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tmmmmtmum' wmm N EVENING- LBDOEB-PHILAPBLfrBAA- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1014- ii I MACKMEN ENTER UPON THEIR SECOND TRAINING PERIOD-PENN OARSMEN REPORT I . - : . , , -, , , . , - ' r I nflAt TV ITTTlinnTl ATI ATHLETICS WILL BEGIN ANOTHER TRAINING SIEGE Collins and Baker Arrived at Noon Others Will Fol low Later Macks and Phillies Idle Today. Following a. highly successful but not a. clo-'O and exciting campaign against tho American League allies, Connie- Mack's slx-tlmc champions, nro on tho verge oC their b ceo ml training season of tho year. At noon today Eddie Collins and Frank Baker urrlved. Other members ot tho squad who will bo coming Into Philadelphia within tho next 24 hours nro Dendcr, Plank, Davis, Schang, Barry, Oldrlng, and possibly Strunk and Mc lnnls. All of these players will tako a few days' rest whllo tho Athletics arc play lng out their schedule In Washington, llaker I" going to tako a day or bo off for the purpose of visiting his farm ut Trnppc, Md whcio ho will keep tho edge on his batting eyo by using tho shotgun. IWdlf Collins will engage chiefly In rest at his home in I.unsdowne, with a little literary work tin own In. IIo Is going to write n few advanco stories for the Even iNd J.eucibu with reference to the world's fclTlCS The other members of tho club who will be In Philadelphia will dlvldo their time tittwecn complete rest and light work nt ijlilbe Park, with the exception of Plank, ho Is booked to visit his friends and rela tives In Gettysburg, Pa. "Chief" Bender, who, with Plank, will do the bulk of tho Athletics' defense work In tho series, will play golf. Mack himself will probably be In AVash Inuton tomorrow. Ho will, as usual, ltiivi' all of the business details of the scries to John. Shlbo and his corps of assistants, while ho devotes his cntlro time to planning for the series' battles. Theio nre several youngsters on Con nie's string who will be worked against tlio Nationals In Washington, and these will bo given .i careful review. Today the main body of (lie Athletics It advancing Kastwaid. Those players vho are Fentcnced lo the Washington, series will switch off ut Harrlsburg, while tho others will come through t this city No gume is on tho schedule, hence tho tlnckmcn took their time and boarded a comparatively late train out of St. Louis jesterday. Charles Dooln's Phillies nro likewise Idle. The game on tho schedule today 'war payed last Saturday nnd was ono of the brace captured by the locals from Cincinnati. Tomorrow the Phillies will Iwvln their final homo scries of the year, mi tint, tlif Brooklyn Dodgers at Broad ni 1 Huntingdon streets. c'lub lliciuU nf the Phillies nie reti cent i'ii tin' subject of Hans Lobert'a c ipniminent to tho managership of the riullli - tn Micci eel Cliarli-s Dooln. It is f.ild ill it when tho board of directors SOME OBSERVATIONS ON CURRENT EVENTS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT fi ri .L. ,S98 YOU'RE, RJGWT .S-RWDMA,TIM6. WOR.KS SOME. vAoWDEf2FUL CHAIVJ&ES!! - NOTHING TO KID ? M'tuim. ,? in l?Js N. zfi.-JVn mi ..I ..Ke-isSSS&'C a vw .- Na KIO WILU)MS IS STIt-U. PACKING GROUND THflT , 6AMTAMWEIGHT CR.OWN! mB ' JW TCTiSIE.TA TA-IA-TT- &S.J-g3C I0US I UfN ICQYMU I, vi - W -5 ROOTERS figST-, gnx ta rioSToM'.s -iii: --r- SYltU racxjTBKsa"' plam a m INVA&ICM OPt sumi. rariiv DOKLlrJfi. WQBin's rboicc ,.- aJ RECORD NUMBER OF OARSMEN REPORTED TO COACH NICKALLS University of Pennsylvania's Rowing Authority Much Pleased With the Turnout of 160 Men. lUUGETEOWMTO 380IPIHAVE TO c.vjt LE& OFF THIS ISF2eV STVFF FOR. THE WR.ISTS! K sift l -SPx.,- tP ta2Z Z-paiSk Jss n FREEZE OUT THE COPS Ar c "G-ETTlMG. IN Fad ka oo . THE SlG.,CR.MIVAU AT THE PHCU'S PAfVC-. meets Lobert Is certain to bo chosen for tho position. Until the board has acted on this Im portant matter Charley Dooln will remain silent on his plans for tho future. If tho gossip In baseball circles Is true, there id no chunce ot Dooln's reappointment; at tile same time, there is almost as much uncertainty In the workings of the ofuee of a baseball club as there Is on the Held. John Coombs pitched yesterday In the American I.engue for the llrst time since the llrst two games at Boston In 1913, April 10 .and 11. Several limes- this season 'Colby John, the "ex-Iron Sinn," has been f-cnt In to do a little work In exhibition games, but ho was not assigned for league duty until yesterday. It Is tho geneial belief among physicians who have had Coombs under their euro for the last year and n, half that he will never bo ablo to regain his pitching form. At piesent Coombs la strong. But the trouble it. that ho has some lurking fear that he mnv strain his back, which was affected In his last attack in the fnll of 1013. This would naturally prevent his putting his strength on the ball. Gridiron News Gleaned From Leading Colleges s PERSONAL TOUCHES IN SPORT '''.I. I nJ iin whlMvii'si cm his head ain't i ('i tin; wi I'jtilu cill hlhl lied. He o jIh rli.iiittr his fuzz, lied Lavender 1. i-iii. Hut! 1 huosh that ain't tho real ( - ..i! Ihit that's what might have was. I! -ii'-. that name o' Lavender to kid tl l. 1. 1 ipglhti't' he's got some blrth Pl . too. It's Slontezuma, Georgia, bo- on nor-v s alone Jim's one big noise. L i , -. he can do. Ti -tan wlIi, he can pitch good ball, alth nvjii lit Isn't very tall and doesn't run tu weight. In nine-teen six ho llrst plajuvi oro with Corelle. Georgia. That, ou know, is Tyrus Raymond's State. It took n'ir Jimmy six long years In bush to innke the big league ears take on an upw.ird prick. Then Lavender fiom green turfld ilpc and Joined the Cubs. It itemed a pipe lie had tho goods to stick. Waim wintrier pltchln's Jimmy's meat. In f uinmi v bo's a Job to bent, he seems to h.iii 'im all. He's even coin to cop a win most any tlmo they stlok him In, 'cfpt early oprlng an' fall. Since Jimmy kit tln shortened trees he's had three nunriwrti to please Chance, Kvers nn' O'jj.iv. That sure looks like he's got tho Kooils or he'd have been back In tho woods now, on tanktown pay. By A. M. Corrigan. A news stoiy fiom Stato College says that Lamb, tho big tackle. Is going to make une of the best goal klckersof the rras'.ii ior uiu Moliennaciv.s squau. "Which, unfortunately for the llnotypo operator, leads to tho appended: Sutp's team had a monstrous Lamb, Ills stiength was In his toe, An I . veryuhcro that Bill's team went This Lamb wus sure to eo. Tii' 'ii uiin-j him down to I'hllly soon Tu I'.ittlo Georgo Brooke's crew, An.l if that toe gets busy, boys, Ui'Oj nlunt! old Bed and Blue! Two weeks hence: "Batteries for to day's game will be-for tho Athletics, Bender and Schang; for Bo3ton. James and Guwiiy." We notice that in Weht Philadelphia JHiiiis Is being played lit night. Doe.s tnlH nii'.in that tho gunio is on tho verge of being cast Into outer darkness? It is possible for tho Atliletlcn to bo wuten (,ut n t,o Hiavcs in tho world's "rle, but there aro somo things eon cpiuhig the Slackmeu that never could happen l.i Thomas now running for IMdlo (.JllllPS Mughiy Jennings lauds the Athletics, ro t,.ixu tho South, Baker buys u bale or eotttiii nu,ii,.. hiaos his nervo with tlnco on. MrunU drips mi tasy fly. fonn,. Mack elves out prpllllc inter- Kli '' profeii-iunal soccer football player- I.IMlHIll lllVO IClllt-Ill tl .'Olll thi) ' a IflUV. Tllf.eo fallows nntal iin llirt orNnai "muttons for punishment." . )y. J"ding to the experts, the open game .. ,,.V5cU throughout the country this i'l i ''' '8 wl,at the uiiponcnts of the ."" .VIVV Imvc teen Mrtvlng for ever ne6 tli. reform wave began to roll. t,ou. .ln navo oTdinne this on Walter ,i ,qbJ1ll. of the .Veiv Vork World: He Itokton fan Is funny, Ji-s around collecting nionej. nu iNhiio ,0.i, ,fCe,,; njacca ho can , bet it ii .,, b,jatlng, bold and brash, a i'.1 S0"H',1'lng for his cush Anu ,he Slackmcn think they know Just where he'll get it. nhtl?""y" 1I(,adi..w'ho gained consider,,ri' ll Ki'w i I'uwy to v . ,hU work iu ' wddl, is play. wl J WuIut Stroet Theatre tliU "member hi work I I ,r. ra0J Is cri-dlt.-l vitu the foi- -" ''i iii-ns" if ' V'i i a n io. i.r t ji i-tkc , midiocrity for worth, nor is he deceived bv the scrub who pl.iya to the signals. "The (uarterback of brains Is the one who can so use his plays as to make op portunities for his backfleld. "A coach has not time to convince any one. The man who needs to be con vinced Is the man who brings defeat. "A coach shouldn't tell n player nil he thinks. Hu's Ilubli' to be misundemtood. "The unmistakable sign of despair In a coach Is when he tries to Insh his team with words Into making poorly planned plays go." Tho Feds have begun their second nn nual dasli for the publicity buieau. They now declare that when the beusou of 191j bcslns they will liavo 10 players who were with tho majors In 1311. Tho list of 10 was not given out, but It is under stood thnt Sherwood SIngee, Lubert and Dooln, of the Phillies, and Walter John son, of the Washington club, are In that mythical gathering. This comes as a severe blow to tho veracity of some wel come known authorities, who artci t that Lobert will bo the Phillies' manager in "A!" Sharp Is cutting down his Cor nell squad at Ithaca. That is ono way to put tho trimmings on a football team Another method s that adopted lieie nisi iiiuiiKSKiviug oy uoctor Sharp In tho Penn game, Xow that "Hubu" Slarquard has won n game, thu proposed trado is apt to be called off. Any man who loses a dozen In a low. then captures tho thirteenth stmt. 1b certainly not unlucky. SlcGr.iw t much material, henco ho needs luck, and "Uube" seems to bo tho man with the horseshoe. Tho Phillies have still a flghiing chance for first division. They nre three games behind tho Cubs. On the other , hand the Brooklyn club has better than a lighting uhanee to di.Modse tho locals from fifth place, ns the Daisies nto lead ing tho Lodgers by tho keen margin ut only half ti game. Tomorrow tho question of wneio the Army-.Vnvy games is to be played will ut- ci-tucu, jam rnuunuipiua will again bo tho scene nf this highly nttrnotlvo contort Is L'crtaln-thut is, If it Is played at nil. PUGILISTIC XOTIJ. .Morris and Klynn uie at it hb'Iii. THE GOLFERS' AFTERMATH Tho Briii of tho boh s.,ni ij, ulmui. unliroakIilf un.l a ,ioor of ih'.s mav bo Kuml In the Ue of ths tliia trait pluo. In thJ 1'rk. last eik. Deep to tho IumI un'l etroua nun over two! KolrcrJ. all nft-ilv3 jmr nf ago or over, tunica out for tho .i.UVZ .Tut ""","" ','i.IVf" "wnou. .iuoiib Pennsylvania's Eleven Is to Be Put Through Some Strenuous Workouts This Week. vanla would havo a fleet-footed pair. The Pennsylvania system requires that the ends shall bo heavy men to play against tho opposing tackle. This requirement is what makes Slurdock's effort to win a position here so difficult. Slurdock Is will ing enough und ti born tighter, but throw ing his ISO pounds against a l&O-pound tackle doesn't worry the opposing tackle very much. PRINCETON". hVpt. Jtl.-A we"k of Incli ldual coaching for the Princeton football cancPdatis was inaugurated yesterday, tiome of tho regular, Including Captain liallln, Shonk and U Trcnkmiinn, has a iluv ofr, but the rest of tho squad had a long IndlWdual pp-llmlnars- drill. The varMty and ecrub mlxfd It for half an hour and tho flrst-?trlns men won, Ut to fl. NEW HAVEN. Sept. ho. -Thu VbIp football team had Its first practice by nioonllaht Ust nlRht. The moon phone ovnr the field hpforr Cinch Trank Hlnkey shouted "All In" to members of the squad. Signal drill for the varsity and scrlmmaKo for the second nnd third teams marked the practice I'umpelly at ful back nnd Duryea ut half played a .smashing game for the second team. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Sept 'JO. Although there was r.o scrimmaging for the Harvard varsity regulars and substitutes who playi J against Bates Saturday, there otherwise was no let up In tho work The linesmen were worked hard on brcaklnt: through, the tackles In particular, coming In for h lot of coaching from Crawford tllegden, 'IC. who played with cults on Dave Campbell's tejm. .ri-Trfe By EDWARD R. BTJSHNEIiIi Princeton nnd Yule have burned their bridges behind them In their determina tion to play nothing but open, advanced football. Both Coach Pendleton, of Princeton, and Coach Hlnkey, of Yale, declare that they have abandoned the conservative game and Intend to stand or fall by the open game. This Is In deed welcome news, because It can't be denied that In tho past tho games be tween these two teams have been fre quently nbout as dull ns most Army Navy games, with tho two teams afraid to open up. Apparently tho coaches of both insti tutions have awakened to the fact that In developing the possibllltlles of open foutbull their predecessors have only scratched the surface. Thero's a lot of truth In this. For one thing, they have been too much afraid of losing posses sion of tho ball to tiy much else but close formation plays, varied by un oc casional forward pass, though most of the forward passes havo been used as a last resort when everything else had failed. There Is no longer any doubt that "Ted" Slerrlll has the Inbldo track for the quar terback position on the Pennsylvania eleven. In yesterday afternoon's praettc ho played this position most of the time, and Ills work was a continuation of what ho did on Saturday against Gettysburg. Slerrill Is about tho only member of the back Held who possesses a change of pace nnd who can stralght-nrm luckier. Like wise, ho catches punts with some cei talnty. Slerrlll's running in tin open ti. m Is very much Itlco that of Sillier, thr for mer Ponn State quarterback ddlng , a little confidence to Merrill is making a dirfetent plavcr of him. I Assistant Coach 'By" Dickson is si ti- i ouslv won led over the denrth nf out class ends. The quality of the ends will I land the quarterback position on the n.uKf or iirenK a team, speen is not tho eleven tnis year, and has been dis oni i.quiaito. for if it were ponnsj I-' playing marked ability. Yale University's Football Players Enjoyed First Moonlight Practice Last Night on Elis Field. CENTRAL HIGH ELEVEN WEAK AT WING POSITIONS Neither Morgan nor U. Curtis in-ide m-uiHi-iy gooa snowing again Trumbull has much to learn. ITHACA. Sept. -.'n.-Head Coach Sharpe owned tho fon'.ball week at Cornell yester day ufternon by cutting the varsity squad to forty.sevcn men. adding six more plaera to tho training table nnd giving the plaers i,n hour s blackboard talk In the new Schoclkorjf Memorial clubhouse iwrteail of attempting any practice. The outcome of tho Pittsburgh gume was more or less expected, the game l.tlng considered an unusually severe one for an opener. ANN ARROR, MIchT" Sept. -JO. Uuebel's work at quarter on the second team wm tho feature of yesterday's kcrlmmage at Michi gan, the little sophomore three times getting; ?."'3y..for ","" "'more than thirty yards. Cotlett, a full on tho first eleven, scored the only touchdown, and Capt. Kansford kicked the goal. Muulbetsch's plunges mado th score possible, after an hour s hard fighting. S'eDt L'.l Th. ..n.,1 at 'he Naval Academy put plenty of dash REISNER, OF MUHLENBERG Reisner is making every effort to ANNAPOLIS. I the Naval Hilfl 113 WorK VestertlHV nflamnnn nu ,,. optnlng gamo against Georgetown Is to take place on Saturday next. The midshipmen iMect to begin tho season with a Mof-y. but do lint hope for so decisive a triumph as last sear. WEST POINT. N Sept. KI -With tr Army a opening game less than a week -iff i lie iiii'Minii uurnes are nard at work. Pome of tho veterans have forgotten how to .-atch a punt anJ tin fumbling o much In evldm-e ' '.,, wj'tl'e serious theme. Wednediy will s.iund tin death knell to daily para1s fir the radels, and this will give tho squid , another hour's practice each day. 1'Anr.IPM:. P.i.. Sept Ii.New formations wort handed L. the arslty Indian player t.i"t iMtrht ly in"h Warner during Carlisle's experimentation with a much-changed ba-k-H I i I he '-inches deilre to save the flrt ti un i- much as possible, and gave the whole Muiid nnlv an ettcndel rudlmenurv drill at rd' ' ' " "re f0r "" nBalnst k'hlBh on NFv YOltr Sepf t" -Owing to the F. rd- 'ani arlt s tine showing In holdln.- Ocnr-e. i n f ones l-i a t e game at Waihlngtrn n .-nturday. a day .,.' rest . granted to , the K.i al etcrria. Coach Wjm-irrt ns i greaih pUa.ed with the result of the nnte- nnd th.- 'on IIiImi of tho eleen. Schwab hel"g the only i. nver in the sick list Wir I.IAMSTiiWX Mail . Sint ai-'oi. h Ka'j illiii Isjed mma of the llt.imt regu! rs iti en ' forts minuted riirnal .Irllt Ml.i' .iftrrnnun. n In1ur to his knee re i, He i in the It l I gamo S.rurd,ij pre " ' lu' 1 f-..m tiklng part In the w.irU i.t .in.l it Is doubtful whether he will be .ih.e i i pla uti n! eimont this week Loss of Young and Kerr Severely Felt by Coach Howell, Who Is Shaping Team for Opening Game. INMAN WINS FIRST LEG OF BILLIARD MATCH FROM HOPPE tliato whj aro known locally were 1, k i"iJ.. .... , .. . ... more. oiTtlie Philadelphia lrlik I'iub'-" K r V.TUBCiJ SI 1.-1?, W a!,T1i...U,t.H.ll,Sf "t'he ronk.n'VourV W lS'"" ntt sccrfit for thu thlrt-lx holes were aa foriowi- IMssmore. 1T. Hallull. IW. ; " nil. 151. MnnesMJk, UK, an4 riaraent. 1SU. At English Style of Play, Victor Outclassed Ameri can Yankee Style to Be Played Today. XrjV VuniC. Sept. l.-,Metbouino In- ! man. Kiisllsh bllliiurt champUm. th'f.ntetl ' Wililo Hoppe. Ainerlcuii hillliinl vlmmtruii, nt the Intel Astor Just night In thu llrst I g'ime of n COnO-point comblimtlon mutch , nt hotli Kiisllali nnd American Blllitinlu. Inman'a gcoro for tho opening eeeslon , whs eo; to Hoppe's aoi. '"'ho Unsllshmim hlle Hoppo'd Hverage i BASEBALL CONDENSED NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS ( liii'iniiati. I; ,'lilllii... :t. IIo. ton. "; ( liiingii, II. II'OOIJM'. ; S U, -t. New liorl,, .,; I'itt.liiirgh. i lt ziuiiel. New Yuri.. tU; Pllt.liurgli, II ('.M cuine. II iniilugx, ilurI,ii-s-.. TODAY'S QAMES. Clilriigu ut llo'ton. I'ittoliuiRli ut New iuil. ! I.iiiiK lit llrooM.Mi. TOMORROW'S CAMES. Iiluul.1,111 lit rillhlili-lplll.l I lliot'ill lit Neil (,rl. CUUB STANDING, W I. I'i' ' pp '!"'' . ST '' '"- I'l.ill!'-.. ! '. .mo New orb M' . " . . ,Hn Tl rr. iwn fl I.olltn. . TT ll'l '.-JS 1 l-l'.I.Kli u:t , i.-. t" . l-i .. inn ii'i, .tl .,h Mi Phi. 01 continue thjousrwnt the week, Its American hnlK Una belns the K4mo lor tlila afternoon amJ tonight. ' Inman showed himself to U the iruwtet ittvr) ;" iWiiXuiomS ou't'lU i'X ' ot ,ne En-ltsl, syl f ly nn.1 .JecWedly uiui ! t- (wuuia .- wry ueunrate gieei). Ill aiiumi atfl preltulnary inotlou vttriuiil to bu; bMn accoinplii)ea to 1U h,' j:r ( outclassed his American oppommt. It hot to "tbJ I ' claimed, however, hy lloppt's fueml, ' that tho youthful Anicriean champion will i inoio than make up tor last uUhfs d feat win ii the Amcrltuii gams I played tuda. ' The two atyli's pf play are deeUKdlV I different, thu hulk line sums bln pluytd ' on a OxiO table without poefcet. while I the KnglUh game U played on a Ssli table with six pockets. ww with hi l he majority of tho wha sw the eon- luiVcr . nwii t" iVbtiy rSXe' o? ' '"- nleUt u"e tlw onlon that i1i"u-" HuX','Jh.oaIUu4u,it,,:- I " :""--" -"' become po.L. enileitlcl In u j-go una very rlpt uppI. s. ji- I lar in this country. Ins ,.li..U ttrmW ,n a iouli. the golf,, rro- i. ,, ai .-. m . a, ... ., .. . A eie.l to truaiier ino uprie an , ur tho Via a I T . .-... .. .. .. . i.v it ie lmi...vt nf lhu . w wg rnjuifh ta ' u ;iT ,e ( - 1-x IHih t m- I'.M I. n- ti h.i'1 l hi i .u lu the edgu of (j,, t AMERICAN r.EAGl'F wttUfiictlun. und 4 ,pl4er nho was on Hie i iwm wlili-h tw Ii4.1 Jut drlvrn qtpiM that ho mouH pUy iiumeJl4teIy. So Ii. Vrow Uuttiiv nmn ahe.ul det4t hla utroke au.i ui tho ball from the teo ran directly bBtw,i,; hla Uks. Iui "". alul "fed I" the urivii" litti hht own tiil, but trj one tlut hjl Jut A not h-1 utory U told of a imm u i. . i. . hl tee Uot ana Intruded tn hae Mooed uliut ui4kt up fur the U,k of Jii"! luuie lit- hit liU ball u tiAfU blow with hi YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. M. IjiiiU. T: llilellr. I, l!oou. .1; t liti'usu. 'i. : tVu-hlnslau. i. ( l.-uliiiul. ."it t.u Varti, ', TODAY'S GAMES. Ill-trull ut M. I.nul.. I'liiuii'ii ut Clei'iiu OlhiT cluliN iml trlinliilril, TOMORROWS GAMES. .llU'lr nt X'utliliiKtiiii. Chii'iicu ut f lewliiiul IK'tinlt at ft l.uuK utU itt lluiluu. TUUB STANDING. u i r i' u i j. f Atlilrtlr. Ut S'l .i.1iirh. .c i! vi vi Boatoii h - i..,:: .-, i ,s ,,T 71, t-t W'.K-h ion TT 7" .'4 ' - rk t!T w i-jj pvlroit i, Tl .i0.', HU Mm .ti FFUERAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS llrooUm. Ui Clilcnuii. !. I'llt.liurtrli, :t; InillunupiilU. , Iturfuln. Ill; li.nisu, riti. IB. .. ,., iJ. ,l,"l'"". iiilleil. ilarl.m-..l. lUlllmuri;. ..; M .,iU :i Hut mini). ljliin,re. I: m. I i)UU, (-,, ,.ullir, It liililus,. culUil). TODAY'S GAMES. ( hlciKii at llrookhn. Kun. a. rili ut lluR'ulu M. 1 mil. ut ILiltlmuri'. Indluiiupull, ut I'ilt.huruli. LUB STANDING, v I l v I i i-ii.g.. will 'mi !j Tu "oT In.iiipti-, l-il 04 "it Kan rit. . T jut UjHu ero "tl i.l rM Si j,rU1, m $. - Butfi T I l.n ij. -tt-t. si; SI 8t 4t3 WILLIAM AGAIN TO MEET DIRECTUM I IN PACING MATCH In Recent Event at Grand Rapids William Won. $5000 Purse at Stake nt Columbus Tomorrow. Coach Howell, of the Central High School football team. Is working his men hard In order to eet them In shape for the first fjame of the season next Friday. Tno centre of the line nnd backfleld are composed of veterans, nnd he is not siv Insr as much of his time to these posi tions as he is to the ends. Last year C. H. S. had the best pair of scholastic ends In Philadelphia in Younar and Kerr, but neither man Is now In school, and the material for the wins positions is not very good. The most likely of the candidates are DeLon;;. Brenner and Goodell, and It Is probable that the llrst two of these will make the regular berths, ulthouRh the latter, who Is from Vlllanova, is very fast and may make a place on the team. Coach Dickens, the new man In charge of football and other athletics at Chestnut Hill Academy, has been work- j Ing since last Wednesday with a promls- j ins squau oi youngsters toget tnem in shape for the first game of the season with Frankford High School, to be pla cd next Saturday at Chestnut Hill. Tho squad consists of about .5 candi dates, including only five veterans from last year. Captain Clalllard, Llllbon and Heberton. backfleld men, and "A'ray and Flood, ends. There are some good men from last year's second team, I'clin, a tackle and one of the heaviest men on the squad; Strawbrlde. a centre; Whai ton. a guard; Iiilas, a halfback, nnd Kit son, quarterback. Among the new men out aro Loranger, a back; Klchards, nn end, and Dally, a halfback. Manager I'. I- Cabell announces tho following schedule- October 3, Frank ford High School, at home; October 9. Penn Charter, at home; October 16, Ve I.ancey. at home; October 23, Cpl.icopal Academy, away; Octobct Su Cietman vown. awt ; November ti. Chelteiimim High School, at home, ttnd November ta, bl. l.Unt'f, ut home. Two very promising track athletes start their Intercollegiate career with the Uni versity of Pennsylvania in this year1! freshman class. They aro C. Cory, of th University High School, Chicago, nnd Albert Crane, of the Tacoma, Wajsh., High School. Cory Is a low hurdler with record of H 3-5 seconds, which he mada In tho University of Michigan Intor scholastlc meet at Ann Arbor on May Zt, 1913. Crano Is a hlarh Jumper, who wm credited with doing 6 feet 2 inches In the Washington State Intel-scholastic met at Tacoma on June 7, 1313. Coach Vivian Nlckalls has reason to feel elated over a first-day attendance of IfiO candidates for his freshman nnd var sity crews. The sin: of the squad sound very much like Cornell. It is certainly f) the biggest turnout that this institution uver had. furiously enough, tho cquad Just equals that which reported for work at Cornell last woek. In a letter from tho President of th International Olympic Committee, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, from Havre, France, dated Sept. i, and addressed to tho lat James E. Sullivan, who was Secretary of tho American Olympic Committee, states on behalf of the International Olympic Committee that the question of a change In the location of the games of 1918 Is not even to be discussed. Ha says in his letter. ''The seat of the VI. Olympiad remains what it was, and, con trary to what the American papers say, I will not personally make any proposal In favor of a change, we never thought the Olympic games would stop war3, and I feel perfectly sure that when the present war Is over the Olympic move ment will begin again as strong and fruitful as ever." The fight for the club banner at tha Metropolitan Senior Track nd Field Championships, which will be held at Celtic Park, New York. October 3. will b between thr New York Athletic Club and the Iriih American A. C. Both have entered their strongest teams and the fight this year promises to be nearly as close as It was last, when the Irish American A. C. won by three points. The New i'ork A. C. have sixty men and the Irish-American A . have fifty two men entered for the different eventa. F. W. Rublen, Chairman of the Senior Metropolitan Track and Field Champion ship Committee, hns recpived the entry of R. B. Olfford, McCnddln Lyceum, for the one-mile walk, to b held at tha senior championship at Celtic Park, L. I., next Saturday afternoon. Cornell will hold Its annual Inter scholastlc cross country run on October 31. The race will be over n four-mile course. Two prizes wll tx awarded. The bronze Marathon trophy, tho gift of the class of 1D08, will be awarded to the In dividual winner The team prize will be a silver shield. Bronze medals, show ing Jones making hla mile record at Cambridge, wilt be awarded to each starter In the race. Permanent posses sion of the trophies wl'.l be awarded to the school or Individual winning three times YflLLIAMS PROVED ONCE MORE THAT HE IS A WONDER Rugged "Kid" Herman, of Pekin, 111., Managed to Stay Four Rounds atr.Hr Olympia Last Night. BY THE VOLLEYER 'JVnnl and !. l weather mike ihnr exit h.n.l.m.hdini. but .in, 04.1 o; guinc out 1 1. evtlier Out cr thr h reen a Mrllns teiiiim i tit!! hf.-e. 1 --. the weather Is cold A fi .iij titlej st .11 r. 1,4. n t. be declid und a number 1 t .u n.iiiieut are n-v in urusreu. the lemr-erdiur.- jruunu the 05 anu Oi Cnttt mark tennis i hardly a plMiun., 'I he .uuntry -tub nmria dr a-tlt mui in (l.n.n.i Lit. nil........ 2.iii .. . In tli I Wa..: tuklnj pjri ' la 'h sain iu. nt haw urn, tu-1 I . 'eft! :ro" Mb.' .tlrerun. Kenneth Kai'itd, the Merino rMjct -IjU '.. now m " vv. ih Inl iculty norti. . & pi..n Jr. t'lii U1 tlphU I'VMset ("lut.. hi f red hl ten. 1 1- ra-UU na for ih inti.r n am o ass In at Perm; lvnU. nd Unit, n. tlm fir unnU. el'omrl l!.i't. h 1 of th Ovrrl . I mvrx 15. 4 u a't -run. in The V ...d'l at lUer'iriok. (-ttM'Mni't. O., gi-pt. 23 Kvry pr. ; paratlon u Iwlng imuto for the William' P rectum 1 mitch raco for a &) purs, tomorrow, when all complimentary bads" will be vuld. Tho Indications aro that the Hutler pacer w.; again go to , the post favorite In plte of Ids de. teat at Qraml Ropids. (tutli iwjeers uere on the tntck. yetta.ta setting slaw work. Sn4Uoo4i rdvltig fsalured tha first j oay or the (r4iu) i " ' second waot , at the Duvlng larb traiU. the total of nine tuttta trotted and pactd averusin3 J.o',. wnlch lowrcd the aftcrnsui. .neroge rccoid made last Tuesday: Ktawsh. the world's champion l.oa-. , old trotting colt. uunel by Prank O Joneti. of Memphis, und drUen by Pup Uters. galneri a fow more world's rec ' ords in his three-heat race for the Jl'Oufl . Chamber of Commerce .stnke He truttwi the fastest three-heat raiv ever perform j ed by a stallion and also lowered the , tainx nidrk for marea or Keldtns. Th. thtee winning heats were faster 1 by 3'j seconds than tho fasten made by .1 stttllUm. that ..f IMei Nolo at I UdUinasoo this etr: It wus at the same I lute tur the thrte famteet heats lv. a , adding ami a J iConds faster th-rn , b the marv. Hamburg Belle, mad. .u HartforU in l! Mis third hr i n, .. , .. ... - .- . ... SVWa i u mw worlds record for a i.,r.. .11 , nitrr,-.ti acainst time und ;., In a race , Navj. 0, t.. a re'on hi -Uh !m tlel.ina pU -ft In 'ie iecnt mxri .! ' e e(iu at tn Mrr'nit T.itvt int.. Ui m .., f,. thi 5V,a 'a ('tub. Mr n n the On-ii ir.n-1 im -ne rhaiu,i-.r!ii p.-k: ilanii.'.v J..iib'e iltla ill ramiin, .;. Tb rl f-ir more inur-ltt -epnl ni 1 U a jo.d ne The -n'-rr. mi ii 1 , f ,1. Pb'lmnnt f.iun r i'ul. r e vr n IhV- ni riia! nut. he l h Hal" . h , ntwi' " The V. -al nrp)n'l-n w h h liutvirtta syt'h eseePent i-ln.-n .1 F -i' wti ! V' n .. Ilatr t'ua m v 'jer m.. j Vn-erg M 1" th M t:i.t-. ,- . an' Vil m i' S'e -1 ...l, ..t 1 .rit"l t". ' '-'jii iiuniri .'i Ha' lnor. in , t-'-r- li test REACH AGREEMENT TODAY n.-fi.i.t'e . n.-i,i tu -r.-. iiiwar- .aaii.ju -.... . ,.w .. . tIJVt la jnf , ti;ttm l it ,j,cl I j,4 ,w, Arm.v.avy Game. ISni-, trr?,, To the surpr'sc of many experts who thought they 'aw in "Kid" Herman, of P kin, II!., n future rhnnipion. Kid Will iams, of r-nltimore. holder of the world's tl ari'P onship title, easily outboxed, out flus"d and finally Knocked out the little westerner in four rounds at the Oljmpla A. A . last nlKht. The bfiut brought out a record crowd and long before the llrst bout was put on very seat In the house wus tilled, and theri were hundreds standlns. The boys were to have weighed In nt US pounds, but the champion was a quarter ot a pound overwe'Bht Herman entered tha rlnt? ftrt, and took the corner which William has lwiis occupied In all hla confets before tho Olympta flub. Will iams wanted Herman to give him his favi.ite corner, but Uortnan wan obdurate and rfter ft ten-minute wrangle Williams took the other corner. Th p -dtminarlos were all good In the fit st one "Kddlt" River nan a hot es on from "Jack" t'umpbell; t'lurliu Iteor had a shndH on "Vcuns"' Wilon in six minus, nnd "Kid' iSuodmati, of New Yor' , so mtlutlns tur "Young ' iJi-rgins, hn had nn injuiru hand. out.iniKht "J mmy'' JIuimj, a tuitsh New a k boy Who ha tHii iioiiii. tfojd Murk 111 local ins l'l The simlwlrn-ui. 'ai be tweeti "tfMU ()'. e, Uf b , itj .md "pun." t.isnJt, uf ,'ea V'k l,.- .e tton all the vu. a Ihotmti ..u i , it. " Hd ,m :Uc ii., 1 1 uk ... us f. r ! . . .. , aUy u pui.ll ..'J Harris h u i,grr nill'ajea t nit "4W . . i: emu 11 ..ui libelee 41 Kid .'; kit .1 tdan WtSIlXQP'l.V. Ii O.. SmI Ptli4l Stttlomcnt l the i'nntrovery between West I'.dnt and Annapolis over the sele. turn of the place fur this yeaj's Artnv, "avy fnothall same pmb.tbly will Ua rtiuheil todav SecretaHc tktniets end fiarrtson uan-ed to confer then Hlth the athl. tic oimers of the two service schmjls t ioB'immate an agreement Olflclals here are con Rd tut that thl.i jeer's itame will be nUd in Phiiaii. . inaisiiiuen as ."saw York had the ' ,-f, ' ."1 wr ' .st last seasun th , X" h ,a" 11 ti.ii " 1 he 'IW ujp nci nt- in 1 in tMtliiJHlfc' , a . u u !,',"; ,. - 'l 1 11 fellow. Ill Uj l4ltl. old limers ! use fat -he r..r of JrelQ, !!... itm r.,rt.! f ,,. i.i,t,i h r.ur.-i ibs rM-ni4a. !..-, to ilw fosmsr (4tUtrielbt ,E.t, , .j. r tB lfruiB .h wll Iha ., .,,. 1 4 i,,, ot the ell elumitiua. Ul latke ih .Itilnr .r..n,-., uj 1, frmti fclaj X ih Icau.J. Pre-i Vila and v.wia" Hastr , t r m n-4lned t. imi lu itw wla.l-u-.. at n, Kb ''" .- m '' uiRt in. ia4-i.ik M.. m he a.. I..u.... .. . ..r . ; -B.- i.ii, 4ii 11 r aiy l ii.nt phi.i last season 1 . . ., . .. "'" '' "' "' ftwU It Is undrto.jd that the wi r,.i... VtMetic Association is willing ,f ..!-. i ! vn '-' " ' ' wi nm nu arrmnrni m. -. " ' e"- ,, i e it . v, f,,r .,,- ,.,. , ., ,,. !.,.. T seojT) over a Derlarf of t. .. 1 a . ....... : .i .. 7 ." '""' a and New York but ' '' "" ' nuou. to the time clause ;S, "A " tl"aailD' I lil. V llHi ,h 1 'if " .. , '1 'ij U 11 s aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMBMBBMmaaigaaM ., .. .awn , . tMj ,. f. - -" " '" - - - - -,,- . , aaMBMBMJlMlMaaaaa tjj ,, - "" " J-JT . "J 11IMC I M! 1 1fl .TWWaaaMHI III ' A- llMatfWffT'T-asI