SOtiit Hi; good heay. s 7"tjU: rough beavj. $f n.-ifis ir,- light SS.V'iti in. nigs, fit lofKi3, bulk. fS.lOSS .1 CATTI-B-necelpts. 22.(11)0, market steady to 15.' loner, beeves. f7 lu'ull. cows and helfern, 3 IXftU 23. stockers and feeders, 1.4.lns 1(1 T xans. f7 40'o'.ii: calca. f'lSUfill.Vi. SHKI5P. Ilecelpta. "jO.i'OO market lilc. lower, natlvo and Western, f 1.253 70, lamb?, J5IX) DIVIDENDS DECLARED Valfl & Townt Manufacturing Company, trg ular quarterly 1-h i'r cent , pcijahlo Octo bir 1. Pprlngtteld and Xcnl.i Halhviiy. 2 per cenf. on prod rrod, payable September 30 to stock f utonl September 23. Youngstown and Ohio nicer Hallroad, I r-'r icnt, on preferred, pnjnble geptimber SO to stock of record September 25. I'enntolvaula Salt Manufuc luring Company regular quarterly ,1 per cent.. aable Oc tober 15, to toU of retold. Septeinber Hu. Public ScnK-e Cumpaiiy f Northern Illinois quarterly Pa per cent on r referred and tk per cmt. on ramnain, No ember 2 to stock of record nctotKir 13. illlnoU Northern I'llllties Company, regular quartirlv uf f 1 .' un prefcrreil. payubls No vember 2. It. M. ilvllesbv ,t Co. nnnoumo regular div idends of 1 'iir cent on the preferred of th fbltuHlng cum jiilis for the quarter ende I Siptimber .'III, ndl-tlila (i-tder 13: Northern Slat's Potter. r!,tern SMtes tlas and Elec tric and (Jsttumwa Itnllway und Light. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGOS NRiV YOltK. ;". - llCTTKIt quiet: recilpts. 4WI tubs .r.nmer. run :0fii.",i.; State dairy tubs. 22'(i211l.. imitat.on i rraniery, pri.ts. 2t''iv4(, HlitiS ,uol re. elpt. ssi crUs. nearby white, fan y. ' narby nilTOJ. fancj. 2"uJ . frtih. Huti. JiavK; WHEAT FLUCTUATES AND CLOSES HIGHER DESPITE BIG SUPPLY Large Primary Receipts in the Morning Count Against Values, But Selling Is Overdone. ClflCAGO, Sept. 2S.-Todn.y'8 wheat mnrlirt wns rather nn unlmportuiit affair, although llucuutloim wore ae numerous niid as flighty as usual. Weaker forclKii nitirketc, larfiu primary lecelpts and ,an cnormoUK Increase In tho domestic visible supply counted nb'alnst vntucs during the mornlns. but tho solllnif wns overdone. Tho grain wan well but quietly absorbed oil tho wuitk spots, nnd was hard to locate afterward until tho market had scored an mlvancc of about ls to ltt cents over Satui day's choice. Thero was considerable business done today In the way of ex port sales, hut the paitlclpanta kept It well covered Trade In corn wa-j small and country sales and consignments were light, ine mnrlsut was easy. The weather was ex collcnt over the cntlro belt, futures closed 4 to cents lower. Oats displayed somo strcnKtli on fairly (rood local speculative buying, which was stimulated to some extent by consider able export sales from the seaboard. Futures closed H cent lilBher. Leadlnj futures ranged as ro,lowa:Salurrta.8 Wheat- Open. High. Imw flow. cloe. September .. ikjOT "W .-'0 K t'.,.bcr..:: W33J 1.SW i:' S l:St Corn (new delivery; September .. lO'i '' 72 irn, 72H 7i;',i 17i 7214 4B', 40 Afri 1 i 411): Ml! II!', UP. rjreember . ")s (! May 721 i-:i Oats- ... ...,, September .. 4, ! Decerrbcr .. 4W S May '-! "''.1 "- Ivird September .. .. -. -.; .iSuarv :i0.O.-. 10.15 1D.W, January :.::io.B2 loir." 1.) SO 10.57 10.50 l'nrk -.- Cnnliitnhnr IT 21 ..... - Janunrv .. .in1) 1.7 l'.. Bid. tAsked. fNom. ja.rr, tn.v., 'ii.r.5 10.12', 10 03 UI.U7 10.77 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA BUN AND TIDKfl. Bun rises ... 6:59 a.m. Bun sts ... B:40 p.m. I'lIltiADnM'HIA. High waler. !B0 a.m. I High water, fl !W p.m. Ix,w water.. 3:31 a.m. I Low water.. 3-IOp.m. HEEDT IRUANU High water. B:45 .m, J High water. B:1J P.rn. Ixiw water a.m. I Imw water.. 12 07 p.m. HRKAKWA'rnn High waler. !l:.1l a.m. lyiw water.. 0:lBft.m. High waler. a tn p.m. low water.. 10.03 p.m. Vessels Arriving Today Dominion (Br ), trmlia-in, Liverpool, passen gers nnd merchandise. American Line, docked Washington avenue nhari u:.K) a. m. n-utera (Nor.). Tort Ahtonlo, fruit. United rult Compnny. Docked S a. tn. ronrad Mohr (Nor.), Ilertrhs, via Marcus Fruit Compnny. Docked S a rnrad Mohr iNnr.V llei Hook, Josepli C. Gabriel, Point Ilreese. Knme. Mnneollan Htampalln Merlon . . California Steamships to Arrive PASSBKCIBR. I'rom. Dlascow .... ...... Naples LKcipool . .. Copenhagen . FltEtdHT. halted .Hept. in ,.Scpt. 18 .Hept LM .Sept. - nity of Durham Calcutta .. Zyfdyk Hotterdam Rtnrt Point Inndnn ... Man. Mariner Manchester Ailolfn HUirmfeM .. Cnn.idla ,,, Zcrenbergen Narvik ttapldnn . . . Ml'rourl ... Dakntan ... Greenwich . Wlnlato-i ... Man. Milter Cctrlston ... .Fept. 1 ,fapt. 15 .Hept. ly .Sept. 10 .fept. II .Sept. 1 .Sept. 1 .fletit IS Sept. Ill .Hiielvn ..Calcutta .. . .Stavaneer , SanWf .... Ilddleaboro ..Lelth ..London Sept. iij ..Hllo Sept. ,,.owcRtie.N H.Kept. 32 .. Kt. Vincent. C.' fpt. 17 .. Manchester . . .iiept. U4 ..Forrvy Sopt. 25 Steamships to Leave PASSENUICIl. . Kama, ror. Dte. Dominion Llvnrposl Oct. 8 tftampalla Naplos , Oot 0 .Merion Liverpool Oct, 10 Moneollan California . . . . Uranlenbonc . West Point... Canadla rirnclana Zldk Man. Mariner .Start Point .. Missouri Itapldan . . (Una zrrw Copenhin FltniOIIT. Copenhaxen London .... Chrlstlanla Lelth 1 Hot'rdam . 1 Manchester i I)lid'n London Ixlth ..Oot. 17 . . .Oct. 10 ..Sept. -. .iept to ...OC. S . .Bopt. S'J ...Oct. 1 . . .Oct In . ..Ort 1(1 .. Oct. 14 ...Oct. 1 PORT OF ISEW YORK Vessels Arriving1 Today Name. From. Docked. Columbia OIiisrow 8 am. Krlstlanlfjord Tlerecn 8 a.m. IpaBno JUvre a.m. Minnehaha London 1 p.m. Steamships to Arrive DUU 1XDDAY. Name. From. St. Anna Naplei DUK TUESDAY. United States Copenhagen .. 3tamps.lla Naples Steamships to Leave Date. Sept. 11 .Sept. 17 -Sept. 18 Name. Chlcaco Vlrglnlo N. Amsterdam 'New York For. .Havre .... . Jlordcaux . .Rotterdam Liverpool . Mauretanla. Livurnmi Adriatic LU erpool Columbia Mlisgow Philadelphia Liverpool Durn, d'Aosta Naples .. Mlntehaha London . T7opaene Havro .. Date. ..Pent. 1 .Sept U.S . . Sept. i'J . .Sept. .10 .Sept. Xo .Sept. no ...Ort. a ...Ot:t. a ...Oct. 3 ...Oct. 3 ...Oct. 3 FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS PHILA.- BANK, STATEMENT Heserve Again Increased; Loans, Bond and Individual Deposits Smaller. 1 The statement of the memoers or me The unabated moderate demand for nroniDt lilludelphla Clearing House Association boats keeps the etcam market active, and rates for tho week ending today shows that reserves nrtaln increased, whllo loans and deposltsof banks and individuals fell off. Tho Items compare vlth last week's state ment as follows: Loans, ;iH1.2JG,000; de crease, tl,020,0(0; Individual deposits. JTO1, 630 000; decrease, J622.COO; ell dilution. 15, r WO; Increase, $260,000; due from banks, JU,5,S41,O0O; decrease, $2,671,000; Clearing House exchanges, $230,000; reserve, $737,000. $10.a"S,000; $30, 426,000; BANK TO MAKE PAYMENT Tradesmen's Trust Company to Pay 20 Per Cent. More. Auditors who are Koine over the books of the Tradesmen's Tfust Company held an Informal meeting this morning with Percy M. Chandler, the receiver, and John C. Bell, Attorney General. The auditors are Kugtcne Snyder and Henry norneman. They are hopeful that an other payment to the depositors can be made within u short time. The bank has made tw-o payments to de positors. One was J7Vs per cent, nnd the other 10. The third and probably the last one will be M per cent, Tho audit ors reported that thoy were about ready to close their work. .,.i.. ,- ..- :;."- . '-"? ,nico . .'.in ""'"" '" '" Biui martct is at a stamUtlll. STBAMSHIPS Sllnjsbv fDr ), New York to plrkcd ports T r.lted Mnud.,m. grnln, quarters 2s id' prompt ''tlon French Atlantic ports. 2s'. Muirfleld (Br.). 20)00 cuarters, name, rrom Philadelphia. Shakespeare i)r.), Gulf to Havre, era'n 23 fioi) quarters, 3s. Vtf., October. -3-. Vnrilmn Iflr 1 n.,lf fn ..t.t... 1 .. .... decrease, I ;VJ. ,m- i5rali?' ?,' ...OP11"" FTPneh Atlantic increase. 'nmi' ..-..-..-a.. ..oris. .. ,M.. Santanderlno (Span ), 101)4 tons, transat lantic trade, one trip on time charter bals fld., delivery Ruir. redelivery United King dom, prompt Nils (Nor.), 1101 tons, Prosreso to Mobile hemp, II! cent", prompt. Las-ell (Am.). 122T, tons. coastKlso trado on round trip, private terms, prompt. ' Kins Irtnal (Hr.). ISUi'l tn..e. Virsinla tc Mcntevldeo. coal, ISs. Pd.. prompt. Hlritln (Nor.). 1174 tons. Italtlmore to Guan tnnamo. coal, private terms, iirompt. Camilla (Nor.). l.Vin tons. Ilaltlmore to Ha vana, coal private terms, prompt. Forelfm teamr. Port Arthur. Texas, tr four ports Australia, r'flned petroleum. 1,"0 -OtO cases, basis 22 cents on- port, October. ' BATES FOR MONEY The rates for money ar all tho leadlriK nnan clal centres today were quoted as follows , . ... CaI1- Time. I'hlladelphla ti t New York 11 5J"? T OS IVjston 8 i fls hP'aKo 7 7 1 hlladelphla I'ommerdol paper three to six months' maturities, 7fT7'.. per cent U.S.COMERCE BOARD WILL LOOK INTO THE EMBARGO SITDATIOM Makes All Coal Railroads Parties to Inquiry Into Re ported D i s c r i m i n a tion Against Shippers. Ilecaus'i complaint? have teen r.iad that certain ooal-carrylnc tnllroads hav cstulillshed embnrKoefl that re.g.ilud In discrimination against shippers, the In terstate Commerce Cotnmisslon ban de cided to Investigate the question of em bursoes Rpnerally und tlm conditions un der which they nrn established. Atf conllnKly, all the railroads of the coun trj' that carry coal will bo made parties U) the Inquiry, which will besln In Chi cago on January an, IMS, and from which the Commission hopes thero will result the establlulunent of a system of ern brio re-uulatlons. The order of tua Commlsrlon coverlntr the Inrjulry folkrw.i; "The subjoct of th mlejs. reprulatlons and rr.ctloes of ooninvm carriers by roll ImvinsT bnan bruueht to tho attention of tho i'';mmlssIon by .r.fonnnl oomp'.alnVi. .horolp It wao allcsed that certain cot) roads tta.'Wlsbd mbargots which r suited In unjust discrimination a.lnt hlppers; aiid th CummHston, ni a ecu sequence, clrvulrlrir tt Infonu Itatlf crcn urally ns to the 'iiiusllon of embarnoes, the conditions undor which Uiey are -lubllfihed, and the majuier In which no tlco is irlven, with a viow to proncrlbltis reasonablo reculat.lonj for such em bar roes. "It Is ordered, Hint a proceeding of In quiry nnd invcstlBntiori be, and the same lw hereby instituted Into and concerning the subject of the rulos, rcirulatlons and practices of carriers in establishing em unrsore. "It Is further ordered, that all common carriers by rail, subject to the act to rofulnte commerce, bo nnd thoy are here by made parties respondent to this pro ceeding, that this proceeding be set for Iwnrins at such times and places as the Commission livreaftor shall designate that tho parties respondent bo required to appear and testify or to produce books, documents and papers as the Com iniision shall deom necessary." RAILROAD EARNINGS ILLI.NVjIk CENTRAL l!'14. 101.1. Inc. August gross . J.-..S.1.-. t.'.i J.-, -R)7. P.-J I14.S 228 Net ..... . 1.2iiO,2;4 iilil.M).-, 2RS.4.V.I 2 monthV Br.s 11211 171 1 l.ORS fleu ISC. 444 Net 1 IRi.ii', 1 7i!.2'(.-, 20V .TH) YAZOO AN!) MISSISSIPPI VALLKt' AUEUst crms. . V.'2.".'.1l $vl..17n JL14.732 ..Net 1711111 im. SO.'. .-lO.BM J months ;ross 1 77S "02 1 f! is.'jitj so 003 Net 2M pxl 17S .-..v. 72'r.r.l LOI-ISVILLE ANU NASHVILLE Third week Sept J1 11" 12.', Jl 212 7ir. J12n RSO Prom July 1 . . .12 V'!. "! ri.71.r,7 'airaid LOPIBIANA NI ARKANSAS Year ending Jun HO- Crosa SI 7ISI.20S tl.073, S2rt.74B N"t 1II.VDV.I XI :,; IVS.417 SLrplus 10't.47il 27ii.2:i TO.-'sn POfTIIDHN RAILWAY Tlilrd week 1 "tie, 171 .tan J."'om July 1.. 1.1,171.(13.",,100 171,508 TOLEDO, PEORIA ANIi WKSTHRN Third werk Sept. S22.r.I J2S.H24 S,401 loin July 1.. 27 1. " ixi, UK ANN ARDOR Second wk. Sept. S50.2U." S4.1.1S'. I'rom July 1 . .vw.-co mm .lis CENTRAL OP CEOROIA June uross .... S''il,li72 ?ls:n'..420 Net r.l.W.'. onus 12 mos. irross. 14.21U.7I2 I3.W.s7J Net - ... J.P0y.214 .i.OOI.'i.Vt Decrease II..VJU .1..102 S33.35I 3(1. TX 3.1.1.S70 O.I.OTH) BAB SILVER Bar silver was quoted In London today at 21 pfirn1 off ' pence, commercial btx silver K-'a (ent, off '4 rnrit. t H -ojssaasssi NEW INCOME TAX RULING I'oiumlssloner I.ederer, of the Internal Hevenup Uepnrtment. today issued tho fullovviiii; rulltiK coveriiiB Income tax on bend ruuuoiiH: "When ioii)ons ftorn bonds duo on or bubsequent to, October 1, 1911. aro accom panied "by certificates of ownership which ueu- propei l executed on or prior to October. 1SH. un the old form pre scribed pi lor to .Ma 2. 1SH, such eel till cates will be iicceptcd." $400,000 Live Money for Live Mortgages lu SM00O to S.1O.0OO amounts; no advanle. (Send full particulars Irumtdlatcly HORACE K. READ lltlIfT wui vin.x. DIRECT ROUTE Interstate b air October l and 2 TRENTON FAIR GROUNDS SPECIAL TRAINS direct to the Fair Grounds 1i:iNK.snAY. SKPTKMIIKR 30 I.eae Hrcirl Street Station 7 HI an 8 2 A M sti.nnlnc at nrlnrlmi .,n,i.n. 5hiB,n?05ii"?d '!' V Mi.i'p'"ai wA "bill Au.S "Sh'Mi'B?: plita unly. ItclurnliK. leave Fair (irouiuU ft 11 and c m p Jl for PhllVd.hhla Slid1 ii2i:W".,.t,;:ls,.lssBS"i w ,?'"' tit-Uun' w -SufiiSi5 THPRSOAy. OCTORKR 1 of ru'ndVdVuT'MuK Pennsylvania W Railroad a Tii OO t Hi H 8 a Jj $2,550, f. o. b. Detroit Seat Six tuicujrujsf The Car With n Thousand Charms Limit Forget for the moment that the Limousine dfciibc1 "ells thi year for $2,550. We art facing new price standards in upper-class cars The time is pist when luxury lovers need suf fer ocr-tax The Famous Chassis Tin-. i the new-model HUDSON Si40 the latest production of Howard F- Coffin America' foremost designer Mr Coffin, with the t other engineers, has devoted four years to this model. It is their una! conception of the ideal Six. It eceU in lightness, tn economy, in beauty I here are all the dainty appointments toilet .i,es, smoking ca,ev electric light in the dome, electric telephone to driver. All the glass is ahless. Window and door gnu may be dropped The sashless glas, Pack of the driver is adjusted for ventilating set it at any height. The windows and doors have roll mrtainj Koll-up storm curtains protect the front seat. I he extra cats 4rc collapsible, and one rray set tlicm to face either front or rear All This for $2,550 riere is a tar winch is wtdelv rnnirf.r.. .1,. It ecei in lightness, tn economy, in beauty princ. 0f mnj,rn c ' i' lunbl(Icrr'1 " and equipment. In many ay it fs the finest faM u'denmes o"r lei b s, "'" " '"1 "' example of the new-day quality car. i rnm,, .;. ,1 , . Nnd the si.e is , ight for ease of hand- J?, T'lZV t Ine, combined with ample room. degree (iriu 10 ine last Round Trip ) Tkkei jood ool on date ol sale The Artistic Side This Limousine body is built for lis by fa mous New Fngland coach builders. Every de tail hos the artist's touch. It i upholstered and trimmed in finest im ported fabrics Sample books at your locat Ill'DSON showroom will offer you four op tion!,. The hardware is hard-rubber covered. That i. door handles, window lifts, etc. The rear J. 101 tuck c;rwW,rIr the f"ist ."nc h"3use of HUP iar is offered at $',',55.0 rm,udge fr yurself-af Jour Hudson h you desire jeT ratnlos; 1111 rc(Uri. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO., 253 North Broad St. Phila Ilcll 'Phon. Ftlbtrt XXU rKtnttw. Bo till -v IMMEDI4TI7 nfr T,.r.J T ' "iii.lvr,lES 'XSLSSil 1 ''I a