Newspaper Page Text
ur mmjtx-f" rWT"WrT?' luu'H'ujfRBi Www lFWWiWfl?!5rWSTOPf5rTl WV "JSrJl !f??WWJWw!r"' EVENING- LEDGER-PHIXADELPmX WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 30, 1913 I'liotON ti International Ne bervlcc. ENGINEERS OF THE FRENCH ARMY AND THEIR WORK IN THE WAR ! French engineers taking a well-earned rest while building a pontoon bridge over the River Marne to allow the French troops to pass Pontoon bridge built by the French over the River Marne to take the place of the one in the background, which was blown up by the over in their pursuit of the Germans. French army during the retreat towards Paris. PI6HT ALONG AISNE PROBABLY GREATEST IN HISTORY OF WARS Expert Declares Passage of i River by Frontal Attacks Would Be Most Notable Military Feat. LONDON', Sept. SO. In an Interesting nrtlclo In Hie London Dally Express, Lieutenant - Colonel .Alsager Pollock, of tho British army, gives a mlnuta description of tho theatre of the world's sreatest battle on tho banks of the Aisnc. It Is only necessary to possess reasonable Intelligence and a fairly largo map of the country through which tho Alsne flows In order to understand how It Is that the Allied army, nftor successfully effecting n crossing, has not only been provented from prosecuting Us advance beyond tho river, but has even been temporarily driven back to tho left bank, at somo points, by counter-attacks, and thus com pelled to brave again and again tho perils of forcing tho paHaage. Colonel Pollock describes the Alsne us a very sluggish river. Film Villuiicuve, ono mile cast of Solssons, to Lamotte, clsht miles east of Complegno, a dis tance of nearly seventeen miles, tho fall Is oniy twenty-one feet. The Hats be tween the hills forming tho valley me seldom less than ono mile in breadth, and tho hills themselves rifco thence, rather abruptly as a rule, to heights of fiom 300 to 360 feet abovo the river. The configuration of the hills is very In dented, so that on either side, but more especially on tho right bnnk, tho guns and also tho rlllpincn of a force dis puting the passage can lendlly be dis posed so as to be perfectly sheltered from artillery lire from the opposite bank, while at the same time command ing long leaches nf tho valley both up and down the stteam. RANGE FINDING DIFFICULT. According to Colonel Pollock, climatic ( conditions render the finding of an nc , curate range for heavy guns almost Im possible. In the clear atmospheio of South Africa, where ho served during the Boer War, the llro of artillery at S000 yards, or even more, could bo quite use fully observed, particularly when tho sun shouo on tho target, but It Is not so on the banks of tho Alsne, and this fnet Is one of much disadvantage to the Al lies. Here, then, wo havo an explana tion sulllclcnt In Itself to account for the difficulty experienced by the Hrltlsh and French troops in making good their hold on tho right bank of the Alsne, In pplte of all tho valor displayed by them in successfully effecting the crossing of the river. "A single example," says Colonel Pol lock, "will sufllco to mako clear the whole matter In this connection. Let us as aumo an attempt to cross nt Vlc-sur-Alsne, among, of course, a number of other points simultaneously attacked. One mile south of Montnis Is an artil lery position three miles long and hav ing a command of, roughly, 300 feet over the level of the river. Tho hills on tho opposite bank have In no case ft com mand within 00 feet as gieat. In other nords, the artillery positions at thy dis posal of tho attackers enjoy a command of not less than Co feet over any pos sessed by the defenders." A POINT OF VANTAGE. But .according to Colonel pollock, on the left bank of tho tl'lluxioii. ti tributary stream which falls Into (lie Alsne at Vlcsurn.AIsne, a convenient tpur Juts out westward, from behind which un open tteld of lire extends for about WOu yards "long the right bank of the Aisre, and suns there ported would be iultuMkfu agaliibt anything but chance shells trom lioulUuis, which might coucelvabl drop on their lurking iil.Ke tn-aumliiK this to have been indicated by aviators. There. Is no commanding position whatever from which illiecl fire could be brought to bear on guns placed behind the spur In nutation. Tlie point that Colonel Pollock makes In this connection Is that uhil" the actual passage of tho Alsne by well-trained and valoious tioops would Involve in many plans no Insuimouutable tllllleulty. tho jupponlng artllleiy cliectually piewnl Jiig the enemy fiom uUVilng serious it Ibtuiice. the conditions bet time verj dif ficult froi.i the moment whin the attack ers begin to mount the slopes ieund the river In face of urtillurj, in.uhiuc guns, nil rifles securel placed where It is im possible to reach them from the opposite bank. Fortunately, he udds. the difficulty confronting a Hank utlack diiectly over the Alsne Is far less und In his opinion ueli attack can bo kUccissfully made. MAY MAKE HISTOIIU ItKCOim "Meanwhile," Colonel PolUck fiays In eone-lusloi, "then H alo anotl-rv factor of the problem which nt mt certainly exercised a wolghty Influence. Von Kluk's defeated army, wo may be quite sure, Is not that which brought tho pur suit to a standstill. Von Buelow without doubt, moved up his own army to occupy and entrench tho most favorable posi tions on the right bank jt the river, In anticipation of Von Kluk's retirement behind it. "Itope,itcd failures In tho nctual condi tions cannot havo been otherwise than costly, and wo must therefoic prepare ourselves for a very heavy list of casual ties, as well ns for further delay pending tho exercise of strong pressure upon the enemy's right flank. "If the purely frontal attack succeeds, the passage of tho Alsno will bo tho most remarkable of all recorded In history." FEW CANARIES COME NOW SINCE THE WAR STARTED Shipments From Germany Cease and the Prices Are Mounting1. Somo things the Ocrnmni made before their 'trtulc was halted by tho war Wo do not find It difficult to manufacture here; Ilut when wc get tho fateful word that bars tho Deutsch canary bird From Import to the U. S. A., It makes the prospect drear. Nono would object but rtrltons If this warfare ahnuld desparrow us; But losing tho canary bird Is surely bound to jiunuw u, Tim European war has cut off the sup ply of canary birds. The birds come from tho Kurtz and St. Andrewsbcrger Moun tains In the heart of tho war country. Tho nil ds are extremely scarce In Phila delphia. The regular importation of the "golden throated songsters," as they are termed In tho catalogues, ceased with tho start of the war. It Is teported that a largo shipment has been Anally started to this city from Holland, whence It had been sent overland from Germany, but there Is no hope of being able, the dealers say, to eatlsfy the demand which Is al way greatest nt this time of year and during tho holldav season. One fancier said todny that In other yearn he has had from -ICO to 500 birds In stock, but that now he hns less than 100. "I can't get any more anywhere at any price," he said. "Of the one shipment that has gotten through I was nblo to procure four dozen. What will happen to the Christmas trndo when ordinarily I sell 700 birds I do not" know. In conse quence. Instead of being nble to offer tho cheapest birds ns low ns JI.7J, the mini mum price Irf now $3 SO." nit il seed, cuttlefish nnd other bltd foods, nil of which nre Imported, have Jumped greatly in price. A few months ngo n pound of bird feed sold wholesale fo '''i cents. The quotation todny is Ilia Rents. CONFESSES KILLING YOUNG WOMAN CLERK AND ROBBING STORE Struck Down Victim With Hatchet and Stole Contents of Cash Register Because He Was "Broke." RURAL VISITORS CROWD TRENTON ON "FARMERS' DAY JJ Agriculturists Attend Inter state Fair in Great Num bers Governor, Officials and Politicians There To morrow. THENTON. Sept. 30. -Today was "farmers' day" ut the Inturstatu Fait, and the inrul sections of New Jersev and parts of I'cnnsylvunia were repre sented by thousands of farmers, their sons, tlanghteis, sweethearts and wives. W'jo ciQwding tho exhibits of gteatest li,i est to them, such as ngtlcultural, ht.lculturnl, poultty, farm Implement, machinery and domestic displays, they also took nu Intel est In thu fair gener ally and wcie sten ji the midway and ut the luits. The display of automobiles drew the latgest crowd today, when nil kinds of motor ichlcles wero lt evidence. The freaks In thu sUlo shows and the fakers outsldo did a thriUng business. All were liberally pitronlzed by the jural lsltois. who weie out to enjoy themselves legardless of expense. One of the must sensational feats at tho fair Is the ulr-liiug of Chailes F. NiUs, a .'l-car-oln aviator, who, with a een-eyllnaer, M-horeepower' mono plane, climbs .'JjO feet into the ulr autl makes a coiktctew descent. His most daring uiaiiriit-ci Is to lly In u elide with his machiuo Inverted. Niles u-inaliied in the nlr today more than half an hour ami Imitated the birds In many of their tlliig feats, winning frequent applause from the admiring crowds below. Tomorrow, "big Thursday." will be "politicians' di" at the fair. Governor Fielder. tnan of the State oftleljls and scons of the candidates of thu three parties, ftepublican, Democratic and Hull Moose, will attend, The politicians will bo the guests of the fair management. They always draw a Urge crowd to the exposition. AICBON, O., Sopt. 30. Sullenly refus ing to add to his signed confession that ho brutally murdered pretty 23-j car-old Vlnnlo Becker, mission worker, Harry Boomor, 26 years old, today prepared to tell his story to the Summit County Grand Jury. Boomer with utter calm, pollco say, told how he entered tho little Barges street tea store where Vlnnlo Becker was the clerk, how he proposed to rob the store, she recognized him nnd he struck her down, then finished the mur der with a heavy stcol hatchet; how ho sunk tho weapon to the handle In tho victim's skull and fled with $62, tho con tents of the cash register. "I was broke. I went to the store to rob it. The girl said, 'How are you, Harry?' Sho stooped over a barrel to get some oatmeal. I struck her. Sho said, 'Oh, Harry!' Then I killed her" This confession, pollco say. Is in tho hands of County Prosecutor H. F. Castle and will be presented to tho Summit County Grand Jury which is now in session. Boomer formerly worked in tho tea store, nnd knew the routine of tho establishment. He waited until Fred M. Becker, tho proprietor nnd brother of tho dead girl, left the place, then entered and cartled out what police say is one of the most wnnton minders In the history of Ohio criminal nnnals. He confessed how In primitive manner he fashioned a rude tomahawk of wood that he lound In a lumber yard. This weapon, the confession says, was aban doned when the murderer found a heavy steel hatchet hanging on the wall of the little back room where he attacked his victim. A modem cash register proved tho key of solution to tho murder mystery. Three pel sons knew the combination to tho electric apparatus. These were Boomer, Miss Becker nnd her brother, the pro prietor. Suspicion naturally pointed to Boomer. Ho was found at his home last night, and nfter a brief struggle, In which ho nttempted suicide with a newly purennsed revolver, he surrendered and confessed. ROAD JURY AWARDS IN THE NORTHEAST DISTRICT OF CITY Kensington and Lehigh Ave nue Changes of Grade Due to Abolition of Railroad Crossings. NOVELTIES IN PULPITS DEPLORED BY PREACHER Urges Reformation of Inactive Mem bers nnd Dencons Who Doze. The need of I ovtltles In pulpits to in duce people to attind church was de plored by tho Itov. Dr. Charles E. Mc Cleilan, pastor of Falrhlll Baptist Church. Fifth stieot and Uelilgh avenue, late es terday afternoon when the North Phil adelphia Association of Baptist Churches nrsembltd In his church to optn Its llfty soventh annual celebration which Is to coutlmio thiough today and tomorrow. Dr. MoClellan urged that prayers be of fered for a great revival so that all the members might bo active and the "dea cons woultl not sit thtough the services and doze." in the oenlng therp was an enthusias tic meeting for tile young people, when the Ilev. Peter C. Crawford, pastor of liethsemann Church; A. C. Moore and Thomas UeMesly made addresses. Tho association elected the following uftlceis: .Moderator, tho Bev. F. C. Colby, Hat boro. Vlco modcratur, the Hev. William H. Van Toor. Clerk, tho Hev. Clarence Lnrkln. Corresponding secretary, the Hev. X W. Anderyou. Two Facing Charges of Theft BED BANK, N. J . fcpt. 3J.-A man who raid he was James Gordon Bennett and John Bnlrd are In Jail at Freehold, awaiting the action of the Qtaud Jury, charged with entering the paint btore of Frame M. Chambers, of this place, and ftealing a quantity of oil and paints. In a report filed this month Horace aidley, William It. Dougheity and James Johnson, viewers, awnrded damages caused by the chunge of grade In the abolition of grade crossings on lino of tho Philadelphia and Beading Railway Company, Richmond Branch, as nftectlng the following streets: Kensington avenue, between Harold and Boudinot streets; Lehigh avenue, between Jasper und A streets; Oakdale and Al bert strtets, between Kensington avenue nnd Jasper street; Tusculum street, be tween Kensington avenue nnd Ituth troot, nnd Totter street, between Lehigh avenue nnd Huntingdon sttcet. Tho change of grade of Kensington ave nue at Lehigh avenue was approximately eight feet six Inches on the south side and ten feet on the north side; tho grades of all intersecting streets belns adjusted to conform to this grnde. It ran out at 2608 Kensington avenue to the south and at 2745 Kensington avenue to tho north. DAMAGES CAREFULLY CONSID ERED. The viewers In making awards took Into consideration that the physical work was begun during tho years 1312 nnd 1013, and the delay incident thereto, also that In making excavations rock was found In many instances and had not been pro vided for In owner's testimony. This, of course, doubled tho cost of excavating In adjusting the properties to new condi tions. AWARDS OX KENSINGTON AVKNl'n 7rt properties ?-', O'l'.M 1 no damage 1 ilu (tenant's claim), LUIIIQH AVKNUE 21 proportfes , SO.t' ALnintT stri:i;t 1 property .VP.OO OAKDALK STHEKT 8 properties 2,0.13,10 2 no damago. TL'aVL'L.UM STltEKT IS properties U.U3.GO rOTTEIt STItllET 11 properties 1,02)1 IM I no damage. One hundred nnd fifty-six properties were considered, and the total award was J271.6H.50. Taken as a whole, the nward seems ns fnlr to both sides as may be, when It Is considered that loss of rental and loss of business cannot be regarded as such. In the cases where no damage was ghen six properties showed only a tango In change of gtade from one-eighth of an inch on ono line to zero on the other to one and seven-eighths Inches on one line to zero on tho other. Ono claim was that of a tenant who had a yearly lease, and the case of the Episcopal Hos pital, where only the adjustment of the stone wall nnd Iron fence on same, to gether with relalng (lavements nnd re setting curb, was "asked. This has been done In the best way possible by the City. DAMAGE IN SMALL GRADES. In regard to the propeitles mentioned with less than two inches of grade, tho viewers have usually given something, and It would seem that owners should recover. Real estate men, except In J few Instances, are united In tho belief that there are damages even beyond tho grade to n point llxed by a well-known ii IK Reed-Bird Mackerel $1.00 A KIT Nicaragua Blend Coffee Th: ftmou blend U the utmt la I cui:cc uain) at a tcajonaoiu price. MERRILL & HOPPER HKADINU TttKMlNAL MAKKET faUlU im-St Arch tit, SIJ Our Tile, Slate, Metal and Slag Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofj watertight for five years, and ii also guaranteed. Real Estate Roofing Co. Bll- 2343.2349 Wallace 8t. -Poplar tool Kenton. Rao. 147 broker, who teillfles In a large propor tion of cases "a point where, standing on the fiont steps, the grade Is plainly visible." In Tioga nnd other sections heavy lnis of u.ntnl, both durlnK the work and n long time after, nnd the fact that old leuta do not ns a rule "romo back within n shoit time." as alleged by ex pel ts called for the city, cleat ly goes to sustain tho position that owners are en titled to damage. CONDITIONS BETTER. Where, a rowtf of properties arc In one ownership nnd nre adjusted together, a decidedly bolter condition Is immediately manifest, as can bo seen In properties covered by this awnid, 2G0S to 2630, In clusive, Kensington avenue. Thcjo prop erties have been adjusted at one time by tho Handy estates nnd look extremely well. In a scattered ownership and a shnrp drop at the mtl of the street, with some owners making the change even before tho award Is paid, and others al lowing the unsightly temporary wooden st ps to stnnd for a long time, so thut an unsettled condition spoils the street, buycis and renters arc not keen to get Into the locality. This Is very apparent on Frnnkford avenue, north and south of Lehigh ave nue, and will also bo seen in the section under consideration. ANOTHER REPORT SOON. Testimony has been heard by this Jury nlso on C street, Tusculum street, Sterner street, and on the Bromley Mill, corner of Lehigh avenue and B street. Awards will bo embodied In the next report. The city of Philadelphia nnd tho Phil adelphia nnd Reading '.tallway Com pany have agreed to waive an appeal on the properties contained in this report, and up to this date only one appeal has been entered by nn owner. On October !i, being 20 days after filing the report, sild awards may be confirmed abso lutely by tho Court of Common Tlcas No. 4. NOTES OF THE STREET. The transfers thus far for tho week show most activity In West Philadelphia and In the northwest section. In the Sheriffs sales advertised for October 3, West Philadelphia nnd the southwest section have one-third mor properties than the rest of the list, which Is widely scattered. Snvptiteon properties were sold, Nos. 2S to 4(1 South ISth street, and no-3f-2; to II South Fallon street, by Frederick C. Mlchaelson to C. Clement Ely. They are two-tory dwellings. The market has de cidedly a firmer tone, and Is broadening. LESSOR. Thiee Held on Robbery Chnrjjo Three young men were held in $C00 ball each for cottit today by Magistrate Bojle, at the o9th streot and Lancaster avenue stntlnn, on tin chnrge of robbing the cigar factory of James E. Phillips. Ml Noitli lint street. The piisoners are John Hippie, 41." Mnntui nenue; Raymond Barker, 321 I loll street, and Edward Hayes, It.':: Mnntiia uvenue. SENATE COMMITTEE CONSIDERS CHANGES givo an advantage to the California products over tho Ohio piotlucois Tho discrimination, It Is declared, conies In I the language "containing mote than 3 per cent, of saccharine matter." I Tho tux on such sweet wines Is 20 cents I a gallon, while the tax on other domestic IN HOIISR WAR TAX !aB.r.nVursrTs 111 11UUUL1 II fill IflV I inanufacttiilng their wines, while the California producers mly upon foi titra tion with wine splilts which they are able to obtain free of taxation. Reduction in Levy on Bank Capital and Revision of Gasoline Clause Among Proposals. WASHINGTON, Sept. SO. Tho Senate Finance Committee, when It met today, had before It proposals for several Im portant amendments to the administra tion emergency revenue bill, recently passed by the House. It has been proposed to reduce the tax of tZ a thousand on bank capital and surplus to Jl. Some members believe It would be unwisp to place a heavy bur den on bank capital nt this time because nf disturbed financial conditions due to tho European war. Advocates of this change would revise the gasoline clause and place a tax on automobiles based on horsepower Instead of the levy of two cents a gallon on gas oline. They say this would make up the loss of revenue due to the cut In the bankers" tax. The levy on accident Insurance Imposed ty the House also may be eliminated and the committee is considering readjusting tho proposed tax on insurance policies. Subcommittee'! of the Finance Commit tee were appointed to consider the various section. They are : Tax on Gasoline, Senators Williams, Shlvely and Gore: Banks and Brokers. Senators Stone, Hughe and Williams; Stamp Tax, Sena tors Hoke Smith, nhtvely and James; on 1 proposal to add two more classes of cigarettes to those already taxed In the bill, Senators Simmons, Williams and Johnson. Senator Mmnions, chairman of the full committee, Is an ex-othclo member of all tho subcommittees. All the appointees to the subcommittees nro Democrats, as It Is planned to frame the I'ill with only the Democrats present nnd to call in the Republican mem bers before the bill is reported to tho Senate. Senator Pomerene, of Ohio, is fighting the tax on sweat wines provided In th House bill on the ground that It will New Kecord for Anna Bradford COLI'MHl'S. O.. Sept. CO.-Another rec ord was broken by Anna Bradford, when in the t'nal heat ol tho American Horse Breviers' Futurity here vesterdny she low-tied the 3-ar-old pacing record to 2.00V The lormer record of 2:01- was also held by Anna Bradfoul. being "made nt the raots bete a week ago Si a A JL OUR SPECIALTIES Letter Heads Envelopes Bill Heads Statements Receipts Business Cardi JJ at ACte5rSI5Nj "-F-LttV HALF DOZEN HURT IN FIRE Prompt Rescue Work by Bluecoats Prevnts Toll of Death. NEW VORK, Sept. 3u. Two tenement house fires early today caused Injury to half a do.n East Side rcldents and but for prompt and heroic rescue work by bluecoals might have taken a toll of death. A Yom Klppur candle in Joseph Schrnget's room on the fifth floor of 73 Sheriff street Ignited a curtain and thu whole room was ablaze before any of the residents awukened. Policeman Fcsta and Murphy got tho two Schrager girls out. entering the burning room for them. With their parents, they arc at the Hud son Street Hospital suffering from burns and shock. The other fire was In the four-story tenement at l-'G East 57th street. A dozen frightened residents leaped from windows, one, Victor Lawrence, being injured. Several were overcome by smoke See us for good printing we deliver the kind of work that shows its quality. ttflTEL UDENNlTS -ai l-ANTIC CITT N.J. 1 IN AUTUMN I'rot Met charm of coinfori an4 ci. inJt baruc UrUtlo emironjueat ttut b. Mtabiljhod It an licit urashore honit Iiirr ily on th ocein front H'aity COO, WUTKK J IIIZUY. conclusion, -there U alo anotl-rv factor n-,,. . h.V ., " '"" . ?"B"- V' t'vj . vtMiitAiuiACi-iii un in rnfiii- . .. is 1 of thn nrnhi. i.ii. .... . ....!).. I .,.,. .n.. ----- w ...v i m. s UE.1UINU TEIIM1NAI. maiikkt I ""'"" "" "Jr on tn ocein front 1 -- ., r.vv,ll( mu'.ii - --, iii"' I sfv"v 1 vs .... .". I I urantY con. iviithh .i in ?nv I BBitt-.JL, i . mKESOB&ii&Sl-v mmw i msr . II mum ji .Ml.., m ..,.., i in ! -J " S""- . " - MaMmm -. , ., - .. yrr? . - ... ,jai- ! Why Not? I If jou were to ask a salesman in the averauv store what a fixture was inatle of. In- i-ouhlii't tell yon couldn't tell jou if it was iolid brass, iron, plated lirasa or plaster pans coated with Why not visit our factory and sales rooms, where salesmen with factory experience can intelligently discuss l liMiirc construction and composition - fur 30 i cars' experience is at your uisposai. The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. Display Rooms and Workshop 427-4?? N. Broad St ort Walk Along Automobile Row "A "Wc Keep Promises" If fcneruwrn and i:nil,o,iT.. mtlll II II II (if Iy3 cF'il' I! II II II I &h mfmMrfSa "Hi! du the rest" IIEf! DEVELOPING and FINISHING llioilir.tcr Mrtliod) HAWORTH'S Kutinan UoilaL Co. il020 Chestnut St. OW KODAKS Atlantic City Store 103 IloardHalk Perry's Give a Different Kind of Service to Men A Perry customer writes to one of our salesmen: "Had been buying my clothes at for years, nnd I must say (not for any jolly) that I never had nearly so much -tion shmi'tt rue as you have shonn." At Perry's For, this js a MAN'S store! Just Suits, Over coats, Raincoats, Al a c k innws, trousers, vests, nnd such kindred outerjjarments for men nnd .vouiik men At Perry's $12, $15, $18, $20 for Pall and Winter Suits, Fall and Winter Overcoats whose equals for fit, style and price are found only At Perry's Perry & Co., "n.b.t." I6th& Chestnut Sts. . MUIIINEIIV 0a Rncln. 2S II I" wtlh J namo .wit. h board, volt meirr elr trie llaht ..uttlt hft inc. puller t,ltlni all iiichtl. wu ALSO Htli HA .K OH KKVl Two vacant leu one at a3d un.l ,r , , ""-J'S'1 1-WxlitO 30th ana t.,krl t 220x300, oppnilu l-.nna. It fr SvJ Aoplj KMII. Gl-KNTHKR Uth ana brar't fcrrr Uuad in . IN mil l.s mapping Kci: lluir., (I It) llalr. Paper MI MIKKTH. SI lu llalr 'SO Inn... ii a i i-uprr. ow 4H turrit n-llrt I'aurr. H for t!ic li 00 r, IKUSSOV lli a. tilth M. flilla. MEN'S FALL HATS 1.1 SO Hat f"r ; rr KUO lU'i t jr 1&0 Jonn-i llat Fattwry. US 8. 10th Htrtct