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Wif v ' w - t vt-. TyyqftfgarT "-ys-Mt gjgaagiswppBi "li1 " ' f"5'iJS " j- j -v--( .- night EVENING NIGH EXTRA JLj JLj Jl vJ JLji Jlw la A I Hi c VOL. INO. TO PHILADELPHIA, TIIUHSDAX, OCTOBER 1, 1914. PRICE ONB CE3 W ff TSIM MffffcMMMJIuflfc J- T"l B f It PENROSE NERVOUSLY AWAITS ROOSEVELT ATTACK TONIGHT Senator Will Have Colonel's Speech Taken Down by Stenographers and Plans Insta ll Reply. Messengers Will Be Kept in Con stant Passage Between Ar mory and Headquarters of the Boss. CARDINAL FERRATA STRICKEN SUDDENLY BY APPENDICITIS New Papal Secretary of State Seriously 111. HOME, Oct. l.-Carldnat Fcrrala, Papal Secretary of Sdile, Is seriously III. The secretary, only recently appointed to his ofllco by l'ope Rcncdlct, was sud denly stricken liy appendicitis. Dr. Mnrchlaf-iva lias been "illcd to attend the Cardinal. DOWNTOWN BOSSES DEPRIVED OF VOTES OF BEGGAR BANDS Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will open Ills Pennsylvania campaign against United Elates Senator Penrose tonlRlit at tlio First Regiment Armory. Penrose will mobilize a entail army of messenger boys nnd stenographers to help him combat the charges of the Hull Moose leader. Relays of stenographers will take down every word of the Colonel's speech at the armory, transcribe It paragraph by paragraph on typewriters, and strings of messenger boys will carry It to the Pen rose omco In the Commercial Trust Building There, after he has digested the Colonel's attacks, Senator Penrose aV ho will dictate replies to another batch of stenographers. The replies will be cut out to the newspapers, arriving a few moments after the stories of the Roosevelt speech. Fonrote hopes by this means to coun teract any new uprising of public senti ment against him. Further to counter act tho Inftiionco of Colonel Roosevelt in Hcnnslvanla, arrangements lmvu been made to liavo E-Socrctary of Btato Philander C. Knox take the stump on behalf of the Senator a few days before Roosevelt's three-day campaign in this State. Vnnce C. McCormlck, Democratic and "Washington party candidate for Gover nor, may be one of tho speakers at the meeting. Persistent rumors to the effect that the cantlldato would be present were In circulation along tho political rlalto this afternoon. Colonel Roosevelt will arrive In Phila delphia from the Middle v est at tno Reading Terminal at 6:40 p. m. He will be met by a large reception committee and conducted to tho Bellcvue-Striitford. where he will dine with a few friends. Tho Colonel will then proceed at once to the First Regiment Armory, at Broad and Catlowhlll streets, where tho meet ing Is scheduled to begin at 8:15. Tno doors of the Armory will open at T.30, and although tickets of admission to the first floor have been given out. It will be a caso of first come first served. After the meeting the Colonel will leave for New York city. CARRANZA AND VILLA AGREE TO PEACEFUL ENDING OF DISPUTE Indications Point to Settle ment of Mexican Difficul ties in Council Instead of on Battlefield. Penrose - McNichol - Vare Machine Vainly Seeks Re lease of Panhandlers From House of Correction. Hundreds of Professional Mendi cants Herotoforo Used as Re peaters Will be Unable to Register. Constitutionalist Generals t o Meet in Aguascalientes on August 5 and. Orders Given to Suspend Hostilities. PINCHOTHERETO ATTEND ROOSEVELT MEETING Assures Friends He Is Better and Expects to Make a Speech, Qlfford Pinchot, the Washington Party nominee for United States Senator, ar rived hero this morning from Brie, Pa., where he suffered an attack of ptomaine poisoning. Re was accompanied by Mrs. Pinchot. When Mr. Pinchot and his wife arrived a' Urood street station he was met by a Timlttee of Washington Party men. IU iokod rather pale. Tho candidate as ui his friends that he was feeling bet ter a id added that he would surely at tend 'he Rousevelt meeting this evening First Regiment Armory, Broad and hlll streets. a 'mipantcd by friends, Mr. Pinchot 'o the Adclj.hla Hotel, where lto oii whtlejn the city. At the hotel . -ed lilms'clf under the treatment of sician. o the telephone Mr. Pinchot made "'l-niiiK statement: rendition lias greatly Improved mil aure ly be present tonight when Rootuvult speaks. My voice is Fairly good shape, although I am " - iioar&e. I will be at the meeting iTid shall speak." I'lnehot. who took her husband's the speaking platform when he 1 became ill from ptomaine pols. two days ago, declared that she i courteous ami appreciative at from tho crowds. really was nothing very re- In my taking my husband's .e said. "I did not make polltl- es. but merely explained to the h at m husband was ill and un to aeep his speaking engagements, jiner woman would have dono the Hung " tJ Us e ; I) ., Tn, IT OTE TAX ON AUTOMOBILES INSTEAD OF ON GASOLINE Bhange in War Revenue Bill Agreed to by Senate Subcommittee. IW v.hin'.T')N. Oct. l.-The sub-corn-lte r 'tie nenate Finance Committee section of the war tax hill taxing li -.t (. 2- .ont a gallon today reached agreement to recommend to tho full pinlttee that the tax on gasoline be lick n fr jm the bill and a tax on auto- gblleb be subatltuted. he i.i. u automobiles piuposed U as lov.s Twenty-five cents per horse. tr - all passenger automobiles, to bo 1 r he Individual owners, and a tax r t ...raepower to be paid by the irers on aJI sales of automa te s jo-iouimlttea estimates that - on automobiles will raise be- and 16.0CO,000. nlltee consists of Senators rrnely and Oore. By ARTHUR CONSTANTINE MEXICO CITV. Oct. l.-Polltlcal diffi culties In Mexico between factions head ed by General Cnrrmiza ond General Villa are to be settled In the Council ChRmber and not upon the field of battle, according to the outlook today. Following the meeting between dele gates representing the C.irrauzlstnH and the Villalstns In Zucatccas, when a sus pension of hostilities nnd troop move ments was agreed upon. It was an nounced today that there would be a meeting of a majority of the Constitu tionalist generals In Aguas Cntlontcs on October 5, to prepare for the general national peace convention in this city on October 10. General Alvaro Obrcgon, who was chief representative of First Chief Carranza in the Zacatccas conference, has tele graphed to his chief of staff. Captain Lorenzo Munoz, that all war prepara tions are to be suspended for the time being. Goncral Obregon'3 telegram. In part, follows: According to the meotlng of chiefs, wnlch took place In the City of Mex ico, we came to Zacatocus for n con ference with generals representing General Villa. The conference le sulted In the following agreement: First. Tho suspension of all active hostilities. Second. The Immediate cessation of all troop movements. On October 5 there will be a meet ing In Aguas Callentes of a majority of the Constitutionalist generals to prepare for a general convention on October 10. This will be held for the object of exchanging Ideas among all the chiefs, in order that when fho convention of October 10 Is held we will have everything well In hand. By what I have said, armed conflict Is nvolded, and in the general con vention the majority of opinion will resolve the plan In which the re-es-tabllshment of order In the republic will be made. After the receipt of the foregoing tele gram Tlobcrto Pcsqulera, one of Cor- ratiza's chief advisers, gave out the fol lowing statement In behalf of the Pro visional President: "A meeting of Generals will be hefd In this city Thursday afternoon. It is not a general convention such as was called some time ago by General Car ranza, but a preliminary conference. Those Invited to participate nro chiefly the officers on General Cnrranza's staff." Many generals are arriving In this city from different parts of the Republic to give their allegiance to General Car ranza and to take place In the various meetings and conferences. General Carranza, through the Governor of the Federal district, has Issued a decree making nine hours a day's work. This Is one of the first reform acts of the Constitutionalist Provisional President. AMMUNITION FOR MEXICANS RHOWNSVIM.K. Tex.. Oct. l.-Two car Innds of ammunition, containing 1.K0WX) rounds of rifle cartridges, have been shipped across the Rio Grande, consigned to the Constitutionalists. Its ultimate destination Is believed to be Monterey. n i iu' r s le In SERBS CRUSH AUSTRIANS ON DRINA BATTLE FRONT Heavy Losses Reported in Contin uous Repulse of Foe, NI8H, Hervla. Oct 1. It is officially announced that tho Servl. ans on the Drlna-Shabats front have re pulsed tho Austrlans towaid Psrachltza with enormous losses. "Firing Is heard In the direction of Mklntsa-Klenka," the statement adds. "There Is undoubtedly fierce fighting In the enemy's territory." The Ponrose-McNIcl'ol-Vnre machine downtown hns received another blow. The liundieds of professional mendicant j mid vagrants who In previous campnlgns fenned the nucleus of the organization that Imported votes vnU brought about "icpeatlng" on election days, will not be permitted to register next Saturday, nnd will not be qualified to vote on No vember 3. Tho "panhandlers." nearly 300 of them, are In the House of Correction, where they wtrc sent following tho crusade of Dlroetot Porter nnd conducted by Frank von Hevcrn, Hpcclal agent for tho So ciety for Organizing Charity, to rid the centre of Philadelphia of them. Strong efforts have been made to bring atout their release ever since the first regis tration dny, but Director Porter has or dered that none of tho men be released. This I? the first tlmo in the history of recent Philadelphia politics that the Pcn-rosc-McNIcliol-Varc machine has not been able to get Hip mendicants, who form such a strong part of their organization down town, out of tho House of Correction nnd to tho polls, nnd tho cmnp of tho ma chine has hern thrown into consterna tion us a lesult. Director Porter has been flooded with applications for the release of the "pan handlers" within the last few days. They were made, sulci Von nevern today, by hold-over employes In City Hall bureaus and by saloonkeepers downtown. All of tho applications liavo been for tho ic leaso of men. Von Severn today explained that the refusal to grant the applications for tho release of the "panhandlers" this year was based on reasons of economy, and nothing else. "Many of those men have been sent up at regular Intervals for many years," ho said. "It costs a lot to keep releasing uicin ann tnen sending mem DacK to tne House of Correction. One roun is now serving Ills 113th term for vagrancy, and every time he was sent to the House of Correction It cost the city several dollars. "When we cleaned up the centro of the city u few weeks ago It was de cided that the only 'panhandlers' who would be released would be the deserving ones. "We havo found no deserving ones, though." "PANHANDLERS" AS VOTERS Von Be.vcrn said that several of the men now In the Houre of Correction wero formerly used at election times to bring carloads of other 'panhandlers' Into Philadelphia to vote for them. None of them has a homo here, he said, but cheap lodging houses have In the past served as addresses for them all." In previous campaigns, said Von Bewrn, "friends" and "relatives" of the mendi cant's have obtained their release fiom the House of Correction without much dlfliculty. because of the lack of a proper organization to investigate their cases. Before the crusade against beggars was started In the centie of tho city, he tald, it was decided to investigate thoroughly every caso and keep down expenses by keeping the undeserving "panhandlers" in the House of Correction. CITV HALL INTERCESSORS. "The applications for release started to come Into the Director's office after tho first registration day," Von Bevern con tinued. "They were made by soma em ploca at City Hnll and by saloonkeepers In the downtown wards. Within the last two days 22 applications have been made. Director Potter has turned them all over to us to look nfter, with instructions to release only the deserving cases. W did not Mud a fclngh' deserving case. All of tne stories that wero told us were found to bo not true." Strong pressure will probably he brought to bear between today and Sat urday. Von Bevern was reminded, to ob tain the release of the "panhandlers." "They won't get out." he said. "All of the applications that have been made nre for the releabo of men. I suppose some people will want to get the women out, too, when the women get the vote. "The men themselves out at the House of Correction do not understand why they cannot get out to register. They think wo will finally release them, but we will not." KAISER SCORNS ENGLAND'S "CONTEMPTIBLE ARMY" Reported to Have Ordered Extermina tion of French's Command. LONDON. Oct. 1,-Tho Times says to day that Emperor William Issued this tinier to his men on August 19! "It Is my roynl nnd Imperial command that yclu concentrate your energies for the Immediate present on one single pur pose, and that Is that you address all Jour skill nnd nil tho valor of my sol diers to exterminate first tho treacher ous English and walk over General French's contemptible little nrmy." PRESIDENT FAVORS RETURN OF SHIYELY AND CHAMBERLAIN Puts His Seal of Approval on Two Democratic Sena tors Who Are Candidates for Re-election. SUBWAY AND T SERVICES CRIPPLED BY LESSENED FORCE Order Dismissing Gate and Platform Attendants Put Into Effect With Annoy ing Results. Passengers Protest Against Con ditions Which Caused Doors of Car to be Closed in Their Faces. Commends Their Loyalty to Pub lic Duty and Impresses the Need of Maintaining Party's Supremacy. WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-Prcsldent Wil son today Indorsed Senators Shlvely, of Indatia, nnd Chamberlain, of Oregon, for re-election. In a letter to Senator Kern, of Indiana, regarding his colleague, the President says: "I am genuinely surprised that any question should liavo arisen as to whether I want Senator Shlvely returned. I do most decidedly wlshJt. I have In mind Senator Shlvely's eadfast devotion to duty and to the standard of the party, and his unfaltering loyalty In all mat ters of public policy, as all his party associates have, and havo learned to have a very warm personal feeling and admiration for him. It would, In my judgment, bo a very great loss to tho party and to the Senate If ho should not bo re-elected. I trust that there is no doubt of his re-election. "May I not add a word of cordial ap preciation of tho whole Indiana delega tion In Congress? The members of tho Houso have stood by tho Administration with unfailing generosity and spirit anil have made jne feel a very deep interest In the political fortunes of evory one of them. "I need not tell you, my dear Senntor, what my sentiments are toward your- seu. Tho President also sent tho following letter to Senator Owen, of Oklahoma: "Referring to our conversation of the other day, I want to say to you again how sincerely I hope for the re-election of Seuator Chamberlain. Tho maintenance of a Democratic majority In the Sennto is ot tne utmost Importance to the coun try If tho present policies nnd program of the Government are to be sustained and continued, and I tako It for granted that voters everywhere will feel tho force of that motive. Senator Chamberlain has rendered conspicuous services to tho party, and 1 am sure they will be recog nized in tho result at the polls." An order dismissing tnnny gate nnd platform attendants In tho subway and on the elevated road was put Into effect by the Philadelphia Rapid Trnnslt Com pany today. The order caused general Indignation among passengers. Its pur pose was to cut clown expenses. As a result of the order In many cases today doors were suddenly shut In the faces of passengers who lushed to board trains., From now on at most of the stations there will bo no attendant to warn the brnkemon Just when to shut doors, and as the gates In many cases will bo left unguarded there will be no one to pre vent hea'dstrong passengers from at tempting to catch moving trains. This Is possible, because very frequently the doors are only half closed when the train starts. "5U points where the traffic from feeder lines Is especially large passengers aro protesting that It will be Impossible to handle tho crowds without accident. Philadelphia Rapid Transit officials denied any cut In their working force of subway attendants when Inquiries were mado at Eighth and Dauphin streets, but the cut was noticed by thousands of riders this morning. There was no one to call out to tho train crews when to shut the doors and the trainmen had to look for themselves. At the Thirteenth street platform, ono of the busiest en the road, there stood one attendant for a train of six cars. At Eleventh street the platform was deserted save for ono lone ticket taker, although this Is a very Important station for dis charging passengers. The same rulo ap plied at tho other stations from the start at CSth street to South street elevated. The stations at 24th street and 19th street on tho subway-surface trolley line did not have one attendant, except for ono hour In the morning, during the ruih hour. It was said a man would be found there at B o'clock tonight. ALLIES FORM VISE TO CRUSH ENEMY IN GRIP OF STEE French and British War Offices Confide as Right and Left Wings Push Forwari in Sharp Charges on Ends of Invaded Line Centre Still Firm. Berlin Declares Attack Near Peronne Haj Been Repulsed and Enemies' Assault Have Failed at All Other Points Lull in Invaders' Bombardment Reported, The War Today MAYOR ASKS CITY COUNCILS FOR $50,000 TO PAY LABORERS Says Condition of Streets Demands Services of High Way Employes Who Were Laid Off. POTTERS GET WA'GE SCALE TO CONTINUE TWO YEARS More Than 2000 Workers Affected by Brotherhood's Action. ATLANTIC CITY. Oct. l.-Organlzcd labor scored another impoitant victory to day when a committee of the Interna tional Association of Pottery Mnnufac tuicrs signed with a commute represent ing the Brotherhood of Operative Potters, a contract continuing the present scale In sanitary pottery for two years. More than 5000 workers, who receive from $4.50 to $ per day. are nfff.Wn.i ti. conferees took up today the adjustment of the scale for "casting," a now Hue of work, by which heavy sanitary ware Is formed in the molds Instead of by tho most tedious and difficult hand process. The conference also forecasts a har monious adjustment of new shop rules designed to better the health and length! en the years of workers. The Ideal of the men Is to establish standards so that working conditions will be tho same throughout the trade, both in the United Stales and Canada. BELGIANS AGAIN PROTEST TO PRESIDENT WILSON i TWO POSTS SURPRISED IN KAISER'S AFRICAN COLONY Territorials' Invasion of German Territory Proceeds Successfully. PRETORIA. South Africa, Oct. 1. The invasion of German Southwest Af rica by the forces of th Union of South Africa is proceeding succtasfully, accord lug to an oftVlal announcement today A for' operating from Luederlti Bay H'Jrnrlsel two Ccrma.n nstM nn .. f .iday; not much change UraspUtz, tho ouher at Ar'-ba. At i-e. nenlle north to eait ,:T"I .at.x '"P"1 V.yjaiI,1 "fe "Pturei GERMAN SHIPS COMPELLED TO RETIRE, RUSSIA SAYS Bombardment of Windau Ineffective, Russian Admiralty Keports. PKTROtiRAD, Oct. 1. It wasajmbunced today by the Ad miralty that on September U a German fleet of about 40 ships had appeared oft Windau, but was prevented from landing forces by the Russian forts. The ships withdrew, but on tho fol lowing day two cruisers returned and opened Are, destroying the lighthouse. A civilian and a number of soldiers wero killed, but the ships were again driven off by the forts. m FATHER FORECAST l ' -''-iphia and vicinity Fair V. i SATURDAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER Net Saturday, October 3, la the last registration day for the November election. It Is the last chance to qualify to voto for United Stutes Senator, Gov enor. Congressmen, Members of th. Le-rl-'ature a"t f?r other important offl-i t- be ""ti' miTim nirmilHTmi i Poll tax re-e'!j Envoys On Way Home Declare At rocities Continue, NEW YORK, Oct. l.-Reiteratlon of the charges of atrocities alleged to have been committed by the Germans Is In eluded In a telegram sent President Wil son by the Belgian commission, now en route to Liverpool on the liner Adriatic. In a telegram signed by Carton de Wlart, Special Envoy of King Albert, expreks Ing to the President appreciation for tho welcome accorded the Commission, It Is stated: "During the last days, events as re ported In two newspapers Indicate that the destruction of our cities and the massacre of our people continues. It is a sad and striking proof of tho justice of the piotestatlons addressed by the Gov ernment of the King to the Government of the Vnlted Stutes, who was the originator and co-signatory of The Hni. Convention of 1907. and who consequently Is particularly interested In the observ- I ance of these rules which specially pro- ' hlblt the bombardment of undefended ' towns, collective punltlon and the em ployment or nationals in the military op eratlons of the Invader." A strong plea for an appropriation of $30,000 for employment of laborers laid off in the Highway Bureau for lack of funds was made by Mayor Blankenburg In a message to City Councils. The Mayor called tho attention of Councils to the lack of funds on September 17, but so far nothing has been done. "Tho condition of our streets and roads Imperatively demandi the services- of these men," says the Mayor. "Every consideration of good highway engine ring demands thnt our streets be kept In n good state of repair. One hole breeds a dozen. This amount spent be tween now nnd January 1, will more than save the necessity for expending much larger amounts a little later on. "There are 416 men who have been laid off owing to tho depletion of this fund. Winter Is coming, they need employ ment and every consideration of public policy demands that the money should be provided." Tho bill providing for the reopening of Gaul street, from Tioga to Venango streets, wns returned to Councils by Mayor Blankenburg without approval on the ground that Tlosa street has rail road tracks and Venango street Is not open. The further reason Is given that abutting property would be developed oy the opening of the street and ownera should dedicate tho thoroughfare and indemnify the city against damages. TO ABOLISH GRADE CROSSING. The Mayor also submitted to Councils the ordinance providing for the abolition of the dangerous grade crossing on the line of Green lane over the North Penn sylvania Railroad, operated by the Phila delphia and Reading Railway Company, near Kern Rock station. Agreement has been made with the Reading officials to divide the cost of the project, each to pay half ir a bridge over Godfrey avenue at a point 225 feet north of Green lane. The city Is to pay In addition the cost of opening and im proving tho remaining portion of Godfrey avenue, from Seventh to Tenth street. The entire work v. Ill cost 1107,000, of which the city's proportion will be J70.000. The Mayor asks that Councils give the matter early consideration. Roosevelt to Campaign in N. Y, NEW YORK. Oct. I.-Beglnnlng next Monday Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, fresh from his recent speaking trip to the Mid dle West, will tart a campaign tour of the State with Frederick M. Davenport, I Progressive nominee for Governor, Tb-y 'iwl'l visit a'l cT-tls. a-i i"-tinj. w i be h't ! ea'h !"-tant n'iti-ai a.n ( !-. V JIB'JD' The World's Series FROM THE INSIDE Baseball enthusiasts want to know the "inside stuff." Only the "insider" can tell it with authority. Eddie Collins WILL TELL IT to all readers of THE EVENING LEDGER your order to your Allied forces began tho nineteenth day of tho battle of tho Aisno by taking the offensive on both -wlngs. Sev enty thousand Indian troops have re inforced tho French and British. Paris reports' tho occupation of many towns nlonsr the Olsc, formerly within the German lines. Military experts believe tho battlo will end Sunday or Monday. Antwerp's refusal to surrender was followed by bombardment at re doubled fury. Tho Germans are us ing: their big siege guns. Tho city is reported in imminent danger and King Albert ltf expected to flee to England. Tho Belgian War Office, however, says tho German assaults have been ineffective while tho spirit of the garrison continues excellent. Announcement that 6,000,000 men aro engaged in the Eastern theatre of war is mado from Vienna. Four mil lions are Russians, divided Into four big armies, two proceeding against Cracow and two being engaged against tho Germans along tho Polish frontier. Assurance is given that Przemsyl Is holding its own: that the Galaclan campaign is "meeting all expectations," and that the Hun garian national troops ure success fully coping with the Czar's invasion of Hungary. Russians aro repulsing the German Invasion of Poland along a 78-mlle line. The Gormans have been ex pelled from tho strongly entrenched positions at Ossowiccz and tho Augustowo Forest. Rennokampf'a forces are in control of tho situation at Grodno and Vllna. Germans are reported as fortifying Sllee'a, to pro vent a Russian invasion in case tho Kaiser's forces are compelled to re treat from Poland. Petrograd reports continued success In both the Gallclan and East Prussian fields. Recapture of positions occu pied along the Nicmen by tho Ger mans is asserted, as well as a gen eral repulse of General Hlndenburg's attempt to move on Warsaw. In Ga Hcia constant progress is made toward Cracow, Berlin officially de nies all stories of Russian success in East Prussia and Poland, and as serts that the German penetration of Poland is unimpeded. Japanese operations off Tslug.Tao, German leasehold In China, were announced from Toklo in the report ed sinking of a German torpedoboat. Berlin War Ofllce states there has been no decisive result in France, aH assaults of the Allies being repulsed. The bombardment of Antwerp con tinues with success, it adds, while the French have been unablo to gain along the Meuse. The defeat of the Allies at Albert, near Peronne, is reported. British Admlrhlty announces that the cruiser Cumberland has captured ten German bhlpplng vessels, with large cargoes, and the German gunboat Soden. The operations were at the mouth of the Cameron River In West Africa. Italian resentment at the dangers from Austria's' planting of mines in the Adriatic has not been lessened by the offer from Vienna to indemnify the families of Eadors kl'led mines. Me, PARIS, Oct 1. ouprcmo confidence provoiled at! military headquarters today. Tho bat tle of tho Alsno Is already claimed sweeping French victory. Theil rn tm. . I !. .1 j. ...... d .. uiofcuiaiuj; mo juDiiatton amonVv-hel members of General Galllonl's staff. "Not until wo aro actually hefidinsj the entire German line will wo omciallyjl cintm a complete victory," declared onal of tho highest officials on duty here-to'l tho assembled newspaper representa-J wcs mis afternoon. "Personally w aro confident. Wo know that the Ger mans are retiring, very rapidly at some :l points, and that they have beer to fight with desperation to their extreme right being cc routed. But that does nnt v ..w j v. an official claim of a sweeping vicf So long as tho Germans hold tho if along tho Aisno and their centre mains unchanged so long will there danger that they met yet turn tho til bles. But every day of our success hntH nAo l. .... .. ...., 4 i,1H lonB oattio nne rnear much and unless I am greatly priced you will sco an entirely nefl alignment by tho first days of nex week." This statement, coupled with Oeesri Galllenrs cryptic utterance of last Fri day that tho side able to throw fresh j troops into the field would win, to the belief that the victory, for that is already tho way in which even taa 1 reserved French military exnert mvi now dslgnatlng the present situation, M was actually won by England's fresh levlles. Her Indian troons am nnn. cialy reported to havo taken their places in the battle line. In addition certain of her territorial forces are also roported In action and it was probably this latter forco that turnod tho tide on tho extreme French left north of Noyon. Tho battlo of the Alsne has been a mostly costly action. Tho losses on ,1 both sides are declared to be so large' that It Is considered the wisest policy to withhold them for tho present. Tha French officials here vaguely talk ofJ tho German losses far exceeding those! of the French, and In almost the samel breath declare that it could not be ex-" pected that an army on the offensive, as the Allies have been almost entirely J in the battle of the Alsne, would galr a victory without enormous casualties! It Is admitted that many Fresh regi-l ments have been almost complete!) wiped out. The official statement issued this" afti ernoon follows: There Is no modification in th? situation as a whole We have progressed, however,. our left at the north of the Hon and on our right in the souths)) part of the Woevre region. The movement north of the BommwS with the purposo of cutting the Qe man line of communication and forcJ Ing the withdrawal of the entire right! wing of the German army, continues. The advance of the Allies' right wing, too, if continued, Is a menace to the western end of the German army, ' If the French should succeed In driv ing the Germans back so that their line through Luxemburg were threatened, I the right wing of the Germans, as wel as their centre, would have to retreat. There Is only one danger to the Al lies in this advance at both ends of , the battle line in Franca, This is their Una may become so ep that the Germans can cut tl This peril undoubtedly has guarded against, however, by in reserve tho troops who wer roltted to retire from the tiring if the arrival of reinforcements. V can be hurrlel to any threaten ont. been L PJ fa:" -. I one of wl" EVfei9 Bl sS" & UK i ' I Al Ari' nao two Vrfrmjng were iajurp,