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-err.s5 EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1'. 1914. MUNICIPAL COURT , 'JOBBERY BREAKS :' A WOMAN'S HEART Organization Forced Demo tion of Mrs. Pickering to Make Room for Penrose Supporter. another charge has been laid nt the floor of the politically controlled Mu Tilclpal (.'ourt. This time the court Is Accused of breaking n woman's heart Hint a job might he made for a man, Jtrs Jessie V. Pickering, of 235 South 23d street, la seriously HI. Behind that iiims lies a tale of sordid politics, Mrs. 1'lokering whs ousted from the position of chief probation officer of the Juvenile Court to make a place for a voter after the Juvenile Court came Into control of tlio Municipal Court, and the power of appointment was placed In the hands of President Judgo Charles t,. Brown, of the loth Ward, ex-ward worker and leader nnd personal friend of State Senator James 1 MoNlchoI and one of that typo of men advocating the ic-electlon of Sen ator Penrose. Transferred from her office following n measure passed by Organization leg islators and demoted to a lower position, It became known today that Mrs. Pick ering for months has been suffering from lienous prostration. The attack came as a result of constant Woriy. Mrs. Pickering Is now at the home ot her son, who resides In Narberth. Until r short while ago she was In bed. Slit is now able to walk about the house although her condition, according to her physicians, Is still berious. Mrs. Pick ering was stricken a few months aftor alio had been practically banished from I Her old office In the City Hal to a Ittle. S badly ventilated and 111 lighted office at 1509 Arch street. The duties of chief pronation officer. which Mrs. Picketing performed for n number of years, are now being dis charged by Thomas (!. P.irrls. His sal ary Is $3000 a yeni, or $00 maro than Mrs Pickering received, I'arrls was ap pointed as chief probation officer by Judge Brown. Friends ot Mrs. Pickering, who Is a brilliant woman and who for ears has been actively engaged In Juvenile work unions foroigneis In South Philadelphia, and who eara ago was one of the prime movers for staiting a Juvenile Court, HtateJ today that she became a changed vuninn boon after being demoted. CONCERNED FOK CHILDREN. Mrs. Pickering's greatest concern neeincd to be over the many little girls and boy whom she met dally or weekly when she was seated behind her desk In Hoom 705 in the City Hall. "J have no fault to find, but I will surely y miss -me of the children," Mrs. Picker ing Is quoted as siylng, when she packed tip hei things prior to her departure to lier nw olTice. taking up the duties of a regular , prob tlon officer. Mrs. Pickering often -u'i i time, it Is said, to walk over to ihe i ty Hall and s,can the faces of some of r -lilldren for whom she had obtained posit .ns. In the latter part of last April Mrs. rtr-kirlng failed to appear In her Arch direct olllce. This vas after she had come to wotk dally feeling 111. Later her condition became serious and nervous prostration set in. Although Mrs. Pickering has beer practically confined In bed since last ' vpril very few persons In this city knew of hi-r Illness outside of her relatives, few f-lends and some of hor "kiddles," wlili-h term she often used for children plaioil umW her probation. D-iite the fact that Mrs. Pickering lias Improved somewhat, it was learned from a relntlve that It will bo many wei'lvs before sho will again be seen In her I'ifici. ORGANIZATION MAN HAS PLACE The appointment of Parris was made last Januarj. Parris Is known as a Re publican Organization man. Before his aupolntnient to Mrs. Pickering's position he w,ib supervising principal of a Ger- antow n school, When Parris was appointed In Mrs. Pickering's place the excuse was given hat the position had to be filled by a man because It was so stipulated In the tt which brought about the Municipal jrt. Thoso familiar with conditions In he Municipal Court declare that the flu'ies of chief probation officer have not ,. 'eased since the salary of that position 'ns been raised, and that If a change nas n pessary a physician should have ,-. .t the place. One expert t I that of I '.peg a school teacher w.u most III adapted for the place. K oto relative of Mrs. Pickering made following statement today: its Pickering loved her work probi- cetter than her home. She always s jo about the children who were un o her care. Her greatest dPllght t piled to be when a. letter reacned Vr f tt wan written by a youngster who J ai been arrested by the police and er released on parole. , The children i ni-d upon her as a mother or sister. had more confidence In her than ,re own relatives. Mrs. PIckertns'H g - te- joy was to hear from a boy or x who had narrowly missed a sen t? .e in some, reformatory and was p.- h " and attending night school." Mis dickering Ib 61 years' old, inrt fn ,-T3 her family has been prominent lr tb a tv When a girl she was prom-tr-nf in church work She, with other prcTiinent women of this city years ago, urseij that a Juvenile court be located In this city LBl PLY INTERESTED IN WORK. Afte- the Juvenile court came Into ex- lir.ri t she was appointed a probation ofi e- Tne appointment came atter sho 3d tren nominated by a civic organ! tio. In those days probation officers O' I." t draw salaries. With Mrs. Pick er ng it A 19 other prominent women Ree C pointed. W. C. T, U. IN CONVENTION lanj Philadelphia Women leave To day for Oil City Meeting, Mar Philadelphia, women left today lor ci I'lty as delegates and to participate in i ) lomein annual convention of he PernsYlvanla. W C T I'., which is lo re -" n n session over October 8. The Itw- "T t ' mmlttce meets today, and in?rg its members are several proml- fri c -ro-n temperance workers of this kal t 1"' c thosa from PhiladelDhla and vl. l'"J "Jh.j will participate In the pro- 1' "litti readings ur are; 'll I yyah Iturakat and Mrs ",' 'ion Thae on the Uxecu- -'tee from PhlldelphU and -.-i Jn-Iude Mrs. M V String- ' e Pnd Amies, Madams n in t ir rl L'' IMMIGRATION FALLS FAR BELOW USUAL RECORD IN THIS CITY Only 39,988 Aliens Have Landed Since January 1. Steamship War and Strug gle in Europe Responsible. Wnr of two kinds, n commercial wai nnd the bloody struggle now Involvlne the st cat powcia of Euiope, is respon slblo for the decline In Immigration m this port, from Jiitiunry 1 until todn 3J.0J8 nllins landed at the various steam ship docks In this city. Ill the samp pc ilod Inst year, the number was GS.OS', and the total for the whole yenr, 5,0U0, was tho banner record for the port. The current year promises to be the worst In the port's history. Only liwO aliens were brought here the past menth. This Is tho smallest number In years to arrive In this length ot time. The best month of the present year was April, when the arrivals munbcicd 5015. Immigration through this port was cut early In tho year by a steamship wnr between tho North German Lloyd Steam ship Company and the Hamburg-American Steamship Company, which diverted thousands of aliens to Cnnnda. These two lines bring more than two-thirds of tho Immigrants to this port. The out break ot the war In Ausust tended to add further to the decline. The two lines In question, together with the Red Star Lino, were compelled to cancel sailings to nnd from this port, nnd the call to the colors lessened the number If Im migrants usually brought In on vessels of other lines. Commissioner of Immigration Greenn walt admitted yesterday that tho num ber of arrivals was decreasing, but he declared his force was kept busy attend ing to other routine affairs nnd the In vestigation of special cases that had been sandwiched between Incoming steamships in tho past. "Do j ou believe. Commissioner, that tho end of the present struggle In Eu rope means a tremendous Influx ot Im migrants," he was asked, "I am not in a position to answer that question," Commissioner Grecnwalt re plied. "This is the gicatest war history lias ever known, and who can foretell Its aftermath? From logical conclusions, I would deduct that tt will mean a rush of men, women and chlldien to our friendly shoies. The devastation wrought by war will mean that many will be homeless and penniless. The countries will bo heavily taxed, and these people, already over burdened, will no dbubt look about for n refuge to begin life anew. Tly: fact that many will be poverty stricken will bo u barrier to them coming here, as thoubands who may desire to come to the United States will be unable to pay their passage. However, I believe that I can safely predict a gain In Immigration hero at the close of hostilities, but Just how heavy that gain will be remains to bo seen." GLOUCESTER STATION DESERTED. The Detention House, at the Gloucester Immlgintlon Station, admittedly the best of Its, kind In the country, has the ap pearance of a deserted house. The com fortablo rooms, beds and lounging chairs, which have held representatives of nearly every nation under the sun, ure now idle. A sl'ence pervades where once there echo ed the sounds of polyglot tongues. One person to whom the war Is ns pop ular as a safety razor salesman to a barber, is Mrs. Anna L. Palmer, who has given thousands of aliens their first tusto of ham and cabbage. She hha a contract with the United States Government to supply detained immigrants with meals. When there are none to feed, she makes no money. The more immigrants detain ed, the more money she makes. The con tiftct calls for three meals to each alien, for which she receives 47 cents. It has been one of the wonders of the Immi grant station how Mrs. Palmer could sup ply buch wholesome and delicious meals for such a small sum. She declares she can do so and make it living. Mrs. Palmer has been the supervisor of the immigrants' meals for 15 yearn. The Immigration figures at this port for tht nine months of the curient vear com pared with the Fame months of last vear fellow: .THtiuan 2(Wn February sjmi March , .".27 April ,.,,. .vu-i Mny 4S1-J June rnru July 2n.m Autnift -'.".f Ftptembtr 1650 2a is 4'iro flTni nisrt 7RV SIMS 7im IUT Totals .30.0SS SS.&H SMOKE SLOWS DOWN TRAINS Obscured Signals on P. R. B. at Frankford for 42 Hours. Tor forty-two hours trains of the New York division of the Pennsylvania Rail road slowed down In Frankford. The trains did not honor Frankford by a full stop, but the engineers had to cut off the "steam because they could not see the semaphores. A dump on G street along tho side of the track took tire. It burned for 4.3 hours, notwithstanding the attack of the firemen. As soon as the flames were extinguished In one place they burst forth In another. Spontaneous combustion due to the weather conditions la said to have caused the fire. MRS. JESSIE - Vm far W&f)Bll V W h mHHHHW E Y- ' ft;,; JlBXiiV 1 FINDING NEW COMET fc IS NOT UNUSUAL NOW Local Astronomers See Little in New Mexico Discovery. Philadelphia astronomers are Inclined to attach little Impoitance to tho new comet said to have been discovered by Professor Clareiict- T. Haggcrty. of the New Mex ico College of Agriculture and Mechan ical Art. They say there Is nothing un usual In a comet being seen at this or nnv other time of tho year, aa three or four of them are always seen annually. Prjfessor llaggerty, nccoiding to a dis patch from Cambridge, Mass., telegraphed to tho Harvard College Observatory hla discovery of the new body, which, he said, was visible to the nnked eye. Ho gae Its position ns right ascension, noth ing hours, 5 minutes, declination minus 45 degrees at 11:30 p. m.. September 23. Dr. Charles Leander Doolittle, Flower umoiltus professor ot astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania, said today there was apparently nothing unusual In Doctor Haggerty'a comet. He had not observed It. he said, and had not been on the lookout for any unusual astro nomic spectacle. It was Interesting to note, he stated, that the comet was dis cernible to the naked eye, nnd the new discovery might possibly turn out to be quite an Interesting phenomenon, but at the karoo time comets such as described weie not utter strangers In the heavens at this tlmo of year. Doctor Doolittle Intimated ho might take observations of the llaggerty comet. Professor N. R. Snyder, teacher of as tronomy at tho Central High School said he attached little Importance to the Hag gerty discovery. "New comets are found each year," he said, "and unless there is nomethlng unusual about this partic ular stranger It Is not at all remarkable." "It is Interesting," he continued, "to hear that the comet Is visible to tho naked eye, but oven this Is not unusual." Doctor Snvder eold he had not been on tho lookout for comets recently, hut would probably watch for tho new dis covery tonight He further stated the llaggerty comet might be seen with the naked eye In this section of the country, even though It was first seen from New Mexico. "Be cause the comet was discovered there," he stated, "Is no reason why it could not be seen In Philadelphia, although Its observation here -was by no means cer tain," L, PICKERING POOF! U. S. WILL HAVE BIGGEST GUN Enormous "Weapon Will Guard Pa cific Entrance to Panama Canal, Thero can be little consolation for the thousands of volunteer peace makers In this country who are trying to settle the war In Europe In the announcement that the biggest gun In the woild Is being built In the United States arsenal In Watervllet, N. Y and Is tu bo placed at the Pacific end of the Panama canal. Tho gun Is a 16-inch weapon, 49 feet 3 inches In length, and weighs about 1-0 tons. It has a range of from 16 to 21 miles, varying with different elevations, and It will hurl a projectllo of 2300 pounds. Each discharge will cost tho Government $600. The enormous weapon will lie In am bush at the canal, being lifted to position by a big running carriage which will bo dropped from view Immediately tho weapon has been discharged. Military experts of all countries have followed the gun's construction, to such extent as this Government would permit, with the keenest interest. The gun's in stallation will be an event In the history of defensive measures. But let us hopo there Is only a remote likelihood It ever will be used other than as a threat against peace disturbers. On tho conti nent all is war. every gun belches forth death. Here all Is peace and our biggest gun, the largest in the world, la being fashioned for the preservation of peace, but If It Is needed for another purpose It will be mighty effective. PENROSE HITS ADMINISTRATION Says It Has Replaced TJnion Vet erans With Confederates. In making an attack on the Wilson Administration, Senator Penrose yester day declared that there had been a great deal of discrimination against vet erans of the Union Army, not only in Pennsylvania, but throughout the coun try. Senator Penrose made his charges eoon after his return from the western sec tion of the State, where he held several Important conferences with Organization leaders. Senator Penrose declared that Confederate veterans had obtained All the important positions, especially In the District of Columbia. Discussing his charges concerning the Blue and the Gray, Senator Penrose said' "For instance. In my recent trip through Western Pennsylvania I -was re peatedly reminded that not a single Union veteran had been appointed to a Federal office In this State under the Wilson Administration. On the other hand, scores of Union soldiers have been discharged." "SAFEST CITY IN THE WORLD" Future Predicted for Philadelphia by Commissioner of Labor. After making a study of municipal con ditions In large cities In Europe, from whence he returned last Tuesday, Dr. John Price Jackson Stats Commissioner of Labor, made a prediction today that a quarter of a century hence Philadel phia -would be the handsomest and eafest city In the world. Doctor Jackson, discussing hla visit to Berlin, said: ''There are many persons who call Philadelphia slow. From what I saw In Berlin, which Is one of the most progressive cities of Europe, Philadelphia Is going ahead with the speed of an ex presn train." PUMPKIN You can taste the cognac and delicate- spices in our pumpkin pie. They glva it that distinct ive flavor m4ffttnt from FbIanKsJ 1 r fiy i rr: fit. i the ordln.1 GIRL FALLS TWO STORIES, GRINS AND RISES UNHURT Nine-Year-Old Margaret Dlamoana Plunges Erom Window. A fall of two stories to the sidewalk to day occabloncd nothing more than a smllo from 0-year-old Margaret Dla moana, 1317 McCullen street, who plunged head first from an upper window of hor home while playing hide-and-seek with a brother. Persons on tho street covered their eyes when thoy saw the little girl dlvo from tho open window nnd Innd on her head. She Immediately sat up, looked about and grlnntd. Then she rose to her feet as though nothing had happened, and ran Into the house. Neighbors who witnessed tho fall fol lowed her and spoke to the girl's mother. Terrified, Mrs. Dlamoana Immediately took her daughter to the Methodist Hos pital. Physicians, after an hour's examina tion, could find no Injuries. The girl did not appear even to be shocked. Her only desire was to get back to her play. A. E. TURNER FOR BRUMBAUGH Demands Identity of Alleged "Inde pendent Republican Committee." Albert E. Turner, for many years Iden tified with Independent political move ments, has demanded that tho "Indepen dent Republican Committee," at Harrls burg, which Is working ngalnst the elec tion of Doctor Brumbaugh, make public the names of its financial backers and the personnel of its organization. Mr. Turner mado his demand In a letter to John B. Strain, secretary of tho com mittee, in wnicn ne declared no was in full sympathy with any move to defeat a falsa Republican organization, but that he was convinced that Doctor Brumbaugh was a sincere, able and worthy candi date. He atated he hoped to give some aid to the election of Congressman Pal mer to succeed Penrose. Cut Glass FOR A Wedding Gift Is appreciated more than any other nrncie. Butter Plate and Cover Limited number for this wsek only The Crystal Shop 102 North 10th Street, Abov Arch Cut Glass Exclusively J, TranMin Miller I l626Chesfcnat Sb, I StepLadders All Sizes All Kinds All Prices A necessary adjunct to a spick and span clean-up. 'The Hoasefurnishlng Store" TYPEWRITERS nmanufacturd machines, all itand ard niakm Underwood. Bomlnton. Oliver. U C. Smith. Monarch, etc., at HALF PRICE Typewriter rented and repaired. marcus & co.; . Snd for catalor No 0 DIAMOND La Vallieres We are ahowlnr many unique and beau tiful dealfne in our new etock ot the popular neck ornament. Brlrht. (nappy diamond In various combination at $3 MAN WATCHING FIGHT DROPS DEAD ON DOORSTEP Dealer Sees Quarrel Between Employe and Negro, Then Dies. Excitement engendered by watching a fight between two men in front of his produce store, at 1702 Wharton street, proved fatal this morning to Stephen Moore, nnd he fell dead on his doorstep. The quarrel was between Richard Henry, 1703 Wharton street, who was employed by Moore, and an unidentified Negro. The latter tried to grab soma fruit from tho stand In front of the store and Henry grappled with him. Moore had been In the back of the store. ThA shout of spectators brought him to the street. Ho stood In tho ring about the two fighting men for a few minutes, encouraging his employe, and then suddenly placed his hand to his heart nnd fell. A. physician pronoutfeed him dead. LET WATER IN, KEEP FOE OUT, SUM OF DUTCH WAR TACTICS Sluices More Formidable Defense Than Entrenchments. The problems of military strategy In Holland are different from thoso of any other country In the world. The great est security of Holland lies In Its great est menace tho water, 1 Riding along through tho country In a rnllway train, says II. W. Suydam, tho Brooklyn Eagle's war correspondent, ono sees Holland as a flat green surface with gastronomlcal decorations of beef, lamb and pork, all allvo nnd chewing. It Is tho most pencofully Innocuous landscapo on earth. Look nt the same thing on an army map, If you can get hold of one, und the whole southwestern part of Hol land becomes a checkerboard of snares und pitfalls." "Open the sluices, . Let the water In and keop the enemy out." That Is tho long and short of Dutch army tactics. So that when you read that tho Dutch havo flooded their fron tier, which thoy havo done to a small extent In the north, you may know that they ore using ono enemy to foil an other, fighting fire with fire, or rather In this case, fighting fire with water, which Is the usual and proper method, even in smaller cases. Beginning at Wlllemstad, the cntlro countryside Is divided by great green dikes into squares and rhombuses and other indcscrlbablo geometrical figures. Theso divisions are so far apart nnd embrace such great distances, and are so Inconspicuous that without a map they are not discernible at all. But they are there all tho time, and between them aro arena of lowland which may bo pastures one day and immense ponds the next. The water In the canals which travcrso the country Is kept very high In these days of stress and storm. All that Is necessary to cut off a section of country Is to open a sluice. The water pours In, and tho Inhabitants, who have been warned beforehand If there Is time, fleo to another section. Due to tho elaborate system of Intersecting dikes, it is pos sible to flood just that section which lies in tlio path of tho enemy's advnnce. And the enemy, coming up. Is confronted by a great sheet of water as far as tho eye can reach. It has a minimum depth of about 20 Inches and a maximum depth of many feet. This leaves only tho nar row dikes to traverse and these, of course, aro heavily guarded by the Dutch, who can sweep them clear with blg-callbred guns. To transport an army, with all Its heavy equipment, across that surface of water, raked by heavy Dutch fire. Is a problem that many com mnndera would not care to face. These spaces of land Intervening be tween the cross-country dikes aro called "polders." The name cannot be trans lated. It means just what I havo tried to explain. Thero you have the chief strength of tho Dutch defense. It Is very simple and very effective, and very cheap. And backed up by that waiting army of 250,000. It ought to make those who re gard the Dutch position as insignificant, think twlco before chattering nonsense. TO WASH LEATHEB (JIOVES Use warm lain water and yellow soap. Wash the gloves on your hand and soap very well; rinse in clean rain water and Boap again very freely and squeeze out the water. Lay the gloves on a clean cloth, not near the flro or In the air. Rub them frequently; they will take two or three days to dry, but the gloves will be as good as new. Delay means Decay STOP "Acid-Mouth" Every time you put off getting that tube of rebeco you allow "Acid-Mouth" Jto still further complete its work of tooth destruction. You may forget, put off ; but "Acid-Mouth" never. Put Pebeco Tooth Paste on the job and you've got a real dentifrice one that protects tooth-enamel by overcoming "Acid-Mouth." Pebeco tastes different. Its clean, active taste is not dis guised by mere sweetness. "Among the many thousands of letter, carriers U an army of Pebeco users. One man like Pe beco because of its keen taste. An other because it re movea mouth, odors. I like It be. cause it strength ens my gums and keeps cavitJc away," Pebeco costs a bit more. Comes in extra-forge tubes. Don't put it on "thick," use one-third of a brushful only. Manufactured by LEHN & FINK, New York Ctniilja Oflcai 1 uid 3 St Helen Street Montreal BPTTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITT N.J.' IN AUTUMN DIET OF GLASS AND' SOAP WOULD MAK1 GEORGE VERY HAP Human Ostrich's Beloi Menu Is Taboo at Ellis land, While Wife Sij for Dear Louvain. Clad In corduroy and golf tocfeln(( with a three-ply gold ring on each thuii and a bead bracelet on one wrlati Geo Greene, a very, very black man, startling muataehe, alias Indlen Vitrl tho Human Ostrich, tlta In the un pei at EHIa Island waiting to be allowed! give at least a part of his regular formance, so aa to make enough vaoi to set him and his wife out of the tl of Government and safety to his naj West Indies, He does not ask to bo mlled to give all the performance', m deed, he cannot walk upon tho 160 ties In his bare feet unless those ISO ' tics are supplied to him. But, mala could he not bo permitted to ewallorw! cloctrlc light bulb or two, a cake of l light Soap ("Soap Is my cheese," the Human Ostrich, languidly) or a cou of clay pipes? WIiIIa n.niim alfa. In I.m nt nrt ,tA. ' ...... v.w.n4 Dl.d , tttu ou. ,m .- wire, a irrcnen woman, and, as her band says, "a very nice lady," tvd through the weary daya on a bench In ' room consigned to women. She keeps" her brown coat and her little brot duroy hat, which keeps a Jaunty tv Its own over her tired and elderly la but sho does not go outdoors at all I mlnglo with the other women and children, who are trying their new-fou freedom In the long, green lawn apsj boxed in with low walls of hedge. She not an Immigrant, and so she wotl rather sit on the hard bench, waiting tin George, alias 'Vltreo, shall haire v. lowed his bito ot sawdust and lihtfchu ot coai, ana sne may sec ionn ior West Indies, which sho has never ee For madame Is not a native of the Indies, but of Louvain. She covers face with her small pudgy hands nowii the mention of it Her English Is ve limited, and sho cannot say what s would. All sho can say about It Is, "Do vain, Louvain," and then sho looks abd her at tho walls of tho rooms conslgi to women and shrugs slightly. None derstands her French, and the Interpret! can only bo called upon for matters ficbil. TURNliD OUT OF PARIS HOTEt But the Human Ostrich himself la ufl Hniintm! hv thp fortunes of war. He tk of how, even though he and hla wife n lived In Paris ever since they were m rled, 25 years ago, they were uncermori ously hustled out of their hotel In Pa on the second day of August, because! waa kept by a German; of how ev thine thev had In the world was taken thrown out and destroyed, and of his now he has nothing but Jl In hU pockei besides their tickets to Nassau, Bahama and the papers which Identify him. jj "But I am now too old to be ruirtj about anyway," he says. "I am now! and I have run about enough, all about world, we have great grounds in rjasa and I shall work them when we j there. But first I must get there. must have more than $1." Perry's Stout and Portly Men, Attention! Here's a special cut ol Bnlmacnan Overcoat tin will give you the trim ai! neat appearance of athleti vouth! In a number ol fancy mixtures, $20 At Peri Here's another Coat- square-shoulder model, easy slip-on, but extreme! graceful in body and Sklrtl $20, $25 At Pi Every other good mol and cloth-pattern In and Winter Suits and coats, and plenty at price! $15, $18, $20, $30 At Per Perry & Co., mi 16th & Chestnut Ste MACUINEHV Gaa Enjrln, ?JH P. with dynamo, 1 txiara. yon lantr, )iciri" iiioi sunn, i Infc.JP'lUSM- M'unir. u UDinruMfl I- ja;a."- Provl&t a a of oomiort t.T?l rat BAUi un r a Mm, K P Hau'jc. Mnt. IJTH & SOJ BUI inas ttrUtKa nvtf3& a , nri SI -a i II P Btm- latmi HiJ It UU Idea i Habtor, Mj; A-jJi. rw J on uu If-i H Franca J"ne. Mrs.