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Kfji..!,;, -, , -J tr ' BALLOONISTS SOW I SEEDS OF SUFFRAGE FROM THE HEAVENS pour Prominent Aeronauts Scatter Votes for Women Literature During Trial Trip of "Greater Philadel phia. Armed with sdVrngo bnnncrs and literature and echoing cheers for Phila delphia, tho Woman Suffrage causo and Mayor Blankonburg, four prominent ionauts ascended In tho balloon Great Philadelphia" from the U. O. I. recreation grounds shortly after 9 o'clock this morning to sow the seeds of "votes for women" enthusiasm among the farm en nnd other citizens bf tho State. tviiiin suffraire literature will be drop ped all along the route, the trip Is also made as ft "try-out" for the "areater Philadelphia" which was christened by Mayor Blahkcnburg Just before tho de parture It Is tho balloon's maiden lllght, and Hr. Thomas E. Eldrldge. tho 'pilot, declared ho wished to devoto tho first trip to a good cause. Tho balloon has Just been obtained by tho Philadelphia Aeronautical Society, of which Doctor Eldrldgo Is vlco president. Others who mado tho ascension ".vcre Doctor Georgo It. Slmmerman, president of tho society: George N. Storch and Z. Minor Fenton. Tho big balloon mado an impressive appcaranco as it rested gracefully at anchor. The bag was painted a bright yellow, with tho namo "Greater Phila delphia" in black, making an ensemble of suffrage colors, a fact of which tho suffrage delegation soon be came aware. MIps Dlllo Hastings, president of tho Men's and Women's Equal Suftrngo Lragtio and Mrs. Paul McConomy, an other well-known suffragist, arranged the leaflets and pennants in tho basket, with the asslstanco of many other women prominent In tho cause. Tho neronautfl Jiavo provisions enough for two days, and they hope to equal, If not beat, somo of the balloon recoids for Pennsylvania, nl tieadv held by the society. Tho records ncio made In tho balloon Philadelphia II, and nre 17,030 feet for altitude, 337 miles for distance nnd 12 hours, 31 minutes for time, , Among those who attended were Mrs. Rudolph Itlnnkenburg, Mrs. George I'lcr ol, Miss I.Ida Stokes Adams, Mrs. Lil lian Clark, Mrs. C. II. Polley, Miss Anna M. Nlttlnger. Mis. U. Stevens, Miss M. Rita Gctz, Miss Anna Hastings, Miss Lorraine Hrazler, Mrs. Anna G. Wall, Miss L. M. Wall, II. Huber Clark, the .AlnsKan lecturer; Dr. Frederick Herbert, who has made several trips in tho Ger man Zeppelins; Leo Stovens, Harry Clark, Iva Drown, Leroy M. Whetstone nnd Mls3 Lillian Trott, of Exeter, Eng. . EVENING fcBPaBB-PHIl.APB)LPTBH& TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER " '" ' mm "iiin . . . ,' V - i " " - " ' 29, 19X'. iwg TcMlSTEmGTHE VOTES-FOR-WOMEN BALLOON HALF CITY'S VOTERS FAIL TO REGISTER; ONE MORE CHANCE Party Workers Trying Hard to Get Men Interested. , October 3 - Last Day to Qualify. More than halt of the electors In Phila delphia, nearly SOO.OuO. lmvo failed to teglstcr and have not yet qualified tliem JWvcs to vote at tho November election. The workers of nil parties uro making -very r-ftort to get these citizens to tho polling places to register on next Sat urday, October 3. 1'hat h the last of the three registration dnjs for the fall election and Is tho last chance for electors to got on the eligible voting list. After next Saturday no elector cm havo his name placed on the registration list unless he appears before the Ttegistra tlon Commissioners In City Hnli and makes allldavit that he was 111 or out of the city on all three of tho reglstra tlcn dajs Thi i c are 379,577 citizens whose names are on the division assessor)' lists In FliilatUlphlu and uho are eligible to qual ify thuiibiUvea to vote at the November elc-tliin If they register. Of this num ber nnlv 18J.E10 registered on September ! and September 15, tho first two regis tration ius, leaving 107,067 who nre not registered Citizens uho arc not on the assessors' lists cannot qualify to vote. I'nless a citi zen hits paid a State or county tax within tiw s ears preceding November 3 of this jear he cannot leglster. The law requires that lie bu assessed at least CO da)s befoie the ltctlon, and that ho pay a tax at least 31 dajs before election. Scpttmber 3, the first registration day, was the last cpportunlt for citizens to get their names en tin assessors' lists, and next Saturday, October 3, Is the lust opportunity for lectors to pay a tax In otder to qualify them to vote. : ' " n y:r ' "-x, I lak laaaaarjLflaJl vVflttr j9U MflHJHAKaH t-jfh wAfWBBHlij'JBlBrki jl ffrnTfHiiT rff r f Bin iBMirjflttffiJJJJJJJjtf TffhBBaaaaBiJJJJj faaaffBBf bSHIBBHHHMHHPMBIB 1 1 , "" r 1 1 ll svrr?? saloon W&jmf,' . $ 50 W.JI " H?f ' 1 Tkj itPjfM ' BsSBfiBKEtEfs&s AaaaaPSBHaaKT 'i- i,V ai j ' 1 1. -HllWBBIf7Sff?CTvic tIpHGhCw BOY SHOOTS CHUM, WHO AFFIRMS HIS STORY OF ACCIDENT Tells Hospital Attendants They Were Playing With Revolver Youthful Vic tim Has Bullet in His Back. DEMOCRATIC SUPPORT COMES TO DR. BRUMBAUGH Select Councilman Garman Favors the Election of Republican Nominee. Ira n Garman. Select Councilman from the 4ith Wind, elected on the Kejstone and l'citiuiratk' tickets and uu Imle Pend'iit in local politics for je.irs, this mc.r.iiiiK added his name to the Drum-"auk-h itucns Committee. Mr. Garm.iu tniii nt ntllefonte, Centro County. Tiu & ntlniei.t in Doctor Hrumuaush's hum , ,ij -ti Guiman said, Is nlmost undtiinious for him, regardless of party lines. In .l.-.lKing ,s sU,,p0lt to tho candidacy '" tn liiuinbuugh, Mr. G.innan said. ' '"W Ununn Doctor Drumh.iugh for ti'-'i in nj yeniH I hao followed his 'uu '" .il and uduilnlbtiativo woik very ciuiK ului l lunnot Iinaglne a stronger cji i. it, ,r u nun nioro competent to "'l iltn,n an Governor of Pennsjl- .dlliU !''""' ' Brmnb.iugh Is peculiaily l'i, 1 f.i. the puuitinn which is now ceHinv im Ils ,ttorij o( aclilevoniont "l t, .ni-.tls-hnu nt during his career Is a ' siaiiti,,! promltB that ho will give ni.ii.l.. uti.l thoioiighly uftUlwit admin, snail ,, n.j ujj,,, ,llB nuJ 10U. lXUt!rl. " In iii.lln the nff.llis of tho people i'i M. m,,,,, ls mori. slt, roi. ,h( 11(Jdl. u" M, iM KC ustoeiatcd with tho 'ii' it lnK, xa manj Juirs ml tio .. en. nv )mt tll.v Uilt ml V.U "rp Uwy "o tlmt ho will the'u a tliorouislili hiuinea ad tn'uttiation ti,c bulnes men of '"alvim, want a i-ontiuitlVe udlulu Ui. , ,"" T',e w-"t buaiueM to be slim 1,7, , I """ h,c,u i-'tMty Doctor Urum Solt C1" 'l thU- A "'ut:r't cannot RUS6IAN RADICAL ARRESTED RuL1, ""Wla. Stpt 2 -The famous Bourlt r, rovol"tkiiary leader. VUUIialr ruar H ar-NsUa bcle toUay, On the steps of St. Agnes' .Hospital stood a tear-stained boy this morning when tho doorman nnswercd tho boll. When tho door swung open tho boy, who was neatly dressed, wiped his eyes and said: "Can you tell me how my cousin Joe Is getting along7" After tho frightened lad had been in vited into tho reception room ho iden tified himself as William Shields, 15 years old. of 2211 Hicks street. "Will Joo die, do you think?" asked William. Whllo several nurses and attendants wore trying to comfort the boy, tho real story as to what led up to his visit to tho hospital was revealed. William told his story Just like any other boy of his ago would tell it. "My cousin, Joo Shields, who lives at my house, and I wero playing last night In the cellar, when we found a revolver underneath a box. We began to play v. lth the revolver. Joo picked up a can and placed it on a chair and told mo to shoot at It. I didn't know there was a bullet in the gun. Joe was standing In the centre of the cellar and he told mo to fire. I pulled the trigger nnd thonj Joe fell down. Tlie Duuot nit joe in stead of hitting tho cnn. Honest, I v anted to hit the can. You can ask Jo and he v.111 tell you that I am telling the truth." Suddenly William got up from his chair and said: 'Way, can't I see Joseph for a little while, and If you don't believe what I am telling vou. why you can ask him." One of the nurses led William upstairs Into ono of the wards. For n while Wil liam stood In the ward looking nt the faces of several youngsters. As he turned Ills head he raised his hand and shouted: "There Is Joe." William rushed over to a cot which was occupied by Joseph Shields, 13 years old, of 2211 South Hicks street, suffering from a bullet wound In the back. Joseph was conscious. "Did I mean - shoot you?" asked William. Jf "No, you didn't," oliiwcied Joseph. The wounded boy was brought to tho hoipltnl Into last night by his pnrcnts. After the shooting William kept the affair to himself for more than an hour. He tried his best to treat his cousin. He left the wounded boy in tho cellar and make severnl visits thero. Then he be came scared and confessed what had happened. I'hyslclnns nt St Agnes Hospital said tills morning that Joe has a chance to recover Tho police of tho Fifteenth street and Snyder avenue station first heard of the shooting this morning. They are conducting an Investigation. GRANDMOTHER AT 36 PROUDLY OWNS THE FACT Mrs, Albert Moore Welcomes Her 18-yenr-old Daughter's Child, OWNER OF THE YACHT IDLER BOBS UP AFTER SIX YEARS Claimant of Sum left From Sola Must Explnln Secrecy. Another chapter In tile eventful his tory of the steam yacht Idler will b written Thursday, when all persons hav ing claims against tho vessel are Invited to present them to Francis M. Cumbes, an attorney with offices In tho Tenn Square Building. Mr. Gumbos lias been appointed commissioner by the Admiral ty Court to Investigate all claims. Six years ago the case of the Idler stirred this port as did the trials and tribulations of Admiral Benjamin Watt and tho Hnytlen navy The vessel was brought here from the St. Ixuvrcnro Itlver by Captain J: a. Davis to meet prospective buyers. Tho buyers failed to nppear and the owners wero lost In a hnze The crew became Impatient for their wages and when thcie were not forthcoming, they presented their ense to tho united Wlntes uisinei Aiiurntiy. He curried It before the Admltnlty Court and tho Idler was ordered sold by the United States Marshall. Trior to the sale futile nttempt was made to discover the craft's owners. Henry It, Hnrdlng, of this city, was the put chaser. Aftei the claims of tho crew nnd the expends of the sole had been deducted n considerable sum was left. This was turned back to tho United Stntc Court, where It has remained. Now a claimant for the sum appears In the person of Owen O. Staples, of Wash ington, D. C. He claims he was tho original owner of the yacht, and Is en titled to the money. He will tell on Thursday wliv he did not acknowledge this fact six years ago. The Idler has changed hands several times since and her whereabouts are not known here. $150,000 AWARDED FOR SITE OF NEW DOWNTOWN SCHOOL The suffrage party, left to right Miss M. Rsta Getz, Mrs. Mary Paulson, Mrs. C. H. Pooley, Miss Lida Stokes Adams, Miss Anne L. Hastings, Mrs. Paul L. McConomy, Miss Louramia Frazier and Miss Dille Hastings. ZING WANG AND DENNIS McGOVERN MIX THINGS UP Chinaman Knocked Unconscious De spite Alleged Use of Blackjack. Fully a score of disgruntled customers gathered In front of the laundry of Zing Wang, at Belgrade andClearfielA streets this morning, nnd loudly demnnded their shirts and collars. But Wang had troubles of his own and was meditating upon them in a cell of tho Belgrndo and Clearfield streets police station. Just across the street from his laundry. Tho Chinaman, according to the police, attacked Dennis McGovern, of 2S40 Miller street, with a blackjack and in the fight that followed McGovern, It is declared, knocked Wang unconscious. Tor somo unknown reason McGovorn was sent to the central police station for a hearing Instead of being tried before Maglstiate Campbell at the station house. The Magistrate Is a personal friend of McGovcrn's, and it Is possible that Lieu tenant Hamilton sent the prisoner to City Hnll for reasons of his own. The lieutenant would not the subject. McGovein was sent to Moynmenslng Prison by Magistrate Itenshaw in de fault of ball. Ho was In Jail two days before his liberation. This morning Mc Govern was released and sworo out a warrant for the arrest of Wang on tho charge of assault and battery. Wang had a hearing befoie Magistrate Camp bell. He wns held In $300 ball for court. ilM NEW $100,000 HOME Dr. A. O. Thomson Will Have One of the Mnin Line Show Places. Work on one of tho most pretentious rfsldences along tha Main Line tho home of Dr. Archibald G. Thomson at Haverlord Is to be ;,turted Immediately by Georgo & Borst, contractors. 277 South Kleveiith stiect. Society ss considerably interested in the future homo of the Thomsons. Both the phjslclan and his wife, who before their marriage was tho widow of Thomas B. Wanam.iker, nro well known. The house is to cost about $100,000. When completed It will bo ono of the fchow places among Philadelphia suburbs. It wns designed by If. Hiooks Price, of New York. NEW YEAR'S PARADE PLANNED THAT WILL SURPASS ANY OTHER South Philadelphia Business Men's Association Deter mined City Shall Have Greatest Event of Its Kind. ALBERT MOORE It is his boast that he is the youngest Philadelphia grandfather, That they ure the youngest grand parents In Philadelphia is the proud of Albert Monro and his wife, 2517 t-'alihill stret. Mrs. Moore is only 30 years old. her liusbu'id being two jeard her senior. Their first grandchild arrived eater day In tho shape of a blue-cjed daugh ter. Its parents are Sir and Sirs. Edwin Addis, of MS Hliunk stret. Tho grandmother sild today that (ho and her huxbund eloptd lb eara ago and wcie marrhd In Wilmington on June 33 '1 tieir first daughter. Gertrude, arrtvwi tin. following ear on Slay 27. Addis man led Gcrtruuo last ear wheu sli-j vus only 17 years old 1 1 Dlleve in large lamllles.' said Mrs. Moore. "I have four other children bo sides Gertrude, and I'm looking forward to an army of giaudchlldrcu," HOSPITAL EMPLOYE GONE Swede Disappears After 12 Years Faithful Service, Oftlcinls of tho Women's Hospital, at ISd btreet nnd North College avenue, noti fied tho police today that John Anderson, ono of the few nialo employ ea of tho hos pital and the only one whubo duties took him Into tho wards, has disappeared. Andetson has not been teen for two weeks, and the hospital authorities are won led about him. Part of tho man's salary Is still duo hlni It Is thought that h" nny have gone back to Sweden, his native land, luciusn of tho Kuiopeau war. Anderson had been omploed at tho hospital for 12 jears and was well liked When last been ho carried a suit case, and this lends color to tho theory that he started Lack to Sweden- Philadelphia ls to have a real New Year's Parade this year. That ls the de termination of the South Philadelphia Business Men's Association, whose mem bers feel that the city should take every possible advantage of this phase of ad vertisement, particularly . since the European war has tended to depress business conditions here. It is believed a New Year's celebration which would attract nation-wide attention nnd Interest would materially advance the prosperity of Philadelphia business, nnd any seeming extravagance In tho purchasing of cos tumes for the event would be an Invest ment amply repaid by the results. Tlie numerous clubs and organizations which compose the smaller units of the New Year parade havo already begun to mobollze their forces, and the spirit of rivalry which is always keen between thorn is quite manifest even nt this early day. Each leader Is planning and scheming for features which will draw distinction upon his particular organiza tion n tho form of przes. Those features are guarded Jealously, for each fears a rival may take ad vantage of the Idea and produce some thing oven more bizarre. An effort to advertise tho celebration all over the United States nnd to provldo proper transportation facilities for those who will visit tho city at that time Is being made by a committee under the leadership of Robert Aiken, and through their efforts and those of the local or ganizations. It Is believed that Philadel phia will witness a celebration on De cember 31 that will surpass anything of the kind that has been produced In thi country. NEW YORK CREDITORS SEEK DUKE OF MANCHESTER HERE Fifth Avenue Florist Alone Has Bill for $418. The New York creditors of the Duke of Mnnchester have rosumed their search for that noble In Philadelphia. They think ho may bo stopping at the Bello-vue-Strntford. where he was taking a little rest last week. Thomas P Galvln, a Fifth avenue flor ist, has a bill of $413 against tho titled Kngllshmnn. He also has a check for i'Jti belonging to the Duke, but which a bank refuses to honor. It is stated that tho Duke's account ls overdrawn. The creditors wish to attach the $6500 automobile of the Duke. They state that a man in debt should be satisfied to use street cars or taxlcs at the most. While here lat week the Duko of Man chester ontertalned members of a musical comedy company by taking them to At lantic City In a tnxlcab, aooordlns to stories told by hotel attaches. FIBE FHOM DEFECTIVE FLUB Fire, believed to havo started from a de fective flue, destroed the root nnd part of tho upper story of the two-story brick dwelling of Mrs. SI. Bonoml, 51.M Malcolm street, shortly after 4 o'clock this morn ing. SItb. Bonoml was spending the night with friends and no ono was In tho house. Policeman Pnrrlsh, of the Gith street and Woodland avenue station, saw the flames burst through the roof. The fire gained considerable headwaj before It was discovered and extinguished. Chauffeur Held for Court A crash between an automobile delivery truck and an undertaker's wagon re sulted In the arrest of Albert Aspen, tha chauffeur, of H West Penn street, who was arraigned today before Magistrate Morris In the Mth nnd York streets po lice station He was held In $100 ball for court, charged with reckless driving. Aspen, driving a truck, ran down the undertaker's wagon, driven by Howard Hyatt, Inst Thursday at Susquehanna avenue and 20th street. Hyatt was injured. foyMJtVt ', jaayi jgjtffl.;; WILD ANIMALS SCARCE AID FOR BELGIAN REFUGEES The Philadelphia Committee of the British National Itelief Fund nnnuuiuid today that uld would be given b it to Belgium refuges in Kugland as well us to the families of Ilrltlih sailors and toldluis It was primarily the Intention of the committer to aid onl thoe fnnil Ilirt rendeted destitute by the deilh of sallois and toldiers of Kiu'laiid Contributors uu usked to apeiify whether they vvinh theli i.intiibutluiis to go tn the aid of the ItclKium tefugecs m to the families of the UuglUli soldius and tailors Members of the commlttte to which donations may be tent an Thcodoi, , Fo, 391 Walnut street lii It C UaniiiKtun. 1701 Chestnut street, John A MaeSluhou. 30. South llroad tr't. II WIkiiuII. 3fti Somme vdio avenue, (limy. Pa . Vivlun Mckalls. in care of the Athletic Asorlatlun. Uni versity of Pi nnnjlvaniu. Dr 3 P Ross, I.uixt Title Iiulldlns. SUssis. Hrown Hrothcro & Co., bankers. Fourth and Chestnut street. nn,l WHfrM fr,wuii Irtish Consul UtDiui, 'v'l piue strvHt. " European War Cuts Off Shipments to American Shores, Wild animals that come from Asia and Africa and are then shipped to America may become scarce on account of the war In Europe With few exceptions the larger animal exhibits which delight both old and joung in the zoological garden In this city nro imported from Europe, principally through Hamburg and Alfeld, Germany As German shipping is at a standstill It has b.-en suggested that the animals which are nee'ded this year to restock tho American managerles be sent from Holland. The zoological garden In Philadelphia is well supplied, and It wns said there yes teidav that it would prnbab)) be another year at least before the supply would lied replenishing PURE FRESH PAINT! Believe Me r ,,. Wedding biits In antt. Ipatlnn of (he fait neM,nt oe have brought our mock of llxr unl cither kuliaMe elf la lo u ttato of uinilettn;! The opportunity to iti .U our collection will ba nrvattv appreilatrt C. It. Smith & Son, Inc. MnrUt Qirn.t . 1Q41. V J Do you want your painting done right and done right NOW? Kuehnle's 'phone is Spruce 5799. No matter where you live or what you want, you will get expert painters or decorators at once and a good job finished on time. Kuehnle Painting and Decorating Oct Our tilimal. firm Both Phones 28 South 16th St, .WEIL PENNflS I AI LAN 1 1C CITT N.U. . 1 IN AUTUMN I'ra tds a. harm of on,f rt ant 4e ftJMilil nar terltiU a fui uimt ttwt nm t buhe I it as an ideal c Kiuit homt P'rcit on tb .cin from i apadt) COO xi:n J m zuy. Structure Will Be Erected nt Thir teenth and Snyder Avenue. , A new public school to supply tlie nerds of one of downtown's most lapltllv grow ing sections Is noon to rhe on the site occupied by enr barns at 13th street and Snyder avenue. This was decided nfter an Investigation by Francis S Cnntrell, Jr., James M. Ilaztett and J. Parker Norrls, Jr., constituting a board of road viewers. These filed a report yesterday awarding J150.000 for the site. It ls expected that the I'rankford nnd Southwnrk City Passenger Hahrond Com pany, to whom y0.0 of tho award will go, and the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets Passenger Railroad Compnn.r, which Is to receive the remaining $100,000, will nccept the price set for the ground The car barns were built many years ago when Snyder avenue marked the farthest southern port of Philadelphia's building line. Since then thousands of houses have been erected below this street and the population has increased to such an extent that additional school facilities are badly needed RED LIGHT HIS UNDOING Policeman Watches Lantern's Zig zag Course, Then Arrest Bearer. It Is generally agreed that thete are lots of honest men in Germantown, but George Duckit, of Youngstown, Ohio, who started out to find one early this morning, a la Diogenes, had to be sat isfied with Policeman Kenny, who is equal to any emergency. Kenny saw a red light moving down Chelten avenue. He noticed that It took a zigzag course and was convinced It could not be a police patrol. He hid In the shadow of a building until the light reached him. Duckit was tho bearer, and ns he eould give only n hiuy expla nation as to how he got It, the police man took him nnd the light to the Germantowir police station. When the prisoner hid a hearing before Magistrate Pennock. It developed that many other lights In Germantown were missing. Incidentally there came walls of complaint from a doen other prisoners, several declaring that If Duckit had let the red lights alone last night they would have been able to reach home safely. Duckit disclaimed responsibility for the disappearance of the other lights The Magistrate sent him to the House of Correction for five dnys. FOUND DEAD IN CHAIR Man Who Worried Much About Rela tives in Europe Expires Suddenly. Rudolph Ilarz, a waiter, nai found dead this morning in a chair In tho vard of 227 North Ninth street. He had been em ployed for mnnv jears as a waiter In a club at Hroad nnd Oxford streets. Since the war Harz has been worry ing about his aged mother who lives in Germany. He was under treatment for heart disease. He often left his room early In tho morning and before going to work would sit in the jard Trousers ASpecia iMONESl 1116WalnufStreet M VI IIINFIIA l. a. Entn ."l II V nb,J namo .wltch i"rd volt inner el tn. light outfit, ahatl. ine pullk belting all jllshtlv ufrt ,U.hO FOK SW.K 1)11 HUNT To vacant lota, one at 3SU and (lrar4 i.efry.!. ! t SOth and Oakforj t iiOxHW oppoali i'nna. R Kit Ita. Rtaonabl term AXply KMIL OrKNYIIKU '.IVi and fiHf'i ftnr Uoad It Pays to Get Rid of "Acid-Mouth" "Acid-Mouth" raises havoc with teeth. "Acid-Mouth" breaks down tooth enamel and causes cavities to appear. Pebeco Tooth Paste stops the cause of 90 of tooth decay by neutralising unnatural mouth acids. Remember, mere mechanical cleanliness doesn't stop enamel decay. But Pebeco does, be cause it stops "Acid-Mouth." "School hoards now p much gt tuition to dental hvgitMie. I teaeli lr in) lasses the Im portance of sound teeth Personally. I find no dentifrice able to keep my teeth found and, my breath so free from mouth - odors as dons I'ebeco." The taste of Pebeco is un sweetened. You will prefer it to a "honey-sweet" flavor. Pebeco costs a trifle more. Comes tn extra-large tubes. Manufactured by LEHN 5c FINK, Nov York YOM HAKIPURIM, DAY OF ATONEMENT, BEGINS AT SUNDOWN Solemn Jewish Ceremonial Will Be Observed by Mil lions in All Parts of the World. In the tribunal of hfavrai And tha trlbanM of enrlli, by the pcrmlMlon of todbIeted ! Heand by the permlnflonof thla holy con (tregatlon. we hold It lawful to pray with inn tranEor. Thin prayer, chanted to the qunlnt and plaintive melody of ages nt sundown to night In every nynngogiie nnd Improvised Rynngogue in the world, from every bat tlefield nnd battleship, will u-her in tho most Bolcmn day of tho Jewish yenr Yom llaklpurlm, or the Day of Atone ment. This year the dnv. hallowed ns It la by centuries of devout observance despite all obstnele. will have nn added signifi cance. I'or from tlie throats of 11,000,000 Jews there will go forth the first unani mous pravcr slnco the great cataclysm for a restoiatlon of peace on earth nnd good will to men. Here, in Amcrlrn, tvhere none Is di rectly affected, the synagogues will re wound with weeping nnd walling, for thousands of those who will offer tha prn.ver will recall the members of their families, particularly In Itupsla nnd Onlleln. who hnve nlrendy fallen or who are still on the firing line. In the belliger ent lands It will cause prostration nnd hvsterlu, for It will come from the hearts of the wounded nnd the mourners; It will come from th fathers and mothers ns well as from wives and children of those on the battlefields. The prnver quoted above Is the ono with which the services begin. It Is called Kol Nldre, from the Initial two words. A few minutes before sunset on the eve of the Day of Atonement, when the congregation has gnthered In the synngogue, the Ark Is opened nnd two rabbis, or two lending men In the com munity, take from It two Tornhs. or scrolls of the law Then they take their place,, one on each side of the cantor, nnd the three begin the service. With this service also begins the fast, which will last until sundown tomorrow. The Orthodox Jews obsrvc this fast so rigorously that they will not even taste water In the entire 21 hours. Mnny of them spend the entire time In the syna gogue, using the time In which they ordlnnrlly sleep In the rccltntlon of the Psalms and In other special prayers Those uho go home for the night will return to the svnagogues about 6 o'clock tomorrow morning nnd remain there until about C In t le evening. In the reform temples the services are shorter and several recesses are declared. The fast will be broken by the blast of the Shoffar or tlie long blow from the ram's horn, after the final service at Mindown tomorrow. In this city the demand for seats In tlie svnagogues Is so great that large halls In different parts of the city nr converted Into improvised synagogues. This ear even the Arch Street Theatre is being used for a simllnr purpose. ThU afternoon special collection boxes weie placed In all the corridors of the snngogues, the money to go for thosa who will suffer as a result of the war This collection will he made throughout Amerlcn. and It ls epccted that in this way a largo sum will b. collected. MEN SENTENCED FOK BEGGING Police Declare They Are Confirmed Panhandlers. Two men accused of panhandling wera sentenced to 20 tlajs each In tho County Prison todav hv Magistrate Emely In the Park and Lehigh avenues police sta tion. Tiiev were Wlnficld Carroll, 251C Howell street, and Benjamin I'letcher, 22 North Peeond street- The men were arrested for begging laat night. Police declare they are old of fnders. They gave as an excuse a de sire to get to Chester to work in a mill. T I and 3 St Helen Street. Montreal Perry's Fall Overcoats are Winners! $15, $18, $20 ". B. T." interpretation of the Ralmncaan, of the rag Ian shoulder sleeve! Here's pippin of a Coat, soft, camel hair finish, $15 At Perry's The back is all one piece, so is each sleeve! The breast and front under the arms have a smooth, almost form fittinj; appearance. The "hnnR" of the body is a dream for style "N. B. T.," S15 At Perry At $20, an assortment of tlie newest patterns, velvet collars or self-cloth collars; yoke liniiiR, quilted silk fac ings on skirt-bottoms, etc., etc. - At Perry's livery map's Fall Overcoat ready for him to put on and wear away At Perry's Perry & Ccv'tur 16th & Chestnut Sts. $ Cft-.Wr Sr s 'Wj. LETL. i- t S& z-,4