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Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Sports Final, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1914-09-28/ed-5/seq-1/

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R,' "JWcnf-
m& t v - - - !-
VOL. I NX). 13"
mSm I
The appearance of "Kid"" Williams, the world's champion, in this city, is
always a sure sign that the spectators will enjoy a whirlwind affair.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 4
Phillies 0 001 2000 0?
Batteries Oeschger and Burns; Benton and Gonzales.
Umpires Klem and Emslic.
Chicago 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Boston 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 X
Batteries Humphries and Archer) James and Gowdy.
Umpires Byron and O'Connor.
St. Louis 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 c
Brooklyn 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 x 7
Batteries Sallcc and Snyder; Ailchison and McCarty.
Umpires Quigley and Eason.
Pittsburgh 0 0000100 12
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 x 5
Batteries McQuillcn and Schanci Dcmaree arc Meyers.
Umpires Hart and Rigler.
1 1
? 2
5 4
1.2 3
John G. Anderson Has in
Addition Selected Fifteen
Other Golfers According
to Rank.
John G. Anderson has undertaken to
select slxtrcn ranklnp golfers In the
United States. Here Is what he writem
"Dangerous business this, the selection
"Wonderful, But Reckless,"
His Comment on Viewing
Aviator's Flops Over
White House Grounds.
Pittsburgh 0 110 0 2
New York 4 4 3 0 0 0
,13 12
Desperate Charges Repulsed at All Points,
French Say, While Germans Claim
Successes in Centre Part of Verdun
Toui Fcrts Reported Siienced.
WASHINGTON', Sept. 2S.-"Wonderful,
but stai-tlingly reckless," said President
Wilson today when Lincoln Benchcy, the
nf the sixteen ranklnc: colfers In the aviator, turned a double aerial somer-
Unlted States! However, the wsjl-known I snult over the White House grounds some
fact that there pan be no perfection In 1M0 feet up In the air. The Piesldeitt
such a list, no matter how many are com- watched the airman drive his tiny aero
lilled, Is sufllelent balm to those who, fig- Plane through hair-raising evolutions and
uratlvely speaking, take their lives In 'heaved a sigh of relief when the ma
thelr hands by chancing n selection. chine darted otf In a straight line toward
"Thcie are many standaids for a the Capitol ut the other end of Pcnn
cholce. Some will select those who have sylvanla avenue.
been line golfers In the past but have Beachoy, Induced to come here by Cap
not pioved their woith during the past I tain Mnrk U Bristol, chief of the Navy
year, probably because they have not I Aviation Bureau, was supposed to doni
taken port In the big tournaments. Oth- ' onstrnto to the law makers the necessity
eis will compare the play of certain
men with regard to actual dofeat ; or
victory, forgetting that a greater degree
of credit beloffgs to the golfer Who holds
Jerome Travers or Francis Oulmet to
the eighteenth hole when the scoring Is
uood than to the golfer who wins a match
against a wholly Inferior player who
has gained his way to the tlnal rounds
mou on account of a streak of good play
or weak opposition than by Inherent
ability. The method which seems to
strike the most responsive chord In tho
heait of the golfer from every stand
point la to rank tho golfers on what
they have actually accomplished duiing
the c.iltndnr year, to consider their ac
tual playing standard, regardless of per
form.tncts In other years.
"They are the golfers of the year and
not of the decade. In oilier words. If
the amateur champion of the t'nlted
States were to absent himself from nil
matches and open tournaments during
tho following twelvemonth, the fairest
nay to treat him would bo to leave him
out of the summary altogether, as is
done in the national tennis ranking.
"Tho goinng events of great impor
tance are over for 10H, nnd I piesent a
list which, to my mind, represents the
iv oehi goirerd in the land on their play
of this season.
"You hnve doubtless guessed that first
place N given to Francis Oulmet of the
Woodland Golf Club, Massachusetts,
whose meilt needs but few words of ex
planation and whose claim to the honor
I, to my mind, wholly free from dis
pute. Mr. Oulmet, when ho won the
championship of France, had opposed'to
him some of this country's beat golfers.
Taking fifth position In the open cham
pionship at Midlothian brought added
honor, and the amateur championship
title of Massachusetts, more or less of a
local cent In impoitauce, to ho sur
was notable because of the excellence ol
Play In medal scoring over the extreme,
ly dlllk-ult Brae Burn Country Club
Tlie Anderson 10U golf ratings are as fol.
for greater appropriations for llvlmr mn
chines for tho use of both the navy and
nrmy. It was bis tnsk to demonstrate
the complete control man now had In
the air.
When he reached tho Capitol the Sen
nte and House olllce buildings were
quickly emptied. Committee 'meetings
broke up jib If by mnglc, and Senators
and Hepresentatlves, with u small army
of clerks and stenognipheis, crowded o-it
of the big building to take up positions
In the pluza.
Bench signalized his arrival over the
dome of the Capitol by turning four back
somersaults in Ills machine In rapid sue-
Retirement From Poland
Stops as Kaiser's Force
Faces Russian Horde in
Suwalki District.
PETItOGItAD, Sopt. 28.
It Is otllcinlly announced that a great
battle lias commenced between the Ger
mans and the Russians along the line of
the railroad just Inside of tho East Prus
sian fi untie,-. Tho battle lino extends
from (ar to the north of Kydtkuhuen
through Goldapp to I,yck.
Tho Germans aro declared to be
stiongly entrenched nnd to have been
very heavily reinforced. Because of the
nature of the territoiy In which the light
ing is in piogress It Is likely that It will
be several days before a dellnite result
can be obtained.
The Ilussian army now engaged Is be
ing heavily loinforced from the main ic-
Batteries Cooper and Coleman; Marquard and Meyers.
Umpires Hart and Rigler.
Athletics .0 0 0 0 0
St. Louis 0 10 0 1
Batteries Hamilton and Agnew; Coombs and Lapp.
Umpires O'Loughlin and Chill.
Boston 14 0 0 0 0 0
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Batteries Shore and Thomas; Lathrop and Kuhn.
Umpires Evans and O'Brien.
British War Office Reticent, But Believed
To Be More Optimistic Than at Any
Time Since Marne Battle Mons Re
ported in Flames.
The War Today!
R. H. E.
New York 0
Cleveland 1
0 0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 2 0 0
0 210 0
x 5 12 2
Batteries Brown and Nunamaker; Carter and Egan.
Umpires Dineen and Egan.
Washington 0
Detroit 1
0 0 0
10 0
Batteries Bentley and Ainsmith; Coveleskie and Stanage.
Umpires Connolly and Hildebrand.
cession. Then he circled tho drum, tlirin ! seive arniv with heniliiiui-terH nt '.ir.
?'"1...""r.t.2i.back., BBn.l.n ,.lo" I"?nnnyl- sun. The ncutlicr Is very bad. alternate
sleet and rain falling and making speedy
anni avenue. He dived for the tall
towel Of tho I'oStOfllCe niMimtmnnt
I skimmed over It and up until when he
reacpeii uio Washington monument ho
was moie than 1000 feet aloft.
Battling Nines Here Were
Tied 3-3 Up to Final Ses
sion, When Visitors Won,
4 to 3.
Results at Havre de Grace
Mm l race, maiden thrce.yenr-oMs and up.
?riil,if.',i,"Ur'iei V""- "'"-' 'rlonKS-!.azul ' 107
LIU Wlmlej, 107. Al.x, loo io 1, ,? to 1 an j
l.i to I, i-iid. Kramer, 107. Mcfalie, It tu
. 1 to .i and M in ... third rimn i .,. .ui.
toij Cnro Nome, Mare net .SYlse, "The i'uraii.
Mill no earlier and Vclkhen ii'vi r.n.
"" i.ii f, nmmrn mrer-ycni ami up,
m".'."?' ,'"".5, V- '"lnRs-ITalrUY. 107
ilti-Jiliey .11 to 10 , :i to 5 ami 1 to .1, won
-"Idler, pa l)..ye. 2U to 1. s to S anil :f to 1
te.onil. (julrk rttart, 17. Nathan, 0 tu 1, y
ii, 1 111111 tiu. imrti. I'imn 1 'ii ('?
Hm. Francis Oulmet.
Kvcnn.. fliarles Uvana,
Thlril, Jerome D. Tiarn,
dalr tj, c., New Jersey.
,.n!.""' w" r- f'nne9, Oriltninm f!
Woodland O, C,
nOsewater i, C,
Upper Mont-
it:a,N.D "IIOl'J' (.MphiilweUal Order).
Ilnrwri A. (Innlner, Hlnhdale. Chlrngu.
nay tjiinmi, iiran nurii t;. v.
, "l'l Klrkl.y, i:nelenood U.
C, New
I'l.iremoni, I'lirlMo toast.
Jaik Nevl
Tillltl) illtOl'l- lAlplinlietlritl Or.lcr).
ink '""" '"' i'llwauKee C. C, Mil-
AlleKlxny -'. C, Pills-
KUi, M. t)eHl
f'i-a llerreshntf Harden City C. C.
Waller J. Travis, (iarden t'lty. New Viirk,
iKU, MT". "'i1'1'1' All'hal.iltiil Olden.
cm. ' lel. HI'IgcntM f, i'., Conneul-
Ji'ei'Ue" "' lar,"nn' Hall'isrol O. (.'., New
i'- K" S'V1.1'- 'litatmi IJ. i'., Chli-aKn.
II iHlilminiuii. Oelrnlt ('. O., Uoiri.ll.
v.i.. ''J''KAItl.i; MENTION,
ii i."" -)V '"). Aiiduhoa C. ., Alluula.
!.' ,V '"hran. Il.ihlinure l llaltiiimra
ii.k..' ."&"",'' ."lll'iiore i'. c;.. Oalthnur
N. 5" au"for'1' '"""'fls ' l".. MaiKheir.
J. l. Sluii.ll.l,, Deti.ilt e. l, IXiiclt.
1; h- Ili'le. i;ucl. ( ( citielaml
t iariln. lacunn.itf n t f...,. !,.
!' V. Whlttemore. tha Counlr Club, Hos-
&BcZ3. x&r
A 1
til Ii .,
Ilnkuu, I'olKan. OlKaiiiui, Mm tin Cnca Klim
,,,,. 'i, ..ii., .nititc uiru rail.
'fliipl r.iie. inii-ui.uiu llllles ami gi-l.llns,
elllnk. ,l;uie ini, ,t iurluni;t J u. Harrell
30.1, I'nllliiM, .i tu 1. L' n 1, i.en, won; l'or-bli-an,
Ins. Itljditmlro. ,i to 1, Ii to .". 3 to .1
econd: lllnlcr, 10, Sumter !.' to 1, 11 In l
'i "'. ,.,l,,r:1- '!."!? 'l'-l-.Knu're. Mamie
K.. I.Jill-i A., Mallonl. May lupi Mlaa lion
llnllnK Uri'f.ke llplk- and N.ilunia a so ran
l-mirth run. Iianilhni). all acei-. .-011 added,
11 furlnnm Ifl.lor. iihi, MeT.iKK.irt, :i to I 4
in .-..out. wijii. JmlKi WriKht, li. liimlm,
,'..l.u ,'; -. V ' ' lo C'-')nd, -lifter I'unne
tl.i. .Mnjliii. urn. .' to ft nut ih'nl. Tim.
1.ISI 4-3. MnrurlB A., I.ochlcl. Hukan I (left
ill iiutt), and h allium aim ran.
I if 111 raie. for lliri-i.j.-ar-ulila anil up. sell.
Ipk. purse .ni. mile and "n iardf Ur. Uueii
ner. lift, .-(. Ii n In. -.' to ft, 1 iu 4 MS
hitiitnn. Ins, liu-ilncanie. i to 1, i-vm, I in
.', oeiond: llarr Liuiltr, iijn, .simanl. 7 tu
2. N In ft. 7 10 in. third. Time. 1:1111-3
V-wirs. furroll. Held. IIIBlimuik, Oatea, Woof,
.-i-.irsilule. IIi-im'-- lliothcr. Nimiaker. Aiiulla
ami Itiilu-rt oilvci bikj ran HW
l-tili luic, .-i's fiirlmmk Jiilan Umu, H to I
nnd I to I, llrM; KmehU. I to . ,,Ve. V
0111I-, I-ady lljrnn. ililnl. Tlnia, i.i),i. Nen.
htntt hiar of the Kea. Hnjal lllue. Oniara.
Results at Louisville '
rin.1 rat;, iiiiildon colls and gclillngs, ttto
jcnr.nMii. ftu furloiiKs- llurnnml. ir.'. Smith
fll.7H.--il. Ill and W.-iii. !,; foxy litlrt "ll"'
1'iM.I. Sft.i'o. VI.I4I. MHond. I'liiUtle. iii-i. Tailor
t; ',. -1.1!lr,, Ihiir- IDT l-ft. Jcfferfcon. IMoker
Hill i'liernn. estirkuu. kns ItCHili. Ashuii
JniU llimmei. Ii. K. KclohrV also ran
Set nnd la;--, nillli-s.mil; and 7o lurJa. ilneo.
p.ir-n'di--Allaii tiulil. loft .M.iitln, -'i 7n
fN.iJi .in.l Jii7. won: IliiatllnK ltis. 31--'
Mm I h. fl .' In. xcouiiil, T"lli(e. ins. i!i,ne
nlli-. cut Illy. Tuilir and reliem also 1.1 n.
Thlnl laie. ftiK fuilnin-k -Manila l,e, jft 71)
and -pl.H". nn; Momitnln I'earl, -flilxi plan--.emml;
l.es Intalldes tlilrd. Thne. 1 :0S 1-3
Nunstnrlcrii. liuldi-u-n Ulrl, lamdnn illrl.
Havre de Grace Entries
First ran. for .'l-yyar-olila ami up. bclllnu.
n fiirloni!-i.nMer. tin. A-atr--. 11111. ""hI.
ter Je. in-!. Ortvx, 10.1; itiinnai, hus fS.
er ilnrdon. IIVI. Oi-y U-k. Hl: Mmlnai I ill
He. lim. lailaiurln. KM. Ml.artU-nt 1111
ilnot"'!'""' Asl"'4"' l0Sl Krtl1 l-''J- H't!
riei unil rai e. for :i-j ear-olds and up, maidens,
oiet pin-hate. uluit ; iiillos HlnK Marjhal. lt!
la-rnu-i, iu, iu-. h.i. I'miKikai lum. in, ta.
I acinus, lift, bcrfeldy, l.-i-;. i--roK, -(-,, '
r. t u 1 -
l.tnKl.i I.1..
Kle. Ili'J. Dr. I.arrkk. lot, iSar-win-i. Cs
(iinamliiR. !. '
Fourth 1-ue. all ages. liaiMUap, mile and 711
unl- Aiualll. llll. Uniklng jm, nift; Am-
, piuse. i-a. laiinaaveit. iijii. niril eliau, Imi.
rinii raie. ror .i-iear-olds and up. sciiinii
1 mile and 70 lards -Ilaltery. IU'. Walters '
An-. H, Kluj H0I1. 10-1, IHnrj llutrlili'isun'
1 iu.-. laiis..n. i. M IVllow. llll. "uim,2i
Ashiueuui-. ift ".Nnpler. us. -n-pulit-ila I In
Btalrs. 101 . Itoval Melenr, IU7. Afterulun un'
Manila Traers. US. l-arly Light, 1117.
Uisih race. -J-i.ar-o. maidens, ft furloiiR. -
Ai-turu. 107. Protector, mi, Sentlmuit llll-
Keiiuar. 107. Ml I-Vancos loj, Mji.-I 1117'
sieelUk. 101 liiilmable. IUI. Half n"k. 07
t'ur Juliu. 107.
Third ro e. ,or -.'-leai-dils. hamlUan.
1. ngb-hlr IMKar, US. Oaelh. lift. Dou
niovciiicnts ot tiuops almost Impossible.
The War Ofllee reports letrcat of tho
Gorman forces that invaded Uusslan Po
land. This la nttrlliuted to news of the
continued suceebs of the ilussinns In
Galicla. It Is expoctpil that the retiring
Germans will he drawn back to strengthen
tho Kallsz-Cracow Hin- with tho puiposa
of wlthstnnilliiB tin- Itushlun march on
Silesia. The letreatiiiff (iermans nre be
I11B pursiit-d In- General Itennenkampf's
forces, sti't-nKthcncil by tho gairlfnns ircmi
Kovnu and Una. They t-iu-agcd the ic
tivatliiK Genua iik at Sopocklnle and Drus
HkiMilkl. In the Suwalki district, and in
Dieted heavy looses.
General P.oiinenknmpf reports that the
German MOldlers whom he lias been op
posln;: aiu Held coipn. piobabl-. hrousht
fiom the western theatre of war nnd
H-plnced theie by n-heives. Ho says that
n-llablo repnrt-i h.ivo reached him that
Kmpror Wlllium hlnmelf H lrectiiiB the
operations a-,".iln-t the Uuihluim.
(Kormei icpoi-ts have had the German
Ilmpeioi- at lH-adiiia iters In I.uxemburK,
nnd it Ih believed In Paris that he is
directing the b.ittli- of tlie Alwie. Hc
cau.so of the stilct censorship at Herlln
It Id Impossible to learn of his exact
whit eabouts. thmiRh tho oftlclnl reports
there have Intimatid ho was in tho west
ern war tin-all 0.1
General I'ennciikimipf adds in his re
port that the Germans have attempted lo
enpturu Ut.-,owlec (fcoiitu-.ist of l.yck),
but Mi.u tlu-j weio unable tu blip-; up
their bin (jiuis.
"The German foices crossed the border
ut f.mr polntn" he i-.iys. "They showed
their thlei .treiisth ut Kullsz, nlu-ro tl.cv
oceupleil the Wart.i distilet. but this sec".
Hon ol iin-ii aiiny suffered heavily at
Sleiud (-Kiutlieust of Kalisz).
"Two other foices iidvnnceil to Mlnwa
ami Lonizii. but tho latter suffered a
fcevero check.
"Tho fourth iiilvaiietil by way of Su
w.ilkl towuid the .N'iciiion. Thero they
MUffcrcd heui fiom our artillery tire,
which tdmttcu-il their attempt to ad
vance. The (-uncial letieat of these
forces, wblrh far uutmimh- ted mii-x, in
(llcntes thut they are tmhijr withdrawn
to another jpot whem they aro urcently
Whllu nccessarilv nil plans aio closely
Kliaided. the de. luiutlnu Is fieelv made
heio that the Uusslani w hao entered
Jleilin by the Hist of Jaiiuaiy next. The
entliB Itusiaii activtt armv is belnn
moved. That part not icqu.ied for the
present operations U .oinK placed n
MrateKle locations when- it can be used
to ill tho sapi in tho nctivo lanUs us
Uccd. ss. .....
Byrne, 3b. .....
MaKce, If.
Dooln, If.
I'lavath, rf. .
Uecker, cf....
IjUderus, lb..
j Irelan. 2b. ...
Hums, c
OeschKer, p.
All. P..
I 0
3 1
Manager Connie Mack Or
dered Most of His Regu
lars to Go Home to Enjoy
a Much-Needed Rest.
O. A.
1' 1
.-; l
Murphy, rf.
Davles, If.
ICopf. I'b.
Struuk, cf.
Davis, lb.
Walsh, 3b.
fBairy, ss.
Lapp, c.
Coombs, p.
ST. LOflS.
Mliuttmi. cf.
Austin. 3b.
Pratt, 2b.
O. Walker. If.
Williams, rf.
Howard, lb.
Wallace, ss.
Akiu-w, c.
tiiimiiion, p.
A.B. it. II. O.
A. K.
0 0
I'hllaiii'lphia. Sept. -S. In the ilnal Kum
nf tlie L'liiilnnati-l'iiilly seiles, Uiih-Iikoi'
null lieutou were rhusen tu pitch. Until
teams played fast ball until the fourth
when the Phillies scoied une on tuo hits
mid un eiioi. In the llflli. with two
down, Itei-d muffeil ,i lino ttrivt. after
which the visitors s.-oiud throe times un
some weird HeldlUK. and out- hit
I'n-pfres-O'I.oimhlin und Chlil
SPORTSMAN'S I-'IKI.l). St. I...nla s!n,
,-. Hie Athletics showed n mitk.'hhift
luo-up In the final same wit), tho
I llrowns today. John Coomb ienu i
tl listed with the plti 1,1ns. beln-,- opposed
by I-..ul Hnmllton. I the preliniinary
pactlco, Cntcln-r McAvov. who was
Muted to play tlwl base, fell nnd sprained
Ilia nnkle. Iu his steud, Hnrrv Uuvis
played th-ht.
MnnnKPi .Mat k kuIiI he wuulii send most
of his resulars to I'hilndelphia toiilght
'i,,'. thl 'ou"RjS',1s to Washlustoti.
l-.ddle Collliib and l-Vanli linker d
partd on tin- noon train for the Bast.
Mutmser Mack mild the? w-re headed
for home, but it Is rumoied that they
are on tlieli wu.i to inspect tho Urn res
According to .Muck the pitchers will start
n. ...... ,i, ,..cii ivKumr luriis, out may
work only four or llw innhi" i,,.,.i
ino aiMomurv nine, a cruw.l of only 1S03
.... ihiiu-u out io 4-,. me i-iit Americnn
l..-uuo chitinpions The umpires were
Chill and OLouphlln.
PA HIS', Sept. 28.
i-'tirious charges nnd coiiiiturclinrfres,
.;ltli no definite result, marked thr- 16th
!y of the tattle alotiR the entire linn
In Krnncc. .
flcrniun oiiolnttehW were desperate.
- : ecinlly between tho Alsne and tho
'rest of Arsonno. nnd ni the lino of
!-"icncli forts llnklne Verdun und Toul.
Thfjio iisiiaiilts have been repulsed,
iic-unllm.- U the t.filclnl nnnouncemont
4 this ufternoon.
The Ptatement says the seneral sit
uation Is tmehunKed, but that attucki
are belns made continually by the Ger
mans at cpi I,, points.
The statement, briefer -, usual,
Then, is nothing new In the Ken
"ral Hituutlon. Itclutlvc calm pre
vails on the front.
At certain points, particularly be
tween tho AlHne nnd the Arttonnm.
the ceiry continually att-rr- - new
and violent attack, which hav.
been repulsed.
This statement was regarded a th
least Biitlafaetory from a news stand
Point that has yet been Issued. It
made absolutely no mention of the sit
uation on the right and left winpa.
ConillctliiK statements today were .
sued on tin1 progress of the rca:
battle of the Alme. French un :
British announcements weie thut a'.l
Cerniun nsaaulis had been ropulseci
while Merlin declared some of Hi
Verdim-Toul forts had been silenced
that Kaiser's foices weio on the we.'.
bank of the Meu.se In force and that
piogrLSs had been made in the centre
Itepurte from London say the crisis
has been passed and tho Allies' win
ning moves now- are being made.
Antwerp is being bomonrded by the
Gcimans In a fierce nsvault to crush
the Hanking attacks of King Albert's
army. Two -of the forts" have been
shelled by heavy German artillery.
The Germans are moving reinforce
ments in several directions to aid in
the siege.
Germans In Kast Prussia have ceased
their ittlrement designed to protect
Silesia, and turned on the advancing
Ilussinns In the vicinity ot Lyck. A
big buttle Is waging as a conse
quence, of this sudden change of cam
paign, and the Russians from Vtlna
and Grodno aio reported as at a.
, . 1 ..At',.ir1 TT7!lk mill Otlier eVl,,l'rt U,. 1 , .. .
itussiun:. imvc -ii-,,-, -- ....-.,. t,.. jieuyiost lighting of the 18-
passes In the Carpathlnns, which day buttle has been in progress,
control the entiance into Hungary. The brevity of the official announce-Post-essioii
of these prevent the pass- I n,ent was taken as an indication that
age of Austrian iclnforeements from ! the wishes of tho British Government
the south In any attempt to proceed J nff t0 Ul0 pblication of InlI)tary dctan
agulnst the rear of tho Uusslan , wouitl bo observed, at least in part,
troops, now actively moving toward ! hereafter. It is understood here that
Cracow. A Russian force has nl- ; n cmain , thftt Juu bMn C(lceved
ready penetrated to Taruow, on the ,n tne Wur 0fflcB Rt U)uAm was t
north, only 50 miles irom ute ...a.n by tlle ,)ubcation ,
objective of Cracow. Tho Przemysl
gnrrUon mude an ineffectual sortie
and In the repulse was driven back
Into the forts, the P.ussinns occupy -
made public in Paris.
It was frankly admitted at head
quarters here today that though tha
decisive phase of tho conflict had been
ing tho town. Heavy bjmbnrdment f reat.he tho AUlca ,mU ,ecn s(IrprIged
Daniels, cf
Klllefcr, Sb 3 1 - 0 0 I
Groh. ss 4 0 1111
Yinttllni;. If 5 0 1 0 u I
Miller, if -J 0 1 J 0 (J
Gon.aleN. c S 0 U 2 2 0
Kellogg. 2b 4 0 i l T 0
Grnlmin, lb
Itenlnii, p
Totals :s3 I S 2T IJ
Summary: to-Im, lilt Irelan Left on
Imv PhlllU-s, 11; i .nvlnnsti. 11 sMruek ut
-llj iicbchin-r. ,"; liy lUntuu, I. Ihmhlo !!. -
iialiain. iiiijkdliittir Hattys un hiiW iirr
Oen-hscr. -t; off llcutoii. 3. Muftfd By-Ylna i ;v0l,i lmi.. foll ,,.. .,,,"". . "'
llnir. Timo af ganie-l:.ir.. I'liitPltea-Klem and ,. 'h."n ' ?r '"' ii8i, liwtead of
Japanese troops Uefeuted the Germans
In a 11-hour buttle on the ouUkiru
of Tsins-Ttto. In Klao-Chuu. accord-
llV tlfA s.r.nrl...... I . .
-, ...i.Muui uiiiicHH or tlie Ger
muns. und it was Impossible to predict
when the struggle win end.
rnhn ...
, u u,ck ,nusi corno. however." said
lucali, tiid the i-curc in their half ut the
filth on clean hittim;. During the next
two innings neither team scored. Tho
Holding on both teiims was excessively
Murphj illed to Shotton. pavies hoist
ed to Shotton. Koj.f was out. Pratt to
Howard No runs, uu hits.
Shotton fouled to Ko,,f. Austin fouled
to Lapp, Pratt sent DmvI.w i., n,,. i ...
The ?lil"ali for bta lon 'rtv. No runs.
.struuk fanned au was tobni OUt b
"v lontq tu rrutt. WttlMi
A gin iv.
. . . ,.,i .....f r.
Ing to u TOBIO oihwui u,..D , ono ,..,., a ,s aItnnst npo(jM)4
Is said the German garrison, with j thttt the nemy con , tl)8tRn(I mucn
suppli. ut off. is about to surrender. JonBer lhe &iea(iy ,)r0SBurt o( Uw AJ
London War OiPce announces that tUa j iies.
Allies continue to hold the advantage ..ThDlr m.uperlt,vo nower ,m 8u
in Frunee. although there has been , prlsed U8. TheJr re,Jeated emalw
no deci.lve victory. London hope , lacks are mot ailwsn& Wo know
the ostend report Is true that Moiw lhal tney ,mvt, BUfrom,
Is burning, as thin would ln4lcut tlv. et lbwr aUachg ftre ,, . a
Aliuo have raided German cornmu- 8tPonB a8 uver Thero jg u
nlcutlons far to the north of wny point iefope u- but our troops
where ngnuiiB n ,,-. ,he . .
..,.. ... k.aK;,, mm,
also l reported uphold has broken
tmt in the invaderi' forces and their
nores are tiftrins from ela4er,
Berlin uincially announceii thut tha
poor, iiino errors ueing cnaikeu up ngainst ' V'VJr.r" "' o" " iwn. iun lifted muud armies oiwrating irum vu i
tho plajtrb in the tlrst ,eu liinlngs. , tM v dlluiiw. Su run, two h'ft. I . . . ., , . '
VIItrfT INNING. ',, """ -iroii.d. Wlllium. lined to ! rnne nv rvvu n" fwim hch ,
.... . . ' Muiidiy. i' Walker tde tuii.uii nn.u , i...u ak, ,ui !.,,. I
Hil-nq muw out uuuiels KUlefor ulu- ..rd popped tu arr. Wallatv hit d..iv,l Ha "" "w ' " "
i; id Io Itlt aim took seiuml u-lin, M..-.... ,i... i... ,i.,., .,! V u.i nil dovin . . . .. . ........... .
juried the ball. K.l.efer tooh VlSu CVWalTCrl lUm XL& J " t""1. m w l""' . ,
urinsout. ireiau to Mucins. Vinulimr run. un,. hit --.-"-., llie llttV HMMJ Ulittine to l.mak .
For Philadelphia and vicinitu-Fair ! . lifSSWTfi a-Jll5iS,,,tJ,."n?u? SSUXl
tomflht and TuodaU, with frost in ' !& U'h!?
HW placets toniuht! moderate, north. ') 'l: "i:. .'' '!". U. Hjnatie. us!
" ,-uhiii. it, . liiliuu Ot(U4W, 1U11, tA
w-es( winds.
rdetaih, see pago H
i (, avilli tW3 wfc
'rug9 ui4med' w
Marconi Gets Eiffel Dispatch of Al
lies' Victories.
LONDON. Sept. K.-The Marconi Con,
puny toduy gave out the following wire,
less dispatch kent from the Kitfel Towflr
at Paris.
"The German have bie continuously
attacking sine Saturday They haAe
been repulsed i very where, leaving thou
sands dead, wounded and prisoner.'
Ht.,t t, ln...l Vr. ,.,,..a ..... 1.1
'.., ,,, ,,v.. ., mn,, wnf mi, in, errors, i
Heed went out. Kellotjg tu Graham. '
Hyrue singled through nhort. As Mau I
was tin own out bj Groh, Hyrne went to
trciind. Cravuth popped to Graham. ju
runs, on- lilt, no eriors
Iielau threw Jllllcr oijt. Gonzales
walked. KelloKg singled to right and
Guiunles was cut down at third. Cravat I,
l'u..ii,bs tuuUd tu rmw. -Uuipb.v v4
I'livis ninglea
call d out on .tnbn.
,-or "
aions in reported in flumes. ti.Is
may prove a forerunner of tho most
important development in the battle
of the Aistie. At Sldim. ih i in,,,,...
WWM " "" ar hWSl,S ih" ' battle line, riniUn north from tno
foothoia o the wert bunk the Mmw beJI,8 t tupn irlWM,tWjua
river near Ht. Mlhiel, It l also ,. mo..eB tliruunll ...
-------- ---. --.-. .x0.tt.
Hetween Mons anil Antwerp is th
irt Invest ..truer of Uu. uerman
wpiure. Von KluU in defending thn
southwest turner t tiu- ,.uare so huc
etinfutly tht ther Uoes nut awm ...
tbroiiah uervmn rtsht wing, it u my iammiM yroai. t of u,e ..u
IS llddHl. Ijprt urruiKU dinl.uluin,. hi... i... .n .
-' -w-", ..,, .,y l.,l'.'t
luiuunn MttllBce. On the hit ami i.T ' FMroaraa war nillieB reivori SU.ce8- I assault, n h i.
-I.. . .. .-""F " '" ""T'" 1"" 19WWW UMIVOlHU III 11(1
wrtuHX mvti 1 t m rf4iieiHt) uj lor
t UTVmuuZV Z ' Ml lhot.sH Pluu .wlmWWtl.H4Mii that i e.
Jtruiik No run. t. hits. i toward Crnw and the .atiluro at ' km..i,i. -. ..--. ....
tUmiltuii lif)e.I i.i Sbrunt. Hhutt.,,, .. . w- -. v ,.,e vtuuiQ turn
Stntre VuM'.,,1 s,n!" SniM " ,be wt,,r" l ' t thi .u.rthwii.t corner f lhm 8rilM1.
,liul orottun uent t,. thir.i n..... .," .. tu .... u j.iiii
to i:rne, Kellogg taking secund on tho i ll!V went .truUht la Harrv, whoT UirLw -wiii ..Mmr. ttf Muar mnj ry lo break lhrouKU
nluv. G.-ab.ini walked llm.,..,, i. : tu llm U iliihls,t in.n,. ., u. . Z? " ti.,,,,,,, VVnr llflh i .inii.iii ...... ......... '.. .. . "
...., v ...;. r.i. . niiK -- --..- " " . no runi, i ,,.. - -.-. . ,...,, i(,Hiaa mere.
out. No runs, one hit. no errors.
Decker rolled out to Graham. ISenton
tossed out I.uderus. Irelan went all Uiu
way tu second when Vlng'tng muffed his
lly. It elan went to third as Hums was
sale on Groh' fumble, Oescnger forced
Hums, ciroh to Kellosg No runs, no
hlU. two errors. "' "9
Daniels fanned. Klllcftr filed to Heekcr
Iielau threw out Groh No rung, no
hits, io errors.
Heed llled lo nanleli.. llvrn ci,,,.i.. i
... lf ftf..... . r. - -'. v
m tu,.
loss- No run, one hit. no errors.
o lift. Ma gee farced Byrne. Kellosg to
.roh- Crnvath was throw,, out by Kel-oss-
No ruiw. one hit. no errors.
Dooln icplaccd Mage In left field for
the Philllea Yuisllns out. Iivlun to
Concludrd on Pm 11
ran, i "'"" "- n,aB lnre. if tb wwirtfU lUatrueti.... t.e
4MMitur f Ibe fle,t nsv4 , hu . m, llmthm,Mtn , k te ,niH
U.robardroeut. Vh Anstr.ai. ae ' to 4vh,.
und a larip. land font hiv- uiuama. ! it i. .-,. ..j v.
trat-4 at ito .be A-Uu-. 7ln, L IV"Wrwl re ,bt th '"
ticu-utwii of Jtalj'B lniriU.-it.Mtfe,, a, ' " mim " ,h Slu"1 a"'1
n ar. j tkat itw ntt rwn in strong tutw un
fifth KJjiK4I ?.V,..f-VB mU TSASSBS WhM mma Heiumr-. i co.
;wr i,rU.?r' ! urUMu-rrua ;
i two hits
liavt fouled to .uTi Wauih siiuck
out. jirry biosln lbroufch UaUi.ee
lopp Hue., to Uulker. No runs, one hit
Oiwlj replaced roomU, on lh niuonm
for the Ubieties. r. lValttei- nn.-led
through Uopf. Wilbftins u.- irt.. yai
to Paris. i Waiktr switwd third, ii..
4.4 btruvls out. Jio am wmuee. No run!,.
..i- in,
tj Wlillueo Ib.l., .,...,. ".:."'.. vl"r"
no htu. n "' " lll tv.banu.
fin S,l'le'1 oxr ecoB.i. lUnult.m
uu-iinced. Hu-h to n.vis WaUh ,
b.,ii hand at. h uf Shotten'a pop i.ii
,...., ui.uui.-i. i-.wn tne ft flehl i
... gnew scoring Kopr ,, ia.u
letired I'ratt. One run. tvo hits
mn of thl. Mil thai Mi uii.ui
pr..tor with Kteueh j4 M ia ,UW & rrencb, but ci4Cj
-- --. flill tt.linoiilli-.il tt.. .lelu Ik
(it rniali lllilv.
.b that IT..! W a NUJ;,nf ?4 "" 4UU
i,. ('..us .mi i-i,,r , Hui, lv ., -" ' The nuhi .im imi,
..r .. i ....... . ... "r "'l(li' i ii, r . ,liiil.ii,l ,.p.., i.. ... . .
... ,. . ,,. ,,,, , .mniinsH, u ,,, , - -,, , ,. itrntury
Munaru, i man i giments cont.n m t , try tu bm't
W .aaAyaa, j j
- J., J.

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